

Part of News Release (April 17, 1974) An evaluation team from the Commission on Higher Schools of the Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools to visit TESC

extracted text

The Evergreen State College
Olympia,Washington 98505


for immediate release
April 17, 1974

An eleven-person evaluation team representing the Commission on Higher Schools
of the Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools will visit The Evergreen
State College April 29, 30 and May I to complete consideration of the institution's
application for full accreditation.
Following the three-day visit, the evaluation team will draft a report about
Evergreen and then forward its recommendations
meeting of the Association.

regarding accreditation

to a June 18-20

A final decision on full accreditation is expected

during that meeting, according to Dr. James F. Bemis, Executive Director of the
Commission on Higher Schools.
Evergreen in 1971 received its Candidacy for Accreditation,

making college credits

transferable and recognized by various educational and governmental agencies assoc~ated
with higher education.

The process now under way, if successful, will lead to techni-

cal, formal accreditation.
Normally, new institutions don't receive formal accreditation until their fourth
full year of operation or until they have graduated a class of students who have been
enrolled since the college or university opened.

In Evergreen's case, the accrediting

covers institutions of higher learning in Washington, Oregon, Idaho,

MOntana, Nevada, Utah, and Alaska--advanced

the process a full year.

The Reverend Paul E. Waldschmidt, President of the University of Portland, will
- more Dick

Nichols. Director

Infor mation



serve as chairman of the accreditation team visiting Evergreen and will also evaluate
the college's administrative organization and operations.

Other team members and

their areas of evaluation include:
Dr. Joseph Axelrod, Professor of Humanities and Comparative Literature at
San Francisco State University (social and natural sciences); Dr. Aldan D. Bell,
Director of the Office of Undergraduate Studies at the University of Washington (general
liberal arts and sciences); Dr. A. Carter Broad, Professor of Biology at Western
Washington State College (biological and physical sciences); Dr. Virginia P. Frobes,
Professor of Psychology at the University of Utah (student personnel services); Dr.
Clarence Gorchels, Director of the Library at Oregon College of Education (library).
Robert Jarecke, Director of Instructional Materials at California State University
at Sacramento (communications and media); Dr. Arthur Kreisman, Dean of Arts and Sciences
at Southern Oregon College (humanities and natural sciences); Dr. Terry F. Lunsford,
Academic Director of the Field Studies Program at the University of California at
Berkeley (humanities and social sciences); Dr. Arnold D. Pickar, Professor of Physics
at Portland State University

(biological, physical, social and natural sciences);

and Dr. Bemis, ex-officio member.
Evergreen staff, faculty, and students have spent the last four months preparing


a detailed institutional self-study in accordance with guidelines established by the
accrediting association.

The 255-page study, covering all aspects of the college's

academic, business, and service operations, provides the primary document from which
the evaluation team will work.
In addition to reading, evaluating, and discussing the self-study,

team members

also will conduct thorough personal investigations of Evergreen's entire operation
during the three-day visit.

That process will involve personal interviews with

faculty, students, and staff; visitations to academic program activities; and
observation of all other institutional functions.