

Part of Third World Coalition Community Information Sheet, 1975

extracted text

Vol. I, No. 2

November 21, 1975

Thanksgiving Happening
On November 27, 1975, from 2:00p.m. -6:00p.m. the Human
Growth Center is sponsoring a Thanksgiving Get-Together.
Tickets are available in Human Growth Center Ll224.
Board of Trustees Representatives
Stone is still working toward The Third World Community being
represented on the Board of Trustees. There is a meeting
scheduled for November 24, 1975 (Monday) to talk with Charles
McCann about our position. The Gay and Women's Community
representatives will also be there. Our position is that we
have autonomous representation for the Third World Community,
(i.e. Ex Officio Member).
Academic Proposals
The Coalition has submitted (3) proposals to Lynn Patterson,
they are:
o Group Contract in, ~arly Childhood Development/
Third World Perspective;
o Coordinated Studies in, Myth and Realities:
Politics , History, Economics and the Development
of the First, Second, Third and Fourth World ;
o Group Contract in, Community Organizing and Development.
The proposals are on the Board next to Lynn's office. People
should get do\m and read the proposals and give their support. '
The board is on second floor.
Consulta tive Pool Meeting
The consultative pool, a mechanism for student involvement in
Curriculum Planning will be meeting November 25, 1975 from
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. on Second Floor of the Library. Third
World Students should get there - read, analyze and evaluate
those proposed academic offerings for next year.
Discussion on Governance
Beginning Monday, November 24, 1975 at 9:00 a.m. The Evergreen
campus will be involved in discussion on governance, etc. The



Vol. I, No. 1

November 7, 1975

Board of Trustees Representatives
In the Sounding Board Meeting on November 5, 19l5 the group
voted unaniously for the Third World Community to select a
representative from the community to be an ex-officio member
on the Board of Trustees. The ex-officio member has no vote,
however, will be ·responsible for speaking to the concerns
and needs of the Third World Community. The next Board of
Trustees meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 13, 1975
at 10:30 a.m. in L3112.
S&A Board Review of Budgets
On November 19, 1975 the S&A Board \vill be reviewing the
Student Activities budgets for the various groups . Due to
decline in enrollment S&A fees have decreased. The purpose
of this meeting is to focus on budget adjustments. Asian
Coalition, Ujamma, and NASA must be there to defend there
budgets, otherwise, you will be trimmed without your knowledge. MECHA should also be represented for the sake of
making an argument for a budget.
Curriculum Planning Sessions
Beginning Thursday, November 6, 1975, a group of Third World
students will be working on a proposal to present to Lynn
Patterson c0ncerning Curriculum Planning for Third World
Students. We are in need of the Third World Faculty and Deans
technical assistance and knowledge and strongly encourage you
to come and participate. The session will be in Room L3205
beginning at 3:00 p.m.

This is the Third World Community Information Sheet. The intent is to
have our community informed about pertinent issues concerning us. If
you have something you \vant included, please forward the information
or come by the Coalition Office (13237) by 5:00p.m., every Thursday
in order that the information gets in the following Mondays publication.
All Power To The People!!