

Part of The Evergreen State College Newsletter (March 19, 1973)

extracted text




March 19,


...RYAN SELECTED EDITOR OF THE PAPER...Andy Ryan, a 23-year old student from Ardmore,
Pennslyvania, has been appointed editor of the Evergreen student/community newspaper.
The appointment, effective immediately, was announced by the Board of Publications
Mar. 13. The Board also approved plans for publication of seven weekly issues Spring
Quarter. The first edition will appear April 17. The final edition of the quarter is
scheduled for May 29. Ryan, a third-year student, has several years of newspaper
experience. His appointment is effective through Fall Quarter 1973.
at Hayward won the over all sweepstakes award in the first annual Evergreener, a
forensics tournament held at Evergreen Mar. 9 and 10. More than 60 debaters from 13
colleges and universities competed in the meet, which was sponsored by the Forensics
Association under the direction of Evergreen student coordinator Mike Moblev. Other
sweepstake winners were Boise State College, which finished second, and Lower Columbia
Community College, which took third.
...FINAL DEAN SELECTION EXPECTED THIS WEEK...Provost Ed Kormondy received the top
three nominations for the position of Academic Dean Mar. 16 and is expected to make a
final selection by the end of the week.
...EVERGREENER WALKING THE BEATS WITH OPD...Harvey Roberts, a second-year Tacoma
student at Evergreen, started his college career with the goal of playing the blues as
a radio disk jockey. Instead, he's wearing the blues of the Olympia Police Department
40 hours a week as OPD's first full-time student intern. Working closely with Police
Lt. Bill Remsen and Evergreen Security Superviser Rod Marrom, Roberts said he is
gaining "a practical, realistic view of police work." Excited about his experiences,
Roberts said he is most impressed with the feeling that "you're not just doing a job
of enforcing the law...but you're doing something that is really meaningful and worthwhile."
Lt. Remsen reports that the officers have readily accepted Roberts and "enjoy
having him working with them." The internship is sponsored through Evergreen's Office
of Cooperative Education and is supplemented with "lots of book work," according to
the young Tacoman who hopes to become a policeman following his graduation in June of
...100 MILE HIKE IS JUST THE BEGINNING...The first 100 miles will be the easy part
of an adventure for three Evergreen students and an Olympia roofer who plan a Spring
Quarter assault on the 19,850 heights of Canada's Mt. Logan. Students Tim Gregg, Brian
Woods and Peter Hohn, and roofer Jack Lewis of Olympia, will leave Mar. 27 to begin
a 100 mile trek to the assault point in the Mt. Elais mountains of the Yukon Territory.
The young climbers hope to pioneer a route up the mountain's east ridge during their
nine-week expedition.
...POP POSTERS ON EXHIBIT IN LIBRARY...Thirty nine American Pop Posters went on
exhibit in the main reference area of the Library last week. The exhibit, which will
run through the end of March, includes posters by such artists as Jim Dine, Robert
Indiana, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Marisol, James Rosenquist and Andy Warhol.
The posters date from 1963 through 1971 and are available for purchase.

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March 19-22
Mar. 19

Rock concert of original compositions by students under direction of
Faculty Member Don Chan, Noon, Lecture Hall One. Free.
Ron Weschler, grandson of composer Ernst Toch, presents slide, lecture
and musical program, 8 p.m., reference alcove of Evans Library. Free.

Mar. 20

Classical concert featuring piano and vocal students and Chamber
Ensembles, Noon, main lobby of the Library. Free.

Mar. 21

"Antigone," by Anouilh, read by students in Modular Science program under
direction of Faculty Member Byron Youtz, 10 a.m., Lecture Hall Three.
Evergreen Jazz Ensemble under direction of Faculty Member Don Chan,
Noon, main lobby of the Library. Free.

Mar. 22

Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Singers in concert, 12:30 p.m., Main lobby
of the Library. Free.
Lecture on Preston Sturgess, Frank Copra and the American Ideal by Faculty
Member Gordon Beck, accompanied by 1941 film classic, in continuing
Cinemarchives Series, 7:30 p.m., Lecture Hall One. Free.


American Pop Posters on Exhibit, reference alcove of the Library through
March 31.