

Part of The Evergreen State College Newsletter (April 23, 1973)

extracted text


April 23,


...EVERGREEN'S SHARE OF HIGHER EDUCATION BUDGET INCREASED BY HOUSE...The State Legislature approved a 1973-75 biennium operating budget for higher education which includes
$10,830,065 for Evergreen, plus funds to implement salary increases for faculty and exempt and classified staff. Lawmakers also approved $8,751,396 in new capital constructions at Evergreen and appropriated $1,800,000 to the State Highways Department for
completion of two lanes of the parkway from the campus to the Olympia-Aberdeen Freeway.
Though less than requested for the college by the governor's budget office, Evergreen's
operating and capital budgets for the next two years are both higher than the amounts
originally approved by the State Senate. Both figures were boosted by the House of Representatives and agreed to by the Senate.

...NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION TO AWARD EVERGREEN $50,000 SUMMER GRANT...Evergreen has received unofficial notice that the National Science Foundation will award the college
$50,000 to begin developing self-paced learning units as an approach to individualized
learning in the natural and social sciences. Academic Dean Don Humphrey said eleven faculty members will be involved in the project this summer. "If the summer program is sufficiently productive," Humphrey added, "the possibilities for additional funding up to
a total of $800,000 exist."
The official announcement, expected any day, will come from the Experimental Programs
Division of the College Science Improvement Program of NSF. With the grant, NSF is "recognizing Evergreen as a model for change toward individualized instruction in the sciences,'
Humphrey said. Funds will enable a faculty/student team to accelerate production of
learning resources designed to take the place of standard academic courses. Faculty Members Fred Tabbutt and Robert Barnard will coordinate the project.
...HEALTH FAIR, MAY FESTIVAL SLATED FOR MAY l...Thurston County residents are invited to
join Evergreeners May 1 for a celebration of May Day, jointly sponsored by Health Services
and the College Office of Recreation and Campus Activities. More than 20 health organizations from Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia are expected to participate in the Health Fair,
which is designed to acquaint local residents with the wide variety of services and facilities available to them. College Nurse Edwina Dorsey-Travis, is coordinating the event.
A tug of war contest "across a nice muddy puddle" will kick off the May Day Festival
being organized by Pete Steilberg, Director of Recreation and Campus Activities. Other
events, scheduled to occur simultaneously with the Health Fair, are a May Pole Dance, a
Frisbee Tournament, a Heart Run around the campus parkway, and a gunny sack race.
The Health Fair will run from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., with the majority of May Day festival
activities scheduled for the afternoon. All events will be held around the central campus
...THE PAPER HIT THE STANDS APRIL 19...The first issue of The Paper since last Spring
Quarter rolled off the presses April 19. Copies of the eight-page issue, edited by
Pennsylvania student Andy Ryan and published by the Lacey Leader, are available in the
College Information Center, the Cafeteria, Bookstore and "just about every place on campus
you'd want to look," according to Ryan.
may compete in 12 home games and 11 road games next year under the guidance of stude.nt
coach Pete Burns. Burns, who organized and coached a club ball team at Washington State
University, said he hopes to recruit a 12-person squad to play regular basketball games
against college, military, and club teams in Washington and Oregon. Three overnight trips
have been scheduled for the 73-74 season. The 12 home games will be played at Tumwater
High School. Funding for the team will come in part from the Student and Activities Fees
Review Board. "But," Burns said. "We hope to raise the majority of the $1500 budget we 11
need from off-campus donations.

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...CLOWN TO MAKE TWO APPEARANCES ON CAMPUS APRIL 23...Stanley Sherman, an actor in the
tradition of mime and clown theater, will present two performances at Evergreen April 23.
Sherman,a graduate of Ecole Jacque Lecog, Theater of Mime and Mouvement, Paris, France,
has scheduled a 1:30 p.m. workshop with students in the Drama and Theater Arts Group
Contract, and a free 8 p.m. public performance in the reference alcove of the Library.
Sherman is also scheduled to appear at the St. Martin's College Student Union Building
at 11 a.m. April 25, and at the Tumwater City Library (for a special children's presentation) at 4 p.m. April 25. Sponsored by Eye-5, all of Sherman's performances are free and
open to the public.
students, their parents, high school and college teachers, principals and counselors, and
members of the general public in Thurston, Mason, Lewis and Grays Harbor Counties are invited to attend a special get-acquainted session with representatives of Evergreen May 3
at the College Activities Building on campus. The program, entitled "The Evergreen State
College Preview," will begin at 7:30 p.m. The preview, sponsored by Evergreen's Office
of Admissions, is part of a Spring campaign to take the new college to the people in
various areas of Washington according to Faculty Member Nancy Taylor, who is coordinating
the informational effort.
Evergreen representatives at the preview will include faculty members, students and
staff from admission and other campus service offices. "Our basic idea is to share information with high school and community college students, teachers and counselors, parents
and members of the general public," Ms. Taylor said. "We'll be discussing Evergreen's
philosophy, our current and future programs and activities, our 1973-75 biennium budget,
as well as such services as financial aid, placement, Cooperative Education internships,
counseling and admissions procedures.
The meeting will be informal and "there will be ample time for everyone to have
questions answered concerning all areas of campus life at Evergreen," she added. Refreshments will be served. Other Evergreen previews will be presented later in Spokane and
Vancouver. They have already been held in Seattle and Tacoma.