

Part of First People's Catalog, 1997

extracted text
As you consider making Evergreen your college, I hope you will find this publication helpful
in introducing the services we offer to Students of Color. I hope also that you will gain
insight into the Evergreen community and our commitment to diversity, multiculturalism and
student development. Most of all, I hope you will feel welcome here. Our students and the
quality of their experience are our highest priority, and it is with that pledge that I extend
our warmest hospitality.
- jane jervis, President

AI considerar a Evergreen para decidi r
si esta va a ser tu universidad, espero
que este folleto te sea uti! ya que
introduce los servicios que ofrecemos
a los estudiantes de diferentes grupos
culturales y etnicos. Tambien espero
que a! leer esto te des cuenta de que
Ia comunidad de Evergreen lleva un
compromiso a Ia diversidad,
multiculturalismo y desarrollo del
estudiante. Mas que nada, espero que
te sientas muy bienvenido. Nuestros
estudiantes, asi como Ia calidad de
experiencias que viviran aqui, son
nuestra prioridad mas alta. Con esta
promesa te extiendo Ia mas calida
- jane jervis, Presidenta



First Peoples at Evergreen describes people of racial and ethnic backgrounds commonly
referred to in America as "minorities, " or more recently as "people of color."
In 1986, Evergreen students, staff and faculty members gathered together and named
ourselves First Peoples in recognition of our unique indigenous heritages. We are African
Americans, Native American Indians and Alaskan Natives, Asian Americans, Pacific
Islanders and Chicanos/Latinos.
So what's it really like to be a First People at Evergreen? There's a lot to learn and
experience, but for a while, it can seem overwhelming or bewildering. Some new students
jump right in and participate in social or political activities sponsored by student
organizations. Others wait, watch and test the waters first . We believe there is room for
all First Peoples to succeed at Evergreen.
C:::L A

RI :S :S ~ L~ 0 N G (Left)
Admissions Counselor
First Peoples' Recruitment

S:u~ B:RuN~R (Center)

Office Assistant
First Peoples' Recruitment

[>I A N ~

i< AHA U

MIA (Right)

First Peoples' Recruitment

En el idioma de Evergreen, "First Peoples" describe a Ia gente comunmente llamada
"minorfa" o mas recientemente "personas de color" en EEUU.
En 1986, los estudiantes, Ia facultad y el personal universitario adoptaron un nuevo
nombre: First Peoples. Este nombre reconece el origen indigena de nuestras culturas.
Asi pues, i_cual es Ia realidad de ser un estudiante de "First People" en Evergreen?
Hay mucho que aprender y mucho con que experimentar. AI principio, sin embargo, puede
parecer demasiado, ya hasta te puede confundir. Algunos de los nuevos estudiantes se
sienten muy integrados y participan en las actividades sociales y politicas patrocinadas
por los diferentes grupos estudiantiles. Otros estudiantes prefieren esperar, observar y
examinar el ambiente. Pero nostros creemos que hay algo en todos los estudiantes de
"First People" que hara que tengan exito en Evergreen.


I have to say
than what I expectE!C&'
about seminars and I knew about
independent learning, but I wasn't sure
how the teachers would pull everything
together to make it work. I've found that
my faculty have been great! I wouldn't give
up the way my learning has been
structured for the world.

The more I learned about Evergreen, the more I
realized it was one of the leading liberal arts and
sciences colleges in the United States, and
probably the world. Then I realized, "This gold
mine is in my own backyard."

Evergreen is located just outside the Olympia city limits in Thurston County. The race and
ethnic makeup for this city is 8% and for the county is 8%. Of the 3,409 students enrolled
at the Olympia campus during fall quarter 1995, First Peoples comprised 14%, and in june
1996, 235 First Peoples were awarded bachelors degrees. Also, 21% of the staff and
22% of the faculty are People of Color.


Asian/Pacific Islander
African American
Native American
Students of color

total 14%

The First Peoples Coalition comprises students, staff and faculty of color at Evergreen.
Often spearheaded by the First Peoples student organizations, we gather for events such
as potlucks, community forums, political discussions and celebrations. Traditional annual
gatherings include the Day of Absence and First Peoples Graduation. During the Day of
Absence, the First Peoples Coalition spends the entire day away from the Olympia campus
to welcome new members, renew acquaintances and discuss issues that affect the
Community of Color. In june, we celebrate the end of the academic year with First Peoples
Graduation. We recognize those who have made significant contributions to the Coalition
and honor the achievements of our graduates.




Evergreen esta localizado en las afueras de Ia ciudad de Olympia, en el
condado de Thurston. La distribuci6n etnica es 8% para Ia ciudad y 8%
para el condado. 14% de los 3409 estudiantes matriculados en el centro
universitario de Olympia en otofio de 1995 fueron estudiantes de "First
Peoples." En junio de 1996, 235 estudiantes de "First Peoples" recibieron
su titulo universitario. 21% por ciento de los empleados universitario y
22% de las facultad son personas del "First Peoples."
La Coalicfon de "First Peoples" incluye estudiantes, profesores y
miembros del personal universitario de Evergreen. Frecuentemente los
grupos estudiantiles patrocinan "potlucks," reuniones, discusiones de
politica, y fiestas. Una vez al afio, Ia comunidad celebra el "Dfa de
Ausencia," que es una oportunidad para conocer a nuevos miembros,
reestablecer las previas amistades, y discutir puntos de importancia.
Celebramos el final del afio academico con una fiesta especial para
honrar a los graduados y para reconcer las contribuciones de individuos
a Ia comunidad.



You can try new ways of learning and
thinking here because Evergreen is an
accepting community. I've been involved in
extracurricular activities at Evergreen,
which I have found to be as beneficial as
going to class. I've learned about higher
education as an organization and how an
organization develops its policies and
reviews community concerns. I've learned
a lot in my program, but my extracurricular
work has been practical, hands-on
learning. I've been able to apply the
theortical learning from the classroom
and link it to the real world.

P~OPL~5' A[>VI51NG 5~RVIC::~5
First Peoples' Advising Services is guided by its belief in taking a holistic approach to
student services, one that supports and fosters exploration of personal growth. We believe
this advances the college's original role and mission, to "prepare citizens to participate in
our quickly changing society." We actively collaborate with, challenge and support the
institution in an effort to ensure that this campus continues striving to be a supportive
environment for Students of Color.


C, o M~ S:~ ~

• Academic and personal counseling/advising and referrals to support students in
achieving their academic goals.
• Information and discussions about nearly everything at Evergreen.
• Informative workshops, from how to cook ethnic foods to tips on applying for
• Encouragement and support for students' exploration of their personal culture, and for
understanding others' as well.
• Advocacy for students who experience conflicts when the institutional philosophy of
cultural diversity falls short of reality.
• Community celebrations and resource gatherings, like Day of Absence, Day of Presence,
Student of Color Anthology and the First Peoples' Graduation and Community Celebration.
The Mentoring Program began in 1989. It connects new students with alumni, staff and
other interested members of the community who want to participate in a mentoring
relationship. As a new student, you automatically become part of the Mentoring Program.
What are your benefits as a member? Many! join us and find out more.
First Edition is the First Peoples' Advising Services newsletter. We very much encourage
your involvement with and contributions to this publication, in the form of articles,
creative writing, poetry or whatever else you would like to let the Community of Color
know about.
Peer Support Counselors/Advisors are trained, upper-division students available to answer
questions, make referrals, lend advocacy or support. The Peer Support staff also works to
organize- both as a team and in collaboration with First Peoples student organizationsworkshops, social gatherings and issues-related discussions.
We believe it's important to bring the history and tradition of Evergreen's First Peoples
forward by building coalitions. These connections are important to the entire Community
of Color, and we work to foster and support them.
We also have full-time staff available for counseling, advising and advocacy, on a dropin or appointment basis. Your involvement, on whatever level you choose, will likely be
richly rewarding. We are here to support you through the difficult times, help you celebrate
your successes and increase your sense of belonging in the Evergreen community.

P~OPL~>~ A[>VI51NG >~RVIC~>
La fundaci6n filos6fica de Ia oficina de First Peoples' Advising Services ofrece servicios
que puedan ayudar al desarollo personal de los estudiantes. Creemos que esta fundaci6n
filos6fica esta de acuerdo con el prop6sito original de Evergreen: "preparar ciudadanos a
participar en nuestra sociedad, Ia cual esta en un proceso de cambio constante." Esta
oficina colabora con, desafia a y ayuda otras oficinas universitarias para ofrecer apoyo a
los estudiantes etnicos, y para mantener un ambiente que acoge con agrado a estos


iV~N A V~RNos!
• Si necesitas consejo personal o academico o quieres ayuda para llevar a cabo tus metas
• Si necesitas informacion o quieres hablar con nosotros acerca de cualquier aspecto de
• Si quieres participar en diferentes talleres, de como aprender a cocinar comidas
etnicas, a como llenar los formularios para las becas.
• Si quieres ofrecer apoyo a otros estudiantes que quieren aprender mas acerca de tu
propia cultura y las culturas de otros estudiantes.
• Si quieres apoyo si has encontrado discrepancias entre las aspiraciones de Evergreen y
el comportamiento de ciertos miembros de Ia comunidad.
• Si buscas un Iugar acogedor, una sala para estudiar o otros recursos.
• Si deseas celebrar fiestas de gran importancia como" Day of Absence," "Day of Presence," Ia graduaci6n al final del ano, y Ia publicaci6n anual de Ia "Antologia de los
Estudiantes Etnicos."

Este proyecto se inagur6 en 1989. Todos los estudiantes que empiezan en Evergreen
participan en este proyecto. Miembros de Ia facultad, empleados de Ia administraci6n
universitaria, y estudiantes que han graduado de Evergreen ofrecen ayuda como mentores
a los estudiantes etnicos de Evergreen. Los beneficios para ti son muchos. LOuieres saber
mas acerca de este proyecto? Ven y preguntanos.
"fiRST ~t>ITION"

"First Edition" es el nombre de Ia revista de First Peoples Advising Services. Te invitamos a
mandarnos articulos, poemas, y noticias que quisieras compartir con el resto de Ia
comunidad etnica de Evergreen.

"Peer Support Counselors/Advisors" son estudiantes universitarios del tercer y cuarto a no
que han recibido entrenamiento especial para contestar tus preguntas, guiarte hacia las
personas que te pueden ayudar, y darte apoyo en todo lo posible. Estos estudiantes, solos
y en conjunto con otros grupos estudiantes, organizan talleres, actividades sociales, y
cursillos acerca de muchas temas.

takes great pride in the services provided to prospective students
and their family members. We believe that information is "power,"
and want you to be able to make powerful choices. We want our
services to be as inclusive as possible, without being intrusive.
First Peoples' Recruitment supplements the advising provided
by the Office of Admissions by sending the monthly News and
Notes to let you know what's happening in the admissions
process, when our representatives will visit your community
and what other student services can offer you at Evergreen.
We will also:
• Contact you directly. Our staff and faculty will call you to
find out if you have any questions about the campus or the
• Invite you to spend a day on campus - hosted by a currently
enrolled Evergreen student. Sit in a lecture or seminar, sample the
campus cuisine and take a tour of our facilities. Perhaps we can
schedule an appointment for you to meet with one of your faculty
• Keep you apprised of your admissions application review. Is
your file complete? What's missing? When will you need to pay
your advance tuition deposit?
• Assist you with your scholarship search process. We research
scholarships offered by independent foundations and publish a
scholarship brochure listing the scholarships. Every November,
Evergreen publishes its Undergraduate Scholarship flier and offers
a large number of scholarships to new Students of Color.
• Provide you with the connection to other student services:
Financial Aid, Housing, Academic Planning and Experiential
Learning, Career Development, Learning Resource Center,
Student Activities, Recreation and Athletics, First Peoples' Advising
Sometimes currently enrolled Evergreen students continue to
use our office as a sounding board or safe haven - a place they
know they can come for a serious conversation or a lot of laughter. We appreciate their support and enthusiasm and hope you will
soon be among them.




.. .

La Oficina de First Peoples' Recruitment se siente muy orgullosa
de los servicos que ofrecen a las personas que quieren
matricularse en Evergreen y a sus familiares. Creemos que Ia
informacion es poder, y queremos darte el poder de hacer buenas
decisiones. Queremos ofrecerte una extensa gama de servicos sin
causarte intrusiones.
La Oficina de First Peoples' Recruitment suplementa los
consejos ofrecidos por las de Admissions Office. Enviamos una
carta mensual News and Notes, que te informa acerca del proceso
de Ia matricula en Evergreen, de cuando nuestros represen tantes
van a visitar tu comunidad, y de Ia manera que otras oficinas te
pueden ayudar. Ademas:
• te llamamos directamente, apra que tengas Ia oportunidad de
hablar con uno de los profesores, o con un con serjero que pueda
responder a tus preguntas acera de los cursos academicos o Ia
vida social de los estudiantes ...
• te invitamos a pasar un dfa en Ia universidad, hospedado por
uno de los estudiantes universitarios. De esta manera puedes
observar un seminario o una conferencia, comer en Ia cafeteria
ya participar en el recorrido de los edificios universitarios. Si es
posible, te posemos ofrecer una entrevista con uno de los
profesores ...
• te mantendremos informado del progreso de tu matricula, de
los documentos requeridos han que sido recibidos y de cuando
tienes que pagar el costo de Ia ensefianza ...
te ayudamos en Ia busqueda de becas. Nuestra oficina tiene
informacion sobre nuevas becas ofrecidas por fundaciones
independientes, de las cuales tenemos a tu disposici6n diversos
formularios. En noviembre se publica un folleto con las becas
ofrecidas por Ia Evergreen Foundation para los nuevos
estudiantes de First Peoples .. .
• te ayudamos a conocer otras oficinas de Ia universidad : Financial Aid, Housing, Academic Planning and Experiential Learning,
Career Development, Learning Resource Center, Student Activites,
Recreation and Athletics, and First Peoples Advising Service.
Algunos estudiantes de First Peoples siguen visitando nuestra
oficina despues que se han maticulados porque es un ambiente
que se presta para discutir con confianza cosas serias igual que
divertidas. Nosotros les agradecemos su compafifa y entusiasmo y
esperamos que tu seas parte de este grupo en el futuro.




Evergreen's student organizations are valuable sources of cultural enrichment, personal
growth, lasting friendships and solidarity. Involvement can help you learn to more
effectively work within groups and with other organizations while also helping you
develop leadership skills. Student fees fund more than 40 active student groups, offering
a wide variety of opportunities for your participation.
Organizations like Asian Students In Alliance (ASIA), MEChA, Native Student Alliance,
Umoja and Women of Color Coalition are coordinated by Students of Color for Students of
Color. These organizations, active throughout the academic year, produce crosscultural
events; bring speakers, films and entertainment to the community; sponsor conferences
and celebrations; and play an integral role in the college's goals of enhancing cultural
diversity and student empowerment.
At Evergreen, you'll find that student organizations are more than just "clubs" or
social alliances. Of course they provide activities and opportunities for fun and social
interaction, but they also provide cultural, educational, recreational and spiritual services
to students. Students working with First Peoples student organizations conduct important
work against racism and harassment and help the entire community understand, welcome
and honor diversity. Involvement can give you one of your best and most worthwhile
experiences as a student.
Student organization offices are located on the third floor of the College Activities
Building, along with the Student Activities professional staff, which will help you get
connected with all of the student groups and find out what's happening on campus. The
staff members also assist in the interpretation of campus policies and procedures or local,
state and federal laws as they pertain to campus issues (permits for vendors, political
campaigning, spending of state funds for student activities, etc.) and assist with developing
student-initiated programs and activities.
First Peoples student organizations include:
• Asian Student In Alliance (ASIA)
• Latin American Student Organization (LASO)
• Movimiento Estudantil Chicanos Aztlan (MEChA)
• Native Student Alliance
• Pacific Islander Association
• Umoja (Swahili for "unity"), African American Student Organization
• Women of Color Coalition
For a complete list of Evergreen student organizations, contact the Student Activities
Office, College Activities Building, third floor, ext. 6220.

Las organizaciones estudiantiles de Evergreen son fuente de enriquecimiento cultural,
desarollo personal, grandes amistades y solidaridad. Tu participaci6n te puede ayudar a
trabajar mas efectivamente dentro de grupos y con otras organizaciones, a! mismo tiempo
que puedes desarollar tus cualidades de lider. Parte del dinero de Ia matricula es
destinado para el mantenimiento de mas de 40 grupos estudiantiles, los cuales ofrecen
programas muy variados para tu participadon.
Organizacinoes como Asian Students in Alliance (ASIA), MEChA, Native Student Alliance,
Umoja, Women of Color Coalition son coordinadas por estudiantes de "First People" para
los estudiantes de "First Peoples." Estas organizaciones ofrecen varios actos culturales
durante el ano como conferencias, peliculas, celebraciones y fiestas para Ia comunidad.
Como ves, estas organizacionestienen un fin muy importante, el de aumentar Ia diversidad
cultural de Ia comunidad.
En Evergreen, descubriras que las organizaciones estudiantiles son mas que clubs o
alianzas sociales. Desde luego, patrocinan actividades sociales y oportunidades para
divertirse, pero tambien patrocinan actividades culturades, educationales, y espirituales
para los estudiantes. Con Ia ayuda de "First Peoples Advising Service" y con los miembros
de Ia cominidad, estas organizaciones ayudan a combatir el racismo y el acoso contra
miembros de minorias. Tambien contribuyen a! etendimiento, respeto y acogida de Ia
diversidad cultural. Tu participadon en estas organizaciones te puede proporcionar una de
las mejores experiencias como estudiante universitario.
Las oficinas de las organizaciones estudiantiles estan localizadas en el tercer piso del
College Activities Building, junto a Ia de los miembros de Ia Oficina de Student Activities.
Esta oficina te puede ayudar a integrarte a otras organizaciones, darte informacion acerca
de futuras actividades, e interpretar las reglas universitarias y las !eyes estatales o
federates que se refieren a suntos estudiantiles (por ejemplo: licencias para vendedores
en Ia universidad, campanas politicas, gastos de bienes del estado para actos estudiantiles,
etc.). Tambien te pueden prestar ayuda a disenar programas y actividades diversas.
Esta es una lista de las organizaciones estudiantiles de "First Peoples":
• Asian Students in Alliance (ASIA)
• Latin American Student Organization (LASO)
• Movimento Estudantil Chicanos de Aztlan (MEChA)
• Native Student Alliance
• Pacific Islander Association
• Umoja (en Ia lengua de Swahili quiere decir "unidad"),
African American Student Organization
• Women of Color Coalition
Si deseas una lista de todas las organizaciones estudiantiles, por favor llama "Student
Activities Office," ext. 6220

past. I responded to education was something that "happened" to
me. I responded to it by impressing
and telling them what they
me to do my own thinking,
to discover what I want from my
learning, to respond to my needs.
Now, I am invested in my achievements
and my progress.



Working with the Housing Office
has given me the opportunity to plan
events that bring the community
together. Living on campus has been
a good experience. My room is about
a two-minute walk from class, so it's
very convenient. I have friends who
live off-campus, but I'm more involved
with other students in the community
or in housing.



I was very quiet in my first class meeting. I
sat with a friend and whispered my
responses to her, which she would relay to
the other class members. But as the quarter
progressed, I became much more selfconfident. We read a book called Critical
Reasoning. It helped me become a better

student because !learned how to listen and
understand the message of the speaker or
writer. With these critical skills, I felt more
assured as a student and became a more
active community member.

Evergreen has so many different
students. What I noticed first was
the red, blue and green hair. But
then I realized that if I don't accept
the different expressions of others,
how can I ask people to accept me.
I also realized that for me to feel more
comfortable in this environment, I would
need some guidance. One of my first stops
was with First Peoples' Recruitment. Next,
I went to First Peoples' Advising Services
to sign up for a mentor. Next I became
involved so I could help other students.





Phone (360) 866-6ooo, ext. 6495
Diane Kahaumia, Coordinator
Internet: kahaumidwelwha.evergreen.edu
Clarisse Leong, Admissions Counselor
Internet: leongcwelwha.evergreen.edu
Sue Bruner, Office Assistant
Internet: brunerswelwha.evergreen.edu

Phone (360) 866-6ooo, ext. 6467
Ricardo Leyva-Puebla, Director
Internet: rleyvawelwha.evergreen.edu
Nani jackins-Parks, Coordinator Student Support Program
Internet: nanijpwelwha.evergreen.edu
Lena Kline-Shedd, Office Assistant
Internet: lenakswelwha.evergreen.edu


Phone (360) 866-6ooo, ext. 6170
After working hours (5 p.m., P.S.T.) an answering machine will record
your requests.
Internet: admissionswelwha.evergreen.edu
~v~R(jR~~N w~~ PA(j~

http:/ /www.evergreen.edu

The Evergreen State College
2700 Evergreen Parkway NW
Olympia, WA 98505


The Equal Opportunity Policy of The Evergreen State College expressly prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of
race, sex, age, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual
preference, Vietnam-era or disabled veteran status, or the presence
of any sensory, physical or mental disability, unless based upon a
bona fide occupational qualification.


The information contained in this catalog is available
in other media with 24 hours of notice. TDD: (360) 866-6834.

Academic calendars are subject to change without notice. The
Evergreen State College reserves the right to revise or change rules,
charges, fees, schedules, courses, programs, degree requirements
and any other regulations affecting students whenever considered
necessary or desirable. The college reserves the right to cancel any
offering because of insufficient enrollment or funding, and to phase
out any program. Registration by students signifies their agreement
to comply with all current and future regulations of the college
whenever approved. Changes become effective when Evergreen so
determines and apply to prospective students as well as those
currently enrolled.
©1996 by The Evergreen State College

PRol>uC::TioN T~AM

Editing: Diane Kahaumia, Craig McLaughlin, Clarisse Leong,
Arnaldo Rodriguez, Rachelle Daniels Sharpe, Ileana Dorn,
Design: judy Nufiez-Pinedo, Mary Geraci
Photography: Steve Davis, Debra Gerth, TESC Photo Services