

Part of Workshop and event calendar for Day of Absence/Day of Presence at the Evergreen State College, 2014

extracted text
Workshop and event Calendar for Spring 2014 DOA/DOP
I am Troy Davis: The Human Impact of the Death Penalty
(Wednesday, April 9, Recital Hall, TESC COM Bldg, from 3:00-4:30pm, overflow with live
streaming in Sem II, C1105)
The intimate story of an ordinary man caught up in an inexorable tragedy. From his childhood in
racially charged Savannah; to the confused events that led to the 1989 murder of a police
officer; to Davis’s sudden arrest, conviction, and two-decade fight to prove his innocence; the
story takes us inside a broken legal system where life and death hangs in the balance. It is also
an inspiring testament to the unbreakable bond of family, to the resilience of love, and to how
even when you reach the end of justice, voices from across the world will rise together in chorus
and proclaim, “I am Troy Davis,” I stand with you.
Anti-Racism for Organizers: A workshop
(April 15, 1-4pm, CAB 301)
From A.O.R.T.A Collective (Anti-Oppression and Resource Training Alliance) and FORRJ
Whether you are an experienced organizer or are new to organizing, if you want to strengthen
your anti-racism framework in the work you do, this workshop is for you. In this interactive
workshop, we will deconstruct the ways that systemic white supremacy, racism, and settler
colonialism impact our work as organizers with non-profits, collectives, cooperatives, schools
(particularly with seminar here at Evergreen), and communities. Together we will share (and
learn) tactics, concepts, skills, and language to push us further and unite our struggles for racial
Cracking The Codes: Film and discussion
(April 17, 6-8:30pm, Sem II, B1105)
With FORRJ (For Racial Justice) and guest facilitators
Join us for a film and community conversation that explores the system of racial inequality and
why it matters. The film includes moving personal accounts from 23 leaders who illuminate the
issues around racial disparities, and how important it is to deepen the dialogue around race in
Be the Change: Using Compassionate Listening & Interactive learning to build Global Citizens
(April 21, 3-5pm, A1107)
The Compassionate Listening practice offers listening as a healing process and develops a
capacity to feel compassion for the ‘other’, to see ourselves in the ‘other’, and to see the ‘other’
in ourselves. Using community problem-solving, participants (called spect-actors) rehearse
situations in order to build communication skills and explore alternative behaviors within
situations of institutional oppression.
Wake up
(April 23, 3pm, Longhouse)
An interactive workshop on creating a sustainable just thriving world for all.


Day of Absence (events on campus)
(April 30, 10-6:15pm, varied locations)
 10-12pm, CAB 301
Film: Mirrors of Privilege. This film advances the argument that with transformative learning, a dialogue for
learning, changing, healing, and undoing race-based oppression can begin. It features the experiences and
stories of White women and men who are social justice advocates. They have worked to gain insight into
what it means, as White people, to challenge notions of race, racism, and culture and White identity
development in the United States. Their shared reflections speak to the denial, defensiveness, guilt, fear and
shame often related to these issues and show how these responses can be replaced with solid
commitments towards racial justice.

12:15-1:15pm, L4300
Lunch hosted by FPAS and commitment discussions
1:30-3pm, A1105
Political Economy of Racism and Racial Inequality with Peter Bohmer. In this workshop, we will analyze
the current institutional forms of racism in the United States, focusing on changes and continuities from
earlier forms. A particular focus will be the political economy of racism, the relation between
contemporary racism and the U.S. economy today. We will conclude with strategies to challenge racism.
Data will be presented and discussed on racial inequality in income, wealth, incarceration, health, poverty
and unemployment rates.
3:15-6:15pm, E3105
Introduction to Anti-oppression Theory and Practice with Socket Klatzer (RSVP please)
The first part of the workshop will guide participants through the process of defining key terms, establishing
shared language, and gaining an introduction into the complex world of Anti-Oppression theory. The
framework and information that will be presented in this workshop is a combination of Klatzker's extensive
knowledge of Anti-Oppression theories along with their experience as a social activist and community
organizer, Dr. Leticia Nieto's model, and Aorta's guidelines.
The second part of this workshop builds on the foundation of shared language and terminology. They
introduce and build on the concept of Anti-Oppression Practice. Often, Anti-Oppression work is interpreted
as work that aims to change oppressive behavior, when in fact, it is not about a change in behavior or the
articulation of jargon, rather it is about the willingness and openness to increase awareness and to act from
a place of awareness. For it is when we begin to see that which has been marginalized and invisibilized by
systems of oppression, that we can begin to liberate ourselves as individuals and communities from the
systems that seek to oppress us. This workshop will be highly interactive and will offer participants an
opportunity to witness and enact Anti-Oppressive skills. This particular workshop focuses on the "Agent
Skills Model" and is focused on people whose memberships include Agency in the rank of Ethnic

Day of Absence (events off campus)
(April 30, 2014: Day of Absence: call/email us if you want a ride!)
Lacey Community Ctr. at Woodland Creek Community Park at 6729 Pacific Avenue SE

9am, Meet at space before the Library Loop
Vans leave from campus: library loop to site in Lacey.
9:30am, in Lacey
Vans arrive to site in Lacey, sign-in and eat snacks.
10am-12pm, in Lacey
Introductions, history, social activity


12:15-1:15pm, in Lacey
Potluck lunch and commitment discussion (bring a dish if you can)

1:30-4:30pm, In Lacey
Visioning with Shira Hassan. Activist and social justice organizer Shira Hassan will facilitate a workshop
this workshop in which participants will “tell their stories” focusing on those specific to our experiences as
students, staff, and faculty of color on the Evergreen Olympia campus. The workshop will culminate with an
action planning session that will provide participants with concrete ways we can go about making Evergreen
a more inclusive, comfortable and welcoming space for all of its community members.

4:30pm, on Lacey
Clean up and leave (back to campus) by 5pm

Day of Presence (events all on campus)
(May 2, 9am-5:15)
 9am-11am, SEM2, B1107
Workshop #1:Decentralizing Whiteness in Feminism
In this workshop, participants will explore the intersections of race and feminism. By looking at the
development and structure of white supremacy and the exclusion of womyn and transfolks of color from the
womyn's movement, we will better understand how our mainstream understanding of feminism has been
inherently shaped by whiteness and privilege. Through interactive exercises, participants will have time to
write, reflect, and share their processing with each other. The workshop closes with building skills for giving
and receiving feedback.

9am-11am, L1001
Workshop #2: Star Power game (RSVP please). Come and play an amazing game about equity that may
provide interesting insights about how you think about power.

11:15-12:45pm, L1001
Lunch hosted by FPAS!!!!

1-3pm, Sem 2, A1105
Design Yourself: Workshop with Louie gong. Louie Gong is an artist, educator and activist best known
for merging traditional Coast Salish art with influences from his mixed heritage and popular culture to make
strong statements about identity. In this highly visual and hands on workshop, you will learn about Louie's
work and get an opportunity to create a small work of art that reflects your identity. Perhaps most
importantly, you will step beyond the limitations of individual identity to reflect on the work create by other
participants, hopefully leaving with better sense of the Evergreen State College's community
identity. www.eighthgeneration.com

3:15-5:15pm, Sem 2, A1105
Film: What's Race Got To Do With It? (49 min) More than 40 years after the Civil Rights Movement,
America faces the paradox of being a nation “with racism, but without racists,” as sociologist Eduardo
Bonilla-Silva has put it. Racial inequality is harder to recognize in a world where it no longer announces itself
with white-only signs. Meanwhile, the idea of “colorblindness” conveniently allows us to condemn prejudice
and bigotry while ignoring how racism contributes to the vast disparities that persist right under our noses.
This movie chronicles the journey of a diverse group of students participating in a 15-week intergroup
dialogue program at U.C. Berkeley. As the students share personal stories, debate hot topics, and confront
one another about the role race plays in their lives, they make discoveries about their preconceived ideas
and assumptions, and in so doing, help us begin to disentangle our own. The film goes beyond identity
politics, celebratory history and guilt trips to help viewers “see through” achievement myths and create a
safe space for open, honest exchange, particularly within educational environments.


Dismantling Racism in Healthcare
(May 6, 9-4pm, L4300)
Our goal is to provide health practitioners and prospective health and counseling professionals
with better awareness of racial disparities in health and healthcare outcomes and with
anti-oppression and liberation tactics that they can bring to their practices. Dismantling Racism
in Healthcare is open to the public, and is free to attend for both students and non-students.
While full day attendance is highly recommended, it is not required.

For those who consider Anti-oppression discourse not enough: An experiential workshop
w/Alison Rosa Clark
(May 8, 3-5pm, L1001)
Social rank and agency, and the lack thereof, impact all of us. How can we deepen our
knowledge and awareness of these forces? How can we step out of the comfort zones
encouraged and supported by privilege? In this workshop we will explore privilege, community
and consciousness through the lens of our creaturehood. We will engage in activities that
involve some physical closeness. We will also have the opportunity to write, talk and
share. Wear comfortable clothing.
Racial identity Workshop
(May 15, 6-8pm, L1001)
Come and learn what happens to us as humans as we learn about Race and identity from
multiple perspectives. What stages do we go thru? Does it get easier? Is there some point
where we totally “get it”? or are we in a continuous learning mode?

If you would like to contact us for any questions or if you would like to come with us off campus
on our van or if you would like to RSVP for any events give us a call or email us. 867-6467 or