

Part of The Evergreen State College Newsletter (February 19, 1973)

extracted text


February 19,


...STUDENT NEWSPAPER ON ITS WAY...A student newspaper may hit the presses by the beginning of Spring Quarter thanks to action by Evergreen's Board of Trustees who approved
creation of a Board of Publications last week. The Pub Board, when appointed, will select
a student editor and begin production of The Paper, which has been out of circulation
since last June. In other action, the trustees voted to modify the master plan for additional on-campus housing. The plan originally called for construction of eight new units
by fall of 1974 to house an additional 425 students. Because of a reduction in enrollment projections and a freeze on federal subsidies from the Department of Housing and
Urban Development, the college board voted to cut back the number of structures from eight
to five and reduce the number of accomodations from 425 beds to 300.
...SEARCH ON FOR TWO NEW DEANS...Academic Dean Merv Cadwallader and Associate Dean Oscar
Soule will join the Evergreen faculty next fall, so the search is on for two new deans.
Provost Ed Kormondy announced that Cadwallader had elected to move into a faculty position
after spending three years as a dean. Soule, who began his associate deanship last fall,
has decided to return to the faculty. Nominations and applications for the positions will
be received by a campus Task Force until Feb. 21. Only members of the Evergreen faculty
are eligible for consideration.
The DTF will recommend three persons for each position
to Kormondy Mar. 14. Appointments are expected by Mar. 21.
...COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE SLATED MAR. 2 & 3...A two-day conference to discuss and demonstrate the communication and information systems being designed for use in Spokane's Expo
74 Worlds Fair will be held on campus Mar. 2 and 3. Called The Global Village, the communications system is designed to help Expo achieve its goals of providing information on
the environment. It will also focus on multiple efforts that are underway to insure environmental protection and restoration. Demonstrations of communications equipment and
techniques will be offered from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days on the first floor of the
Evans Library. The conference will conclude with a special joint meeting of Northwest
chapters of the World Future Society.
...CRAFTS ON EXHIBIT...A cluster of one-man exhibits from Seattle's Henry Gallery are now
on display in the main foyer of the Evans Library. Entitled "Master Crafts: Northwest
Award Winners," the show includes work by four Pacific Northwest artists in the media of
weaving, sculpture, jewelry and hand-blown glass. Exhibit hours are from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Mondays through Thursdays; from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Fridays , from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays and from 1 to 10 p.m. on Sundays. The show will be on exhibit through Mar. 2, Admission is free.
...FOLK FESTIVAL PLANNED MAR, 2-4...A three-day folk dance festival is slated for Mar. 2-4.
Highlights will include a dance Mar. 2, workshops all day Mar. 3 and 4, and a potluck
dinner Mar. 3. Exact times and places have not yet been set. Interested persons can contact Dina Hartzell or Mary McCauley, Room 305, College Activities Building (753-3194).
Cost of the festival is 75<? per event or $2.75 for the weekend.
interns are finding that they're "learning much more about the legislative process than
we ever could have in the classroom," but that it takes more than 40 hours a week to do it.
Working full-time with their legislators
and as often as possible with their academic
faculty sponsor Matthew Smith
are Marcella Wing, a Renton student assigned to Rep. Tom
Swayze (R-Gig Harbor); Dave Reeder,
Mesa, Arizona, working with Rep. John Martinis CDEverett), and Mike Harding, of Vancouver, Wash., working with Rep. Al Bauer (D-Vancouver).

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February 20 - 23

Feb. 20

Legislative Forum, topic to be announced, 9 a.m., Olympia City Hall.

Feb. 21

"Mankind as Artist," a creative session conducted by Faculty Member
Francita Lampert, 10:30 a.m., second floor lobby of Evans Library
Building. Free.

Hear Citizens Action Network Forum, 7 p.m., Campus Radio KAOS, 89.3
on FM dial.

"Born Free," Family Film Series, 7:30 p.m., Lecture Hall One.
$1 for adults, 50£ for children under 12.


Feb. 22

"The Love Parade," by Ernst Lubitsche with Jeanette MacDonald and
Maurice Chevalier, 1930, Cinemarchives Series, 7:30 p.m., Lecture Hall
One. Free.

Feb. 23

"Mississippi Mermaid" and "The Blue Angel,", Friday Night Film Series,
7:30 p.m., Lecture Hall One. 50$ donation.

**** SPECIAL **** "Creation versus Evolution," lecture by Duane T. Gish, Associate Director
for the Institute for Creation Research, San Diego, California, Feb. 22}
8:30 a.m., Lecture Hall One.