

Part of The Evergreen State College Newsletter, Vol. 2 Num. 06

extracted text


Ll^feJ Oiympia, Washington 985Q5

June 17, 1970
Wednesday, June 17
Board of Trustees Meeting, Library Services Trailer, 3:00 p.m.
Jim Holly, Dave Carnahan, Ken Paull, Bob Barringer—Library visitations to
Western Washington State College, University of British
Columbia, and Simon Fraser College (also June 18 and 19).
Dave Barry

— WICHE Training Conference, Pacific Lutheran University.

Thursday, June 18

\s McCann

Campus visit by executives of The Daily Olympian, 2:30 p.m.
Buel Brodin, Ken Winkley, Denis Curry — Budget, Accounting and Reporting
meeting, Western Washington State College (also June 19).
Saturday, June 20
Buel Brodin

— Joint Committee on Higher Education Meeting, University
of Washington.

Monday, June 22
Dick Nichols

— Interinstitutional Committee of Public Relations Officers
meeting, Administration Building, University of Washington,
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday, June 23
E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Speech to Jet Breakfast Club, Panorama City, 8:30 a.m.
Ken Donohue

— Meeting of Committee on Faculty Activity Analysis, Spokane,
9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m,

Don Parry

— Meeting of Interinstitutional Sub-Committee of Architects
and Physical Plant Administrators, Central Washington
State College.

Wednesday, June 24
In-House Seminar for entire staff, Library Services Trailer, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Conducted by Ken Hopkins, Director, State Capitol Museum.
Topic: "The State Capitol Museum and Olympia's Culture".
Thursday, June 25
Ken Winkley

— 1970 International Data Processing Conference, Seattle Center.



June, 1970

Volume 2, Number 6


The Evergreen family continues to grow as more faculty and administrative personnel
come aboard to further the planning process, which intensifies and gains momentum
with every passing week. (Would you believe the first influx of students is only
15 months away?) Employment has passed the 60 mark and continues to rise. To
refresh the collective memory, here's the rundown since the last issue of the newsletter:
(All coming September 1, 1970)
Alfred M. Wiedemann, currently Assistant Professor of Range Management
at Oregon State University, Assistant Professor of Biology.
David L. Kitchens, presently Executive Director of the Northwest Association of Private Colleges and Universities in Portland, As sis tant Profe ssor of History.
Byron L. Youtz, now Academic Vice President and Professor of Physics
at the State University of New York's College at Old Westbury, Professor
of Physics.
E. Jackson Webb, currently an Associate Professor in the Center for
Languages and Literary Study at Prescott College, Arizona, Associate
Professor of English.
W. Robert Barnard, presently an Assistant Professor in the Department
of Motion Picture and Cinema and a Research Specialist in the Department
of Chemistry and College of Biological Sciences at Ohio State University,
Assistant Professor of Chemistry.
William Aldridge. now Associate Professor of Education at Oregon State
University, Associate Professor of Psychology and Education.
Dayid W. Brown, currently Acting Director of Admissions at Howard
University in Washington, D. C., becomes Evergreen's Director of Admissions on August 1.
Perrin C. Smith, presently Head Registrar at California Western University
at San Diego, assumes the post of Registrar at Evergreen on September 1*


* * **

Meanwhile, recruiting of persons to fill the final four faculty planning positions
and additional administrative and operating posts continues daily. For a little
perspective on the personnel question let's turn to Vice President for Business
Dean E. Clabaugh, who has developed the following information:
For each 18 full-time students, we can project approximately one faculty
member; this means 44 faculty members in the fall of 1971, 94 in the
fall of 1972, and so on, up to approximately 390 in 1977. To operate
a college with its myriad of responsibilities, it takes about two other
staff members for each faculty member . In other words, for every six
students, one college employee will be required. Initially, Evergreen's
ratio will be higher; we'll have 200 employees in 1971 for the 800 students and about 350 on the payroll in 1972. In the years thereafter the
1 to 6 ratio will generally prevail; we project Evergreen's employment
at about 450 in 1973, and so on; by the time enrollment reaches 12,000,
employment should approximate 2,000.
Vice President Clabaugh's summary also looks at the possible economic impacts
Evergreen may have on the local community. Although the figures are approximate
and subject to all kinds of complex factors, they are interesting:
Evergreen's payroll may be $2,000,000 by 1971. Discounting inflation,
the payroll should hit $3,500,000 in 1972 and so on, up to the 12,000
enrollment level when the payroll (based on $10,000 average annual
compensation) may reach $20,000,000. Payroll is only part of the
Spending by increasingly affluent students will have a major local
impact. A best guess at this point (based on a number of complex
assumptions) would be $500,000 in student spending in 1971, more than
$2,500,000 in 1972 and perhaps $18 to $20 million annually at 12,000
enrollment. Another major element is direct expenditure by the college for goods and services purchased locally. These can be conservatively estimated at perhaps $250,000 in 1971, growing in increments fairly proportionate to enrollment and reaching a level of approximately $2 to $3 million annually by the mid-1980s. Another
factor is construction expenditures, which, over the next ten years,
could total $150 to $200 million. If only 25 percent of that amount
(possibly a conservative figure) is spent locally, the impact could
range from $37 to $50 million.
If you add up all of those figures—which ignore inflationary pressures--you can get some staggering totals. But even those sums conceal the full impact because they do not recognize the induced
"multiplier" effect-»»the dollar stimulus to the community's economy
over and above actual college input. Suffice it to say that Evergreen's presence will dramatically affect Thurstoa Countyla 4»opulation and economic growth.


It goes without saying that Evergreen's impact will range far beyond areas which* can
be measured in terms of statistical probability. The college is bound to affect
community life style in significant ways—culturally, intellectually, socially. In
fact it is in these subtle and delicate areas of human relationships that patient
and careful college-community planning becomes most essential.
* * **

- 2

Turning to the construction scene. The big hole in the woods is getting filled by
the library building, with Hoffman Construction Company of Portland reporting the
job 12 percent completed as of May 31. Some 65 men now are on the Hoffman payroll
:nd the total will increase as the project progresses. Evergreen's Library Construction Coordinator Don Mace reports one-third of the basement floor slab has been
placed, 70 percent of the basement walls are up, and decking has been set for slab
work on the east end of the first floor. At last report, workmen had poured 3,200
cubic y?.rds of concrete and placed 600 tons of steel in the huge structure. And,
best of all, the job remains on schedule.

* * **
Meanwhile, Director of Facilities Planning Jerry Schillinger reports that four construction bid openings are scheduled this month in the offices of the Engineering
and Architectural Division of the State Department of General Administration. They
are as follows:
Site Improvement

June 4

Shop and Garage

June 9

Central Utility Plant

June 23

Residence Halls

June 30

In addition, two bid openings are scheduled next month:


'College Activities Building

July 10

Large Group Instruction Center

July 22 (tentative)

Two other projects will be bid late this year and early in 1971: College Recreation
Center in December and Phase One of the Science Building next February.
All of which means that things are really going to begin popping around the campus ,
Bulldozers, earth movers, cement mixers and hard hats may become as visually prominent
as the trees that now dominate the landscape.

Moving toward the start of projects which will be under construction next year and
completed in 1972, the Board of Trustees last month approved preliminary architectural
plans for two buildings. Trustees okayed design development concepts for Phase One of
the Recreation Center and authorized architect Robert Price to draft working drawings
of the 58,000 square foot facility. The board also approved schematic drawings for
the 75,000 square foot first phase of the Science Building and authorized architects
Narramore, Bain, Brady and Johanson of Seattle to move into design development,
5V *



Charles Teske , Dean of the Division of Humanities and Arts, joins the staff on a fulltime basis June 15 after many long weeks of plane hopping between Evergreen and Oberlin
College (Ohio). Dean of Social Sciences Merv Cadwallader is due to arrive July 6 or 7
~-»llowing a visit (business, pleasure, R and R variety) to the island of Hvar,
_agoslavia. Of course, we're all familiar with the smiling face of Don (Quint ana Roo)
Humphrey , who's been deaning in Mathematics and Natural Sciences since April.
•it *'i •& ft

- 3-

Notes on a couple of our faculty members:


Willard C. Humphreys, who will become an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Evergreen
in September, has edited an introductory philosophy textbook entitled Perception and
Discovery* The book is based on the writings of the late Norwood Russell Hanson,
under whom Humphreys studied at Indiana University and Yale University. It took
Humphreys more than a year to complete his editing xrork. Evolved from Hanson's
original Cambridge lecture notes, which Hanson had begun to transcribe into book
form before he was killed in a plane crash, the book's illustrations and references
had to be compiled almost entirely by Humphreys. Meanwhile, Humphreys plans to edit
two more books of Hanson's papers, one a history of planetary theory and the other a
collection of essays.
Richard M, Jones, who becomes Professor of Psychology at Evergreen in September, also
has been busy, according to a letter he sent to the Newsletter from Harvard University.
He was a featured speaker at the Colorado Department of Education Workshop on Learning
on April 28 in Denver and spoke at the Seminar on Innovative Teaching Techniques on
May 3 in Cincinnati, Ohio. The seminar was held under auspices of the Educational
Development Foundation. Jones recently conducted a one^day workshop in Innovative
Teaching Techniques at the Division of Special Education and Rehabilitation at Syracuse
University. From July 12 to 13 he will serve as a consultant to the Committee on
Academic Innovation Summer Workshop to be held at Messiah College, Grantham, Pennsylvania. Another consultant at the workshop will be Ernest Boyer, Vice Chancellor
of the State University of New York, who is a member of Evergreen's academic advisory
Professor Jones also notes some recent publications: He wrote two chapters in a
volume entitled Sleep and Dreaming, published in April by Little, Brown and Company.
The paperbook edition of his Fantasy and Feeling in Education has been published by
Harper and Row. And his latest book, The New Psychology of Dreaming, will be published this month by Grune and Stratton, Inc.

* * * ft
And, a final note from Kris Robinson, our friendly neighborhood facilities planning
secretary. First, she wants you to know that the girls softball team she coaches—
The Lacey Leaders—is holding down second place in the league, with five games to go»
Coach Robinson--sort of a Knute Rockne in skirts--says, "Don't let anyone fool you
that the fun is in the playing—we're out to win! " Second, Kris and a friend have
pooled resources and started a little business called Vacation Home Care. Services
to vacationing families include pet care, plant and lawn care, security checks of
the home, mail collection, etc. Only hangup seems to be a. little insurance problem,
but if we know Kris she'll solve it.

- 4-


(June 2-30}

Charles McCana

— Steering Committee meeting for Council on Higher Education, Seattle, 11:00 a.m.

Charles McCana

— Speaking engagement, Aberdeen Rotary Club, Nordic. Resteurant, 12:00 noon,

Jita Holly

-« Washington Higher Education Librarians Committee meeting,
University o£ Washington Library, 1:30 p.raa

In-house Seminar for entire staff, Library Conference Room, 11:30 a.m» - 1:00 p.n,
Conducted by Executive Vice President E. J. Shoben, Jr. Title: "Black-White
Confrontation" .

Jim Holly


-° Panel speaker, Western Interstate CoKimission oa Higher
Education Workshop on Library networks* University of
Washington , 1:30 p.m.

Opening of site improvements contract bids. Department oS General Administration »
3:00 p.m.

Charles McCana

— Meeting of Policy Committee? Council on Higher Education,
Sea-Tac Motor Inn, 9:30 e«n. « 3:00 p.m,

E. J. Shoben, Jr»

— Meetings in Washington, Vc C. at Office of Education and
Chronicle of Higher Education*

Bob Barrlnger

-~ Panelist, Library Betwosk Development Workshop Symposiura,
Olympic Hotel, Seattle, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Charles HcCann

-- Attend inauguration of Father Baker as President of
Seattle University, 3:00,

E<, J, Shoben, Jr.. »- Attend commencement exercises at Yale University (Edward
Joseph Shoben, Ill's graduation),,


Nona Johnson

«*• Annual meeting of Association, of University Architects.,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and visits t:o lfcyae
State University, and Eastern Michigan University
(June 3-12),

Monday, June 8 (contd.)
David Barry

— Speech to Olympia Kiwanis Club, Hotel Olympian, 12:00 noon.

Tuesday;, June 9
E. J. Shoben, Jr. « Meetings in Washington, D. C. with Marjorie Bell Associates, Richard Taft Associates, Association of American
Colleges, and The Population Institute. (Also June 10).
Buel Brodin

— Meeting of Joint Committee on Higher Education, University
of Washington campus.

Opening of shop and garage construction bids, Department of General Administration, 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 10
Charles McCann, Dean Clabaugh, Dave Barry, Don Humphrey, Bob Barringer and
Jim Holly — Seminar on Program Evaluation, Library Trailer, 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 11
President's Council Meeting, Library Trailer, 2:00 p.m.
In-house Seminar for entire staff, Library Trailer, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p,m,,
conducted by Gerry Silberman of the Office of Economic Opportunity. Subject:
"Learning Strategies and Wew Careers".
Friday. June 12
Charles McCann

— Graduation speaker, commencement exercises, Lower Columbia
College (Longview), 3:00 p.m.

Denis Curry

— Meeting of Committee of Systems Analysts, Western Washington State College.

Monday. June 15
President's Council meeting, Library Trailer, 2:00 p.m.
Buel Brodin

— Higher Education Personnel Board meeting, Central Washington State College, 10:00 a.m.

Wednesday, June 17
Board of Trustees meeting, Library Trailer, 1:30 p.m.
In-house Seminar for entire staff, Library Trailer, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.,
conducted by E. J. Shoben, Jr. Film and discussion entitled "Law and Order",
Jim Holly, Dave Carnahan, Ken Paull — Library visitations to Western Washington
State College, University of British Columbia, and Simon
Fraser College (also June 18 and 19)

Thursday. June 18
E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Attend American Association of State Colleges and
Universities conference on fund raising, San Francisco*
(Also June 19 and 20).
Ken Winkley
Denis Curry

«— Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting Committee meeting,
Western Washington State College (also June 19).

Tuesday, June 23
Bob Barringer
Jim Johnson

— Data Processing Management Association International
Data Processing Conference and Business Exposition
(scheduled through June 26).

Don Parry
Norm Johnson.

— Meeting of Interinstitutional Committee of Architects
and Physical Plant Directors, Central Washington State

Opening of construction bids for Central Utility Plant, Department, of General
..Administration, 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 24
In-house Seminar, Library Trailer, 11:30 a»nu - 1:00 p»m, Subject to be
- announced.
Sunday^ June 28
Jim Holly

—• Attend American Library Association Confereitce, Detroit
(through July 3).

TuesdayJ|i[nJune 30
E*- J« Shoben, Jr. — Speaker for annual meeting of State Capitol Historical
Opening of bids for construction of College Residence Halls, Department of
General Administration, 3:00 p.m.



flrf5! Archives
(June 2-30)

The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington 98505

Tuesday, June 2
Charles McCann

-- Steering Committee meeting for Council on Higher Educa«
tion, Seattle, 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday, June 3
Charles McCann

— Speaking engagement, Aberdeen Rotary Club, Nordic Restaurant, 12:00 noon.

Jim Holly

-- Washington Higher Education Librarians Committee meeting,
University of Washington Library, 1:30 p.m.

In-house Seminar for entire staff, Library Conference Room, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Conducted by Executive Vice President E. J. Shoben, Jr. Title: "Black-White
Thursday. June 4
Jim Holly

-- Panel speaker, Western Interstate Commission on Higher
Education Workshop on Library Networks, University of
Washington, 1:30 p.m.

Opening of site improvements contract bids, Department of General Administration,
3:00 p.m.
Friday. June..5
Charles McCann

-- Meeting of Policy Committee, Council on Higher Education,
Sea-Tac Motor Inn, 9:30 a.m, « 3»00 p,mf

E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Meetings in Washington, D. C. at Office of Education and
Chronicle of Higher Education,
Saturday, June 6
Bob Barringer

-- Panelist, Library Network Development Workshop Symposium,
Olympic Hotel, Seattle, 1:30 - 4jOO p,mt

Sunday. June7
Charles McCann

— Attend inauguration of Father Baker as President of
Seattle University, 3:00 p.m.

Monday. June 8
E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Attend commencement exercises at Yale University (Edward
Joseph Shoben, Ill's graduation).
Norm Johnson

— Annual meeting of Association of University Architects,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and visits to Wayne
State University, and Eastern Michigan University
(June 3-12).

Monday, June 8 (contd.)
David Barry

— Speech to Olympia Kiwanis Club, Hotel Olympian, 12:00 noon.

Tuesday, June 9
E. J. Shoben, Jr. -- Meetings in Washington, D. C. with liarjorie Bell Associates, Richard Taft Associates, Association of American
Colleges, and The Population Institute. (Also June 10).
Buel Brodin

— Meeting of Joint Committee on Higher Education, University
of Washington campus.

Opening of shop and garage construction bids, Department of General Administration, 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 10
Charles McCann, Dean Clabaugh, Dave Barry, Don Humphrey, Bob Barringer and
Jim Holly -- Seminar on Program Evaluation, Library Trailer, 2:00 p.m,
Thursday, June 11
President's Council Meeting, Library Trailer, 2:00 p.m.
In-house Seminar for entire staff, Library Trailer, 11:30 a,m, « 1:00 p.m.,
conducted by Gerry Silberman of the Office of Economic Opportunity, Subject:
"Learning Strategies and New Careers".
Friday. June 12
Charles McCann

— Graduation speaker, commencement exercises, Lower Columbia
College (Longview), 3:00 p.m.

Denis Curry

— Meeting of Committee of Systems Analysts, Western Wash*
ington State College.

Monday. June 15
President's Council meeting, Library Trailer, 2:00 p,ra,
Buel Brodin

-- Higher Education Personnel Board meeting, Central Washington State College, 10:00 a.m.

Wednesday. June 17
Board of Trustees meeting, Library Trailer, 1:30 p«m,
In-house Seminar for entire staff, Library Trailer, 11:30 a»m, • 1:00 p.m.,
conducted by E. J. Shoben, Jr. Film and discussion entitled "Law and Order",
Jim Holly, Dave Carnahan, Ken Paull — Library visitations to Western Washington
State College, University of British Columbia, and Simon
Fraser College (also June 13 and 19)

Thursday. June 13
E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Attend American Association of State Colleges and
Universities conference on fund raising, San Francisco.
(Also June 19 and 20).
Ken Winkley
Denis Curry

— Budgeting, Accounting and Reporting. Committee meeting,
Western Washington State College (also June 19).

Tuesday. June 23
Bob Barritiger
Jim Johnson

— Data Processing Management Association International
Data Processing Conference and Business Exposition
(scheduled through June 26).

Don Parry
Norm Johnson.

— Meeting of Interinstitutional Committee of Architects
and Physical Plant Directors, Central Washington State

Opening of construction bids for Central Utility Plant, Departtaeat. of General
Administration, 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 24
In-house Seminar, Library Trailer, 11:30 a,m»- - 1:00 p,m» Subject t«r be
Sunday^ June...28
Jim Holly

— Attend American Library Association Conference, Detroit
(through July 3).

Tuesday^ June 30
E»-J, Shoben, Jr. ~ Speaker for annual meeting of State Capitol Historical
Opening of Bids for construction of College Residence Halls, Department of
General Administration, 3:00 p.m.

* **



Calendar of Events
June 15 - 21

Tuesday, June 17 - 9:00 AM - Design Team meeting
Durham, Anderson & Freed office
Seattle, Washington

Thursday, June 19 -


Interview of candidates for Director
of Computer Facilities
TESC office
All day

Friday, June 20 - 9:00 AM-5:00 PM - Student Housing Conference
TESC office

Saturday, June 21 - 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon - Student Housing Conference
TESC office




Calendar of Events
May 26 - 31, 1969

Wednesday, May 28 - - - - Board of Trustees meeting, College offices
3:00 p.m.
Friday, May 30 ) - - - - Academic Planning Team meeting, Tyee Motor Inn,
Saturday, May 31)
8:00 a.m.
