

Part of The Evergreen State College Newsletter (May 6, 1974)

extracted text

May 6, 1974

...MCCORMACK TO PRESENT MAJOR ADDRESS MAY 11...United States Congressman Mike McCormack
will deliver a major address at Evergreen May 11 at 7:30 p.m. In Lecture Hall One. Topic
of the evening speech is "Toward a National Energy Policy." McCormack, now serving his
second term in the House, is a former research scientist for the Atomic Energy Commission
at Hanford. A state senator from 1958 to 1970, McCormack joined in sponsoring and
authoring all of Washington's nuclear legislation and sponsored the 1970 Washington State
Thermal Power Plant Siting Law, which is now serving as a model for the nation. McCormack
also served on the Committee on Higher Education and co-authored legislation creating
the State Community College system.
Since his election to Congress in 1970, McCormack has served as chairman of the House
Subcommittee on Energy and also has been a member of the House Public Works and Science
and Astronautics Committees, as well as the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. One of
two scientists in Congress, McCormack chaired the House Task Force on Energy as a freshman congressman.
Gordon Sandison of Port Angeles will be the featured speaker at a May 11 formal dedication of Evergreen's new Laboratory Building. The ceremony, scheduled to begin at
11 a.m., will be part of a campus-wide Spring Quarter open house, running from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
The dedication program will also include introductory remarks by Evergreen President
Charles J. McCann and Herbert D. Hadley. chairman of the Board of Trustees, as well as
a brief description of the purpose and function of the new facility by faculty member
and former academic dean Donald G. Humphrey. The ceremony will be held in an outdoor
plaza adjacent to the building.
The Laboratory Building contains more than 73,600 square feet of flexible space designed to provide the widest range of uses in both the sciences and the arts. It houses
36 general laboratory areas, 58 faculty offices, 40 conference rooms, five seminar/
classrooms, a terrarium, auto-tutorial areas, workshops, an animal room complex, and
photographic facilities. An adjacent annex contains additional facilities for work in
the arts, as well as rooftop greenhouses. The six-hour open house will focus on the
Laboratory facilities, but will also afford visitors an opportunity to view such other
campus areas as the Library, Lecture Halls, Recreation and Activities Building.
,..EVERGREENERS INVITED TO ECUADOR...Glenn Whitmire. an Evergreen senior, has been invited by the Chicago Field Museum to participate in a summer expedition to Ecuador to
study and collect fishes of the region. The 23-year-old Des Moines student said the
invitation came as a result of an eight-month internship, arranged by the Office of
Cooperative Education, which he completed last summer. He said he and two full-time
: members of the Field Museum will spend up to two weeks at the Rio Palenque jungle
station in western Ecuador, which lies northwest of Quito, the country's capitol. They
may also cross into the Amazon Valley if time permits.
... NORTH THURSTON STUDENT TO VISIT...North Thurston High School senior Bruce Ikenberry
will be a campus visitor May 6-10 as part of a Career Development Week in his school district. Ikenberrgy, who is interested in a career in accounting, will be hosted at Evergreen by Chief Accountant Alan Spence. The visiting student will spend his time gaining .
an overview of the operation of the college Business Office,

...NUCLEAR FISSION TOPIC OF MAY 10 CONFAB...A forum for airing the diversity of views
on the critical moral, economic and telchffteal issues involved in the decision to "go
nuclear" for America's energy production will be held at Evergreen May 10 beginning at
9 a.m. Organized by a group of Evergreen students, the Symposium on Nuclear Fission
Power will examine such issues as thermal pollution from power plants, radioactive waste
disposal, effects of radionuclides in the food chain and comparative economics of
different energy technologies. A variety of speakers will be on hand to discuss the
issue from all perspectives and audience participation will be encouraged. The event,
which is free and open to the public, will conclude about 10 o'clock Friday evning.
aimed at examining the "Changing Family Structure" in modern America will be held at
Evergreen. May 13. The conference, which is free and open to the public, will feature an
examination of the reasons for forming permanent relationships and the reasons those
relationships are changing.
Featured speakers for the all-day event are Eli Zaretsky, author of Capitalism and
Personal Life and former instructor at Wells College and the University of Maryland, and
Philip Slater, lecturer and author of The Pursuit p_f_ Loneliness. Persons interested in
more information should call the Counseling Center, 866-6151.
...BENEFIT CONCERT SET MAY 11...Traditional American and African folk music will be
featured at Evergreen May 11 when student and faculty musicians stage a "Benefit Relief"
concert beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the main Library lobby. Proceeds from the event
which is scheduled to last nearly three hours
will go to aid two Ohio universities
devasted by the April tornadoes and African victims of a many-year drought. Evergreen
students have already raised nearly $300 for the Ohio collegians.
Featured musicians include the Munanzi Marimba Ensemble, directed by Faculty Member
Abraham Dumi Maraire, an ethnomusicologist and member of the Shona tribe of Rhodesia,
and student folk musicians who will play a variety of traditional American music.

Admission is 50 cents per person.

The general public is invited.


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