

Part of Happenings from the Third World Coalition, 1979

extracted text
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MEChA, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos
de Aztlan is a student organization that
embodies a concept of self identity.
cultural heritage, history, brotherhood
and contemporary Chicano student activities. Our goals include educating the
Evergreen and Olympia communities to the
total Chicano experience. We exist to
fill the gap for all Chicano students
that the normal resources on campus fail
to meet. We are here to try to help meet
your needs, both academic and social.
Please contact us at Library 3206 or by
phone at 866-6033 so we can help you with
your concerns as a student at Evergreen.
Ujamaa is Swahili for cooperative
economics. The Ujamaa society exists to
develop and reinforce Black conciousness
and to secure our self determination as
a foundation in this society. We are
here to provide a friendly atmosphere for
Black students to meet and t~lk with
other Black students and provide assistance in any way possible. Our office is
located at Library 3207, our number is
April Yamashiro West, an Evergreen lum,
is Coordinator for the Third World Coalition. She assumed the position last
Ocfol.ierafter a-three year stint 1n
Tacoma at the Asian American Alliance.
April was a state delegate to the national
IWY (International Women's Year) Conference in Houston and continues to be
active in Asian American Women's issues.
She has a goal of continuing her education in pursuit of a Masters degree in
social work specializing in administration and program evaluation.
A very warm welcome is extended to all
Third World students from April, with
an invitation to stop by the Coalition
office to talk. Office hours are 9 to 5.

Kim Bingham is the Third World Coalition
secretary and has been for 2~ years. Kim
is a native Tacoman and a graduate of
Stadium High School. She is currently
attending night classes at Tacoma
Community College with a long range
goal of obtaining her Bachelors degree
in Accounting. Her leisure hours are
spent with her daughter Sayona, who is
14 months old.
Fall orientation plans for Third World
stuaents are being t1 na 1i zecf by tffe Coalition. Plans include open house on
several days where Third World students
can meet one another, meet Big Brother/
Big Sister, find out jobs, housing and
financial aid information, discuss Third
World survival at Evergreen, and meet
Third World faculty and staff. Other
plans include an ethnic dinner, film,
potluck, disco and cultural entertainment.
During orientation week, the Coalition
also plans a Third World Coalition
meeting on Tuesday, September 25th, to
discuss Third World survival at Evergreen
and form an Advisory Board of students
from all the different ethnic backgrounds.
These student advisors will be able to
represent their particular ethnic group
- -,ri -dean ng Wl th- Coal ffi on bus fne_s_s_.
Coalition meetings will be held on alternate Tuesdays in the Coalition Board
room, Library 3205. These Third World
community meetings will deal with issues
and concerns of Third World students at
Evergreen, planning cultural and educational happenings and generally any
business students may care to include.
All students of color are welcome to
attend and participate in these meetings.
Fall registration begins September 25th

Program and also worked to complete a
recruitment videotape for the Third World


While we students of Third World Media
Productions are pleased with his response
to our videotape, we can't help but feel
some mixed feelings about doing all this
work with no support from the administration and then have it duplicated to
recruit white students. Where were you
Dan Evans, Duke Kuehn, Dean Clabaugh and
Byron Youtz when we were trying to get
funding for this effort and were having
trouble getting our hands on equipment we
had reserved? Should Coalition funds be
used to recruit white students? Shouldn't
it be the other way around with Admissions
and academic funds supporting all recruitment efforts?


Cuba: In 1971 following Cuban nationalis
of U.S. business and property in Cuba, t
Congratulations, Donna! We are proud of
U.S. imposed a trade embargo with Cuba.
For nearly two decades the U.S. has tried
to use trade as a weapon against Cuba.
This cold war is still in full progress
with other countries taking the lead in
reestablishing ties with Cuba. July 17,
Several students from last quarter's
Ecuador reestablished consular and commThird World Media class have completed a
ercial relations with Cuba that had been
videotape directed at recruiting Third
broken since 1962. Recently, some 10,000
World students. The videotape is enCuban Americans signed a petition calling
titled "A Third World Perspective" and
for normalization of diplomatic and economic ties with Cuba. In Congress, last
was produced by the Third World Coalition
and Pila Laronal. It includes footage
month legislation was introduced calling
of Third World students, faculty and
for an end to U.S. trade embargo against
staff giving their impressions of Ever- - - - l:U5a an·d- esta51ishmentof rulT cliplomatic ties.
green. "A Third World Perspective" wi 11
be used as part of a recruitment package
Nicaragua: Anastasio Somoza resigned the
by the Coalition for recruiting in Puget
Nicaraguan presidency ending 42 years of
Sound and the Yakima Valley.
his family ruling in that country. He
took refuge in a platial island estate
On Monday, July 30th, Dan Evans viewed
in Florida, on July 17, where he says he
"A Third World Perspective.'' He said it
prepared for "lifetime exile," and
was a "first rate job" and "the best
to be in the United States." He
overview of Evergreen of this type he
a 4 year businessman's visa.
has seen." He was pleased enough to
suggest it be used as part of recruiting
Members of the rebel junta say they are
for white students and could be used to
going to ask for Somozas extradition to
show students once they are here at
stand trial for crimes against the
Evergreen. He also asked that it be
Nicaraguan people.
presented to the Board of Trustees at
their September board meeting.

The Third World Coalition will have two
_ wo_rkstudy positi~ns available be_g_inning__
Fall quarter. One is a clerical position
with duties that include covering the
Coalition office phones and some typing.
The second position is to assist the
Coordinator of the Third World Coalition,
April West. Duties will include, but
aren't exclusive to, research on Third
World people, community organizing and
liaison. For more information, you may
contact April West at Library 3233 or by
phone at 866-6034.

Page 5
Upward Bound is taking applications
i ediately for 12 Tutor/Counselor positions beginning Fall quarter. Interviews
will be during the weeks of September 24th
and October 1st. These positions are to
be filled by students from South Puget
Sound colleges and universities, with
preference given to people interested in
internships in education and counseling.
Anyone interested in other disciplines
may also apply. Internships will be contracted for a 9 month academic year, with
a 20 hour week. Some part-time internships will be considered at 10 hours a
Duties will include 1) meeting each week
with a small group of students, 6 to 7,
assigned to your group; 2) preparing
weekly lesson plans and planning follow
up activities with each student individually; 3) maintaining and updating
weekly records on student progress and
counseling contacts; 4) attending other
activities as required by the program
director, such as dinner meetings, excursions, etc.
Salary ranges between $1800 and $2000 for
a 9 month contract. Positions are also
available during the summer session and
will be announced Spring quarter.
Upward Bound Director, Tomas Ybarra says
he may draw from the 12 Tutor/Counselor
positions for summer employment. For
further information about Upward Bound
and job opportunities, please contact
Tomas Ybarra at Library 3406 or call
Housing is looking for a Third World
student to be a student manager in the
dorms beginning Fall quarter. Student
manager positions include a 15 hour week
at a workstudy rate of approximately
$3.00 per hour, free phone and a slight
rent reduction. Housing also has a
clerk typist/receptionist position available beginning Fall quarter. This
position is for a 15 hour week. Workstudy students are preferred. If you
are interested in either position, please
contact Ken Jacobs at 866-6132.

United Farm Workers are continuing a
nationwide boycott of Chiquita brand
bananas in a push for a solution to
the lettuce strike. Why bananas? Sun
Harvest is the largest lettuce grower
in California. The parent company is
United Brands, with Chiquita Bananas
being its best known product. Boycotting
Chiquita Bananas will put pressure on the
company to help settle the lettuce strike
against Sun Harvest Inc.

This is the Third World Community Information Sheet. The intent is to have our
community informed about pertinent issues
concerning us. If you have something you
want included, please forward the information or come by the Coalition office,
Library 3204 or 3233.