

Part of The Evergreen State College Newsletter (January 7, 1974)

extracted text



January 7, 1974

...KORMONDY NAMES NEW REGISTRAR...Walker M. Allen. Director of Admissions for Wright
.ty, Dayton, Ohio, has been appointed Evergreen Registrar. The appointment,
effective about February 15, was announced by Vice President and Provost Ed Kormondy.
Allen, 36, served as Registrar at Wright State from 1965 to 1972, when he became
Admissions. He has also served as Registrar and head of student recruitment
Community College in Dayton, and has worked in advertising. Allen received
a bachelor s degree in psychology from Miami University (Ohio) in 1962 and a master's
in personnel counseling from Wright State in 1968. He replaces former Registrar
Perrin Smith, who resigned last summer.
...ENROLLMENT DOWN WINTER QUARTER...Enrollment estimates show that Evergreen will have
about_200 less students by the tenth class day Winter Quarter. Provost Ed Kormondy says
i Winter Quarter figure is likely to total about 2,125 students, compared with 2,327
Kormondy s estimate takes into account the departure of 324 students: 174
equested leaves of absence, 60 who withdrew, 39 who graduated at the end of Fall
:r, and 51 who were disenrolled. Kormondy estimates an additional 75 "special"
L enroll for part-time studies this week and will join 2,050 regular students
: 2,125. No students were admitted from the Winter Quarter waiting list.

Symposium on Chile will bring four of the nation's foremost authorities on
nca to Evergreen January 25 and 26. Organized by students in the Evergreen
Latin American Studies group, the two-day event is expected to draw collegians and professors from most of the west coast's social science programs, and is open to the
general public free of charge.
_Evergreen Faculty Member Charles Nisbet. an economist who has traveled and studied
in Chile, said the sympo«ium will feature four prominent guest speakers: Dr.
Fagan, professor of political science at Stanford University and president-elect
.f the Latin American Studies Association; Dr. Jorge Neff, visiting professor of
science at the University of California at Santa Barbara and formerly a professor
University of Chile; Dr. James Petras, professor of political science at the State
New York and recent author of "Ballots Into Bullets: Epitaph for a Peaceful
-on, published by Ramparts Magazine; and Dr. Maurice Zietlin, a professor of
ciology at the University of Wisconsin who is considered one of the foremost Latin
American sociologists in the United States.
Primary emphasis of the two-day meeting, according to Nisbet, will be the military
that led to the overthrow and death of President Salvador Allende. At
his death Allende was attempting to establish a socialistic government in
iing the country's traditional democratic processes. Allende was chosen in free
elections in 1970.
Seven students are spearheading the symposium. Their interest developed during
•bet s academic study group "Revolt In/By Economics" and has since attracted
:ipatxon of students from outside the program, Nisbet said, Persons interested
ding the conference or obtaining more information should contact Nisbet at 86f-'726.
..JUNE GRADUATE ACCEPTED INTO MEDICAL SCHOOL...Nancy Stevens, a 1972 Evergreen graduate,
120 successful applicants to the University Medical School, St. Louis, Mo.
.s who competed against 5,200 pre-med applicants, is a Pullman High School
J and an Evergreen transfer student from the University of Washington.

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...WINTER QUARTER WORKSHOPS OFFERED...Nine art workshops and two recreational programs
are offered Winter Quarter to Evergreeners and the general public for nominal fees. Pete
Steilberg, director of recreation and campus activities, said registration for the pro"-""
grams began January 2 and will continue until full enrollments are reached. Offered as
non-credit supplements to the academic program, the workshops are taught by a variety of
highly skilled artists and teachers.
Winter Quarter art sessions cover leather work, silkscreening, modern dance, ballet
ceramics, calligraphy, still photography and four different aspects of jewelry making. The
recreational workshops are taught by Seattle mountaineer Bob Jenson and offer instruction
in mountaineering and ski touring. Persons interested in enrolling in any of the sessions
should call the College Recreation Center, 866-6532.
...THIRTY-NINE GRADUATE IN DECEMBER...Thirty-nine Evergreen seniors completed degree
requirements the end of Fall Quarter. Among the new graduates were four persons from
Olympia, six from Tacoma, three each from Bremerton, Seattle and Vancouver, two
from Auburn, and one each from Aberdeen, Bellingham, Bellevue, Gig Harbor, Goldendale,
Mesa, Richland and Yakima. Ten out-of-state students also graduates in December,
...LEGISLATIVE INTERNS NAMED...Five Evergreeners have been selected to participate in
the 1973 State Legislative Intern program, according to Ken Donohue, director of the
Office of Cooperative Education. Selected to participate in the intern study program,
which allows students to work with legislators in session, are: Rebecca Borman of
Branford, Connecticut; Rob Krell, Spokane; Don Martin, Yakima; Brent Normoyle, Olympia..
and Tundi Osunsanmi, Lagos, Nigeria.
...SENIOR PUBLISHED BOOK ON KARATE...Steve Armstrong, a Tacoma senior at Evergreen has
published his first book, "Seisan Kata of Isshinryu Karate" with Ohara Publishing Conpany
of Los Angeles, California. Armstrong, holder of a black belt in karate, is currently
instructing nearly 500 students at his own karate schools and clubs throughout the State
of Washington, in addition 1.0 studying full-time at Evergreen.