

Part of News Release (1975) Caption for Pictures of an Increasingly Enlarged Yellowjacket Stinger

extracted text

The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington 9 B 5 D 5


picture caption

WHAT YOU SEE IS NOT ALWAYS WHAT YOU GET, Flip Wilson to the contrary.

What your

eyes may see in the following six pictures can range from the emerging snout of a
shark a la JAWS to the blade of a logger's saw. What your body will FEEL should you
come in contact with the jagged point of the pictured pinnacle is the biting stinger
of a yellowjacket., a not uncommon experience this time of the year.
The photographs, taken by Dr. Donald Humphrey, faculty biologist at The
Evergreen State College, show a progressive series of enlargements of a stinger
removed from a tender part of a local resident's anatomy and enlarged 500 to 5,000
times by Evergreen's Scanning Electron Microscope.

The instrument serves as an

important learning tool in the college's science study programs.



N ichols , Director

