

Part of The Evergreen State College Newsletter (1983 Winter)

extracted text
The Evergreen State Olllege
February 25, 1983

Yes, the Newsletter is going monthly. Starting with this issue, the Newsletter will now come
out on the last Friday of every month. The next issue you see will be for the month of March and
aated March 25, exactly one month from today.
Although the Newsletter will be seen less often, the Office of College Relations will conti
to publish Halpenings on Friday of every week, except during quarter breaks and summer quarter.
The copy dead ine will remain the same as always: noon on Wednesdays for that Friday's publication.
All upcoming events -- film, dances. festivals, concerts, plays, musicals, workshops, seminars,
lectures, readings, et cetera-- and Special Announcements will appear in Happeninqs if our office
is notified of them by the aforementioned deadline.
Significant news about Evergreen for Evergreeners will be covered on a weekly basis in a new
Happenings section, "News Briefs." As the title implies, campus news will be given brief mention
in the Happenings, and then receive full covera~e in the monthly Newsletter. If you feel you
know of something newsworthy and urgent enough to be mentioned in Happenings, please let us know.
The same Wednesday-at-noon deadline applies. '
In-depth coverage of on and off campus developments involving faculty, staff and students wil
appear in the monthly Newsletter. If you have information you think should be covered in the
letter, please submit prepared copy or contact the Office of Colle!Je Relations by the secondast Friday of the month. Copy or suggestions submitted after that time can be considered only
a time and space available basis. The copy deadline for next month's Newsletter will be
Friday, March 18.
Please let us know about any thoughts you might have on this revised schedule. Your inout
wil~ be appreciated and should be directed to Mark Clemens, Ken Balsley, or Keith Eisner in the
Off1ce of College Relations, Library 3114, or at 866-6000, ext. 6128.
The Seventh Annual fund raising/informational Phone-A-Thon for the Evergreen Foundation is
just finishing its second week and, according to Alumni Coordinator Ellie Dornan, if pled~es
continue at the same rate as the first week, the goal of $25,000 will be met.
Ellie reports that $9,005 was raised during the first week thanks to a lot of effort and hard
work on the part of 44 dedicated students, staff and alumni. "I think the volunteers show true
dedication to Everqreen in the their willingness to spend their time and effort. "It's above and
beyond the call."
The Phone-A-Thon will continue into March.
Everareen faculty member Russ Fox and workshop coordinator Martha West will present two semi
nars on "How to Write a Self-Evaluation." Sponsored by the Career Plannino and Placement office
and Academic Advising, the workshops will be held on Thursday, March 3 from noon to 1:30 o.m. in
CAB 108, and on Tuesday, March 8, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in Library 3500.
Subjects covered will include information on how to write a self-evaluation, chan9ina your
olio evaluation, and common mistakes make in writing evaluations. Fox will lead participa~t
a writing exercise and then give them a chance to begin draftino their own evaluation. Part1c
pants will get the chance to critique sample evaluations. For more information, caf9 866-6000,
ext. 6193.



upcoming events
Some 5~ Dreamers and Sche~ers, who have contributed 10 years of service to Everoreen, wi
h~nored ton1ght, February 25, w1th a reception and dance at 7:30 o.m. on the fourth floor of
L1brary. All week, staff, !aculty and students have been votinq for the ton Dreamer and the ton
Schemer and those persons w1ll be awarded a special honor.
The e~e~ing begins with hors d'oeuvres and liquid refreshments, then dancina to Georoe Barne
and the On~:nna~ Trendsetters. The theme is "~1oments to Remember," featurino music from the 50's !
All those plann1ng to attend should dress in appropriate attire.
Tickets will be available only
at the door.
For more information contact Rita Cooper, ext. 6361.
The Ever9reen State College's production of "Pippin" will be presented in eioht oerformances
durino the first two weekends in March in the Experimental Theater.
Co-sponsored by POSSCA (Patrons of South Sound Cultural Activities) the production is directe
and choreographed by Evergreen faculty member Bud Johansen and musically directed by Evergreen
faculty member Don Chan.
The play concerns the adventures of Pippin, the son of Charlemagne, and his search for the
meaning of life. This modern musical presents a number of unexpected twists and solicits audienc
involvement. The Broadway production starred Ben Vereen when it debuted in 1974.
The Evergreen production stars Gwen Haw, Scott Stilson, William Darkow, Johan Hellman, Mary
Johansen, Ann Martin, Tom Sanders, Camille Schulte, Doug Ehnmantrout, Ken Glidden, Kenan Kelley,
Jill Lounsbury, Debbie Michelucci, Lynda Miranda, Linda Robb, early Wand and ·Greo Williamson.
Costuming is under the supervision of Evergreen faculty member Ruth Palmerlee, while staqing i
under the direction of Evergreen adjunct faculty member David Malco~
"Pippin" will be presented on March 3-6 and 10-13. Evening performances are at 8 p.m.
Sunday performances are matinees beginning at 3 p.m. Tickets are $5 general admission and ~4
students and senio~and are available at Yenney's in Olympia or at the Bookstore.
Evergreen faculty member Steve Hennan will talk about "Shorebird Migration in r.rays Harbor,
Washington" as part of the continuing Winter 1983 Evergreen Colloquium Series, on Friday, March 4,
at 3:30 p,m. in Lecture Hall Five.
Herman, a zoologist, is currently teaching in the "Evergreen Environments, The Nature of
Natural 1-'istory" program at Evergreen.
The Colloquium, which is free, will be preceded by a gathering in the Rotunda at 3 p.m.
A South Sound Medieval Tournament, which will recreate the sounds and si~hts of the Middle
Ages, will be held in Evergreen's Recreation Pavilion on Saturday and Sunday, February 26 and ?.7,
from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.
Sponsored by the Evergreen Medieval Series with help from the Society of Creative Anachronism,
the two-day event will feature armored tournaments, archery competitions, board games, costumes,
crafts and refreshments. Participants are encouraged to come in costume and some costUMes will be
available for rent.
Two prize tournaments will be held each day. Armored fighters will underoo armor inspection
at noon with tournament competition beginning at 1 p.m.
Archery competitions will start at 11
a.m. Merchants will sell handmade crafts and refreshments.
For more information, call 866-6000, ext. 6220.
The Northwest Indian Center has scheduled two events for the first week in March.

On Thursday .


rch 3, a Salmon barbeque luncheon kicks off activities for the Lummi Son9 and Dance Festival.
barbeque be9ins at noon in CAB 110. It will be held outside on the campus plaza if weather
t 1 p.m., musical entertainment will begin with Samual Caoney and his "Red Hin~ Dancers."
k by Fran and Bill James, Isabelle \4arbus, Joyce Piel and ~1ar.v Helen Caoey will be on disay.
The festival will also feature a drawin9 for several prizes including turquoise .iewelery,
Pendleton blanket and a painting.
On Saturday, March 5, ThomasBanyacya, official Hopi interpreter for the villa~e of Kyakotsmori
Oraiba, Arizona, will speak on Hopi Prophecies. The presentation will be held from 7 to 9 n.m.
the fourth floor of the Library.
A donation of $2 is asked and refreshments will be available.
For more information on these events, contact the Northwest Indian Center at 866-6000, ext.
Several events have been scheduled on campus in celebration of International Women's Day,
et this year on March 8.
Feminist comedian Annie Gage will begin the celebration with a free appearance on Wednesday,
rch 2, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the second floor of the CAB. From 1 to 2 p.m., she will
t with women in the Women's Center, Library 3216.
The Wallflower Order Dance Collective will perform in the Library lobby on Sunday, March 6,
inning at 8 p.m. In their all-new show, Wallflower uses dance, mime, music,si9n lan~ua9e
nd martial arts in an expressive performance combinin9 art and the feminist persoective. Their
erformance addresses the issues of the environment, self-defense and political awareness. Tickets
· re $5, more if you can afford it, less if you can't. Advance tickets are available at Rainy
Records and the Smithfteld Cafe.
No time or location has been set .vet, but internationally known poet Jessica Ha~ed_orn will .
ppear on campus Tuesday, March 8. Author of "Dangerous Music" and "Pet Food and Trop1cal Aoparl," she has received excellent response durin9 her previous Ever9reen visits.
International Women's Day celebrations are sponsored by the Third World Women's Association,
ides of Chan9e and t he Homen's Center. For more information, call 866-6000, ext. 6162.
Recent works in a variety of mediums by Evergreen faculty member Paul Sparks will oo on
display for one month on Saturday~ March 5 in Gallery Two of the Library.
The 1983 Fal l Juri ed Alumni Art Exhibition is seeking entries. The application deadline is
May 27, 1983. The Ex~ ibition will open in Gallery Four of the Library durin~ the Alumni Annual
Reunion in October, 1983.
Artists workin9 in any media (except film/video) are invited to submit slides of their recent
work. The work may be two- or three-dimensional or low relief including: oaintin~, drawin~, ohotograp~,printmak in9, sc ulpture, fiber, clay, metal, wood, ~lass, neon or any combination of
A prospectus or additional information mav be obtained by contactin~ ~allery Co-curator
Petrina L. Walker at 866-6000, ext. 6744.
The Fall 183 Alumn i Art Exhibition is being made possible with the cooperation of The Evergreen Galleries and t he TESC Alumni Association.
A reception, honoring outstandi~g graduates of Ever9reen, will be hosted by the Washin9to~
lie Ports Association on Thursday, March 3, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Public Ports off1ce
at 15th and Capitol Way in Olympia.
Co-sponsored by the outreach committee of the Alumni Association, the reception will honor
alums who have distinguished themselves by participating in the affairs of state and local

According to Alum Robin Torner from the Ports Association, honorees will include leoislators,
le9islative staff, elected officials, lobbyists and state government officials, all of whom are
graduates of Evergreen.
"~Je want to get together just so we can see who we are," said Doug King, chair of the Al
outreach committee.
"We may be surprised at just how many there ire"o"f'lj'$, We hope everyone
can attend."
For additional information, contact Ellie Dornan at 866-6000, ext. 6565.
Dr. Don Foran, St. Martin's College professor and Evergreen adjunct faculty member, will
address the subject of "Striking at the root or hackin9 at the branches: The Nonviolent Struaole
in America" when the Piece of ~1y Mind Series continues on Hednesday, March 2, at noon in the First
United Methodist Church,
Co-sponsored by The Ever9reen State Colle9e and the First United Methodist Church, Piece of
My mnd provides a community forum to explore ethical and moral issues confrontin9 our society.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Frank Brouillet, who was originally scheduled t
speak on March 2, will be out of state and may be rescheduled at a later date.
"Henry David Thoreau said that for every person striking at the roots there are 10,000 people
hacking at the branches," Foran says. "The truth is that people do have the capacity to not only
affect change, but affect change in the heart of their oppressor.
"We'll speak about people who have accepted this and have affected chanoe." Foran pointed to
such 9roups and individuals as Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, the American labor movement and
the women's movement as examples.
Admission is free, and the church will provide bevera9es for 9uests who wish to brina brown ba
lunches. questions about the Piece of My Mind Series may be directed to Reverend Paul Beeman at
the First United Methodist Church, 943-2661, or to Evergreen's Office of College Relations, 8666000, ext. 6128.
sports update



The Evergreen swim team will travel to Arkadelphia, Arkansas on March 3, 4·and 5 to compete in
the NAJA national competition. Evergreeners going include Evetree Tallman, MaryBeth Berney and
Austin St. John, who is making his second trip to the nationals. St. John currently holds the 2ls
best record-,nithe country in the 50-meter freestyle with a time of 22.24.
Meanwhile the Evergreen s~iling team will be in L9nq Beach! ~alifor~ia on March 4, 5 and 6
The Geoducks w111 be sa1l1ng aaa1nst such teams as Na~v,
to compete in the 24-foot nat1onals.
Yale, the University of Hawaii and the U.S. Maritime Academy.
Chuck Fowler Evergreen's Director of College Relations for the past three years, will leave
the colleae at the end. of the month to explore formation of his own communic~tio~s manaaement firm
Fowler __ : who with Les Eldridge and LaRrl Stenberg developed the concept for the ~ece~t mercer
of the College Relations and Community e ations Offices --- plans to offer commun1cat1on and
marketina services designed especially for or9anizations and individuals in ~he Thurston Count~
reaion. · In addition, his plans may include an affiliation with an expandina instructional med1a
firm established last year by his wife, Karla Finaerson Fowler, and Julie Cushman, both faculty
members and administrators at Olympia Technical Community College. Fowler develop a less
than full-time consulting role which will allow him to continue his recovery from the sli9ht strok
he suffered last March.
Evergreen's Vice President and Provost Byron Youtz has announced chanaes reqardinq Everq
faculty members.
Dr. Barbara Coolea, head of the Cooperative Education Office, now teaching at the Vancouver
campus, has .been accor ed faculty/staff status.
" ; Two faculty members ~ave had th~ir contracts extended. Judy Bayard, now teaching in the
Soc . ~ty ~nd .. :he Compute~ program w1ll teach business and computers next year. Greaory Weeks, now
teach1ng 1n r1anagement 1n the Public Interest" pro9ram, will teach MPI and MPA ~oru:a

The Evergreen State College
February 18, 1983

A memorial service for Evergreen faculty member Richard Nesbitt will be held at noon on
Friday, February 18, in Room 110 of the Communications Building. rtichard died from a massive
heart attack at his home on Monday, February 14. He would have been 46 next month.
"Richard was one of the gentlest souls here at Ever~reen," says Vice President arid Provost
Byron Youtz. "He was a friend to many. All faculty, staff and students have lost a talented and
dedicated colleague."
A Nesbitt Memorial Fund has been established by the Development Office in Library 3103,
telephone extension 6565. All funds raised will qo to the family, particularly his son, Pan.
A funeral service was held in New York on Thursday, February 17. The family requests-that no
flowers be sent. Instead, donations ·can be made to the Heart Fund. Cards and other messaaes of
condolence may be sent to Richard's family in care of his father, Murray Nesbitt, 2020 Kinq's
Highway, Brooklyn, New York, 11229.
-Richard received his bachelor of science degree from Emerson College in Boston and served as
guest lecturer in theater management at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He worked as
business manager, production manager and managing directorat theaters in San Francisco, Kansas
and Portland.
Richard came to Evergreen in 1979 as director of the Communications Laboratory Buildin(J. He
became an adjunct faculty member, teaching stage management and theater production. He ran an
audition workship )and, in 1982, became a full member of the faculty, teachino in the "Foundations
of Performing Arts" program. He was also one of the founders of the "Ever(lreen Exoressions" series
now in its fourth year, which was responsible for bringing in many sianificant oerformino groups
to the Olympia area.
He was actively involved in the Olympia community where he was a member .of the Cultural Arts
Advisory Committee and most recently served on the architectural selection committee and buildina
design committee for The Washington Center.
He is survived by his son, and his mother, father and sister in New York.
Evergreen's five-member Board of Trustees gave final approval for the reorganization
of the Offices of Community Relations and College Relations into one unit in the only major
action taken at their monthly meeting on Thursday, February 10. Other items of interest
discussed were an effort to fund a new gymnasium for Evergreen from aquatic lands revenue,
and the continuing negotiations with WashPIRG.
Sue Washburn was confirmed as head of the new, combined Office of College Relations, a
position which she unofficially assumed responsibility for on January 3 of this year. The
new unit consolidates marketing, enrollment management, public relations, publications,
development, institutional research, alumni relations, and graphic design - - all related
functions that will work together more efficiently under one umbrella. Formerly Director of
Development, Washburn's new, combined title is Director of College Relations and Development.
separate position to handle some of Washburn's development duties may be created at a
ter date. The other major personnel change in the new office was the naming of Evergreen
grad Stan Marshburn to replace Les Eldridg~,former director of the old Office of Community
Relations and now Thurston County Commissioner. Appointed to his position in January,
Marshburn officially assumed responsibilities as legislative liaison and assistant to
President Dan Evans on February 14 after finishing up his job as fiscal analyst for the
House Ways-and Means Committee of the State Legislature. (Continued on Page 5)

Evergreen President Dan Evans, Health Education faculty member Dr. Barbara Cooley and a
dozen students from the cOTTege's Vancouver campus will be on hand at a meet1na of the Fort
Vancouver Lion's Club on March 4 at noon in the Ouay to receive a check for $20 000 from the
Metropolitan Life Foundation.
The grant was awarded to Everareen in December of 1982 to develop a health education oroaram
According to Dr. Cooley, who will serve as project administrator, the arant will be used to desia
develop and ~mplement three to si~ sel~-paced learning units (SPLU's) that will permit students t
learn at the1r own speed. The un1ts w1ll be used at the Self-Paced Learnino Center at Everareen
and at the Tacoma and Vancouver outreach campuses.
The grant proposal envisions the SPLU's being used in existing health-related academic nrograms, in referrals by professionals and faculty for specific health proarams and by students on
their own initiative.
A task force composed of students in "Adult Wellness: Life~tylings,." a program Cooley teache:
at Vancouver has been surveying students at all three camouses on their perceived health needs
interests and problems. Survey results will be used to select and desian SPLU's to meet those
concerns during Cooley's sprina program at Vancouver, "Prooram Plannina· and Evaluation in Health
and Human Services."
Everqreen was one of five schools in the country to receive a ~1etropolitan Life Foundation
grant. Some 130 institutions applied. The grant award will be presented to President Evans
by Stan Benfell, C.E.O. of western operations for Metropolitan Insurance Companies.
Marylin Blackburn, a senior at Evergreen, was recently selected as Miss Anchoraae in the
preliminary scholarship pageant for Miss Alaska and ~1iss America. Marylin, who has spent all
four years of her college career attending Evergreen, is majoring in business management and
fashion merchandising and is currently workinq at The Bon in Olymoia on a management trainee
A native of Fairbanks, Alaska, she was selected as ~1iss Fairbanks in the 1979 Golden Heart
Scholarship Pageant and in 1980 was a finalist in the Miss Alaska Scholarship Paoeant, the preliminary to Miss America. Maryline is no stranger to the local community, as she was third
runner-up in the 1982 ~1iss Thurston County Paqeant. In winnina the r~iss Anchoraae competition,
Marylin wowed the judges by performing two Diana Ross songs, "Touch t-1e in the Mornino" and
"I'm Coming Out." She will 1eave Everqreen on May 28 to aaain compete in the Miss Alaska
Pageant. If she wins there, it's on to Alantic City and the Miss America Acholarship Paaeant
in September.
Evergreen Lei sure Education instructor Gretchen Christopher r-1atzen, founder and 1eader of
The Fleetwoods, a double-gold record trio from Olympia, will have a new album out in March of
previously unreleased recordings on the EMI America/Liberty Records label. Entitled "Buried
Treasure" it will be the 13th album for the trio Matzen founded 24 years ago in high school.
The reorganized group recently performed at the California Exposition at Del Mar and Madison
Square Garden in New York in November.
"I've never been more excited about an album," says Matzen, whom L1berty asked to select and
sequence the songs, as well as name the album. It features powerful leads by all three Fl~etwoods
including original material written by Randy Newman and sung by Gary Troxel. Other select1ons
include the new wave "Surfer's Playmate" by Barbara Ellis and the hauntlng "Man in a Raincoat"
by ~1atzen.
When not performing, Matzen teaches ballet jazz, modern jazz ballet, jazzercise
dancing in Evergreen's Leisure Education pro9ram.

upcoming events



A two-day workshop and presentation on dreams entitled "DreaJTJWorks ~leekend" will be held
Evergreen campus on February 25 and 26. Sponsored by the Ever0reen Counselina, Health and
Women's Services Office, the workshop's Friday events will be free, while Saturday's daylon9
workshop carries a $25 fee.
A "Dream Reflection Forum" kicks off Friday's events in CAB 306 from noon to 1:30 p.m.
%roup Experiments in Dreamwork" continues from 3-5 p.m. in Library 2116. Participants are encouraged to brin(l their wildest dreams, poems, art work or dances insoired by dreams.
Friday evening's events will be held in Lecture Hall Two fr0m 7 to 10 o.m. Everqreen faculty
member Dr. Richard Jones, author of "The Dream Poet," will present the topic "Writina- Reflectinq
on Dreams, Then Wri ti.n(l Them."
At 8 p.m., Seattle educator and therapist Douq Cohen, founder of Dream Psycholo9.Y Northwest,
an educational center in depth psychology, will speak on the topic "Dream Body Hork."
From 9 to 10 p.m., Onympia wholistic health practitioner, massaae therapist , and dancer
Wendy Schofield will talk on the subject "Sonnets, Synchronicity and Sensation."
Saturday's daylong seminar on "Dream Psycholony and the Body" will be held in ·room 307 of
the Campus Recreation Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The fee is $25. Facilitators will be Cohen
and Schofield. This seminar entitled "Mind Body Unit" will explore the relationships between
dreams and body consciousness. Part i cipants should wear loose, comfortable clothin9· and brin(l
a potluck lunch, crayons, notebooks and dreams.
Advance registration is required. For more information on reaistration, contact 866-6000,
ext. 6200.
Evergreen campus physician Dr. Jim Foss will address the subject of "Stayino Alive: Minimizin1
ks in Your Life" at 10 a.m., February~ in room 3157 of the Seminar Buildinq, sponsored by
nseling, Health and Homen's Services.
Dr. Foss has been the campus physician for three years and is currently a family practitioner
in the Tacoma area. He will focus on individual health from a medical standooint, includina
such subjects as looking for cancer si~ms, prevention of heart attacks and preventative health
care and stress avoidance. The lecture is free to all who wish to attend.
If you haven't purchased your tickets for the annual Dreamers and Schemers "Moments to
Remember" party set for February 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the CAB cafeteria - don't panic yet. Accordin
to coordinator Rita Cooper, tickets will only be available at the door. The $5 charoe will allow
you to rub elbows with those 55 individuals who have contributed 10 years of service to Evergreen.
It also buys an evening of entertainment with Georqe Barner and "The Original Trendsetters"
playing the music of the 50's. Those plannin~ to attena the function should dress in 1950's style
The top dreamer and schemer will be selected and honored at the party. You can help select the
persons who best fit into that category from the "Cavalcade of Stars" listed below. Return your
selections to Larry Stenberg in Library 1217 before 5 p.m. Wednesday, February 23.
---- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Michael Beug

Peter Elbow
Robert Filmer
Tom Foote
Everett Fortin
Russell Fox
James Gulden
Burton Guttman
Jeanne Hahn
Andrew Hanfman
Rebecca Hester
Robert Hickl!lan

Douglas Hitch
Frank Motley
Bernard Johansen
Mary Nelson
Jeff Kelly
Charen Blankenship
Mark Papworth
Stan Klyn
Carlene Pohl
Robert Carlson
Betty Kutter
Richard Cellarius
Kurt Pohl
Sig Kutter
Chance 11 or
Oa vi d Po we 11
Charles Learned
Thomas Rainey
Albert Leisenring Deborah Regester
Mark Levensky
Thad Curtz
Edward Reid
Judy McNickle
Leo Daugherty
Jacob Romero
Maxine Mi11111s
Gary Russell
Ellie Dornan
Tol> Dreamer___;;:.....,.----'"-~~-:-.~~ Top Schemer_ _ _ _ _ _~-...-

Robert Bottoms ·

Gil Salcedo
Niels Skov
Susan Smith
Paul Sparks
James Speaks
Patricia Spears
Ralph Tipton
Ainara Wilder
William Winden
Ron Woodbury

The second of two short courses, designed primarily for managers, will begin on
Friday, February 25, in Library 2221. Entitled "Social Security, Long Term Care, and
other issues in Senior Policy", the course will be taught in three sessions by Dr.
Russell Lidman, director of Evergreen's Graduate Program in Public Administration.
The course will focus on the soundness of the financial underpinnings of the Social
Security System, and will also examine the potential policy shift from institutional to
in-home care for seniors. It is designed to provide managers and others involved with the
development and administration of social programs with timely information they can use in
making policy. Those completing the course will receive one unit of continuing education
The three sessions will be held on Friday, February 25, from 6:30 to 9:30p.m.;
Saturday, February 26, from 9:30a.m. to noon; and Friday, March 4, from 6:30 to 9:30p.m.
Registration for the $65 short course can be completed at the door, although pre-registration
is encouraged to guarantee space and materials. For more information or registration forms,
call 866-6000, ext. 6192.
Dr. Zenaido Camacho and students from the University of
workshop for students interested in attending medical school on
8 p.m. in Library 1214.
For more information contact Jan Drew or Janice Rathbun in Career Planning and
Placement, 866-6000, ext. 6193.




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Scotland's Tannahill Weavers will presentaconcert of Celtic music on Tuesday, February 22,
at 8 p.m. in the Library lobby.
This four-member group plays wind and string instruments to produce a rich blend of
sounds much like bluegrass or good old rock and roll. According to Roy Gullane, a member of
the group, the music they play isn't in the traditional vein of Scottish music. "Purists made
the changes," he says. "They took the fire out of the music. We try to get the music back to
the people because that's where it all came from in the first place."
Tickets are $5 general and $4 for students and seniors and are available at CAB 305.
• The event is sponsored by the Evergreen Medieval Series.



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~"i. ~p.

The film "The Children's Hour", based on a play by Lillian Hellman, will be shown
on Sunday, February 20, at 4 and 7 p.m. in Lecture Hall One and presented by Tides of
Starring Audrey Hepburn, Shirley MacLain and James Garner, the movie is about two
women who run a private school for girls. Their contented world is suddenly brought
crashing down when a little girl tells her grandmother that the two teachers are
"unnatural". It isn't long before the gossip spreads and pressure builds. Even Miss
Hepburn's fiance,town doctor James Garner, is affected. The truth finally comes out,
not before a suprising and jolting ending.
Cost is $1.50, more if you can, less if you can't. Free on-site child care will be
provided and the hall is wheelchair accessible.

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Recent works by Jo Hockenhull, a member of the art department at
University, will go on display in Gallery Four on Tuesday, February

Hockenhull, whose unique art is inspired by X-ray photos, will begin her
lecture "Women in Art" on Tuesday, February 22, at 8 p.m. in the Recital
lecture is sponsored by "Art History- 20th Century Women."
TRUSTEES, (Continued from Page 1)
The Trustees heard one of the first reports prepared by Marshburn regarding the
possibility of Evergreen tapping revenue generated from state-owned aquatic lands for use
in the construction of its long-awaited gymnasium. At present, Evergreen does not receive
monies from state-owned timberlands as do the other regional universities, Western,
Eastern and Central Washington. By working with a joint committee of the Legislature
which is currently reviewing aquatic lands management practices, Evergreen may be able to
garner some revenue it could use for Capital improvement projects, such as the gymnasium.
The Trustees also listened to concerns from the President's Cabinet about the proposed
creation of a chapter of WashPIRG, the Washington Public Interest Research Group, on
Evergreen's campus. The Cabinet summarized its final recommendations by saying any support
the Board gives WashPIRG should "allow students a clear choice regarding whether or not
they wish to make a financial contribution and establish WashPIRG as an independent chapter
free of state board control." Student representatives of WashPIRG asked that final action
on their proposal be postponed until the next Board of Trustees meeting on March 10.
S & A Board has one position open for a dynamic, self-motivated student interested
in government in the alternative mode. If you want to help serve your community and give
the S & A Board a better balance between the various student groups, please contact
1 Barnes or Lynn Garner in CAB 305, or call 866-6000, ext. 6220.
The annual S & A Survey is due to arrive in your home at any moment. Read it and find
out where some $400,000 of student money goes. Fill it out and return it to CAB 305 or one
of the drop boxes by February 25, 1983. The Survey is the best chance for the student
body to inform S & A of what it wants.
The Athletics Advisory Board, which meets regularly to discuss policy and program
development in athletics at Evergreen, is looking for interested students to fill two
vacancies it has. Students who think they would like to participate are urged to call
Athletic Director Jan Lambertz at 866-6000, ext. 6530 or contact her in person at room
302 in the Recreation Center before the application deadline on Monday, February 28.
The library is in desperate need of legal size file cabinets to put
for vertica1 file resources. Call Library Dean Susan Smith at 866-6000,
have such files in your office.

Evergreen faculty member Dr. Don Chan directed a 55-piece orchestra which backed
performer and entertainer Steve Allen during the recent opening of the new Pantages
ater in Tacoma, February 12, and drew rave reviews from all present. Dr. Chan also
d the jazz band which backed Pat Finley, daughter of former Supreme Court Justice
d Mrs. Robert Finley of Olympia. "Don was a standout and clearly the star of the show,"
which attracted a sellout crowd, including representatives of Olympia's The Washington

Center Board and Evergreeners Richard Nesbitt and Judy McNickle. Olympia performers
playing with Chan included Chuck Stentz, Dave McCrary, Karla and Wayne Timmerman and
f. Irving Wright.
Tammy Lough, a work study student in the Facilities Office has been counting
lightbulbs as part of the college's energy conservation program. Tammy found 117
lights in the third floor lobby of the Library and 146 lights in the hallways of the
east wing of the Library third floor. Which brings us to a very important question.
How many Greeners did it take to change a lightbulb? Give up? Seven, but each brought
their own light bulb and they couldn't reach consensus on which one to use. So, you
want one more do you? Seven - three men, three women and one facilitator. Other less
wholesome answers can be found in the Office of College Relations.
~hat do you do with a door prize, when you don't know how to use it? Alumni
Coordinator Ellie Dornan recently returned from Spokane where she attended the CASE
District 8 conference. Ellie received one of the many door prizes -a football autographed
by members of the Seattle Seahawks. "How do you dribble this?" was Ellie's tongue-in-cheek
query to members of the conference, one of whom offered her $20 for the flawed "basketball."
Our apologies to Scott Stilson, who has one of the lead roles in the upcoming
production of "Pippin." We listed him as a graduate of Olympia High School -which of
course he is. But Scott is also an alum of The Evergreen State College, from which he
graduated in 1980. Our thanks to Assistant Academic Dean Ron Woodbury for pointing that
out to us.

A reminder:
Monday, February 21, is a holiday in honor of the birthday of President
George Washington.
There will be no classes, unless otherwise arranged by
individual programs, and campus offices will be closed. Events still taking
place are an EPIC film, "Bush Mama," and a Black History Month workshop on
"Black Hair and Skin Care" - see Happenings for details. Happy Holiday!

February 11, 1983
A grant project funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities has produced "an in:redibl e treas-ury of resources, according to Evergreen faculty member and Ga 11 ery Director
iid vJhite.
- Whffe made his remarks during a presentation of the project's final report at a meeting
>f the Deans on Tuesday, February 8.
Funded in June, f982 by a $15,000 grant, the project compiled a bibliography of Chicano/
_atino art and culture; a directory of Chicano/Latina organizations, interpreters, murals and
ilms; and a slide treasury of more than 300 documented pieces of art.
Working with White on the grant were Pat Matheny-White, director of Resource Development and
:vergreen faculty librarian who worked with library staffers Lucy Enriquez and Robert Haft.
White lists ten Chicana/Latino artists and educators as project consultants. The key consultants were: Erasmo Gamboa, historian, University of Washington; and Tomas Ybarra-Frausto,
umanist, Stanford University. Gamboa and Ybarra-Frausto have written preliminary texts for the
exhibit and cataloque.
"It required a lot of detective work," White says. "Chicana/Latino art was invisible, not
to us, but to the Chicano community as well. We received a lot of cooperation from many
ana organizations."
The next step will come when the results of an application for a $98,000 implementation
grant to the National Endowment for the Humanities is known. "We should find out by Aoril ,"
hite says.
If approved, the grant would allow the organization of an exhibit which would be
shown on the Evergreen campus in Au~ust, 1984 for four to six weeks, and then begin travelling
around the country - first in the local region - and then to California, Texas a~d Illinois.
Friday, April 15, is the application deadline for three scholarships currently available
to Evergreen students through the Financial Aid Office.
The Ethel MacPhail Scholarship will be awarded to an uoper division (junior or senior) woman
student with a strong academic standing, a concentration in a business management related field
(business administration, management science, economics, etc.) and a demonstrated financial need.
Only full-time students are eligible and there are no residency requirements. The scholarship is
for $1,000 for the 1983-84 academic year.
The Edith K. Draham Scholarship, also for the 1983-84 academic year in the amount of $1,000,
is available to both new and continuing Evergreen students and based on financial need and a
demonstrated ability in fiction writing.
A $500 award for merit, the Carlton Morris Cooley Scholarship is offered for the 1983-84
academic year to a student of senior standing who has demonstrated excellence in writing the
En lish language and accumulated the equivalent of 48 quarter hours of credit in Enalish courses.
renee will be given to students who participate in college governance.
nformation and requirements for these scholarships can be obtained at the Financial Aid
Office, 866-6000, ext. 6205.


Computer Servi~es Director Dr. John Aikin traveled to Sacramento recently where a oanel
of educators from f1ve other schools reviewed the self-naced PASCAL learnina course beina ' develoJ
ed f?r Control D~ta Corporati?n by Aikin, his staff and four students. Aikin says he brouaht ba
a l1s~ ?f m~ter1al to be rev1ewed. The PASCAL course is currently underqoing testina.
A1k1n w1ll soon tra~el to Minneaoolis where Control Data Corporatio~ wi~l take~ look at thE
product. Evergreen rece1ved a $125,000 grant from Control Data in March 1982 to develop the pre
Recently Aikin also published a literary course for the APPLE and ATARI micro-computers for
Control Data.
Students wishing to apply for financial aid for the 1983-84 academic year at Everqreen should
mail completed Financial Aid Forms to the College Scholarship Service by March 1.
Financial aid information and application forms are available in the Office of Financial
A~d, Library 1219. The first of two workshops to assist in submission of the aoplication process
w~ll be held on Wednesday, February 16, from noon to 1 p.m. in Library 2204. The second workshop
w1ll be held on Wednesday, February 23 at the same time and place. Particular attention will
be qiven to common errors and omissions which have del~yed processing of aoolications in the past
For more information call 866-6000, ext. 6205.
The first planning meeting for Super Saturday, set for June 4 this year, ?Ot underway
Friday, February 4, amidst enthusiasm and confidence. Suner Saturday Chair Larry Stenbera
indicated that Everqreen has a $4,000 holdover of funds from last year which could ao toward
some permanent accumulation of materials for the annual event or for the hiring of a name
Committee assignments were reviewed, revised and stack up this way: Entertainment Ken Balsley, Jim Guilfoil, Kris Liburdy; Recreation and Sports- Jan Lambertz; Auction- Sandy
Butler; Leisure Education - Sandy Greenway; Beer Garden - Victor Moore; Arts/Crafts - Earle
McNeil and Betsy Bridwell; Children 1 s Events - Wen Vee Shaw and Keith Eisner; Special Kid Events
Jack Carriga; Special Events - ~Jyatt Cates, Christine Keril'n, Sue Washburn; Educational Events Betsy Diffendal; Public Relations - Ken Balsley; Food - Donnaaene Ward; and Information CenterSteve Hunter.
Stenberg says help is still needed in many areas but particulary with the Foods and Information Center committees. He read a note from Charlie Teske, faculty member and committee
chair for the local musicians union which indicated they are ea9er and willin9 to help provide
entertainment to the community.
The next Super Saturday meeting is Friday, February 18 from 3-5 p.m .. i'n theBoard Room, Libraq
3112 . All those interested in helping should plan to attend.
Various members of the faculty are now hard at work redefining the future role of humanities
in the arts and social sciences at Evergreen. Pro~pted by a concern that the humanities remain
strona at Evergreen, particularly in the face of possible curriculum changes, a group of faculty
have ~met the past two Wednesddys to discuss ways the humanities could be combined with the arts
social sciences, and natural sciences.
"For the first time in quite a while," said Provost Byron Youtz after attending the firs
ing, "I felt we were on the edge of a new invention for organizing the humanities at Evergr
that they could play a more central role throughout the curriculum."
It•s possible the European and American Specialty Area will be altered or dropped altogether
and replaced by something broader as a result of these continuing meetings which are bein~ led by
faculty members ~ud~ Martin and David Marr. New plans for the humanities and other a_reas of the
curriculum for t e 984-85 academic year will culminate at the Faculty Retreat, Aor1l 20-22.


upcominq events



Evergreen faculty member Dr. Ryd~ ~1artin offers a "Defense of Secular Humanism" in the
third lecture of the Piece of My ~11n ser1es on Wednesday, February 16, at 12:10 p.m. at the
First United Methodist Church on Legion Way in Olymoia.
His talk will focus on "the liberal arts education aspect of secular humanism," says Martin,
who was a founding faculty member at Evergreen and served as Academic Dean. After a two-year
teaching stint in New York City, he has returned to Everqreen with some reawakened and renewed
p.r~ rcept ions.
The "Piece of My Mind" series resumed in January with a talk by Supreme Court Justice
Jim Dolliver and continued this month with a discussion of the legislative process by citizen
JOlene Unsoeld .
Cosponsored by Evergreen, the series will present two more speakers during l·Ji nter Oua rter.
Admission is free, and the church will provide beverages for guests who wish to bring brown bag
Questions about the Piece of My rHnd series may be directed to the Office of Colleqe
Relations, 866-6000, ext. 6128.




The second of two workshops in the field of Human Health and Development, sponsored by the
Office of Career Planning and Placement, will be held on Wednesday, February 16. The workshop,
entitled Vocations for Social Change Careers will be held in CAB llO from 1:30-4 p.m.
Participants include: Steve Buxbaum, Farmers' Wholesale Cooperative, Olympia; Matthew
Jnrdan, Puget Sound ConversionProject, Seattle; Wendy Lebow, Oregon National Abortion Riqhts
ion League; Felix LaMar, Common Cause of Washington, Olympia; Cathy Elliot, Hotline coordinator ,
hington State Shelter Network, Olympia: Tom Dixon, president, Tacoma Urban Lea~ue; and
Don Comstock, Shoalwater J.O.B.S.
Students interested in finding employment in human ~ervices will want to attend. Further
information may be obtained in the Career Planning and Placement Office, Library 1214, or by
calling 866-6000, ext. 6193~


A series of five seminars, designed to assist those seeking employment in the near future,
will be offered from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Library 1213 on each day of the week of February 14-18.
Sponsored by the Career Planning and Placement Office, the Senior Employment Seminars are
designed to assist seniors in gaining necessary skills to qet a job.
1t also provides an opportunity to meet other people who are also entering the job market,"
says Dr. Gail Martin, director of Career Planninq and Placement.
They're not just for seniors
but we call them that to catch the attention of students entering the job market."
The first seminar on Monday, Febru~ry 14 will be on writing a resume and letter of anplicatior
The second seminar on Tuesday will be on completinQ an effective application and compilinq a
credential file/portfolio. The Wednesday seminar will concern itself with searchin9 out job
opportunities, while the Thursday seminar will be on effective employment interviewing. The
final seminar on Friday will be on applying to graduate or professional school.
All seminars start at noon in Library 1213. For more information, contact the Career Plannin
and Placement Office at 866-6000, ext. 6193.


The Faculty String Quartet from the University of Pacific in Stockton, California, will oive
a free public performance on Wednesday, February 16 at 8 o.m. in the Recital Hall of the Communications Building.
The event is sponsored by Experiments in Sound and Imaae: Roots of Modern Art and ~1usic" oro
gram. The Quartet will also present a morning concert at Olympia Hi9h School on February 16.


Evergreen_faculty member ~r. Andrew Hanfman will discuss "!ntelli9ence and Foreiqn Policy"
in a free publ1c address on Fr1day, February 18, at 3:30 p.m. in Lecture Hall Three.
Dr. Hanfman will discuss the need for accurate intelli9ence information in the formation
of foreign policy.
He will focus on the American model of intelliaence aatherina.
"The main purpose of the intell iqence conmunity is to gather information which can be used
to formulate policy," Hanfman says. "It's only realistic to assume that the intelligence
conmunity will provide the best information it can. ••
Hanfman is a native of Russia and spent 20 years with the Central Intelliqence Aqency in
various capacities. A naturalized American citizen, he has been a member of the facuitv at
Evergreen si"ce 1972.
His talk is the second in a series of Winter Ouarter discussions sponsored by the Everareen
Colloquium. His presentation will be preceded by a 3 p.m. qathering in the Lecture Hall Rotunda
and followed by a question and answer period.
Details are available at 866-6000, ext. 6722.
The acoustic rock duo of Linda l~aterfall and Scott Nygaard will perform on Friday, February
18 at 8 p.m. in the Library Lobby at Ever9reen.
Waterfall, praised by reviewers for her "eclectic style and maqic voice," returns home from
a fall tour encompassing the East Coast and California. She and Scott Nyoaard, her accompanist,
are working on Linda's fourth album. Her concert promises to be a deliohtful evening of music
blending elements of rock, jazz, blues and folk into a lyrical whole.
~/aterfall's concert will be opened by Olympia's own "We Three," an a cappella triad that oain
ed widespread recognition when they opened for Holly Near last year.
Tickets can be purchased at the door or at the Bookstore for $3.50 students and $4· general
admission. For more information, call 866-1356.
"Dream Speaker," a film about an emotionally disturbed boy who runs away from an institution
and is "adopted" by an old Indian Shaman who gradually teaches the boy to understand himself in
terms of ancient Indian wisdom as he shares the legends and rituals of his people, will be shown
on Sunday, February 13 at 3 p.m. ir Lecture Hall One.
The film will be shown in conjunction with speakers Mary Nelson, Evergreen faculty member
and Colville Indian educator, and Cornelius Bird, education coordinator of Upward Bound at
This is the second in a series of workshops focusing on the causes and effects of violence
in our lives and social institutions. The event is sponsored by the Northwest Indian Center,
the Counseling Center, and the Respect and Freedom Project. A $1 donation is suggested. For
more information, call 352-3814.
An ancient Greek play takes on a new twist when the New York theater group Spiderwoman
presents "Lysistrata Numbah" on Tuesday, February 15, at 8 p.m. in the Experimental Theater
of the Communication Building.
This contemporary adaptation of a 2,400 year-old play by
Aristophanes explores the power of men over women through song, dance, mime and comedy.
Tickets are $3.50 for students and $4.50 general admission and are available at the Bookstore
or at Yenney's Music Store in Olympia. For reservations or further information, call 866-6000,
ext. 6070.
"Moments to Remember" will be the theme when 55 Dreamers and Schemers - Evergreeners who have
contributed 10 years of service - are honored on Friday, February 25, at 7:30 p.m. in the
CAB cafeteria.

-5Entertainment will feature George Barner and "The Original Trendsetters" playing music
of the 50's. All those attending are encouraged to dress accordinqly.
Honorees will receive free tickets and the cost for everyone else will be $5 at the door.
ere will be no dinner served this time but snacks, cold cuts and such beverages as beer, soft
drinks, juice and wine will be served.
To make certain that all persons who have completed ten years of service by November of
last year are notified, a complete list is included. If your name is missing, contact Rita
Cooper at extension 6361.
Michael Beug
Robert Bottoms
Charen Blankenship
Robert Carlson
Richard Cellarius
Yuki Chancellor
Keith Coker
Elton Coleman
Thad Curtz
Leo Daugherty
Ellie Dornan

Peter Elbow
Robert Filmer
Tom Foote
Everett Fortin
Russell Fox
James Gulden
Burton Guttman
Jeanne Hahn
Andrew Hanfman
Rebecca Hester
Robert Hickman

Douglas Hitch
Bernard Johansen
Jeff Kelly
Stan Klyn
Betty Kutter
Sig Kutter
Charles Learned
Albert Leisenring
Mark Levensky
Judy McNickle
Maxine Mimms

Helpers are still needed in many areas.
Rita Cooper.


Frank Motley
Mary Nelson
Mark Papworth
Carlene Pohl
Kurt Pohl
Da vi d Po we 11
Thomas Rainey
Deborah Regester
Edward Reid
Jacob Romero
Gary Russell

Gil Salcedo
Niels Skov
Susan Smith
Paul Sparks
James Speaks
Patricia Spears
Ralph Tipton
Ainara Wilder
Willi am Wi nden
Ron Woodbury

If you are interested in assisting, please contact


Annie Rose and The Thrillers will bring their soulful sounds of 1960s rhythm-and-blues to the
ergreen campus when they perform at the annual Beaux Arts Masquerade Ball on Saturday, February
12 at 8 p.m. in the CAB.
· The.tPn-piece group was recently voted the top club band of the year in Seattle, and was
selected the best Pop Rock group at the 1982 Bumbershoot Festival. Opening the show for Annie Rose
will be the Olympia band, Missing Links. The event is open to all alumni, students, staff, facult
and guests. Admission is $5. If you have any questions, call 866-6000, ext. 6220.
Dr. Russell Lidman has been awarded a Fullbrioht Senior Lectureshio for the 1983-84 academic
year .. Lidman, w~o ~ire~ts Everqreen's Graduate Proqram in Public Administration, will spend the
year 1n Peru ass1st1ng 1n the development of graduate courses in public administration and teachin
·resource allocation at either the University of the Pacific or the National Graduate School of
Business and Administration, both in Lima.
He'll travel to Lima in September with his wife, Raven and their two children. It will be the
second visit to Peru for both senior Lidmans. Russell was there in 1967 to do field work for his
master's thesis on economic development; while Raven, who will take leave from her work as manaoi
~ttorney_at the Olympi~ off~ce of the Puget Soun~ ~egal Assistance, did field_work in anthrooolooy
1~ ~eru 1n 1966. Ms. L1dman s grandmother was or1g1nally from Peru and she st1ll has relatives
l1v1ng there. A replacement for Dr. Lidman, who has been an Evergreen faculty since 1974, will be
named in early April.
Georgette Chun, a counselor in the Financial Aid Office, has been presented with this month'~
Loving Cup Award by the Evergreen Department of Public Works, a collective dedicated to "the
tinuing development of community spirit on campus." Georoette was selected because, as the awa
ter puts it, "when people come in and ask you for help, you will not let them down. Even if yo
n't get to them right away, you will always get back to them. You are quiet, calm, and work ve
hard. You have a special talent in finding students work study jobs and for workin9 throuqh
trouble and confrontation with the Bureau of Indian Affairs. There is even a story that you are
dedicated to the welfare of the students that you have been known to cr~ate _ a job. One example
was when you hired a student to -aoyarcr work for you when you couldn't find him a job." The aware
letter went on to say, "We love your spirit and your jo_v of life. It is a valuable additior to




in .. ,~:~r




February 4, 1983
The Seventh Annual fund raising/informational Phone-A-Than is set to kick off on Monday,
february 14, for eleven nights of telephone appeals in an effort to meet the Evergreen Foundation's
Annual Fund goal, which this year is $75,000.
According to Alumni Coordinator Ellie Dornan the goal for the Phone-A-Than this year is
$25,000, up from last year's $20,000. 11 We'll be calling 6,000 parents and alumni around the
country in an effort to meet that goal," she says.
One means of improving participation in the Phone-A-Than is through the challenge process
where one group of callers challenges another to see which can raise the most pledges. "The
Altmtni Association has already challenged the faculty," Dornan says.
The rest of the Foundation's funds will be raised by direct mail appeal and donations.
Currently 38 new students on campus are receiving scholarships from the Foundation. A successful
fund drive will allow the Foundation to continue providing funds for such needs as art and
library acquisitions, student and faculty research, and such student projects and pro~rams
as Earth Fair, Bridges and the very successful Summer Repretory Theater.
Volunteers interested in helping should contact Ellie at the Development Office, Library 3103,
866-6000, ext. 6565. Already the evenings of February 15 and 16 have attracted a larqe number
volunteer callers, but several other evenings still have openings.
An advisory board, to assist Evergreen in its Indian Teacher Education program, has been
appointed by President Dan Evans. The board held its first meeting, Friday, January 28.
The purpose of the~ard is to suggest curriculum needs and to help recruit Indian students
for the Teacher Certification Program that Evergreen operates in conjunction with the University
r---"-'----'-~et Sound, according to Aeademic Dean .Dr •. ·Barbara Smith.
to Lloyd Colfax, visiting member of the faculty at Evergreen, a Makah Indian,
and a member of the boar , the goals are more than just recruiting. "The board will deal with
education, and it will also address cultural problems faced by Indian students," he says. "We
want to see if we can increase the Indian population at Evergreen, but one of the real problems
is that education frequently separates Indian students from their culture."
Colfax says that Evergreen has the best chance to minimize the educational problems faced
by indian students. "Because of the way Evergreen is structured, it's more likely to complement
the Indian style of learning."
The board will hold information sessions in the community to acquaint interested participants
with Evergreen and its Indian Certification program. The first public session will be held at
Highline Community College in Midway on February 10 at 7 p.m., and will be hosted by Lee Piper,
director of Multicultural Student Services at Highline. The second session, set for February 15
at 4 p.m. in Poulsbo, is hosted by Mac Oreiro Jr., Indian education director at the North Kitsap
School District.
Members of the Indian Education Advisory Board, in addition to Colfax, Piper and Oreiro inude: Willard Bill, supervisor of Indian Education for the Superintendent of Public Instruction;
e Cantrell, cultural instructor for the Puyallup Nation; James P. Egawa, coorpinator of
ian Educ~tion for the Tacoma Public Schools; Bob La Fontane from ·united Indian~ of all Tribes;

Thelma Ma~chand from Nespelem; Bruce Miller, Title IV tutor at Shelton High School; Hazel Pete
from Oakv1lle; Yvonne Peterson from Shelton; Wally Strong from Toppenish; Mitzie Whitener from
Shelton; and Karen Strong from Seattle.
The program is especially encouraging applications from Indians who have been active in
classrooms as cultural inspectors and aides who wish to complete their formal trainino for
c~rt~f~cation . . Whenever possible, participants will be ~iven field placement in schoois with
s1gn1f1cant Ihd1an enrollment.
.stu~ents interest~d in enrolling in the Indian Certification program must fill out a special
appl1cat1on form, subm1t ~wo letters of recommendation, completie Evergreen's reoular application
process and take the requ1red competency tests. The first test is scheduled for March 2 of this
All steps must be completed by March 15 in order to receive a first priority for admission.
After that date, students will be accepted on a space available basis. For more information,
contact the Admissions Office at Evergreen, 866-6000, ext. 6170.
In spite of a 53 per cent increase in the number of special non-degree seekin9 students at
Evergreen, Winter Quarter enrollment is less than this time a year a9o.
However, increases
tallied in the categories of new degree seeking and part-time students make this quarter's enrollment decline less than half of the drop which occurred in Fall Ouarter of 1982.
Winter Quarter enrollment shows 2572 students registered for classes, comnared to 2637 for
the same period in 1982. Although there are 65 fewer students than a year aoo, this figure count
ers last quarter's trend which saw the headcount drop by 155 students to 2611 total.
Winter Quarter enrollment is looking very healthy," says Registrar Walker Allen, 11 When you
consider all the factors ...
Originally funded for a total FTE of 2555 in 1982·83, Evergreen is now bud9eted for an annua
FTE of only 2300, following the round of budget cuts and a 15 per cent reduction of funds during
1982. Evergreen's total FTE is now 2302.9 for Winter Ouarter, compared to 2435.7 a year ago,
still reflecting the impact of four budget cuts on the state's higher education .system.
Allen indicates healthy signs are the dramatic jump in special non-degree seeking students
from 183 last year to 279 this year, and the complementary 16 per cent increase in the numbers of
both new degree seekers and part-time students. New students increased from 172 in 1982 to 200
this winter, helped by increases in enrollees direct from high school and an increase in former
Evergreen students returning to school full time.
There are 573 part-time students en~olled at Evergreen this winter, compared to 495 a year
ago, a figure perhaps influenced by the students' median age, which went up from 23.5 last year
to 25 this quarter, indicating older students may be turning out in larqer numbers for courses.
Other statistics show the number of students from minority groups rose from 212 in 1982 to
230 this Winter Quarter, an 8.5 per cent increase. There was also a one per cent increase
overall in the number of resident students attending Evergreen.
A $27,000 grant from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
to KAOS-FM to expand its service into the Grays Harbor area has been turned down by the coll~ge's
President's Cabinet.
The grant had previously been approved by theNTIA and the Communications Board but was
turned down by the Cabinet "because of the unpredictable availability of other resources needed by
the college in tight budget times, .. according to Dean Lary Stenberg.
Stenberg said that the immediate cost to Evergreen ooked minor but that the residual effect
on fundino was unknown. "We believe that some staffing and en9ineerinq costs miqht be needed in
the future," he said.
Vice President for Business Richard N. Schwartz has been in touch with Pacific Lutheran
University which operates station KPLU. Tn a letter to the NTIA, he said that PLU was willino to
meet the challenge of the expansion project and that Evergreen would endorse their forthcoming
application. In the letter Schwartz said, "Public radio will be well served if you approve their
(PLU) ~i11ingness to take on the former TESC obligation"

Robert Bly, one of America's leading poets, will appear on Wednesday, February 9 at 8:00p.m.
the Recital Hall of the Communications Building. Sponsored by Ever~reen's Innerplace and Arts
·esource Center, the evening program will feature Bly readinq his poetry and then joinina Northest poet Connie Martin in the telling of a fairy story.
Bly, winner of the 1968 National Book Award for "Silence In The Snowy Field," has achieved
ational prominence for his "rebellion against rhetoric" in poetry and the development of "the
eep image." According to reviewers, "he continues to enchant and shake up audiences with his
eading with lively dulcimer self-accompaniment often usinq an array of mythological masks."
Connie Martin, who has toured extensively throughout the nation with Bly, conducting workshops
on storytelling and poetry, will also perform readin~s of her ooetry.
Tickets will be sold at the door of the Recital Hall on Wednesday, February 9, for $4 general
nd $3 for students and sen~or citizens. Details can be obtained by callin9 Innerplace at 866-600Q
ext. 6145.



An ancient Greek play takes on a new twist when the feminist theater ~rouo Soiderwoman preents "Lysistrata Numbah" on Tuesday, February 15, at 8 p.m. in the Experimental Theater. This
contemporary adaptation of a 2400 year-old play by Aristophanes explores the oower of men over
omen through song, dance, mime and comedy. The plot concerns the women of the warrin~ city-state~
of ~reece who unite successfully to end a war by refusing to perform their "conjugal duties."
The feminist theater group Spiderwoman takes its name from the Hopi goddess of creation who
taught her people to weave. Likewise, the cast of five women takes the play "Lysistrata" and
weaves into it their own stories to create a new play. Their hi~hly oriainal production makes l ·
of stereotypes as they entertain through a kaleidoscopic ranoe of moods that arouse empathy,
tanding and "some good belly laughs."
"Lysistrata Numbah" plays for one show only at the Experimental Theater in the Communications
Building. Tickets are $3.50 for studrnts and $4.50 general, and are available at the Bookstore
and Yenney's Music in Olympia. For reservations call 866-6000, ext. 6070.
The "Alive in Olympia" series will present a "live" aq>ustic concert on Sunday, February 13
as part of the lOth anniversary eel ebration of KAOS-FM radi•o station.
The acoustic concert will begin at 7 p.m. sharp in the Recital Hall of the Communications
Building on campus, and will be simulcast over KAOS. No one will be admitted once the live bnoadcast be~ins.
Two Evergreen graduates and five current students will provide the solo acoustic music.
Participating will be: 1976 graduate John Alkins on the oiano; 1982 araduate Oscar Spidahl also
on piano; and current students Giles Arendt, Kenan KeHey, Paul Prince and Rick Duoea on guitar;
and TaR Doke on the fiddle.
- ---~t-or-viewing the live performance is $1 at the door or 50 cents for KAOS subscribers.
Funds raised will go to benefit KAOS-FM.
Music, expressing the spiritual and cultural traditions of the natives of the South American
highlands, will be performed by Almandina in concert on Sunday, February 13, beainning at 2 o.m.
in the Capitol Theater in downtown Olympia.
The performance will feature both traditional and contemoorary South American music. Members
. Seattle-based group are all natives of Chile and Bolivia and will oerform music of the
using traditional instruments .,such as the pan pipe, charango, guena flute and bombo.
Following Almandina's performance, a reception will be held in Gallery Four at Ever9reen.
Sunday is the last day of an exhibit entitled "latin America: Women as Artists and Artisans."


The public is attend the ~eception and meet with membersof Almandina to view the exhi
The.perf?rmance 1~ one.of a ser1es.of cultural e~ents sponsored by the Evergreen Galleries
cooper~t1on w1th the H1span1c ~rt~ Comm1t~ee o! Olymp1a, a community oraanization dedicated to
enhanc1ng ~wareness and apprec1at1on of H1span1c art and culture. The event is an opportunity
the commun1ty to share in the rich cultural trndition of South America.
Admission to the concert is $4 for adult~ $3 for senidrs and students $2 for children or
$10 for a family ticket.
Tickets are $1 more at the door. Advance ticket~ are available at·
Rainy Day Records, La Tierra, The Evergreen State College Bookstore At Home With Books Aquil~r
Goldsmith Fl Dorado, El Serape, Cas Vallarta, Mexico Bonito and Ka;'s Corner.
' ·
For more information call Sid White, days, at 866-6000, ext. 6075 or Jose Valadez evenings
at 352-0278.
Gary Larson, described as an "irreverent, whacky comedian in the manner of Steve Martin and
Robin Williams," and winner of the 1982 Seattle Comedy Competition, will headline Comedy Night,
an evening of laughs, as part of Winter Festival celebrations on Tuesday, February 8, beginning
at 8 p.m. in the Library lobby at Evergreen.
A regular on local television and radio, Larson has also written material for other comedian~
including Tom Dreesen and Mike Neun, and his gags have appeared on ''Dinah" and the "Tonight Show.'
He has also taught comedy at The Experimental College at the University of Hashington.
Larson, called by the Seattle Times, "a master of characterization and quick wit," will apoea
with his accompanist Gene Oppenshaw on guitar. Opening the show will be Peogy Platt, the hottest
female comic working in the Northwest. Second place winner in the 1981 Seattle Comedy .:
Competition~ Platt has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, and hosted her own
program on KRAB FM, the "Kracked Krab Weekly Comedy Show."
Tickets for Larson's Evergreen appearance are on sale for $2 in CAB 305, or at the door
beginning at 7 p.m., February 8. An added feature of the evening will be a happy hour before
show, also beginning at 7 p.m.
Other Winter Festival activities scheduled include: Wednesday Night Films "Images" at 7 and
9:30 p.m.; "The Band Wagon" starring Fred Astaire on Thursday, February 10; and the Friday Niaht
Film "The Shop On Main Street. Cost of all films is $1.50. Three academic dance recitals are
slated- on Thursday February 10, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., all in the Experimental Theater.
Festival activities will culminate with the Beaux Arts Masquerade Ball featuring "Annie Ross
and the Thrillers" in the CAB on Saturday, February 12 beginning at 8 p.m. Admission is $5.
"Dance Attack: An Evenin~ of Experimental Dance Works," the premiere performance of the
Everoreen Performing Dance Ensemble will take place Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights,
February 10, 11 and 12 at Evergreen. The exciting and diverse collection of oremiere works by
Evergreen dancers and choreographers, under the direction of adjunct faculty members Ed Groff
and Karen Scherwood, will begin at 8 p.m. in the Experimental Theater of the Communications
Tickets for "Dance Attack" will be $3.50 for students and senior citizens, and $4 for
general admission - sold at the door only. For reservation or further information, call 866-6000,
ext. 6070.
Gwen Haw and Scott Stilson, two native Olympians, have been cast for the two lead roles
in a local production of the musical "Pippin!" which will be performed i n the Ex!Jerimental
Theater of the Communications Building, March 3-6 and 10-13.
Gwen Haw, .a six-year veteran of the Abbey Players, plays the Leading Player, the Master of
Ceremonies role made famous by Ben Vereen in the original Broadway version of this musical comedy.
A graduate of Olympia High School, Scott Stilson, plays the title role of Pippin, the ambitious


of Charlemagne. Young Pippin's objective is ~ search for the mean~n~ of life.
Bmth Gwen Haw and Scott Stilson were chosen 1n a two-day open aud1t1on at Everqreen by
ulty members Bud Johansen, Director and Choreograoher, and Don Chan, Music Director. Other.
ers of the Pippin! 11 cast include William Darkow as Charles, Johan Hellman as Theo, Ann Mart1n
Fastrada, Mary Johansen as Berthe, student Camille Schulte as Catherine, and student Tom ~ander s
s Lewis. Members of the chorus are Doug Ehrmantraut, students Ken Glidden, Kenan Kelley, J1ll
unsbu ~· L~nda Miranda, Linda Robb, early Wand and ~reg Williamson.
ppin! is sponsored by The Evergreen State Col eqe, Evergreen Express1ons! and.P9SSCA (Parons of South Sound Cultural Activities).
Tickets are $4 for students and sen1or c1t1zens, and
5 general admission, and will be available at Yenney's Music and the Bookstore. Reservations and
dditional details are available'by calling 866-6000, ext. 6070, weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

A talk by Nozipho Glenn on South African solidarity, scheduled for Thursday, February 17,
been cancelled.
Tacoma artist Michi Osaka, whose work was on display in the Evergreen Galleries during
ber and January, has donated one of the pieces that hung in that exhibit to Evergreen.
Galleries Director Sid White reports that Osaka's lithograph and cyanotype, .. Reflections, ..
ill become a permanent part of the Evergreen Collection, which has accumulated 44 works of
rt since last June. Of the 44 pieces, all but one are by Northwest artists; and 1J are
nations by artists of their own work, while the rest have been offered by collectors.
ite plans to mount an exhibit entitled ''Recent Acqusitions, .. sometime next year to show alhe works in the collection.
Osaka, whose work blends traditional Japanese art forms with new printmaking materials
at the University of
processesJ continues her work toward an MFA in printmaking
ington. ·
The Office of Career Planning and Placement will sponsor two workshops this month in the
field of Human Health and Development. The first, Career and Graduate School Options in
Health and Human Services will be held on Wednesday, February 9 from 1:30 to 4 p.m. in CAB 110.
ocations for Social Change Careers, the second workshop on Wednesday, February 16 will be in
Library 2205 from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Students interested in finding employment in these fields
ill want to attend. Further information and rosters of workshop participants may be
btained in the Career Planning and Placement Office, Library 1214, or by calling 866-6000
ext. 6193.
An outstanding performance by Austin St. John took the Evergreen Swim Team to an
overall fourth place finish in the TESC Invitational Meet this past weekend.
St. John took a first in the 100-meter freestyle competition with a time of 49.9 and a
second in the three-meter diving competition to give the men's team a third place finish. The
women's team placed fourth. Both scores were combined for overall standings.
The Swim T.eam travels to Corvallis this week to compete in an invitational swim meet at
Oregon State University.
The Evergreen Sailing Team competed in the University of Washington Afterguard Regatta
on January 29 and 30 against an extremely competitive field of eight. Evergreen placed
trailing the University of Washington at the top of the list, followed by the University
gon, University of British Columbia, Oregon State University, Lewis and Clark College,
Evergreen, Royal Roads of Canada and the Oregon Institute of Technology.
This weekend the Sailing Team again competes at the University of Washington in their
Douglas Cup Regatta.

January 28, 1983
More than fifty faculty members met with Provost Byron Youtz Wednesday, January 26, in
the CAB to express their feelings about plans he has drawn up after reviewing the Long Ran9e
Curriculum Disappearing Task Force Report, faculty issues papers, and the results of a faculty
questionnaire survey he conducted in December.
Faculty member Mark Levensky voiced the concerns of many when he asked for more clarificatio1
and direction from Youtz's plan particularly concerning how Specialty Areas will be reorganized.
Levensky said he could discern two decisions made in Youtz's plan: to maintain the Specialty
Areas, although the number and quality remained to be determined, and to decrease the number of
coordinated studies while increasing the number of courses offered. Levensky stated that Youtz's
plan was a .. refusal to decide .. what the LRC Task Force and then the faculty as a whole were
originally asked to determineabout Specialty Areas's place and role in a restructured curriculum.
NO one here wants me or anyone else to tell them what the Specialty Areas will be, 11 Youtz
said. He thinks final work on redesigning the curriculum must be done in a series of approximations which will climax at this year's faculty retreat, and must continue to be an ongoing
..We must work very hard at this retreat, .. Youtz cautioned those present. 11 1 •ve
gested some Specialty Areas that may need to be replaced, and we need to move together
rd that.
We must look at the options and we must decide on Specialty Areas before the retreat...
-To handle the details of the immediate decision-making, Youtz will soon appoint a study
group for review of the college marketing plan, a forum of Deans and Convenors to plan a review
of the Specialty Areas which will be conducted in February, a task force to propose plans for
reorganization of the Academic Deans• Team, and a task force to prorose a possible role for
traditional academic divisions within Evergreen's tnterdisctplinary structure,
At two in the morning, a strange car cruises suspiciously around the Dorm loop and the
parking lots.
On another night, a rowdy group of teenagers loiters in the Dorm's social area.
Before either of these situations become dangerous, a call is placed on a portable radio to
Campus Security and officers arrive to check identifications, question off-campus visitors, and
head-off any potential damage, theft or crime.
The person who made the call is a trained member of Crime Watch, a volunteer program oncampus that is beginning its third year under the direction of Campus Security.
The proql'lam
has prevented a great number of thefts and property damage, especially in the Housing area, ..

says Acting Chief of Security



Russell explains that Crime atch training consists of a three hour orientation in
surveillance techniques and the use of the portable Security radio. Currently, Russell reports
there are 20 volunteers signed up for the Crime Watch program. Ten to 20 more are needed,
the ideal schedule calls for only one two-hour shift per month for each volunteer.
Interested volunteers can contact Crime Watch by callinq Gary Russell or Gil Cordova at
ecurity, 866-6140.

':In ~he_past I h~ve leaned toward the University of Washington, but 1 am not hun 9 up on t
and ~ m w1ll1ng to sh1ft the focus to The Evergreen State Colle9e," said Representative Dan hrimm
the ._uyallup Democrat who heads the House Ways and Means Committee. Representative hrimm
ment10ns Evergreen in explaining his idea for a school "for the best and brightest" of H~shinqton
In a story by Fred Olson of_the Gan~ett New~ Service (Daily Olympian- l/25/83), the
new head of the House Budqet Comm1ttee sa1d he th1nks the state should single out one of its
four-year colleges and try to make it one of the top underqraduate schools in the nation.
Representative Grimm clai~s th~ ~egislature ~hould end its strict policy of financial parity for
the state colleges and un1vers1t1es and prov1de one school with additional money for faculty
libraries and facilities.
Grimm didn't say which campus should receive the extra financial boost but he thinks the
University of Washington and Evergreen are top contenders.
He said he wouid be willinq to orovide extra money to one of the schools "so the students know the faculty, libraries and.faciiitie:
they have are among the best in the nation."
Recognizing the state's budget squeeze, Grimm said his drive toward academic excellence
could be financed by "redirecting" money already allocated to the state's colleqes and univer- :
Evergreen has received a $20,000 grant from the ~1etropolitan life Foundation f.Jr the develop·
ment of a health education program for students.
According to health education faculty member Barbara Cooley, who will serve as project administrator, the qrant will be used to design, develop and implement three to six self-paced
learning units (SPLU's) that permit students to learn at their own speed. The SPLU's will us
printed materials, computer software, and audiovisual aids to encouraqe lifestyle oractices that
promote health. The units will be used in the SPLU Center in the Seminar Buildinq at Evergreen
and at the Tacoma and Vancouver outreach campuses.
The grant proposal envisions the SPLU's being used in existing health-related academic programs, in referrals by professionals and faculty for specific health problems, and by students on
their own initiative, "Another one of the main purposes of the project," says Cooley, "i~ to expand the scope of traditional college health education programs to include older, return1ng s~u­
dents and students of ethnic minority groups. Students also will benefit as grant funds perm1t
the employment of two or more interns as project assistants each quarter."
A task force composed of students in the "Adult \4ellness: Lifestyling" program, which Coole~
teaches at the Vancouver campus, are preparing to survey students at all three campuses on the1r
perceived health needs, interests and problems. Survey results will be used to select and desiqn
SPLU's to meet those concerns by students in Cooley's spring program at Vancouver, "Proqram Planing and Evaluation in Health and Human Services."
"We want to show that colleges can develop systematic and effective health education programs," Cooley says, 'with the resources they have on hand such as students, faculty, Health
Services staff, facilities and curriculum."
Evergreen was one of five schools selected Tram 130 applicants to receive a total of $75,000
throuqh the Student Health Grants Program of the Metropolitan Life Foundation


The Friends of Evergreen Galleries will present a free, day-long fl'lm festival on "Art and
·i"he Artist" on Saturday, February 5 in Lecture Hall Three at Evergreen. Over thirty films o
~tulptOre~ painting, music and dance will be featured, including selections from the htghly
acclaimed television series, "~ays of Seeing." Showings wil1 begin at 10:00 a.m. and run to 10 p,n
Faculty member Earle McNe1l reports that schedules and 1nformati'on will be posted this week
and he will be happy to provide further details at 866-6000, ext. 6702,

upcoming events
Citizen lobbyist Jolere Unsoeld will discuss the question "The Legislative Process: Is It
thical?" in the second talk of the "Piece of My Mind" series on vJednesday, February 2, at noon
at the First United Methodist Church on East Legion Way in Olympia.
The "Piece of My Mind" series, which got underway in January with a talk by State Supreme
Court Justice Jim Dolliver, was organized to lloffer a community forum to exolore ethical and
moral issues which confront today's society," says Reverend Paul Beeman, who hosts the series.
Admission is free to the series, which is cosponsored by Evergreen and takes place at noon
on alternate Wednesdays during Winter Ouarter. The church will provide beveraoes for guests who
wish to bring brown bag lunches.
Unsoeld, who has lobbied in Olympia on behalf of citizen and consumer issues for better than
ten years, will focus on the custanary and eas~ly recognizible forms of the legislative process,
as well as those forms not so readily v1sible.
"We'll examine;' she says, "how the process actually works." To do so, llnsoeld will draw on
her past experience working with state government to ensure open meetings and access to public
records. An initiative she and others promoted was eventually passed into law as the Public
Disclosure Act in 197·2. Unsoeld used information provided by the Act to write two booklets, both
titled "Who Gave? Who Got? How Much?." which summarized the contributions of the 50 most vested
interest groups in Washington State to the elected representatives of the 1974 and 1976 Legislatures, respectively.
More recently, Unsoeld has been active with energy and environmental issues includin~ the
utility rate-setting process and prohibiting utilities from charging ratepayers for lobbying
and entertainment expenditures.
Unsoeld will conclude her talk at 12:50 with a period for questions and answers. Her
presentation will be followed by three others this quarter. Ever~reen faculty member Or... Rudv Martin
ll offer "A Defense of Secular Humanism" on February 16; State Superintendent of Pub11c lnructi on Frank Brouillet wi 11 discuss "Private School Growth: A Threat to Pub 1ic Education?"
n March 2; and on March 16, Saint Martin's professor Dr. Don Foran will analyze the ''Nonviolent
Struggle in America."
Questions about the "Piece of ~1y Mind" series may be directed to Reverend Beeman at the
First United Methodist Church, 943-2661, or to Mark Clemens at Evergreen's Office of College
Relations, 866-6000, ext. 6095.
~1ose Allison, the New York jazz/blues pianist who has created, accordinq to critics, "a
musical territory all his own," will perform at Everqreen on Thursday, February 3, at 7:30 and
9 p.m. in the Recital Hall.
Schooled in English Literature, but raised on Southern blues, the Tippo, Mississippi-born
Allison names Duke Ellington, Theolonius Monk and John Lee Hooker among his influences, while
many of today's younger pop stars salute his impact on their work. In addition to classics
like "Seventh Son" (his signature song} and "You Are My Sunshine," Mose also performs his own
famous compositions such as "Parchman Farm," "Your Mind Is On Vacation," and "I Don't ~lorry '&>ut
A Thing," as well as works by Willie Dixon, Hank Williams and Percy Mayfield. His music has also
been recorded by such popular artists as Leon Russell, The Who, The Yardbirds and Bonnie Raitt.
After performing in the Southeast during the early 50s, Allison qravitated toward New York's
sophisticated jazz scene and took up temporary residence as a sideman for Al Cohn-Zoot Sims,
Stan Getz and Gerry Mulligan. In 1957 he struck out on his own and rose to national orominence
with the release of his legendary "Back Country Suite" album.
Since then he has released more than 20 albums, and has been acclaimed by reviewers as "more
an a bluesman, more than a jazzman; he's an all-around musician with a flair for blendin9 nonsense philosophy and big-city sophistication into a distinctive personal brew ... his notes and
emes conform to nothing but natural breathing and inner enerqy."
Advance tickets for Allison's performances can be purchased at Crackers Restaurant, Ra1ny
Day Records, D.J. 's Sound Center in Lacey and the Campus Activities Office, CAB 305, for $5
students and senior citizens and $6 oeneral. Tickets will also be sold at the door of the

Communications Building for $1 more beginning at 7 p.m., February 3.
Details and further information can be obtained from the Campus Activities Office, 866-6000 .
ext. 6220.
Two of the hottest policy issues facing Washington state will be addressed in a pair of
short courses coordinated by Evergreen's Graduate program in Public Administration.
The first
course, to be taught by consulting economists Malcom McPhee and Dr. Richard Conway, will examine
how a s~ate or r~gional economy operates, while faculty member Dr. Russell Lidman will analyze
the Soc1al Secur1ty system and evaluate proposed alternatives and remedies 1n the second course.
"Regional Economic Development and the Public Manager," beginning on February 9, will
utiliz~ contemporary models to focus on the factors that trigger an area's growth or decline.
Accord1ng to McPhee and Conway, specialists in regional economic analysis and development, this
course is designed to aid the manager or the concerned citizen in setting out and evaluating
developmental tasks for their organization.
The second course, "Social Security, Long Term Care and Other Issues in Seniors Policy,"
will address the many questions that are being raised state- and nationwide concerning the soundness of the financial underpinnings of Social Security. The course will also examine the
potential policy shift from institutional to in-home care for seniors, and is designed for
managers and others involved with the development and administration of social pro9rams.
Sessions for the courses are scheduled for:
"Social Security"
"Regional Economic Development"
Friday, February 25, 6:30-9:30 r.m.
Wednesday, February 9, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
February 26, 9:30-noon~ an
Wednesday, February 16, 6:30-9:30 p~m.~ and
4, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Friday, February 18, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Classes will be held in the Evans Library, room 2221.
Registration will be accepted at the door prior to the first session in each series;
preregistration is encouraged in order to guarantee space and materials.
Cost for "Regional
Economic Development and the Public Manager" is $75, while "Social Security, Long Term Care, and
Other Issues in Seniors Policy" carries a $65 fee.
Further details and registration forms can
be obtained from Conference Services, 866-6000, ext. 6192.
A full length film featuring the leaendary rock group "Pink Floyd" will be shown on Saturday
Set in an ampitheater in the ruins of Pomoeii, the
February 5 in Lecture Hall One at Evergreen.
capitivating music of Pink Floyd is matched by a_stunninq visual imaaery.
Sponsored by Evergreen's Promotion, Product1on and Performance program, the f1lm w1ll be
shown at 7 and 9:30 p.m. and carries a $2 admission char9e, payable at the door. For more
information, call Gary Vaughn at 786-1126.
Your TESC Bookstore staff is proud to welcome Denis Snyder as the new bookstore director
on Tuesday, February 1. All Evergreene~s ar~ invited to an open house from 9 a.m. to 4 o.m. to
meet Denis. Coffee, punch and conversat1on w1ll be abundant~
• .
Arts faculty member and Director of the Evergreen Galler1es Sid White 1s qo1nq to have to get
some new tires for his Toyota station wagon. Last weekend he traveled east of the mountains to
Yakima where he juried the Central Washington Arts and Crafts Show, and this weekend he'll
journey north to Seattle for the first of many planning meetings for this fall's Western
Museum Conference.

The Evergreen State College

January 21, 1983
The B~ard of Trustees ratified the contract with the campus local of the Washington Federation
If State Employees, contingent on two changes being made; and approved a proposed salary distribJtion method for exempt employees and faculty members during their monthly meeting Thursday,
January 13.
Trustees referred the contract back to the union with two requests: that the contract period
>e reduced from two years to one year, and that language referring to parties outside the contract
>e deleted from Article 15, item II, which concerns employee parking. If the union states acceptance
>f these two changes, the Trustees' motion implies ratification of the contract on behalf of the
:ollege without further action.
Trustees approved a formula for distributing the $96,000 available for salary increases,
~hich awards 3 percent raises to exempt employees who (a) perform well according to an annual
evaluation, (b) have been in their current position for at least 12 months prior to January 1983,
and (c) have not received a merit raise since the last legislative increase in October 1981.
~pproximately $8000 in extra funds will be placed in a special bonus category and awarded to
t employees based on their achievement. The Board also approved a revised faculty schedule
porating a 3 percent increase and extending experience years from 29 to 35.
In other action, Trustees approved revisions of the college's Facilities Use Policy, deferred
approval of a proposed reorganization of College an·d Comnunity Relations until their February
eeting, and requested a recommendation from Evergreen administrators on the proposed camous
chapter of WashPIRG, the Washington Public Interest Research Group, before placin~ it on the
agenda for action.
The Trustees will meet next on Thursday, February 10 in room 3112 of the Evans Library.
"I really wanted to write a book that was going to celebrate dead housewives and dead cleaninq
women in the same sense that most history books celebrate dead presidents and kinas," says Susan
Strasser, faculty historian at Evergreen; and now she's done it in Never Done: ~ History Of
American Housework.
Strasser will discuss her new book in a lunchtime talk on Wednesday, January 26 in room 110
of the College Activities Building. Published in May by Pantheon, Never Done has since been
critically acclaimed in newspaper reviews from coast-to-coast, including The Nation, The New Yorker
Ms. Magazine, and the Los Angeles Times Book Review; acclamation well-deserved because Strasser's
book is the culmination of 14 years of work, beginning when she was an undergraduate at Reed Colleg
"Originally, I was interested in the literature of advi'ce to Ameri'can women durin~ the···midnineteenth century," says Strasser, "but in studying cookbooks,- etiquette- books, women's maqa7ii"IP"and household manuals, I discovered I wanted to know what women did, not merely what they were tole
to do."
-Strasser's talk about what she discovered begins at noon, Wednesday, and is sponsored by the
reen College Community Organization (ECCO). Guests are welcome to bring a sack lunch, or
se lunch in the cafeteria before 11:45 a.m. Reservations may be made by calling Colle9e
tions, 866-6000, ext. 6128.


upcoming events
Representatives from six non-profit organizations will meet with Everoreen students
Wednesday, January 26, to discuss ways to channel personal interest in social chanoe and the en·
vironment in an "After Evergreen: Working for the Environment Workshop."
Sponsored ~Y the Office of Care~r Planning a~d Placement, the afternoon workshop begins at
1:30 ~ednesday ~n room 2205 of the L1brary, and w1ll feature at least six "aqents of social chanqe
who w1ll talk w1th students who are career-or volunteer-oriented about how to act on a personal
commitment to the environment.
Confirmed participants will be David Ortman from Friends of the Earth· Jack Davis from the
Olympia Audubon Soc~et~; Chris Chapman, a lobbyist for Washington Citizens'for Recycling; Ahdy
Kahan from the publ1c 1nterest group, WASH-PIRG; Pam Crocker-Davis, a lobbyist for the Seattle
Audubon Society; and Flo Brodie, former advocate for the Nisqually Delta Association.
possible participants include representatives from the Sierra Club in Seattle, the Eneroy Site
and Facilities Commission and the Washinqton Conservation Commission. For more details, call
866-6000~ ext. 6193.
An Assertiveness Training (AT) group will begin meeting Thursday, ,January 27 in Library 2205
from 3 to 5 p.m. The free training sessions, which will be cooperatively conducted by Key-Special
Services and the Counseling Center, are open to all Evergreen students. The trainin~ is desi~ned,
says KEY Student Development Specialist Jeff Hamley, "to increase students~ ability to stand up
for personal rights and to express thou~hts, feelings and beliefs in direct, honest and appropriatE
The training will consist of an introduction and six sessions to be held on consecutive
Thursdays over seven weeks, beginning January 27 and ending March 10. For more information,
Jeff Hamley of KEY (Keep Enhancing Yourself) at 866-6000, ext. 6464.
For the first time, Evergreen will participate in the nationwide Elderhostel program, which
conducts week-long, residential, academic programs for senior citizens.
This year, Evergreen is one of 13 institutions sponsoring 34 weeks of Elderhostel in Washington, offering a variety of courses and extracurricular activities.
In order to plan for the first session, August 7-14, Elderhostel Campus Director Betsy
Bridwell is organizing an advisory committee which will begin meeting in February. Committee
members will meet approximately once a month until Auqust, and will also assist during the week
of Elderhostel. Any faculty, staff, or students interested in servinq on the committee should
contact Bridwell as soon as possible at 866-6000, ext. 6128.
Handicap Access and Services is inviting all interested students, staff, and faculty to attend
ln open discussion on establishing a Disabled Students Commi~sion at Evergreen. The meetin~, to
>e held in Library 2128 on Wednesday, January 26, at 3 p.m., will focus on ~oals, guidelines and
unctions of such a commission. "Hopefully, .. says Nash Perkins, student coordinator of Handicap
~ervices, We will generate enough information and 1nterest to lead to the establishment of an
lctive Commission before the end of Winter Quarter ...
For more information, call Handicap Access and Services at 866-6000, ext. 6361.


Counseling, and Health and Women's Services will sponsor a seven-week "Workshop to Eliminate
Defeating Behavior," beginning on Wednesday, January 26, from noon to 1 p.m. The workshop
s a structured process designed to provide a person with the tools to eliminate specific selfefeating behaviors that work against them. Eliminating self-defeating behavior enhances an
ndividual 's ability to realize the potential of his or her life.
Each of the seven Wednesday meetings will last one hour and pre-registration is required .
.egistration will be through Counseling, and Health and Women's Services, and there are no fees
nvolved. For further details, contact Counseling Services at 866-6000, ext. 6200.
Black History Month kicks off activities during the last week of January with the appearance
>f George Simmons, professor at Malcolm Kin9 University, Harlem, New York, and president of Alkebu[an Foundation, an organization which was founded to promote Black nationalism. A master logician,
)rofessor Simmons will hold a series of lectures on philosophy, logic and black issues. He
~ill be in the Olympia-Tacoma area January 24-29, speaking to and workinq with the Tacoma Urban
_eague on Tuesday. On Wednesday, he will work with students on the main campus at Evergreen
during the day, and will be at Evergreen's Tacoma campu~ all day Thursd~y and Thursday niqht.
For specific time and locations regarding Professor Simmons• visit, contact the UJAM~1A Office
at 866-6000, ext. 6781.
The second event of Black History Month occurs Saturday, January 29, when Black artists
Robert Llovd and Georqe Cook lecture in the Recital Hall in the Communications Buildinq from
3 to 4 p.m. Lloyd, chairman of the Art Department at Eastern Washington University and owner/direct·
cr of Lloyd Gallery in Spokane, and Cook, a Seattle painter and graphic designer, will talk about
their own style of art and show slides of other black artists in the Northwest. A reception
f ows in Gallery II of the Library.
For further details on all upcoming Black History Month
contact the UJAMAA Office at· 866-6000, ext. 6781.
A weekend workshop on self-defense for women of all levels of physical ability will be
held at Evergreen Saturday and Stinday, February 5-6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Co-sponsored by
Tides of Change and F.I.S.T. (Feminists in Self-Defense Training), the two-day instruction will
cover such areas as self-esteem and confidence building, assertiveness skills, awareness and planning for safety, and physical techniques and tactics.
Open to all interested Evergreen and community women, the workshop requires pre-registration,
which will take place on Thursday, January 27 from noon-1 p.m. and from 5-7:30 p.m. at the Evergreen Women's Center, Library 3216. Cost of the workshop will be determined by a sliding scale
based on income, and free childcare will be provided if prearranged. Location and soecific
details regarding the workshop will be available durinq pre-registration. Further information
can be obtained by calling 754-6332.
A painting of former faculty member Mary Ellen Hillaire, who died last October, was ~ormally
presented to the faculty last Wednesday, January 12, 1n a ceremony in the Campus Acttvities
Building. Done on a 2~· x 4' banner by artist Mag f. McCreery, a former student of Hil~aire's,_the
colorful painting depicts Hillaire surrounded by other students and faculty of the Nat1ve Amer1can
Studies program, including faculty members David Whitener, Rainer Hasenstab and Lloy~ Colfax. The
painting will be officially presented to the college as a whole, represented by Pres1dent Dan Evan
ceremony on Tuesday, January 25.


sports update
. .Fighting.f?g, ~rizzle, and light wind, Evergreen's sailing team came up short in the
W1ndJammer El1m1nat1ons Regatta last Saturday and Sunday, finishing second in their bid to win a
trip to the national championships in February in New Orleans.
The University of Washington took first place with a low total of 19 points as they won
seven out.of 12 r~ces. Th~ Geoducks tallied 31 points with Regatta Captain Eric Noyd and
Gordon Sm1th grabb1nr one f1rst place and three second places in A Fleet comoet1tion and Rick
Baldwin ~n~ Jamie Stewart !akin~ one fir~t and one second in the B Fleet. The Univ~rsity-or­
Oregon f1n1shed a close th1rd w1th 34 po1nts, followed by Lewis and Clark with 47 ooints, and
Oregon State University with 55 points. Lewis and Clark was given the "Spirit of the Regatta"
award for the gutsy perfomance of their two-woman crew who ran in all 12 races.
On the lighter side, a good time was had by all as more than 60 competitors and members of
the college and the community turned out on Saturday of the Regatta weekend for an evening of
sailing films at the Organic Farmhouse. The Geoduck sailino teams will be on the road the next
three weekends, traveling to the University of British Columbia in Vancouver for the Winter Reqatta
January 22 and 23; the University of Washington for the Afterguard Regatta, January 29 and 30;and UW again for the Douglas Cup, February 5 and 6.
Evergreen freshman Dean Batalie of Tacoma was happily suprised Monday morning to learn he
as the winner of the nat1onal March For Life Poetry Contest, and, moreover, that he will be
honored at festivities to be held in that "other Washington" - Washington D.C. - this very
~eekend, January 21 and 22. Batalie is busy preparinq for an 8:40a.m. Friday morninq flight,
and is looking forward to a Saturday evening banquet with Senators Henry Hyde and Jesse Helms
and other members of the U.S. Congress. Batalie's award includes his free trip to the nation's
capitol, $100 to donate to the pro-life group of his choice, and publication of his prize-wining
Willie Parson, faculty biologist, has been appointed to serve on the Regional Task Force for
~inority Students in the Health Sciences, which will work to promote enrollment and retention of
ninority students in professional health schools. The Task Force was orqanized by the Northwest
hicano Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP}, and has its first meeting Monday, January 24,
~t the University of Washinton.
Ken Balsley, a 1973 Evergreen graduate, has been selected as temporary Information Specialist
to he~replace Director of Information Services and Publications Jldl McNickle during her sixnonth stint with the Washington State Senate Democratic Caucus. Ba s ey, who currently is with
the Public Affairs Office at the Department of Transportation in Olympia, will work the news
)Ureau in McNickle's absence, a job to which he brings experience as editor of the Lacey Leader,
1ews director for KITN Radio, and journalism instructor at Olympia Technical Community College
md Evergreen.
Faculty member Don Chan seems to be doing double duty these days. Aside from his normal
:lassroom activities~e'SJPreparing the musical arrangements for a Miss Alaska contestant, playing for Barbara McNain in a Seattle concert, and getting ready to musically direct and conduct the
)pening night concert for the Pantages Theater in Tacoma, February 12, featuring,Pat Finley, The
Joffery Ballet Co., and Steve Allen, which leaves just enou~h time to present the musical pro~uction of"Pippin!"at Evergreen., March 3-6 and 10-13

January 7,
onfab o



Some first steps toward finding suitable potential solutions to Washington•s economic cr1s1s
ill be taken January 13 when Ever9reen opens a conference focused on .. economic development and
obs,. in this state. The session, sponsored by Evergreen•s masters degree pro~ram in public adnistration is not designed to offer ,.quick fixes to this state•s economic woes, .. says conference
rganizer Or. Kenneth Dolbeare.
Instead, the Evergreen political science professor says, We ll be9in focusinq public attenion on economic issues facing this state --- and try to start the process of developin9 creative·
nd effective means for desirable, long-term economic development ...
To reach that goal, the M.P.A. sponsors believe the public must be involved alon9 with the
The process of rev ita 1i zing our economy will necessarily ineci s ion makers and practitioners.
olve value choices which will lead to alternative futures for this state and region, .. Dr. Dolbear
ains ... These choices must not be left only to those at the practitioner or technical level;
must be made in a way that is consistent with our democracy and that reflects the values of
ur local citizens ...



To launch that public discussion, the M.P.A. pro~ram has enlisted professor emeritus
r. Bertram Gross of the City University of New Ydrk to deliver the conference•s first keynote
dress Thursday night beginning at 8 o•clock in Lecture Hall Three. Dr. r,ross, a public policy
visor who drafted the major national statutes that define the federal government•s role in the
onomy, will discuss Citizen Rights to Jobs and Income in Future U.S. Economy ... The former exutive secretary of the President•s Council of Economic Advisors is also expected to talk about
sues he raises in his latest book: Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America ...
The conference formally begins at 9 a.m. Friday with a full schedule of speeches, panel discussions and workshops expected to attract governmental leaders, economists, historians and representatives from all levels of business to Evergreen•s campus. The state•s economy will first be
examined by Evergreen faculty economist Dr. Russell Lidman. David Weig, state economist for the
Office of Financial Management, and Lynn M!chaelis! chief economist for Weyerhaeu~er.
Two governmenta 1 1eaders from Ca l'lform a --- 01 rector of the Off1 ce of Econor.n c Oevel opment
Michael Kieschnick and Director of Pension Investment Nathan Gardels --- will lead discussions on
economic innovations developed in other states and respond to questions from a panel of Hashingtonians. Possible alternatives for this state will then be examined by a panel, including
economists L. Charles Miller of Seattle, Malcolm McPhee of Olympia and William Lotto of the Thur~
County Economic Development Council.


Saturday•s activities will open with an historian:s p~nel c~aire~ by Seattle journalis~
Shelby Scates. Titled ,.Washington a~d.Hard Times, .. th1s ~1scuss~on w1ll focus on the creatlVe.
economic and political innovations c1t1zens employe~ du~1ng per1od~ ~he Great Depr~ss1on
to collectively improve their difficutly economic s1tuat1ons. Part1c1pat1n9 1n that talk w1ll be

- 2 -

noted authors Murray Morgan (Skid Road, fuget ·~Sound) and Dan Chasen (The Waterl ink, !:!E_ For Gra
and Evergreen faculty historians Dr. Susan Strasser (Never Done: A History Of American Hou__
s __
and Dr. Tom Rainey.
-- The second major keynote address is set for 11 a.m. Saturday when California economist and
planner Derek Shearer will offer his views on ''The Political Imperatives of Economic Democracy."
Shearer who recently coauthored "Economic Democracy: The Challenge of the 1980s," is the husband
of Santa Monic~ Mayor Ruth Goldway, whose administration has attracted national attention for its
progressive innovations.
The conference will conclude with a series of afternoon workshops devoted to "the ways and
eans of economic deve 1opment."
Washington leaders will join local citizens, students and other conference participants
to examine possible development tools such as economic development districts, cooperatives and
community development corporations.
Discussion will also focus on ways to finance economic
growth, including creation of a state bank, attraction of venture capital, and proposed uses of
ublic employees pension funds.
State and local planning and coordination needs will also be discussed, alon9 with identifica
ion of educational and training requirements for a revitalized state economy.
The session will close with an examination of ''agendas for future discussions and actions,"
hich Dolbeare predicts will be considered at a number of other conferences on state economic reitalization scheduled within the next few months.
Admission to the conference is free to students, $10 to others. All participants will reeive backaround papers prepared by Evergreen's M.P.A. students and faculty, includino a monoqraph Dolbeare has just comoleted which analyzes past, present and possible future state roles
nn economic development. His paper and the conference are supported in oart by a ~rant from the
ettering Foundation.
Additional details and a complete agenda for the conference are available
office, 866-6000, ext. 6385, weekdays.


the M.P.


Evergreen's five-member Board of Trustees will reexamine the proposed contract with the
ampus local of the Washington Federation of State Employees, further discuss the proposed rer9anization of the Offices of College and Community Relations, and conduct a public hearing on
facilities use policy beginning at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, January 13 in room 3112 of the Library.
Consideration of the union contract follows an on-campus vote December 16 that attracted 174
f 182 eligible vot~rs and drew a 65% yes vote for a union shop.
That vote, which has been
ertified by the Higher Education Personnel Board, covers "classified employees allocated to nonIUpervisory classes and permissive supervisory classes ... " as detailed in the contract. It means
hat all those employees covered in the contract are "required, as a condition of employment, to
ecome members of the WFSE within 30 calendar days of the election ---January 15, 1983, or withn 30 calendar days of the beginning of their employment, whichever is later."
If the Board ratifies the contract Thursday, it will govern the activities of all affected
mployees; if the Board does not ratify the contract, it will be returned to the ne9otiating table.
Also facing trustees Thursday is consideration of a proposed combination of the Offices of
allege and Community Relations. President Dan Evans has already asked Development Director
ue Washburn to assume responsibilities as director of the combined unit, which she beoan doin9
anuary 3. Evans also selected Evergreen graduate Stan Marshburn (see followin0 story) to accept
redefined role as assistant to the president, which will include responsibilities for le9islative
elations and on-campus governance issues.
The Board is also expected to discuss a proposed association with WASHPIR~, the Washin9ton
ublic Interest Research Group. Student Annette Newman is scheduled to outline the benefits of
he non-profit corporation which seeks to 11 articulate and pursue the concerns of (colleqe and
riversity} students on issues of general public interest," such as consumer education, environental quality, human rights, energy and community affairs. It is separate from the newly formed
shington Student Lobby, which seeks to present student interests before the state legislature on
ch issues as tuition and fees, and residency requirements. At Evergreen WASHPIRG would seek
ndinq through a $2.50 supplemental fee paid by each student each quarter, while the Student
bby plans to seek a $1 supplemental fee per student per quart_e;....r_. _ _


Stan Marshburn, a 1975 Everqreen qraduate, has this week been named assistant to the president
by Dan Evans. Marshburn, who will assume responsibilities for leqislative relations and on-campus
governance, is currently employed as a fiscal analyst for the House \~ays and ~1eans Committee of
the Washington State Legislature. The post, which he has held for the past five years, includes
responsibilities for analysis of social service budget issues and aaencies and has required frequent oral and written presentations before the House.
The 30-year-old alum also
worked as a proqram analyst for the budget division of the
Office of Financial Management after completing his Everareen degree in economics and political
science. In his new post he assumes some of the responsibilities formerly held by newly installed
County Commissioner Les Eldridge; the remainder of Eldridge's duties have been assigned to Develop
ment Director Sue Washburn.
Security Lieutenant Gary R~ssell has been appointed acting chief of Security and Parkinq on
a temporary basis, according to his boss, Ken Jacob, director of Auxiliary Services. Russell,
who first joined the college staff in 1972 as a security officer, will remain in his new assiqnment until, says Jacob, "sometime during Spring Ouarter when a new chief will be hired."
Russell has already scheduled several training sessions for security as well as for other
campus offices. He will oversee implementation of a volunteer crime watch program within the next
few weeks and, later this quarter, plans to ask the campus to complete a questionnaire to help him
and others evaluate security services.
Jacob reports other changes have also recently occurred in Security. Three officers --Gi 1 Cordova, Wally Potter and LarV Savaqe --- have been temporarily promoted to corpora 1. "This
n allows us to better sche u e security coverage, especially durinq evening and weekend hours
a helps us overcome some of the problems caused by staff cuts forced by bud9et reductions,"
explains Jacob. He invites persons with questions regardina the new security chanqes to contact
Russell at extension 6140.
A series of weekly meetings devoted to "developing the future of environmental studies at
Evergreen" begins Wednesday, January 12 and continues weekly from 10:30 a.m. to noon in room 3033
of LAB I throughout Winter Quarter. Faculty Members Oscar Soule and Richard Cellarius have invited all interested faculty to meet with them to "flesh out details of and staffina for the proposed masters degree program in environmental and energy studies," and to shape under9raduate
offerings for 1984-85 and beyond in response to current deliberations and final conclusions by
the Long Range Curriculum Planning Disappearing Task Force.
The two intend to "alternate consideration of undergraduate and graduate programs week by
week and ultimately to develop a single integrated set of offerings." They urqe "the support and
involvement of all faculty who will be teaching environmental studies."
Part-time instructors are now being sought to teach Spring Quarter Leisure Education workshops. Sandy Greenway, director of the Leisure Ed program, says she's especially lookin9 for
persons willing and able to teach non-credit classes in such areas as: sports opportunities
for kids and adults; paper-making, sculpture, silkscreen and paper marbling; mushroom and
·ble plant identification, furniture repair and upholstering.
Deadline for applying to teach in the program, which is sponsored by the Recreation and
Athletics Department, is Friday, January 14.
Interested potential instructors, who will be
paid based on a percentage of their workshop revenu~, are encouraged to call Sandy Greenway
or Debbie Lutz at 866-6530 weekdays as soon as poss1ble.


upcoming events
Japanese dancers and artists will headlinea fre~ half-day celebration offering a "Tribute
o Japan" Sund~y, January 16 at E~ergreen .. Cosponsored by the Consulate General of Japan in
Seattle, the tr1bute features show1ngs of s1x Japanese films on loan from the Consulate slide
talks by members of the Olympia Sister City Committee, and a panel discussion by three Everoreen
aculty members on the cultural, artistic and industrial "creativity of modern Japan " in addition
o an illustrated talk on contemporary Japanese crafts.
Hosted in the ~v~n~ Lib~ary to c~lebrate the nume~ous connections between Evergreen, Olympia,
and Jap~n, the festlvltles.wlll also 1nclude presentat1on of three traditional Japanese tea
eremon1es, a~d.demonstrat1ons of of Japanese flower arranging, calli9raphy, and origami.
Sales of trad1t1onal Japanese foods w1ll be offered by members of the Japanese-American Citizens
eague. A major art exhibit of Sumi prints by Tacoma artist Michi Osaka will remain on display in
allery Two, and a display of Japanese artifacts will be presented in the Library second floor
lobby by members of the Olympia Sister City Committee.
Admission to Evergreen's "Tribute to Japan" is free and ooen to the pub 1i c. A comp 1ete I·
chedule of events will be available ~1onday in the Office of Colle~e Relations, Library 3114 and
t the Information Center.
Feminist folksinger Linda Allen brings her interpretations of music "by, for and about women"
to Evergreen for an evening concert Sunday, January 9, beginning at 7 o'clock in the Recital Hall
f the Communications Building. Allen accompanies herself on guitar, autoharp, dulcimer and spoons
s she performs a combination of songs featuring both traditional women's music from the past and
yrics about her contemporaries.
Her concert, sponsored by the Tides of Change production company of Olympia, carries a $3
dmission fee. Free on-site childcare will be available, along with an interpreter for persons
ith hearing impairments. The Recital Hall is wheelchair accessible.
Evergreen alum Richard Knisely will present a piano recital on Friday, January 14, at 8 p.m.
n the Recital Hall of the Communications Building. Knisely, a 1978 graduate, is currently comleting his masters degree in piano performance and composition at Boston University. In the past
.wo years, he has performed frequently in the Boston area, most recently at the Provincetown Arts
~ ssociation in Massachusetts.
Friday's program will include works of Haydn, Chopin, Debussy, Ravel, and Prokofiev, and is
~ree and open to the public.
Eating with abandon will be the order of the day when 100 lucky particioants sit down at the
edieval Feast, to be held from 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, January 14 in room 4300 of the Library.
Billed as ••an evening of medieval feasting and entertainments,.' the event will be done in the
adition of 14th Century European feasts, complete with massive quantities of food prepared
edieval-style and strolling minstrels to entertain the busy feasters. Tickets are $12.50 for
tudents and senior citizens and $15 for the general public, and should be purchased soon as only
00 will be sold.
Four courses of food will be served at a leisurely pace for maximum consumrtion during the
hree-hour feast.
Highlighting the nearly 20 selections will be such delectable items as farced funaes (stu
shrooms), egredounce (sweet and sour been~ roast fish with crustade of eebris (snapper stuffed
~ th greens and nuts)~ pork-y-roste in bourblier de sanglier (roast pork in boar's tail sauce), and
reed byrdies in sauce madame (stuffed gamehens).


and Bl~sse," ~ four-mem~er musical grOU!J will rove from table to table throuqhout the
1ng, perform1ng the1r reperto1re of bawdy son9s on the harp, mandolin, and other medieval
ruments. Feas~ers ar~ enc~uraged to :orne dressed as knights, ladies, damsels, peasants, and
er characters 1n keep1ng w1th the med1eval flavor of the occasion.
Tickets for the Medieval Feast must be purchased in advance at the Campus Activities Office,
CAB 305 at Evergreen, or at Rainy Day Records, or Yenney's Music Store in Olympia. For more
information, call Alisoun Lamb at the Activities Office, 866-6000, ext. 6220.
sports news
The Evergreen sailing team will host seven other schools from around the Northwest in the
Windjammer Eliminations Regatta in Olympia on Saturday and Sunday, January 15 and 16. Complementing the weekend competition will be a Saturday evening showin9 of the film, "The Outer Reaches
of Sailing" and other sailing slides and videotapes at the Orqanic Farmhouse on The Evergreen
State College campus.
Evergreen sailing coach Lou Powers expects the University of Washington, Western Washington
University, the University of British Columbia, the University of Oregon, and Oregon State
University to be among the participants in the Windjammer, which is a qualification reaional for
the Northwest District of the Intercollegiate Yacht Racing Association. Winner of the regatta
ill advance to the national finals in New Orleans, which coincides with Mardi Gras in February.
Coach Powers is excited about his team's prospects in the uocominq competition. "~Je won our
1ast Olympia regatta in November," he says "and we should have a similar advantage this time
ailing on Budd Inlet- 'our home waters'."
Competition begins at 10 a.m. and runs until mid-afternoon both days. The public is enged to attend and will find good viewpoints to watch the race near KGY Radio Station or at
st Bay Marina.
The public is also welcome to come out Saturday from ~10 p.m.
for an evening of sailing
ilms and an opportunity to meet the sailors and coaches of the participating teams at the
rganic Farmhouse. Highlight of the viewing will be "The Outer Reaches of Sailing," which was
ilmed on locations in Hawaii, Australia, and San Francisco by Warren Miller of ski movie fame.
Parking is available near the farmhouse at 2712 Lewis Road, or transportation will be proided from Parking Lot B on the main campus where vans will leave for the farn every 15 minutes
etween 6:30 and 7:15 p.m.
A donation of $3 per person is asked of those who wish to attend the Farmhouse activities.
ickets may be purchased at the door or by making reservations in advance with the Evergreen
ecreation Center. For more information, call Sports Information Director Sandy Butler at 866-6000,
xt. 6530.
The Public Broadcast Foundation moved to campus last month. Executive Director Keith
lovee-Smith defines PBF as a "non-profit corporation dedicated to the enhancement of public
cast1ng, both radio and television." Currently, the proqram funds a project by the Hashin9Education Network to begin broadcasts of the Washington State Legislature this month. PBF
s temporarily housed in room 4105 of the Seminar Building. Klovee-Smith says he's delighted to
on campus and welcomes all questions about his orqanization (866-2100).

Dr. Gail Martin, director of Career Planning and Placement, has been selected as one of four

alists~the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators for
on of the Year Award. Entitled "Encounter with Education: The Impact of an

Student Development,'' her paper was written in


the NASPA Disserta-

Alternative Colleqe
while she was studying on leave at Columbia

- 6 -

niversity. It offers a "college impact" study of Everoreen's Founding class (lg71-75) based
n a content analysis she conducted of the class self evaluations. Her research shows that,
nlike most college graduates who say that the most important influence of their college exoerience was their social lives, Ever9reen 9raduates rate the academic structure of the school
itself--- its faculty members, internships and interdisciplinary studies --- as the most important developmental aspect of their collegiate years. Gail says NASPA will announce the winner
of the annual award sometime next month.
Faculty member Marilyn frasca is conducting a three-nart Proqoff Intensive Journal Method
orkshop beginning Saturday, January 15. Her authorized workshop is based on the textbook and
rogram created by Ira Progoff and includes sessions on "Life Context" January 15 and 16; "Journal
eedback," January 28 and 29, and "Process ~1editation," February 25 and 26. Tuition is $160 for
all three sessions or $75 for each. Contact Frasca for details at 866-6000, ext. 6043.
Faculty member Susie Strasser continues to draw rave reviews for her book, Never Done: A
Hi story of American Housework. In addition to coverage by the New York Times, Ms. Magaz:rrle,the Olympian and numerous other publications, her book is reviewed in the most recent edition of
he National Enqui rer.
Rachel Newman has begun work as a part-time health care associate and Ron Walter has been ,
promoted to chief engineer. Staff resignations have been received form Veteran Affairs coordinate
!Willie Jackson, and Office Assistant Rita Sammons. Former Assistant to the President/Director of
Community Relations Les Eldridoe is grTnning about more than his new job, which be~an Monday.
Who can resist a smileover the fact that one Eldridge has been replaced by two "burns" --Sue Washburn and Stan Marshburn (see story, page 3).
--- Affirmative Action Officer Rebecca Wright will be taking "lots of annual leave and leave
without pay" during the next eight weeks to prepare for the Washington Bar Exam. In her absence,
student intern Nash Perkins will handle Handicapped Access and Services, and Employee Relations
Director Rita Cooper will respond to Affirmative Action questions.
The Provost Search Disappearing Task Force hopes to begin interviews with four finalists
next week. The committee has selected: Evergreen Academic Dean Barbara Smith; Frederick
Weaver, dean of the School of Social Science at Hampshire College; Patrick J. Hill, founder
and chairman of the Federated Learning Communities at State University of New York - Stony
Brook; and William~· Berberet, dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Willamette University.
DTF Secretary Georgina Sherman says the committee hopes the interviews can be arranged
within the next week or two, and that a finalist can be selected by the end of the month. If
possible, that person will be brought aboard to replace Academic Vice President and Provost
Byron Youtz by the end of the current academic year.
The DTF plans to meet again Wednesday,
January 12 at 10:30 a.m. in Library 2204 and again at 1 p.m. Wednesday in Library 2219.
Questions my be directed to DTF chair Susan Smith.
Registration for Leisure Education workshops is now in process and ends January 14 at 5 p.m.
All registration must be completed in person at the Recreation Office, Room 302. Evenin9 re9istra
tions are slated next week: Monday through Thursday, January 10-13, from 5 to 8 p.m. Workshops
begin next week and most continue for eight weeks unless otherwise stated. For further informatio
and a complete listing, please contact Debbie Lutz at the Leisure Education office, 866-6000,
ext. 6530.