

Part of News Release (April 10, 1974) Friends of Olympia Library to host public forums on local library services

extracted text





for release

for further information

April 10, 1974

Paul Jeffrey, 866-6413

"Moving Out" will be the topic for the last in a series of eight public
forums focusing on the nature of local library services.

The final discussion

will be Wednesday evening, April 17, at 8 pm in the Olympia Public Library.
The series of forums is part of the project "Education: The Public Library
and the People's Needs", sponsored by The Evergreen State College, Friends of
the Library, and Timberland Regional Library.

The project is supported by a

grant from the Washington'Commission for the Humanities.
Spencer Shaw, professor in the School of Librarianship at the University of
Washington, will lead the discussion, exploring "hmv libraries can change in order
to respond to the growing educational and cultural needs of the community more
effectively," according to Bill McKamey, project coordinator.

Participating in the

panel discussion will be Dick Lewis, local businessman and 'artist, and Erma Norton,
a social worker.

Also participating will be four other local residents, chosen

from among 800 being interviewed in connection with the project.
The Olympia Library is located at 7th and Franklin Streets in downtown Olympia.
The public is invited to the free forum.


Refrespments will be served.