

Part of The Cooper Point Journal Volume 9, Issue 9 (November 6, 1980)

extracted text
The Everg,.,.,n StlJte College


MUSIC-on campus
A whole wttkmd
of Oldies, Soul and
Rhythm and Blun. All Friday. Saturday and
Sunday, October 30-Nowmbrr 2. Ustffl to
99 l/3-Thunton
County's Community Radio
Station I 866-5267.

Two MW a.rt nhibits. both futuring worb
by Pa.ofK Northwest photographers. will be •
on d1spla.y in g.a.llf'rin a.I The Evffgf'ttn State
College Nonmber 1-30. Regional artists will
be futured in "Nf'w Northwest Photography."
• show curated by Evef1Jft11 Faculty Mrmbrr
Dr. Kirk ThomP50n a.nd opming in Callery
Two on the 1ttond floor of the Evans Library.
BIKk and whitf' and color photographs will
illustrate four major groups ol ima.ga ettat«I
in the put year by artists Mkhael Bums, who
focusn on ~rge--suk Suttk!: archit.cture: Ford
G,lbrt'ath. a formu Evergrttn stili photographer who rrcently compt.t«I a Seattle Am
Commission grant with his series of handcolorf'd "'Bus Photographs;'" Terry T~te-nw1er a PortLand artist who has completed a
sun.•f'y ot urly Northw~t landscapt' photography Jnd Carolyn Tucker. a University of
\.\'.1,h1ni,:l(•ngraduatf' student who combinf'S
and painting 1n twr crulions

Op, rnn~ 1n C,allf'ry Four on the fourth floor of
th• ! v.1n, l1br.uy 1s a show compnsed of more
th.1,· •'-' photograrhs otfenng an Evtrgrttn
R1 •,•,11\·1t1ve of s,r,IKl1ons by nearly a
J1,,,·n ~,,lll'Kf' slatf students and gradualt'S
Th, ,•,h1~11 collKted by photography teacher
C.r,1·,.: H1l~m.1n "''II includt- works taken
Jun1ix ~ht' past nine yean; at Evergrttn by staff
dr11'tS FNJ G1lbrt'ath .1nd Tracy Hamby and
l::.wrKrn·n .1lums M1chaf'I Coht'n. Stu T,lgt'r
Lur.,- ~hhm. Bob lyall Did,; Park Bonni"
\h.,1 1 nch1IJ and Marcia Hanson
l ht' tw,, photo uh1b1ts art' prnented tn connt'<!u,,n with thf' mttllng of tht' Northwnt
chaptrr of tht' Soc1t'ty for Photographic Educ.lhln Tht' cnnfe-rt'nct' which will bt- held
N1w 7-0 di Evt'rgrttn. will prov1dt' ;m opportun11v tor commun1cat1on ilmong photograph1l
,1rt1~tslrom Wa,hintr.ton Ort"gOn Idaho. Monland ,>nd Br1h!ohColumb1.1 The program will
ft'.aturl!'d '>f'n~ of shdf' prt'M'ntat1ons of f\f'W
worl.. bv rt')UCln.alphototr.rapht>~. as Wt'il as tht'
C•llrry T wn and Gallt'ry four f'xh1b1ts
'I ou art' 1nv1t«t lo 10m the mt-mber,;; of thf'
Soc1f'ly tor PhotoKraphic Education •t thl:'
Opt"nm~on Frid.iy Novt'mbt-r 7 .1nd l(l dtlend
the ..,liJl' prrwntat111ns ""h1ch w,11 ht, hrld m
CAil 110 O 12 .t m Nov1•mbt-r8
Foster White Gi1lluy
l ..1lt>nl.arwood
Nf'w P.11n11ngsThe t'xh1b1t
will sh~>1, thn,ugh Nov 10 Calluy hour.
t-,.h,n s,.1 10 d m .5 30 pm
Sun noon5 pm
n1 I I 2 Occ1dt-ntdl Avr
Sutt It> c-.:!;?28JJI
Tr•vu Gallery
I tt Kel\y Sculpture Octobu Jl-Novt>mber
23 Concurrf'nl with tht> f'\h1b1tmn in tht' ~allery outdn11r ,;cu\pturt", will be mst;,illt'<lat 1tw
8"11 Plc1u Bu,ldml( •t loOO Ohvt' Way .tnd .11
thl' S.1ft•o• Plaza Budding at NE 45th and
Brooklyn Ave NE Prf'v1ew Oct 31 b-8 pm
R~ular Cal1t'ry houn
Tun -Fr, 10 .i m
5 pm
Silt .1nd Sun Noon-5 pm (2210
Fourth Avt' Seattle 622-4234)
Olympiil Aru

BllMlfaM at tht 4th Ave. Tanrn
Thursday, OctobffJO. 8:JOp.m.-12:JOa.m.
ScattH Cfftk BIUIPl,l"ut Banet Good muskl
(210 4th Aw .. downtown Olympia; 52 at the


Statt' Cap1tC1IMuw-um
"Thl' Collagraph ldeil. I05o-1980" Clt'n
Alps cons,derW lo be Of\f' ol tht' fort'mo<-t
pnnlmakt'n m tht' US 1s luturt'd m a retn•spK11vt' oh1b11 of his works at the Statt'
C,p1tol Mu!ot'um Olymp1i1, throup;h Oct 30
Cum:-ntly Professor of Art -1nd Cha1rm.iln of
tht' Pnntmak.mg D1v1S1on at tht' Univ. ol
WHh1np;ton. Alps gamrd natmnal prom1f\f'nct'
1n 1956 whf'n ht' ckvt'loprd thf' IKhmqut' of
Collilgraphy by combining lrad,tional pnntm.ilk.ingprocedurn with collagt>
Thf' uh1b1t will featurt' pnnts, plus .i photo
on tht' tt'Chn1qun ot coltagraphy ,md
f'xamplt'S of collagraph1c pnntmg plates Thf'
Stall' Capitol MuSftlm 1s Opt'n from 10 a m 4 30 pm
Tues -Fri , noon-4 pm !:,at and
Sun Admission 1s frtt

Street musicians Allen Levv and Steve Guthe come in off the street to play
bluegrass in the C,ampus Activities Building.
photo by Theresa Connor


Southern Pueet Sound
Solar EMr11yAsS,OCiatlon
Tht' Soulht'rn Pugt't Sound Solar l::.nergy
Association 1s olft'nng th"' Sl!'Cond ~ion
tht' Zt'ro-Enl'tKY Houst' workshop,. Saturd•y
N,>vf'mbt'r 8 will be a hand.s-<"ln workshop
bu,ldmg .;in a1r-ln-,1u heat f'xchangf'r. t'Xam1n1ni,:polent1als tor rrducing homt'-heatmg fut'ls
r"n<umpt1ron Tht' workshop will be held •t
rhl:' Solar Outrt"ach (f"ntt'r. 1620 E.ist 4th
Olympia. lrom Q a m to 3 pm Frtt to mf'm·
1-wr..tnd $5 for non-mt'mbers
h1r morf' de1ails. c,1tl the Solar Outrt'ach
( l'ntt'f Q4'\ 4505


R f. I. Clinic Suie-.
Frt,· l«tur...,, prt'S("nt,1t1ons and dt"monstra1,nn, by l'l\pt'rl~
Thur<;<lay N1•v b 7 pm
The CronCountry Chilllenge: Skiing Mt. R.ti.lnier A
~p,t"1 lJI pr-nl.iltmn
of this uc1tmg nt'W film.
lnhn Fuller ••flt' of thf' film"s Crt'ators, will
pr-·nt tht- film ..1nJ also show a ~rin of shdt'S
.J,.pKtm~ th1· s1t1ry bt'h,nd making the-film.
Workshop: Sex and Vk>lffltt
';.•Jttle lnslllult' for St'x Therapy, Education
,ind R('<;('arch (SISTER) pf'ftf'nls a worluhop
"n 'w, anJ Violf'nc'f' on Fnday, November 7.
Imm 7 11 pm
An evt'n1ng ,eminillr on 1h1s
u1ntr11vt'rs1JI sub1t'ct An Clpponumty
revtf'W dal.i t'Xam,ot> tht'Ortes and explort'
•,olu11ons l.Kturn, mt'd,a and d1scuss1on with
Jud1f'n« Topics include rapt". child .1bust',
parlnf'r batll'ring, impact of mf'C:lia, sadom.1s11lh1sm and tht"rapy for victims and
,.fft'nck-rs Rff Larson, Coordinator. Shirley
Fl'ldman-Summt'rs, Barbara Cibson .1nd Elauw
Cowt-11 S5 ,n advanCf', 57 50 .ii tM door For
murf' 1ntormal1C1n.call 522-3568
Workshop,: Rttponsibility ilnd Commitnwnt
Ttu: Evt'r~rttn Counst'ling Ct'nlt'r 1s offt'ring
w,,rksh1•ps on rrspons1bihty .ind comm1tmf'nl
tt• ~II .ind ,11ht'rs. Tht' workshops art' on
T ut'Sdays from 3-4: 30 p m
ilnd Commitmirnl
for ii
Studt'nt pillrHctp.illntswill d1.scuss and clarify
whal lheir rnpnns1b1hty muns whl'n ttwy
n•mmil thf'm5f'lv" to ,1n audem,c program
at Evf'r~rttn N1•v. 4 3•4:30 5f'm Bid~ 4151

FILMS-on campus
Friday Nite Films
Oclobt'r 311 TM Son of Frankenstein starnng Basil Rathbone, Boris Kuloff and Bf'la
Lugosi Black and whill', 80 minutn. TM son
of Ht'nry Franlc.enslt'in l't'turns to his nilltivt' vii•
lal(t' and talc.rs up rnidena
in tht' anastral
castll' only 10 find The Monsler in a St'Cl't't
chamber lying in ill comalOM" state. What follows ,s good, trashy, hallowttn fun Plus I A
Captain Amu1ca t'pisodt'. The Avengln1
Corpst' Lectu~ Hall OM. 3, 7 &:::9 p.m, S1.25
KAOS Benefit
S~, Party ,1nd Seaside Swingt'rs. classic tttn·
.ti,;t>mov1t'S lrom tht' su1t1n, will bl' shown at
Tl:SC..lecturt" Hall Ont' on S;1turday, Novt'mber I SKI PARTY. which shows at 7 .1nd
10 30 p m futurn
music by James Brown
and Lnlt'y Gort' and stars Frankil' Avalon,
Dwaynt' Hickman. and Dt'borah W,1lley
C.WINGERS playm~ at 8·45 p.M., st.ilfs
Frt"dd1t'& tht• Drumt'I"\ A KAOS-FM bt'ndit
SI 50( for KAOS subscnbers
Thl' Academic Film Suln
Wt'dnt'sday. Nov S Two Womirn (La
Ciociual. from Italy, 1961 105 min . b/w
with subtitles. Directed by V1ttono De Sica
and wntten by (Hart' Z..vattini-both
whom .;;ilso combined talt'nts for Bicycle
Th;evn and Shonhlne, lwo cla11ics ol NeoRealism Two Women star Sophia Lol't'n.
Eleanor Brown, Jun-Paul S.lmondo ,1nd Raf
Vallonr Sophiill, who was usu.ally givm slkk
and fnvolous rolf'S in Afflt'rican movin, de-livf"IT<Ia vf'ry dlfferTnt and powerful pt'rformanct' for this film. and was ,1warded the Osc:u
for Best ActtH&-tht' only \,iml' it's bttn givm
to an actrna in a forrign la.ngu,1~ film.
Adapted from ill novel by Alberto Mornia,
Two Wom1tn shows .;;imother and daughter's
struggle to COJ)t' with the hazards of being
ft'millt' in a world at war. Belmondo, in an
unusual role for him. plays a frail. timid intellectuilll who sharn a liltk love with them in
tht' Italian hill country.
Aftt'r retrnling
Gt"rmans drag htm oH. mother and daughter,
following thl' Allin back to Rome-thinking
they"rt' ufe-arf'
raped. 0.vaslillted, they try
to rrcover. rrcognizing th~r vulnero1bilitt'I and
Slrt'ngths "'A 11mple. honat film
-NY Timn. Lecture Hall One. 1: 30 ,1nd 7: JO,

Octobt'r 31: Thrtt Damp Duc.k-9 p.m.
(52) J. W. McClure. Rkk Tuel and Mary
Litchfif'ld bring a va.riety of mw.ical utirt'.
Blues, jau, gos!)f'l and country • westt'm.
Novembt'r 1: Barbarill Donald .and UnityQ p.m. ($4) Trum!)f't la.dy Barbara futurn
hot jau qu1ntf't with Jessica Williams on
piano, Berl "Whttl.s'· Wilson on tenor 'lX and
Irving Lovt'lettt' on drums.
Novt>mbt'r 5: Malcolm Dalglish1Crt'y Larson
with Kt'Vln Burkt'/Mt'ha\ ODonMll-8
(S5) A musical finalt' for thf" Deli. Long
awa1trd rt'lurn of Malcolm and Crt'yS h,1mmt'r
dulcimt'r ;1nd flutn, with the amazing Ct'llic
displilly by lrishm,1n Kt'vtn and Mehal from the
Bothy Boys.
1111 W Thurston Avt'., Olympia, 943·1371)
Nov I Wild ROSt'String Band-One of thl'
most popular string bands in the- St'attlt' ilrt'a
with a uniqut' sound. using tht' hammert'd dul•
cimer. English concutirui, and fiddle H f'lad
1nstrumt'nts. Michael Dowers, So1ndraHillnlc.ins,
How,1rd Mellur and Will Saari play the music
of the British ls~. Franct'. Appalachia, New
Engl.1nd and French Canada. (S2)
Appl.jam opens at 8 p.m. Qpt'n mikt' at
8 15 and tM main act follows 220 East
Union, Olympia.

pag, 8

effort in the 1976 primary on a budget of
around $3,000. He used his muscle with
the King County party apparatus and an
alliance with U.S. Senator Warren Magnuson to maul Gov. Ray al the Democratic state convention last June. In the
end, he won, bea!ing Ray by almost 20%.
Suddenly. the perennial outsider looked
like a sure winner.
But with McDermott a viable con•
tender. there appeared what the reporter
likes to call the "clone syndrome." The
symptoms can be spotted very easily. One
candidate's vague generalities start sounding very much like lhe other candidate's
vague generalities. Both start practicing
the First Commandment of American
politics- 'Thou shalt do thy best not to
alienate or offend anybody."
McDermot.'s opponent, a likeable
mediocrity named John Spellman, has
been doing this for years and, as the campaign progrnses. Spellman is quickly
chopping away at McDermott's lead. Like
a ship that has leaned a little too far to
the left, the state is beginning to tilt back
towards dead center. That unaligned,

generally apolitical block of votrrs that
Arthur Schlningrr Jr. called the "Vital
Crntrr" and Norman Mailer dubbed "tho
undigatable wad of Ameria.n politics,"
has begun to assert Itself. Jim McDermott

is going after it. He started talking less
about taxes and prisons and more about
such vital issues as "trust." "leadership"
and the need to "bring people together."
He's torn a page from Jimmy Carter's
campaign book and is accusing John
Spellman of trying to divide the state
"city from country, East from West." Like
the young libe:ra.laspiring for the U.S.
Senate that Robert Redford portrayed in
the movie 'The Candidate," Jim McDermott has mounted up and charged
'The System," and 'The System" has,
prKUctably. taken McDermott to its fat,
greasy bosom.
The campaign manager breaks the
reporter's reverie. 'Tm afraid we're going
to have lo wind this up. Anything elte
you need to know7" The reporter shakes
his head, "No. I gueM that about does it."
But that d<>Nn't about do it. The reporter
has a lot of other things he would like to
know. He wants to ask the campaign
manger how he really feels about Jim
McDermott. Does the campaign man.ager
hoMStly think he would 11'\akea good
govemor7 Does the campaign manager
realize what a hone's us a candidate has
to make himself into In order to win an
election7 Does the ampaign manager ever

g,t tired of tho rhetoric and tho hyp,7
Dort hr n,ally like his job 7
But the campaign mana~r

is already

Volume 9 No. 9

. . ..





BUI MonrOI!:in Cona:rt
Nov. 2: Bill Monroe and tM Bluegrass Boys
will be ,1t The Pl.;;ia. 152 P,1dfic Highway
South. Don't mi11 the father of bluqrass
music Tickets Ut' $7 at thf' door Call 433-1990
for information,
Cordon Lightfoot In concert
Gordon Lightfoot returns to the ()pt'ra
Hou~ for one !)f'rformance on Thursday,
Nov 13 at 7 p.m. Tickets for the Northwnt
Rekuing event art' on sale at the downtown
Bon and the usual suburbiln outlets.
Air Supply In concert
Au Supply will ht' at the Paramount Northwnt Thutrt' on Thanlugivtng Evt' (We-dnnday. Nov lb) al 8 p.m. for one pt'rformance.
Tickt'ts for this t'venl art' SQ.SO and $8.50
rt'9t'rved and mav be purchued at all Bu~t
Tapt'S • Records. Puchn RK'On:k & Tapes
ITacoma) Tower P01ten (MefC't'r Stl"fft) and
Paramount Box Office (Mon.-Sat 10 a m.·
2 p.m.)
THEA TER-S.attl.
A Man's a Man
Oc1obf"r 29-Novembt'r 22: The Consuvatory Theatt'r Company prnmtJ; Btttolt Brecht's
"A M,1n's a Man. (1634 11th Avt'., Seattle.

lntlman Theatre Company
lntiman Theatre Company will product' its
s111:thannual Holiday S.mplu from Otttmbt'r
2 through 23 this yur. The provam ol traditional 10ng. prow aind vnw bfffft ,1 taste of
a genuine "old.fashioned" holiday su10n. The
hour•long program can bl' performed nearly
anywhel't' and is available for bookings with
priv.1tt' JMrtin. clubs or company functio':'t:
Scheduk!: and fff information is av,1ilable by
calling tht' lntiman Theatrt' ComJMny's Administrative Of fin al 624-45-4J.

off on another errand, another person to
call, another column of figures to read.
The reporter is tired and hungry and has
an hour and a half bus ride ahead of him.
He puts on his coat a.nd winds his way
back down the long spiral ramp that leads
to the noisy street outside. All the wa.y

down hr thinks about what hr has just
seen and he.a.rd. He thinks about the candidates and about the armies of volunteers
that are building their campaigns: the

proplr who occupy dingy offias in towns
like Prosser and Centralia, spend long,
frantic hours stuffing envelopes and malc.-

ing phonr calls. Hr thinks about tho campaign manager, a professional political
mercenary willing to take on any client

ablr to pay tho prier. All of thrsr proplr
have something riding on this election,
whether it be reputation, hope of a paying
job in their candidate's administration, or
even their persona.I admiration for the

candidatr and what hr stands For. All of
them wa.nt to win, th.at is the sole.

All tho way down tho long carpeted
ramp, tho n,portrr can hoar tho echolng
voicn of tho phonr solidton u they bend
over their instruments, 'Cood moming ...
is ... will ... can I. .. would like your
vote ... ca.n we ... morning ... your
vote ... for governor ... your vote ... your
vote .... "

November 6, 1980

• •
• •




. ..







Fearand LoathingCondoned
So McDernott went back to the salt
mines, put in seven years as a state senator and learned his way around the Hill.
Never a loud voice, this Jim McDermott.
never in the center of the action. McDermott was and remained a.n outsidersmart, progressive a.nd popular with the
liberal King County Democratic machinebut still an outsider. Mc~rmott bided his
time, building his connections with that
faction of the Democratic Party to which
the name Dixy Lee Ray is a cur5t. When
1980 rolled around, Jim McDermott began
to indicate that he was setting his sights
on the governor's mansion. After the only
other Democratic challenger, John Bagnaiol, was hit with a federal bribery indictment in March, he was left with an open
field and only one opponent-Democratic
incumbent Dixy Ltt Ray.
At first McDermott's campaign, like his
abortive 1972 attempt, Sttmed hopelessly
Quixotic. He had no money, no apparent
org.anization and his standing in the polls
was hovering around 2 % . But this time
Jim McDermott was going to play the
game. He shaved off his be:ard. He
trimmed his hair_ He hi~ perhaps the
ablest campaign team in the state-Wally
Torwr, a long-time political pro who hais
worked for just about every major politici.Jn in the state and Blair Butterworth,
who put together Gov. Ray's winning



By Kenneth Sternberg
Last May, Tom and Judy Moon,~
signed as tho n,sident managen of tho

A.S.H. (Adult Student Housing) apartment complex adjacent to the Evttgrffn
campus, after working in that capaciey for
about two yran. Tho Olympia A.S.H.
project is one of many nationwide, owned
by a corporation based in Ottgon. Tho
new managflS-Ray and Diana Minermoved in within a couple of Wttks. Since

thrn, a number of complaints have been
lodged aplnst tho Minen' style of managemrnt: including allegations of discrimination, bias, favoritism and haraumrnt.
Whethrr or not any or all of those
charges an, true, most of tho proplr intrrviewed in preparation for°this articlr
mused to allow their names to br Ulrd.
All wrro afraid that tho Minors .would
take tomr kind of retaliatory action
apil>st them. Everything stated in tho
article is bued on what the tenants and
managers of A.S.H. toa
Tho moot pronounced change that
occurred when tho managrment awitchrd
wu in tho atmosphttr of tho A.S.H.
Ray Minor posted a sign on tho door of
tho laundry buiJdina
warning that all nontenants would br 111bjectto criminal t.....
pass pl'O<ftdinp if they wut caught using
the ladlltln. He alto began to get more
strict about who lived in A.S.H., often
asking people hr saw whrthtt or not they
...,.. tenants. According to one prnon,
Minor asked a woman how many nights
per werk hrr boyfriend stayed at hrr

According to A.S.H. ruin, rveryone
living thrn, must br a student or faculty
m<!mbrr.and they must br listed on the
rental agrttmrnt. (Trnants at A.S.H. pay
on a monthly buls, and tho document
they sign is legally known as a ttntal
agrttment.) Tho rulr of allowing only
lull-time students to live at A.S.H. has
been on the books for tho past few y,,ars,
but has nrvrr been stringrntly enfon:rd.
Early fall quartrr, Ken Jacob-Director of
Collrp Housing-uked the Minen to br
more consde.ntioua about this, hoping to

.. .., tho campus housing crunch.
In an interview, Ray Miner said that
tho Moon,s had bren rxtmnrly lax in
thrir management-that they had put
many rulrs on the back burner. "Whrn I
first arrived, the place wu a nightmare,

physically and mrntally ,'' hr said. Minor
listed. a number of things which the
former managers had neglected or ignored: explaining policies and rules to
new tenants: k..-ping scheduled office
hours; renting to people without verifying
that they were students; and abiding by
the waiting list, rather than renting to
anyone, regardless of how many applied
and were waiting for a vacancy. But the

biggest problrm with tho Moores, Miner
said, was de.ficiency in keeping up with
r-epa,irsand maintenance. Many tenants
mentioned that, since the new ma~ers
took over, the response to repain or to
complaints of noisy tenants has greatly
improved. Miner said that whm he
arrived many of the lights along tho pathways weren't working, and that he was

vrry concerned with his tenants' sattty.

lf the rq,air rate has improved, many
tenants Ettl that the human rlffllffll ha,
vanished. One woman spoke of a.n "us
and them" attitude brtwttn trnants and
tho managrment, and many an, frarful of
saying the wrong thing, lost they br
evicted. In W,..t,ington, a landlord can
evict a tenant for ANY reason, as long as
they give a 20-day nolice.

Somo tenants charg, that Miner runs
A.S.H. likr a military base. Hr is a n,tirrd
carter Navy man, having been an rlrctronia technician for submuine. simulation equipment.

When interviewed, Minor refused to br
tapr--recorded, saying hr didn't want to
be "taken out of context." He was also
ext.--ely reluctant to ditcuM his background, saying hr was hirrd because of
his qualifications not his background.
Miner explained how his bou In Portland told him that his job wu to "clranup" tho Olympia A.S.H. Pm;umably, this
meant from a physical standpoint.
Rrbrcca Wright, Evrrgrern's Affirmative Action officer. told tho CPJ that since
tho Mirn,n took over, shr has received
four complaints against them; and that
somr trnants had complained to the
H.U.D. office in S.attlo. H.U.D. (Housing
and Urban Development) subsidizrd
A.S.H.'s mortgage with a loan of ovrr

One of those complaints, Wriaht aaid,
wu from u Native American woman who
alleged racial ditcrimlnation as tho reason
shr was denied occupancy. Another had
been denied brcaulO tho maNgffO thoqht
hr was a vagrant. Wright said tho stu-

dent was never given an opportunity to
rebut this charge. and that. legally the
term is considered va~ue.
In a letter dated Sept. 22. Wright asked
Elizabeth Baker, A.S.H. District Manager,
about the possibility of forming an "administrative council." as spelled out in the
A.S.H. administration guidelines given to
Evergreen when the ptoject was first proposed. Such a council would consist of
seven members: 2 student•tenants of
A.S.H., the manager. 2 representativtt of
the college, the district manager and I
maintenance person frnm A.S.H. Wright
,;uggested that formation of such a body
'might help to alleviate somf.' of the
present difficulties."
Under the operating guidelines for the
council (taken from A.S.H literature), the
purpose is "to allow the sponsoring institution and the student tenant!">tu be in·
volved and informed." "It is for this
reason," the document continues, "that
administrative councils will be created for
each project." his further staled that
mttling.5 of th{- council need not be rt>stricted to problems, but can and should
be called for purposes of general communication, and keeping all parties informed on matters relating to the housing
Baker told the CPJ that such a council
had been formed iQ the Vancouver,
Wash., project, but that most of the complaints had been of a "trivial, petty
nature," and the idea hadn't worked well.
Nevertheless, "if the need was there," she
would "be glad" to set up a council here.
She said that interested parties should
contact her a.nd the college. (Ms. Baker's
address is A.S.H .. 4550 Cornell Rd. N.E ..
Hillsboro, Ottgon 97123.)
In early October, a meeting wa-. held

brtwttn Rebrcca Wright, Ken Jacob, Ray
Miner and Richard Schwartz, vice-president for business at Evergreen. At the
meeting, Wright presented the complaints

hrr oflicr had received. Shr said (in a
later interview) that the attitude of the

A.S.H. officials was that she was only
taking the students' viewpoint, and was

one-sided in hrr thinking. Wright loll that
thry took the oppositr virw. that both

,ides were polarized on the issue and that
\O real commun1cat1on took place. Baker
Later commented that 1n all but one case,
Wrighl hadn't brought the complaints to
Miner's attention .:ts soon as they were
rf.'Ce1ved,and that when she did, was
quile demanding of him.

Miner voiced objections to forming an
ddm.inistrative council. saying that "the
l<'nanls are not the managers here," and
··as Ion~ as I'm doing my job" there would
bf: no need for it. He said he welcomes
communication from tenants, but on a
~,ne-to-one basis
Asked his opm1on of the tenants hert>,
Miner replied that 98% ol them "are
excellent.'· but felt that the project was
too clo5t' to Evergreen. which encouraged
lnends to stay overn1gh1 too often. He
thought that Evergreen students (nontenants) came over to A.S.H. to vandalize
the properly, and noted that a few lamps
were broken at a party two weeks ago.
The tenanl~ here are "mpllow to each
other," but are "argumentative when
conflicts arise with management, he added.
Miner described how many people,
usually non-tenants, have lied to him
when asked if they lived there. Regardlt-ss
of whether or not all the tenants of an
apartment approve of a guest staying
there, it is against the rules unless they
are registered with him. He said that
many stay for extended periods, "making
a commune of the place."
One man who has lived at A.S.H. for
two years felt that Miner takes advantage
of opportunities to exercise his power
over others, often to a greater degree than
the situation dictaties. He went on to say

that Minor had bttn warned by the
A.S.H. office that tho Olympia project
diflrrrd from tho othrrs.
Miner admitted that Tom Moore told
him that he'd never be able to ma.nage
here, but he fttls that it is just like anywhere else., a.nd that it has a diversity of
people. Before coming to Olympia, Miner
had been assistant manager for two yean

at tho Corvallis, Ottgon projrct.
continued to page 3







By Allen levy


Life in America in the early 19th century wu full of hardships and danger,
The oettlen on the frontier had to defffld
therrJelves against hostile Indians, dangerous beasts, and hanh weather, UrNn
Americans in the lint half of the 19th
century faced hanh working conditions in
the factories, and outbreaks of diseases
from oven:rowding and lack of adequate
sanitation. Being a woman at th.is time in
America had its own unique hazards. The
daily domestic chores, and the strain of
bearing childttn without the aid of competent medical asiistance, took a toU on
American womm; many of whom died
young as a result. But modem American
magazines advertise relief from female
hazards that the history books do not
often talk about.
The history books give not a clue as to
how early Americans solved what one
advertisement claims "is everyone's problem" - "feminine odor." We must infer
from the claims of modem advertising
that pioneer women smelled horribly.
Was the westward migration of the
pioneers really Manifest Destiny or merely


OF 1ijf

a search for fttsh air or breathing spacel
Without the aid of modem hygiene
deodorants, women were confined to
either the home, where they were little
more than combination domestic servants
and baby machines, or to the factories
and textile mills working with other
women so as not to offend the delicate
sensibilities of the male half of society,
The history books fail to elaborate on
another female hygiene problem that contributed to the hazards of early American
life; "feminine protection." The names of

some modem products hint ominously at
what life must have been like for American women born too early to enjoy the
protection of these products. Without the
New Freedom to Rely on the Security of
these Heavy Duty products, what was a
woman to do with herself once every 28
days or so7 The advertisements for these
products do not provide an answer.
Modem advertising gives a solution to
a domestic hazard that our American
foremothers had to cope with as best they
could-the Dry Hards. According to the

rnanufacturen of Electra Sol, the Ory
Hards is what happens when food residues congeal and stick like glue to plates,
cups, and silverware. So when great
grandma was called away from doing the
dinner dishes to help repel an Indian
attack (perhaps by getting upwind of the
savages) the Dry Hards were sure to set
in. Lacking electric dishwashers, early
American women could not know that
"all leading dishwasher manufacturer,;"
approve of Electra Sol whose "unique
formula of cleaning agent does more than
clean the Ory Hards off dishes. It helps
get glasses and flatware shiny clean, too.
Nothing cleans the Ory Hards better."
American women in the early 19th century faced hazards and hardships that an,
practicalJy unheard of today. But glance
through some of today's magazines, read
the advertisements, pay attention to the
commercials on television and radio, and
imagine what life would be like without
the blessings these products bestow on us.
We can only marvel, indeed, we must
stand in awe of the courage, strength, and
tenacity of our American foremothers
who unflinchingly faced the hardships and
deprivation of living without so much of
what we take for granted today. It is a
wonder that women did not lock themselves in their rooms and hide away from
the trials and tribulations of the 19th
century lire.


Watch for the continuing saga

While I can't hold everyone responi.ible for whal a few overzealous people
chose to say, I must admit I was a
little disappointed. After all, what's
Halloween good for, if not a good
laugh7 Maybe I've got it all wrong!
Maybe I'm the one who shouldn't have
taken them seriously.
Steve Moore

Tl, the Editor
Last Friday


I went to the Hal-

loween dancE"dressed as a member of
the U.S. Labor party. Over my trench
coat w matching pants I wore sandwich billboards. the front read; "Boot
the Kooks-build the nukes" and the





Ralph Nader to the whales." Much to
my amazement, more than just a few
pt'Ople took me serious. One guy insisted on arguing the hazards of nuclear waste and stopped only after my
suggestion that he go drink more beer.
At one point it got so bad I had lo
take off the signs and get in the beer
line myself until I was able to stand
with a smile glazed upon my face no
matter what was said to me.

Kathy Davis
Associate Editors
Theresa Connor
Roger Stritmatter
Miriam Lewis
Brad Shannon

To the Editor:
Is nolhing sacred7 Now those dirty
John Birchers are infiltrating our Halloween dances pretending to be Evergreen students! Next thing you know
Reagan will be elected president.
John Wagner


To the Editor:
Feeling that something is lacking
from this Fall's course offerings, I am
now proposing the course which I believe best rounds out the curriculum.
Fall/Winter Group Contract
Sponsor: P. S. Gooshworm
Enrollment: 40
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of
biology and chemistry. Sponsor's
signature required.
Special Expenses: Dissecting kit;
strong stomach.
Part-time Options: None.
This course is designed to insure· a
total understanding of our environment. It well compliments the Everrain
Fall Quarter w,, will
study the anatomy and physiology of
slugs and their evolution and development. There will be some emphasis on
lab work and students will be expected

to spend 5-10 hours a week in observ•
ing the little buggers in their natural
Winter Quarter will be spent studying slug mythology,
slug cooking,
exercise and sluggery, and slugs as pets
(this will include guard and watchslugs, homing slugs, seeing.-eye slugs,
and slugs as a means of transporting
mail faster than Lhe Post Offic:e.) Students will be expected to keep a journal and collect and write up their data.
This paper will be written with publication in mind and will also be presented at the Pacific Northwest Symposium on 'The Little Critters."
This program .will attempt to develop a comprehensive understanding of
the slug theory and theme through
studies of history, ecology, folklore,
biology and chemistry, and population
studies and control.
Subjects emphasized: Biology and
the Practical Sc1ences. Program is
prepatory for careers and/or further
study in slug studies and theory.
Modules: None •
Internships: Yes-people needed for
slug hunting.
Mary Ann LeRoy

Aiders and Abettors: Trisha Riedy,
Phillip Everling, Ken Sternberg, Allen
Levy, Rich Silver, Loretta Huston,
David Cox, Bill Livingston, John Stotts,
Shirley Greene and dead cats everywhere

Production Manager
Victoria Mixon
Art DirKtor
Craig Bartlett
Business Manager
Karen Berryman
Advertising Manager
Richard Ordos

Ad desiRn

Bill Livingston

The Coopc!r Point JouTTYIi1 pubHshed wreldy
for the slu~n1s, faculty and sLl.ff of The Evt'rgrttn S1att' CollqP Vi~• nprnsed an not
ne«ssarily thOSt' of the College or of the
Journ.al's Slilff Advutising millt'rlal contiliMd
ht'~in ~ nol imply mdorwmmt by this
~wsp.apc!r OffiCH art' !OUted In the Colltge
Ac:tiv1tin Building, CAB HM. Phone: 866-6213.
All lt'ltt'n to th" fliilor. announ~ments. and
,uts and tvtnts items must b. received by noon
T utsday for that wttk's publication. All artk:les
art' due by 5 p.m Friday for publkation the
following wttk. All contribution, must b.
sign~. typt'd, doublt"-spa«d and of reasonable
lt'ngth. N.amH will be wlthht-ld on request.
Th" N:litors rftern the right to rejKt material
ilnd to edit any contribution, for length, rontt'nt, and styl~

Cocktail time al the CPJ. From left, Ken Sternberg,
Roger Stritmatter.




Photo by Craig Butlt'tt





continued from page 1
Several people told of a man who
had requested an upstairs apartment, and
on inspection found that it was a downstairs unit. Miner told him that according
to his records, the apartment was upsta;J"S,
and refused to accommodate his wishes.
The man found housing elsewhere.
Chris Rehkoph has lived in A.S.H. for
several months. She said that Miner
refused to rent to a woman who reapplied
for occupancy because her oven was dirty
when she vacated her former apartment.
Later, he relented and rented to her.
Rehkoph felt that Miner likes to play
power trips, plays God, and "makes
people beg" for things.
Miner said that he is not out to antagonize or harass anyone, that he will bend
over backwards for any tenant who abides
by the rules and is rnsonable. He cited
a case where a student told him his rent
would be late because his work➔tudy
check hadn't arrived yet. Since the penon
had explained the matter to him. Miner
let him pay his rent late, with no late fees.
He straaed that "any reasonable request"
is honored, but when someone continued
to dispute a matter, "that's it."
A woman who hu lived at A.S.H. for
seven months said that she had no trouble
with Miner until September, On the night
of Sept. 2 she had some friends over, and
she admitted then, was quite a bit of
"exc:,u" noise. The next night she again
invited friends over. That night the noise
level was considerably lower: they played
Monopoly and listened to music.
The next morning she went to the offia,
to get a key. and Miner told her that he
understood she had someone living in
her apartment who was not on tltt ttnta1
agreement. She denied this, and left.
The n~xt morning the assist&nt manager
and Miner tttved her with a notice of
violation, which stated that she had
broken Rules 3 It 4 (excns noise) and
Rule 16 (people not on rental a,rttment).
She again denied that anyone lived with
her who wasn't on the agreement, and
pointed out that the violation of noise for
the date stated was untrue. (The date of
her loud party was Sept. 2, and the notia,
said Sept. 3.)
Miner showed her a copy of her rental
agreement, taken from hi, offitt files. The
name of the penon who wu suppoaedly
living with her against the rule wu on the
agreement. but croued out. According to
the woman, beside the croued out .nam<
were the words "Still on. O.K." Miner
accused her of writing th!1 In. S"' denied
it and asked how she could have done
this when the document had been stored
in his office.
At the md of lut quarter, a student
named Chuck Mathew, ended his tenancy
at A.S.H. According to Miner, Mathews

continued to hang around the complex,
used the facilities, stayed in different
apartments, and slept in his truck in the
parking lot. Not long after this, Mathews
applied for a.nether apartment and was
told by Miner ·we don't want your kind
in here." Miner refused to rent to him.
Miner said that the behavior Mathews
exhibited was not to his liking, and that
he was within his rights to refuse him.
Since A.S.H. is a private corporation,
managers can refuse to rent to anyone
they do not like. as long as the reason
isn't based on sex, religion, race or creed.
Despite repeated attempts to reach him.
Mathews never contacted the CPJ. and so
could not comment on the incident. However, Sue Buis, a friend of his, denied that
he had slept in his truck, noting that the
truck was unenclosed, and the weather at
the time was quite inclement. She also
said that Mathews did not stay in many
peoples' apartmen~; he only stayed
in hen.
Miner stated that each penon applying
for an apartment is treated as an individual, and only when their behavior is riot
up to a "a,rtain caliber," are they denied
occupancy, Asked what this caliber was,
Miner cited examples of what it wasn't.
Mostly, he described people who we~

rude, or who used offensive language
when they applied for an apartment.
Some people have ripped up their applications and stormed out of his office. he
added. A few others who he turned down
were "spaced out" looking, he said.
One of the most serious incidents mentioned by many tenants regarded the
management's spraying of herbicide last
May. Since Evergreeners are concerned
about environmental matters, many
people became alarmed over the matter,
noting the affected areas were play areas
for children.
According to Jon Gribskov, his roommate was studying with the window open
when the assistant manager came by,
spraying. When asked what the substance
was, he said he didn't know. Gribskov
said that the bottle was labelled "Erbon,"
and that the active ingredient was related
to 2.4,5-T. The herbicide had been stored
at A.S.H. for two yean, although it had
not been marketed for almost three. •·
Gribskov called the state Dept. of
Ecology and was told to call the Sheriff to
report a violation in progress. When a
deputy arrived, he said the chemical and
its application technique was legal, but
that another herbicide in the storeroom,

containing 2,4,5-T could not be used.
The purpose of Erbon, Gribskov noted. is
to attack the root structure of plants, and
if applied too heavily, causes the leaves to
tum black and wilt. He said that he observed this within two days of the spraying." There was a cloud (of the herbicide)
around his (assistant manager's) head,·
Gribskov added. He said that A.S.H. has
been sprayed at least four limes since
Mike Watson, of the E.P .A. in Seattle,
said that Erbon is designated low to moderate in acute toxicity, and was more
commonly used after 2,4,5-T was banned.
Unless it is applied exactly as the label
states, its use constitutes a violation of
federal law.
Bryant Fishback, a spokesman for Dow
Chemical (Erbon's creator), said that until
it was discontinued, Erbon had bttn
available without a ~rmit in stores.
When asked whether it was used mainl,
for broadleaf or grass-based weeds, f•.,,
ba1 k replied that it was used "basic a; ,
wipe out everything."
Urry Freimark, the assistant mange,
A.S.H., said that he hadn't placed warn
ing signs at the affected areas because the
chemical covered plants with a white.
chalky coating. He thought that no one
would eat a plant which looked like that.
However, many tenants doubted a child's
ability to determine if such leaves would
be harmful. According to him, the substance used was called "Ortho," Asked for
more specifics about the name (since
Ortho is the name of a manufacturer
rather than a specific substance), he maintained it had been "Ortho."

On or about Oct. 2, Chris Rehkoph
says she found the bodies of three dead
cats in the A.S.H. woods. Their "skulls
looked crushed," she said. A week earlier
she had observed Miner chasing (and retrieving) a few cats.
When Miner became manager, he began
to strictly enforce the no pets rule to new
tenants. Those living there who had pets
before he took over could kttp them.
Miner, who reportedly owns a dog, had
seen a cat eating from a bowl by Rehkoph's door. She said that she gave the
'cat (a stray) some food that she had
around the house. Miner told her that she
was "aiding and abetting a cat," and
warned her of the pet policy.
Larry Freimark denied that any stray
animals are killed, and said they an,
chased away. He added that such animals
were not taken to the city pound be-cause
conditions were overcrowded there, and
that the disease, parvovirus, was prevalent among the pound's animals.
continued to page 9
page '3

AnorexiaNervosa:Cycleof Self-Destruction

Theresa Connor
AJter talking with other women at
l ~•agreen. I have been surprised at the
11wnber of them who have admitted to
being, or to having been anorexic. J suspect tl1at there are many more women on

campus who are suffering from this disorder; but so little i,s.known about it. and
so litt/(' is said that many women who
have anorexia nervosa don't even recognize 1t. Anorexia nervosa is a psychosomatic disorder which forces women to
starve themselves in a frenzied pursuit of

Thmkmg that something is wr-ong with
themselves only, anorexies slowly withdraw from family and friends mto almost
total ,solation. By knowing more about
tlie disorder and wl1ere they ca,a get support and cour1seling, women can break
the hold tl1ut anorexia has on their life.

Anorexia Nervosa is a relatively
modern phenomenon, characteristic of
industrial, technologically advanced and
affluent societies. It is a disease which is
unheard of in underdeveloped and Third
World nations. The disorder usually
appears during the adolescent years;
although cases of pre-adolescent and adult
anorexics have been reported. Though it
is not known why, the victims are predominantly women from white. middle to
upper class families.
In the last 15 to 20 years, anorexia has
escalated at an alarming rate. One psychologist noted the increase of anorexic
patients referred to him over a six-year



period. In 1972, he treated only one
patient for the syndrome; during 1978,
that figure rose to eight patients during
the first six months.
As the incident rate increases, so does
the concern over the disorder, partiCUlarly
in light of its mortality rate. It has been
estimated that anorexia claims the lives of
10 to 15 percent of its victims. Since the
1960's reports on anorexia have been
published in numerous countries, including Russia, Australia, Sweden, Italy,
England. France, Japan and the United
States. Prior to this time, it was virtually
unheard of. The majority of physicians
recognized the name from their medical
training. but had never dealt with it in
their own practice. Today, it is extremely
common and has become a r.erious problem in high schools and colleges. "One
might speak of an epidemic illness," says
Hilde Bruch, in her book The Golden
Cage, "only there is no contagious agent;
the spread must be attributed to psychosociological factors."
The psychological symptoms of anorexia usually involve a pursuit of thinness,
a frar of gaining weight and a denial of
hunger. Though the anorexic sharply
decreases her food intake, ii is not due to
a lack of appetite. The basic symptoms
are persistent hunger and a deliberate
struggle against it. According to Bruch.
'Women suffering from anorexia are preoccupied with food and eating but consider self-denial and discipline the highest
virtues and condemn satisfying their needs
and desires. . " Anorexics wilJ convince
themselves that they are obese and proceed to diet. Despite nagging hunger and
fatigue, anorexics maintain that they are
not hungry and continue to starve themselves. Victims of anorexia train themselves to withstand their desire for food
and to consider the feelings of hunger to
be pleasant and desirable. "Being able to
stand it and seeing themselves getting

Imp rove your
Tht> loot o~rat"d rt:;1r coastf'r brakt 15 much
ot't1t'r m sudckn stopring power th;,m a hando~r.1ted bra~t Wt would likt to Set this
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But that§ half the- piclurt: No charge ma1
wheel,;. bigrt gas tank,. and our Sachs 505-D
111-Torqu. fnalrw glVt'S you your money·s
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Send S 1.00 for your
306-page, research paper
catalog. All academic


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Collegiate Research

psychological disorder, This is tM central
issue in the debate surrounding anorexia
nervosa: .is it to be attributed to the in~
fluence of social and psychological factors
upon the hormonaJ secretions in the endocrine system, or to the influence of
hormones upon behavior?
Anorexia is a serious problem, one that
is all too common. The current statistics
show that one out of every 300 womeri
will suffer from anorexia. Llke--alcoholism,
anorexia has been a secret disease, one
that is suffered in despair and isolation.
The anorexic and the bulimarexic with•
draw into their personal hell and there
they battle th•ir demon ..... If.
Anorexia can be treated and cured.
There are resources on campus whlch are
available to womm who are dealing with
this problem. Richard Rowan at the
Counseling Center has worked with
anorexic women in the past and can provide individual counseling if desired,
Thett is also a possibility of organizing
a support group where women can discuss
anorexia nervosa, understand the disorder
and how it relates to them as individuals.
Anyone interested in such a program
should contact the Coun .. ling Center,
866-6151 (Seminar Building 2109),

For more information on Anorexia Nervosa
American Anorexia Nervosa Associa~
tion, Inc. The purpose of the organization
is to provide services and programs for
anyone involv~ with Anorexia Nervosa
and to aid in the ~ucation, research, cure
and prevention p_fthis illness.
Address, 101/Cedat Lane, Teaneck,
NJ 97666 (201) 836-1800.



By Trisha Riedy
''The life of this land is perpetuated by
righteousness." This Hawaiian creed is
still alive today in the ~arts of the
indigenous or native people of North and
South America. These native North and
South American Indians and Hawaiians
have been stripped of their lands, religions and cuhures by white missionaries
and pilgrims, ''Thanksgiving Day" to
these people symbolizes tM reinlorament
of cultural oppression and broken treaties.
On Monday, November 10, the Indigenous People will celebrat• their
'Thanksgiving Day," sharing with Evergreen and the Olympia community their
rich cultures through music, films and
special guest speakers, The program
Noon , Robert Maestas, director of a
Seattle Chicano Social Services Center
and "Auntie" Rose Aho, a local Hawaiian
activist and hula instructor from Tacoma,
will give an opening blessi~ in the
library lobby.
J :00: "Salt of the Earth," a controversial
film depicting struggles of Chicano mine
workers, will be shown in Lecture Hall 1.
1:00: "Auntie" Aho along with her
husband Kaimi and Tacomans, Ernmalani
Baker and Maile B,ker, demonstrate
Hawaiian Land Rights and History
through Hula a.nd Chants.











.. ..,,,..o



ity of Evn-green students who pay their
fees prior to th• JO.day deadline. The
involves only two to three percent of
the student body a.nd causes an inordinate amount of time to be spent processing these claims. According to
All•n, this time a.nd effort would be
better spent recording teacher and student evaluations and considenng applications for new enrollments and graduation. Allen a),o stresses the point that
this higher lat• 1.. is by no means an
attempt to make more money for the
college, By state law, th• extra $35 per
reinstated student goes into the State
General Fund and not directly to
Assuming the Board of Trustees
Approves this proposal, the $50 late
fee will be instituted for the 1981
winter quarter. Registrar Allen has
acknowledged the fact that there are a
number of students who are genuinely
hard-presoed for funds and he urga
these students to explore their financial
aid options or to apply to t~ school'•
Emergency Loan Fund for a short term,
low•interest loan. The handful of students who register on a wing and a
prayer, with no foreseeable source of
revenue, will be hit the hardest by the
increased late fee, The registrar hopes
that this will ioduce these students to
have a more concrete financial base before registering for a given quarter.
Finally, it should be noted that no
penalty fee will be levied on a student
when some type of institutional. error
is at fault. .

Students who have not paid their
tuition !ttS by the thirtieth calendar
day of the quarter will have to pay a
$50 reinstatement f.. if a propo!ed
amendment is approved by the TESC
Board of Trust ... at their November 13
meeting. The current penalty charge
Cor students failing to meet the 3Ck:lay
payment deadline is SIS. The Reg;..
trar's Office views this increased late
ftt as a deterrent to late payment as
weU as a punitiff as.snsme.nt.
Th• Registra(s proced11tt for dealing
with delinquent tuition paymen) is as
follows, if, by the 31st calendar day of
an academic quarter, a student h.as not
paid his or her tuition fees in full, the
student is immedlat•ly dlsenrolled or
un-registered. If the student wishn to
remain in school, full tuition plus an
additional $15 must be paid before the
student is reenrolled. However, if the
student continues to attend classes and
meets all course requirements, then he
or she could theoretically forestall final
payment until the last day of the quarter and still receive full ettdlt even
though s/he was technically not enrolled for over half of t~ quarter. This
creates a great deal of extra paper
work for the Registrar's Office during
a qua.rte.r's most hectic period. It is
hoped that th• higher lat• fee will ~
courage those students who habitually
use this late payment routine from
doing so.
Registrar Walker Allen has strongly
emphasized the positive effects the $50
late fee will have upon the vut major•

Hilde Bruch, The Golden Ci,ge; the
enigma of anorexia nervosa, Cambridge.
Harvard University Press, 1978.
Salvador Minuchin, et al, Psychosomatic Families: anorexia nervosa in
context, C~bridge: Harvard University
Press, 1978,
Mara Selvini Palazzoli, Self-Storvation,
from individual to family therapy ii\. the
treatment of anorexia nervosa, New York:
J. Aronson, 1978.
Nancy Chodorow, The Reproduction of
Mothering: psychoanalysis and the soci•
ology of gender, Berkeley, University of
California Press, 1978,


I Enclosed Is $1.00.
I Name ________
I Address
I City
I State ---~Ip

By Phillip Everling


P.O. Box 2!io97H
Los Angeles, Ca. 90025

I Please rush the catalog.

r,...,v,►:r! ,1 Fret" wl
m,•J>t"dpun hd<;.f'J

thinner and thinne.r gives them so much
pride that-th•y are willing to tolerat• anything," oboerved Bruch,

They will supplement their rigld dietary
program with exhaustive physical exer•
cise, in an effort to compensate for what
littl• food they do eat. Even when th•y
reach their desired weight, anorexics
refuseto believe that-th•y are thin and
continue to diet until they waste away.
The weight of a patient suffering from
acute ano~
can drop as low as 60 or
70 pounds, at which point hospitalization
and treatment are necessary for survival.
For some, however, the hunger becomes
overpowering. Unable to withstand it any
longer, they surrender to their bodies and
begin to grossly overeat-consuming
enormous amounts of food despite their
driv• to be thin, Aft•rwards, feeling angry
and frustrated at their weakness, they
force themselves to vomit. The binge-eating and vomiting begins in rnponse to
uncontrol!able hunger; but is soon re-gamed as a perfect solution to their problem. "They can give in to the urgent
desire for food," said Bruch, "eat as much
as !~y want and still lose weight .. , y•t
as time passes, the pride in outwitting
natutt gives way to the 1.. 11ng of being
helplessly in the grip of a demonic power
that controls their lives. Gorging on food
is no longer a way of satisfying hunger,
but a terrifying, dominating compu.lsion."
According to Bruch, about 25 percent
of all anorexics go through the bieating phase (bulimamcia) and many
remain trapped there. Whenever anxiety
or tension overwhelms them, they tum to
food for comfort and thus· avoid examining and dealing with the underlying problems. The pattern is extremely difficult to
interrupt, because it Rl'Ves u the primary
stress outlet for the bulimarexic. When
her eating problem surfaces at crisis points
in her life. the pattern is resumed, which
only serves to intensify the conflict.
Swamped by a feeling of worthlessness
due to her inability to control her eating,
and horrified by thoughts of becoming
obese·, she fon:es herself to vomit, further
reinlorci"II Mr 1.. 11ng of guilt, worthlessness and disgust.
Women who suffer from anorexia, or
its variant bulimarexia, feel overcome by
a sense of ineffectiveness and impotency.
According to Saul Briel, a psychologist
who provides counseling for anorexics in
Seattle, th... women feel loot-they have
no aims of their own. Often they have no
idea what they, themselves, think or want
because they have been so concerned with
meeting the expectations of othen. In this
regard, the relationship between the anorexic and her pattnts is extremely impor•
tant. Anorexia tend to be "model" children who have established a pattern of
acquiescing to their pare:nts' wishes. When
the di,order strikes, often during the lint
year that a woman is away from home,
she suddenly realizes that SM is Independent of her parents physically, but is
chained to them mentally and emotional•
ly. The prospect of having to make her
own decisions, establish her own goals,
respond to her own expectations, rather
than thooe of her parents, becomes an
imposing burden. F.. lings of anxiety, ineffectiveness, impotence, and vulnerability
undercut all other succarats.
Though the symptoms att known, t~
origin of the disease remains a mystery.
While many ttsearchen agree with Bruch,
that anorexia is attributable to psychosociological factor., others in the medical
profession Continue the.ir research in the
area of endocril'lology to determine if
metabolic and honnonal complications
are involved, The balance between tM
physical condition and the mental/emotional state is I\W,ly ,ensitive and, as a
n,sult, It is difficult to distinguish the
initiating factor of either a physical or

$50 LateFeeProposed






u1pv. Jl•rr,_,




I1•1L .fl,- ..g,R • o&-42. ~~ ~


2, 00, In Lecture Hall 5, Phil Lucas will
give a presentation of Native Americans
in Mrdia, including excerpts from a miniseries he produced entitled, "Images of
Indians." Phil is presently working on
direction for anothe.r mini-series based on
"Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee."
3:00: The Seattle-based band Los de
Rio Trio, will present an hour-long concert of native South American Indian
-music and Mexican music in the Library
4:00: Dumi Maraire and his ,ight•piec,
Seattle band will entertain the crowd with
African Marimba music.
5:00: Winterhawk concludes the
Indigenous People's Day celebration with
a blend of contemporary and Native
American Indian music.
The Third World Coalition, NASA,
MEChA, Ujamaa, Third World Women
and the Asian Pacific Isle Coalition invite
all to share in the Indigenous People's
Day celebration and to learn something
first-hand from another culture.

By Roger Stritmatter
Gloria and Jim Maender have given a
'big boost to bicycling in Thurston
County. The couple, who have been touring the Olympia environs by bicycle for
nearly six years, have merged their respec·
live talents for graphics anr1 -vriting into
a slim but useful little volu..ne called
Bicycling Guide to Thurston County.
The 58-pag• booklet, printed locally by
the Hard Rain Printing Collective, is desigped to mttt the needs of novice riders
and families looking for an afternoon
outing, but also contains routes and maps
which should inspire the enlightened
interest of the most sophisticated bicycling
buff as well.
Engagingly written, humorous, and
attractively designed, the volume is an
inspiration to the do-it-yourself publisher
as well as a boon to the bicyclist. A total
of 13 Thurston County routes, varying in
length from 16 to 60 miles, are detailed
by the authors, who claim (with impeccable veracity, in my opinion) to have
peddled every mile. The authors say that
a principal consideration in determining
the configuration of each route was to
have loops which are relatively traffic
free and thus ideal for a relaxing trip un•
disturbed by gas hogs. A notable f,ature
of the book is the series of double maps
which illustrate ,ach route; a large map
detailing the loop and a smaller map
which locates each route geographically
within Thurston County. This tells the
rider at a glance where the route is in
relation to his-/her doontep.
Why would two derring-do Olympiads

Air. Boat Olvn

become so enchanted with bicycling as to
write a book about it1 Well, the Maen·
der's disclaim any pecuniary motivation
to their publishing adventure. The first
500 copies of the booklet a.re available
for $3.25-3.50 from the TESC Bookstore,
the Food Co-op, most downtown book•
stores or Olympic outfitters. At that
price, the Maenders are hoping to just
break even on the venture.
Jim Maender says that he "and Gloria
have been bicycling for most of their six
years in Thurston County, and that it wa!t
Evergreen students who turned them on
to the idea. Jim used to watch Evergreen
students peddling to and from school •
from the window of their first home on
Overhulse road and thought it looked like
fun. Apparently, it was. It was also
healthy, and soon the biggest bonus of all
came along in the form of skyrocketing
fuel prices. Now, the Maenders say. they
do most of their local traveling, both
recreational and practical, by bicycle. "'To
do other than use public transportaticin
bicycle, or simply walk, is, given thf'
times, approaching social irresporic;1t 11• .•
It's time to scrap all those nimsy ,,.,_
Take a ride with the famdt
friends; or bust your gut trying to ye·
into competitive shape. Maybe a solt•
accompanied by nothing more than your
thoughts. Why non Biking: you'll like it!"


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pag• 5



We are planning an open hearing for
the Evergreen Community to give testimony about the present grievar\ce system as exemplified by COG IV. We are
interested in learning whether the
present grievance system is adequate;
whether students, farulty, staff want
formal governance organizations, i.e.,
student, staff or faculty senates; or
whether anyone has ideas about en•
hancing Campus communications.
We invite everyone's testimony. We
want to have as much information
available to us as possible before we
begin our deliberations.
The hearing will be held Wednesday,
Nov. 12, 11'30-2:30, Room 306 CAB
(th• Coff«houso).

Tho GNU DELI will host an afternoon or marvelous music and magic on
Sunday. November 9 at 3 p.m.; all
proceeds going to the Olympia Community School-a
private, nonprofit
school. grades K-2 in Tumwater.
Olympia's own "OLY-WA-DITfY
BAND" will kick off the festivities with
some toe-tappin' tunes, followed by the
amazing DR. MYSTICAL at 4 p.m.
performing fantasmic feats of prestidig•tation. Tho "NEW WOMEN'S POVERTY BAND" will wind up tho afternoon with a flurry of free wheelin'
s0unds guaranteed to send you home
with a smile!
Children are welcome, so bring the
whole family. Homemade goodies and
beverages will be served throughout
the atternoon. Tickets will be sold al
the door at $1.50 for children and $3
f0r adults. No children under 12 will
be admitted unless accompanit>d by an
adult. For further information. please
contact Ana O'Callaghan al 866-8304
or Mickey Moms at 357-6068.

The Evergreen State College is offering the property listed below for sale
to the public. For appointments to inspect property, call 866-6315 Monday
thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or
contact the Inventory Inspector located
in the Library Building, Room 1115.
Bid forms are available from the In•
ventory Inspector. Bids will be opened
on November 21.
1 ea Decollator
Model: 2322
NFC: Tab Products
Serial I: 4312
Stat• IDf: 827788
Condition: Fair

Organizing meeting for a Public
Interest Research Group (PIRC) on
Friday Nov. 7, 2 p.m. at the Environmental Resource Center in CAB 103
on campus.
What is a PIRG7 II is a private nonprofit corporation devoted to serving
the concerns of students on issues of
public interest. To this end, it is empowered by them to lobby on legislative issues and to bring litigation
against persons or organizations who
violate the public interest. It is an effective method of rendering government responsive to the needs of it!>
constituency. II is public advocacy.
If this sounds good to you, pleaSf'
c0me to the meeting.

412 S. Cherry
Open 7 days a week

8a.m.- 8p.m.

Bernardo Bertolucd's 1900 will definitely be here on campus thi5 Friday,
November 7 and Sunday, November 9
for a 7 p.m. showing both evenjngs,
Tho film was originally scheduled to be
shown in September but was cancelled
because the distributor decided not to
send it to us for some reason. Those
who bought advance tickets in September may use them either evening. 1900
is four hours long, and ~member,
there will be no 3:00 or 9:30 showing
on Friday. It will be shown in Lecture
Hall On• at 7 p.m. Friday and Sunday,
and admission is $1.25. Come early for
good seats.




Announcing a get-together for international students to meet with faculty
and staff, Tuesdav. November 11, in
the Board Room (Library 3112) from
4-5:30. Coffee, tea, punch, cheese and
sweets will be served .
All international students are invited.
Interested farulty, staff and other students are very welcome to come. Let's
talk and find out about each other! If
you have ·a special "munchie" you
would like to bring, please do so.
For more information, come in to
Admissions or call 866-6170.












Waterfall's Band will play for a Rock
'n Roll Benefit Dance in the Library
4300 area, Saturday night, 8 p,m. 'til
midnight. The popular Northwest recording artist demonstrates her versatility on piano and electric guitar with
smooth vocals 5tyle she's famous for.
With Linda will be Dudley Hill, lead
guitar player, vocalist and songwriter,
who was forme:ly with the Skyboys, a
hot country rock band from the Seattle
area. Hill is an accomplished guitar
player and his -ilbum of acoustic fl~tpicked fiddJe tunes "From a Northern
Family" is still a big seller. Donnie
Teasdale, the drummer with the band,
has played for many years in various
rock bands including the Skyboys.
Greg Peck.nold rounds out the group
on bass and vocals.
Proceeds from tho dance will be used
to purchase "Love It Like a Fool" a
biographical film on the life of Malvina
Reynolds which will be donated to tho
Evergreen collection for use with aca•
demic programs .
All members of the Evergreen community a~ invited and are asked to
bring identification proving th'ey are
over 21 if they wish to refresh themselves with a commonly appreciated
adult beverage.
Tickets $3 at the door.

s.u ·~•s.44
4.N ,4 ,.


Voices of Ch.u1ge is a series of short
courses for credit that' meet evenings at
Pacific Lutheran University to help
build connections between peoples in
today's changing world. The first
course in the series is entitled: "Mao
Tse Tung and the Liberation of China."
Meeting times will be Mon. & Wed.,
Nov. 10-19, l>-9 p.m. in (room) Olson

Four years after Mao's death and the
seeming <re--Maoization of the People's
R•1;>ublicof China, how much of his
imprint remains on the Chinese social
and political scenel By analyzing the
Chainnan's many roles as a revolutionary fighter, socialist theoretician, Third
World symbol. and Chinese charismatic leader, we will make a critical
assessment of Mao's enduring legacy to
the Chinese Revolution and the destiny
of China's people. The coune will be
taught by Dr. Greg Guldin as Anthropology 350 for one cttdit. Daytime
and evening registration takes place
Mon.-Thu ... until 8 p.m. at the Registrar's office at PLU. Students may also
register durtng the first class meeting.
Tuition is $127 per academic credit or
531.75 per c~it
for auditors. For
more information, please call 383-7591.





1 ea Built-in Electric Wall Oven
30 x 30 inches
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Color: White
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Parts and repairs for all makes
Complete line .of accessories from
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1931 East 4th

It's worth the ride ucrou town!


8 a.m, - 9 p.m. weekday,

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open e11erv dav



The "Northwest Comedy Showcase"
brings three hours of comedy, music,
and improvisational
theater to the
Library Lobby for one performance
only Tuesday, November 11.
The seven-act production, produced
by Joe Davis as- a road show for his
Seattle Comedy Showcase, promises
"the best among Pacific Northwest
professional entertainen"
who have
been appearing regularly in local clubs
and restaurants.
Th• Evergreen show, which begiru
at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the second floor
lobby of the Evans Library opens to
tho talents of Texan Ray Ashby, a
dramatic entertainer whose musical
gamut runs from boisterous and bawdy
to gently z.nd loving, Andy Stamatin,
a New England comedian, presents a
monologue and what he call5 "visual
characttt impersonations," followed by
the premiere Showcase performance of
Evergreen student comic Steve Smith,
who promises a ten•minute ''laugh
break." Five veteran Seattle acton will
then stage a SO-minute improvisational
theater presentation called "Play It
Whore It lays."
Michelle Beaudry headlines th•
second half of the production with her
original musical comedy, which she
has frequently performed on tho Seattle
nightclub circuit. The show concludes
with two 15-minute acts: the first featuring Olympia comedian Dave Parsons, who took second place in the
1980 Seattle Comedy competition: and
the second featuring French Canadian
pertormer Rav f\nnneville, who~ sings
the blues ani accompanies himself on
guitar and harmonica.
Tickets to the thttt-hour comedy
variety show are on sale now at the
Evergreen Bookstore, the College Information Center, Budget Tapes and
Records in downtown Olympia and
Yenney's Music In West Olympia.
Tickets will also be sold November 11
at the door of the Library, Cott is S3
at the door and $2 in advance.




Recruiting representatives
for the
Peace Corps and VISTA (Volunteers In
Service to America), will be on The
Evergreen State College campus November 12-14. Brian Davey, former
VISTA volunteer and recruiting t,.-am
leader, will be located at an information booth in tho CAB Lobby from
9 a.m,-4 p.m. Wednesday and ThuBday, Nov. 12-13. Individual interviews
will be hold on Friday, Nov. 14.
Seniors are asked to sign up in advance
in the Career Planning~Office or at the
information booth.
A special Peace Corps and VISTA
film seminar is scheduled for Thursday, Nov, 13, at noon in CAB 110. All
students, faculty. and staff are invited
to the seminar.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a physician
and author of On Death and Dying
will offer a public talk Tuesday, November 11, beginning at 8 p.m. at the
Vance Tyee Motor Inn in Tumwater.
Her talk, which is sponsored by Adult
Day Services, a nonprofit United Way
agency, will include discussion on \Uch
topics as recognizing the needs of the
terminally ill and of the family. dealing
with sudden death, completing unfinished business. and perceiving death as
a transition. Tickets for a combined
dinner and talk are $15; admission to
her talk only is $8. All tickets must be
purchased in advance through Word of
Mouth Bookstore. Pat's Bookery. or
Adult Day Services, on the corner of
Harrison and Percival.

A workshop on women's fertility
and body awareness will be offered
Nov. 17 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the
Olympia Women's Center for Health
at their new location at 410 S. Washington-downtown
workshop will cover the physiology
and anatomy of women's fertility and
nvulation, with discussion about the
:-ecently discovered hormones, pheromones. The focus will not be on ovulation as a means of birth control, but
rather women getting informed about
their monthly cycles. Some time will
also be spen~ on self-breast exam information and recent updates on tampons
c1nd toxic shock and the alternatives.
All women are welcome-for childcare
call 94.3-6924. Donations are welcome.

page 7

Gymrats Searchfor BasketballSpace
By Brad Shannon

Gym rats have always lived mean,
squalid lives, compared to other athletes.
Seldom liking, and often not being talented enough to play organized sports,
gym rats have had to scrounge facilities
from the jocks when they wanted to
stretch out a bit and play sports just for
the hell of it. Pick-up basketball games
are the trademark of the gym rat and, for
several weeks this fall, gym rats and
basketball flourished at the Evergreen
recreation pavilion. Last week, the rat
haven disappeared when the women's
soccer team moved indoors to escape inclement weather and encroaching darkness. Thus, the oid rivairy between soccer
and basketball was renewed.
The main problem is the shortage of
facilities during peak hours. The pavilion
sits vacan~ most of the time. except be-tween the hours of 4 to 7 in the evening.
when the pavilion spills over with activity.
The same is true of the weight-training
rooms inside the Rec Center. Most organized sports teams and clubs hold pract~
during peak hours; and Evergreen's class
schedules compound the problem by leaving most students available for sports at
roughly the same time. As a result, the
weight rooms are frequently jammed full.
Unlike larger schools, such as the University of Washington, Ever"green lacks
the resources lo support an open. intramural facility where anyone interested in
unsupervised sports can find a place to
play. The Rec Center solution has been to
let groups and individuals reserve different facilities for the times they prefer.
However. as the pavilion issue shows, this
policy is not working to the satisfaction
nf the parties inv0\ved.
In the past, the Rec Center has made
arrangements with local schools that have
vacant gyms 10 provide Evergreen students with extra facilities. Last year, the
Olympia School D1,;;tricltraded access to
the Jefferson Middle School gym for USE'
nl the Evergrttn swimming pool on
Thursday nixhto:;.For most ol the year.
gvm rats had .i place to play baskt>tball
on Thur,;da)' n1gh1s.
This vear h,,wever. Jeffeson does nol
want to n•rw,11 the exchange, and the
"-Ch00\J1,;;tn, I has found other facilities
fnr their ,tudent,;, lefferson's principal.
Tom E1.,..•nm;rnn,s.a1dthat since the b.i,;;1,
fr,r an cx,hcrnge ha-. end{'d, his school
fft'ls n,1 11hlixat1onIt' sh,1re anything with
Evergreen He als11,aid 1hat his teacher!>
and ,u,11,d1an,;;wt•re oppt),ed to any stirt
ol i"''<chant!<'
th1,; vt·ar. E1-..enmannclaimt•d
that Jurm)!. la ..1 ve,1r-. l''<Change, two v<1lleytiall net'- wt-re ,111ll'n tht- prem1SE"S
tra,;;hed and thC"rew.i,;;pften wwdy beh,n•1M Ht• <.d1dthf' cu-.llld1an wa~
alw.ivs chJ-.1ni ~1d, .u1,und " Thert wa,
even ,~aim~ m the gym, up and dnwn
tht· hall-. accl,rdmg to the cu,;;1ndian.
Eisenmann said that from the start, h1,;
people had not liked the idea. bu1 had felt
obligated. The school had never allowed

an outsider to open up and close the gyms a few games of basketball after dau.
in the 17 years that he personally rememDespite recent efforts, the stalemate at
hers working with the school district. 'We
the pavilion continues. '1 would sooner
had to give a key to the Evergreen
schedule for regular gym rat hours, but
people," he said, though he didn't know
I can't do that without hurting someone,"
who that person was. According to Eisensaid Steilberg. His motivation to belp gym
mann. the key opened the front doors,
rats, he said, comes from his "intramural
the equipment lockers, and storage areas
..background at the University of Washingwhere the "new, official" nets had bttn
ton," where he worked several yean in
recreation. The~. an entire ttettation
The exchange of facilities could have
complex is designed exclusively for intraworked, Eisenmann said. if the volleyball
mural sports.
,,ets had not bttn stolen, and if the EverNext fall, Steilberg aays, additional
green students had been closely supervised
pressure will be felt down at the pavilion
by a paid person who worked outside the
when intercol1egiate field hockey begins
school network, as is done in the City
at Evergrttn. But he insists that the u~
League program. On one occasion, he
coming influx of club and intercollegiate
said. gym doors had been left open.
athletics nttd not infringe upon those stuThough there was no way to prove who
dents who pay SatA funds and wW\ to
was directly responsible, Evergreen stucash in on Rec Center offerings. 'Thett
dents were suspected.
will always be time to swim, work out,
Pete Steilberg, director of the Rec
whatever, if one isn't intimidated by all
Center. flatly disagreed. He said that an
the rattling around" of the team athletes.
Evergreener, Joni Hendricks, was paid as
"They won't have exclusive use," he said.
a supervisor last year. Steil berg was susScott Scurlock, who represents the
picious of the open doors accusation,
splintered. highly casual gym rats, is curvouching for Joni's reliability. He pointed
rently trying to work out some kind of
out the lack of feedback last year from
compromise with Jacques Zimicki, coach
the Jefferson people. No complaints were
of the women's soccer team. Scott Scurever leveled against Evergrttners until the
lock was not available for comment, but
issue of gym usage came up again this
Zimicki explained some o( the background
year. Steilberg was surprised that resentissues.
ment had been allowed to brew when it
According to Zimicki, the feud betwttn
could have been expressed.
the soccer players and basketball players
Eisenmann claimed that Jefferson has
has gone on for years. Occasionally, ternnot had any problems this year but he
pers have led "real near to fistfights." This
noted that the City League basketball
year. he said, the gym rats could have rec;.easonhas not yet begun. Since many city served courts in the pavilion wttks ago,
]('aguers used the gym last year, he said
as he did for his team. but that none of
l:vergreen students cannot be blamed for
them ever did. He mentioned ~ s~gn in the
JI\ of the problems. It "could have been
pavilion which advises usen to reserve
,1nynne around." Eisenmann specifically
1he facility if access is to be guaranteed.
that outsiders may have crept
Whatever comes 0£ the settlement,
1nt11tht' gym when games were in
someone is going to lose out, probably
pn,gre-.,. He did not rul, out future access the gym rats. As Zimicki s.aid, the two
10 thl' ldferson gym for Evergreen stu·
sports are completely incompatible in the
dt'nl-.. The one condition would be the
..ame facility. Zimicki recalled injuries
hmn~ of a supervisor on his terms. Refrom earlier attempts to play both sports
placcmt'nt t,f 1he volleyball nets would
on the samt' premises.
n,,t be rt'quired; Eisenmann did not even
k.m,w the value of the nets.
Fi<;('nm,rnnc;. offer to negotiate. however will do little In all,v,ate the ongt,m),!,pwblem c,f the gym rats. The Jeffer-.on ~vm would only be available on
Fnday n1~ht-.and some weekends-timt"t
wht•n !ht• Evergreen Rec Pavilion is open
f0r ~t•nerJI use. St{'dbt>r~has looked into
th{' avJdabilily of 11the:rgyms in the area.
Onlv one school, in Tumwater, accepted
From The Chronicle of Higl,er Education,
the idea. However. the location of the
August 25, 1980, p. 19
~ym makes such an arrangement impractical for students who simply want to play
The Office for Civil Rights this fall will
begin investigating some of the 124 complaints of sex bias in intercollegiate athletics that have bttn filed against 84 colleges and universities.
The first targets of the investigatiom
will be the Universitirs of Akron, Bridge-port. Hawaii, Kansas, and Michigan, and
Com<ll, Oklahoma Stat<, and Washington State University. The institutions
chosen for investigation should not be
considered the "worst cases." They wer,
chosen on the basis of 20 crituia including region, sin of institution and scope of
athletic program.
Handling of the complaints has been
held up, in some cun for years, while
the agency drew up guidelines for applying an anti-sex-bias law to intercollegiate
sports and completed an investigators'
manual. LettffS have already gone out to
the fint eight institutions asking them to
submit various data.
The complaints lodged against the 84
institutions include all'Ptions of unequal
921 N. Rogers
pay for men's and women's coaches, unOlympia Westside
equal access to facilities and equipment,
and discrimination in budgets, numbers of
TESC Bus stops at Division &. Bowman
sports offered, and scholarships.
An iMtitution·s total athletic program
Walk two blocks south 10 Co-op
will be scrutinized. not just the aspects of
35 bus leaves Co-op for TESC
the program that formed the basis of the
complaint, the OCR spokrspenon said.
The agmcy ,xp«u to have completed its
Mon-S.11 10-7
investigation of all the sex-bias complaints
Fri open uniil 9
relating to intercollegiate sports by next
Sundav noon-5

continued from page 3

Asked whether stray animals were
being refused, Olympia Animal Control
officer Carol Johnson oaid that they
"never discourage people from bringing in
stray or unwanted animals. That's what
we're here for."
Rehkoph told of an incident regarding
her Sept. rent payment. Her roommate
had been late in depositing the rent
money. She explained this to Miner, and
added that her rent would be a little late.
She asked him not to cash her ch<ck until
the money to cover it was deposited. She
said she was told that th< check would be
held, but that Miner cashed it too soon,
and it bounad. According to Rehkoph,
this occurred on Sept. U, and her money
was deposited Sept. 16. Shortly after this,
she sajd she received a 24-hour eviction
A.S.H. policy dictates that each tenant
has a ten-day gra~ period in which to
pay th<ir rent. After this, a lO'll. late fee
is added for each day late, and notice to
pay within 24 hours is given. After this, a
72-hour notice to vacate is given. If there
is still no response, the landlord has no
alternative but to go to court. If the
tenant cannot show good cause why they
should not be evicted, the judge ord<n;
them to leav• (and -ds the sheriff to


Women make up nearly 29% of the
athl,tes at institutions that belong to both
the AsM>Ciationfor lntercol1egiate Athletics for Women and the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the ttpart said,
but those institutions spent an average of
only 14.3 percent of their total athletic
budgets on women's programs in 1978-79.
Thai was up from just 2.1 percent in
1973-74, however.
The Office for Civil Rights, according
to its proposed annual operating plan
published in the August 13 Fed,rAI
Register, will devote about a qua.rter of
its investigative resources to rnolving
Titl, IX complaints and nearly a third to
resolving complaints alleging bias against
handicapped •mployees and students,
One Pff«nt of its resources will go for
resolving complaints of age bias, 15 percent for complaints based on national
origin. and 28 percent for complaints of
racial bias.
The civil-rights office also plans to step
up its technicaJ-assistance programs, including helping recipients of federal aid
develop cost~tive
ways to provide
access to their facilities and programs for
people with phy1ical handicaps. The
agency estimates it will help institutions
save $JO million.
The civil-rights office al1<restimatH that
• it will have 2,144 com-plaints on file when
the federal government's 1981 fiscal year
begins on October J. It expects to reoove
4,272 new complaints during fiscal 1981
and to cle>R 4,452 during the year, leaving a cas<load of 1,964 complaint, at the
start of fiscal 1982.


Most of those intervie_wed said that
Miner had relaxed somewhat in his unbending adherence to the letter of every
rule. Scime say that, as he became accustomed to the community, and they to
him, he has made earnest attempts to
cooperate, and isn't as arbitrary as he was
at first.
ln the put six months A.S.H.'s turnover ~s been 96 of the 170 total units.
District Manager Baker caUed this "unusuaUy high." Of these, 40 moved because
they werm't students, and 4 others wett
evicted. This leaves a net turnover of
52-more than a quarter of the total
Miner showed the CPJ his waiting list
file, with over 100 names. He said that he
makes several attempts to contact an
applicant before offering a space to someone else,..One tenant felt that since it was
late in the quarter, many applicants had
found other living arrangements, and that
Miner was having trouble filling vacancies.
Five weeks ago, a tenant asked Miner
about an apartment for friends of his and

was told there was a six month waiting
list. One week later, Miner asked if his
friends were still looking, that there was
an opening.
The inference, said the tenant, was that
when there are no vacancies, Miner is less
than reasonable, but when tenants are
difficult to find, he is nicer. more ingratiating to tenants (lest the move).
There are other incidents that point to
a schism between the management and
tenants of A.S.H. Several people told of
the inconvenient change in mailroom
hours. One woman objected to the building being locked at JO p.m. because she
works late. and now has difficulty getting
her mail. Another complained that Miner
returns the mail if the apartment number
isn't on it.
Miner denied that he returns mail of
any tenant officially listed on rental agreements, but admitted that he does return
other mail.
The CPJ received numerous allegations
that Miner or his staff had entered apartments without the tenants prior permission. One woman said that while her
roommate was in bed one morning. Miner
entered and left, for no apparent reason.
Such actions are illegal, and the Landlord-Tenant Act requires landlords to give
48-hour notice of intent to enter. Violation may entitle the tenant to call for a

police investigation, and to file tre1pass
charges against the landlord.
Miner denied these allegations. He said
he has never entered an apartment without permission.

Invariably. tenants interviewed by the
CPJ said that they were never told the
location of their deposit money. This violates Section 270 of the Landlord-Tenant
Act, which states that: "the landlord
shall provide the tenant with written
notice of ... the location of the depository."
Raven Lidman, an Olympia attorney,
doubts the legality o( certain parts of
A.S.H.'s rental agreement. Specifically,
the last part of Section 25, which slates:
.. . the Landlord, after 72 hours writt,n
notice of nonpayment (of rent) and his
intention to terminate this agreement, if
the rent is not paid . may immediately
take possession." Ms. Lidman says the
landlord may not take possession until he
has gone through court procedures. and
that this section of the agreement is
A portion of A.S.H. Rule 14 states
"tenants using
these premises for
immoral purposes
are subject
to immediate termination of tenancy."
("Immediate" termination of tenancy is
considered to be unenforceable under the
Landlord-Tenant Act.I What is immoral.
and who defines 111Diana Mmer said that
such things as a house of prostitution
would be an example. though she said this
had never occurred here. She did cite an
incident where a tenant and her boyfriend
were found in the laundry room,
Probably the most serious case occurred
when a friend of a tenant was witnessed
several times to be exposing himself publicly. When Miner found out about this
(and after many complaints), he stormed
over, ready to evict the tenant. However,
when they spoke, it became clear to
Miner that the tenant wasn't to blame,
but rather his friend. The key point here
is that Miner had not inquired of the
tenant before preparing to evict him.
Perhaps one woman tenant best summed
up the situation when she spoke of how
Miner had suspiciously became more
cordial toward her. "I don't know of anyone who feels comfortable around
the man.''


Fresh Produce
Fresh Meats
Imported Beer & Wines
Self Serve Gas
7 a.m.-12 p.m.
365 days a year




cu.. , ., ...,
page 8

assist, if the tena.nt remains).
Miner said that Rehkoph's check
bounced on Sept. 23, and a 72-hour
notice was served on Sept. 29. He furnished documents to verify this.


Olympia Food

Whole Foods
Grca1 PriLcs

Zimick! feels "sympathetic" to gym rat
claims, but said his squad is w•ll into the"
season, and playing so many matches,
that the health of his players would suffer
from rainy outdoor practices. He wants to
"try to baby them in th< pavilion."
Zimicki complained that the soccer field
is too dark for practice during the
evenings and that the drainage is terrible.
The contractor apparently cut cornen
when the drainage system and field were
installed in 1975. He explained that since
that time, no real improvements have
been made to the field. However, if
money were put into the field, his team
might find outdoor practice more appealing, he said. Zimicki estimated that it
would cost $70,000 to $80,000 to fix the
drainage system.
Previous searches for alternative arrangemfflts haven't worked out. The
tennis courts were once proposed for
soccer but the posts holding up teMis nets
are sunk into pavement and cannot be
readily moved. When the original lights
in the pavilion were replaced on account
of the tttmendous racket they made
(echoing and such). thought was given to
lighting the fi<ld with them. TESC still
has the lights, according to Zimicki, but
no poles were ever acquired to put them
up next to the field. According to Steilberg, the cost of light pofes would be
roughly $17,000.
Given the budgetary mood of the state
this winter, the future of gym rats looks
pretty grim. Steilberg said that when the
proposed wing of the Rec Center is finally
built. more room will be available for
Intramural sports; but that solution will
not come for at least four more years. For
the time being, the gym rats must take
what they can get. Although soccer
season will end soon, city league basketball and women's basketball will tie up
the pavilion for most of the winter. So
those who don't want to, or who are
simply too lousy to join a team, may
have to find another sport for exercise.




Olympia, WA


~~g ANS"£!<-ro' r1,1eCf.3:1iJPAY!'

page 9

TheFat.Sideof Life
By Loretta Huston and Rich Silver
Though fat is essential for our survival,
we need little fat to supply our needs. In
America, fat intake supplies about 40 per
cent of our calories. This is dangeiously
high. Lipid buildup, without being
utilized, can lead to such health risks as
atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
cancer and obesity. Most of this fat intake
comes from the saturated fat you have
heard about. What is saturated fat and is
it bad for us7
Thick or thin, we are all composed of
fat. It is a component of the membranes
surrounding every cell of our bodies. Fats,
also called lipids, provide padding protection for our body organs, keep us warm
in cold climates. give vitality to our skin
and hair, add aroma and f1avor to our
foods, and are carriers for the fat soluble
vitamins (A,D,E. and K). They are the
most concentrated source of energy in the
body, providing 9 calories ~r gram com•
pared lo 4 calories per gram of carbohy•
drate or protein. Therefore, fat can provide twice as much energy as an equal
amount of lhese other two nutrients.
Also, fats provide a long term source of
calories that carbohydrates and proteins
cannot supply.
Triglycerides compose about 95 percent
of the fat in foods and our bodies. These
are molecules composed of chains of fatty
acids, and may be either saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated, depending on the specific structure of the mol•
ecule. A rule of thumb for determining
the degree of saturation, is 10 observe
how hard a lipid is at room temperature.
Saturated fats are usually solid. Some of
the foods high in saturatE-d fat are the
meals, butter, milk, eggs, cheese and
and pastries. Foods high in unsaturated
fat Me vegetable and fish oils An excPpt1tm 1..,n~onut oil which ,..,mostly

hiod.., h1ih in ,.1turated t..it arf• Jl'i.11
1n c-h,,le'i.lt'rol Cht1le'i.len1I 1..,<l ,;terol
ont· l1! the l\>Hl 1-..mJ:i:.
,,I lat rnakin>,:
up thE' remaining 5 percent ol fat,;,that art
1wt Tnglvcendp.., Cholestef(ll 1, fLlund in
everv cell of the body. where 111s an
essential component ot tht>{"ellrnembram'
We cannot live without ii, but we don,,,
need 11m our U1e1s.The liver makes all
the cholesterol we need. It is then either
transported to the cell bodies; converted
mto bil1, ands; or uwd in building the sex
hormones. Bile 1.,, mJ1<,.pensablefor propt>r
d1gest1on offal J<. 11enters the small
The problem with cholesterol, 1s that 11
is well established as one of the major ri,;k.
factors for athero~clerosis and cardiovascular disease (dise.ases of the heart and
arteries). In these diseases, plaques form
inside arterial walls, restricting blood
flow, leading to strokes and/or heart
attacks. These plaques are composed
largely of cholesterol. How this buildup

you to buy this "wonder drug.• The fact
Is lecithin is made by the body in abundant quantities, and is widely distributed
in food.
When cooking with oils, it is important
that the temperature be kept low, not .
over 350 degrees fahrenheit. Some sources
say temperatures up to 400 degrees are
safe. The point is, not to let oils get to the
point when, they smoke. This could
destroy many of the nutrients and aJso
cause problems in the system when eaten.
This is why many people buy "cold
pressed" oils. Technically. there is no such
thing as a cold presaed oil. All oils reach

of cholesterol in the blood takes place is
~ matter of great controversy. One theory
1s that the buildup is directly related to
your intake of cholesterol from foods.
However, elevated blood cholesterol could
be due to factors other than dietary intake. Recent evidence shows that it could
be due lo an inhibition of 1he enzyme that
converts choleslerol to bile acids. This
would lead to a buildup of cholesterol in
the liver. and ultimately in the blood.
What is important for you to remember
about cholesterol as regards your eating
hab1t<;7Though there is no absolute link
hetween dietary intake of cholesterol and
c.1rdiovac;cular disease, risks associated
\>\!theating a diet high in saturated fat
an<l cholesterol are demonstrably large.
B.ilancmg your diet towards more whole
~ram,. fruils, vegetables and unsalurated
t.11c;; i, prudent Certainly. you can still
l',1t t'AAS, meat. etc., but do sv only in
nH'IClerat ion.
Now that we know some of the story
lli s.Jlurated fals, what about unsaturated
tats7 Why do we need them7 As mentioned previously, there are two kinds of
and polyunsaturated. Not all vegetable oils are
polyunsaturated. The two that are not are
coconut oil and olive oil. Coconut oil is
predominantly saturated, as mentioned
earlier, and olive oil is monounsaturated.
This is extremely important 10 remember.
By not eating polyunsaturated fats, you
would deprive yourself of two fatty acids
thal can't be synthesized by your body.
These are linoleic and linolenic acid. Since
the body is unable to produce them, they
are called "essential" fatty acids. Because

they are not saturated, they can carry fatsoluble vitamins around the bloodstream.
They also help build tissue, promote
growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria,
and conserve body heat.
Oils can have their drawbacks if they
are not properly cared for. Oils are endowed with natural preservatives like
vitamin E and lecithin. Lecithin is important because it helps fat get in and out of
our cells. Health food stores admonish

at least 130-1SO degrees Fahrenheit while
being pressed. However, it is important to
buy natural oils rather than highly
processed ones. Natural oils a.recrude
and unrefined, containing lecithin, vitamin E, copper, magnesium, calcium, and
iron. They always contain a little sedi•
ment, giving them a somewhat cloudy
appearanc,e. Highly processed oils are n,fined, deodorized, and bleached, removing most of the nutrients just mentioned.
They are clear and pure in ap~arance,
but lacking in nutritional value. Oils
should be refrigerated to kttp them as
fresh as possible.
In summary, keep your intake of fat
around 20 percent of the calories in your
diet. Make sure this is predominanatly
unsaturated, with some polyunsaturated.
Remember the keys to a healthy diet:
moderation and variety.


Sunday Brunch $5.95



VEMBER 11, 1980. A scrttning comm11ttt will
be sel up to reviE"w all applications
1 quarter 40 hrs/wk. S50/wttk.

Beaters for sale. x5153
Due to the success of last week's Meats
and Sweets potluck, we will hold another culinary orgy. 11-8, 6;00 D414
welcome. Don't forget your buns.
Desperately needed. Authentic Ronald
Reagan voodoo doll. Price is no
object. x5153
Opinions for sale. Top quality. Sliding
price scale. x5153


Will do typing in my home (Westside
Term papers, resumes,
forms. $!.SO/page. Call after 6 p.m.
weekdays and anytime on weekends.
Ask for Shelley. 357-7129

W.ashlnglon Wlnlrrlm '81
Washington, D.C.
Washington Centtr for Learning Altt'rnat1ver. is
a thrtt-wttk
on lhE"
1981 Prr1idenlial Inauguration
and National
Policy Making. Winltrim ·s1 will provid, 200
students with an opportunity
lo "Snalyu and
discuss the inaugural process as it rE"l-,tn to
larger national polky conctrns such a!>. Tht'
Economy. Human/Civil Rights. Business G1wernment Relations. U.S. Foreign Policy. Polrll·
cal News Reporting, Party Politics. Ent'rgy
and the 1980 Elections. ThE" highlight of this
year's symposium will be att,ndance at 1he in•
ausuration of a Prnident and the swt>annt,: in
of the 97th Congreu. WintE'rim '81 datl'!l Me
1-23. Deadlint' for applications
NoVl'mbet 15: application forms arr available
at The Office of Cooperativr Educatmn. Cost
of the svmoosium ;, $395 plus a $25 applica•
tion ftt if a studrnl chooses to stay in WCLA
housin(t. A studt'nt living outside 01 WCLA
housin~ will pay $190 plus the applicalmn ftt
Studt>nts should be awdre that this cost 1s in
at.ld1t1on lo tu1tmn .ii TESC
Animal Tt'chnici-,n
to dSSISI .in dl.jUdnum Sl,ttl wrth
ft'ed1n~. dE"an1ni,: and mamtt'nanct'
,,t the
Al54,1 ,ipporlunil)'
1s providt>d tn
carry <•ut a prowcl m dn drt•a ,11 lht' ,;tudt'nl s
,nterl'!lt. Preft'r student with 54.>mt'bad,i,;tl•und
in bi11logical sciE"nce
Fleii:ible hours Pay nl'i,:111lahl1•
Conservation Writer
S;rin Francisco
Opp<1rtumty 11•wr1tr .irt1dl'..., IPr \'Jr11,u~ ~,nr,1
Club publ1cat111n,; JnJ rn•Jule rt'rnrt., un {'ll
v1ronmental 1~sut•., Al"" 11pporlunit1f"<;h• .1,;•,,,t
m lht.' c11ordinat1un 1•/ , Jmp.11.:n., pt•rtmt'nl t11
Nuclt'at Wast<' C,1,i....1,11
l'rntl"<.llnn T,,1111~ul,
'>lann'S. Mmmi,: L,1w lfrt.,rm Jnd W,lt.lli!t• l'ri·
h-r 'itudent with n•mm1lmt•n1 IP env1ronm,·nl,1I
30~40 h(•ur,; Wt'i'J..
\'1,luntttr 1nlt>rn..h1p ,,111,t· "P,llt' pn•v1d1·d
Medi• T«hnici;rin
Stud,·nt mtrrn w,11 lw rt'"l'"n....ihl,· lnr JII rh,
technical w11rl.. mvplvt•d m th<' dt'vd,,pnwnl ,,t
..a tt·n-m1nutl' n,t,,r ..l1dt• 1.i11't'.,h.,w ,,n w,,nwn
m th<' Wa,h1n~t1•n Statt· 1 l'J,t1.,l.11un·Th,· mll·rn
will worJ.. with tht• IIT"l('II dm·lt,,r in tht· J,,
vdupment 111 lh<' .,l1Jt' 1,11~· ..._r1rt Th,· 1nt.-r11
will ,11~, Jevel1•p ,1 tr,H't•lm.: d1,;pl,1v l'n·tt-r
~ludt•n1 w11h th,· lll"lt',.,,u\
40 h,,ur., Wt'(•].. l',1y $0~ qu.in1·r

Aris M•nagtment Intern
Two positions open, onr each w1ntf'r and
spring quartus
WintE't qu~rter position:
to as!>ist with the planninK -,nd
1mplementalaon of a fivr•Sl-'IE' conferencE" on
arts in education in rural St'ltings and auist
wilh adm,nistraliVE' function, of Arts Coalillon
Norrhwest. Sprin~ quarter position. Opportu·
nity lo work with thr plannrrs ,illnd 1mplrmE"n•
lers of Seallle's lmag1nallon Crlebrallon in the
m,1ny fact'IS of tht' production of such a frst1v.il inc\udmJt scheduling.
lram1ng. t-valualll•n and hosp1talily .1nd to
ass,sl with thl' adnun1str.illve funl111•n!>of Aris
!~refer ~tudt'nl w11h
ability lll Wl•rk un<ll·r rn•!,~Urt'
.int.I .,,,mt> backftrt•und in Jrl~ l,•r rhildrt•n
40 h,,urs w,'t'l Sooo qu.irlt·r

my services. I will get limited use of the
still to produce fuel for use in the busses.
I am also soliciting prospective members
of a local alcohol fuel still co-op.
I want to approach people in a lighthearted way with music and theater, combined with workshops and demonstrations. A Montana group called the New
Western Energy show, has had considerable success rducating Montana citizens
about environmental issues. They use a
format similar to the one I propose.
Life is for learning and learning should
be approachrd with joy, as a creative experience. The prophets of doom have
calloused the consciousness of many
people. The general public Is alttady
aware that we have environmental problems. What folks want to hear att some
positive, pragmatic suggestions on how to
approach these problems. If you are interested in being a part of such a venture,
contact me, David Cox, in the ERC.
CAB 103.


Summl't Juurn.irlisl
1P wrih· .ir11, 1,-.. 1.. 1 ,t lllJtt•t
...,,.JIik m·w~p.1pt•r l'l,111•nwn! 1, .t\.1d.1l>I, ,1,
n•p,,rt,·r., , opv nl1l<>r-.,,nJ
,p,1r1, dt·..,I,. Nltt••r, Jq>t·nJ1n.: ,,n ,1ud1·nt...,
,1nJ bdll..Krt•und /',,,11u,n n·q111r1•,1h.11
,11,.Jc·nt hJ., d1•n11,n..1r,111•dJ "'lllll11!m,•nr t<>
pr1nl t••11rn.1!1,rnthr,•11>:h w,,rl.. ,,11 .1 ,tud,•111 ,, 1
••th,·r m·v.,p.1p,·r
Ill h .. 11r, v.,•1·J.. At1I''"' S:!.7!'i 1'<•1•1..
l'r0Jult1un A-.,1,t.1111
l lpp, 1 rlut11t\' t,, ,I< I .t, pr,,,lu, lh•II ., ........
,....!.int ,11
, t..!1•v1.,11•n
IT111•rn1,ill ,,....,.....
1 1,11h ,·I,·,
1r,,n11 t11·ld pr,,Jutt1o>n ''l>\'tJh" 1.111111.1,1,rit1·
1'r,,du1,· IJrl(· ,·d11 ,md d1r1•,! l'ul>l11 ",r1u,·
\1111,,un<l'lll\'n!-. l'rd,•1 ,tuLknt 1,h,, 1~ 1.1mil1.11
, ,lllWrJ-.
,1nd hJ, ,1 h.1,11 l,. 11 I,.
c:i,,und in \ 1d1•,,rn•dw !u•n ,ind" 1,1111
Ill h"ur~ V.t't'I.. L1ppn,,
\ , lun11-.T 111tt-rn,h1p '""'I'
,·,r, n .....·, l"•"d
f.,, tuflhl'I
( ""l't'IJ11\t'
tlo<, 0.\01

for college.

mh•rm,,111,n u•n!.u!
I d11lJll"ll
t .1h 1000 t't1.. 11t·

"'bny Army keserve unil!> -,,., offc-rin.it
.i p111i,:r•mth•t m;iy provide you up to 54.000
lo ht'lp p;iy fur your educ-,1ion. II you're,
l'liKible, whl'n you join tht' llt>~rv .. )OU m;iy
rc•ttdv,· munl'y fur tuilion •nd othrr eduC,i11li11n•I
<''-Jl'l'n.,.,,for culil'J,lt', YUl.illion;il or lt>chnic-,1
¼hool, '>II you c;in cuncentr.1le, more on
i,tt·ll!nK an ,•du1;iliun and 1,,...,...,
1111 ho\-\ lu p.t,
lo, 11
AnJ .ii'>,. l{,•wr\1,t \11u l,•.trn J ,!..ill and
••.trn J ,t .. ,lin~ inu,m~ of ovu SI 000 11 yl'.ilr.
I h.il, for u..,illK\uu, ,!..ill "11h \'UUr lul-,1 unit
iu,t lo hour, .t munlh plu, ll-\n v.rt>k-..tcli\l'
Jut\ for lr•inini,: \<'JI!\ Th .. h11u1~\-\Ont
int .. nupl
ynur ,tudw,
AnJ rh,• p.i\ "ill hl'lp
i.,1/i v11ur ,11h,·1
,·\pt·n ... ,-.
I inJ oul mor.• Jboul 1h1-.I dut.tlmn•I

SSC HPrnt•r 472-0bSo
l\n I 4u,1I ( )pportunitv



I mplnvo•r

Put yourselfwhere

Abtolutely Freel Three-month-old male
Springer Spaniel puppy. Friendly, relatively calm, points beautifully. 352-1560

Peace Corps and VISTA'Volunteers
have a tradition of sharing their knowledge
and skills with the people of developing
nations and here al home. They're individuals who combine a special sense of
adventufe with a desire to help other
Your college degree OR appropriale
work background may qualify you for the
experience of your life. Our representatives
will be pleased to discuss with you the
many volunteer openings beginning in the
next 12 months.
Nov. 12-13

Nov. 14


P~ychulnKY lnl,•rn
rt. Steilacoom
lllll'Tn will bt• lr,1111e,lh\. ,t,ltl l"Hh,,l,,~1!.I tu
,1Jm1n1,;tt'r p,ythPl,,i,:1t.1! lt''>I~ "tuJ1·n1 wtll
w,,rl.. ,,n ,1 ,h,,rt lt•rm 1•v,1lu.ilu•n v..1rd l11r
m1•n1,1lly111tr1m111.1I,,ttendt•r, '-,rudt•nr ,h.-uld
h.1v1•.111mt('rt·,t in pwth,,l,,Ky ,md m,·nt,1lly 111
Ill ht1ur.., w1•,·J..
\'1,lunll"t'r inlt•rn-.h1p 11111,h,·,p.11d

In(ormation table.
o a.m.-4 p.m CAB lobby

Nov. 13 Seminar. Noon. CAB 110



For Sale. Ski boots-men's
XL·700, size 11, used once (too small
for me), $100 or offer. Skis-Kastle
180 cm. with Look GT bindings, $65
or offer. Call 866-5188. ask for Aaron.

1 block south of
on divisio
for ·reservations



Hunter premieres several new songs
Saturday, November 29, Washington
Hall, 153-141h Ave., Seattle. Tickets:
Fidelity Lane outlets, University of
Washington HUB ticket office. Seating
is limited.

By David Cox
Some of you may have noticed the two
old school busses parked near the fire
station during the spring and summer and
wondered what was happening. An
alcohol fuel powered, solar.heated motorhome was under construction. Aside from
being the home of the owner, the busses
will soon be touring, spreading the word
about "soft energy" potential-renewable
energy systems and ecologically sound
technology. Soft energy systems deployed
on a decentralized scale have great poten•
tial for helping people to realize a
greater degree of self-sufficiency.
I'd like tu digress here and talk about
myself. Understanding my motives may
help you see the method to my madness.
I have a deep love and concern for the
natural beauty and grace of our creator.
Mother Earth. I clearly see that as long as
we nurture the land, it will nurture us. l
have been very grieved to study the rate
of environmental degradation. Al1 of this
destruction is directly related to the fact
that we do not see our relationship with
the earth properly.
It's not that we don't have alterrlltives
ready to implement; the problem is that
we are waiting for someone else to do the
job. This project of mine is a dir'ect attack
on that problem.
The primary focus of the touring group
will be the research and development of
small-scale grain alcohol (ethanol) fuel
distilleries. I intend to design. build and
deploy small to intermediate---siud stills
that would adapt themselves well to small
fanns. To date. I have two pots in the
fire. I have made a proJ?OS,alto a local
farmer to build a still for him if he will
provide the materials. As a payment for

lq:islatlve Internship Program
Applica.tion forms are now nn file in the Office
of Cooperative Education for the Legislative
which begins Winier
Quarter. Swdents lntertttt-d in this program
must ht- in their Junior or Senior yur and
have attended Evergrttn
for one ac,illdemic
year. Some of the legislative areas of interHt
!hat a student may apply for art--AgriculturE".
CommE"rce. Higher Education. Ecology. etc
has btto allotted four internship
!>lot!>for this program. ALL APPLICATIONS



Interviews. Early sign up in
Library 1213-Career Planning
Office, or sign up at Info. table
on Nov. 11-13.

Peace Corps




Assignments for positions beginning May
through Dec. 1081 are now being made.
Early applicants have a greater chance of
selection and a wider choicc- nf assign•
rnents. We encourage you to .ipply NOW
for these positions.
