

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 9, Issue 24 (April 23, 1981)

extracted text


Call to Peacemaking
Sunday. April 26: Call to ....cemaklng. a
covenant lor the future ; panet discussion on
"Living faith on the journey to peace"; workshops
and films on the scriptures and nonviolence.
peace conversion. U.S.-Soviet relations . world
hunger. effects 01 the arms race on menial
health . EI Salvador and more ; beginning at 1 :30.
United Churches. 11th and Washington. Olympia;
sponsored by Ecumenical Peace Coalition of
Olympia and Thurston County Ministries of
Higher Education .

Off the Wall Players
- Saturday. April 18 : Oft the Well Players.
comedy. satire and improvisation by an eightperson team In an evening of dinner theatre ;
9 p.m., $2 .50, Gnu Deli.

The Irish Tradition
Thursday, April 23: The Irish Tradition, this
Washington, D.C.·based quartet plays jigs, reels ,
and songs from the Emerald Isle ; featuring
Brendan Mulvihill , Billy McComisky, Any O'Brien
and Mick Mal oney; 9 p.m., $4 , Gnu Deli.

Ocean Kayaking


Saturday, April 25 : Kenny Hall and Long Haul.
old·time fiddler and master mandolini st joins the
Long Haul band feat uri ng mandOlin, guitar and
bodhran ; ballads . cowboy songs, jigs, reels .
comi c vocals. foreign mus;'c and more; 8 p.m.,
$3, Applejam , YWCA, 220 E. Union, Olympia.

Ovulation Method of Birth Control
Tuesday, April 21 : Ovulation Method of Birth
Control class begins (continues on Tue. ; April 28
and Tue., May 26); 7-9 p.m.. Sponsored by The
Women's Clinic, taught by Mary Looker of
Thurston County Family Planning . Fertility
Awareness class: $5/whole series plus book :
$15. Info: x6238.

Original Music by Judy Fjell
Friday. April 25 : Judy Fjell , ori ginal music
about family ties, friendships , loves, feminist
politiCS and mountain homes ; 9 p.m.. $2, Gnu
Del l.

Bicycle Maintenance

String Festival

Thursday , April 23, 7 p.m. : Bicycle Maintenance Part I; Wheels , an int roductory session 01
REI's annual bike maintenan.ce series. Five other
classes lollow this one.

Thursday , Ap,,1 30 : All-ci ty String Festival at
Wash ington School, 7:30 p.m.



The Real Inspector Hound

Food on Your Mind?

April 16. t7. 18 : The Real Inspector Hound , a
play by Tom Stoppa rd ; 8 p . m., CAB 306

Wednesdays , April IS-May 27: Food on Your
Mind? a therapy support group lor persons concerned with their weight ; feelings, attitudes and
assumption s about overeating are discussed;
3-5 p.m" SEM 3153 , free; sponsored by the
Counseling Center.

April 29·30 . May t , 2. 3. Voices . a play about
tl1e li fes tyles and choices of fi ve women , 8 p.m.,
Experlmenlal Thea tre. 11110 : 866·6070.

Cherry Blossom Festival


April 17·19: Sixth Annual Seattle Cherry
Blossom and Japanese Cultural Festival at the
Seattle Center Flag Pavilion and the Opera
House. Arts, crafts , music and traditions of
Japan. Most events free.


" The Passage" featuring John Aikins plays on April 17th at 8 p.m. in the TESC
I{eci tal Hall . Admission is $200

L'Age o 'Or
Fri day . "pril 17 : L'Age O'Or, a look al our
SOCIety ""hlch cam ouflages cn mi nal hy p oc ri sy :

3.7 . 9:30. LH I. $1.25; also, Andy Warhol

The Grateful Dead Movie
Saturda y. Apri l 18: The Gratefut Dead Movie ,
d:rected by Jerry Garcia. proceeds go to The
Canyonlands Exp lorati ons trip , homemade
munch'es and drinks avaltable . 7.9 :30 and
f'1ldnig hl. LH I .

Mosaic and Molten Glass
EI Salvador Benefit
Wed . April 29 : Benefit for the People 01 EI
Salvador ; an educational slide-show presentation
at 6·7 p.m. followed,at 7:30 by The Wallflower
Order. a dynamic Women 's dance collective from
Eugene and Grupo Rai z, a Chilean group of musicians and singers ($3 .50) 2nd floor LIB : a dance
sponsored by MECHA follows the performance
($2 .50), LIB 4300. In fo : 866-6102 (Kat hie
McCarth YI.

Woman of the Dunes
ThurSday , Apri l 23' Woman of the Dunes . a
haunting allegory prob ing the meaning of existence and of Ireedom . winller of Ihe Special Ju ry
PriZE al the Can nes Film Feslival: 3. 7. 9 30.
LH 1 $125 .

Fantasy's Child
Thursday. April 3D·Saturday, May 2: Fantasy's
Child . al The Bay St reet Bowery . Sinclair tnlet, .
521 Bay . Port Orchard .

Through April 20 ; Klaus Moje, mosaic glass
bowls made by.oJd Roman techniques ; Howard
Ben Tre', molten glass scu lpture; Leo Adams,
painli, 19S; Works on paper and labrie, Holly
Solomon Editions, ltd .. publisher; Foster/White
Gallery , 311 V, Occidental Ave . S. , Seattle; 105:30 , Mon .-Sat., t2-5 Su n.

Women's Health
Mondays, April 20 and 27 : Women's Health
and sexual lunctlon , a workshop on the relationship of digestion , pelviC health , eating, nutritional
status, etc., and sexual activity ; $20, 7: 30.
SISTER , 100 N.E . 56th Ave., Seattie.

10,000 Meter Run

Evergreen Student Exhibit
Through May 4'; Artwork submitted for Ever-

Wednesday. April 22, 5:30 p.m.: Women only
10,OO(kneter nun mostly on pavement, mostly
lIat. Meet at Dan Evans Library Plaza. Register
beginning at 5 p.m ., $1 .

green Student Exhibit accepted, scheduled to
show in Gallery 2, May 23-June 7. Pick up appli.
cation forms from Donna McMaster, LAB II 2264,
Robin Erhart , LIB 2115,. Diane Lutz, LAB 1, 3015,
Jurors for the show will be David Gallagher,
Maury Haseltine and Craig Hickman .

Thursday , April 23 : Nancy Bnubaker speaks
about est ; explore what est training is all about
and kill your curiosity; a good opportunity to
register for the train ing; free, 8 p.m., Olympia
Unity ChurCh, 1335 Fern St. S.W.; info, 491

The Last Picture Show
Su nday. April 26 : The Last Picture Show .
presen ted by the Olympia Film Society , Capitol
C,l y Si udios . 911 E. 4th, 7 and 9 p.m.; $2 .75/
non· members. $1.25/ members .

Freeway Jam
Thursday·Saturday , Apri l 16-18 : Freeway Jam
at Astair's, cover $3-$4. Next week: Jaugernaul.

Volume 9, No. 24

Thursday, April 30 , 7 p.m.: Ocean Kayaklng,
slide show by Les Nugent on kayaking in the
Alaskan seas. REI Co-op.

Kenny Hall and Long Haul



The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505

Living the Good Life
Salurday, April 18 : Graphic Design: Process
and Function opens in Gallery 2 of the Library .
The exhibit. organized by interns in the Evergreen
State Co llege Graphic Design Group with Senior
Des igner Brad Clem mons, includes work of
prom inen t designers and educators from across
the country . In addition to printed material, the
process of design . from the organization of
inform ation to typesett ing and photo-lithography ,
is exp lained .

Student Exhibit Deadline
May 4: Deadline for subm itting work for The
Evergreen Student Exhibit ; entry forms available
lrom Gallery 4 attendants, Donna McMaster
(Lab II, 2266), Pam Udovich (Lab I 2013) or Emily
Nel son (Com 301) .

Tuesdays , through April 21 , 7 p.m., Timberland
Li brary : "Living the Good Llle In Times 01 Scarcity," talks by UW professor emeritus Dr. Angelo
Pellegrini and Evergreen faculty Larry Eickstaedt.

Kenya Slide Show


April 2], 1981

Report Predicts Massive Spending

WPPSS Costs May Reach $200 Billion
by Andy M cCormi ck
If Senator King Lysen is right about the
cost of the WPPSS' nuclear power plants,
Washington ratepayers are up the Satsop
river without a paddle.
Lysen (D-Seattle) thinks WPPSS is a
" mistake and should be shut down ." Specifi cally, he recommends that construction on plants #4 and #5 be di scontinued
immedi ate ly, thu s sav ing taxpayers as
much as $85 billion over the nex t forty
The Seattle Senator's dire forecast for
the future of nu clear power in W as hington is found in a report entit led "The'
To tal Cost of WPPSS." The report, prepared by Lysen Staffer Jim Lazar, w as released to littl e media attention earlier thi s
month .
At a time when the Legislature is bu sy
sli cing pennies from the state budget,
Lysen's report points to some staggering
projec ted spending on the part of WPPSS .
The big increase in spend ing by WPPSS,
in turn, drastically affects consumer rates.
Accordi ng to the report, the $17 bi II ion
construction budget is o n Iy a small part
of the total cost of WPPSS-$200 billion.
This means that in order to pay for
WPPSS' nuclear pJants, a family' of four in
Washington State will have to shell out
$100,000 over a 35 year period " By 1988,
when all five nu clear power plants are
expec ted to be operating, WPPSS will add
over $150 a m onth to eac h customer's
bi ll ," the report stat es.
Lysen's figure o f $200 billion in total
cos ts f or the five WPPSS' plants, contrasts
of $110 billi o n. I ysen's report began with
a base of $17 bi lli o n (constru ct ion costs)
dnd t hen ca lculat ed the int erest o n
WPPSS' debt , opprat ing cos ts and cos t of
oecommission in g the pl ant s (approx.
$R6 bi llio n)
Sea ttle P-I co lu mnist Shelby Scates
quoted a WPPSS spokeswoman, Mic helle
Sdranov ich, a, sayin g that the difference
between the two estimates is due to differences on cos t esca lation ( like inflation )
over the nex t 35 years Lysen fold the CPJ
that he is sure of his figures, that they are
actually " very conservativ e," and that he
arrived at hi s cost esca lat ion figures by
studying documents related to WPPSS's
bond sa les.

The stated purpose of Lysen ', report is
to obtain a rough esti mate of the total
costs faced by ratepayers a5 a result of
the construction and operat ion of the
WPPSS power plants Lysen's report also
suggests that WPPSS , because of its access to more compl ete lo ng- term cos t
data, rev ise hi s study
WPPSS spokesman Jim Hu ghes sa id that
sin ce the report has on ly recently been
ava ilabl e, it is too soon to tell whether
WPPSS wi ll conduct such a study If the
state Se nate formally reques ted a stuo y
like Lysen's to be conducted , then one
would be carri ed out, Hughes sa id . " I
do n' t know if one study by one person o n
a senator's staff const itutes a formal reques t by the Senate," he said .
Hughes al so critici zed some of the findi ngs of Lysen's report. First, the $100,000
impact on average family is erroneous,
the WPPSS spokesman states. Lysen derives that figure by look ing solely at the
number of ratepayers in Washington state,
Hughes sa id, whereas the cost of the
pl ants wil l be divided by WPPSS among
res idents of Montana and Idaho. This " dilutes" cos t impact per family by as many
as 6 million people.
The other criti c ism Hughes levelled at
Lysen's report IS that it does not take into
account the revenue to be generat ec oy
operation of the plants
But Lysen, a supporter of WPPS S until
1978 w hen he saw what he de'>ulbed as
" a disas ter ahead, " beli eves that if the
WPPSS's plants are 10 generate reven ue
upon their complE'lion , then rates wi II
haw' to in crease evpn hi~h e r them
planned WPPSS w ill be totally COITlmitted to nu clear power and will have to
encourage it s use as w idely as possi bl e,"
he sa id . The affec t of thi s poli cy wi ll drive
rates up beca use alternative energy
sources and conse rva tio n w ill no t have
been ex plored by WPPSS.
Hughes says that the whole issue of
WPPSS and nuclear power boil'> down to
how much elec tri c ity wi ll be required in
the future. As to cost , "A ll indicators are
'that nuclea r pow er wil l be more than
competitive in the years to come." Besides, Hughes sa id, who can predi c t what
sa lari es will be like in the yea r 2(XX), how


mu ch gas and oil will cost, and the leve l
to whICh hydro-electri city rates wi ll have
ri sen.
How mu ch elec tricity rates will rise dppends in p art on how long the WPPSS
nucl ear plants are fun cti onal. WPPSS ca lcul ates t ha t eac h plant w ill have a 31 yea r
life span , but Senator Lysen caution,
against thi s estimati o n. "No commercial
nuc lpiH rower plant in thi s coun fry hels
ever operated for mort' thiln 21 yt-'<lr'i, <I nri
many have bef'n taken pe rnldnent ly Imll1

Wednesday , April 29, 7 p.m.: Dr. S. O. Solland
an anlhropologist from Shoreline Community
College will be at Evergreen in L.H. 5 to present
her slides of Kenya . She will be leading a 15credit study- tour to Kenya this summer.

TueSday, May 24: Health Services and the
Women's Clinic offers Iree blood pressure
checks , PAP smears ($6) , Hematocrlts (sot; lor
anemia), Urine check (sot; for diabetes and
kidney functions). Must make an appointment for
PAP smear ; other tests on drop-in service.

by Don ci DeLlibe
O nce the sub jPc! o f heated deba tf', the
Idea of ex panding the TES( wompn's
lockf' r room in order to romp lv with Ff'd·'
erill Law seems to have bet:'n pushpd aside
aga in The leg islature, though st ill in session 15 not expected to come up with the
fund s for renova ti on .
The recreation center at I:vergree n was
built in 1973. It is mode led upo n the
sports center at the University of WashIngton . Like the UW center, men 's and'

TESC Vetoes Semester System

"Most every household need and books too!"
The Evergreen State College Bookstore

866-6216Monday-Friday 8: 00-4: 30

Evergreen State Coll ege's academi c calendar won't be different than that used by five of the six state four-year coll eges
and universities. It will remain on the quarter system .
" As far as I ca n see, the issue (of switching to the early
sem ester system) is dead ," Byron Youtz , Vi ce-Pres ident and
Provost, sa id following the faculty vote April 8 to no t conti nue
study of the se mester system proposal.
Youtz had proposed that the faculty take a preliminary look
at the DTF and deve lop program plans for both qu arter and
semester systems which could be further evaluated in an allca mpus meeting. The facu lty defeated that notion in its vote o f
27 to 16 with a dozen abstentions
" The doubl e curriculum planning would have been a very
heavy workload for the faculty to d~al with in suc h a short
amount of time," Walker Allen , Registrar, said to explain the
faculty rejection of Youtz' plan . " Resistance to change is very
strong, you know."
Allen and Ron Woodbury, faculty members, participated in
the statewide semester calendar committee which had representatives from each of Washington's four-year institutions. The
committee studied the feasibility of switching to the semester
system. " There's not much interest from the other colleges to
switch," said Woodbury .
Woodbury cited several reasons why the switch would not
appeal to faculty and students at TESC. " I can always haul out
the old 'students don't like it' argument, but it's hard to get a
true picture of what students think. Personally, the semester
system ci~sn.:t appeal to me because I would have to come on

t;o.;( ;'1'11;0.;, I U :.


serv ice after shorter periods," t he report
states. " Thi s tends to in crease t he number
of kilo-watt hours eac h plant IS assumed
to produc e, thu s redUCing unit amortlza·
tion (p ay ing o ff the debt ) ilnd dpcolllmi,·
'i ianing costs "
WPPSS spokesman Hugh", d ispu tps
I hp,>p findings . He 'i,lvs the nf'W gf'neratlon
()f technology is m ore advanct:'d thel n Ihp
" lei Itl't like in (" " '. Hu ghe'i s,\id . Ih h
VI 'dr' III cxlI' I is hound to bt' be l tPr Ihan
,' ()Il l illut:'ci on i),lg P q

Sauna Project Cooled Again

, Blood Pressure Checks

by Philip L. Watness

Stop at the Bookstore.

L 23356S59 H

campu s too early, certainly before Labor Day, to prepare for
·the semester. "
" There are two interesting things I learned in talking with
students about the switch:' sai d Walker Allen . " They sa id the
semes ter system would redu ce the options for study avai lable
and students are o bvi o u sly grateful for the second chance to
bailout honorably."
The latter statement points o ut o ne of the strong arguments
used to support the sem ester swi tch : retention . " The retention
problem is damaging the educational process," sa id Allen . " We
have to stack the deck heavil y in the filii and winter to absorb
the eas ing off in the spr·ing ."
"Som e of us got to wondering if we went on to ea rly semester
system, then there may be less reason to drop ou t Spring
quarter ," said Youtz.
Other arguments were that the semester system would allow
more time for actual t eac hing, reduce seminar sizes during the
fall , improve the year-long programs, redu ce the registrar's
worklQad by one-third and make for more coherent curriculum
·planning. Arguments against the switch included: student
resi stance, more difficulty in planning for a course, (especially
a coordinated studies) and obvious difficulties with course
" When we got right down to it, for every good reason for
shifting, others could come up with equally good reasons not
to, " Youtz stated.
Perhaps the most compelling argument is Woodbury's : " I
think that Evergreen has enough problems being different. if
we switched. we'd stick out like a sore thumb . It would almost
seem that Evergreen had a compulsion to be different. We
would be going out of our way to be different just when we're
getting accepted by the rest of the state."

wonll 'n ', t,l( ill tIPS at I::vergrpt' n WPIP elf''IgllPd 0 11 th f' " 70- \0 " p lan, w hi ch ,1, ·
SlI I11e' that 71l per «'l1t of thosp u"ng t he
('['ntt'r wtll be m en <md 30 ppr (p nl woII1PI1 . Thi s was donp In spite o f Tit l IX ot.
tht· Federal ldll cat ion Ame ndments.
passed in 1972, whi ch m andat es equal
benefit s for both I11en and wome n II I il nv
educa t ion progr,lm rece iVin g fed erill
tunding .
Les Fldridge, Vice PrE's ident and lE'gl slative lobby ist for Evergreen to ld the ( PI
that the chances o f the coll ege gett ing
iunding for the rec center t hi s yea r arp
slim. " It would be cl mira c le, bu t mlr~clE'S
do happpn," h(' sa id
Th e monE'Y to r(,novate the wOl11an 's
locker rool11 and in crease the size o f the
saun a is part of a fu ndin g pa ckage t he
coll ege is seeki ng to fin ance a new gYIll~
nasiul11 The m o ney woul d be rai sed
through a publ ic bond issue. Accordlllg to
t Idridge, approva l of a bond sa le bl thp
leg islature is un llkE' l\! thi s se'>s io n.
At the present time, Eldridge ,aid , tl1~'
co ll ege hopes to convin ce the State '
House to appropr iate $270,()(X) from gt'n·
eral revenu es to pav for a stu dv of the
gYl11nasiul11 project. I f t he Hou se doesn t
inclu'd e fu ndin g for the study in its vers io n
o f thp budget, Eldridge noted. then
the issue woul d be dead until the next
sess io n, since neither the Governor's or
t he Senate's vers io n of the budget prov id e money for the study.
"We' ll know, probJbly by the end of
t he week," he sa id, " w hat the House' is
goin g to do on t hi s'"
One proposed alternative to expanding
the women's facilities, is to swit ch locker
rooms over the summer, giving eac h sex
the larger facilities for one year. Opponents of the " switch" idea are worried that
this stopgap method for solving a legi timate problem would hurt the school's
chances of gaining funding for the new
Peter Steilberg, Director of Recreation ,
agrees. " I don't want a switc h, I want

continued on page 2




Sperm .YJhales

bv Phd I: ve rllllg
I he sperm wha le, perhap, the most
formiciable Wilrlll blooded creature to ever
e\ iq upon till' planet , fa ces almost certilill ex t im tioll if RUSSian and Japanese
wl'il lt ers cOllt illu e their indiscr imin ate
hunt111g prdct ices
The alln u,ti rdtp oi 'Pprm whale killing
h", increased dramatl call v 111 recen t yea rs.
SII1l'e thE' blu e wha le and the humpback
",hal e I\ere declared commerciilily extin ct
and pld ced on a protecteci li st '15 yea"
" >.;0 . tl lc w hal ing Indu stry h ~s adopted tile
' Ill'rm 1\ hil le as a favorite targe t
I h(' most co mmercially at tract ive attribut,· ot thL' sperm whalp i, ih milSS lVP
' l fC A lth ough hu gp at sixty fee t long and
,, \ tv tOil S, t hp spprnl whalt· is dwarfed by
I" g,l r g il ll tl1~ 11 cous in , the blul> w hale. A t
Ollt' hU ll orl'c\ feet long and DIW hundred

with Extinction

and thirty tons, this creature's immense
si7e pa rned it the dubi ous di stincti on of
being the most hunted wha le of the first
half of thi s (entury . The blue whale popu lat Ion ha, bpe n irreparably damaged .
At cordin g to the Greenpeace Foundation, the sperm whal e may suffer the
same fatp as the blue wha le is immediate
and fOf( eful action is not taken to stop,
or at tIll' very least, curtail the number of
sperm whales taken by the wha ling ships.
A lt hou gh they were relatively numerou s
twpnty yea rs i:lgo, sperm wha les have now
bpc 0111P i:ln endangered spec ies.
In 1977, there we re 11 ,178 recorded
spprm w hdle ki llin gs . Thi s fi gu re has undoubt edly cli mbed within the last several
yea rs Til!' ori gin al sperm whale popul ation ha s bp('n nparly halvpd , With sevpntyfiv.. p('r C cnt rcductlon in the number of

The Game of Politics
' 1 dOll t 'f'P dl1y part icu lar need for a
lot oi rlc·ba tf' I don't t hink that 's neces,,1r\ b('torc pass ing il \redi , tri"cting) btl I. "
I hat (ommcnt comes from Republi c,1 1l
RC'prpsent at Ive Bob Eberle. Eberl e, who
Iwads tilE' reci lqr ict illg pffort being spea rheaded through the HOLl'ie , has come
under i lrp fro m Hou sf' democrats
Redi strICting, the proce" t hat wi ll
shape thp bou nd ari e5 of the state's legisl a
l ive dl'itricts for il t least the nex t. 10 years
I' ,1 ( omp lex and co ntrove rsia l concep t
that IS mi , understood by many.
It work> lik e t hi s: The Washington StatE'
lomtitut ion requires t he legislature to redIS trict , in other words, reset political
IIIW,> , in both the State House and Senate
alter every federal census . The census
tak es place every 10 yea rs.
The legl,>la ture has i:lccompli shed redistrict in g on its own on ly four times
since 1889 In 1972. after t he legislature
fail ed to adopt a plan , a federa l court
ordered a master redis tri cting plan into
There IS another word that enters the
politi cal proces, here: gerrymandering
Cerrymandering is w hen a political party
dra\v, the legislative boundaries for its
own politi cal gains . A ll t he poiitl ca l forces
In the state w ill be watching the coming
redi stricting plan thi s year to see if t hi s
tilkps pla ce

Iloh Morell i, f or m .. r Spf'akl'r o f t hf'
ed l forllia Aswm hl y, liJ lk s about gl'rrym,lIldering thl' way :
" TIl(' Icg islator w ill do whilt hp ha s to
to protect hims!"lf If t hat mpa ns taking
S"Illf' publ ic hf'a t ovpr a bl atant gerrymander, hl' will takp thp puhlic hea t ."
Tfw 191J1 red i,tricting comes wilh Republi cans in tota l comm and of t he Hill
Li ke· dll politi cal part ies, they want to
milkp sure they stay there a long time.
The Republ ica ns paid a Ca l ifornia computer firm, The Rose Inst itu te, $175,000 in
publi c fund s to red ist ri ct the state. Democrats charge that the plan will be unfair,
pointing oul that most of the cli ents of
the Rose Institute are Republi ca ns and
that the work they do is top sec ret.
Some time thi s week, that sec ret will
surface on the Hill III il plan of some
form . The Democrats have yet to see the
plan and they're fuming
" Red istri ct ing will absolutely epitomi ze
the Republica ns' blatilnt abuse of politica l power thi s sess ion, " says Jerry Hughes,
a Senate Demorrat from Spokane.
But Sen . l ack Metcalf, a conservative
RppubliCiIil from Whidbey Island , sees
things differently :
" I don' t think it wou ld be abu sive to
the (legis lat ive) process to unveil it (the
redistricting p lan) in the morning and pass
it to the floor and on to Rules in the afternoon ... I've seen a bill pass through the
system (House and Senate) in less than a
d ay "


males . Of all the spec ies of whales currently exploited for commercial profit, the
sperm wha le comprises ove r forty per ce nt
of the total kill.
Whaling ships from Japan and the
U .S.S .R. account for more than eight-five
per cent of the annual wha le kill . AIthoug~ both nations belong to the I nternational Whaling Commission (IWC),
Japan and Ru ss ia seem to ignore the recommend ations of thi s regulatory organi zat ion. The Scientific Commit tee of t he
IWC has suggested a complete halt to the
killing o f sperm whales, but Japan and
Russ ia have continued the ir hunt.
Th e prospec t of monetary ga in has apparently d iss uaded w haling coun tri es from
yie ldin g to the pressures appli ed by
Greenpeace and other environmenta l protection groups. The Russian s had annou nced thei r intentions to stop whaling
in 1':181. A press release from the Tass
news agency claimed that th ree large
factory ships wou ld be converted to fish
processing plants, and that on ly aboriginal
whaling by the native people of the Far
North regions would remain .

However, the U.s.S .R. reneged on this
promise when a high level source in Moscow denied the initial statement pertain ing to the hunting ban. To compound this
frustrating situation, Greenpeace discovered that a large oceanic area, which the
Russian s had designated as mari ne
mammal refuge, has also turned out to be
prime naval and 11:1iss le testing zones.
In the time of Herman M elville's Mob y
Dick , the awesome, toothed maw of the
mi ghty sperm whal e inspired fear in the
hearts of the superstitious wha lers, and all
but the most fearless among them avoided t he sper m ~ hal e Today's whalers ,
equipped with rada r, so nar, and state-ofthe-art harpoon cannon s, need not fear
the spe rm. wha le's great bulk, nor face its
fi ercc fury during the hunt. Tec hnology
hilS made the spe rm w hal e an easy prey
The Greenpeace Foundation is ca llin g
·upon th e IWC to pass a total moratorium
on the killing of sperm whales at its annual meeting in Jul y '81 . The O lymp ia
chapter of Greenpeace is located at the
Environmental Resource Center (ERC) here
on the Evergreen ca mpu s.

by Philip Watness
EYergreen may soon be faced with a
problem it is unaccustomed to: more persons may want to enroll here next fall
than the college budget can support.
"The deans are particularly sens itive to
matching the student population to the
resources of the faculty and to the design
of the programs," said Larry Stenberg, Enrollment Coordinator. "Because of the
complex and delicate funding base that
the college must function with , it's important that we protect 'against underenrollment and, for the first time in severa l
years, overenrollment."
College offic ials have developed a flexibl e enrollment policy to deal w ith the
problem of overenrollment. When 90-95%
of the total student population has been
admitted for fall quarter (expected before
mid-August), the remaining applicants will
be put on waiting lists. Priorities to fill the
final 5-10% will go to Third World individuals, older returning students and
direct entrants from southwest Washington high schools.
The priority policy follows the goals of
the co llege stated in its marketing plan:
"To establish, by 1985, an entering class
drawn from a variety of sources but balanced in such a way as to guarantee diversity in a student body ... " and "To
ach ieve proportionate or greater growth
of Third World and women students in
each of our marketing segments."
"We recognize that, with the kind of
educational programs at Evergreen, the
more diverse the representation of students, the better the prospect will be for
sp irited, exciting seminars and educational
dialogue, " Stenberg said to explain the
reasoni ng behind the priorities.
The demographic profile of the applicants admitted prior to the 90-95% cut- off will be revi ewed in mid-August to determine which targeted categories are

Midwives May Get New Status
hy Emily Brucker
Midwives in Washington state are a
step away from a change in status. House
bill 316 class ifi es midwives as " health care
providers," - alongs ide physician s, dentists
dnd other med ical professionals .
The present law is a 1917 statu ate
whi ch lega li zes the practi ce of midwif ery,
but forbid s the advertising of, or payment
for serv ices.
H B 316 would increase the present two
y(,M~ of Midwifery sc hoo l to three yea rs.
During training , the student midwife
wou ld undertake the ca re of 50 women
during the prenatal, in t rapartum (delivery )
dnd earl y postpar tum periods
.Af ter the required training , th e midwife
would be issued a permit to observe an
,"1ddit ioll al SO women in t he intrapartum
ppriod, at a hospital or alternative birth
'lp l


Robin Erhart, an unli ce nsed midwife in
Olympia, believes that wh il e the bill
would increase the requirements to become a midwife, once a person has been
li censed she would have more freedom to
practice than und er existin g laws .
According to Erhart, the bill at first met
w ith a fair amount of opposition by the
Washington M edi ca l Association, Nurses
Assoc iation and the M idwifery Council. .
John Yoc hin , a lobbyist for the bill sa id
th at 12 amendments were added to t he
bill in order to sat isfy the standards of the
groups .
Under the bi ll , the li censed midwife
wou ld be able to admini ste r drugs as prescr ibed by a physician and is required to
develop a w ritt en p lan for consultation
With other health ca re providers and for
emergency tran sfer of the mot her or the
infant if needed .

Sauna Project
continued from page ./

here at Evergreen wi ll just have to adjust
to saunai ng with their feet up on the walls
and their bac ks on the benches, to make
room for everyone.





1931 East 4th

It's worth the ride .Jcroa town!

1h1~~ 2 Cooper Point Journal


An initi ative currently in circul ation
wou ld require voter approval for the funding o f Washington Publi c Power Supply
Sys tem's (WPPSS) five nuclear plants.
The official ballot title reads "Shall
pub li c agencies obta in voter approval
prior to iss uin g bonds for the construction
or acqu isition of major publi c energy
Accord ing to Kei th Eisner, Thurston
County co-ordinator for the signature
drive, " If Initiative-394 is passed, it will
give voters the opportunity to vote on the
financing of public power projects. " The
initiative only pertains to public energy
projects that would be capable of generating electricity in an amount greater than
250 megawatts.
"1-394 mainly applies to nuclear plants
or major coal facilities, " said lohno
Stocks, SW regional coordinator for the
drive. There are no damable rivers left in
the state capable of generating 250 megawatts of electricity
It's uncertain what effect the initiative
will have on the five nuclear plants now
under construction . Stocks said it may
stop construction on 4 and 5, but he
thinks 1, 2, and 3 will probably not be
WPPSS is a consortium of state publi c
utilities organized in 1857. It has the
authority to construct/purchase and operate facil iti es for the generation of electric
WPPSS rai ses money for its projects by
sellin g tax exempt bonds. In a me moran-

dum to Washington State ratepayers, Senator KlIlg Lyse n (D-Sea ttl e) argued " Regard less o f whether the pl ants work part time or work poorl y, the debt w ill have to
be paid o ff through ratepayers' monthly
power bill s. The bond agreements state
th at ratepayers' monthly power bill s can
and wi 11 be ad ju sted to cover the cost of
the pl ants ."
" The five nuclear pl ants were expected
to cost $4. '1 b illi on," Lysen sa id, " but the
latest estimate is $19 billi on and still
ri sing."

Initi ative coordinator Johno Stocks sa id
'The thrust of 1-394 is not to shut the
11uclear plants down . If the public endorses all 5 nuclear plants , then they will
have to be built. But if the public decides
they don't need all five, they have the
option of keeping three, scraping two;
keeping two scraping three or w hatever."
The public relations office for WPPSS
declined to comment when asked what its
position is on 1-394.
Jim Boldt, lobbyist for The Washington
Public Utilities Department Association
(PUD) said, " PUD has no official position
on 1-394, but if we did take a stand we
would oppose it. " Boldt believes the
initiative is an attack on WPPSS. " If it
passes, I think it will close down all five
nuclear plants, " he said.
Supporters of 1-394 have periodically
been gathering signatures here at Evergreen . Emily Nelson,' TESC staff member,
has been helping on the signature drive.
" If anyone is interested in helping with
the campaign ," Nelson said, "get in touch
with me."

Earthfair Climaxes
on Saturday
by Roger Stritmatter
Mark Chambers has a cha llenge for you.
Chambers, one of the coordinators of this
week's TESC Earth Fair, wants to know if
anyone can talk to the staff of each and
every booth being set up by over a hundred groups on Red Square thi s Saturday.
With plans in motion for the booths
LInd literally dozens of other events, Earth
day planners are aiming for Sa turday to
'1e the climax of the week's program."They
expec t an attendance of 3-4()(X) persons,
many of them from the surrounding
I hurston County Community
Chambers doesn't think anyone ca n
natch his challenge. There's ju st too
lluch to do. Bes id es the opportunity to
our a veritable cornu copi a of boot hs,
,po1lsored by loca l po li tica l groups,
.piritual groups, and businesses; there is a
ull day of lect ures, workshops, i:lnd
·Iemonstrations . For those ex hausted by
the other events, and afternoon of mu sic
IS scheduled from 11 :00-5:00 behind the
I ibrary. The top band, Tropi cal Raillstorm,
hi ts the stage at 12:00 noon.
"For every hour of the day," Chambers
says, " there's at least five different events .. even I, who hate going to events,
would go to at least two of them. "
"Big names are leaping out all over the
place .. Micheal Fox, Gi l M cCoy, John
O lson, Jay Haney .. "
The biggest name of all is Joel Schatz,
founder and past director of the Oregon
Office of Energy Research and Planning
and member of the U.S . National Energy
Emergency Preparedness Committee.
Schatz lectures at 1:00 p .m. Saturday in
Lecture hall 1 on The Economics. of Optimism (second challenge: find that combination of words in the same sentence
anywhere else in the United States) .
Over 100 loca l groups. will hawk their
ideas and hardware at the booth city on
Reel ~quare Saturday starting at 10:00 a.m.
The Whale Museum, the State Department of Ecology, Puget Sound Conversion

I'roject, Raintree Nursery, Blue Heron
Bak ery, South Puget Sound Sol ar Associ,ilion, Transcendental Meditation and
Jehovah's witnesses will all be there .
Rolla Mickinley Will be servlllg pretze ls
and sa lad . Fred T usa will set up hi s
Umbra cone . And the Gravity center will
iurn you upside down (Iiterallyl) with t he
Iplights of Zero-G .
In addition to Schatz lec ture, the folow in g presentations highlight the day :
I nergy Efficient Home Constru ct ion , with
1,1Y Hilney (10:00 a.m., LH 2) ; App ropnate
I p(, hnology in thc Industri al Age Wit h
I()hn O lson (1000 a.lll. , LH 5); Natural
( hildbirth , with Rob in Erhart and Debb ie
: ut z ('10:00 am , Lib. 2116); New Age PolIii, s with Dr. Davirl Clark (1 1 00 <l .m . LH
II; Moral b,ue, of Enprgy, With Dr
'vlic hea l Fox (1 '\ 00 a m , LH 2); Health
I fleets of t he Nu clpdr Fuel Cyc le, "ith Dr .
lohn Morris and Jim Thoma, (noo1l . LH 2).
.( ash for Trash," a musical re vuE' " t ill ed
Wi th energy and recy cling facts tor everv(J IlC :, " designed by the Washin gton Dept
of I:cology and TESC Interns (noon, LH 4),
1riln sportation and Energy , w ith Dr Rbbb
Knapp (2 :00 p.m ., LH 2); Twenty Yea rs
Later, w ith Dr. Claudia Ca rr, (300 pm ,
I. H 3); and Energy Legis lation w it h Fred
Ada ir and Petp Swenson (400 pm ., LH 5).

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lacking in representation. Only the students in those under-represented categories will be accepted to meet the marketing goals.
I f SOrTie categories are sti II not adequately filled by the end of th.e summer,
the college will admit the students off of
the waiting li sts in a first-come; firstserved manner.
The forecast for enrollment for the fall
is unpredictable because both the increase in tuition and the possible cut-back
in federal grants and other assistance may
adversely affect Evergreen's application
pool. On the other hand, the fact that
three of the state's four-year colleges have
decided not to accept applications from
high sc hool students may mean more high
schoo l seniors will apply to Evergreen.
The forecast for Third World and older,
mid-career entrants is even more in question .
" We just don't know how the variab les
may inflate our applicant pool ," said Stenberg. "What's going to happen to the
BEOG program is in question . We're hopeful that the new administration will soften
its stand on cutbacks ." Less federal assistance to students would probably mean
that fewer Third World persons could
afford college education, though the cutbacks would also affect enrollment in
other categories.
"The institution looks like it may be
faced with a nice problem: more students
than programs," said Stenberg. What this
means to cu rrent students is that they
should review program offerings now and
register early to insure a place in the program of their choice. The coll ege expects
more applica nts than it can handle, meaning more competition for popular programs. Stenberg sug'gests that students see
the catalogl.le, talk with an advisor and
take advantage of ea rly enrollment. Otherwise, next fall , they may find that entering
students have beaten them to it.

Initiative 394
Gives Power to the Ratepayers
by Deni se Pau lsen

money spent to equali ze the fa cilities.
There's got to be some money somewhere," he sa id .
Another alternative wou ld be to install
the whirlpool now kept in storage, into
the women's locker room . Combined with
the "switch" option, it is a possible, but
temporary answer to the problem. Insta lling the whirlpool would be considerably less expensive than renovating the
women's sauna, which is about half the
size of the men's .
Steilberg, who worked at the UW before coming to Evergreen, explained the
logic of the " 70-30" idea. " When the recreation center was first designed , we
cou ldn' t even get women to use the facilities [at the UWJ. The design was appropri ate then," he said.
The group which has the authority to
make the "switch" of locker rooms consists of Steilberg" David Wall bam, of fac il ities, Ri chard Schwartz, Vice Presid ent for
Bu siness, and the S&A Board members.
At present there are no plans to resolve the problem. But, as Stei lberg put
it, " There's always a chance that fundin g
will come through ." Until it does women

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Apri l 23, 1981
April 23, 1981

Cooper Point Journal page 3


. · plnlon


. .


Now whachagonna do? You~re cOmpet- chance to participate in the program ~
ing with a department full of people who wanted.
Dear Doug: re your ,a rticle "Is Evergreen are very ~perienced ata game you've
Then there is the small matter of the
Selling out?'! -you may be'right. Perhaps almost forgotten how: to play, ;A.nd then
Advanced';-est for the GRE's. I know more
there is some conspiratorial segment of . . you begin
wonder, "would I have been than one person who haS had to put aside
the student population that k~ edging better off spending the time in a straight
a great deal of time to study for the
Evergreen and itS unique equcational .
school with itsnovitiates'prograrr in
stupid things because theyhadn't been
offerings toward the ,brink ofmedicicrity. . specializatiOl'l?"cOh sur~,thereare all .
. forced to "memorize a vast amount of
HoweVer,there is another.side of the
- those nifty skills and ne(l.. ideaS you
. meaningless data."
stOry which youhaveovetlooke<t Why
picked up her.e .But just try_lIs_iog tbemFlnal!y,if you'r~ planning on leaving
outside of Evergreen. I once mentioned
'the "country club green~"for a taste of
would students even dream of "unknowingly se\lingoutEvergreen's cOl1lmitment the name"Foucalt" -to a profeSsor in a
the "real world," I.don't eVen have to
to interdisciplinary education? Even if .. . graduate philosophy department, only to
spell out to you the reception you've got
· mi~takenly? You named three "factors" by be immediately chastised with "if we do
coming to you upon rec.eipt of the almost
economically worthless piece of paper
· wh.ch students have been contributing to our job here, you'll never think of that
fvergreen's demise; but thOse look more
stuff (I.e., Continental philosophy in the
called your BA After you deal With queslike symptOms to me:
20th century) again."
tions of "evaluation? What's an evalua"Students are looking for more one
I'm not going to quarrel with you here
tion?", you'll discover that four years of
. quarter [less thematic] programs . This--'
about your questionable generalizations
college gets you two in on the job exconcerning the competence of faculty
may .have something to do with little insight into the value of longer, thematic
over students in designing curriculum, but
Now you've already made up some
programs. For the same reason, there
I'dlike·to point out that often times, prt>. schpeal to give the Personnel Director in
· seems to be a trend to hopping about
grams that are of interest to students and defense of "Evergreen's commitment," but
from progra,m to program on a quarterly
that could be taught in an interdisciplinwoe be it to you if you're place of embasis before any semblance of a theme
ary fashion, are not taught simply because ployrrient happens to be in Washington
can be developed ... The third factor which there are no faculty on campus who are
state (unless, of course, you end up workneeds to be addressed is the trend to opt
interested in teaching that subject-take
ing for Evergreen). Even your peers will be
for individual or cluster contracts when
journalism for example. There isn't a
eyeballing you, as if you were their badly
there are interdisciplinary programs avail- teacher anywhere who won't opt for teach- ;pent tax dollars made incarnate.
able to meet student needs."
ing what they want to teach or what
So here comes a string of maybe's.
. What I'd like to do here is to offer a
they're doing research on the moment. As Maybe I should have developed a "trend"
few factors OTmY own to accoont fOfthe d result;-stuaentschoose to design an ' -- -olnopPlilgaoouttrom program to pr6apparent malcontent in the trends you've individual contract which meets their
gram. Maybe I did "opt for individual or
IIlterest and needs.
cluster contrac~" much to the chagrin of
If you leave Evergreen with your fine
Now you can talk about the "Druthers
faculty with under-enrolled group coninterdisciplinary degree in pursuit of
Board" and stl,ldent suggestions for future tracts. Maybe I just saw the necessity of
academe, you will, more likely than not,
curriculum. But with the two year wait
skipping some of the "human&ties" for the
enter the same «Iucationa·1 circus that
between the time the student suggests a
"core-stuff" that-gets' you admission to die
you have been spared these last four
program and the time the program gets
next level of academic specialization.
years-rthe world of "large lecture hall(s) . off the ground (if ever) the students are
These-are some of the factors that are
and tenured old coots' doing research." .
often up and graduated, and never get a
possibly leading to the downfall of Everby Kathy Connor

Put ·the Brakes
. on · WPPSS~~
By anyone's yardstick, $200 billion is a
lot of money. Such a sum could be used
to pav oli the total Federal deficit for the
last rivE' years , or to fund the Washington
St,ltt' government for the next 15 years, or
to P,l\· the opE'rating E'xpenses of the Ever<.:r"l'11 Slate College ·until sometime around
Ih,· \ t',l r 6,llOO A.D.
.\, lording to a report on the WashingIl'11 Pu bli c Pu\\er Suppl y System recE'ntlv
rd e,bed bv State Senator King Lysen's
01 :11p i>..'LlO billion doll"r' is the total
.1m.lunl 11E'('dl'c1 b\' VVPPSS to fmanrE',
' (H>-t ruct . opt'r,lt e ,md decommi <;<; lon fivt'
Il l " Iv,lr powpr pl.ln l'
II is .1 figure' E'\ipry
r.1I " I'.1\ l'r should ~1l0W bv he,trt , berauw
Ih,·,\ \\rli bt' p,wing It and pav in g il In full
0\ ('I til<' 1ll'\1 .is "eelr,.
:--;(It th,lt you have to trust Se n. Lyse n .
INPpS'> , own figure for the total cos t of
tll f' II \( ' pl ,lIlts i, a more ron>;ervative
~1111 hrl li o n, Ihl rdl y much of an improveIllP Il I

In nlaill !::nglish, (A la nguage whi ch
WPPS"> l',e lliIIVE'~ a-hd their supporters in
th e' 'lalE' 1,'gl<; lature>;eem to want to avoid
If ,1t .1 11 po,sible) the State of Washington
i, be' in g 1ll0rtgagE'd to the hilt to pay for
Ii v.- poativ planned, ' incompetantly mandgeci .1 11(; environmentally risky power
SOllr< p, nu clear white elephants that will
I lll P ~ur thf' E'(onomic health of the state
lorn the :11,1 century and beyond .
I hl' ironv o t' the situatiori lies in thE'
i,l·~ t that while multi-billion dollar cost
0\ ~rrun s Jre being bandied about in thE'
WI 'PS" boa rdroom , foreca~ts for future
pOI er neE'ds In th(' Northwest are ·being .'
rewed downward , raising the possibility

that :he plants will not be nearly as essential to meeting those needs as WPPSS
Whether or not the plants will ever be
finished remains an unanswered question.
Scheduled completion dates for all five of
the proiects continue to move backwards,
so that the plants are now further from
producing a watt of electricity than they
were two years ago. Indeed, the Nucl ear
Reguliltory Commission (NRC), which is
res ponsible for licensing nuclear plants,
hi\'; ·informed WPPSS that approval for
Pro jl'r t #2, the most advanced of the
pl ants with 85 per ce nt of construction
completed, may not be forthcoming due
to >;dfety problems with the plant's reactor
shif'ld wa ll.
On the balance, it is dear that somethmg must be done to make WPPSS more
accountabl e for th e massive amounts of
money it is spending on behalf of Washington State ratepayers. Since the legislature ha<; proved entirely lacking in guts
when it comes to protecting the economir
interests of the voters, the vo'ters mustdo it themselves.
. For thi <; reason, we strongly endorse
Initiative #394, a measure making WPPS5
expenditures subject to voter approval.
Petitions to place. the initiative on the
November ballot are circulating now. WE'
urge you to sign these petitions and to
help with the campaign in any way you
can .
If you need a good, strong reason to get
politically involved, go back and reread
the first paragraph. Any way you look at
it, $200 biHion is.a lot of money, especiall~
when it's your money.

A View from the Dome
less cashier had to.go to the trouble of
counting all to appease Senator Jack.
Naturally, the stunt earned the crusading
constitutionalist some free publicity.
But given Metcalf's hard line on inflation and the constitution,. how waS it that
the Senator found it conscionable to vote
in favor of usury bills which are clearly
inflationary? It was a toughie. Finally,
Metcalf went along with the rest of his
party in voting for the legislation, but he
wanted the Senate to know that he
thought the whole thing went against the
constitution. Government causes inflation
says Metcalf, that simple;
One Senate Democrat wasn't buying
Metcalf's line. War, as in the Vietnam
war, is the cause of our inflationary woes.
Unfortunately, the Republicans were
moving so fast to get the usury bills
through that good fellow's name escaped
our fearless correspondents.
Representative Georgette Valle knows
by ( PJ Legis,lature Staff
that stopping war stops inflation as well.
To this noble end, she has introduced a
Piety , thy name is not Moral Majority.
resolution requesting that the federal govOn Good Friday, that most sacred Chrisernment establish a National Academy of
tian Holy Day, said organization was open
Peace and Conflict Resolution. Valle
for business . Nine to five fOF Jesus. And it
thinks that with all the money we spend
( ouldo't be that MM forgot what day it
. on bullets, and guns, we might as
well throw some spare change into learnwas : the gospel muzak blaring from a
loudsrieaker on Easter Island in Capitol
ing how to get along with other peoples
of the world. .
Lake surely must have been heard by
Once it starts sinking in how much this
Farris and company in their nearby Legion
Way office.
GOP dominated legislative session has
promoted (in Jim McDermott's words)
Callous indifference to the working
people of America department: Senator
"co(porate welfare," to the neglect of edJack Metcalf (R-Snohomish County) beucation, human services, and the environment, people may well start taking to
lieves that inflation is unconstitutional. If
drink, ·If they do, they'll find that the
one reads the constitution closely, says
Metcalf, one will find that strict provisos
Republicans haven't entirely forgotten
them, Governor Spellman has just signed
exist against the government's printing
"paper" money. To prove his point Meta measure which allows you to take home
C<llt demanded that his recent paycheck
that unfinished bottle of wine froni the
bt> paid in Susan B. Anthony coins. S0merestaurant as long as it is corked. Here's
looking at you, John.
thing like 350 of them. WhicH some luck~l.,ge 4 Cooper Point Journal April 23, 1981

Point ·


Editors Note
Due to space limItations we request that
letters to the editor be no longer than one
page, typed double space. If you wish
your letter to appea; in the Cooper Point
Journal, the deadline is Monday at 12


Kenn Goldman
Associate Editors ... .Emily Brucker ..
Dimise Paulsen '
Bill Montague
Andy McCormick
PhiliP Watness
Andrew Derby
ROger Stritmatter
Dona Delube
. Jessica Treat
Brjan Woodwick
Phil Everling
Kathy Connor


Production Manager

Susanne Lakin
Brendan Potash
Shirley Greene
Jennifer Knauth Busi"", Manaaer
Karen Berryman
Denise Paulsen
Jim Gibson
Randy Hunting Advertising-Manaier
Brendan Potash

Dear Editor, .
Concerning the political power of the
indiVidual-Many of us seem concerned
about a lot of different political issues.
Some are local concerns, ie. bicycle safety, others are more removed, such as the .
EI Salvador crisis. I fear that though many
of us have such concerns, very few of us
act upon them.
In every issue we do have political
power as individuals. This power lies in
writing to our representatives,or in sup. pplting the organizations of our interests.
These are effective.
. ---- Please letVour thoughts be known to
those who have the real power-.

.he COoper Point Journal 'Is published weekly
or thit st\ldents, faculty and staff orTha EIlIiI'St,te College. Views expres8edar:e nOt
necessarily those of the COllege .or of ·the
ournal's .staff. Advertising material contained
herein does not Imply endorsement by this
newspaper. Offices are located In the COli
Activities Building, CAB 104. Phone: ae&'8213.
All · letters to the editor. announcements, and
arts and events Items must be received by noon
Tuesday for that week's publication. All articles
are due by 5 p.m. Friday for publication the
following week·. All contributions must be
signed, typed, double-spaced and of raasonable
length. Names will be withheld on request.
The editors reserve the right to reject material
and to edit any oontrlbutlons for length, content . and st Ie.

Tom Armington


To 81-82 Graduates:
The current graduation planning com. mittee began its work last November. Un- .
fortunately, despite our relatively early
start, we find ourselv~ ina time crunch .
We are still in the process of choosing
faculty, staff, ilrid student speakers. We
are still working on the graduation programs (which cannot be printed until the
speakers ·are chosen).
We would 1ike to sugges-t that next
year's graduat~ begin their planning how.
The idea is not' outrageous as it seems.
If the outside speaker)s not chosen before December, the chances of getting a
good one are poor. (We were luch that
Jolene Unsoold was available at. this late
'date.) As co-chairpeople of this year's
~ommittee, we would be happy to help
next year's group begin their work. If you
. are interested, please feel free to contact
Stephen Charak .
943-1372 or 866-6180


and other students, to discuss ways in
\<yith. For many reasons, the play was not
Addr~sed to my faculty, friends, and
which the quality of theatre at Evergreen
enjoyable to me personally.
can be improved; write me, and we can
However, I don't believe Derby should
Back in February, I submitted artwork
arrange an open meeting with them .
, be allowed to express his opinion anyto the Evergreen Album Pr()ject. I was in
If you don't believe they don't know
turn informed that a selection committee . more than Guttman should be allowed to
there's a problem, or that 'they don't care,
express his. I applaud your criticism of
had chosen one of my works to adorn the
you are wrong l But no one listens to
Guttman. Imagine the affrontery 'of the
front cover of the album,'Of course, I felt
meaningless rhetoric; they will listen to
performquite honored arid communicated my
. Linsigned· letternhat beg the quesance.
good fortune to many of my fellow artists
tion, that are. filled with innuendo, half
friends, aildfamily. .
' about theatre? And then he had the rierve
truths, unsupPorted absolutes, vague refNow I must inf6rm the same of the un~ . to sign his name lathe fetter to the .
erences to incompetence, and that offer
fortunate circumstances that have since
. transpired. The producer and co-producers Republican?
I think you' are absolutely correct in
of the album, I.e .. .. tlie selection commityour objective, PQint-by-point argument
tee, have changed their minds concerning
that "most" of the "Faculty should take a
my artwork and decided to reject it in
permanent leave of absence." Let's get rid
favor of the work of someone else. So, to
of know nothings like Ruth Palmerlee,
my chagrin, I must quell the expecMtions
Don Chan, Ainara Wilder., eter Waldren,
that I aroused among my f~mily and
Meg Hunter, Richard Nesbitt, et al. That
peers. I wish for everyone to know that
way, you and I can run the theatre demy absence from the cover is because of
partment exactly the way we want it. I
vague reasons beyond my control or
mean, with ourvast knowledge of
theatre . . well , maybe we can find a
I also desire to warn other artists of the
book. Experience isn't everything.
ingratitude frequently enc04ntered when
I think you hit the riail on t.he head
dealing with amateur publications My
when you [mooed that WE are more
artwork was returned to mein a dishev"t,dented and ambitious" then THEY are.
eled condition . Nine of 'the fifteen photoAfter all, what could THEY possibly know
graphs I submitted were returned piled on
that WE don't? Let's refuse to sit down
top of each other in a plastic trash bag!
and-discuss -both sides of the problem
This is definitely not the waylllWnlcl1T
with Dean Smith, members of the faculty,
presented them.
and other students. I mean, what could
I find it iwni c that this .. hole situation
WE have in common witl} THEM? I hope "
has left me disgusted when, in the beginthi s letter sou[lds as asinine to you , as
ning, I was elated by what seemed to be
yours did to me.
good intentions .
I've no idea how this WE against THEY
crap got started, but I think it's time to
end it. If you truly feel disgusted with the
Steven Everett Chirgwin
Over the n<eltt fl~ ye~rs . !tM! reder,,1 Govem~r pl.tns the""gel military ~ildup In our (ooncry'!o history. Wt!; w;1I
theatre program, then why not do some~ o~t one uilllon dollar!> fo, (he mllll.. ry and Incre"se
pur stockpile of 30.000 nucle.u warheclds by anothe'r Q
thing constructive to change it? In ' your
New m l sSlI ~ syst~s 'tNIth " fif'5t · st~f!'··· c"'Pt'biUty may ~uc.e
unsigned letter you made no recommenthe U.S. or me U.S.S.R. to r1\k n uc~c\ r war, ~11e""ng
.hey '-"'" win.
dation for improving the quality of theatre
In hundr~s of cOfnmunlnes around the- MUon. nuclear
WINPOns "re Je}C'arched. ri1.'I"uf",rul1!'d. tr"n~nH1 . resled .
Dear Disgusting Ex-Theatre Student,
at Evergreen.
Of stOCkpiled at f"dll~s ~ by,me Dep.lrtment 01
In reference to ,you reply toMr. 'GuttRather, you c!Jose to chastise someone
~rsY or me- Dep.t~t of ~~. Inw~a5oeC'l productio n
of pfulonlum, other rMtloac.ttve materials dIld nuckMr WAstes
man's reSP(;mse to Mr. Derby's review of
who happens' to share a different point of
etaLlres ~ ~~te thrNt to public. Millth and SAfe-ty.
Mltl~ eJlpAn"'o n' ¥lim rrqul~ "",-,ncial <"Ind ·.,umtU, rrsources
Hedda Gabler: I agree with you . Mr. .
view (I al'5o disagree with Guttman). But
c.uq hlJhef inn.tton. ~ tabs ..td funher tncIusrMI
Derby's personal attack on Linda Mathews at least he had the balls to sign his letter.
. d«1Ine. PoWbte cu.", In food ~"'"P Pmgr.vns.. ~I servk:es
and •. pertv,ps.. sod&J sec.Uf!'Y beneftt5 10 fund this military
and David Logan was "quite refreshing~ "
To put his name on the line. If you are a
. ~sIonIsm only further undermine our counny', sniongrh.
'1,'ls rime to wY "enouSh Is tnouIh:;'TM ~lat Konomk
Fortunately, I w~sone . of the actprs whose theatre student, ·an ex-theatre student, or
and eno.4ionment.il COSh of.P~8 fof nude.Jr w.'U .
performance Deroy .considered merely '
simply, one who loves theatre; and you
repreten! Po.ICY-~ ·loI\e mAd..I.t is up to us to
pres £or some ~ ~ fu~ is In oor Nnds.
"pathetic" A d~cript\~ that I must agree arewiUing to .:meet with faculty, 'deans,






. ' .



green. The "trends" yOu named look less
like a conspiracy toward mediocrity to me
and more like the mass effect of an inevitable personal dilemma which gets far
.too little air-play.
.'--So I say to myself "ok, the option is
worth it, whatever the cost, whatever is
expected or demanded of me outside
Evergreen. I want to approximate the
ideals of the Renaissance wolman in the
twentieth century." But I'm afraid that in
this instance, the potential "long run"
pay-off is a long, possibly ·too long, ways
away. Which brings us to the real testing
grounds-"Can I hold ou!?" What of this
ambition will be left in ten years and will
I regret, or be thankful for it then?"
After this tirade .i t may seem peculiar
of me to add that I don't want to see
Evergreen lose its commitment to interdisciplinary education. I ~ant it to be
here for my childrren. The only qualification I have is that Evergreen's goals would
'are better if we could maintain a higher
:evel of "self-understanding" with regard
(Q the contradictions inherent in, and the
Jelicate balance needed to preserve, Everc:reen as a unique educational option in
[lilis society.
Kathy Connor is an Evergreen graduate

FORUM is a public opinion column The
articles have been submitted by our
(eadets . If you have an issue you would
like to discuss, submit your article to
rORUM c/ o the Editor, CPI. We reserve
the right to edit.

NOTHING in the way of constructive criticism; accomplish absolutely NOTHING .
And so Mr. or Ms . "Disgusted"; either
take off your mask and stand up with the
rest of us, or take it, along with your
stupid rhetoric, and stick both in the
orifice of your choice.
. J Michael Winslow
3138 OverhulseRd . #2
Olympia, WA 98502

On April 25th Joln mou5.lnci 50 of cilil.en s who >Mil 8 o\thr-1 ,1'
local fac llHies. lOin in the co\1I to the United St"',es ",nc1 the
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FOf more information please call1l4>>-630tl.


. Crystal Rogers .

Cooper Point J~rnal page 5



August 6,1

• •


At eight seconds past 8: 16 the Little Boy exploded. Fifty-one seconds
previously it had been dropped from the bomb bay of the Enola Gay at a
height of almost six miles . The three B-29s-the bomb carrier itself and the
two observation planes-had turned sharply, as their pilots had been trained
to do, and had fled the scene of imminent disaster .
The explosion occurred at a height of 1,850 feet and less than 200 yards
from t~e target point, the T-shaped Aioi Bridge that spanned the widest of the
seven streams.
The huge fireball that. formed afterwards possessed, for a fraction of a
second, a temperature of a million degrees . To many of the people who saw
it, the fireball looked like a tremendous bluish white flash that blazed for about three seconds . The Little Boy had relea sed the equivalent of 13,500 tons
of TNT over the center of the City.
- The Day Man Lost

by There, a Connor and Roger Stritmatter
[dther George Zabe lka is a man with a
p.l" in n for IWacf' . I n a recent visit to
S"un l" on ,1 nat ionwide sppaking tour ,
I dth.'r !.abplka, fornlPr mi li tary I haplaill
(0 (I", men w ho fl ew atom ic bombing
rdld , nn Hiroshin,!a and Nagasaki, told
" I (el m" to a point ill my life, ten ypa rs
,1g<J." ( ' ~p l'lined Zabelk ,l. " I had a chOice
10 I1ldk,' - pi th,>r ,leU'pt th e fooli shne ss
t ildl Christ prpa' Iwd of - that peace o f
nonVIOI f' I1fe - or give up my faith ."
In Auguq . ·IY.J 'i. rilthf'r Zabelka, then a
young n1.ln , WdS stat ioned with thp 509th
(ompo, ilt' group on 1 inliln " I,md neilr
<',-'pi,m III thf' South Pdcifi c After compl t'ling mOl1th, of d esE'rt trilining , thE'
S (~lth 'Ciuddron was tl ow n to Tinliln under
l ight , (, ' unt\' In th .. 'iUlllnwr o f '45.
" Whim till' 'i(l'Jth , anU' in : nobody
knl'w It W,IS an dtOllli C w'~il pun We knew
II w,,' " big honlb - higgpr than anyt hing
u,, 'r! ill [urope . but th at was all wt' knew.
NOll!' 0 1 thp nl'w kl ww-on ly a fpw at
til!' lOP "
" I ".1' d~, iglH'd d.. Cltholit Cha plain
lor tl", group ." h.. contll1m'd . " 1 sa id mass
,11111 , ollnse lpd thpm 1 got to know some
,,1 th .. peop/(' . Paul T,bhE' tts, Charlps '
S~\·( 't"WV. anci ,onl!:' of the other,> " "
I'dbelk" i, a hig man, ,omewhere in hi s
Idlt' fiftips , with a booming voice and the
, ommand ing manneri sms of someone
who has spent a large part of his life in
th., milit ary He cieni es being p lagued by
guilt. Rl'morse. yes - gu il t, no.
" On Augmt 5, " sa id Zabelka, " a Sunday . I said mass for th em, gave out communion , ami prpached to them the lovE"
of I p~ u , Then on August 6, they dropped
the bomb and in a searing in stant, inCll1l'riltl,d 80,000 peopl e."

After the bombing, Zabe lka went to
Japan and walked through both Hiroshima
and Nagasaki . He reca ll ed wadi ng through
the rubble, sifting the fallout through hi s
fingers .
" I was still a militari ~ t and very brainwas hed by the tra ining we werit through ,"
sa id Zabe lka. " We thought It was necessary bec au se if we had to invade Japan, a
million marines would have died ."
" I was there at a crisis point in history,"
he continued . "I went to t he hosp ital and
saw the peopl e" .thE' tE'rrible burn5-" .the
disfigured bodi es". yet it didn't seem to
dawn on me thilt inn ocent peopl e were
being killed ."
At the close of the war, ZabelkJ returned to t hp United States st ill convinced, like most Ameri e<lIls thdt the use
of the bomb was ju stified by military
" I carne back to the United Stiltes still
brainwashed ," Zabel ka reca ll ed . " I joined

. a soldier is a paid,
professional killer ... can
a person become a paid
professional killer?"


the National Guard . We did rifle drills . I
even won an award . Gradually, there was
a worm squi rming in my stomach" .the
memory of talking to the pilots in the
hospital who said 'what do you do when
you get tired of killing people l ' Or ot hers
tha t did low level bombi'ng and knew that
the young kid staring up at them , in

----- -- -- --- l

seconds, would be engulfed· in flames. "
Zabelka threw himself into his life back
In the United States. He became active in
the civil rights movement, fighting an uphill battle in hi s predominantly black parish.
" Half my pari sh was black and we
wou ld get together to discuss the poverty
and the di sc rimination ," he said . "All the
good white people were moving out. We
had to close down the schoo l. .. 1 couldn't
keep it going and I got no help from the
The strain and tension of his work
proved to be too much . Fr. Zabe lka had a

You can never cooperate with evil, whether it
is building an atomic
bomb or participating in
the process, no matter
how much good comes
out of it. We must come
to this realization."
,- - - - - -- -- -- -_. --

- ----

hedrt attack that kept him from workin g
for a year . During that time he began
rpadmg Martin Luther King and Gandhi He
began to sf'riously question and reeva luatf' hi -; theology .
" It got to me," said Zabe lka. " Either I
wou Id have ·to give it up or accept it. I
came to a po int where I was ready to glvP
up my faith I began reading atheist-;Bertram Ru,>sell , Sartre. Ca mus, t he
I n the hE'at of the sixties w ith the VietNam War and th e civil ri ghts movement,
Zabelka made hi s chOi ce. He accepted hi s
faith and with it, the path of nonviolence .
" JpSU5 said : 'you've heard it said love
your countrymen and hate you r enemlesWell I say love your enemies.' Here I was
w ith troops that w ere slaughter ing them
by the thousa nds. by hundreds of thousands... and why didn't I see it.
" I was brainwashed ," sa id Fr. Zabelka,
shak ing hi s head, "so were Charles
Sweeney and the others I can excuse
them, but I can' t excusp myself I was a
Catholi c Pri es t "

How he, or anyone, could believe that
the use of the bomb was necessary or
ju stif ied, seems to amaze Zabelka. After
twenty-five years of feeling that worm
sq uirming in hi s stomach, he ca me to the
realization that there was no justification
for it, t hat there could never be any justitl ca tion for it
Fr. Zabelka's cha nge of heart was a long
and painful process . "You might ca ll it a
conversion . . It was a conversion . But it
was not a Quick thing . It was a slow,
agoni zing process, " he sa id .
I t was a process that brou ght him to the
bottom line -to the belief that life must
bf' respectPcl and protected .
"All war is evi l ." sa id Zabe lka passion ate ly " All killing is evil. There is no t ime
when we ca n kill anyone . .You may say
they're all guilty. Bull shit. How can a kid ,
three years old , be gui lty of anyt hing 1
Why cou ldn't I see this l Why cou ldn 't 1
see that innocent peopl e were being
ki li ed I"
HE' recounted a story of a WOlll.ln wh()
camp to hi m and sa id that hpr son was
rpg;stpring for the draft and askpd what
sllE' shou ld do " I told her t hdt a soldiPf IS
a paid , professional ki ll er," Sdld Za hl' lka
" Your son has to mak e the dpClS ioll.,C ,lll
,1 rlf'rson becomf' a paid , protp,s ion.ll
ki II E'r I"

"You might call it a conversion. , .It was a conversion. But it was not a
quick thing. It was a slow,
agonizi!19 process."
I·or I r. Za belk a, there is no exception to
th e rul E' . " You can never cooperatp with
pvil ," sa id Zabelka, " whether it is building
an atomi c bomb or parti cipating in the
process - no matter how much gocx:l
comes out of it. We mu st come to thi s
realization" .You cannot cooperate in
evil. .. no matter how mu ch money you
get, not for your family , not even for your
life "
Fr. Zabe lka lives hi s words. He is a man
who has dedicated hi s li fe to peace, a

1lldll who hold, tilt' I',,,t ill hi , I"'.l rt ,md
til!' lutun' ill hI , hdll",
"Wf' mu,t Irv to brl '" '' through II I "
lov ing way to tho,,, w ho dr<' blind -- w h..
don 't know . We ju,t C, In 't Slllk to """Ig
ti1l' S.lnw WPdpom tl1('Y .In' .0 1 h"II' ,Ill"
v iniflnc p "


·'W., mu,t gpt rid oi th.~ atom ic W(,"
pon s," hE' contlllut'd . " WP rnu q d." trov
thpm or thpy will d('stroy us.. ..WP'VI' got
to ('omE' to a point w hpn pvprybo<iy's got
to th ink of Pf'<l(,f' . It', it mdtter of ~urviv <ll. "

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A,pril 23, 1981

page 7 Cooper Point Journal

WPPSS Costs May
Reach $200 Billion

by Bi II Montague
The Reagan administration's decision to
increase U.s. military involvement in EI
Salvador is a direct result of former President Carter's policy towards the leftist
opposition in that country, according"to a
dissent paPer prepared by officials of the
CiA, the State and Defense Departments
and the National Security Council.
The paper, which was drawn up in the
last days of President Carters term in
office, presents a startling picture of an
administration deeply divided on the question of how to deal with the struggle between the US backed Duarte regime and
the leftist revolutionary movement seeking
to overthrow it.
Dissent memos are com mon in Washington . They function as minority reportspresenting alternatives to official policy.
They were particularly common during
the early days of the Vietnam War, a fact
New York Times co luminist Anthony
Lewi s was qui ck to take note of . The EI
Salvador memo, he wrote on December
10, " might be a dissenting document from
the early days of Ameri can involvement
in Vietnarn - something written by a CIA
analyst in . say, 1%4."
The document, which is being reprinted
and distributed by the Committee in Soli darity with the People of EI Salvador
(Ci SPES), states that ' our act ions and our
words have narrowed down our policy
options to a si ngle path of gradual escalation of direct military involvement .. .
within a political contex t that gives the
use o f for ce few chances to ac hi eve a
satis f actory outcome."
Ac cording to the pap, 'r, prf'pilfat ions
for some sort of militar\ action in ~I Sa lvador begJn even before Pre~ id('nt Ca rt er
left oif, u ' Steps ta",>n in cluded the drawing up of operati onal pl ans for the d pplol' l l1('nt of US llli l " ,Hy forcps in ~I S,1 Ivacior, di sCll s., ion o f diplomalic in it iilt ives
to be taken in th e ~'venl of such cln
act ion . (' , Iilllates of Ihe cos t, number of
casu;:l ili ps .and amollnl of tim .. ne' t'ssary
for a md itilry operation. and , even more
') llliIlOl.s ly, prepard tion s for artd cks upon
" ,uppl y lin es of ",uerri ll a forces in Cubil
and Nicaragua."
The paper also outlines steps takpn by
thE' Carter admini st ration to " in crt'ase
communildtions and coo peration among
thE' d[med for( ('s and paramilit ary organi Lat, on s in ... EI Salvador." Such lllE'asurE'S
in cluded an attempt to bring tilt-' ri ghti <;t
param ilitary forces under d uilifi e(i'colllmand . Cr it, cs have chdrgE'r/ Ihat thest>
paramililary forces art' in fact "death
squads, " rp~pons ibl e for over 10,CXlO civi lIan deat hs in EI Salvador lasl YI>,lr
The documenl allpges that al lion,
taken by the Ca rtt'r admini.,'rdtion wt're
int ended to " prevent the cris is III H Sit lvador from c limilxlIl g prior tn the [pn'wle ll ti al ) clct t' OIl. " dnd th ilt US . pnliry III
Centra l Anwl'I( a was based upon " in,H cu rate IIltonllLltioll , Ih(' 'iuppre"ion oi vE' ri f, ed colltrad ict ,ng illlorllJat ion .. im" pon-

~ibly self-serving evaluations and analyses
of in telli gence report s."
The dissent paper notes that press
COV('rLlge of the situation in EI Salvador
ha, bet'n strong ly influences by the U .S.
gOVl'rn nlt'nt. " M edia coverage of EI Salvador," il qates, " has been respon sive to
off,( ,,11 govprnlllPnt poli cies ... therefore,
1111' (urrpnt domest ic environment is genI'r" ll y ,upportivp of currpnt poli cy as articul ;lt C'd for publi ( consumption ."
A, « )fding to the paper, thi s has been
," h" 'VI'd by '" lo,p ly mon,toring and feed,ng U ) . dlld world n1l'di ,l coverage of the
f('g,oll ... lo dvo,d pLib li city for opposition
in 'iurgenl s."
I he nlE'mo i'i particu larly critica l of thE'
ruling lunlil in ~ I 'Sa lvador and contradi ch . the moderdt e and reformist im age
of thp (urrent government whi ch it says
the ('<lrtt'r ddministra lion was trying to
promote Among il s conclusion s: " the
govl'fn lng junta and the armed iorces
hal'!' f,1ill'd to rall y sign ifi cant support fo r
their rdorm and counter-insurgency program, I he land di stribution effort has
faill'd 10 nE'utrali LE' the p!'ilsant popu lation and has not succeed"d in isolat in g
thl' guerrilla forces ."
TIl(' memo also states th at a sizea bl e
pori i(~n of- tht' Sa lvadorian middl e class
" Ipporh th ... opposition Democrati c Rev(l·
lulilll'dry Front [rOR), that U.S. econom,.
,11(1 " " qot helv ing any signifi ca nt impact
Oil " , ol1omic recovE'ry, " and that the Sil lvddllrl,1Il milit ary will be unabl e to a('h"'\'I ' " defed t of the rOR in the near
fulu,, ' " Neither the government or the
lllilil ," Y. " it charg<'\ " have been able to

demonstrate their w ill or abi lity to avoid
indi scriminate repression ..
US claims that the FOR is receiving
sizable support from Soviet bloc countries
have been overblown, the memo warns "Cuban and Soviet bloc domestic , political and economi c difficulties . severely
limit their ability to make new and potentially co stly economic and political commitment . Neither Cuba nor its Soviet bloc
back<'rs are capable .. of displacing the
as the region's major aid donor and
trade partner." Signifi cant military intervention by the U.S, states the memo,
" would open more opportunities for Cuba
in CE'ntral America and the Caribbean ."


U.S. policy towards EI Salvador is isolating us 'from other Latin American countries which support the FOR, the memo
concludes . It cautions that any attempt to
petsuade neighboring countries, such as
Honduras or Guatemala, to intervene in
EI Salvador, could lead to a resurgence of
guerrilla activity in those countries . Even
democratic governments like Venezuela'S,
the memo warns, who are sympathetic to
the Christian Democratic element in the
Salvadorian jun.ta, are faced with strong
domestic opposition to their support for
US policy.
The dissent paper proposes several alternatives to current policy in Central
America . The primary suggestion is for the
United States to initiate, either by itself or
through interested third parties such as
Mexico, negotiations with the FOR aimed
at achieving a "Zimbabwe type transitional arrangement."
The term "Zimbabwe arrangement" refers to the seltlemeot of the Rhodesian
civil war negotiated between the white
supremacist regime of Ian Smith and
black nationalists led by Robert Mugabe.
\Jnder the terms of the settlement, control
of the government and the armed forces
was transfered from Smith to Mugabe
over a two year period, with the Smith
faction retaining a guaranteed number of
seats in the national parliament. Such a
solution to the Salvadorian struggle, the
memo states, is gaining creden ce with
both the FOR and the military-civilian
Short of immediate negotiations, the
memo advocates: recognition of the FOR
as a legitimate force in Salvadorian politi cs, the sepa ration of US. interests from
those elements within the junta and the
armed forces responsible for terrorist activities, restraining neighboring countr ies
from in terven ing in EI Salvador, and encou rag ing "appropriate, objec tive and
pluralistic media coverage" of Central
Ame ri can affairs.

FDR Denies SoViet Arms
by Roger Stritmatter

A spok esperson for the Democratic
Revoluti onary Front (FOR) of EI Salvador
E'lllphatica ll y deni es that hi s organization
i'i rpceiving arms from the Soviet Union Of
anv othE"r socia li st bloc countries.
In an IIlterview last Wednesday, Ricard( ,
M elara, who is'currently touring the United
States as a representative of the opposition
mowment in EI Sa lvador, denounced as '
" im·, pon sibl e" and "simpli sti c" State Dep,lrtnwn t claims that the Soviet Union is
fUI1l1E'lin g arms and ammun iti on into hi s
I ountry via Cuba . " W e deny receiving any,
,un" from the socia li st bloc, " he said .
A paint er by profession, M elara is one
of ilbout five FDR rt'prese ntatives touring
thp UnitE'c1 Stat es und er th e auspi ces of
thf' Ndtional Committee in Soli darity with
till' People of EI Sa lvador, a network of
Norlh Ameri can sU[1porters of the FOR.
He 'ia id the reasons for the tour were " to
celebratE' Ihe firsl year of the formati on of
the FDR and inform the North American

people public of what IS happening in EI
Melara accused the rulin g junta of EI
Salvador of "systematical ly violating the
polit ical and economi c rights and cu ltural
liberti es of the people of EI Salvador. " He
said the current land reform program is
on ly a pretext for increasing the control
and domination of the Government and
the land-holding oligarchy while the junta
masquerades as a centri st government. He
ex plained that 70% of the over 20,000
persons who have been killed in recent
Illonths in EI Salvador are peasants. " How
do you ex plain that when supposedly the
land reform _program is to benefit the
peasa ntsl "
M elara sa id the military wing of the
FOR, Farabundo Marti Liberation forces ,
obtain s weapons from three sources U S
weapons captured in cOlllbat with government fo rces, the internati onal bla ck
Illelrket, and handmade weapons fabri cated by milit ary person el.
"Thi S," Mel ara sa id , " is a ju st war, a
legitimate defen se."

Let me work with you to help solve your housing
or investment needs. Having worked over ten years .
in the real estate business locally, I know 'the
Olympia area and can help you find what you are
looking for .
William H_ Connor, an Independent Member Broker


really 100

continued from' page 1
those built 20 years ago. He did not think
WPPSS's 35 year life span was iII-considered,
Concerning the life span of the last two
WPPSS plants #4 (15% completed) and #5
(9% completed), Lysen's report suggests
that .9 0% of the original costs can still
be avoided . " Some 86 billion in future
costs can be averted if these projects were
disconti nued."
The report claims that the amount of
money saved from discontinuing nuclear
power plants 4 and 5 could purchase the
equivalent amount of power from conservation, cogeneration, and other
sou rces. Lysen told the CPJ that studies of
the alternative sources have been conducted by the GAO, the Universities of
Washington and Oregon , and ot her




-"'--I-lWHAT IS flo BilliON?


. Hughes sa id that while Lysen must have
hi s sou rces, he himse lf has n't come across
a report yet that ca n accurately gauge .
how mu ch energy will be required if the


914 hensley st northeast
olympia . washington 98506
off,ce 459 -1000
reSidence 352 - 4941

Of Al ' O ~-

"For four years we. had a governor who
didn' t know how to govern , now we have
a governor who is reluctant to," Lysen
said .

111 .111 ' .... \triPP "
.\ , d [(·,ull 0 1 Ill!' COI/I'rn<>r dlld 11lE'
<'g"I ,lIl1r('" [( 'IUS,l l 10 I"k,· ,) I'dfd l J)o~.
\ \ '1'1 ",,, . " t(·, Ill" " rd'" .Ill' " ' ' (>'11,, 0/ 01
\\ .h""'~I ' "1 ' \"" ' fL:\ , 1\ " ', 1 ' ,lid \ 'ld


plants #4 and #5 were , hut down . Therefore. he said , it is difficult to know how
mucb energy alt ernative so urc e~ would be
requirpd to produ ce in tilE' f i" t plaCe>

Ii '-

by _Andy McCormick
Senator King Lysen's report on the astronomical cost of nuclear power probably
won't raise many eyebrows down at the
Legislature. Nor, says Lysen, is Governor
John Spellman likely to look askance at
the $200 billion total cost of WPPSS.

The Seattle Democrat said that Spellman , like a European monarch, prefers to
reign rather than rule. That same syndrome afflicts other powerful figures at
the Capitol like Senate Minority Whip Ted
Bottiger, Senate Maj ority Whip Jeanette
Hayner and o ld guard conse rvat ive Sam
C Guess .
"~ or these politIC iam WPPSS i., too
nuch of il risk to gE't invo lved wi th ,"
V' t' ll '<l ,d . " I aking act ,on on WPPSS is
IWl'o1l(1 tht> p,l l(' of a pol,tic i,ll1 al " pE'lI-

One billion 5Honds A,O, HMry Trum.n w.as President;
One billion minutes A,O, Chrtst w.s sdU on urth;
....~--H One billion d.lys
mAlI did not eJdst.

~ L\ Il ll! \l'( hn! I( rd\ . . 111( )1 11 '\ I " , 1--1' :~I. tilL:
. iI • • 0/".1 I< I .I ll .dl ' ,Iwli \
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1'"' \1 " 111'1'111" , ,,, 1<1 1111 ' ( 1'1 1~, .1i ' , '''" I ~
"H lI h"

. 1\\ ,1\

111)(11 111, · 11'( hllPI

.1I· l t l ~ rl lt ',l t 111111 1 d









r I t" r ...

II ~"

lit ,"


Evergreen Plans for Summer Quarter
by Theresa Connor

Old Like Gold is this newly renewed inside, slightly older 4-bedroom home on the
busline near the state capitol. Near 22nd and Fir. $46,800. ' For this and other homes
or golden values, ca ll Bill Connor, RE/ MAX realty 100; 459-1000 or Res . 352-4941 .

page 8 Cooper Point Journal April 23, 1981



The Politics
of Energy

All you students who have been drifting
aimlessly, waiting for the summer catalog,
trying to decide whether to spend your
summer on the Riviera or in calculus
class, unsure whether there would even be
a summer quarter this year .. take hope
There will indeed be a summer quarter.
" We will have a summer school," said
Dean John Perkins. " It will be a small and
very spartanly funded . But we will have a
su mmer school and I think it will be a
good one."
A list of 35 summer programs has been
drafted which features a variety of course
offerings from literature studies and envirrmmental history , to a visual anthropology course focusing on Mt St. Helens .
A portion of the graduate MPA program
wi ll also be offered.
According to Perkins, there has been
some question as to whether Evergreen
would be able to offer a summer program
this year. The college has been waiting to
see if the state legislature would allocate
enough money to finance a summer curriculum.
" We have a severe budgetar.y problem
which is giving us fits because we don't
know what they're going to give us ," said
Perkin s. " Spellman's budgPt gave us $177, 231. .That purchases somewhere between
22-23 faculty members (FTEs) ."
The Senate has cut that figure to $157,844-a cut that will force the college to
drop several of the proposed summer
course offerings if that version of the
budget is approved. in the legislature.
"That's $20,000 less . That hurts ," sa id
Perkins . "We're delighted to have $157,000
- it's better than zero; but we'd like to
have the $177,000."
"The other problem in the budget, "
cont inued Perkins, " is that last year we
had support cost of around $14,000. This
year we expect $3,665 if the Senate version is approved. The Spellman budget
gave us $4,116."
The cuts will force the coll eg~ to make
summer quarter a tight one. The support
funds proposed by the Senate allocates
appraximately $6.88 per student.
" The programs will be stringently
funded ," said Perkins. "Essentially they'll
get enough to xerox the syllabus ... not
even xerox . It's enough to mimeograph
the syllabus."
'The college doesn't want to release the
summer catalog until the budget is finally
approved. According to Perkins, the catalog will come out sometime during the
first week in May.

Ilrst Five-Week SeS'>ion - A
June 22-Ju ly 24
Appli cation s in Publi c Poli cy and
Admin . Paulsen 4
Basic Math and Computer Programming Brian 8
Citizen Participation , Community Involvement and Public Relation s Mulka 4
Coastal Natural History P Taylor 8
Composer, Media Arti st, Performer
englert 8
Environmental Design Hasenstab 8
Experiments in Higher Education B.
Smi th 4
Geology of the Pac NW Stroh 8
Literary Women Allen 8
Reading, Writing and Study Skill s
Improvement Jordan 4
Sculpture-Casting/Carving Ga llagher 8
Volcano Patterson 8
'Writing : The Language of Experience Pailthorp 8


()LJA I{ I ~I' 1'1111

~)('( ond hvp-Week " "", iol1 - 1\

luly 17 - August 21l
Cl aywork s Spa (~, H
I he Des igning PfO! e\5 Harding 8
Ufec tive Publ ic Spt'dk ing Rainey 4
I:nvironillental Hiqory ,md Phil osophy CelJarius 4
Organizationa l Commu ni cat io n G.
Ilrown 4
Writing : People Levemky 8
Leaders and I l'adershi p I Van couVl'r
Cam[1Us) LoewC'n 4/ 8
Ten-Week Session - C
June 22- August 28
Calcu lu s I" Reed 4
The Clas sical World Beck 11>
Families and Sex Roles in Western
Hi ~ tory Coontz 16

I " ',oll \Vnr",h0l' POWI'll 10
1l' \lory clncl Politll ' H.lh n, Rdlney 16
Illlroductorv Au ounllllg TnA 4
1',>r,ol1,ll Phil mophy, Pt'"ol1 ,, 1 Stvles
IllImphr('y.~ / Ua rnI' Y

4/ 1l!16

I'hotographs / /1r:J..ma n 8
1'1 ,1111\ unci 1 h\ 'If Uws Hi :mph(e\ 11->
I'rllll ipl!'s of "ontlilli cs ,' \)j,het
I. aw·n, Lidman 4
I{p"idn Siudie'/ U.... " R Ha nfman 16
'>m,tli ,>cale Agri culturE' Kelly
) ' IIC'w(' -Port noff 8/ 12/ 11>
• .... III11mt·r Repertory Thp,] . ,(' ,11 lh
Upward Bound Ybarra 4
"Math Lab/ SPLU Reed 4
I ndividual Contracts Daugherty
/l/mp( , l ohamen, B. Kutter, Parson, D .
( lI~hing .
' Will he drop/3ed if Senate VerSIO n
approvrd .




See your travel agent. Or give us a ca ll at 800-426-5049. In Washington, ca ll 800- 562 -5222.

April 23, 1981

Cooper Point Journal page 9


Poetry Reading

Intramural Toumament
enthusiasts : Come represent Evergreen,
and show them how rea l gooeyducks do
it when I ntramural Recreation sends one
t~a m of each to the Coors Northwest
Intramural Tournament in Ell ensbu rg, May

Tran sportation and a free lun ch are prov ided, along With a fun-fil led day and
playing yo ur favor ite sport. Whoopee I
Space is limi ted, so sign up soon , first
floor CRC

Farm Jobs
Two Organic Farm Caretaker positi ons are
availabl e beginning in mid-Iune These are
resident pos itions. Duties include general
building and grounds maintenance. Interested persons should submit a resume and
letter of intent to the office of Fac iliti es
by May 8. Contact Facilities (6120) or the
Organic Farm (6161) for any questions.

EI Salvador Rally
On Sunday, May 3, there will be a rally
and mar ch in Seatt le as part of a nationwide demonstration aga inst US. military
interve ntion in EI Salvador. The local orgilnization , Olympians Against I ntervention in EI Sa lvador, is coordinating transportation to and from the rally . A bus wil!
lE'ilw'O lympia at 1200 p.m . and return
ar')und 6 :10 p .m . Thele is spa ce ava il ablt'
for people who wa llt to attE'nd 1-01 morl'
Inform,lI lon about the situation in ~I S,l l·
vador. ca ll Grpg Starling at Y4J-L&40:

Six current and former Evergreen students will read their poetry this Saturday,
April 25, at 5 :00 p.m. on the music stage
behind the library building. Everyone is
encouraged to attend and unwind after
Saturday's full sc hedule of Earth Fair
events. Sally Anderson, Christine Gilmore,
Duncan Moran, Bill Gravengood, Gwyneth
Runnings, and Duncan Nitche, all of
whom are featured in campus literary
magazines cu rre ntly in 'the works, will
each read for about 20 minutes. Thi s will
not be environmenta ll y-or iented poetry.
Admi ss ion is free . Sponsored by the Arts
ResourcE' Center

UW Medical School
On Tuesd ay, Apri l 28, at 8 :30 pm ., in
Lab I, room 3033, a group of U of W
medi ca l st udents and a fa culty member
will be here for an informal consu ltation .
They will talk with us about getting into
medical sc hool and about the realities of
medi ca l sc hool work . Everyone who is at
all interested in medical school or related
hea lth-science work is invited to attend.

Counseling Center
For t hose of you who are thinking
about working at the Counsel ing Center
next year, the hiring process is starting
now. On Wednesday, May 6th, at noon
There will be a requ ired group intervi ew
at the Ce nter, Seminar 2109. Individual
interviews will follow at which time app li cations will be exPected . forms are ava ilab le at the Center. Positions are open to
work -study and internship app li cants .
Coop Ed wil l coordinate interns hips.
The Counseling Center staff coll aborates
to providE' confidentia l counseling to the
Fvprgreen community. Paraprofess ionals
are respon sible for initial contact with
people This may take the form of sched·
ulin g appointment s or doing phone and
wa lk-in ilssessment and counsel in g. There

.. .


. .:"r---



University of California,

In the Mountain West or Canada
• Wildlife Research
• Wildlands Research

Field Courses,S Units

is also the opportunity to counsel with
several people on a short term basis. Responsibilities include weekly staff meetings, supervision with professional staff,
and participation in various center projects . For more information, ca ll the Counseli ng Cen ter at 866-6151 .

Few Good People
by Brian A. Woodwick

Are you looking· for a community oriented job? Something that will help to
feed and care for children who are victims
of poverty? Then Los Ninos may be for
you .
May 4th will be the deadline for subLos Ninos is a 6 year old, non-profit,
mitting work for the Evergreen Student
international organization which brings
Exhibit schedulerl for showing in Gall ery
people with medical, nutritional , educa2 duri~g the May 23 - June 7 period .
tiona l , building, arts, and many other
Jurors for the show will be David Gallagskills to work with poverty stricken chilher, Maury Haseltine and Craig Hickman .
dren, particularly those who live along the
Entry procedures and registration forms
Mexican border. The organization is interare available from the following people
faith and values everyone's spiritual
Donna McMaster, Lab II Rm . 2266, Pani
journey. Los Ninos is now seeking to hire
Udovi c h Lab I Rm 2013, Emily Nelson
50 commited people who will make a 2
Cem 301 , and the Gal lery 4 attendants.
year agreement to work with them beginning July 1, 1981.
The plan of action is as follows: On
July 1, 50 commited people will arrive at
Rancho lusti ca, a 40 room border facility
in San Diego California. They will live
together for 90 days and participate in a 6
day per week training experience which
In an effort to have at least one person
will include: 3 hours of daily Spanish
in every household trained in cardiopulstudy, walking/jogging/bicyciing, skillsmonary resuscitation (CPR], a Medic II
sharing, community-building and prayer,
program has been assembled for Thurston
how to conduct Los Ninos people involvCou nty residents.
ment and food collection programs, guideMedic II comb ines the best features of
lines for sound development projects, and
CPR programs as taught by the American
other areas of service. Outstanding reHeart Association, the American Red
sou rce people from the Us. and Mexico
Cross and the American Medical Associwill also be present to share their visions
ation. In addition, techniques for helping
of social change. On October 1, particia choking person have been incorporated
pants will begin work in their new cominto the program The Chiefs Association
has appoi nted McLane firefighter Lon
Los Ninos is looking for people with a
Frantz to be coordinator of the program.
belief that they can change the world , are
The Medic II program is open to al l
physically fit, and have skills to help chilThurston Cou nty residents without charge.
dren-whether they are in organization or
The three hour course is to be taught at
auto mechanics. Since Los Ninos is a nonvariou s loc ations throughout the county
profit, help oriented organization, they
on a sc heduled basis by specially trained
also ask that you be self supporting. Exin<;tructors . Classes can be arranged for
penses are $100 per [Tlonth for room and
board, plus whatever money you will
I ndividual s or groups Wishing more in, need for medical and personal expenses.
formation on CPR classes can contact the
There are other ways to help out
Medi( II office at 753-8246.
for those people who are unable to make
a 2 year committment for either
financial or persona l reasons. Volunteers
are needed for weekend to month long
projects that go on throughout the year.
Applications for the 2 year program
should be sent to Los Ninos as soon as
poss ibl e. They will be making se lect ions
PHOTOGRAPHS are now being sou ght
during the middle of May If you are infor the 1982-83 ed ition of the coll ege catterested and would like to read their news
<llog. Photos of ca mpu s buildings and
letter or get more specific in formati on,
fclciliti es, Greeners at work, and " location
shots" of the surrounding area will also be come to the Career Planning and Placement off ice in LfB 1213, or send your
co n,idered A supert photo " of utmost
application to : Los Ninos, 930 Gutierrez
<Iclrity and quality" will be chosen for the
St. , Santa Barbara, CA 93103, (805) %2cover -a nd rewarded w ith cash . Contact
9587 .
Kip Poyser. Library 31 14, 866-6128.

The Cowboys, voted Seattle' s favorite
band last year in the Puget Sound Music
Poll Awards, (PSMP) holed up rece ntl y at
Popeye's Tavern 'in O lympia.
The Cowboys, Ian Fisher on vocals. leff
Cerar on guitar, Jack Han an on bass , and
Marty Wayshoff on drums, have spread
t heir fame throughout the Puget Sound
w ith basi c but dancable tunes. The group
has ex panded their ranks of fans from a
paltry, alm ost cult like following, to the
multitude that voted them the PSMP
award . They were recently featured on
channel 9'5 Stepping Oul program

Evergreen Student Exhibit

TV Intern

Portland. Ore.
Student intern would be involved in all
aspects of a live hour noon news program,
except those reslricted by union regulations,
such as camera work and floor directing .
Areas shou ld include: generating topic ideas;
researching topics; choosi ng and booking
guests; writing tease and open copy.
Prefer student with a good background in
com munications .

1 quarter, 20 hrslwk minimum.
Volunteer position.
Photographer-Editor-Summer 1981
Shelt on, WA
Student intern would produce a slide and
tape show for the Mason County United Way
to use in soliciting contributions . Siudent
should have a background in photography ,

quarter. 15 hrslwk

Pay negotiable.

Counselor-Fall 1981 (2 positions)
Olympia & Shelton
Student intern wou ld interview poverty level
clien ts tor educational! emp loyment barriers,
combined with one-an-one counseling, advocacy, researc h , information and referral and

development 01 specially services and areas
directly associated with education and employment cou nseling .
Prefer second or third year students interested in social service , counseling andlor
education .
3 quarters. 16 hrslwk minimum.
Volunteer position.
Stage Management Intern-Fall 1981
New York . N.Y.
Student intern would assist the stage management staff in the rehearsals and performances of five mainstage productions. Duties
might include : prompting the actors, taking
blocking notes, helping to obtain and manage
rehearsal props, etc.
Prefer student with a background in theater
2 quarters, hrs. negotiable.
VOlunteer pOSition.

TYPfNG SERVfCE Fast, accurate, reaso "o( .,.
Technical and scientific material a Spec,d.ly.
Colleen, 786-8318 (days). and 943-35~2
(evenings) .

ParaprofeSSional Counsetor-Fall 1981
Student intern would work collaboratively
with professional and paraprofessional statl
and provide counseling in the Counse ling
Center. Paraprofessional counselors are responsible for initial contacts (phone and walk·
in counseling) , and may see several persons
for short term counseling: assist with otlice
work and promotion of counseling workshops ,
groups, ou lreach activities and other center
projects. NOTE : Hiring process will involve a
mandatory initial group interview May 6 at 12
noon al the Counseling Center. IndiVidual
interviews will follow .
Prefer student with a background in psychology an.dlor work experience in the human

3 quarters, 15 hrslwk minimum . Volunteer
pOSition, unless student work·study qualified .

multi-media or social services.


FOUND: One blue Core-Tex (Early winters)
jacket X~S . found 4116 in cab, must 1.0.
materials in pockets. Call lan , 352-0112.

I n a short interview at a post performance party at Strypes keyboardist Robert
Richholt's hou se in Tacoma, I asked Cowboys vocalist Ian Fisher which category
his band fits into - punk or new wave .
" First of all," Fisher rep li ed, " I think all
t hose class ifi cations are media bullshit.
The classification isn 't what is important the music is . If you have to put us into a
slot it's not Punk or New Wave , we' re just
a dance band. "
The Cowboys started out at about thE'
sa me time as the Hpats Are the Heats
New Wave l
" Definately not ," sa id hsher. " Thev just
play sixt ies mu sic. They do n' t do anything
new. New Wave means a step further somethin!l new. Anything tha t is new in


Medic II

FALL 1981
Field Quarter, 15 Units
Phone (408) 429-2822 or write :
Cardiff House
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

The Cowboys Riding High

Los Ninos Wants a

hardworking person looking for work loves to
paint . dependable, two years experience.
Reasonable Rates . Barbara Sanders, 866-8438.
mornings, evenings, and weekends.


WILL TRADE 35mm Nikon camera for your
unused fiddle . Neal . 866-8743.

The Of li ce of Cooperafive Education has
applications on file lor Ihe 1981-82 production
Internship program at American Conservatory
Theatre in San FranCiSCO, Calilornla. The
application deadline for this internship is
May 15, 1981. Internship placements are as
follows : Stage Management (two posili ons) :
scenery design and execution ton e pOSition) :
properties construction Itwo positi ons): coslume '- construction (Ihree positions): lighling
design Intern (one posi tion) ; and audio (oQe
pOSili on) .
For more information. contact Ihe Otlice of
Cooperative Education and schedu le an appOinlment with a counse lor. LAB 1000,
866-6391 .
Research Aide
Olympia '
Student intern would research the economic

and technical viability of conservation and
renewable energy options in the Pacific Northwest and assist in the preparation of efforts
to require agencies to implement stronger

(~. \


Now comes Millertime.

Save All Year Long
4-bedroom , HEAT efficient home in Alpine
Hills offers over 3.000 square leet of living.
storm windows, earth protection lor lower
floor. WOODlelectric forced air furnace PLUS
air tight stove i~ the family room. Features
galore for exciting family living can be yours!
A year's supply of fire wood included!
$129 ,500. (R-129) Call Bill Connor. REI MAX
realty 100; 459-1000 or Res . 352-4941.

Let me work with you-·to help solve your housing
or investment needs. Having worked over ten yeilrs
in the real estate business locally, I know the
Olympia area and can help you find what you are
looking for.
William H. Connor, an Independent Member Broker

neC/AA ..V

Locally Distributed by, capitol Beverages, Inc.

Rugged Rocky and Rustic
but close in. Over 11 acres, close in on Westside. some partially under the power tine, but
good for pastures and small nursery stock.
Offered on easy contract terms for $15,500.
(L-132) For this and other small acreage tracts
call Bill Connor, REI MAX realty 100 ; 459-1000
or R~s . 352-4941 .

aSSigned .
Prefer student with a background III economics , energy technology . community organIZing andlor research/library. Student must
have good writing skills.
1 quarter, hrs. negotiable.
Volunteer position, travel reimbursed.

V/ .... 1t'X\

really 100

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olympia washington 98506
oflrce 459 · 1000
reSidence 352 4941

Lox , Bagel , Cream cheese
w l onion & tomato $2.95


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111 N . Washington 357-4812


Olympia Food

921 N . Rogers
Olympia Westside

TESC Bus stops at Division & Bowman
Walk two blocks east to Co-op
Mon-Sat 6:35 bus leaves Co-op for TESC



IlIlllny Cliff. and the Clash. Jeff is a li tt le
divprs ii ipd . hi s tastes runnin g from
1,.lrly 20th cl'ntury compo,er Ca rl Neil son
10 Motown , Ot is Redding, Lit tle Richard ,
.;"11(' VlIl cpnt and ~ddi p Coch ran. Jeff
,',p('ci all " dd llllrPS Jo hn Lpn no n and f' et(·
I (lw n,hpnd ,md dislikes l lppers . Why
li pPl'r,1 " rl lI' y IWVE' r work when you want
t hl'lll t (l .
Wh,1t I' Oil the h ori lon for t he Cowhoy,1 I h.,y will·sooll bp relE'a sing cl Single
w ith " Rude Boy" a ll o ne side and " VOLI
,\.1olk(' Me Sm all " on t il(' flip This sumllwr
Ilwy ,In' pl illl ning il W e, t COdst tou r
Wh"t,'vl'r thpy do, as 1,111 would 'elY. " WP
1",1 W.lllt to have fun .1nd keep on da lle·


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'\pril 23, 1981
page 10 Cooper Point Journal April 23, 1981

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its field is New Wave . There is New W,ave
medicine, New Wave sc ience, something
that hasn' t been done before is New
Wave . The Heats are just another Rhythm
and Blues ,band
Ian writes most of the lyrics for the
band 's songs and is not part icularly interes ted in getting a message across.
" Most of my lyrics are ju st songs. I'm
always writing th in gs down.at home-I
havE' boxes and drawer, fu ll. I like to
write stories. But like I sa id we are ju st a
dance band , we arp not worried about
milk ing a statement. We just want tei ha ve
lun . to be foolish , to be ent ertaining ."
The Cowboys fi rst rpce ived some attenti on, along w ith three o tlwr local band s at
thl' ~dmond, thea ter. Don KE'lman (now
th t' sa" player for thp Np", V itations ) and
Norlll Caldvvpll lnow the Cowboys m dnager) held an idE'a to , hm\ case rock fi Ims
and loca l bands . This p loy on ly la stpd a
few months, but it was enough lime for
thp Moberlys. thl' Girls, the Hea ters, and
the Cowboy s to rece ive a littl e media
coverage. rhE' first two bands have broken
UP. thE' Heaters beca me the Hea ts and
tlwir popu lar ity see ms to have cres ted .
TIl(' Cowboys. nl('anwhil ... ,up stil l high ill
t I,., saddlE'
Ian empha, izes thdt thp Cowboys art'
lust a dance band . " How did you COIllt'
'. Ip with t il(' labE' l, ' ~hyt hm & ShOt,., ' /"
" It was kind of a tdk" o ff on Rod St"",
.lr t At onE' tlille he had labelpo his band
rhythm & Boo/P'." lau ghs Ian . Ledd gU It,lri st . 1,,1i Ct'r,l[ ovl'rhears the Ciuestion
.lnd adds, " Actua ll y our managpr i,
h(,dvi ly mto ,hops . Hp hil< d thing dhout
rh. 'm " .
" Among other things," m,ln.lgt'r Norm
( .I ldw('11 intt'rjPch
W il h sl'rious di sc u ss ion d('lt'norat tng I
d,kt'd )Pff and Ian whilt kmd of musil
th. ,y li,ll'n to. Ian li stpm IlII"t lv to ddnn'
musi •. inl luding th(, Sp{'( Id'ls, MddlH'ss ,

Cooper Point Journal page 11