

Part of News Release (April 6, 1974) TESC students launch a fund-raising drive for tornado victims in the Midwest

extracted text
The Evergreen State College
Olympia. Washington


for more information
Judy Annis, 866-6128

for immediate release
April 6, 1974

A two-week fund raising drive has been launched by students at The Eye~green
State College to rush-immediate financial aid to victums of the catastrophic tornadoes
which swept the Middle West earlier this week.
Among the areas hardest hit by the tornadoes was Greene County, Ohio, home of
Wilberforce and Central State Universities. - Both

institutions were virtually obliter~

ated and more than half the nearby town of Xenia --- about the sfze of Olympia_-~was destroyed by the tornadoes, which took more than 300 lives- and caused
millions of dollars property damage.
No immediate relief is available for students at the two institutions.


greeners are collecting cash immediately to send directly to the Ohio collegians.
All Puget Sound

residents, as well as Evergreen students, faculty and staff, are

asked to submit taX deductible cash, check or money orders to:


FUND, Evergreen Branch, South Sound National Bank, The Evergreen State College,
Olympia, Washington 98505.
For more information on the Ohio relief drive, call the Evergreen Information
Center, 866-6300.


Nichols. Director

Infdr mation
