

Part of The Evergreen State College Newsletter (February 26, 1973)

extracted text


February 26, 1973

...DARK OF THE MOON PREMIERE FEB. 28...Four afternoon and evening performances of "Dark
of the Moon," the major Winter Quarter dramatic production by the Evergreen Group Contract in Drama and Theater Arts, are scheduled for Feb. 28 through Mar. 3. Performances will be held at 2 and 8 p.m. on the fourth floor of the Evans Library. Admission
is free and the public is invited. Invitations to attend the matinee performances have
been sent to all local area high school drama departments, according to Faculty Member
Ainara Wilder, who is directing the production. Groups interested in attending the afternoon performances should make reservations by calling Ms. Wilder's office, 753-3972.
...EVERGREEN INTERN CAPTAINS SEATTLE'S NEWEST MUSEUM, OLDEST SHIP...The last wooden sailing vessel in Seattle is becoming the city's first maritime museum. At the helm of the
restoration crew is Mary Stiles of Pasco, a petite blonde second year student intern at
Evergreen. Acting as curator of Northwest Seaport
a non-profit organization which
is establishing the lumber schooner Wawona as an historical museum
Ms. Stiles is
working under the direction of the organization's president Robert Ashley and Evergreen
Faculty Member Mary Ellen Hillaire. She spends about 30 hours each week handling a
wide variety of duties in connection with her unique academic program.
"We're hoping to have the ship open on the Seattle waterfront by May," she said.
"We are currently restoring the old ship, recruiting volunteer work parties, designing
displays, researching specimens and organizing fund drives, as well as keeping up with
all the duties associated with operating an office."
...SIMULATION/COMPUTER WORKSHOP ON CAMPUS MAR. 2...An all-day conference to examine the
use of models and computers as tools for understanding complex environmental interaction
will be held on the Evergreen campus Mar. 2. Sponsored by Evergreen and the Northwest
Regional Council of Simulation Councils, Inc., the conference will begin at 9 a.m. in
Lecture Hall One. Purpose of the day-long meeting is to "talk about the use of computers as simulation tools," Faculty Member Fred Tabbutt said. "We want to use layman's
language to present a representative cross section of simulation environmental studies
now being undertaken throughout the Pacific Northwest."
Representatives of five universities and Battelle Northwest will present papers
ranging from "complex team projects to modest undergraduate efforts," Tabbutt said. Admission is $1 for non-students. Interested persons may contact Tabbutt at 753-3945.
Member Chuck Nisbet is one of two academicians selected from throughout the United States
to represent the State Department in a spring tour of three continents. Nisbet, an economist, is scheduled to leave for Costa Rica Mar. 4 to begin a trip which will take him
to Ecuador, Philippines, Bangladesh, Turkey, Kenya, Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Nigeria and
The Evergreen instructor was selected for the trip by the Agency for International
Development (AID), a branch of the State Department. AID promotes development in third
world or underdeveloped countries. Nisbet's task will be to deliver and explain recentlycompleted AID research to governmental officials and technologists. The research is the
result of an annual review by AID of its programs relating to small-farmer development,
Nisbet said. He has studied small-farmer development in Latin American for the past
eight years.
Nisbet is currently part of an Evergreen faculty team directing the American Studies
Coordinated Studies program. During his absence, Paul Wolman, an historian from the University of Buffalo who is now living in Olympia, will serve as a visiting faculty member
in the study program.


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February 26 - March 2
Feb. 26
Feb. 27

Feb. 28

March 1
March 2

March 4

Deep Root Trio, folk and blues concert, 8 p.m, reference alcove, Evans Libary.
George M. Beckmann, Dean of Arts and Sciences, University of Wash., lectures on
"Meiji Constitution" under sponsorship of Japan and the West Group Contract,
10 a.m., Lecture Hall Four. Free.
Paul Conrad of Allied Daily Newspaper discusses "Press Shield," Legislative
Forum, 9 a.m., Olympia City Hall.
"Mankind as Musician," lecture by Faculty Member Robert Gottlieb, 10:30 a.m.,
Lecture Hall Five. Free.
"Dark of the Moon," major dramatic production by Evergreen Group Contract in
Theater and Drama arts, 8 p.m., fourth floor of library. Free.
"The Wild Ones," Marlon Brando.
7:30 p.m., Lecture Hall One. Donation: $1
for adults, 50c for children under 12.
"Morocco" by Josef Von Sternberg with Marlena Dietriech and Gary Cooper, 1930,
Cinemarchives Series, 7:30 p.m., Lecture Hall One. Free.
"Dark of the Moon," major dramatic production, 8 p.m., fourth floor of library.
"The Global Village," demonstration and seminars on multi-purpose information
and communication systems,Library Lobby. Free.
Symposium on Man,/Environment, Simulation and Computers, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.y
Lecture Hall One. $1 for non-students. Free for students.
"Dark of the Moon," major dramatic production, 8 p.m., fourth floor of library.
"The Bicycle Thief," 7 and 9:30 p.m., Lecture Hall One. 50<? donation.
SPECIAL. Evergreen's Faculty Member Willi Unsoeld in 25-minute segment of "The
American Sportsman," KOMO TV. Sunday afternoon. Check for time.