

Part of News Release (April 11, 1974) Zoologist to present a free lecture on the ecology of the African Plains

extracted text
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington


for immediate release



Brian Bertram, noted British zoologist who spent the past four years observing
animal behavior on the grasslands of East Africa, will present a free slide/lecture on
"Ecology of the African Plains:

A Study of the Serengeti Lion" April 15 at 8 p.m.

in Lecture Hall Four at The Evergreen State College.
Bertram, subject of a recent half-hour television documentary, holds
a doctorate from the Unlversity:.of Cambr Ldge and from 1969 to 1973 was assigned to
the Mading1y Institute of Animal Behavior, an organization affiliated with Cambridge
and located on the Serengeti plains.
He spent most of those four years identifying and closely following
the activities of more than 250 lions as they traveled in prides across the grasslands.
This enabled him to observe the animals' group behavior, which had gone largely undocumented before Bertr~m and the work of his predecessor, George B. Shaler, author of
The Serengeti Lion.
The youthful zoologist is the son of Doc t ors Colin and C.J. 1. Bertram, members
of the 1934-37 British Graham Land Expedition to the Antarctic.

The senior Bertrams

pioneered·work with marine mammals and their son, in addition to his work in Africa,
has also completed extensive field work in India studying Myna bird vocalization.
The public talk is presented by the Evergreen Environment study program
t:!~rectedby Faculty Members Larry:Eicksteadt and Oscar Soule.
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