

Part of Update from Barbara Leigh Smith on the progress in instituting an Indian Education program, 1983

extracted text

March 7, 1983

Willard Bill
Wayne Cantrell
Lloyd Colfax
James Egawa
Bruce Miller
Hazel Pste


Barbara Leigh

. Mac Oreiro
Yvonne Peterson
·Lee Piper
i Wally Strong
~ . Karen Strong
Mitzie Whitener


This is a brief update on progress in instituting an Indian Education program
for the 1983/84 academic year.
Community Recruiting Visits
Lloyd Colfax, Albert Smalls, Laura Thomas (Financial Aid)" and several students and
I did recruiting visits to Poulsbo, Yakima, and Highline Community College. Several
of you helped considerably in setting up these visits, and I certainly want to thank
you. The turnout at Poulsbo was especially pleesing. · We . will continue to do visits
as requested by people in local communities. If you know of a site which we should
visit, please let us know.
Applicant ·Pool and Followup
We have names and addresses of approximately 46 Indian students who are potential
applicants. We have been doing mailings to them with followup phone calls. We
have arranged for the testing which is required to enter the program to be done
at more convenient sites. It appears that more than a dozen Indian students will
apply to the program. We are very hCipeful that .the program will meet its
recruiting goals and establish a first class which is very strong.
Test Dates
dates for admission to the program are March 2 and March 26 in Olympia.
test on the 26th is at 10 a.m. in CAB108. The test will also be given at
Qlympic College in the testing center at 1 p.m. on March 18.



Scholarship Money Received
We are pleased to inform you that an individual donor has contributed $5,000
for scholarships for Indian students going into the teachers certification program.
Priority for this money will go to individuals who cannot qualify for other
sources of funding but who demonstrate financial need. Applicants with B.A.
degrees will probably be the major beneficiaries of this generous donation.
Application information will be available within the week. Call the Office of
Financial Aid for further information.
Our next meeting will be on April 15 at noon.
will be sent out later about this meeting.

A more detailed announcement

cc: Whitener
Hostetter, Watson, Deans, Smalls, Nelson, Tremblay, Thomas, Provost