

Part of Native American Studies request for funding, 1977

extracted text
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January 24, 1977


Will Humphreys


Betsy Diffendal
Mary Hillaire

SUBJECTS·: Request for Funding to Complement RULE Evalua.tion Monies, Summer 1977
Planning and Data Collection for Northwest Native American Studies
Spec~alty Area


Will, on Wednesday, January 19 I met with Steve Ehrmann concerning the proposal which
I made regarding assessing trends in Native American students' experiences at'
Evergreen (see your copy of that memo dated 1/19/77). Steve was receptive to the
proposal inasmuch as it would provide us with some information on the kinds of
natural science and social science strategies that a large sample of .N ative American
students have pursued at Evergreen through the individual contract mode. By reviewing and categorizing the individual contracts (about 70 per quarter for 15
straight quarters) carried by Mary Hillaire, it will be possible to describe the
kinds of natural and social science interests which a large number of the Native
American students at Evergreen have· shown. If the concept and categories which
emerge from this analysis are of interest, they could be used by the other Native
American faculty to look at the kinds of ".n atural groupings" into which the Native
American students' work falls. In addition, as I spelled out briefly in the first
proposal to Steve, I will be working with some of the Registrar's data stored in
the computer to develop profiles of the Native American student~ who have come through
Evergreen over the past 5 years, e.g., age, sex, geographic location, transfers
from other colleges, faculty worked with, graduates, etc. As you probably realize,
this kind of information will be of great use to'Evergreen and the Northwest Native
American specialty area, in particular, in such matters as faculty hiring recommendations, effective deployment of resources, .grant writing, etc.
To date, of the $5000 which I anticipate this would cost--two months of Mary's full
salary this summer, some typing support as needed, and a flat $800 to me as a consultant to the project working with the comput~r part and project write up--we have
a $1000 verbal commitment from Steve Ehrmann (RULE) who has yet to talk with Fred
Tabbutt. Rob Knapp has promised some of his Dean's budget (amount not discussed).
I am hoping that you can suggest other sources.



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