

Part of News Release (December 6, 1974) TESC Recruiting Senior Citizens to bridge generation gaps between students

extracted text

The Eyergreen State College
Olympia, Washington


for immediate release

for further information

December 6, 1974

Judy Annis, 866-6128

The Evergreen State College is te~ruiting senior citizens--- not to enlarge its
enreilment, but to bridge the generation gap through a Spring Quarter study on the
"Wisdom of the Elderly."
"We're inviting Thurston County senior citizens. to work with- us, now to plan the
Spring study," Faculty Member Russ Fox explains.

"And, we're looking for others who'll

be willing to participate in the actual program, which will run from March 31 to June 13."
Fox says his students, all members of the Encountering America Coordinated Studies
Program, are holding a series of lfie'etifg$
for all interested aendio r citizens.

The first one

was held December 11, he says, and additional m"eeli:t"ng;
are scheduled Winter Quarter.


urges all interested senior citizens unable to attend a meeting to contact him weekdays
at his office (866-6605).

His students will return the calls after the first of the year.

Goal of the one-quarter program is, Fox says, "partly to bridge the generation gap.
"We want to involve senior citizens in Evergreen, both academically and socially,"
he says.

"We want to share their perceptions, ideas and experiences, and work with them

in solving the problems of the aged in our society."
The Evergreen faculty member says there's no age limit for the program.
too old."

He adds that "no academic degrees are necessary.

"No one's

We're just looking for people

willing and able to teach the skills, trades, crafts and knowledge of history they've
accumulated through their years of living."
He adds that he and his students will help resolve transportation difficulties for
program participants if necessary.


Infor mation



The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington


for immediate release

for further information

December 6, 1974

Judy Annis, 866-6128

The Evergreen State College is tecru;ting seniorceitizens---- not to enlarge its
enrollment, but to bridge the generation gap through a Spring Quarter study on the
"Wisdom of the Elderly."
"We're inviting Thurston County senior citizens to work with us now to plan the
Spring study," Faculty Member Russ Fox explain§..

"And, we're looking for others who'll

be willing to participate in the actual) program, which.will run from March. 31 to June 13."
Fox s§Y-. his students, all members of the Encountering AmericanCoordinated Studies
Program, will meet with all interested senior citizens December 11 at 1:30 p.m. at the
Thurston County Senior Center (612 North Columbia).
meetings with local area senior citizens.

He urge

It will be the first of many such
all senior citizens unable to attend

a meeting to contact him weekdays at his office, 866-6605.

His students will return the

calls after the first of the 'year.
Goal of the one-quarter p1;ognami:Ls,
Fox says ,"partly to brigge the generat.tonggap/'
"We want to involve senior citizens in Evergreen, both academically and socially,"
he says.

"We want to share their perceptions, ideas and experiences, and work with them

in solving the problems of the aged in our society."
The Evergreen faculty member says there's no age limit for t.heprogram.
too old."

He adds that "no academic degrees are necessary.

"No one's

We're just looking for people

willing tand able to teach the skills, trades, crafts and knowledge of history they've
accumulated through their years of living."
He adds that he and his students will help resolved transportation for
program participants if necessary.


Infor mation
