

Part of Disorientation Manual (2009)

extracted text

A Matter Of Place
Shit To Know About Housing
TESC Food Service
The Flaming Eggplant Cafe
On Cops
The OPD: An Ongoing History
TASERs & Pepper Spray
H·o w The Cops Got Guns
Evergreen & Prison Labor
Whats Up With The Administration?
Getting Paid To Smash The State
Student Group Directory
Student Fees Breakdown
Graffiti & Murals At TESC
Diversity At Evergreen
Graduation Speakers at TESC
Honorable Alum
Queer People Of Color Project
White Race & Prlvlledge
A New MENtallty
Sexual Violence & Consent

On The Notion Of Polyamory
Notes From A Fatty
Say the Word: Mynstruatlon
Basic Protest Safety
Green Is The New Red
Security Culture 101
Know Your Rights
Hell Yeah
Make Destroy Banks
Gentrification & The ODA
The Anti-Homelessness Trend
Signs Of Things To Come
City Council
Port MIiitarization Resistance
Smash ICE
Resist The 2010 Olympics
May Day
lndymedla In Olytown
Go Outside
Ride A Fucking Bike
Olympia Map
Community Resource Gulde
Recommended Reading
Radical Terminology

Welcome to tfie 13th ~nnua




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A Matter of Place

Where Evergreen Lies & The Notion of Bioregionalism,
Long before Evergreen was built, the land our school now stands on was stolen from the Indigenous people of Puget Sound. This led to the Puget Sound Indian war, a rarely-mentioned but important
piece of local history. When the white settlers forced Indigenous people off their land, the traditional
techniques of land management went with them. While our Western mythology frames pre-invasion
America as a wilderness, there was actually little land that wasn't traditionally maintained for production
of food, medicine, fiber, and other necessities. In the Northwest, this often involved the pruning of berry
bushes to maximize production and the burning oflands to encourage certain plants and provide forage
for game animals. Areas such as the dwindling prairies south of Olympia were developed by the native
tribes through their land stewardship efforts hundreds of years ago.
Today, Evergreen rightfully boasts that it is the second largest college campus in the country.
For, while it is not uncommon for colleges to set aside a bit ofland as a nature preserve, the scale and setting ofEvergreen's approximately 800 acres of undeveloped land make it unique. Although all of the land
has been logged within the last hundred years and there are no old-growth trees remaining, the woods at
T.E.S.C. are quite amazing. Rumor has it that Evergreen is the largest piece of wild land left anywhere on
Puget ~ound. Yet, there is potential danger to Evergreens undeveloped land. in that, being owned by the
state, the woods are at the mercy of the developmental whims of politicians and their ilk. Potential expansion of our organic farm into this pristine wilderness is another possibility. The Campus Land Use Committee (CillC), a group of various staff members with a token student, is charged with the responsibility
of recommending management plans for Evergreen's land. For the most part, though, they leave things
outside the core campus area alone.

Many greeners, and non-greeners alike also enjoy the trees by setting up shop with a permanent
camp site. A very pleasant and cheap way to live, most would agree; especially in the summer months.
Sweeps of the woods have been made, and the people found living there have been ousted. Rumor has it
that Facilities is looking to hire someone to trek around in the woods, marking the location of all campsites using GPS units. They will then hire an outside contractor to demolish these campsites. Thus, if you
should choose to post up in the cut, make use of the free lQCkers around campus to store your valuables
and consider changing location from time to time.

A discussion of the land around us, the place we (at least for
four years or so) call home, would not be complete ifwe were to dimiss
the the beauty, uniqueness, and importance of our entire bioregion, not
just the small patch on which TESC resides. A bioregion is an area identified by natural features such as geology, climate, water courses, and plant
and animal communities, as opposed to political boundaries. The importance
of making such distinctions lies in the natural desire humans have to connect
with their land and homebase, to understand the world around them through
its history and habits, and to interact with it on as many levels as possible.
Each bioregion hosts its own peculiarites and is usually named according
to physical features. The northwest coast of the US and the west coast of
Canada compose the bioregion called Cascadia, named for the mountain
range that extends north to "British Columbia" and south into "California".
This mountain range was, in turn, named for the abundant cascading waters
which define the area (twenty of the forty largest rivers on the North American continent are located in Cascadia). Some unique features ofCascadia _
are that it boasts the longest migration of salmon in the Pacific ocean
and hosts the second highest densities of bald eagles. Mt Rainier, visible

from Oly, is Cascadia's highest mountain at 14,410 ft. And, more locally,
Olympia sits in the Salish Sea "ecoregion" (a subdivison of a bioregion) along
the southen edge of Puget Sound, one of the largest inland seas in what is call
the United States.
Still, beyond such attempts at classification and definition, Cascadia persists as a special place for all those who visit it and for those lucky enough to call it
home. Thanks to the more than 50 inches of rain we get a year in Olympia (mostly
between November and January), we are blessed to be surrounded by a land lush
with old growth temperate rain forests, abundant flora & fauna, countless rivers
and watersheds, mountains, and of course the beautiful Pacific Ocean (which, as a
side note, should really be at the center of any world map as it is the largest and most
distinguishable feature of Earth from space). Such a settling has helped foster a deep reverence for the natural world in many that come to visit and stay. We hope, in the years
ahead of you, that you come to learn ever more about this wonderful part of the world
The Evergreen woods are a great place to start, especially if you are coming from a
largely urban background
The woods surrounding campus host many of the native plants found
throughout Cascadia If it interests you, try to learn some of them. Start slowly,
learning a few at a time. Learn the poisonous ones, the edible ones, the one that
provide you with natural medicines, and the ones you can make things such
as cordage or baskets out of. Or learn about the different animals, their
calls, tracks, and habits alone are an endless field of study. Learn the fungi
and lichens and the rhythms of the seasons. Or just get out and explore!
A relationship with this land will help you develop a sense of place here
at the college, and in Olympia As students we have the great privilege of
having this land all to ourselves. The woods are there for your learning
and enjoyment, don't squander them.




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As beautiful and special as the woods surrounding Evergreen are, it seems that some people will
never learn to repect what is shared by all. It usedlo be that "the meadow" was "the place to go."
Now bits of melted plastic, corroded aluminum and broken glass lie scattered around a charred
bit of land as a reminder of all the parties that took place there. Now, "the bluff" is the "happen in'
spot" because who really wants to kick it at that ugly old meadow? Now I find trash at the bluff
every time I go to look out over the sound. So I ask you, as the next generation of greeners, please
don't let this pattern continue throughout our enchanting woods. By all means, toke, trip, drink, and
run amuck in general, but take only pictures and leave only footprints. Please save your tagging for
our urban wastelands that need beautification and leave the woods as the sanctuarv from such
signs of society that they are supposed to be. Learn to recognise the endangered plants such as
Wild Ginge~ P1psissewa, and Trillium and take measures to protect them. If you decide to camp,
please pacK out what you pack in and don't leave another festering campsite abandoned. Ani:f,
above all, I implore you, learn to develop an overall respect for the natural world and for what we
leave behind for future generations. That said, I leave you with the words of our beloved Lorax:
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

Cost Depending on one's consumption, Housing can be either awesome or terrible. The rate is a package deal that includes unlimited utilities
(heating, water, waste, and electricity) plus cable TV and internet. Housing will pay for certain costs (replacing things that need constant upkeep, such as light bulbs) but larger damages will be charged to the students. Cleaning fees, when you move out are also something to watch
for but whatever you do, DO NOT stay to clean past the move-out date; the fee for moving out late is exorbitant. Also, tt a roommate moves out
of your dorm, you may be charged hundreds of dollars for "Reduced Occupancy" unless you can find another roommate or move to another

These have changed considerably over the last few years. Currently, the break down goes like this: A, B, & C: first year students, D:
first year quiet, E & F: first year apts., G: no theme, H: quiet, I & K: gender neutral, K: quiet, N: sustainability, R-U: no theme.

Substances· Recently, residents have seen a serious rise in MIP's (minor in possession: a misdemeanor) and police involvement. Some
considerations are that Evergreen is a state institution and there is now less tolerance for substance use. As a recommendation, HIDE YOUR
SHIT. Don't leave paraphernalia sitting out on the table or smoke weed in public places.
Contract· As it stands, you are signing up for the full-year, it's not done by quarters. Evergreen does not require students to live on-<:ampus,
regardless of class standing but freshmen living on campus are required to buy a full year meal plan at the hit-or-miss Greenery buffet in the
Library building. The one way you can break contract (apart from dropping out) is if you leave Olympia for a class or contract.

Mandatocy Meal Piao for Freshman· Some blame this racket on Evergreen's losses after previous food services, but there has also been a
push from parents who are concerned about their children eating. Mandatory meal plans were implemented because of the financial backing
needed to provide food for 4000 students (including the 900 students on campus); mandatory purchases of the meal plans ensure that Aramark, an unsavory corporation, makes a huge profit. (TIP: you can bypass this mandatory requirement by talking to your RA or RD and saying
that you have special dietary needs that cannot be met by the food service.)

RAs: Sometimes it is hit or miss. For the most part, they are good people, but they are also agents of the state, and they have to act accordingly to maintain their jobs, and the free room and board plus stipend that they receive from it. It is easy to avoid them, but you could also get
to know them first, then gauge how much you want to interact with them. They can be ·your best friend, but they have a job to do, so know your

Tenant Rights· According to Washington Title 59, RCW 59.18.040, you as a student living on state property are exempt from the Washington
State Landlord-and Tenants Law; you have no renter's rights to privacy. So essentially, if the police see fit, they are within the law to access
every room of your house without a warrant.
Throwing AParty· First of all, you have to decide whether to notify the authorities. In most cases it does not hurt to fill out a party application
provided by Housing (ask your RA for one). Housing will notify the police about the party and they may swing by before it starts just to check
in with you. Even if you decide not to fill out an application, Housing and the Police may find out about it on their walkthroughs and they will
respond in a much more negative and confrontational way if they were not informed.
Secondly, in 2002 the campus implemented a no-keg policy and they are not afraid to enforce it. The general rule for alcohol is that
it must be kept inside. Lastly, the advertising of parties on upper campus is strictly forbidden, and if they find flyers there, they will rip them
down and un-register your party. An important thing to keep in mind is that the host of a party can be held completely responsible for the activities of the guests, invited or not. Don't let any of this scare you, just act professional when dealing with the authorities and it should all work out
fine. Also, there's a fair amount of money available for students wanting to host events through Housing, and this can be especially useful if you
want to use the HCC, the gym, or the field for performances. Your RA is given a certain amount of money per month to spend on residents, so
be sure to use that too. In addition if you are planning something bigger, ask your RA to put you in contact with the programming RD through
the housing office or contact the Greener Organization for further funding.

Every bite of food consumed can be viewed as
a political, social, and environmental issue. It's hard to
make it in this economy (yes, even with Obama) by producing high quality, truely organic, non-exploitative,
sustainably-grown food. This makes the stuff your body
actually neeas either hard to find or so prohibitively
expensive that your average person is forced to eat a
bunch of cheap crap. For, although bright and shitty
advertisements and conveniently overflowing grocery
store shelves entice you to chow down on tt,e brands
you know and the names you trust as though they were
good for you, a lot of the heavily marketed Hfood" in
stores is full of horrible shit.

Of the many failures and societal issues agri•
business practices result in, associated health problem!
are possibly the foremost concern for most people
Looking backwards, obesity and cancer are only recen1
phenomenon, having become epidemics after the second agricultural revolution. Hydrogenated oils and genetically modified (GM) crops (sucn as the corn and SO)
products that are in most every processed food) have
unknown, barely studied effects on human bodies. A
survey of scientific studies of Aspartame (aka Nutrasweet, an artificial sweetener) showed that 92% of independent researchers identified it as dangerous, linked
to headaches, seizures, and brain-damage. (Curiously,
none of the studies funded by Nutrasweet identified
any health concerns.)

The food industry is also replete with worker
exploitation. In the US, migrant workers make up a large
percentage of the agricultural work force. For them,
safety on the job is a Joke because they're either being
exposed to toxic chemicals daily (pesticides, fertilizers,
etc.) or working in the most dangerous job listed by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, i.e. sfaughterhouses. Coffee
farmers throughout the Americas work in sweatsho~
like conditions, earning less than $1 (US) per pound of
Hgourmet" coffee.

The environment is impacted by industrial
farming practices in more ways than can be discussed
in this article. Monoculture farming, the excessive and
hazardous use of chemical fertilizers /herbi/fungi/pesticides, shipping food half-way across the globe so we
can eat mangos in February, and the destruction of rain
forests to grow soy beans and raise cattle for US hamburgers are just tips of this frightening and completely
unsustainable system of proviaing the food we eat.


You'll likely come to find that many people at
Evergreen and in Olympia in general are pretty food
conscious. Not a bad trend to follow. Here's a short run
down of ways to provide some better food for you and
yours at little or no cost.

GROWING YOUR OWN • Be it gardens, farms, or guerilla gardening (gardening in otherwise unused space), growing your own food is
extremely satisfying and surprisingly easy. Watching little hard seeds
explode into luscious edible green things is intensely fulfilling. It is this connection to your food which makes you truly
independent. It is also cheap and top notch. There are lots
of opportunities around Oly for access to garden soace.
GRuB (Garden Raised urban Bounty,
www.goodgrub.org) builds planter boxes
for low income people for free! There
are always unlimited places to grow
food for free, year round, and
they are probably near your
THEGLEANERS COALITION· This organization harvests non-saleable organic produce that
would otherwise rot in the fields and distributes it to
low income people through organizations such as the
Thurston County Food Bank, Safe Place, and Food Not
Bombs. Volunteers take what they need and share the
rest. And there is always plenty to go around. Check www.
gleanerscoalition.org/ for volunteer information and scheduling.


OLYMPIA FARMER'S MARKET • This is a great place
to support the livelihoods of locals with the purchase of
their goods of unbeatable yummy quality. And you can
use food stamps there. Open April-October: ThursdaySunday, 10-3. November-December: Saturday & Sunday 10-3. 700 Capital Way (north of 4th and State)
THE OLYMPIA FOOD CO-OP • The Co-Op is a friendly, notfor-profit, member-owned store with high ethical and nutritional
standards, and an emphasis on organic, local, and bulk food. They
have comparable prices (lowset markup of any co-op in the west),
vegan-friendly options, and community bulletin boards. The Co-Op
donates any profit to various non-profits, and is always looking for
suggestions on how to better serve the needs of our community. For
a small fee (waived for low-income individuals) you too can become
a member of the Co-op. Non-members pay 10% above the marked
(shelf) price. Members can vote in Co-Op elections and also volunteer
at the Co-Op and receive extra discounts. Low income discount + Volunteer discount + Bulk Order discount =45% off the shelf price! Go to
the Co-Op, it feels like home. 2 locations: West: (closer to TESC) 921
Rogers (754-7666); East: 3111 Pacific Ave (956-3870).

THE THURSTON COUNTY FARM MAP· Adirectory and map of small
fanns in the Olympia-area. Take a bike ride over to one of the fanns,
talk with the growers, and enjoy the beauty of small-scale agriculture.
Putting money directly in the hands of the tanners is exciting for everyone. Pick one up at the Fanner's Market or the Co-Op.

DUMPSTER DIVING • All corporate grocery stores and many restaurants throw away lots and lots of food every single day. A prime example of this can be found on campus. Dumpster diving is a skill best
learnt by getting out and doing it and not getting frustrated if you don't
get immediate results. Legality (aka theft, trespassing) varies from
situation to situation so take that into consideration. But
you may end up with thousands and
_ _.,,..
thousands of
dollars worth of groceries,
pizza, and beer for
the cost of a
few dollars of
-~::::=:_...,,... gas and a new
headlamp. And trust
me, you'll never
cease to ask yourself,
"Why the hell would anyone
throw this away?"
ROADKILL • Don't knock
,__ _...,;;:,a... it Iii you try it. Alot of happy
animals are killed by humans in their metal death boxes (aka cars) every
day. Why should they go to waste and rot in the
ditches and not at least be honored by putting their
flesh and hides to good use? Leaming to skin and
process meat is an ancient skill that is fun to learn
and can provide you with healthy food, hand crafted
bone tools, and useful leathers. Venison, raccoon, rabbit.. Welcome to Yumtown.

FOOD NOT BOMBS • Food Not Bombs is an all-volunteer global
movement that shares free vegetarian meals as a protest to war and
poverty. Each chapter collects surplus food that would otherwise go
to waste then prepares community meals which are served for free
to anyone who is hungry. The Olympia chapter meets at Media Island
(816Adams St.) on Saturdays at2:30 to cook and serves at4:30 at the
downtown library (8th & Franklin).
SHOPLIFTING • The corporate 11rocery stores fuck over their workers,
small and medium sized food producers, and you. Don't stand for it! Ultimately you'll have to evaluate for yourself whether it is ethically sound
to steal from corporations. Consumerism is consumerism whether or
not you pay for it (the manufacturer will still be paid, and the packaging
will still need to be thrown away). Consider the consequences some
workers may face by their employers if you shoplift. And be conscious
of the possible class/race prililedges you may be exercising while get~
ting away with something others may not be able to.


As an entity, Evergreen, as well as most colleges around the
country, don't serve their own food but outsource their "food servi~e"
to a "food service provider". In Evergreen 's case, food service (hke
anything over $3,300) i~ put out to bid by ~e pu~hasing department.
Then companies make bids for the food serv1ce,_w1th both amo~ts and
changes they wish to make to the contract. The biggest food service providers in the United States are Sodexho, Aramark, Chartwells, and Bon
Appetit. Once every 5 years, _Evergree~ 's food service C<?ntract g?Cs out
to bid, opening the opporturuty for a different food service provider on
campus. Hopefully, some day Evergreen will transition to self-operated-meaning we operate our OWN frigging food service!
1980 - Judith, an Evergreen student, founds "The Comer" student-run
cafe after Saga/Marriott attempts and fails at a late night sandwich gig
under the governance of housing.
1988 - "The Comer" moves to the new Housing Community Center.
Much of lower campus and Cooper's Glen residents are patrons of the
cafe. Fine Host, the food service provider at the time, had poor quality
traditional foods so "The Comer" made bank on being the only simple
vegetarian option.
1998-2000 - "The Comer Coup" charismatic vegans took over. Vegans
at the time only made up six percent of the housing population and
could not be sustained by only their business. Cliquey kids, exclusive
food options, homie hookups, and "barters" (nugs for sandwiches, eh,
eh?) brought the demise of the comer,as best anyone can tell -the story
seems somewhat lost to the ravages of time .
1990-2001 - Fine Host is Evergreen's food service provider.
2001 - Students wrote a business plan for a coffee/pastry shop and a pizza place, which became the Subterranean, located in the H.C.C. They
did pizza delivery, but lost money.
2001 - Food Service Disappearing Task Force committee decides it
would be in Evergreen's best interest to make preparations for transition to Self-Op(erated). They also recognized the first priority of getting
Evergreen's Food Program to be healthy. At the time of the DTF there
was not enough time or money to make the transition to self-op (college
run food service) before the end of Fine Hosts contract.
2001 - The food service contract goes out to bid again , and Sodexho
makes a pass. Masked students with a declaration to keep Sodexho off
campus because of its human rights abuses attend an open meeting between TESC and Sodexho. The corporate executives were intimidated
and retracted their bid to be Evergreen 's food service provider due to an
"anti-corporate climate" on campus.

Winter 2005 - SOFA organizes weekly potlucks with all of its merr
bers to show support for food service change on campus. Hundreds c
members join and attend potlucks. Potlucks happened consistently fc
almost 2 years despite Evergreen's attempts at cracking down .
Fall 2006 - Aramark's stustainability intern helps them achieve 171
local or organic purchasing (based upon their definitions of local an
Winter 2006 - Convinced going self-operated is unfeasible, SOFi
members begin to direct energy into a side operation student run/owne
cafe with hopes of eventually transitioning to self-op.
Winter - Spring 2006 - Seven Evergreen students complete 44 credit
in a group contract on food service issues and write a business plan ~
feasibility study for the cafe. Only at a school with such great freedoD
could we do what we're doing.

Spring 2006 - Using the selling point of a student run cafe, student
vote on and approve the Campus Activities Building redesign. This i,
a self-imposed fee of $16 million, only $300,000 of which goes to th
student run cafe. Over the next 20 years, every full time student will pa]
a few hundred dollars a year toward thie fee.

Summer 2006 - Students vote on the Aarning Eggplant Cafe as th
name of the cafe. The Aaming Eggplant Cafe registers as an officia
student group and completes their first business plan.

Winter 2007 - The Aaming Eggplant writes its budget proposal to applJ
to the S&A board for funding of the operation. The budget is presentCI
to the board in March with a record turnout of about 75 students.

2001-2004 - Bon Appetit becomes Evergreen's food service provider
and loses an average of $1,500,000 a year.

Spring 2007 • The S&A board denies the Aarning Eggplant budget re
quest, citing depleted reserves from funding the recent million dolla
childcare center renovations . Undeterred , members of the Cafe add i
fee proposal to a student vote process already underway through th1
Geoduck Union. The proposal requests $2 per credit from each studen
registered in Fall quarter 2007. The vote passes with nearly 90% ap
proval and grants about $120,000 to the cafe for start up and operationa

2003 - Subterranean reformed from pizza place to sub shop. They
lose $7000 in a year and the student-run cafe closes permanently. In
2-3 years the various incarnations of the H.C.C. student-run cafe lost
$134,000, at their worst losing around $25,000 in a year.

Fall 2007 - Evergreen and The Aaming Eggplant sign a Memorandull!
of Understanding, a contract that stipulates the conditions under whic
the cafe may operate. This contract represents official approval fro
Evergreen for the Cafe to operate.

Spring 2004 - SOFA (Students Organizing for Food Autonomy) campaigns to end corporate food service and transition to a sustainable sel!operated food service, collecting over 600 student signatures for their

Spring 2008 • Evergreen Residential and Dining Services offers to
buy a commissary trailer and lease it to The Aami~g Eggplant until _the
space in the redesigned CAB is completed. RAD will then use the tratle1
as an emergency kitchen for its residents.

Fall 2004-2013 - Aramark is the only bidder on Evergreen 's food service contract, so they win the contract, despite not meeting Evergreen's
specifications for the bid on the contract.

October 10, 2008 - The Aarning Eggplant opens!

2010 - CAB building redesign is scheduled to be complete. On the
3rd floor, there is a new space, the new home of the Aarning Eggplant
complete with rooftop greenhouse and dining.

The Flaming Eggplant cafe seeks to nourish people with
healthy Ingredients, nurture the local economy, and help
sustain a unified community. They strive to provide wholesome foods through a locally-oriented, collectively-managed, cooperative part of TESC. And they work to enable
people to choose food that makes positive effects on the
earth and that encourages economic and social justice.
They are always looking for passionate people to get involved on staff, as volunteers, or as an internship.



Hazelnut Milk
We use hazelnut milk instead of SIJ'f because SIJ'f is one of the five agricultural
commodities that farmers are paid to
farm. This system leads to grown monocrops and destroys biodiversity and local
economies. Our hazelnut milk is made
from Oregon hazelnuts.



8 ~ Community Bakery - 0ly
This small business uses mainly organic
ingredients in Its pastries that we buy.
Gluten free and vegan options avialable.

Blue Heron Bakery - Oly

Northwest Natural - 0ly
This wild-caught Alaskan salmon is
processed in town with organic ingredients. Supporting wild instead of fanned
salmon is important for the health of the
ecosystem because fanned salmon get
sick often and pollute waters.
Oly Kraut - 0ly
A new Olympia company committed to
making raw, unpasteurized sauerkraut.
Organic produce from:

United Natural Grocers Inc. (UNA)Seattle, WA
Provides Bulk Food.
Glory-Bee Foods - Eugene, OR
Provides dry goods, oils, spices.

'< I


,\':< 11 I

. II - .

for more info.


. II - ,

Check m.tltefla•lngenpl■nt.org

Kirsop Farms - Oly
Pixie Honey Company - Oly
Plgman's Organic Produce PatchWe are proud to offer the yummy honey Lacey, WA
from a business started by Evergreen The i:lJreen Organic Farm
Organlca ly Grown Cooperative
(OGC)- Portland, OR
Olympia Coffee Roasting Co - 0ly
The only entirely organic coffee roaster
in Olympia and has worked with the
cafe and the Community Agroecology
Network (CAN), a Santa Cruz organiza- Through these distributors we are able
tion that wors directly with coffee coop- to work with small producers on the
eratives In Latin America. Because of the west coast, including Jerusalem House,
~ that OCRC and CAN have done, we a company started by immigrants from
will have coffee from a coffee co-op in the Middle East that makes out tahini;
Nicaragua. OCRC Is now working with Surata Soy Foods, a Eugene company
CAN, a new relationship has been made that makes organic tempeh; and Lundand there is the Potential for more CAN burg Rice, responsible for some of the
coffee to be used more widely through- only organic rice grown In califomia that
out Olympia. Coffee is delivered to the is available on the market; and Sweet
Eggplant once per week and brewed Creek Foods who supply our pickles.



The only organic bakery in town and has
Magic Kombucha - Oly
been here since 19n. The breads are
A new Olympia company that offers the . a ll)iX of whole wheat, spelt, and multionly locally brewed kombucha. •
grain flours. For a fun down hill bike ride,
go visit the bakery on Mud Bay Road.

Lattln's Country Cider Mill - Oly
Been making fresh cider for 31 years
and is proud to have won a number of
awards for having the best cider in the

,\':(I(} -




Wholesome, local, farm-fresh organic food brings to mind colorful arrays of crispy v~etables, sweet-smelling
fruit, and savory foods. UnfortunatelyL the "organic" label implies no techniques of sustainable agriculture. It implies
nothing of good jobs or healthy land. It is simply a list of chemicals not to be used and an expensive application process
Agribusinesses liave co-opted the name to raise profit margins, svstematically watering down USDA and internationai
organic standards to lower costs and raise the price. So that now Fruit Loops can be organic and monoculture farming
practices get a green stamp of approval. Since the US government subsidizes commodity crops such as corn, wheat,
and soy by busliel per acre~ with taxpayer money, smalrfarms with a wide range of crops struggle to compete.
Rather than consiaering food a basic human right, the wealthiest nations and corporafions in the world view it
as an economic commodity. Neoliberal 1>91icies and free trade agreements have spread industrial a_griculture worldwide
in the name of efficiency and more food for everyone. However, Pe0P.le are not usually nourished~as a result of these
policies. Monsters of free trade have convinced governments in the global south and east to replace systems of traditiona~ sustainable and subsistence farming with cash cropping and a reliance on patented seeds. This limits access to
food ror marginalized populations.
Conversely, sustainable food production on a small scale encourages biodiversity on the farm, healthy food
and less de~nden9( on the flux of global markets. The Evergreen Center for Ecological Living and Learning attempts to
demonstrate local food systems based on ecological, social and economic sustaina5ilitv and Justice. The CELL is located
on the far west side of campus and is accessible by a trail behind the Art Annex and Lab Buildings as well as by road.
Stop by the farm anytime to visit and check its facmties listed below.

"Thoae who argue that the police aometimu do good things bear the burden of proving that those same
good things could not be accomplished at least u well by other means." -Anonymous
F"R □ M




lympiaP oliceD epartment •
An Ongoing History


June 1988 - In custody death of Danny Spencer, who was beaten and

hog-tied by Olympia officers Cliff Maynard & Aldo Fantoni.
August 1988 - Inquest field in the death of Danny Spencer. Taped
for TCTV. Inquest official findings reveal "positional asphyxiation" as
cause. Death Certificate says "Homicide" as cause of death. Officers
are not held responsible.

Spring 2004 - OPD extends their deadine to
investigate citizen complaints from 30 to 45

Oly Copwatch
maintains records of police use of force and puts
continued pressure on
City Council to reign in
the police.
2005 -

1991-Citizens ask City Council to establish a Civilian Review Board
to bring more public accountability to the OPD. Council rejects the
1992 - Olympia City Council allows citizens to file complaints against
police at City Hall rather than just at the Police Dept. Assistant City
Attorney brought into investigating process.

Feb 2005-TASER use drops

in half.
March 1996 - Oly Copwatch established to push accountability. They

organize public testimony on police abuses, propose Non-Violent/DeEscalating Training for officers, are aggressive about the hiring and
promotion of women and people of color as officers, call for adoption
of a community oriented policing policy and establishment of independent civi Iian review board.
February 1997 - Forum organized by City of Olympia, which brought
various experts to testify on structure and organization of police departments. Accountability is a side issue. Video taped for TCTV.
May 1997 - Copwatch sets up meeting with expert on law enforcement, Eileen Luna, to discuss issues with Olympia city officials. She
says citizen review is good for the city and the police.

Spring 2005 - Olymr,ia City
Council creates a 'Chief's
Forum," in theory to serve as
a venue to citizen input and
discussion about police operations and public safety.
Spring 2006 - Chief's Forum
actually starts meeting.

August 1997 - Gary Michel (of Oregon) hired to replace Chief John
Wurner after 18 years with OPD.

May 2006 - Police display a
complete lack of restraint and
use excessive and unnecessary violence against
protesters at the Port of
Olympia protests.

1998 - $15,000 of Olympia's City budget earmarked to conduct po-

August 2006 - Ron Nes-

lice accountability study.
2000 - A police accountability study is done by John Walters with
components of case review and small public sessions. Study finds accountability system lacking, technical system flaws, and recommends
corrections as well as a different intake system.
January 11, 2001 - Kent DeBoer, a mentally ill man who lives in

Olympia, is shot six times by Officers Jeffrey Dale Jordan and Gregory Thornton Brown while Cliff Maynard uses his TASER on the man.
DeBoer lives,·but experiences severe health problems as a result of
his injuries. His federal lawsuit was dismissed.
2001 - Olympia City Council decided to create and Independent

Auditor to oversee police complaints rather than a civilian review
board. Council elects to exclude citizen participation in the auditor

bitt an OPD officer fired
in 2005, is calling for a citizens'
review board as a check to police power and misconduct.
Nov 2007 - Multiple, coordinated uses of political violence against
Port Militarization Resistance participants by OPD officers in full
riot gear. The scene commander during these attacks becomes Professional Standards Lieutenant for 2008-2009.
November 15, 2008 - 23 year-old Jose Ramirez-Jimenez is shot i n
the back to death by OPD Officers Paul Bakala and Michael Hovda.
The execution was justified as the three claimed he attempted to
flee in his .car. Present during the murder was a woman who's faced
harassment from OPD officers several times since. Out of fear, she
has removed herself from Olympia. Bakala, Hovda and Gassett are
still with OPD.
July 2009 - John J. Towery is investigated and ousted as a military

2001- Olympia City Council buys riot gear for the OPD due to com~

plaints about street festivals and conduct during May Day.
Summer 2002 - Oly Copwatch reorganizes after hiatus due to police
harassment of homeless people in downtown.
November 7, 2002 - Officer Jeff Jordan TASERs Stephen Edwards
four times in one minute outside Ralph's Thriftway for suspected
shoplifting and punches him in the face, knocking him unconscious.
Edwards is dead just 15 minutes later.

informant by local radicals. Towery had been planted and active in local anarchist and "anti-war" war groups for at least 2 years. Towery
co-authored one of the most recent intelligence publications for the
U.S. Military. During this time he went by 'John Jacobs' and provided
the military and, as far as we know, local police with major protest
and demonstration intelligence.
August 15, 2009 - OPD Officer Chris Cook shoots and kills Joseph

Leonard Burkett at Saint Peter's Hospital in Olympia.

TASERs (an acronym for Thoma A. Swift's Electric Rifle taken from a science fiction story) are classified
as "less lethal" weapons. This simply means that they are
less-often-lethal wtien compared to fire arms. They are
riot, and ar!:! riot. intended to be, _non-lethal. This Is an
Imi:>9rta_nt d1stinc;:t1on. Today there Is a booming, very lucrative industry in developing "less lethal" weaP.()nl)'. and
riew TASER technology is constantly being develo~ and
implemented. The intent of this industry Is to put a more
friendly face on police terrorism.
TASERs aren't nice. They can cause 1st, 2nd,
arid 3rd degree burns; puncture wounds; bruising; cardiac arrest; and death. TASER-Nation, a watchdog group
puts the number of police murders from TASERs are 338
since 1~99. Even .Amnesty International reportsthat 277
peqple in the United States died after being tasered by
police between June 2001 and October 2007. Contrary to
popular mvthology, one does not have to have previous
heart problems to die from a TASER.
U~gally, TASERs are only supposed to be used by
the police in situations when otherwise lethal force such
as firearm~, would be used. In reality, the upholders of
law brand1~h these w~apons at our communit:y without
any potential threat being posed to them and without second thought.
. At Evergreen, t~e. notoriously ruthless Officer
Perez Is resP9ns161e for training the department in the use
of TASERs. In the course of one week, two Evergreen

~udents were TASERed on campus by the Evergreen Poh~e DeP.<3rtment (EPD). This 1s quite a drastic and rather
frightening figure, especially considering that neither of
these stuaents posed any J:Y~ of violent threat to the
officers: the use of "less lethal" weaponry was purely off~nsive, not defensive. One student was TASERed for running away from the cops that caught him drinking. The
other stucfent was TAS~Red three days later while fie was
running around riaked in the mods and yelling happily after allegedly taking SO!lle LSD. Evergreen police ordered
by$tanders to hola this student to the ground while an
officer TASERed him four times. By the third time the
people holding him down said that they could fee1 the
current pulsing through the victim's body. Clearly neither
student could not have appeared to be posing violent
threat to the police or his community. What the fuck?


All~II1, (~•;,ON'l'UO\T
, ,

IN THE BEGINNING - Evergreen was ~trolled by unarmed, polo shirt wearing "Public Safety" personnel.

Late 80's - Rumors circle that administration was discussing arming our polo-clad pals.
1995-96 - Arming the safety personnel was formally proposed by acting interim director for public safety, Undersheriff Neil MCCianahan. This sparked public outcry, protests, sit-ins and petitions.
1996-97 - "Public Safety" ~rsonnel
replaced by newly ordained "Police
Services." Polos and shorts replaced
by police uniforms. So-called "limited
arming" meant they could carry their
guns from 6pm to 8 am while patrolling on foot away from their vehicles.
They could now also give traffic tickets and make arrests.
During the 1996-97 school
year, complaints about the use of
excessive force and allegations of
sexual harassment of Police Services
secretaries by campus officers arose.
The officers involved are still J)c!trolling your campus. By the end of the
1997-98 school year, rumors beaan
circulating that the Administra6on
was just waiting for students to forget the struggle to prevent campus
arming before moving to full-time
arming for all officers.

September 2002 - Evergreen cops
l:>egan carrying guns with them at all
times of the cfay. At first, the excuse
given for the 24 hour arming was that
there had been specific threats made
against students and faculty and the
police had to respond by increasing their threat preRcSredness level. On November of that year. former Army Ranger and Evergreen sophomore Andy Mickel killed a police
officer in Reel Bluff, california with three gunshots to the
back of the head. After this, it became clear that members of the administration, the PQlice, and the Washington
Federation of State Employees (wnich
is the cop's union), were intent on
keeping the Evergreen police's full
time arming status permanently.,,
The cop's union claimed that
they were concerned about the
officers' safety and by not allowing the Porice to have guns
at alll:imes, the officers were
being forced to work in unsafe
conditions. Vicky Peltzer, the
chief of P9lice for the University of Washington was brought
in as an outside consultant ·on

the issue and she too recommended that Evergreen police
be armed 24/7. The Police Services CommuniW Review
Board held several forums around campus to discuss full
time arming and in the end they also recommended that
campus police be allowed to carry guns 24/7.

2003 - Vice President Art Costantino recommends to
President Les Purce that caml)us PQlice be allowed to cari:y
guns at all times. Finally, in May of 2003, Les Purce made
his final decision to authorize a
rewriting of campus police procedure fo allow for 24/7 arming.
He was !=juoted as saying, "ttie
safety of both the campus and
our officers will be enhanced by
allowing our officers more consistent access to firearms."
2009 - Announced around the
same time as the school's budget cuts the Active-Shooter Response Plan, or the " Rifle Proposal" as it's come to be known,
purports to protect the college
from the threat of an armed
shooter intending to attack Evergreen students, staff and faculty. The proP9sal recommends
purchasing h1gh-P9wered AR-15
assault rifles, body armor and
helmets, a sum total of $10,000,
and training Police Services in
active-shooter tactics at a recurring cost of $2000.
Some critiques of the Rifle Proposal include Art Constantino's
P.ressure on the Geoduck Student Union to come to a decision without satisfactory campus input, unequal attention to
a low-priority threat (active shooters) while what is widely
regarded as a major threat (sexual violence) remains unaccounted for. The absence of any student representatives
to the Police Services Community Review Board (PSCRB)
until Februa!)' is noted, as well as confusion over where
money for the pro~I will come from, and hostility to
the notion of inflating the Police Budget as the campus Is
forced to cut 12.5% of its services. There is audaciw to
the police requesting rifles for a potential school shooting,
when the conege has not even taken the critical step rn
preventing a snooting by implementing a system where
faculty ana staff could "lock down" classrooms and offices
in the event of an armed intruder.Lastly, none of the four
private liberal arts coll~es in Washington state have their
security armed with rifles. In addition, most of these institutions have unarmed, unofficial law enforcement.
Over the summer, though, despite fears of the campus
trying to pull a fast one on the absent students, the proposaf is ultimately denied .. for now.

A few years ago, Evergreen contracted Correctional
Despite what you may have heard, prisons simply
don't work. Although incarceration rates have risen in the past Industries ·(Cl) to provide asbestos abatement in D Dorm for
decade, there has not been a corresponding decline in crime $49,900 (the prisoners being paid $2.00/hr.) . When a custodian
rates. In fact, increasing incarceration rates may work adversely found out about these plans and confronted some of his superviagainst crime. Prisoners live with inadequate medical care, abu- sors, he was told that Housing/Evergreen always contracts out
sive guards, and lack of rehabilitation programs. Rape and the to the lowest bidder, which in this case "just happened" to be the
spread of AIDS is exacerbated by the absense of condoms. All prison industry.
Evergreen has contracted out to CI "several times" in
this, coupled with an environment of criminal peers, often make
exiting prisoners more violent than when they went in. They the past (the furniture in StudentActivites was made by prisonleave with pennies to their name after receiving little treatment ers 30 years ago). They do so under the provisions of Engrossed
Second Substitute Senate Bill
or guidance within prison. With
little chance of getting a job or 2,li00,000 ~~----~~-----_~_:-_-_-_-_r-_-_-_-~T-~-~-~--~~ 6489, which passed the legislature and was signed by the
being in a supporting community,
governor in 2004. Section IO,
it is not surprising that more than
60% of prisoners commit a crime 2,000,000
paragraph 3 of that law (RCW
1t2t -2"7
288.10.029) states that "higher
after being released.
education and correctional inWhile many prisoners
8ourcH: Julltc:1 Polley Report:
only need drug or alcohol coun- 1,li00,000 The
dustries shall develop a plan to
Punlohklg Ole:-, &
seling or help finding jobs, the
build higher education business
u.s. aw.au at Juallc:1 - • eu.NCJ 2219": Prlaonen In '1Il(f1
government opts to throw these
with correctional industries to
people in cages. More than 70% of 1,000,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~L­
increase higher education purchases of correctional indusprisoners are locked up for non-violent crimes, most for drug crimes
tries products ... " Paragraph
or low level property crimes . Re- II00.000 -1----~~~~~~~~~-­
4 states that "institutions of
habilitation programs cost far less
higher education shall...purchase one percent [now 2% as
- and are more effective - than
of 2008] of the total goods and
prison (which costs more than
1m 1m ,~ 1~ 1~ 1m 1~ 1~ ~ ~ services ...from class II inmate
sending a person to Harvard, more
than $35,000 a year).
work programs, operated by
Most prisoners come from poverty-stricken neighbor- the department of corrections."
Any money inmates make while incarcerated can
hoods that suffer from inadequate education, unemployment,
broken families, social isolation and other factors that make theoretically be used to start paying their restitution or saved to
criminal activity more likely. Prison time does absolutely noth- help them transition when they are released. Jobs allow prisoners to learn skills and not have to sit in their cells for as much
ing to address these root causes of crime.
Largely a result of the "War on Drugs," America's time. However, Cl, as a business, takes advantage of the fact
incarceration policies have disproportionately impacted minori- that taxpayers are paying for their necessities, and uses cheap
ties, especially African Americans. While African Americans labor for their own profit. Es entially, they get paid for prisoners
constitute only 13% of drug users, they represent 74% of those doing work while undercutting local unions. With a law requirsentenced to prison for drug possession. The result is that one in ing the college to purchase some of its goods and services from
three black men between 20 & 29 is under some form of correc- inmate work programs, Evergreen's use of cheap prison labor
will continue.


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For most people familiar with it, Evergreen is viewed as a radical place. Go hang out in a bar in Lacey
if you're not sure about the college's reputation. However, underneath this revolutionary reputation lies a hier-

archical institution that often resembles the fucked up shit in society that we are considered radical for opposing.
One of the reasons there was no functioning student union or separate form of governance for students
at Evergreen for so long (until the Geoduck Student Union was formed in 2007) was thatthe college was formed
with the idea that students, staff, faculty and administrators were supposed to write policy and make decisions
together. To this end students are supposed to be represented on the dozens of committees, boards, and Disappearing Task Forces (DTFs). DTFs are committees that come together to research specific issues, make a recommendation to the board of trustees, and then disband. The first ever DTF wrote the colleges leashed dog policy.
There are dozens of DTFs, boards and committees although often the discussions and decisions that come out
of them are simply viewed by the administration as no more than recommendations. Despite the existence of
these (more or less) democratic decision making bodies, most decisions that affect the college are made unilaterally by the administration.
DTFs seem on paper to be very democratic as representatives of staff, facility, and students are supposed to be having open discussions about issues affecting the college. In practice, however, the faculty, staff,
and most often students are kept from having a voice. They typically have one unadvertised monthly meeting
with a representative of the administration there along with at least two staff and a faculty and maybe a token
student. The students are the only participants not compelled to be there, volunteering their time to work
through a process that has rarely been proven effective. Maybe students too should be paid to be a part of a
Often, when controversial decisions need to be made (e.g. changes to housing, foodservice, cops, etc.)
they are often made in the summer when few students are around. Evergreen is a bureaucratic maze that keeps
many students from engaging in policy discussions. Check the campus governance structures of other progressive liberal arts colleges: some have student representatives with decision-making authority guaranteed by the
colleges' charters. Some even have town hall meeting~for the entire campus. The evidence suggests that Greeners have significantly less sway in the workings of the college than at nearly any other alternative college in the
I. Visit the Vice President for Student Affairs' office
in Libr.1ry 3236 .rnd ask for ,l list of existing bo,uds 1
2. Pick one th,1t you ,ue interested in.

3. Cont.let the Cluir of that bo,1rd / DTF and find out
\,·hen ,rnd \\"here they meet.
4 . Show up, ,md keep showing ~1p. :\!.1king a presen CL'
and raising a stink h.1s proven etfective.

Many students suspect that corporate interests dominate our college, but few realize how bad it is. The
eight people serving as the Board of Trustees are at the top of Evergreen's hierarchy, and are responsible for
everything from hiring and firing TESCs' President, to determining the cost of on-campus living. to setting policies for the entire institution. The Trustees serve a term ·of six years, and are appointed by the Governor. They
are generally prominent business and community "leaders" and political supporters of the Governor. Knowing
anything about Evergreen is not a requirement.
The Board of Trustees is also responsible for how the college uses its multimillion dollar endowment fund.
The Board has always kept a tight lid on what companies it owns shares in. Although some of that information
in the past was recovered from the libraries paper recycling. the endowment is now administered as a part
of the much larger University of Washington endowment; effectively removing the possibility of socially conscience investing & boycotts like those that helped bring down the apartheid regime in South Africa.
Biographies of the BOT are at http://www.evergreen.edu/trustees/trustees.htm

Student Trustee
There is a single student trustee whose position rotates every year. The candidates are chosen by the GSU
and presented to the Governor for final selection. It was a huge battle to get this position and can serve as a huge
student voice. The trustee this year is Dixon McReynolds.

The President
TESC's President is responsible for implementing the policies of the Board of Trustees and shapes the
entire landscape of the college's administration. Although most everyone agrees
that Evergreen's President, Les Purce, is generally a very nice guy (he has even
been rumored to participate in late night jam sessions in the HCC) he is still a
powerful bureaucrat who comes from a corporate background. Les Purce was
formerly the Chief Operating Officer of Power Engineering. Inc., a multinational
electrical engineering corporation.
In April 2000, Purce was a keynote speaker at a conference entitled '½dvancing the Northwest Economy through Science and Technology". This conference
was sponsored by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which is operated by
a private corporation called Battelle. Battelle works directly with chemical and
biological weapons, counter terrorism, law enforcement, nuclear energy, human
genome-mapping. the Army, the Air Force, the Marines and national security.
In the spring of 2008, Les Purce willingly co-operated with the Thurston
County Sheriff's Office in their efforts to hunt down and prosecute students in
connection to the Valentine's Day Uprising. He also pressured the S&A Board to use student funds to pay for the
cost of the damaged patrol car, taking much-needed resources away from student groups on campus.
Although Les Purce has been generally supportive of students' effo~ around organizing against the
war, he has i;efused to make a statement against the war using the college's name.


Admin vs. Students?
There are certain powerful figures in the administration that view Evergreen as dangerously radical and would
like nothing better than to move the college in a more mainstream direction. However, you should not assume that
all of the administration is bent on undermining the radical edge of Evergreen. In the past, students have found
many allies within the faculty and staff. Just make sure you use your discretion when dealing with the schools
bureaucratic process and don t let their actions discourage you and your efforts at making Evergreen a better
Then again. students at TESC have been known to take matters into their own hands. In 2008. members
of the then-existing chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a successful sit-in for over a week
in front of Vice President Art Constantino's office in response to the group being banned for hosting an event the
administration unjustly cancelled.


Student Activities .:ind Altern.:itive Sources of Funding

For being such a small college, Evergreen has a huge
number of student groups and a very visible activist population-hence the school's rowdy reputation. Starting a new student group is easy. Just get a few student signatures and BAM!
you're on your way to getting sweet sweet funding to support
anything that you (and your contingent of co-conspirators) are
interested in. Speakers, overnight trips (with gas and sometimes
plane tickets paid for), movies, supplies, etc. can all be paid for
by the school (which is really from the students, who throw
down $171 each quarter).
The Services and Activities Fee Allocation Board, or
the "S&A Board," divies up
these funds at student group
budget hearings and consists
of nine students, a board coordinator, two staff advisors
and an office manager. The
board has traditionally been
underpaid and overworked,
yet it serves a very important
role. They allocate and over
see all funds for student groups and initiatives. The board's mission is to distribute their 2 million dollars worth of fees to student groups who prove they have lots of students behind them
and that what they propose benefits the student body's desires.
A new process for sleeting board members this year
goes like this: half are chosen by the Geoduck Student Union
(GSU) and the other half fill out an application and are interviewed by members from the previous year's board. The GSU
utlimately approves all of them. Board members are hired at the
beginning of the school year. Normally, not more than a dozen
people apply for the nine open positions, so your chances are
good if you're looking to get involved in the administration side
of student activities. Decisions regarding funding levels of the
next year's student groups, the bulk.o f what the board does, have
to receive final approval by the Board of Trustees.
Student Activities funds most things around campus
that are not specifically academic. KAOS radio, The Child Care
Center, Cooper Point Journal, The Bike Shop, and The Women
of Color Coalition are all granted funds through the S&A boar,d
along with many other student groups.

The Board, like any other administrative organ, operates like a hive-mind. The very fact that the Board has to operate
in this way is a weakness that can be exploited. To make decisions
easier the board uses the idea of "precedent" to aid in allocating

funds for a particular event or speaker or other types of funding.
Be very careful when challenging these precedents; think of them
as the ancestral traditions that the Board is indoctrinated with
during its two day retreat in November. A challenge may incite
a revolution or a reactionary retreat into narrow-minded thinking. If one succeeds in creating a new precedent, though, it dears
the ground for other groups to spend money in similar ways.
This hive-mind has good days and bad days. Straightforward,
simple answers that reflect actual planning of a project and good
documentation that the group is active are all they really ask
for. The board operates quite differently depending on the make
up of the board. The best way to feel them out and know what
to expect is to sit in on other
peoples hearings, so you know
what kind of questions they'll
be throwing at you. The worst
thing you can do is to show up
to your student group hearing
alone. Then it really looks like
not many students support
the initiative. So, bring hella

Enter the room!
As a former Board member, nothing was more frustrating than watching a group gather outside the glass prison
where the board meets, while the board, inside, was discussing
said group. Board meetings are open to the public. This lesson
applies to life, too: no power structure is going to invite you to
the table if you have demands for its change-you have to make
your demands heard.

This is the most important tip. Attach only relevant,
well marked, and easy to understand documentation to your
request. Cut and dry and to the point makes it easier for everyone and leads to less questioning that you have to defend. If you
know what you are doing, it is very unlikely the Board will deny
your request for funding. Having a dear idea of why you need
money and what you are going to spend it on makes the Board
very happy. And a happy Board is a spendy Board.

Foundation Activity Grants:
Foundation Activity Grants are offered by The Evergreen State College Foundation Board of Governors and administered by the Academic Grants office. This program supports
the projects of individual students, student teams and studentfaculty teams. Activity Grant projects are usually carried out
in conjunction with academic programs and all projects must

have at least one faculty sponsor. In the past, the program has
supported a variety of efforts, including theatrical productions,
art projects and exhibitions, scientific research, video and film
productions, student literary magazines, and expenses for students to attend professional conferences and present their work.
Demand is high for these grants. The Foundation can award
about 20 to 25 grants each year, up to a maximum of$1 ,000 per
student. A team of two students may apply for a maximum of
$2,000. Teams of three or more students may apply for a maximum of $3,000.
Clean Energy Grants:

In the winter of 2005, Evergreen students voted in favor of a selfimposed clean energy fee. As a result,
every student currently pays $1.00 per
credit, every quarter, in order to purchase Green Tags from Evergreens energy providers (Puget Sound Energy
and Tacoma Public Utilities). Because of
this ·student vote, Evergreen now offsets
100% of our electricity purchases with
green, renewable sources. In fact, according to the EPA, The Evergreen State ,
College is the 8th. largest purchaser of •
green energy in the country. The sole •
purpose of the Clean Energy Fund is to
provide financial support for on campus renewable energy projects. Projects
eligible for funding must fall into one
of the following categories: 1) research
into renewable energy and conservation technologies; 2) clean energy projects intended to save energy or produce
electricity; or 3) demonstration projects
which educate the community about sustainable technologies.
Diversity Fund:

The.. President's Diversity Fund was established by
Evergreens Ij>ng range Planning Committee to provide funding
for activities generated by the Evergreen community that educate the community and advance our efforts to become more effectively multicultural. Challenging speakers, national discourse
and skill-building workshops are all examples t:>f educational
activities the fund is intended to support. In order to qualify
for Diversity funds, proposed activities must aim to promote
constructive community discourse about issues of culture and
life-style differences faced by the Evergreen community, including but not limited to: issues of race, ethnicity, color, sex, class,
sexual orientation, religion, disability, and veteran status. The
fund currently consists of an annual budget of $40,650.

The Greener Organization (GO)

The Greener Organization is a group dedicated to giving the students a voice in Residential and Dining Services. GO
seeks to have a broad representation of student residential life;
one of its goals is to have a representative from every building in
housing. Unfortunately, very few people actually stick with the
group all year (or even all quarter), so the reality is that it tends
to be made up of one or two people's extended friends groups
who rubber stamp each other's proposals. Most of these proposals involve the GO's best publicized and most often used function, which is to fund events for Housing residents. GO is given
a very substantial pot of money every year (literally thousands
of dollars a quarter) to use as it sees fit, to throw substance-free
parties, bring in guest speakers, throw concerts, fund plays or
workshops, host a campus-wide pillow
fight, whatever events the board comes
up with or are brought to it that benefit
Housing Residents as a whole. If one has
an idea for an event but needs funding
and/or logistical help to pull it off, presnt it to GO during one of their weekly
meetings and convince them that it's an
event that benefits the whole of housing
(instead of a certain age group or dorm)
and that the event has some sort of following that will attract people to it. Obviously, GO would benefit immensely in
these activities if as many people from as
many different backgrounds and housing styles joined it and gave their input.
That representation is much more vital
for GO's other main function, which is
to act as a sounding board for Residential and Dining Policies, and proposed
Housing improvements and projects
(for..,example, GO approves murals or
their removal if old ones have been
damaged beyond recognition). While it can't generate or veto
policy, it can send the policymakers back to the drawing board
until they have a policy that the GO Board feels gets Housing's
intent across without di~nfranchising any group of Housing
residents. In 2007-08, the GO contributed $15,000 to campus
All that you have to do to gain full GO membership is
to be a current Housing Resident (but not an RA) who shows up
to three consecutive meetings. To join or propose an event to the
GO, contact the RDP at 867-6655.
Do It Yourself:

If none of these schmucks will give you money, talk to
the Student Government. They can approve a vote for a new student fee. The Bus Passes, The Flaming Eggplant Cafe, The CAB
redesign, The Clean Energy Fee, and the "drunk bus" were all
student initiatives voted on by students and subsequently self
imposed fees. It makes for a pile of fees, but some pretty cool
projects. Or do your own fundraising or grantwriting. Or go
raise hell at the Evergreen Foundation office.

The following is a brief list of TESC student groups as of summer '09. Stop by their location, call 'em, or look around campus for fly•
ers for information on meeting times, events, or workshops.

Amnesty International
Local chapter working to end grave abuses internationally and to promote all human rights.
Sem 1 3124, 867-6583

Evergreen Anlme Club


Our purpose is to promote cultural understanding through
Japanese animation and Asian cinema.
• Sem 1 3125, 867-6105

Black Student Union
Evergreen Circus Resurgence

Working to provide a voice and community to members
of the student body who identify with Black Peoples. The
BSU aims to stimulate cultural, educational, political, and
social development through weekly meetings and various
common interest activities on campus.
Sem 1 3121, 867-6724

Dedicated to teaching and providing equipment for any
student who wishes to learn various circus arts, such as
juggling, uncycling, diablo, devilstick, poi, acrobatics, and
Sem 1 3115, 867-6033

Capoelra Angola

Folk Dance Alliance

. A group dedicated to celebrating and practicing this Brazilian martial art.
Sem 1 3117, 867-6879

The Folk Dance Alliance intends to make Contra and
other traditional dancing available and accessible to the
Evergreen and larger communities. Let's Dancel
Sem 1 3117, 867-6879

Center for Ecological & Nature Skills Education
CENSE provides students with opportunities to increase • Freedom of Consciousness Club
The FCC is a social resource for the psychonauts of Evawareness through exploration of wilderness survival
skills, ethnobotany, wildlife tracking, bird language, arid ergreen community. Promoting non-discriminatory, mindful exploration of consciousness through interdisciplinary
the cultivation of a land stewardship ethic.
means including psychedelia, the occult, magick, tarot,
Sem 1 3115, 867-6033
astrology, meditation, yogas, philosophy of mind, shamanism, radical world theories, diet and physiology, radial
Chemistry Club
art, the paranormal, and lucid dreaming.
A forum for the science community at Evergreen.
Sem 1 3165, 867-6784
Sem 1 3166, 867-6.143

Common Bread

Gaming Guild

An interfaith student organization where students and
the surrounding community can attend meetings and programs involving the world's religious traditions.
Sem 1 3124, 867-6583

Dedicated to making gaming easier and more fun for all
gamers in the Evergreen community.
Sem 1 3125, 867-6105

Generation Friends Comedy Arts Coalltlon
Dedicated to exploring and experimenting with a broad
range of dance styles in an inclusive, fun, and casual yet
challenging environment. No dance experience required
Sem 1 3117, 867-6879

Evergreen's student comedy troupe works to explore
comedy in the form of improvisation, sketch, and short
films, and to provide Evergreen students interested in
comedy a place to develop their individual comic voice.
Sem 1 3168, 867-6036

Environmental Resource Center (ERC)

Gun Club

We work toward conserving, protecting, and restoring
native ecosystems through education and active participation. We are working to directly preserve the land, water, air and life in our local bioregion.
Sem 1 3115, 867-6033

Our mission is to educate Evergreen students in firearm
utility and safety. We believe it is the right and responsibility of every citizen to know how to operate a firearm safely
and responsibly.
Sem 1 3167, 867-6036

Dance Matrix Collective

Healing Arts Collective

Pep Band

The Healing Arts Collective serves to make information
about and experience with holistic health and healing modalities accessible to the Evergreen community.
Sem 1 3166, 867-6143

The Evergreen Pep Band is a musical group that is open
to all instruments, experience levels, members of the Evergreen community, and all other communities at large.
Sem 1 3117, 667-6879


Riot to Follow Productions

Dedicated to providing the Evergreen community a place
to explore all aspects of Judaism.
Sem 1 3124, 867-6583

Riot to Follow is dedicated to entertaining and enriching
the Evergreen community by producing and performing
theatrical works; and by extension to providing opportunities for Evergreen students to discover and explore the
performing arts.
Sem 1 3168, 867-6098

Law Society of Evergreen
The Law Society of Evergreen is a resource for students
interested in a career in law and also to serve the greater
community as a place to inform and educate on all matters of law.
Sem 1 3167, 867-6036

Women of Color Coalition
WOCC is a community hub dedicated to creating a safe
space for women of color.
Sem 1 3129, 867-6006

Mad Hatter's Tea Consortium
Seeking to spread the general air of surrealism and merriment at TESC.
Sem 1 3163, 867-6144

Medics Assisting in Safety and Health
M.A.S.H. works to promote the ideas of health education
in a non-hierarchical and anti-oppression environment.
Our goal is to demystify human biology in a meaningful
and empowering way.
Sem 1 3121, 867-6724

Women's Resource Center
It is the mission of the WAC to support all Evergreen
women as they work toward their educational goals. In
order to do this, we must actively combat all forms of
oppression that affect women and the greater campus
Sem 1 3131, 867-6162

Wonder Collective

MSP raises awareness about human rights, immigration, and US foreign policy in the Middle East, surrounding
regions, and the Diaspora.
Sem 1 3121, 867-6724

The Wonder Collective strives
to bring out Evergreen's bright
side by organizing spontaneous, service-oriented activities that leaves you positively
charged, with a smile. •
Sem 1 3165, 867-6784

Movlmento Estudlantll Chicano de Aztlan (The
Chicano Student Movement)

Writer's Guild

Middleeast Solidarity Project

M.E.Ch.f works promote higher education, cultura (culture) and n,storia (history) for our communities and people
of color at large.
Sem 1 3123, 867-6058

Through improv on the streets--lnvisible Theater--creative writing, imaginitive interpretation, and use of props,
we'll develop our own investigative personalities. We aim
to support our fellow agents in the act of performance and
to use our creative faculties to continually elevate the artistic components of OuParaPo fancy.
Sem 1 3165, 867-6784

The Writer's Guild attempts
to integrate the individual writing process with the collective
writing experience (whatever that
Sem 1 3168, 867-6098

Yoga Club
To provide the Evergreen community with a space to learn and practice
Yogic philosophy and mediation.
Sem 1 3166, 867-6143

These staple lnsltltutlons on campus are also funded
by Student Activities and, thus, you!
Children's Center
Provides low-cost child care· to students and staff (3
months - 5 years). They're open M-F 7:30am to 5:30pm.
Bldg. 201 , 867-6060

Public Service Centers
At Evergreen





KAOS Radio
Evergreen's non-commercial, community radio station
plays a variety of independent music, news and public
affairs programming. Students and volunteers run the
shows and internships are also available for students.
KAOS airs at 89.3FM.
Sem I Annex B, 867-6888

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Access Services for Students with Dlsabllltles
Access Services for Student with Disabilities (ASSD)
works holistically to empower students with disabilities by
promoting sett-reliance, effective problem solving skills,
enhanced academic and personal development, and
equal access to all aspects of coll~e life. Their goal is
to invite and celebrate diversity within our campus community. Services available include pre-admission counseling, academic adjustments, including alternate testing
arrangements, scribes, peer note takers, alternative format books, auxiliary aids, such as sign language/oral interpreters, closed captioning, assistive listening devices,
adaptive software and computers,· and referrals to on and
off-campus resources.
LIB L2129, 867-6348

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KEY Student Services
KEY is a federally funded TRIO grant program that
serves students who are the first in their family to go to
college, low income, or have a documented disability and
have a need for academic support. They are there to answer all of your questions and to Qet you oriented and
comfortable with the new world that Is college.
LIB L-2108, 867-6464


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S&A Productions
This group or~anizes stage events for the Evergreen
campus, often bringing major acts to the school. S&A Productions provide opportunities for students to learn about,
and gain practical experience in, event production and
Sem 13164, 867-6222

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Clean Energy Commltee
This committee is composed of four students, two staff,
and one faculty, and is responsible for reviewing budget
proposals for clean energy related campus projects. Student representatives to the committee are selected in the
fall for one-year appointments.
Sem 3157, 867-6220


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So Evergreen used to have some pretty sick murals,
among them was this big Malcolm X portrait in C dorm and
this huge panoramic anti-consumption mural in the lobby of A
dorm, where the grey paint is on the stairs going down. In fact,
there used to be murals scattered all around campus. But no
more. Aside from the new mural outside the library, the only
colorful piece to be found is in the stairwell of A building. It
seems housing has covered almost all of their murals over the
past few years. Housing states that they painted over the murals
because of the cost and difficulty in maintaining them. They
also say that when the murals were painted they were unaware
of the level of fumes that the residents were exposed to. This
new awareness has led to the policy that they will only allow
murals in the fire towers of these buildings.
It's nice to
art on the walls. It
the active viewers
disrupts the monotfor all who pass by.
for artists to paint
they live in is one of
things a school can
our administration,
sive" or "radical"
are not doing a very
It's obvious that we
out concerning the
ture' of art, freedom ,
well as how to make
the figures that try to
ronment and the




live in a place with
engages not only
of the art but also
ony of blank walls
Providing an outlet
the most important
do, and it seems that
however "progresthey pretend to be,
good job at this.
have a lot to figure
definition and 'naand expression, as
our voices heard by
---·- - - control our envipaths we walk on.

If graffiti isn't yotir thing, there might still be a legal
way of expressing yourself on the dorm walls, or at least the
fire towers of these buildings (the fire towers are the well ventilated, nearly-outdoor staircases). All you have to do is design a
proposal for the Greener Organization and they might even buy
you the paints! And hey, if they say no, at least you can say you
tried before you busted out your Krylon stash.

Diversity And Evcrerccn
Diversity means a lot of things at Evergreen.
TESC advertises itself as actively promoting diversity. Yett
the school's administrative policy does nol: discuss whac
they mean when theY. sa_y d1vers1ty and how or with what
they seek to supP9rt 1t. Do you define diversity as a quantitatively measurable appearance of inclusivity with statistics that depict the success of your institution because of
its ability to attract and retain a broad enough range of
constituencies? Is diversity solely a tangible elemenf that
is meant to enrich the lives and educations of the majority populace-the
white middle class--wh~e still abiding
by laws of a state institution (i.e. thal:
ttiey cannot intentionally s_egregate or
actively discriminate against certain
Another thing that struck me
as es~ially strange was that, though
the school's social contract, as well
as its administrative pqli~, does not
specifically discuss or define diversity
or its commitment to diversity, The
Evergreen State College Admissions
~ge does. "The communicy of faculty, staff and students work together to ensure an environment that embraces differences, fosters tolerance and
understanding, and celebrates a commitment to cultural"
ethnic and racial awareness." How does the communicy or
faculty, staff and students work together to bring aoout
such an environment? Does the administration, or even
the faculty and staff, demonstrate on a comprehensive
level a sophisticated awareness of race and racism, let
alone demonstrate a oerceivable concern about students'
lives concerning race? The reality is that students, administrators, faculty and staff actually don't work together.

In fact, .there is very little in the way of communication
across these lines, es~ially about diversicy itself. Many
of the administrative offices, as well as the ooard of trustees, are separated from the lives of students. And though
they may believe that they know what's best for us and
for the faculty and staff, they do not actively engage them
in discussions about support and awareness.
I take the meaning of diversity to mean a full
soectrum of experiences and lives
that encompass a range of racial, socio-economic, religious, sexuality and
gender, age and ability political and
nationalicy identities. Ah oppressions
are not the same and this is one of the
key elements that are missing from
the vague statement the institution
takes on diversity. Not all oppressions
are treated equally in our society, so
why should we P,retend that we could
cater to those different experiences in
the same way?
Without creating a definitive
community and an exl)!!rience-driven
definition of its commitment to diversitv,, Evergreen has
failed to create what they say they aiready nave: an
o~n and supportive learning environment ttiat protects
and emP9wers underprivileged communities, particular.Jy
people of color. The problem is a far-reaching and multifaceted one. Without the critical awareness necessary to
create a commitment to concerns of diverse communities
and methods for responding to oppression, the institution
embodies a commitment to the status quo. It's not the
numbers that matter or the bottom line, it Is the experiences of people.



You may have heard about the controversy created when former MOVE activist Mumia AbuJamal spoke at TESC's graduation ceremony in 1999. One of the world's foremost political P,risoners,
Abu-Jamal has been on death row since 1982 for allegedly killing a police officer in Philaaelphia in
1981. His trial was a case study in the corruption of the US Criminal Justice system~ and nearly every
human rights organization in the world has demanded a retrial. Students workea hard throughout
the year to raise awareness about Mumia's plight and the problems of the criminal justice SY.Stem,
encoura_ging students to write-in Mumia for tne graduation speaker vote. When E"vergreen's first
choice for graduation keynote sr,eaker (Governor "Gary Locke) fell through, Mumia was chosen as
the reP.lacement. Following significant media attention and pressure from the state government, the
administration overruled the graduation committee and. serected another keynote speaker, reducing Abu-Jamal's role in the ceremonies. Before graduation, rumors circulated that cfuring Mumia's
speech discontented seniors & opP,onents of Mumia woula be playing horns or screaming to make
liis words inaudible, but the speech went on with no disruption. Instead, the majority of the crowd
(students and guests alike) rose to a standing ovation.

Other notable graduation speakers in recent years have been Vandana Shiva and Derrick Jensen.
Looking at the pastlist of Ever~reen's graduation speakers, Governor Christine Gregoire, who was the
keynote speaker at Evergreens 2006 graduation ceremony, sticks out like a sore tliumb. Graduation
speakers are voted on by graduating sfudents, but there are questions as to how or if Gregoire was selected. While Gregoire was spewing out bullshit rhetoric about how _globalization just means "we're
all more connectea," four banners were dropped, read in& thin_gs sucn as "Gov. Gregoire Please Stop
Your Racist Welfare Policies" and "Work First= Kids Last,' chi@ren were wearing buttons asking the
Governor if they needed to get a job, graduates and attendees wore patches stati~ "I oppose Governor Gregoire's presence today," the Welfare Rights Organizing Coalition (WROC) hacf a giant mailbox set UP, where you could mail postcards to the Governor,
and graauates ana the peoP.le in the larger audience held up
bri_ght yellow signs tliat clearly said, '1 OPPOSE WELFARE

CUTS TO CHl[DREN." Midway through her speech, many
of the graduates stood in silent opposition throughout
her s~ech, tu med their back to the Governor ancf held
their signs toward the audieACe. Some graduates handed
postcaros to her askin_g her to implement full family support as opposed to futrfamily sanction when the}:'. walked
across stage for their diploma. These actions let Gregoire
know she isn't welcome by many at Evergreen and snows
that we are not fooled by her "liberal" image.



When I think ofthe amazing people that have graced this school with their presence, I foe/~ to be a part ofthe history ofthe same
p_/ace. No I'm not talking about t6t alumni in the entertainment industry that ge_t the most attention here (e.g. Matt Groenmi{ and Micmu/
Richartb), hut those who really tkserve our thoughts and ll'Uengi,:,,g memorials. The best thin_g we can tuJ to remember the nameuss is dedicate

ourselves to destroying the society thatforgot them.

Scott Scurlock enrolled at Evergreen in 1978 to study
organic chemistry and biochemistry. He used this knowledge,
along with supplies stolen from the school, to begin manufacturing crystal meth and eventually became one of the most successful meth dealers in the northwest. Eventually, Scurlock began to
develop guilt over his job and finally quit after his main distributor
was murdered.
With no more income, Scurlock once again had to
solve the problem of subsisting without working, a problem many
people you1I meet in Olympia also try to solve. His thirst for.adventure and anti-work lifestyle eventaully led to tryinQ his hands
at bank robbing. It's also thought that he was also inspired by
the recently released films Robin Hood and Point Break, a movie
about surfers who rob banks to avoid work.
Scurlock called on his friend and Evergreen alumni
Mark Biggins to get involved. And, in the summer of 1992, they
robbed . their first bank in Seatle wearing masks like in Point
Break. Not everything went as planned. They originally wanted
to steal a bank employee's car to use as the getaway vehicle, but
Biggins panicked and flooded the engine, so they ran away with
dogs chasing them, escaping across a golf course. They netted
$19,971 from the robbery, but the entire experience terrified Biggins and he packed up and left.
Without help, Scurlock decided to start robbing banks
himself. After netting $252,000 on his sixth solo job in Seattle, a
friend, Steve Myers, was attracted into the mix and a year later
they started working together. Meyers was the getaway driver
and sat in the car monitoring police frequencies with a scanner,
commuicating via walkie-talkie to let Scurlock know if there was
trouble coming. The pair robbed five banks in 1994.
Other than two banks in Portland, Scurlock only robbed
banks in affluent neighborhoods in Seattle, often repeatedly hitting the same banks. He also studied FBI forensics manuals to
take every precaution in make sure he left no identifiable trace
behind. He was nicknamed "Hollywood" because he'd use pancake makeup and facial attachments like false chins to disguise
himself. He figured out the shift changes for police in the area
and would often hit banks in between the shift changes or when
police were dispersed away from the area. Scurlock went to great
pains to buy cars anonymously, including ones to leave as bait
for the police to throw them off his trail. He paid banks employees
to let him know when the most money would be in the bank and
the best time to strike. He also built an underground secret room
on his property with a mini makeup studio and place to count the
money. Even now, Steve Meyers praises Scurlock's efficient approach: "Nobody ever was hurt, and nobody was ever intended
to be hurt."
Making plenty of money, Scurlock certainly die;! not forget to spread it around. He would reportedly show up at benefit
shows in Olympia and pay hundreds of dollars as his admission.
He was a huge supporter of Earth First! and donated a good
amount of money to their campaigns, as well as to rape crisis
centers. A mix of Peter Pan and Robin Hood, Scurlock never
wanted to grow up and face adult responsibilities, nor did he want
to see those that needed-money go without.
Bumbling police officers and FBI agents failed again
and again to catch up with "Hollywood.· One cop had the idea
to stake out a bank Hollywood had robbed before and monitor

walkie-talkie frequencies. But his· plan didn't work when Hollywood hit a bank in Seattle outside the range the officer was
monitoring frequencies on and ~t away with $141,405, laughing
with his middle finger out the window of the getaway car (Okay I
made up that last part). None of this was enough thrill or money,
so Scurlock decided to rob three banks in two hours, a plan that
would include jamming police frequencies. This plan was aborted
though and they only robbed one of them.
On Thanksgiving Eve in 1996, Scurlock drove to Seattle with Mark Biggins and Steve Meyers for his 17th bank robbery,
a robbery that would net $1 .08 million (Bringing his career total
to $2.3 million) and also be his last. Scurlock and Biggins walked
into the Seafirst branch on NE 125th St. and whipped out their
guns while Meyers was waiting in the car. A teller immediately hit
the silent alarm. The robbery took longer than expected because
the tellers initially gave them a smaller amount of money than
Scurlock knew was there. He had a teller lead him into the vault
where he stuffed bricks of cash into nylon duffel bags. Altough
there were dozens of officers on alert for Hollywood, they were
all patroling in the wron~ neighborhoods and didn't respond quick
enough to stop the job in progress. Almost in the clear, had Meyers made a left at one intersection instead of a right, the gang
would have escaped successfully, but this wrong tum put them
right in holiday traffic which the police were also stuck in. The
cops say they saw Scurlock's van going back and forth in traffic
and decided to do a traffic stop while the gang rummaged through
the loot looking for tracking devices. Meyers says that the police
knew it was them and beQan firing at the car, injuring Biggins and
Meyers. Wounded and bleeding, Biggins returned 37 rounds at
the cops out the window with an assault rifle as they sped away.
Soon afterwards, Scurlock stopped the car again, getting out to
fire three shotgun shells at the cops and speeding away again.
Crashing into the side of a house on 77th St., Biggins and Meyers were wounded and couldn't run , but Scurlock managed to get
away on foot. 200 officers rushed to the scene and couldn't find
him anywhere.
Scurlock hid two blocks away in a camper on someone else's property. The next day, those in the house reported to
police that they saw someone by Scurlock's description on the
property and noticed the curtains had been drawn in the camper
from the inside. Officers claim they went and knocked ·on the
camper, threw tear gas inside and then sprayed two full canisters
of pepper spray through the window, but didn't notice any siQn
of response. Sgt. Monta says he went closer to get a look with
his flashlight when he heard a_gunshot. The officers responded
by firing 30 rounds into the camper and calling in all sorts of task
ces.,,and speciaLuoits .with acmored cars, ao.d Jl)ro.wing ,mpre
tear gas in the camper. Finally, the cops busted the door down to
find Scurlock with a gunshot to the head and five other gunshot
wounds to his body, with a 9mm glock pistol next to him and a
discharged shell.
Meyers and Biggins were both given 21 years in prison. "I r09ret in a sense that it ever happened,• Meyers says. "But
I can't sit and look at this man and say I'm regretting that I ever
knew the guy. Some of the best years of my life were with this
guy.• True crime writer Ann Rule wrote a book available at most
major bookstores about Scurlock's life called The End of the
Dream : The Golden Boy Who Never Grew Up.

The Oueer People of Color Project
Both Evergreen and the greater Olympia area
are considered, by the majority populous, to be places
that are made up almost entirely of fairly liberal minded and at least queer tolerant white people.
There is a lot going on in this construction
of Olympia's population and its regard for
underprivileged populations; the overarching issues have to do with exceptionalism that through some virtue, our little comer of
the world is exempt from the sway of racism and homophobia. Firstly, people of color
communities are invisibilized by the white
majority and because they are invisibilized,
their needs are not being met by community
organizations or social services provided
within the area. Secondly, queer tolerance does not necessarily mean queer educated or queer loving. Homophobia
is something that is still very much rampant even within
queer communities themselves , so to say that
Olympia, or even Evergreen, has already
tackled queer acceptance is pretty ridiculous.
Queer community and acceptance
in the Olympia area is something of a contention. Because there are queer people in
the community who are out publicly, people
automatically think that this is something of
safe haven for queer folk, which is simply not
true. Trans people still have a lot of difficulty
finding health care practitioners that can actually serve them respectably in the Olympia area and homophobia is imbedded in every institution we have here.
There are community groups in Olympia as well' as one
at Evergreen that have organized spaces for queer people,
but these organizations are a long way from
meeting the needs of all of their constituents,
partially due to lack of resources , but also .
because there just hasn't been enough time
or consideration taken to create a fixed commitment to broader issues affecting the queer
The problem that plagues most
queer groups is a lack of political muscle and
social awareness directed towards organizing
efforts. There is a long standing presumption that queer
folks are automatically better at understanding oppressions across the board, and that this understanding makes
them immune from participating in or actively reinforcing
oppression. Consequently, a lot of queer groups have not
even begun to tackle the racism and cultural insensitivity

of their organizations and the members of their organizations and the membership of these organizations sorely
reflects this neglect. If there was much more concentration on queer groups educating themselves
on white privilege and racial/cultural issues,
then these communities could begin to serve
queer people of color in a much more intentional way. This is not to say that it isn't
necessary for there to be more building and
organizing, specifically in order to cater to
the concerns and desire for communities of
queer people of color, but this would create
a greater and more concerted opportunity
for coalition building and communication
amongst all queer folks and their allies. A
queer group of color would also enable queer people of
color to work through the issues that are specific to them
without worrying about how it may be construed or misunderstood by those who do not understand
racism and racialized experiences. For queer
people of color, race is deeply intertwined to
their experience as queer people, and though
an all white queer group may be able to relate
to confronting homophobia, transphobia and
heterosexist thinking, they are not able to fully connect to the ways in which these issues
have been treated and have affected people of
color communities. Homophobia and sexism
is a big issue in a lot of people of color communities , and in many of them, queer identities aren't dealt with at all, but are instead uncomfortably
relegated to silence, or even discussions about the affects
of assimilation on people of color, as if queer identities
were a product of white people.
Oppressions are interlocking. Race oppression is closely tied to gender oppression
and class oppression. The people of color
community at Evergreen and in Olympia
does not function , even in its most radical
manifestations, as a wholly unsexist and unhomophobic entity because the racism that
we deal with on a day to day basis is also one
that is shaded with sexist and homophobic
thinking. The Queer People of Color Project
arose out of discussion on the need for safe space to discuss and tackle the issues we as queer people of color
face, as well as to provide a forum for organizing and
activities that can help us buil~ our community.
QPOC can be contacted at tescqpoc@gmail.com

General GBLTQ Resources
Olympia Parents/Friends/Families of Lesbians
and Gays (PFLAC) PFLAG promotes the health and well-being of gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons, their
families and friends through support in coping with
an adverse society; education to enlighten an ill-informed public; and advocacy to end discrimination
and to secure equal civil rights.
http://pflag-olympia.org/ I info@pflag-olympia.org
Free At Last GLBT Alcoholics Anonymous Weekly meetings are Mondays at 7 PM at United
Churches on 11th and Washington
United Communities AIDS Network (UCAN) Located 147 Rogers St. NW. UCAN provides AIDS
awareness education and advocacy as well as prevention and care services such as a support group,
a buddy system and a drop-in care program. They
have a volunteer program.
360-352-2375 I www.ucan-wa.org
Gender Smash -An open mic night for trans/queer
folks & allies. Third Thursday of every month at
Le Voyeur 8-1 Opm ALL AGES, 1Opm-midnight 21 +
Pastiche Foundation - A nonprofit providing for
GLBTQQIA grassroots action.

Mpowerment - Mpowerment Olympia (formerly
the Olympia Men's Project) strives to create a diverse community of guys who like guys who like to
have fun, hang out, and participate in a wide variety
of events.
352-2375 I mpoweroly@ucan-wa.org
Stonewall Youth - LGBTQ support group for people under 21 years old. Stonewall Youth has a weekly support group on Wednesdays from 5-7
stonewallyouth.org I (360) 705-2738
Evergreen Queer Alliance (EQA) - Dedicated to
serving the needs of all queer people through education, outreach, support and action.
Sem 1 31281 867-6544
Evergreen Queer Christian Alliance
Student group working to create healthy, positive
relationships between the Queer and Christian communities.
Sem 1 31661 867-6143
Gender Alliance of South Sound
Meetings are held the 3rd Saturday of each month,
7-9 at Fertile Ground Guesthouse, 311 9th Ave SE
The New Boyz Club
Meets every other Tuesday, 7-9 pm, at an undisclosed location in West Olympia.
349-0134 I niksavvy@hotmail.com

Evergreen State College is known for it's liberal
students and faculty; but when it comes to issues of oppression and, more specifically, gender identity, people
still have a lot to learn.

about transgender and genderqueer issues. STAR looks to
provide support for all gender vari~t students, educate
allies within the community, and work towards genderneutral campus policies.

'Iransphobia is sadly a matter of fact everywhere
you go and Evergreen is NO exception. While there has
not tieen a history of violence against trans-folks on campus there is still a lot ignorance and slander against transpeople.

One of the great things about Evergreen is the
history we have of activism for transgender, genderqueer
and intersex people. Such activism has been going on ever
since the opening of the school. In 2000, Les1lie Feinberg,
a multi-issue trans activist came to speak to a large crowi:l
in Red Square. Many authors such as Caitlin Sullivan, Kate
Bornstein and Aaron Link have come to speak on campus
over the years. For two rears, Evergreen had a '!rans, Genderqueer and Intersex film festival. The festival was one
of only 3 of its kind at the time in the US. Programs have
begun to include gender identity in seminar iliscussions,
hefping to bring a greater awareness of the subject to students.

During the 2007-2008
academic year there were accounts of people making inflammatory remarks aliout
gender identity via TESCcrier and TESCtalk. These
remarks included remarks
about transfolks just wanting attention and that transfolks should just make up
their mind. If this wasn't baa
enough, these remarks remained largely unchecked.
While a brave trans student
crafted a response, only one
ally "called out" the oppressive and ignorant language
being usea on the listserves.


•·~s' RAf.>ICAL





pan of our


Students, even radical students, have very little
, understanding of the oppression that transpeople face in
their day to day lives, and
usually contribute to that
op_pression. One way that
this expresses itself on Evergreen's campus is through
conversation. Many nontrans people assert that they
understand what it means to
be trans, that there is a right
and a wrong way to be trans
or that a person isn't actually trans. This language and
the actions they inspire are
forms of oppression anq_
need to stop.
There is currently a
student group on campus,
Society Tor Trans Action
and Resources (STAR), that
works to hel_p promote understanding m the administration, faculty, and students

Through the hard work of students, the recreation center has installed two new single occupancy
gender-neutral locker rooms. There have also been more
gender-neutral bathrooms throughout campus. All single
stalled restrooms in SEM II have become gender neutral
and there is one on the second floor of the library as well.
The counseling center staffs counselors who are versed
in issues of gender identity and the medical center is becoming more accommodating to trans-gender and gender
queer folks.
In the past few years Evergreen and its student have made
strides in becoming more trans-friendly, but it still has a
long way to go. A good way to get there is to educate yourselr.Look into the authors mentioned above, talk to STAR
and learn correct terms and pronouns (as it is always good
to ask what pronoun people prefer, regardless of their appearance). Below is a website that is good to reference with
correct terms and definitions.

A relatively new housing theme on campus is
"Gender Neutral," wlterein one's gender is not the means
by which one is ass~ed to college housing. This makes
for a comfortable ani:l safe living environment for members of the LGBTQA (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, '!rans, Queer, Ally)
community. Unfortunately, GN is first come, first serve,
which means spots that could have gone to individuals who really wanted a safe space may end up going to
straight couples who didn't want to do extra paperwork to
live together. Yes, our Allies should be welcomed into GN
but some kind of priority system needs to be developed.
Personally, I suggest an essay explaining why it is necessary for a person to live in GN

Besides the petty personal bigotries that
saturate this country's north and soufh, racism is
insitutionally pervasive in the United States as well.
What does that mean? Well, when Stokely Carmichael first coined the phrase 'institutional racism'
he was trying to highlight the fact that governance
structures had failed to meet the collective needs
of some of its people "because of their color, culture or ethnic origin." In other words, racism still
plays an integral part in the very institutions that
are supposed to take care of us and keep us safe
unconditionally. Even in our enlightened 21st century society, racism still persists. Many things that
we take for granted such as integrated schools, fair
hiring practices, and being able to sit anywhere on
the l:ius are things that
many people have had
to live without dur•
in9 their lives. These
"rights' that most of us
take for granted were fought for tooth and nail.
"Race" may be a social construct, but it carries a lot of weight in our society today. You may
be asking, "If 'race' has no basis in biological rearity, why is it so important?" To put it simply, racism matters because it is one way among many that
the powerful elite spread systems of classification
which keep us divided, distracted, and con9uered.
Racism is perpetuatea through our participation
in a system which has historically treated superficial differences as excuses to treat other people like
subhumans and deny them the fruits of their labor.
The end result of this process was an accumulation
of economic, political, and social benefits into the
hands of a certain "race." The daily reiteration of
this system through the myriad of human interactions is called white P.rivilege. We can see white
privilege all around us, from our biased eurocentric
school textbooks, to banks giving statistically fewer
loans to ;people of color, to the prison and police

system (which disproportionately targets people of
color), all the way to our schoors' ana workplaces'
habits and organizations. The belief that people of
color have overcome all the obstacles to true equality is a complete delusion. Racism, and the subsequent privileg~s that _most white people benefit
from, creep tfie1r way into many parts of our everyday lives in ways that most of us are unaware of. In
this way, racism is also personal.
Despite the lip-service paid to these issues,
don't expect much to be different at Evergreen.
Despite its reputation as a radical institution, Evergreen has its fair share of problems, especially when
It comes to race. Evergreen is 82% white. That
means diversity isn't
CONSCIOUS OF YOUR too great he~e, and
most of the time we
don't live up to our
P,rogressive reputation. An example of white privilege that you're likely to come across at Evergreen is the tendency for a
white person to dominate seminar and interrogate
a person of color about their culture. This isn't good
for a lot of reasons. On one hand, it may alienate the
person of color and, on the other, it forces them to
become some kind of delegate of their entire race,
even though they have their own unique experiences. Such tol<enism sucks and only works to accentuate the disconnect many white people have from
the concept of diversity. Also, when white people
dominate seminar it comes off as intensely arrogant
and this rarely sparks.meaningful dialogue.
Lastly, cultural appropriation (when a person borrows parts of someone else's culture and
adopts them as their own) also happens often at
TESC via hairstyles such as mohawks or dreadlocks
which, while seemin:gly sweet dos, are actually large
parts of some people's cultures, not just the latest

A New MENtality
I Im, :\Lt!(· ( )pprcs,io11 R( ·Lttt·, to S(·,i,m .t11d I lrnnopliolii.t

How can men help women fight sexist oppression? How can straight men or women help fight
against homophobia? The answers to those questions
are also the answer to another question: How can men
help other men {and themselves) overcome their own
oppression and homophobia? As Terrence Crowly puts
it: "As a man I accrue privilege simply by remaining
silent." However, it should be acknowledged that men
too are oppressed, consciously or not, in this patriarchal, heterosexist society. Especially men who overtly
challenge our culture's gender stereotypes and socialization.
We live in a society where overt
male to female physical violence is deplorable by many standards, but male
to male violence is both accepted
and embraced. More men have
died at the hands of other men
than have women. Much of this
killing stems from institutions
that are designed to assert male
domination, or at very least a
social norm of masculinity. Furthermore, we live in a society
that accentuates the dominating
traits of men and the submissive
traits of women.

inability to communicate, both of which inhibit healthy
The socialized gender boxes of patriarchy
force men and women alike to present a false image
of themselves to each other. These are images that
lack both humanity and spirit, images that separate us
and mystify us. While women in our culture have the
license to show each other affection both physically
and emotionally, the same is not true for men. If men
do the same, fear or suspicion often follows. For men,
homophobia keeps the gender roles in place. Should a
man want to divert from any sort of social standard of
masculinity {wear pink, act effeminate, cry in
public), he may be, at the very least, silently
judged by others as weak or as less of a

men can

The gender boxes that are
put around both men and women can
be devastating. Especially when gen- .
der is confused with sexuality. When
we think of gender purely in sexual
terms, men and women have difficulty forming friendships that are based
on an understanding of each other's
struggle. Instead, these friendships
may be based on sexual definitions of
gender. Many young men already associate their masculinity with their sexual prowess.


Socialization/Gender Boxes
The process by which men are
taught to be tough, aggressive, and in-control and women are taught to be pleasing, passive and
controlled is called socialization. Socialization is subtle.
It occurs when young boys are given toy guns and blue
shirts as gifts, and their female counterparts are given
Barbie dolls and pink skirts. It occurs when teen magazines, movies and music suggest girls will be feminine
if they consider their body to be their best asset. Socialization occurs for men when we are taught that our
masculinity is analogous to our sexuality, or th.at our
ability to take control of a situation is a measure of our
manhood. If we listen to the media, men are supposect,.
to be aggressive leaders and/or aloof and mysterious.
In fact, these myths of masculinity manifest themselves
respectively through a domineering personality or an

Same gender relationships, when seen through
sexuality, become stigmatized and feared, especially
for men. This is the essence of homophobia. Homophobia is not exclusively a queer issue. It is a straight issue.
When gender is examined through sexuality, men fear
each other. Men do not develop deep or lasting relationships with other men because of the fear of being
labeled as gay. How often do men, in society at large,
sit down and really talk to each other about their fears,
passions, hopes and sorrows? Likewise, just as women
get together and talk about their oppression and how
to liberate themselves, so too should men.

Socialized gender boxes also dictate who we
So what can we as men do to help ourselves,
should be attracted to. How do we treat those who's and thus our female comrades as well? Many believe
sexuality doesn' t fit the mold? As straight men and it starts with self-examination. Where do my notions
women we take our heterosexual privilege for granted. of masculinity come from? What did my father (or
Besides the obvious challenges of being rejected and mother) teach me about being a man? Do I feel inscorned by society at large, queer men and women face -timidated by a powerful woman? Do I feel competitive
considerable obstacles in many aspects of life. As dif- in the presence of a powerful man? Do I find myself
ficult as love can be, for queer couples it is even harder. dominating the conversation a lot at meetings, in class,
Their validity as couples is constantly challenged. They or other social situations?
rarely are allowed to live their lives outside of their
sexual identity. While straight people can be congressExamining ourselves and our actions, we will
persons, lawyers, doctors or teachers, queer people begin to see how the heterosexist, patriarchal systems
are known most often for their sexuality, and secondly we're involved in affect those around us. In our intheir talent or occupation. We
teractions with friends who are
women or queer, we shouldn't
as straight people have the
right to raise children without
feel a sense of politically correct alarm every time we try to
the threat of state intervention;
few queer couples have had that
interact. At the same time, our
interactions shouldn't become
luxury. Queer men and women,
interrogations of how we enact
just as straight men, do not have
the social acceptance to share
the oppresive systems of patriarchy and heterosexism. Above
affection in public. Therefore,
ending heterosexual privilege
all, listening and seeking to truly
contributes to our own liberaunderstand, without reserve or
tion as loving men.
defense, is the best way to learn
how our actions affect those we
Sexism at Evergreen
Some of you reading
Furthering a commitment to
this article may be thinking,
a changed society, we can men"This may be the case in the
Midwest, or in some small hick
or our younger peers. We can
town, but here at Evergreen, we
provide them with healthier
models of masculinity than what
are all evolved men." I wish that
we may have received growing
were true. Many female activists often talk about how domineering some men are, up. We can provide them with courage and support to
how so m~ny workshops, activities, and trainings are stand up to derogat6ry comments, sexist and heteroled by mep, and how often the majority of comments in sexist stereotypes, as well as educating them about
meetings are made by men. If men are not willing to their own privilege as males and how not to abuse that
look at their own sexist, competitive, and aggressive or privilege.
domineering behaviors, which are rooted in their own
oppressive socialization, our revolution will only go so
Most of all, I encourage men to talk to other men
far. We may have a kinder gentler patriarchy, but the in deeper ways than you usually do, to create a new
patriarchy will remain none the less. Furthermore, ev- mentality behind our notions of masculinity. Equally
ery year on the Evergreen campus women are sexually important, I encourage men to listen more deeply to
other men and to other women, queer and straight.
harassed and even sexually assaulted.

Sexual violence is nauseatingly common: 1 in 3 women .will be sexually assaulted in their
lifetime and l in 4 college-aged women have been raped or suffered attempted rape. These _grotesquely high rates of offense only account for rape and not other forms of sexual violence. Questton: HOW
THE FUCK CAN RAPE RATES BE THIS HIGH? Answer: Because sexual violence is socially

Some statistics from the University of Pennsylvania website elucidate this point. 85% of
rapes of college women are committed by someone they knew. 84% of men who commit rape say
that what they did was definitely not rape. One third of men said they -would have sex with a nonconsenting person if they thought they would get away with it. Furthermore, 42% of women who are
raped tell no one about the rape. That same percentage of women expects to be raped again. Among
the 85% of women who are raped by an acquaintance, only 5% reported the rape to the police. It is
estimated that 50 to 90% of all rapes go unreported. Again, these statistics only address rape and not
other forms of sexual violence.

~ l,"'


Before continuing to talk about sexual violence lets give a definition, "Sexual violence is any action that makes an individual feel violated in a way that pertains to sexuality." Everyone has a right to
determine their own sexual ex.rression and the role they play in the sexual expression of others. The

terms "sexual expression" and sexuality" extend beyond physical actions into verbal , visual , and other
nonphysical actions as well. It is important to .use this definition if we want sexual violence to stOJ>. Notice in the
defirution above that the determirung factor in an act of sexual violence is how the survivor feels . This means
Sexual violence cannot be objectively defined. It is entirely circumstantial. Sexual violence is degrading,
humiliating and takes power away from the survivor. It removes the survivor's ability to determine theu
involvement in sexual expression.

i · ,r-r


The statistic above stating that 84% of men who rape do not think they committed rape exemplifies
the extent to which sexual violence is not recognized. It 1s not uncommon for a survivor to come forward
and have others side with the pt::rpetrator. If there is any excuse as to why a perpetrator may have been
justified in the act of sexual v10lence, then some third (m.rties respond by trying to mediate and explain
this perspective to the survivor. This response sides with the perpetrator in invalidating the survivor's
experience and right to define zir own sexual boundaries. Somettmes third parties will attempt to help
by telling a survivor they need to calm down or are overreacting. Again, further invalidating them.

_ ~~
This reaction fails to recognize an act of sexual violence as being unacceptable. Instead, it displaces
the responsibility onto the survivor, as though the way to deal with the situation is emJ>athy and understanding toward the violator. As a third party, you have absolutely no business asking_ for any information about the incident that the survivor does not voluntarily offer. YOU DO NOT NEED TO HEAR
THE WHOLE STORY to determine whether or not a violation occurred, because it is not up to you to
make that call. At this point it might be good to add that only 2% of rapes reported to police are false
f ~ accusations, which is the same rate that any other crime is falsely reported. Note also that the legal
---criteria for defining rape does not hinge on a survivor's experience as 1t rightfully should.


So how DO you deal with these situations? The answer is different every time. Because sexual
violence takes power away from an individual , the most effective way to handle the situation is for
the survivor to determine the_p!C>Cess. Control of the_J)rocess helps survivors feel em_powered after
With that said, there are some general guidelines: FOR ANYONE WHO WISHES TO ENGAGE
IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY EVER! The most important thing you can do is to make sure all sexual
activities (or activities that can conceivably be seen as sexual) are consensual. Consent is "the act of
willingly and verbally agreeing to involvement in any sexual contact or conduct."
Consent is an ongoing process in any relationship. The only way to know that you are not sexually
violating someone is to always ensure .there is consent. It is important to note that saying no, even
when aslced, can be very hard. Peo ple will feel pressured into sexual activity and may verbally agree,
but not really want to be engaging in sexual activity. If someone says "yes", but you feel that their
nonverbal communication is saying "no", then you should stop. It is important to note that this does
not go the other way around. If you feel that someone's nonverbal communication is sayini "yes",
but they have not verbalized consent, then you have not obtained consent. You cannot know or sure
without verbal (and physical) affirmation.
While i~ is possible to engage in willing sexual contact without expressed verbal consent (have you
verbally consented to every sexual encounter you have had?), recognize that each and every time you
do this, it is possible that you are sexually violating your partner(s). If you did not gain consent and
your partner tells you that you have violated them, then you have.


If you wish to be an ally with a survivor then it is critical that you listen and provide whatever support they request and are comfortable
giving. Having a domineering, even if well-meaning, ally who tries to make decisions for the survivor or tries to impose their own views of the
situation on the survivor, only acts to further disempower the survivor. Be empathetic and communicate your support. If you feel uncertain how to
help, ask the survivor what kind of support they need. Do not talk about the incident with anyone else unless the survivor explicitly asks you to. No
one needs.to know. DO NOT GOSSIP.

Professional resources for emotional and physical assistance are listed at the end of this article. While these
resources are helpful, having support from friends and loved ones is essential . You provide a different kind of support as
a friend , which even the best professionals cannot provide (although keep in mind that professionals provide resources like
medical care that you cannot).


If you have sexually violated someone, then you need to be accountable to that person. It is essential
to understand that even if you did not realize you were violating someone, if they tell you that you did then you
are a perpetrator of sexual violence It is only up to the survivor to decide.How you process and heal from your
role as a perpetrator is different than what you need to do to be accountable to the survivor. Primarily, you have
to respect the survivor's decisions in dealing with the incident. If the survivor wants an apology, then apologize
(iii a heartfelt manner that shows you understand the seriousness of what you have done) . If the survivor does
not want to see your face ever again, then be certain as hell that they never do ... and so on. If the survivor wants
to communicate with you, then trust and respect their ability to determine how they need you to act. YOU DO
will want to apologize for their actions, not out of a concern for the well-being of the survivor, but their own benefit.
Such apologies take the form of "I am sorry that you feel violated but I was really just meaning to have sex with you and I
• 1/Jt.
thought it was consensual and we've done it before so I just thought that it was okay ... " This kind of apology is illegitimate
(aka fucked up) because it places the blame on the survivor. It apologizes for the fact that the survivor feels violated rather
than for the violent act itself. It only serves the perpetrator. If the survivor wants to know what you were thinking, let them ask.
DO NOT MAKE ANY EXCUSES FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. There are none. Your perception/intentions are completely
irrelevant to whether or not you committed violence. You do not have the right to talk about the incident to anyone else. If you
need to talk about it, it must be confidentiality (professionals can help). If a perpetrator does not adequately heal and learn from
their mistakes, they are liable to commit sexual violence again .



Talk about sexual violence with your friends . Think about and discuss what you can do to make sexual violence
socially unacceptable in your community. This could be anything from naming names of known perpetrators to hurling
bloody tampons at them. Be creative, but ALWAYS put the needs of the survivor first. Before anything happens, talk
about how you might respond to an incident. Be supportive of survivors and sensitive to their needs.

Medical- It's important to be checked for physical injuries,
sexually transmitted infections, HIV, and pregnancy after a
rape. It is best to wait to bathe, douche, or change clothing
until after the physical examination. If you have to change
clothes put the clothes you were wearing into a brown bag
~nd bring them with you to the hospit;JI.

SL Peter's Hosital 491-9480 j 413 Lily Road
Provides leg~I rape exams and will call a Safeplace
advocate and a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner-.:..folks
who are specifically trained to help you through the
examination. The exam is paid for through Crime Victims Compensation.
Group Health 973-7000 I 700 Lilly Road
Provides legal rape exams but only accepts members
of its health plan. The results of your medical exam will
not be released to the police without your written consent if you are over 18 (if you are under 18 the hospital
is legally required to do so). Remember it is always
your choice to speak with police or answer questions
they ask you. If you want to press charges against your
attacker, it is impartant to go to the hospitar within 72
hours after vaginal penetration, 48 hours after anal,
and 12 hours after oral.
The Evergreen Health Center 867-6200 I
SEMI 2110 Cannot conduct legal rape exams but can
provide tr~atment of inj~ries, te~ting, a_nd emergency
contraception. M, Tu, Th. 8-5, W. 8-7, F. 8-Noon

Emotional Support Options - Friends, famil' members, peer advocates, Safeplace advocates or anyone
else you know and trust can provide support.

The Counseling Center 866-6800 I
SEM I 4130 Has licensed and peer counselors
available during the academic year. Conversations are free and confidential. M-Th 13-5, Fri 8-3,
Walk-in M-F 11-Noon.
The Sexual Assault Prevention Coordinator 867-5221 I SEMI 4121 Can help decide
whether to press charges and what your options are
for support and assistance. You can call police services (867-6140) after hours. http://www.evergreen.

Safeplace Rape Relief/Women's Shelter
Services (360) 754-6300 - 24 crisis hotline I (360)

786 8754-business line I safeplaceo/ympia.org
Has advocates available 24 hours a day who are
specially trained to help WOMEN survivors though
all phases of recovery including medical help and
the legal sxstem. Safeplace also provides confidential shelter for women and children. While Safeplace
acknowledges the need for trans/intersex survivor
services ana is working toward providing them, the
Survivor Project (503-288-3191, survivorproject.org)
in Portland currently provides better intersex/trans

SIU nu: WOKD ..

Women's bod ies are not meant to
be feared, they are meant to be
loved! Radical wimmin unite, stop
putting wads of dry cotton in your
The feminine hygiene industry's
toll on our bodies and Earth :
A menstruator is likely to use
16,800 sanitary pads or tampons in
a lifetime.
Tampons soak up more than just
blood. They also absorb vaginal
mucous, which is necessary to
maintain a healthy pH balance in
the vagina; this phenomenon has
been linked to yeast infections.
Artificial fibers (like rayon) used in
tampons are abrasive, so when a
tampon lengthens it pushes against
the cervical area, causing tiny cuts
and imbedding pieces into the tissue. This has been traced as the
probable cause of Toxic Shock Syndrome and has been shown to damage the vaginal walls by causing ulceration and peeling of the mucous
The vaginal walls are the most absorbent part of the menstruator's
body. 25% of all pesticides are used
on cotton, which are used to make
tampons. No long-term independent testing has been done on the
health effects of using non-organic
cotton tampons.
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) has
been linked to tampon use and the
high absorbency level in tampons.
The number of reported cases has
dropped significantly in recent
years, from 55 deaths arid 1,066
cases during 1979 and 1980 to 5 re-

ported cases in 1997 and 3 in 1998,
due to increased regulation of the
FDA of tampon absorbency and
changes in tampon ingredients.
Five of the top nine pesticides used
on cotton in the U.S. (cyanide, dicofol, naled, propargite, and trifluralin) are KNOWN cancer-causing
chemicals. All nine are classified by
the U.S. EPA as Category 1 and 2,
the most dangerous.
In California, it has become illegal
to feed the leaves, stems, and short
fibers of cotton known as gin trash
to livestock, because of the concentrated levels of pesticide residue.
Instead, this gin trash is used to
make furniture, mattresses, tampons, swabs, and cotton balls.

Homemade cloth menstrual pads
or Lunapads/Gladrags.
Reusable menstrual cup like the
Keeper or Diva Cup (I've been using
one for 2 years, it's the best thing

www.seac.<?r5J/ta m pons
Cunt: A declaration of Independence Inga Muscio; Seal Press,
Women's Resource Center
Women of Color Coalition

the Winnipeg Radical Cheerleaders
miss lucy has a problem
her money hos run dry
she can't afford tampons
and she can't understand why
(why) the government taxes them
when they should be free
they have no problem profiting
off something that we need
(need) to have alternatives
to perfumes, bleach & dye
gives me a rash & makes me scratch
the companies they lie
/lie) to sell us garbage
that goes into the lakes
stop fl/ling up the landfills
we're putting on the brakes
(break) consumer cycles
that feed us guilt and shame
i'm getting off your white couch
and showing off the stain
(stain) yer stinkin' standards
of how i'm supposed to feel
you think i smell, well go to hell
it's natural to bleed
(bleeding) in my keeper
cloth pads are fine with me
and screw your midol
give me red raspberry tea
(teaching) one another
about menstrual health
shared knowledge and experience
is our greatest wealth
(wealthy) corporations
i think your time is done
your stupid douche and silly wings
i want N,O NE, N O,N,£, N,O,N,£,
none, none, none'

DON'T WEAR CONTACT LENSES. Contacts can trap
chemicals in the eyes and cause severe pain or blindness.
Don't wear earrings. DO tape over non-removable
Don't wear natural fibers (cotton, wool, hemp, or
fuzzy, absorbent fibers).
Don't wear tampons. Chemicals can be absorbed
into tampons, causing toxic shock syndrome.
Don't shave before a protest or wear oil-based skin
products (lotions, sunscreens, etc.).
Drugs such as cocaine can dramatically worsen the
effects of chemical weapons, and are associated
with the majority of electroshock weapon-related

You are, or are with, children, animals, or the elderly.
You have asthma, a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or have heart conditions.
You are a nursing mother. Toxins<Ean be passed through breast milk.
You have Jong hair; facial hair or dreadlocks. Chemicals can get trapped in them & cops can use them to grab you.

Take as COLD.a shower as you can stand. Hot water
will make your skin burn all over again. Do not to get chemiRemember: the pain is only temporary. Get away
from the 9as cloud. If you are wearing contact lenses take
them out immediately. If you can't do it yourself, have someone with CLEAN hands help you. Blow your nose, spit, cough,
etc. Try not to swallow. Flush eyes with water, making sure
head is tipped so that water is flowing out of the eye sockets.

cals into sensitive areas or wounds. Avoid alcohol and other
drugs for a while, as your body is cleaning itself of toxins.
Wash your clothes in harsh detergent.
Organic Miso and citrus fruits are the best to eat
afterwards. Also burdock, nettles, Oregon grape, or dandelions can be useful to purge your liver and systems. Use garlic
ginger, mulleinkand marshmallow root for lung support. Treat
stress .with mil y oat, and use licorice for throat care.

The Olympia Street Medic Collective developed following the May 2006 port protests. It was formed by individuals from various factions of th e activist community to educate ourselves and keep each other safe ,n the streets.
The collective has since grown and now holds numerous health and safety workshops, street medic trainings, forums on
weaponry and protest preparedness, and attempts to attend all protests and gatherings in Olympia where EMTs and Paramedics are unlikely/unable to attend. The collective holds ongoing trainings, scenario days, and fundraisers. If you are
interested in becoming a street medic, helping us during scenario days (make-up artist, actors, etc.), making donations
(medical supplies always welcome), or in helping with fundra1sing, please contact us at olysmc@lists.riseup.net

GITttn IS Int nrw ITLD

The Green Scare is a roundup strategy
aimed at scaring the majority of radical activists from
effective dissent through the targeting of a few activists with Draconian prison sentences. A similar tactic
was used in the 1950's (during the Cold War's "Red
Scare"), where anyone remotely considered communist

was targeted. We are seeing a similar tactic applied
to environmental and animal rights activists today.
The code name for this current wave of repression is
Operation Backfire. The prisoner support zine, Spirit
of Freedom, defined the Green scare as, "the tactics
that the US government and all their tentacles (FBI,
IRS, BATF, Joint Terrorism Task Forces, local police,
the court system) are using to attack the ELF/ALF
and specifically those who publicly support them."
The ELF (Earth Liberation Front) is not so
much of an organization as it is a concept. It is
a label given to direct actions which fit the philosophy of the ELF-to inflict economic damage
upon industries that destroy the planet while
taking extreme efforts that no humans or nonhumans are injured in the process. To this end,
ELFers (or Elves) bring to light the atrocities those
businesses and industries perpetuate.
The ALF (Animal Liberation Front) is the
predecessor to the ELF. Like the ELF, the ALF is
a label given or chosen by activists. The
ALF differs in that most actions are not
for economic damage but for liberating
animals from oppressive facilities, such
as testing labs, fur farms, and slaughterhouses. However, the liberation actions
do economic damage as well as give the
animals another shot at life.

An underlying principle of the ELF and ALF
is that absolutely no being is hurt in their actions. Further, since both movements began,
there have been exactly zero injuries to humans. Despite both groups vow of nonviolence, the FBI considers both to
be the number one domestic terrorist threat.
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Stephen Peifer said in court
that the alleged ELF members and their "crimes" "... is
a classic case of terrorism,
despite their protests of
lofty humane goals ... it was
pure luck no one was killed
or injured by their actions ...
if that is the standard, then
the Ku Klux Klan did not

commit terrorism when they burned empty black of reducing their own sentences. Throughout the enchurches during the civil rights upheaval ... " thus lik- tire case there were glaring holes and unreliable witening non-violent environmental activists to a noto- nesses. Yet, due to the power of the media and state
rious hate group that also had the full power of the • she was put away regardless.
state and decades of systematic oppression behind
One of the larger lessons learned through
them. What is more horrifying is what Judge Aiken
said: that to qualify for "federal criminal terrorism" an the Green Scare was that the FBI had no leads until
action "does not require a substantial risk of injury." people began snitching, so movements with an efThus completely nullifying the meaning of terrorism fective security culture pose a legitimate challenge
and opening the door to call any direct action that to the FBI and those they serve. The state will screw
threatens destructive industries or the state "terror- you over regardless if you help them or not, and
the power and omnipresence of the state is not as
monolithic as they would like all to believe.
Both movements operate with the use of
autonomous cells and neither movement has selfThe easiest way to support political prisondescribed leaders. Despite this blaring fact, the FBI ers such as these is to write them letters of support
coined a core group of "leaders" and called it the and if you can, donate to their legal and commissary
"family". The "family" consisted of alleged environ- funds. The Sabot lnfoshoppe on the second floor of
mental activists who all lived on the West Coast, SEM.I plans to hold prisoner writing parties throughpredominantly in Eugene and Olympia. This "group" out the year.. look out for flyers.
was the first to see extreme FBI repression , being
blamed for several ELF actions without proof of their
involvement. The FBI became dependent on "snitchCheck www.greenisthenewred.com
es" and paid informants for information leading to
for info on individual prinsoners.
arrests, promising shorter prison sentences and
lesser charges. What happened instead was that all
named activists became imprisoned along with the
snitches. In fact, the accused who turned into informants statistically got much longer sentences than
those who refused to rat out their friends.
The Green Scare has been horrific for the
victims of this police repression . Bill Rodgers of
Prescott, Arizona was found dead in his cell two
weeks after his arrest. The FBI labeled Rodgers the
leader of the ELF and mastermind of the arsons that
had caused upwards to $20 million. Eric McDavid
received 19 years for "conspiracy to destroy property by means offire or explosives" a euphemism for
thoughtcrime. In reality, a paid informant known as
Anna was paid $75,000 to fabricate a crime and implicate whoever fell into the net. Both of McDavid's
co-defendants Zachary Jenson and Lauren Wiener
plead guitty for lesser charges and agreed to testify
against Eric. The result is a person who committed
no crime is now in prison for two decades.
Activist Jonathan Paul received 4 years and
3 months. Activist Joynna Zacher (Sadie) of Olympia received 7 years and 8 months. Activist Nathan
Block (Exile) of Olympia also received 7 years and
3 months. Brianna Waters, the once coordinator for
the Evergreen Animal Rights Network and now a
mother, professional musician, and violin teacher,
was sentenced to 6 years for a crime she was not
even at. She was named as a lookout to an arson by
two people facing hefty prison sentences with hopes

Ex-Greener Briana Waters was sentenced to 6 years

Security Culture 101
A security culture is a set of customs shared by a community whose memben may engag_e in illegal or unwanted activities, the practice of
which minimizes the risks of such activities. The main focus of a security culture is keeping information about illegal activities private and
between involved individuals only. - From Wikiped,a
~ ,

The core premise of establishing a culture of security is not letting be known what need not be known. If
a community has a strong sense of security culture, it matters less who's phones are tapped, what houses are bugged,
or who is or isn't wired because the information received
will not lead the feds to anything that can meaningfully
implicate individuals.
Radical and activist communities are no place
for "I'm more anarchist/militant/serious-about-the-causethan-you" posturing. If one commits illegal acts, the least
amount of people possible should know
(if you are working in a cell or affinity
group), Don't casually throw around direct action ideas in public if you potentially want to try them in the future. Don't
talk about about illegal things you've
done or hint at why you've dropped out of
mainstream actions.Bragging, directly or
implied, is simply dumb when anything
you say can be held against you in court.
Security culture is not guessing
who did what and when. There is no place
for gossip when running your mouth
can lead to someone being indicted by
a grand jwy and facing years in prison.
The feds don't really care if they have the
"right" person or not. On the contrary,
government repression is about instilling
fear in radical and activist communities,
not bringing people to "justice." They'll
use that gossip whether or not it's even
remotely true.
The police and the FBI (and depending on the
situation, CIA ~d NSA) become interested in activities
when they begin to meaningfully challenge the homogeny of power and business as usual. Radical environmental and animal activists (such as the Earth Liberation Front
[ELF] or Animal Liberation Front [ALFD are considered
the number one domestic terrorist threat, while crazy militant anti-gay and anti-abortion groups are silently left out
of the equation.
That being the reality, if you take part in radical
activist activities, it is best to assume there may be an informant in the room, that your phone is tapped, and that
your emails are being read, whether or not it may be true.

Security culture is never talking to the police or
FBI about anythmg. Ever. Evening the most seemingly innocuous question will be used against you or )'Our friends.
Know your rights as a citizen. The FBI will do whatever
they can to scare the shit out of you and make )'OU talk.
The majority of what they say is posturing and they will
have no qualms lying to your face nor do they have to do
what they say they will if you do talk. They are trying to
intimidate you and pesuade you.
Security culture looks like having your
friends and allies' backs. If your friend
or someone in your community gets
snatched and is in jail, it is your duty to
support that person. Jail and prison are
about breaking people and is a political tool that is used to scare and coerce
people into becoming informants. Jail
and prison are about isolating )'OU. Write
letters, keep up to date about where they
are being transferred to. Go to court hearings. Make sure they are getting treated
well. Fundraise for their 7egal defense.
And show they are not forgotten.
Security culture looks like being aware
of who is and who isn't reliable-especially when planning illef;!;al activities. How
long have you know tne people you are
worlting WJth? What is their history in
the community? Can it be traced and
verified? Are they level-headed and responsible or do they have something to
prove? Where is sensitive information to
be kept?
Work with reliable and experienced friends you
trust. Informants, snitches and infiltrators have been a
part of the history of radical movements around the world
But, don't get overly paranoid The feds would love nothing more tlian for radical and activist communities to turn
into neurotic, scared, isolated groups of people too afraid
to attempt to do anything at all disobedient.
The best defense to government repression is
having strong, healthy, loving communities ofresistance.
We snould strive to build longstanding communities of
interwoven relationships that span time, multiple communities, nations and even landmasses. The more interwoven
our communities, the harder they are to unwind and infil.
trate. Security culture is to activism what a condom is to
sex. Its for the safety of you and your partner(s), so don'1
forget it!

1. You have the constitutional right to remain silent. 8. You do not have to let officers witho·u t a warrant into
You do not have to talk to law enforcement or anyone your home, nor do you have to answer their questions.
else even if you do not feel free to walk away, or if you Enforcement cannot get a warrant based on your reare arrested or in jail. You cannot be punislied for not fusal, nor can they punish you for refusing consent.
speaking. It is smart to talk to a lawyer before answer9. If officers insist on searching any questions. Only a judge
an order you to answer ques- 111: do n.o't co:a.sen.'t -to ing your home do not interfere
witli the search in any way, but
a search. l:'m going clearly say you have not given
and that the search
2. The only two exc~ptions ~o
-to re-main silen.-t. I: consent
is against your wishes. Get
not answering questions are m
names and badge numbers of
some state~ you must provide
"W"ll,D.'t 'to speak 'to a,
searching officers and contact
law ,er.,,
a lawyerimmediately.
are not required to answer any
10. If you give consent to a
other questions. Second, if you
are driving and pulled over for a traffic violation you are search, officers do not need to get the court's perrequired to show license, registration and insurance, mission to do a search. Police may search your car but
but nothing else.
only the area within reach and in containers that could
conceivably contain a weaP.on ( not the Altoids tin you
3. You have the constitutional right to talk to a la)!V}'er have your weed stashed in). 'Smelling something is
before answering questions regardless if police tell you not grounds for a search (tnough a K9 unit smelling
about that right, even if you ao not have a lawyer. If something is). They must have a warrent to look in the
you do make sure you have a business card on you
truck. Always say you do not consent to
to show the officer and ask to call your la"'{Yer.
the search.
Remember to get the name, agency, and tele11 . If law enforcement knocks cin the
phone number of any law enforcement who
visits you and give tl'iat information to your
door, do not open it. Instead, ask
through the door if they have a warlawyer.
rant. If the answer is no, then do not
let them into your home and do not
4. Anything you say to law enforcement can
answer any questions or say anythinij
be used against you and others. LY,ing is a
crime, butl>eing silent is not. Even If you another than "r do not want to talk to you.
If they do have a warrant ask it to be
s~ered some.questions you can choose to be
slipped under the door, or shown through
silent at any time.
a peepholehwindow, or a door that is open
only enoug to see the warrant. If you
5. If enforcement threatens to get a subpoena you still do not have to answer any quesopen the door to see the warrant, shut the
door behind you and ask for the warrant.
tions right there and then. If you are subMake sure tt.e warrant contains the judges
poenaea contact a lawyer right away.
name and signature, your name and correct
You must follow the subpoena's directions about where and when to
address, the date, prace to be searched, a
description of any items being searched for,
report to court but you still do not
and ttie name of the agency that is conduchave to say anything.
tion the search or arrest. An arrest warrant
that does Rot have your name may still be
6. If asked to meet with offivalidly used for your arrest if it describes you
cers for a "counter-terrorism
interview" ·you have the right
enough to identifv you, and a search warrant that does nof liave your name may still
to say no; o have an ~ttorney
be valid if it gives the correct address and
present to set the time ana
description of the place to be searched.
place of interview, to find out
the guestions they will ask beA warrant that is a "warrant of removal/
foreliand, and to answer only
deportation" does not give the officer the
the questions you feel comauthority to ~nter your home. If you say
the warrant Is not complete or accurate,
fortable answering. If taken
say you do not consent to the search.
into custody you still have the
But, do not interfere if the officers deright to remain silent. Never
cide to do the search even after you told
assume that an~hing you
say is off the record ana it Is a
them they are mistaken. Call a la"'{Yer as
soon as possible. Ask if you are allowed
criminal offense to knowingly
to watch the search. If you are allowed
lie to an officer.
you should take notes, including names,
badge number which agency each of7. You do not need to answer
any questions if you are shown
ficer is from, w'here they searched and
what they took.1:f ave any other people
a warrant.
present act as witnesses.



Make Destro



During the your first few weeks at Evergreen, you'll
Sadly, this reality is no exception to the rule. Most
notice some Bank of America (BOA) representatives. These banks, and especially the big ones, routinely invest in operapeople are super friendly and they talk a big talk. They'll prom- tions that are either bad for humans, the planet, or both. Wells
ise you free checking and lots of convenience. With the ATMs Fargo, for instance, is one of the single largest stockholders in
on campus and the numerous locations around Olympia to serve the GEO group, which owns and operates private prisons and
you, banking with BOA can seem pretty appealing. Before you detention centers like the one in Tacoma known for its abuses
make this decision, or even decide to make a donation (that to immigrant detainees. And banks in general are shisty as fuck.
is, pay the ATM surcharge), here are some things you should They'll do anything to make a buck. Just look at the current
financial crisis we're dealing with, brought about by super rich
In 2007, BOA began to tout an environmental platform banks feeding off the poorest people til the candy coated housin which they will, "support environmentally sustainable busi- ing bubble popped. Internationally, the World Bank and IMF
ness ... and to address global climate change."
routinely scheme together to "invest" in poor countries to supYet, as par usual, the high and mighty rhetoric masks posedly pull them out of squalor. When, in reality, the heavy
policies that achieve the opposite. Bank of America calls itself fees and infrastructural changes they impose in return for their
a leader in the fight against climate change because they've loans leave many countries "helped" by these institutions more
pledged 2% of the companies $ I.I trillion in assets to fighting indebted and less likely to provide for themselves than when
climate change spread out over the next 10 years. Yet, BOA they first cried out.
continues to be one of the largest financiers of coal , which atBanks are totally fucked. So what's the alternative?
tributes 40% of annual Greenhouse gas emissions.
Well, if you can't stuff it all under the mattress, the next best opBank of America has also invested billions of dollars tion is a credit union. Credit unions, unlike banks, are owned by
into companies that practice Mountaintop Removal (MTR) such their members and are nonprofit. They offer competitive interest
as Massey Energy, Arch Coal, and Alpha Natural Resources. rates, usually beating the best rates from local banks.They are
MTR is a method of getting coal by literally blowing off the open to all members of the community and directly accountable
tops of mountains, causing horrific ecological damage to hu- to them. Members are not simply clients and they are not just
mans and non-humans alike.
beneficiaries of a small loan fund. They are shareholders with a
Bank of America has also financed billions of dollars political voice in the institution that holds their savings.
Locally, the Washington State Eminto more than 150 new coal-fired power plants throughout the
US. Such clients include Peabody Energy, the largest coal min- ployee's Credit Union (WSECU) and Tulip
ing company on the planet. Thus, BOA is financing hundreds Cooperative Credit Union are your best
of millions of tons of new CO2 emissions every year. Each of options. Tulip was started as a indethe proposed 150 coal plants would add between 600 million pendent learning contract aby TESC
and I .I billion tons of additional CO2 emissions each year, thus students, is run by the Food Co-Op
making moot every other effort currently being purposed to (see map in back for locations), and
fight climate change.
is super badass. •
The Environmental Resource Center
. ·, .
is working with WashPirg, Olympia
Rising Tide and th~ Cascade Climate Network to !de~ BOA off
,,'~~-/{-4 ,: ·.:-·;~ ; ,
..:_.-:~::-:-: •••
credit 1:1ruo~. If you~ mter- .~
:-. •••
.---.: •·-;-~ested m this campaign keep ... = :.•-· ·
•• ~~
an eye out for campaign . ·.N:-:::. •
activi~es or come to ERC • .~ :."- . ••. .. .
.. -j~
-:- -:: :: .•:i- _ -- ~
"'"'-l ;.t.:lc;:,1;:,, ·.-. '!(:..~'

-=~- .-~~=-


'· •



Gentrification is the rebuilding or changing of an
area, neighborhood, or city to suit both the desires of the
generally small amount of affluent people living there and
the wants of those (wealthy folks) who would live in said area
if chang~s were made. Gentrification discounts the needs of
the majority of the people who already live in an area. In
many cases it ultimately displaces people already living there
through a variety of ways. This includes driving up property
values (making it impossible for low income people to live
there and middle income people to own businesses), tearing
down old affordable housing units to make way for new luxury housing units, the creation of stricter anti-homeless laws,
and the introduction of high-end chain stores that drive out
local shops.

The Olympia Downtown Association (ODA) is
a non-profit organization which works to benefit the few
well-off business owners in downtown Olympia. The ODA
(which includes less then a quarter of downtown business
owners) often clai,ms to speak for downtown business as a
whole and uses this claim to promote various harmful and
oppressive causes. The ODA has been working to gentrify
downtown through the promotion of anti-homeless laws, the
promotion of luxury condos, and the promotion of high-end
business, the regulating of public art, and taking a "tough on
crime" stance.

Olympia is changing and with every new city council meeting it is becoming more and more gentrified. This change is
happening throughout downtown and is most apparent by
the building of new luxury condos, stricter anti-homeless
laws, and the construction of a new city hall.

Actual crime downtown as documented by the
Olympian and the police department has remained fairly
constant-and was never really high. Still, fear of crime and
fear of'others' is the flames fanned for decades by the ODA.
Unfortunately, the ODA and the actual residents of downtown seem to have much different ideas about what an "improved" downtown is.

Recent moves made by the ODA to "improve", or attempt to improve, downtown:
1986: Criminalization of skateboarding
1987: Outlawing of teen dance clubs
1990: Criminalization of loud car stereos
1991: Outlawing of"cruising"
1993: Criminalization of"aggressive pan handling"
1994/1995: Attempted stop of transitional housing for
1995: Proposed criminalization of car camping
1995: Proposed outlawing of fortified wine (against the
1996: Outlawing of OAPP Needle Exchange
1996/1997: Attempted banning of sitting on the sidewalk "
1999/2000: Criminalization of graffiti and lobbying against
designated "graffiti walls"
2000/2001: Proposed public financing of a massive Convention Center downtown
2001/2002: Proposed criminalization of car camping and
camping, proposed outlawing of fortified wine, proposed
ban on pan handling
2002/2003: Proposed public financing of a massive Convention Center downtown

2005: PBINBID (Parking Business Improvement Area/Business Improvement District) passed
2005/2006: Continued attempts to rid downtown of graffiti
and loitering
2006:Supports sidewalk ordinance which makes it illegal to
sit, lie, vend, or solicit within six feet of the edge of a building
2008: Publicly came out in favor of the water front rezone
which would allow for the building of high rise condos,
"strongly recommends that the Council support the Planning
Commission's position in favor of the height amendment~
2008: Supports RV ordinance, an ordinance designed so that
unhoused people can't sleep in their RV's on city streets
2009: Continued Public support of waterfront rezone
2009:Creation of Sunday Sweep, an event to clean up downtown (including grafitti). This event will go along with the
ODA's twice a year"city clean up"
2009: Adapts a new nationally tested model of city planning
know as "Main Street~ Intended to economically restructure
downtown, "beautify" downtown, and make downtown
"safer" through continued cooperation with the police.

The Anti-Homelessness Trend
Over the last five years, the Olympia City Council
has passed severe anti-homeless legislation. This legislation is selectively enforced, only targeting those who the
p0lice assume to be unhoused. The intention of these laws
Is to keep unhoused people out of downtown Olympia. It
is city council's hope that more people with more money
will come to our city if they (the wealthy) do "not have to
deal" with unhoused people. This is part of gentrification:
ridding the city of those who live here to suit the wants of
those who someday may live here and whose money will
benefit the already wealthy.
In 2006, The Side Walk Ordinance--originally
proposed in 1996--was passed. The ordinance makes it
illegal to sit, lay, vend, or solicit within six feet of the edge
of a building. Basically, this law makes it illegal for unhoused people to sit, ask for money, play music, and/or
sleep downtown. This law is targeted at unhoused people
and is only enforced on unhoused people*.
In 2008, the RV Ordinance was passed making it illegal for RVs to be parked on city streets at night.
This was created so that people do not sleep in there RVs
downtown at night. In a town with so few public shelters,
if you tell someone who has an RV that they can't sleep
it in town, you are basically saying that they can't sleep
in town. It is yet another attempt to push people who are
unhoused away from downtown.
The City Council has been having a profound
negative effect on the unhoused communities of Downtown Oly, but they are not the only negative force. A contingent of the downtown business community, general behavior of the Olympia city government and Olympia Police
Department, and the difficulty of receiving social services,
coupled with recent cuts in services, add to the mistreatment of unhoused
for example, some members of the downtown
business community will call the police if a person is sitting in front .pf their store, will refuse restroom access,
enact No ,: espass orders, and join organizations
such as the ODA, which lobbies for anti-homeless legislation.
The cops go through cycles of targeting encampments of unhoused people
and arresting the residence of said camps
and doing street sweeps.**
This new legislation, along with
an already oppressive environment,
makes living downtown increasingly more difficult for unhoused
people. As allies, there are some
things that we can do to stop
these trends and make Olympia a
safer place for all of its residence:

1) Holding city council people accountable for passing legislation and 6gbting to reverse it.
2) Holding downtown business owners accountable for their
treatment of unhouscd people. Holding them accountable
if they don't allow people to use their awnings or restrooms.
Holding them accountable if they call the cops on unhouscd
people who arc sitting on the sidewalk in front of their stores.

3) Fighting gcntri6cation as a whole in Olympia. The more
gcntri6cd a town is, the less services there arc for unhouscd
people. The more gcntri6cd a town is the more anti-homdess
laws there will be.
4) Participate in har.m reduction services through community groups. There arc many amazing organizations in downtown Olympia who do work with unhouscd people (e.g. No
Gap*** and EGYHOP****). Both groups arc community run
ancl funded and believe in the sdf determination of those they

*There have been times when unhoused folks and housed folks
had been standing in the same area engaging in a conveisation
with each other and cops have come by and ticketed the unhoused people in the group and left the housed people alone.
••street Sweeps are when the police kick unhoused people off
the streets and often arrest them
***No Gap is a low barrier (will serve anyone who wants their
services, regardless of financial, addiction, legal or mental health
status) advocacy outreach program that operates in Downtown
Oly. They believe in working for people to get what
they want. 7ihey are always looking for more volunteers and do monthly trainings on outreach
and advocacy work. olynogap@gmall.com
****EGYHOP's mission is to bring basic
resources, emergency intervention, in(Drmation about services, small meals,
basic items to ease life on the streets,
and friendly faces to empower members of the street population in
Olympia. This population includes,
but is not limited to, disenfranchised youth and unhoused or
low-income folks. For the past
eight years, two people go out
on bikes every night with carts
full of outreach supplies to the
streets of downtown Olympia.
Donation boxes are located
around town and the Evergreen
campus, the largest of which is
by Bike & Bike in Dumpster
Values thrift shop downtown.
EGYHOP is a project of Done
& Done. Mail donations to: PO
Box 6382, Olympia, WA 98507

The City Government, The ODA, condo developers, and two small
citizens groups are pushing to build several different mixed use (residential
and commercial) high-end properties in downtown Olympia. The proponents
of these buildings say they will bring in rich people who will spend money
downtown thus revitalizing the downtown economy, and thereby benefiting
all of us. This argument equates to trickledown economics, which history has
shown does not work.
What will actually happen if these buildings are built is that property values will go up downtown, making it so that people who already live
downtown will no longer be able to pay their rent. Storefront rent will also
go up. This, coupled with the competition that will come from the big name
high-end stores that will inhabit the commercial sections of these buildings,
will make it so that already excising, locally-owned businesses will likely go
out of business. Due to the rise in property values, police presence will increase, this will mean an increase in enforcing anti-homeless legislation and
will further work to push unhoused people from the city. In short, building
luxury mixed use structures will displace those who already live downtown
and make the city a home designed for people who do not currently live
Currently there are several condo projects in the works. The shell
of one high-end structure was recently completed near Adams and Union
downtown. Another is the building of a •market rate* mixed use• structure
on Columbia between 4th and 5th downtown. The building will include highend housing and expensive storefront space. Both of these projects have
slipped relatively under the radar and work on these projects has begun with
little to no protest. But that is not the case for all attempts to build high-rise
condos downtown.
•1n spring 2008, the development firm Tri-way proposed legislation
to raise the building height limits on the Isthmus so that they could build
condos there costing .8-1.2 million dollars per unit. This issue became a huge
public controversy with democrats who did not want the water front views
and the environment to be destroyed teaming up with anti-gentrification
radicals to spread the word about the legislation and condos. The groups
petitioned, flyered, made their own media, and spoke up at public forums
while some people launched a vandalism campaign against the developers.
The groups got the city council to hold public forums on the issue. By the last
public forum, over three hundred people came to speak against the condos,
with less than 40 coming to speak in their favor. In the end, the city council
voted for the rise BUT all the outreach work payed off. The state decided that
the view the condos would block is an issue for them. Now the decision is up
to the State Senate, and even if they vote to allow the building and Tri-way
is still interested in perusing this project, at that point it will be held up in
legislation for quite a while giving us time to restructure our strategy.
The campaign showed us that unlikely alliances and a diversity
of tactics can halt and even stop the construction and inhabitance of these
buildings and that we should not give up. It is up to all o1 us to learn more
about the other condo projects that have begun so that we can figure out
ways to either stop their construction or change the building's use. Keep
your ears and eyes open as new campaigns start all the time. Do research
and get to talking with other local activist to either join in a campaign to stop
condos or start your own.
* *Market rate• does not mean affordable. Tri-way enterprise uses the term market rate to describe condos that range between $.8-1.2 million.

TIii : ~I:\\' l'ITY IL\IJ
On 4th .\n· in dm,ntm,n
Olnnpia. bL'l\\L'L'll (:hcrn and (:hcstnut.
The '.\c\\ City llall 1s lw.ing built. Con struction began \la,· 2<HHJ and i, slated
for completion .Janu,ir~· 2Cll I The cost "f
thL' buildinn \\as original!_, estimated to
be Sy;.b mil!iClll but Illa\ end up CClsting
morL'. There \\·as Ill'\ er a public outcn
for this building llClr \\as there rckrc1idum pas,ed s,l\ing that the citi1cns ot
Oh ,,ant a Ill'\\ cit,· hall. The cit,· CClUn ·
L'ir and their com1nittl'l'S decided that it
1rns a ncccssit, for the cit\. Their ot'licial
reason being· that there ·arc a ft:,,. cit~·
ofticcs that. due to lack of space in the
current city hall. arc in building, around
dmn1tm,n and the cir,· 1,ants all of the
ofticcs to be together. •
The Ill'\\ city hall 1s part ot
changing the face ot d"" ntm, n Oh Ill·
pia to appeal tCl a ti..·1, pL'oplc and pL·11pk
1, ho ma, li,T hnL' in the tutu re. ThL·
Ill'\\ cit,.hall \\ill tit cit, ot'lici,t!-.,' ,ision
of the ftltUrL'. C:urrL"nth: thL' e·it, hall ,111d
jail share a building \\'ith the h·uilding ot
till' Ill'\\ L·it_,. h,tll. thL· pil . police· station.
probation Clt'liCL' and othn oltice, rL"lc1t
ing t" ··criminal justice" \\ill hL' tc1king
mn the L'lllire·t\ "t thL· ,,id cit, h,tll. This
\\ill allo\\ spac·c for the p1il ·and police
--rc1ti111h to gr11\\ It \\Ill also Lonsolid ,! tL·
all departments ot'the "nimin,tl justicL' ..
s\SlL'lll in Ohmp1a. !hi, \\ill ,tl!m, the
c·it, tCl bnonie "tougher Clll crilllL' ...
Changing till' I.tel' ol our cit,
and creating the· inlrastructurl' l"r a
stronger criminal justice dqiartmcnt
arc tell talc si<>ns that gcntnlication is
hitting our cit, '\fore than amt hing else.
the Ill'\\ cit,· hall is a symbol Clfthe gcntrit)ing of Olympia and the changing of
a really great cit\.
There has been a lot of anoer
dcl\\ntcmn abClut the Ill'\\ cit, hall. Rut
there hasn't been , LT\ much anion
taken about it. It's a hoi topic and most
people you talk to dm,ntCl\\ll agree that
it's a 1,·astL' ot nwnc,· and a sign of things
to come. hcep , ·our cn·s open for th crs.
There arc a IL'\\ inli, campaigns ·that
\\ill be starting up soon that 1,ould lm·c
more people to \\·ork ,,ith.

Olympia is a great place fflied with wonderful people and business owners who are trying hard
to do the right thing. But there are many businesses downtown that work against unhoused
folks, female bodied folks, and the Oly community in general. Below is a list of some of the
worst businesses in Olympia. This is not a complete list of all thatis wrong in the Oly business
world, just those businesses with multiple strikes against them.



Recently in Olympia, the City Council has been taking on issues such as gentriMng Olympia and the further
criminalization of homelessness. This has linked the work or radicals and actiV1sts in Olympia to the work of City
Council. With an election in the near future, now more then ever it is important that we are aware of who is on the
council and who is trying to join it, because the decisions they are makin_g are directly impacting real people's lives
right now. It is important to stay informed on their processes, membership, proposals and decisions, and, as always,
to be active. The current City Council has accepted money from developers who are making proposals and has gone
against blatant public voice m the way of supportin_g private interests, including their own. Below is a run-down on
tne Council and those who have done well in the primaries to take the seats of those whq are up for reelection.

Came into office: 1/1/08
Term ends: 12/31/11
Voted for the most recent version of
the noise ordinance.
Voted to repeal the Nuclear Free ordinance.
Voted for the rezone and received

campaign contributions from the developer who proposed the rezone.
After May Day 2008, Strubb told the
authors of the Sanctuary City legislation that if they cooperated with the
police and publicly denounced the
actions that happened on May Day
she would consider voting in their
favor. The organizers refused. Stubb
publicly denounced the project and

to bribe
her way
onto the
board of a
local nonprofit.


Against Sanctuary City.

Came to office:1/1/06
Term ends:12/31/09

Voted to repeal nuclear free ordinance.

Came to office
(via appointment): 1/7/08
Term ends:12/31/09

Voted for the most recent version of
noise ordinance.
Voted against rezone.

Voted for the sidewalk ordinance.

Voted against the repeal of the nuclear
free ordinance.

No comment o f S a n c - 1 1

Voted for the most recent version of
the noise ordinance.

Vo: d for the Rezone.

For the most part. ,t ,s nearly impossible to tell what these folks
would do as council people. What they will be for and agamst.
but here c a summarized version on all the mfo there ,s out
there about these folks. Only t,me will tell what ,t will be like to
work with or against them.


Stephen Buxbaum won the primary and 1t looks as though he
will take the seat He 1s against the rezone and wants to see
citizens more involved 1n decision making .which 1s good The
rest of his campaign 1s ambiguous and it 1s hard to tell what
direct 1t will go 1n He vaguely states that he wants more downtown housing and that he wants local business to thrive

Karen Rogers 1s 1n the lead and has an ambiguous campaign
she 1s against the rezone but other than that her campaign is
based on buzz words
Karen Veldheer seems to be her main competition She states
a desire to follow what the people want and has been open
to meeting with anti-poverty workers But she hasn't taken a
stand on any issue other then be,ng opposed to the rezone

Jeannine Dellwo Roe 1s Machi is· opponent she was against the
rezone but its hard to tell 1f she is pro or ant1-gentrif1cat1on from
her statements She spends most of her time talking about l1sten1ng to what other 1n the community want to see happen
She states a desire for community forums and panels

Tony Sermo'lt1 1s the only contender here He 1s pro-gentrification ant1-graff1t1 ant1-vandal1sm and anti-port protesting

"The goal of Port Militarization Resistance is to end our community's participation in the illegal occupation of Iraq by stoppin,
the US military's use of the Port of Olympia." - From Olympia PMR's mission statement

Congress will not end the war. A new President
will not end the war. Endless solemn marches will not
end the war, countless hours of "bearing moral witness" will not end the war, and a million candles will not
end the war. (Not by themselves, anyway.) Only popular dir~ct action, bold and uncompromising, can end

All across this imperial motherland they call
"America," civilian port cities are being used to fuel the
fires of the genocidal occupation of Iraq. Despite growing opposition, both expressed and organized, munitions and war vehicles (including the infamously easyto-blow-up "Stryker" armored transport) continue to
be shipped out of publicly owned ports. Ports just like
the Port of Olympia, the Port of Tacoma, and the Port
of Grays Hamor. But this opportunity to oppose the
bloodshed has not gone unnoticed.
Port Militarization Resistance is direct action
against the occupation of Iraq. PMR organizes around
opposing military shipments through local ports as a
means of cutting off material support for the war. This
is achieved through a spectrum of tactics, including
street demos, civ~ disobedience, and court challenges. While the military is loathe to relent in its quest to
murder every living thing everywhere, local Port Commissioners (who are not beholden to the military) can
be made to see that workin~ with the military isn't
worth it, or at least, that it isn t as "profitable" as they
thought it would be.


PMR, the organization, was founded in June
2006. While affiliated with the Olympia Movement for
Justice and Peace, it maintained a singular focus of opposing war shipments. PMR has succeeded in kicking
the military out of the Port of Olympia and the Port ol
Tacoma. The organization now has chapters in Olympia, Tacoma, ana Grays Harbor, and will expand anywhere _the military chooses to export its tools of destruction.


2006 - People in Olympia set up blockades at the POr
of Olympia. At one point 22 people laid down in front o
strykers and were consequently arrested, thus settim
a new standard for port resistance. They cost the por
and the city over $26,000.

March 2007 - The US military planned to ship stryker:
out of the port of Tacoma. For 11 days people resist
ed. Hundre~s of people, from Bellingham to Portland
came to resist.

This port protest saw an escalation of tactics. People
tore down fences and used materials to build block
ades in the port. The police came out in force night af
ter night. They arrested and beat protesters. The cit•
and tne port ended up losing over $500,000.

May 2007 - The military used the Port of Grey's Har
bor m Aberdeen to ship strykers. The city was so afraic
of protest that it increased security to new, height
ened levels. Nothing was blocked! out the city spen
over $100,000 in security and wi I not longer accep
military shipments.

November 2007 - Strykers were coming back fron
Iraq through the Port of Olympia. Over 50 people sa
down, forming a human barricade that the police di,
not have the immediate power to move. After th1
people sat other activists tied fences behind them
creating a barricade and strengthening the block. An
other group of activists went to the back entrance o
the port, where it was decided that a barricade woul1
be built, and people would sit in front of it when polic,
came to tear in down.

These two blockades started the holding of the por
and the stopping the United States Army for 1 8 hour!
The two entrances were held through the night an,
broken up brutally by riot police in the mommg, bu

Over the course of ten days, protesters in Olympia
stopped the military numerous times, twice for over
ten hours. People of different ideologies worked together and got shit ~one.
August 2008 - The military came back to Tacoma to

attempt to move strykers from Iraq back to Fort Lewis.
Numbers were small due to the time of year, but significant developments were made

the protesters carried on and took it to the streets.
At strategic intersections barricades were built and at
the on-ramp to the highway a group of activists locked
themselves together using a lockbox.
Several days later protesters came to the port to find
that the train tracks had been cemented, a tactic that
caused those strykers traveling by train to be delayed
for2 weeks.
The next morning, a group of protesters sat down in
front of military equipment stopping it for the day. In
the early evening! protesters learnea that police were
gathering at the ocal station. The protesters moved
quickly. A group of wimmin took the front entrance
while anottier group of protesters stayed at the back
entrance to make sure strykers didn't move from the
The wimmin inspired a large media presence, including live feed, and forced the police to change their
tactics. The police, who had used dispersement techniques such as chemical weapons and pain compliance
all week, arrested each womyn one by one. When all of
the wimmin who were
taking part in the action were arrested,
the news vans pulled
out and the riot police
began to gas the front
entrance and strykers. The police attempted t'o disperse
with che ical weapons, less lethal weapons and flash bangs.
The protesters kept
in front using their
bodies and found objects, including dumpsters and sail 6oats to
prevent the strykers
from moving. That
night, people stalled
strykers, broke police
cars and bank windows and held strong
in the face of intense
police brutality.

On the first night, two wimmin attempted to get in
front of a police line to stop stykers. While they aidn't
succeed, 1t set off a chain of events. The next night
pro~esters did something that _had not yet been seen
during PMR: they brought resistance to Fort Lewis.
Protesters successfully blocked the entrance to Fort
Lewis, the second largest military base on the West
The next night, people used lockboxes to lock themselves together when they went back to the Fort. The
local police didn't know wflat to do with the lockboxes.
The protesters shut down the main gate to Fort Lewis,
effectively blocking stryker vehicles for 20 min.
Port of Tacoma 2008 was the smallest port action
seen in the last year. However, it is important to point
out its successes. It brought our strategy to a different level by blocking the fort and it got organizations
doing their first direct action and, in that, 1t built ties
between NW activists who had never even considered
working together. These ties will help resistance in the
NW grow.



No Human Is Illegal!

It is "Operation Endgame• th'at has jump started masi
roundups at factories and secret raids of homes. They claim that
Contrary to what the right wing pundits spew about
immigration in this county, the causes of mass migration are • ...the alien will be detained in safe, secure and humane environments; he will be transported safely; his movement will be full}
very simple and clear. No one willingly leaves their family and
coordinated with his family, legal representative, and countr}
friends to work long days, often times for less than minimum
wage, in conditions that would make most U.S citizens quit. If of origin, whenever appropriate.• This has not been the case in
any way what so ever. Not only have there been numerous case!
one were inclined to leave their land and family they would not
of sexual, physical, and mental abuse -even death, within thesE
be called migrants, but simply travelers or tourists.
facilities, many family members don't find out for weeks what
Migration is forced displacement, a wandering search
happened to their loved ones.
for better living conditions. Mass displacement is caused by
wars, famine, or simply the functioning of industrial production
(the destruction of countryside and forests, mass layoffs, and so
on). The economic policies put forth by the capitalists that make
In the tide flats of Tacoma near the Thea Foss, hidden
up the U.S government, both Democrats and Republicans, rob
from the view of the public, lies a Homeland Security Detention
people and families in other countries of their local autonomy.
Center. The facility has a contract with the feberal department
With trade agreements such as NAFTA, CAFTA and the more
of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and is currently the main detention facility in the northwest. The center can
recent SPP, indigenous and rural communities are forced into
giving up their land and resources for the development of the
imprison up to 1, 000 undocumented workers.
global economy, the profit of capitalist business abroad, free
Since 2004, sixty-four people have died · in these detrade, and the nee-liberal agenda -for a world where people have
tention facilities around the country. And over 300 people havE
no autonomy over their own resources and absolutely no say in
became very ill in this local facility alone due to food poisoning.
what happens in their communities. This simultaneously forces
This detention center is run by the Geo Group, a compan}
workers in those countries who's resources are being exported to that takes pride in calling themselves • ...a world leader in thE
countries far away deeper into poverty.
privatized development and/or management of correctional
facilities.• They • ... design, build, finance and manage prisom
All of this is a good enough reason to leave your land
and family hoping to make enough money to send home and
worldwide," including prisons in North America, South Africa,
Australia, and the U.K. The mega bank Wells Fargo is one of thE
feed your children. When your home is under attack from foreign business people with only the dollar on their mind, you find
top five share holders of this murderous company, essential!}
yourself in a position where you stay and fight a seemingly uncontrolling a good portion of the company. This is one of thE
beatable enemy, or you go to the country that is pushing these
two biggest prison companies in the world, as well as one of thE
genocidal policies and work, picking their food and cleaning their
major beneficiaries in this plan to rob people of their families and
tear people's lives apart.
The problem here is not people coming to steal AmeriJ '>
. Recently, resistance to the presence of the detention
can jobs; th_e _problem is the des!~uction of communities abroad' 1 center in Tacom~ has b~n gaining moment':!'!'· A coalition o1
and the pohC1es that starve fam1hes far away as well as familiesi I stu~ents, anarchists, act1v1sts and concerned C1t1zens have held a
within this country.

1 I series of workshops, marches, benefits and skillshares in solidarl ' ity with the northwest immigrant community. As the repression
_ i : i_,;itensifies, so must our commitment to abolishing these faciliOperation Endgame is an Office of Detention and R , .,: ties_and the systems that keep them running.
moval Strategic Plan that was passed in 2004. Within this plan I,,
:_ These detention centers must be closed. Such treatthe ODR (Office of Detention and Removal} states that it's mis I ment of people forced to leave their homeland due to economic
.~.i p~,.. ~remo~Jng} !I remo~ l}le,,cali~ns.; ,1t ii tn~t lc1n to ~a_v _ ~yranny reigned on them ~Y ~he global north is an injustice. The
!S ll'l!!
~ - .eaJ _q;t11. 1-' ; , ,1 • • _,. _ •. , .Ean,ts s~ould b~Jr~fi• -I
, _
.,:-1 --•.• ,
- - • ---_,
• -, •





From February 12th to the 28th, 2010, our neighboring
city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada will host the international sporting spectacle known as the Winter Olympics. Despite
appearances, the Olympics are not about the human spirit and
have little to do with athletic excellence. They are, in fact, the
front operation of a multi-billion dollar industry backed by powerful elites in real estate, construction, hotel, tourism and television
corporations that use the games as a way to gentrify cities and
destroy communities for some big fucking bucks.

The modern Olympics have a
long history of racism . The 1936 Berlin Olympics empowered Hitler's Nazi
re!}ime. Both the 1988 Seoul and 2008
Beiji ng Summer Games helped legitimize authoritarian regimes in Asia. The
1968 Mexico City Olympics (where over
300 student protesters were massacred
by soldiers, days before the Olympics
began) also helped legitimize state terror. When two Black US athletes raised
their fists in a Black power salute on the
medal podium, they were immediately
stripped of their medals and ejected
from the Games!


The 2010 Olympics will be
among the most environmentally destructive Games in history, with tens of
thousands of trees cut down & mountainsides blasted for Olympic venues in
the Callaghan Valley & the Sea-to-Sky
Highway expansion.Massive amounts
of concrete used in construction have
also caused millions of Salmon to die in
the Fraser River, where tons of gravel is
being mined to make concrete.


Since winning the 2010 Winter Games in 2003 , Vancouver has lost
over 850 units of low-income housing;
during the •,same period, homelessness has in.s:reased from 1,000 to over
2,500. Since the 1980s, Olympic Games
have caused the displacement of over
2 million people. In Seoul 1988, some
750,000 poor were displacedJ in Atlanta 1996, over 30,000, and ror Beijing
in 2008, an estimated 1.5 million have
been displaced.


ln preparation for the Games,
Vancouver has launched Project Civil
City and new by-laws to criminalize
begging for money, sleeping outdoors,
etc. It has also included hundreds of
thou sands of dollars for increased
private security. New garbage canis-

Anti-Olympic orf}anizers have called for a gathering of
anti-colonial and anti-capitalist forces to Vancouver from February 10-15, 2010, in order to confront and disrupt the 2010 Winter
Olympics. As allies and inhabitants of the same bioregion (Cascadia), it is important to maintain solidarity with the resistance of
the 2010 Olympic Games. By traveling to Vancouver this winter,
turning off the tube, or raising critical discussion, there are many
ways to act in solidarity and resist the 2010 Games. Here are a
few reasons to resist the games from -.NO2010.com

ters on streets make it more difficult
for the poor to gather recyclables, and
new benches make it impossible to lay
down. These measures fit with government plans to remove poor downtown
residents to mental institutions, "detox centers" on former military bases,
and the 'fly-back' scheme by police to
return persons wanted on warrants in
other provinces.


Some 12,500 police, military
and security personnel are to be deployed for 2010, including Emergency
Response Teams, riot cops, helicopters,
armoured vehicles, etc. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police plan on erecting
40 km of crowd-control fencing along
with CClV video surveillance cameras.
Special security zones will be established to control entry near Olympic
venues. For 3 weeks, Vancouver will be
an occupied Police State! And once the
Olympics are over, there is no guarantee many of these security measures
will not remain .
State repression has already
been used against anti-poverty & housing groups, environmentalists and Natives fighting the 2010 Games in Vancouver.


VANOC and government officials claim the 2010 Games will cost
some $2 billion. However, this amount
doesn't include the Sea-to-Sky Highway
expansion, the Canada Line Skytrain to
the airport, the Vancouver Convention
Center, or the lower mainland Gateway
Project. Including these costs, since
they were necessary to win the bid and
had to be completed by 2010, makes
the true cost of the Games some $6
billion, which must be paid for through
public debt, money that could've been
spent on social services, housing, drug
treatment, healthcare, etc.

The modern Olympics are well
known for their corruption, including
both top IOC officials involved in bribery scandals or athletes found to be
using performance-enhancing drugs.
Despite published reports of bribery
scandals involving Olympics Commitee
members and host cities, the Olympics
continue to be seen as an honQrable &
noble enterprise, thanks to the corporate media.


According to Canadian law, BC
has neither the legal nor moral right to
exist, let alone claim land and govern
over Native peoples. Despite this, and
a fraudulent treaty process now underway, the government continues to sell,
lease and 'develop' Native land for the
benefit of corporations, including mining, logging, oil & gas, and ski resorts.


Government's and business
use the Olympics as a means to attract
corpof ate investment. In BC, the Liberal
government has 'streamlined' application processes, cut taxes, and offered
other incentives to increase certain
industries such as mining, oil & gas
drilling, and ski resorts . This includes
large increases in transport systems,
including new ports, brid9es, expanded
highways & rail-lines. Th1.s is all part of
their Investment to 2010 Strategy. The
results have been dramatic, recordbreaking increases in these industries,
resulting in greater environmental destruction and more corporate power &
influence over our daily lives.
Many of the main corporate
sponsors of the Olympics are themselves responsible for massive ecological destruction and human rights violations, including McDonalds, Coca-Cola,
Petro-~anada, TransCanada, Dow, Teck
Cominco, etc., while others are major
arms manufacturers (General Electric &
General Motors).


May Day is an international holi- state of Illinois. The trial was by no meaIJ
day that celebrates solidarity between a typical "fair" trial; the jurr was hand S(
workers of the world and is commemo- lected by the P.rosecution. 'Ihe HaY,I!larkt:
rated through public celebration intended Martyi::s were later commemorateo by th
to strengthen unity between all workers. Second International in Paris, calling fc
May Day was initially created in North an International Worker's Holiday to b
Anierica1 where, ironically, to this dayJt is celebrated on May 1st. Many Europea
•not officially recognized as a holiday. uur- countries have turned this day into an o:
ing the 1880s, wlien the tyP.ical workday ficial holiday.
was 12-16 hours, a protractecl struggle was
launched demanding the 8-hour workdar.s
Olympia has a rich May Day hii
we're now used to. Protests took place ill tory witfi events that usually include
over North America demanding workers bunch of Evergreen students in the festi,
rights on this issue. The events came to a ities. These events have had attendance i
flashpoint in Chicago on May 4th, 1886; the thousands and are the largest annual]
when a peaceful P.rotest was mterruptea occurrtng politica! gathertngs in Olympi;
by a bomb that killed and injured several Sometimes there 1s ove,ruglit campmg fc
Q_t;ople, pn?testors and police included. May Day celebrators "\Vitli festivities gc
ing into the night. May Day fo
This event 1s known as the Haymarket affair. The bomb is a mystery
also been a day to create ~erill
of history; yet, the radical leadcoµununity gardens in Olyn
,-...;g·,g• p1a. Every y~ar many ~v~m
ershiP. involved in the protest
.._ _
occur on this day, and 1t 1s
was lilamed for the actions of a
•--• good way of getting dos~
zealous individual or police
to the subculture 1
saboteur. Eight Radicals were persecuted .....9'!1111.u~
• Olympia. So get m
on the streets ne:,
in order to disrupt
g,_j_~~-~ May 1st and start
the organization • ~•u~~~
of labor; four of
them were hung


Y.. 11, -,11,·,s""" '


1,.... 11 -. .1

\\ ' ,11 .. ,111

If illiny r\ ~ Jusician fn Of un1pin
The Olympia music community today is a noisy, vibrant, D.I.Y. smorgasbord that follows in the giant footsteps of
some visionary artists that have called this city home. And now,
lucky you! Here you are, all ready to be a part of it yourself, and
you'll be in good company. The independent music community
in Olympia has been thriving here for years. In fact, this little
pebble of a city happens to be one of the best music communit ies in the country. We are home to two incredible indie music
labels, K Records and Kill Rock Stars, as well as a handful of other
fantastic D.I.Y. labels and collectives. K Records has been around
since 1982 when Evergreen grad Calvin Johnson formed it and
began recording Oly bands and his own band, Beat Happening.
Beat Happening went on to become a bit of a big-time thing for
DIY music, doing their fair share to put Olympia on everyone's
radar. Since then, K has become a thriving independent record label that has done a lot of work towards getting many Oly bands
out there and into people's ears. And they've put out a lot of
music! Built to Spill, Old Time Relijun, Karp, Love as Laughter,
Dub Narcotic Sound System, Beck, Modest Mouse, and so many
more bands to discover!
Many people probably also know Olympia music from
the fierce riot grrrl movement that came tearing out of here in the
nineties. Revolutionary bands such as Bikini Kill, Sleater Kinney,
and Bratmobile gave no-bullshit , feminist inspired punk music a
name and made Olympia the epicenter of the movement/sound
that would change music and many lives. Which is, of course,
t he point, right? From Bikini Kill, Kathleen Hannah would go
on to form Le Tigre and Tobi Vail would later become involved
with the label Kill Rock Stars. Kill Rock Stars has been kicking ass
around here since 1991 when it was formed as a spoken word
label by Slim Moon. Soon enough, it became a label for runk
rock that has since been enormously influential in the loca and
international punk/indie scene. Notable bands include (drum roll
please): Unwound, Sleater Kinney, The Gqssip, Deerhoof, Bikini
Kill, The Decemberists, Thrones, Hella, Gravy Train!!!, The Old
Haunts, etc. You get it right? So much good music!!!
Depsite appearances, Olympia also maintains an assortment of its own local emcees and rap artists. For anyone not
privy t o these local legends, Olympia natives Hostalion have been
holding down Oly hip hop for years. Xperience released Soul Tree
a few years ago and is featured on
a Greyskul alb,um. He is also part
of the St epcousins with Seattle's
Macklemore. AKA,
Zhivago, Nicotine and Compost,
and t he Saints of Everyday Failures (whose inner circle consists
of MC's ePrhyme & D-scribe) are
other local notables.


Gone but not forgotten are Resident AntiHero, who moved on to
bigger and better things
(such as cage fighting) in Eugene, and
Glimpse, who moved
to Seattle to become a professional
homeless person.

As for hip hop events, the granddaddy of all others has
got to be WORD LIFE which happens downtown at the Clipper
every year. WORD LI FE is a series of shows featuring local crews
and touring acts. Over the last few years, it has hosted Immortal Technique, 2Mex, Sage Francis, Awol One, Typical Cats, Pigeon John, Lyrics Born, Vast Aire, Big Jus, Aceyalone, Dose One,
Drunken Immortals, Greyskul, Existereo, Sleep, Labtekwon, Daddy Kev, D-Styles and the list goes on ...

The only way to fully discover all of Olympia's musical
treasures is to get out there and put yourself into the thick of
things. Mea,ning, you have to actively participate in this music
community in order to fully appreciate it. But isn't that always
the truth?
If you look hard enough, you'll find Oly's best kept secrets in venues and basements all over this city where new bands
and emcees are blowing minds on the daily. So attend a show
of someone you've never heard before, you may be pleasantly

There are venues downtown that host great shows as
well. Of course, there are all the bars which hold shows fairly frequently. Some feature bands often, such as Le Voyeur. But let's
skip these 21+ establishments in this article, shall we? We don't
buy into that ageist crap anyway, right? Olympia boasts a number of great all-ages venues such as The Northern on 4th, the
Eagles Hall, the Midnight Sun, and Traditions. Many are holding
shows most nights of the week and have hosted some amazing
local and touring bands in the past. The music at these venues
varies, too. There are always great hip-hop, punk/indie shows,
dance music, electronic, and the hardcore scene is becoming vibrant (and fun), as well. There's also bluegrass, folk, old time,
and twang music all around, so check it out!
A quick ·word to the wise and the wonderful: like
many music cities of its kinct Olympia has a bit of a pest problem
hipsters. Shock! Awe! They may try and
make you think that music is about
points, knowledge, or insider secrets. In essence, the will try and
suck the soul out of the art.
Don't let them fool you ! Music
has always been, and always
will be, about passion, desire,
expressing the mind and the
body through sound and energy. Please, please don't become a soul sucker. Let's make
Olympia music about music
It all comes down to
·the fact that if you want hear
it, you gotta search it out or
make it happen yourself. Make
some noise!



0 It D

The Disorientation Manual (DisMan)
A compellation of anonymous articles and essays to aquaint
·TESC freshmen to the Evergeen and Olympia community in
a way the suits never would. Made by students in the summer for students to get plugged-in in the fall. New content
is always appreciated and encouraged. You can start sending
in submissions for the next issue anytime, but it will not be
,..assembled until summer quearter of 2010. The Sabot Infos•
hoppe published this year's manual, contact them at 8676574 or evergreeninfoshoppe@riseup.net.

The Sabot lnfosquat
This student group attempts to put out quaterly zines ori
whatever. But they'll publish most anything. And I mean anything. You can also go to their space on the second floor o1
SEM I and make your own zine with their materials. 867-657~

The Cooper Point Journal
The Cooper Point Journal (CPJ) is·written, edited, distributed, operated, and mostly funded by students enrolled
at TESC. Any student is welcome to submit any article on
any subject at any time . You can even get paid to work
on t he CPJ. SEM II C31 OS I 867-6730 Icj:>j@evergreen.edu
The Counter Point Journal
In t he spring of 2009, a few people at TESC had come together with an intention of starting a monthly newspaper called the Counter Point Journal (CxPJ). All involved
in the CxPJ's creation had already tried working within
the frameworks provided by the Cooper Point Journal
(CPJ) - but had all eventually realized the many shortcomings of the CPJ. A major failing of the Cooper Point
Journal is that it has been a predominantly professional
and reactionary perspective ; the majority of the front
page articles have been neatly wrapped stories from the
perspectives of figures such as Art Constantino, Andrea
Seabert and Ed Sorger among many other administrators whose job it is to confine the realm of debate and
facilitate the regular development of what has become
the "business of education."
The CxPJ is guided by the belief that the main
purpose of t he media is to act as a check and balance
against t he powers that be. When the press fails in this
aspect, it t ransforms from an instrument of independence and social change to a mouthpiece of oppression
and status-quo. A wholly free, democratically run and
easily accessible press fosters the growth of grassroots
social movements and helps those with the least institutional power use their voice.
If you wish to work with or contribut to the CxPJ
contact tesc.counter.point@gmail.com. Back issues
found at cxpj.wordpress.com.
Slightly West
This annual literary publication is student directed and
includes st udent and community member work. Contact them at slightlywest@gmail.com
The Ovarian
The Women's Resource Center publishes this annual zine
on various topics. Stop by Student Activities in SEM I for
contact information.
Works In Progress
Works In Progress is a free, volunteer-operated progressive community newspaper based in Oly that has been
publishing for over 15 years. W.I.P.s' mission is to confront injustice and encourage a participatory democracy
based on economic, social, and environmental justice
and to provide a voice for those most affected by the exclusionary and unfair practices that seek to silence the
oppressed. Submissions to submissions@olywip.org

Student lines/Independent Leaming Contracts
If you are a self motivated student, you have ample resources to publish anything you want for fre~. Many other various student groups put out periodic publications
that you can contribute to. You could also do an independent learning contract to publish your own work. If
you need funds to publish, it only takes time. Active student groups can request money, and you yourself can
get money with a Foundation Activity Learning Grant
(see the section #Getting Paid to Smash the State.")

w r



OlyBlog - o/yblog.net
OlyBlog is devoted to citizen journalism, including hyperlocal news and discussion specifically about Olympia,
Washington. If you care about this community and are
tired of corporate media, then this is the place for you.
South Puget Sound lndymedia - olympiaimc.org
Seattle indymedia - seattle.indymedia.org
Independent Media Centes are a network of collectively
run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate,
and passionate tellings of the truth. They work out of a
love and inspiration for people who continue to work
for a better world, despite corporate media's distortions
and unwillingness to cover the efforts to free humanity.
These are the local sites you can easily post to and learn
about what's affecting your world.
Zine Library at Last Word Books - zinelibrary.net
A library of hundreds of radical zines ready to print in
PDF format. What started out in the Olympia Zine Library
(at Last Word Books) scanning the radical zines is now
a place people around tn e world can print and upload
zines made by people like you!
Media Island international - mediaisland.org
Media Island International is a resource and networking
center for individuals; organizations, and movements
working on social justice, economic democracy, ecological sustainability, and peace. The site, like the physical
building, is underutilized . .


nnGr s

Thurston County Community Television (TCTV) - •

Your local public access television station. Getting your
own show is as simple as a few $20 workshops.
956-3100 I tctv.net




Priest Point Park - Head east to downtown Olympia, take a left on
East Bay drive and head north, entrance on your right. Nice second
growth forested trails and beach trails, great for the doggie.

Lower South Fork Skokomish Trail C1 Hour Away/: Take Highway
101 North about 30 miles, and go left on Skokomish Valley Road.
In 5.5 miles, veer right onto Forest Service Road 23. Stay on 23
past numerous junctions, for 9.2 miles, to the junction of Forest
Service Road 2353. Go right and down this road. Cross the onelane bridge and go left staying on paved road. The pavement ends
after another one-lane bridge.lhe trail head is on the left at the end
of the pavement; park at die pull off by the !railhead. If you drive
to the yellow gate, you've gone too far. Rivers, huge trees, steep at
first, then quite flat.

Watershed Park - Head east to downtown, take a right on Capital
St., take a left toward Interstate 5, follow the signs to get to Henderson Blvd., parking lot is on the left. More lush than Priest Point but
smaller and with more traffic noise from 1-5.

Nisqually Wildlife Refuge - Get on Interstate 5 north, take exit 1·14
and follow directions to the Refuge. Lots of birds (especially in the
winter), plants, and a wide variety of shrubs.
McLain Creek - Take a right on Evergreen Parkway coining from
TESC and take the exit before the bridge to Highway 101. Take
a right on Mud Bay road, a left on Delphi. Looi< for signs for the
Creek. Big trees and lots of birds, newts and you can watch the
salmon spawn here!

Mima Mound Nature Preserve - Take Interstate 5 south to exit 95,
head toward Littlerock, turn right on Waddell Creek Road. The entrance is on the left. Probably the most bizarre place in the county,
a massive field of several foot tall natural bumps. The wildflowers of
the pseudo-prairie peak in late April and are superior to anywhere
else within 100 miles of Olympia.

Dosewallips Trails n ½ Hours Away/: Take Highway 101 North
about 60 miles to Brinnon and take a left at the big sign for Dosewallips. There are tons of trails in this area. Stop by the ranger sta- •
tion on the right side of the road soon after you get off Highway
101 for directions. Staircase, Lena Lakes, and Lake Constance are
personal favorites.
The North Fork of the Ouinault 12 Hours Away}: Take Highway
101 North about 8 miles to State Route 8 West towards Montesano for about 30 miles to Highway 12 West. Highway 12 becomes Highway 101 North-take this for about 40 miles to Lake
Quinault South Shore Road. After 12 miles turn right onto North
Shore Road-:-go 3 miles to ranger station. Lots of BIG trees and a
few trails with many options, like the 5-6 hike along Skyline Trail
through some of the most beautiful scenery in the park.

Munn Lake: Take Caitol way toward Tumwater, turn left at Cleveland Ave which turns into Yelm Hwy. Turn right at Henderson Blvd
and left at 68th Ave. A good spot close to town.

Pioneer Park: Same directions as
Munn Lake but on the right of Henderson Blvd after turning off Yelm
Hwy. Provides access to the Deshutes
River and is a popular place for tubing
and broing down.

Spider Lake: Take 101 to the Skokomish Valley Road, turn west on
tile Valley road. Drive 5.5 miles to FS Road #23. Turn right, drive
10 miles IQ FS Road #2353. Veer left and continue 8 miles to Spider Lake trail head. Beautiful, serene, and out of town.

Ruby Beach: Like virtually all beaches on the northern coast, Ruby
Beach has a tremendous amount of driftwood. It is notable for the
number of sea stacks there. Located on Highway ·101, 27 miles
south of the town of Forks.

Second Beach: From 101, take the 110 (north of Forks) east. Second
Beach is before LaPush. Popular with photographers and is reached
by way of a 0.7 mile forested trail that leads to a 2-mile long sandy
stretch of beach. Great for a driftwood fire and chill in.

"'Tliat cute 6ite yu_
" ' ass
--Drivi"B Cm, (ivi"8 more

•La"8/ii"8 at traffe

Riding a bike is fun . Driving a
2000-pound machine powered by increasingly expensive oil that people are killed
for,. creating ~XP,losions at uneart~lY. speeds
ermttmg toxic fumes that are killin_g the
planet, and risking your life (over 4u;OOO
people i{! the (JS are killed every year
by cars) 1s stupid.
Riding a bicycle is a great ;Vl(ay to
µnp rove y oui: P.hysical fitness; ~hink of
1t as cross trammg for out runrupg cqps
or any other sport you. ma_Y, ~11Joy. Ur,
to agpeal to your vanity, think about
how liot biking_ will make your ass look.
There's I?._roba.bly nothing more fun
in all of Olympia than bombing down
Harrison Avenue througp the rounda-bouts and riding past all the suckers stuck in traffic downtown.
Bikes can be really chel!P· Not
only don't you have to fay tor gas,
but it 's not that difficul to learn to
do y our own repairs. And you are
privileged to have hella resources
here in Olytown that can help_you
learn more about your bike. u-you
have a car and sold it, _you could
deck out a sweet bike anci still have
lots of beer mone.x left over! (Don't
drink and bike though! BUls and
split skulls are no fun)

F i



People who ride bic.xcles will tell
you that the world just looks different outside of a car. You'll notice
all kinds of interesting little things
from people watching to plants
growin,g through. the cracks of the
sidewalk to gralhti art. A car drives
ttiro-q.gh/pasV:over co~u.nities; cycling 1s travel m commuruties.

Critical Mass is an international
movement that started in the Bay
area over a decade ago when cyclists started riding en masse once
a month to assert tbeir presence in
traffic. For years now that monthly
celebration has spread across tlie
nation and has attracted a lot of
police repression. Fuck em! The
ride happens across the world
every last Friday of the month.
In Oly, riders gather at Evergreen at 5 pm, 5:30 at Harrison
and Division, and 5:45 at Squirt
Fountain Park.

F u c k i n g

Bike & Bike: Free bikes/parts/repairs for low

income folks in the back of Dumpster Values
(302 4th Ave E). Open Sunday from 1-4pm and
M-Tu from 4pm-6pm. Friday is Trans and Ladies night from 5-9pm.
TESC Bike Shop: Free/ cheap bike stuff and
knowledgeable volunteers to service your
bike. Open as often as volunteers can staff
it, everyday in the basement of SEM I
867-63991 www.evergreenbikeshop.


k e

Note: The folks at Bike & Bike and the TESC bike
shop are volunteers and are there because they
want to help you, not paid bike mechanics getting


paid to do the work fo_r you. If you approach them t,y askin& them to help you, they'll be glad to put
in a lot oJ work with you, and you'll prooably learn
a lot. I/you think they're your personal mechanics, aml you can order them to do repairs while
you leave your bike in the shop, you're not going to get very far (in life or on your bike).

Capitalist Ventures: ff community resources aren't
your thing, yo'-;! can get r:iPP.ed off at one of the many
bike shops m The Oly area.




8 9



14 15


18 19







tfyou're new to Olympia, you may be wondering what the hell there is to do in a small town like this. Well, if a/fthe previous articles haven't proven to you by now, there 's a lot more going on Oly that just the Sweat at the Voyeur. Below is
good start of some places to get out, spend money (if you're into tnat sort of thing), or save it. We recommend you create your own adventures and not rely on consumensm and capitalistic pleasures to mediate your life. But, then again,
there are some unique places here we 'd love to share with you.

$ - If you tip properly you can fill up on 10 bucks.

24. Traditions Cafe - $V - Liberal international restaurant, store
and community meeting place. Free lending library with DVDs.

5. The Bread Peddler - $ - Good sandwiches and pastries.

28. Urban Onion - $$ -An almost classy healthy restaurant/ gay
nightspot. Bit pricey, but tasty organic food .

v - Vegetarian and Vegan Options

7. Mini Saigon - $V- Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese
31. Darby's - $V - Hip and delicious, great for breakfast.
8. Great Cuisine of India - $V - Very good food . The buffet can
be worth it.

1o. The New Moon Cafe - $V - A wise choice for breakfast.

38. Le Voyeur - $V - The most hip greasy spoon in town. Sandwiches, soups and entrees ail of which can be made vegan on
request with as much grease as you can handle. It will take a
while to get your food regardless of how busy they are. Open really late, and your clothes will smell like food after you leave.

15. Quality Burrito (QB) - $V - Eat here if you like deliciously
large gringo burritos. Open Late.

39. Clubside Cafe - $ - Brighter than looking directly into the sun.
Greasy spoon, open super late.

16. Old School Pizza - $ - Classic Olympia pizza. The pizza is
good and cheap. Cool atmosphere. They have good hardcore
shows from time to time.

Taco Truck-$ - Bomb, cheap, may have lard in the beans. in the
parking lot on the NW comer of Plum & 4th Ave.

9. Ben Moore's - Old Oly joint. Laid back and quaint.

18. The Hotdog Stand at Jake's - V - Late night eats right on the
sidewalk. Cheap, basic, good.
23. El Guanaco - $V - Good Salvadorian food , get the pupusas.

Capital Market - Best asian market around. A great place for
coconut water and Thai Iced Tea. Best pho in town.
2419 Harrison Ave NW
Vic's - $V - Super chronic, best pizza on the west side, and a
popular hang. Check the vegan options. 233 Division St NW

12. Cafe Vita - $ - Seattle/Olympia based joint. Definitely hip,
academic, and chili. Shitty owner.

26. Batdorf end Bronson - $ - Reliable, tasty, local and a good
place to study. At their tasting room near the farmer's market { 1)
you can get three tiny sample cups for free.

27. Starbucks - They do give their workers health care, and let
home bums chili there, but there are better places to support in
town than the corporate giants.
Sizizis -A great tea selection, tasty coffee, hip atmosphere, and
vegan cupcakes. Who doesn't like palindromes? The only 24
hour hangout in town {unless you count Texaco). 704 4th Ave E

We recommend you pick up a bottle of firewater and kick it on
your friends' front porch and drink homebrew you made 6 months
ago for some good wholesome family oriented times. But if you
must resort to paying way to much for a few beers at a semisocial creepy dude and sometimes friendly acquaintance filled
atmosphere here is a guide to a few of those places.
11. The Brotherhood - Probably the best all around bar in Olympia. Hip/Scenester friendly, strong drinks, nice patio out back!

13. The 4th Ave Tavern - Nothing particularly great or horrible.
18. Jakes - Queer dance club/bar. Great venue, great folks, great
grinding! Curiously straight for a gay bar.
21. The East Side - Beer only, lots of pool tables {free on Sundays), thirsty Thursdays are cheaper, definite Greener hangout.

1. Farmers Market- Mostly a tourist hangout, the seasonal market is overpriced yet local.

29. De Colores Bookstore - Multicultural indy bookstore.
30. Free Wall - Legal graffiti wall behind the Capitol Theater.

4. Procession Studio - Opens two months before the Procession of the Species so you can get crackin' on your batiked psychedelic rhinoceros float early. The address is in the alley way
at 311 1/2 Capitol Way North, behind the Royal Lounge. But the
studio door/entrance is located in the alley connecting Columbia
to Capitol Way.

32. Rainy Day Records - Independent and local record store,
big selection of queer and foreigl') films for rent.

14. Last Word Books and Zine Library- Independent and radical bookstore, new and used books, friendly and kind owners,
zine library in the back.

33. Safe Place - Safe Place connects youth to immediate help
and safety and offers supportive services to both youth and their

17. Dumpster Values - Overpriced vintage, handmade and
trendy clothes. Dollar bin in the back supports Books 2 Prisoners.
Houses the following :

34. Planned Parenthood - Safe sex gear, pregnancy tests, STD
tests, sliding scale abortions and consultations.

Phantom City Records - Independent & local record store
Bike N Bike - Stop in for free bikes, bike repair, bike knowledge,
or bike parts. It is an umbrella project of Done & Done, and has
a weekly Trans/Womyns only night.
Community Print - Letterpress & book arts resource center

30. Capitol Theater - A really great old movie theater, they host
many benefits, volunteer for free passes.

36. Library - Read a Book! Zines, books, internet, printing access, home bums, and good vibes.
37. Media Island -Alternative literature library, activist hangout,
indy radio broadcast spot (KOWA}, and food not bombs kitchen.
40. Midnight Sun - Performance space/ cheap place to host theatrical performances and sometimes shows.

19. The Northern -All Ages Venue! Not so cool about discounts,
which is shitty.
20. Fire and Earth - Hookahs and shishah, rolling tobacco and
accessories, local art glass, & herbs. Local and friendly, womanowned business.
22. Artesian Well - "It's the water!" Fresh, clean, and delicious
water flows from a giant underground reservoir. Across the Street
from the Estside tavern in the parking lot.
25. Radiance - for all your Hippy-woo-woo needs: massage,
crystals, oils, books ... but especially good for the big wall of bulk

Eagles Hall - Venue for all sorts of shows, ceremonies, galleries,
dances, parties and more. 805 4th Ave. E
THE EASTSIDE - The east side of town has its own secrets. You
must discover them for yourself.
THE WESTSIDE - Avoid the mall at all costs, dance at house
shows, participate in Westside Arts Walks, and lend a hand at
any of the community gardens (check the comer of Madison and

6. Olympia's Intercity Transit Center - Local fair is $1 or $2 for
a day pass. 620 to Tacoma or Seattle with at least one transfer
for under $5. Transist systems to Shelton, Aberdeen and other
distant locales stop there as well.
35. Greyhound Station - More expensive, yet faster buses that
go all over the country.
Capitol Aeroporter - Overpriced airport shuttle. It will pick you
up at any location.

Olympia/Lacy Amtrak Station - Located at 6600 Yelm Highway
SE, take the 64 from the Transit Center.
CAP Bus or $1 Bus - To Portland-ish. Free with student ID, the
small shuttle picks up a dozen passengers at Tumwater Square
daily. It drops you off at Salmon Creek. Catch the 105 to downtown Portland from there for $3.
Hitchlklng - The 1-5 ramp at the end of Plum is a great place to
get a lift to Portland and beyond. Fly a sign, don't look sketchy,
and jut that thumb!

FACT! There are more low-income students at TESC than at
any other four-year college in WA. One reason being that it's the
cheapest four-year college in WA.
MYTH! There is a strictly limited pool available for food stamps.
FACT! Just because you decide to collect food stamps in order
to supplement you food budget, it does not mean that someone
else will get denied.
2. Union Gospel Mission - Daily daytime shelter and meals.
MEAL TIMES Breakfast Mon-Sun 6 - 7 am Lunch Mon-Fri & Sun
at Noon. Dinner Mon-Fri 6 pm 413 Franklin ST. NE 709-9725.
Dental services, and safe places for all types of recovery.
3. Thurston County Food Bank- Located at 220 North Thurston
St. near the downtown transit center. Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 1-3pm. If you earn less than $970 per month in
a single person household you are eligible for food benefits from
the state of Washington.
37. Food Not Bombs - Delicious, radical, vegan food for all!
limes can often change, but for now: Saturdays! Prep at 2PM
Media Island, 4:30 PM eat at the Timberland Library, across the
street. Clean up lasts until 6PM.

Salvation Army - 365 days a year 3 meals a day 352-8596 (shelter services too) must be sober.
Free Food Box - Located at the TESC health center.
Olympia Food Co-Ops - They provide a 10% discount for low
income people and waive membership dues. This program does
not require documentation, but the co-op asks that all interested
individuals read a short history of the program before choosing
to use it. Also if you have time to volunteer you get an extra 25%
off. Also if you volunteer there you get first pick at free food that
is damaged or pull-dated. There is no hierarchy in the staff and
it is a State non-profit so they are not ripping you off. This food
is at cost and provides good jobs. Eastside location 3111 Pacific
Ave. 956-3870 Westside Location 921 Rogers St. 754-9141 Get
off the "41 • at the Bowman stop and walk down the hill.
Wild Foods - 7 months out of the year you can find yummy
healthy foods growing wild. Blackberries and Dandelions; Wild
Mushrooms and Fish; come to mind instantly. Most houses
around town have fruit trees and other goodies that few mind if
you glean from .

Dumpsters - Depending on·your standards you can pretty much
live off of other peoples waste in most parts of the U.S. Discover
your own spots in Olympia.

Sabot Free Box - In the Sabot lnfoshoppe (SEM I, second floor).
Random Shit mostly.
Free Store (at the Westside Co-Op) - Open when it's open.
Hours vary because it's run by volunteers. It is an 8' by 8' by 8'
cube of fresh and stale free stuff.

Hippy Christmas - You can outfit an entire 6 bedroom group
house with the things students in housing get rid of the first two
weeks of June. Thankfully there are donation pods around now
for community groups, but they won't mind if you glean from there,
and not everything makes it past the convenient dumpsters.

Washington Basic Health - Washington State provides subsidized health qare plans to low-income individuals. The waitlist
is usually veJY long. Apply early! Plans cost as little as $17 a
month. The application process is simple and easy. To apply
contact the Washington State Health Care Authority at 1-800826-2444 (ask for a basic health application packet), pick up a
packet at the health center, or find more information online at
Charity Care at Providence St. Peter's Hospital - If you go
to their emergency room and state you wish to apply for Charity
Care you may be able to receive all or part of your care for free!
All you have to do is simply explain your living situation (i.e. being broke) and if you qualify you receive discounted care for the
next 6 months!

Dental Insurance - Basic Health does not provide dental insurance. Go to the TESC Student Health Center for information on
low-income dental care options. They are extremely limited and
there is often a waiting list for most routine services. Emergency
dental services are, however, available with a minimum wait and
with costs on a sliding scale. The Mission has a community dental clinic.

CLEP - If the main reason you are in school is to get a diploma,
find out about some of the ways to get it fast and cheap. CLEP
• (college level examination program) tests are cheap, easy and
will give you credits.
SPSCC - Classes at SPSCC (South Puget Sound Community
College) are also fairly cheap.
PLE (prior learning from experience) - Is a program offered
through Evergreen that offers credits for non-classroom experiences. Academic Advising (866-6312) can fill you in on these
Residency - Before school starts, immediately open a bank account in the state, register to vote, and get your Drivers License
or ID card IN THIS STATE and register your vehicle if you have
one. For more information about residency, contact Rafael Lozano at 867-5189 or pick up a checklist from the registration office.
It will either Cost you $20,000 if you are a resident of WA State
for a degree or $60,000 if you are not a resident. Consider it a
$40,000 donation to the college so the rest of us can go to school
for cheaper and you can never pay off your debts.

Wait - Because once you tum 25, you are legally financially independent (poor in the governments eyes), and don't make $50,000
a year the federal government will pay you to go to school. You'll
get all costs covered plus some in most cases. You will also get
more out of your education because of your life experience and a
probable increase in awareness of what you want to do with your
life and what you want to learn while you're here.
Marriage - If you are under 24 and your parents make the big
bucks you WILL NOT be eligible for financial aid even if they don't
give you one red cent of it. .. unless you get hitched! Find a friend
who you trust enough to join in eternal matrimony (or at least
for the duration of college) and you will be considered financially
independent and will be eligible for thousands in grants and subsidized loans that you would otherwise have no access to. Do
it before the deadline for financial aid! Applications are at the
county courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge Dr. SW, 786-5453. If you
want your application processed faster, APPLY ONLINE at http://
www.fafsa.ed.gov/. You can make around $5500 in personal income and still receive full financial aid.

There are tons of ways to lower your expenses. Try playing
around with your needs ana seeing what supe;fluous things in your
life you can get rid of. .Try livif]_g 1n the woods,. using. coupons, or
both! You can work with the Bike Shop to bulld a bike, get your
books from the libraries, or photocopy the chapters you need. You
can audit classes, or make your own beer! There are always loopholes and ways to do it yourself. Be creative. And ilf you ever run
out of ideas, there are elders and allies in town who will offer great

advice on how to never pay for anything!

The following is a list of non-profits and other volunteer-based organizations in the Olympia area that
didn't fit elsewhere in the DisMan. There are a lot of
amazing groups in town doing amazing things that
directly affect and support those around you. If you
have spare time, stop by one that looks interesting
and give back your community. They are organized
based on the following broad topics:










Community Print
Community Print is a Letterpress, Silkscreening, and
Book Arts resource center run by artists and students
in the Olympia area, located at the back of Dumpster
Values thrift shop. Workshops for all skill levels are
taught on an irregular basis - check postings on the
door. Costs around $10 per "project." The collective's
goal is to be accessible to all members of the community while keeping the art ofletterpress thriving!
communitypri-nt@yahoo.com I (360) 705-3772 I 302
4th Ave E, Olympia, WA 98501

Olympia Film Society
OFS attempts to show films that depict the experiences of under-represented people in mainstream
film industries including People of Color, queers, and
religious minorities. It supports independent film
makers and hosts a number of benefits for local to
international organizations. The OFS has a number of
volunteer positions, and hosts an annual film festival
in autumn.
www.olyfilm.org I (360) 754-6670 I The Capitol Theatre: 206 E. 5th Ave. Olympia, WA 98501

Earthbound Productions: Procession of the Species Celebration
Created by the community for the community, the Procession of the Species Celebration is a joyous, artistic
pageant, embracing the languages of art, music and
dance to inspire learning, appreciation and protection
of the natural world. Music, dance and art classes as
well as an extensive art studio are held for two months
prior to the celebration. The final parade is held annually on Saturday of Spring Arts Walk, usually the
last weekend in April. Make a costume and join the
parade! ·,
www.procession.org I (360) 705-1087

Raccoon Arts Collective
This awesome group of artists and DIYers are responsible for the Westside Arts Walks that happen every so
often. The Arts Walk seek to take art out of the galleries of the rich and into the living rooms of all who wish
to share their creatio s. The Arts Walks provide an
outlet for visual artists, musicians, fire dancers, game
players, actors, and other amazing souls to share their •
passions with all who want to partake. They take place
in an assortment of homes in the NW neighborhood of
Olympia every few months and are fucking badass. If
you want to open your house as a venue or have art to
share, contact them for more info.
www.raccooncollective.blogspot.com I raccooncollective@gmail.com

Heartsparkle Players
As a multicultural company Heartsparkle uses Playback Theatre and other interactive theatre techniques
as tools for community building, education and social
change. It will provide affordable performances for
the public; and for groups who lack resources. It will
be a community resource and share its artistic skills.
It will empower communities and individuals by providing a forum for stories to be heard, shared and honored. It will maintain a high level of artistic quality and
integrity by providing on-going training opportunities
for our performers.
www.heartsparkle.org I (360) 943-6772

Rad Skills
Puts out a monthly calendar of free workshops,
skillshares, and events around town.

Wolf Haven International
One of the world's largest and most respected wolf
sanctuaries. .Located on 80 •acres of peaceful forest
and Mirna mound prairie. Hosts family programming
and educational tours.
www.wolfhaven.org I (800) 448-9653

\ '

Bike and Bike
An umbrella project of Done and Done. Located in the
back of Dumpster Values, they provide bike parts and
knowhow for free. Build a bike, help build a bike.
302 4th Ave E, Oly
Building Revolution by Increasing Community
Knowledge (SPSCC)
B.R.I.C.K. is a chartered student club at South Puget
Sound Community College utilizing creative approaches to promote student awareness and advocate
for progressive social change. The group acts to sponsor events and bring speakers and films to the SPSCC
campus and Olympia community.
Community Sustaining Fund
The Community Sustaining Fund provides grant support for progressive and community-oriented projects
in Thurston County. Our funding is aimed at creating
a democratic, equitable, nonviolent and ecologically
sound society.
www.traditionsfairtrade.com/sustFund/sustFundhome.html I (360) 252-4332
Enterprise for Equity
Enterprise for Equity is a community supported nonprofit that helps disenfranchised people and people
with low-income turn their ideas and talents into
businesses. EfE wants to build an inclusive economy
in the South Puget Sound. Its mission is to ensure that
low-income people in the region have access to training, technical assistance, peer support and credit for
small business development. To qualify for training,
participants must have income under $18,130 (single
person) or $37,000 (family of four), or be TANF recipients, GA recipients, and Veterans Administrafion
www.enterpriseforequity.org I (360) 704-3375
Free School
More of a concept than a place as the free school is
currently without an physical location, this group has
been working for close a decade in the community to
bring people together to share their knowledge with

each other without cash and all the troubles that come
along with it. Check the calendar on their website for
class arid their locations around town.
Free Store
Located at the Westside Food Co-Op (921 Rogers St.
NW), the Free Store is an all volunteer "Goodwill with
no prices." Folks donate things they no longer need.
And folks who need come to the store to take what
they need. Sounds too simple to work, but it does.
Open on a varying schedule, check the board on their
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
The IWW is a non-hierarchical, directly democratic
union that organizes workers as a class, regardless
of their employment status. The IWW believes that
the employing class and working class have nothing
in common, and seeks to abolish capitalism, while
forming a new, more equitable society based on freeassociation and production for need instead of profit.
The IWW was founded in 1905 and has been a force
in establishing various workers rights for the last 100
www.iww.org/en/branches/US/WA I (360) 705-0793
I olywobs@riseup.net
Media Island International
Media Island lnternational's (MIi) resource and networking center offers a 24-hour info porch, library,
computer center, and a variety of tools for grass-roots
organizing. The MIi house can be used for meetings,
workshops, and movie nights. Food Not Bombs utilizes
the MIi kitchen. People are welcome to stop in during
office hours to browse, socialize, plan, compute, watch
a video or just sit down and enjoy a hot beverage. The
website offers an open-submission news site, South
Sound community calendar, directory of local organizations, and forums to help facilitate communication
and participation within MIi. Consider volunteering
for office hours or organizing a benefit!
www.mediaisland.org I (360) 352-8526 I 816 Adams
St. SE, Olympia, WA 98502.

Tt{OMS Club of Olympia
MOMS Club of Olympia, WA is a group for at-home
mothers and their children. It is a wonderful way to
rneet other stay-home moms, and a fun way for your
child to meet other children. Events and meetings are
held during the day and children are always welcome.
The club caters to mothers who live in the Olympia
school district and Shelton. It does various service
projects in our community to help members get involved.

South Sound Clean Clothes Campaign
The South Sound Clean Clothes Campaign is a coalition of Olympia, Tumwater, and Lacey students, union
members, people of faith, and concerned citizens
raising awareness about the sweatshop industry, and
challenging individuals as well as public and private
institutions to create positive change by altering their
purchasing practices. Our monthly meetings are held
on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at
Traditions Cafe, 300 5th Avenue SW.
www.southsoundcleanclothes.org I (360) 705-2819

Northwest Olympia Neighborhood Association
A non-profit association of your neighbors who are
interested in promoting the quality of life for the residents of our community. NWONA's mission is to enhance the livability of our community through citizen
participation at all levels of our community. Go to their
meetings and get involved to help decide how association money is used to enhance your neighborhood.

Thurston County Tenants Union
TCTU is a non-profit, membership based organization of tenants. The TU challenges and transforms unjust housing conditions and housing policies through
empowerment-based education, leadership development, and community organizing and tenant ownership. It provides free informational services and
promotes the rights of tenants through active public
advocacy and organizing.
www.tenantsunion.org I Tenants Rights Hotline: (206)

An all volunteer organization that recycles used technology to provide computers , education, Internet access to those in need - in exchange for volunteering.
www.oly-wa.us/OlyGeek/ I (360) 705-9999 I
115 Olympia Ave, Oly

Black Hills Audubon Society
Our goals are to maintain and protect our ecosystems
for future generations, and promote environmental
education and recreation. BHAS efforts include both
education and activism on behalf of wildlife and their
ecosystems. Classes include monthly programs and
several birding and natural history field trips, available to members and the general public. Activism
includes efforts to protect local natural areas and
"important bird areas" and to strengthen local environmental protections.
www.blackhillsaudubon.com I (360) 352-7299
Capitol Land Trust
The mission of the Capitol Land Trust is to preserve
the natural heritage of South Puget Sound. It is dedicated to the conservation, appreciation and stewardship of the diverse open spaces and unique natural
habitats of the local watershed. The group purchases
land parcels and establishes conservation easements
to prevent development of natural areas, offering
landowners non-regulatory options. http:/ /www.
capitollandtrust.org I (360) 943-3012

Climate Solutions
Climate Solutions is a non-profit organization working to help pioneer solutions to global warming. We
are demonstrating a model of regional leadership that
strengthens communities and provides economic opportunity. Local programs include Northwest Climate
Connections, the annual Bicycle Commuter Contest,
and the Energy Outreach Center, an exhibit of technology available to energy-efficient homes.
www.climatesolutions.org I (360) 352-1763
Gifford Pinchot Task Force
The Gifford Pinchot Task Force seeks to preserve and
restore the ecosystems and communities of southwestern Washington by promoting conservation of
forest areas and sustainable restoration-based employment. The Task Force is the primary educational
resource on the region's forest conservation, policy,
and law. It engages interested citizens and policy makers through canvassing, hikes, field events, presentations and press, lobbying, and coordination with regional and national conservation organizations.
www.gptaskforce.org I (503) 221-2102 I 917 SW Oak
St., Suite 410, Portland, OR 97205.

Nisqually Reach Nature Center
The Nisqually Reach Nature Center provides estuarine
environmental education on the Nisqually River delta
in view of the river's headwaters on Mount Rainier
(Tahoma). It offers a hands-on experience for local
school kids, research opportunities for local college
students, internship opportunities for budding naturalists and educators, and volunteer opportunities for
concerned citizens. NRNC is a private non-profit organization where nature comes to life. The center has
1000 square feet of space filled with bird specimens,
interactive learning opportunities, viewing scopes, lab
equipment, and as a highlight, 3 large tide-connected
aquariums to view Puget Sound's underwater world.
www.nisquallyestuary.org I (360) 459-0387.
Nisqually Land Trust
Established in 1989, the Nisqually Land Trust is a
nonprofit group of farmers, business and professional people, homemakers and others. It is working
to protect the Nisqually River basin through private,
non-governmental means. By doing so, it protects fish
and wildlife habitats, particularly sensitive salmon
runs. The land trust provides for the conservation of
wetlands, scenic areas, recreational lands, agricultural
resources, open spaces, and historic, cultural and archaeological sites.
www.nisquallylandtrust.org I (360) 458-1111
Nisqually Stream Stewards
Works to help protect and improve the health of our
streams and salmon. NS Stewards monitor the health
of streams by taking benthic macroinvertebrate
("stream bug") samples and finding other stream and
riparian data. They can improve stream health by removing invasive plants or planting native plants along
stream banks. Stewards help distribute valuable nutrients in salmon-bearing streams through the salmon
carcass return program. Interns interested in gaining
both office and fieldwork in the field of salmon habitat
protection/restoration and volunteer project implementation are hired. Volunteers are always welcome
in tree plantings, stream health monitoring and salmon carcass flings.
www.nisquallyriver.org/stewards I (360) 438-8715
Olympic Forest Coalition (OFCO)
The Olympic Forest Coalition promotes the protection,
conservation and restoration of natural forest ecosystems and their processes on the Olympic Peninsula.
The programs of OFCO focus on educating members
of the public, officials, agencies, and other environmental, community and recreation groups on issues
of importance to help achieve these goals.

People for Puget Sound
People For Puget Sound is a citizens' group working to
protect and restore the health of Puget Sound and th
Northwest Straits through education and action. It
vision is a clean and healthy Sound, teeming with fish
and wildlife, cared for by people who live here.
www.pugetsound.org I (360) 754-9177


South Puget Environmental Education Clearing
house (SPEECH)
SPEECH is a nonprofit organization dedicated to in
forming and educating citizens of the Olympia are
about environmental news and issues. It is an envi
ronmental education center and information clearing
house providing support and resources to those who
seek to preserve, protect and restore the environmen
of the Pacific Northwest. The group publishes the an
nual South Sound Greenpages, a monthly environmen
tal journal of environmental news and commentary
about South Puget Sound
http://www.oly-wa.us/GreenPages I (360) 528-9158

Sustainable Community Roundtable of Soutl
Puget Sound
The mission of the Sustainable Community Roundta
ble is to facilitate dialogue, vision, action, and celebra
tion to help create sustainable community in Soutl
Puget Sound. The Roundtable seeks to build consen
sus on how we can become ecologically, economicall
and socially sustainable. It publishes the annual Stat
of the Community Report, on local environmental an
health concerns, seeks out businesses that operat
in a sustainable mind-set, and sponsors events yea1
www.sustainsouthsound.org I 360-754-5352
Washington Environmental Council
WEC is a statewide environmental organization ar
works primarily on the state level to protect our Ian
air and water. The Electronic Waste Recycling car
paign works to launch a program to provide for sa'.
simple and free recycling of TVs and computers for ti
people of Washington. The Sustainable State Fore~
Campaign seeks to improve the management of Was
ington's state forests, creating a model of sustainal
forestry. The Water for Washington Campaign focm
on restoring and protecting the quality and supply
water in rivers and streams. The Protecting PeoJ
and Places Campaign aims to improve fish and wild)
habitat across Washington through updated and b
ter enforced shoreline and land use protections.
www.wecprotects.org I (360) 357-6548
Woodland Trail Greenway Association
The Woodland Trail Greenway Association is dedic
ed to the creation of a linear park and trail along
Olympia Woodland Trail corridor from the Cheha









western Trail in Lacey to the shores of Capitol Lake.
fhe WfGA, formerly the East-West Greenway Association, is a non-profit coalition of active, interested
citizens and organizations which serve as a public

voice to promote the funding and development of the
Olympia Woodland Trail corridor for recreation and
natural open space preservation.
www.wtga.org I info@woodlandtrail.org

Garden-Raised Bounty

Terra Commons

GRuB is a grassroots non-profit organization dedicated to nourishing community by empowering people
to grow good food. It sprouts inspired, self-confident,
and community-minded youth through educational
and employment opportunities. The Kitchen Gardens
project helps low-income families to help themselves
by building raised-bed gardens at their homes. The
quality of life and nutrition of low-income seniors are
improved through therapeutic garden programs.
www.goodgrub.org I (360) 753-5522 I 2016 Elliott
Ave NW Oly, WA 98502

Terra Commons is a non-profit building network. It
seeks to create lasting social change by researching,
designing, and implementing natural building technologies in the Salish Bay ecoregion. It holds work parties
and presentations to demonstrate the applications of'
natural building, sustainable agriculture, appropriate
technology and habitat restoration. Projects include
sites at Fertile Ground Inn, Media Island International,
and Culture Seed.
www.oly-wa.u~/Terra I (360) 339-3329

Left Foot Organics

A non-profit organic farm which supports the inclusion of people of all abilities. Employs people with
developmental disabilities and rural youth in the production of high quality organic food.
www.leftfootorganics.org I (360) 754-1849

CHOICE Regional Health Network

Fern Haven Center

Helping seniors understand Medicare, assisting low
income people access health and social services.
crhn.org/www/index.html I 1-800-981-2123

The Fern Haven Center is a non-profit educational
program center that offers public workshops, trainings, and counseling services for individuals and organizations in the areas of communication and relationships, creative and intuitive arts, community building
and service, women's support, spiritual psychology,
personal growth, and conscious organizational process. This includes a variety of workshops based on
Non-violent (Compassionate) Communication (NVC).
www.fernhavencenter.org I rod@fernhavencenter.

Dispute Resolution Center

The Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County
(DRC) is a community based non-profit agency empowering people in their relationships by providing
conflict resolution services. Trainings on mediation
and conflict resolution are also available (at a price!).
www.m~diatethurston.org I (360) 956-1155
Feminists In Self-Defense Training (FIST)

Free Herbal Clinic

FIST provides basic and advanced self-defense workshops open to all women and children, covering mental preparation, assertiveness, strategy development,
and physical defense skills. Workshops are facilitated
by female-identified folks in a self-affirming, nonthreatening atmosphere. Cost is usually sliding scale
from $5 to $35. FIST publishes a free quarterly newsletter.

Just what is sounds like, this amazing group of people
offer education, personalized health consultations,
botanical remedies and other supplies free of charge.
They serve to empower anyone and everyone, regardless of financial or other circumstances, to take charge
of their own health care. They are currently without a
location but keep a look out for them to reopen soon.

which strengthens the ability of people to connect
Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation
The Olympia Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconcilia- compassionately with themselves and with one antion seeks to replace violence, war, racism, intolerance, other, to share resources, and to resolve conflicts.
and economic and social injustice with nonviolence, http://www.nwcompass.org I (206) 382-8576
peace and justice. Olympia FOR collaborates with the
larger community to educate and to engage in nonvio- Safe Place
lent and compassionate actions. The bi-monthly peace SafePlace is the only advocacy agency and confidential
and social justice newsletter contains feature artides shelter for survivors of domestic violence and sexual
on various peace and justice concerns, announce- assault in Thurston County. Business hours are 9amments about other resources, and calendars of local •12pm, 1-5pm M-Th and walk-in advocacy hours are
10am-12pm, 1-3pm Tu & W
and out-of-town events.
www.safeplaceolympia.org I (360) 786-8754 I 314
www.olyfor.org I info@olyfor.org
Legion Way SE Olympia, WA 98501
Planned Parenthood
Your one stop cheap clinic such things as emergency Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs
contraception, STI testing, birth control, abortions, WCSAP is a membership agency comprised of individuals and organizations dedicated to ending sexual
and pregnancy testing.
www.plannedparenthood.org I (800) 230-7526 I 402 assault in their communities. WCSAP's mission is to
unite agencies engaged in the elimination of sexual
Legion Way, Suite 201, Oly
violence through education, advocacy, victim services,
Puget Sound Network for Compassionate Commu- and social change. It offers trainings throughout the
year and an annual two and a half day conference on
PSNCC - pronounced 'peace-nik' - is a regional non- topics ranging from advocacy, service provision, preprofit association of volunteers who envision a world vention, to management issues. It also has a sexual asin which all needs are met compassionately. Its mis- sault prevention resource center.
sion is to contribute to this vision by living & teach- www.wcsap.org
ing the process of Nonviolent Communication (NVC),

Bridges Not Walls
A coalition of community members from the South
Sound region of Washington State who have united
to address issues of immigration in our community.
We believe immigrants, regardless of legal status, deserve to be treated with dignity. We seek to make our
communities a place where the contributions of immigrants are valued and respected.
Centro Integral Educativo Latino de Olympia (CIELO) Project at Radio Ranch
The CIELO Project is to facilitate programs with the
focus of providing services to the Hispanic community in Thurston, Mason, Lewis and Grays Harbor
counties. Free ESL (English as a Second Language)
classes are offered Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30 to
8:30pm. Proyecto Familia' is a multicultural mental
health services team that works with families. Support to Leadership develops self-sufficiency for Latino
families through development of parent leadership.
Parenting Wisely provides culturally competent parenting classes to the Latino community: Programs also
include Spanish Literacy/GED Preparation and HIV/
AIDS education. The Radio Ranch is an eight acre lowcost conference center close to Olympia and Lacey.
www.cieloproject.org I (360) 709-0931

Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
CISPES has been working since 1980 in solidarity
with the FMLN (Farabundo Marti National Liberation
Front) and the Salvadoran social justice movement to
promote an alternative to the oppressive US-backed
policies of the Salvadoran right. CISPES currently
works within the solidarity and anti-corporate globalization movements, to build a cross-border movement that can confront the injustices of the neoliberal
economic model that is ravaging El Salvador and much
of the globe. In particular, CISPES is now helping to
launch a hemisphere-wide campaign against CAFTA,
a proposed free trade agreement between the United
States and Central America modeled on NAFTA.
www.cispes.org I (360) 866-6513
Olympia-Rafah Sister City Project
The sister city project that bonds Olympia, Washington and Rafah, Palestine was envisioned by local
peace activist and friend, Rachel Corrie (1979-2003).
Through her dedication to social justice and acute
cognizance of the Israeli military occupation, she believed that cultural exchanges between our two communities could result in significant social change. The
project will collaborate with the people of Rafah to
create lasting friendships across borders and bridge

cultural gaps through popular education, advocacy,
communication, and community exchange. These
friendships help members to educate themselves,
increase awareness, and demonstrate solidarity in a
common struggle for a just and prompt peace in the

Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Meetings are on the 1st
Thursday of each month at The Olympia Center (222
Columbia Street) at 7 p.m.

American Civil Liberties Union of Washington Thurston County Chapter
The ACLU is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership
organization devoted to protecting the basic civil liberties of all Americans, and extending them to groups
that have traditionally been denied their basic civil
rights. The Thurston County Chapter acts as the "eyes
and ears" of the Affiliate Office, ACLU-WA, reporting
civil liberties abuses. It testifies at local and state hearings and performs as an activist group to defend civil
liberties. It also does outreach to educate the public
in understanding, appreciating and protecting their
www.aclu-wa.org I (206) 624-2184
League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political
organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase
understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Citizens of voting age may become League members.
It takes action on selected governmental issues, sponsorship and coordination of voter registrations, meetings with candidates, and publication on specific topics.
www.lwvwa.org I (206) 622-8961

Olympia Civil Liberties Resource
Olympia Civil Liberties Resource is an Olympia-based
organization working to defend the civil liberties of
all citizens - particularly activists exercising their constitutional rights. OCLR seeks to educate the public
regarding current threats to civil liberties, and to act
as a general resource for activists. The group provides
legal assistance, information about your rights, and
solidarity during the isolation of arrest and trial.
http://olycivlib.blogspot.com I olycivlib@riseup.net I
Support Line: (541) 687-9180 (For information if you
are contacted by the FBI).
Thurston County Draft Counseling Center
Protect your rights. Learn how the system works. The
Draft Counseling Center provides free, confidential information and counseling about how a military draft
would work and how to pursue conscientious objection and other alternatives. It also provides help for
people who want to get out of the military.
(360) 491-9093 I 5015 15th Ave. SE, Lacey

Done &Done
Done & Done is a non-hierarchical 501(c)3 non-profit
which umbrellas projects, such as EGYHOP and Bike &
Bike, with aprimary focus of providing items and services to empower the unhoused, youth, low-income or
otherwise marginalized populations of Olympia and
Thurston County.
Mail donations to: PO Box 6382, Olympia, WA 98507

Thurston County. Information and referrals regarding
resources, employment, rental assistance, voice messaging services, homeless child care and more. ESN is
a program of the Family Support Center in collaboration with Associated Ministries of Thurston County.
www.familysupportctr.org I (360) 754-9297 I 108
State Avenue, Olympia, WA 98501

Emergency Shelter Network: Homeless Resource
The Family Support Center is a community resource
center offering a variety of services for children and
families. 5 member agencies work together to offer
affordable, accessible, and preventative services that
help parents raise healthy children. Resource Specialists work with families in crisis and those seeking information about community resources. ESN provides
shelter and resources for families and single women in

Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with
people in need to build and renovate decent, affordable housing. Houses are built in partnership with
the buyer, and sold at no profit with a 20 to 25 year
non-interest mortgage. Working with donated materials, home owners are required to invest sweat equity
(500 hours) into the construction process, working
alongside other volunteers. Donations of funds and
materials are accepted. Habitat owns and manages
the Sound Builders ReStore, a non-profit store dedi-

cated to diverting used building materials from the
local transfer station as well as providing educational
and volunteer opportunities for the community.
www.spshabitat.org I (360) 956-3456 I Restore: (360)
753-1575 1210 Thurston Ave. NE, Olympia
Homeless Resource Advocacy
HRA is a program of the Family Support Center. In
conjunction with the Emergency Shelter Network, we
give homeless individuals a supportive environment
to work on life skills directly related to establishing
and maintaining stable, permanent housing. The program offers a variety of resources and opportunities
based on individual needs. Case management services
are provided. Job skills training, nutrition, parenting,
problem solving, legal issues, and credit matters services are provided through community advocacy.
www.familysupportctr.org I (360) 528-8999
Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic
Rights (POWER)
POWER is an organization of low-income parents and
allies advocating for a strong social safety net while
working toward a world where children and care giving are truly valued, and the devastation of poverty
has been eradicated.
www.oly-wa.us/power I (360) 352-9716

Thurston Union for Low Income People (TULIP)
Tulip's unique mission is to fight poverty and promote
social responsibility by bridging the gap between low
income and more affluent people. Tulip links low-income members with the financial products, services,
and education necessary for financial independence.
At the same time, it offers more affluent members the
opportunity for community investment through the
loans and deposits they make with Tulip.
www.tulipcu.coop I (360) 570-2292 I 3111 Pacific Ave
NW, Olympia, WA 98501
Welfare Rights Organizing Coalition
WROC is a coalition of individuals and welfare rights
groups organized around their own welfare offices
whose mission is to empower people on welfare to effect positive change in their lives, the welfare system,
and other institutions that impact their lives. WROC
empowers recipients through education, leadership
development, grassroots action, and through the
creation of a support network for its members. We
network with other organizations and individuals to
dispel the myths about welfare and to create a broad
power base to effect change on the local, state, and national levels.
www.wroc.org I (360) 352-9716 I 701 Franklin SE,
Olympia, WA 98501

Avanti High School (AHS)
Avanti is an alternative high school residing within the
Olympia School District. With its small numbers and
low student to faculty ratio, AHS is very open to community involvement, ripe for input from Evergreen
students. Evergreen students have contributed to the
Avanti curriculum as student teachers and assistants,
as well as leaders of mini-units, and hosts of community service projects.
avanti.osd.wednet.edu I (360) 596-7900
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Helping children reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships. They
contribute to brighter futures, better schools and
stronger communities for all.
www.thurstonbbbs.org I 360-943-0409

Freechild Project
The Freechild Project seeks to advocate, inform, and
celebrate social change led by and with young people
around the world, particularly those who have been
historically denied the right to participate. We offer
resources, programs, and training to aid in youth-led
community organizing and activist projects.
www.freechild.org I (360) 753-2686
The Little Red Schoolhouse Project
Our goal is to see every child start school with basic
school supplies, a backpack and 2-3 outfits of new or
clean used clothes.
www.redschool.org I (360) 438-1100 x 1143


Lisi of RecommenJeJ Reading
Thanks lo lasl WorJ Rooks •

iSM • George Orwell

The Giving Tree - Shel Silverstein

ARoom Of One's Own - Virginia Woolf
.&est Democracy Money Can Buy - Greg Palast
aetter Than Sex - Hunter S. Thompson

~ocat;, Creating Self-ReUant Communities ln The
.. MIChaefH:snuman
Guerma Capitalism - Loompanics
Howl - Allen Ginsberg

Black Elk Speaks - John Nierhardt
alack Looks: Race & Representation - Bell Hooks
Black Skin, White Masks - Frantz Fanon
CIYII Disobedience & On Walden Pond - Henry David Thoreau
Culture Jam - Kalle Lasn
Days Of War. Nights Of Love - Crimethinc.
Discourse On ColonlaUsm - Aime Cesaire
Wt A Hand8offik !';or Changing Our World e Trapeze

o active

The Doors Of Perception - Aldous Huxley
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
Fast Food Nation - Eric Schlosser
The Feminine Mystique - Betty Freidan
flatland • Edward Abbot
Gender Outlaw - Kate Bomestein


~K -

Be A Verb - A. Buckminster Fuller
The mumlnatus Trilogy - Robert Anton Wilson
lo The Presence Of Fear - Wendell Berry
Leasing The Ivory Tower - Lawrence C. Solely
Ues My Teacher Told Me - James W. Loewen
The Little Prince - Antoine de St. Exupery
Medicinal Plants Of The Pacific Northwest - Michael Moore
The Mlsmeasure Of Man - Steven Jon Gould
The Monkey Wrench Gang - Edward Abbey
Night Thoughts Of A Classical Physicist - Russel McCormI Seem To


No Logo - Naomi Klein
A Pedaaoay For Liberation;. Qlalogues For Transforming
Ed~t!QO.::.- Ira Shor &Paulo r-re1re
Pedagogy For The Oppressed - Ira Shor & Paulo Freire
People's History - Howard Zinn
Plants Of The Pacific Northwest - Pojar & McKinnon
The Practice Of The WIid - Gary Snyder
The Prophet - Kaflllil Gibran
Red Emma Speaks - Emma Goldman
Revolution For The Hen Of It - Abbie Hoffman
Slmutacra & Simulacrum - Jean Baudrillard
Small 1s1:1:t'.=

E.r.rcwJ~~th8e~f People

Stone Butch Blues - Leslie Feinberg
T&'f:Wfci~fsl&ife ~If Portrait
. .

c u an

we Trial Of Henry Klssenger 1tchens

f'>'lfl: With Charley - John


~e,standlng Media • Marshal
c u an

Wallo &'loy
. cott oma ay

Mountain .

'{f II fare ~lo~ Lied To - The
1s1n ormat1on


Affinity Group -A small, non-hierarchical collective of activists who collaborate on direct action via consensus decisionmaking.

Neollberallsm - An economic doctrine promoting marketled growth, deregulation and the privatization of state-owned
, •

Anarchy - .A social state in which there is no governing person or group of persons, but each individual has absolute liberty
(without the implication of disorder).

Permaculture - A contraction of permanent agriculture. It
is an ethical design system applicable to food production, land
use and community building which seeks sustainable ways of

Anarchist - An advocate of a stateless society, where decisions are made based on equality as opposed to authority or
Black Bloc - An affinity group, or cluster of affinity groups
that assembles during protests, demonstrations, or other forms
of direct action. Black blocs are noted for the distinctive allblack clothing worn by members to conceal their identity.

Privilege - The concept that certain groups or classes of
people have the ability to do things or experience things that
others do not have, solely based on who and what they are
Really Really Free Market - A free market based on the
principle of gift economics whereby participants bring gifts and
resources to share with one another, without moneybeing exchanged.

Consensus Based Decision Making - A participatory
decision making process for collectives that seeks the resolution of minority objections (according to the principle of inclusivity) as well as the agreement of all participants.

Security Culture - A set of customs shared by an affinity
group wnich engages in illegal activities, the practice of which
minimizes the risk of such activities.

D,I. Y, - Do It Yourself, a movement of creating what we need
and want ourselves, without relying on multinational corporations to do it for us.

Socialism -An economic system that believes in retaining hierarchy but, at least in theory, ensuring that there is financial
equality among all people.

Direct Action - Direct action is a form of political activism
which rejects reformist politics such as electing representatives
as ineffective in bringing about change. It involves taking responsibility ourselves for solving problems and includes strikes, occupations and blockades.

Soclallzatlon - The process where the dominant, mainstream
society imparts its values on its children from a very young age.
These values are often oppressive and related to g1vmg certain
people privilege over others.

Fair Trade - products that resist the "free trade" movement
by a certification process where distributors negotiate directly
with the growers or creators of a product and guarantee a
living wage.
Freegan -A person that follows an anti-consumerist lifestyle
accorcing to which participants attempt to restrict their consumption of natural resources and participation in the conventional economy to using salvaged and discarded goods.
Free Trade -Treaties between countries pushed by multinational corporations to make the countries safer for business by
eliminating taxes, labor rights, and environmental protections.
.G lobalization - The idea of breaking down barriers between
nations. Unfortunately, this is usually used in the mainstream
media to only denote breaking down business barriers, not
barriers between people, such as borders and immigration
Guerrilla Gardening - Nonviolent direct action whereby
disused plots are converted to gardens without seeking, the
permission of property owners.
lnfoshop - A space (often a social center) that serves as a
node for anarchists involved with radical movements and countercultures for trading publications (typically books, zines, stickers and posters), meeting and networking with similar individuals and groups.
Mutual Aid - The voluntary reciprocal exchange of resources
and services for mutual benefit.

Solidarity - The feeling of unity based on common goals, interests, and sympathies. It is a term which is promoted by many
social movements to help create social relationships based on
justice and equality.
Wage Slavery - A term which asserts a similarity between
slavery-the ownership and control of one person by another-and wage labour.
World Bank & IMF (International Monetary Fund)
- Organizations setup after WWII to lend money to countries.
This money is generally only loaned out after the debtor country agrees to implement SAPs (Structural Adjustment Policies),
which invariably involve getting rid of labor rights, environmental protections, and any sociaf program which interferes with
foreign investment.

WTO - World Trade Organization, the enforcement body of
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), the mother of
all free trade ai:reements, run by an unelected body that has the
power to eliminate democratically elected laws if they interfere
with free trade or business interests.
Zlne -A small circulation, non-commercial publication of original or appropriated texts and images. Zines are often distributed through secondary circuits, such as: trade, zine symposia,
record stores, concerts, independent media outlets, mailings, or
zine "distros:•
Zle/Sle Zlr/Hlr - Gender neutral pronoun/ pronouns that
specifically avoid the gender binary system by having a pronoun
that neither assumes a male or female recipient.


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