

Part of Framing Climate Change: Evaluating Articulations of Support for Mitigation Policy Alongside Communication and Scholarship in Washington State

extracted text

Eden Thorkildsen

A Thesis
Submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
Master of Environmental Studies
The Evergreen State College
June 2018

©2018 by Eden Thorkildsen. All rights reserved.

This Thesis for the Master of Environmental Studies Degree
Eden Thorkildsen

has been approved for
The Evergreen State College

Edward A. Whitesell, Ph.D.
Member of the Faculty


Framing Climate Change: Evaluating Articulations of Support for Mitigation Policy
alongside Communication Scholarship in Washington State
Eden Thorkildsen
This thesis research investigated questions regarding framing practices by mitigation
supporters at Washington State legislative public hearings over the past ten years. The
following research question was posed: How has climate change been framed in practice
over time, and how does this compare with recent scholarship on framing and science
communication? This was broken into the following three sub-questions: How have
supporters of climate change mitigation policy articulated their arguments in public
hearings at the Washington State Legislature over time? Are there differences among
varying groups? According to climate change framing scholarship, do these frames
potentially appeal more to specific political parties or groups? Prior framing research has
focused on framing effects through surveys, rather than framing in practice. This research
used content analysis and coding in Atlas.ti to analyze ten years of public hearings on
climate change mitigation bills. Videos were analyzed over time, and supporters were
stratified into categorical groups for analysis. The results of this research showed
differences in framing between speaker categories, and that moral framing used frames
that may appeal more strongly to political liberals, in addition to changes in framing over
time. These results are significant for establishing how specific groups frame climate
change in practice, which could inform science communication experts in their outreach
and education efforts.

Table of Contents
List of Figures ................................................................................................ vi
List of Tables ................................................................................................ vii
Acknowledgements...................................................................................... viii
Chapter One: Why Does “Framing” Matter? ..................................................1
Chapter Two: Literature Review ...................................................................12
I. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 12
II. But, What is Framing?................................................................................................... 17
III. How is Climate Change Framed? .................................................................................. 25
III.I What frames are used and how? ....................................................................................................26
III.II Traditional frames..........................................................................................................................27
III.III Positive and negative message framing .......................................................................................30
III.IV Moral framing ...............................................................................................................................32
III.IV.I Moral Foundations Theory .....................................................................................................32
III.IV.II Lakoff’s “State as Family” Model ..........................................................................................37
III.V Issue framing .................................................................................................................................41
III.VI Advocacy framing and communication ........................................................................................44

IV. Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 48

Chapter Three: Methods ................................................................................52
I. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 52
II. Sample Selection .......................................................................................................... 53
III. Categories ................................................................................................................... 60
IV. Time ........................................................................................................................... 60
V. Coding ......................................................................................................................... 61
VI. Coding Analysis ........................................................................................................... 64
VII. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 66

Chapter Four: Results ....................................................................................68
I. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 68
II. Speaker Category Code Density .................................................................................... 69
III. Traditional Frames....................................................................................................... 72
III.I. General frames ..............................................................................................................................72
III.I.I. General frame density .............................................................................................................74


III.I.II. General frame co-occurrence.................................................................................................84
III.II. Climate change versus global warming frames ............................................................................86
III.II.I. Climate change versus global warming density .....................................................................87
III.II.II. Climate change versus global warming co-occurrence .........................................................89

IV. Positive and Negative Message Framing ...................................................................... 91
IV.I. +/- Message framing density .........................................................................................................92
IV.I.I +/- Message framing co-occurrence ........................................................................................94

V. Moral Framing ............................................................................................................. 96
V.I. Moral Foundations Theory .............................................................................................................96
V.I.I. Moral Foundations Theory density ..........................................................................................97
V.I.II. Moral Foundations Theory co-occurrence ........................................................................103
V.II. State as Family .............................................................................................................................104
V.II.I. State as Family density ..........................................................................................................105
V.II.I. State as Family co-occurrence ..............................................................................................107

VI. Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 108

Chapter Five: Discussion .............................................................................110
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 110
II. Traditional Frames...................................................................................................... 111
II.I. General frames .............................................................................................................................111
II.II. Climate change versus global warming .......................................................................................120

III. Positive and Negative Message Framing ..................................................................... 122
IV. Moral Framing .......................................................................................................... 124
IV.I. Moral Foundations Theory ..........................................................................................................124
IV.II. State as Family ............................................................................................................................128

V. Issue Framing ............................................................................................................. 129
V.I. Overall issue framing ....................................................................................................................129
V.II. Climate change issue framing in 2017 .........................................................................................132

VI. Limitations ................................................................................................................ 134
VII. Areas for future research .......................................................................................... 135
VIII. Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 135

Chapter Six: Conclusion ..............................................................................138


List of Figures
Figure 1: Communication Model ...................................................................................... 13
Figure 2. Effective Scientific Argument Structure ........................................................... 46
Figure 3. Climate Messaging ............................................................................................ 47
Figure 4. Coding Analysis Framework ............................................................................. 65


List of Tables
Table 1: Types of Framing ................................................................................................ 19
Table 2. Climate Change Frames and Audiences (Shanahan, 2007) ................................ 27
Table 3: Moral Foundations Definitions ........................................................................... 33
Table 4. Scientific Terms and Public Meaning. (Somerville & Hassol, 2011) ................ 45
Table 5: Bills Initially Selected for Coding and Analysis ................................................ 56
Table 6: Categories of Speakers ....................................................................................... 60
Table 7: Citizen and Community Group Participation Rates ........................................... 70
Table 8: Elected Official and Governmental Agency/Public Institution Participation Rates
........................................................................................................................................... 71
Table 9: NGO/Nonprofit, Private Company, and Union Participation Rates ................... 71
Table 10: General Frame Definitions ............................................................................... 73
Table 11: General Frame Density One: Economy/Money and Environment ................... 74
Table 12: General Frame Density Two: Equity/Equality and Future Generations/Children
........................................................................................................................................... 76
Table 13: General Frame Density Three: Leadership and Responsibility/Accountability 79
Table 14: General Frame Density Four: Risk/Disaster, Science, and Washington State . 81
Table 15: General Frame Co-Occurrence ......................................................................... 84
Table 16: Climate Change versus Global Warming Definitions ...................................... 86
Table 17: Climate Change versus Global Warming Density ............................................ 88
Table 18: Climate Change versus Global Warming Co-Occurrence ................................ 90
Table 19: +/- Message Framing Definitions ..................................................................... 92
Table 20: +/- Message Framing Density........................................................................... 92
Table 21: +/- Message Framing Co-Occurrence ............................................................... 95
Table 22: Moral Foundations Theory Definitions ............................................................ 97
Table 23: Moral Foundations Theory Density One: Authority/Subversion and Care/Harm
........................................................................................................................................... 98
Table 24: Moral Foundations Theory Density Two: Fairness/Cheating, Loyalty/Betrayal,
and Sanctity/Degradation ................................................................................................ 100
Table 25: Moral Foundations Theory Co-Occurrence .................................................... 103
Table 26: State as Family Definitions ............................................................................. 105
Table 27: State as Family Density .................................................................................. 105
Table 28: State as Family Co-Occurrence ...................................................................... 107


I would like to thank everyone who supported me through the thesis process.
Thank you to my thesis reader, Ted Whitesell, who provided me with supportive and
productive comments from the initial concept development all the way to my final draft.
Thank you to my human and non-human family members who provided personal support
through all of my doubts. I could not have completed this work without the personal and
professional support I received from so many people, and I am eternally grateful.


Chapter One: Why Does “Framing” Matter?
As global temperature increases since the preindustrial era approach one degree
Celsius, and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are nearing 400 parts per million, the
criticality of large scale climate change mitigation also increases (Pachauri & Meyer,
2014). As negative impacts from climate change on both environmental and human
systems are beginning to appear, such as more intense storms, ocean acidification, and
water shortages, the lack of significant climate change policy movement is concerning.
The IPCC recommends an overall increase of no more than two degrees Celsius
planet-wide. Current projections show a high likelihood of increases above four degrees
Celsius by the turn of the century with current mitigation efforts in place. A four degree
increase would likely lead to large scale food shortages, species extinctions, and large
scale economic impacts, in addition to increasing storm intensity and events (Pachauri &
Meyer, 2014). Mitigation actions must be targeted at reducing overall planetary
temperature increases to at, or below the two degree Celsius threshold.
Globally, there has not been policy enacted that sets aggressive enough
reductions. The Paris Climate Agreement attempted to set emissions reductions targets
that individual countries would collectively meet. The emissions reductions set by the
Paris Agreement are at the two degree Celsius marker, but the mitigation actions have
been criticized as having a likely minimal impact on planetary warming (Lomborg, 2016;
Paris Agreement, 2016). As one of the largest greenhouse gas contributors in the world,
by expressing intent to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, the public lack of support for
climate mitigation action from the United States at the federal level does not bode well.


At the state level, there has been some work done on emissions reductions policy.
Some of these policies include the Clean Car Act and cap and trade policies in California,
the Western Climate Initiative, and the Northeast Regional Greenhouse Gas initiative
(“Cap-and-Trade Program,” 2018; “Clean Air Act Permitting in California,” 2018; “Reg.
Greenh. Gas Initiat.,” 2018; “West. Clim. Initiat.,” 2018). While all important first steps,
these policies alone are insufficient in fully mitigating climate change. Due to the
complexity of implementation, and concerns regarding effectiveness and economic
impacts, it is extremely challenging to meet the needs of many stakeholder groups while
still making meaningful progress.
While agreement among scientists about the reality of anthropogenic climate
change is at an all-time high, public acceptance and knowledge among the general public
continues to lag behind (Cook, Ellerton, & Kinkead, 2018). Issues surrounding the
communication of, and knowledge about climate change can have overarching impacts
on policy development and implementation. Aside from the challenges of convincing the
general public about the importance of climate change, there are issues surrounding the
spatial and temporal aspects of climate change.
Climate change cannot be seen or touched, only interacted with as an abstract idea
or concept (Fløttum, 2017). Weather is the closest representation of climate available,
and climate science cannot directly attribute weather events to climate change, only the
increasing severity and rate of these events. This makes an argument that people can
directly observe very challenging to make, and less convincing. Other challenges, such as
economic considerations, are also integral to climate change.


From an economic standpoint, climate change is a type of market failure called an
externality. In essence, this means that the price of market products such as fossil fuels do
not represent the true cost of their use to society. So instead to the fossil fuel user paying
the cost of their use, all of society suffers the impact of use. This is what climate change
mitigation policies such as carbon taxes are designed to address. By increasing the cost of
fossil fuels, these taxes disincentivize use and integrate the true cost back into the
economic system. There are many challenges when implementing taxes such as these,
with political and social feasibility being high on the list. Aside from issues surrounding
pushback to additional taxes, economics is designed to discount the future value of
resources, such as environmental resources.
When attempting to pass long-term, large-scale mitigation actions, there is an
assumption made about the high future value of what is being protected. This means the
value of a forest, clean air, or water, is assumed to be worth the cost and effort put into its
protection. In contrast, economic valuation relies on the assumption that future values are
lower, or discounted, over time. These two different understandings of value are at odds
with one another, and can cause strife when attempting to develop effective mitigation.
Fields such as environmental economics have been working to reconcile these issues by
managing and researching the externalities at work when valuing environmental
resources, but challenges remain (Boyce, 2018; Lacroix & Richards, 2015; Marron &
Toder, 2014; Ostrom, 1998, 2009; Ulph & Ulph, 1994). One such challenge would be
how these issues are discussed, understood, and communicated.
Economics would be one such way to understand climate change, as would
environmentalism. These different frameworks and understandings of climate change


could lead people to different conclusions. Among groups that work on climate change
mitigation policy, there are certainly communication challenges that appear. While a
scientist may be concerned about the parts per million of carbon in the atmosphere, a
citizen may worry about the impact of climate change on their child’s future. A politician
may be concerned about the economic or political feasibility considerations, and an
environmentalist could worry about biodiversity loss. These different methods of framing
and understanding climate change can create communication errors. This is not because
people do not care about climate change, but because how they approach and understand
its importance and impacts are different.
Recent research has shown that instead of relying on hard evidence and scientific fact,
people often revert to moral and social judgements to understand and solve difficult
issues (Cook et al., 2018; Djupe & Gwiasda, 2010; ecoAmerica, 2013; Fahey, 2014a,
2014b; Hulme, 2009; Lakoff, 2010, 2016). How people communicate about climate
change can impact how people feel about and interact with it. Specifically, how climate
change is framed can have different responses across different audiences, such as
Democrats and Republicans, and self-identified political liberals versus conservatives, in
the United States.
Prior to discussing the preferences between these groups, I will explain the
classification between self-identified political liberals and conservatives. The majority of
work on climate change framing relies on surveys that ask about political affiliations,
either Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative. While Republican and Democrat
are the dominant political parties in the United States, liberal and conservative are less
easily categorized. While a person may identify as liberal, they may not identify as


Democrat. The same can be said for self-identifying conservative people, who may not
identify as Republican. The definitions of these groups are somewhat abstract, and one
specific person answering a survey may have a different definition of liberal than the next
person. This lack of clarity among definitions creates some challenges when classifying
people into groups.
While a simple self-identified liberal and conservative classification creates some
issues among diverse groups, it is a spectrum that can be used to describe elected
officials. Washington State legislators generally run and are elected on either a
Republican or Democrat platform, despite the differences between individual people.
While their perspectives and political views are more diverse and complex than the
simple Democrat or Republican classification they fall into, this is how they identify
themselves. If we take Democrats as falling generally into a self-identified political
liberal spectrum, and Republicans as falling into a self-identified political conservative
spectrum, it allows for research into these groups to be conducted. Although this method
of classification doesn’t allow for a more nuanced approach, and includes different
definitions among different groups, it is the basis for prior work in this field. Based upon
the previous research into framing effects and the already self-identified Democrat and
Republican dichotomy apparent among legislators, it is the starting point for the research
used for interpreting the results of this thesis.
Climate change framing and communication research has shown that Democrats and
Republicans have different preferences for specific climate change frames, and that selfidentified political liberals and conservatives have different moral frame preferences
(Benjamin, Por, & Budescu, 2017; Graham et al., 2012; Graham, Haidt, & Nosek, 2009;


Lakoff, 2010, 2016; Schuldt, Konrath, & Schwarz, 2011; Villar & Krosnick, 2011;
Wolsko, Ariceaga, & Seiden, 2016). These preferences range from specific term
preferences between Democrats and Republicans, to overarching moral frames between
self-identified political liberals and conservatives. This means when speaking to an
audience such as the Washington State Legislature, which is comprised of those who fit
into either the Democrat, Republican, or self-identified political liberal versus
conservative spectrum, framing matters.
While framing an issue differently cannot and should not be used with the intention to
influence people in a dishonest way (Djupe & Gwiasda, 2010; Lakoff, 2016), it can be a
useful tool for communicating across differences. This means by reframing an issue in a
way that might resonate more with a particular audience, it may be possible to
communicate a complex scientific issue in a more understandable and relatable way. In
the context of climate change mitigation policy, how supporters talk about climate
change may impact how legislators perceive it.
Despite the importance of how climate change mitigation supporters articulate
and discuss climate change, there is a substantive lack of information regarding framing
in practice. Prior research has focused on framing effects among different groups,
particularly in regard to their preferences to specific frames. There is not a body of work
that focuses on how framing is occurring in practice, and how different groups discuss
climate change. Studying framing effects without a firm understanding of what frames
are used in practice may lead to the investigation of frames that are actually infrequently
employed. Due to this gap in the literature, I identified the following questions for my


How has climate change been framed in practice over time, and how does this
compare with recent scholarship on framing and science communication? This was
broken into the following three sub questions: How have supporters of climate change
mitigation policy articulated their arguments in public hearings at the Washington State
Legislature over time? Are there differences among varying groups? According to
climate change framing scholarship, do these frames potentially appeal more to specific
political parties or groups?
This question focused on the Washington State Legislature over the past ten
years, from 2007 to 2017. By using the Washington Legislature as a case study, climate
change mitigation policy hearings and discussion could be analyzed for different types of
framing and science communication issues. Washington was selected due to several
reasons including accessibility to data, and the number of previous climate change policy
hearings. Washington has had several major climate mitigation bills fail in recent years,
providing a body of data in the form of legislative hearing videos (“Bill Information,”
Despite the robustness of reports produced by the IPCC, and near unanimous
agreement that climate change is caused by humans (Cook et al., 2018), Washington
State has still not managed to pass a carbon tax initiative (Bernton & Le, 2018). Similar
climate change mitigation initiatives, such as cap and trade policies, have also previously
failed to pass (“Bill Information,” 2018). The increasing urgency to pass climate change
mitigation policy may be compounded with the fact that science communication and
climate change framing can distinctly impact perceptions of climate change.


These issues, combined with the ability to classify the intended audience of
legislators as Democrats or Republicans, allowed for a clear investigation into climate
change communication issues. This thesis used content analysis (Bernard, Wutich, &
Ryan, 2016) to develop a coding system based upon prior research regarding climate
change framing. Supporters were separated into different groups, including citizen,
community group, elected official, governmental agency/public institution,
NGO/nonprofit, private company, and union. Data were also separated into each
biennium. These separations allowed for changes over time, and between different groups
to be investigated.
This research found that climate change moral framing has leaned towards a selfidentified political liberal framing, becoming increasingly liberal over time. This finding
was based upon both the Moral Foundations Theory and State as Family models, which
can be used to evaluate partisanship of framing (Graham et al., 2009; Lakoff, 2016).
Other frame types have seen shifts in both content and attitudes since 2007. Each
identified speaker category had differences in how frequently they employed each frame.
For example, the NGO/nonprofit and citizen categories tended to use negative message
framing more frequently than the other categories.
These findings are particularly important for several reasons. First, by identifying
the groups that employ frames and science communication methods in ways deemed
potentially less effective by the literature, it is easier to know who may need additional
education about climate change communication. Second, by having a baseline
understanding of how climate change is discussed, it can help guide future research about
what specific frames are used, and their framing effects. Lastly, by identifying where


climate change framing is falling along a political spectrum, it can open up opportunities
for discussion regarding areas to intervene with regard to framing among self-identified
political groups.
There is no previous work on climate change framing and science communication
in practice, or at the Washington State Legislature specifically. I would argue that this is
a significant gap, particularly considering the wide range of work on science
communication and framing in general. While it is absolutely useful and necessary to
understand climate change framing effects and communication barriers, it is also critical
to know if the recommendations in the literature are being adhered to, when, and by
whom. This opens up the opportunity to understand how supporters are discussing
climate change, and if there are differences among groups. We do not know if a wealth of
knowledge is not being put into practice, which is a critical piece of the climate change
communication puzzle.
This work will move through the initial review of literature focusing on climate
change communication, framing, and social psychology. In my literature review, I will
set up the rationale for my research question in more detail. This will be done by defining
and analyzing different types of framing, including traditional, message, moral, and issue.
The implications for these types of framing in the face of political parties and selfidentified political affiliation will be expanded on, including the drawbacks of a
dichotomous analysis. Science communication challenges and methods will also be
explored and assessed, with particular regard to the issues of language when
communicating about climate change. By exploring the background, definitions, and


prior research into climate change framing, I will prepare for the defense and discussion
of my methods.
Next, the methods section will lay out how I completed my data gathering and
research. Based upon the literature discussed in my review, I will explain and justify why
I chose content analysis and coding as opposed to survey analysis. Since this work has
not been previously been completed, I primarily relied on trusted social science methods
as opposed to prior studies. The different groups of speakers were selected and defined
based upon the hearing videos and how speakers presented themselves. Based upon the
information given by each speaker, the specific groups were created and defined, such as
those who presented themselves as citizens. Data was also organized by biennium to
answer questions regarding changes over time. These methods allowed for the
organization and presentation of my results.
The results section presents my findings by biennium, over the last ten years, and
among different groups. There were also code co-occurrence tables generated to look for
the intersecting occurrences of specific frames and different groups. By investigating the
co-occurrence tables, changes over time are able to be carefully assessed based upon
changes in group participation and rates of frame use. Additionally, quotes from specific
speakers for certain frames are provided. These examples are used to illustrate specific
instances of how each frame was articulated and identified.
The discussion section compares occurrences of each specific frame and frame
type to the literature on framing. This analysis includes adjustment for co-occurrence
among specific groups and frames, in order to prevent changes over time from artificially
appearing due to increasing participation from certain groups. Next, this section moves


on to discuss overarching framing themes and science communication implications.
Finally, my conclusion reiterates my findings and thesis, focusing on the importance of
continuing to study and explore climate change communication as a means to work
across differences.
This thesis work observed differences in framing and science communication
among varying supporter groups at the Washington State Legislature. Additionally,
changes in framing over time were observed between 2007 and 2017. Climate change
moral framing has leaned towards the self-identified political liberal persuasion over the
past ten years, increasing in the rate of liberal framing over time. Specific frames have
become more popular since 2007, with others falling out of use. These differences are
significant for the fields of climate change framing and science communication, as
framing in practice does not have a significant body of work. Additionally, as climate
change mitigation action and policy become increasingly critical, so does knowing and
understanding how people communicate about climate in policy hearings.


Chapter Two: Literature Review
I. Introduction

Communication as a field has a huge diversity of research and theory,
encompassing all forms of communication, written, spoken, visual, and auditory, among
others. The National Communication Association defines communication as “the
discipline that studies all forms, modes, media, and consequences of communication
through humanistic, social scientific, and aesthetic inquiry (“What is Communication?,”
2018)”. This work focuses on one specific theory in communication, the study of
Falling into the discipline of communication is the study of framing. There are
many different types of framing; for this work I primarily focus on framing in the context
of language. However, this is not the only type of framing, as the field includes other
types such as visual or media framing. Prior to discussing the more recent climate change
framing research that this thesis relied upon, I will explore the history and background of
framing scholarship. This information and context was largely provided by an extremely
thorough literature review by Alberto Ardèvol-Abreu (2015).
Framing theory itself is involved in all four pieces of communication, the sender,
receiver, the message, and culture (Ardevol-Abreu, 2015). Figure 1: Communication
Model, below, illustrates the four parts of the communication model. This means how an
issue is framed is not impacted by the topic alone, but also by many different factors that
interact to create the framing. In the context of my work, this means that both the
message and the audience are critical. If one of these factors is altered, the framing itself

is different and will produce a different result. With that being said, this work looked at
the message content and framing itself, focusing on the consideration of the receiver of
the message within the analysis portion. The sender was considered through the use of
stratifying individuals into categories, largely for the purpose of looking at differences
among the speakers, or senders.

Figure 1: Communication Model

The term “frame” to describe this area of communication studies was originally
used in 1955 by psychologist Gregory Bateson, arguing that a frame functions in a
similar way to a picture frame. Not only does it include a message within its bounds, but
it limits what is available in that message and explicitly does not include information
outside of the frame. This definition of framing as a deliberate choice in both what is, and
what isn’t included in the frame has been consistently reiterated throughout the literature.
(Ardevol-Abreu, 2015).
Recent work, such as the work by cognitive linguist George Lakoff (2016)
discusses the implications of choices made in framing with regard to explicit decisions to


exclude specific information to support a given agenda or purpose. This is critical to the
study of framing, as the frames themselves not only reveal information with regard to
what is selected as important, but what is left out. Additionally, framing itself has been
solidified as an area of research in itself, moving from psychology, to communication and
Framing as a theory in itself began in the 1970s by Erving Goffman, shifting from
an individual psychological perspective to a sociological phenomenon. This entailed
framing as a social and cultural experience, one that could be shared among people, as
opposed to a specific individual experience (Ardevol-Abreu, 2015). This is critical to the
evolution of framing theory, as it now applies to frames that are shared among groups as
opposed to occurring on a strictly individual level. This means frames can exist and occur
on a social and cultural level, relating to the four factors of framing. In the context of
more recent work, audience segmentation and self-identification within groups is often
used for analysis of frame preferences. This evolution of framing historically arguably set
the precedent for research being carried out in this manner, since these groups could now
have collective, sociological framing.
According to Ardevol-Abreu (2015) framing theory can been seen as developing
in three stages. The first stage runs from 1974 to 1990, and includes the sociological basis
of framing and its initial adoption into the field of communication. The second stage runs
from 1990 to 2000, and includes the integration of framing into media studies. The
current and third stage runs from 2000 to present, and includes the finalization of framing
theory as a methodological research approach. This final stage is where the body of work


I draw on for my research was developed, with regard to research into specific framing
effects among different audiences.
Framing is a more recent area of study overall, only emerging as a unified field in
the last 20 years or so. Due to the more recent development of this body of work, this
thesis contributes to an area of this field that has not been previously investigated.
Specifically, the act of framing in practice has been largely passed over in favor of work
focusing on framing effects. This sets the stage both in the context of the importance of
this work and gap in the literature, and the previously established importance of climate
change mitigation efforts.
Within this literature review, I will explore work on several different aspects and
types of climate change framing. The identified frame types within this work fall into
message frame, and are broken up as traditional, positive and negative (+/-) message,
issue, and moral framing. Traditional frames focus on topic or subject matter, while +/message frames consider the tone, good or bad. Moral framing looks to specific models
of morality to establish the appeal of framing, while issue framing can be used to define
all framing for a specific purpose, in addition to considerations about scientific
communication. This is based on the organization and content of previous climate change
framing research, with regard to the specific frames and information included. These
types of framing will be linked to climate change communication issues and advocacy
recommendations, in order to establish the background for my research into framing in
practice in public hearings at the Washington State Legislature.
Frames can be used to connect people to ideas, allowing for a greater
understanding of complex issues such as climate change. This is relevant regarding the


purpose of public testimony, to argue a point either in support or opposition to a specific
bill. In regard to climate change policy, those who speak out in support of climate change
mitigation will use frames to articulate their argument as it is unavoidable to articulate
messages without the employment of frames. This thesis investigates how specific groups
frame their argument, how framing has changed over time, and if these frames appeal to
Democrats or Republicans, and self-identified political liberals or conservatives.
Knowing how framing is being used in practice can help inform the current
literature on climate change framing, while climate change communication research
could be informed by the communication methods utilized and by whom. While
understanding climate change scientifically can help give us the tools to mitigate its
effects, public testimony can help garner support and push through policy changes.
Understanding the physical impacts of climate change cannot address the issues alone.
Climate change will not be properly mitigated if we are not actively working towards
shifting our policy and practices to limit potential damage.
But first, getting into the background and definition of what framing is will lay
the groundwork for discussing the analysis and rationale. To start, I will define what
framing is and what types of framing will be included within this thesis, then moving on
to how climate change framing has been researched with regard to specific types of
framing. Next, I will define cognitive linguist George Lakoff’s (2016) State as Family
model, which was used as a model for moral framing within the methods of this work.
Third, I will discuss relevant advocacy and rhetorical recommendations from climate
change advocates. Finally, I will establish the gap in the literature my work will fill.


This review is intended as a way to outline the different types of framing used
when discussing climate change, and how they impact perception of the issue.
Additionally, by outlining previous work on climate change communication and framing,
I will articulate the strengths and weaknesses of previous research methodologies and
approaches to framing. By doing so, I will establish both the rationale for my own
methodological approach, and discuss the issues carried through from the body prior
research I draw on.

II. But, What is Framing?
Framing in the traditional sense includes frames that focuses on a specific topic or
subject, but are not linked to a specific model, tone, or political purpose. For the context
of my work, traditional framing is used to address and investigate the topics or subjects
being discussed. These frames can be investigated to reveal how an issue is being
understood, such as the difference between the two different frames climate change and
global warming. While climate change and global warming refer to the same
phenomenon, the frame itself is different. The former is often seen as real, while the latter
is often interpreted as being alarmist. If the speakers choose to discuss climate change,
they are also making a choice to not discuss global warming. These two different frames
may allude to differing stories about the reality of climate change, its impacts, and
importance depending on both the speaker, and receiver. While the speaker may not have
a personal strong framing effect or preference for one or the other frame, the receiver
may. This is worth considering when articulating the frame itself, since communication
includes multiple influences that could alter the framing.

The organization of Table 1: Types of Framing, below, was based upon the
different research areas found within climate change framing literature. The established
body of work focused on either topical, subject based, traditional frames such as climate
change (Benjamin et al., 2017; Schuldt et al., 2011; Shanahan, 2007; Villar & Krosnick,
2011), differences between negative and positive message frames (de Vries, 2016;
Gifford & Comeau, 2011), established moral frameworks such as Moral Foundations
Theory (Graham et al., 2012, 2009; Wolsko et al., 2016), and issue framing, including all
framing for a political or strategic purpose, in addition to recommendations from science
communication experts (ecoAmerica, 2013; Fahey, 2014a, 2014b; Hulme, 2009; Lakoff,
2010, 2016, 2017; Somerville & Hassol, 2011). All of these types of framing are based in
the message section of the framing system, with research studies looking at the effects of
different message frames on audiences, or receivers.


Table 1: Types of Framing
Framing Type


Positive and
(+/-) Message




Climate change: This frame is generally
seen as more real, scientifically accurate
A frame that focuses on a
and accepted across party lines.
specific topic or subject but is
Global warming: This frame is generally
not linked to a specific model,
seen as less real, more catastrophic and
tone, or political purpose.
Positive: Mitigating climate change
A frame that represents
through investment in clean energy will
information in a positive or
generate significant contributions to the
negative light. The difference
local economy.
between highlighting sacrifices a Negative: We will all need to start
person will have to make, as
changing our lifestyles to reduce the
opposed to the benefits they
impact of climate change, it will not be
will get.
Liberal framing: An appeal based upon
A frame that appeals to a person liberal values, such as equity and care
based upon their moral
for those in need.
framework or background. In
Conservative framing: An appeal based
this work, these frames are
upon conservative values, such as the
identified based upon specific
importance of strong leadership,
economic efficiency, purity, and loyalty.
A frame that focuses on an issue
for a specific strategic purpose,
to achieve and define the issue
in a particular way. This includes
all framing and looks to how a
specific speaker or
communicator decides to frame Issue frame: The framing of climate
an issue, what is included and
change in a negative light, as a moral
not. Issue framing is frequently
issue of equity and care. This frame
considering in science
could be selected as an issue frame by
communication, with regard to
an individual or group. All frames used
frame choice and audience.
can be considered issue frames.

While framing occurs within all four sections of the communication model,
including (1) the sender, (2) the receiver, (3) the message information or content, and (4)
outside influences such as culture, this work focuses primarily on the message content
itself (Ardevol-Abreu, 2015). Prior research has identified and studied specific message
frames, the third piece of the model of communication, which were used for the content

analysis portion of this work. These message frames were then exposed to different
audiences, in order to examine framing effects among different receivers, the second
section of the communication model. This information was used for the evaluation of
frames in the context of what audience they may resonate with. Prior literature has
articulated specific message frames in different ways, which were then organized into
basic recurring categories used in Table 1: Types of Framing above. These different types
of framing appear within research on climate change framing, such as different
preferences for the frames climate change or global warming (Benjamin et al., 2017;
Schuldt et al., 2011), or message framing preferences (Gifford & Comeau, 2011).
Traditional framing includes the specific topic or subject articulated within the
framing, and is not linked to a specific model such as moral framing, or tone as with +/message framing. For example, the difference between global warming and climate
change is a commonly investigated frame within the literature (Benjamin et al., 2017;
Schuldt et al., 2011; Villar & Krosnick, 2011). These frames include the topic or subject
of climate change or global warming, which have potentially different meanings based
upon the sender and receiver of the message. For example, a sender could discuss global
warming or climate change as their message, which could evoke a different response
from different receivers. Research has shown a preference for the climate change frame
among Republicans, and little to no framing effect among Democrats (Schuldt et al.,
2011; Villar & Krosnick, 2011) So the topic of climate change or global warming can be
received in a different way, based upon the information in the message and the receiver
of that message.


Cognitive linguist George Lakoff (2010) includes “semantic roles, relations
between roles, and relations to other frames” (p. 71) in his definition of framing. Lakoff
discusses the hospital frame through this language, highlighting that the frame would
include roles such as doctors and nurses and their relationship to patients. The hospital
frame can be evoked through language such as doctor or nurse, despite not explicitly
stating the word hospital. This is an example of a traditional frame, focusing on the topic
and subject of a hospital, as opposed to the potential for a negative message about
hospitals, or the moral issues involved in medical care. Again, this framing involves the
choice to discuss hospitals specifically, as opposed to outpatient medical care, revealing a
choice about what to include, or not include. It is also critical to know a frame cannot be
negated by employing it, we must use alternative frames instead.
“Don’t think of an elephant!” George Lakoff (2016) claims this as his way to
explain framing to his students at UC Berkeley. It is crucial to consider the implications
of using a frame with the intention of negating it. By using the elephant frame, Lakoff’s
students think of an elephant and the associated frame, despite being told not to. This
highlights how the word elephant evokes a frame of a large grey animal that lives in
Africa (or a zoo) without the intent of the listener, and when told not to. This is important
to keep in mind when we move through discussion of reframing later on in this literature
review. Moving on from the more narrow definition of framing, there are broader
definitions and applications throughout the literature related to climate change
Message framing in general is defined as the content of a frame, Gifford &
Comeau (2011), citing Chong and Druckman, defines it as “communication in words,


images and phrases for the purposes of relaying information about an issue or event” (p.
1301). All of the included types of framing fall into the message framing category, but
for this work +/- message framing will refer specifically to a negative, or positive,
message frame. This is based upon research investigating negative and positive message
framing, which looked at the way a message about a subject, such as climate change,
articulated the benefits or drawbacks (de Vries, 2016; Gifford & Comeau, 2011). While
traditional framing focuses on subjects, +/- message framing in this research uses frames
and language to discuss an issue in a positive or negative light. For example, the research
conducted by Gifford and Comeau (2011) determined differences in preference for
motivational or sacrificial frames regarding climate change. These frames focused either
on the benefits the subject would get from climate change mitigation efforts, or the
sacrifices they would have to make. For example, one of the motivational frames used
was “My neighborhood will be a healthier place to live if we walk more to cut
greenhouse gases” (Gifford & Comeau, 2011, p. 1303). On the other hand, a sacrificial
frame used was “I am going to have less freedom to make the choices I want if we are
going to solve climate change” (Gifford & Comeau, 2011, p. 1303). The +/- message
framing was altering how climate change was framed, as opposed to changing the frame
to something else, such as global warming. Although, looking only to what frame is used
and if it is in a positive or negative light doesn’t encompass all of the types of framing
used when discussing climate change.
Moral framing is a type of framing that appeals to a specific moral framework,
such as a political party preference. To expand on the examples in Table 1: Types of
Framing, appealing to a person through the self-identified liberal framework may focus


on climate change as an issue of equity, appealing to the fairness/cheating foundation
found in Moral Foundations Theory (Graham et al., 2012), which is expanded on below.
Similarly, discussing climate change through the lens of leadership would appeal to the
authority/subversion foundation, which has been found to appeal more to self-identified
conservatives (Graham et al., 2009). Shifting the moral frame without changing the
traditional frame or subject has been found to increase conservative receptiveness to
environmental issues (Wolsko et al., 2016). These different frames are appealing to
different moral approaches to understanding the world, and can talk about the same issue
in different ways. For this work, I use the models of Moral Foundations Theory (Graham
et al., 2012, 2009) and State as Family (Lakoff, 2016) to discuss moral framing with
regard to political preferences.
Moral Foundations Theory is a social psychology theory that evolved out of work
developed in the late 1960s, coming to fruition in the early 2000s (Graham et al., 2012).
This theory uses five basic moral foundations to explain overarching human morality,
including care/harm, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, and
sanctity/degradation. More can be found on Moral Foundations Theory within the moral
framing section of this review.
Similarly, though more dichotomous, is George Lakoff’s (2016) State as Family
model. This model is used to explain differences between political liberal and
conservative ideologies. By using a nurturant versus strict model to explain liberals and
conservatives, respectively, Lakoff explores the differences between morality and
framing within those general groups. Additional information for Lakoff’s model is found


within the moral framing section of this literature review. Moving on from moral
framing, I will now explore and define issue framing.
Issue framing includes the framing of an issue for a targeted, specific, and often
political purpose. This is the process in which a sender, speaker, or communicator
constructs a message frame that directs the receiver to the core pieces or constructs of an
issue (Slothuus & de Vreese, 2010). Framing for a specific purpose or movement is
discussed by Lakoff (2010, 2016) within his work, as he emphasizes the importance of a
uniform message to be sent in regard to environmental issues, and the history of the
conservative party to create effective framings of issues. Pralle’s (2006) “issue
definition” involves the discussion of issue framing regarding the importance of rhetoric
and language, claiming that manipulating symbols can generate different viewpoints or
portrayals of an issue. Science communication has focused on framing and
communication in relation to both the framing of the issue, and specific issues around the
use of technical language (ecoAmerica, 2013; Fahey, 2014b, 2014a; Hulme, 2009).
Issue framing includes the specifically articulated overall framing of an issue,
such as climate change, for a particular purpose. The different message frames within this
work, broken up into their relative categories, do not paint the same picture as they do
when taken together. If the top occurring frames among each group are identified and
organized among the speakers, this can illustrate the overall narrative or framing used by
each group. For example, someone may be creating an issue frame that uses the global
warming frame, in a negative message frame, appealing to a conservative moral frame,
while avoiding jargon as recommended in science communication literature (ecoAmerica,


2013). All of this information creates a narrative issue frame, revealing multiple choices
by the speaker about what frames to include or exclude.
Climate change can be framed in many different ways, using different frame
types. By investigating and interrogating these frames and their framing effects, we can
further investigate better communication methods. However prior to that, how climate
change has been framed in prior work must be investigated.

III. How is Climate Change Framed?
Message framing is a significant part of shaping how people perceive and interact
with the world around them, and climate change perception is no exception. According to
climate change linguist Kjersti Flottum (2016), people cannot experience climate as a
physical manifestation as they can with weather, meaning they must learn about climate
change through “cultural representations,” including language (p.2). This means that the
interactions people will have with climate change are impacted by the language used to
represent it. Therefore, the framing used to describe climate change will impact both
individual and group representations and perceptions of climate change.
The related literature on traditional climate change framing is fairly contentious
and still evolving, with early research including often single question analysis (Schuldt et
al., 2011), and more recent research incorporating multiple measures of framing effects
(Benjamin et al., 2017). The methods used in these studies are often surveys, using
analysis of framing effects based upon groups, such as political parties. Linguistic
analysis of climate change, such as the work done by Flottum (2016), often focuses on
linguistic markers in climate change materials or language. Hulme (2009) explores the

importance of framing climate change within his work, evaluating and analyzing methods
of climate change communication and frames. Studies done on +/- message framing, such
as Gifford and Comeau’s (2011) work on motivational versus sacrificial framing, looks to
see how +/- message framing impacts climate change intentions. Issue framing includes
all framing, looking in particular to framing for a specific purpose or narrative, often with
science communication considerations.

III.I What frames are used and how?

Different traditional frames and +/- message framing methods and effects are
discussed throughout the literature on frame preferences, science communication, and
linguistics. These traditional frames include differences between the frames climate
change as opposed to global warming (Benjamin et al., 2017; Schuldt et al., 2011; Villar
& Krosnick, 2011), or specific frames used in media publications, such as the “polar bear
frame” (Shanahan, 2007). Message (+/-) framing discussion includes preferences for
motivational as opposed to sacrificial frames (Gifford & Comeau, 2011), or the influence
of climate change denial frames on climate change acceptance (McCright, Charters,
Dentzman, & Dietz, 2016). Initially, I will discuss the more traditional frames found
within the literature, then moving on to +/- message framing. Moral framing will be
explored through both Moral Foundations Theory (Graham et al., 2012, 2009) and
Lakoff’s (2016) model of State as Family, eventually coming to issue framing and
science communication.


III.II Traditional frames

The traditional frames and literature explored within this section will highlight
frames as defined within the traditional frame section above. Specifically, this means
frames that include a specific topic or subject but do not rely on a specific model to
define them, such as moral framing. Additionally, traditional framing does not include
the tone of a frame, as +/- message framing does. These traditional frames could be for
example, climate change versus global warming, or specific frames relating to the
economy, or environment.
In a report by Shanahan on media representations of climate change, he
determined the frames within Table 2. Climate change frames used in the media and
audiences engaged, as the primary frames used when reporting on climate change. He
also includes what audiences are engaged by these frames. While these frames look at
media representation as opposed to public testimony, they arguably serve as a good basis
for understanding different frames and audiences within my research.
Table 2. Climate Change Frames and Audiences (Shanahan, 2007)
Climate Change Frame
Scientific uncertainty
National security
Polar bear
Justice and equity

Audience Engaged
People uninterested in changing
Scientific uncertainty audience, but
becomes inspired to change
Animal lovers/wildlife groups
Politicians and the private sector
Alarmist or fearful audience, but
confusing to most
Those concerned by feeling powerless
can be empowered by this frame

These frames can be determined through the language used when writing about
climate change. For example, the Polar Bear frame could discuss climate change in the

context of wildlife losses or movements, while the Money frame could talk about
negative economic impacts. In the context of this thesis, these frames could be used to
inform or interpret the public testimony that will be the basis of this work. I have found
no work looking for traditional framing in public testimony on climate change, so these
frames were adapted as a basis for looking deeper into public testimony. Some additional
frames from previous research to consider would simply be, the climate change frame
versus the global warming frame.
Previous work on climate change framing has looked at preference for the
different frames, climate change versus global warming. These two frames, while often
used interchangeably, evoke different meanings (Schuldt et al., 2011). Global warming is
more frightening than climate change due to the lack of human responsibility associated
with the “change” (Lakoff, 2010). Global warming has also been framed as less real due
to the imprecision of language (Schuldt et al., 2011). Climate change can refer more
generally to temperature rising and falling, and weather changes, while global warming
refers specifically to the rise of global temperature. Using these terms interchangeably
has caused confusion and allowed global warming to become perceived as less real, since
some areas of the planet will experience falling temperatures despite planetary warming
(Schuldt et al., 2011). Some could ask, “How is global warming real, if some places are
becoming colder? It must not be.” The differences in these frames and confusion
surrounding them has led to research around these issues.
According to Schuldt et al. (2011) there are significant frame preference
differences for “climate change” and “global warming” between Democrats and
Republicans. This preference revealed itself with 60.2% of Republicans expressing


scientific acceptance of “climate change,” but only 44.0% expressed acceptance of
“global warming,” with no significant difference for Democrats, 86.9% and 86.4%
respectively (Schuldt et al. 2011, p. 120) Similar research by Villar and Krosnick (2010)
found Americans perceive climate change as a more serious problem than global
warming. The political importance of framing in Schuldt et al. (2011) certainly holds
some significance with regard to understanding and scientific acceptance of climate
change, which will be explored later within this review. For now, the importance of
frame preference with single-question surveys was established within this research. This
has been criticized by Benjamin, D., Por, H., and Budescu, D. (2017) for being an
incomplete survey of framing effects due to its single-question nature. In response to that,
I would offer that a single-question study, while not a complete assessment of attitudes
between Democrats and Republicans, does still highlight how changing only one variable
could lead to significant differences in framing effects. This is valuable information, even
if it doesn’t completely evaluate the strength of the framing effect.
For a more refined survey of framing effects, Benjamin et al. (2017) propose that
while partisanship may impact support for specific frames, those who do not have
significant partisan preferences will be the most susceptible to framing. The authors
developed a study that included additional measures of framing influences, finding that
political independents or those who have unexpected views for their political parties,
such as Democrats that do not trust that climate change is occurring, are the most
susceptible to framing. They did not find dramatic framing effects between the terms
climate change and global warming for Democrats and Republicans. The authors attest
some of these differences to changes over time in the framing of climate change versus


global warming, and due to the incomplete nature of a single question measure as used in
previous studies (Benjamin et al., 2017). I agree that a six-year difference between
publication times could have an impact on frame preference, and that the single question
evaluation may not be complete. However, I would again like to attest that a singlequestion answer can be informative about preference for the specific frame used, such as
climate change versus global warming. That being said, it is crucial to emphasize that
framing effects are not so simple as to use a different word or frame in order to change a
person’s mind about an issue. People and their preferences are more complex than just
looking to a frame shift, such as global warming or climate change. This is important in
the context of this work, since only looking for a specific frame, such as global warming
or climate change, may not inform much about the overall argument or issue frame. In
light of this, +/- message framing must also be considered when looking at framing

III.III Positive and negative message framing

Positive and Negative message (+/-) framing as defined within this work and
based upon prior research includes the positive or negative light a frame may be
discussed in. Examples include motivational versus sacrificial framing (Gifford &
Comeau, 2011), or positive framing (McCright et al., 2016). There is also discussion of a
potential “boomerang effect” when only using a positive frame to discuss environmental
issues (de Vries, 2016). These different methods of framing climate change have been
shown to have differing effects on scientific acceptance and behavioral intent around
climate change.

Framing a message in a motivating light as opposed to a sacrificial one has been
shown as an effective method of increasing climate change engagement and intentions
(Gifford & Comeau, 2011). This means highlighting the capability of individuals to make
a difference in a motivating fashion, as opposed to the negative sacrifices a person will
have to make. In the context of +/- message framing, motivational framing may be a
useful tool to engage an audience further, as opposed to focusing on the sacrifices they
will have to endure. Although, as the authors noted, this research focuses on climate
friendly intentions as opposed to action, meaning we do not know if these frames actually
change behavior or actions.
McCright et al. (2016) proposes that positive framing effects are too inconsistent
to hold much potential for influencing climate change attitudes. The research they
conducted looked at four different positive frames in relation to views about the impacts
of climate policy, finding that the inconsistency remained for those who would very
likely be responsive to the frame, and the general public. This means that positive
framing may not have much strength insofar as influencing opinions about the positive
effects of climate change mitigation policies. This is relevant for this research since it
was in a policy related setting, regarding speaking in support of policy with the intent to
influence opinion. Positive and negative frames are increasingly complicated when
considering the “boomerang effect” proposed by de Vries (2017).
One recently proposed model, the “boomerang effect,” although untested, asserts
that overt positive framing of low-carbon technologies without acknowledging the
negative impacts could lead to eventual public mistrust of those using the positive frame
(de Vries, 2016). This model is supported by related research, although it has not directly


been tested, causing some potential concern for the validity of the assertion. Despite this,
I would assert that it is important to discuss in the context of +/- message framing, since
positive message framing should not be used in a deceptive manner, or overzealously. If
citizens or politicians feel like they are being deceived about climate change related
projects it could significantly set back legislation due to a lack of support. It is also
important to consider when looking at the potential lack of strength when using positive
frames, as discussed above regarding the work done by McCright et al. (2016). If positive
framing alone is not entirely effective, and it may lead to mistrust, this must be carefully
considered when looking at +/- message framing. This leads to the consideration of moral
framing, where additional models and complexities arise.

III.IV Moral framing

Frame preferences intersect with party affiliation and what is described as moral
framing (Lakoff, 2016; Wolsko et al., 2016). Moral framing will be explained in more
detail through the use of Moral Foundations Theory (Graham et al., 2012, 2009) in
addition to Lakoff’s (2016) State as Family model. For now, moral framing can be seen
as framing through a moral lens, appealing to an audience based upon their moral

III.IV.I Moral Foundations Theory
Moral Foundations Theory, developed by Haidt and Joseph, proposes that human
morality is based on five (with the possibility of including more) basic foundations.


These foundations are care/harm, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal,
authority/subversion, and sanctity/degradation. Others, such as liberty/oppression, have
been proposed as well (Graham et al., 2012, 2009). These foundations are considered to
be a product of human social evolution, with difference in preference for the importance
of each foundation differing among societies and individuals. For the purpose of this
work, I will focus on the five initial foundations researched within Graham’s work, and
the work by Wolsko et al. (2016) based upon it. I will discuss each foundation more in
depth, and the implications for moral framing within this thesis.

Table 3: Moral Foundations Definitions

This code refers to one of five moral foundations, the
authority/subversion foundation. This foundation relies on the
importance of leadership and deferring to authority.


This code refers to one of five moral foundations, the care/harm
foundation. This foundation relies on empathy and the aversion to
the pain of others.


This code refers to one of five moral foundations,
the fairness/cheating foundation. This foundation relies on the
assumption that people should be treated equally and not allowed
to cheat.


This code refers to one of five moral foundations, the
loyalty/betrayal foundation. This foundation highlights self-sacrifice
and the importance of groups. It is associated with patriotism.


This code refers to one of five moral foundations, the
sanctity/degradation foundation. This foundation relies on disgust
and cleanliness, and the importance of preserving what is pure. It is
associated with religious purity.

Table 3: Moral Foundations Definitions includes the definitions of each moral
foundation. The first of the five foundations, care/harm, focuses on nurturance and

protection of victims or those suffering. This foundation values kindness and care for
those who would be harmed or exploited by others. The second foundation,
fairness/cheating, values justice, trust, and equity. The third foundation, loyalty/betrayal,
values patriotism and self-sacrifice for the group. The fourth foundation,
authority/subversion, values the structures of hierarchies, such as those who would be
leaders and their followers. The fifth and final foundation, sanctity/degradation, values
purity and cleanliness, seeing it as a virtue in itself (Graham et al., 2012). These five
foundations have been found to be strongly empirically supported, and have had research
regarding differences between self-identified political liberal and conservative’s moral
Self-identified political liberals and conservatives have been found to place
different value on the five moral foundations. While self-identified conservatives tend to
place fairly balanced importance on each of the five moral foundations, political liberals
show a strong preference for the care/harm and fairness/cheating over the remaining three
foundations (Graham et al., 2009). Based on a self-identified spectrum, the extremity of
these foundational preferences gets larger at the poles. This means an argument that relies
on the care/harm or fairness/cheating foundations may resonate more with self-identified
liberals than conservatives, particularly if they strongly identify as liberal. When looking
at political preference, this would certainly apply to the preferences these groups have for
policy, such as the liberal platform of welfare programs and strict environmental policy
(Lakoff, 2016). This also means shifting the moral framing of an issue may also alter
responses based on political preference. One such study found that when exposed to an
alternate framing of an environmental issue based upon the moral foundation of


loyalty/betrayal, political conservatives responded with much stronger pro-environmental
attitudes (Wolsko et al., 2016). Though this research used a model for identifying people
along a liberal versus conservative spectrum, rather than self-identification, it still found
frame preferences that align with prior work. In the context of this thesis, political parties
and moral foundations are particularly relevant to the framing of climate change.
Despite these findings, classifying people on a simple political spectrum to apply
generalizations about morality is unlikely to capture the full complexity of individuals.
This means that specific individuals in public hearings may respond differently than
expected based upon the political spectrum used for this analysis. Additionally, survey
methodology does not capture the sender’s ability to adjust or modify the message based
upon feedback from the sender, as a public hearing does through questions and body
language. Furthermore, these five moral foundations do not describe the full spectrum of
human morality, as the potential inclusion of a sixth foundation illustrates. There are
likely additional measures and moral framings that are employed and not measured by
this model.
How people frame climate change in the moral sense could potentially impact
preference and support for climate mitigation policy based upon a liberal or conservative
spectrum. When speaking to legislators that ran on specific platforms, either Democratic
or Republican, they will likely fall into the spectrum of liberal or conservative. This
means by framing climate change in a more neutral or bipartisan way, supporters may be
able to communicate more effectively with legislators. This could also be applied to the
larger scale with regard to those who fall along a more general political spectrum.


However, this still cannot be considered a full measure of human moral foundations or
individual differences.
In the context of this research, looking for framing that appeals to each moral
foundation may reveal how moral framing is being presented, and if it potentially skews
towards a certain political perspective. Knowing and understanding how people are
framing climate change, and what specific moral foundations they appeal to, could help
reveal better climate change communication methods. This means if, for example, the
fairness/cheating foundation is focused on more strongly than the other four, then
political liberals may be more responsive to the issue as opposed to a more bipartisan
approach to discussing climate action. If this moral frame could shift to also discuss the
foundations that political conservatives value in addition to fairness/cheating, such as
sanctity/degradation, it may potentially help shift conservatives towards a more proenvironmental attitude.
Despite the ability of these moral foundations to establish a basic, if limited,
understanding of the building blocks on which people create their moral frameworks and
preferences, it is not a complete assessment of the nuances between specific people. For
this work, a general liberal and conservative dichotomy is observed due the prior research
regarding framing effects among political groups, which uses a similar method of
analysis. This includes relying on liberal and conservative to describe large groups. When
people self-identify along this spectrum, it also likely leads to differences among their
specific concepts of moderate liberal, versus extreme liberal. Though there were
spectrums used for this prior work, there is not a usable method for identifying similar
spectrums in this research due to the challenges of the data and complexities of the


framing. These challenges illustrate the shortcomings of the Moral Foundations Theory
model, but are embedded in the the prior research used for the basis of this thesis.

III.IV.II Lakoff’s “State as Family” Model
In his book Moral Politics, George Lakoff (2016) proposes that partisan
differences in framing preference can be explained by different parental role frameworks,
and that how an issue is traditionally framed through language will significantly impact
support and understanding. He proposes this model as “State as Family,” meaning that
both liberals and conservatives see the state as reflecting a family structure. Where they
differ however, is on what that family should look like. While conservatives have a
traditional “Strict Father” framework, liberals have a less traditional “Nurturant Parent”
framework. The Strict Father framework assumes people must have structure, discipline
and punishment given to them by an authority figure, citizens and the state, respectively.
In this framework, people are unable to function and learn without negative
reinforcement from an authority figure. The liberal framework, the Nurturant Parent,
assumes that people need to be guided and assisted by the parent figure. This means
citizens are the responsibility of the state and the state must protect them. Lakoff offers
that these frameworks influence support for legislation, such as welfare, based upon the
preferences and worldview of the person. In the context of welfare, liberals may assert
that you need to assist and uplift someone with financial support, while conservatives
would see this as a handout (Lakoff, 2016).
Lakoff’s theory was determined to be strongly empirically supported by Barker
and Tinnick’s (2006) research into ideological constraint, which found that parent

framework preferences are often predictive of political attitudes. This work found these
frameworks were not predictive on affirmative action or environmental policy, something
to consider in the context this research. These frameworks may not be as robust for work
around environmental issues, something that has appeared throughout the literature
regarding differing framing effects based upon political party. Despite this, Lakoff’s
(2016) framework is strong for explaining moral framing and political influences, making
it useful for this work.
One criticism of Lakoff’s (2016) work on traditional framing and partisanship
appears in Djupe and Qwiasda’s (2010) research into support for environmental policy
changes by evangelical Christians with regard to decision making processes. According
to Djupe and Qwiasda (2006), evangelical Christians will show stronger support for
environmental attitudes if “they can assess the credibility of the opinion leader by seeing
a trusted decision-making process” (p. 82). If the process, such as prayer or reflection, is
known and trusted by the person presented the information by a group leader, it is more
likely to change their opinion regarding the issue. Djupe and Gwiasda (2010) use this
information to challenge Lakoff’s theory that framing can be easily used to influence
American thought, instead proposing that while language matters, “the public can make
meaningful use of simple substantive information when provided” (p. 83). While the
point made by Djupe and Gwiasda (2010) about the public not being so simple to
influence is accurate, I would argue that Lakoff is not proposing that you can control
people through traditional or moral frames. Lakoff (2010) writes:
Words themselves are not frames. But under the right conditions, words can be
chosen to activate desired frames. This is what effective communicators do. In
order to communicate a complex fact or a complex truth, one must choose one’s
words carefully to activate the right frames so that the truth can be understood. If

the hearer has no such frames, then you have to choose your words carefully to
build up those frames…And if they make the mistake of thinking that words are
frames, they will assume that all they need are the right words or slogans. (p.73)

This highlights confusion regarding traditional framing. While a frame might be
“hospital,” as discussed in the framing definition section, that frame includes roles such
as doctors, or objects such as medical equipment. While the frame hospital is a word, you
can evoke the hospital frame without the word itself. Additionally, people already know
what the hospital frame is, making it a usable frame. Djupe and Gwiasda (2010) appear to
argue that Lakoff is proposing that a simple language shift can change a person’s mind.
That is not what he proposes, why this research was structured to include more than
simply traditional frames. Word or frame choice alone cannot completely encompass
issue framing, it is only a piece of the puzzle.
Despite this support for Lakoff’s (2016) model, I do have some concerns
regarding his work. As a criticism of Lakoff’s (2016) book Moral Politics, I would offer
that he favors liberal thinking to a significant degree. His bias may influence his own
assessment of the frameworks used by liberals and conservatives, lessening their impact
or accuracy. While there was a study completed that supported his theory as discussed
above, it is important to consider his personal bias about the issue. Explicit support for
liberal thinking may skew his understanding of conservative thinking, potentially causing
some limitations to his work. It is also critical to note that his bias impacts his assessment
of the effectiveness of certain frame shifts, as he suggests in one of his publications,
shifting from a “regulation” frame to a “protection” frame with regard to the environment
(Lakoff, 2017). When considering Moral Foundations Theory and the liberal preferences
for “harm/care” and “fairness/reciprocity,” this protection frame would certainly be

skewed towards an appeal to liberals as opposed to conservatives (Graham et al., 2009).
Overall, I trust that Lakoff has some insight and a useful model, but his preference does
complicate the issue somewhat. This research primarily relied on Moral Foundations
Theory as an evaluative tool, but also considered and evaluated Lakoff’s State as Family,
merely with more restraint and reservation about the results.
Within Moral Politics, Lakoff (2016) proposes that many people have and operate
with both moral frameworks, utilizing them at different times for different issues. When
comparing the study completed by Benjamin et al. (2017) to the assentation by Lakoff
(2016) that people have and use both parental frameworks to understand different issues,
similarities emerge. To an extent this argument by Lakoff (2016) lines up with the study
completed by Benjamin et al. (2017), who proposes that those who operate as
independents or with unexpected views are more susceptible to framing effects. Lakoff
(2016) proposes that reframing an argument in an attempt to influence those who have
both parental frameworks, operating as swing voters, can help influence their decisions.
While I am not proposing influencing people to switch their political status, or
manipulating them into a certain worldview, framing or reframing an argument to garner
support is certainly an important aim when advocating for climate change mitigation
policies. While it appears that the State as Family model (Lakoff, 2016) is not going to be
an entirely complete assessment of how people understand and frame the world,
appealing to people on a moral basis, or moral frame, has been studied by Wolsko et al.
(2016). This work found that conservatives significantly shifted their support to be proenvironmental after exposure to a moral frame designed to appeal to political
conservatives. This is significant for consideration with regard to the State as Family


model (Lakoff, 2016) and moral framing, and for this thesis. If a moral frame may
potentially improve communication, it should be investigated to see what moral frames
are being utilized within public hearings. The importance of a moral appeal is
encompassed in the method of issue framing used for a topic such as climate change.

III.V Issue framing

Issue framing is the framing of an issue, such as climate change, for a precise,
specific, and often political purpose. Since this work analyzed framing by climate change
mitigation supporters who were speaking at public hearings, these speakers were
constructing issue frames. When taken together, frames can illustrate the overall method
of framing, while looking to science communication recommendations for additional
rhetorical or argument strategy. Issue framing includes the construction of a specific
framing of an issue by a speaker, articulating a message frame that is intended to
specifically identify the core of that issue (Slothuus & de Vreese, 2010). Work from
within several different areas will be discussed in this section, seaming together issue
framing and science communication around climate change.
Lakoff (2010) argues that social movements that have been successful have also
been successful in articulating clear and cohesive framings of the issues they represent.
This includes movements such as the civil rights movement, union movement, and
women’s rights movement. In part, having a clearly articulated issue frame can be helpful
for creating a movement that has a unified and clear message. Lakoff (2016) also asserts
that the conservative right in The United States has historically been particularly effective
in articulating issue frames, and that the more liberal left needs to create similarly


powerful and unified issue frames. Regardless of party affiliation, creating an issue frame
that is clear and resonates with your audience may help improve communication efforts.
In part, this is related to reframing or rearticulating an issue.
Lakoff (2016) proposes and strongly advocates for the importance and strength of
issue reframing. Issue reframing includes shifting the language of a discussion to your
preferred traditional frame, such as climate change, as opposed to the less preferred frame
global warming. Lakoff (2016) argues that using an opposing frame actually reinforces it,
since it still evokes the background and understanding of that frame, even if you are
saying no. This is where “don’t think of an elephant!” i.e., negating a frame, doesn’t
work; it must be replaced with a new frame. Pralle (2006) touches on this issue within her
work, proposing that if your preferred traditional frame and language is used within the
conversation, it will strengthen your stance since you have more control. This is where
reframing global warming into climate change is a proposed way to strengthen one’s
stance. Outside of specific message frame shifts however, are audience considerations.
Know your audience. This has been highlighted in many forms throughout
different works on different types of framing (Hulme, 2009; Lakoff, 2016; McCright et
al., 2016; Shanahan, 2007; Villar & Krosnick, 2011; Wolsko et al., 2016). Throughout
the literature, the importance of tailoring the frame to the respective audience has been
repeatedly suggested and emphasized. This is arguably one of the most important
considerations when understanding issue framing. Different audiences will hold different
understandings and opinions about how the world is, and how it should be. This means
that certain traditional and moral frames will not engage some audiences as well as


others. Despite the importance of knowing your audience, to what extent you can tailor
your frame is highly contested.
What frames engage what political audience? This is touched on above regarding
engagement of political parties and the use of moral frames, though not largely expanded
on. I will now discuss these framing preferences and audience considerations in more
Frames that engage Democrats and self-identified liberals may not engage
Republicans and self-identified conservatives to the same extent, with differences in
preference often being linked to partisanship due to moral or language preferences
(Lakoff, 2016; Schuldt et al., 2011; Wolsko et al., 2016). Benjamin et al. (2017) proposed
those who are not strongly partisan, such as independents, may be more strongly
influenced by framing effects. This is not supported by Villar et al. (2010) who found
independents are less vulnerable to traditional frame shifts of climate change versus
global warming, with Republicans showing preference for climate change, similar to the
finding by Schuldt et al. (2011) in which Republicans prefer the climate change frame.
Villar et al. (2010) argue that framing will engage different people to different extents,
making it challenging to fully implement language shifts that will effectively impact
climate change preference or understanding. Depending on political party, language
preferences appear in traditional and moral framing—areas encompassed within issue
framing. However, other methods of improving scientific communication other than
framing can be employed. The following section will explore the importance of
communication skills other than simple framing.


III.VI Advocacy framing and communication

Work done on advocacy framing and climate change communication emphasizes
the importance of several different issues, ranging from moral framing to word choice.
This is where issue framing becomes significantly relevant, as it contains the intersection
of traditional, message, and moral framing, alongside rhetorical strategies, and advocacy
and communication recommendations.
One such issue is moral framing, which can be investigated through the models
discussed above. Though in a more general sense, speaking to people about what matters
to you and why it is connected to them can help build a personal connection and
understanding. Science communication experts recommend trying to make an emotional
connection with someone in order to help achieve this goal (Fahey, 2014b, 2014a;
Lakoff, 2016; Porter, 2014; Somerville & Hassol, 2011). This includes using narrative to
explain the issues and talking about how the listeners themselves will be directly
impacted. This can be supported by speaking to a person’s background, and connecting
their background to your own (Hulme, 2009; McCright et al., 2016; Villar & Krosnick,
2011; Wolsko et al., 2016) Why does this matter to you, why should it matter to them,
what is the emotional motivation or rationale? Aside from an emotional connection, good
science communication also means speaking to people in a way they can clearly
Recent reports recommend avoiding confusing jargon that people will not
understand, as it can create barriers to communication (ecoAmerica, 2013; Fahey, 2014a;
Lakoff, 2017). Lakoff (2017) proposes shifting language and word choice not only to
avoid jargon, but to shift traditional frames. He uses the example of using the word

“protection” instead of “regulation,” since “regulation” is not only political jargon, but
has a negative frame associated with it as being harmful to the economy. “Regulation”
may also raise concerns among conservative minded people who prefer less government
interference in the market. Additionally, the word “protection” is more understandable,
allowing for the purpose of the regulation to be highlighted. Similar differences in word
choice and jargon are illustrated in Table 4. Scientific terms and public meaning,
reprinted from a report on effective climate change communication.
Table 4. Scientific Terms and Public Meaning. (Somerville & Hassol, 2011)

Word choice here highlights issues of confusion around scientific jargon versus
public understanding of those terms. While not directly related to framing, insofar as
effective communication is concerned, word choice can confuse the meaning of a
message and should be considered. If the words used cannot activate the intended frames,
the thrust and strength of an argument could be lost. The structure of an argument is


another adjacent issue to framing, as illustrated in Figure 1. Effective scientific argument

Figure 2. Effective Scientific Argument Structure. (Somerville & Hassol, 2011)

This figure, used by Somerville and Hassol (2011) in an article on effective
climate change communication, proposes inverting the traditional scientific
communication structure to establish significance prior to detailed explanation. This
means telling the punchline at the start, allowing the listener to know what context they
are operating within for the additional details. Again, this is relevant to framing since a
cohesive structured argument will work to support the framing methods used by a
speaker. There are many recommendations regarding effective climate change
communication that intersect with different framing definitions. Figure 2. Climate
Messaging, below, is a useful guide.


Figure 3. Climate Messaging. (Fahey, 2014b)

This guide is adapted by Anna Fahey (2014) from the “13 Steps and Guiding
Principles” for climate change messaging by ecoAmerica (2013). Again, while not
formally using framing, these methods of communication can support framing efforts by
helping form a stronger argument overall. One recurring theme within communication
literature emphasizes the importance of hope and avoiding fatalism (ecoAmerica, 2013;
Fahey, 2014b; Shanahan, 2007). Fatalism paralyzes people, making them feel hopeless
and stuck. Giving hope and offering solutions can help people feel like they have the
power to mitigate the climate change crisis, something extraordinarily valuable in our
current predicament


IV. Conclusion
Traditional, message, moral, and issue framing—all of these different methods of
framing intersect in communication, advocacy, and rhetorical strategies, with dissent and
disagreement about effects and recommendations. I will now review what has been
discussed, highlighting where this thesis fits into the current understanding of framing.
The following research questions were selected for this thesis:
How has climate change been framed in practice over time, and how does this
compare with recent scholarship on framing and science communication? This was
broken into the following three sub questions: How have supporters of climate change
mitigation policy articulated their arguments in public hearings at the Washington State
Legislature over time? Are there differences among varying groups? According to
climate change framing scholarship, do these frames potentially appeal more to specific
political parties or groups?
Prior research has focused on using survey methodology to establish framing
effects among different groups, as opposed to framing in practice. This thesis builds upon
prior work through the use of content analysis, in order to build a better understanding of
frame use in practice. While framing effects are critical to study, knowing what frames
are actually employed could help to ground research in practical application. If a frame is
highly studied by rarely used, learning about a potential disconnect of research and reality
is essential.
Traditional framing in the context of climate change has focused primarily on
implicit frames or framing effects, such as preference for the frames climate change
versus global warming. This work informed this research by looking for implicit frames

used within public hearings, as well as noting the use of climate change versus global
warming frames. This will not utilize the survey methods found in the frame preference
literature, looking more towards media framing as a methodological approach. There is
currently no scholarship looking for these frames in practice in public testimony, making
this research unique while remaining grounded in traditional framing literature. These
frames will then be looked at in more detail, alongside +/- message framing as well.
Message (+/-) framing with regard to climate change has also focused on survey
methods to observe preference for positive or negative frames. While the current
scholarship does not show a strong connection between positive framing and support for
climate change policy, the potential for overuse of positive framing, or the “Boomerang
Effect” as proposed by de Vries (2017), does make this a piece that should be analyzed in
public testimony. Whether or not balanced +/- message framing, highlighting both the
positive and negative effects of policy, is occurring in public testimony on climate change
is useful information to learn due to the potential backlash from the “Boomerang Effect”
(de Vries, 2016). This leads into discussion on moral framing and political framing
Political party affiliation has been shown to impact preference to some extent for
traditional framing. In addition to this, party preference for different moral frames has
been shown to have an effect on conservative environmental attitudes (Wolsko et al.,
2016). While this research was also conducted using survey methodologies, I plan to
utilize moral framing in this analysis of public testimony. This means looking at the
traditional frames used, and seeing what moral frameworks they appeal to, based upon
both Moral Foundations Theory (Graham et al., 2012, 2009) and Lakoff’s (2016) model


of State as Family. In regard to Moral Foundations Theory, by connecting the five moral
foundations to specific frames used in the testimony, I will be able to investigate the
occurrence of each one among different groups and over time. By doing so, the overall
rates of occurrence and the differences among use for each group can be observed. In
addition, understanding if the issue framing of climate change has changed over time can
help investigate the overall tone, content, and accessibility of the argument. Though
Moral Foundations Theory (Graham et al., 2012) is not the only model that will be used
for moral framing within this thesis.
For Lakoff’s (2016) State as Family, this means looking to see if they fit into the
“Strict Father” or “Nurturant Parent” framework, conservative and liberal, respectively.
This could add to the literature by looking to see if those speaking in support of climate
change mitigation policy are basing their arguments in practice on one framework or the
other, instead of speaking in theory or looking for preference based on survey responses.
It may also reveal that they use both frameworks, or that the framing is not focusing on
moral judgement. All of this information could be used to evaluate moral framing in
practice. Issue framing, advocacy methods and recommended strategies either encompass
or parallel these different forms of framing.
Recommendations from the related literature on climate change communication
and advocacy relate strongly to different types of framing, since the structure and
language can help support the framing efforts. Speaking to someone based upon moral
judgements (moral framing), avoiding confusing jargon (traditional framing), and
remaining hopeful as opposed to negative (+/- message framing), all relate to different
aspects of the framing debate. Since these recommendations involve framing and are


made throughout climate change communication literature, it would seem that looking to
see if those recommendations are being used in practice could help inform
communication, about climate change communication. If the recommendations are not
being implemented, it may be useful to conduct future research regarding if these
messages are being received by the intended audience. Overall, this research fills in gaps
in several different fields of work regarding different types of framing and
communication in practice.
How we talk about an issue includes frames, traditional, message, and moral.
Issue framing and climate change policy support efforts should be informed by the
current science and recommendations within the literature, but we first must know how
people are speaking in practice. If all of the recommendations, sciences and frames
appearing in the current literature do not actually appear in practice, experts may be
working on a body of literature that doesn’t actually inform reality. Additionally, if these
frames and recommendations are appearing in practice, knowing which ones and how
they are used could also help inform what is being implemented, and what is not. If we
want to work towards improving climate change framing and communication, we first
must know how they are implemented in practice.


Chapter Three: Methods

I. Introduction
In the previous chapter, I reviewed the current literature on climate change
framing and science communication efforts both generally and in relation to political
affiliations. Previous research has focused on framing effects and surveys, as opposed to
framing in practice. Due to this, the methods employed in this thesis do not utilize prior
research approaches but do utilize them as background for the basis of the framework and
code system. This is because the following questions require the investigation of framing
used in practice at public hearings, as opposed to investigating the framing effects
through a survey. These questions were selected to expand upon the current science
communication and framing literature that was the basis of this work. Additionally, by
answering these questions about framing in practice, potentially better advocacy and
communication methods can be employed once there is a firm understanding of how
climate change is discussed.
How has climate change been framed in practice over time, and how does this
compare with recent scholarship on framing and science communication? This was
broken into the following three sub questions: How have supporters of climate change
mitigation policy articulated their arguments in public hearings at the Washington State
Legislature over time? Are there differences among varying groups? According to
climate change framing scholarship, do these frames potentially appeal more to specific
political parties or groups?


The frames found through this research were then evaluated against the
established literature on framing and science communication, in order to determine
similarities and differences. Frames were also evaluated over time and among specific
selected categories, to see if there were changes in how testifiers articulated their
arguments, and which frames they used.
For this thesis work, I used a qualitative approach to coding videos and audio
recordings of public hearings on climate change related legislation at the Washington
State Legislature from the 2007-2008 biennium, to 2017. Content analysis (Bernard et al.,
2016) was used for establishing specific codes selected in the literature, such as the use of
Moral Foundations Theory (Graham et al., 2012, 2009; Wolsko et al., 2016). After I
completed the initial coding, I established more focused codes which were used to
determine the overall themes and framing used by testifiers that fell outside of the prior
This section will first establish the sample selection methodology used for
selecting public hearings for coding. Next, the speaker categories that were established to
stratify the data will be defined and explained. Third, the methods used for organizing
hearings by biennium is explained. Fourth, the coding process will be expanded upon,
and finally, the coding analysis methods are defined.

II. Sample Selection
I found public hearings on bills using the Washington State Legislative search
function of bill information on the website ( By
searching for all bills in and out of committee, I was able to determine bills that fit the

criteria of this thesis. The bills selected all included additional regulation on greenhouse
gas emissions or climate change as opposed to loosening regulations.
Public hearings were selected for several reasons. First of all, public hearings are
available online, making the data readily available. Second, there has not been work on
how people articulate their arguments or framing in practice. This is also true at the
Washington State Legislature specifically, despite the importance of the legislature in
climate mitigation action. Third, those who speak at public hearings can come from a
wide variety of backgrounds, from citizens to scientific experts. Public hearings were the
only data used in order to evaluate speakers and frames in an “apples to apples” way.
Spoken language is different than written language, and it would be more challenging to
evaluate the two against each other. The inclusion of citizens also altered the ability to
include written testimony. While the publications of a specific nonprofit or department
may be evaluated against the speaker representing that group, the same is not true for
citizens. Due to the diversity and limited information on audience segmentation within
the citizen category, it would be unlikely to find publications to represent the different
individuals accurately. Due to these challenges and the large amount of data captured
within the sample size, only public hearings were selected.
I had several requirements for the bills I selected for analysis within this thesis.
First, they must have been introduced between 2007-2017 in either the house or the
senate. This is because some of the earliest work on climate change framing used was
published in 2007 by Shanahan, while allowing for a larger sample size than establishing
a date based upon later framing literature would have. Second, they must be explicitly
related to climate change or greenhouse gas emissions regulations, supporting additional


regulations as opposed to removing or restricting regulations. Third, they must have had a
public hearing in their chamber of origin, at which someone must have testified in
support of the bill. Two bills initially selected were removed during the coding process
due to a lack of supporters. Only one hearing per bill—the first hearing—was selected in
order to represent a wider variety of bills in a larger time frame. During initial sample
selection, all public hearings were to be included for each bill. After evaluating the
timeframe for research and the less than graceful nature of coding videos, this was cut
back to one hearing. The first hearing was also chosen since many bills only had one
public hearing as opposed to multiple, so it reduced redundancy in speakers and framing.
All selected hearings were bills, aside from one House Joint Memorial and two hearings
on an initiative introduced in both the House and Senate. In total, 27 hearings were
selected. Due to certain hearings occurring within the same session video, only 24 videos
were used. This is because six hearings occurred at the same time as other bills in the
same session, due to multiple bills being heard in the same council meeting. Two
hearings, SB 5385 in the 2017-18 biennium, and SB 5237 in the 2007-08 biennium, were
eliminated from this sample because nobody testified in support, leaving 25 hearings and
23 documents.
Selected and eliminated bill videos are listed below in Table 5: Bills Initially
Selected for Coding and Analysis. Hearings were held in the; House Environment
Committee; the Senate Energy, Environment and Telecommunications Committee; the
Senate Environment, Water and Energy Committee; the House Ecology and Parks
Committee; and the Senate Water, Energy and Telecommunications Committee. Several
bills were companion bills to one another, though at times only one version of a bill


would get a public hearing. Due to this, and the potential for differences in the hearings, I
kept companion bills from both bodies if they both had public hearings. The descriptions
below are directly taken from the Washington State Legislative website. (“Bill
Information,” 2018)

Table 5: Bills Initially Selected for Coding and Analysis
Biennium number Committee





Water, Energy &
“Preparing for and adapting to
SB 6308 Telecommunications climate change.”

Mp3 format

“Regarding the purchase of
Water, Energy &
carbon credits from methaneSB 5237 Telecommunications producing entities.”



Water, Energy &
“Mitigating the impacts of
SB 6001 Telecommunications climate change.”
“Regarding greenhouse gases
emissions and providing for
Water, Energy &
green collar jobs.” Companion
SB 6516 Telecommunications bill: HB 2815
“Regarding greenhouse gases
emissions and providing for
green collar jobs.” Companion
Ecology & Parks
bill: SB 6516


Environment, Water
SB 5735 & Energy

“Reducing greenhouse gas

Mp3 format
Bill: HB


Environment, Water
SB 5560 & Energy

“Regarding state agency
climate leadership.”
“Regarding the greenhouse
gas emissions performance
standard under chapter 80.80

Bill: HB




Environment, Water
SB 5989 & Energy

Mp3 format

Mp3 format


Biennium number Committee



Ecology & Parks

“Creating an integrated
climate change response
“Regarding the greenhouse
gas emissions performance
standard under chapter 80.80



Ecology & Parks

“Creating the climate change
accountability act.”



Ecology & Parks

“Reducing greenhouse gas



Ecology & Parks


Environment, Water
SB 5509 & Energy


Environment, Water
SB 5138 & Energy

“Reducing greenhouse gases
in Washington.”
“Mitigating carbon dioxide
emissions resulting from
fossil-fueled electrical


recommendations to achieve
Environment and
the state's greenhouse gas
SB 5802 Telecommunications emissions limits.”
“Codifying the existence of the
climate impacts group without
making modifications to its
current mission.”
recommendations to achieve
the state's greenhouse gas
emissions limits.”


Environment and
“Creating a fossil fuel carbon
SB 6306 Telecommunications pollution tax.”




Bill: SB

Bill: SB
Mp3 format

Bill: HB

Bill: SB


Biennium number Committee




bill: HI-732







“Creating a carbon pollution
tax on fossil fuels to fund a
reduction in the state sales
tax, a reduction in the
business and occupation tax
on manufacturing, and the
Environment and
of the working families' sales
Telecommunications tax exemption.”
“Creating a carbon pollution
tax on fossil fuels to fund a
reduction in the state sales
tax, a reduction in the
business and occupation tax
on manufacturing, and the
of the working families' sales
tax exemption.”


“Implementing a carbon
pollution market program to
reduce greenhouse gas


“Requesting action to address
global climate change.”

bill: SI-732
Bill: SB
5283 (not
due to lack
of public



“Reducing emissions by
making changes to the clean
car standards and clean car

Bill: SB
5423 (not
due to lack
of public


Environment and
“Creating a fossil fuel carbon
SB 5385 Telecommunications pollution tax.”




Biennium number Committee










“Amending state greenhouse
gas emission limits for
consistency with the most
recent assessment of climate
change science.”
“Promoting an equitable clean
energy economy by creating a
carbon tax that allows
investment in clean energy,
clean air, healthy forests, and
Washington's communities.”
“Updating the framework for
reducing greenhouse gas
emissions in Washington
based upon best available
climate science.”


Bill: SB
5509 (not
due to lack
2017 public

Using the Washington States’ Public Affairs Network (TVW) website I
downloaded all of the videos or mp3 files for the bills. The majority of the documents
were video (mp4) format but five documents were in audio only (mp3) format. The
different format of the videos versus the mp3 files may have introduced some minor
differences in the coding and analysis, since it is more challenging to observe who is
speaking in audio recordings. When I contacted TVW, they told me they did not cover all
hearings with video before 2008, which is why there was the difference in formatting.
Despite this, covering a larger span of time was critical enough to include the files, even
with the format differences and challenges therein.


III. Categories
The categories in Table 6: Categories of Speakers represent the seven different
codes used to designate general groups. These were derived from the initial coding
process, which included a more detailed form of coding based on the group a person
belonged to. Those codes were used to determine more general groups, in order to see if
there is an observable change over time in who is speaking at public hearings. Code cooccurrence tables for each frame and speaker category were used to see if there were
differences in how each group framed its argument. This analysis looked at changes over
time, in addition to general trends among groups.
Table 6: Categories of Speakers



A speaker representing him or herself.

Community group

If the speaker is representing a community group, such as faith
groups, community organizations, etc.

Elected official

If the speaker belongs to the Washington State Legislature, local
governments, etc. The speaker is an elected official or representing
the view of an elected official.

Governmental agency
/public institution

If the speaker is a representative of a government agency or
institution, such as the Department of Ecology, local PUD,
educational institution, etc.


If the speaker is a representative of a nonprofit organization, such as
advocacy groups, environmental groups, or similarly designated

Private company

If the speaker is a representative of a private company or business,
such as private construction groups, private utilities, etc.


If the speaker represents a specific union.

IV. Time
Time was a significant factor in the organization of this thesis work. Videos were
arranged and grouped into their respective biennium. This was to allow analysis by group

in Atlas.ti, which permitted the investigation into changes over time. This included
looking for changes in the categories of speakers through the use of co-occurrence tables,
in order to control for large frame shifts due to changes in participation. Additionally, this
gave an idea of how framing has changed in the past ten years, what frames have become
less popular, and which have increased in their use. This is particularly relevant for
research into framing in practice, so the most recent understanding of framing can be
acquired. If time was not identified as a variable in this work, frames that have fallen out
of favor but were highly used previously may have skewed the results.

V. Coding
Videos were then imported into Atlas.ti and coded using its content analysis
function (Bernard et al., 2016). Coding and content analysis were selected since this
specific research has not been conducted previously, so there are not defined methods
from other work, but coding is a commonly used social science method for determining
themes. Prior work on framing focuses mostly on surveys and frame preferences, as
opposed to analyzing frames in action. Due to the differences between this work and the
established literature, their methods were not utilized since a survey would be an
inappropriate way to interrogate the data. Specific frames and models, such as Moral
Foundations Theory (Graham et al., 2012, 2009), were employed in the coding process
however, in order to implement the Content Analysis methodology.
Content Analysis was selected to inspect if the frames discussed in the literature
appeared within the testimony. The initial coding, although not line by line as with text,
looked for and coded specific phrases and words used by the speakers. This was intended
to maintain the speaker’s original frame as completely as possible. These codes were then

used to determine categories and themes within the hearings, as frames from the literature
were then applied to the existing quotations. Comments were used to define focused
codes throughout the work, in order to maintain consistency. Codes were both selected
from the literature, and coded based upon the language used by the speaker. This was
intended to look for occurrences of the frames from the framing literature, and potentially
differing frames used by speakers that were not explicitly in the literature.
Only those explicitly testifying in support of a bill, or those testifying in support
but asking for amendments, were included in the coding. This is because the research
questions specifically look for those who are speaking in support of climate change
mitigation. Those who did not support the bills were not included since this was not
captured in the research question. This does pose some challenges since there may be
people who support climate change mitigation but do not support a specific bill, and this
may disallow more nuanced opinions. Despite this, the most definite way to determine if
the speaker supports climate change mitigation was to select only explicit supporters of
bills, instead of attempting to decide if a person supports climate change mitigation
without additional information.
If a person testified in support of multiple bills in a biennium, only their
chronologically earliest testimony in the biennium was included. This was to reduce
redundancies in the coding and analysis, so certain phrases or discussion were not
overrepresented. Selecting their testimony chronologically allowed a methodology for
selecting the order in which to code the hearings. It also often allowed capture of the
most complete testimony offered by the speaker. Often speakers would make a point to
discuss that they had testified to the same body on a similar issue previously, and would


not like to reiterate their entire argument again. By selecting the first testimony of the
biennium, it reduced redundancies while capturing more of the speaker's argument.
Coding included generating codes in Atlas.ti based upon the specific language
used by those speaking, such as the inclusion of the terms climate change or global
warming, discussion of climate science, or if they were discussing benefits or negative
impacts. This allowed for themes in framing and language to be determined based on
what language was used, and how. These codes were used to determine traditional,
message, and moral frames. The code groups generated included general frames
(traditional), climate change versus global warming (traditional), +/- message framing,
Moral Foundations Theory (moral), and Lakoff’s State as Family (moral).
The density of these codes and their rate of occurrence was not controlled for any
additional factors. The frames that were coded were specifically from the speaker
themselves, and were not adjusted for issues such as repetition of the bill language itself,
or popular media terms. The speakers in selected hearings did not have a standardized
amount of time to speak, so certain people would have two minutes while others would
have thirty. This gave more time for an argument and issue frame to appear for the longer
articulations, and potentially the overrepresentation of their framing. Additionally, there
was not a standard number of supporters for each bill or biennium, potentially altering the
frame representations within each year. To adjust for this, specific years with too few
supporters were not analyzed individually, but were included in the total overall.


VI. Coding Analysis

Traditional frames were basic frames such as the use of terms like climate change
versus global warming (Benjamin et al., 2017; Schuldt et al., 2011; Villar & Krosnick,
2011). Message (+/-) frames are positive or negative framing (Gifford & Comeau, 2011),
in this case if they were speaking about the negative impacts of climate change or the
potential positive impacts from passing the bill. Moral frames were evaluated based upon
Moral Foundations Theory (Graham et al., 2012, 2009; Wolsko et al., 2016) and Lakoff’s
(2016) State as Family model. Additional evaluation based upon science communication
recommendations, such as the avoidance of jargon (ecoAmerica, 2013; Fahey, 2014a;
Lakoff, 2010) or attempting to connect with your audience based on a moral or emotional
basis (Hulme, 2009; McCright et al., 2016; Villar & Krosnick, 2011; Wolsko et al., 2016)
was included. These frames and science communication methods were evaluated to look
for trends in how supporters frame their argument and if there was a prevailing method of
issue framing. Figure 4. Coding Analysis Framework, below, is a schematic of the
framework used for coding analysis.


Figure 4. Coding Analysis Framework.

These different frames and communication methods were evaluated together to
determine if there were trends in the method of issue framing employed by speakers. This
is because by definition, issue frames include all framing an issue that is articulated and
selected by a speaker, in this case a climate change mitigation supporter. These frames
were analyzed to look for changes in framing over time, such as shifting from a climate
change frame to a global warming frame, or if the +/- message frame becomes more or
less positive. Moral frames may have changed or evolved in their partisanship, such as
shifting to or from a more bipartisan framing method based upon Moral Foundations
Theory (Graham et al., 2012, 2009; Wolsko et al., 2016) or State as Family (Lakoff,
20116), or remaining the same. While there are challenges inherent in selecting political
parties or dichotomies for analysis, it was still employed based upon prior research and
context of the public hearings themselves.
While looking towards the preferences for each moral foundation, and the framing
within public hearings on climate change policy, this dichotomy will be a useful


classification and discussion piece, but is not intended to explain the specific nuances that
will occur on the individual level. It is also not intended as a prescriptive or final answer
to dealing with partisanship and moral framing, only a way to discuss and describe the
types of moral frames that appear when people are arguing in support of climate change
mitigation. When looking at diverse groups of people in specific classifications, there are
assumptions made that will not clearly apply to all individuals. Despite this, due to the
ability to classify moral frames through Moral Foundations Theory, and the simplicity of
a liberal/conservative classification system, it was still selected as a way to characterize
the discussion throughout this work.

VII. Conclusion
Through the use of content analysis I investigated the frames articulated by
climate change mitigation supporters in Washington State legislative public hearings over
a 10-year time period, from 2007-2017. This permitted the careful interrogation of
framing in practice, while remaining grounded and informed by the previously
established literature. Additionally, this allowed for the analysis of the results to compare
real world advocacy in practice, to the recommended methods from science
communication and framing literature. By comparing the two and carefully analyzing the
uses, not only can a body of work on framing in reality be established, but advocacy
methods can be appropriately informed by practice versus principle.
By selecting content analysis, I was able to employ findings from previous
framing and science communication literature within my coding and analysis. Previous
work frequently used approaches that would not be appropriate to answer the research
question proposed within this work, since it looks at framing in practice as opposed to

frame preference. Survey methods employed in prior research are useful for determining
preferences among groups, but not for finding out how those groups discuss or frame an
issue. Due to the nature of this research question, the use of content analysis
appropriately informs this work to expand on the established literature without departing
from it entirely. The next section will relay the findings and results from these methods.


Chapter Four: Results

I. Introduction
The previous chapter laid out the methods selected for this thesis research,
including the use of content analysis (Bernard et al., 2016) and coding in Atlas.ti.
Additionally, the data organization and stratification methods were expanded on, such as
the group category selections, and bill biennium formatting, to answer questions
regarding framing differences over time, and among different speaker categories.
In order to establish the results from this study, the following section provides the
outcome of coding different frames within the videos, including traditional, message, and
moral frames. Issue frames were not coded, since the three frame types selected are all
representations of issue framing by the speakers, as they attempt to achieve a targeted
purpose through their articulations. Each frame will be defined, use over time will be
discussed, in addition to the overall framing without the consideration of time. The
density over time will be broken up among frame groups, in order to illustrate the
differences among these groups. Code co-occurrence tables were generated and will be
explored to establish trends among group categories. Code co-occurrence tables, which
show how many times specific codes track alongside one another, were used to look for
co-occurrences of specific codes and speakers. These will be discussed in their own
respective sections, in order to maintain organization.
To begin, the density of speaker categories over time will be discussed. This was
completed in order to establish differences in group participation across a given
biennium. By doing so, the interpretation of these results was informed by the potential

for changes over time by investigating potential frame shifts based on a difference in
participation. Next, traditional frame results will be established, both over time and their
co-occurrence tables. This includes basic frames developed through the initial coding,
and frames selected for coding from the literature. Next, +/- message frames will be
discussed. These specific +/- message frames were selected from the literature on climate
change +/- message framing, and the influence of a positive versus a negative message.
Finally, moral framing results will be presented through the use of Moral Foundations
Theory (Graham et al., 2012) and the State as Family model (Lakoff, 2016). Each set of
frames and codes will have quotes provided as examples and context. After establishing
the results, I will transition to the discussion of these results and their significance.

II. Speaker Category Code Density
The distribution for the speaker category codes follow, showing the overall
distribution of participation over the selected 10-year period.

NGO/nonprofit (30.13%)


Citizen (19.25%)


Governmental agency/public institution (15.90%)


Private company (12.97%)


Community group (10.88%)


Elected official (8.37%)


Union (2.51%)

Table 7: Category Density shows the percentage of speakers who belonged to
each group per biennium. The speaker categories within each biennium changed over

time. Due to the small sample sizes of each year, there are some results that appear
significantly skewed, such as 2011-2012 for private company. When you look to the far
right of the table, you can see there were only two speakers that biennium (and only one
hearing), so it makes a large difference in the overall percentage. Due to issues of sample
size in 2011-12 and 2013-14, they are included in the overall total but will not be
discussed specifically. This is due to the skew of the data caused by the small sample
size. The bottom row shows the total percentage of each code over the past ten years.
Table 7: Citizen and Community Group Participation Rates







Citizen – This is the second-largest group overall (19.25%), which has gone up in 2017
(23.64%), when compared to 2007 (8.33%).

Community group – This is the fifth-largest group overall (10.88%) which has remained
fairly consistent in 2017 (12.73%) compared to 2007-08 (12.50%).


Table 8: Elected Official and Governmental Agency/Public Institution Participation Rates




/Public Institution



Elected official – The sixth-largest group (8.37%) with an overall decrease in 2017
(3.64%) compared to 2007-08 (12.50%).

Governmental agency/public institution – This is the third-largest group overall
(15.90%). This group has gone down in 2017 (9.09%), with an overall decrease in
participation compared to 2007-08 (27.08%).

Table 9: NGO/Nonprofit, Private Company, and Union Participation Rates
Biennium NGO/Nonprofit

Union Rate Speakers

NGO/nonprofit –This is the largest overall group (30.13%) This group has gone up in
percentage attendance in 2017 (45.45%) when compared to 2007 (20.83%).


Private company – This is the fourth-largest group (12.97%) with a decrease in speakers
in 2017 (1.82%) from 2007-08 (16.67%).

Union – This is the smallest overall group (2.51%) and has seen an increase from 200708 (2.08%) to 2017 (3.64%).

III. Traditional Frames

III.I. General frames
The distribution for the general frame codes follow, showing the overall
distribution of occurrence over the selected 10-year period.

Economy/money (64.02%)


Science (50.21%)


Washington State (50.21%)


Environment (35.15%)


Future generations/children (27.62%)


Leadership (25.52%)


Risk/disaster (19.67%)


Responsibility/accountability (16.74%)


Equity/equality (15.90%)

This section will define and provide the results for the general traditional frames,
both over time and their co-occurrence tables. The codes found in Table 10: General
Frame Definitions were generated after initial coding, and influenced by Shanahan’s

frames. They were created based on the density of the codes created during initial coding,
and put into categories similar to Shanahan’s if appropriate, or placed into their own if
needed. This allowed for a comparison to the literature, and the generation of new codes
if needed.
Table 10: General Frame Definitions

If the speaker discusses issues of the costs of climate change,
economic benefits, clean energy economy, state revenue options,
etc. The discussion of climate change in the context of money.


If the speaker discusses impacts on the environment or ecology of
the planet. This includes animals, outdoor recreation, the risk to our
natural world, importance of protecting the planet, etc.


If the speaker discusses issues of equity and equality in climate
change, who is impacted, the importance of protection, etc.

Future generations

If the speaker discusses the impacts of climate change on children or
future generations.


If the speaker discusses climate change leadership, asking for
leadership, Washington as a leader, legislators as leaders. etc.


If the speaker discusses taking responsibility for climate change,
having accountability in climate policy, responsibility to protect legal
rights around climate change, etc.


If the speaker discusses the risks of climate change, possible
negative impacts, natural disasters, etc.


If the speaker discusses climate science, specifically or generally.
This includes discussion of emissions/greenhouse gases, acceptable
levels, reality of climate change/agreement among scientists, the
use of scientific language, etc.

Washington State

If the speaker discusses climate change and Washington State,
Washington as part of a larger community, nationally or worldwide,
Washington's unique climate vulnerability, etc.

The codes that mirror Shanahan’s are risk/disaster to catastrophe,
economy/money to money, and equity/equality to justice and equity. The environment
frame is similar but more overarching than the polar bear frame. The remaining frames

did not have similarities to Shanahan’s frames, and were therefore only determined based
on the language in the hearings.

III.I.I. General frame density

Due to issues of sample size in 2011-12 and 2013-14, they are included in the
total but will not be discussed specifically. Table 11: General Frame Density, provides a
breakdown numerically and as a percentage of speakers for the economy/money and
environment frames.

Table 11: General Frame Density One: Economy/Money and Environment







Economy/money – This frame has the highest overall occurrence rate (64.02%), with a
decrease from 2007-08 (54.17%) to 2017 (47.27%).

These quotes allude to or directly discuss economic and monetary concepts and
considerations in the context of climate change. Cost, economy, markets, and low carbon
economies were persistent trends throughout the economic framing of climate change.


“….help make Washington State a global leader in the low carbon economy of the
future” HB 1646 Washington State Budget and Policy Center (emphasis added).

“….you apply a tax to the pollution you don’t want, and the market will find the most
cost effective way to reduce it” SI-732 Carbon WA (emphasis added).

“…we need to address major environmental and economic challenges…..that create
large numbers of sustainable living wage jobs” HB 1819 Sound Alliance (emphasis

Environment – This frame comes in fourth overall (35.15%), with a decrease from
2007-08 (35.42%) to 2017 (32.73%). This frame has remained fairly steady across the

The environment framing was fairly common, and the quotes below illustrate
specific examples from supporters. Discussion of specific environmental impacts or
factors, landscape and place, the outdoors, and species were only some of the methods for
characterizing and framing climate change.

“We are drawn to the outside, our outdoor activities make us one of the country’s
healthiest states, our access to water, mountains, grasslands, makes Washington an
attractive place for business people seeking a higher quality of life, and in the outdoors


we feel more attuned to and responsible for the environment’s health” HB 1314 REI
(emphasis added).

“…we would urge the governor and the work group when speaking about effects to
Puget Sound, to focus on our native aquatic species… HB 1915 Coalition to Protect
Puget Sound Habitat (emphasis added).

Table 12: General Frame Density Two: Equity/Equality and Future Generations/Children







Table 12: General Frame Density Two includes the traditional frames
equity/equality and future generations/children. These frames are broken down
numerically, by percentage of speaker, and in total.

Equity/equality – While this frame is 9th and occurs the least frequently overall
(15.90%), it has seen the second most dramatic rate increase (30.65%) from 2007-08
(2.08%) to 2017 (32.73%). Proportionately, this has seen the highest increase overall
between 2007-08 and 2017.


The equity/equality frame frequently discussed specific impacts on vulnerable
populations, and the unique challenges that face people of color and low-income people
due to climate change. The quotes below are examples of the specific language and
arguments used within this framing, which has become increasingly common in recent

“…low-income people, and people of color are more likely to experience any of the
negative health problems that we have from any of our issues here in Washington, but
particularly CO2 emissions. One thing that you can look to communities of color and
low-income communities to see that we are actually the canaries in the coal mine. What
that means is we are the ones who get hit first by poor environmental regulations and
policies” Puget Sound Sage HB 1646 (emphasis added).

“Polluters paying, or contributing to offset the cause of their pollution is the fairest way
to go. We think this is an equitable revenue source to fund critical needs…” HB 1314
Washington Conservation Voters (emphasis added).

Future generations/children - This frame is fifth overall (27.62%), with an overall
increase from 2007-08 (14.57%) to 2017 (50.91%). This frame has the largest increase
(36.33%) between 2007-08 and 2017.

The quotes below are from specific children and young adults testifying in
support of climate change mitigation. These supporters commonly discussed their lack of


power, and the significant challenges they would face in the near future due to an issue
they did not create.

“…what you do affects not just me, but possibly every person in my generation who lives
in Washington State….if laws like this don’t get passed, Seattle might be under water by
2050, when I’ll just be 43 years old…” HB 1372 Plant for the Planet (emphasis added).

“….posing a threat to everyone, especially my generation…it’s violating my
constitutional right to a clean and livable future, and to breathable air, and drinkable
water. It’s just the wrong way to go” HB 1372 Plant for the Planet (emphasis added).

“….I am seven years old, and I live next to a park in Seattle, and I see a lot of wildlife
like harbor seals and pups, and if we do not stop global warming then the sea level will
become higher and higher and the seals might lose their resting spot. How can we stop
global warming, a problem kids did not create?” HB 1915 Cool Mom (emphasis added).

Table 13: General Frame Density Three includes the traditional frames leadership
and responsibility/accountability. These frames are broken down numerically, by
percentage of speaker, and in total.


Table 13: General Frame Density Three: Leadership and Responsibility/Accountability







Leadership – This frame is sixth overall (25.52%). There was a drop from 2007-08
(33.33%) and 2017 (29.09%). The 2013-14 biennium (18.75%) has a small sample size
compared to other years (16 speakers), but 2015-16 saw a similar decrease (19.35%).

The quotes below are examples of this specific frame, relating to the importance
of leadership on climate change. Often speakers discussed Washington State itself or the
legislators themselves as climate change leaders.

“…positioning Washington as a leader…” SB 6001 Washington Environmental Council
(emphasis added).

“I’m ending with asking you to be climate champions, we voted (for) you to be climate
champions” HB 1372 Plant for the Planet (emphasis added).

“…this is about leadership, this is about looking beyond tomorrow and looking to next
year, and to looking to 2011. You have shown great leadership on this issue, the


governor has worked with you to make us a leader, let’s stay there, let’s not lose that
leadership position” SB 5735 Department of Ecology (emphasis added).

Responsibility/accountability – This frame is eighth overall (16.74%). There has been
an increase from 2007-08 (4.17%) to 2017 (29.09%).

Below are specific examples of quotes that illustrate instances of the
responsibility/accountability frame. Interestingly, speakers would often discuss
responsibility in different ways. Either as there being no specific group to blame, or that
certain groups were innocent.

“…no one has meant for this to happen, and what I mean by that is there is no individual
or agency, organization, that is really responsible for us to having to look squarely at
such a difficult problem, and yet here we are” HB 1144 University of Washington
(emphasis added).

“….as well as paying attention to workers in carbon dependent industries, they didn’t
cause the problem, but they have incomes, healthcare benefits, and pensions that we
need to protect” HB 1314 Washington State Labor Council (emphasis added).

“…this means that the building sector absolutely has a responsibility to understand and
work to mitigate our collective carbon impact….looking at carbon accountability in


Washington is really a yesterday issue, but today will do” HB 1314 Skanska (emphasis

Table 14: General Frame Density Four includes the traditional frames
risk/disaster, science, and Washington State. These frames are broken down numerically,
by percentage of speaker, and in total.

Table 14: General Frame Density Four: Risk/Disaster, Science, and Washington State






Risk/disaster – This frame is seventh overall (19.67%). There has been an increase from
2007-2008 (22.92%) and 2017 (30.91%). This frame has had variation across years but
no distinct upward or downward trend.

The risk/disaster frame quotes below are examples of the ways this frame was
articulated. This frame was often discussed in both the abstract and concrete disasters that
will occur from climate change, either specific types of storms and natural disasters, or
more vague impacts.


“…our next generation’s future is in danger…” HB 1372 Plant for the Planet (emphasis

“…interestingly enough, in today’s times, there’s an article about changes in Kansas,
harshest droughts to hit the great plains in a century, freakish snowstorms and
suffocating gales of dust….” HB 1372 Citizen (emphasis added).

“We have to understand that we are a part, and absolutely indivisible from the
environment, and what we do to it, we shape it as it shapes us. The effects we have on it
will in turn come back to us, and we right now are practicing self-destruction” HB 2815
Citizen (emphasis added).

Science – This frame is tied with Washington State at overall rate of occurrence
(50.21%). It has an increase in occurrence in 2017 (52.73%) compared to 2007-08

The science frame quotes below represent the methods with which speakers
discussed and articulated the frame. Through the discussion of specific results and
scientific language, speakers used scientific evidence to make their case.

“…in the 2013 report, based on science through about 2012, so we’ve got 4 years of
science beyond the latest report, it said it is “extremely likely,” as you said, more than
95%, that more than half of the observed increase in global average temperature is


caused by manmade increase in greenhouse gases” HB 1144 University of Washington
(emphasis added).

“….has provided a fundamental scientific understanding, projections, models, and
technical expertise needed to help state and local decision makers assess and manage
risks of climate variability and change” HB 2654 Climate Impacts Group (emphasis

Washington State – This frame is tied with science at rate of occurrence (50.21%). It
occurred at a lower rate in 2017 (47.27%) compared with 2007-2008 (56.25%).

Washington State was a very common frame used in the public hearings by many
different speakers. Washington was often articulated in relation to other frames, and was
used to describe both the people, economy, location, and environment of the state, among
other things. Below are specific examples of quotes from supporters speaking at the

“Represents an importance piece, of an importance effort, to move the state towards an
energy mix that minimizes carbon emissions….” HB 1314 EDF Renewable Energy
(emphasis added).

“I believe we in Washington ought to be optimistic about our ability to whip climate
change” SB 5802 Washington State Governor Inslee (emphasis added).


“…I’m a fourth generation Washingtonian, grew up right by the border, I have seven
nieces and nephews that are growing up here…” HB 1819 Citizen (emphasis added).

III.I.II. General frame co-occurrence

Table 15: General Frame Co-Occurrence represents where specific frames
intersect with speaker categories. There is not a standardized representation of each
group; the sample sizes for the speaker categories are different among the groups.
Table 15: General Frame Co-Occurrence





















































Citizen – Used the economy/money (36) frame the most overall, followed by science
(21), then Washington State (13).

Community group – Used the economy/money (15) frame the most overall, followed by
Washington State (13), then science (11).

Elected official – Used the Washington State (13) frame the most, followed by a tie
between science (11) and economy/money (11).

Governmental agency/public institution – A tie between economy/money (18) and
science (18), followed by a tie between environment (12) and Washington State (12).

NGO/nonprofit – Used Washington State the most overall (43), followed by a tie
between economy/money (38) and science (38).

Private company – Used economy/money (23) the most, followed by Washington State
(13), then science (12).

Union – Used economy/money (5) the most, followed by responsibility/accountability
(4), then equity/equality (3).


III.II. Climate change versus global warming frames

The distribution for the climate change and global warming codes follow,
showing the overall distribution of occurrence over the selected 10-year period.

Climate change (48.12%)


Global warming (10.88%)

These codes were selected before initial coding based upon the literature on frame
preference for climate change over global warming. The time factor is intended to look
for changing frames. This was also coded due to the shift in frame preference over time,
as the framing effect has lessened. Finding out if this frame is used less could be
informative with regard to the framing effect, since there would be less exposure.
Table 16: Climate Change versus Global Warming Definitions includes the
definitions of the traditional frames climate change and global warming. These frames
were selected from the prior research on framing effects.

Table 16: Climate Change versus Global Warming Definitions
Climate change

If the speaker explicitly uses the "climate change" frame when

Global warming

If the speaker explicitly uses the "global warming" frame when

These frames had to be explicitly stated within the hearings, by the speaker saying
“climate change” or “global warming.” This was to reduce confusion regarding them
referring to the same phenomenon. A speaker who discussed climate change without
explicitly using the term would not have been coded. Although this does not necessarily


capture all instances of the frame use, it was to prevent confusion between the specific
frames. Those that used both the climate change and global warming frame were coded
as such, so one speaker could have both frames individually coded on their testimony. In
particular, this was due to the terms being used interchangeably by certain speakers
without changing tone. Since the speakers were specifically supporting climate change
mitigation, they did not use the global warming frame in a particularly alarmist or
denialist way, though the code was still applied. In part, this is because the message
frame itself may contain the global warming term but be representing in a different
manner by the speaker, and can be perceived differently by the receiver. (Interestingly,
although outside of the scope of this work, those who spoke in opposition to mitigation at
times did use global warming in a denialist and alarmist way.)

III.II.I. Climate change versus global warming density
Due to issues of small sample size causing skew in 2011-12 and 2013-14, they are
included in the total but will not be discussed specifically. Table 17: Climate Change
versus Global Warming Density includes the traditional frames climate change and global
warming. These frames are broken down numerically, by percentage of speaker, and in


Table 17: Climate Change versus Global Warming Density






Climate change – This frame appeared at a higher rate overall (48.12%) than global
warming. This frame has increased in rate of use from 2007-08 (37.50%) to 2017

The quotes below illustrate specific instances of the use of the climate change
frame, which was increasingly popular among all groups over time.

“Absolutely, the governor believes that we should lead on climate change….” SB 5560
Washington State Governor’s Office (emphasis added).

“Looking at the impacts of climate change….” SB 6308 Puget Sound Clean Air Agency
(emphasis added).

“…strong scientific consensus that climate change must be aggressively addressed…”
HB 1819 King County (emphasis added).


Global warming – This frame appeared at a lower overall rate (10.88%) than climate
change. This frame has decreased in use from 2007-08 (16.67%) to 2017 (3.64%).

Below are specific instances of the global warming frame. Interestingly, although
this frame decreased in popularity when it was used it was often in conjunction with the
climate change frame.

“…that enough is known about global warming… HB 2815 Alcoa (emphasis added).

“…practical and profitable solutions to global warming…” SB 5802 Climate Solutions
(emphasis added).

“…first when I heard about global warming it was like, well, that’s about 100 years off,
you know, I’ll be long compost by then…” HB 2815 House representative (emphasis

III.II.II. Climate change versus global warming co-occurrence
Table 18: Climate Change versus Global Warming Co-Occurrence shows the
intersections of the frames with each categorical group.


Table 18: Climate Change versus Global Warming Co-Occurrence
























This code co-occurrence table shows differences in the climate change versus
global warming frames used by each speaker group. There is not a standardized
representation of each group; the sample sizes for the speakers are different among the

Citizen – This group used the climate change (14) frame more than global warming (5).

Community group - This group used the climate change (12) frame more than global
warming (4).

Elected official - This group used the climate change (11) frame more than global
warming (3).

Governmental agency/public institution - This group used the climate change (18)
frame more than global warming (1).

NGO/nonprofit - This group used the climate change (39) frame more than global
warming (9).

Private company - This group used the climate change (7) frame more than global
warming (2).

Union - This group used the climate change (5) frame more than global warming (0).

IV. Positive and Negative Message Framing
The distribution for the +/- message codes follow, showing the overall
distribution of occurrence over the selected 10-year period.

Positive message framing (53.14%)


Negative message framing (46.86%)

Message (+/-) framing codes were used to highlight messages that reflect either
the benefits of legislation, or the negative impacts from not passing climate change
mitigation bills. This was used to look for how speakers frame the issue to the legislators,
by discussing benefits or negative impacts.
Table 19: +/- Message Framing Definitions contains the definitions of the
negative message framing and positive message framing codes. These codes were
selected from the prior research on framing effects with relation to the message tone.


Table 19: +/- Message Framing Definitions
Negative message

If speaker uses negative message frames to discuss climate
change or the bills. This includes negative impacts from not
passing the bills, the need for sacrifices, the potential for loss,
Positive message framing If speaker uses positive message frames to discuss climate
change or the bills. This includes positive impacts from
passage, including economic benefits, benefits to community,
positive environmental impacts, etc.

IV.I. +/- Message framing density

Due to issues of small sample size causing skew in 2011-12 and 2013-14, they are
included in the total but will not be discussed specifically.
Table 20: +/- Message Framing Density includes the +/- message frames negative
message framing and positive message framing. These frames are broken down
numerically, by percentage of speaker, and in total.
Table 20: +/- Message Framing Density

Negative Message


Positive Message



Negative message framing – This frame appeared at a lower overall rate (46.86%) than
positive message framing (53.14%). This frame saw an increase from 2007-08 (31.25%)
to 2017 (72.73%).


Below are specific example quotes of the +/- message frames used by speakers at
the hearings. Negative message frames were often used to highlight the negative impacts
of potentially unmitigated climate change on people and the environment.

“We are putting our economy at risk if we don’t transition to renewable energy…” HB
1372 Citizen (emphasis added).

“…climate change represents one of the most significant threats to human health we
have ever faced, and that threat is no longer future, we are facing real health
consequences now. Changes in crop production, water shortages, infectious diseases,
and air pollution are just some of the issues that we’ll face globally as well as here in
our state” HB 1314 American Lung Association (emphasis added).

“…so what are the consequences going to be if we allow, on the worst end, an
additional eight-degree change over the coming 50 to 100 years? My stance is that it is
completely unethical for us to find out…” SB 6001 Ikemeyer and Associates Climate
Action Fund (emphasis added).

Positive message framing – This frame appeared at a higher overall rate (53.14%) than
negative message framing (53.14%). It saw a decrease from 2007-08 (50.00%) to 2017


Specific quote examples of positive message frames are below, which often
focused on the economic and business case for climate change mitigation.

“I believe that green jobs is a tremendous opportunity for our nation and really a
tremendous opportunity for our state…” HB 2815 Citizen (emphasis added).

“Our company is a really great example of how doing good things for the environment
is also doing good things for business….” HB 2815 McKinstry Company (emphasis

“…trying to bring forward something that will actually give some accountability to the
efforts we are making in this state….” HB 2772 House Representative (emphasis added).

IV.I.I +/- Message framing co-occurrence
Table 21: +/- Message Framing Co-Occurrence shows differences in positive and
negative message framing used by each categorical group. There is not a standardized
representation of each group; as the sample sizes for each category are different among
the groups.


Table 21: +/- Message Framing Co-Occurrence
























Citizen – This group used negative message framing (29) more than positive message
framing (20).

Community group - This group used negative message framing (7) less than positive
message framing (9).

Elected official - This group used negative message framing (9) less than positive
message framing (15).

Governmental agency/public institution - This group used negative message framing
(11) less than positive message framing (18).

NGO/nonprofit - This group used negative message framing (42) more than positive
message framing (36).

Private company - This group used negative message framing (3) less than positive
message framing (21).

Union - This group used negative message framing (4) more than positive message
framing (3).

V. Moral Framing
This section focuses on the results found through the use of Moral Foundations
Theory (Graham et al., 2012) and Lakoff’s (2016) State as Family model. These sections
will look at framing over time and co-occurrence tables for categorical groups among
both models. Results will begin with Moral Foundations Theory, then move on to State as

V.I. Moral Foundations Theory

The distribution for the Moral Foundations Theory codes follow, showing the
overall distribution of occurrence over the selected 10-year period.

Care/harm (59.00%)


Authority/subversion (46.44%)


Fairness/cheating (39.75%)


Loyalty/betrayal (25.94%)


Sanctity/degradation (4.60%)

Moral Foundations Theory codes were generated based upon the five moral
foundations (Graham et al., 2012, 2009; Wolsko et al., 2016). Table 22: Moral
Foundations Theory Definitions includes the definitions for each code.


Table 22: Moral Foundations Theory Definitions

This code refers to one of five moral foundations, the
authority/subversion foundation. This foundation relies on the
importance of leadership and deferring to authority.


This code refers to one of five moral foundations, the care/harm
foundation. This foundation relies on empathy and the aversion to
the pain of others.


This code refers to one of five moral foundations,
the fairness/cheating foundation. This foundation relies on the
assumption that people should be treated equally and not allowed
to cheat.


This code refers to one of five moral foundations, the
loyalty/betrayal foundation. This foundation highlights self-sacrifice
and the importance of groups. It is associated with patriotism.


This code refers to one of five moral foundations, the
sanctity/degradation foundation. This foundation relies on disgust
and cleanliness, and the importance of preserving what is pure. It is
associated with religious purity.

V.I.I. Moral Foundations Theory density
Due to issues of small sample size causing skew in 2011-12 and 2013-14, they are
included in the total but will not be discussed specifically. Table 23: Moral Foundations
Theory Density includes the moral frames authority/subversion, and care/harm. These
frames are broken down numerically, by percentage of speaker, and in total.


Table 23: Moral Foundations Theory Density One: Authority/Subversion and Care/Harm






Authority/subversion – This frame appeared at the second highest overall rate (46.44%).
It decreased in occurrence from 2007-08 (64.58%) to 2017 (38.18%).

The authority/subversion moral foundation framing quotes below illustrate
specific examples by testifying supporters. These quotes discuss the importance of
leadership, and hierarchical follow-through in relation to the Paris Agreement.

“The Legislature has the opportunity to live up to the promise of the Paris Agreement by
making Washington a leader in the United States” HB 1372 Unitarian Universalist
(emphasis added).

“There are great examples in our state of businesses leading the way…” HI-732 Carbon
Washington (emphasis added).


“…we think the roles of the various players in the workforce system are well laid out,
well recognized, so they can make a significant contribution to this major initiative” HB
2815 Workforce Board (emphasis added).

Care/harm – This frame appeared at the highest overall rate (59.00%). It increased from
2007-08 (50.00%) to 2017 (78.18%).

Care/harm moral foundation example quotes below illuminate the methods for
which testifiers articulated these frames. Even explicitly, speakers link the role of
legislators as those of caretakers.

“This is not a political issue, this is a moral issue. It goes back to the basic morals of
taking care of your children, me, and making sure we are going to have a stable future”
HB 1372 Plant for the Planet (emphasis added).

“We believe climate change is a social and racial justice issue, because again, as Rich
said, it is low-income people, racial minorities, that are most impacted by the impacts of
pollution and climate change….in many low-income neighborhoods where there are lots
of people of color, almost every single kid has an asthma inhaler….” HB 1314 Asian
and Pacific Islander Coalition of Washington State (emphasis added).


Table 24: Moral Foundations Theory Density Two includes the moral frames
fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, and sanctity/degradation. These frames are broken
down numerically, by percentage of speaker, and in total.
Table 24: Moral Foundations Theory Density Two: Fairness/Cheating, Loyalty/Betrayal, and








Fairness/cheating – This frame appeared at the third highest rate overall (39.75%). It
increased from 2007-08 (16.67%) to 2017 (63.64%).

The fairness/cheating foundation was often discussed in the context of equity,
equality, and social justice, as shown by the quotes below. Speakers framed climate
change as an issue that does not impact groups in a fair way, often causing the most harm
to already vulnerable populations.

“…projections didn’t really show any evidence that things are going to get better or
easier for communities of color. Resources will continue to be consolidated in the
hands of the few, and I don’t know that people have a lot of time when they are trying to
put food on the table to prepare for what’s to come down the pipe. This is a direct quote
from…“when climate change impacts everyone, not everyone will be impacted equally.


Existing social, economic, and health disparities mean that people of color and lowincome people are both more likely to be affected by and have a harder time adapting
to new climate realities”” HB 1646 Got Green (emphasis added).

“It is true that climate change affects everyone, but it does not affect everyone equally”
HB 1314 WashingtonCAN (emphasis added).

“I just wanted to speak up for those who can’t be here, our grandchildren, and those
who are coming after us….think about our grandchildren” HB 1819 Citizen (emphasis

Loyalty/betrayal – This frame appeared at the fourth highest overall rate (25.94%). It
decreased from 2007-08 (33.33%) to 2017 (16.36%). There is not a consistent drop
however, shifting among 2009-10 (14.29%) and 2015-16(38.71%).

As shown by the quotes below, speakers often discussed the loyalty/betrayal
foundation in the context of Washington State behaving well towards other states and the
people. Legislators were also called upon to act as loyal representatives of those who
elected them.

“….help ensure Washington does its fair share to help address climate change…” HB
1144 Department of Ecology (emphasis added).


“…it is extremely important that Washington join in the international effort to begin
curtailing greenhouse gases…” SB 6001 Senator (emphasis added).

“We the people signed this initiative, and we the people elected you to represent us and
our wishes….” SI-732 Citizen (emphasis added).

Sanctity/degradation – This frame appeared at the lowest overall rate (4.60%). It
decreased from 2007-08 (6.25%) to 2017 (5.45%). This frame had little change overall,
remaining consistently low.

The quotes below are examples of the sanctity/degradation foundation. Speakers
often discussed stewardship and religion in the context of climate change, and the
importance of preserving our pristine planet.

“…for me as a person of faith, the care of creation and the protection of Earth, and the
life support systems on Planet Earth from the devastating effects of global warming are
not just environmental and economic issues, fundamentally at their core they are moral
and ethical issues and the responsibility of everyone” HB 1819 Sisters of the Holy
Names of Jesus and Mary (emphasis added).

“There is a growing religious consensus that climate change is one the most important
moral issues of our time, if not the most important moral issue. We believe that people of
faith are called to care for all of creation, which means the protection of both people’s


health and the health of all creatures on the planet” SB 6001 Earth Ministry (emphasis

V.I.II. Moral Foundations Theory co-occurrence
Table 25: Moral Foundations Theory Co-Occurrence shows differences in Moral
Foundations Theory codes between categorical groups. There is not a standardized
representation of each group; the sample sizes for the categories are different among the

Table 25: Moral Foundations Theory Co-Occurrence






































Citizen – This group used care/harm (22) the most, followed by fairness/cheating (19),
then authority/subversion (13).

Community group - This group used care/harm (17) the most, followed by a tie between
fairness/cheating (11) and authority/subversion (11).


Elected official - This group used authority/subversion (11) the most, followed by
care/harm (8), then loyalty/betrayal (4).

Governmental agency/public institution - This group used authority/subversion (22)
the most, followed by care/harm (21), then fairness/cheating (8).

NGO/nonprofit – This group used care/harm (53) the most, followed by
fairness/cheating (42), then authority/subversion (21).

Private company - This group used authority/subversion (15) the most, followed by
loyalty/betrayal (8), then care/harm (5).

Union - This group used care/harm (6) the most, followed by fairness/cheating (4), then
authority/subversion (2).

V.II. State as Family

The distribution for the State as Family codes follow, showing the overall
distribution of occurrence over the selected 10-year period.

Nurturant (51.05%)


Strict (17.99%)

Table 26: State as Family Definitions contains the codes and definitions of
Lakoff’s (2016) State as Family model. Each reflects the different ‘parent’ style
discussed in Moral Politics.

Table 26: State as Family Definitions



If the speaker uses the "nurturant parent" framing based upon
Lakoff's model.


If the speaker uses the "strict father" framing based upon Lakoff's

V.II.I. State as Family density

Due to issues of small sample size causing skew in 2011-12 and 2013-14, they are
included in the total but will not be discussed specifically. Table 27: State as Family
Density includes the moral frames nurturant and strict. These frames are broken down
numerically, by percentage of speaker, and in total.

Table 27: State as Family Density






Nurturant – This frame appeared at a higher overall rate (51.05%) than strict (17.99%).
It increased from 2007-08 (39.58%) to 2017 (51.05%).

The quotes below were selected to highlight instances of the nurturant framing
defined in Lakoff’s (2016) State as Family model. They often focused on the importance


of caring for those in need, protecting the environment, and science. In order for the
nurturant frame to be coded, it had to include multiple aspects of the framing.

“….the number one issue that is affecting not only this state, but the planet, and the
number one issue on the minds of concerned citizens who care about our air, our land,
our water, and our people” HB 2815 Washington Conservation Voters (emphasis

“I hear about things like tundra and the ocean ice melting at rates that nobody could
have foreseen, and what I think, man I really can’t have kids right now, the future is too
uncertain and I’m scared…and I feel like it’s the only natural response to all of the data
and evidence in front of us right now…” SB 5802 Citizen (emphasis added).

Strict – This frame appeared at a lower overall rate (17.99%) than nurturant (51.05%). It
decreased from 2007-08 (31.25%) to 2017 (14.55%).

The quotes selected below highlight instances of strict framing as defined by
Lakoff’s (2016) State as Family model. This framing often included emphasis on
economic and capitalist benefits, efficiency, and religion.

“…as opposed to having government pick and choose what clean energy projects to
support, I-732 is a market-based solution that will let consumers choose…” SI-732
Citizen (emphasis added).


“….I’m going to focus on our main interest which is consumer choice….demonstrating
strong consumer interest, but their choices are limited…” HB 1487 Western
Washington Clean Cities (emphasis added).

“One of the guiding principles of the Quaker faith is stewardship, we are called upon to
manage our time, abilities and possessions wisely and efficiently….” HB 1646 Quaker
Voice on Washington Public Policy (emphasis added).

V.II.I. State as Family co-occurrence

Table 28: State as Family Co-Occurrence contains the intersections of categorical
groups and State as Family codes. There is not a standardized representation of each
categorical group; the sample sizes for the categories are different among the groups.
Table 28: State as Family Co-Occurrence









Agency /Public
Institution /Nonprofit







Citizen – This group used nurturant (22) more than strict (9).

Community group - This group used nurturant (12) more than strict (8).


Elected official - This group used nurturant (8) more than strict (4).

Governmental agency/public institution - This group used nurturant (12) more than
strict (3).

NGO/nonprofit – This group used nurturant (51) more than strict (6).

Private company - This group used strict (8) more than nurturant (3).

Union - This group used nurturant (6) more than strict (2).

VI. Conclusion
The selected public hearings on climate change mitigation were revealed to have a
significant breadth of framing used among all the speaker group categories. While
previous work has focused on framing effects, this investigation has revealed framing in
practice among climate change supporters. All groups, including citizen, NGO/nonprofit,
community group, private company, elected official, union, and governmental
agency/public institution used a different mix of frames, and had a different participation
rate over time.
The citizen (19.25%) and NGO/nonprofit (30.13%) group had the highest overall
rates of attendance, increasing over time. Due to the high rate of participation from these
groups, the frames they favored for use tended to be the most popular. This includes
frames such as economy/money (64.02%) and care/harm (59.00%).

Among all frames there were changes in use from 2007-2017 both overall and
among all categories of speakers. Several of these frames thematically mirror or relate to
one another, such as fairness/cheating and equity/equality, care/harm, future
generations/children, and nurturant. Similarly, the frames authority/subversion,
loyalty/betrayal, strict, and leadership reflect similar information and values. The
following section will expand on the analysis of each frame specifically, in relation to
other frames, and among the different speaker categories.


Chapter Five: Discussion

I. Introduction
In the previous chapter, results from coding were provided in the form of code
densities and co-occurrence tables. Each specific frame was discussed in relation to the
changes over time and overall rate of occurrence, in addition to categorical
considerations. Specific quotes were provided to add context and examples of each
frame. These data were provided to help answer the following research questions:
How has climate change been framed in practice over time, and how does this
compare with recent scholarship on framing and science communication? This was
broken into the following three sub questions: How have supporters of climate change
mitigation policy articulated their arguments in public hearings at the Washington State
Legislature over time? Are there differences among varying groups? According to
climate change framing scholarship, do these frames potentially appeal more to specific
political parties or groups? This chapter will expand on the results to analyze each
specific frame in relation to these questions.
Climate change moral framing has become increasingly liberal and less
conservative overall, with an increase in care/harm, fairness/cheating, future
generations/children, and nurturant frames. There has been a decrease in conservative
framing, specifically strict, leadership, loyalty/betrayal, and authority/subversion. These
frame changes may partially be explained by changes in speaker categories overall, with
increased citizen and NGO/nonprofit participation, and a decrease in participation among
the private company, elected official, and governmental agency/public institution groups.

In part, by only analyzing testimony from supporters this analysis likely captures
a crowd of speakers that may be more likely to fall into the political liberal side of the
spectrum. This might be a factor for the framing that leans towards a liberal perspective,
as opposed to more bipartisan or conservative framing. If the testimony from those who
opposed or were neutral on the bills was coded, there may have been a wider spectrum of
framing used. Even so, the increase in liberal framing among strictly climate change
supporters is still an interesting shift, and an important one considering the potential
value of bipartisan framing.
This chapter discusses the differences and specifics for each frame type and code,
then moves on to discuss the more general trends over time in issue framing and the
science communication implications. Differences over time among speaker categories
will be explored throughout and used in interpretation.

II. Traditional Frames

This section will focus on discussion of specific traditional frames, both general
frames and the climate change versus global warming frames. The results from this
research will be expanded on in relation to the previous literature on climate change

II.I. General frames

Several of the frames that appeared within the hearings were similar to
Shanahan’s (2007), as discussed above (risk/disaster/catastrophe,

economy/money/money, and equity/equality/justice and equity). One frame,
environment, was similar but included more than simply the “polar bear” frame of
Shanahan’s. He discussed the polar bear frame as appealing to those who love animals
and wildlife, which is very similar to the environment frame, which appeals to those who
care for the natural world in a more general sense. The remaining frames, future
generations/children, leadership, responsibility/accountability, science, and Washington
State were determined based only upon the language and arguments used by speakers in
the hearings. Shanahan’s (2007) frames were not empirically determined, and instead
thematically discussed in the context of media frames. This work is able to determine
frames similar to those Shanahan discussed in his work, while determining additional
frames and contrasting the content/context of the framing. Because this work has not
been done before, I was looking for some sort of guidance on frames without directly
using frames that have not been researched. I will first discuss the frames that mirror
Shanahan, then the one that is similar and, finally, the different frames.

Economy/money – This frame appears at the highest overall rate, but decreases from
2007-08 to 2017. The appearance of this frame in legislative hearings is unsurprising,
particularly due to the content of many of the bills heard. For example, I-732, heard in
both the House and Senate, is a carbon tax and relies heavily on economic considerations
and data. Similar carbon tax or cap and trade bills had economic elements, which were
discussed at length. Shanahan (2007) attested that this framing would engage an audience
comprised of politicians or policymakers. Based on that consideration, and the logic of
forming an argument around economic costs or benefits, this framing has some


potentially significant utility. Also, while the specific audience supporters were speaking
to during the recording of the legislative videos was the legislators, they are not the only
audience either in that room or for the videos. There is an audience behind the speaker
comprised of both supporters and those in opposition, in addition to those who may not
have a specific position yet. Convincing this audience, and those who will watch
legislative videos later on, is also critical. Additionally, as testimony is used for
additional purposes, such as news publications, the framing will likely reach a larger
audience than strictly the few people within the room or those watching the original
legislative videos.
According to several authors and researchers (Fahey, 2014b, 2014a; Hulme, 2009;
Lakoff, 2010, 2016; Porter, 2014; Wolsko et al., 2016), an argument needs to engage
people on a moral and emotional level. Due to this, a strictly economic discussion is
unlikely to sway an audience. However, it was not uncommon for speakers to thread the
needle of economic considerations with moral implications, such as the economic
hardship families could face from climate change, or the United States performing as an
economic leader in clean energy. While one of the frames that became attached to these
supporters’ testimony was economy/money, that frame itself is not totally representative
of their argument. In part, this was addressed by additional moral frames being used in
the coding process, though this does not completely capture or represent the complexity
of the framing or issue. The economy/money frame addresses only a single, subjectrelated frame within climate change. Additionally, Lakoff (2016) argues that the
economy is a moral concern for many Americans, not only a practical one. Even among
Western thought and in the United States in particular, efficiency, money, and the


economy are closely tied with commonplace principles about being hardworking and
diligent. So, while based on the specific way the economy/money frame has been
articulated for this work, it doesn’t necessarily fit as a moral argument, in practice it is
very closely tied with many issues that transcend this specific frame definition.

Equity/equality – Despite being the lowest overall occurring frame, this frame has seen
the largest proportionate rise in occurrence between 2007-08. This is a significant frame
shift, going from nearly unused in 2007-08 to roughly one third of speakers discussing it
in 2017. This frame did appear in Shanahan’s (2007) work, discussing its usefulness for
people with ethical concerns. This method of discussing and framing environmental
issues and climate change has become increasingly popular in both culture and academia
as well, likely being mirrored and reflected into political hearings and discussion as well.
Similarly, insofar as engaging an audience morally (Fahey, 2014b, 2014a; Hulme, 2009;
Lakoff, 2010, 2016; Porter, 2014; Wolsko et al., 2016), this frame has strong moral
implications and mirrors the moral frame fairness/cheating (Graham et al., 2012, 2009).
The partisan and moral framing implications will be discussed below, in the
fairness/cheating section.

Risk/disaster – This frame comes in seventh overall for rate of occurrence, though there
has been an increase between 2007-2008 and 2017. Despite variation across years, there
has not been a distinct trend upwards or downwards. Shanahan (2007) proposes that this
frame may engage an audience that is concerned about future events. While there were
speakers who discussed impacts on the future, and their significant concern for these


impacts, they often intersected these concerns with overwhelmingly negative message
framing. While climate change and negative impacts tend to go hand-in-hand, framing
the issue by discussing risks or disasters may be less advisable than benefits (Gifford &
Comeau, 2011). Even so, there are significant risks and literal disasters associated with
climate change, to both society and the environment. While focusing on an
overwhelmingly negative, risk-based framing may not be completely effective, focusing
strictly on the benefits of passing legislation could create suspicion or distrust based upon
the boomerang effect (de Vries, 2016). Outside of the specific research regarding disaster
framing, Flottum (2017) argues that climate cannot be interacted with, and that weather is
the closest representation. Based upon this assessment, by discussing specific weatherrelated impacts, a supporter may be able to craft a clearer understanding of the impacts of
climate change and reduce the abstraction of this issue.

Environment – This frame is fourth overall in rate of occurrence, with a slight decrease
from 2007-08 to 2017. Despite this, the environment frame has remained fairly steady in
rate of occurrence across the years. This frame is similar to the Polar bear frame proposed
by Shanahan (2007), though it was expanded to cover more information. While the Polar
bear frame discusses impacts on wildlife, and uses a charismatic animal, the environment
frame includes a broader discussion. This includes the discussion of impacts on
ecosystems, or less charismatic creatures such as shellfish. While the Polar bear frame
Shanahan (2007) discusses may appear in media, the discussion in public hearings is far
broader. Despite this, these two frames parallel one another fairly well, and incorporate
moral considerations (Fahey, 2014b, 2014a; Hulme, 2009; Lakoff, 2010, 2016; Porter,
2014; Wolsko et al., 2016). With that said, this frame may run into challenges due to a

lack of interest in the biological or ecological considerations of environmental issues.
This frame relies on the listener to care about things such as biodiversity, ecosystems, or
spending time outdoors. If there is not a great concern among the audience about these
issues, it may be less effective. Focusing on the potential impacts or benefits for humans,
as opposed to the environment, may be a more effective method of discussing climate

Future generations/children – This frame was fifth for overall occurrence, and had the
largest percent increase compared to all other traditional general frames. One unique
contributor to this increase was possibly due to the increase in citizen and NGO/nonprofit
participation, as many of the speakers from those groups were children in more recent
hearings. These children would talk about their fear for the future, the responsibility of
the legislature to protect them and their rights, and asked for action that would help their
generation. They also discussed the implications of putting the burden of previous
generation’s mistakes on future generations, who didn’t cause the problem but would
bear the worst effects. This frame incorporates important moral considerations (Fahey,
2014b, 2014a; Hulme, 2009; Lakoff, 2010, 2016; Porter, 2014; Wolsko et al., 2016), and
is linked to the care/harm, fairness/cheating (Graham et al., 2012) and nurturant frames
(Lakoff, 2016). Despite the links of this frame to a framing more typically preferred by
liberals, the methods used for this frame were particularly unique. Many of the speakers
who used this frame were not concerned parents or adults, but the children themselves.
Outside of the specific frame, having children come and speak about their concerns and
fear to legislators and other listeners was a particularly powerful message. This showed


fear and concern among those who would be impacted by climate change, and put faces
to the issue.

Leadership – This frame occurred at the sixth-highest rate, andwas often used when
asking for leadership among legislators, or to discuss Washington State as a leader in the
United States. Speakers would often end their argument with a call to action that included
leadership. Based on the roles of the legislators, speakers would ask for leadership from
them within their respective roles, and emphasize the duty they had within those roles.
This frame may have appeared based on the context of the public hearings, since
legislators are leaders and rule makers. According to the literature on climate change
framing and communication, this frame has important moral implications (Fahey, 2014b,
2014a; Hulme, 2009; Lakoff, 2010, 2016; Porter, 2014; Wolsko et al., 2016), particularly
for legislators. Those who take on the responsibility and role of legislators as leaders may
have an affinity for the role of leadership. Additionally, due to the other audience
members, this puts visible public pressure from constituents onto the legislature. Rather
than a closed meeting or written testimony, there are witnesses and there becomes a
record showing people asking for change from legislators. This is also linked to the
authority/subversion moral frame, which will be discussed in the Moral Foundations
Theory section (Graham et al., 2012, 2009).

Responsibility/accountability – This frame occurs at the eighth-highest rate, but has
increased a fair amount from 2007-08 to 2017. This may in part be linked to the increase
in future generations/children, as many of the speakers discussed the responsibility of the


legislature to future generations as their future constituents. The rising use of the
equity/equality frame may also have contributed to this increase. There was discussion of
the importance of accountability in climate change action, and taking responsibility for
what we as a species or individually, have done to contribute to climate change. This was
often linked to equity, and the responsibility to help those who will be unfairly impacted
by climate change. This frame is similarly linked to the strict moral framing that appears
in Lakoff’s (2016) State as Family model. Lakoff discusses conservative preferences for
personal responsibility within his model, which applied to certain instances of this frame.
Despite the links to several different moral issues, this frame may face challenges due to
the unwieldy nature of climate change. While it is critical for our species to take
responsibility for climate change and have accountability in that execution, this is not an
issue that has exclusionary responsibility. Due to the longitudinal nature of climate
change, it is not the specific responsibility of any one group or generation of people. This
makes addressing it extremely challenging, and creates issues in the execution of that
collective responsibility. During the hearings themselves, one legislator raised the issue
of collective versus state responsibility, citing that other states who contribute more
greenhouse gases will do less mitigation action than Washington. This issue of who is
responsible for the cost and work is inherent in climate change mitigation, and it is a
significant challenge in the context of this framing.

Science – This frame is tied for second place with Washington State in overall rate of
occurrence. It also increased from 2007-08 to 2017. The high rate of occurrence is
unsurprising considering that climate change is studied and discussed as a scientific


phenomenon. This frame will be discussed more at length within the issue framing and
science communication section of this work, since the use of scientific language has
significant implications in that field. Although science communication does not
necessarily explicitly discuss science as a frame the way Shanahan might, they implicitly
discuss scientific framing through the discussion of language (ecoAmerica, 2013; Fahey,
2014b, 2014a; Somerville & Hassol, 2011). This frame may have greatly varying results,
due to differences in how science itself is articulated. This is where science
communication comes into the equation as an evaluative tool, something that this frame
itself doesn’t completely capture. The frame itself includes the discussion of science,
whereas science communication is how that science is discussed. The frame may be
activated by the use of scientific jargon, something that science communication experts
generally advise against. Due to these challenges, how effectively this frame was used
has significant variation based upon additional methods used by the speakers as opposed
to the strict use of the frame itself.

Washington State – This frame is tied for second place with science for rate of
occurrence. It occurred at a lower rate in 2017 compared with 2007-2008. Considering
the context for the documents were public hearings for the Washington State Legislature,
this frame appearing is also unsurprising. However, when considering both the moral
(Fahey, 2014b, 2014a; Hulme, 2009; Lakoff, 2010, 2016; Porter, 2014; Wolsko et al.,
2016) and science communication implications (ecoAmerica, 2013; Fahey, 2014b, 2014a;
Somerville & Hassol, 2011), this frame becomes more relevant. This frame was used to
connect with the legislators as both something the speaker and legislator had in common,


and to discuss the moral importance of Washington State. This is also true of the rest of
the audience, as many people who may not have strong concern for climate change may
have strong concern for the future of Washington State. Speakers would often discuss
Washington as a participant in a larger national or worldwide community, evoking the
loyalty/betrayal frame. This also was used to frame the legislators as having a
responsibility to remain loyal to their fellow Washington citizens, by protecting them and
ensuring they have a stable climate.

Between all the groups, the trends in framing are similar to the overall trends in
rate of occurrence in traditional framing. The majority of groups used science,
Washington State, and economy/money as their highest relative frame use in varying
order. The one exception was union, though the attendance of union spokespersons at
public hearings did not dramatically change over time. This means the changes over time
would likely not be caused by a change in union attendance.

II.II. Climate change versus global warming

The climate change and global warming frames were determined from the
relevant literature on frame preference (Benjamin et al., 2017; Schuldt et al., 2011; Villar
& Krosnick, 2011). Due to the large amount of literature on frame preference, and the
likelihood they would appear, these frames were selected for initial coding. These frames
did consistently appear throughout the hearings, though the use of the global warming
frame decreased as the climate change frame increased.


Climate change – This frame has increased over time, while global warming has
decreased. This may help explain the decrease in framing effect over time, as the overall
exposure to the global warming frame decreases, and climate change becomes the normal
and accepted term. Benjamin et al. discussed this in their work, asserting that the
difference in time between their work (2017) and previous work completed by Schuldt et
al. (2011) could alter the strength of the framing effect. The climate change frame was
used more often by all speaker categories, though the rate of use among the groups
varied. Union representatives used the climate change frame exclusively, and
governmental agency/public institution speakers used it 18 times to 1 for global warming.
The differences become less dramatic in other groups, NGO/nonprofit being the third
largest relative user of the climate change frame to the global warming frame. Overall,
the groups use the climate change frame more often, and the trends over time show an
increase of this frame. Based on the possibility of frame preference by Republicans for
the climate change frame, and the more neutral frame preference by Democrats, this
increase in the climate change frame may increase bipartisan preferences for the frames
used in the public hearings (Schuldt et al., 2011; Villar & Krosnick, 2011).
This frame itself was coded based upon the language used by supporters,
specifically the use of the term “climate change.” Based upon the literature on framing
and what constitutes a frame, this is not the most complete method of analyzing the
appearance of this frame. This method was selected due to the challenging nature of
deciphering the differences between the climate change and global warming frames by
supporters if the terms were not specifically used. The global warming frame is often
discussed as being a more catastrophic or denialist frame, something that creates


challenges when only looking at testimony from supporters. If testimony from the
opposition had been included, these frames may have been more accurately articulated
and selected due to the contrasting framing between the groups.

Global warming – This frame had decreased over time, as the climate change frame has
increased. This lessening exposure to the global warming frame may be linked to the
decrease in framing effect over time found in work by Benjamin et al. (2017). This frame
was used less frequently by all speaker category groups. The groups that use this frame
the most proportionally are NGO/nonprofit, followed by elected official, then private
company. The decrease in use of this frame was likely not caused by speaker changes,
since NGO/nonprofit went up in attendance from 2008-08 to 2017. Elected official and
private company went down, but made up a smaller proportion of the population overall.

The use of the climate change versus global warming frames among the groups
mirrors the changes over time, with all groups using the climate change frame more than
the global warming frame.

III. Positive and Negative Message Framing
Negative message framing – Although this frame appeared at a lower rate overall, it has
seen an increase over time. This may partially be explained by a difference in speaker
category group participation. Among these groups, citizen, NGO/nonprofit, and union all
used negative message framing more than positive message framing. This may explain
the increased negative message framing in more recent hearings, as participation by the

citizen group and NGO/nonprofit group have both gone up. When considering the +/message framing implications, an increase in negative message framing may not
encourage support for climate change mitigation action (Gifford & Comeau, 2011),
although, it has also been proposed that strictly focusing on benefits of environmental
mitigation may feel deceptive to the listener (de Vries, 2016). Insofar as +/- message
framing goes, not relying on strictly positive or negative message framing is a reasonable
approach. With that in mind, what balance to strike would be hard to say without
additional research into what split of positive and negative message framing is most
appropriate or effective. This work could be useful to see basic trends in +/- message
framing, and work towards research that could look for the most effective balance of
positive and negative message framing. In science communication, the importance of
avoiding discussing only the negative effects of climate change is discussed, in particular
the avoidance of making your audience feel powerless through negative message framing
(ecoAmerica, 2013; Fahey, 2014b). This will be expanded upon at length in the issue
framing and science communication section.

Positive message framing – Although this frame appeared at a higher rate overall, it has
gone down in use from 2007-08 to 2017. This change may also partially be explained by
speaker category changes. There has been a decrease in 2017 in participation from the
elected official and governmental organization/public institution groups, who use
proportionally more positive message framing than citizen or NGO/nonprofit.
Participation from the private company group has gone down as well, which is a group
that uses more positive message framing overall compared to other groups. These speaker


category changes likely help account for the change in +/- message framing over time. As
discussed in the negative message framing section, focusing on strictly positive benefits
(de Vries, 2016) or overwhelmingly negative framing may not be effective (Gifford &
Comeau, 2011). In order to determine how effective or ineffective these frames are would
require additional research. Outside of the general research into +/- message framing,
audience considerations are important for +/- message framing selection. Using strictly
negative message framing for a group of children may get their attention, but it could
certainly be considered cruel or inconsiderate. In part, the effectiveness of convincing an
audience through framing is different than selecting a framing that is appropriate given
other considerations.

IV. Moral Framing
The following section will discuss the findings of this research in the context of
the specific models used for moral framing. These include Moral Foundations Theory
(Graham et al., 2012) and State as Family (Lakoff, 2016). The discussion will expand on
each specific frame in the context of the literature and hearings.
IV.I. Moral Foundations Theory
Authority/subversion – This frame appeared at the second highest overall rate and has
decreased in use from 2007-08 to 2017. This decrease may partially be attributed to the
decrease in participation from the private company, governmental agency/public
institution, and elected official groups. These groups tend to use the authority/subversion
frame more, particularly in discussing leadership and rules. This frame links to the

traditional frame of leadership, which has also gone down in occurrence over time.
Speakers tended to discuss leadership, and the importance of delegating authority. Selfidentified conservatives have been shown to have a stronger preference for this moral
frame than self-identified liberals (Graham et al., 2012, 2009). The decrease in this frame
over time highlights a frame shift to a less conservative framing of climate change
support. Outside of the articulation of this frame and foundation, the reality of this
framing is likely much more complex than the actual occurrence of the framing. Aside
from the significant diversity among the audience and political spectrum in general,
simply using a frame does not mean it was used effectively in an argument. Other
concerns, such as argument structure and logic can impact it. Furthermore, the clarity
with which a supporter speaks, or even the listener’s mood can all have an effect on the
argument. It also should be addressed that the liberal and conservative methods of
categorizing people is a large oversimplification of a much more complex reality. While
this has been used in the literature and is generally considered a useful method for
segmenting audiences, the framing becoming “less conservative” is actually much more
complex and includes many more variables than measured or considered within this

Care/harm – This frame appeared at the highest overall rate and has increased from
2007-08 to 2017. As participation from the citizen and NGO/nonprofit groups went up
between 2007-08 and 2017, combined with the higher rate of use within these groups of
the care/harm frame, this likely contributed to the increase over time. This frame is
connected with the future generations/children traditional frame. Speakers often


discussed the impacts of climate change on specific groups, and the importance of caring
for these groups and their futures. This frame tends to appeal to self-identified liberal
groups more than self-identified conservatives (Graham et al., 2012, 2009), and its
increase over time shows an increase in liberal framing. Again, an increase in liberal
framing overall is more complicated than a shift in language or frame, and instead
includes many variables that fall outside of the scope of this work.

Fairness/cheating – This moral frame appeared at the third highest rate, increasing
between 2007-08 and 2017. The changes over time in fairness/cheating framing may
partially be attributed to changes in speaker category participation. As the citizen and
NGO/nonprofit groups increased in their participation, there was an increase in
fairness/cheating framing. These groups both used the fairness/cheating framing as their
second most common framing. This frame is tied to the equity/equality frame, since the
fairness/cheating moral foundation focuses strongly on equality. Speakers often discussed
the need for equitable, fair, and just climate action. Similar discussion around the future
generations/Children frames appeared, and the importance of ensuring their future. This
frame has been shown to appeal to self-identified liberals more than self-identified
conservatives (Graham et al., 2012, 2009). The increase in this frame over time shows an
increased framing towards liberal groups in general, though this must be stated with

Loyalty/betrayal – This frame appeared at the fourth highest overall rate and decreased
in occurrence from 2007-08 to 2017. This moral frame is at times related to the


Washington State frame, as speakers discussed the state’s responsibility to work within
national and international groups. Both of these frames trend downward over time.
Similarly, the elected official and private company groups use this moral frame more
frequently, and their participation from 2007-08 to 2017 trended downward. This frame
appeals more to a self-identified conservative moral framework than a self-identified
liberal one (Graham et al., 2012, 2009). This decrease in loyalty/betrayal framing has
shown a decrease in conservative framing over time. This decrease comes with
reservations regarding the full accuracy of categorizing people as strictly liberal or
conservative. Even so, this is generally considered a reasonable method for segmenting
audiences and determining differences.

Sanctity/degradation – This frame appeared at the lowest overall rate and slightly
decreased from 2007-08 to 2017. This frame was not largely preferred by any group, and
has likely not been impacted dramatically by speaker category participation. This is a
framing preferred by self-identified conservatives (Graham et al., 2012, 2009), and the
slight decrease shows a slight decrease in conservative framing. Despite the general lack
of use, this frame could potentially be a significant way to interject or begin framing
climate change to a more diverse audience. With the focus on defilement and
degradation, this frame relates strongly to land stewardship and protection from
destruction. When this frame was used in the hearings, it was often through a religious or
stewardship lens. Increasing the use of this method for framing climate change could
prove useful, and is an underutilized framing method insofar in public hearings.


IV.II. State as Family
Nurturant – This frame appeared at a higher overall rate than strict, increasing from
2007-08 to 2017. All speaker groups used the nurturant frame more than strict, with the
exception of the private company group. It should also be mentioned that the ratio among
groups is different, with NGO/nonprofit using nurturant at a higher ratio than strict.
While other groups still use nurturant framing more, the difference in relative use is less.
This also may help explain the increase in nurturant framing overall, as the
NGO/nonprofit group saw increased attendance in 2017 compared to 2007-08. This
increase in nurturant framing speaks to an increase in framing for a liberal audience based
on State as Family (Lakoff, 2016), though, in the context of Lakoff’s (2016) model, there
must be some reservations held regarding the effectiveness or accuracy of his
characterization of these two groups. Aside from the significant challenges of
categorizing people into dichotomies, Lakoff himself is a strongly self-proclaimed liberal,
creating concern regarding personal bias within his work. Additionally, framings
proposed by Lakoff in other work suggests that his preference for liberal framing may
somewhat cloud his judgment for what will be effective for different groups. His proposal
to replace regulation with protection, while an important jargon shift, may lead listeners
to hear a more liberal care/harm framing of environmental issues as opposed to a more
conservative framing (Graham et al., 2009; Lakoff, 2010).

Strict – The strict frame appeared at a lower rate than nurturant, and decreased between
2007-08 and 2017. The decrease in strict framing may partially be explained by the
decrease in private company attendance, as they were the only group to use strict framing

more frequently. This decrease in strict framing speaks to a decrease in framing for a
conservative audience based on the State as Family model (Lakoff, 2016). Again, while
Lakoff’s model has been empirically supported to some extent (Barker & Tinnick, 2006),
it is not a complete method for characterizing diverse groups.

V. Issue Framing

I will now discuss the overall issue framing and intersections with science
communication issues. I will discuss each type of framing and where it has changed, then
the overall implications for general issue framing.

V.I. Overall issue framing

Overall, the following were the climate change issue frames used in testimony
before the Washington State Legislature, in order of the frequency in which they were
used (from highest to lowest) within their type.
General frames:



Science (tied with Washington State)


Washington State (tied with science)

Climate change versus global warming:

Climate change frame

Positive and negative message frames:

Positive message framing


Moral Foundations Theory:






State as Family:


Taken together and based upon the relevant partisan framing literature (Benjamin
et al., 2017; de Vries, 2016; Graham et al., 2012, 2009, Lakoff, 2010, 2016; Schuldt et
al., 2011; Shanahan, 2007; Villar & Krosnick, 2011; Wolsko et al., 2016), the overall
average framing is more bipartisan, generally speaking, when compared to strictly the
2017 framing. I will expand on the bipartisanship of framing, then turning to specific
frames briefly with regard to their science communication implications.
With regard to bipartisanship of framing, the use of the climate change frame over
the global warming frame may appeal more to conservative groups, without ostracizing
liberals (Schuldt et al., 2011; Villar & Krosnick, 2011). Though the framing effect has
possibly lessened over time (Benjamin et al., 2017), using the preferred term may still
have a small frame preference for conservatives. Though other frames also assist in
creating a potentially overall more bipartisan framing than the strictly 2017 issue
The higher use of the frames economy/money, Washington State, and
authority/subversion in overall framing compared to 2017 may help contribute to
bipartisanship. With regard to economy/money, based on Lakoff’s (2016) State as Family
model, conservatives place strong emphasis on efficiency, including economic efficiency.


The use of the Washington State frame is linked to the larger use of the loyalty/betrayal
frame, which is preferred by conservatives (Graham et al., 2012, 2009). This is also true
for the authority/subversion frame, which occurs at a higher rate in this overall framing as
well, compared to 2017. This framing may have some bipartisan strengths, and some
strengths and challenges with regard to science communication.
This framing incorporates issues regarding the importance of positive message
framing both academically (Gifford & Comeau, 2011), and in science communication
(ecoAmerica, 2013; Somerville & Hassol, 2011). Focusing on benefits of mitigation, and
not getting completely bogged down by negative effects, may help engage audiences
more. The overall trends also show science as a slightly less frequently used frame.
Science is the second most frequently occurring frame within this framing, where
it is the first in 2017. This means that 2017 used more scientifically based discussions and
arguments, language, and jargon. While science communication includes science, it is
critical not to get bogged down in scientific language. This framing used less science
heavy arguments, which may help increase accessibility. Focusing on arguments that
include issues outside of strictly the scientific realm is critical for enhancing
While science communication includes science, the importance of moral
arguments is emphasized throughout the literature (ecoAmerica, 2013; Fahey, 2014b,
2014a; Hulme, 2009; Somerville & Hassol, 2011). Partisan issues aside, moral arguments
were made within both framings, with speakers trying to connect with the legislators on
issues they cared about. Many speakers relied on stories, personal connections, and past
experiences to highlight what climate change meant to them.


V.II. Climate change issue framing in 2017

In 2017, the following were the climate change issue frames used in testimony
before the Washington State Legislature, in order of the frequency in which they were
used (from highest to lowest) within their type:
General frames:



Future generations/children


Economy/money (tied with Washington State)


Washington State (tied with economy/money)

Climate change versus global warming:

Climate change frame

Positive and negative message frames:

Negative message framing

Moral Foundations Theory:






State as Family:


Though not in the top occurring, equity/equality has also seen a huge increase in
rate of occurrence since 2007-08. Taken together and based upon the relevant partisan
framing literature (Benjamin et al., 2017; de Vries, 2016; Graham et al., 2012, 2009,

Lakoff, 2010, 2016; Schuldt et al., 2011; Shanahan, 2007; Villar & Krosnick, 2011;
Wolsko et al., 2016), this framing is overall less bipartisan, generally speaking, compared
to the overall framing. I will expand on the increased liberal partisanship of framing, then
specific frames briefly with regard to their science communication implications.
The moral frame shift of increasing fairness/cheating over authority/subversion
increases the overall liberal framing (Graham et al., 2009). This is strongly connected
with the increase of the traditional frame equity/equality. While this frame is not the
highest occurring, it is worth mentioning due to the massive overall increase from 200708 to 2017. The care/harm and fairness/cheating frames are both influenced by the future
generations/children frame, creating an overall more liberal framing compared to the
general trends. With regard to other concerns for science communication, the reliance of
the 2017 framing on the science frame also reduces accessibility.
Science is the most frequently occurring frame within this issue framing, where it
is the second in the overall framing. Based on science communication literature, focusing
on moral arguments and a reduction in the occurrence of jargon is useful for a broader
audience (ecoAmerica, 2013; Fahey, 2014a, 2014b; Somerville & Hassol, 2011). This
reliance on scientifically based arguments and language may cause barriers to listeners.
As a caveat however, those speaking in these hearings are making their arguments to the
legislature using language found in the bills themselves, so there may be more familiarly.
Some speakers were also invited specifically to give scientific background, and although
the language they used included scientific terms, it was not unlike the language found in
the bills. Technical and scientific terms were used but, in this context, it may be more
appropriate given the more experienced audience and the technical nature of the bills.


With regard to science communication in a moral sense, generally there may be some
strengths to this 2017 framing.
With regard to moral concerns, even if this framing relies more heavily on liberal
framing, it does a better job of incorporating moral framing in general. The traditional
frames used were more strongly connected to moral frames, with regard to
equity/equality and future generations/children. Even if the frames may appeal to a liberal
audience more, the speakers took the time to lay out and discuss the moral implications of
climate change. This was particularly striking with the increased participation of citizens,
specifically children. Having a child speak about fear for the future and concern about the
environment helped put a face to the name and impacts of climate change.

VI. Limitations
There were several limitations to this study. First off, the use of video documents
limited the ability to do specifically targeted word searches or densities, which
complicated the coding process. This meant the coding process did not have guided
language densities as a guide. Secondly, this work only examined how climate change
mitigation supporters framed their arguments. Seeing how those opposed framed theirs
may have given additional insight, but was not selected due to time constraints and the
nature of the research questions. Third, there were no controls put into place regarding
similarities between the language of the bills themselves and the speakers, which often
mirrored one another. Last, sampling that had more even spread among groups and
number of speakers may have given more normalized data on a year-to-year basis.


VII. Areas for future research
With regard to future research, looking more in-depth at how citizens and
NGO/nonprofits as specific groups frame their arguments could inform how to
communicate with these groups and provide information about how to increase
bipartisanship in framing. Additionally, research into effective balances of positive and
negative message framing could guide climate change mitigation supporters. Further
research into audience segmentation and framing in practice could reveal a better method
of characterizing groups that can more fully capture diversity of opinion, as opposed to
relying on a dichotomous political scheme.

VIII. Conclusion
This thesis research found differences among how categorical groups framed their
arguments in public hearings at the Washington State Legislature from 2007 to 2017. In
part, these shifts can be attributed to shifts in participation among the supporter
categories. Generally, these frame shifts lean more liberal than conservative.
Additionally, there were overall frame shifts among all frame types including traditional,
message, moral, and issue framing.
There were significant differences among how speaker categories articulated and
framed their arguments, with NGO/nonprofit and citizen using frames that may appeal to
self-identified liberals more than conservatives according to the literature on climate
change moral framing (Graham et al., 2009; Lakoff, 2016; Wolsko et al., 2016). Groups
such as private company and elected official used more conservative moral framing and,

as their participation has declined in recent years, so has conservative moral framing. Due
to the changes in participation among groups, the overall moral framing has become more
liberal and less conservative according to the moral framing models used for this analysis
(Graham et al., 2012; Lakoff, 2016).
Other frame shifts have occurred among general frames, the climate change
versus global warming frames, and +/- message framing. For general frames, the use of
the equity/equality and future generations/children frames have increased, which are
strongly related to the increases in liberal framing and participation among the
NGO/nonprofit and citizen groups. All supporter categories have increased in their use of
the climate change frame over the global warming frame, which shows an increase in
bipartisan framing for Democrats and Republicans (Schuldt et al., 2011; Villar &
Krosnick, 2011). Though similar to the issues in a liberal and conservative dichotomy,
recent research has shown a decrease in this framing effect with more complex
measurement tools (Benjamin et al., 2017). Despite this, seeing the differences in practice
and considering the partisan implications is still an important practical finding for this
work. Insofar as +/- message framing is concerned, there has been a marked increase in
the rate of negative message framing employed by supporters, likely also due to a shift in
participation among NGO/nonprofits and citizens, who employ negative message framing
frequently. In general, there have been some significant changes in how climate change is
framed in practice over the past ten years, both generally and among specific categorical
Climate change framing has changed over the past ten years in many respects and
among different groups. This includes changes in traditional, message, moral, and issue


framing over time and among different categories. In the following chapter, I will explore
and reiterate the implications and importance of these findings.


Chapter Six: Conclusion
While the previous chapter discussed the findings and their implications for this
research, including the frame shifts that have occurred between groups and over time, this
chapter will explore the future of climate change communication and mitigation action.
The following subquestions were asked and examined through this work: How have
supporters of climate change mitigation policy articulated their arguments in public
hearings at the Washington State Legislature over time? Are there differences among
varying groups? According to climate change framing scholarship, do these frames
potentially appeal more to specific political parties or groups?
In answer to the research questions, this work found differences among the
selected categorical groups and how they framed climate change in public hearings at the
Washington State Legislature over the past ten years, from 2007-2017. Speakers were
shown to primarily use moral framing that may appeal more strongly to political liberals.
These shifts can partially be attributed to changes in participation among the selected
groups, in particular the increased NGO/nonprofit and citizen participation. In general,
the moral framing employed by these supporter categories leaned to a liberal persuasion
based upon the specific models used for this work, Moral Foundations Theory (Graham
et al., 2012) and State as Family (Lakoff, 2016). There were additional frame shifts over
time in each type of frame used, including traditional and +/- message framing.
Traditional frame shifts included an increase in the use of the equity/equality and future
generations/children frames, in addition to an increase in the climate change frame.
Message (+/-) framing has become increasingly negative over time. These frame shifts,


aside from the climate change frame, can all be largely attributed to changes in supporter
category participation over time.
The changes among individual frames make up a shift in issue framing overall, as
the frames and arguments used in more recent hearings may appeal more strongly to
liberal groups than they did previously. While the framing used to discuss climate change
has leaned more towards the liberal persuasion in general over the past ten years, this has
become increasingly apparent in recent hearings. Regardless of the importance of the
values being put forwards in these hearings, the manner in which climate change is being
framed is not strongly bipartisan. While the interactions a person has with climate change
and framing is not solely defined within the public hearings, moving towards a more
bipartisan framing approach may be useful in communicating across party lines.
How we talk about issues influences how we think about them. Communication about
complex issues is critical to moving forward on issues such as climate change mitigation
Due to the criticality of this issue, understanding how people frame and articulate
their arguments about climate change can help lead to a new understanding of where to
intervene in the communication process. This work has investigated how people discuss
climate change using several different framing models. The conclusion that changes in
supporter category participation may have influenced the issue framing of climate change
has opened up new opportunities for research regarding science communication and
framing among specific categorical groups. If we are to implement climate change
mitigation action through legislative avenues, we must be careful to frame the issue in a
way that resonates among people, not only one political party.


The United States in general, and Washington State specifically, have yet to pass
large scale climate change mitigation policy that addresses the issue with the urgency and
precision required. With the United States’ expressed intention to withdraw from The
Paris Accord and the recent failure of yet another carbon tax proposal in Washington
State, the need for effective communication about climate change is more critical than
ever. One of the primary avenues, if not the primary avenue for climate change mitigation
is legislation. This means that effective communication within public hearings can help
set the stage for effective and inclusive mitigation. Based upon the findings within this
research, we now have a basic understanding of how different groups of climate change
supporters frame the issue, and how it is framed in general among all groups. This means
there is now a baseline understanding that can be built upon in research, outreach, and
practice for more effective communication.
Future research regarding framing in practice could be used to explore either
legislative communication or other climate change framing in more detail. This could
include additional research regarding public hearings, legislative briefs, bill language, or
internal legislative communications. Outside of that scope, looking at media frames,
nonprofit publications, government reports, or other climate change communication
could expand on framing in practice. This could be more generalized or specific than this
work, and perhaps could identify a more effective classification method for diverse
groups. Academic research is not the only tool for increasing knowledge and
effectiveness of communication, though, as outreach is critical as well.
Due to the highly liberal framing methods employed by the NGO/nonprofit and
citizen groups, outreach from science communication experts and educators could focus


on capturing and connecting with these groups with regard to climate change framing and
communication. Focusing future work not only on additional research into the framing
these specific groups use, but on how to better communicate and connect them with
resources on framing and science communication could help lead to more bipartisan
framing of climate change issues. While party lines or dichotomies may not be the most
effective method of characterizing groups, education about argument framing and the
science behind it could help people choose and articulate their support more carefully.
Additionally, and outside of strictly framing, by connecting with these groups science
communication experts could provide education about other methods for increasing the
effectiveness of their communication, such as the avoidance of jargon and specific
structural changes.
By furthering research into climate change framing in practice, and education to
specific groups that could increase the bipartisanship or structure of their arguments, we
can continue to work towards developing effective mitigation strategies. There has been
an observable change in participation among groups, one of which is the increase of
participation from citizens. This is a critical moment for intervention in climate change
communication, as citizens are beginning to increase their personal participation and
agency in this issue. By educating and directing the efforts of passionate citizens who
care about the environment, science communication experts can help them participate in
the legislative process more effectively while facilitating mitigation of this issue. If
climate change is addressed in a way that people can understand and care about,
communication experts can create a multitude of opportunities for positive and
empowering change through outreach for both people and the environment.


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