

Part of Happenings from the Third World Coalition, 1979

extracted text
The Evergreen State College

By Susan 0. Ybarra

0 GREAT SPIRIT, whose breath gives life
to all the world, hear me! I am small
and weak. I need your strength and wisdom.
LET ME WALK IN BEAUTY, and make my eyes
behold the red and purple sunset. MAKE
MY HANDS respect the things you have
made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
MAKE ME WISE so that I may understand
the things you have taught my people.

mation or come by the Coalition offices
at Library 3204 or 3233. We welcome any
articles, stories, poetry or any information about what i s happening for
people of all mi nori ty groups at Evergreen, the surrounding community, Puget
Sound and across the country. This is
a place for you to express any opinions
or ideas you may have. It will be as
useful to the Third ~vorl d community as
you can make it.

LET ME LEARN the lessons you have hidden
in every leaf and rock.


I SEEK STRENGTH, not to be greater than
my brother, but to fight my greatest
enemy - myself.
MAKE ME ALWAYS READY to come to you with
clean hands and straight eyes. SO WHEN
LIFE FADES, as the fading sunset, my
spirit may come to you without shame.
To returning students, faculty and staff,
we would like to say welcome back. To
you new students, welcome to Evergreen.
The Third World Coalition is here for
students of color. It is our responsibility and pleasure to help you with any
questions or concerns you have and
to provide a comfortable place for you
to meet and talk with other students of
color . Our office is located on the
Third floor of the Library at Room 3204.
This is our Third World Community Information Sheet. The intent is to have our
community informed about pertinent issues
concerning us. If you have something you
want included, please forward that infor-

Fall registration begins Tuesday, September 25th from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Also, on the 25th, begins the Academic
Fair from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for
full-time offerings, from 5:30p.m. to
7:30 p.m. for part-time offerings, first
floor, Evans Library building. The
Academic Fair provides an opportunity for
you to look over what is being offered
for each quarter and talk to faculty
involved in each program. This is a
time when you can get the most updated
information on each program and can find
out any changes that have been made in
program structure, faculty, and information on book lists and requirements.
Remember that all programs want minority
students, so just because a program is
full, don't overlook it.
Registration Hours:

Sept. 25





1 :00


- 7:00

p.m .

Page 2
2 Fall quarter begins
9:00 - 7:00 p.m.
9:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Fri .
9:00 - 4:00 p.m.
9:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Registration fee payment deadline.

Big Brother/Big Sister





The end of the registration period is the
6th class day of each quarter and by that
time, students must have completed the
registration process. Students on an
Individual Contract must finish negotiating their contracts and submit the
completed contract form by the 5th class
day of the quarter.
Orientation week is beginning September
24th. The Coalition has scheduled a series
of activities to have during orientation
week for the Third vJorl d community at
Evergreen. This will make it possible
for you as students to meet other Third
World students and for you as Third
vJorl d faculty and staff to make yourself
available so everyone can find out who
you are.
Please take the time to look at the
schedule. There are a variety of things
happening, from the first Third World
Coalition community meeting to cultural
entertainment. Everything is explained
in more detail below.

The Coalition is sponsoring a Big
Brother/Big Sister program to begin this
fall. This is an effort on our part to
help make the adjustment at Evergreen
easier for new Third World students.
This is a united effort of returning
brothers and sisters to lend support to
new students making a transition to Evergreen and the Olympia community. Students
interested in becoming Big Brothers/Big
Sisters are requested to attend a meeting
at 11:00 a.m., Monday, September 24th, in
the Coalition Board room so we can
finalize plans. If you are a new student
interested in being a recipient, please
attend an open house during that week
or contact the Coalition office at L-3204.
Third World Coalition Open House
We have scheduled several open houses, so
it will be possible for everyone to have
a chance to stop by. Times and dates are:
Sept. 24
Fri .


9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.

brown bag lunch
- 12:00 p.m.
- 12:00 p.m.
- 12:00 p.m.

We plan to have available for you, Third
World faculty and staff to talk to, Third
World students who will be Big Brothers/
Big Sisters, information on campus jobs,
housing informati on , Third World Survival
Manuals, financia l aid information, and
the Coalition will be providing boquitas
(hors d oeuvres).

Beginning the week of Sunday, September
23rd, Housing is sponsoring a dinner free to Evergreen students, faculty and
staff at the Recreation Pavilion. At
8:30 p.m. that evening, Dumi and the
Marimba Ensemble will provide entertainment in the Housing Courtyard which is
the area outside, between Dorms A, B,
C & D. Dumi is very popular with all
Evergreen students, especially Third
World students and it is free, so be sure
to check it out.

On Monday afternoon, 3 faculty members
who are going to work with the Coalition
as academic advisors will also be available for you to meet. They are: Larry
Eickstaedt, whose interest is in the
Sciences, Diana Cushing, whose interest
is in Psychology, and Craig Carlson, in
the Communications field. These people
will be at the Coalition Board room at
2:00 p.m. so that you can meet and talk
with them.

Page 3
Third World Community Meeting

Third World Potluck & Disco

The Third vJorld community (this includes
all minority groups: Chicanos, Indians,
Blacks, Asians and Pacific Islanders) is
having its first meeting of the year on
Tuesday, September 25th at noon in the
Coalition Board room, Library 3205.
This meeting is to discuss Third World
survival at Evergreen and form an Advisory
Board of students from each minority
group. We will discuss issues and concerns
of Third World students and plan cultural
and educational happenings. Anything
you would like to discuss or gather
support for, should be brought up at
these meetings.

Wednesday evening, September 27th, is the
evening when the Third World community
get to express itself and make its own
fun. We have scheduled a potluck (so the
food will be as good as we make it) and
a disco at The Corner, A-Dorm. Philir
Jones (alias P.J.) will be spinning
records for us. Happenings start at 7:00

Ethnic Dinner & Third World Film
The Coalition is co-sponsoring with
Housing, an ethnic dinner (at no cost to
you), Tuesday, September 25th at 6:00p.m.
in The Corner, A-Dorm. Housing will
provide the food and Third World students
will cook. The menu will include:
Zuchini & Corn
Terriyaki Wings
Potato Salad
Rice (Indian &Mexican)
Fry Bread
Green Salad
Sweet Potato Pie
Any Third World faculty, staff or students
who would like to help cook, please contact April or Susan at 866-6034.
A Third World film called, "A Dream is
What You Wake Up From" will be shown in
The Corner. It is a 50 minute, color,
docudrama on the Black American family
which examines the values and contrasting lifestyles of 2 families whose
situations may well be representative of
many among the Black community.
What place, if any, does the Black family
have in the American dream? Altho.ugh
the film only rPcords the interaction of
Black family members, the issues which it
raises are universal and can be appreciated
by all people of color.

Cultural Entertainment
Thursday evening at The Corner,
two gentlemen from Seattle will
providing entertainment for us,
Davis on congas and percussion,
Michael Powers on guitar.


There will be a variety of music including
some Afro-Cuban and Brazilian music.
This will be very special and once again,
at no cost to you. Refreshments will be
Third World Rummage Sale
All Third World students are invited to
participate in a rummage sale sponsored
by Ujamaa on Monday, September 24th, in
the CAB Building. If you have anything
you want to sell, be sure to bring it.
THE UJAMAA SOCIETY extends an invitation
to come and j oin them at their first
meeting, Thursday, October 4th, at noon
in Library 3205.
MECHA - Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos
de Aztlan will have their first meeting, noon
Wednesday, October lOth, in Library 3204 .
THE ASIAN COALITION will be meeting for
the first time this year on October lOth
at 3:30 in Library 3209.
All THIRD WORLD WOMEN are asked to attend
their first meeting of the year on October 15th, at noon in Library 3205.
NASA - Native American Student Association
will hold its first meeting October 11th,
at noon in Library 3217.

Page 4
All Third World students are encouraged
to attend these meetings to help meet
other students and plan how to spend our
budgets for the year. Please be sure to
contact these student offices if you
can•t attend, so we can keep you up to
Also, please be sure the Coalition has
your correct local address and phone
number so we can keep you well informed.
Library 3204, phone 866-6034.


Last spring quarter, the Housing Office
experimented with doing something extra
special with food in The Corner, A-Dorm.
Maria Anorga, with the help of other
Mechistas, cooked and sold Mexican food.
It was such a hit with students and
staff that SAGA has contracted with
Maria for this year to cook and serve
food again.
This is the best food on campus (as you
will soon find out). The Corner will be
open for sale of Mexican food starting
Sunday, September 30th from 6:00 p.m. to
9:00p.m, Sunday through Thursday.
Menu includes beans, tortillas, tacos,
burritos, enchiladas, rice, guacamole &
chips, tostados, chili, juice and some

Schedule of Third World Coalition Orientation
Activities Co/Sponsored By Housing

Sunday, September 23
6:00 p.m.

Dinner, Recreation Pavilion (dinner is free)

8:30 p.m.

Dumi and the Marimba Ensemble, Housing Courtyard

Monday, September 24
ll :00 a.m.

Big Brother/Big Sister Meeting


Third World Coalition Open House to meet Third
World faculty, staff and students and designated
Big Brother/Sister, Campus job information and
Third World survival at TESC, Coalition Board
Room, L-3205, Third World Survival Manual, brown
bag 1unch

2:00 p.m.

Meet with faculty designated as academic advisors
for Third World Coalition, Coalition Board Room,

Tuesday, September 25

6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 26
9:00 a.m. - noon

7:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Thursday, September 27
9:00 a.m. - noon

8:00 p.m.
Friday, September 28
9:00 a.m. - noon

Saturday, September 29
noon - 6:00 p.m.

Third World Coalition Meeting to discuss Third
World survival at TESC, and formation of Advisory
Board, open to all Third World people in L-3205
Ethnic dinner and Third World film in The Corner,
Third World Open House, discussion of Third World
Survival at Evergreen, Job information, Housing
information, Coalition Board Room, L-3205
Third orl d Potluck, Disco, The Corner, A-Dorm
Third World Open House, students will have the
opportunity to meet with Third vJorl d staff, faculty
and students, ask questions about jobs, financial
aid, etc., L-3205
Cultural entertainment, Tyronne Davis & Co.,
refreshments served at The Corner, A-Dorm
Third World Open House, an opportunity for Third
World students, faculty and staff to meet and ask
questions, discuss Third World survival at Evergreen
All Third World students invited to attend Asian
Tacoma, Van to be arranged for transportation
$2.00 admission will be paid for by the Coalition
