The Evergreen State College Review Vol. 2, Issue 1


Part of The Evergreen State College Review Volume 2, Issue 1 (November 1980)

The Evergreen State College Review Vol. 2, Issue 1
extracted text
Many have found it
hard to adjust to
life after having
served as governor..
I've found Evergreen
a breath of fresh
air and, in some
senses, a relief"



The decision to accept
the college presidency and
begin what he calls "my third
career" came after lengthy
considerations with his wife
Nancy, their three sons, and
with himself.
"I wanted a job that was
challenging as being governor," he recalled in a recent
interview. "That's one of the
best jobs in the world. Every
day is different and exciting—and there was always
an opportunity to see the
results of your efforts."
Offered jobs throughout
the country—ranging from
corporate chief executive to
head of major foundations—
Evans said he decided early
on to stay within the State of
Washington and to find a job
that didn't require the kind of
extensive travel away from
home his 20 years in politics
had demanded. But, he
wanted a challenge, one that
provided stimulation and was
aptly suited to his skills.
Then, he remembers, "the
Evergreen offer came along
and it clicked.
"My background seemed
to mesh with what appeared
to be Evergreen's needs at
the time," he says. "Academically, the college was doing
fine and had already gained
a national reputation within
higher education circles. But,
Evergreen needed to begin
looking outside the campus—to concentrate on gaining better public understanding."
As governor, Evans had
followed and actively supported the creation and
development of the state's

new four-year college and
he'd come to feel he understood what Evergreen was all
about. That assumption, he
recalls, became the basis for
one of his first surprises in
his new job.
"I had read all the documents about Evergreen; I'd
followed its progress and I
thought I knew more about
the college before I arrived
than I actually did," he
admits. Once aboard, the
new president found the college's methods of governance
and, in fact, the very nature
of Evergreen required some
time to truly understand.
"I expected to find a
much more streamlined system of governance," he says.

"I was surprised that this
new institution that didn't
have academic departments
or other divisions common to
organizations seemed to require an inordinately long
time to make a decision."
The volume of paperwork
also surprised the former
legislator. "It's probably not
as bad as it might be in other
educational institutions," he
laughs. "I don't know that.
But, compared to state government, the people at Evergreen sure do like to talk
on paper."
A refreshing surprise for
Evans, he remembers, was

the college's informality.
Nearly everyone called him
Dan within the first week;
few referred to him as "Governor," a term that often
follows former office holders
throughout their lives.
"Many of my colleagues
found it hard to adjust to life
as ordinary citizens after
having served as governors
and as the centers of attention," Evans says. But he
found the transition to the
informal collegiate atmosphere "a breath of fresh air
and, in some senses, a
After completing his
third term as governor, Evans
and his family took a fourmonth trip to Europe which
gave him, he says, a chance
to adjust to informality and
to prepare for the change of
pace that starting a new
job—and a new way of family
"Now I don't miss very
much from the governorship," he reflects, "except
the driving." He still gets
"really annoyed" with having
to "waste my time driving a
car to a Seattle meeting
when as governor I was able
to sit in the back, keep right
on working, and let someone
else worry about the traffic."
His solution, he adds,
"is to make my wife a fullshare partner, especially
when it comes to Seattle
Now half-way through
his first six-year presidential
term, Evans is constantly
asked, "How much longer?"
Reporters speculate on federal appointments, major
national organizations con-

stantly seek to tempt him
away, and students wonder
how long one of the state's
best-known politicians will
stay "out of action."
"I deliberately haven't
looked ahead, beyond my
first term," he declares.
"After six years, the Board of
Trustees can review my
'actions and progress and
decide whether they want to
offer me a second term. Then
I'll decide."
Working with those
trustees proved to be a new
experience for Evans, who
had not reported "to a board
or anyone else in 20 years."
As an engineer, he was a
member of a partnership; as
governor he was nearly inde-

pendent. As president he
"had to get used to reporting
to a board, to figuring out
how much should be approved by them, how much
was totally delegated to me."
When Evans assumed
the presidency, four of the
trustees were holdovers from
his 12-year administration;
one was newly named by
Governor Dixy Lee Ray. Press
speculation focused on
"what will happen when Ray
has the majority on Evergreen's board." What happened, Evans points out,
"was a changing of the guard

that was accomplished remarkably well—thanks to a
superb job by both the new
trustees and the old guard."
He credits recently retired trustee Herb Hadley of
Longview with helping make
that transition a smooth one.
"Herb likes people and gets
along well with them. He had
the ability to break tension
and to make the new trustees
feel welcome."
In his three years as
president, Evans says, the
trustees "have been extremely supportive, interested, and sometimes bewildered by the way we do
things. But they've all become closely attuned to what
we're doing and each has
made important contributions
to the college."
Among recent accomplishments are a number of
things about which Evans
feels "we can all feel proud."
And, as is customary for this
engineer, he's got the charts
to prove it. This fall Evergreen's enrollment is the
highest in the school's
history. Not only that, Evergreen's rate of increase
(13.8%) is the highest among
the state's public colleges
and universities. And, the
projections sound even better for next year.
Evans believes the enrollment increase reflects "an
incredibly good, collective
team effort." He shys away
from taking credit for the
growth, but, when pushed,
admits he has contributed to
fhe admissions drive.
Continued on page 2

"We've come a long way
toward using a more common language to explain purselves," he says. "I was dismayed at first by the jargon
we used to describe ourselves—and by our reluctance to reach out to the
public to make sure they
understood what we were
/"When I first listened to
our approach, it seemed we
continued to describe Evergreen in terms of what it
wasn't. Now," he adds, "we
emphasize our good side. We
don't say, 'We don't have
grades'; instead, we say,
'We have something better
than grades—individualized,
in-depth evaluations that tell
you much more than a mere
letter grade'."
Evergreen's standing
among the state's legislators
is also much better than it
was in 1977 when Evans
came aboard.
"We're in a much stronger
position now," he says.
"They have a better understanding of what we're doing
and their actions won't be
directed solely at us. Instead,
they'll be treating us as a
part of all of higher education, maybe even with a
special response because
they have given us a legal,

specified growth pattern to
achieve, something the other
schools don't have."
Evan's concern for "all of
higher education" has become a major focus of his
efforts this fall in his new
role as chairman of the
Council of Presidents, a body
which includes the heads of
all four-year public institutions. In that post, he'll
speak for all six schools—
and he'll work cooperatively
to represent common views
held by the two-year community colleges as well.
While recognizing that
the state's resources—
especially tax dollars—will
be in short supply and high
demand when the new session begins in January,
Evans is optimistic a good
case can be made for continued strong financial support
for higher education.
"Washington state ranks
second in the nation in the
percentage of its population
involved in higher education,"
he points out.. "We're also
ranked sixth in per capita
income. There's a strong
correlation between those
two—between a strong and
healthy economy, one that
has a productive work force,
and one that has a good system of higher education.
"If the legislature, by
accident or on purpose,
starts to tear down our high
quality education system,"
he warns, "we'll quickly see
the results in a reduced
One of Evans "major
challenges in the next year"
is to make that point to every
legislator with whom he can
meet. At each opportunity,
he says, he'll discuss the
combination of unique elements that makes Washington's system of higher education so special.
"We have an excellent
research institution in the

University of Washington,
a fine land-grant university in
Washington State University,
three superb regional universities in Eastern, Western
and Central, and Evergreen,
which has secured a national
reputation for its innovative
approaches. In addition," he
adds, "we have one of the
largest community college
systems in the country in
terms of student enrollment.
"That's why Washington's at the top nationally,
both in percent of persons
enrolled in higher education
and in measured productivity, which in a recent study
is more than 20 percent
above the national average,"
he asserts.
"Sure," he admits, "we
are spending a lot on higher
education in this state—but
it's a sound investment in
our future."
When he considers Evergreen's future, Evans says he
sees enrollment topping off
at about 3500 students.
"We'll have a stabilized,
selective enrollment—one
that enables us to do a fine
job of the kind of education
we're best at," he predicts.
"We'll have graduate school
programs in fields like environmental studies and
public administration which
relate directly to state government. We'll expand our
outreach programs to serve
the needs of persons who
may not be of typical college
ages. We'll continue to
develop special programs in
Clark and Pierce Counties.
And, we'll tailor programs for
smaller communities like
Port Angeles on rotating twoyear cycles."
And the chart to each of
those goals will doubtlessly
be drafted at the Evans desk,
on his paper pads where
today's facts and figures can
be graphed into tomorrow's
projections and realities.

Enrollment Hits New High
Evergreen's Fall Quarter enrollment is the highest in
the campus's 10-year history,
and the overall increase of
13.8 percent -is the highest
among Washington's six
public colleges and universities.
Registrar Walker Allen
reported a final total of 2,805
students, compared to last
fall's 2,514, or the school's
previous (1976) high of 2,636.
The full-time equivalent
(FTE) count, which reflects
an adjustment for part-time
students, stood at 2,572,
topping Evergreen's previous
FTE high of 2,536 in 1974.
The FTE count for Fall
Quarter 1979 was 2,261—this
year's FTE was 311 higher,
for a total increase of 13.8
The 1980 count includes
36 new FTE graduate students in the master's in
public administration program. But, Allen notes, the
new fall count equals the
1974 FTE high even without
the graduate student totals.
An extensive public
awareness enrollment marketing program developed by
college staff, faculty, students and friends is credited

cational pathways in the
New students also enrolled in record numbers—
1,348 newcomers (including
graduate students) compared to 1,259 last year,
a 7 percent hike.
The number of southwest
Washington students increased by 10 percent (to
1,787) and Thurston County
residents attending showed
a slight increase, to 1,016
"We are very pleased
with enrollment figures this
fall," Fowler says, "because
they show we are responding
to educational needs identified by the community, the
region and the Legislature,
without reducing our commitment to providing quality
liberal arts learning opportunities."
The record high fall enrollment also indicates Evergreen will meet the overall
enrollment target for the year
established by the Legislature and the Governor's
budget office. The contract
goal for 1980-81 is 2,350
annual average FTE undergraduates, or 2,375 FTE including graduate students.



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at 93%
Ninety-three percent of Evergreen's graduates have been
successfully placed in jobs,
graduate schools or other
situations of their choice,
according to a report issued
in October by the school's
Office of Career Planning and
The study, which covers
Evergreen's first eight graduating classes, shows a total
of 2,605 graduates have reported their activities to the
college's placement office.
All graduates were surveyed,
not just those who had contacted the office for help in
finding jobs.
Ninety-three percent
(2,416) have secured placement, according to Career
Planning Coordinator Joyce
Weston. Sixty-eight percent
(1,792) are now employed;
19% (507) are in graduate
schools; and 6% (147) are
traveling, homemaking or involyed in other activities of
their choice. Seven percent
(195) are seeking employment.
New to the annual report
this year is a detailed survey
on the number of alums who
have completed graduate
degrees. Of the 2,319 reporting from the Classes of
1971-78 (those who have had

with reversing an enrollment
downturn which began in
"The support we received
from individuals, campus
groups and community organizations has been outstanding," says College
Relations Director Chuck
Fowler, "Without all this
work and combined effort,
our success in attracting and
retaining a diverse and dedicated group of students
would have been impossible."
The number of full-time
students increased significantly this fall. According to
Allen, the total of 2,173
represents a 13.5 percent increase over last fall. The
part-time student count increased by 5.3 percent over
last year to a total of 632.
"It appears a significant
number of students this year
converted to full-time status,"
the registrar notes.
Retention was also significant in the enrollment
picture. This fall's continuing
student total of 1,457 marks
a 16 percent jump over last
year. Allen credits increased
retention to a new student
advising program and identification of more specific edu-

. '

time to complete graduate
study), 480 are attending or
have completed graduate
work in more than 190 institutions throughout the nation
and the world. Of those, 133
(28%) have completed advanced degrees.
The number of completed graduate degrees represents 6% of the alums
from 1971-78 who have reported their activities. That
figure, Weston cautions, is
"We know there are
many others who have earned
graduate degrees, but we
haven't been able to get
official verification from them
yet," says Weston, who is
also an Evergreen alum
(Class of 76) who has completed a masters degree (in
higher education administration).
Figures on the Class of
1979, the most recent group
to be surveyed, indicate
those graduates are following
the same placement pattern
as their predecessors. Of the
286 who reported their activities, 266 (93%) are placed.
Seventy-three percent are
working, 10% have been
accepted in graduate or other
schools, and 10% are travel-

ing, homemaking, etc. Seven
percent are still seeking
Weston says members of
that class have also continued to favor the same types
of careers as previous graduates.
Some 11% of the 1979
graduates indicated counseling and social services as
their top career choice, as
did alums from the previous
three graduating classes. Ten
percent of the 1979 alums
selected biological and environmental sciences, 8%
chose visual arts or public
administration, 6% selected
business and management,
or medicine, health and
nutrition, and 5% chose
communications. Popular
with 4% of the 1979 grads
were literature, humanities
and writing, all levels of education, and the performing
Members of that class
are currently working in a
wide range of businesses
and industries, including The
Boeing Company, the Olympia Brewery, Tektronix of
Portland, Washington State
Employees Credit Union,
Weyerhaeuser Company,
Ericksen Construction,

Pacific Northwest Bell,
Rodgers Insurance, and
Solar Pathways Associates.
Others are employed in
a variety of educational institutions, from Clark College
to public schools in Pierce
and Thurston Counties, to
Head Start programs and
classrooms at the Universisities of Alaska and
Class of 79 graduates
are also working for city governments in Tumwater, Gig
Harbor and Vancouver, and
county governments in
Pierce, Clallam and Thurston.
They are employed by the
federal government, by the
U.S. military services and by
an array of state agencies.
Others are working for such
nonprofit groups as Morningside Industries and the
American Association of
University Women, while still
others are self-employed as
fishermen, freelance designers, photographers,
musicians and writers.
The vast majority of the
1979 class has remained in
Washington State, with
Oregon and California drawing the largest out-of-state

Aliens, Meteors & Evolution
Scholars Honored
The Evergreen State College
Foundation Board of Governors recently honored the
40 students who were selected as the 1980-81 Foundation Scholars. At a reception
in the Evergreen art gallery,
the Foundation's executive
director Sue Washburn welcomed the new scholars to
the college. "You should all
feel very proud of yourselves," she said." The competition for these scholarships was extremely keen
this year and you were
chosen from a strong field
of competitors."
The Foundation Scholarships are awarded to new
Evergreen students. Selected
on the basis of such factors
as academic achievement,
leadership ability and potential, community service,
artistic and other creative
talents, the Foundation
Scholars receive full in-state
tuition for their first year
at Evergreen.
This year's Foundation
Scholars include:
Kristine Baker, Redmond
Craig Bartlett, LaConner
Jodi Bernstein, Sweet
Springs (WV)
Ruth Cohen, Tacoma
Theresa Dally, Vashon

Linda DeWeese, Lacey
Jean Dinnell, Honolulu (HI)
Sharon Forbes, Aberdeen
Debra Frederickson, Petersburg (AR)
Cheryl Garratt, Tacoma
Steven Grant, Richland
Douglas Hamilton, Kamloops
Patricia Harrison, Poulsbo
Kimberly Homewood,
Madison (Wl)
Kevin Kaiser, Glenn Mills (PA)
Eunice Kauffman, Olympia
Diane Kelly, Poulsbo
Ethan Kelly, Tacoma
Leanne Jackson, Tacoma
David Logan, Comptche (CA)
Daniel Maguire, Cleveland (OH)
Jordan Martin, Kansas
City (OH)
Peg McAdam, Olympia
Eldon McKernan, Chehalis
Consuelo Metzger, Vancouver
Angela Moore, Seattle
Susan Morgan, Castle Rock
Douglas Nebert, Fairbanks (AK)
Kris Nelson, Bellingham
Annette Newman, Seattle
Terry Pangrass, Redmond
Gloria Parkhurst, Olympia
Megan Piercy, Nashua (NH)
Beth Rossow, Tacoma
Marie Towle, Spokane
Allegra Twombly, Tiburon
Paul Votaw, Pt. Townsend

Modern astronomers believe
life is almost certain to originate on other planets, given
half a chance in the right
conditions. Evergreen faculty
member David Milne is not
so certain, but he had a
chance to look into the matter this past summer when
he joined a scientific team at
the NASA/Ames Research
center in California investigating aspects of extraterrestrial biology. The summer fellowship, which ran
June 23 through August 22,
was sponsored by the
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration as part
of an annual program to acquaint educators with NASA
research and development
"I began by putting together a list of questions
relating to extraterrestrial life

Life won't have much of a
chance on a planet where the
oceans freeze solid. In comparison with many planetary
environments, however,
earth's climate is regarded as
quite stable."
Milne exhausted his list
of questions fairly quickly,
finding that many were
answerable, at least on a
speculative basis. Then he
got involved in searching for
evidence of a specific extraterrestrial impact on earth
"NASA is developing an
interest in the impact of
events in outer space such
as supernovas and solar
flares on terrestrial evolution," he points out. One of
the most spectacular of such
events may have been a large
meteor striking a prehistoric
earth, blackening the sky

New Foundation
Members Elected Howe Chairman
At its October 22 annual
meeting, The Evergreen College Foundation Board of
Governors elected Walter C.
Howe, Jr. of Bellevue as
chairman for 1980-81. Howe,
who serves as vice-president
for government relations for
the Weyerhaeuser Company,
will head up the 25-member
Board of Governors whose
goal is to attract private gift
support from individuals,
corporations and foundations
for vital needs and programs
at the college.
Philip Swain, director of
educational relations, training and development for the
Boeing company was elected
to the position of vicechairman. Re-elected to the
positions of secretary and
treasurer were Joan K.
Thomas, chairman of the
State Board of Tax Appeals,
and John S. Murray, president of Murray Publishing
Company, respectively.
Walter Williams, president of Continental Inc., and
Hal Wolf, owner of Wolf's
Shop-Rite Food Center, were
elected to serve second
terms. Newly elected to the
Board for three-year terms
were: Aldon Bell, associate
dean for continuing education at the University of
Washington; Ray Meredith,
owner of Meredith's Hallmark
shops and former trustee;
Christina Meserve, attorney
with Cullen, Holm, Hoglund
and Foster, and first president of the Evergreen Alumni
Association; Janef Smith,
consultant and former press
secretary to Governor Ray;
David Wagoner, attorney with
Perkins, Coie, Stone and
Williams, and former president of the Seattle School
Board; and Marty Wilson,

communications and education consultant and former
education director for KOMO
radio and television.
Retiring from the Board
were T. Evans Wyckoff, president of the Johnny Appleseed Company, and Jane
Sylvester, a member of the
college's Board of Trustees.
H. Eugene Hall, a Bellevue
pathologist, resigned in July
due to conflicting time
Continuing on the Board
are: Katharine M. Bullitt of
Seattle; Norm N. Calvo,
senior vice-president of Hill
and Knowlton, Inc.; Deborah
Creveling, handicap recreation coordinator for Thurston
County Parks and Recreation ; Paf Emerson of the
University of Washington's
South Asia Studies Office;
Fred Goldberg, president of
Goldberg Furniture; and Fred
T. Haley, president and chairman of Brown and Haley.
Also continuing are:
George Kinnear, Mercer
Island attorney; Isabelle
Lamb, assistant to the chairman, Enterprises International ; John McKibbin, Clark
County Commissioner;
Dennis H. Peterson, vicepresident, Foster & Marshall,
and outgoing chairman of the
Foundation; and Mary Stevenson of SDS Lumber
The Foundation Board
also welcomed Joe Dear,
who serves on the board as
the newly elected president
of the Evergreen Alumni
Association and Wes Berglund, who as chairman of the
college's Board of Trustees,
sits with the Foundation as
an ex-officio member.

Another view of aliens —the lovable "Fuzzies" from H. Beam Piper's science
fiction series. Illustration by Victoria Poyser, copyright 1980, Ace Books.

and evolution, particularly
matters that might be
answerable with data we
have currently," says the
TESC scientist. "There's not
much data to go on, but if
we assume that evolution,
like other natural processes,
would obey similar principles
throughout the universe, then
there are certain logical
Milne, who received his
doctorate from Purdue University, is halfway through
a book on the subject of
extraterrestrial biology.
"Some questions were outcomes of that manuscript,"
he remarks, "such as to what
extent a planet's instability
of climate might influence
"One big constant on
earth is that the environment
will change," he says, "and
environmental change is an
essential ingredient of evolution. However, conditions
must remain life-supporting.

with dust and debris much
like a recent volcanic eruption, though on a world-wide
scale. The long period of
darkness could have killed
off most plant life, and
caused the extinction of
many animal species through
starvation. Scientists have
recently found geological evidence that the cataclysmic
event may have ended the
Mesozoic era, or age of dinosaurs, and ushered in the
modern Cenozoic era.
"If this really occurred,
it could be considered a
fantastic stroke from outer
space, cleaning the slate and
paving the way for mammals," Milne remarks.
Evidence of the meteor's
impact is an iridium-rich
layer found between deposits
characteristic of the two
geological eras. The earth's
crust is too poor in iridium
to account for such concentrations, Milne says, and
they've been found in such

diverse places as Italy, Denmark, Spain and New
"As a marine biologist, I
worked to determine just
how long this period of darkness would have to be to
begin killing off life in the
oceans," Milne says.
He suspects that the delicate balance in the marine
food chain would be broken
by an interruption in photosynthesis lasting only a
month or two. This short
time-frame was significant,
since scientists had been debating whether meteorimpact dustcloud would remain airborne long enough to
cause widespread extinction
of plant and animal species.
It is, he feels, a possible
contributing factor to the
drastic changes that must
have taken place on earth to
spell the extinction of the
dinosaurs. Attempts to explain that evolutionary process are in "a state of
confusion," he says. "Some
think a supernova caused it,
others think the planet was
sterilized by radiation, and
many believe the earth's
climate just changed. Whatever theory you subscribe to,
though, it must now take
into account those layers of
"Extinction of species is
an ongoing process, with
extinctions balanced by
origins of new ones," points
out the Evergreen faculty
During the last Ice Age,
he says, "the number of new
species skyrocketed. Accelerated extinctions occurred
at the middle and end of the
period. Humans evolved in
the midst of a really unusual
Such findings have led
some to speculate that evolution is not the "glacially slow
process we'd once believed,"
Milne remarks. "Every organism contains the seeds of
change within its genetic
'structure, and individuals of
a population of animals will
have millions of subtle differences. A key question is
how large a difference has to
be before the process of
natural selection begins to
favor the hardier adaptation.
"This kind of research
makes you take another look
at life on earth—you begin to
appreciate the diversity,"
says the Evergreen professor.
"There are millions of divergent lines that have not been
tested here, and in an alien
environment you might get
some surprising variations.
Certain animals need not
look similar to familiar ones
on earth."
Of course, there may be
more similarity than some
science fiction writers would
lead us to believe. Cell structure, genetics, sensory perception and a host of other
factors probably operate according to general principles
throughout the universe.
Some scientists even feel
that intelligent, technological
creatures would evolve along
similar lines, and that our
first alien encounter would
be with warm-blooded
mammals that were vaguely
familiar, at least in shape.
Even those who readily
admit the possibility of life
on other planets, though, are
extremely skeptical about our
ever meeting face-to-face.
The universe is just too vast
a place.


Grad Illustrates the Fantastic KAOS Dps Signal
exposure, and they're lucrative," Poyser remarks. "Six
thousand people attended
the 38th World SF Convention this September in
Boston. Art sales totaled
$80,000 and I placed in the
top five for individual sales.
"But more than anything
else, these conventions are
fun and you meet some very
interesting people. We flew
back from Boston with Vonda
Mclntyre—her novel Dreamsnake won last year's Hugo
Award. I've met Stephen King
(Carrie, The Shining) several
times and he even bought
one of my pieces at a show
in Tennessee. I've swapped
insults with Harlan Ellison,
enjoyed 'Sussex Tea' at the
Brighton Metropole in the
presence of Arthur C. Clarke,
and partied all night with Ara
Pashinian, a Spanish millionaire and 'man of mystery.'
Fortunately, they are friendly
people—it would be a bit
overwhelming for an Olympia
housewife/student otherwise."
Poyser thinks of herself
as an illustrator rather than
an artist. "It's more honest,"
she says, "and besides, any"The Night All Magic Went Awry" 11x14, acrylics), winner of three Best of Show
one with the price of a paintawards.
brush can call herself an
'artist.' The amount of junk
passed off as Art is appallVictoria Poyser has been
exhibitions in Los Angeles;
ing. Sometimes there's so
doing fantasy art since the
Vancouver, BC; Phoenix,
little skill that the paint will
age of three, but didn't disArizona; Salt Lake City; and
probably fall off the canvas
cover that's what it was until, Providence, Rhode Island
after a few years. We expect
24 years later, she stopped
(site of last year's World
by Westercon 33 over a July
mastery of basics in plumbFantasy Convention.)
Fourth, 1977, holiday in
ers and doctors—I don't
She was also nominated
know why shoddiness is
Vancouver, BC.
for a Hugo Award, the
tolerated in artists."
"Despite all the illus"Oscar" of the science fictrated fairy tales and science
She credits appreciation
tion field, for work during
fiction book covers I'd seen,
for technique to studio work
1979. Hugos are significant
that convention art show was for publishers. Science ficwith adjunct faculty members
the first display of original
Young Harvill and Ann Lasko
tion accounts for half the
during the 1976-77 academic
production paintings I'd enpaperback titles released
countered," she says. "I also
year at Evergreen. "Those
each year, and a Hugohad a chance to talk to
three quarters, and a previwinner is an almost guaranwriters, artists and editors.
ous class at the University of
teed commercial success.
I realized for the first time
Washington, were my first
"They don't make such a
that books are produced by
encounters with rational
fuss over the artist Hugos,
real people, and not by
approaches which could help
though," Poyser laments.
extraordinary beings living in
me round out the intuitive
"I didn't win anyway—the
a New York Never-Never
process. The technical data
award went to Alexis GilliLand."
is awesome. You almost
land, who was long overdue
She decided to try proneed to be a chemist and
for it.
fessional work and on her
"The Hugo, and some of
a physicist—a good reason
return to Evergreen that fall,
the other awards, were in the for interdisciplinary study,
amateur artist category," she I suppose," she jokes.
she studied with faculty
member Marilyn Frasca on
notes. "Some shows define
Deadlines are becoming
a professional artist as one
an individual contract titled
a way of life for the Ever"Illustration for Publication."
who earns a full-time income green grad. "To compete in
from the sale of publication
"I had work accepted by
the New York market, which
nine magazines that quarter," rights, and I don't do that
is the art and publishing
she recalls. "Marilyn also had yet. I made $11,000 in 1979,
capital of the country, you
but that was mostly from
have to do good work, and
me write stories to generate
sales of limited edition prints you have to do it fast," she
image ideas for paintings,
and original paintings. Also,
a technique we used in a
says. "You also must be able
I can only work part-time,
summer, 1976, contract."
to interpret a story graphsince I have two small chilThat was the first quarter at
ically, and you have to estabdren to take care of."
Evergreen for the Central
lish a 'presence' in the field
The art work also has to
Washington University transby exhibiting at lots of
be squeezed into a hectic
fer student.
shows, by diligently followconvention exhibit schedule.
"Galaxy magazine reing up contacts, and by con"The shows are necessary for tinuously stretching your
jected one story," she says,
"but used the illustration
artistic limits."
anyway for their inside cover
The hard work is beginShowcase position. Combinning to pay off. The 30-yearing writing with painting is
old illustrator has had about
a good technique, and has
100 pieces for magazines
even led me to write a fullpublished in the last two
length novel. The book hasn't
years, and a 1980 Spring
been submitted for publicaQuarter individual contract
tion, but excerpts from it
with faculty member Paul
have won two short story
Sparks marked her first major
contests. Paintings derived
sales to book publishers.
from it have collected a lot of
A tangible result of that conawards and generally have
tract was released in Septemsold for $300 to $500."
ber—six interior drawings for
Peyser's awards include
The Fuzzy Papers, a novel by
the Best Artist orizes at
H. Beam Piper published by
Boston's prestigious BosAce Books. That also led to
kone in February, 1979, and
an assignment of 40 interiors
at Seacon, the 37th World
for the Ace re-issue of Poul
Science Fiction Convention
Anderson's Makeshift Rocket
held September, 1979, in
due out next spring. And her
Brighton, England. Her work
first full-color book cover is
Victoria Poyser with Evergreen's own
has also won First Place or
in the works, under the
gargoyle, which was sculpted by stuBest of Show awards at
Starbjaze imprint of the
dents and set up behind the Lab
Donning Company.

For 3,227 days—give or take
a few—KAOS radio has been
filling the Olympia airwaves
with music, news, radio
theater, commentary and
occasionally controversy.
The station broadcasts at
89.3 on the FM dial.
It first went on the air
January 1, 1972 with a mere
10 watts of power. Two and a
half weeks ago—some eight
years and 289 days later—
KAOS formally began broadcasting to all of the southern
Puget Sound area via a new
antenna and a powerful 1,800
watts. That's quite a jump
from a time when its signal
barely reached beyond the
narrow confines of a certain
cleared patch of west side
From the beginning the
KAOS studios have been
located in a "luxurious penthouse suite atop the College
Activities Building at The
Evergreen State College," as
a tongue-in-cheek, fundraising promotional tape puts
it. And tongue-in-cheek is an
often-apt description for the
high-spirited station. One
reason: it doesn't have to
answer to advertisers. There
are none. KAOS is one of
a relative handful of stations
nationwide that is commercial-free; it is a public
radio station, drawing financial support from Evergreen,
but also depending heavily
on listener support through
donations and individual

but they say one of the
funniest—and weirdest—
resulted in "The Rhinocerous
"One of the most creative
people around the station in
those early years was Bill
Hirshman," recalls Hall. "One
day he took a tape recorder
and walked around the campus, asking people to spell
'rhinocerous' for him."
"This was great," Cook
interjects, "because NO ONE
knows how to spell 'rhinoceros'!"
"Anyway," Hall continues, "he then got a tape of
rhinoceros sounds—really
bizarre calls, let me tell
you—and he put these weird
sounds in the background as
people desperately tried to
spell rhinoceros.
"And he played it on the
air. Really strange."
More than rhino calls
have gone over the air at
KAOS, of course. The station
has carried live lectures by
important and controversial
speakers like Iegalizedprostitution advocate Margo
St. James; done live broadcasts of concerts by such
acclaimed musicians as
Chick Corea and Keith
Jarret; and continues to
carry live the weekly Olympia
City Commission meetings.
As KAOS has grown, it
has changed and added to its
programming. It now has
a Sunday afternoon "Public
Forum" show; musical programming for nearly every

Another reason for the
carefree KAOS atmosphere is
the staff: largely young,
many college students,
mostly volunteer.
It's been that way from
the beginning, according to
two men who were there.
Mike Hall is now a counselor
in Evergreen's Cooperative
Education office. Back then
he was one of the "originals,"
one of the handful of people
who found the first transmitter in a church basement and
actually started the station.
Carl Cook is today a popular
DJ at KGY radio. He began
by working for four years at
KAOS while going to school
at Evergreen. "I was full-time
therefrom 1973 to 1976. My
program was communications, and KAOS was it,"
Cook recalls.
The two remember quite
a few amusing and sometimes outrageous incidents
at the young radio station,

conceivable taste; special
programming for women;
and shows aimed at the
Chicano and Vietnamese
That KAOS has shortcomings is not denied. Both
Mike Hall and Carl Cook
think the station should put
more emphasis on "professionalism" in its programming and programmers.
"By that I mean more
quality—doing the best you
can, not elitism," says Cook.
But Hall adds that,
despite its problems, he
thinks KAOS "is the best
radio station around."
Joel Davis is a freelance
writer from Olympia whose
work has appeared in Family
Weekly, Science Digest and
Photograph of Mike Hall in the
KAOS studio.

The Evergreen State College

Chris Meserve 76 and Bob Butts 75,
first and second Association
presidents, respectively, reflect on the

Nearly 100 alums representing every graduating year (72-'80)
returned to campus September 5-7 for a weekend of workshops, partying, Association business, tours of new campus
facilities, and sharing "life after Evergreen" stories.
Several alums traveled considerable distances to join us
for the weekend festivities: George Baitinger 79, Beaverton,
Oregon; Christine Bell 75, Hamburg, West Germany; Bob
Butts 75, Juneau, Alaska; Hal Darst 76, Eugene, Oregon;
Diana Deutsch 74, Canoga Park, California; Carmen Doerge
75, Portland, Oregon; Debra Deutsch Kilroy 79, Long Beach,
California; Lisa Koch 79, Cincinnati, Ohio; Shelly Sullens
76, Portland, Oregon; and Colleen Coleman Zoller 74 and
Kas Zoller 74, Sacramento, California.
Washington weather was as predictable as ever. It rained
Saturday evening, encouraging the slugs out of their accus-

Newsletter of the Alumni Association

tomed hiding places. Nary a peep was heard from Mt. St.
The Saturday evening reception and banquet dinner were
the high points of the weekend (literally for some!). Several
faculty and staff joined us for an excellent meal catered by
SAGA, which included strawberry crepes for dessert.
New Association officers and Board members were
elected, annual Association dues of $7.50 were established,
and the first Association honorary membership was presented
to Clayton Sturgis, now-retired campus security guard.
Reunion '80 was enjoyed by all, and we're already beginning to think about Reunion '81. We'd really like to hear from
you soon if you have ideas about when it should be scheduled and what programs and activities you'd like to participate in.

AlumNews is the official
publication of The Eyergreen
State College Alumni Association, issued quarterly in
conjunction with the Evergreen Review.
Editor: Ralph Smith
Writer: Bonnie Marie
Fall, 1980.
Volume 3, Number 1.

Jim Anest (74) lives in Olympia where he practices law with
the firm of Miles, Way & Caldart. Jim also works in a variety
of political activities.
James Ballard (76) has completed a master's degree in
geology from the University of Montana and now lives in
Houston, where he is a geophysicist.

fall he began a master's program in non-formal education at
Michigan State University.
Diane DeMoulin ('80) has just begun her duties as director of
public relations of Generation 3, a nutritional clinic in Portland, Oregon.

Elizabeth Boyle (75) recently returned home to Portland,
Oregon, after traveling all over the world this past year.

Jim Ehret (79) opened Studio Iron Works in Clinton, Washington, where he creates ornamental iron work, some of
which has been on display at the Home Port Restaurant in

Grant Bunker (76) lives in Seattle, where he is continuing his
studies towards a Ph.D. in physics at the University of Washington. He is working on the structure of certain metalloproteins using a new spectroscopy technique.

Bill (76) and Jill Fleming Freeburg (76) welcomed a daughter,
Emily, to their family in early August.

We'd appreciate some
feedback on items appearing
in this issue and some ideas
for articles in future issues.
Some ideas we are considering are Faculty and Staff update (where they've gone and
what they're doing) and
Regional Committees (alumni
activities outside Olympia).

James Douglas Cox (75) is a theatrical filmmaker and is currently producing, writing and directing a dramatic film entitled "Ritzville."

Send written submissions,
photos, graphics and inquiries to the Editor, AlumNews, c/o Alumni Office,
LIB 3103, The Evergreen
State College, Olympia,
Washington 98505.

Charles Davis (74) and wife Nancy Gray Stevens (73) live in
Lansing, Michigan. In June, Nancy completed her medical
internship as part of a three-year family practice residency at
Saint Lawrence Hospital and will serve as chief resident there
until July, 1981. Charlie is an exhibit curator at Impression 5
Museum, a children's science and technology center. This

Hal Darst (76) lives in Eugene, Oregon, where he is completing work on master's degrees in economics and in urban and
regional planning at the University of Oregon.

Vivian Folsom (76) lives in Berkeley, California, and recently
received her Master's in Social Work from Bryn Mawr College. She spent the last year working in Washington, D.C., at
the Mental Health Law Project. She is currently employed at
URSA, a social science research firm in San Francisco, working on an evaluation of the Wisconsin Public Defenders
System and other juvenile justice programs.
Molly Forsythe (78) lives on a small farm in Putney, Vermont.
She works at a worker-run restaurant, Common Ground,
doing everything from managing shifts and cooking to washing dishes.
Continued on page 6



Keith Goehner (78) lives in Seattle and manages a Pizza Hut
Restaurant in Everett.
Thorn Goetz (78) lives in Evanston, Illinois, and is a technical
writer in the Computing Services Division of Loyola University in Chicago.
Karen Goldman (76) lives in Philadelphia and is a research
assistant in the Medical Genetics Department at Thomas
Jefferson University.
Donovan Gray (76) recently returned to Olympia where he has
begun work on his master's degree in public administration
at Evergreen. He has also been hired as half-time grants coordinator in the college's Development Office. Since acquiring
his B.A. from Evergreen, Donovan has held management
positions with Arts Resource Services, Seattle School
District, and the Seattle Symphony Orchestra.
Katie Harris (78) lives in Seattle and is program director for
the Pike Place Market Senior Center.
Brent Ingram (76) is a graduate student at Antioch West in
San Francisco studying for a master's degree in ecosystem
management and plans to study for a Ph.D. in environmental
planning at UC-Berkeley.
Jeffrey Irwin (75) spent three years in Morocco in the Peace
Corps and is now working on his master's degree in international affairs at Columbia University in New York.
Paul Jeffrey (75) and wife Lyda Pierce (74) completed their
Master of Divinity degrees from Pacific School of Religion,
part of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. They now live in Elma, Washington, where they are both
Methodist ministers.

(l-r) Janice Wood 76, Kevin Phillips 76, and George Earner 73 "seminaring" at the Friday night reception.

Nancy Jones (78) lives in Seattle, where she writes children's
books. She recently had a fairy tale accepted for publication,
and also won first place in the Juvenile Short Story Division
of the Pacific Northwest Writer's Conference. Nancy works
part-time at White Water Sports.
John (76) and Laura Kalat (76) live in Olympia, where John is
a research analyst for the Employment Security Department.
Laura continues to paint in oils and has had several art
shows. They have two children, Anna and Luke.
Phyllis Lee Kenworthy (77) lives in Spokane where she works
at a family-owned plant nursery and is raising a family.
Debra Deutsch Kilroy (79) lives in Long Beach, California,
and is a teacher of two- to twelve-year-olds for the Los
Angeles Unified School District Children's Centers.
Marty Lind (74) lives in Tacoma and is coordinator of the
Displaced Homemaker Program at Fort Steilacoom Community College.
Pam MacEwan (76) lives in Providence, Rhode Island. She
received a master's degree from Brown University in 1979 and
works as a counselor in Planned Parenthood and as coordinator of Women's Work, a newsletter for Rhode Island working women.
Ross Matteson has gone into business with three of his
brothers and plans to open a 24-track studio in Olympia at
the end of October. They will do radio advertising, album
recording, and film and video sound tracks.
Charlene McQuarrie (79) lives in Seattle and works for Aqua
Quip—a pool, hot tub, and spa supply company. She keeps
track of inventory, does some retail selling, and answers inquiries about pool equipment parts.
Kristi Morrish (79) has received her master's degree in counseling and guidance from Gonzaga University in Spokane and
her doctoral degree in humanistic nutrition from Union Graduate School-West. She lives in Olympia and has also served
as a food service design consultant for Evergreen.
Marilyn Mroz (78) lives in Olympia and is coordinator of the
Southwest Washington Women's Heritage Project.
Christina Orange (78) lives in Vashon, Washington, and is a
writer, photographer, copy editor and darkroom technician for
the weekly Vashon Island newspaper, Beachcomber Press.
Mamy Pearce (78) is employed by the city of Tacoma CETA
office, offering comprehensive employment services, counseling handicapped ex-offenders, and providing advocacy for
the handicapped.
Mark Peterson (74) is director of marketing and vice president of Holly Homes Company in Tacoma.
Perry Pittman (79) lives in Brooklyn, New York, in a loft he
designed in an old commercial building on the New York
waterfront. In August, he began studies in art and design at
The School of Visual Arts in New York City.
'Judy Prest (75) and Alan Krieger (75) were married on May 4
of this year in Hockessin, Delaware. They've spent the last
few months backpacking in Europe, Greece and Israel, and
are expected to return home soon to Schenectady, New York.

Keith Goehner 78 perusing the credits in Collaborations, a double-record album featuring 23 original works
'r* written, performed and produced by students last spring.

Linda Rasmussen (77) began classes this fall in the applied
behavioral sciences master's degree program of Whitworth
College. She will also continue her position as assistant
coordinator with Arts Coalition Northwest in Seattle.
Anders Rich (76) lives in New York City where he is working
on numerous creative writing and design projects, and copywriting for the motion picture and advertising industries.
Since graduating, Anders has been a research director to
Washington's Secretary of State, Bruce Chapman; a contributing editor at .ACCESS, a New York based "daily news intelligence service" publication for multinationals, policy institutes and media groups; and a consultant to the City University of New York.
Daniel (75) and Diane Royal Dootson (75) live in Arlington,
Washington. Dan works in instructional design and development, and teaches photography classes at Edmonds Community College. Diane is weaving, selling her creations at
fairs, galleries and by word of mouth. They plan to lay the
foundation for a solar house this fall.
Antonio Santoy (77) lives in Yakima, Washington, and completed the requirements for a Master's in Social Work from
Eastern Washington University in June.
Tad Schutt (75) lives in Albion, Washington, and is in charge
of Washington State University's student book corporation.
He also has worked for the Washington State Arts Commission, ran Keno at a casino in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, received
a degree in interior design from Washington State University,
was a partner in Tad and Jesse's Cafe in Pullman, did freelance graphic arts, and owned a business called Fine Line

'80 grads Neil Shamberg a
avenue for non-traditiona

Neil Shamberg ('80) lives in Olympia and works at Cascade
Northwest Realty.
Eve Shaw (74) received her Master's in Education from
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, in May of
this year.



Joanna (Jody) Skinner (75) lives in Seattle and received her
Master's in Social Work from the University of Washington
in June.
Susan Southwick (76) and husband Joseph Joy (77) live in
Lacey. Susan received a master's degree in early childhood
education from the University of Washington in spring of
1979 and is now teaching a special education preschoool at
Lydia Hawk Elementary School. While they lived in Seattle,
Joe worked for the National Marine Fisheries Service and is
now working for the Washington Department of Fisheries in
Kelly Stack ('80) lives in Olympia where she works as the
project staff person on the Washington State Governor's
Committee on Employment of the Handicapped.
Christine Anderson Stickler (75) and her husband have moved
to Honduras, Central America, where Christine will be a
teacher at the American School.
Nancy Stolov (79) is studying dance therapy at New York
University. Before moving to New York City, she worked as
an attendant counselor at the Fircrest School for the developmentally disabled in Seattle.
Shelly Sullens (76) lives in Portland, Oregon, where she
began dental school in September at the University of Oregon
Health Sciences Center School of Dentistry.
Daniel Tishman (77) lives in Bedford, New York. He works
full time with the National Audubon Society and is an adjunct faculty member at Lesley College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he received a master's degree in environmental education this summer.

The Alumni Association has
completed the first directory
of Evergreen graduates. It's
available now in the Alumni
Office (LIB 3105) for just $2.
Think about it. If you
find two lost friends, that's
only $1 each, and four lost
friends for only $.50 each,
and eight lost friends for $.25
each. Where else can you
find a friend for two bits?

In Memoriam
Just as this publication went
to press, we learned that
alumni Board member Colleen (Hunt) Spencer 77 died
in a Seattle hospital on
November 4 after a long

Dues or Don'ts
At the annual meeting on September 6, the general membership of the Alumni Association voted to initiate a dues program. The issue was debated frequently for over a year and
the decision was not easily reached, but the circumstances
clearly justify the implementation of a dues program. Besides, $7.50 per year isn't a great hardship when the benefits
(to the Association and its individual members) are considered.
The issue is really that simple—dues or don'ts. These
funds are going to allow the Alumni Association to do a
number of things we wouldn't be able to consider otherwise.
Rather than enter into a broad philosophical discussion, it is
imperative that we examine the current situation and realize
that a dues schedule is a practical and expedient solution.
The Association is working to develop a nationwide network of Evergreen graduates. Some of our priorities are to
work on recruiting students, raising funds, and providing inside tips on employment possibilities and social events.
These things cost money, and right now the Association
can't afford to buy more than a dozen T-shirts at one time.
A harsh reality—it costs money to raise money.
At this point, the existence and support of the Alumni
Association depends, in large part, upon financial assistance
from the college. If the Association is going to establish itself as an effective support system for the college and its
alums—and retain some degree of independence—it is time
to build the necessary monetary foundation.
So, here's the pitch. Your $7.50 will enable the Association to advocate for alumni recognition. It will establish your
right to vote on Association issues and participate in the
election of its officers. And (an added bonus for charter
members) you'll get an alumni directory absolutely free. For
those of you who have wanted to become involved, but
haven't had the time, this is your opportunity to show your
To become an Association member, just clip the coupon
below and mail it with a check or money order in the amount
of $7.50 made payable to TESC Alumni Association.

Yes, sign me up as a member of the Alumni Association.
Here's my $7.50 dues for 1980-81.

Robert Weitz (76) lives in Encino, California, and has been
accepted at the Southern California Institute of Architecture
in Santa Monica.


Joyce Weston (76) has been appointed coordinator of Career
Planning and Placement at Evergreen, replacing Gail Martin,
who is on a two-year educational leave of absence. Joyce
acquired her master's degree in student personnel administration from Western Washington University in 1977, worked
at the University of Puget Sound for one year, and as a Cooperative Education Counselor at Evergreen for two years before
accepting this new post.


Margaret Youtz (78) lives in Seattle. In July, she received a
postgraduate diploma with distinction from the Architectural
Association in London, for studies of rural development and
education in the Third World.



Clip and mail to the Alumni Office, LIB 3105, The Evergreen
State College, Oiympia, WA 98505
D Check if this is a new address.

Diane Winslow (78) lives in Olympia and began studies this
fall for a master's degree in women's studies with Goddard
Carl Wolfhagen (77) lives in Hoboken, New Jersey, and
works as a research associate for the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation. He received a master's degree in
public administration from Princeton University in June.


*(Name while at Evergreen, if different from abo\e)


For those of us who are tired
of being stabbed by those
silly little alumni button pins,
or are frustrated by people
grabbing at our lapels trying
to read them, we have a new
way to express Alum-ness:
T-shirts available in Sm, M,
L, XL; white on green, $6;
and green on white, $8
(Women's French cut style).
If you'd like an Alumni
Association T-shirt, mail a
check or money order for
$6 or $8, made payable to
TESC Alumni Association,
to the Alumni Office,
'LIB 3105.

I Shamberg and Patricia Bliss discuss Evergreen's flexibility and responsiveness in providing an
on-traditional age students to complete their education.

Phyllis Lee Kenworthy 77 models the latest in alumni fashions.

Here's Your Board!
These are the folks who were elected as Association Board
Members at the annual meeting on September 6. They are
your representatives and would welcome your ideas and comments about Association activities.
Dave Anderson 74
Lives in Seattle where he is studying for his master's degree
in public administration at the University of Washington. He
recently completed design of a 911 central dispatch system
for Polk County, Oregon; prior to that, he wrote the Washington Disaster Plan while working for the Department of
Emergency Services. This will be Dave's first year as a member of the Alumni Board and he will serve as Secretary of the
Patricia Bliss '80
Lives in Olympia and is a budget analyst for the State Board
for Community College Education. This spring she passed
the Washington State CPA exam on the first try. This will be
Patricia's first year as a member of the Alumni Board.
Debbie Creveling 75
Lives in Olympia where she is Handicap Recreation Coordinator for Thurston County Parks and Recreation Department.
This will be Debbie's third consecutive term as a member of
the Board, and she served the Association last year as 2nd
vice President. Debbie is also a member of The Evergreen
State College Foundation's Board of Governors.

Kate Crowe '80, people watching at Saturday night reception

Robert Crocker 73
Lives in Olympia and is a unit supervisor at the Washington
State Corrections Center in Shelton, Washington. This will be
Bob's second year as a member of the Alumni Board and he
will serve as 1st Vice President. Last year he served as Legislative Relations Committee Chairperson.

Joe Dear 76
Lives in Olympia and is Executive Director of People for Fair
Taxes, a tax reform and education advocacy group. This will
be Joe's second year as a member of the Alumni Board and
he will serve as President of the Association. Last year he
served as Treasurer and Financial Affairs Committee
Patricia Foster 76
Lives in Olympia where she is a Facilities Manager for the
Employment Security Department. This will be Pat's third
consecutive term as a member of the Board.
Bill 76 and Jill Fleming Freeburg 76
Live in Seattle where Bill is a data-processing manager for
C. Rhyne & Associates, and Jill is studying for her master's
degree in business administration at the University of Washington. This will be their second terms as Board members.
Last year Jill served as Program Committee Chairperson.
Julie Grant 79
Lives in Olympia and is a Program Evaluator for Handicapped
Programs for the Washington State Parks and Recreation
Commission. She will be serving her first term as a Board
member this year.
John Paul Jones, III 73
Lives in Olympia and is an administrative assistant for the
Washington State Senate. J. P. served as 1st Vice President
on the 1978-79 Board and will serve a second term after a
one-year absence.

Doug King 77
Lives in Seattle, where he is Vice President of the MFM Company, Incorporated, a company that distributes secondary
sewage treatment systems. This will be Doug's first term as
a Board member.
Eleanor Lee 73
Lives in Burien, Washington, and is a Washington State
Senator. This will be Eleanor's first term on the Alumni


Alums Form Regional Chapters
Kevin Phillips 77
Is a sales representative for Farmers' Insurance Group in
Olympia and will be serving his second term as a member of
the Alumni Board.
Lee Riback 75
Lives in Seattle where he is a sales representative for Bowles
Northwest, a wholesale plumbing company. This will be
Lee's third term as a Board Member. Last year he served as
1st Vice President, Communications Committee Chairperson,
and AlumNews editor.
Will Rice 76
Lives in Olympia and recently began work as an economic
analyst for the Office of Financial Management; prior to that
he was the senior fiscal analyst with the Washington State
Research Council. This will be Will's first year as a member
of the Alumni Board.

Scoff Salzer 75
Brian Milbrath 78
Lives in Renton, Washington. He works for Citizens for a
Solar Washington and the Washington Solar Council, and is
Business Manager for Solar Washington magazine. This will
be Brian's third consecutive term as a member of the Alumni
Gary Mozel 75
Lives in Seattle and is a natural science teacher at The Northwest School of the Arts, Humanities, and the Environment,
a private alternative school that just opened this fall for
grades 6-12. Gary will be serving his third consecutive term
as a member of the Alumni Board and was chairperson of the
Recordkeeping Committee last year.
Terry Oliver 73
Lives in Vancouver, Washington, where he is a planner with
the Regional Planning Council of Clark County. Terry served
as Regional Coordinating Committee Chairperson last year
and this will be his second term as a Board Member. He is
active in solar advocacy organizations.
Nam Chu Pearl 79
Lives in Olympia and is an accountant with the Washington
State Employment Security Department. This will be her first
year on the Alumni Board.

Cincinnati, Ohio.
Columbus, Ohio.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Is a partner and salesperson for Special Products Company
in Seattle and will serve a second term this year on the
Alumni Board.
Ralph Smith 77
Lives in Olympia and recently completed coordination of the
Thurston County Employer Resource Directory. This will be
Ralph's first year on the Alumni Board and he will serve as
2nd Vice President of the Association, chairperson of the
Communications Committee, and editor of AlumNews.
Colleen (Hunt) Spencer 77
Lives in Olympia and is Coordinator for the YWCA Women's
Shelter Program, which she helped create while an undergraduate student. Colleen was selected as Olympia Business
and Professional Women Club's "Young Career Woman" for
1980. This will be Colleen's first year as a member of the
Alumni Board.
Kevin Thomas 79
Lives in Seattle, is an industrial salesperson, and will be
serving his first term as a member of the Alumni Board.
Janice Wood 76
Lives in Olympia and is a community college system program
analyst for the Office of Financial Management. This will be
her first year as a member of the Alumni Board and she will
serve as Treasurer of the Association.

The Alumni Association's
Regional Coordinating Committee has taken a long hard
look at the formation of
regional alumni chapters
across the United States.
Because Evergreen graduates
are surfacing in exotic places
like Juneau, Alaska and Cincinnati, Ohio, the Committee
saw a need to plan activities
that would involve them in
the Alumni Association.
The primary goal of the
Regional Coordinating Committee is to expand alumni
programs and activities beyond the college environs.
Regional chapters can do
this through fundraising,
public relations, recruitment
and, of course, social and
educational activities. Proposed activities include potlucks, fair booths, art shows,
lectures, workshops and outdoor sports.
The regional chapters
now being formed, and the
alums coordinating each one
are: Vancouver, Washington—Terry Zander; Seattle,
Washington—Keith Goehner;
Spokane, Washington—
Phyllis Kenworthy; Columbus, Ohio—Greg Hutcheson;
Cincinnati, Ohio—Lisa Koch;
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—
Andy Ryan; Juneau,
Alaska—Bob Butts.
If you are interested in
helping to organize these
chapters or in forming a
chapter in your area, contact
the Alumni Office at Evergreen, LIB 3105.

Award for
The Washington Mutual
Savings Bank Foundation
announced in October a
$25,000 award to Evergreen
to fund a Distinguished
Fellows In-Residence Program for the college's new
graduate program in public
The grant will enable
Evergreen to "invite at least
one expert from state, regional or local government or
from private business to
spend up to one quarter per
year in residence," according
to faculty member Guy
Adams, director of the
master's degree program.
"These distinguished
guests will help us test our
curriculum against the realities of working in public
administration," says Adams.
"They will enrich the program not only through teaching, but through developing
case studies that are regionally based and therefore most
appropriate for the program's
state and local government
The graduate program,
which opened last month,
has 40 full and part-time men
and women students enrolled
in a curriculum which,
Adams says, has been designed in part "to serve the
special educational needs of
state and local government.
Washington Mutual's
$25,000 grant will enable the
MPA program to focus even
more sharply on problems
encountered in the Pacific
Northwest through the professional experiences of the
distinguished fellows, who
will be asked to address such
public policy issues as land
use management, government regulations, personnel
management, affirmative
action, and labor relations
and collective bargaining.

The Alumni Connector: Bonnie Marie
"Who are you trying to get in
touch with?.. .Oh, sure, I
know him. He coordinated
new student orientation back
in 1975. Now he's living in
Denver and running his own
bicycle touring business.
When you see him, tell him
Bonnie sends greetings from
the campus."
That's Bonnie Marie
speaking. Named Alumni
Relations Coordinator in July,
and the first person to officially hold the position,
Bonnie is the ideal "alumni
connector." After almost six
years as Dean Larry Stenberg's assistant in Student
and Enrollment Services (you
may remember her as Bonnie
Hilts) and three years in the
Development Office, Bonnie
personally knows many of

Evergreen's graduates and
former students.
"I really appreciate my
position as liaison between
our alumni and the college,"
says Bonnie. "The alums are
still very much a part of the
Evergreen community; they're
the proof of the value of an
Evergreen education. And,
they certainly are positive
proof. Evergreen alums are
everywhere—doing everything!"
The job is not without its
challenges, she adds. "Evergreen encourages its students to be inquisitive, involved and demanding. So,
our alumni have continued to
be challenging. They want to
know what's going on at
Evergreen today and why.
They want to help the col-

lege, but they want to do it
their way."
"And I wouldn't have it
any other way," she continues. "It keeps things much
more interesting—and certainly more fun."
In her position, Bonnie is
responsible for responding to
college and alumni needs by
helping to organize programs
and events of interest to
alums, such as the Small
Business Seminar and the
Alumni Reunion. She also
works closely with the Alumni Association's Executive
Board, Board of Directors
and standing committees on
legislative relations, admissions assistance, program
planning, financial affairs,
and communications (AlumNews, the alumni directory,

In addition, Bonnie hetps
to coordinate Evergreen's
community relations efforts,
serves as office manager for
the entire community relations group (government relations, development, institutional research, and alumni
affairs), and as co-chair of
the Evergreen College Community Organization (ECCO).
And in her spare (?) time,
Bonnie runs, weight trains
and enjoys home life with
husband Ken Marshall.
What are the words most
often heard from Bonnie?
"Keep in touch!". . ."And, do
we have you r cu rrent

Hadley "Retires"

Herb Hadley, center, recalls some of the more challenging moments of his two terms.

Fondly known as the "just-adamn-minute" trustee, Herbert D. Hadley of Longview
in September stepped down
from Evergreen's Board of
Trustees after twelve years of
Hadley, who could always be counted on to ask
"just one more question" to
make sure all projects and
proposals were carefully
scrutinized, shared his wit,
wisdom and deep, rolling
chuckle with the Evergreen
community at his last
"It's been thrilling," he
said. "To have purchased this
land and then walked these
grounds before there were
any buildings—and to be
able to walk here now—has
been a great experience. I've
been part of making a dream
become a reality."
With a catch in his voice,
Hadley continued, "Evergreen
is the kind of school I would
have loved to attend. I just
wish I could get the word out
to even more young people
that Evergreen can put them
so much further ahead than
other colleges can.

"The trustees, faculty
and staff worked hard together to build this college."
And, with a grin, he added,
"Can you imagine a more
conservative group than the
original trustees.. .a banker,
a vice president for a major
corporation, a contractor and
a Republican national committeewoman. . .becoming
the parents of Evergreen? It's
amazing that we agreed on
Hadley, who retired from
the insurance business in
1969 and then started Hadley
Travel in 1972, plans to
reserve more time for traveling and his family: wife Dee,
four married children and
three grandchildren.
Honored by his fellow
trustees for his leadership
and guidance during the
creation of Evergreen, Hadley
promised his longtime campus friends, "I won't forget
this place. You can bet I'll be
back every chance I get."
Evergreen looks forward
to more questions from the
man whom the press once
labelled "the probing member
of the Evergreen board."

1979-80 Annual Fund: A Record Success
The 1979-80 fund year was
the most successful in Evergreen's history. More than
800 alumni, parents and
friends made possible $47,792
in contributions and corporate matching gifts. In addition, the Evergreen Foundation received $22,786 in
memorial gifts from individuals and special purpose
grants from corporations and
Gifts make
'The Quality Difference'
Private gift support
helped fund 40 full-tuition
scholarships, the President's
Contingency Fund, faculty
research in solar energy and
student research in forest
soil ecology, the ACCESS
Center for re-entry women,
planning for a Summer Jazz
and Audio Institute, athletic
uniforms, the Evergreen Expressions Performing Arts
Series, library and art acquisitions, and alumni programs. In addition, contributions made it possible to
send Evergreen faculty member Betty Kutter to China as
part of the Edgar Snow Scientific and Cultural Delegation, enabled the Foundation
to help Evergreen student
and NEH "Youthgrant" recipient Scott Miller promote his
film Saltwater People, and
provided the seed money for
the first student-composed,
produced, recorded, designed
and marketed record album
President's Club Led the Way
The 16 founding members of the President's Club
(donors of $1,000 or more)
provided outstanding leadership with gifts totalling over
$21,000. This group, which
meets annually over dinner at
the President's home to review the state of the college,
makes possible significant
scholarship and symposium
Evergreen Recognized
Statewide and Nationally
Over $541,000 was received and/or committed by
such varied granting sources
as^the National Science
Foundation, Control Data
Corporation, the Department
of Health, Education and
Welfare (HEW), the Washington State Arts Commission,
the Washington Commission
for the Humanities, the
National Endowment for the
Humanities (NEH), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and the National
Telecommunications and Information Agency. These
grants provided support for a
diversity of projects including
DNA research, computer
software development, library
resources, Upward Bound,
women in broadcasting training, educational outreach
programs, veteran's support,
a Native American visual anthropology project, a regional
photography and printmaking
exhibit, and research on
shorebirds and falcons and
on nutrition and zinc.

A First
The donors list on these
pages is an Evergreen "first."
As with all firsts, there may
be some typographical errors
and omissions. We'd like to
blame the computer or the
gremlins, but we can't.
Please contact us with any
corrections. Thanks!

President's Club [Gifts of
$1,000 and above]
Kathryn R. Brandenburg
Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Buechner
Norton Clapp
George Duecy
Daniel J. Evans
Fred Haley
George and Caroline Kinnear
Harry and Judi Mullikin
Rainier National Bank, Dorothy J. Miller
Bruce and Mary Stevenson
Mortimer and Joan Thomas
Walter B. Williams
Hal Wolf

Evergreen 100 Club
[Gifts of $100-$999]
C. M. Ambrose, Jr.
O. John and Mary Anderson
W. P Balderston
Alec or Ruthanna Bayless
A. G. and Ruth Bennett
C. M. Berry
Dr. John A. Stocks and Karen Van Beyer
Lafe and Joan Bower
Herb Bridge
Helene Van Buren
Ernest and Dorothy Cahill
Sidney Campbell
Douglas Canning
Marianna W. Crawford
Dr. H. R. Crawford
Deborah Creveling
Robert and Irene Dana
Marion and Isadore Davis
Michael Dederer
Steven Pope and Lucienne Block
William N. Driscoll
William Dwyer
Mary Eberhardt
C. W. Eldridge
James Ellis
Dr. and Mrs. Gifford Ewing
Ann Gavell
Warren Ghormley
Fred Goldberg
Rosemary Gregg
Patricia Griffith
Prof, and Mrs. Leon Hay
J. F. Haywood
Jean and John Hennessey
Mr. and Mrs. Watt Howe, Jr.
William H. Hunt
James Haight III
Samuel Kaplan
Mrs. F. G. Kearns
Mark and Joan Klyn
Noah and Ariene Krall
Isabelle Lamb
Sidney Locock Lasell
Mr. and Mrs. Albert MacLeod
Patrick Martin
C. S. Matthews
Robert and Marjorie McCarthy
Ray & Jeanne Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. William Miller
Marsha Morse
Dwight Noll
Richard and Virginia Oliver
Gilbert Oswald
H. Martyn Owen
Frank Pagliaro
Jay D. Porter
Frank Pritchard
Frank and Barbara Roberts
Richard Scheuer
George Shim
Susan Sill
A. V. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Spier
Dr. Oliver Stonington
John and Dorothy Swanberg
Robert B. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Townsend
Dr. Leslie Turner
Carson Miller and Jack Van Valkenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Weeks
Richard and Jacqueline White
E. Paul White, Jr.
R. B. Williams
Neil Woody
Mrs. John Zimicki

Alumni Donors
Edward and Charlotte Olson Alkite
David and Marsha Ammons
Tom Ameson
Francis W. and Betty Ball
James H. Ballard
Earl and Marsha Barnes
Jan Barry
Susan Beck
Mary Jean Bergstrom
Bonnie Lee Berry
Richard Sever
Terry Bonynge
Robert and Freida Brandt
Pamela and Cornell Bretz
Mariel Brockway
Ellen Brucke
James and Susan Brunner
Duane and Linda Buhrmester
Robert and Barbara Butts
Lynda Caine
Douglas Canning
Betsy Carey
John and Michelle Giffoul Carter
David L Castor
Walter and Ora Lee Cavalier
Jerry and Joy Ann Chapman
Irene Christy

Robert Crawford
Deborah Creveling
Robert F. Crocker
Barb Damron
Joe Dear
Dorothy Dematteo
Jean Van DeReit
Robert and Betty Dickson
Steven J. Diddy
Kevin and Elizabeth Gray Doty
Mark F. Dutton
Linda Eber
Raymond and Sally Ensing
Kent Fen-is
Julie Frederick
Jill Fleming Freeburg and Bill Freeburg
Lynn E. Freed
Aryson Garland
Jann Gilbertson
Laura C. Goff
Karen L. Goldman
Tom and Linda Graham
David and Joan Stevenson Graham
Laurie Grieve
Teresa Boyer Grove
Sarah Gunning
Shawn Gutshall
Richard and Jean Haakenson
Wes Hamilton
Michete Hankins
Timothy and Catherine Johnson Hennings
Floyd and Mildred Herron
James and Rebecca Hester
Anthony Pantley and Cecilia Hogan
Ron Hooker
Linda Jacob
Linn C. Jacobs
Helen Jaeger
Randy Jaffe
Barbara and Scott Jarvis
Gar and Heather Jones-Bergstedt
Alan Karganilla
Kim Kaufman
Bill and Toy Kay
Harold and Rita Keating
Alan and Alice Kohl
Dave Krogh
Candace Vogler and Lester Krupp
James David Lang
Cathy Monroe and Thomas Laurie
Meredith Lind
Thomas Lufkin
Marilyn Lupinacci
Steven Kant and Diane Lutz
Leslie Lynam
Nikke Longan and Paul Majkut
Michael Maloy
Kirk Matteson
Becky McAninch
Susette McCann
Gail Proctor McCarthy
Thomas J. and Ariene McLaughlin
G. K. McLaughlin
James and Debi Mead
Roger Mellen
Dorothy Meriwether
Christina Meserve
Samuel and Dariene Messer
John Mikesell
Karen Mikkelborg
Carson Miller
Marsha Morse
Velina D. Murray
James Snell and Sharon Noreen
Terry Oliver
Richard Osborne
Leslie Owen
David Parrish
Janet Parttow
Barbara Helen Partlow
Nam Chu Pearl
Mark Dwire Peterson
Vicki Phelps
Steven Frederick Pinard
Richard and Evelyn Poff
Roger Price
David Rauh
Grace Rhodes
Virginia Ring
Gary and Nancy Rossman
William Rotecki
Frank and Margaret Russell
Scott and Terre Salzer
Antonio Santoy, Jr.
Dariene and Michael Sayan
Tim and Betty Schoth
Susan Sill
Charles Silver
Wendy Simms-Rudolph
Daniel Cory Slavin
John and Elizabeth Stee
Gary and Judy Smith
Daphne Smith
David Smullin
Sarah Stockwell
Linda Hallam Sutto
Barb Taubman
David W. Taylor
Meredith Miller Taylor
Valerie Thorson
Diane Patric Tiffany
James and Sara Tuey
Jack Van Valkenberg
Richard Veach
Daniel and Marilyn Ward
Jan Wells
Richard Williams, Jr.
Karen and Terry Wynkoop
Vance and Marjorie Yung

Parent Donors
Morris and Joyce Abrams
David and Dene Adams
William and Joan Agnew
Larry and Margaret Anderson
John and Mary Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Anderson
Ernest and Anna May Anderson
Robert and Marilyn Anderson

Richard and Louise Amtson
Islin and Virginia Auster
Mary Lou Baird
George Baitinger
Edwin and Patricia Baker
Franklin and Mary Balch
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Balderston
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Baldwin
Matt and Kathleen Baldwin
Del and Virginia Ballard
Burton and Carolyn Banford
Daniel and Geraldine Bans
Martin and Margaret Barron
Mary and Joseph Bartek
E. F. Bartlett
Mrs. Roger Barton
Clinton and Barbara Bastin
Alec and Ruthann Bayless
William and Janet Bell
Margaret Bell
William Bell
Glen and Mabel Benedict
Allen and Ruth Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bennett
Mrs. Mary Jean Bestwick
Richard Sever
John Stocks and Karen Van Beyer
Cart and Anita Biedermann
Jack R. Binder
J. Donald Bjorklund
GerdBjorseth ,
Lactell Black
Sherrill Boardman
Eugene Boawn
Charles and Kathryn Bochert
Jeanne R. Bonynge
George and Thelma Booze
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Borman
Joe and Rhoda Botkin
Virginia Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bradshaw
Kathryn Rae Brandenberg
Sewell and Donna Briggs
John and Kathleen Bristow
Robert Brock
Richard and Helen Broholm
Stanley Brooks
Arnold Brotman
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Brown
Gerald and Mary Brown
Roger and Joan Brucker
Norma Brutogao
Irving Buchman
Lewis Buck
Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Buechner
Dr. Thomas Buell
Dr. and Mrs. John Burbank
Daphne Burchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burgess
Robert and Carol Burkhart
Don and Patricia Burnet
Ernest and Dorothy Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Camerer
James and Lila Cammack
Donald and Mary Campbell
Marilyn Jo Canaris
Baylor Capers
Albert Cariin
Evan and Mildred Carlson
Bernard CanJeanette and Vernon Carstensen
Warren and Doris Carter
G. C. Casebolt
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cassatt
Joseph Cherry
Irwin and Muriel Chess
Neils and Susan Chew
Patricia Christgau
David and Betty Christiansen
Mrs. Dean Clabaugh
Donna Clark
Elsie Clark
Robert and Frances Cleland
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clery
Liane K. Clorfene
Milton and Jean Cohen
Robert and Alicia Cohill
Jose and Marilyn Colon
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Colwill
Dr. Edward Conboy
Alexander and Helen Cooper
Virginia Cooper
Dr. Henry Corwin
John and Mary Frances Couch
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Crawford
Richard and Dorothy Cretcher
Mrs. Marion Creveling
Frank W. Cubbon, Jr.
Felix and Grace Czaja
Dr. and Mrs. Carroll Damron
Robert and Irene Dana
Henry and Marilyn Date
Marion and Isadore Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawson
John and Martha Day
Robert and Yvonne Dean
Ruth and Harold Deery
Juan and Frances De Los Angeles
Mr. and Mrs. Amedeo DeNapdi
Rev. and Mrs. Al Denman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Dethier
Fred and Esther Diamond
Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Dickinson
Lori Hyman Diefenbacher
Robert and Joan Dillingham
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Dobbins
Kenneth and Leola Doerge
George and Mary Dolan
Roland Donisi
Robert and Nancy Dott
Clayton and Helen Douglass
Merie and Annell Dowd
Charles and Carol Dragul
William Driscoll
Dr. Gerhart Drucker
Richard and Mary Jane Dunlap
Mr. and Mrs. James Duree
Edward and Betty Dutton
Mrs. Mary Eberhardt
Alfred K. Eckersberg
Wiliam and Ruth Eckert
Mr. and Mrs. Bradlee Emmons

Austin and Mary Engel, Jr.
Stanley R. Engle
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Ewing
Eric Falken
Henry and Marion Farash
Daniel and Jessica Feldman
W. G. and Lena Ferris
E. L. Fieldhammer
Dr. and Mrs. Hans Fink
Myron and Elka Fink
Hans and Mary Fink
Albert E. Finn
Roger and Eileen Fisher
Clare Fisk
Kenneth and Connie Fleming
Peter A. and Verna Fog
Robert and Helen Foster
Robert E. Fothergill
Conrad Fowkes
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Franklin
Alan J. Freeman
D. C. Fricke
James and Kelly Frost
Mrs. Jean Fulton
Henry H. Furman
D. L. Garey
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Garfinkle
Ann Gavell
David and Ruth Gerecht
Leon and Norine Gerson
H. Warren and Gerry Ghormley
Riley and Henri Gibson
Jean Gibson
Barry Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gipson
George and Lila Girvin
Rolto and Evonne Givler
Mrs. John Gleichman
Robert and Ruth Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Goldman
D. L. Gonzales
Scott Graham
Joe B. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gregg
Walter and Mary Gregorich
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Gregory Marjorie
Patricia Griffith
Herman and Linda Grubin
James and Elizabeth Guthe
Dale and Patricia Hall
Allen Haller
Robert and Clarice Hansbrough
John Harrington
Robert E. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John Hartung
Robert and Edna Hauser
Carol Haviland
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hay
J. F. Hayward
Herbert and Mariys Heesch
Rabbi Meyer Heller
John and Jean Hennessey
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Hennings
Eileen M. Henshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Herrera
William and Carmen Hess
Anne Hicks
Richard K. Hill
James R. Hitch
Joseph and Lois Hogan
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Horowitz
Joan and Thad Horton
Jean and Ray Housh
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Hovis
Wendell Howard
Dan and Mary Hughes
John Humble
Dr. Jaspar Hunt
Harold and Ardath Hunt
Alfred and Shirley Hunting
Robert and Kathleen Huriburt
Roger and Mary Huriburt
I. F. Huriburt
Ronald L. Huston
Cecile Isaacs
Billy Isom
David and Rose Jacobs
Kurt and Lois Jacobsen
Anders Jacobsen
J. G. and Sarah Jacobson
Theodore Jacoff
Allan and Evelyn Jetter
William and Paula John
Aquida Johnson
James M. Johnson
Jo Ann Johnson
Lucius and Frances Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Janus Johnson
Roy and Mary Johnson
William Johnston
France Jones
Gilbert F. and Betty Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joslin, Jr.
George and Lorraine Jungel
Jules and Nancy Junker, II
Leona Kaiser
H. J. and WNlia Kattenthaler
Samuel Kaplan
Wiliam and Lucille KanMorton and Elizabeth Kaufman
Mrs. Marian Kaufman
George Kaye
Barnaby and Mary Keeney
Porter and Janie Keltey
J. A. and lima Kelly
John and Fay Keogh, Jr.
Lana KenMr, and Mrs. Henry Kissman
Mr. and Mrs. James Kittrick
Mark and Joan Klyn
Lowell and Shirley Knutson
Charles Koch
Joseph and Ayoko Koczur
Melvin and Ruth Koral
J. Walter Kosman
Noah and Ariene Krall
Joseph and Greta Kramer
Wiliam E. and Dorothy Kramlich

Charles Kraus
Elbart and Nave Kreiger
Dr. Leah M. Kreiger
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Kumangai
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kutz
Albert and Cornelia Laakso
Francis V. LaBarge
Gordon and Betty Landeen
Mr. B. H. Lang
Richard B. Laschever
Sidney Locock Lasell
Norman Leake
Arthur Leighton
Harold Lenke
Otto and Elizabeth Lerbinger
Robert and Shirley Lev
Nancy Levensaler
Pat Levinson
Norman and Louise Levy
Raymond and Donna Lewicki
Mrs. Charles Liebman
Martha Lilly
Dr. Robert Loftfield
Marvin and Nancy Loftness
John and Evelyn Loftus
Dr. Thomas O. Lohr
John Lucas
Douglas and Shirley Lutz
Cameron and Lorraine Lyon
Dr. William Lysak
Mr. and Mrs. Albert MacLeod
Dr. John A. Malcolm
Gerard P. Malloy
Rona and Harvey Malofsky
Robert Maloy
Roman and Phyllis Mankus
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Marquis
Ada Marson
Ralph and Frances Martin
M. S. Mason
L. J. Matteson
Charles Matthews
William and Gloria Maxwell
Robert and Marjorie McCarthy
Ruth McCracken
Beale or Dana McCulloch
Thomas J. McEwan
Richard and Mary McGarvey
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Mclntosh
Donald and Maude McKinley
Margaret McMurtrey
Charles and Rita McQuarrie
W. Roy and Ellen Mellen
Conrad and Jane Metcalfe
George and Margaret Meyers
Franklin and Jean Michaels
Mr. and Mrs. James Millar
Frank and Evelyn Miller
Ralph and Lorraine Miller
Robert G. Miller
William and Dorothy Miller
Carolyn and Gerald Miller
Arnold and Ann Millhauser
Douglas J. and Patricia Millin
John A. and Katherine Mills
Mrs. Glenn Mills
J. L. and Grace Milner
Her schel and Betty Mobley
Doris T. Moffet
Mrs. M. W. Montgomery
Alfred and Isabel Moore
Terry and Margaret Moore
Tom and Mary Moran
Charles and Juliette Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Morrison, Jr.
Lewis and Mabel Mosier
Rufus Mouiton
Mary Latimer Mount
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mozer
Orovilte and Caroline Murphy
Arthur and Mary Nack
John Nankivell
William and Magadaline Neam
Edward and Verona Neuenschwander
Robert and Mary Newhouse
Robert and Betty Nickerson
Dwayne and Virginia Nickerson
James B. Nickerson
Donald and Hilda Nicoll
Laurence and Mary Nielsen
Harry Nishman
Howard and Barbara Morris
Richard and Hanna Northway
Roy and Virginia Ockert
George and Myna Olive
Dick and Virginia Oliver

William v.p. OHinger
Romaine P. Olson
Karl and Peggy Olson
Warren and Maurine Olson
Joseph Oren
Norman and Thelma Orteck
Martin and Catherine Ormond
Joel and Yuthka Orodera
Wilmer and Nina Ossinger
Gilbert Oswald
H. Martyn and Candace Owen
Hamilton and Muriel Page
Harvey and Elizabeth Paige
Robert Panco
Elizabeth Parks
Connie Parrish
Miriam Patullo
Judith Peabody
Louis and Gloria Pergamit
Bradford and Nancy Perkins
Shirtee Dillard Perkins
Robert N. and Mollie Peters
Cari and Catherine Peterson
Dr. Harold Phelps
Homer Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Pitt
M. A. and Virginia Plante
William and Lilliam Poe
Mr. and Mrs. Henning Pontoppidan
Julius and Ruth Poritz
Peter and Constance Pratt
John and Grace Prest
Nancy Price
Benjamin and Louise Pritz
Patricia Prosser
Paul and Mary Pruitt
Robert and Ruth Ramirez
Raymond and Wyoma Rapp
Joseph and Trudy Rauh
Gerald and Suzanne Ray
Howard and Verna Reagan
Paul and Jane Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Reid
John and Helena Reierson, Sr.
William J. Remus, Sr.
Roland and Eleanor Rhodes
Margaret and Norval Rice
Harold and Mavis Ritland
Roberta Robertiello
William and Katherine Roberts
Mervine and Nancy Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson
Merrill and Sally Robison
Patricia Rogers
Everett and Shirley Rogers
Nancy Rolnick
Laurides and Ann Ross
Mrs. J. M. Ruddy
John and Louise Runnings
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rygmyr
Pat and Virginia Sainsbury
James and Evelyn Salzer
Irwin and Scott Same*
Richard and Joan Scheuer
John C. Schick
Roland and Jan Schinzinger
Calvin and Alice Muir Schmitt
Robert and Jacqueline Schneider
J. L. and Marie Schwennessen
Ursula M. Scott
Lester and Harriet Servid
David and Sarah Shames
Charles and Dorothy Shepard
George and Clara Shinn
Julian G. and Catherine Shook
Edward Shore
Glen and Marilyn Shroll
Paul and Harriet Siegler
Cecile Silver
Jack and Norma Silver
John and Ruthann Silvernale
Warren and Virginia Simms
Elliott and Diana Siskind
Thomas and Barbara Sisson
B. J. Skari
Sarah and Al Skinner
Shirley and Sidney Skirvin
Rudolph and Mary Slaby
Joseph and Miriam Slavin
Don and Billie Smith
Garland and Marie Smith
H. Warren and Nancy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Smith
Robert and Rachel Smith
Rocky Smith
Donald Snyder

Harold and Joyce Snyder
Ernest Sokal
Joseph Sonego
Amigo and Mildred Soriano
Leonard and Ruth Southwick
Robert and Vera Spier
William and Carole Starling
Henry and Doris Steiner
Carl and Mary Stevens
Robert A. Stierhoff
Malcolm H. Stilson
Virginia and Richard Stockwell
Walter C. and Anita Stolov
Rosalyn Stone
Oliver and Catherine Stonington
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Starts
Lewis and Wanda Stratton
Jack and Elaine Streeter
George Strieker
J. L. and Margaret Sullivan
John and Dorothy Swanberg
Eugene and Shirley Talbot
Joseph and Sylvia Taylor
Richard and Viola Taylor
James and Barbara Taylor
Bill and Joanne Terry
Stanford and Sylvia Thai
Curtis and Sally Thompson
Donald Tmney
Jerry Ann Tobia
Mrs. Charles Tompkins
Irvin Touster
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Townsend
Parker Trefethen
Leslie and Devora Turner
Rene and Rita Ulmschneider
Mrs. Helene Van Buren
John and Frances Vancill
Ruth Van DeRiet
Corey Venning
James W. and Susan Vest
Gunars and leva Veveris
John R. and LoRay Walker
Zora Walsh
Wallace and Mary Myra Ward
Barry Wasserman
James and Marilyn Waste
Robert D. and Betty Watson
Mrs. Richard D. Watts
Robert and Mary Jane Weber
William Weber
Bayard and Martha Webster
C. Theodore and Donna Weeks
H. I. and Elsie Ruth Weiner
Christopher and Susan Weld
Robert Wellings
Estelle Wertheimer
Irene Westermoe
David and Dixie White
Edward Paul White, Jr.
Janet Whiting
Louis HWieland
Helen Will
Jacqueline Willett
Kathryn Williams
Robert B. and Betty Williams
Joseph and Janet Williamson
Meta Willis
William C. Willis
Ken Wmkley
Leslie S. Win
C. L. and Jane Wisseman
James G. Wolcott
Arthur and Trudy Wolcott
Terence Wold
David and Libby Wolf
Ruth and William Wolfe
James and Helen Wolfhagen
Benjamin and Ruth Woo
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wright, IH
Frank and Marilyn Youngman
Judy Youngquist
Norman Zenker
John and Dorothy Zimicki

Friends of Evergreen
C. M. Ambrose, Jr.
Rainier National Bank
Tom Beard
C. M. Berry
Mike Bigelow
Herb and Shirley Bridge
D. C. Brockway, Jr
Al Brooks
Sidney Campbell

Helen Christopher
Fred and Dorothy Clagett
Norton dapp
Tumwater Valley Racquet Club
Crown Zelterbach Co.
John Condon
Anthony and Julie D'Acci
Michael Dederer
George and Margaret Duecy
William and Vasiliki Dwyer
C. W. and Norma EUridge
James R. Ellis
Dan and Nancy Evans
Duane Fagergren
Don and Willa Fassett
Bob Filmer
Robert and Mickey Flowers
Herb and Carol Fuller
John H. Gallagher
Herb Gellman
Fred Goldberg
Slade and Sally Gorton
Herbert Hadtey
James A. Haight, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haley
Hal Halvorson
Maurice and Betty Harmon
Peta Henderson
George and Lou Ann Houck
Mr and Mrs. Walter Howe, Jr.
William H Hunt
Jerry Hustad
William and Carieen Jackson
C. Jack Jones
Mrs. F. G. Kearns
Mr. and Mrs. George Kinnear
Peter Knudson
Mr. and Mrs. George Lamb
Jack Lindskog
Ralph Mackey
Karen Fraser and Tim Malone
Raymond and Jeanne Meredith
Harry and Judi Mullikin
Robert and Mary Murphy
Paul and Catherine Neuffer
Dwight Noll
Ed Odegard
Gilbert Oswald
Robert H. Perry
Dennis Peterson
George and MoHianne Pickert
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prrtchard
Sam and Margery Reed
Dr. Herbert S. Riptey
Frank and Barbara Roberts
Dr. Karl Ruppert
Gene Sheppard
Kirk H. Smith
Andrew V. Smith
Frank Smith
Changler Sogge
Bruce and Mary Stevenson
Carl Slitter
Mrs. and Mrs. John Sylvester
Pete Taylor
Joan and Mortimer Thomas
Robert Byrd Thompson
Mary Vandeman
Tedrowe Watkins
Richard O. and Jacqueline White
Watt Williams
Hal Wolf

Corporate & Foundation
Gifts & Grants
Allstate Insurance Co.
Calm Cove Oyster Company
Champion International Corp
Crown Zellerbach Corporation
Deloette, Haskins & Sells Foundation
Fred Diamond
Gould Inc.
Saul & Dayee G. Haas Foundation
Hewlett Packard
(IT Continental Baking Company
JDR Foundation
Leo Burnett Co., Inc.
Lever Brothers
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
Mittlestaedt Foundation
NCR Foundation
Pacific Northwest Bell
Price Waterhouse

to Float

Prudential Foundation
Prudential Insurance Co.
Pullman Incorporated Foundation
Rainier National Bank
Reader's Digest
Reynolds Metals
Seattle First National Bank
Seattle Foundation
Shell Oil Company
St. Regis Paper Company
The Boeing Company
Travelers Insurance Co.
TRW, Inc.

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp.
Union Oil Company of California
United Technologies
Washington Commission for the
Western Electric

[Athletics Fund]
Al Brooks
Mike Bigelow
D. C. Brockway, Jr.
Tumwater Valley Racquet Club
Fred Goldberg
Sally and Slade Gorton
James A. Haight, II
Hah/or Halvorson
George and Lou Ann Houck
Olympia Unit of the American Contract
Bridge League
Jack Lindskogg
Karen Fraser and Tim Malone
Patrick Martin
Raymond and Jeanne Meredith
Dwight Noll
Ed Odegard
Dennis Peterson
Cari and Gingie Reder
Sam and Margery Reed
J. A. Ruhl
Frank L. Smith
R. Chandler Sogge
Hal Wolf
Neil Woody

Crown Zellerbach
KOMO Radio-Television, Robert H.
Mrs. Cleo G. Meier
Ken Robinson

Seawulff Donors
D. G. Parrot and Sons, Inc., Mrs. Naismith
'C.' Jack Jones
Bettines South South Marine, Charles
Blue Water Boats, Jerry Hustad
Boat Electric Company, Roy Bunn
Bob Filmer
C. L. Stookey
Captain's, Lou Shrock
Central Auto Parts, Harold Matthews
David Smullin and Terry Bonynge
Doc Freemans, Peter Knudson
Fastco, Don Joyner
Firesafe, Dick Chambers
Fisheries Supply Co., Cari Sutler
Foss Launch & Tug Company, Sidney
International Paint Company, William
John Condon
Man Yung
Murray Foundation
Nancy Smith
Paul Neuffer
R. O. Crawford
Seattle Marine & Fishing Supply, M. G.
Sheppard's Milrworks, Gene Sheppard
Stusser Electric Co., Jim Deiro
The Bryant Corporation, Tedrowe
The Motor Boat Mart, Inc., Don Degler
Washington Stove Works, Ralph Mackey
Yacht Designers Inc., Robert H. Perry

Evergreen's 38-foot wooden
sailing craft is rapidly heading for the waters. Work still
to be done includes installing
the ventilation and electrical
systems, sanding and oiling
the deck and cabin sides,
building and installing toe
rails and bulwarks, outfitting
the cabin, fabricating companion-way ladders, dismantling the protective shed,
and building a transporting
cradle. Once these tasks are
completed, the boat will be
launched, the mast stepped,
and the rigging and a power
winch installed. Following
the commissioning festivities
and the unfurling of the sails,
the research vessel will be
ready to enhance Evergreen's
Marine Studies Program.
Approximately $15,000 in
equipment, supplies and
labor contributions are
needed to reach that goal.

Non-Prof it Org.
U.S. Postage
Olympia, WA
Permit No. 65
Volume 2, Number 1,
November 1980
Published by the
Office of Development
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505


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Nat'l Conference
Highlights Ten-Year
Evergreen will celebrate the
tenth anniversary of its opening by hosting a national
conference on alternative
higher education in the
United States. The conference is scheduled for September 8-10, 1981, and will
be co-directed by Dean
Barbara Smith and faculty
member Richard Jones.
The conference will seek
to articulate the legacy of the
various experiments in American higher education initiated in the 1960s and 1970s,
and to assess its relevance
for the 1980s. Participants
will include representatives
of colleges and foundations
that were actively involved
during this distinctive period
of ferment in American experimental higher education.
The keynote speaker will be
Ernest Boyer, President of
the Carnegie Foundation for
the Advancement of Teaching.
Those who have appropriate experience are invited
to submit papers for presentation at the conference. An
abstract of 500 words is due
to Richard Jones by December 15, 1980, with the final
paper due before June 15,
1981. Authors selected to


present papers will receive
honoraria and travel expenses, and some papers will
be organized into a book by
the Schenkman Publishing
Alumni of the Alexander
Meiklejohn Experimental College, which provided a major
model for Evergreen's programs of coordinated study,
plan to hold their fiftieth
reunion on campus immediately preceding the conference, in celebration of the
fiftieth anniversary of the
closing of that college.

Turkey Trot Time
is Coming
Mark your calendars now for
Saturday, November 22 and
plan to join young and old,
serious and fun-runners in
the Ninth Annual Evergreen
Turkey Trot. A 2.7 mile road
race which begins at 10 a.m.
in front of the Evans Library,
the Turkey Trot is an Evergreen tradition.
Of special interest are
the prizes—appropriate not
only to the name of the run,
but to the Thanksgiving
season as well. First place
runners in each division
receive a turkey; second
place winners receive a
chicken; third place winners

A Special
David Broder, Washington
Post columnist and author of
the new book The Changing
of the Guard will be on campus December 1 for the first
annual President's Symposium. His lecture on the
media and public policy will
be held that evening in the
Recital Hall at 8p.m. Interested alumni, parents, and
friends are most welcome
to attend.

- '

' '

get a cornish game hen;
and fourth placers are rewarded with a dozen eggs.
All finishers receive a ribbon.
The Turkey Trot is an
opportunity to get some
healthy exercise and have
some fun. Community members, their families, Evergreen alumni, parents and
friends are all invited to join
in. The registration tee is $3
and may be paid on the day
of the race. Proceeds from
the run will be used to support Evergreen's new intercollegiate athletics program.
For more information,
contact Pete Steilberg or Jan
Lambertz at (206) 866-6530.

c c

The "engineer" in Dan Evans
pops up in subtle ways. It
always occurs quietly—like
right in the middle of a cabinet meeting, when someone mentions enrollment, or
at a legislative hearing when
costs per student are under
discussion. If you watch
intently, you'll see Evergreen's president begin to
organize the statistics, first
in his mind, as his glance
drifts away from the speaker
and he begins to calculate
ways to develop the patterns
the figures might form, then
on the nearest scrap of
paper, where soon arises a
graph, carefully sketched to
more clearly spell out trends
and projections.
For Dan Evans, there's
always more than one way to
examine an issue. In his 12
years as governor of the
state, he developed finely
honed skills at analyzing the
pros and cons of each decision his administration had
to make. He brought that
ability—and his years of
training as a professional
engineer—to Evergreen
in 1977.