The Evergreen State College Review Vol. 2, Issue 3


Part of The Evergreen State College Review Volume 2, Issue 3 (May 1981)

The Evergreen State College Review Vol. 2, Issue 3
extracted text
and the Arts

Dr. Sally Cloninger.

This issue we focus on the
arts at Evergreen. The arts
are defined broadly, and the
issue ranges across quite an
aesthetic territory.
We have articles on a
faculty writer, a woodcrafter
and two filmmakers. There's
a short history of the college
exhibits program, and an
f how students
tamax and a
$25,000 grant.
You'll find out what happens to Evergreen graduates
as they establish themselves
in art careers. You'll get the
inside story on New York
City from John Woo and
Katie Wigeland, and find out
how Joan Turner became a
graphic designer, and why
professional skier Scott Miller
became a filmmaker. You'll
encounter an Olympia dance
instructor, a television station
manager and a consultant in
instructional media. You'll
discover how Nancy Jones
became a writer, how Olympia came to have a 24-track
recording studio, why Mark
Smith is critical of art education, and what happened to
the Apocalypse Now film
Some patterns emerged
in the commentaries of artists
we contacted in putting this
issue together. Most valued
the freedom and facilities
available at Evergreen, but
the importance of selfdirection was mentioned
consistently. A lack of technical, job-related skills made
it harder for some artists to
get their careers started.
Career advancement in the
arts seems to be as difficult
as it's rumored to be. Perseverance may be more important than talent, according to
several graduates, and the
ability to "make things happen, get things done," may
be more important than either.
A number of graduates said
they acquired this valuable
ability at Evergreen, though
the college has never offered
a course titled "Making Things
Happen." As alum John Woo
put it, "Just getting through
a program gives you the skills
you need to survive anywhere."

Elbow,Cloninger,Ott Honored Earle McNeil, Faculty Artist
Evergreen faculty member Dr.
Peter Elbow will soon be
packing for Middletown, Connecticut; faculty filmmaker
Dr. Sally Cloninger is preparing to fly to Southeast Asia, and visiting faculty film
artist Thomas Ott is getting
ready to tackle his first fulllength documentary. The
catalysts for the actions of
the talented trio have been
recent major awards: Elbow
has received one of two Kent
Postdoctoral Fellowships;
Cloninger has been granted
a Fulbright senior lectureship; and Ott has won first
place in the documentary
division of the prestigious
Focus film competition.
Elbow, who has just
recently published his second
book, Writing with Power:
Techniques for Mastering the
Writing Process, was chosen
for the year-long postdoctoral
fellowship by the Society for
Values in Higher Education
in conjunction with Wesleyan
University's Center for the
Humanities. The grant, according to the Wesleyan
News, will provide him "an
opportunity to pursue crossdisciplinary study of humanities" and to develop "innovative and constructive approaches to significant
humanistic issues" as he
conducts study projects,
teaches courses and participates in lectures, colloquia
and discussion groups at
A member of Evergreen's
faculty since 1972, Elbow is
a former recipient of a Moody
Fellowship to Oxford, a
Woodrow Wilson Honorary
Fellowship, and a Danforth
Fellowship. A frequent
speaker at educational conferences, Elbow is slated for
a very special program in
Olympia next month. He'll be
the guest of a Publication
Party, Thursday, May 28,
from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Fireside Bookstore, which
promises to have copies of
his newest book on hand
and encourages folks to
bring in their own copies of
his other book, Writing Without Teachers, for autographs.

Cloninger will leave in
late July for her ten-month
stay in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, where she'll consult with the Malaysian Arts
Academy on curriculum
development in visual and
performing arts. She'll also
teach and lecture in film,
communications and theater
for the new national institution. Hers is one of only five
Fulbright appointments to
Malaysia for next year.
A former professor at
Temple University, Cloninger
joined Evergreen's teaching
team three years ago, offering studies in film and television. This past year's she's
been serving as the convener
for the Expressive Arts Speciality Area and has taught in
the "Recording and Structuring Light and Sound"
Ott was transported to
Los Angeles last week to
participate in the Focus competition for student filmmakers. On arrival he knew
only that he'd won "something." At a banquet April 13
he found out he and former
visiting faculty filmmaker Jan
Krawitz had won first place
for a documentary they completed while earning their
Master of Fine Arts degrees
from Temple in a department
chaired by Cloninger. Their
18-minute, 16mm film, called
"Afterimage," focused on
two blind sculptors and gave
the two Evergreeners their
second award in two years:
last year Ott and Krawitz won
a third place from Focus.
Now completing his
second one-year appointment
as a visiting faculty member
in film at Evergreen, Ott intends this summer to again
combine talents with Krawitz,
who's now teaching at the
University of Texas in Austin,
to complete a feature-length
film documenting the problems encountered by dwarfs
in this country. The two hope
to begin shooting their documentary this summer and
marketing it to television
early next year.

When Earle McNeil joined the
Evergreen planning faculty in
1971, it was as a "traditional
sociologist," one who had
taught at the University of
Puget Sound and had been a
caseworker in Olympia. It
was on sociology and the
social sciences that he concentrated his teaching efforts
his first seven years at
Then one day in late 1976
he went in for what he
assumed would be minor
surgery—and found out he
had a brain tumor. From then
on things began to change:
his perception of time, his
attitudes toward art, even his
academic concentrations.
Today the soft-spoken
bearded professor is gaining
an increasing reputation as
an artist—a craftsman of
beautifully designed and
executed wood works. His
pieces have been selected for
major shows, he's selling his
creations locally, and he's
devoting six months a year
to further explore the artistic
side of his nature.
"When I first learned of
the tumor, I realized how
fleeting life can be," he
remembers. After a successful operation in which the
nonmalignant growth was
removed, he experienced an
artistic awakening.
"It was as if I'd been
asleep all my life," he recalls.
"I found that I needed to
leave something after me that
was tangible; that I wanted
to let the artistic side out of
me by allowing it the time
and concentration that were
McNeil says he had
always been a woodworker.
He remodeled the home he
and his family share on
Olympia's westside. He made
cabinets and furniture. "But,"
he says, "I never felt like an
artist. I felt I was simply
copying other people's work."
In the five years since
the surgery, he has studied
art, visited arts and crafts
fairs, explored how others
create. And, he's begun to

craft his own highly original
pieces. Beautiful bowls,
tables, plates, sculptures—
born of unusual woods like
purple heart, koa, and
paduak—surround him.
"I've begun to pay attention to my art and it's
changed my role as a
teacher," he notes. While he
once taught "mostly social
sciences," McNeil's found
out "what I seem to dp best
is try to help people find
some unique expressions of
their own being, their own
life experiences that give
them a feeling of specialness.
"Once I started doing my
own art," he continues, "I
realized that the sense of
specialness was something I
saw a great portion of my
students striving to find."
Recognizing that search, he
adds, "has clarified one of
my roles as an Evergreen
faculty member.
"I work more now with
students who are in arts ano
crafts. I'm more willing to
teach students doing something really unusual because
I'm looking for the key to
their specialness. I'm also a
lot less willing to prejudge
the value of what they're
He admits this struggle
to aid students in their
search often causes internal
conflicts. "There are often
two sides of me at war," he
says. "One side is the academic policeman in me who
wants to insure high quality,
creditable content and a
justifiable outcome. The
other side, the artist, wants
to let them explore their
uniqueness without challenging its source or prejudging
its results."
Currently on leave, McNeil says Evergreen has
enabled him to both fully
explore his own creativity,
through an arrangement to
teach half-time, and to help
students explore their own
"Here I'm able to do what
I want to do—and to help my
students do the same."

Katie Wigeland


Katie Wigeland (Meighan)
graduated in 1976, became
an adjunct faculty member
and taught part-time classes
in photography. In 1977, she
left for New York City and
arrived in Manhattan with
exactly ten dollars.
"I stayed at first with
another Evergreener, John
Woo, and •became involved to
a degree with his projects at
Basement Workshop, a community outreach program in
Chinatown," she says.
"But mostly, I worked for
other photographers and
what I saw convinced me I
could never pay the price of
Returning to her family
home in Chicago, Katie
worked as a receptionist,
moved to a public relations
job, and finally to an art job
with a publisher. "I worked
9-to-5 for two years and was
awful at it," she claims, "but
I needed the skills and the
Last year, she "got
married, moved to the suburbs, and settled down."
End of the story? Well,
no. Katie has converted their
basement,into a darkroom
and opened a portrait studio.
"I worked briefly for Magnum
photographer Bruce Davidson
while in New York," she
says, "and he suggested I do
portraits. He was right. It's
a nice business; I can operate the studio from my home,
plan for a career and children
too, and I am dealing with
wonderful people."
Katie's also involved with
the community, most recently
through organizing a Photo
Hobby Seminar in Park
Forest, Illinois, during April.

John Woo
John Woo chose Evergreen in
1973 literally for what the
college catalog said about
access to facilities and
individualized programs.
"I knew exactly what I
wanted to get into," says the
Seattle native. "I wanted to
broaden my understanding of
what art could be, where it
could lead. I had already
done some of the technical
work through a commercial
art program at Seattle Central
Community College."
At Evergreen, Woo concentrated on graphic design
and produced a number of
striking silkscreen posters,
many of which are now in the
Evergreen Collection. Feeling
that the best kind of education is "latching onto someone who will teach you what
you need to know," he stayed
an extra year at Evergreen to
work with graphic designer
David Imanaka. He reports
that the "four students in
that group are all now doing
good things, things related
to that cluster contract."
After graduation, he
worked in Graphics on campus for the summer, then
left for New York City after
winning a mural contest in
Seattle. "The award bought
me a plane ticket and I left
as soon as the check
cleared," he says.
He worked as a freelancer and found the city
highly competitive. "It was
kind of rough," he remembers, "especially since I received little technical training
or 'language of the business'
at school."
Gallery management experience at Evergreen led to
a job running a gallery in
Lower Manhattan, and he's
since been involved in almost

Top: Katie Wigeland (left) and Fran Field, from the Park Forest Recreation and Parks Department, discuss details for the Photo Hobby Seminar.
Center: Silkscreen Print by John Woo for the U.S. Economic Mission 1980.
Bottom: John Foster and Dana Leigh Squires. Photo by Kristine Larsen

all phases of the arts. "I have
about 10 different resumes,"
he explains, "one for galleries, another for arts administration, a third for commercial art clients, and so
"New York is dirty, cold,
hot—a hard town to be in
love in," he says, "but it's
very exciting in a creative
sense, with lots of opportunities for multi-discipline artwork. The things you do in
New York have national impact—the nation looks to the
city for cultural guidance.
"It's a town of opportunities, a business town, where
you go to work out what you
want to do," he explains.
Woo still maintains contacts with Evergreen, which
he describes as "disorganized
enough that you can combine
lots of things and 'kinky'
enough to attract people from
around the world. I went to a
party in New York last year
and met 15 former Evergreeners. They all seemed to
be doing pretty well. I guess
that just by getting through a
program you gain what you
need to survive anywhere."
He finds that people now
are less happy with Evergreen, but feels "anyone with
an understanding of American culture would know Evergreen is a wonderful place."

Lost Music Network is a
flexible group of about ten
alums, students, former students, and even a couple of
staff members, who run two
magazines and a record label
Op Independent Music
Quarterly, a wide-ranging
alternative music and publications guide, began as an
insert in the KAOS Program
Guide in 1978 and has grown
five times as large with the
current 40-page issue. Its
10,000 readers include some
from as far away as Poland
and Japan, thanks to favorable mentions in New
York's Trouser Press and The
Latest Whole Earth Catalog.
Op is edited by John
Foster and designed by Dana
Squires (both 79). National
ad sales are handled by Dave
Rauh (79) and Steve Fisk
(a former student who now
works at Media Loan &
The second magazine in
the LMN family is Sub-Pop,
an independent rock & roll
fanzine that's the vision of
student Bruce Pavjtt from
Chicago. It was recently
"highly recommended" by
New Musical Express,
England's top music weekly.
LMN also includes the
Mr. Brown label, which has
released records by the
Beakers and the Macs from
Seattle, the Westside Lockers, Anonymous, and a
sampler called Life Elsewhere. Over a dozen Evergreeners are represented on
these records.
Dana Leigh Squires79 will
have her first one-person
show of paintings opening
May 28 at Traver-Sutton Gallery in Seattle. Squires, who
lives in Olympia and was
raised in Fontana, California,
studied under Paul Sparks
and Marilyn Frasca while at
Evergreen. Squires (violin)
and John Foster (79, vocals)
will tour New York and
Boston in May with their
group The Dub Wrestlers,
which includes Evergreeners
Steve Peters and Steve Fisk
on pre-recorded tapes.

Scott Miller
"The only way to learn to
make films is to do them,"
says Scott Miller, a 1979grad
who will be flying to New
York City in June for the
screening of his documentary
Saltwater People at the
American Film Festival.
Miller's film is one of 10
finalists in its category at
the festival, the largest in
the country for nonfiction
"It's easy to learn how to
operate the equipment," he
remarks, "but volume and
experience teach you how to
use it. I worked about 80
hours per week on film
during my last two years at
Evergreen. I couldn't have
done that elsewhere."
The payoff, he says, "is
being at a level now that
most people don't reach until
six years after graduation."
A Washington native who
attended Colorado State
University for a year on a
football scholarship, Miller
was a professional skier for
four years before coming to
Evergreen in 1975. "I could
have gone to UCLA," he
says, "but I didn't want a
whole host of requirements,
and after five years in the
mountains, I was addicted to
clean air."
He began the Saltwater
People documentary during
his last year at Evergreen on
a $10,000 grant from the
National Endowment for the
Humanities. Additional funds
totaling $8,440 from the
Washington Commission for
the Humanities and the Evergreen Foundation allowed
him to finish the film during
the year following his graduation.
Saltwater People focuses
on reef net fishing, a prehistoric form of salmon
fishing which has virtually
disappeared due to competition from the modern salmon
fleets. "The film is about
how people within a culture
react to technological
change," says Miller.
One of his primary
sources was Dora Salamon,
who Jives on the Lummi
reservation near Bellingham.
"She may be the only Skagit
Indian left who can speak
three dialects," Miller notes.
"She knows many legends
and listening to her speak is
fascinating—like living
poetry. Her outlook is very
Since last summer, Miller
has made nine public appearances with the film. In
addition, he's been involved
in freelance video productions and has done camerawork and editing on a
number of film projects. He's
now in pre-production on a
film with Pamela Schick, a
former Evergreen faculty
member in dance. The two
will begin filming in August.
Evergreeners living in the
Puget Sound area will have
a chance to see Saltwater
People this summer. Miller
was notified recently that the
film will be broadcast on
Channel 9 sometime in June
or July.
Ross Matteson
Westsound Recording, Olympia's newest (and only) 24track studio, is the result of
nearly three years' work by
Evergreen alums Ross and
Kirk Matteson. The foundation was laid for their East
7th Avenue building in the
late summer of 1979, but that
event was preceded by more
than a year of planning.

Ross Matteson, a 1980
Evergreen graduate and one
of four Olympia brothers involved in the project, visited
more than a dozen Los
Angeles recording studios
and coordinated the "ordeals
of city permits, incorporation
and so forth. I got a good
technical background at Evergreen, but I also learned how
to get things done," he
One method he favored
was "freelance learning—
catching a faculty member
on the way to the CAB.
They'll talk more openly outside the classroom and are
usually very helpful if you
have a basic respect for their
In true freelance spirit,
Ross enrolled in no Coordinated Studies during his
1975-80 stay at Evergreen,
but managed to take Group
and Individual Contracts with
almost all faculty in music,
media and the arts. Media
and audio engineering was a
common thread that ran
through each contract.
"You need an exceptionally diverse background
and experience in 'making
things happen' to succeed as
a small-businessman," he
The studio was a "real
group effort," he explains.
"We had help from a lot of
His older brother Lance,
a graduate of Harvard and the
Willamette Law School, acts
as their attorney and his
younger brother Teale, a
student at UC-Berkeley, is
the California sales representative. Another brother, Kirk,
a member of Evergreen's first
class in 1971 and a 1975
graduate was a "guiding
force" during the project's
initial evaluation phase. Tim
Nickell, a friend of the
Mattesons', supplies his
expertise in business and
"One thing I've learned,"
observes Ross, "is that I'd
never go into business with
people I wasn't close to."
"Ross himself did much
of the construction work on
the studio building. "I was
out in the rain for a year—I
got soaked," he remembers.
"It was fun, though. I didn't
mind the work—it's figuring
out what to do next that's
hard, trying not to blow the
cut on a twenty-dollar 2x6
The studio, actually two
buildings acoustically isolated from each other, is
heavily insulated to exclude
outside noise. The electronic
equipment is the most
sophisticated available in
the area. Even Evergreen's
16-track studio in the COM
Lab doesn't quite match it.
Since their January 1981
opening date, Westsound
has hosted musical groups,
commercial accounts and
radio stations. Their rates are
$40-60 per hour, compared to
$80-100 elsewhere, "and it
doesn't bother us to work
with people who haven't
recorded before," Ross says.
And how does a 24-track
studio prosper in Olympia, a
place outside the mainstream
of the music industry?
"There are only a few 24track studios in the Northwest and we're centrally
located between Seattle and
Portland," Ross explains.
"C&mmercial "accounts are an
important part of our business and Tacoma and OlymContinued on next page

Top & Center: Scenes from 'Saltwater People' by Scott Miller.

Bottom: Ross Matteson (left) installing 24-track mixing board at Westsound Recording



Top: Mark H. Smith. Photo by Kristine Larsen

Bottom: Karen Kirsch.

pia are proving a better
Stephen Seme!
source of clients than we
Stephen Semel, a transfer
student from Reed College,
A primary interest is
graduated from Evergreen in
working with musical groups, 1973, then moved to San
and "we've had people up
Francisco and started "poundfrom Los Angeles and Hollying the pavement. I landed a
wood, as well as from Portjob in film through luck as
land and Seattle. Even some- much as anything," he says.
one from New York could do
He's now an assistant
better here. Our rates are
film editor for Coppola's
much lower and they can
Zoetrope Studios and is curwork at a more leisurely
rently working on The Escape
Artist. Earlier work includes
Ross thinks the studio
Godfather II and Apocalypse
will be "a great boost to the
Now. "I worked on Apocalypse
arts. There's lots of talent
for 2 1/2 years," he recalls.
around here."
"Everyone is terminally different for having worked on
Mark Smith
that film. It bent our minds."
Semel attended EverMark Smith 79, prefers workgreen during the college's
ing in music "because it's a
more accessible and tolerant
first two years and found it
"a case of make up the rules
environment for art/ideas."
He finds the "paintingas you go along. I thought it
was great. You could get a
and marketing of art objects
16mm camera if you needed
do nothing more than reinit and you learned how to get
force bourgeois attitudes
things done. It leads you to
toward culture and history."
be bold, and that helps,
Presently with the rock
because it's a slow process
band Three Swimmers, he
to advance."
was formerly with the Seattle
A general problem he
group the Beakers for over a
found with undergraduate
year, through 100 live pereducation is a "process is
formances, two records and
more important than product"
a West Coast tour supporting attitude. "Educators know
the English group The Gang
aesthetics and can teach you
of Four.
how to operate a camera, but
Of eight members of an
they're not professionally
advanced Group Contract in
connected." What you need
art, Smith says, "only two of
to learn, he says, is a "way
us are making a living in artof thinking or proceeding
related activities and none
that professionals and artists
have really broken through,
have, but educators don't."
except maybe myself and
that only in a minimal way
Karen Kirsch
with music."
Karen Kirsch graduated from
He feels Evergreen's art
Evergreen in December, 1979,
offerings are "out of touch.
and since then has been
They teach how to make picteaching modern dance techtures fairly well, but not how
nique through Leisure Educato work with ideas or what is
tion, creative dance for chilhappening nowadays.
dren, and dance/exercise for
"I like Evergreen," he
senior citizens. She also persays, "but I'd take more
forms and does choreoghistory-lit-philosophy proraphy, and "hopes to create
grams if I had it to do over.
more opportunities for these
The art faculty worry too
pursuits for myself and
much about the 'is it art?'
question. It really doesn't
As a step in that direcmatter. They should take
tion, she co-founded Live
more time looking at what art Arts Foundation last year, a
does, to our culture, and
nonprofit organization which
what are its potential uses,
sponsors workshops and
political or otherwise."
events, and publishes a
Smith's February 1981
quarterly newsletter.
installation "Make Friends
The Foundation also
with Russians" and performsponsors Olympia Summer
ance "Why Drink Light Beer?" Dance, a four-week intensive
at The Factory of Visual Arts
workshop in technique held
in Seattle was closed after
for the first time last year,
one week due to controversy. and which is set this summer
for June 21 to July 17.
Jim Foreman
"I began work in dance
Jim Forsman 73, completed
with Pam Schick in 1977,"
a masters degree at the
says Kirsch. "After she left,
University of Wisconsin, then I did mostly individual contaught Native American histracts. Many of the advanced
tory with the Seattle Publicstudents left for Seattle, so I
Schools prior to moving to
felt isolated, and still do.
San Francisco. He's now a
"I think I worked harder
bilingual/bicultural curricuat trying to create a dance
lum specialist with Developcommunity and learned a lot
ment Associates, an interpushing through on my
national management and
own," she remembers. "I
governmental consulting firm. could have benefited from
Forsman has developed
arts management training,
a number of multimedia proj- though."
ects for high school stuAn eight-year Olympia
dents, including a package
resident, she says she's
on legends of Northwest
"committed to strengthening
Coast Indians. He also has
the arts community here."
directed two Native American
theater groups and currently
is a regular on a San Francisco radio program, "Red
Voices of the Western

David Schneider
Yakima's KiMA-TVproduction manager David Schneider
says, "The job comes with a
heavy load and lots of
responsibility, but it's just
what I trained for at Evergreen."
The 1979 graduate worked
with faculty members Char
Davies and Andre Tsai while
at Evergreen, and presented
a senior show called "Evergreen Almost Alive," which
was broadcast live over the
campus cable network.
"After graduating I
worked at Timberline High
School in Lacey for a year
teaching television production," he reports.
Since August 1980, he's
worked for KIMA-TV, where
he manages the night crew
and directs the 11 p.m. news
program. He reports he'll
soon be directing the 5:55
news show as well.
He also does video
special effects "for station
IDs" and has been "dabbling
in film animation lately."
Joan Turner
After graduating in 1979,
Joan Turner worked for the
Forest Service as an archaeologist and first used her
"sense of art in a practical
way" by illustrating Indian
artifacts and historical
figures for scientific reports.
Afterward, she "sought a
more serious job in design"
and currently is employed as
a designer and layout artist
for an advertising agency in
Regarding Evergreen, she
says, "I don't know where to
begin. I'd have to say 'yes'
and 'no' if asked: Would I
return to Evergreen, given the
She explains, "Evergreen
was a supportive environment
in which I could play with art
in a creative way. It was
crucial in developing my
sense of design and it encouraged a sense of adventure within myself.
"Yet I would not return,"
she says, "at least not now.
I'm years behind my coworkers in graphic technique—some have spent as
many years in the business
as I did in college." She feels
that working with professional graphic artists is the
best way to further her
education now.
Faculty member Paul
Sparks "was a great inspiration," she remembers. "Sid
White was also an influence
on me. He's more the technical person—I wish now I
had listened to him more!"
Her advice to current
graphics students is to
"apply your design judgment
to anything coming your
way. I have many inelegant
assignments, and they only
work for me if I apply that
sense to make what I'm given
better than what it was."

Top: David Schneider at KIMA-TV.

Nancy Jones
Nancy Jones 78, could finally say "I'm a writer" when
her first children's book
was accepted last year by
Little, Brown & Co. That
book, The Ugly Princess, will
be published this fall, and a
second one, The Dragon Kite,
has been accepted by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Both
are picture books, published
under the penname Nancy
Luenn. She's currently working on her first novel for
"Books look easy when
they're finished,"says Nancy,
"but the manuscripts were
started in 1977 and 1978
while I was still a student
at Evergreen."
She started writing for
children in the summer of
1977 and read children's
books, books on writing and
writers' magazines. "I worked
on manuscripts, studied the
market and sent them out to
receive the inevitable rejections," she recalls. "Gradually I began to understand
that ideas are easy compared
to the courage and hard work
involved in writing, rewriting
and sending rejected manuscripts out a second, third
and fourth time. Talent may
be a necessary element for
success in the arts, but
perseverance is what counts
in the long run."
Winter Quarter 1978 she
took an Individual Contract in
writing for children with Thad
Curtz. "It was a productive
time—I knew what I wanted
to do, had the freedom to do
it, and an excellent sponsor
to work with," she says. "In
a situation like this, Evergreen is at its best."
She's somewhat critical
of her earlier years at Evergreen, though, citing a lack
of clear personal goals and
"nebulous structures which
made it easy to drift and
make excuses for the weathervane quality of my efforts.
As students, we could reject
faculty demands with the
self-righteous 'who are you
to tell me what to do or how
to do it?' Now I know that in
learning a skill, you save
time and energy following
the directions of experienced
She also feels students
didn't take full advantage of
internships as a "quick way
to find out whether you really
want to teach, do research or
build bridges.
"We might also have discovered," she remarks, "that
alternatives to traditional
methods have shortcomings—you simply end up
with a different set of problems, and rewards. I can
send my manuscripts to New
York or start my own printing
press. Both ways involve
hard work and neither guarantees success."
Currently living in Seattle
and working part-time at
White Water Sports as an
office manager, she adds,
"Either way, you'll probably
need a second job to pay the
rent, which is true for most
of the arts."
Her advice to students in
the arts would be: "It's a
tough career, but if that's
what you care about and
you're serious, do it. It takes
a little talent, a lot of stubbornness and hard work,
and luck."

Center: Joan Turner

Bottom: Nancy Jones

College Exhibits Program


Evergreen's art resources include two galleries, offcampus traveling exhibits,
and the Evergreen Collection.
The two galleries are
located in the Library Building—Gallery Two is on the
main floor near the circulation desk and Gallery Four is
on the top floor.
Gallery Two is open to
the public 83 hours per week
during regular library hours.
Its central location gives it a
high visitor count, averaging
1200 people per exhibit. Sudent work produced in academic programs is often
featured in Gallery Two.
The most interesting way
to reach Gallery Four is
through the Dragon Stairwell
just off the main entrance to
the library. The four-story
mural was completed in 1972
by student artists working
under the direction of former
faculty member Miriam
Arguelles. Once on the
fourth floor, Gallery Four is
easy to find—it has the most
distinctive door on campus.
Lawney Reyes, aColville
Indian, carved a large wooden
sculpture for the door in 1971
on a commission funded by
Mrs. Robert Kinschey of
Gallery Four, Evergreen's
first art exhibit space,
opened in 1971. The site at
that time was near the center
of campus activity, immediately adjacent to the cafeteria. The cafeteria was relocated on completion of the
College Activities Building,
leaving Gallery Four somewhat off the beaten track. It's
open 38 hours per week, with
visitor counts averaging 400
per exhibit. High-risk exhibits
and work by regional artists
are usually showcased in
Gallery Four.
Some of the first exhibits
were the Governor's Invitational (in cooperation with
the State Capitol Museum),
the Don Heard Memorial

Exhibit, a juried student
show, and Washington
Print makers.
Today, the gallery program has grown to include
up to eight separate exhibits
per quarter. During the 197980 year, an estimated 20,000
visitors toured the 25 exhibits
presented in the galleries.
Current exhibits, set for
May 23-June 7, are Evergreen
Student Show in Gallery Two,
and in Gallery Four, Evergreen and Photography and
Fantasy Art.
The student show, an
annual event, features work
in various media, juried by
Maury Haseltine, Craig Hickman and David Gallagher.
Evergreen and Photography
is a traveling exhibit presenting works by Evergreenassociated artists Jim
Dobbins, Ford Gilbreath,
Craig Hickman, Bob lyall,
Donna Mitchell, Kirk Thompson, Christopher Rauschenberg and Terry Toedtemeier.
Fantasy Art features paintings by Centralia resident
Randy Hoar, and by Olympia
illustrators Kevin Johnson,
a book-cover artist, and
Victoria Poyser, an Evergreen
graduate who has twice been
nominated for the Hugo
Off-campus traveling
exhibits form the second
major part of the college art
exhibits program. Since 1971,
Evergreen has organized six
traveling exhibits, which have
been scheduled by 17 colleges and universities, 7
libraries and more than a
dozen museums, galleries
and art centers. During the
1979-80 academic year, an
estimated 30,000 people
viewed the traveling exhibits.
Washington Print makers,
organized in 1970-71 as the
first Evergreen traveling
exhibit, contains work by 41
artists. The exhibit was displayed at 17 galleries during
a 1973-74 tour sponsored by
the State Capitol Museum,

and it also was shown twice
in 1975.
Regional Photography
and Print/making, organized
in 1979 with a grant from the
Washington State Arts Commission, features 75 pieces
by 22 artists from Washington and Oregon. The exhibit
has been shown at seven
locations. Visual Dialogue, a
condensed version being
toured by Visual Arts
Resources of the University
of Oregon Museum of Art,
was scheduled for five additional showings in the 198081 year.
Computer graphics and
scientific photography by
Evergreen faculty, staff and
students were collected in
Visual Possibilities, an
exhibit toured in 1978 and
1979 in connection with college recruitment programs.
Evergreen Posters, a colorful
history of the college presented through posters
produced by faculty, staff
and students, also was
toured in connection with the
recruitment programs.
Currently on display in
Gallery Four is Evergreen and
Photography, a traveling
exhibit organized last year
with grant funding from the
Washington State Arts Commission and the Evergreen
Foundation. The 24 pieces by
eight photographers closely
associated with the college
have been shown in Portland,
Wenatchee and Cheney, and
two more bookings are
scheduled for 1982.
The largest exhibit to
date has been Isaac ShamsudDin: Public and Personal
Work, a collection of 60
pieces featuring the work,
ideas and concerns of an
Afro-American artist from
Portland, Oregon. The exhibit
features large color photographs of Shamsud-Din's
Albina and Portland State
University murals, preparation drawings, documentation, posters, and a retro-

Popular 1980 Gallery Two exhibit by Mansion Glass, a local company formed by Evergreen alums in 1973.

spective of drawings and
paintings completed over the
past 15 years. During 1980,
the exhibit, with accompanying lectures by the artist,
was booked in Olympia,
Portland, Tacoma and
Seattle. A condensed version
being circulated by Visual
Arts Resources has been
booked through 1982 for
seven locations in Washington, Oregon, Montana and
The Evergreen Collection
is the third component of the
college exhibits program. In
addition to large sculptures
and murals acquired through
public-building construction
funds, the collection features
190 works in various media,
with special strength in contemporary photography,
printmaking and ceramics.
Initial selections were made
by faculty members Paul
Sparks, Susan Aurand and
Sid White. A limited number
of new works are acquired for
the collection through donations from artists and collectors, such as Fred Goldberg
of Olympia. A number of
other works, which currently
are part of the Library Collection, have not yet been
catalogued and integrated
with the Evergreen Collection.
Collection exhibits are
presented at least once each
year, but much needs to be
done to develop an acquisitions program and make the
collection more visible and
accessible to the public,
according to faculty member
Sid White, director of the
college exhibits program.
"The Evergreen Collection
should be regarded as the
nucleus of a museum of contemporary and regional art,"
he says. "We need to prepare
a catalog and publicity
materials, establish display
locations, and develop part
of the collection as travelling
exhibits. A long-range goal
of the exhibits program is to
seek museum status to

better serve southwest Washington and to qualify for
museum development
Student interns handle
much of the work related to
the college exhibits program.
Under the direction of Sid
White, they mat, frame and
install campus exhibits; do
the installation of some traveling exhibits; and perform
other design, curatorial and
research work. Off-campus
interns also have been placed
in museums and galleries in
Seattle, Portland and New
York City. Most of the interns' academic work is done
on individual contract, and
"it's remarkable for undergraduates to be involved in
such a range of exhibit and
curatorial tasks," says Sid
White has been instrumental in developing the college exhibits program. A
member of the original planning faculty, he designed the
current Gallery Four exhibit
space, initiated and directed
the door-sculpture project,
and curated the first campus
exhibit, the Governor's Invitational. In addition, he organized and curated all six
traveling exhibits and wrote
successful funding proposals
for three of them. Since his
appointment as gallery director in the fall of 1978, the
exhibits program has become
an increasingly important
part of the college's art
The college exhibits program fulfills instructional
needs in a variety of disciplines, and also has provided
support for college outreach,
public relations and student
recruitment projects. Sustaining the increased activity
over the past two years will
be difficult in the face of
reduced funding, but the program is well on its way to
becoming a significant cultural resource in southwest

The Evergreen State College

Isn't It Too Bad
Evergreen Sold Out?

An interview with Byron Youtz
conducted by Gary Mozel (75)
I was part of the "mud crew"
that attended Evergreen during its first years. I keep in
touch with many early TESCites, and in recent years
some of them have taken to
saying things like: "Isn't it
too bad Evergreen sold out?
I mean, interdisciplinary
studies are on their way out,
and they have sports teams
now. I'll bet letter grades are
just around the corner."
Was this true? I interviewed Byron Youtz to find
out. Byron was there in the
Stone (Cement?) Ages too,
and is now Vice President
and Provost of the college.
Also, most importantly, he's
never been one to gloss over
uncomfortable truths.
ALUM NEWS: I was talking with Dick Jones a while
back, and one of the things
that concerns him is a
possible slow erosion of
Evergreen's dedication to
Coordinated Studies. Do you
see that trend?
YOUTZ: I would say it in
a very different way. We now
do a number of other things
in addition to Coordinated
Studies, but they are still
fundamental in our approach
to education at Evergreen.
My view of early Evergreen—a personal view—is
that we were doing a very
good job with an interesting,
innovative curriculum, principally at the lower-division
level. I had started expressing my concern about this as
early as 1973. I said, "We're
the best damn junior college
in the country, and now it's
time to get going and fill in
the last two years." Some of
my colleagues didn't agree
with me. Richard Alexander
and Richard Jones, for exam-

ple, did a couple of Coordinated Studies at an advanced
level, and in some fields I
think you can do that really
well. In many other fields,
you really needed to have
smaller groupings of more
intensive specialization,
rather than trying to do all of
that specialization in groups
of 80 students. Out of the
experience of the first year,
the Group Contract emerged
as a way of doing specialized
work, and I think we have
further developed the Group
Contract concept, quite
ALUM: "Further developed" meaning...?
YOUTZ: We have more
Coordinated Studies now
than we had in the early
years. In addition, we have a
much wider array and larger
investment in Group Contracts.
ALUM: I remember complaints the first few years
that faculty for Group and
Individual Contracts were
very limited.
YOUTZ: And the only
way students could get
advanced work was to do an
Individual Contract, which
has always seemed to me a
very lonely way to study. The
better we've done at providing
options through Group Contracts, the less we've had to
serve students through Individual Contracts.
ALUM: Currently, what
is the ratio of students in
Coordinated Studies versus
Group and Individual
YOUTZ: Roughly half in
Coordinated Studies; the rest
are in Group Contracts, Individual Contracts and internships.
My view is that we have
simply matured. There was a
considerable request by students in 75-76 that we

Newsletter of the Alumni Association

repeat programs so they
could count on them. They
were often taking a preparatory program, and by the
time they were ready to take
the program they really
wanted, it had disappeared.
And so, we have selected a
number of programs that
seem to be satisfying student
needs well and we are repeating those programs, but
with partial changes in staffing each year.
ALUM: Is it still possible
for students to suggest programs and help bring them
to fruition?
YOUTZ: In the past four
years, if there's a fault I find,
it is that we have tended to
develop advanced Specialty
Areas at the expense of the
innovative, one-time-only,
experimental sorts of
things—what we now call
Annual Programs. And so
we're trying to redress that
balance a bit.
ALUM: That's good to
hear. It's that balance I've
heard people express concern
over. Are seminars still the
heart of interdisciplinary
YOUTZ: Oh sure, they're
even still the heart of most
Group Contracts. I think our
commitment to the seminar
process is unshakeable. It's
even built into the facilities.
We really don't have very
many large rooms for classes
to meet in. That is, in some
ways, a good protection. The
lecture is performing more of
ing more of a role than it did
in the early days. There's a
better balance now between
the lecture and seminar—
using each for appropriate
ALUM: How about the
size of seminars? We were
very fortunate to have wonderfully-sized seminars;
usually a seminar of 20 that
was then divided so actual
discussion groups would be
only about 10 people. Have
things like budget cuts
drastically affected the size
of seminars?
YOUTZ: The budget has
continually eroded over the
last 10 years. Where we were
originally operating at a
budgetary level of 17 or 18 to
one, we now are operating at
a higher level. The maximum
seminar size we allow today
is 23.
In the early days, we
were overenrolled and tended
to have 20 to 22 people in a
seminar. And the faculty
simply, on their own, were
willing to split the seminars.
In the seminar part of the
teaching experience, the
faculty were working twice as
hard as the students.
That was when we had
faculty in Coordinated
Studies doing nothing but
Coordinated Studies. We had
a small crew of faculty set
aside to do Individual Contracts. One of the big complaints, as you mentioned,
was that the crew was too
small—there wasn't enough
variety of disciplines
One of the conscious
things we did was say "All
right—let's try to keep some

teaching time available so all
the faculty can take a few
Individual Contracts. Now, if
a program enrolls at a level
of 23 to one, those faculty
are not required to take Individual Contracts, but if a program only enrolls at, say, 18
to one, then those faculty are
expected to take a few Individual Contracts. The great
advantage, from the student
point of view, is that almost
the entire faculty is available
for Individual Contracts. It
makes it much easier to find
a good sponsor for your
ALUM: Does that seem
to have worked out?
YOUTZ: Yes, but the increased workload means
faculty are not really eager to
split their seminars and go
through that business twice.
ALUM: To send up what,
to some people, is a red flag,
how about the sports programs? I've heard several of
my ex-seminar mates express
dismay and confusion over
YOUTZ: At the time the
Board of Trustees made this
decision, few of us were in
favor of intercollegiate
sports. They, however, insisted we were going to do
that, and the Council on
Postsecondary Education
included it among its
Now, looking back, I
think we've not done badly.
We've focused on the minor
sports, and have been able to
get equal support for men's
and women's sports. I think
it has provided some additional attractiveness for some
prospective students, but we
certainly haven't appealed to
a clientele of jocks. Nobody
is going to come to Evergreen just to get into the
sports program.
About a hundred students are engaged in the
three sports we have right
now: soccer, swimming and
cross-country. That, after all,
is only four percent of the
student body.
We have not committed
large amounts of our resources to the program.
Local coaches are working
with our teams essentially
for an honorarium. We pay
them a thousand dollars a
season, and they've been
very faithful and very good.
In fact, two student swimmers came within just a little
ways of going to the national
swimming meets.
There is still a lot of
resentment on campus about
the sports program. So far,
it's been impossible for us
to get the S&A Board to contribute anything at all. That's
rather sad, given that part of
the student body, who pay
their S&A fees, are engaged
in the program.
ALUM: It sounds like the
sports program has not
established a broad base of
support; hasn't really made
inroads into the "character of
Evergreen," if you want to
call it that. Are there any
plans to add other sports?
YOUTZ: Plans for this
spring are to add tennis, and
then, subject to funding, to
bring in about two more

sports a year, for a period of
a few years.
Things apt to come along
are skiing, crew, sailing, etc.
I think it's simply false to
assume that people interested in sports aren't interested in academics. Somehow there is that snooty
assumption behind some of
of the resistance.
ALUM: I heard a report
that a faculty-staff-student
DTP formally recommended
against creating sports programs. Is that true?
YOUTZ: Yes. Pete Steilberg chaired that DTP and
when it came back with a
negative report, the Board of
Trustees said that wasn't
satisfactory and sent them
back to the drawing boards,
asking them to come forward
with a plan to get Evergreen
into sports.
I should place this in
context. Given our enrollment
problems in 1976 and after,
all our efforts have been
directed toward preserving
absolutely as much of the
original Evergreen commitment as we could, while
trying to increase our attractiveness to a wider clientele
of students.
We've taken steps that
do this. Athletics is one way
of diversifying. Another way
has been to provide much
more academic work geared
for older students, part-time
students and state government people. Another effort
has been to provide Evergreen-type instruction as an
outreach effort to people in
Vancouver, Port Angeles and
eventually elsewhere. Teacher
certification opportunities
also attract a diverse clientele. Our graduate programs
are another way.
ALUM: Larry Eickstaedt,
an academic advisor for the
past two years—another new
innovation—tells me he
notices a subtle difference in
what students coming in now
wish to get from Evergreen,
versus what we were after.
Have you noticed this same
YOUTZ: Oh, yes. I think
it's a function of the times.
They're much more concerned about careers, the
ability to make a living, and
the overall economic situation.
I probably oversimplify,
but the generation of the 60s
saw the civil-rights movement and the Vietnam War.
The 70s saw the winding
down of the war and the upsurge of environmental concerns. And now that whole
set of environmental activities
is being overwhelmed by
economic concerns. I think
this generation of students is
caught in that swirl of economic and energy dilemmas.
That has some very sobering
ALUM: So you see Evergreen able to serve the new
oopulation while keeping its
basic tenets intact?
YOUTZ: I think we have
:o. We always felt we were
frying to create a flexible
institution, one that could
Continued on next page

Put Yourself On Report
by Joyce Weston, Career
Planning and Placement
Evergreen's yearly survey of
graduates—something very
few schools attempt—provides a valuable image of the
institution and your success.
This year we will be surveying the three most recent
graduating classes annually,
supplemented by a survey
every three to five years of
all graduates. We had been
surveying all classes annually, but our 4,000 graduates
now makes that unwieldy.
This year we're seeking
placement information from
the 1978, 1979 and 1980
graduating classes. We still
want to hear from 1971-77
graduates, though. In fact,
we'd love to, and hope you
will stay in touch with us.

Please fill our the questionnaire below and return it
to us by July 15. The information you provide is extremely helpful in evaluating
the curriculum, and in
providing accurate placement
information to the'Legislature
and interested citizens.
This is not a request that
you "write when you find
work." If you have found
something you enjoy doing,
be it work, graduate school
or a project of your own,
we'll be glad to hear about
it. If you are in the midst of
a frustrating job or job
search, we need to know
that, too. Career Planning
and Placement serves Evergreen graduates as well as
students. Our concern is to
help you discover what you
want to do and then how to
find a way to do it.

Graduate Placement Information

1980-81 Survey
Today's date1

We are delighted to report
that, since officially launching our membership drive in
January, more than 175 grads
have paid their $7.50 annual
dues to become Association
members. We still have a
ways to go to reach our
membership goal of 300, but
are encouraged and pleased
with the response so far.
So, if you haven't yet
joined the Geoduck network,
DUE IT today. Just fill out
the coupon below and mail it
with your check or money
order in the amount of $7.50,
payable to TESC Alumni
Association, to Alumni
Office, Library 3103, The
Evergreen State College,
Olympia, WA 98505.


PI Check if new

PI Check if new

Your graduation dat<=>
Phone* (horrWwork)
Name while attending Evergreen, if different from above.


1 am D attending (or) D applying to graduate school. Area
of study
Degree sought
Degree received
Name nf srhnol(q)

Mark your calendars now for
this year's alumni reunion,
September 11 and 12.
We are particularly excited about this year's
reunion, because September
marks the tenth anniversary
of the opening of Evergreen.
The Program Committee
has chosen a reunion theme
of "Progress and Potential,"
which will be addressed by a
keynote speaker and Saturday
morning seminars (for those
of you who wjsh to stretch
your brain or just experience
a seminar again.)
Other plans include
receptions, a business meeting, an exhibit of Evergreen
Collection photography, election of Association officers
and Board members, a
banquet dinner, recreation,
and a dance.

Make Me an Association Member


1 am employed: Position

Alumni Reunion '81

I'd like these membership benefits: (Check box)
D Discounts on Association activities
D Group travel and insurance
D More frequent newsletters
D Help with local alumni chapter activities
n nthpr
Hepp. R what R n^-w with me(jr>h, Rch<~>n| pfc,)

Any additional comments (travel, civic involvement, political
activity pfr )
Mail to Joyce Weston, Career Planning and Placement, The
Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA 98505.
Deadline: July 15.

D I'm willing to be a contact for a chapter in my area.
D I'm willing to help organize alumni activities in my area.


Dave Rauh
Joins Alumni

Bay Area
In Transit

CommenceAlumni Unite
In an unprecedented show of
ment Speaker unanimity,
alumni from
Washington's six public
institutions of higher educa-

David Rauh, a 1979 Evergreen
graduate, was appointed on
January 17 to a two-year
position on the Association's
Board of Directors.
While at Evergreen, Dave
studied photography and
communications and served
as station manager of
KAOS-FM. His senior project, entitled "The Homestead
Reunion" won a design and
photography award from the
University and College
Designers Association in the
book category.
Dave's appointment fills
the Board vacancy created
last fall by the untimely
death of Colleen (Hunt)

On January 20, while in California to attend a professional conference, Larry
Stenberg hosted a gathering
of San Francisco area alumni
to reunite and reacquaint
over a few glasses of wine
and some munchies. The
small but enthusiastic group
included Chris Collins 78,
Jon 74 and Tess (Boley)
Cruz 74, Dan Farber 79,
Mark Gottlieb 78, Lee Jensen
74, Leslie Layton 75, Norm
Levy 75, Geoff Rothwell 75,
and Laura VanDilla 78.
Everyone shared fond
memories, war stories,
successes, and their unique
observations about the way
Evergreen touched their lives.
The group vowed to get
together again to plan more
activities in the area.
If you're interested in
getting a group together in
your area, contact the Alumni
Office for assistance.

Jolene Unsoeld, highly
respected Washington state
political activist, has been
selected as the featured
speaker for commencement
exercises, slated for Sunday,
June 7, beginning at 2 p.m.
on the central campus plaza.
Mrs. Unsoeld, veteran
citizen lobbyist and widow of
famed mountaineer and Evergreen faculty member Willi
Unsoeld, was chosen by the
20-member Graduation Planning Committee headed by
seniors Steve Charak and
Crystal Rogers.
More than 600 Evergreen
seniors are expected to
receive their bachelor of arts
or science degrees at the
Sunday ceremonies, to which
all Evergreeners, parents and
friends are invited.

tion joined together last
month to demonstrate their
support of higher education
to state legislators. On
April 7, the six alumni associations hosted legislators at
a reception at the Vance Tyee
Motor Inn in Olympia, which
gave alumni an opportunity
to speak directly with their
senators and representatives
about the importance of
higher education and its contribution to the quality of life
in Washington State.
Alums Joe Dear 76, Julie
Grant 79, Doug King 77,
Randy Ray 75, Doug Ellis
74; Alumni Relations Coordinator Bonnie Marie; Assistant to the President Les
Eldridge; and Trustees
Thelma Jackson and Herb
Gelman and wife Barbara
represented Evergreen at this
first annual Alumni Day.

Alumni Photos and Artwork Needed for '82-83 College Catalog
Photos, drawings and paintings by Evergreen alums,
students, faculty and staff
are being sought for possible
publication in the college's
1982-83 catalog.
"We're looking for pieces
which depict the campus

buildings and facilities; Evergreen students, faculty and
staff members; and 'location
shots' of Olympia, southwest
Washington and the Olympic
Peninsula," says college
publications editor Kennedy

The catalog cover will be
printed in full color and a
high-quality transparency,
photo or painting will be
required, says Poyser. "We
want an outstanding piece
with visual impact, possibly
a photo of the area around
Olympia. The winning entry

will receive a cash award."
Deadline for entries is
May 27. Final submission for
publication must be received
by July 15.
For guidelines on submissions, contact Kennedy
Poyser in College Relations

We hope you'll join us for
aweekend full of reminiscing,
reacquainting, bragging,
laughing, partying, and
celebrating the success
of the Evergreen dream.
It would really help the
Reunion Committee as they
make plans for this year's
event to get a feel for how
many of you might be able to
attend and/or help with the
reunion. Rease send a note
with your name, address and
phone to the Reunion '81
Committee, Alumni Office,
The Evergreen State College,
Olympia, WA 98505. Of
course, this does not commit
you to attend.

Send a Card...
Any Card
Alumni Relations Coordinator
Bonnie Marie is collecting
business cards of Evergreen
graduates for display in her
office. If you have a business
card, please send one to her
at the Alumni Office, The
Evergreen State College,
Olympia, WA 98505. "


Continued from previous page
move with the times and the
problems. And of course our
curriculum allows that. We're
not tied in with departments
and fixtures and committees.
We have an institution that
can move with the times and
take up the issues of those
times, and turn those issues
into a serious curricular
experience. We have to be
willing to move—we violate
one of Evergreen's very
fundamental precepts if we
let ourselves be stuck in the
early 70s.
ALUM: Are narrative
evaluations sacred, or are
letter grades just around the
YOUTZ: For my money,
narrative evaluations are
sacred. It should be reassuring to alumni that last June
the faculty made a renewed
commitment to not allow
grades to appear even as a
stuck-in entry on the narrative
ALUM: Any other
changes or trends you'd like
to comment on, looking over
the last ten years? Any
reassuring conclusions you'd
like to offer alumni?
YOUTZ: I guess my overall statement is that we're in
a maturing process now, but
we're trying very hard to
mature in a youthful way—
to keep our earlier commitments, our values, and take
those methods and ideals out
to a wider audience. Those
are not necessarily in conflict, but they provide a real
challenge for all of us—a
challenge that will keep Evergreen a lively place.

AlumNews is the official
publication of The Eyergreen
State College Alumni Association, issued quarterly in
conjunction with the Evergreen Review.
Editor: Ralph Smith
Writer: Bonnie Marie
May 1981
Volume 3, Number 3

Ed Alkire 76, Seattle, WA, is
a tax consultant with the
certified public accounting
firm of louche Ross & Co.
Janice Arnold 79, Seattle,
WA, owns her own business,
"Sew Right Sisters," does
freelance advertising, and
has a batik studio in her
George Baitinger 79, Winlock, WA, is employed at the
Mt. St. Helens visitors'
center, Lewis & Clark State
Park. Since graduating, he
also has held interpretive
positions with Washington
State Parks and the Olympic
National Park.
Jeff Barton 78, Denver, CO,
will graduate in May from the
IIiff School of Theology
(Univ. of Denver) with a
Master of Divinity degree and
will become minister of the
First Congregational Church
of Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Judy Blackard 77, Seattle,
WA, has been employed with
the Seattle School District
since 1977 and now teaches
at Orca Elementary, an
alternative school.
Greg Booth 75, Alexandria,
VA, is employed by the
Bureau of Land Management.
He also spent two years in
Ghana, West Africa, doing
forest pathology research.
Joseph 76 and Pafsy Lavelle
Brecha 79, live in Tacoma,
WA, where Patsy works as
an occupational therapist at
St. Joseph's Hospital and
Joe does pottery. They were
married in August, 1980, and
bought a house and land that
they are turning into a small
Eric Banning Buck '80,
Olympia, WA, served last fall
as first mate on a 57-foot
ketch in the Virgin Islands.
John (Spider) Burbank 77,
Providence, Rl, is coordinator
for the Community Labor
Organizing Committee.
Alice Burman 76, Seattle,
WA, is a travel agent with
Doug Fox Travel, University
Howard Burrows 77, Chicamauga, GA, is doing fulltime service work distributing
Jehovah's Witnesses publications door-to-door.
Rob Crawford 77 and Sarah
Stockwell 78, Yosemite, CA,
teach at an environmental
education organization, the
Yosemite Institute. Rob and
Sarah were married last
November in Big Meadow,
Yosemite National Park.
Lawton Case 76, Enumclaw,
WA, is a sergeant in the
patrol division of the Enumclaw Police Department.
Jon 74 and Nancy (Tess)
Boley Cruz 74, live in Hayward, CA, where Jon is
studying for a Ph.D. in
sociology at UC-Berkeley. He
received his master's in
sociology in 1979. Tess will
receive a master's in public
health/community health
education from San Jose
State University in May.

AI Curtice 79, Federal Way,
WA, is the service manager
for Computerland in Tacoma.
Andrew Daly 75, Astoria,
OR, is stationed on the
Coast Guard cutter Yocona.

Jeff Foster 77, Hanover, NH,
is in his third year of studying biology at the graduate
level at Dartmouth University.
He spent the winter in Costa
Rica, Guatemala and Jamaica
as a teaching assistant for
the Tropical Biology Program.

Diane DeMoulin '80, Portland,
OR, is the assistant manager Jann Gilbertson 77, Seattle,
WA, will graduate in June
in the men's sportswear
with a master's degree in
department at Nordstrom's.
business administration from
the University of Washington.
Chere Dill-Weiss 75, Kelso,
WA, is a field representative
Brian Globerman 76, is curfor Consolidated Youth Emrently enrolled in a Ph.D.
ployment Programs, serving
program at UC-Santa Cruz
as the special education
counselor. Since leaving
and will be studying the area
Evergreen, she has worked
around Bristol Bay in southwestern Alaska. In addition
for the Handicap Recreation
Council in Olympia, acquired he has a part-time appointment with the U.S. Geoher master's in special education—vocational training
logical Survey.
from Portland State UniverTom Graham 75, Portland,
sity, and traveled in the
OR, is a youth counselor for
United States and the Media GET A program. Tom reterranean area.
ceived his master's degree in
Sfte/7a Dinwiddie 74, Norfolk, social work from Portland
VA, is employed at the Inde- State University in the fall
pendent Living Center, affili- of 1980.
ated with Handicapped
Carol Hansen 78, Vancouver,
Unlimited of Virginia. ILC is
WA, is a project specialist in
a community for disabled
the City of Vancouver's Depersons that is managed
primarily by disabled persons partment of Community
and works to provide services Development. She serves on
and training that will encour- the Toastmaster's Board,
Community Action Agency
age and assist severely disBoard, City Fire Prevention
abled persons to pursue
Advisory Committee and
Cub Scout Pack 343 Board.
Roland Donisi 74, Olympia,
WA, is coordinator of Health Shelby Heimdahl 76, is a
Peace Corps volunteer in
Services at The Evergreen
Gambia, West Africa, workState College. Roland reing in the areas of health and
ceived his physician's
nutrition, promoting the wellassistant degree from
Hahnemann Medical College ness concept.
of Philadelphia in 1978.
Jack Hoffman 77, Olympia,
WA, has formed a company,
Lance Earnest 75, Windsor,
Video Consulting Services,
CT, is a media technician in
the Berlin High School media to provide a one-stop source
center. He plans to publish
for consultation, television
a 13-year collection of poetry production services, equipand short stories and is
ment purchase and rental,
working on a science fiction
and audio and video tape
products. He also has been
employed by Pacific ComJohn Ernst 78, Sherman
munications, Inc., as a proOaks, CA, will be publishing duction manager; by Oscar
his first book Sadhana, In
Productions, Inc., in Seattle
Our Daily Lives, late this
as a staff photographer; and
year. This book started as a
The Evergreen State College,
project at Evergreen while
where he produced and
John was a student of Bill
directed video training
Jack Etheridge 78, after
working for a year at Berry
Academy in Rome, GA,
organizing an outdoor therapeutic program for delinquent, disturbed and retarded
youth, is now working in the
north Georgia mountains in
a similar program.
Pam Farr, 76, Olympia, WA,
teaches 4th and 5th graders
at South Bay Elementary
School. She received a
master of science degree in
teaching from the University
of Chicago in 1978 and was
a 5th grade teacher in a
northwestern Chicago suburb
for one year before returning
to Olympia.
Kent Ferris 75, Seattle, WA,
is executive director of the
Northeast Branch of the
YMCA of Greater Seattle.
Kent also serves on the
boards of the American
Camping Association, the
University Chamber of Commerce and the University
Kiwanis Club.

Marsha Kaighin 75, Longview, WA, is Director of
Special Services with the
Southwest Washington
YMCA, where she plans and
implements specialized recreational activities for handicapped individuals. She also
serves on several community
advisory boards and serves
as a resource person for local
social service organizations.
Alan Kohl 79, Aberdeen, WA,
is a buyer for Lamb-Grays
Harbor Company and is also
working for his MBA through
Seattle City College.
Robin Laakso 79, Portland,
OR, is employed by Knappton Corp., and dispatches
tugs and grain, container,
log and chip barges up the
Columbia and Snake Rivers
to Lewiston, Idaho.
Jim Macartney 74, Olympia,
WA, develops and directs
outdoor programs for high
school and college age

Conrad Metcalfe '80, Roseburg, OR, is an administrative assistant at the Hearthwind Country School, the
Umpqua Environmental
Education Center.
Jerry Moos 75, Seattle, WA,
is a banker at Cascade
Savings & Loan Association
and lives on a houseboat.
Velina Murray 73, Tacoma,
WA, is training as a traffic
manager for Western Farmers
Association in Seattle.
David Mozer 74, Bellevue,
WA, is completing studies
toward a master's degree in
international economics and
will be an intern at the
American Embassy in Monrovia, Liberia, this summer.
Timothy Moore 73, Ravenswood, WV, is employee
relations superintendent at
the Kaiser Aluminum plant.
Myra Nowakowski 74, Enterprise, OR, is president of
Northeast Oregon Worker
Owned Cooperative, a group
that does contracting and
consulting work for government agencies and private
organizations, primarily in
forestry and farm-related
work. Myra received a master's degree in botany,
specializing in plant ecology,
from Washington State
University in 1978.
Charlotte Olson-Alkire 75,
Seattle, WA, teaches 7thgrade biology and 8th-grade
physical science in the Highline School District.

Linda Rasmussen 77, Seattle,
WA, is employed by Seattle
Center as a program assistant in the Research and
Development Section, which
concentrates on development
of funding alternatives for
Seattle Center.
Marsha Reagan 78, Santa
Fe, NM, is doing sales and
production work with
KUSF-AM radio and is on the
board of directors of Fiesta
Communications Corporation.
Antonio Santoy 77, Yakima,
WA, is an area supervisor for
Employment Security Corrections Clearinghouse office in
Yakima. Antonio has a
master's degree in social
work from Eastern Washington University.
Susan Shinn 78, Seattle,
WA, expects to receive her
master's degree in social
work from the University of
Washington in June. Susan
is an intern in the counseling
center of Edmonds Community College, where she
team-teaches assertiveness
training and career exploration classes.
Leslie Smith '80, Olympia,
WA, has been traveling in
Asia. She was employed by
the Marine Biology Unit of
the Department of Natural
Resources prior to her departure for Asia.

Thamas Osborn, 77, San
Francisco, CA, is studying
law at Hastings College of
the Law.

Wendy Squires 76, Portland,
OR, is practicing law with
the Community Law Project,
a public interest law firm.
Wendy graduated from Willamette Law School in May,
1979, and married Angel
Lopez, affirmative action
director for the Oregon State
Bar, in November, 1979.

Leonard Pagliaro 78, Middletown, CT, is completing
studies toward a master's
degree in biology at
Wesleyan University.

Jamie Tolfree 79, Carson,
WA, is an archaeology technician on the Gifford Pinchot
National Forest, out of the
Wind River Ranger District.

Vicki Phelps 76, Tucson, AZ,
is a landscaper, interpreter,
botanist, and artist with the
Arizona Sonora Desert

Glen Tucker 73, Danbury,
CT, owns Tucker Associates,
a consulting engineering firm
for solar-designed greenhouses, heating systems and
other buildings. They have
done projects for HUD and
the Department of Energy, in
and in Third World countries.

Victoria Poyser '80, Olympia,
WA, a book and magazine
illustrator, was nominated for
a Hugo Award in early April,
one of five nominees worldwide. Winners of this year's
Hugo Awards, the "Oscars"
of the science fiction publishing field, will be announced in September at the
5,000-member World Science
Fiction Convention in
Denver, Colorado.
Daniel 79 and Kitty Preston
74, live in Mt. Rainier, MD,
where Dan is finishing
studies toward a master's
degree in American history at
the University of Maryland
and will continue toward a
doctorate. Kitty is finishing
work on a master's degree in
music history at the University of Maryland, and is
writing a thesis as a graduate
fellow with the Smithsonian
Institution. Kitty plans to
enter the Ph.D. program in
musicology at the City University of New York next fall
to study American music

Jack Van Val ken burgh 77,
Jamaica Plain, MA, is a
second-year student at
Northeastern University
School of Law in Boston.
Bart Vandegrift 75, Wenatchee, WA, graduated from
University of Washington
Law School in 1978 and has
been practicing in a threeattorney firm in Wenatchee.
Patrina Walker 78, Olympia,
WA, has exhibited her photographs in a number of shows
in the U.S. and Europe, including a one-woman show
in North Carolina. She also
has lectured as a visiting
artist in several local colleges
and schools.
Diane Winslow 78, Olympia,
WA, is doing a research
project on the employment
and training status of women
in Washington jointly for the
Washington State Employment and Training Council
and the State Advisory Council for Vocational Education.

Super Saturday Offers
International Flair, Array of
New Activities
From the opening sounds of
Scottish bagpipes, through
performances by Polynesian,
Chicano, Hawaiian and
Filipino dancers, to a toetappin' Irish band, Super
Saturday '81 will offer an
array of entertainment from
11 a.m. to 7 p.m., June 6, on
three stages around the
central campus plaza.
The third annual spring
festival, a celebration of the
successful conclusion of
Evergreen's tenth academic
year and to herald the coming of summer, will also
feature exotic foods, including special booths staffed by
the Thurston County Southeast Asian community, by
the local Urban League, and
by an ambitious team of
Hawaiian chefs who plan to
roast a whole pig on campus.
When folks aren't eating
or enjoying entertainment,
they'll have a chance to compete in a number of recreational activities, ranging from
road runs to skateboard
races, from open volleyball
and New Games events to
frisbee golf.
Displays by more than
three dozen local artists and
craftsmen will be staffed
throughout the campus and a
number of special exhibits
new to Super Saturday will

be offered, including model
railroad cars and demonstrations by local Scouting and
4-H organizations.
Also new to Super Saturday this year will be a special
children's circus, complete
with live animals, tightrope
acts, clowns and other surprises. The children's tent
will once again provide
special games, stories, free
makeup, free balloons and
other activities of interest to
youngsters under ten.
The popular cartoon film
festival will be shown
throughout the day and new
events designed to intrigue
the teenage set will also be
provided, along with the now
traditional "adult beverage
garden." Huge critters are
also expected to be on campus for photo-taking sessions
with human hams of all ages,
and media bat busters from
KGY radio and the Daily
Olympian will once again
wage war over the Evergreen
Super Saturday, which
precedes graduation exercises on June 7, is especially
designed to welcome parents
and friends of Evergreen back
to campus. Plan now to be
here for this free, day-long

Student filmmakers Stephanie Hare and Dianne Devlin


'81 Evergreen Student Filmmakers
Album To L.A. Awarded $24,719
The result of eight months of
work by 183 Evergreen students is finally on its way to
Los Angeles to be mastered
and pressed.
This year's album offers
professional-quality music
composed, performed, recorded and engineered by
Evergreen students. The
double-record set features
jazz, rock, classical, experimental, folk and other styles.
The album project has
been an excellent educational
tool and a remarkable example of what is possible here
at Evergreen. Last year's
album provided exposure for
Evergreen's unique philosophy to students and radio
listeners throughout America.
Enthusiastic response to
the campus-wide presale
campaign has left only 300
records for sale at this point.
So, get yours now! Send a
check or money order for $11
(album $10, shipping $1) to:
1981 Album, Electronic Media
Services, LIB 1302, TESC,
Olympia, WA 98505.

Evergreen seniors Dianne
Devlin and Stephanie Hare
have been awarded $24,719
by the Washington Commission for the Humanities to
prepare an' in-depth documentary on Washington's
salmon industry.
The grant, the largest
awarded so far this year by
WCH and the largest ever
presented to an Evergreen
student team, funds a yearlong project which will provide an historical overview,
examine the Judge Boldt
decision, focus on fishermen
personally affected, and propose some solutions to the
controversy surrounding the
salmon industry.
"This story needs to be
visually documented," declares Hare, a film and television student from Seattle.
"It's never been thoroughly
covered despite the fact that
fishing is a very significant
industry in this state—one
whose survival is in doubt."

The two spent Fall Quarter preparing their grant
request and gathering research from a "complete
industry cross section"—
fishermen, agencies and
Native American groups, and
from biologists, histoaans
and anthropologists.
The complex topic will
be covered in an "air quality,"
50-minute color video production scheduled to air in
the spring, says Devlin, a
Centralia resident who's been
studying television and radio
production at Evergreen for
the past three years.
The project, with a total
cost of $100,000, is supervised by Evergreen faculty
member Lovern King, who
teaches communications and
Native American studies.
Assisting on the project are
faculty members Thomas
Ott, a filmmaker; Lynn
Patterson, an anthropologist;
and Dick Fuller, a technical
adviser in television production.

Students Review Master Plan

"Near Death"
Draws National
Media Attention

An Evergreen student research team is reviewing and
updating the college's current
master plan as part of their
Applied Environmental
Studies program. They've
distributed a campus-wide
survey on future use of Evergreen l^id, and have conducted two public meetings
to present their preliminary
draft and gain reactions to it.
By June, students hope
to complete recommendations for establishing an ongoing review process and a
comprehensive study of sites
under consideration for additional on-campus housing.
They'll also complete an
analysis of such current
planning issues as development of the campus core,
creation of additional commercial space, land use
planning for the Organic
Farm, management of undeveloped areas, preparation
of social space within oncampus housing, and use of
the college's 3,300-foot Eld
Inlet waterfront.

Evergreen Summer Institute
for CollegeTeachers

Alternative Education
Conference Receives Grant

Continuing its role as a
leader in educational innovation and creative teaching,
Evergreen will sponsor two
intensive two-week residential
courses for faculty who wish
to improve and enrich their
teaching. Working within
small interdisciplinary
groups, members of the
Evergreen Summer Institute
for College Teachers will
learn how to deal with obstacles to more effective and
fulfilling teaching and will
develop a specific plan to
revise a course they are
presently teaching.
"We believe the Institute
will be a fresh approach to
faculty development," says

The Metropolitan Life Foundation of New York City has
awarded Evergreen a $10,000
grant for the national Conference on Alternative Education to be held on campus
September 8-10. Evergreen
was one of 10 institutions
selected out of 139 submissions. Other recipients
included Stanford and Duke
Universities, Whitman and
Harvey Mudd Colleges and
Conference panelists and
participants from all over the
country will gather at Evergreen to explore the rich and
diverse experimentation in

Susan Finkel, the Institute's
administrator. "Our approach
brings together the intellectual perspectives of Jean
Piaget, John Dewey, and the
sociological study of groups."
Don Finkel of Evergreen
and Stephen Monk of the
University of Washington
designed the national-level
Institute, which is limited to
24 participants for each
session. Session I will be
held July 6-17; Session II,
July 27-August 7.
For more information,
contact Susan Finkei, Seminar Building 4127, TESC,
Olympia, WA 98505 (206)

Visits Campus Tuition
Richard Dudman, an awardwinning reporter who has
covered the nation's capital
since 1954, came to Evergreen Winter Quarter as the
first of six prominent visitors
in the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellows Program.
Evergreen is one of only
three public colleges in the
nation chosen this year to
participate in the Fellows
Program, which seeks to encourage the flow of ideas
between academic and nonacademic worlds and to help
students better see the
relationships between a
liberal education and their
lives after graduation.
At Evergreen, the Oregon
native and Stanford University graduate visited academic
programs, delivered a public
address, and conducted a
workshop for students interested in journalism careers.

To help parents and students
plan for the 1981-82 academic
year, the following projected
costs have been compiled.
These estimates are for the
average student living on a
modest budget for three
Tuition/Fees $ 867 $2,190
Books and
Board and
$4,557 $6,600
For more information, contact Laura Thomas, Director
of Financial Aid, (206)

Albert K. Smalls III, formerly
with Resource Planning
Associates in Cambridge,
MA, was recently named as
an admissions counselor and
coordinator of minority student recruitment at Evergreen. Smalls, 26, will work
closely with high schools
and community colleges, as
well as community agencies
and reservations, to assist
the college in its goal of
increased minority student

American higher education
initiated in the 1960s and
early 1970s. They will discuss the circumstances,
conditions and historical influences which favored successful innovation and those
which opposed or undermined it. The focus will be
on the future and on using
the lessons learned to meet
the challenges of the 1980s.
Evergreen alumni, parents and friends interested in
learning more should contact
Dr. Barbara L. Smith, Academic Dean, TESC, Olympia,
WA 98505 (206) 866-6310.

if anyone ever doubted
humanity's fascination with
life after death, three Evergreen students are living
proof that interest in that
topic is alive and well.
The three—Sethyn Bryan,
Jim Lindley and Bob Conley—first made the news in
January when they ran ads in
local papers seeking to interview persons who had been
declared dead or who believed they had experienced
clinical death. The ads led to
major stories in the Daily
Olympian and the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer. The latter
was picked up by United
Press International and,
reports Lindley, "We received
calls and letters from all over
the country. We've been reported on in San Francisco,
Rhode Island and Florida.
We've been interviewed by
Los Angeles and Toronto
radio stations. And we've
even been asked for an interview by The Star, which we
The Evergreen research
trio, led by faculty member
Greg Stuewe-Portnoff, interviewed several dozen people
about "near death" experiences, then compared results
with studies by Dr. Kenneth
Ring, author of "Life at
Death: A Scientific Investigation of Near Death Experiences."
For many, the near death
incidents have been "the
most profound experience in
their lives," notes Lindley.
"And, it has changed their
lives. They tend to be much
more compassionate and
"It doesn't prove there is
life after death," he explains.
"These are subjective experiences, with no way to verify
them. But they were experiencing something, and whatever it is, it's important and
needs more research."

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E ^ferfr C







Volume 2, Number 3
May 1981
Published by the
Office of Development
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505

Postage Guaranteed

Send Your
Books to

Let It Ring
For Evergreen

Or, send your jewelry, your
fine art prints, your stamp
or coin collection, your
musical instruments, or your
Each year Evergreen
receives many donations of
cash and appreciated securities. There are also many
other ways in which you can
make a gift to the college.
You may donate a life insurance policy, real estate,
Sheets, scientific equipand many other non"gifts-in-kind." These
can be equally as valuable as outright cash gifts
and they may provide the
donor with worthwhile tax
Evergreen students and
faculty benefit from such
gifts and so do you. For
more information about these
and other charitable gift
opportunities, contact Sue
Washburn, Director of Development, TESC, Olympia,
WA 98505, (206) 866-6565.

Over 100 student, faculty,
staff, alumni, trustee and
Foundation volunteers "let it
ring for Evergreen" from
February 19-March 3 and
received pledges totalling
$16,776 from 406 parents and
248 alumni. In addition,
another 893 members of the
Evergreen family indicated
their willingness to consider
a gift before the June 30 end
of the 1980-81 Annual
Fund year.
"This year's Phone-aThon was the best ever!"
says Sue Washburn, Evergreen's director of development. "Over 4,000 calls were
attempted during our eight
nights of phoning. We increased dollars pledged by
32% and the number of
pledges by 43% over last
year. And, we received hundreds of 'AlumNotes' and
address changes."
Funds will be used to
support such needs as
scholarships, student and
faculty research, special
educational projects, art and
library acquisitions, the Seawulff, athletics. . .all needs
which are not met by state
funds. Continued budget cutbacks make these contributions even more vital.

Win Betamax
Two first-year film students
at Evergreen, Jane O'Mara of
Bellevue and Lisa Jamieson
of Minneapolis, Minnesota,
won an award in the first
National Student Video Competition, cosponsored by the
American Film Institute and
the Sony Corporation.
The two women, both
students of faculty filmmaker
Sally Cloninger in her
"Recording and Structuring
Light and Sound" program,
won first place in the informational category for the
western U.S. region.
Their award-winning, 18minute color video tape,
called "Choices," focuses on
the controversy surrounding
abortion rights and legislation. For their entry, they
received a Sony Betamax
home recording unit, valued
at more than $1,000.

What Do
You Think?
Does the Evergreen ReView
delight you? Aggravate you?
Leave you feeling indifferent?
Do you have some ideas,
feelings, suggestions, criticisms about Evergreen that
you'd like to share with us
and with the Review's 10,000
Well, here's your chance.
We're beginning a "Letters to
the Editor" column just for
you. All letters should be
typed and signed and should
include the author's name,
address and telephone number. Short letters are best
due to space limitations.
Deadline for next issue is
June 15.













Special Arts
Poster for a campus Asian
festival, produced by Evergreen graduate John Woo in January, 1976.