

Part of (September 25, 1974) TESC Dedication of New Seminar Building

extracted text
The Evergreen State College


Olympia, Washington



for immediate release
September 25, 1974

The Evergreen State College will dedicate a new Seminar Building and host an afternoon
series of high school band concerts as part of its annual Fall Quarter public Open House, scheduled throughout campus from 12:00 noon to 6 :00 p.m. Sunday, Sep t embe.r 29_.
Maj or campus facilities--including the Labo r-at.o ry , Library, Seminar, Lecture Hal.Ls.,
Recreation, and Activities Buildings~will

be open throughout the afternoon~for public in~

spection, with Evergreen staff, students, and faculty serving as hosts.
State Senator Harry B. Lewis of Olympia will deliver the featured address during the
Semina.rBuilding dedication, which begins at 1:00 p.m. in an outdoor plaza at the west end
of the Library Building and at the entrance to the new faciiitY'_ Other speake rs Will include
Evergreen President Charles J. McCann, Board of Trustees mem~er Trueman L. Schmtdt of Olympia,
and Faculty Member Mervyn L. Cadwallader.
The 41,200 square-foot Seminar (or classroom) Building opened late this summer.


was built by Jones and Roberts Construction Company of Tacoma.
The concerts~-featuring symphonic and ~tage aands from rumwpter, Tim~erline, North Thurston
and, ~oss~~

Olympia High Schools--will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the main lobby of the Library

The 55-piece Tumwater §WmRo@uicband and 20 piece stage band will perform first at 1:30
under the direction of Ray Seegers'. Timaerline "s 9_0
concert Irand and 2Q""Piece stage
band, both directed by Carl Baker, willf~ 110w ~t22:30.

North Thurston will start its concert

at 3:30, featuring an 80-member concert band and a 20-piece stage band, both under the baton
of Terry Turner.

Olympia's 86-piece concert band, directed by Wayne Timmerman, also has been

invited and, if able to attend, will begin performing at 4:30 p.m.


Infor mation


Meanwhile, campus visitors may tour the Laboratory Building to see Evergreen's science
laboratories and some arts facilities and the Library Building to view the library reference,
circulation, and media production
graphic arts studios.

facilities such as television, audio, photographic,


Other sections of the Library Building open to the public include a

classroom wing and the offices of Student Development Programs.
Visitors may also inspect the new Seminar Building~~which

includes classrooms, music

practice areas, faculty offices, and such operations as Admissions, Registration,

Security and

Computing--and the Lecture Halls Building.
The College Recreation Center will be open from noon to 6.p.m. for guided tours, activities
demonstrations, and free swimming for all interested campus: vi'si.tors;,
The College Activities Building also will be open for vis,Lts to var rous off tees, game.
areas, the studios of KAOS-FMRadio,

and the CooperPBomnt Journal, the Evergreen student

The College Bookstore and Snack Bar--both housed in the Activities Building--will

be open for public service from noon to 5 p.m.
Coffee and tea will be served throughout the day in the main mall of the Activities
Building by members of the Evergreen College Community Organization.
is headed by Hanna Spielholz of Olympia.
Campus parking is free.


The serving committee