

Part of Pacific Salmon Sportfishing Committee Raising Money against indigenous fishing rights

extracted text
Pacific Salmon
Sportfishing Committee
February .15, 1982

Dick Posey, Chairman
Prrsidrnt, Lamiglas Corp.
Woodland, WA

Phil Anderson. President
Wasltington Cltarter Boar Assn.
Westport, WA
Vern Barns. Sportlisherman
Olympia. WA
M'lrk Cedergreen, President
Westport Cltartrr Srrvicr, Inc.
Westport. WA
Dave Davis. President

There is a lot of talk about
throwing the sport· fishermen off the ocean •.•
.•• unfortunately, it's not just talk.
On August 4, 1981, Federal Judge Walter Craig, ruled
that the treaty Indians are entitled to catch their 50
percent of the salmon, river by river, run by run. This
means that almost all of the salmon must return to their
stream of origin before the division between Indians and
non-Indians can be made.

Les Davis Corp.

Tacoma. WA
AI Haar. President
Ilwaco Cllartrr Boat Assn.
Ilwaco, WA


Generous' Gene Haller
Pasco. WA
Dick Harrison. Sportlisherman
Seattle, WA
Fred Johnson. Owner
Joltnson 's Printing
Everett. WA
Wall McGovern. Sportlisherman
Gollf!rnor 's Salmon Advisory Council
Portland. OR
Hobo' Jack McNeal
Ilwaco. WA
Buzz Ramsey. Sportlisherman
Lultr Jrnsen Corp.
Hood River. OR
Chic Sandifer
Seattle. WA
Jack Westrick . President
Wrstport Cltartr r Boat Assn.
Westport. WA
Art Zier. Sportlisherman
Sacramento. CA
AI Wilson
Nez Perce. Idaho

This also means that sport fishing on the ocean for
Chinook and Coho could simply come to a very loud, HALT!
This action by Judge Craig, · if left standing, could
take the private sport fishing boats and charter boats off
the ocean. This is why I'm writing to you today. Because,
I assume that you not only want to know about this judicial
ruling but, that you are concerned with its consequences and
want to do something about it.
Well, fellow salmon


here's how you can

The Pacific Salmon Sportfishing Committee has been
formed by independent salmon sport fishermen, sport fishing
groups, charter boat people, and some business' who cater
to the salmon fishermen here on the Pacific Coast.
The Committee has been organized to protect and enhance
the salmon fishery as a vitally important resource through
litigation on major issues involving fisheries and related
regulations. So far, our fight to save the right to fish
for salmon on the ocean has cost $35,000 in legal fees.
However, b~cause of Judge Craig's 'river by river' ruling,
we now know that we must raise an additional $50,000 in
order to overturn his decision ... and there is a very good
chance that we can do this.






That's a huge sum of money to raise ... but if each of us joins in with
a voluntary contribution, we can sustain this litigation in court and, hopefully, eliminate this insidious river by river, run by run system.
We need to act now .•. we need your help now .•. we must keep the courts
from throwing us off the water.
If you contribute $5.00 or more, we will put you on our Coll'lllittee, mail ·
you a very good looking Salmon Committee patch for your jacket or cap, and
also keep you posted on ·a ll our actions with ·o ur Committee newsletter, the
Unfortunately, the Indian commercial fishermen have a 'herd' of lawyers
working for them, paid for, in part, with your tax dollars. Our efforts in
court must depend on contributions. It hardly seems fair but, that's the way
it is. However, we are determined to carry this fight until we win!
Wiil you help us, please?




Yes, 1 want to help save our sa1mon fishery. Here's my contribution to the legal effort. Please be sure that I receive
the "Reporter" so that I can keep informed. Also send·me my
Committee patch.
Contribution enclosed _$5 _$10

$25 _$50 _$100



***Mail contribution to: SALMON CRISIS
Seattle First National Bank
P.O. Box 428
Westport, WA 98595