

Part of The Cooper Point Journal (February 07, 2018)

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the cooper point journal
The Evergreen State College Newspaper Since 1971| February 7th, 2018





The Cooper Point Journal



J a s m i n e K o z a k G i l roy

Business Manager
April Davidson

News Editor
Mason Soto

C o mm u n i t y E d i t o r
Georgie Hicks

A r t s & C u lt u r e E d i t o r
Sally Linn

Comics Editor

Morrissey Morrissey


S eb a s t ia n L o p e z
A b b e y M y r ic k


Students celebrating their visceral forms the Campus Recreation Center,

1974. Courtesy of The Evergreen State College Archives.

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Bailey Coates

© 2018 the Cooper Point Journal



The Cooper Point Journal is produced by students at The Evergreen State College, with funding from student
fees and advertising from local businesses. The Journal is published for free every other Wednesday during the
school year and distributed throughout the Olympia area.
Our content is also available online at www.cooperpointjournal.com.
Our mission is to provide an outlet for student voices, and to inform and entertain the Evergreen community
and the Olympia-area more broadly, as well as to provide a platform for students to learn about operating a
news publication.
Our office is located on the third floor of the Campus Activities Building (CAB) at The Evergreen State
College in room 332 and we have open student meetings from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. every Wednesday. Come early
if you’d like to chat with the editor!


We accept submissions from any student at The Evergreen State College, and also from former students,
faculty, and staff. We also hire some students onto our staff, who write articles for each issue and receive a
learning stipend.
Have an exciting news topic? Know about some weird community happening? Enjoy that new hardcore
band? Come talk to us and write about it.
We will also consider submissions from non-Evergreen people, particularly if they have special knowledge on
the topic. We prioritize current student content first, followed by former students, faculty and staff, and then
general community submissions. Within that, we prioritize content related to Evergreen first, followed by
Olympia, the state of Washington, the Pacific Northwest, etc.
To submit an article, reach us at cooperpointjournal@gmail.com.


We want to hear from you! If you have an opinion on anything we’ve reported in the paper, or goings-on in
Olympia or at Evergreen, drop us a line with a paragraph or two (100 - 300 words) for us to publish in the
paper. Make sure to include your full name, and your relationship to the college—are you a student, staff,
graduate, community member, etc. We reserve the right to edit anything submitted to us before publishing,
but we’ll do our best to consult with you about any major changes.


Farm workers cultivate California crops. ANSEL ADAMS VIA WIKIPEDIA COMMONS.

By Mason Soto
From a worker’s death over the
summer in Sumas to a sexual harassment case against an agribusiness
manager in Lacey, farmworker activists are working to expose experiences
of exploitation happening behind the
scenes of the local food supply chain.
For the annual Farmworker’s
Justice Day on January 24, activists and farmworkers came to Evergreen as they have in years past
to lead lectures and workshops on
issues that involve local agriculture, immigration, and labor rights.
A panel of local folks working with
the group Community to Community (C2C) gave testimonies about
working conditions and immigration, and the expanding federal work
visa program known as H-2A was
at the forefront of the conversation.
The H-2A Temporary Workers
Program allows United State’s employers “to bring foreign nationals
to the United States for temporary
agricultural jobs”, as the program’s
federal webpage states, and this is
accomplished by sending contractors out of the country to convince
people to come here for a season or

two. Many of the communities that
these workers live in rely on remittances that the workers send back
from the states, and sometimes this
type of displaced work can continue
through generations of a family.
Members of C2C, who focus on
empowering underrepresented and
exploited groups in decision making and social organization, question
the limits that the H-2A program
puts on the voices of local farmers as well as the lack of protections
for guest workers. Although the
program’s federal webpage says the
employer applying for workers must
prove they can not find workers locally and that the program will not
adversely affect the wage market,
folks say that there is not enough
accountability within the government departments who oversee the
applications to ensure this happens.
For farmworkers and activists, the
problems of H-2A were made tragically apparent through the death of
Honesto Silva Ibarra last August. A
Sumas farmworker from the campus lecture alleged that Honesto was
afraid to ask for treatment for an in-

fection for fear of retaliation and deportation. The workers rely on their
employers for housing, transportation, and the ability to seek medical
attention, a situation that C2C says
has created dangerous conditions
where the aforementioned threats
of replacement because of sickness
or dissent are common. When Honesto was finally given medical attention, his condition was too severe
to save him. In the coming weeks
Sarbanand denied any wrongdoing,
despite testimonies of immigrant
workers being sprayed with pesticides, made to stay past their visas,
and a culture of retaliation, as hundreds of farmworker activists protested outside their office in Sumas.
Activists have since announced a
boycott of the blueberry farm’s products along with the associated companies Munger Farms and Naturipe.
Activists are also demanding the
agencies that help run the program be
held accountable for the exploitation
folks have testified about. Executive
Director of C2C Rosalinda Guillen
spoke of the problematic nature of
local businesses participating in the

program, sharing allegations against
Dan Fazio, CEO of the Washington Farmworker Labor Association
(WFLA) based in Lacey, of widespread sexual harassment and racism
in the workplace. Fazio’s business facilitates local farm owners through the
H-2A program, helping them prove
to state agencies that they need more
workers, and he participates himself
in training farm management on payroll, pesticide usage, and most notably
workplace sexual harassment issues.
A letter sent last June to WFLA
board members outlines hundreds of
allegedly ignored complaints from
employees since 2015 of gross misconduct. There are accusations of
sexual harassment from Fazio telling a woman to unbutton her blouse,
touching a woman’s thigh to “demonstrate sexual harassment”, and
rating women in the office, to name
a few. There are just as many accusations of racism, with Fazio saying
he was working less because he was
white and that he would ban Spanish from the workplace. The latter
part of the letter is dedicated to all
the complaints of illegal activity in-

volving work visa program that were
ignored or covered up by management, like lack of proper advertising
for local farmwork, pushing through
unfinished paperwork, and in general
cutting corners and purposefully stifling the local market to increase their
profits through the use of H-2A. Indeed, this past January, amidst the
ongoing case against him, Fazio optimistically announced that H-2A
had increased 35 percent last year
and encouraged lobbyists to further
strip down the requirements for employers to keep bringing in workers.
Rosalinda shared how she sees
the harrasment case as part of a
larger system of exploitation within
agribusiness in an interview with
the Cooper Point Journal, saying,
“It appears to me there is this ongoing consciousness about farm labor
and agricultural work being slave
work.” She spoke of how the legacy
of slavery and plantation labor has
perpetuated a reliance on and normalization of exploitation in the
agricultural arena in that, “We’re expected to see a labor force that is as
close to slavery as they can get it.”



Chassity Holliman-Douglas chatting with Provost Jennifer Drake. SHAUNA BITTLE.

developed our work plan for media, it’s on here. We have all these
different subcommittees, we have
one subcommittee that’s over
marketing and communications
they’ll be working very closely
with Zach [Power’s] office, the
college relations office. So we
will be developing those plans
I believe it is a very important.

By Georgie Hicks
On January 10 President
George Bridges announced a
new equity symposium that will
be happening later this year. In
the email Bridges states, “For almost 20 years, our college-wide
program, Day of Absence/Day of
Presence, provided a focal point
for this important work each
spring. This year, with the vital
leadership from Vice President
we will develop a more robust
event for learning about equity”.
Closing with, “It is my sincere
hope that this event reinforces
our commitment to addressing
these critical issues facing the
college and society.” I sat down
with Chassity Holliman-douglas
Vice President / Vice Provost of
Equity and Inclusion to discuss
the changes that will be happening and how she is settling into
her new job here at Evergreen.
Since starting your job here at Evergreen what particular challenges
have arisen stepping into a leadership position after the protest and
the school being in the media?
I think the hyper alertness, you
know, based on what our campus,
our community experienced last
year we’re now all very alert you
know.” “We’re all wanting to be

involved with trying to move our
campus forward, so that’s been
a unique experience for me. I’ve
never been at an institution were
so many people are wanting to,
what I used to say, play in my sandbox. So typically I’m over equity
and inclusion and its hard to get
people to buy into it and to want
to be a part of it but here everybody’s in it, everybody’s involved.
So it’s a unique experience for me.
On January 10 George Bridges
sent out an email announcing an
end to DOA/DOP and calling for
student contributions for the equity
symposium that you are the head of.
How did the change of events come
about? Is there a group of people
who make these decisions? Or was
it you or George?
Right, so what I’ll say is that
to the best of my knowledge our
senior leadership group, which is
all of our vice presidents, our chief
of staff, they asked me if I would
come up with an event that would
increase our communities understanding of cultural competence
and social justice [and] help to increase our sense of belonging as a
community and really give us that
space to come together and talk
about what our challenges are.
[With] students faculty and staff


I was asked to create this program
and to put together a group of
people to help me to do it. And
then to hopefully launch it so
that’s the extent of my knowledge
and what I’ve been asked to do
In the email [President Bridges]
says it’s going to be a more “robust”
event, does that mean it’s going to
be longer than two days?
I think what George and the
senior leadership team has asked
me to do is really create spaces
were we can, where our different affinity groups can talk about
our own unique experiences but
then also be intentional about
inclusion. Where we all come
together and hear from one another about our experiences and
what responsibility we have in
helping each other to build better experiences. So when I think
about robust, I’m thinking about
providing opportunities for students, faculty and staff to submit
workshop proposals [so they can]
be a part of it. I’d like to see a national speaker come. You know
just really creating more robust
opportunities for us to have dialogs and not just dialogs, you
know, but I want to see tools. We
talk a lot but we need to walk
away with tools and actions plans.

Are you aware the perception that
this change of events makes the
school appear to be admitting fault
over DOA/DOP? What plans does
the school have for dealing with media perception around this change?
I was not aware, I have not
heard [that] from any students…
I have a steering committee
of students, a couple of faculty
members and staff who have
came together. They were a part
of the planning of the last DOA/
DOP so now they’ve joined me.
I didn’t not know that students
had that perception but what I
will say is that I, with me coming
in being brand new, [with] fresh
ideas, this was the new idea that I
came up [with], that we’re coming
up with. And I don’t see it as the
same as DOA/DOP. I don’t see it
as replacement of DOA/DOP. I
see it as when I came to this institution this was the type of event
that I wanted to be able to provide for my campus community.
Is there a plan for media coverage?
Like I said, we don’t have specific plans but we will be working.
It’s limited, we’re in the beginning
stages and this steering committee have met twice, three times,
we just had our third meeting last
week. And so right now we’ve just

So you haven’t gotten much response
from students outside of people who
want to do workshops?
So we, again we’re in the beginning stages. So we have the
steering committee and now we
have President Bridges email
that went out to everyone and it
had our email address on there.
We’ve received at least twentyfive people who have said they
want to be a part of the planning
and many of them were students
and so our next step is, now that
we’ve identified what the subcommittees are, an email will go
out probably by next week and it
will list all the subcommittees we
have, inviting those volunteers to
now be a part of those subcommittees. We’re going to send it
out to the larger campus community of people who have not
emailed us yet [because they] can
still [email us], there’s still a place
to be involved with the planning.
So that leads into my next question,
which is just about transparency,
and I acknowledge you are just in
the beginning of planning.
Ya, but you know I’ve learned
a lot being here about trying to
as transparent as possible and
so the email will come out next
week and it will go to faculty,
staff and students and when the
call for proposals goes, it it will
be to all stakeholders faculty, staff
and students. We will be sending
save the dates. We just developed
our calendar at the last meeting
and so save the dates and call for
proposals will go out by the end
of February. You can expect to
see that information and we’re
even going, [Because] we realize
that students, not all students but
some students may need some
assistance on putting together
workshop proposals and so were
putting together help sessions to
help students to put together their
proposals and so those dates will
be advertised in February as well.
So we have a lot of work to do.

You can contact the planning
committees at equityandinclusion@



By Abbey Myrick
Olympia’s Capitol Lake
is a manmade body of water
created when the Deschutes
river was dammed in 1951.
Environmentalists are calling
for removal of the 5th Ave
Dam and reversion to an estuary, citing such issues as invasive species and poor water
quality being a direct result of
the lake’s existence. Opposing
groups worry about such considerations as cost to taxpayers
and negative effects on tourism and the local economy.
According to the Squaxin
Island Tribe’s Natural Resource Department, the original proposal for the Capitol
Campus, designed by Walter
Wilder and Harry White,
called for diverting part of
the Deschutes to create an attractive reflecting pool while
allowing the majority of the
river to continue flowing into
Budd Inlet. “Actually, the entire idea behind the originally
proposed reflecting pool was
to take advantage of the tides.
The pool itself would be filled
by salt water and refreshed
by the tides,” reads an article
put out by the department.
The result would have created

a waterfront park similar to
downtown’s Heritage Park but
would have avoided the total impoundment of the river.
The reason for damming
the river completely may have
had something to do with a
community occupying what is
now Heritage Park. Dubbed
“Little Hollywood”, this town
within a town consisted of
homes and businesses built of
debris dragged in on high tides
and left to beach on the mud
flats. The jobless and hungry of
the town pooled here, mostly
the result of the severe nationwide economic downturn of
the 1930’s, along with bootleggers, gamblers, and sex workers.
Little Hollywood was cleared
out in 1941 along with the adjacent community of Chinese
immigrants in anticipation of
the Capitol Lake construction.
The Treaty of Medicine Creek
and the fishing rights indigenous peoples have fought to
maintain also bring up issues
with the lake’s construction,
and today’s activists question if those most affected by
decisions regarding the land
can be heard any better now
than nearly eighty years ago.

Current problems associated with Capitol Lake include poor water quality, invasive species of plants and
fish, as well as potential flood
issues due to sedimentation
and rising sea levels. What
to do about the situation has
polarized communities within
Olympia and the surrounding
area. The Capitol Lake Improvement and Protection Association (CLIPA) argues that
the invasive snails and plants
showing up in Capitol Lake
can be found in other regional
bodies of water and are not
as detrimental as commonly
presented. CLIPA points to a
cease in maintenance dredging,
rather than water quality, as the
culprit in excess algae blooms.
“The water quality has been
clean enough, good enough
to swim in the past fourteen
years. It’s the algae that’s floating on the top that makes it
look sick or ugly,” Bob Wubbena, co-chairman of CLIPA
stated at a Rotary Club of
Lacey meeting early last year.
He continued, “It’s because its
not been maintained for the
last thirty years by the state.”
Since colonization, accord-

ing to U.S Geological Survey
(USGS) statistics, up to eighty
percent of Washington’s wetlands have been destroyed
due to development and
dams. The Deschutes is only
one of many struggling rivers
where communities continue
to grapple with their impact
on the environment. Further
North, the Elwah River was
originally host to ten yearly
runs of anadromous fish (species reliant on both fresh and
saltwater) but was dammed
twice, once in 1913 and again
upriver in 1927. According
to the USGS, 19 million cubic tons of sediment had accumulated behind the dams,
and the fish population had
shrunk to five percent of its
historic numbers by the time
dam removal began in 2011.
Currently, the options being
considered for Capitol Lake
would include either allowing the lake to continue to fill
with sediment with little management, removing the Fifth
Avenue dam and reverting the
ecosystem back to an estuary, or a combination of both
which would maintain a reflecting pool while also allow-

ing the Deschutes to flow freely into Budd Inlet once again.
Funding for the proposed
$4.9 million needed to run an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is currently being considered for the capital
budget. No forward movement can be made on the issue
without the EIS which will
allow data analysis to inform
decisions. According to Department of Enterprise Services communications official
Linda Kent, “An EIS will examine issues such as sea level
rise, determine whether we
need updates beyond existing
studies and information, and
make recommendations regarding management options.”
Taking into account the
outcome of the EIS, the Department of Enterprise Services is authorized to implement
a management plan which
will have the least negative
environmental impact while
maintaining cost feasibility.
Comments and input from the
community will continue to
impact decisions at key intervals, including the extent of the
EIS once funding is secured.



Photo of Thurston County Sheriff car mid flip. COURTESY OF ROZELL TOWNSEND.


By Mason Soto + Georgie Hicks
This Valentine’s Day marks
the tenth anniversary of the
concert-turned-riot on campus, during which Evergreen
students chased not one, not
two, but five separate Olympia area police departments
off campus, including Evergreen Police Services, forcing
them to abandon a sheriff ’s car
in the entrance to the CRC.
The riot happened at the
conclusion of the New Evergreen Hip-Hop Congress’ first
show, for which they raised
$12 thousand dollars to put on
a concert featuring the musical group dead prez known for
albums like Revolutionary But
Gangsta with heavy social and
political themes. Articles surrounding this event vary in
their facts over the years, and
the date has become somewhat
shrouded in myth and hearsay.
What we do know is that before the set finished up, around
200 of the 900 Evergreen students and community mem-

bers at the concert headed outside around the amphitheater
where they saw Evergreen police services officer April Meyers handcuffing and attempting
to take a Black man in her car
to the school’s police services.
The man was Kaylen Williams, a hired breakdancer at
the event who was allegedly
part of an altercation outside
the concert. Many witnesses
say Williams was only trying to break up the fight, but
being the only person Meyers knew was involved, she
attempted to arrest him on
charges that would eventually
be dropped. Seeing a Black
man in a mostly white crowd
being the only one led away
by police, the crowd perceived
an instance of racial profiling
and began chanting, “Let him
go!”, at which point Meyers
made a call for backup that
four other police departments
responded to. Things stayed
restless as Olympia Police


Department (OPD) showed
up in a brash police fashion,
batons ready, pepper spraying
with such abandon that there
is even video of another police
officer confirming friendly fire.
“Some of your people are pepper spraying the peaceful people,” a person filming at the incident said to police. “I know,”
the officer responded, “I’ll be
honest with you, somebody
sprayed one of our officers.”
Chaotic violence from the
police seems to have peaked
there, and soon the event became instead a moment of
great resistance, accentuating the most radical elements
of the Evergreen community.
A police car was surrounded
and eventually flipped over
by the riot, and images of the
burning car have become emblematic of the event. The students managed to overwhelm
the police and chase them off
campus, only to return in riot
gear hours after the crowd had

dispersed on its own, finding
just the people videotaping
the aftermath to push against.
In the coming days, six
students were charged with

that may be difficult to erase.”
What the mark comes to represent as we move ten years
from its making is still a point
of contention, in a moment of

“The Valentine’s Day Uprising was
sort of this lynchpin moment for us
activists… even if it was symbolic,
we were continually citing that as a
political victory for us.”
crimes and the school entirely
restructured how events can
be planned. The backlash the
school faced from media was
swift, not unlike the rebukeful rhetoric that surrounded
the student activism and occupations last spring, and the
administration’s reaction to increase police on campus after
both events Of the dead prez
riot the Seattle Times said,
“Evergreen has found itself
with a mark against its name

even more attention on police
brutality, on a campus that has
since seen a coach fired for racism, allegations of racist targeting by protestors last spring, a
police chief resign, and ongoing calls from the administration for more police funds.
Many activists remember
the Valentine’s Day riot as a
victory in the midst of police
repression of the ongoing actions against the shipment of
military supplies through the

Port of Olympia. In an interview last June, a student who
attended the event said, “The
Valentine’s Day Uprising was
sort of this lynchpin moment
for us activists… even if it was
symbolic, we were continually
citing that as a political victory for us.” In the same interview, dead prez shared their
thoughts about what they call
the “Evergreen Uprising” in
an ongoing movement against
imperialism and the police
state, saying that networks of
activism sprang from there.
While looking back, dead
prez member stic.man alluded
to what worse consequences
might have come, and said “I
don’t want to glorify or over
romanticize those type of moments if there not appertusses and networks in place to
take care of people who put
certain things up for stake.”
The activism that continues to manifest on campus
remains informed by our past,
and in moments like the Uprising when a stand against
repression becomes visceral
and messy, more than performance or a class project, the
trend is to demonize protest
and reinforce the very project the action pushes against.


reached a point of crisis in
recent years. Property taxes,
values, and, naturally, rent
have all gone up; this has led
to many residents becoming vulnerable to the whims
of the one-sided landlordtenant dynamic in Olympia.
Many of those who support the measure realize that
this does not solve the current housing crisis. Such as
the Olympian Editorial Board
which stated, “A tough-love
approach has its place, but
there is science behind putting people under a roof with
oversight and services before
getting them to sober up.”
This was in response to the
against section of the voters’
pamphlet section on the prop,
written by a member of the
organization People Against
Last year, at least 9 people Wasteful Spending and Taxes,
died on the streets of Olympia who believe the measure “is
due to lack of space in the city’s not a stand-alone solution.”
“[ Jessica Bateman has] only
overcrowded shelters, according to Meg Martin, director been on council for 2 years; to
of the Interfaith Works Emer- get from being new on council
gency Overnight shelter who to getting a big ballot initiative
stated, “I believe that every life like this in two years is pretty
is scared, and I do not want to awesome,” stated city counsee one more person die on the cilor Renata Rollins told me
streets without the opportu- few weeks ago, “There’s ideas
nity for permanent housing.” for long term and short term
Housing in Olympia has as well as prevention… [The
Home Fund’s] long term.”
The Home Fund campaign
is a grassroots movement that
has knocked on 6,500 doors so
far, in an effort to bring out the
vote next Tuesday, according
to the campaign’s co-chair and
Olympia city councilor Jessica
Bateman. “[The Home Fund]
gives us the opportunity to
address the real problems instead of focusing on the symptoms of individuals not having a safe space to call home,”
stated Bateman in a video
supporting the proposition.

By Sebastian Lopez

Next Tuesday, Olympia
residents will be given the
chance to vote on The Home
Fund, a measure that could
build 350 housing units in
10 year to serve for those by
homelessness and the affordable housing crisis in the city.
This will be done through
the addition of a .1% tax to
Olympia’s current 8.8% city
and state combined sales tax.
In an effort to ease the

Thurston Country Sheriff car after the fact. COURTESY OF ROZELL TOWNSEND.

struggle of those with no
housing, The Home Fund
seeks to construct housing for
the most vulnerable people
in the Olympia community.
“Everyone deserves access
to a safe and secure home…
Many of the most vulnerable people in our community find themselves without
a safe place to call home,” explains The Home Fund’s official website about section.

Greeners have an opportunity to help bring out the
vote by helping canvas and
phonebank for the campaign
from The Home Fund’s campaign headquarters at 1014
4th Ave E. Check out The
Home Fund’s Facebook page
for more details on the many
pre-election events (including an election night party).

Arts & Culture

artist interview
by sally linn

Bailey Coates is an illustrator and photographer in their senior year at Evergreen.
They’ve been drawing since they were a child but their photography practice has been
a recent discovery due to an accidental class enrollment at Evergreen.


Arts & Culture
Their illustrative work focuses on the themes
of animals and Furry subculture while their
photography is thinking about themes of sexuality and the uncomfortability of having a
body. They’ve developed a professional practice where people on the internet will pay them
in order to receive Furry fandom art from
them. It’s extremely business like for them.
Their drawings practice serves as an emotional release for them while shooting photography is more of a theoretical and technical practice in the studio. They shoot on
the twin-lens Mamiya cameras that Photoland has available for photography students.
Their current project is to think about the sometimes scary aspects of having a body and what that
involves when having sex. Scary-bad while simultaneously scary-good. For them, this involves creating still life images that don’t involve the human
figure at all. This means using suggestive material like rubber hosing, animal parts, fake hair,
stretchy vinyl, warped plexiglass, animal blood, etc.
Something they’ve constantly been aware of
in their work is the reception that they are only
trying to be shocking and edgy using these explicit themes. This isn’t their goal. Instead, hey
aspire to be funny, gross, uncomfortable, and
scarry. There is a huge spectrum of emotions
that people feel around having sex and they’re
all equally interesting and motivating for Bailey.
Their final project for last quarter involved a
series of 35mm photos in which they took a
few of their friends to the cheapest motel room
they could find (in Fife) and shooting incred-

ibly explicit images in this explicitly sleazy, pornographic environment replete with cigarette
ashes on the floor and in the toilet, etc. This was
important for them to push boundaries and try
new things. Examples include: using chocolate cake to replicate a shit fetish, pissing in the
sink, masturbation in a dedicated sleazy place.
Over the last year they having been working
on getting more acquainted with the technical aspects of photography with experimenting
with different formats, moving from 35mm to
medium format, using studio flashes, and becoming more comfortable with their work and
dismissing comments about their work that
could ostensibly been seen as “edgy” or “wild”.
They have a unique process that involves
shooting on medium format film with the
Mamiyas available at Photoland and then
digitally scanning their negatives. They like
this process much better because they are
firstly a digital artist via their illustrative art.

If they had an enormous budet, their fantasy art
project is to construct an elaborate environment
and having a large scene involving group sex. The
sly is the limit. Something that involves a lot of
people with sex happening in a beautiful space.
In the studio, most of the work they do they
feel is pretty basic. Simply dodging and burning and having a range of values in terms of
lightness and darkness. Intimate. Bailey is very
much into a black and white aesthetic, emphasizing the aesthetic values of the medium.
Personally, they hide behind the camera; they
don’t like to be photographed. The main idea
they are working on right now is the existential questions around sex and death. Ever since
their cat died when they were five, they have
been concerned with the question of death.
Their advice for the kids is to do whatever the
Fuck you want and to pursue whatever you are
obsessed about.


Arts & Culture

Colt Barten featured at Vomity. COURTESY OF COLT BARTEN.




The Evergreen State College
5:20 p.m., Longhouse.

2018 Liberal Arts Forum: Roy
Scranton, Author of “Learning to Die
In The Anthropocene”


9 p.m., $7, 21+.

Cold Showers, Second Still,

The Evergreen State College
12 p.m., CRC, Free.

Chibi Chibi Con 2018

Le Voyuer

10 p.m., 21+.

Aquarius Dance Party

The Flaming Eggplant Cafe
5:30 p.m., Library Lobby

Trouble Screening: Learning to



8 p.m., 21+.

Deja Blue, Briana Marela, Ben Zar.



The Evergreen State College
7 p.m., Lecture Hall 1

Black History Month Film Series:
Hidden Figures

Le Voyuer
9 p.m., 21+.

Divide and Dissolve (AUS), Crimex,
Acracy, Cyberplasm

Le Voyuer

10 p.m., $5- 15 sliding scale, 21+.

FRUITOPIA: A Dance Party To
Benefit Oly Jail Support

Le Voyuer

10 p.m., 21+.

Ghost Bitch Tape Release, Espirit,

Dumpster Values
8 p.m., $5.

noneforme, Cedar Sap, Tiny

By Sebastian Lopez
Last August, after a 5 month long
hiatus, I made my triumphant return to the audience’s section at Le
Voyeur’s Wednesday night open
mic stand-up comedy show, Vomity.
My date and I had arrived to a typically raucous show on the beautiful
summer’s night, one of those fair
weather nights that I long for today.
That evening, we were witness to
a myriad of Legendary Olympia Comedians that brought me to a good
belly laugh; but it wasn’t until I first
witnessed Colt Barton and his unique
brand of strangeness and chararicature, howling on about fucking his
wife and his mother being in the audience, that those belly laughs became
full-body guffaws. Last week, I learned
that Colt would become Vomity’s
new host/ producer, and quickly realized the potential greatness of such
company; but, who is this new host
and why could he have an impact?


Simply put, Colt Barten is a quintessential Olympia comedian. “I went to
Vomity first. I started last April, before
I turned 21. I wanted to do comedy before I was 21, that was a goal.” As his
artistic focal point, Colt was able to use
Vomity as a place to make valuable connections to furthered his development
as a comedian. “I think it’s fun, meeting
comedians. I just want to hang out with
funny people. I think all comedians are
kind of kindred spirits. You feel very
connected to people who do comedy.”
Colt’s inspiring persona, which
could be described (not definitively) as
a mix of Demetri Martin’s burlesque
intelligence and Zach Galifianakis’
unrelenting incoherence, started as another story of self-realization and the
serene discovery of a personal identity.
“I’ve always loved comedy, I listened to
a bunch of comedy podcasts. I listened
to [a podcast] called Hollywood Handbook that was very influential to me.”

Through this podcast, Colt discovered
a network of message boards where
he first began to develop his style.
“When I first got into comedy, I
thought I’d never be able to do [stand up].”
At first, Colt’s certainty of his standup self was up in the air. He was confident in his comedic skills after years
of developing his expression online,
but he still wasn’t sure the real world
or those who weren’t his friends and
family, would be accepting of what he
offered. “I didn’t tell anybody I was doing stand up for like 2 months. I didn’t
tell my family because I had a fear that
if they came they would just tell me it
was good - no matter what… I didn’t
want them to give me false confidence.
I wanted to do [that] on my own.” And
to nobody’s surprise, Colt was a natural. “It felt very comfortable. In stand
up, you pretty much say what you’ve
prepared and then just go off stage,
that’s the nice thing. You can play

Arts & Culture

off messing up or being weird. That’s
also the other thing, you can be weird
in comedy and people accept that.”
Quickly, Colt caught the attention from many established Olympia
comedians such as Sam Miller, who
has written for Cooper Point Journal
and expressed his enthusiasm regarding Colt as host. Colt also caught the
eye of former hosts Nicole Ash Bailey
and Chris Roper. “Chase and Nicole
were really nice to me and supportive.
I went to Seattle with them once to
go to comedy shows and they told me
about other comedy shows to go to.”
Olympia’s comedy scene has gained
a lot over the past few months. Jaunt
in the Raunt has popped up as a new
open mic opportunity for those who
seek an audience outside of what was
once Olympia’s only open mic, Vomity.
Vomity itself is a breeding ground for
a different sort of performer-audience
dynamic that has garnered a conducive
safe-space for all that could allow for
experimentation, according to Mr. Barton, and he hopes to continue with that
as the new host of the renowned show.
As to where he thinks Vomity
could go, Colt expresses, “I think it’ll
develop. I’m excited to do some cold
opens and maybe have some weird
themes to Vomity. We still have to
book 18-19 people, so I’ll keep doing
that, [but] I don’t want to take away
comedian’s times to do new stuff. I
wish there were more sketch options
[in Olympia] that aren’t just stand up.”
“I’ve thought about inviting sketch
groups to come to the open mic that
could encourage other people to come
do weird sketches.”, Colt carried on.
Vomity is no stranger to the strangeness
of Olympia’s population; and though
it’s had much of that weirdness missing,
it’s not to late for alternative comedy to
make a grander appearance at the show.
Colt continued, “[Sketches] could,
maybe, break the formula. Vomity is
fun when it breaks. It’s kind of what
I’ve always wanted to do. I’m really
interested in creating a weird comedy
variety show.” The future of Vomity is
bright, and those with an interesting
vision for Olympia comedy are encouraged to sign up and join the madness.

Vomity is an open mic comedy show held
at Le Voyeur every Wednesday at 9 p.m.
Sign ups for 3-minute slots are open
from Tuesday at noon until the show
starts. Anybody interested in signing
up can do it through Vomity’s Facebook

Wear your best costume to the Chibi Chibi Con EDM Disco Party. Costume by Ryan Converse. HANNAH PIETRICK.

By Morrissey Morrissey





7 p.m. Donation at the door. All Ages.

You have to catch the first installment of the hopefully
long-running Aye Babes of Color Art Show and Open
Mic! There will be art (nice), performances (double nice),
and an open mic (very nice) in a space centering woman
and nonbinary artists of color (quadruple nice)! Donations
at the door go to making this event on-going and helping
compensate artists for their hard work.

The CRC. 10 p.m. No Cover. All Ages.

Do you partake in the two completely different yet often
intersecting interests of ANIME and EDM? Well, lucky
you! Along with ChibiChibiCon happening on campus
again this week, we are also being re-met with its annual
ears and neon gas mask or whatever and dance, dance, dance
to some nightcore-remixed anime theme songs (or so I
assume?)! Unfortunately, vaping is not allowed.

GRuB. 8 p.m. $7. All Ages.

Admittedly, Valentine’s Day is a sore subject for me. Don’t
get me wrong, I’m not single, but it does seem weird that
there is this whole manufactured holiday to celebrate my
relationship with my partner but what if I just need some
me time right now? It has left me feeling…. SAUER! That’s
why you can catch me at this GRuB event sampling foods
by OlyKraut, Olympia’s beloved fermented foods producer.
I’d much rather spend this fake-holiday season (I say that
because Valentine’s Day is a fake-holiday) alone in a place
I’ve never been before, eating old cabbage and learning about
probiotics. At least my good gut bacteria appreciates me.


Le Vouyer. 8 p.m. $5– 15 Sliding Scale. 21+.

Do you miss Friction? Looking for a place to hang with
your queer pals? Go to Le Voyeur and dance your queer butt
off at this super cute and cool party! Throwbacks and top 40’s
alike, it’ll be both cool and so, so hot! DJ JAM PACKED
and DJ RAT BABY will be “spinning”– from a computer
and not vinyl–all night long and all proceeds go to Oly Jail
Support (that could mean YOU one day)!


Letters & Opinion

How did you feel when you woke up?
I had just woken up from a dream
I delved deep into. I was still in it,
floating within the precipice of what
was my imagined world, my imagined plane in time. Also, sweaty.
How do you feel about aroma therapy? You like or maybe you want
to try it? I’ve been dabbling with
the activity for a bit now. So far,
I’ve found it useful for associating
smells with good memories, specifically very calm ones. If you’re asking
whether or not I recommend it, I’d
say it depends on the environment
you’re putting yourself into while
you’re doing it. What I’ve done is
kindle some earthly aromas while
I read or think to myself in bed,
which has led to a calming association with the woods around me. In
the end, I believe aromatherapy is a
form of deliberate sensory adaptation for the sake of a calm existence,
like many other spiritual endeavors.
Your opinion on clothes for dogs? Is it
really needed? Depends. If it’s cold,
you don’t want a chilly dog, so an
adorable jacket or sweater is ap-


propriate. When it’s summer time,
then take that sweater off, you don’t
want a hot dog! Remember, we’ve
domesticated these wolves to hell,
so that means we have to care for
them in the ways their bodies aren’t
used to anymore. Lotion those pads!
Do you do a selfie every day?
No! Keep space open for
some shitty mobile games!
What if the chamomile tea is no longer soothing? Then you consider the
possibility that whatever problem
you may have, or whatever it is in life
that you seek soothing for, is bigger
than chamomile tea. Look deep inside of yourself and find what it is
that you really need, what you really
deserve. That might just mean other
teas like peppermint, lemon balm,
or lavender. Maybe it means yoga.
For me, it usually means a good cry.

We get drunk so you don’t have to.
Ask us the questions you can’t ask
your RA @


meetings wednesdays at 2 p.m.
CAB 3200
bring your pitches.

Letters & Opinion

Deja Vu Liuxing Jay

Untitled Issac

Stephan Curry Is A Basketball Player Morrissey Morrissey



The CPJ is always taking comic submissions. Just send your comics to CPJcomix@gmail.com at at least 300 dpi or drop off a hard
copy to the CPJ office, CAB 332 across from student activities.
For more information, as well as submission guidelines and sizing requirments, visit us at http://www.cooperpointjournal.com/submit/


Letters and Opinion

La Croix

By The Cooper Point Journal Staff

Hello from the hive- mind behind The Cooper Point Journal. Being full- time students, we spend an obscene amount of time picking out snacks
at the beloved Greener Bookstore, wasting precious break minutes loitering between the chocolate bars and the bougie jerky. And while our own methodologies have deduced that the perfect bookstore snack is a bag of Amy’s white cheddar popcorn, just ¢75, and a can of La Croix, which will run you
between ¢65 and ¢85, science has yet to determine which flavour of La Croix is best, until today! Picture five Cooper Point Journal editors, at the peak
of our investigative journalism careers, sitting around a small wooden table covered with half empty, multi-sized aluminum cans, sipping and smelling
from clear plastic cups. For the sake of productivity the staff of your favorite (and only) school paper have taken it upon ourselves to rank every variation of Evergreen’s favorite and most elitist presenting fizzy drink available at the student store so that you can make your choice quick and get back to
studying in no time.


Some of us remembered it being better, with
one person exclaiming “very boring like bad
weed or a crayon”. With a taste like child cough
syrup or gummy hair vitamins. The winning
comment goes to this gem; “The only thing I
like about this flavor is the illusion that it may
cure my UTI.”


Cantaloupe- Grapefruit

The agreed-upon smell was shampoo. We didn’t
have much to say about this very average, very
melon-y taste, though it did possess a confusing aftertaste. Our sophisticated palettes detect,
“Pumpkin pie notes but you really have to think
hard about it.”


This flavor has a smell that, “gets way deep in
your nose” and is, “all smell no flavor”. The taste
profile includes: Arizona/ Jet Tea / juice / not
ripe asian pear. The CPJ reports that, “It smells
way too sweet! It’s really intense and kind of
nauseating,” and,“The smell is really overwhelming you can’t taste anything.”

Peach- Pear

The smell leaves you disappointed when your
tongue realizes it’s just bubbly water. Peach
pear has a fragrance of pear Jelly Belly’s and
the inside of Claire’s accessories, with notes
of cilantro, this drink leaves you feeling as
if you are “drinking a smell” Take it from the
mouths of our reporters either, “AHHH IT’S
SO GROSS” or “I would drink this though, I

Surprisingly tangerine tastes exactly like tangerine! Unfortunately tangerine does not disperse well in water and leaves you with a chalky
mouthfeel. Though not the highest score this
flavor does win the unofficial rating of brightest can which is a little confusing considering
the minimal flavor. This tastes exactly like you’d
expect it to, like someone put tangerine in water.
The staff reports: “It’s fine”, “It lies to you the
least”, and, “I would buy this, that’s the fucked
up thing, but only because I’ve had 6 grapefruits
and I need something else. Same with peachpear.”

Kiwi- Watermelon

It has got some sour apple slurpee/ sour
straw vibes, smell wise, and a distinct wood/
grass taste. One of our writers screamed,“IT
first sip. Kiwi- Watermelon is earthy in either
a bad bad or a good good way, depending who
you ask. Overall it felt confusing and chaotic,
but we agreed that, “it’s a creeper” and, “if you
gave me the whole can and then you gave me 1
to 2 more cans I’d be into it”.


This flavor was the most controversial, everyone
either loved it or hated it, but we all agreed that
it tastes like sunscreen. The flavor is the most
hair spray/ Febreeze-y of them all. There was
some surprise– “Fuck I don’t hate this one, I
hate my uncle but I don’t hate this one.” The
flavor brought up a lot of familial and childhood
associations, testers reporting that, “My nose
says no, my mouth says yes”, “I want absolutely
nothing to do with this it tastes like expired coconut water” and, “It reminds me of masturbating in the shower as a child”

Lemon, the perfect flavor to crack open with
your baby boomer pals! Lemon has a smell
that’s a cross between Fruit Loops, Lemon
Pledge and Sprite. This La Croix has a strong
lemon scent but a very passive flavor. An inoffensive option, something you could drink at an
airport bar. Taste profile descriptions included,
“Classic bottom”/ “Neutral bottom”/ “Not a
power bottom like passion fruit” and,“On a millennial scale where 10 is the most and 1 is the
least, I’d put this as a 1 or 2.”


There was real controversy around whether this
flavor had a flavor or not. Some of us thought
it tasted like a soapy, melted popsicle in a glass
of water, with a very light smell possibly of
“acetone???” Others declared, “Does it taste like
an apricot, no– but would I drink it, yes.”




Berry was the flavor we started the night off
with. All we really have to say about this flavor is
that it tastes like Hubba Bubba gum and smells
very much so like Lip Smackers. Overall not a
bad choice, if you don’t really like La Croix you
might like this one. But fans of obscure flavors
beware– “So milque toast to me”

Cherry- Lime

With only 3 comments made in total this flavor produced the least controversy or content,
it mostly just tasted like a La Croix version of
Shasta fruit punch or a red Icee without any
sugar. Our reporters described it as a shrug
emoji, which unfortunately does not translate
well in print.


Passion fruit had the cutest can! This flavor is
beautifully fragrant and perfume-y and smells
like those cherry pineapple popsicle from childhood. The taste is herbal, and clean, otherwise
described as leafy, “vegetal” or pine like. Or “I
like it as an experience but not as a drink”

Letters and Opinion

Blackberry- Cucumber

Our reporters agree that this flavor has the fragrance of $1 dollar Suave shampoo that your
recently divorced dad buys because he thinks
you have to buy gendered shampoo (which is
part of the reason he was divorced in the first
place. Other comments include that it makes
you, “Feel calm but not too fancy,” like a cheap
face mask.

by April Davidson


We call this flavor “millennial lemon”, similar
to lemon in that it’s not shocking and just tastes
like citrus-y bubbles. This one has a better can
smell than cup smell, but overall just smells like
the gummy candy version of grapefruit, along
with a rather gummy texture. Someone said; “It
fools me into thinking its going to be sweet like
more than any other”

Ni- Cola

I know, I know, hear us out though, cola is actually amazing! It smells like Cola gummies but
spicy, as in spices– hints of pumpkin spice, clove,
nutmeg. This drink is nostalgic in a cozy way
and tastes the way chocolate smells.

ARIES 3/21 - 4/19

LEO 7/23 - 8/22

TAURUS 4/20 - 5/20

VIRGO 8/23 - 9/22

Last issue I told you to play more, did you start
or did you freeze up when faced with all the
options? Did you play a little bit but then got
distracted by all your other obligations? Some
mediation on your intentions towards your future will make your creative/community choices
in the next 6 months more precise. Your friends
won’t forget about u while you hermit yourself,
if anything they’ll be even more excited to see
what you made in isolation.
Did you cut out unnecessary responsibilities
from your work like I suggested last issue? Or
did you trudge so far with your burden that now
you losing interest and awareness? Insisting on
working past the point of which you are capable
will bring all kinds of imbalances. Besides, people look so much more important when they’ve
learned how to delegate tasks.

GEMINI 5/21 - 6/20
Pineapple- Strawberry

The winning flavor smells like popsicles, play
make-up, and scented markers. This sparkling
water beverage posses a strawberry flavor that
tastes more like actual strawberries than most
strawberry flavored things. This drink is “not
as freaky” as you’d expect making this is a just
a all around wholesome drink, vanilla, but not
in taste if you know what we mean. Much like
the others, this drink brought us back a few decades– “Smells like childhood summer but like
in a bad way.”

Final Thoughts

True to millennial form, all La Croix is secretly
flavored like nostalgic candy! Our panelists report; ““All of the flavors are a really nostalgic
experience that draw you back into this gross
childhood joy and like after this experience
I’ve figured out this brand.” Other comments
include, “I’m just going to go back to buying
bottled San Pellegrino and hoping that their red
stars means they’re communists” and the market- research question: “How has this affected

Forming a belief system can be tricky; once you
form an opinion that means you’ll land in conflict with a differing opinion. Subscribing to any
particular organized system means conforming,
picking one side and sticking to it. For some
people this is okay, but staying with one static
thought would be soul crushing for you. You
are allowed to change your opinion, especially
based off new evidence encountered in the field,
in fact I encourage it.

CANCER 6/21 - 7/22

My hope is that you have spent the last month
contemplating your most intimate needs and
boundaries, because soon you will have need to
communicate them in the most explicit and holistic truth you can summon. If you’re not prepared yet, you still have time. My suggestion is,
in order to come to a conclusion you will want
to inquire not with your emotions but with your
intellectual understanding and excitement.

Loving, heartfelt and generous to a fault. No
one could accuse you of not giving your all to
people that you love. You do this without thinking, a natural reflex, but this impulse puts more
burdens on you than you can handle. If it feels
like it’s never enough for some people, know
that it never will be and that’s okay! You are
enough, you are abundant, but you can’t be everything. Don’t bend over backwards, you’ll feel
better with your dignity intact.
Under regular circumstances you have amazing
routines, all stemming from an intuition about
how things should be. Things have gotten a little scattered, your path has been disrupted and
you’re having to formulate all new goals. A reconciliation is coming; it will take a lot of courage and insight about yourself but it will purify
your understanding into something useful.

LIBRA 9/23 - 10/22

Suddenly, things are extremely good, how
did that even happen? You’ve got confidence,
friends, an abundance of creative nectars, maybe
a cute new romance or at the very least the radiant energy that could attract one. Enjoy this and
don’t make the mistake of holding it too tightly.
These pleasurable moments will be guidance
when the path is lonely again.

SCORPIO 10/23 - 11/21

You’re a deep thinker but you’re at a point where
you are going to uncover deep-seating feelings,
needs or experiences that have laid buried for a
long time. Your aptitude for this work can not
but overstated, but even you can grow weary of
too much introspection. I encourage you to keep
going; once passed thru the shadows of the valley we can truly appreciate the vitality of selfconfidence, knowing where you came from.

SAGITTARIUS 11/22- 12/21

If things aren’t working out exactly like you expected them to, take a look at whether or not
you really took the time to address the mundane
tasks. Satisfaction seemed so close but instead
there’s just disappointment because you were
sloppy, smug or unrealistic in your communications. The good news is that this is the perfect
time to turn things around by striking a balance
between your desires and ultimate well-being.

CAPRICORN 12/22- 1/19

This is a moment where you will see clearly
the benefits and the pitfalls of how you have
handled your finances and possessions. You are
secure, and you probably could think of a few
ways you could increase your security, but don’t
let it define your existence. Take the time to really appreciate what you already have before you
set out to acquire more. What good are all these
earthly pleasures if you can’t share them?

AQUARIUS 1/20 - 2/18

Sometimes you know and sometimes everything is all confusion, but it’s okay and even
good to keep moving despite where you are in
your understanding. You’ve gained so much insight about yourself and the most exciting part
is that there’s still more to find out! The self is
not a static entity, it grows and changes in your
relationship with everything you come into
contact with. Don’t you deserve to claim your
accomplishments and celebrate your being?

PISCES 2/19 - 3/20

You’ve arrived in a period of where you will
need to seek out some level of isolation. Things
need to be sorted out in preparation for a period
of activity in the near future. Self-destructive
habits need to be let go and awareness of your
spiritual needs should be your goal. In solitude
is where you will receive the messages or information you need to confront ugly behavior. No
one will show you honor and respect until you
give it to yourself first.
