The Cooper Point Journal Volume 3, No. 32


Part of Cooper Point Journal, Volume 3, Number 32 (August 14, 1975)

The Cooper Point Journal Volume 3, No. 32
extracted text
Vol. 3 No. 32

August 14, 1975

August 14, 1975

hooper Point Journal
Vol. 3 No. 32


August 14, 1975
To the Editor:

ti locke-fleming
news editor
brian murphy
production manager
robin torner
business / advertising
jim feyk
stuart chisholm
margaret gribskov
general staff
Alan Mador
Ford Gilbreath
Kathleen Meighan
Billie Cornish
Mary Frances Hester
Gary Kaufman
Stan Shore
The Cooper Point Journal is published weekly by the Evergreen
State College Board of Publications
and members of the Evergreen community. The Journal is funded
through student Services and Activities fees and advertising revenue.
Views expressed in the Journal are
not necessarily those of the editorial
staff or The Evergreen State College.
The Journal news and business
offices are located in the College
Activities Building (CAB) rm. 306.
News phones: 866-6214 and -6213;
advertising and business 866-6080.
The Journal is free to all students
of The Evergreen State College and
is distributed on campus without
charge. For non-Evergreen students/
a nine-month subscription may be
obtained at the price of four dollars.



In the mist of basic student services not
being adequately funded, the S and A
Board is treading on dangerous ground by
even considering funding political groups
when they have not yet developed a
program or policy by which to deal with
groups of this nature evenly. Should the S
and A Board fund a political group (this
does not include EPIC in that EPIC does
not require that its members adhere to
any specific line" or practice in order to
participate) and later refuse funding'to an- '
other, they would be supporting the political positions of the former group by the
denial of funds to the latter. So that if the
S and A Board becomes engaged in this
practice they would be commiting the
whole of the student "body to this position, in that it is our money. It is our
money that you have been chosen (by the
undemocratic schemes of the administration) to allocate. The S and A Board cannot and must not commit our monies to
any political group on the basis of
whether or not they like or agree with
their politics, or on the basis of who is
the most persistent in lobbying the Board.
Frustration is no criteria for giving
away our monies. The six students and
two non-students who are not elected by
the students cannot be allowed to give
our money away to whatever political.
groups succeed in pestering the Board into
Money to political groups must be
allocated on a programatic basis where all
students determine policy. The S and A
Board must declare a moratorium on
funding of political groups until a consistent policy is decided on by all.
It is the responsibility of the S and A
Board to call and arrange a series of open
meetings where the questions of funding
political groups be dealt with. This process has to include all political tendencies
and interested persons. When this body
reaches a point where they have prepared
their first drafts they must publish their
recommendations and incorporate the resulting input into a document.
This process should enable the Board to
produce a responsible and representative
policy for all students to decide on by
vote. Any move by the Board to fund political groups on a laissez-faire basis will
more letters on page 12

ON THE COVER: Ida Stuntz and Sid Mills, keynote people in the recent Native American march to Portland. Story, see page 8.

Board of Trustees:

Board of Trustees members Halvorsen, Hadley and Schmidt in a recent meeting.
Three more years of SAGA food, reestablishment of campus parking fees, and
rejection of college housing cohabitation
were among the Trustees' decisions during
their day long meeting August 7.«
Also revealed was an insufficient Fall
Quarter enrollment figure placing Evergreen in danger of losing $170,000 in faculty salaries, benefits, travel and support.
Approximately 1,670 Evergreen students
are returning while 452 new students have
been admitted for Fall Quarter. Adding
another 95 special and external credit students combined with a 5% attrition rate
leaves room for approximately 200
students. Ironically, 358 students who
have failed to meet registration deadlines
were mailed disenrollment letters.
In response to the low enrollment figure, Administrative Vice-President Dean
Clabaugh disclosed plans designed to attract part-time students from the Olympia, Tumwater, and Lacey areas.
The special features include:
— a catalog specifically aimed at
part-time students,
— ads in the local media,
— special lunch and dinner meetings
between Evergreen administrators
and local business and state agencies,
— provision of child care services for
evening students,
— and a special registration.
Director of Public Information Dick
Nichols said a "significant amount of
modular courses" would be offered
throughout the year including the possibility of offering a module at Panorama
During the discussion, Trustee Herb
Hadley asked why the University of
Washington and Washington State University enrollment was full while Ever-

green, usually the first college in the state
to close enrollment, was behind. "Is this a
failure of ours . . . doesn't that tell the
administration anything? What's the
reason . . . Are kids changing their educational desires?"
The SAGA Food contract renewal met
with some heated discussion between
black Trustee member Tom Dixon and
Director of Auxiliary Services and Personnel John Moss. Dixon wanted an assurance that the next person hired at SAGA
would be non-white. "I'm not interested
in rhetoric, I'm not interested in plans,
I'm interested in a minority," Dixon said.
Moss responded, "I will commit to you,
that if we can find one, we will hire one."
Dixon replied, "That ain't good enough
for me ... that's got a thousand disclaimers in it."
Moss noted there was not a "large population of non-white employees in the local area who are seeking full-time employment at this level of employment."
Under the contract renewal Evergreen
will continue to pay 50% of all china and
silverware replacement in addition to all
utilities, local phone service, repairing
normal equipment wear, removal of trash
and garbage from the premises, and depreciation of equipment.
Presently, SAGA does not pay rent for
space in the College Activities Building
(CAB). The CAB building is maintained
and operated with student funds.
A new plan for campus housing presented by Housing Director Ken Jacob
met with criticism and apprehension by
Trustees Hadley and Halvor Halvorson.
The report, developed by Jacob and Moss
would have offered students a nine month
housing contract at 20% discount and 12

month housing contracts with a 29% discount. After learning of a 15% inflationary increase in housing maintenance costs,
Hadley termed the lowered rent plan financially unwise and not innovative. • -.
Earlier in the year Jacob commissioned
a survey of the student community to discover why students did not prefer to live
in campus housing. The main reasons, he
said, were the high price, inability to cohabitate, noise, the policy of no pets and
lack of social space for coffee houses or
lounges. According to Jacob, Housing sustains an average 70% occupancy rate
throughout the year.
The Trustees discussed the advisability
of requiring first year students to live in
campus residence^ and later in the meeting briefly touched on allowing cohabitation but the ' t w o suggestions were
Parking fees were reinstituted to pay
for the support of campus security and
parking safety whose funds were slashed
in the governor's budget. Beginning Fall
Quarter it will cost $25 a year, $JO per
quarter and 25 cents a day, with parking
free to visitors. College housing residents
will be able to park free in Parking Lot F.
There will be no Native American Studies program this year. Academic Dean
Lynn Patterson explained that the two
year old program had not been proposed
by any faculty member last fall and that
the deans weren't aware of student interest. It was "a lack of foresight," according
to Patterson. Only 39 out of last yeaKs 98
Native American students have registered
full-time for next year. Fifty Native A,merican students have received both letters of
disenrollment and followup letters urging
those students to re-enroll. Patterson said
there has "not been much response to that
yet." Trustee Dixon suggested "personal
visits" and Hadley added that the Third
World Coalition had a responsibility to
help with establishing contacts.
AND . . .
In other news, $10,000 was allocated to
build separate bathroom and bedroom
facilities for the McLane Fire Station. This
will enable the station to hire women firefighters in compliance with the station's
Affirmative Action program.
The Board also approved a resolution
requesting the Attorney General to defend
President Charles McCann, Vice-President
and Provost Ed Kormondy and Dean of
Student Services Larry Stenberg in a lawsuit brought by former student Jerome
Byron. Byron was disenrolled without a
hearing by Kormondy last December. A
hearing board later reinstated Byron and
established guidelines for further disenrollment procedures. Byron is suing for
The next Board of Trustees meeting will
be on Thursday, September 11 at 10 am
in Lib. 3109.

August 14, 1975

Summer Living at Evergreen


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buy two complete
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This article first appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education on July 21, 1975.
It is reprinted here with the permission
from the Chronicle and McGraw-Hill
By Adrienne Rich
There are two ways in which a woman's integrity is likely to be undermined
by the process of university education.
This education is, of course, yet another
stage in the process of her entire education, from her earliest glimpses of television at home to the tracking and acculturating toward "femininity" that become
emphatic in high school. But when a
woman is admitted to higher education —
particularly graduate school — it is often
made to sound as if she enters a sexually
neutral world of "disinterested" and "universal" perspectives. It is assumed that coeducation means the equal education, side
by side, of women and men. Nothing
could be further from the truth; and
nothing could more effectively seal -a
woman's sense of her secondary value in
a man-centered world than her experience
as a "privileged" woman in the university
— if she knows how to interpret what she
lives daily.
In terms of the content of her education, there is no discipline that does not
obscure or devalue the history and experience of women as a group. What Otto
Rank said of psychology has to be said of
every other discipline, including the "neutral" sciences: it is "not only man-made .
. . but masculine in its mentality." Will it
seem, in 40 years, astonishing that a book
should have been written in 1946 with the
title Women as Force in History? Mary
Beard's title does not seem bizarre to us
now. Outside of women's studies, though
liberal male professors may introduce material about women into their courses, we
live with textbooks, research studies,
scholarly sources, and lectures that treat
women as a subspecies, mentioned only
as peripheral to the history of men. In
every discipline where we are considered,
women are perceived as the objects rather
than the originators of inquiry, thus primarily through male eyes, thus as a special category.
That the true business of civilization
has been in the hands of men is the lesson
absorbed by every student of the traditional sources. How this came to be, and
the process that kept it so, may well be
the most important question for the selfunderstanding and survival of the human
species; but the extent to which civilization has been built on the bodies and
services of women — unacknowledged,
unpaid, and unprotested in the main — is
a subject apparently unfit for scholarly
decency. The example involved one of the
great historic struggles — a class struggle

and a struggle for knowledge — between
the illiterate but practiced female healer
and the beginnings of an aristocratic nouveau science, between the powerful patriarchal Church and enormous numbers of
peasant women, between the pragmatic
experience of the wise-woman and the superstitious practices of the early male
The phenomena of woman-fear and
woman-hatred illuminated by these centuries of gynocide are with us still; certainly a history of psychology or history
of science that was not hopelessly onesided would have to confront and examine this period and its consequences.
Like the history of slave revolts, the history of women's resistance to domination
awaits discovery by the offspring of the
dominated. The chronicles, systems, and
investigations of the humanities and the
sciences are in fact a collection of halftruths and lacunae that have worked enormous damage to the ability of the sexes to
understand themselves and one another.
If this is changing within the rubric of
women's studies, it is doing so in the face
of prejudice, contempt and outright obstruction. If it is true that the culture recognized and transmitted by the university
has been predominantly white Western
culture, it is also true that within black
and Third World studies the emphasis is
still predominantly masculine, and the female perspective needs to be fought for
and defended there as in the academy at

I have been talking about the content of
the university curriculum, that is, -the
mainstream of the curriculum. Women in
colleges where a women's-studies program
already exists, or where feminist courses
are beginning to be taught, still are often
made to feel that the "real" curriculum is
the male-centered one; that women's studies are (like Third World studies) a "fad;"
that feminist teachers are "unscholarly,"
"unprofessional," or "dykes." But the content of courses and programs is only the
more concrete form of undermining experienced by the woman student. More invisible, less amenable to change by committee
proposal or fiat, are the hierarchical
image, the structure of relationships,- even
the style of discourse, including assumptions about theory and practice, ends and
means, process and goal.
The university is above all a hierarchy.
At the top is a small cluster of highly
paid and prestigious persons, chiefly men,
whose careers entail the services of a very
large base of ill-paid or unpaid persons,
chiefly women: wives, research assistants,
secretaries, teaching assistants, cleaning
women, waitresses in the faculty club,
lower-echelon administrators, and women
students who can be used in various ways
to gratify the ego. Each of these groups of
women sees itself as distinct from the
others, as having different interests and a
different destiny. The student may
become a research assistant, mistress, or
even wife; the wife may act as secretary
or personal typist for her husband, or
take a job as lecturer or minor administrator; the graduate student may, if she
demonstrates unusual brilliance and carefully follows the rules, rise higher into the
pyramid, where she loses her identification with teaching fellows, as the wife
forgets her identification with the student
or secretary she may once have been.
The waitress or cleaning woman has no
such mobility, and it is rare for other
women in the university, beyond a few
socially aware or feminist students, to
support her if she is on strike or unjustly
fired. Each woman in the university is defined by her relationship to the men in
power instead of her relationship to other
women up and down the scale. This is an
example of replication of the fragmenta^
tion from each other that women undergo
in the society outside; in accepting the
premise that advancement and security —
even the chance to do one's best work —
lie in propitiating and identifying with
men who have some power, we have always found ourselves in competition with
each other and blinded to our common
struggles. This fragmentation and the invisible demoralization it generates work
constantly against the intellectual and
continued on page 6

continued from preceding page
emotional energies of the woman student.
The hidden assumptions on which the
university is built comprise more than
simply a class system. In a curious and insidious way the "work" of a few men —
especially in the more scholarly and prestigious institutions — becomes a sacred
value in whose name emotional and economic exploitation of women is taken for
granted. The distinguished professor may
understandably like comfort and even luxury and his ego require not merely a wife
and secretary but an au pair girl, teaching
assistant, programmer, and student mistress; but the justification for all this service is the almost religious concept of "his
work.""(Those few women who rise to
the top of their professions seem in general to get along with less, to get their
work done along with the cooking, personal laundry, and mending without the
support of a retinue.)
In other words, the structure of the
man-centered university constantly reaffirms the use of women as means to the
end of male "work" — meaning male
careers and professional success. Professors of Kantian ethics or Marxist criticism
are no more exempt from this exploitation
of women than are professors of military
science or behavioral psychology. In its
very structure, then, the university encourages women to continue perceiving
themselves as means and not as ends —
as indeed their whole socialization has
It is sometimes pointed out that because
the majority of women working in the
university are in lower-status positions,
the woman student has few if any "role
models" she can identify with in the form
of women professors or even high-ranking
administrators. She therefore can conceive
of her own future only in terms of limited
ambitions. But it should be one of the
goals of a woman-centered university to
do away with the pyramid itself, insofar
as it is based on sex, age, color, class, and
other irrelevant distinctions.
I have been trying to think of a celebrated literary Utopia written by a
woman. The few contenders would be
contemporary: Monique Wittig's Les Guerilles — but that is really a vision of epic
struggle, or Elizabeth Gould Davis's early
chapters in The First Sex — but those are
largely based on Bachofen. Shulamith Firestone noted the absence of a female Utopia
in The Dialectic of Sex and proceeded, in
the last chapter, to invent her own. These
meet with the charge of "utopianism," so
much power has the way-things-are to
denude and impoverish the imagination.
Even minds practiced in criticism of the
status quo resist a vision so apparently
unnerving as that which foresees an end
to male privilege and a changed relationship between the sexes. The university I
have been trying to imagine does not
seem to me Utopian, though the problems

and contradictions to be faced in its actual
transformation are of course real and severe. For a long time, academic feminists,
like all feminists, are going to have to
take personal risks — of confronting their
own realities, of speaking their minds, of
being fired or ignored when they do so,
of becoming stereotyped as "man-haters"
when they evince a primary loyalty to
women. They will also encounter opposition from successful women who have
been the token "exceptions." This opposition — this female misogyny — is a leftover of a very ancient competitiveness
and self-hatred forced on women by patriarchal culture. What is now required of
the fortunate exceptional women are the
modesty and courage to see why and how
they have been fortunate at the expense of
other women, and to begin to acknowledge their community with them. As
Susan Sontag has written:

"The first responsibility of a liberated'
woman is to lead the fullest, freest, and
most imaginative life she can. The second
responsibility is her solidarity with other
women. She may live and work and make
love with men. But she has no right to
represent her situation as simpler, or less
suspect, or less full of compromises than
it really is. Her good relations with men
must not be bought at the price of betraying her sisters."
To this I would add that from a truly
feminist point of view these two responsibilities are inseparable.
I am curious to see what corresponding
risks and self-confrontations men of intelligence and goodwill will be ready to
undergo on behalf of women. It is one
thing to have a single "exceptional"
woman as your wife, daughter, friend, or
protege, or to long for a humanization of
society by women; another to face each
feminist issue -- academic, social, personal — as it appears and to evade none.
Many women who are not "man-haters"
have felt publicly betrayed time and again
by men on whose good faith and corn-

August 14, 1975
radeship they had been relying on account
of private conversations. But masculine
resistance to women's claims for full humanity is far more ancient, deeply rooted,
ami irrational than this year's job market.
Misogyny should itself become a central
subject of inquiry rather than continue as
a desperate clinging to old, destructive
fears and privileges. It will be interesting
to see how many men are prepared to
give more than rhetorical support today
to the sex from which they have, for centuries, demanded and accepted so much.
If a truly universal and excellent network of child care can begin to develop,
if women in sufficient numbers pervade
the university at all levels — from community programs through college and professional schools to all ranks of teaching
and administra'tion — if the older, more
established faculty women begin to get i'n
touch with their (always, I am convinced)
latent feminism, if even a few men come
forward willing to think through and support feminist issues beyond their own immediate self-interest, there is a strong
chance that in our 'own time we would
begin to see some true "universality" of
values emerging from the inadequate and
distorted corpus of patriarchal knowledge.
This will mean not a renaissance but a
nascence, partaking of some inheritances
from the past but working imaginatively
far beyond them.
It is likely that in the immediate future
various alternatives will be explored.
Women's-studies programs, where they
are staffed by feminists, will serve as a
focus for feminist values even in a patriarchal context. Even where staffed largely
by tokenists, their very existence will
make possible some rising consciousness
in students. Already, alternate feminist institutes are arising to challenge the* curriculum of established institutions. Feminists
may use the man-centered university as a
base and resource while doing research
and writing books and articles whose influence will be felt far beyond the academy. Consciously woman-centered universities — in which women shape the
philosophy and the decision making
though men may choose to study and
teach there — may evolve from existing
institutions. Whatever the forms it may
take, the process of women's repossession
of ourselves is irreversible. Within and
without academe, the rise in women's^expectations has gone far beyond the middle
class and has released an incalculable new
energy — not merely for changing institutions but for human redefinition; not
merely for equal rights but for a new kind
of being.
Adrienne Rich is a poet and professor
of English at Douglass College, Rutgers
University. This article is adapted from an
essay in "Women and the Power to
Change," a volume of essays edited by
Florence Howe, sponsored by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education,
and published in July by McGraw-Hill.

The emergence of African nations as increasingly-powerful factors in global affairs and the relationship of the world's
largest continent to America will be the
subject of an intensive year-long 1975-76
study program at The Evergreen State
Entitled "Africa and the United States,"
the program will begin Fall Quarter on
September 29 and is open to both fulltime and part-time students.
Coordinator Dumisani Maraire, an Evergreen faculty member born and educated in Rhodesia, says the program will
range from a study of African culture and
history — including Western social/political/economic influences as well as the
rise of Black awareness in both "worlds"
— to a thorough examination of today's
relationships between African nations and
the United States.
Maraire, whose academic specialties are
African cultural studies and musicology,
will be joined on the faculty team by anthropologist Ida Daum and geographer
Dr. William H. Brown.
The program will be divided into fjve
topical sections: Africa Before the
Coming of Western Influence, The Invasion of Africa by the West, African Black
Awareness, Black Awareness and Revolution in America, and Africa Today.
At the start, students and faculty will
examine the geography, history, and sociology of Africa, including studies about

its kingdoms, style of government, religion, philosophy, customs and traditions.
The next program segment will involve
studies of slave trade, missionary activity,
colonization and early wars between Africans and the settlers, control of Africa by
Western powers, and such other influences
as the Peace Corps, Red Cross, news
media, tourism, and establishment of military bases.
Program participants then will undertake a close study of Western-educated
Africans, particularly those who studied
overseas, and the rising political awareness among Africans. Topics of study will
include independence through removal of
colonial governments; Apartheid in
Southern Africa; the Rhodesian European
government; guerrilla wars, with a special
emphasis on the Mau Mau in Kenya,
Tanzania, Zambia and the Nigerian-Biafran War; and an analysis of the effectiveness of the Organization of African
The fourth segment will focus on Black
awareness and revolution in America —
its relationship to the political situation in
Africa and the relationship between Africans and Black Americans today.
The concluding part of the program,
"Africa Today" will examine such topics
as African governments, Neo-Colonialism,
African political parties, civil wars and
the political/economic directions in which

the many African nations may be heading.^Program participants also will study
religion, music, art, customs versus laws,
and the differences between young Western-educated Africans and African-educated Africans.
In addition, the program will conduct
special interest classes where students will
learn African dance and singing and how
to play the drums, mbira, marimba — all
in the style of the Shona Tribe of Zimbabwe, of which faculty member Maraire
is a member. Workshops on African cooking, children's games, and music also will
be included.
BUY — Greatest 3 ring garage sale
ever. Love, entertainment, food, &
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PLYMOUTH Station wagon, 9
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Call 866-7672.
KITTENS, free. Must find homes.
Call 866-7672.
L.A. TO TESC. Rider wanted. Leaving
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ADMISSION: Adults $1.50, Juniors $1.00, Child 751, Children under 6 Free


Native Americans march to

[This play has been drawn from the Olympia to Portland March
that took place last week. The people's names are actually those
involved in the march. The dialogue is, obviously, not verbatim, but
a reasonable paraphrasing.]
Sid - Northwest Indian active in the pursuit of civil liberty for Native
Ida Stuntz - A small, but strong Indian woman, placed in a martyr
position when her husband is shot by FBI agents...
Davi - Chicane civil rights activist - good-natured, lively
LeRoy - Brother of Sid, less articulate, but rowdy and active...
Raoul - A little older than the others, he's a Chicano also active in
rights movements...
Tyree - Black activist, best known for his strikes in Seattle against
biased construction employment...
Larry - Past president of the University of Washington Black
Student Union...,
Tyrese - Cousin of Sid and LeRoy, half Black and half Indian, talked
into marching by his cousins...
Crunch - About twelve years old, usually engaged in combat with
someone or something...
Jim Boy - Quiet member of Security, makes frequent sidetrips with
Tyrese, and a couple other friends
[The rest of the characters are arbitrarily portrayed. Most of them
are non-white - mainly Indian or Chicano. The police that pass
through are white.}
Time: 1965, 1970, 1975, 1911
Setting: The steps of the Temple of Justice. About 150 people are
gathered on the steps or milling around below them. The group is
polyglot, with an especially large segment of (Native American).
Press people, though not a great number, are crowded around Sid
and Ida save for two students at the top of the steps, who have a microphone set up for a live broadcast. Many of the people are old
friends (from past demonstrations mainly) so they are shaking hands
and shouting, bantering back and forth while those gathered out of
curiosity sit back and watch. Sid and Ida just spoke, as did a Chicano brother just back from Wounded Knee. Sid got the crowd moving reminding them that the government was ripping off all of them
and that the people should join the people's revolution. Ida said very
little, choking on the memory of her husband only six weeks dead,
and on nervousness as she faced the crowd. Sid announces the march
is ready to begin. Six days and 120 miles to Portland and the Regional Headquarters of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Press people run
ahead with cameras to catch the crowd as they come out. It would
be the last time anyone saw the press for two days.

(A N
Sid, Ida and LeRoy are at the front while Raoul, Davi, Tyrese, Jim
Boy, Larry and Tyree run alongside shouting at the crowd.
.Raoul: Get in line! Come on, come on, let's move!
Sid: Okay, everybody let's get it movin'. Fall in and stay behind Ida.
Davi: Come on people, even if you can't go with us, just walk with
us to the edge of the city!
Sid: Behind Ida! Move!
(Rapidly the crowd falls into order, enthusiasm running high, curiosity running even higher. Camerapersons are running relays to get
ahead of the crowd and get some decent footage while the marchers
head off of the capitol grounds and onto the main thoroughfare
headed south out of town. Some people walk on the shoulder of the
road, some in the outside lane. Immediately a perimeter patrol forms
to make sure one lane is clear and to be sure that one isn't. Just as
the marchers reach the street they begin chanting, first Raoul, then
everyone else: "FBI, off Indian Land.',' By the time the chanting
ceases the marchers are well down the street and several wide-eyed
motorists have passed as well as several disgruntled ones. LeRoy is
toward the back of the caravan with the bullhorn shouting to the
LeRoy: Hey people! We are the Survival of American Indians Association and Supporters. We're marching from Olympia to Portland to
protest the killing and treatment of Indians by the U.S. government.
The Rosebud and Wounded Knee reservations are under martial law,
the people there can't even go out at night, they have no civil liberties. So we're marching to the Regional Headquarters of the BIA to
protest this treatment of Indians and to tell them that the people
want this to stop! So please join us if you will and march to Portland. If you can't, we could use food, drink and medical supplies.
(This speech is made several times during the course of the march,
with random variations on it)
Tyree: Hey, Gossett, get your butt movin'.
Gossett: Who you talkin' to?
(The banter really begins to flow as the crowd progresses thru town.
A local cop passes four times, always throwing out some futile command. LeRoy has made his speech several times as the security guard
alternates between yelling at the marchers to stay grouped and at the
cars to slow down.)
(At the edge of town headed out a middle-sized country road. The
shoulder isn't very wide so the marchers are taking up one of the two
lanes. Davi, about twenty-five feet in front of the crowd, stops
oncoming traffic and signals the rearguard to send traffic on around.
Half the time he gives the commands in English, half the time in


Spanish. When he isn't calling on ./it ualkie talkie, he's singing to
himself [inSpanish.]
Davi: (Into walkie-talkie) Car is coming.
Raoul: Stop that car man, stop that car! (Davi runs ahead and
motions the car to stop, which it does. A flow of cars then passes the
crowd from behind. Some of the passerbys show signs of support by
clenched fists, others just stare.)
Sid: Okay, Davi, let her go.
(A State "Patrol car pulls past the crowd and a short, short-haired
(nearly shaved) State Patrolman steps out, hitching up his trousers
and asking:)
Patrolman: Who's in charge here?
Several voices: We all are, man, this is a people's march.
Patrolman: Who's in charge?
Unknown: Well, Sid Mills is the organizer.
Patrolman: Where is he?
Voice: Why, whaddya want?
Patrolman: I want to talk to him, where is he? (Several voices yell
for Sid, who turns up toward the back of the caravan. Sid, Raoul,
Leroy, Tyrese and a couple others group around the cop as he
marches to the back and stops. Several others stop where they are
and watch. A few straggle on ahead.)
Sid: Well, something wrong?
Patrolman: I don't want you people marching in the roadway,
you're blocking traffic. If you wanna march, that's fine. But, stay on
the shoulder of the road and stay outa traffic.
Sid: (amidst groans and rude comments from the gathering) There's
not enough room to walk there, man.
Patrolman: Stay off the road. I don't want anybody blocking traffic.
We've had several complaints already. If we catch anyone else on the
road we're gonna start hauling people in.
Sid: Won't be easy to,do. (The troops start marching again and take
to the road just a short ways from the cop amidst comments such as
"This walking in the gravel is bull—" (edited for print); "No way,
pig." "— yOU/ man;" and the like.
LeRoy and several people: Stay on the road brothers. They can drive
around us. We're marchin the whole damn way to Portland, they
can be ten minutes late getting home! (People are hootin' and
hollerin', spirits staying high. The cop stomps back to his car in a
fury and peals out).
Voice from crowd: Let 'em try and bust us all.
Tyree: Right on, brother!
Sid: All right, pull over just ahead there and let's take five.
(Enthusiastic reception from crowd along with a few comments about
sore feet)
Tyrese: Okay. Jim boy! Jim Boy! Come here. (Jim shows up, Ty
says softly) Jim boy, you got some....

[Fifteen minutes later]
Raoul/Davi/Sid; Let's go, move it. Everyone on your feet, let's
[The procession travels along with idle conversation. Houses are
fewer and farther between. There are about sixty people ages 3 to 35.
Cops float by every few minutes and one or two more stop to
request that the marchers stay off of the road. Their approaches are
less demanding but bring similar results. Little changes, save for a
few blisters beginning to form and voices lower as concentration
turns more to energy and foot preservation than banter'. The dnly
aberration from normal activity comes outside of a trailer park called
Pine Meadows Mobil [sic] Park. Seven children aged three to nine
are standing outsidse the park, next to a railing of mail boxes. ]
Larry: Hey little brothers, how's it goin? (Silence as they stare
curiously) Someone give these kids a leaflet! (One of the leafletters
that was stuffing the paper boxes turns around and hands a leaflet to
a girl seemingly a little older than the rest. She takes it with one
hand and with the other hands the leafletter a square of cardboard.
They hand it to Larry.)
Tyree: Hey, hey man, what's it say?
Larry: (reading it to everyone) We believe in "the Indians and it
has their names on it
seven of 'em.
Tyree and several others: All right, right on, kids, yeah, yeah, etc....
Larry: (Holding the cardboard in the air) All right. Our first
souveneir, our first souveneir from the march folks. Where's the
truck, I'm keepin it in the truck. (The kids retreat to the mailboxes,
regroup and wave to the marchers as they, pass. The marchers show
clenched fists or wave back. As they pass it is forgotten....)
[At the city line of a small town, just over one thousand in
population. Just inside the town are the fairgrounds, just outside is a
small river [creek?] and small meadow.]
Sid: This is it folks. We camp right around here. [The announcement
is greeted by cheers, blessings and complaints of sore feet. Since two
in the afternoon, til now, 8:30 pm, the marchers have covered
between fifteen and twenty miles]
Tyrese: Hey man, there's the fairgrounds right here, man. Let's camp
Sid: There's a good meadow up here.
Tyrese: We got lotsa room here.
LeRoy: We don't want to be inside the town man. We camp here.
(Tyrese and several supporters slowly backtrack the fifty yards and
join the rest)
Sid: All right, let's unload the truck and move the stuff down in the
trees there. This is as far as we go today.
[A procession of people cart the sleeping bags, backpacks, waterbags,
et al, down a five foot embankment thru tall grass and under an
umbrella of alders. About the time most of the belongings are moved
someone points out there is a small road directly to the campsite and
that the paraphenalia could be moved much easier that way. The
marchers stake their camps and flop down throwing off shoes and
rubbing feet. A car arrives with the evening food supply so the
marchers congregate around the campfire to eat and complain about
their feet]
Davi: (to LeRoy) Hey fatboy, what you doing in line, you don't
need the food?
LeRoy: (All jovially) You lazy Chicano, telling me I don't need food.
Raoul: [Raoul is in charge of heating up the packaged roast beef
slices in a frying pan over the campfire) Little ones first! Crunch, get
the little ones together and make sure they all get fed. (Crunch takes
continued on page 10


August 14, 1975


continued from preceding page
a break from fighting with the ranks and gets the kids together. They
eat as the elders banter.)
Sid: Hoooweeee, my dogs is barking, my dogs is screaming.
Davi: Only five more days to go...
Sid: I don't want to hear it...
[Slowly the crowd thins out. A few saunter off to bed, several head
'out to spend the night somewhere else. Larry, Tyree and several
others head back north where they have other commitments. People
are assigned to security in shifts for the night and the rest slip off to

[Days two, three four and five pass slowly, yet quickly. Many have
come and gone with the days. Only a few people, sore feet and an
undying cause are perpetual. The numbers travelling fluctuate by the
hour. Day two saw the marchers tramp through two of the state's
most conservative townships, under constant watch of police and
constant fear of conflict. Each town is lined with a few spectators
and the marchers ask if this is the "welcoming committee;" a
baseball bat and axe-handle welcoming committee. However, a few
obscene phrases and similar gestures are the worst the marchers see.
Day three takes the marchers farther away from populated territory
and into a small town where a gas Station attendant is overheard
repeating "they ought to be shot." Day four provides little variation,
but day five adds a little excitement when the demonstrations take to
the freeway. Despite pleas and threats by police, the marchers hold
their ground. Day six, the final day of marching sets the marchers
through the two larges cities they've se^r yet and on to the office of
the BIA.
Sid: Okay,, people, this is it! Ten miles and we're at the BIA. We're
heading through town and then on to the freeway to cross the bridge
into Oregon. There could be hassles, so be prepared.
Raoul: Fall in, here we go! (A dozen cars or more and over 150
people head on to the road. A row of Indians and Chicanes form a
line in the front, behind them marches Ida, flanked by Tyrese and
Sid. At the rear marches a line of men as rear guard followed by the
caravan of cars. The rest of the marchers are between Ida and the
rear guard. A tall, stocky man with strong voice takes the bullhorn
and leads the marchers in singing and chanting. They repeat what he
Chanter: Okay everybody, this is it all right. So let's hear it. Let's let
'em know we mean it. I'll yell and you repeat so we can keep it
together. Okay. POWER!' (people)
MAN [singing]: Power (repeat) Power to the people (repeat) the
people's power (repeat) gettin' stronger by the hour (repeat). (The
group continues to chant and sing as the security patrol guides traffic
around the marchers. LeRoy repeats his spiel to get the people to join
in, then runs ahead with a Super-8 to film the march)
LeRoy: So join us people. The Man is rippin you off and he's killing
our people. It's time to tell them we're tired of all this —.
Marcher: Come on brothers, join the people's army. Stop the war,
the war here in America against the Indian.
Raoul: We got some new marchers, we got some new marchers.
That's it brothers, thanks for joining us. (Marchers cheer) (A little
boy riding by on a bike runs into a car as he watches the
demonstration. A small group gathers around him)
Marcher: Look, there's a pig just down the block. (Yelling) Hey cop,
there's a kid here got hurt, why don't you come help him? (No
response) Hey cop, this boy needs help. (No reply so several others
begin to yell)
Marcher: Hey we need a cop up here.
Marcher: It ain't us who causes the accidents. It's the damn p
that are gawkin' as they go by. (Some people have helped the little
boy who apparently isn't hurt very badly and the march goes on.
The chanting has now turned to a call of "Someone or organization

get out of here." Some of the narner usid are FBI, CIA* Rockefeller,
Ford, National Guard) The press has appeared and is running wild.
The people approach the bridge)
Sid: The bridge is just ahead. Stop the traffic. Front guard, security,
get out there and stop that traffic, we're comin' through.
Raoul: Come on security, stop those cars!
[Five or six of the front men edge their way in to the first lane,
flagging the cars into the second lane and telling others to stop. The
march heads on to the freeway and onto the bridge. TV cameras are
going wild. The marchers are excited, partly in fear, in anticipation,
but mainly in anger. They control the traffic as they march.}
Raoul: Slow down those cars. Slow 'em down.
Sid: You got a right to be here, if the cars are pushin' it, fight back!
Chanters: And the FBI, get out of here, and the BIA, get out of
LeRoy: Slow down those cars! You got walkin sticks man, let 'em
know you're here.
Security: (To passing car) Slow down,'buddy! (Whacks car with a
Sid: Soon as we're off the freeway, we take a break. Then we march
on the BIA. (Despite the marchers, the traffic is still flowing)
Sid: All right, if they want to know we're here, TAKE TWO
LANES!(Instantly the marchers fan out waving the cars over to the
next lane. Quickly, traffic backs up. The marchers have nearly
crossed the bridge and their exit ramp is just ahead. Cars are passing,
some waving, some ignoring, some threatening)
Marcher: Hey, slow down! (a car flys by at high speed and close to
the marchers. He bounces a rock off of it)
All right, that'll slow the
Good shot.
Ya even got the rock back.
Raoul: Take it slow people, let 'em know we're here. We got plenty
of time, it's only a few more miles.
Sid: That's right. Lots of time. Take it slow. (The marchers move
slowly, very slowly, and finally walk up, on to the exit, slowly.
Looking back they see dozens of cars backed up, waiting to get
through.) Looky there! Ain't that a beautiful sight. They know we're
here now.
LeRoy: (running around taking his home movies) They make* a
pretty picture.
Sid: Okay, keep it steady, not too fast. We got lots of thne. Just
ahead up there, we gonna take fivp and then hit the BIA.

[Break is over and the procession is marching through a largely
black district. There are now over two hundred marchers]
Chanter [Singing): Oh, brothers and sisters, come on and join the
Sid: Get those leaflets out. Make sure everybody gets one.
Raoul: Join us people. March to the BIA with us, come on. (A lady
stops her car and gets out to joifff Hey, look at this sister, she's
gonna join us (crowd cheers)
someday we all be free
(Two black girls are leaning out of an apartment window and ask
what's going on)
Marcher [black]: We's protestin' the way they treat our Indian
brothers. Come and join us.
Girl: You ain't no Indian, what are you doin' out there?
Marcher: You don't got to be Indian, this is a people's march. Come
on sisters, march with us.
Girl: Uh-uh, we ain't no Indians.
Marcher: Come on, you don't got to be. (To the marcher next to
him) White man sure got them.
Sid: Stay in two lanes. Ignore the cops, they ain't gonna do nothin
here. Just a few minutes and we'll be there.
Raoul: Security! Get somebody on those intersections. Stop that
traffic! We don't want nobody gettin hurt!
Marcher: (Pointing at a passing construction truck) Get 'em. Get
:hose guys.

(Running after them) Get em.
Voice: What did they do?
Marcher: They came across,the line like they was tryin' to hit some
people in back.
(The marchers take a deep breath and are reminded of the hostilities)
Sid: Okay, that park ahead is it people. That's as far as we go. Our
marching is over! Up on the lawn. Everybody up on the lawn. Get
those cars up on the lawn, too. Move it! Sit down and rest, but don't
take your shoes off. You got to be ready, they could try and break
us up any time. Relax, we're here. (The crowd mills around half
jubilant, half exhausted. They form a semi circle, surrounded by
cars. Sid takes the bullhorn and announces)
Sid: This fs not the BIA office. The office is crawling with pigs that
are just waiting for us. We got reps going over to tell the Man to
come see us. I repeat, this is not the BIA office, the BIA office is
crawling with pigs, we marched all the way here, we gonna make the
man come to us now.
[A Park across the street, one half hour later]
Sid: Listen up, folks. The Man should be here any time, so I'll tell
you our plan. First, Ida is going to speak, (applause) then I'm gonna
read off our statement and our demands. We're not gonna say what
they are ahead of time because we don't want to give them time to
come up with any of their rhetoric, we want their first answer
straight. We want them to know this is the last time we march
Voice: Here he comes! (The crowd splits and three BIA officials walk
hesitantly into the midst. First, the press hits them with their
questions, then they're shoved center ring with Sid, Ida, Tyrese,
Raoul and a few others while LeRoy roams around with the Super-8
The Director is dressed in a white suit with black pin stripes, white
shirt and thin black and white bow tie)
Sid: The Man is here. Before we read him our demands, we want
Ida to say a few
Ida: (Ida's speech is broken once again by the pain of her husband's
death and her stage fright. In her first few attempts she can only
muster a few sounds before breaking into silent sobs and turning
from the microphone. By the time her speech is over she has said:)
I..V.I just want to say...that I'm sick and tired of the killing...ya
know...sick and tired of the treatment of my people
ya know, it's
gotta husband
All he wanted to do was make a living
for me and my sons, and he died trying to do it—(the crowd is
silent. They all knew it, but they felt it once again. Sid takes the
Sid: You're representing the BIA so listen and listen good. (The items
are each met with applause and 'right ons' but none so much as the
Ida Stuntz [Killsright}, whose husband Joe was murdered by police
in South Dakota over two months ago, together with members and
supporters of the Survival of American Indians Association, have
marched over one hundred miles from Olympia to Portland to make
some basic demands concerning the situation at Pine Ridge and
Rosebud Reservations^in South Dakota. Native American people in
South Dakota are currently the victims of an undeclared state of
martial law enforced by local, state and federal police agencies.
Native American people in South Dakota have no rights and are
subjected to intimidation and violence every day. A growing number
of Native American people in South Dakota are being murdered by
Though our brothers and sisters are dying, this time we have still
come peacefully, to make the following demands:
1. That the U.S. Government intervene to make restitution to Ida
Stuntz [Killsright] and her children for the murder of her husband
and their father. This demand is non-negotiable.
2. That all U.S. Military personnel and material be withdrawn
immediately from Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations.
3. That all state and federal law enforcement agencies, specifically
the FBI, be withdrawn immediately from Pine Ridge and Rosebud
4. That all Bureau of Indian Affairs \BIA\ recruited from
other reservations be withdrawn immediately from Pine Ridge and
Rosebud Reservations.

5. The struggles of Native American people before, during, and
after the Battle of Wounded Knee [1973] have been for basic
democratic rights. The response of the government has been ongoing
indictments and man-hunts. Therefore, we demand that all
indictments be squashed and all man-hunts be stopped.
6. That the people of Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations have
the right to hold free elections to choose those who represent them,
and that such elections be supervised by a special commission of the
United Nations and/or by a committee composed of congressional
and Native American representatives.
7. Presently, in South Dakota, Native American people are
prevented from meeting in groups of more than- four. Therefore, we
demand that the people of Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations
have the right to assemble freely.
8. That the courts act on over two hundred civil rights suits filed
by people of Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations since the Battle of
Wounded Knee [1973].
BIA Director: Well, you have some very strong statements there a.nd
I'm afraid they're out of my jurisdiction.
LeRoy: (From in back of his camera) We got the wrong man.
Director: But I will try to do the best I can. I will take this over to
my office and will contact the Head of the BIA in Washington D.C.
both by teletype and by telephone. That wa,y he can have it in his
hand an we can discuss it, too.
Voice: It's two o'clock here, it's five already in D.C. (no reaction)
Sid: Then tell your man. But we got no time to wait. How long til
you'll have a reply.
Director: I'll call right away and be back in an hour. And if you
want to send someone with me to see things are done the w3y you
want, you may choose a representative to oversee it.
Sid: We're not worried about it. If you can read this piece of paper
you can get the message across. In one hour. We'll camp here for a
couple of days if we have to, but not for too long. (The BIA people
leave and the crowd relaxes, taking to the shade to wait. An hour
passes and two BIA men return to say the director has been unable
to get through. But, they say, he is staying behind so he may
continue to call D.C. Forty-five minutes or so later, the Director
Voice: The Man is Back! (The crowd gathers around absent of most
of the media. They give the director the bullhorn and he addresses
the crowd.)
Director: Well, I tried to call the Director of the BIA, but it's after
five back in Washington
Voice: Amazing.
Director: (Unbroken in pattern) and so it is very difficult to get a
meeting together. So I'll have your answer by tomorrow morning.
Sid: (Sharply) When!
Director: By noon. (He turns and leaves)
Sid: Okay. We don't move until then. Set up your camps we're
staying! The moon is at a quarter now, we'll wait til the full 'moon if
we have to, but no longer. Set up security, get the
(Sid is shouting
orders for setting up camp as the Director walks slowly away. The
crowd, marchers and spectators, are beginning to move out. Some of
those who have marched for six days must go back home not
knowing what will happen. Those who just joined are left confused
and not really sure what the whole thing was about. And those who
camp out are left - waiting....)




August 14, 1975

continued from page 2
be committing student funds indiscriminately and oligarchically. This will result
in., the shoring up of whatever political
groups that get their foothold now to the
exclusion of others in the future for lack
of a consistent funding policy.
Marcel Hatch

he is denied medical treatment by the
authorities. I demand that you intervene
and release Luis Corvalan immediately
and that you provide him with medical
Torture is not new to Chile. Since the
military coup in 1973 your government
has tortured, murdered, and terrorized
the Chilean people. However, the
situation of the people is worsening. This
summer the arrests, the terror, and the
murder-invisible to the eyes of the
world-are taking place on a larger scale.

To the editor:
The following is an open letter to the
Chilean ambassador concerning the inhumane treatment of Luis Corvalan and the
increasing repression in Chile.
Dear Mr. Ambassador,
I am writing to protest the imprisonment and torture of the Chilean leader
Luis Corvalan. Corvalan is a former
senator and General Secretary of the
Chilean Communist Party. He was
imprisoned shortly after the military
regime seized power in September, 1973.
This past June, Corvalan was transferred to your nortorious torture center at
Tres Alamos. Since then he has been
tortured and has fallen seriously ill. Yet

After promising full cooperation, your
government on July 4 refused to admit
the United Nations Human Rights
Commission into Chile to document the
This summer's campaign against Luis
Corvalan and thousands of others, while
denying the entrance of the U.N.
Commission, are clear indications of your
government's newest offensive to break
the backs of the Chilean people once and
for all. I am calling on you to admit the
U.N. Human Rights Commission into
Chile, and I demand that you free Luis

Evergreen Villages

wall-to-wall carpets
1 bedroom $111.00
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Equal Opportunity Housing
505 N. Division

Corvalan and all the unknown thousands
imprisoned and tortured in centers such
asjres Alamos. The American people are
aware of your government's crimes, and
we want them stopped.
Alan Mador
As the letter indicates, the situation is
extremely serious in Chile. I am asking
people to write similar letters to protest
the Chilean government's repression.
Every letter you send helps to protect a
prisoner by letting the authorities know
that we are aware of their prisoner's
arrest and torture.
Immediate appeals are needed for Luis
Corvalan as well as these leaders: 1)
Ezequiel Ponce and Ricardo Lago's, two'
leaders of the Socialist party, were
arrested just last month. 2) Francisco
Gomez is a leader of the Chilean teacher's
union. He was arrested in Santiago on
May 27. He is 45 years old, married, and
has two children. 3) Carlos Lorca was a
Deputy in the Chilean Parliament and
Secretary General of the Socialist Party
Youth Organization. Arrested during the
last week in June, Chilean sources say he
is being brutally tortured. 4) Jorge Fuentes
Alarcon is 27 years old and leader of the
Left Revolutionary Movement. Arrested
by the secret police on June 9 he is being
held at a new torture center.
When you write; mention one or all of
these persons, demand their release, and
demand that the government admit the
U.N. Human Rights Commission into
Chile. (Write to the Chilean Embassy,
1730 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washing-*
ton, D.C. 20036.) And write to Secretary
of State Henry Kissinger and urge th'at he
intercede on behalf of all Chilean
prisoners. (Dept. of State, Washington,
D.C. 20520.) Write to U.N. Secretary
Kurt Waldheim. Urge him to use all
available means to stop what the military
regime is doing. (U.N. Building, New
York, N.Y. 10017)
Please write. In 1973 our government
and the CIA were involved in toppling the
popularly elected Allende government and
creating the present fascist state. We must
do our best to free the Chilean people
from the monster our government helped
create. Let the Junta know we see what
they are doing.
[Information provided by the National
Coordinating Center in Solidarity with
Chile. 156 Fifth Ave., Room 516, New
York, N.Y. 10010}

• International Folkdancing, every Monday night at 8 pm in the 2nd floor lobby
of the CAB Everyone is welcome.
• The 13ike Shop will be closed from Sept.
I - Sept. 22. Regular hours (during operation) are 2 pm - 7 pm Wednesday/Friday/


Expansion of part-time study opportunities for Thurston County residents are
now available according to Academic
Dean Lynn Patterson.
Openings in at least 30 of the college's
academic programs - including 16
Modular Courses, seven team-taught
Coordinated Studies Programs and seven
Group Contracted Studies - will be
available to part-time students, starting
with Fall Quarter, 1975, which begins
September 29.
Several of the programs feature
business and management studies, while
others offer instruction in writing,
reading, linguistics, mathematics, science,
and such general study areas as political
science, sociology, history, anthropology,
and arts.
"These programs are open to degreeseeking persons who may not be able to
attend college classes on a full-time basis
or to those who just wish to undertake
college-level academic work even though
not necessarily pursuing a bachelor's
degree at this time," Patterson said.
In an attempt to make Evergreen's
programs more accessible to community
residents, college officials have scheduled
many of the academic offerings for
evening hours, have begun arranging
child care facilities both on and off
campus for single parents, are investigating the possibility of offering some of the
programs off campus, and have launched
plans for a special part-time student
registration period.
"Details on the specific times and places
for part-time student registration and
locations of programs will be announced
in the near future, well ahead of the start
of Fall Quarter," Patterson said. "The
demand for child care and moving of
some programs to off-campus locations
will be mainly determined by the needs of
interested students, who will be surveyed
as they inquire about programs. Once the
exact need is known, we'll finalize
arrangements now being explored and
announce the details."
A part-time studies catalog, listing
available programs and offering prospective students information on academic
advising, counseling, and pursuit of
degrees, will be printed and available for
distribution in early September throughout Evergreen's service area.
Modular courses open to part-time
students include:
From Homer to Hemingway (literary
program); From Yao to Mao: Chinese
History in a Teacup; Life Drawing; The
Play and Place of Poetry; Perspectives on
Craftmanship; Mathematics and Beginning Statistics; Politics of the American
States; Writing; Anthropology; Accounting; Economic Problems, Technology

and Business Policies; Government Regulation of Business; Between the Covers:
How to Find What You Need in the
Library; Cattle, Sheep, and Goats;
Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest; and
Ajax Compact (special for women
renewing academic pursuits.)
Coordinated Studies with limited openings to part time students include:
Africa and the United States; Working
in America; Health: Individual and
Community; Ethics and Politics; The
Good Earth; Self-Exploration Through
Auto-biography; and The American
Group Contracted Studies with limited
openings to part-time students include:
Introduction to Microbiology; A Cultural and Social History of Art and
Architecture in Greece, Rome, Medieval
and Renaissance Europe; Economic Cycles; Social History of Women; Rationalism, Idealism, and Empiricism; Chinese
Philosophy, Religion, and Society; and

farb showed up to defend his string of
corTsecutive last place finishes. Thanks for
1 Mark Grubb
2. Jeff Foster
3 Charles Morrill
4. Pete Janda
5. John Bell
I.Linda Gott
2. Sara Tabbutt

Theatre of the Unemployed will present
a musical play, "Ode to C.E.T.A. or the
Ms-adventures of Betty Lou Toughluck,"
Thursday and Saturday, Aug. 14 and 16.
The free play will be outdoors by thefountain next to the State Highways
Building (east of the Capitol Way
pedestrian bridge.)
A group of unemployed people wrote
the script after trying to figure out how
the bureaucracy of the federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
(C.E.T.A.) works. One of the authors,
however, now has a C.E.T.A position.
The 35 actors represent elected officials,
bureaucrats, the X-Rox. man, and other
employed and unemployed people.


MacDonald Smith (Sr.) has been
appointed as the new Security Chief. He
replaces Rod Marrom who resigned at the
end of June.
Smith has been active in the security
department for three years, working as a
Security Officer since September, 1972.
Security Officer Gary Russell has been
acting as Security Chief in the interim. He
did not apply for the permanent post.

The "Mid Summer Foot Race" took
place beneath clear skies accompanied by
a cool breeze. Seventeen people participated in the 5.2 mile cross-country event.
Mark Grubb crossed the finish line in a
fast 31:51.2 to grab first place in the
men's division.
Linda Gott paced the women's division
with the winning time of 43:56.6
Once again, Evergreen's Byron Gold-

Two faculty members, a staff photographer, and a former student-all from
Evergreen-have been invited to participate
in the Northwest Invitational Photography Exhibition co-sponsored by the King
County Arts Commission and the annual
Bumbershoot Festival.
Accepting invitations to display their
photographs were faculty members Kirk
Thompson and Paul Sparks, staff member
Ford Gilbreath, and graduate Chris
The show will be held in the Seattle
Center Convention Center Aug. 22 to
Sept. 1
• The position of News Director for
KAOS radio is now open for application.
All interested persons should see Lee
Riback at KAOS, 866-5267.
• Library items should be returned or
renewed by Aug. 22. Renewing starts
Aug 18. Items renewed between Aug. 18
and 22 will be due Dec. 5 or subject to
recall. All media loan items must be
returned by Aug. 22.
• It's time to start thinking about library
hours for the next school year. Unfortunately we do not have enough money to
expand hours from our present 84 per
week, but we do have the option of reorganizing the hours that we are open.
Here are the hours we were open last
year: Mon - Th 8 - 11, Fri 8 - 7, Sat 1 - 5
Sun 1 - 9.
If you have suggestions for changing
hours, please write them down and turn
them in at the library c ; rn<hH-:r d '

August 14, 1975


Altman's "Nashville"
Robert Altman's superb new film,
Nashville, has generated widespread publicity in the last few weeks, including a
cover story in Newsweek, a lead article in
Rolling Stone, and an editorial in the New
Yorfc Times. Much of this diverse public ity has concentrated — ironically — on
the style of the film, rather than its
thought-provoking content.
The film is a fictitious documentary
about a week in Nashville in the summer
of 1976 that focuses on a handful of
country western singers. Altman allowed
each of his talented performers, including
Henry Gibson and Lily Tomlin, to have
extraordinary latitude in developing their
roles, including writing the songs they
sing and much of the dialogue they deliver. This, coupled with Altman's usual
cluttered sound track and wandering story
line makes the film seem more like an
actual documentary than a theatrical film.
Altman heightens the documentary effect
by introducing real characters, Elliot
Gould and Julie Christie, into the film in
brief cameo roles playing themselves.
Although this divergence from the typical, tightly directed films being produced
today is a welcome change and resulted in
an extraordinary movie, it is the content
of the film that deserves the most discussion. By content I don't mean the plot,
which is deceptively simple: The different
country western performers are followed
around Nashville as their lives intersect
during the few days before a political
rally. In the meantime, a third party
candidate's advance man is busy promoting the event. Finally, in the climactic
scene of the movie, just as the rally is to
begin, a shooting takes place and all the
performers scatter.
It is not this plot, but the characters
that weave in and out of it that give the
movie its strength. Altman's characters inhabit a hellish world where introspection
is unknown; where the more honest a
person is, the more they get screwed; and
"freedom" - the principle upon which
this country was founded — exists only in
rhetoric. This hellish world is, unfortunately, America.
The satiric songs, like "For the Sake of
the Children" and "We Must be Doing
Something Right to Last Two Hundred
Years," which the country stars sing are a
celebration of misguided patriotism and
intellectual nearsightedness. Their resemblance to actual country western songs
and AM Radio fare is chilling.
Other films have ventured depressing
views of the American character and
surely still more will in the future. But
Nashville is startling in that it does not attempt lo document the deterioration of a

noble character into sin or foolishness; it
begins there. Citizen Kane and more recently, Godfather Part II, both portrayed
a traditional American tragedy. Both
Kane and Michael Coreleone were undone
by an excess of personal strength and
vision. Their flaws were flaws of excessive individualism and megalomania. Although sobering, these earlier films were
in their own way charming: to have too
much idealism • or too much personal
strength is the sort of problem most*
people would like to have. Like Maxwell
Taylor quoting Thucydides before our
Vietnam involvement, it is a problem,
that, in being recognized, appears automatically solved.
Altman's characters'are chilling because
— unlike Kane or Corleone — they are
completely lacking in any personal vision
or strength. It's all a facade with them:
gospel singers are not religious, politicians
are not statesmen, the Ibvers are unfaithful, and the reporters biased.
What happened to Americans? Although Nashville provides no definite answers, it does provide some syggestions
worth thinking about.
The most important of these is the idea
that Americans have confused substance
and style; Americans can no longer differentiate image from reality. This simple,
fault runs throughout the film, not corrupting the characters — corruption is a
word too packed with the notion of free
choice — rather, confusing the characters
and rendering them depressingly trivial.
The final song of the film, "You May
Say That I'm Not Free, But it Don't
Worry Me," is a good case in point. It
sounds like a patriotic country western
tune: its image, its style, is patriotic but
the words, the substance, are exactly the
opposite. It sounds like a call to individual rights, but is actually a call for their
abnegation. In the film a huge rally audience sings the song with complete innocence. The same blindness prevails when
a conceited rock star sings what sounds
like a love song, "I'm Easy." It is actually
just an admission of a lack of self-control
and horniness. The four women listening
to it are unable to understand that it is
not a love song, it sounds like a loye song
and their hearts are broken by it.
Attacking what is stylish has long been
the mainstay of satire, and Altman's satirical film is no exception. But Nashville becomes grotesque rather than funny when
the viewer realizes that Altman has just
scratched the surface of American culture
only to discover that's all there is: surface, images, cliches.


by Gary Kaufman
There had never been a time before and
there had never been more than the darkness. Always there had been the universe.
Always it had centered around her. Always the forces had flowed and moved
within and around her, gently cocooning
in a fiber of warm secure plushness, mystically rich with life. There had been an
energy that cared, an existence who was
the only other. Great and large and powerful she knew it could see through the
darkness of the universe. She knew it
could hear through the muffled blackness.
At times the warmth, the gentility had
been broken. Flashes compounding endlessly, wave following wave eternally
through the universe. It wasn't hers. The
link that had made her and the other one,
flowed and screamed and writhed with
the agonies. After the pain had come fear
and the other was only its doorway. It
had come from outside. There was
another other! She had curled into herself to hide from the bombardment of
additional others.
She had grown from then on, learning
to accept the motions of the universe with
a passive tranquility, certain that the
other would stay and keep the universe
whole. There had been more waves like
the time before and fear would flow between the two others and would move
through her.
She had learned to know the other
through the feeding plushness of the universe walls she had found encompassed
all, blanketing and warming the gentle
universe. She had been too small to see
them before, but as time moved, they began to loom closer. They were thick. And
rich. And plush. And warm; and were
she knew the place from which all energies flowed.
She had filled the universe slowly until
she was cushioned into the walls,
cramped by its immobility but made even
more secure by it. There was no longer
any difference between the other and the
universe or herself and the universe. But
there was the other other still and it was
different. She had filled the void of the
universe and learned that it was not only
a universe but was one within the other;
a void full now with her own existence.
The universe that had filled her filled the
other. The universe fulfilled itself in all directions.
A new force had told of changes and
the other enveloped them with the same
gently nebulous cloud that had first entwined their existence into one solid body.
It was a cloud in the distance moving
slowly closer. But the other had been

Then it came —
The universe was set in motion — twisting; torqueing upon itself; writhing in
anger. The plushness became hard and
hot. She had been forced from it by a
power neither she understood nor the
other could control. She was being swallowed by the pain that had been hers and
the others and the other that was outside.
She had cried in silent fear and pain and
anguish. The other came and they were in
the universe together. The other was not
scared and she was calmed as together
they moved through the fear and pain.
She saw the joy and gentle warmth the
other used to force away the pain and
was soothed.
The new waves had rolled on through
and around them pounding constantly
with shorter and shorter gaps between
them. There had been motion. It was the
universe. Not one solid mass passing together, but separately, each part moving
individually. Writhing, convulsively pressing against her, squeezing her through an
ever-narrowing passage. She was moving
— separately from the other, passing
from the universe down a glowing cavern.
There had been pinkness. There was the
other willing her onward — coaxing her
to leave the universe. There had been
pain in the other but the cloud still dampened it. She had feared the pink and
fought, clawing at the walls of the universe screaming in the silent liquid.
Kicking. Writhing. Clawing.
She had fought the suction forcing her
out. The universe slipped away. The
plushness closed behind her. There was
no returning. The corridor walls nar-

down towards the light.
She was being moved and squeezed intp •
a constantly tighter ball. The pain was"
all. The light was white. It burned.
The Other named her Eve . . .
She understands now more than ever
before the childhood memories that had
haunted her. No one had believed 'the
memories. The way she knew her mother's
moods without being there had puzzled,
all the psychiatrists. No doubt no one will
believe me either. The link was; is real.
At first words were useless. Trying to,
relate with words was wasted effort.,'
There were no words yet. There was only;
awareness; a tiny microcosmic energy
that moved about constantly within herand kept out of her reach. She had
known she was pregnant — the doctor's;
confirmation had been a mere formality*'
She had to find the energy in order toprepare it.
It was there — and it was male.
She had tried reaching out twice before.;
Each time she had been close but had 7
been unable to make the final link. The'
tiny fingers she had sent probing inward^
were still too strong to allow any synthe^
sization. She had had to learn how to;
dampen her own life force to probe, the'
tiny darkness for the even tinier sparkthat floated in the immense internal uni-verse looming larger than any conceives
before. It transcends time and space and;
passes along each generation pausing longenough to touch a few rare children andan even fewer mothers. No one really'
knew what would happen if that aware-;
ness was guided and consciously rein-'
The OfKore ,~>1] -,„ A 4-

August 14, 1975



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