

Part of The Evergreen State College Newsletter (November 4, 1974)

extracted text

November 4, 1974

...EVERGREEN-MCLANE MEDIC I UNIT READY FOR DUTY...The fourth and final Medic I emergency unit
stands ready and waiting to answer emergency calls thanks to the combined efforts of the
McLane Fire Department, County Officials, and staff members of Evergreen's Office of Facilities
The new unit, which was completed the end of last week, is based at Evergreen. But,
according to McLane Fire Chief Charles Allison, the vehicle will service all of McLane Fire
District Nine and will be available for use throughout Thurston County.
The vehicle
a Ford parcel delivery van
was purchased by Evergreen, which also
paid for converting the van into an ambulance. Conversion specifications were drafted by
Evergreen Architect Bill Knauss and have served as the prototype for all four of the
Thurston County Medic I vehicles.
Knauss estimates that the completed emergency vehicle cost the college about $13,000,
which, he says, "is about $6,000 less than it would have cost to purchase a fully equipped
Cost of operating the new vehicle will be borne by the county. And Chief Allison
estimates the van will get heavy use.
"We've already answered 45 calls for our aid car during the month of October," he
said, "and I'd guess we'll have at least as many calls now that the McLane-Evergreen Medic
I unit is available."
Total cost for operating the Medic I program is approximately $300,000 for all four
units, Allison said. Continued operation of the system will depend on passage of the
$250,000 Medic I bond issue before Thurston County voters Tuesday (Nov. 5). Allison explained
that the total cost includes a $50,000 grant supplied by the federal government to help cover
radio equipment expenses. Thus, he said, Thurston County voters are not asked to fund the
entire amount.
The new Evergreen-McLane Medic I unit will be staffed 24 hours a day by McLane personnel
who are trained fire fighters with Emergency Medical Technician training. The two men on duty
are backed up by a dozen volunteers with EMT training, including four Evergreen students
who are assigned to the McLane stations
one of which is on Evergreen's campus, the other
on the Mud Bay Road.
...FIRST MAJOR FILM PREMIERE SET AT EVERGREEN NOV.8...The first major film premiere ever held
at Evergreen is set for Nov. 8 at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. in Lecture Hall One. The film, "Rockaday
Ritchie and Queen of the Hop" has been released by a major Hollywood studio and is based on the
true story of Charlie Starkweather, a murderer who slashed a path of destruction across the
mid-west in the early 1950's.
Filmed in Oregon last year, the film was directed by Portland's George Hood, who will
be on campus for the premiere to talk about the movie. Following each showing, which will cost
$.25 per person, members of the audience will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire about
their reactions to the movie, which was brought to campus through the efforts of two awardwinning Evergreen filmmakers, Frankie Foster and Richard Speer.
...MCCANN TO KEYNOTE RECREATION CONFERENCE... Evergreen President Charles J. McCann will be the
keynote speaker at the 27th annual Washington Recreation and Parks Society Conference Nov. 7
at the Greenwood Inn in Olympia. McCann, who will address the group at 8 p.m., will discuss
the conference theme, "Resources Produce Services."
...AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHERS DISPLAY WORKS IN GALLERY...An exhibit of the works of Paul Strand
and Edward S. Curtis, a pair of internationally known American photographers, went on display
Oct. 29 in the Evergreen Art Gallery. The exhibit, on display in the second floor reference section of the Library through Nov. 8, is open to the public free of charge.

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...CANADIAN POET TO READ OWN WORKS NOV. 7...Canadian poet Robert Sward will present a reading
of his owm poems Nov. 7 at 8 p.m. in the third floor Lounge of Evergreen's Library proper.
Sward, who has published numerous volumes of poetry, operates a small printing press in
Victoria, British Columbia. His appearance, sponsored by Eye-5 , is free and open to the
Opportunities for more than 2,000 internships in 20 states and two foreign countries abound
in the latest issue of the Co-Op Catalog, published by the Evergreen Office of Cooperative
Education. The 95-page document offers a wide variety of job descriptions in each of 12
professional areas, whose locations vary from Washougal, Washington to Kaneho, Hawaii,
Washington, D.C. to Idaho Falls, Idaho, Canada to Australia. Each internship allows Evergreen students to earn full academic credit
and often a salary
while gaining on-thejob training which complements their undergraduate study programs.
Included among the more than 800 individual job descriptions are opportunities to: work
in the City of Richland developing a comprehensive plan, organize a recreation-program in
Florence, Oregon; monitor the Seattle Municipal Court; work as a consumer advocate in New
York City; work with juvenile paroles in Colorado Springs, or learn first hand the art of
lithography in Los Angeles.
The variety of internship descriptions includes 90 individual internship possiblities
in the field of education, 84 in social work, 79 in administration, management and finance.
Other areas and the number of job descriptions offered include counseling, 69; graphics, media
and public relations, 61; science and research, 48; law and political science, 46; arts (
and humanities, 38; law enforcement and corrections, 33; medical sciences, 30; environmental
and urban planning, 26; and others 11.
Persons interested in obtaining more information about Evergreen's internship program
are invited to stop by the EvergreenOffice of Cooperative Education, first floor of the
Laboratory Building, or call 866-6391.