Part of Disorientation Manual (2003)
- extracted text
the seventh annual
cl iS()1--i(illtc1ti()l1
a student-created
guide to the
evergreen experience
evergreen political information center
What you have in your hands is what we wish we had known when we first came to
Evergreen. Inside you will find a massive resource of accumulated knowledge that can help you
get a running start. The main goal of the Disorientation Manual has always been to establish a
form of continuity in a community that seems to be in constant transition from year to year. Over
the past couple months, we have spent untold hours updating and adding articles to make this
year's manual as relevant and helpful as possible. Hopefully, you can use this as a tool to get
involved in your new community and make Olympia feel like your home. For many new comers,
Olympia and Evergreen can be somewhat intimidating. Many people also find this community
very different from what they were lead to believe. But for a town and college this size, there
are some amazing resources and community groups. It might just take a little while for you to
find them. And if you can't find specifically what you came here for, there are plenty of people
here who will happily support you in your projects and efforts. Anyway, stay informed, get
involved, and don't let the rain get you down!
With bloodshot eyes from staring at computer monitors too long,
the Disorientation Manual Fun Kids
Philipe Lonestar Michelle Harrington a.k.a. The Ghost of EPIC
Michelle Pajka a.k.a. EPICal Unicom
Tim Simons a.k.a. Sir EPICsalot
COLLABORATORS: Jack Anderson, Nancy B., Catlin, Andrew Cochrin, Ezra Goezten,
Jamie Granato, Sara Mackenzie, Aaron Nickel, Jacob Rosenblum, Marco Rosaire Rossi,
Sky from Last Word, Jon Spangler, Melissa Tries, and all the collaborators of the past
disorientation manuals over the years.
THANKS TO: Peter Bohmer, John Cary, Lucas
Claussen, the Comer Store, Ezra, Rebecca
Gallogly, Illissa Mira, Jo Jo, Chadwick Landin,
Marco, Michael from Facilities Services, Miral,
Mumu, Yuh-line Niou, Toska Olson, Old Man
Quinn, Sharmila, Simeon, Emily Sladek, Little
Jonny Spangler, Tanya the Thomas, Theodora,
Trisha, Tumbleweed, and Katrina Zavalney.
The articles herein reflect
the opinions of the authors
and do not necessarily
represent those of EPIC or
the Evergreen State College.
The Disorientation Manual
may be reproduced and
distributed freely. Contact
EPIC for a copy machine
friendly version.
Campus Housing ............................. 2
Top Cannabis College ..................... 3
How to Throw a Party on Campus .... 3
Food Service at Evergreen .............. .4
Alternatives to Bon Appetit ............... 5
Center for Ecological Living&Learning.6
The Compost Controversy................ .7
Eat Sustainably................................ 8
Being Straightedge at Evergreen ...... 9
How the Cops Got their Guns ......... 10
Drug Raids, Cops, Maced Students ..... 11
Race Politics at Evergreen ............... 12
Aggressive Recruiting ..................... 14
Legacy of Murals ............................... 15
Generalized Education .................. 16
Wassup with the Administration ...... 18
Historx of Mayday.......................... 20
Trans/Genderq ueer/I ntersex History.. 21
Shut Down the WTO ....................... 23
Graduation with Mumia Abu Jamal...24
Oly & Israeli-Palestinian Conflict ..... 25
History of the IWW in Cascadia .... 26
Twice a Month Paychecks .............. 27
The Food Fight of 2000 ................. 27
Greeners Resist Sweatshops ........... 28
Student Activities and Achvism ....... 29
Student Group Directory................ 32
Gasoline ....................................... 37
Banks ........................................... 37
Low Income lssues ......................... 38
Where to Get Your Books ............ .. 40
The Low Down From Last Word ....... 41
Downtown Map ............................ 42
Restaurant Guide .......................... 43
Oly Bar's Happy Hours ................ .44
Places That Suclc ........................... .45
Biking at Evergreen ....................... 46
History of Music in Olympia ........ ... 47
History of the Olympia Police ......... 48
Community Groups Directory......... 49
The New MENtality....................... 60
13 Moon Calendar........................ 61
White Privilege .............................. 62
Notes From a Fatty........................ 64
Disabilility Resources ......................... 64
Sex Resources ............................... 65
Sexual Assault .............................. 66
Media .......................................... 68
Resources For You ......................... 69
Empire Strikes Back ...................... .70
Secretly From the Suburbs ............. .73
No More Advocacr·······················74
Note on the Schoo lndustry.......... .75
Though it's certainly convenient, it is not
the cheapest housing in Olympia, in fact it's some of
the most expensive. Many students have found
housing in town that gives them much more room
while saving around $100 dollars a month! For
cheaper housing, check the housing boards in the
Library Lobby and at the food-coops, Cooper's Glen
Apartments, the Olympian, or simply cruise around
the neighborhoods you are interested in living in to
look for FOR RENT signs. This may be time
consuming but sometimes it is the best option. Or
check which lets you fill out a form online and find
apartments in the area and then they e-mail you the
housing classifeids for free! You'll soon find out about
the many other quirks, pirks and disadvantages of
Campus Housing.
You' ll learn plenty of ways to prop doors
(coat hanger on the top comer of the door) and cover
fire alarms (plastic bag duct taped over the censor)
but there are a few other things we would have liked
to have been warned/told about:
When a fire alarm is set off (certain kinds of
smoke tend to set them oft) the cops have the right to
walk through every room, and they will, so when you
hear that beep, hide your shit. Also, don't mess with
your fire alarm once it goes off - they may make you
buy a new one.
If you have a roommate and they move out,
it's rad because you get your own room, but it may
cost you due to something Housing calls "Reduced
Occupancy". The way to avoid this is to find another
roommate, be willing to move to another room, or
keep all your stuff on one side. They'll charge you
money for whatever they can, so be careful.
Speaking of charging money, beware of
cleaning fees after you move out. It's usually cheaper
to take the late-move-out fee and stick around cleaning
than it is to be victim to their extremely high standards.
Be sure to follow everything on the sheet provided
by your RA detailing what needs to be done, and
don't be afraid to appeal unfair charges to the Housing
Arbitration Committee (a student board, ask your RA
how to get involved with it).
Partying can be pretty pervasive in Evergreen
Housing (see partying section), so if you have trouble
concentrating you may want to get off campus, or
spend a lot of time in the library or in the woods. But
if you're a social person it can be a whole lot of fun,
so we say hang out, open your door, take part in your
community and form many fond memories, but
remember you can almost always find someone to
buy your contract with housing (talk to your RA for
more info).
One last thing: Washington Title 59, RCW
59.18.040 exempts residents of public or private
educational institutions from the Washington State
Landlord and Tenants Law - or in other words you
exempt yourself from nearly all renter's rights laws
by choosing to live in Housing.
For many people who have never actually visited the Evergreen community (and for some who have),
TESC stands for rampant drug use by a bunch of ill-informed spoiled liberals. 'Last year the magazine High
Times ranked us as first place in their article on counter culture colleges which was described on the cover of
the issue as "Top 10 Cannibus Colleges". Although the poorly written article actually praised Evergreen for
it's alternative teaching methods and discussed how the school is not for a bunch of slacker stoners, most readers
of the magazine probably only saw the "Cannibus College" headline and this probably reinforced a lot of
damaging stereotypes. While many greeners regularly self medicate with marijuana and other drugs, new
students who show up at Evergreen expecting an easy college experience where all they have to worry about
is where to hook the next sack will be very dissapointed. Most of these kids end up dropping out during the
first year, or they learn how to balance partying and drugs with a real commitment to educating themselves
and being part of a serious (yet "counter culture") academic community.
118111 TB Tll■BIII I
Even though the dorms are state property,
they can be a great place to throw crazy parties and
in mos cases the RAs, Housing and the campus Police
are generally fairly cooperative. Most parties on
camJ?US occur in the Alphabet Soup and they are a
grea~ way to let off some stress and help sustain the
campus nightlife. However, there are some important
things to remember when you are planning on hosting
a party.
First of all, you have to make the decision
about whether or not you want to notify the authorities.
In most cases it does not hurt to fill out a party
application provided by Housing (ask your RA for
one). Housing will notify the police about the party
and they may swing by before it starts just to check
in with you. Even if you decide not to fill out an
application, there is a good chance Housing and the
olice wi)J find out about it on their walkthroughs and
hey will respond in a much more negative and
OAfrontational way if they were not ·nformed.
Second, quiet hours start at 1 :OOpm on
tdays and 1:OQarµ on weekend . If you have a
~ e party that i spHlmg outside or c n be heard from
a distance, the police or the RAs will definitely come
and tell Y, u o shut it down ifit ii, pat quiet hours.
Although gigantic loud parties with de jays or band§
that span multiple rooms and have a huge drum c · cle
ut front with danci:qg hippies are definitely
entertaining, eme
r that the larger it is the more
ikely it will have to end early (hint: set up a etwork
f dispersal points for an after party). In general, it
a-a good idea to send a representative outside to meet
he RAs and the Police when they conduct their
e · ere have beep any complaints,
etc. As well as showing a level of maturity, this tactic
will keep the authorities outside of the party when
they want to speak with you.
Third, last year the campus implemented a
no-keg policy and they were not afraid to enforce it.
Early in the year, one student was kicked out of
housing for hosting a kegger in his dorm. The general
rule for alchohal is that it must be kept inside. You
are not supposed to be selling or giving away liquor
to minors on campus, but if it all stays inside, the
police do not have much of an excuse to come in and
bust you. At really large parties where lots of people
are enjoying themselves outside, the police have been
known to show up and make an example out of som
¼;id by giving a breathalizer and performaing a searcli
of til,_e person's pockets and/or bags. The poor kid
usual y gets written up with an MIP and has to go to
gyie: ence but the party rages on.
Probably the most important thing to
remember is that when it comes down to it, the host
of the pai:ty can e held completely responsible fo
the activi ies of The guests, invited or not. Don't le
any of this scare you, just be friendly, ~ature, and ac
professional wheh dealing )-Vith the authorities and i
should all work out fine. Happy par~ying!
There's a fair amo nt of money available for
s}U ents wanting to host e ents through Housing. For
.instanc~ a few years ago there was a 420 party
Housing:paid for bands, food AQ.d advertising. As
y ur RA ho to apply for these funds, and rememb
your RA is given a certain amount of money per mon
to spend on he.i; or his residents, so make sure the
use it. 'lit..
Welcome to Evergreen! Now that you're rather than tossed in a dumpster. Most of the plastic,
here, (and especially if you live on campus or have glass, and cardboard discarded on site is recycled.
signed up for a meal plan) you should know what They offer some biodegradable disposables.
you've got to look forward to when eating on campus. Nevertheless, this seems to be on this campus almost
The food service provider here, Bon Appetit, advertises entirely maintained by the influence of a small number
itself as a growing catering company, founded in of students, staff of the organic farm, and particularly
California. The descriptions of the company celebrate concerned workers within the kitchen crew. Despite
its small business aspects and focus on the importance the claims made that environmentally sound operation
of community reciprocity and local exchange. The is policy at all of the company's sites, these practices
practice oflocal, small-scale, grassroots food service have slipped and even disappeared when not under
by Bon Appetit has always been somewhat of a mirage. the watchful eyes of these active few.
(After all, how small-scale can a "catering" company
Beyond Bon Appetit's failure to comply with
be when it's spread across an
it's own standards of quality,
entire coast?) However, upon
freshness, organics, and variety
selling out to the Compass Group,
_at Evergreen, are a long list of
the largest food service provider
\labor issues of which the site
in the world, the flimsy facade
management of the company
of Bon Appetit as a modest
l would rather the campus was
socially conscious enterprise has
ignorant. Among these issues are
been shattered. Bon Appetit
r harassment of workers by
claims to be unique, refreshing,
[ management, and the termination
and even radical in its approach
/ ., <of two workers without just cause.
to food service.
two employees fired were
boasts that only fresh, top-quality
done so illegally, without
ingredients and local, 75%
arning, proper proof, or
organic produce are used to make
investigation. With the help of
from-scratch dishes that satis
heir organizing union, The
vegetarian, vegan, and special
International Longshore and
diet needs with an ever changing, exciting menu. Warehouse Union, local 5, these workers are in the
What they provide in reality is rarely organic (don't midst of a long fight for financial compensation and
be fooled by the sign above the salad bar), frequently reinstatement.
re-used, and almost never nutritionally sound food at
The violation of workers' rights on site here
high prices. Variety often consists merely of differing at TESC is perhaps the greatest affront to the claims
types of pasta. Enormous shipments from low end, of social responsibility that Bon Appetit asserts. Abuse
national distributors such as Sysco and Food Service of managerial power, nepotism, and intimidation occur
of America tell us that the majority of Bon Appetit's regularly despite (or perhaps in response to) the
ingredients are neither local nor high quality. With organization of workers by the ILWU. Poor treatment
the exception of organic, fair trade coffee beans, few of workers and unfair working conditions lead to the
of the products available in The Market and The breakdown of service and quality even more than
Greenery are consistently worth what you will pay broken promises to customers. Such types of conduct
for them.
need to be recognized and called out against by not
To Bon Appetit's credit, they are at least only workers, but also the members ofEvergreen's
more environmentally cautious than most food service community.
providers. They participate in a vast composting
So what can you do? With so many faults in
project, in which pre and post consumer foods are a business that relies on our patronage, it seems like
sorted and donated as compost to the campus farm, the obvious response should be boycott. Unfortunately,
since it is the policy of Bon Appetit to cut
costs by cutting labor, workers who may be laid off,
rather than the company itself will feel the initial
blow. Further, due to the nature of the contract TESC
has with Bon Appetit, boycott only hurts the college
financially. For whatever backward reason, their
contract denotes that Evergreen cover the costs of
loss, while Bon Appetit keeps a set profit. This means
that stealing from and boycotting Bon Appetit can
ultimately raise your tuition and render workers jobless.
Be vocal. Bon Appetit is an incredible imageconscious company. They will respond to your
requests, comments, and demands! If you give Bon
Appetit your business, also give them your feedback.
If you don't, tell them why! Make use of comment
cards (located at the exit of the Greenery), e-mail
general manager, Rick Stromire at: with your
suggestions, complaints, questions, and concerns.
Show your support for workers by recognizing them
to management and making use of the tip jars they
fought hard to earn. Encourage your R.A. to attend
monthly lunch meetings with the management team
in order to represent your opinions.
Be active. Be responsible for your waste!
The recycling/composting project is supposed to be
self-governed but is in fact managed mostly by ONE
worker who sorts everything we throw away,
frequently on his own time. Simply taking the care
to dispose of our food scraps, recyclables and dishes
in the proper places can make this campus and it's
food service more ecologically efficient.
Be aware. Remember that this is YOUR
school. Know that the student body has the power to
change the structure and management of the food
service at Evergreen. It has been done before and can
be done again. Let the management team of Bon
Appetit and president ofTESC, Les Purce know how
you feel to get quality food service and justice for
food service workers!
*This article was written by an Evergreen alumna/us
who has worked for Bon Appetit for two years. It
reflects the observations and opinions of this writer.
Please keep in mind that everything in this article is
factual according to its writer's knowledge and research
but does not necessarily reflect the many views of
his/her co-workers.
We regret to inform you that this year there will be no oncampus alternatives to your new, strictly Bon Appetit diet.
It should be known that over the years Greeners had the pleasure of buying cheap and very tasty
sub sandwiches, pizzas, calzones, herbal tea, homemade soups, and many other delicious surprises from
the Comer located in the HCC. This very special place no longer exists. It was a student run, not-for-profit
little shop that was managed by Housing. Because they were loosing money, they were forced to close down.
Older Greeners know it as that convenient little place in the HCC that caters to your day and night
time cravings of sweets, toilet paper, and tofu weenies. It was our special student-run and not-for-profit
store but now it is being taken over by Bon Appetit! They are planning to close down for 2 weeks to "get
ready" which probably means that our little store is getting a Bon Appetit makeover! Under the new
management system it is rumored that there will be a Bon Appetit supervisor in the store at all times (that
doesn't sound student-run), many arrangements are still being negotiated. The switch is being made close
to the beginning of the school year so stay tuned and we at EPIC promise that we will keep you posted on
any new developments and anything you can do to save what might be left of the Branch.
Sorry first year Greener, but this option has also been negated for many on campus. Over the past
year, kitchens were removed from A building and the rest of the first year experience. So if you like to
make your own food you better buy a propane stove or make friends with some homies in the soup.
waste streams and pollutant byproducts resultant of our globalized food system have increased for a variety of reasons.
Typical contributions to these ' externalities ' include a greater focus on advertising through unnecessary packaging,
worsening environmental effects from transportation and shipment, and an expanding use of pesticides and preservatives
made necessary by the physical distance and time between production and consumption. Symptoms of this system are
more than apparent as our recently developed physical, mental, and spiritual disconnect between growing and eating
continues to expand indefinitely.
CELL is both a rejection of the ever-expanding, factory/laboratory based corporate food system in which the majority
of Americans now depend and a whole-hearted promotion of agrarian ideals involving responsible land use practices
and the conservation of resources through localized food production. It provides students and the broader community
with experiential learning opportunities that link theory to practice through the development of evolving models of
sustainable agricultural practices, ecological design, and holistic living in the Pacific Northwest Bioregion. CELL
encourages individuals to see the environmental and social implications of their living habits, while demonstrating
ecologically sound ways of living and building community.
Jh,e ()n1A-nic. rA-rfn
ifu?_ C,c,m,m,unit11 ~A-r~en5
The TESC Organic Farm successfully integrates elements
of a subsistence-oriented economy into campus life, while
simultaneously providing students with an opportunity for
hands-on, experience-based learning in an agricultural
environment. Through the Organic Farm market and our
relationship with Bon Apetit, students and faculty are offered
a chance to indulge in an array of locally grown, freshly
picked, and minimally processed vegetables, eggs, flowers,
and plant starts. At supermarkets, the full price of the products
sold is not displayed on the label, and it is our goal to
eliminate the often hidden costs of food production, including
ecological devastation, adverse health effects, workers' rights
abuses, and the economic difficulties now common to virtually
all locally-owned farms, processors, restaurants, and grocery
The market is open from 10am-5pm on Tuesdays and
Thursdays in fronfof the library building (second floor). o
find out more about Evergreen's own Organic Farm, visit
the website at www.evergreen.edu/organicfarm/home.htrn.
The Organic Farm Manager is also available on weekdays
The Community Garcfoni is an area of the farm
designated to bringing together students, alumni, and
community members who wish to have a place where
they can grow their own organic produce. This allows
people to be directly in touch with the food they eat
and encourages individuals to lean\, teach, and grow
To find out how to reserve a plot or for other related
questions, call the Community Gardens Coordinator
at 360.867.6145 or visit
()nr A-nic. FA-rm,h,c,u 5e
Toe Farmhouse integrates a classroom-style
atmosphere into the Center. It is a meeting place
where students, faculty, and other community
members can teach, learn, cook, eat, and share
experiences with each other.
To reserve the Farmhouse, contact Space
Scheduling: at 360.867.6134.
at 360.867.6160.
C,c,fnVC75t rMilitie5
!>efnt.ter,5 ~A-rt{en
The Compost Facility closes the nutrient cycle on campus
by recycling pre- and post-consumer food refuse111to compost
and worm castings. It provides students with a real-world
... learning environment and community outreach and research
opportunities. All compost produced is used to increase soil
fertility on the Organic Farm and the Gardens. On-campus
composting depends upon the student body's educated support
and use of the compost bins located throughout campus.
For more information on Evergreen's advanced composting
s y s t em ,
c a 11
360.867.6 I 45
v isit
Demeter's Gatden 1s a low maintenance, forage
style food system based on the design principles of
permaculture and other food forest systems from
around the world. It is a community based educational
garden that is open to the public for foraging food
and herbs and learning about the dynamic relationship
humans have with nature. It is a model for sustainable ~
Pacific Northwest forest permaculture which - as of
summer 2003 - is still under development.
To learn more or get involved in this project,
contact DEAP (Developing Ecological Agricultural
Practices) at 360.867.6493.
The Center is located on the far west side ofcrimptis and is accessible-1;,qth by ii trai(behifld 1;hl Arts Anncx'~i-id :.,:\:
Lab Buil<ii,ngs-and- by !"?~d: Ple,is'e,feel .free to stop by the f~1m anyti•m~ to vJ~it <lu~ fi_e~ds: g_re~!1hous:s,_c·o_nJp_9s\!pg__ .
fac1h1!'.•:s?J1~~ c}.l~~\f~ ~l.JJ1,~1~t-:~"·"'··~··· :·._ ·_~; ,.... :..~_,.,. ·.·.· ~-----: -
tJJ,,e, eom1,J,O,il
The Evergreen Compost Project was
conceived in February of 1997. The
fact that it took 4 years from first
idea to the first clod of ground broken
is partially due to the amount of work
and thought required to design a
small facility to handle all of the
college's compostable food wastes.
However, much of Tom Gilbert, Jeff Clug, Teagan
Robinson, Charles Hannah, and many others' time was
taken up cutting though the ocean of red tape that the
college strung in front of them.
Red tape is sometimes the product of innocent
ignorance, people not knowing any better. The people
who create red tape are not necessarily out to stifle
creativity. But whether or not individuals are to blame,
red tape is most likely to accumulate in front of causes
that the people in power do not feel are important. In
this case, the ease with which the directors of facilities
- the body that contains and shapes the school's spirit
- bruslfed eff a project that' c~ from a vision of a
sushl,i,:tal>ile campus, made it clear how shallow
Evergreen.'i sreen is,,
~c.9i;dmg to Evergreen 's ereed, students learn
~est ~ n they can translate their passions into
,nter~1plittary real-world projects. Not, apparently,
on diunp\$ ~ide of the classroom, for whenever the
oompost\'.et'S tried to make .a move that would hasten
the scboot owaros sustainability, staff frustr.;ited them.
This helped the composteers along, but in the end,
besides having to invent a new sort of facility to deal
with the school's special needs, the composteers had to
jump through hoops, do oceans of paper work, and
single handedly raise $56,000. On August 1st, 2001,
the first ground was broken on the organic farm. The
facility will be constructed by local artisans whenever
possible, and, by this year 's Harvest Festival (October
13th) should be finished enough that you'll be able to
walk around it and see how it will work. When you do,
you may meet Tom, come back from Vermont to see a
first step in his vision made real.
"The final step in the vision is a campus with a
zero-waste policy," Tom has said. He desires this so
that Evergreen can serve as a model for sustainable
urban communities but also, and urgently, because of
what he knows about Robanco, Inc., the Arizona-based
company that TESC pays to deal with their wastes.
Tom knows that Robanco will close the Thurston
County Landfill in several years, and truck the county's
trash 200 miles to the Southeast, to the town of Roosevelt
in Klickitat County. This is not news to the public:
Robanco was not secretive and, besides, that is just the
ways things are done in an era of increased privatization
of public services. Food and supplies enter the
community from distant sources, where they are produced
in specialized facilities, and when they become trash,
they are shipped out to distant places for disposal. That's
the shiny story told to the papers. Tom and Jeff knew
that the realities were not that bright. They knew that
Afew1ddividuals went above and beyond the call 1:he poorest, most minority-dense, and most economically
of duty in obfuscating them. Michel Kelly, Director-of desp~rate areas take these facilities on, because they
Facili~s, twice did not invite the s~ts who1iad don't have the power to combat them or the influence
madf41ife of getting composting onto c~l.l,S t'<rl~e to be able to o~Ject if the COII\J>any poisons them. Tom
meetings where vital<decisions and annol:lllcei;nents were and Jeff look!d past the front and found that Roosevelt's:
made. In the first qf tbes<' e~clusive rneetings, K~~ pppulation was the poorest in the entire state, and that
Smith, c6ordinatqr, o:6\he orgrutk farm fieilityf'wai &tiapco was c\ttrently accepting all ki~s of toxic,
named director oft\).e J![!)ject. ThisJeems to ~ e ~ materials there, including radioactive waste from
since ~s~vro'lnd likely"be dl'flle
's ~ - Hanford, ~though the site was not certified for this type
li3~e Snii#i didn't 'Y~ the.prop
ke'.blrin of hazardous waste. Any business that Robanco gets
th~ ~t·place~e decisioll atll9~f9,a
· supports the dumping of horrifically toxic substances
o ~ e d to.sqiedule t h ~ with
eh in the backyards of the people who can least object.
S. ~ that lie
ge During the endless meetings, what got to him most was
that TESC, once informed, did not rush to decrease its
dependence upon this abusive, destructive ,oycle.
Pt1 et, dmeeter o
"Who rules the school?" is a less importar1t' questjoi;i
.tD.lP yee, ended up puttittg 'If' lP'~t de
lhan what they believe, and the compost J?TOJCG! 1s a. tale
resources, and eff~ mt0< ~ _proJect, in,
( of beliefs in action. The students prevailed, in spite ~
sugpije~, public ~~menti, ~es, attj.l a:s'sistan
· staff. Arid bow about you? Will you be6.ilenced,
Qdu ting the,,oampµ,s allout the..need for conw.ostin~
towar~ your dreams, despite the school 1
these men~so•f'¥isfea.a Rw anns behind the~aes.
ti~ost facility is dedicated Ye tlie
memory o Kdagan Robinson, who Worked towards it
but died in a car crash before it was oone
With the changes of going to a new school and
community, it may seem that everything in your life
is in flux. Rest assured fellow Greener, one thing will
remain constant: you will still be getting your energy
from food. With accepting that truth comes the
realization that your consumption habits effect the
world at large. Every bite of food consumed is a
political, social, and environmental issue.
Although advertisements and corporate grocery store
shelves entice you with convenient food selections, .a
lot of the heavily marketed "food" is full of utterly
horrible shit. Hydrogenated oils and genetically
modified crops have unknown, barely studied effects
on human bodies. A survey of scientific studies of
Aspartame (ak{Nu~raSweet, an artificial s":eete~er)
showea that 921/o of mdependent researchers identified
it as dangerous, linked to headaches, seizures, and
*brain-damage*. (Curiously, none of the studies funded
by NutraSweeJ; were "able" to identify any health
· ··
The food industry is also replete with worker
exploitation. In the U.S. it is migrant and immigtant
workers in particular who get the short end of the stick.
The labor laws don't always do much good for
agricultural workers, whether it's because of the laws
themselves (for example, overtime not requiring timeand-a-half pay) or because the law is not enforced (for
example, businesses are supposed to be pimished for
employing illegal aliens, but it's almost always the
workers who suffer). Safety on the job is a joke, with
most modem fields being full of toxic chemicals
(pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers ... ) which poison
workers, and slaughterhouse work being listed as the
most dangerous job by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Coffee farmers throughoutthe Americas work in
sweatshop-like conditions, earning less than $1 (US)
per pound of "gourmet" coffee.
Life is not easy for anyone who tries to get by producing
high quality, organic (no artificial cheJ:lilicals), nonexploitative, sustainably-grown food. Transportation
of finished goods is a critical issue: How healthy for
the world are organically grown strawberries if they
are shlpJ?ed by diesel machines from 3,000 miles away?
On top of that, market conditions force the prices on
such products so high that they become accessible
exclusively to the more monetarily wealthy. It's a
fucking mess. But, here's a rundown for what your
options are for keeping yourself fed conscientiously.
Growing Your Own - Be it gardens, farms, or guerilla gardening
(gardening in otherwise unused space), growing your own food is
extremely satisfying and surpri~ingly easy. Watching little hard
seeds exploded into luscious edibJe green things is intensely fulfilling.
It is this connection to your food which makes you truly independent.
It is also cheap. The food is top notch. There are lots of opportunities
around Oly for access to garden space.
owmPia Farmer's Market -Aplli.1-October: Thursday-Sunday,
10-3. November-December: Saturday & Sunday 10-3. (401 Capital
Way (north of 4th and State), 352-9096)
If local pi;pqup;, music, arts, flowers, and an amazingly diverse
community interest you, then make the Market part of your weekly
routine. This is a great place to meet people, inhale rich scents, and
support the livelihoods oflocals.
The ThUrStOn Caunty Farm MaP - Is a directory and map
of small farms in the Olympia-area. Take a bike ride over to one of
the farms, talk with the growers, and enjoy the beauty ofsmallscale agr}cultur~. This is where food should come from. Putting
money directly m the hands of the farmers 1s exc1tmg for everyone.
Ptck up a Farm Map at the Farmer's Market or the Food Co-op
The OlYmPia F00d C0-0P - (2 locations: west side (closer
to l'ESC) 921 Rogers (154-7666); east side (near I-5) at 3111 facific
Ave (956-3870). The Co-op (Cooperatively run) is an amazingly
friendly, not-for-profit, member-owned store with high ethical and
nutritional standards, and an emphasis on organic and bulk food.
Comparable prices, vegan-friendly, and community bulletin boards.
The Co-op donates a lot of money to various non-profits, and is
always looking for suggestions on how to better serve the needs of
our community. For a small fee (waived for low-income individuals)
you too can become a member o:(the Co-op. Non-members pay
10% above the marked (shelf) price. Members can voteln co-op
elections and also volun~at the co-op and receive extra discounts.
Go to the Co-op. It feets like home.
DumPSter DWing -All corporate grocery stoi:.~.and many
restaurants throw away lots and lots of food every slngle day. A
prime example of this can be found on campus. Dumpster diving
is a topic best learnt by gettjng out and doing it and not getting
frustrated if you don't get immediate results. And yes, durnpstering
is illegal (aka theft, trespassing) oo take that into consideration.
5 hOPl irting -The corporate grocery stores fuck over their r,,orkers,
their distributors, the growers of the crap they pros;t\ss and sell, and
will try to suck your money into the game. Don't sfand for it!
Ultimately you'll have to evaluate it for yourself whether it is
ethically sound to steal from corporations. Consumerism is
consumerism whether or not you pay for it (the lllanufacturer will
still be paid, and the packaging will still need to be thrown away).
Consider the consequences workers face by their, employers if you
shop lift.-Also be aware of the class/race privilege y01'.i=ay be
exercising in the act of shoplifting.
Being straight-edge at Evergreen and in Olympia
is more difficult th~one.might.b~iev ,My:
on campus I fou d very few people ho
belief in living a
~ free life-style. I foun
people who did polibt,cal work ar&md
aware of t
ffects of
and doing
. Often t
revolved a
of al
e wo
usually say
. liz
that some
or may be too young
r. A
very alienating to go
smoking weed was t
instead of music, r a
It felt even more awkw1
mt p p e at
you were straight-edge and they expected you to be
self-righteous about it.
rug-free life-style is a big
deal. Smee
re given the "Just Say No"
from po ·c
at a lot of people do not
of rebellion. Living a
into a person's greater
"idea and the D.A.R.E.
tion · -g-ettmg;;ieopl
live h
rr me sage. is not ''peop
"childl'{\n should not do
drugs". This belief is extremely adul · t. It is similar
to the ridiculous and patronizing belie that "children
need to be protected". This just excuses the lies that
are created and projected by an adultist so iety. Taking
drugs and other forms o
1S a learned
act. Children do it beca
enated from
their own youthfulness,
they are alienated from t
Drugs are also used
down and stupid. People
States government used f
against the Ingenious peot;> ~vi., .ciu••--n .
it is the poorest areas in t
the most liquor stores. Drugs also make
of oppression in our society worse. Alcohol
use extremely sexist commercial
product. Alcohol is some way i
of all reported rapes. The "dat
obvious tool of patriarchy. In the US. Cigarettes not
only kill 400,000 people a year but are one of the
most environmentally damaging products around.
Tobacco companies clear large acres of land to grow
massive tobacco farms . Th
on animals. Cigarette smok
on and
e cigarette butt is the
· er
the United States. The
t only supports the 1
rporation, but also the
heroin and cocain
forcement Administrat
branches of government" i
in "drug-related corruption," while the US sends $7.5
billion to that same government. It has been reported
that U.S. military officials who have done work in
Columbia have been caught with large amounts of
cocaine which they intended
The way to deal with
not to
develop a self-righteous and
do not need to preach, or sm
hands, or break their cigare
for more laws and police p
s with an
honest discussion on drug abuse and addiction in our
society. It start with showing people good examples
ic . like,.Gandhi and Tolstoy, who saw drug
ample ol' the greater gluttony of our
. It starts' with tying to connect stopping
healthy positive life-style choices,
n or vegetarian, leading an active
d avoiding genetically engineered and
d foods.
s wi
· ·
people that even
if the
n" it is inevitable
that s
le w
. Alcoholism is
a diseas
of e
ho start drinking
ant to have
people no matter
ow much
" will not be able
uestions like, "if
feel that i
to e ru e
hould w
be ruled by
that this i
way that
r society
le will b
1their own h
CHl 1111111 S UOII S
In the late 1980s, upper level Evergreen
Administrative folks began discussing arming what
were then called "Public Safety" personnel who prior
to 1996, were not actually commissioned officers. It
wasn't until the beginning of the 1995-96 academic
year, however, that the arming of campus security
was formally proposed by Thurston County
UndersheriffNeil McClanahan who was, at that time,
also acting as Interim Director for Public Safety. Art
Costantino, Vice President of Student Affairs, then
made his own formal recommendation for arming
during winter quarter of that same year. Following
Art's recommendation, ere were several community
forums to discuss the implications of arming.
Despite vocal anti-arlljling se timent from
students, faculty, parents, and Qther community
members, as well as numerous protests and a petition
composed of an unprecedented 1200 signatures
opposed to the arming of Public Safely resident
Jane Jervis made her recommend tion to the Board
of Trustees supporting the I11]ing of'<Public afefy.
Soon thereafter, despite cogtinuing protest from the
campus community, the Board of Trustees voted to
recommend "limited arming" of Public afety. The
community responded with a mass sit9n, blocki'
the entrance to the bus loop.
The so-called "limite arming" of campus
security, which began m the 1996-97 academic year,
meant that the newly ordained Police Services had
access to guns i lockboxes and were allowed to carry
them on their persons from 6pm to 8am and when
"patrolling areas distant from their vehicles" at any
time during the day. In one fell swoop, what were
once generally helpful "safety" officers attired in polo
shirts and shorts became intimidating, and armed,
"police" officers in SWAT style uniforms. Along
with the more authoritarian appearance, the campus
police gained the ability to cite moving violations,
make arrests, and so on.
During the 1996-97 school year, complaints
about the use of excessive force and allegations of
sexual harassment of Police Services secretaries by
campus officers arose, and the officers involved are
still patrolling your campus. By the end of the 199798 school year, rumors began circulating (and were
confirmed by one Police Services Officer's account)
that the Evergreen Administration was just waitin
around for students to forget about the struggle to
prevent campus arming before moving to full-time
arming for all officers.
Sure enough, during September of 2002
Evergreen cops began carrying guns with them at all
times of the day. At first, the excuse given for the 24
hour arming was that there had been specific threats
made against students and faculty and the police had
to respond by increasing their threat preparedness
level. But as the year progressed it became clear that
members of the administration, the police, and the
Washington Federation of State: mployees (which
is the cop's unio1;1), were intent on keeping the
Evergreen police's full ti e arming status permenantly.
The cop's union claimed that they were concerned
about the officer's safety and by not allowing the
olice to haye guns at all times, the officers were
being forced to work in unsafe conditions. Vicky
Peltzer, the chief of police for the University of
Washing o wasorought in as an outside consultant
on the ·ssue and she tqo recommended that Evergreen
police be armed 24/7. ITTie Police Services Community
Revie Board held several forums around campus to
discuss full ti-me arming and in the end they also
recommende that campus police be allowed to carry
guns 24/7.
After re iewing the e recommenclations, Art
Constantino ch@se to follow along and recortunend
to President Les 'Purce that campus police be llowed
to carry guns at all times. Finally in Ma of 2003,
Les Purce made his final decision to authorize a
rewriting of campus police procedure to allow for
24/7 arming. He was quoted as saying, "the safety
of both the campus and our officers will be enhanced
by allowing our officers more consistent access to
firearms." And that is how the cops got their beloved
guns 24 hours a day and seven days a week!
c:a1111rns c:01,l,mt COP5. t ffl!C[D 5TUD[Ol5
Dill& HID5.
Pm.11:E sTnTE RJmns rrs 1-1rn11
On top of the fact that the 2002/03 school
year marked the first time in Evergreen's history when
police were allowed to carry guns with them at all
times, a number of disturbing events occurred on
campus that demonstrated the increasingly
confrontational nature ofTESC's police services and
their growing desire and ability to use the many
weapons at their disposal.
In two separate incidents during the week of
October 23, 2002, police conducted sting operations
in campus housing (T and K dorms) designed to take
down small time marijuana dealers. In both raids,
officers Perez and Adkins led the assualts with their
guns drawn to serve out the felony s arch warrants
that were authorized by police chief Steve Ht:mtsberry.
Both operations involved the use of undercover agents
acting as pot buyers. When the officers involved in
the raids filled out the incident reports, they ecided
not to mention that they had drawn their.guns. The~
did not even inform ChiefH
berry of their actions
during the operations. When asked a few days after
the incidents about the possibility that the cops had
drawn their guns Huntsberry stated, "I would be very
surprised if they withdrew their g ns." Wpenever
TESC police draw their firearms, it is campus olicy
to convene the Dead Force Review Board to
determ' e if the action was justified.
As word of the incidents
spread and the
thickened, Art
Constantino sent
out a campus wide
e-mail informing
the community
that he had been
the one
who had
l~f \\•
\\~~l1 • ~ tll1
• l\11
IJ' .if'- •\\\\\till
el: o9!\tt• ,,,
authorized the sting operations. In the e-mail he
explained that over the past year there had been
numerous students who had flipped out on mushrooms
and that they had endangered their own safety as well
as the campus's. He had authorized the police to take
down the mushroom dealers that were operating on
campus and in the process, undercover officers became
aware of some small time marijuana dealers who were
Housing residents. Hunstberry proceeded to authorize
the raids with Constantino's approval regardless of
the fact that they had nothing to cfo with the original
goal of stopping rr,iys room sales. As it became clear
that guns had definitely been drawn in the raids, the
campus decided to convene its Deadly Force Review
Right around this same time, during the end
of October, another incident occurred which further
strained community and police realtions. A drunk
student in T dbrm tossed an empty vodka bottle at a
passinj?; RA and,an officer who arrived on the scene
to check out a noise coipplaint was informed of the
incid91t. He told the residents that he wanted to speak
with the
student and hen he approached the
bottle-thrower, e student attempted to push past the
office and would not resp nd to his verbal commands.
A'fter a brief scuffle, the o 1cer procee e to mace
the student directly in the face and hand c ff him.
The student fell ro the ground screaming for ater but
the police did not allow anyone to approach him.
Despite other partygoers attempts at helping the maced
student, the police refused to allow anyone to
administer medical treatment for nearly half an hour
until paramedics showed up.
These incidents disturbed many students and sparked
a lot of debate about the role of police on our campus.
A series of community forums with Chief Huntsberry
were held and the Students for Police Accountability
and Responsibility (SPAR) was created to address
these issues. Although the Deadly Force Review
Board concluded that the officers actions in the drug
raids were justified, they also decided that the decision
not to report the drawing of firearms was explicitly
against the college's standard operating procedure.
SPAR now operates a number of 'Cop Thoughts'
boxes around campus for students to use in expressing
their opinions about TESC police.
Evergreen boats of its diversity, but as one staff
member observed, "Evergreen is alternative, not
diverse". The percentage of students of color presented
by the school includes students on the Tacoma campus
and students who are enrolled in study-abroad
programs. So, many misled students of color find
themselves feeling isolated and under-represented.
One of the educational tools we have at Evergreen
is seminar. In seminar we are supposed to have insight
on our studies by lis!ening ~o ~ur peers' interpretations.
Ye~, an overw~elming ma~onty of~r~eners are fr_om
white uppe~-rmddle-class-hberal farmli~s. The typical
Greener misses out on m_any perspectives. Students
of color often face tokemsm and are labeled raceobsessed. Students of color who are listened to when
they share often feel like their points are quickly
abandoned. This is
because Greeners
generally lack experience
with people from other
ethnicities, cultures, and
classes, so they don't
know how to further the
Many students of
color entering Evergreen
find that Greeners are
highly interested in
"ethnic" ideologies and,
more commonly, "ethnic"
products. We also find
social, and spiritual necessities that Olympia lacks.
FI ~ST p Eop LE'S
However, Evergreen does provide services for students
of color. First People's Advising (in Library 1400, or
call 866-6467) provides personal and academic
counseling. They have materials"available and are an
excellent resource for connecting students to other
services and other students. First People's also plans
cultural events on and off campus and they welcome
ideas and assistance from all students. First People's
provides support services to students of color by
assisting them in achieving their academic and personal
goals. Their services are tailored to meet the needs
of students of color and are open to all students
currently enrolled at Evergreen.
Surprised? Well,
students of color
have known that
Evergreen is not a
safe space and
more people are
starting to hear
about it. This past
year there was a
hate crime in
that these people are
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •.. Housing involving
entirely unaware of these
a student whose
objects' historical and spiritual context and are
room was broken into. Some CD's were stolen, the
separated from the people whose culture these products room riffled through, but most significantly was a
come from. This often leads to cultural appropriations, note left behind with a derogatory term written on it.
stealing someone else's culture, which is especially The term referred to a person of African descent while
fucked up when it is used for artistic recognition or the student's ethnicity was from an entirely different
for profit.
continent. So while this asshole was a complete idiot,
Students of color often feel as if there are
it still leaves the problem at hand. Intolerance,
absolutely no traces of our heritage in Olympia. We imm~turity, hate, and student~ feeling unsafe and_
cannot find people that look like us, movie theaters wantmg to_ tr~sfer <?ut. What is even more appallmg
that play our movies, bookstores that sell our books than the cnme itself is that Evergreen does not event
barbers and hairstylists that know how to work with h~ve a policy that deals with hate c~imes! While
our hair, religious establishments that reflect our
t~is ':"a~ th~ only documented hate cnme, plenty of
heritage, grocery stores that sell our goods, and
d1scnrmnatio? occurred on_ cam~us and stu~ents were
environments (clubs/malls) that are geared towards !lnally spe~g up about It. This, along with other
and accepting of our social habits. Students of color issues pertalillilg to people of color on campus brought
soon fmd that Lacey and Tacoma, which are both city folks together and t~e result is the formation of the
bus accessible, provide them with some of the physical, People of Color Umon.
POCU welcomes and represents all self identified students, faculty and staff of Color at the Evergreen
State College, and aims to foster the best possible educational/work environment for People of Color
at Evergreen. Our goals stem from our commitment to academic excellence and the belief that a college
must recognize, respect and support all students, faculty, and staff in order to excel.
POCU was formed to be a safe space, to give a voice to, and protect the rights of students, faculty, and
staff of Color. Our position is that a union will give students, faculty and staff of Color a voice in both
their own working/learning conditions and Evergreen's commitment to higher education.
As a first step, POCU is aiming to have specific policies against racial harassment and hate crimes passed,
and to provide adequate services for situations involving such issues at Evergreen that will provide a
safer working and learning environment for People of Color. Having such policies instituted at Evergreen
will affirm that the College is held accountable in protecting all students, faculty and staff.
In the long term, POCU will work to make Evergreen a safer environment for students, faculty and staff
of Color. In this process, POCU invites all of its members to take equal responsibility and participate
equally in the formation and operation of the union. POCU supports principles we uphold as being
essential to a decent society, such as social justice, economic equality, equal opportunity, affirmative
action, and non-violence.
POCU is not officially affiliated with the Evergreen campus but you can get in touch with them at 8676006 or pick up a membership form from the Women of Color Coalition office located in the CAB
building in office 206 next to the Deli.
This past year there seemed to be some tension brewing between the Women's Resource Center (WRC)
and the Women of Color Coalition (WOCC) around the time oflnternational Women's Week hosted by
the WRC. The conflict started when the WOCC published an article in the CPJ titled "White Women's
Week???" It brought to light the exclusion of Women of Color in organizing the event as well as in the
subject of the event. Many Women of Color didn't feel welcome at the WRC and the events they put on
were catered more towards white feminists. The article also called out the WRC and said that it was not
serving all women at Evergreen, specifically Women of Color. Both groups decided that the International
Women's Week will be organized by the WOCC this year, the decision was made after many dialogues
between the two groups.
Also, this year the WOCC ana the WRC switched offices, the WOCC be in CAB 206 next to the deli,
and the WRC will be in the 3r floor of the CAB in office 313. In what could have created more conflict,
the WRC supported the WOCC after the International Women's Week episode and really helped make
the switch happen. So now the WOCC office will be more accessible and visible to Women of Color
on campus.
Instead of expecting students and faculty of color to teach you about racism, try going to the numerous events already put on by
student of color groups. at these events you can learn a lot. you may feel left out or in the minority but don't worry! you'll learn
about racism. try to spend time talking to other white students about what you learned. don't wait for students of color to bring
up racism in seminar all the time. and when it's brought up don't just tum to the one kid of color in your class with a guilty look.
racism is white people's problem too. read some good books about it. check out the book list in this manual.
.G.~n.~ra'1li .z.i .0€1 E.d uc.a'!i .on:
s!a'nda'rdi .z.i ,ng -pfogr.~ssi .v.~~ .~d uc.a'!i .on
There is a national trend that is threatening schools this was a problem, few agreed on how to remedy
across America with hegemony. This trend,
it. Two basic proposals were made and both
packed full of buzzwords and jargon, is coming were voted down by the staff. Incidentally, as
to a college near you, very near you. We have all testament to deficient student democracy at TESC,
heard the phrase "education standards" thrown while students involved with DTFs are able to
around in candidates' political campaigns. Well, give their input, they are not allowed to vote, nor
it appears that these "one-size-fits-all" standards is any voting member of any DTF obliged to
are on their way to Evergreen in the guise of
represent student views.
"general education requirements".
According to Kelly Sanger, a student member
In 1998 TESC was graced with a visit from of the DTF, a survey was given to students and
the Commission of Colle es a ou of
re ortedl showed "overwhelmin su ort" for
commissioners that evaluate the accreditation the general education requirements. However,
status ofTESC every ten years. The only
students who supported GE requirements
recommendation the group had was that we make administered the survey. Consequently, there i
better efforts to integrate quantitative reasoning no telling how the GE debate was framed, or i
into the curriculum, a recommendation originally the survey contained inherent bias in its
set forth by Evergreen's self-evaluation. However, questioning.
despite some reports, there was (and is) no
One proposal, heavil
eminent threat of Evergreen loosing its
SC pro
ear ong and develop "learning co
TESC was criticized by the Higher
to develop depth and breadtp within a ubjec
Education Coordinating Board for having o
matter. Apparently, this is not the typ of d
"uneven" general education. These critiques
or br~adth that GE proponents desire. They
recommendations were the catalyst for a
maintain that while these pro,graais, d eve
challenging and passionate debate amongst
oter ~porter programs at-Ev!rgr_~n
Evergreen students, faculty and admini~tration tfc~lly in rdisciplinary, they are · practic
that became larger than its indivii1uai proposals. analo us·
er and perspe tive. Fo
This de~te has ~gun to resha~ liber!l arts
, pro
in the cia science
education as we ~ow it.
ma jtjpg
litical sc1en , histo
The contentionJ;,y gener
ce is ues
are all 111 '\'7itliin th
propone is that ~ergreen s
dis i li!le
ce and is
from Ev
een with an un
They cl
t t ose who c
r Ffu.mani,ti s I ve with nqt ii'"'Students to
e1r time
enough Scien
M'ath, ang th e wh0 COIIF at TESC, 1iTIA,;lWIJIIUll•vruiety ould ostensibl
to TESC interested in the Sci~nc leave with no add to more balance in the curriculum.
appreciation for the Arts or Humanities.
This proposal threatens the whole concept
Proponents of GE requirements insist that
of learning communities. While it is true that
Evergre,en programs lack depth and breadth, as learning community can occur in just one quart
well at.on · al analysis skills.
some faculty believe that it is only after the firs
Whife much of the faculty, students and quarter that real intimacy and learning truly
adminis1ratioo,in_xQ}ved'm the General Fducation begin.Also, two or three quarter programs allQ
· l i p ~ Tack ~orce- the committee (or mor~ breadth and ~ep!h as well as more
Here is your demographic:
You are a college student. You're
between 18-24, most likely. You
may not be personally rich, but
there's enough money in your life
(whether parents or loans or the
skin of your teeth) to pay for a fouryear school.
(Of course, ifl don't have the all of the right_ answers,
maybe you don t have to decide for )'.Ourself. Ha! Thmk about
that! No, that's actually a waste oft1me.) . .
The most infamous of these orgamzahons 1s
LaRouche. Here's a little background on LaRouche, as_best as
I can tell. (I qualify it because there's a certain uncertamty
about LaRouche's history - which 1s part of the charm) LaRo~che
was originally a member of the radical student movement m
the ' 60s. He has worked as an economist and activist. He was
convicted of fraud, and went to jail from '89 to '94.
LaRouche ran for president in '76 on the labor ticket
and tried for the democratic nomination from '80 to '92, as well
as running for congress from Vermont. His publications, including
the ubiquitous New Federalist, come across as highly mtellectual,
with Jots of Platonic and Socratic references. To be I 00% honest
here I've never actually finished reading one - they tend towards
histrionics and would seem to require lots ofrese~rch to .
substantiate their claims - so I'm not sure how ph1losoph1cally
rigorous or logically defensible t~ey are .. I do know sol!le of
the articles have nothing to do with politics, but are bramy
discourses on general philosophy.
You'll see some of his brochures, I promise.
Depending on who you talk to, LaRouche is either
a statesman and brilliant economist who was framed by the
government (www.larouchepub.com, www.larouchein2004.net),
or a "Neonazi," "fascist menace" (www.protest.net/v1ew). No
one has a lukewarm opinion about LaRouche.
LaRoucheites are some of the most aggressive
recruiters on campus. They set up tables on Red Square or in
the CAB and are more than happy to debate the finer points of
LaRouche's plans for hours at a time. They are smart and
articulate and they know LaRouche's teachings in and out.
'If you talk to them long enough, they'll ask you to
come to a weekend retreat.
Here is where YOU MUST BE CAREFUL.
Last year an acquaintance of mine we~t to such a .
retreat. He was weeks from graduating and had Just asked his
best girl to marry him. So~ds li~e _an ABC ~er School
Special, doesn't it? He was 1de~1st1c and pass10nate. H; was
also frustrated with the progressive movement and, here s the
key: he was looking for something.
He had always been dismissive of the LaRouch1tes,
but then they pointed out that he didn't really understand what
LaRouche stood for. True enough, he said. Considering himself
open minded, he went to a weekend retreat.
He was gone for about a week, and came back a
LaRouchite. He broke off his engagement and dropped out of
He was adamant that LaRouche was right, that
LaRouche was the only possible answer.
I am not here to say that LaRouche is wrong. I can't
say my acquaintance made the wrong cho_ic_e. I am only here
to say that you will be a target, and the dec1s10ns you make now
will affect you for the rest of your life.
So please - all I can do is as~-:- 9uestion everythmg.
It's not just your right; it's your respons1b11ity. Be careful_about
organizations that need to be pushy to get you to hsten. Fmally,
and this is just good general advice: don't spend the weekend
with anyone you don't know.
You are a target.
You are prime pickins' for a number of different
organizations. Credit card companies are salivating at the chance
to lock you into 19% debt. The military would love to send
you glossy brochures and t-shirts and te~ !Ilin~te videocassettes
and even video games based on the exc1tmg hfe of an Army
private. Bank of America wants to offer you free checkmg.
All this to get you - their prime demographic - to sign up.
I'm not here to say "Don't sign up for a Visa, stupid!"
or "Don't call the recruiter back, you moron!" but just to ask
that you think for a minute:
What will this action mean to you? What are the
short and long-term consequences of you doing this? Shut your
eyes. Imagine you go ahead and take t~e path you are
considering. Now extrapolate out. Project yourself mto the
future. What are you doing now that you made the fateful
commitment? It could be good - even great. I joined the Army
at 19 and it paid for my way to Evergreen, showed me a part
of th~ world I would've never seen, and paid off my Visa debts.
But my path isn't yours. Nobody else can tell you what to do.
You 're all grown up now!
That's why you are responsible for THINKING about
what you are about to do.
Okay, here's the gossip:
There are a number of organizations that recruit aggressively
at Evergreen. Greenpeace, for_example. I'm not going t~
disparage Greenpeace, but Christ, those people are committed.
If you haven't experienced this already, you will.
Bible Jim is another local character. He comes on
campus a couple of times a year waving big banners that say
homosexuality is a sin, Bush needs our support and more guns,
and if you don't believe in the Lord Jesus Chnst as your personal
Savior, you'll spend eternity in agony. Stu~like that. Now, he
has every right to be here, and I firmly behev~ people who
throw paint on him don't understand the subtleties of free speech.
But he's like Visa or Bank of Amenca or Greenpeace. He
wants you to be a cog in his machinery. Organizations need
growth; stagnation equals death. . .
. An~ so_me o~these orgaruzahons will ~e g°'?d. Their
ideals will be m !me wtth yours. TheJT cause w:ill be Just, and
they will deserve you~ SUJ?port. That's fine. Jom. Become a
part. But PLEASE thmk 1t through. No one person or group
of people-not the ACLU, not Greenpeace, not ~he f~culty, not
Christianity, not this Disorientation Manual ~r this ~1cl~ or me "If something sounds to good to_be true, it p_rnbably is."
- has all the "right" answers. You must decide what 1s nght for -My occasionally drunk Uncle Jun, and a m1lhon other sages
Furthermore, taking more short programs with a variety
of topics is one step closer to the structure found at
any "mainstream" college. Though they aculty shot
down this particular proposal, others like it may appear
In a second, more supported proposal, teachers
from different disciplines would teach a program
together. For example, a math teacher would be
involved in an art or sociology program. This proposal
does not necessarily create interdisciplinary education,
as it is likely that there would be great difficulty is
synthesizing or integrating these disciplines. It could
quite possibly become two classes within one program,
segmented and separated. As faculty Sam Schrager
points out, if there is no "organic" connection to be
made, it could be counterproductive to organize
programs in such a fashion. Furthermore, it is also
possible that teachers would be required to teach
unfamiliar subject matter, or cover information that
they feel dispassionate about. This proposal was
fficiallyiiefeated; butmeasures were passed to
periment with "cross-divisional programs."
~ final general education plan, passed in April
OOIJbasthree basic components: Expectations,
dvisin_gt and most importantly, Curricular
estructutjng. The Expectations are six vague
rinciples. that every Graduate is supposed to acquire
while at TESC, including that a student "participate
J.laborat;i.vely and responsibly in our diverse society,"
•as~el"CSponsibility for (his/her) own work," or
'COIQPlunicate creatively and effectively." What is
most interesting about the expectations is their emphasis
on qualitative/quantitative analysis, modes of inquiry,
d critical thinking. This emphasis seems to be
moting an exaggerated pragmatism and rational
that is seemingly ever present in the educational system.
However, omitted are any expectations of artistic
~ation or creative spontaneity, ostensibly all part
of ~-w.etl•tounded general education.
1 ~ passed was an agreement about advising.
IIT'---"·"-'--w:illconvey to students these new expectations
·sing conferences with their students each
on a self-reflective piece written by the
If. during these "summative self/' senior students or faculty come to realize
tion is not met, will the student then not be
graduate? The final proposal provides no
Most importantly, the faculty passed a curricular
restructuring plan. This plan's number one tenet is to
have the "dean and faculty experiment with alternatives
that provide greater access to quantitative reasoning,
science and art". What does that mean? Your guess
is as good as mine. What is most troublesome is that
this "experimentation" will occur, to my knowledge,
without student input or even quorum votes. The
second tenet is to create "cross-divisional programs."
These programs will "increase student access to more
quantitative reasoning, arts, and science options taught
in an interdisciplinary context."
What is most troubling to me is that no one is
asking if students should have access to general
education at Evergreen. Being that many Evergreen
students are transfer students from other more
traditional colleges, it can be assumed that many of
them have had access to general education and are
now wanting to hone their interests on their "major."
However, these general education requirements are
to designed"to give «access to ... Sciences, Arts and
Quantitative Reasoning for transfer and sophomore
and above students."
Furthermore, while some might concede that
students should have access to more cross-divisional
programs or a more broad general education, we must
still ask, should it really be a requirement? Are we
not just asking faculty to teach fish how to fly? It
seems to me that education standards are innately
problematic. How can 3000 diversely creative and
passionate students all be expected to get the same
thing out of their education? We do not pay thousands
of dollars for a standardized education. We are in
danger of being standardized.
It may be necessary and valuable to reevaluate
Evergreen 's standards, as well as its access to a more
broad scope of education. However, if freedom is
truly a component of a liberal arts education, these
evaluations should not result in more rigid requirements,
but more interesting options. Depth should not be
sacrificed for breadth, and the two are not synonyms,
as the DTF expectations would have one believe.
Most importantly, if general education is to be
implemented, it should be fair and unbiased.
The General Education development and
implementation has become the responsibility ofth
"Academic Growth" DTF. For information on how
you can get involved and exercise your voice, contact
Provost Barbara Smith.
Got somethin' for ya that not every merry Greenerto-be knows, a juicy little artful secret that no one's told
you yet. Scattered over Evergreen's campus, lodged way
back in nooks and crannies and stairwells, buried on
basement walls .. . Evergreen has a voice all its own; a voice
that has been gathering strength for many years now.
Tucked away are the murals and artwork of students, the
images, words and wisdom imparted to other generations.
Some are harder to find than others. The Dragon
Wall winding up the Library stairwell is heavily trafficked
and the largest mural on campus. Down the basement
library, below the first set of elevators, the second largest
mural, entitled "Democracy and Tyranny," portrays the
history of the Americas. An Elemental Goddess mother
figure births the world and the piece moves through the
Aztecs and Mayans, Conquistadors, forced native labor,
slavery mining and raping of nature, drug wars, rainforests
burning behind calmly grazing cattle, the rise and fall of
the Industrial Age, the corruption of currency, the eventual
fall of the skyscrapers and womankind rejoicing and
emerging into the light, harmonious at last. Mountains tum
to buildings, an image of Mother Earth strapped with an
I.V. sheds tears onto an expectantly waiting Uncle Sam, an
alien-demon figure sits atop the World Bank, sucking the
earth's blood. This mural shouts freedom at the top of its
lungs, replete with metaphors, cultural and historical
references and fabulous artwork. It was painted in the
Spring of 1989 and will strike awe into any onlooker.
Also entombed in cement beneath the library, three
other murals and one unintentional floor painting can be
found sleeping in their loneliness. One is a calendar wheel
for the seasons held by a water/wind woman, a fire
goddess/nymph and an earth or tree goddess. The calendar
covers Samhain, Yule, Candlemas and the solstices and
equinoxes of the earth. This one was created in 1997 and
'98 by The Students of Perspectives on Ireland.
Another greenish, abstract linear speed portal grabs
people's eyes from a far wall, shrouded in darkness. Down
in the comer the three word title is painted in small, neat
black letters: "Chaos, Calculus, Confucius." Former TESC
students Erik Phenix and Chris Evans are the masterminds
behind this brilliant piece painted in 1992.
So as not to give away all the details of all the
murals on campus and ruin their majestic character, I'll just
clue you into their whereabouts. Check out the A Building
Lobby and bottom floor plus all the stairwells of A, B, C
and D buildings (there's a ton in here kiddies!).
There's also an interactive quote wall spanning from
the 8th through the 10th floor stairwell in A Dorm. Created
without Evergreen's permission by a large group of rebel
students one December 13th, this wall contains quotes from
Dostoyevsky to Buddha to Plato, spontaneous poetry and
tons of character.
It's comforting to live in a place with art on the
walls. It gives the place a calm feeling and gives the eyes
many wonders to peruse. Providing an outlet for the student
artwork is one of the most important things a school can
do, and even though Evergreen's administration still has a
few things to figure out concerning the nature of art, freedom
and expression they do a decent job. Take the completely
random mural tour next time you find yourself blundering
about campus and enjoy the sights.
Every wall inside the dorm hallways can potentially be
painted, especially the stairwells, all you have to do is
submit a design to Housing and they will buy you the paints,
or you can not ask and use your own paint but you risk
losing your design and facing graffiti charges. Besides,
there's some kind of paint-restricting building code, and
I'm sure they wouldn't want to allow free speech that's too
I: \f I: HDHI: I: N DHt\'.~ ·it1:,)l""'l=i"I! TI '"t\ rI.I.·
Last year, Greener graffiti artists got their shit together and started an administration-sanctioned graffiti wall
on campus. It has gottten a lot of use over the past year and you can check it out on the side of the COM
building facing the fields!
Greeners have thus far refused to submit to the tyranny
(or rise to the responsibility) of Student Government, and
thus avenues for participation in the decisions made at the
college are restricted to the efforts of individuals and
independent groups dealing with the administration directly.
Most decisions affecting the college are made
unilaterally by the administration, with little or no input
from students. Other decisions at Evergreen are made by
committees (often called DTFs, or Disappearing Task
Forces) that are theoretically open to all students, faculty,
and staff. Unfortunately, the initiation of various DTFs is
rarely advertised well; most students don ' t even know
what DTF stands for. This system also means that the
opinions of people who can devote time to committees
matter most, which often excludes students with jobs.
Furthermore, the administration regularly limits the total
number of individuals that can participate in these groups.
Worse, if the students who are participating drop out
of the process, the committees rarely find replacements,
and thus many of these committees have no student
representation. Finally, the decisions of all committees can
be, and regularly are, overruled by unilateral decisions
from higher-ups in the administration, who may "forget"
or neglect to change the rules to reflect decisions reached,
or who alter decisions during summer break when most
students are gone.
Think of governance at Evergreen like a wide
field stretching out in all directions. While it seems very
open and welcoming of change, the effect is that people
are scattered throughout the field, shouting at the top of
their lungs, and while some people can indeed hear other
people, the administration is all huddled in a dark and
shadowy area of the field far away from the preponderance
of students. This region is known as the third floor of the
Library building; if you want to change anything at
Evergreen, your first good move might be to break your
lease and move up to the 3rd floor. Check into the campus
governance structures of other progressive liberal arts
colleges. Some have student representatives with real
decision-making authority guaranteed by the colleges'
charters. Some even have town hall meetings for the entire
campus. The evidence suggests that Greeners have
significantly less sway in the workings of the college than
at nearly any other alternative college in the country.
Many students suspect that corporate interests
dominate our college, but few realize how bad it is. The
eight people serving as the Board of Trustees are at the
top of Evergreen 's hierarchy, and are responsible for
everything from hiring and firing TESC's President to
determining the cost of on-campus living, to setting policies
for the entire institution. The Trustees serve a term of six
years, and are appointed by the Governor. They are generally
prominent business and community "leaders," as opposed
to people who know anything about life at this college.
*Trustee Deborah Barnett is a corporate executive with Microsoft and Citibank's TransPoint corporation. Citibank, an
accomplice of the World Bank, is North America's largest financial institution, and is a key financial backer of some
of the most environmentally egregious projects in the world, most recently funding projects that have devastated
Indonesia's old growth rainforests.
* Trustee David Lamb is Executive Officer with Lamb-Grays Harbor Company, which was taken to the National Labor
Relations Board by employees for trying to bust unionization attempts in 1989.
* Trustee Dwight Kiyoshi Irnanaka is Senior Manager of Employee and Union Relations at Boeing Corporation, which
produces military aircraft and has consistently tried to undermine unions ' attempts to secure decent wages and working
* Trustee Karen Lane currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Washington Biotechnology and Biomedicine
Association, which is a conglomeration of huge biotechnology and biomedical corporations (including Monsanto,
ZymoGenetics, Smith Kline Beecham, Battelle, BioGenetic Ventures, Biocontrol, and Merrill Lynch).
The other Trustees are Stanley Flemming, the Deputy Executive Director of Cascade Health Care Delivery Systems
in Tacoma; Bill Frank, Chairman of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission in Olympia; Marilee Roloff, Executive
Director of Volunteers of America of Spokane; and an Evergreen student named Anthony Sermon ti.
*The student Trustee for the 2003/04 school year is Anthony Serrnonti.
TESC's President is responsible for implementing the policies of the Board of Trustees and shapes the entire landscape of the
college's administration. Although most everyone agrees that Evergreen 's President, Les Purce, is generally a very nice guy (he has
even been rumored to participate in late night jam sessions in the HCC) he is still a powerful bureaucrat who comes from a corporate
background. Les Purce was formerly the Chief Operating Officer of Power Engineering, Inc. , a multinational electrical engineering
In April 2000, Purce was a keynote speaker at a conference entitled "Advancing the Northwest Economy through Science and
Technology" . This conference was sponsored by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, which is operated by a private corporation
called Battelle. Battelle works directly with chemical and biological weapons, counter terrorism, law enforcement, nuclear energy,
human genome-mapping, the Army, the Air Force, the Marines and national security.
Although Les Purce has been generally supportive of students' efforts around organizing against the war, he has refused to make
a statement against the war using the college's name.
There are clearly certain powerful figures within the administrration that see Evergreen as dangerously radical and these people would
like nothing better than to move the college in a more mainstream direction. However, you should not assume that all of the
administration is bent on undermining the more radical sides of Evergreen. In the past, students have found many allies within the
faculty and staff. Just make sure you use your discretion when dealing with the school's bureaucratic process and don 't let their actions
discourage you and your efforts at making the college a more socially and ecologically responsible institution.
1. "You are misinfonned, don't have your story straight, and/or nobody agrees with your cause." Have your facts well documented
and accessible. Have some proof that people agree with you (petitions, surveys, etc.) Experience has shown that students are generall)
much better infonned on the issues than the administration; never assume that the administration is right just because they tell you
they are.
2. "There Is No Alternative (TINA); the college has no options in this situation; it would be illegal for the college to do that." 95%
of the time this is total bullshit. Here's the translation: "Of course we could do what your asking, but it would take a lot of work on
our parts, it would open the doors to others demanding similar concessions, and, most importantly, it will make us look bad in the
press, with the state legislature, and especially with the corporate donors. As to your idea's legality, I really don't have a clue whethei
the college can legally do that, so I'm just guessing. I'm really hoping you'll believe me and that you'll go away. As you may have
guessed, I have no qualifications whatsoever to decide what's legal and what's not since I'm not a judge or the State Board of Education
and they're the only ones with the authority to make those judgements."
3. "We need to look closer at the problem (and look and look and look.... )" Be aware that if the administration knows you have you1
facts straight, you have popular support, and they can't give you the TINA, stalling may be the preferred option. The administration
can takelears to make the smallest decisions. Persistence and popular pressure are the only remedies.
4. One o the most frequent and disturbing excuses that the administrators have given, particularly when confronted about fiscally
supporting corporations that commit human rights abuses, is that doing otherwise would violate the college's ''neutrality." Don't stan~
for this nonsense. In the words of Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator and philosopher of education, "Washing ones hands ofthe conjlic,
between the powe,fu/ and the powerless means to side with the powe,ful. not to be neutral. "
istorv of Mav Dav
II the Administration's Resno
In Olympia and throughout the world, May
1 is seen as a day of celebration, community building,
and protest. May Day has survived and transformed
through centuries of tradition as a day to welcome
Spring, honor the workers of the world, and reclaim
the streets.
May Day dates back to Pagan Europe and the
Fertility/Spring planting celebrations of the Celts and
Saxons. Traditions of glorifying craftsman and dancing
around a large maypole survived through the eighteenth
century despite attempts by the Catholic Church to
outlaw the heathen celebrations as early as the 1600s.
The Catholic Church eventually incorporated May
Day traditions into its own teachings in a successful
effort to attract a larger following.
As history progressed, crafts guilds transformed into
labor unions and the celebration transformed into the
labor holiday now celebrated throughout the world
on May 1. The new identity of May Day began on
May 1, 1886 with a general strike in the United States
and Canada demanding an eight-hour workday. In
Chicago, the strike and protests were broken apart by
police gunfire that killed six and wounded countless
others. The next day, protesters gathered in Haymarket
Square in Chicago to protest the police brutality. A
bomb was thrown into a crowd of police officers
killing eight and wounding others. Eight anarchist
laborers were arrested and sentenced to be hanged for
this crime, though no clear evidence was gathered
that the "Chicago Eight" had thrown the bomb.
For the past several years, large protests and
autonomous festivities have occurred in Olympia in
celebration and remembrance of May Day. The Union
of Student Workers worked hard during the Spring of
2000 to ensure that educational events for the entire
Olympia community were held in addition to the
protests, as some Olympia residents don't seem to
understand the events. As part of the pre-May Day
festivities, USW planned a two-night event at the
Capital Theatre downtown. The event was to include
a report-back from participants in the recent IMF/World
Bank protests in Washington D.C., a teach-in on
corporate globalization, as well as an event entitled
"Students in the Movement: A showcase of the
contributions of youth and students to the movement
for social change."
The event was approved by student activities on the
condition that proper insurance be purchased for an
off-campus event and that the event be reviewed by
the school's risk management office. Purchasing the
insurance was no problem, but getting the risk
management office clearance was another story. Art
Costantino, the college's Vice President for Student
Affairs, citing his distrust of the union following the
twice-a-month paycheck dispute from a year back,
instructed the office to pull funds for this purely
educational event.
Each year, police tactics in suppressing the party and
protests increase. May Day 2001 was greeted by
dozens of police officers draped in riot gear, a
disturbing presence at the otherwise joyous
demonstration. Two arrests were made and a garden
made from the collective energy and creativity of over
150 protesters was plowed over. The site of the garden,
the comer of Harrison and Division has once again
become a vacant lot destined to become a gas station
or mini mart.
$vergreen has a history of activism around gender identity. there
have been transgender, intersex and genderqueer people at evergreen since
the school began. because of transP.hobia, genderqueerphobia, and intersex
oppression many people who identify as 9ender variant rn any way cannot be
out on campus. like in the queer community, there is also a history of violence
and repression ag_ainst those who deviate from "traditional" gender, sex and genitalia standards. evergreen
is no utoP.ia free from this bigotry. if you need basic education around these issues, as they are often
not included in the activist oppression run-down, see the internet link resources in the back of the manual.
~ckily, unlike many other universities, evergreen has exciting gender variant events and educational
opportunities. the trans forum began in '96-'97 which included speakers, panelists and question & answer
sessions. leslie Feinberg, a radical multi-issue trans activist, came in 2000 and spoke to more than 1000
students, faculty, and community members in red square. caitlin sullivan (who wrote nearly roadkill with
kate bornstein} came to evergreen several years ago as well.
two r.ears at evergreen, there has been a northwest trans, genderqueer, and intersex film festival.
it was one of the three film fests of this kind in the united states along witli Chicago and San Francisco.
there have also been fests in London and Toronto. this puts olympia on the map for the genderqueer
film extravagance! the film fest began out of a trans discussion group that began in '97-'98 with 20
members at the first meeting. A few transpeople and allies were tallcing at the end of the meeting about
getting together to watch the porn "tranny boys in the alley." "why not have more people get to9ether
and watdi exciting artsy gender variant films?" they thought. and so the festival idea was born. Beginning
in 1999-2000 the festival began as the "trans and intersex film fest" and was 3 days long. In 20002001, they added genderqueer to the name of the festival, though films on the sub1ect were already
presented, and grew to 4 days. The festivals included speakers, workshops, panels, films, bands and
art. almost 1,000 attended. the gender-nuetral safe bathroom signs during the festival got ripped down,
but, in general, minimal harassment was reported . the administration provided substantial funding and
support. many people came from seattle, portland, and vancouver to attend. The festival's last year was
in 2000-2001 oecause there was a lack of new student and community organizers.
~ona with the first film festival, transgender issues and identity became a
hot topic rn seminar discussions because of more outspoken gender variant
students. there are a good amount of classes offered on gender at tesc, but
they almost always deal mainly with feminism and sexism . if classes do talk
about gender transgression it tends to be a quick "special topic" or the gender
variant person in the class is permitted to teach the rest of the class about
trans and genderqueer issues. intersex is just beginning to be discussed in classes
more regularly as intersex activists are working hard to make sure the issue is
.addressed. it 1s not fair to tokenize trans, genderqueer and intersex people to
educate classes about gender variance. tliough these issues are just beginning
to become academically popular, academia already has a history of gender
activists and thinkers. professors need to do their own work so these issues
can be fairly addressed in classes without having to put the burden on gender
variant students to do extra work so their identity is not swept under the rug
in relevant discussions .
... '4
)I~ t
~ s past year a student did a contract on gender issues in campus housing. he tried
to work with housing to establish gender neutral housing solutions for ~ender variant
people who want or need to live in camf?US housing. housing told him 1t was illegal. since
the college is an institution they are legally allowed to gender segregate housing, but
they are NOT required to do this. genaered housing presents a very uncomfortable and
potentiallr dangerous situation for trans, genderqueer, and intersex people. to respect
all people s housing needs( there needs to be at least some gender-nuetral housing alternative.
opening this fall, there wi I be a trans dorm at wesleyan university in middleton, connecticut
so we ~now it can be done.
olympia sex conference last year was one of the first trans, genderqueer, and
intersex inclusive sex education and anti-oppression event. In the two years before, the sex and gender
conferences took place by different organizers. Both events included speakers, music, workshops, antioppression work, and panels that dealt, at least in part, with trans, genderqueer and intersex issues.
!l:st year, there was also a trans/genderqueer 101 workshop provided as a part of the women's
resource center international women's week. the survivor project, a trans and intersex organization
dealing with abuse survivorsf 8ave an anti-oppression workshop as a part of sexual assault awareness
month sponsored by the coa ition against sexual assault.
most schools, there have been drag parties and shows throughout the years. these are fun,
genderqueer events that have a long revolutionary history in queer and trans culture. these days, there
seems to be a dangerous appropriation of these events by non-queer groups to raise money. it is important
to think about whose culture you are using to raise money when you plan events. make sure you are not
using other people's histories to make a ouck.
evergreen queer alliance's mission statement includes gender variant people. originally called
the gay & lesbian resource center it was later changed to the lesbian & gay resource center. in the 80's
and 90's bisexual folks raised helL eventually the group was renamed it the evergreen queer alliance.
there have been trans coordinators since the late 90's. at one point, the eqa had 3 trans coordinators
and there have been varying numbers of trans members in the group, but more work can always be done
to make queer organizations more inclusive. intersex issues have not been addressed enough.
~newall/outh, olympia's queer and trans resource providing support and events, hosts a trans
discussion an support group that has been around for 3 years. contact them from the community groups
listings in this manual. aaditionally, the gender variant health care project provides health care consulting
and referrals for gender variant people in the area. they are also listed in the community groups listings
of the manual. last year, a small group of 8ender variant, current and past, students trained the evergreen
advising staff on trans, genderqueer and mtersex sensitivity issues.
~ m e of the issues gender variant activists and allies are working on this year include housins gender
segregation, evaluation pronoun issues, and sin~le-stall gender-nuetral bathrooms. feel free to 1oin the
gender variant activist list serve (oly gender act1vists@yahoo.com) to stay in touch about this work. also
check out http://www.tgnuide.com7Guidetashington .htm for a list of trans resources in washington
state. there ou will also md information a out a transsexual risoner su ort program.
, nA ~
Oreo books GN
· @ "o/'tl'
;'tJIIr=·Metro Body piercing and Tattoo GN
amf1nm1,,/4Dm,t,,,,n,,,,,, ~
Dumpster Values GN
r =Y"""·1~
Old School Piuo GN
All the bathrooms are single stall and can lock, yet not all are New moon Cale/ Quality Burritto GN
gender neutrol. this is the key: GN means genaer neutral and Batdorf and Bronson Coffee shop GN
Gmeans gendered yet still safer because you can go in alone. Troditions Gin the bock
Chopsticks Gin the bock
Chain Mai Gin the bock
Le Voyeur GN
Otto's Gin a hall way
/f, , n= ,/
Starbuc s GN
More than Friends (bar) GN
Ben Moore's- Gin the bock
Mini Saigon Gon side
Thai Pavilion Gin the back
.. /
fUltZ t!I ~ - · ·
CAB 3rd lloof'G
Lab l basement GN
Arts Annex G& GN
' "'-"
, ,
'"... ,\,
Greeners and Oly Gang heir
S~ilJT ll(J\\'~ T~i~:
When the World Trade Organization(WTO)
annoounced that it would hold its third ministerial meeting
in Seattle during November and December of 1999,
activists and organizers from around the country and
world realized that this could be their best chance at
throwing a wrench in the gears of corporate globalization
and exposing its destructive agenda against the people
of the world.
of the General Agreement on Trade and Traiffs which
was created after WWII to facilitate the lowering of all
barriers to international trade including tarriffs on imported
goods. The WTO was basically designed as an
enforcement mechanism that could be used to coerce
member states into complying with a neoliberal agenda
based on opening up national economies to foreign
investment, privatization of nationalized industries, and
allowing the unrestricted flow of capital and goods (but
not people). If a transnational corporation (TNC) feels
that a certain country has a law that it feels is a barrier
to "free trade" it can bring that country to the WTO and
a panel of trade judges (many of whom are ex- corporate
types) will meet behind closed doors to decide whether
that specific law needs to be repealed. If the country
does not comply with the ruling, the WTO has the power
to penalize it with massive fines. Time and again, the
WTO has shown that it will rule in favor of the TNCs in
overturning "barriers to free trade" such as human rights
and environmental protection laws. Every one of the
142 countries that has signed on to the WTO has handed
over its national sovereignty in
letting the secretive panel of global
trade j u d g es overturn
democratically enacted national
An amazingly wide range of
organizations and individuals
focusing on a diverse array of
issues understood that the WTO
(and corporate globalization in
general) was systematically
dismantling means of protecting working people and the
environment in the name of increasing the profits of
TNCs. As the Seattle ministerial approached, many of
these groups pleged to shut down the WTO's meetings
using non-violent direct action. During the week of the
ministerial, caravans from around the country converged
in Seattle to participate in the demonstrations and as the
opening day approached, it was becoming more clear
that a historical event was about to unfold.
Early in the morning of November 30, the day the
WTO's opening ceremonies were set to begin, thousands
of activists, including hundreds of Greeners and
Olympians, took to the streets of downtown Seattle,
blocking intersections, hotels WTO delegates were staying
at, and the convention center where the day's ceremonies
were to be held. This decentralized swarm of protesters
were loosly organized under the Direct Action Network
which was working to coordinate the civil disobedience
actions. Many of the delegates to the ministerial woke
that morning to the realization that they were trapped in
their hotels. As the day progressed, a massive Union
march funnelled into downtown backing up DAN's
blockades with tens of thousands more protesters. All
throughout the day, the Oly gang held on to the intersection
where the Nike Town was located. Somewhere in the
area of 80 thousand people took over the streets of
downtown Seattle that day.
While much of the media coverage of the
demonstrations focused on the private property destruction
caused by a small group of people, it was clear what was
really causing the biggest disruption for
the meetings were the non-violent DAN
protesters locking down in the streets.
They were the first group to be attacked
by the Police with tear gas, pepper spray,
rubber bulletts, and batons near the
convention center before any of the
vandalism had even occured.
It is interesting to note that while much of the corporate
media assumed that all of the vandalism was caused
by the same group, it is clear that this was not the
case. A small band of black-mask-wearing
demonstrators carefully selected symbols of global
corporate power and proceeded to smash the windows
of these stores and left behind spray painted anticorporate messages. Later in the day, herds oflocal
teenagers looking to take advantage of the chaos caused
some more property destruction and looted a few stores
without any sort of political agenda.
By mid-afternoon, downtown Seattle resembled
something in between a crazy strreet carnival and a
battlefield. It was around this time that word began
to spread that the WTO's opening ceremonies had
been cancelled and DAN's lockdowns had been a
complete success.
That night a curfew was imposed and the National
Guard was called in to secure the city for Clinton's
arrival the next day. Protesters woke up the next
morning to find downtown Seattle transformed into
a "no protest zone" police state with National Guard
checkpoints, Blackhawk helicopters hovering overhead,
and armored personell carriers filled with riot cops
patrolling the streets. It had become illegal to possess
a gas mask and the National Guard troops and the riot
cops used this new law to arrest as many demonstrators
as possible. All together, roughly 300 Olympians
were arressted in the protests and many demonstrators
who were arressted told stories of being tortured at
the makeshift detention centers set up at Sand Point
Naval Station and other locations.
Although the WTO was able to meet during the
rest of the week, demonstrations·continued and by the
last day it became clear that the protests had been an
unprecedented success when the ministerial talks
collapsed. Using the protests as an opportunity to
stand up to the rich countries, many of the poor
countries refused to sign on to a new round of trade
liberalization and the WTO was forced to end the
Seattle ministerial without getting anything
accomplished. What had been a secretive and little
known institution was suddenly on the front pages of
news papers around the world and corporate apoligists
were suddenly having to defend its existence and the
need for corporate globalization.
As this publication goes to print thousands of
activists are set to descend on Cancun to disrput the
WTO 's fifth ministerial meeting. GLOBALIZE
graduation sp~~ker
Ffv\-ftA ASJ ~\1~
You may have heard about Evergreen and the controversy
created when former Black Panther Party activist Mumia
Abu-Jamal spoke at its graduation ceremony in 1999. AbuJamal has been on death row since 1982 for allegedly
murdering a police officer in Philadelphia in 1981. His
trial was a case study in the corruption of the US Criminal
Justice system, and nearly every human rights organization
in the world has demanded a retrial. Abu-Jamal is
considered one of the world's foremost political prisoners.
(More information is available at www.j4mumia.org).
Students worked hard throughout the year to raise awareness about Mumia's plight and the problems
of the criminal justice system, encouraging students to write-in Mumia for the graduation speaker vote.
When Evergreen's first choice for graduation keynote speaker (Governor Gary Locke) fell through, Mumia
was chosen as the replacement. Following significant media attention and pressure from the state government,
the higher ups in the administration overruled the decision of the graduation committee, unilaterally selected
another keynote speaker, and reduced Abu-Jamal to a less prominent position in the event.
Despite this setback the event was a huge success. Before the day of graduation rumors circulated that
during Mumia's speech discontented seniors and opponents ofMumia would be playing horns or screaming
to make his words inaudible, but the speech went on with no disruption. Instead, the majority of the crowd
(students and guests alike) rose to a standing ovation.
After World War I, the areas encompassing Syria, Palestine,
and Iraq were placed under a British and French mandate.
The British government issued the Balfour Declaration in
1917 which established the area of Palestine as a national
home for the Jewish people (Zionist immigrants). The 1930's
brought a Palestinian revolt against British rule and increasing
Zionist immigration. In 1947, United Nations Resolution
181 favored the partition of Palestine into two independent
states: one for the Jewish population and one for Palestinian
Arabs. Jerusalem, considered a holy city to the world's three
largest monotheistic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism),
was to be designated an "international" zone, belonging to
neither state.
In 1948, Israel declared statehood and expanded to occupy
77% of Palestine. In the 1967 war, Israel occupied and
proceeded to annex the remaining portions of Palestine,
including Jerusalem. The Israeli occupation of Palestine
resulted in the exile of an estimated 500,000+ Palestinians.
Israel's victory during the 1967 war established the country
as a formidable military presence in the region. The United
States thus initiated a policy of economic and military support
to Israel which continues to this day. After 1967, Palestinian
self-determination became manifest in the increasingly visible
role of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Yasser Arafat
was elected chairman of the Palestinian National Council in
The secret Israeli-Palestinian negotiations of 1993,
conducted in Oslo, established the "Declaration of Principles,"
also known as the Oslo I Accords. This declaration recognized
an interim Palestinian government under the auspices of
Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority. The current
"Road Map" peace plan required the appointment of
Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen).
Throughout perennial attempts at peace, the United States
and Israel have concertedly excluded Palestinian leadership
from important decisions and negotiations, content to allow
Palestiniai;is to be represented by prox .
Current sraeli Prime · ·
Israeli checkpoints are densely
located throughout the occupied
territories; Palestinians are
identified by unique license-plates
and are detained while Israeli
automobiles move freely among
the roads.
A salient reminder of the brutality
of the Israeli occupation is the destruction of
Palestinian homes. This practice has been routine "collective
punishment" that targets Palestinian families as well as the
surviving family of those implicated in acts of violence. This
collective punishment is expressly prohibited under the
Fourth Geneva Convention. 8,000 Palestinian homes have
been demolished by the Israeli government since 1967.
During the Oslo negotiations, 740 homes were demolished.
2,000 have been demolished since the beginning of the alAqsa Intifada.
Since 2000, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian trees
have been bulldozed, uprooted, or set ablaze by Israeli
soldiers and settlers, 200,000 of these trees were Olive trees.
Settlements built since 1967 total more than 200; tens of
thousands of acres of Palestinian land has been seized by
the Israeli government. In the Gaza Strip, more than a million
Palestinians are confined to roughly 60% of the area; Israeli
settlers occupy the remaining 40%. Administrative detention
allows Palestinians to be held for up to 6 months without
justifiable reason. This period can be extended indefinitely.
The Israeli government can enter and search a Palestinian
home without a warrant. These are but a few examples o
the systematic denial of Palestinian self-determination.
Currently, Ariel Sharon has advocated the construction
ofa "security fence" surrounding certain areas of the occupied
territories. This "fence," known to many as the "apartheid
wall," is a blatant effort to further marginalize the Palestiniarl
population through an Israeli strategy that is remarkabl~
similar to the Bantustan policies of South Africa. By
· this wall, Israel is clearly definin the borders
estini state: 11orders that
· uous;
o enti
ns. CO
Despite Israel 's continued aggression toward the Palestinian peace in Palestine. Cindy and Craig Corrie, Rachel's parents,
population in the occupied territories, the United States
government continues to provide Israel with 3+ billion in
foreign aid yearly. After the al-Aqsa Intifada and subsequent
Israeli attacks on the Palestinian population, the Clinton
Administration agreed to provide Israel with a massive
shipment of attack helicopters. The United States government
is cognizant of how attack helicopters are used. On October
19, 2000, Amnesty International issued a report documenting
the use of U.S. military helicopters against Palestinian
civilians. Continued U.S. support oflsrael further diminished
any hopes of peace in the region.
The Olympia community has expressed a profound concern
for Palestinian human rights and self-determination (as well
as the safety oflsraeli civilians). Several solidarity groups
in the area are dedicated to promoting awareness and
encouraging peace in the Middle East. Numerous Evergreen
students have traveled to Israel and Palestine as members
of the International Solidarity Movement. In March of 2003,
Evergreen student Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli
bulldozer in Rafah while nonviolently attempting to prevent
the destruction of a Palestinian home. Rachel's life has
served as an inspiration to community members who are
dedicated to the pursuit of nonviolent social change and
delivered an emotional and heartfelt message to graduating
students during Evergreen's 2003 commencement ceremony.
They urged the graduating class to share in Rachel's dream
of courage and justice. The Olympia-Rafah Sister City
Project was created as an extension of Rachel's vision and
promotes the "strengthening of cross-cultural awareness,
understanding, international cooperation,justice, and peace."
The need for effective community participation in the
struggle for peace and justice in Israel and Palestine grows
exponentially with each passing day. Please do not hesitate
to seek additional information or express your concern by
contacting a local solidarity group. Our community has the
potential to foster a deepened understanding of the conflict
and promote an equitable, peaceful world for Israelis and
Links :
Middle East Research and Information Project :
Palestinian Monitor:
Rachel Corrie:
The Olympia-Rafah Sister City Project:
Olympia Peace Calendar :
Ul5JOQU or JU[ 11111111n [A5[ADIA
Early in the twentieth century, the Northwest was home to a very large industrial
boom. The need for lumber for the WWI war machine demanded increasing amounts
of timber be logged. Conditions sucked ass for the workers who were paid pennies,
ripped off by employment agencies, and treated like shit by bosses, cops and just
about everyone. They organized with the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World),
also known as the Wobblies, and staged a General Strike in the timber industry for
over a year. Though they won most of their demands, so many Wobblies were
_ _ _ _ _ _ __,
beaten, intimidated, jailed or "disappeared" that they eventually broke the union's strength in the woods
and forced many of these militant unionists into some of the more mainstream trade unions ... where they
promptly agitated for an even larger strike known as the Seattle General Strike of 1919. This had a great
ripple effect, helping lead to the Winnipeg General Strike, the Vancouver General Strike, etc.
This obviously pissed off the timber barons and the government since the US was at war with Germany
and there was money to be made with the blood of the working class. Lots of Wobblies and other leftists
were jailed/deported and in some cases, as in Everett and Centralia beaten, castrated, lynched and used for
target practice by really neat-o groups like the Elks Club and the American Legion.
Unionism was described as being dead in the decades following WWI, buried in a shallow grave
behind the Chamber of Commerce, so to speak. The state of Washington, the federal government as well
as the government of Canada made it a felony to be a Wobbly under what is referred to now as the Anarchy
Sabotage laws. Those laws made it illegal to advocate a change of government, to have knowledge of
anyone condoning this, to use or wear emblems suggesting this, the distribution of literature to these ends,
etc. This made spray painting the "circle A" - or even wearing an @ patch - a felony! Those laws were still
on the books up to a couple of years ago. Most everyone forgot about them except a few Wobblies who
were pissed off that they couldn't find any info about the union from 1919 on since along with the Anarchy
Sabotage laws there were shitloads of police raids and harassment. Check out the community groups
directory to get involved in the local IWW.
Due to the intransigence of the college's administration, efforts to move pay for student workers from
once-a-month to a twice-a-month pay schedule took the Union of Student Workers well over three years
to achieve success. Student workers got paid as long as six weeks after the day they worked and were the
only ones in Washington to be paid in this way.
In the first year, USW met with "standard administrative delay strategies" (SADS?!?). The school
claimed the focus was too broad when USW brought many student worker issues (livable wage issues, not
being allowed to work more than 19 hours/weeks, the once-a-month pay schedule) to their attention. They
then turned around to claim that our focus was too narrow when we brought to them a single issue - the once
a month paychecks! In the Fall of 1998, in front of 400 supporters, the USW confronted the administration
on their inconsistencies and presented them with a plan to move to a twice-a-month pay schedule. After a
long period of haggling, the administration finally committed to the idea. It then took two years of planning.
In the spring of2001 twice-a-month paychecks were finally enacted.
The spring of the year 2000 saw the not-sosurprising announcement that the college's food service
vendor for the entire decade would be chosen over the
summer, while the vast majority of the students were
away. A bit of research revealed that all of the
corporations bidding for the food service were pretty
shady. Imagine our chagrin when we discovered that
the leading bidder was Sodexho, a Paris-based company
with a monumental history of abuse of its employees,
violating health codes, and with major fiscal and
managerial ties to the for-profit prison industry (yes,
there are corporations that build and operate prisons
and make big bucks doing it).
We figured that this company was so bad that
Evergreen's administration would quickly drop
negotiations with Sodexho. On the contrary, they called
us liars, rumor mongers, and accused us of "falling
victim to leftist conspiracy theories." Their evidence
against us? A letter from Sodexho's corporate spin
machine warning them not to believe us!
We eventually succeeded in convincing the
administration that we did indeed have our facts straight,
but by that point, as they informed us, it was too late
to do anything about it - we got the standard "there is
no alternative" (TINA) explanation. We hung banners
around campus warning Sodexho and the administration
that they were asking for it, did some fun guerilla
theatre in red square for the summer school crowd and
the international students, notified the press, and
scheduled a massive town meeting to discuss the
situation with the campus.
Apparently somebody got scared because just a
few days before the town meeting the negotiations
mysteriously broke down. The college asked the
permission to extend the contract with its old food
service provider: the threats of TINA were bogus.
Students had kept the 2nd largest food service
corporation in the world off Evergreen's campus!
And then they tried to come back for 2001.
Realizing that time was short and that there was
probably little chance that the events of the previous
summer would repeat themselves, students decided it
was time to make it clear to Sodexho that resistance
was still quite fertile. 40 students and community
members greeted the Sodexho representatives on
campus in masks, camouflage and black clothing. They
read a statement warning Sodexho that coming to
Evergreen would be the worst mistake the company
had ever made, and implored the company to leave
campus immediately.
The administration, under the leadership of Art
Costantino, completely flipped. Within 48 hours
hundreds of"wanted" flyers had been posted around
campus, greatly distorting the confrontation, accusing
the masked protesters of threatening the Sodexho
employees with violence, comparing them to the KKK,
and encouraging the campus community to turn the
names of any of protesters in to the police. Their
evidence against the protesters? The accounts of
Sodexho's corporate spin people!
The administration eventually realized that
the protests would likely only grow worse if they
continued their witch-hunt, and the investigation was
dropped. Meanwhile, Sodexho (along with several
other crooked food service corporations) had dropped
their bids, citing an "anti-corporate" climate on campus!
The food service provider on campus now is Bon
Appetit. They are still a large corporation, but they
have nothing of Sodexho's infamy (Food Service
The Evergreen Students Against Sweatshops
came together in the Spring of 2000 convincing the
college to adopt a "code of conduct" for its purchasing
of clothing for campus sport teams and the bookstore.
Some background: economic globalization has led to
the establishment of"free-trade zones" around much
of the so-called 3rd world, where laws protecting
worker's rights, ensuring minimum wages, and
monitoring environmental impacts are nullified. This
is ostensibly to encourage investment and economic
growth. In many cases, the result is a paradoxical mix
of huge corporate profits and barbaric working
In addition to developing a code of conduct
to ensure the college was not supporting these types
of businesses, we were trying to get the college to
drop its membership in an organization called the Fair
Labor Association (FLA). The FL
is supposed to help colleges trac
their purchases of clothing to avoi
sweatshops. Unfortunately the FLA
board of directors is composed o
representatives from the ver
corporations that have been expose
for using sweatshop labor, includin
Nike and Liz Claiborne! Most o
the human rights organizations an
unions working to end sweatshop
labor consider the FLA to be an elaborate public
relations campaign put on by the apparel industry to
conceal the reality of the use of sweatshop labor in
the production of clothing for colleges.
We soon found out that the bookstore
management, though very sympathetic to our goals,
had no idea where most of the clothing sold on campus
was made, let alone whether the workers producing
the clothing were treated well and paid fair wages.
The management advised us to talk with Steve Trotter,
the college's Vice President for Finances .
When we approached Steve in the Fall of
2000, he indicated that his only concern with our
proposal was that we also work to educate the campus
on the issue and conduct a survey to see if our proposals
were supported by the community of students, faculty,
staff, and alumni. We organized several forums, wrote
informative articles for the college's paper, and talked
to hundreds of community members about our
proposals. After two months of this educational work
the surveys came back with greater than 90% support
for our proposals! We submitted this information to
Steve and awaited his approval.
Three months later we had received no answer
- it was as if the administration had simply forgotten
about the issue. After dozens of phone calls, letters,
and eventually even the posting of flyers highlighting
the administration's stall tactics, we discovered that
Art Costantino, Evergreen's Vice President for Student
Affairs had somehow taken charge of the decisionmaking process, despite the fact that it was clearly a
financial matter.
Art openly declared his personal support for
the FLA, questioned whether Evergreen community
members really understood what they were voting for
when we surveyed them, and even questioned the
validity of creating a code of conduct on the grounds
that it might hurt the workers more than it would help
~ them. Art proposed, after more than
ine months of diligent work on
·our part, that a committee be created
o restart the entire process.
We called a "town
eeting" to see whether the
community would support us or
. More than a hundred and fifty
, eople crowded into the library
, lobby. We presented our case, Art
, offered his rebuttal, and students
and faculty began voicing their opinions. Cautiously
at first, and then with greater conviction, students and
faculty alike voiced unanimous support for all of our
proposals. Then, in spontaneous impassioned speeches,
students began bringing up past efforts to make the
college more socially-responsible, efforts that the
administration had impeded, several of which had
never before been discussed in a public forum. At
points the entire crowd broke out into cheering and
applause. Not one person that spoke could understand
why the college would stall in its work to end
s w e a t s h o p
p u r c h a s i n g .
In the end the administration realized that
the opposition was simply too strong. The college
reversed its position and agreed to nearly all of the
goals of our campaign. Work is nearly completed now
on the code of conduct, but there is much more to do!
Clothing is but a tiny, minuscule part of the college's
purchasing, and one of the least controversial. In the
coming years students will need to continue these
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:JP,,e,,,,e, i4- a wlw.le, led
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~ ~ ~ There are a large
number and wide variety of campus based activities to take
part in at Evergreen: discussion groups, service organizations,
activist alliances, minority support and culture groups, art
and music collectives, and much, much more.
Evergreen bas a large number of"official" campus
groups that have a budget supplied by the college and at
least one paid "coordinator" who takes care of paperwork
and makes sure the group functions smoothly. These
organizations are not closed groups that require secret hand
shakes, embarrassing initiations, and membership cards
(even though at times it may seem like it): All of the students
groups welcome everyone to their meetings and the vast
majority of groups are highly receptive to new ideas and
individual initiative.
Working with campus student groups can be some of
the most rewarding and meaningful experiences that you
have at college; it can be highly empowering to work with
others for social justice, or for creative or personal growth.
These groups can also provide a really good place for meeting
like-minded folks and making friends that share your interests
and visions.
This section of the book will give you an introduction
to how "student activities" functions, to the groups currently
operating on campus, to a couple of the projects that students
have worked on in the past years, and to how you can locate
resources for your own projects.
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***** ••
student acdvktes
and acttvtsm
Vllfln·g Start•d
One of the better ways to get an introduction to the
various on campus organizations is to visit tbe 3rd floor of
the CAB (College Activities Building; its where the bookstore
is) in room 320. There you will find the offices for the vast
majority of the student groups. The folks at the front desk
will have a directory of all of the student groups' mission
statements, phone numbers, mail boxes, and hopefully their
meeting times and office hours.
Once you've checked out some of the options at the
front desk, the best ways to find out more about a specific
group is to leave a message on their voicemail or in their
mailbox, visit the coordinator(s) during their office hours,
or to attend the group's meetings. The initial meetings of
each quarter generally find a good mix of new folks and
returning members of groups and are the easiest ones through
which you can get "plugged in".
A word of warning to new students: The student
activities "community(s)" can seem very cliquish. People
involved in activist and/or creative projects often become
fast friends - this can be really rewarding for those involved,
but highly alienating for newcomers (at least at first). Also
frustrating is the fact that people who have been working
on projects together for awhile tend to develop lingo and
acronyms ("Did you see that speaker from the MST the
other day?", "What have your experiences with heterosexism
fJw.w. rnueA, ~
,. 017
<J'l,O-U13,4 .,,..,.,. .
. ..
. The Services andA~tIVItJ.es (S&f\) FeeAllocat~o
Board 1s a bureaucrac:y that ex.1~ts to determme the allocatJ.o
of money to fm;i.d vanous services offer~d on campus, sue
as the CRC, KAOS, the CPJ and the Child Care Center. Th
Board also allocates all_the money for all oft~e student
gro~ps at Evergree~. This m~;s the Boar~ qu!!e a powerful
entity; these ten I?a1d s~~ent representatives have near!
..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _., complete power m dec1dmg how the.student body of
Evergreen wants several million dollars spent and in man
WPw. mah.d- tAe ~ &,o4 '1luded
ways they are able to micromanage each student group's
The S&A Board is selected by a committee that
Most official student groups have one to three
aid coordinator(s). The coordinators' job is to do all of is in theory open to all students but which in practice usuall
the "official" work (i.e. paper/office work required to keep involves only a very small number of people; this process
the group's finances and events in order, coordinate events is not well known to students and requires only a bare
and projects, and help the student group remain accessible minimum of st1tdent involvement. The selection takes plac
to the public). In most groups, the coordinators do not malre this way because - for better or for worse - Evergreen does
decisions unilaterally, but are present to help carry out the not have a student government; the S&A Board is -not
visions of the club. Each coordinator has specified office accountable to the general student body and most students
hours, and most are eager to answer questions, or ramble never even hear about their decisions (many don't even
lovingly about the groups for which they work.
know that it exists!).
Student groups are run in all kinds of ways, from
This unusual situation means that S&A board, b
monarchies to oligarchies to democracies and beyond. Most its nearly complete control of dozens of organizations' fisca
groups operate by a particular form of democ a:fic process wealth, is the only organization on campus that hrs
called consensus. Consensus is popular at Evergreen, however institutional power to consistently shape what ty
it's not popular enough on a world scale to be included in activities are prominent on campus. As you migh
most high school or college curriculum. So, I'll give you a money can make or break a campus orga'nization1
very brief overview.
All this by no means indicates that the S4G Boar
Consensus thrives off of the basic idea that every is made up of J]<_>wer hungry assholes. The Board generall
participant in a group should be comfortable with the
has reflected a diverse range of interests and has striven t
decisions made by that group; that we can trust ourselves be as "unbiased" as possible. This being sai~ the &A
and each other to work out differences of opinion in a way Board is potentially vulnerable to orchestrated or aecidenta
that is acceptable to everyone. This means that, unlike in domination by highly opini~a~tions. ~fthe ,oard
the usual "majority rules" mode of democracy, consensus a large number of political!y conservative sfu · erlts on it, i
honors minority viewpoints, and considers them just as
may decide to reduce funding for the many prpgressive
worthy of discussion and consideration as the opinions of political organizations on carrwus. Similarly, a Board that
the majority.
thought that art and music Wf a waste of money could
How does this work? A proposal will be raised curtail funding to these types of projects. Less severely, th
by someone in a group, questions about the proposal are S&A Board can (an does) favor organizations that they
usually asked and answered, and then discussion follows. perceive as being well-organized and highly visible,
Concerns raised in the discussion are then addressed by the impressions that can be easily skewed by chance,
group as a whole as components are added or taken away circumstances, or personal interests.
and the proposal is reworked by all participants to fit
The other significant sources of power on the
everyone's comfort. "What happens when someone still
S&A Board lie in Tom Mercado, the S&A Board Director,
doesn't like the proposal?" In consensus, a single person and the rest of the non-student, paid full time employees
can "block" (or, veto) any proposal if they feel that it would that assist and oversee Student Activities. Althougll. they
threaten the integrity of the group or if it will cause the
all well-intentioned people, they present an "I'm Just here
person to leave the group forever. However, on smaller
to help tbe students" image which obscures the significant
decisions, most people with disagreements will simply
r e ~ power that is an unmistakable componept of the·
"stand aside", which means that they don't agree with the ·ob positions.
decision, but they can live with it.
Fortunately (?) these experiences are common enough that
nearly everyone involved in campus groups has experienced
them at one time or another, so many people have an
appreciation for how much it SUCKS! The folks involved
in student activities are a diverse lot, are generally really
kind, and genuinely want to create a friendly environment
for everyone at Evergreen. Communicating feeling
disrespected or out of the loop to the group or to the
coordinator can make a huge difference in challenging these
unfortunate dynamics.
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student activities
and activism
They can make unilateral decisions regarding budgetary
spending, hiring of student coordinators for groups,
and legality issues associated with any student project,
and they don't have to consult the S&A Board or
anybody else for permission. These types of situations
have come up numerous times.
It is important that students who are
concerned about these power issues actively work to
change the system and speak up when troubling
circumstances arise. There is no group that regularly
monitors the S&A Board (or any other decision making
body at Evergreen for that matter) and it is highly
unlikely that these issues will be resolved internally.
.fl View.
~ tPie,
Y'tudent .lfutiuitiu Y3CJ.Ctlld?
The S&A (Services and Activities allocations) board
is an annually selected group of students who allocate
your student fee money. The board is made up of
eleven-paid student positions as well as two Evergreen
staff advisors. The board is in charge of allocating
approximately 1.2 million dollars of your fee money.
The money is used to support the CPJ, KAOS, the
Childcare Center, the CRC, student wages, and
healthcare benefits. In addition to these organizations,
the board spends much of its time allocating funds to
support student group-planned events such as concerts,
speakers, training, and workshops. Board members
are the first to know about student-funded events, they
work closely with the Evergreen activist community,
and learn the ins and outs of Evergreen's budgeting
Being a board member is a prime opportunity to
become a part of a designated decision-making on
The Evergreen State College campus. Board members
are responsible for continually interacting with student
groups and making sure the process of requesting
support is understood. The duties of being a board
member are at times demanding, but undoubtedly
rewarding. If you are interested in the functions of the
board or would like to apply to be a member, we are
currently accepting applications for nine student board
members. You must be a full time student and make
a commitment for the school year. Time commitment
will be compensated with a $600 stipend.
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1:/.o.w.. do. IJO-U q,eJ; Yl'lo..twj &,<vi,
IJO-UII, a.wn,
So let's say none of the student groups suit your fancy
or your going to be working on a project on your
own; there are many other options on and off campus
you can go to raise money for an event, project, or
special cause during your stay at Evergreen. Here are
*Existing student groups regularly provide fiscal
support for students with no strings attached. The
Women's Resource Center (867-6162) and the
Evergreen Political Information Center (867-6144)
are well known for this type of support.
*Start an official student group and you too can have
a budget and get paid to do work on your interests!
More information on this is available in CAB 320 at
the Student Activities front desk or call 867-6220.
* The Evergreen Foundation gives out grants twice
a year for primarily academic projects. Pick up an
application in Library Room 3122 or call 867-6300.
* S&A Productions: There is special money within
the Student Activities budget for bringing musical
acts. Contact Greg Porter in CAB 320 or call 8676222.
* Housing Social Events Council and Housing RA's
have money for funding events of all sorts. Contact
Chuck McKinney in A Dorm Room 301 or call 8676191.
* Academic Programs. And if you can get two
programs to sponsor, than the academic Deans will
match funds. Talk to faculty. The secretary for the
Academic Deans can be reached at 867-6870.
* The Diversity Fund maintained by the Equal
Opportunity Office. They're located in Library Room
3106 or call 86 7-63 68.
First People's Advising Services has budgets to
fund projects for students of color. Their office is
located in Library Room 1407 or call 867-6467.
* Access Services for Students with Disabilities has
money to fund projects for disabled students. Their
office is located in Library Room 1407 D or call 8676348.
* Community Organizations (see community groups
* Rich Students, Bake Sales, Fund-raising Parties,
"Secret Cafes", Tee-shirt Sales, Performances in Red
Square, Selling Shit in Red Square or the CAB, and
much, much, more.
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student acdvides
and acdvism
The following is a listing of most of the longer running mentioned ideas, so if you 're into fun, art, and social change, look
postings about or meeting times, or you can contact us at 867"official" student groups at Evergreen. Individuals for
and groups of students working on other campaigns
and projects of all sorts pop up around campus Coalition against Sexual Violence
The Coalition against Sexual Violence provides
regularly too so keep your eye out.
Activists Working Against Racism at Evergreen (AWARE)
AWARE is a multicultural group committed to
facillitating and participating in long-term work toward ending
racism at Evergreen. AWARE can be reached at 867-6724 .
Asian Solidarity in Action (ASIA)
ASIA is dedicated ti educating the TESC community
about Asian cultures, while working to create a safe space for Asian
students to feel a sense of solidarity and community. Asia can be
reached at 867-6033
The Bike Shop
resources, education, support and adv·ocacy to the Evergreen
community. Many of our events focus on the prevention of violence
of all forms, including domestic violence and hate crimes. We
encourage students of all genders and ages to access our resources
and participate in our activities. Violence effects us all.
We would like to remind you that violence is everywhere,
including with our community. While Evergreen is known for
"peace-loving hippies" we are still susceptible to all forms of
violence, discrimination, and oppression. During the 2000-200 I
academic year there were 6 reported sexual assaults on campus.
75% of assaults are never reported. Two-thirds of sexual assaults
are only discussed with friends/confidantes and NOT with the
police. Know the facts . Protect yourself and your buddies. For
more information on how to do just that call us at 867-6749 .
Our mission is to provide tools, work space, and
instruction to Evergreen students and staff related to bicycles and Common Bread
Common Bread was started by a group of studertt
non other non-motorized forms of transportation. Call us at 867wanted to create a Christian gt:Qup that didn't fit the tereotyp
of Christianityi,, We are commitied;o-expressing our faith throµ
service, worship lll].d aation for justice and peace. We don't w
Camarilla is dedicated to creative expression, live- to just sit on our bands ·and talk about faith - we want to live put
action role playmg and unprovisational acting. Camarilla can be faith.
reached at 867-6036.
As we searched for a name, the image ofa "common
bread" stuck with ns. Bread is a vivid symbol of unity withiµ
Campus Advocacy Program
Christianity. A$ J;>ietrich Bonhoeffer said, "We share our bread.
This progr~m will provide advocacy to survivo s of '.(bus we a t e ~ qqu0:d tb one another not only in the SPJrif t,pt
I an4 domestJ.c v10lence. The advocate can proyide support tn our whole-~J:6,ts1cal beii
to expldre 'fliat
ources over the phone or in person. The primary goal is tQ dee conn tlo
te survivors about their options and to provide st}
us A
am can be re
Environmental Resource Center (ERC)
The ERC is a campus group with a mission statement
and funds to spend. There are two-paid coordinators who each
work eight hours a week. One of these coordinator positions will
be open for Winter and Spring Quarter. So get involved this fall
and you may get a minimum wage job saving the environment!
We're planning a campout in an old growth forest the
first weekend of the School year! Come to our first meeting on
Thursday, 10/2 at 2:30 PM for details. The ERC is one ofEvergreen's
oldest student groups. Prior to the Bush Administration and 9/11
the meetings were heavily attended and involved many events and
campaigns. Back then ERC was one of the campus' core activity
groups. Sadly, in recent years there have been fewer of us . But
now more than ever we need you to help us change that! Get
involved! In other words: HELP! Currently there is an across the
board dismantling of federal environmental laws. There are so
many sudden changes going on in environmental protection these
.day.,s-. W;~anLyou to schedule ~i;..erc.h.w~ef tq le3tr lflOJe and
he1p sprea,d the.1\v'otd so we can illliAJ.{e action.
~ ~
. ¥- _
e g enAnimal:RightsNetwoc~
~ · . EARN iriundamentallYnfi!i§{e<IJ!ii thf exp oiJat
? ".1. c'onsequentlr,-we strongl:flllNlOte .a 9J1el -fre
. striving to consume no lJ.r<f~:wlu~on ibu
ing). We
involved in acttvj .
Book to c ntribut tb!the
Evergreen Irish Resurgence Experience (EIRE)
We are dedicated to helping all who ould like to learn
about thei Irish/Gaelic ancestral background and its traditions,
inslucing sean-nos singing, Irish set dancing, the peace process in
Northern Ireland, etc. We can be reached at 867-6098.
Evergreen Political Information Center (EPIC)
EPIC is one of the oldest student groups at Evergreen
and during its existence it has organized students and educated the
community about a wide variety of issues related to social justice
and ecological sustainability. It has also been a venue through
which students have been able to challenge the administration's
policies. EPIC has always made its decisions by using the consensus
process. EPIC's strategy for building a sustainable student movement
on campus utilizes three organizing principles.
EPJ,C ,:e
mains e
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We are open to any student, faculty, or staff who would
like to learn about the Polynesian culture. We also wish to increase
awareness of issues that affect people of Hawaii, and serve as a
support system for students coming from Hawaii and other Pacific
Island nations. Call us at 867-6033.
more positive and caring environment by examining the personal
and political structures of male and female oppression. We also
want to promote physical, mental and spiritual health for men as
well as personal growth and political awareness. For info call 8676092 or email us: tescmencenter@hotmail.com
Mindscreen Film Group
Mindscreen serves as a catalyst and forum for the
JCC works to build and nourish a supportive community for advancement and understanding of contemporary and classic film.
Jewish students, faculty, staff and community who identify with We have free weekly film showings. Contact Mindscreen at 867the Jewish experience. JCC can be reached at 867-6092. 6143.
Jewish Cultural Center (JCC)
Masters in Environmental Studies (MES, Graduate Student Musician's Club
A bombastic crew to nurture the musicians community and
music enthusiasts alike. We provide events and entertainment to
achieve and collect performances and information of value to the
music community. Coming up we have a World Music Festival
October 25 Music from Seattle and around the world. Plus a free
drumming workshop put on by the performers. Last year we hosted
Masters in Public Administration
a number of events including a Blur Grass Fest. Rock, Blues, open
We develop and implement services and activities that mic, you name it- we support it. To find out about other local
enhance the classroom and out of the classroom expe ·e11ceM~ illu~,,w
makes ,!,iiilflFteailml
MPA students. Call us at 867-6630.
The MES-GSA attempts to identify environmental graduate
needs that are not being met by academic programs or other students
organizations., Theya lso sponsor the annual Rachel Carson Forum
in the Sprong. They can be reached at 867-6479.
Masters in Teaching (MIT), Graduate Student Asspcia
This graduate student organization strives to provide (:/'.o
and activities that support and enhance the educational e~peri
of students enrolled 111 the MIT program. c'ontacr then) pt
l\"fovimiento Estudiantil Chic"ino J)e Aztlan
!\Crves native stude
·ty thrdugh recnii
respect oteach indiv
do this through e
MEChA is a student orgatifzatitfn that promo sl I
ion, cultura, and historia. MEChA was foun ed
les of self-determination for the liberation_ o'f our p
i;elZe that political involvement and educaffon is the
ge 10 our society. MJI.ChA sponsors a rtl.ljllber of ev
rt''1:o educate and entertain the- carµp~s and S'1fl'O
we are working with high scliool stud~~,to
culture and opporttin.ities for politicl elJli)b
at 867-6583.
con · lse
· g, cos ,·""1·
with the concemed s
citizlms .a the t!>fymp1
eminist group
pt that Evergre
f racial, homop
and campus ev
Qi:tllliPM>W.~ ' ou!side" nee
o ~e8$,tbeiue~ources to
·son0,rJ\it~M,; £,~ help. PA
awarerl.Ms! to ,
<priaonJ~s ~y celebratin
ess Week, wor 1Il$\_Wl cBooks to Prisoners, Olympia
ting ands onsorin events on youth incarceration,
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Radical Catholics for Justice and Peace (RCJP)
RCJP was started two years ago when Evergreen students
and members of the local Olympia parish, St. Michael 's, joined
forces to create an organization that would bridge the gap between
Olympia-area faith communities and the TESC campus. Over these
last two years RCJP has sponsored forums and discussion groups,
worked closely with Common Bread, and organized
events to make a name for itself both at Evergreen and at St.
Michael's church.
The Catholic tradition has long history of radical social
action. Of course, the early Church-growing out of a movement
marked by deep questions of faith-consisted ofa series ofrelatively
autonomous faith communities whose existence stood in stark
opposition to the Roman Empire. More recently, manifestations of
liberation theology in both the global South and North have marked
the Catholic, political landscape.
During the early part of the twentieth century in this country,
the Catholic Worker movement, founded by Dorothy Day-a union
activist and member of the Industrial Workers of the World-and
Peter Moran-a French, immigrant farmer began publishing the
Catholic Worker (still available for its original price of I cent) and
organizing houses of hospitality. One can still find Catholic Worker
houses and community projects across the country including those
in Tacoma, Centralia, and Olympia.
For many Catholic students being away from home also
means being away from their parish communities. RCJP provides
a place for Catholic students to meet one another and build a campus
faith community. In a broader context, RCJP is committed to
collaborating with other student and community organizations as
they work to build a revolutionary justice movement.
lfyou would like to connect with RCJP call Michael Pfeifer
(faculty advisor) at 867-6 9.
1'nd Activities Fee Allocation Board (S&A)
This group is a student committee that allocates Services
fees. Bpard " em~. 1'rs)re selected at the beginning
l'(each year. &~ a.in be reached at 867-6221.
Hip Hop isn't the only thing the Student Arts Council is
about, we encourage, promote, and facillitate arts action on campus
throughout the year. We want to see the campus full of more than
just concrete- whether that means performance, art, murals,
instalations in Red Square or having art shows- we encourage it
all and will make it happen! Even having a crazy circus and arts
show with music are some ideas we are putting out there. Also,
from Part of Planet Art Network of Olympia, seeing time as art,
we brought in a raw foodist to create food mandalas for Earth Day
and ate them! As well as supported Jose Arguelles to come bring
his insights to campus. Time is Art! Contact the Student Arts Council
at 867-6412.
Student CD Project
The Student CD Project is a student-designed and produced
compilation of original musical work by Evergreen Students. Contact
the Student CD Project at 867-6636.
Students Against Hunger and Homelessness
Our main goal is to provide food to the financially challenged
persons who work at, and/or attend TESC. Call us at 867-6143
Students Educating Students About the Middle East (SESAME)
SESAME's primary focus is U.S. involvement politically
and economically with the Middle East, particularly Palestine/Israel,
iraq and other countries thast are soon to be military targets for the
SESAME believes that many of the contrivercial policies
that connect the U.S. to the Middle East involve issues thatstudent
groups at Evergreen are already working to overcome such as
econirnic, social, and environmental concerns that touch u all. We
strive to relate the way these issues play out abroad to the domestic
issues of racism, xenophobia, classism, and patriarchy. Furthermore,
within SESAME we are committed to organizing to be as inclusive
as possible, which ,means actively working against allioTTUs'o
Moreover we' are committed ot working with an
from the Evergreen community. Thi~ means re
student and community groups for coll
other groups in the work that
033. ~
Finding the money to provide basic needs for you self (and your family if you're
a parent) can be very difficult for those with a limited income. Many students find
themselves in this situation, especially in Olympia where unemployment and
underemployment are chronic - a town of limited employment and an abundant number
of students willing to war~ for poverty-level wages (WA unemployment rate as of
8/03 is 7.5% which is 1.3% above the national average).
Unfortunately, American capitalism teaches all of us from a young age that taking
assistance from the government is synonymous with laziness and selfishness. Furthermore
- its just plain "UN-AMERICAN"!
Despite the social stigma associated with state
and federal" assistance programs such as food stamp and elfare, many in this
"prosperous" country have no recourse due to economic and political issues beyond
their control.
If any shame is called for, it is against a capitalist system that
exploits workers and creates a class system that prevents people from attending
colleges and universities due to high tuition and unreasonable expenses.
It is a
deeply held belief of many that students should NEVER have to take out financial
aid loans to pay for food or health care.
*Fact: There are more low-income students at TESC Bhan at any of the other 4-year
colleges in Washington.
*Myth: There is a strictly limited pool of money available for food stamps.
Just because you ~ecide to collect food stamps in order to supplement
your food budget does NOT mean that someone else will not be allowed.to also.
free f .a.ad .apti.ans!
*Free Food Box: located at the TESC Student Health Center.
Check out Bread and Roses; they provide all sorts of assistance. See the communit
*olympia Food Not Bombs: located at Sylvester Park (downtown at Capitol Way and Legio
Free vegan and vegetarian meals every Sunday around 1:30 PM
*olympia Food Co-ops: located at 921 Rogers St. NW (west-side) and 3111 Pacific Ave.
SE (east-side). Provide a discount (10%) for low-income people and waive membership
dues. This program does not require documentation, but the co-op asks all interested
individuals to read a short history of the program before choosing to use it.
*Thurston County Food Bank at 220 North Thurston Street is open Monday Wednesday and
Friday 1-3. Commodity day is first Monday of every month
*vic's (233 Division) throws out fresh pizza almost every night. Most of the bakeries
and bagel stores in town throw away bread daily.
*There are some good dumpsters in Olympia. Check behind local restaurants and grocery
stores. Also check the Bon Appetit composting bins in the CAB loading dock; They thro
away bagels often. The HCC store dumpsters and compost bins are usually good bets too.
f I'EE
*Historically here has been a free box located next to the HCC that has served Evergree
for many years. The free box was removed at the end of the 2002/03 school year because
housing claimed it was being overused. You should harass them to get it back! Housin
tends to be a wasteful environment and people throw out everything from electronics to
clothes to furniture.
*Also check the Food Co-ops.
They are in the process of renovating their free boxes!
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Umoja in the Swahili language means unity. As an
organization, Umoja's objective is to mirror that meaning. We
provide support to Evergreen 's students of African descent and
promote multicultural exchanges both on campus and in local
coimmunities. We nurture ethnic pride and unity, mostly by
supporting the various interests, talents, and ideas of the peoples'
of African descent
With the future ofEvergreen's community in mind, Umoja
seeks to create stringer ties within the community and attract future
Evergreen students of color. Umoja also seeks to create stringer
solidarity among the members of the TESC Umoja chapter and
fwther the visibility of African herita -0n,eampus. Contact UID6.
U.,Ued G,raduate Student Associa n
We represent students enrolled U!J the three IW)dlpte progr:aim
~ -strengthen the graduate stullenl ·community through social,
__ J
"tical, and edu°"tional colla\oration. Call us at 867-5214.
oice Americans and mobiliz
d rights. We ar
ductive health is
n cam us, an pr
t discussions and
. VO
educate young
fr roductive
ise awareness
1de a forum for
The CPJ staff is always looking for submissions in the forms of
articles, letters, art, etc. Their deadline is usually Monday to get
into Thursday's edition. Using the CPJ is one of the most direct
ways to get your voice beard on campus. They accept submissions
from any student about any topic. Make sure to read it each week,
too. You can find the CPJ in receptacles all around campus. You
can get in touch with your student newspaper by dropping by or
calling the above numbers. You can also e-mail them at
The Evergreen Free Press
The Evergreen Free Press was a radical student newspaper that
functioned.from 19 8 threugh 994 and is now located, iniill its
splendorous entirety, in the Library Archives (stack 2E2.5-2.6.)
The EFP often took up where the, CPJ leav o~ allowing more
freedom for its writers and contributors, and, more specifically, not
wtowi9,g-tq;administrative pressure to exclude a more radical
e goings-on here on campus and beyond.
you 're ·
in the true history of Evergreen, you should head
on u
e friendly folks in the Archives Office on the second
floor ofthe1Library. If you're more interested in exposing the
adrninisti-ati~e dementia, writing political cri116sm, and publis~g
a newspaper y ill should find
e uiends and try to start it p
Take Action with
environment, protect public h
and homele~sne s, and mo
Washington Smd nt Public In
to defend the pul:ilic interest,
special interest . Volunteer or
tJ)e skills to b
interest ass!
Women of
tudent Activ
ard in the Housing Community Ce
Ih.e I.el.eph.an.e Rssistan.c.e Pr.agra m
If you have food stamp benefits (or any other type of state or federal assistance)
XOU ARE ELIGIBLE for the Telephone Assistance Program.
It should come as no surprise
~hat when you receive food stamp benefits that NO ONE ~ells you about th~ existence of
the Telephone Assistance Program, even though you are eligible. After you recover from
being angry about that, call Qwest (the telephone company) at 1-800-244-1111.
Tell Qwest that you would like to get on the Te ephone Assistance Program. They
will need your client ID nu~er from your food stamps paperwork. There is surprisingly
little bureaucracy involved in this process, so you should be seeing the benefits by
your next phone bill. The program usually cuts your basi -rate (non-long distance) phone
bill by 2/3rds.
{/~ail!: Fu~r;a~c~ !?ram for low-income people called
The application process is simple and easy.
Monthly premium payments
can be as low as $10 for full medical insurance. To apply contact the Washington State
Health Care Authority at 1-800-826-2444 (ask for a Basic Health application packet),
pick up a packet at the Health Center, or find information and an application on-line
at http://www.wa.gov/hca (click on Basic Health).
Basic Health does not provide dental insurance. Go to the TESC Student Health
Center for information on low-income dental care options. They are extremely limited
and there is often a waiting lis
or mos
tl.tine services. Emergency dental services
are, however, available w1th a minimum wait and wi~:r r,.-=~ts on a sliding scale.
e s~a~e llili,e incurred many financial tro ies sometimes Basic Health
stops accepting new appli'Clati:t•~ Check the website or call them
find out. The Olympia
Community Setv ces Offid• (dSC,,.:. 1J4Ill8 place you get food stamps) !I
takes care of
financial and
dical assistan~e. ][:lhancial and medical assistance t
h the Olympia
cso is strictly
an EMERGENCY basts. This includes unexpected, aergen
such as homele~ ne~s and pregnancJ:, The CSO does not provide funds f
unwanted pregnancie~. Financial and medical assistance form the C$0 it
do ditional.
Call them if you ha~e questions about a specific situation and whh
u may qualify
for these benefits.
Ch.eagft~ m,ad.n~!:
;o.q-;~ in school is to get a diploma, find put about some
of the
ys to get i~ fast and cheap. CLEP (college-leivel e x ~ t i o n ~ Q ~ ) tests
are che'-P:i, easy ad
11 give you credits. Classes at SPSCC ( ~ Puget Sound Community
College) a,re als ~~: ly che p. PLE (prior learning from ~ i ~ e ) is a program offered
through Bve't~el!ln t&at offers credits for non-classroom e~ri'!irices.
Academic Advising
(866-6312) ban !i
you ·non these alternatives.
Not from Washingto? Parents give you little or nothing? Get Washington residency
and pay in-state Tuition! Start this process now! Note that this is a yearlong process
and MUST be started before the first day of S'Chooll This year some rules have changed
and it is harder to qualify, make sure you start this prpcess now if you want to qualify.
Before school starts, immediately, you need to open a bank account in the state,
register to vote, and get your Driver's License or !D card IN THIS STATE and register
your vehicle if you have one. For more information about residency, contact Rafael Lozano
at 867-5189 or pick up a checklist from the registration office.
If you are under 24 and your parents make the big bucks you WILL NOT be eligible
for financial aid even if they don't give you one red cent of it ... unless you get
hitched! Find a friend who you trust enough to join in eternal matrimony (or at least
for the duration of college) and you will be considered fiscally independent and will
be eligible for thousands in grants and subsidized loans that you would otherwise have
no access to. Do it before the deadline for financial aid! Applications are at the
county courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge Dr. SW, 786-5453.
fvloney ln my Bank
With handy free advertisements that
Evergreen distributes in orientation info and
the friendly people at tables during orientation
week, Bank of America stands ready to sign
you up for a free account. With the ATMs
on campus and the numerous locations
around Olympia to serve you, it might seem
like there is a conspiracy to get you to bank
with these guys . Before you make this
decision, or even decide to make a donation
(that is, pay the surcharge) to their on-campus
ATM machines, here are some things you
should know:
Bank of America (BofA) is the 2nd
largest bank in the US, and the 19th largest
corporation in the world. For anyone
concerned about the amount of power large
corporations have, this fact may set off some
alarm bells. How does a company that offers
so many free services make so much money?
BofA, like all financial institutions, makes
money by loaning your money out while
you 're not using it, and collecting the interest.
With few exceptions, BofA loans your money
I sold my
better deci
shit load o
on the bus
system in
I get way
by autom
in the wo
more imp
most profit.
BofA is also notorious for screwing
its workers while maintaining its CEO 's
wealth: In 2002, Chairman President and
CEO Kenneth D. Lewis raked in $21 ,068,119
in total compensation including stock option
grants from Bank of America, not including
the other $23,638,050 in unexercised stock
options from previous years (AFL-CIO).
Indeed, BofA's influence in government is
note worthy, with 4 separate Political Action
Committees donating over $1.4 million in
the 2002 election to candidates around the
US (Center for Responsive Politics), as well
as to massive corporate-government
conferences, including the 1999 World Trade
Organization ministerial in Seattle. BofA's
labor practices can now be seen in action in
the Bush administration, with Elaine Chao,
an ex-executive at BofA, as his Labor
students (as a student at Evergreen'. you
qualify for membership). They too will invest
your money in a wide variety of activities
that you may not approve of, but they' re
probably a bit more socially conscious than
BofA and are more likely to give out more
loans to lower-income community members.
Their web site just went live (.org) so you
have all of the free online services as any
other major financial institution.
To get an account, just visit their
office and bring $50 for a membership deposit
that you agree to have in your savings account
at all times, from there you can open a free
checking account, get a check card, or apply
for a credit card
(booo!) The
great thing is
once you ' re a
member; you're
always a
But there is good news!!
Finally, though
In the past, the TESC college
it will mean
administration did not care to provide an
extra work on
alternative to BofA's on-campus ATMs
your part, there
despite these issues. But after 10 years of is ofcourse the•11-r- ---.1e::::!
hard work and red tape, you now have a
option of
better option. The Washington State
(gasp!) not
Employees Credit Union (754-6133 , 400 E. having a bank
Union St. is a non rofit institution that offers account at all.
oils spills, the deaths of23 workers, and
as 49 hazardous waste Superfund sites,
ore than any other oil company.
exaco is currently being sued by 30,000
rmers and indigenous people in
cuador for more than $1.5 billion in
nvironmental and personal damages.
n Ma)(t2f 1,.998, .a/J,l :Nigerian youth
·nonviolently o~upiea an..oil bar e
s ci
operationa e
homeland."lffli:e~ agreeing to ne ·
with the yout'hs, three Ch
helicopters transported Nigerian sol ·
the platform ~heteiooy..inun .
unlawful execution of Saro-Wiwa.
Mobil (now the massive conglomerate
ExxonMobil/Esso rovided lo istic
support to the
the period whe
thousand unar
Aceh independ
(Aceh is an is
MebiJ at.lowed
l?>.be usedf.m-.interrogating an
eopl th
·. . .~t- tu ~[ ,saaks~
Is it possible to radicalize consumption?
Probably not. But you become a student with the
understanding that a lot of your studies will revolve
around books and will thus necessitate the purchase
of them. There is space to be self-critical with your
purchasing power. As a new student at Evergreen, a
socially conscious shopper, and possibly a new
inhabitant of Olympia, where might you look to buy
books? Avoid the TESC bookstore located in the
CAB. The prices are way too high, and the Evergreen
apparel they sell may have been produced in
Olympia has several used bookstores. The
three where you are most likely to find books for
classes are BrowseraiBook Shop (357-7462, 107
Capital Way; off of 4 -ftive. Downtown), Last Word
Books (357-5255, 116 4t Ave E, see next page), and
Orea Books Inc. (352-0123, 509 4th Ave.; straight
downtown on 4th on the right). Orea is popular for
a couple of reasons; first- they receive a list of books
from many classes at TESC, and stock a special
Evergreen section accordingly; second- all of the new
books in the Evergreen section are 10% off of the
cover price.
There is also a cool mulitcultural bookstore
that has also has kids books called De Colores (507
Washington St. SE).
What about on-line booksellers? Avoid
Amazon.com. They may have a huge selection, but
they've proven time and again to be rabidly antiunion. In the last couple of years, many Amazon
employees at packing and distribution centers have
attempted to organize. Waves oflayoffs have usually
followed, including here in Washington, near Seattle.
To our knowledge the management's union-busting
tactics have been successful and none of their
distribution centers have been unionized.
Check out half.com powered bye-Bay. Most
sellers are people like you or small bookshops. The
prices are really cheap, the books are used and new,
and they usually ship pretty fast, although prepare to
get 12 separate packages in the inail if ordering 12
books. Each book has a shipping fee, but even then
the total cost of the book is remarkably cheaper than
the TESC Bookstore and Amazon.com.
The best option that comes to mind is
Powell's, located in downtown Portland. You don't
have to make the two-hour drive though; you can
order all of your books online from the only major
unionized bookseller on the web. Sometimes they
have free shipping options, which makes the total
price of your order comparable to the super cheap
The workers at Powell's are part of the
International Longshoreman Worker's Union, a
progressive workers union. Here's an excerpt from
the employees' web site: "The work of Local 5
members maintains the viability of one of the last
strongholds of independent bookselling in the US.
We want to begin to cultivate recognition for retail
workers: we deserve living wages, benefits, and
collective bargaining. This site is designed as a
resource for employees represented by Local 5, for
Powell's customers, and for anyone looking to
If you enter from the union's site,
(www.ilwulocal5.com) 10% of your purchase goes
directly to the workers, distributed equally and
quarterly. Powell's employees bargained for this profit
sharing agreement in their first contract. When you
buy your books this way you're essentially sending
a message to management that you support an
organized, democratic workplace - you support the
workers. Also, the food service workers at Evergreen
are members of the same union and local as the
workers at Powell's Books.
Due to the hard work of students a couple of years ago, we can now all ride the
bus with our student ID! As part of your tuition, you pay a transit fee each quarter
of $12 when normally bus passes are $30 a month or $1.50 a day. So thanks to
some committed Greeners we get a sick deal. Plus you can take your bike along!
Unfortunately, a few years ago 1695 passed which cut money going to the bus
system by 40%. Schedules are available in the bookstore.
the low,f}'
down frorn,.lJ..;;UJJ
Words. You are reading them right now. Chances
are, at some point in your life you will be greatly
influenced by them, perhaps even inspired intellectually
to revolution. Throughout your Evergreen career,
you will read several billion words, synthesize the
information brought forth, and ideally put it to some
use. Contrary to common belief, the Evergreen State
College Bookstore is not the only place these instigators
ofliberation can be found, and the literary stimulation
does not end at the required reading 1·
your professor.
Here's one: dissemination. Despit
tells you, in£
binding ·
- -~ .-'71.obscure
ooks hol
20,000 b
1 as an onlin
n studentanothe
hear alot of)
ublic a we ,......,,.;;.;;..;;.
ly published
all used, L
ore access·
to men
e of a mo
where 1
Here's two: local economy. You are lucky enough
to have stumbled into a unique and manifold
community, one that is principled with an integrity
that is contradictory to big-business ideals. A dollar
spent at a locally owned store is usually spent 6-15
times before it leaves the community. From one
dollar, $5-14 of value is created within that community.
That means more jobs, and better standards of living
for you and your neighbors. If that dollar were spent
e, 80% of it would leave town
e a fraction of a decimal point
huge corporate entity's fatd Noble treat the employees
hout respe
e local economy with zero
pect for p
d promote an ideal of
rility ands
e grassroots economy,
d you are
eal of free thought.
Lastly, w
· ely powerful when
rated fro
stagnant without
unicatio 0111;..ww1
illing revolution
brewed. L
unity resource
d if nothi
· ht-direction
wards kno
.......,,~,_,...,. ,
19 5th Ave
·agonal fro
jf~~~~;~~~; toy store)
People's H
The Doors
Better Th
Travels Wi
~ rmmac
The Way to
lantsBiJ;!L.URM'lf◄clfi orthwestby'-Miehael Moore
Black Look
he,Hl1 inati.[u rilogy bJ,,Robert Anton ~son
Touch The E
'"'-Jt- "uu.,M.Ie Beffig[ied To by the Disinformation Group
T.C. McLuha
Civil Disobedience & On Walden Pond by Henry David Thoreau
The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey
The Trial ofH
Howl by Allen Ginsberg
Gender Outlaw by Kat omestein
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
Guerilla Capitalism by Loompanics
Stupid White Men by Michael Moore
Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen
Small is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered by E.F.
The Little Prince by Antoine de St. Exupery
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
A Pedagogy for Liberation:Dialouges for Transforming Education Red Emma Speaks by Emma Goldman
& Pedagogy for the Oppressed by Ira Shor & Paulo Freire
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast
Culture Jam by Kalle Lasn
Plants of the Pacific Northwest by Pojar & McKinnon
Understanding Media by Marshal McLuhan
Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age Discourse on Colonialism by Aim Cesaire
the Presence of Fear by Wendell Berry
by Michael H. Shuman
The Practice of the Wild by Gary Snyder
The Feminine Mystique by Betty Freidan
Black Elk Speaks by John Nierhardt
1984 by George Orwell
Horton Hears A Who by Dr. Suess
Revolution for the Hell oflt by Abbie Hoffman
I Seem to Be a Verb by R. Buckminster Fuller
Leasing the Ivory Tower by Lawrence C. Soley
Days of War, Nights of Love by Crimethinc.
Hope For the Flowers
Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon
Seven Stories Press Open Media Pamphlet Series
get to know your town ...
#s correspond to location on map. Places without #s are not located downtown.
1. Batdorf and Bronson- Call it B&B to sound like you're down ... everyone's favorite scenester and activist local coffee cartel.
Go there @ noon after a night of partying to see who slept together the previous night.$
Burrito Heaven- Huge burritos. C'mon what else. A sketchy bar in the back. Wet T-shirt contest maybe. Maybe not, I don't
remember. Try it, I've met people who eat it four times a week $$
Clubside Cafe- open late honest to god greasy spoon diner. Three types of potatoes for breakfast, counter style kick ass eatery in
the thick of it. No smoking, lotsa hot sauce. Dyn-o-mite cheesesteaks, fare prices all around. Keep the coffee coming Kenny! $$
2. Darby's- Great breakfast/ lunch joint. Super friendly wait staff. $$
3. El Guanaco- Good Salvadorian food. Little fried banana is tasty. Full plate with beans and rice and salsa and chips. They got a
full bar and they know how to use it. Get a Mexican with your meal. It's just the way things taste best. $$
4. Fuji's- Inexpensive Japanese food . Friendly as bell. Good Tempura. Greener Friendly. Free lollipops. $$
5. Lemongrass- Amazing Thai cuisine with an experimental edge (possibly the best). Fancy, warm, welcoming but tiny dining room.
6. Le Voyeur- Mainstay for the official. Vegan? Vegetarian buddies. Cheap beer, constant live performances. Some of the best people
watching this town bas to offer. Kick ass grill cookin' up what not and pasta and everything else. Sandwiches soup dreadlocks nifty
glasses. The most whatever place in town. Learn it quick, keep in a mainstay. $$
7. Mini Saigon's six dollar giant portion of delicious Pad Thai. Also check out three course family dinners! $$-$$$
8. The New Moon Cafe- Ex Greener owned, healthy/delicious/ friendly low key, laid back, great pancakes, homemade blackberry
Jam, nice people, breakfast in OLY extravaganza. For some it is everything before noon, The Monte Cristo is wow. Get your daily
hash browns. Great burritos at night $$
9. Old School- Olympia's super awesome best pizza place to sit down hear music get full and look at ironically amusing eighties
posters. Two pinball machines. Plus everyone that works there looks like a some crazy hipster poster child. It's a heavyweight, get
used it. They put cheese in their sauce though. No love for the Vegans. Somebody should say something about that. Ob no, not
me, I eat Vegans. Cheese 1.50 a slice $
10. Otto's- Bagels, Pastries, Sandwiches, Coffee, oh my! Greeners galore, cute people behind the counter. A staple of Olympia
existence. $-$$
11. Oyster House- Expensive seafood/ local history Mecca. I think your dad would love it. Plus they have the best location in town.
So go pay for the atmosphere. And the delicious clam chowder. Sit outside iftbe tides up. Consider stealing something from this
place. Maybe extra mints. $$$$
12. Ramblin' Jacks- I've never eaten here but I walk past it every day, and there are some really beautiful people who do. Take a
date here or maybe your first FAFSA check. Notice the slowly rotating menu and extensive wine list. The swank bas been served.
13. Saigon Rendezvous bas many Vegan and vegetarian menu options. Best spring rolls in town
14. The Santosh- Indian food lunch buffet at ($6.95) seems like a deal, it is. Don't eat it after drinking. Don't order the Lamb. Do
order the curry. Be sure to moan when they charge you for bread. God damn it, it should be free. Also take time to enjoy pictures
on wall. I think they might be memorable. $$$
15. The Spar- Overpriced decent classic American fare. Great Milkshakes, throw back logger vibe, burgers & fries. All right once
or twice just for a healthy dose of nostalgia. Tourist attraction. Got a visitor from out of town? Show them the fuckin' Spar I guess.$$$
Tugboat Annie's- Located across from the Port. It smells like shit when the tides out. Great bar food plus some decent seafood.
Good beer deals also a great view. Best BLT in Olympia. And they have billiards taboo!. $$
16. Traditions- GO FAIR TRADE!!!! This place bolds down the Oly activist scene and also has some tasty soups, salads, sandwiches,
etc. An Oly classic.
17. Urban Onion- An almost classy healthy restaurant/ gay nightspot. Remodeled recently, still finding it's audience, great organic
food last time I was there. Some say its too bland. Try it with folks, might run a bit steep. Professional well dressed waiters ... their
giving me the fear. $$$
Vic's Pizzeria- classy pizza joint on the Westside. Vegan friendly and great slices. Freshest toppings in town. Probably spend a bit
more on ingredients. It's cleaner then some and always doing good business with the locals. Great whole pies. Probably not two full
dollar signs, but hey $$
18. Capitol Theater and Backstage- good movies, benefits, and shows
19. Midnight Sun- performance space
20. Media Island- interactive library and activist hangout
21. The Red House- occasionally has shows
22. Planned Parenthood
23. Safeplace
For updates on
restaurants, bars,
and the music scene
In Olympia check out
get to know your town ...
oly bars' happy hours:
Bar Code 414 4th Ave. E
King Solomon's Reef 212 E 4th Ave.
Monday-Friday 8-10 PM
6-10 AM, 4:30-7 PM All week
$1 well drinks
$1.25 well drinks and domestic bottles
Ben Moore's 112 4th Ave. E
Le Voyeur 404 4th Ave. E
Ben Moore's doesn't have a happy hour as Saturday-Thursday 5-7 PM
much as it has happy hours-of-operation. $1.50 well drinks, $2.00 pints, $1 PBR
There's a new drink special everyday. They're Friday Progressive Madness:
reasonably priced, check them out. And they 5-5:30 99¢ well drinks
have board games! Sunday night is Gay
5:30-6 $1.25 well drinks
6-6:30 $1.50 well drinks
The Brotherhood 119 Capitol Wy. N
6:30-7 $2 well drinks
4-7 PM All week
Tuesday & Thursday Top Secret 45
$1.50 well drinks, $1.50 Bud & PBR, $2
10-10:45 $1.75 well drinks
Lucky's Tavern 4011 Pacific Ave. S
Cedar Inn Tavern 9030 Martin Wy E
Monday-Friday 4-7 PM
Monday-Friday 4-7 PM
$1.50 domestic pints
$1.75 pints
McCoy's Tavern 418 4th Ave. E
Charlie's Bar and Grill 620 4th Ave. E
4-7 PM All week
4-7 PM All week
$1.50 well drinks $2 micros
$2.50 wells $2 domestic pints $3 micro pints Nisqually Bar & Grill
Mayhem Mondays-$1.50 wells
I 0323 Martin Wy. E Olympia/Lacey
China Clipper Pagoda Room 402 4th Ave. Monday-Friday 4-6 PM
$2.25 well drinks $1. 75 domestics
Monday-Friday 8-10 AM, 4-7 PM
O'Blarney's 4411 Martin Wy. E
$2 well drinks
Monday-Friday 4-6 PM
Eastside Tavern 410 4th Ave. E
$2.25 domestics $3 micros
4-7 PM All week
O'Malley's at Westside Lanes
$2 pints $2 Micros all Monday and Thursday 2200 Garfield Ave. NW
El Guanaco 415 Water St.
3-6 PM All week
$3.25 well drinks $2 Bud and Bud
Light $2.50 Dos Equis and
Monday-Friday 3-6 PM
$2.50 well drinks $1.50 domestics,
Available at
$2. 75 micros
numerous Local
Fir Cone 114 Cota St.
Buslnesses including:
Monday-Friday 4-6 PM
Olympia Food Co-op;
$1.25 domestic pints
Fishbowl 515 Jefferson St. SE
Orea Books; Sagel
Monday-Friday 10 PM-I I PM
Brothers West;
$2.50 pints
Traditions Fair
4th Ave. Tavern 210 4th Ave. E
5-7 PM All week
and many
$2.50 well drinks $2.25 pints
The Go Club 311 4th Ave. E
Wednesday 8-12 PM
$2.50 well drinks $1.50 domestic
Or call
drafts $2 Dick's
Golden Pheasant 930 Golden
Pheasant Rd.
Monday-Friday 4-7 PM
$2 well drinks $1.25 domestic pints at 753-1969.
Hannah's 123 5th Ave.
4-6 PM All week
$3 well drinks $2.75 micros $1.75
domestic pints
Monday-Friday 4:30-6:30PM
$1.75 well drinks and domestics $2.50 micros
Rang Dong 2106 Harrison Ave. NW
4-8 PM All week
1/2 off all drinks
The Spar 114 4th Ave. E
5-7 PM All week
$1.50 well drinks and domestic bottles $2
Tequila Bar 2101 Harrison Ave.
4-6 PM All week
$2.50 well drinks $3.50 shots o' Puerto
Vallarta $1.75 domestics $2.75 micros
Town Pub & Deli 130 W Cota St.
Monday-Friday 4-7 PM
$1.25 domestic pints
Tugboat Annie's 2100 West Bay Dr.
Monday-Friday 3-6 PM
$2.25 wells $2.50 pints $2.75 menu
The Viking Lounge 6318 Martin Wy E
I0AM-6PM All week
Westside Tavern 1815 Harrison Ave.
4-6 PM All week
$2.25 well drinks 50¢ off beer
Whisker's Tavern 3447 Mud Bay Rd.
Monday-Thursday 4-6 PM Friday 4-8 PM
$1.75 domestics
Sqve money at over 80 Local
Thurston County Businesses!
Lok for1 .. MATTERS
3rd edition
This section is an attempt to help you spend your dollars
wisely in Olympia. In a world where business interests
exert massive influence over the use of resources and the
welfare of workers, we "vote with our money" with every
purchase we make. You don't just hand some cash to the
store owner when you buy those cool Nike shoes, you also
pay for the aquisition of the materials for your purchase
(cow hide, petroleum-based plastics, pesticide-laden cotton,
mined minerals, trees for the box), the factory that produced
the shoes (in a sweatshop), the shipment from the opposite
side of the globe (petroleum and carbon dioxide), and the existence of the company itself(which gets away with all this by using your
money to hire lobbyists and make massive campaign contributions.)
In our post-industrial global marketplace it is impossible for you- and even governments and consumer watchdogs- to keep
up with the complete details of how a product comes to appear at the store. This being said, some research has been done by students
who have come before you, about the activities of the businesses in Olympia, and this is presented below. PLEASE keep in mind that
using "consumer power" is not a substitute for grassroots organizing on behalf of the environment and workers. In the US, 20% of
the population controls half of the wealth- "voting with your money" does not follow that basic premise of democracy "one person,
one vote. "
sKIP THl= CHAIN STOltl=S You know 'em: McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Target, Sears, 7-11, Home Depot, Top Foods, Safeway,
Hollywood Video, etc. The money you spend there leaves the community, the company pays its workers dirt, and they probably find
any way possible to bypass or slack on environmental standards.
(ODA) is a group of conservative downtown businesses that have initiated and lobbied the city to enact laws to improve the business
climate and reduce the rights of youth and homeless. We can't tell you which businesses are involved in this organization because
it's privileged information - you have to be a paying member to be allowed access to this information. Whoever they are, the OD A's
projects have included the: 1986 Criminalization of Skateboarding, 1987 Outlawing of Teen Dance Clubs, 1990 Criminalization of
Loud Car Stereos, 1991 Outlawing "Cruising", 1993 Criminalization of "Aggressive Panhandling", 1994/1995 Attempted Stop of
Transitional Housing for Homeless, 1995 Proposed Criminalization of Car Camping, 1995 Proposed Outlawing of Fortified Wine
(against the homeless), 1996 Outlawing ofOAPP Needle Exchange, 1996/7 Attempted Banning of Sitting on the Sidewalk, 1999/2000
Criminalization of Graffiti and lobbying against designated "Graffiti Walls" and, 2000/2001 Proposed public financing of a massive
Convention Center downtown. 2001-2002 Proposed Criminalization of Car Camping and Camping, Proposed Outlawing of Fortified
Wine; Proposed Ban on Panhandling 2002/2003 Proposed public financing of a massive Convention Center downtown
More recently the ODA has shown signs of letting up its attack on the homeless.
Supporters of a "No Sitting on the Sidewalk" Ordinance:
Coast Office Equipment Co., Gold's Gym, King Solomon's Reef, The Spar, and the Washington Center for the Performing Arts
Opponents of The Fleetwood Low Income Housing Project:
Applebaum Violin Shop, Audio Northwest, B&B Auto, Bartels, Castle Enterprises, CD Connection, Chattery Down, Coast Office
Equipment Co., Deskoba Inc., Especially Made Designs, Hodges Inc. , Jinjor, JR Roofing, Key Bank, Koehler's Furniture, Little
Richards, Lynch Paint, Olympia Printing, Panowicz, Pizzaz, Salvation Army, Bayview and Ralph's Thriftway, Urban Onion, US
Marine Sales, Walt's Radiator, Washington Center, Washington Travel, and Wind Up Here.
Opponents of a boycott of some of Washington's wineries called by exploited farm-workers:
Budd Bay Cafe, Coast Office Equipment Co., Genoa's, the Olive Garden, and St. Martin's College.
Opponents of a Farmworker's boycott called on Gardenburger:
Falls Terrace and Urban Onion
Anti-Native American Establishments (they have those "Smoke-shop" Indian Carvings): Cigarettes Cheaper and The Spar
Businesses that have threatened or fired workers that have tried to improve working conditions or unionize: Crazy Espresso,
Burrito Heaven (under former owner), Capital Coachmen, Elysse's Potpourri, The Spar, the Urban Onion, and Fish Tale Ales/Fish
Brewing Co. (including Fishbowl Brewpub & Cafe)
Vocal supporters of allocating a quarter of a million dollars a year in city taxes as "corporate welfare" for the construction
and maintenance of a convention center downtown: Capital Playhouse, The Alpine Experience, German Engine Service, and
Ramblin' Jacks.
Welcome to Olympia, population; 42,860. State
Capitol and home of The Evergreen State College. Also
home to two of the most well revered independent music
labels in the world. K Records and Kill Rock Stars_have
housed, recorded and distributed a diverse plethora of music
for over twenty years (K began in 1982, KRS: 1991) K was
started by King DIY, Evergreen graduate, Calvin Johnson
in 1982. The first recording were Olympia natives, The
Supreme Cool Beings, who recorded live from Calvin's
KAOS radio show. He later began recording with his band
Beat Happening and other local acts. Overtime K has
morphed into an artist collective with the acquisition of an
old where house/ex-knitting factory downtown which houses
Dub Narcotic Studios (basically a really big room with
recording equipment and instruments among_other utensils
and utilities), offices and back stock of all the recordings.
It's always been the spirit of K's artists to engage in a
reciprocal relationship, helping out on fellow musicians
recordings or collaboratitlg on a new band.
Kill Rock Stars expanded the Oly-indie tradition
when Slim Moon began what he first intended to be a label
specializing in spoken word seven inches in 1991. Modest
goals aside, the label qu"ckly evolved into a punk rock
label, as hometo
ban s such as Unwound and Bikini
Kill signed; the la'.ter of hich, along with Bratmoblie and
others, spawne.d riot gm! fever all across the vast land.
Kathleen Hannah (also of Le Tigre) and Tobi Vail (bot~
Evergreens dents) of Bikini Kill, first created a Zine of
the same name which had an emphasis on issues surro ding
their hard ore feminist beliefs. Initially the media was
intrigued by the movement, but intimidated. Rather than
allow th'.e media to exploit and skew the riot grrrl scene,
the movement called for a '"media blackout", stopping all
contact with the media and with the ensuing grunge scene
starting out just north in Seattle, riot grrrl 's never garnered
much mainstream attention.
Olympiahasbeenabreedin groundandnurturing
spot for many musicians ov the year~ So who are all
these non-rock stars you ask? Have I heard oi' them? Oh
my god, what ifl haven't? Don't fret, Don't fret. I know
you've heard of Nirvana? And, the frighteningly opaque
Courtney Love? Ah yes, well she went to Evergreen you
see. She attended only for a spell, but legend has t that
Courtney and Kurt used to hang tough in the mods (wher
C-Love lived.). Nirvana moved down here, they practiced
in the bottom floor of K dorm and played some of their
first shows around campus. Oh yeah, and Kurt had the K
Records insignia
tattooed on his arm.
Now you knizzow.
Let's see, who else
sold their soul to the
devil? BECK! He
kicked around
Olympia for a bit and
recorded an album ("One Foot in the Grave") down at K
with Calvin. Portland native Elliot Smith recorded on Kill
Rock Stars before moving on to DreamWorks. Eeeek! And
please don't forget, Modest Mouse and Built to Spill also
srecorded various material at Dub Narcotic before moving
on to major labels (also, Built to Spill front man, Doug
Martsch was in a band with Calvin and Steve Fisk called
The Halo Benders). Speaking of Dub Narcotic, Calvin's
other band Dub Narcotic Sound System is one of the few
Olympia bands still around (shouldn't you be moving to
Portland soon also?) The nucleus of Sleater-Kinney (KRS)
(figured out where they got their name yet?) met at Evergreen
and moved to Portland recently, same with Mirah ~) except
for she's only one person. Hey~ the drummer (Kathy) from
The Gossip (KRS) went to Evergreen last year, but unless
she's goi'ngto make the mother fucking commute to ,Portland
(and I llid meet somebody last year who did) or pursue
Contract Studies, ·t looks like she will just be another
number in our low retention rate. Ooops! "Euck" you 're
thinking "tha f'n sucks that all those GD bw.ids moved to
Snortland" Ne er fear, 0 d Time Relijun (K) is here to shut
your scenester ass up. Lead singer and multf-instrumentalist
throat singer Arrington de Dionyso got 16 credits at
Evergreem for OTR's first album. By the way: why did
t e Greener cross the road?
To get 2 credits.
Thank you, thanleyou. I heard it the other day.
Oh, and incase you haven't heard, Old Time Relijun's exdrummer, Mr. Phil ElvrumJ (The-'Microphones/Mt. Eerie)
is the newest indie heart throb/prophet. He found Evergreen
too conventional (It was (or sound engineering . .. but cu,
cu, cu come on!?!). Hold on though; don't go knocking on
every door in town trying to find him like the freak that
you know you are, becaus'e he moved back to Anacortes.
Althouuuugh, Microphoues collaborator Khaela Marichich
(The Blow), who got her start at an Evergreen talent show,
still lives in town. Old South Sound favorites Fitz of
Depression recently reunited and have been playing some
shows· around the area. Lois Maffeo, "grandmother of
riotgrrrl", is known to make an appearance every so often
as well. Some newer bands making a stir lately include the
Bangs, Joey Casio, Scream Club, Liarbird, C.O.C.O. and
Oly based Chainsaw Records band, The Need, among many
Evergreen has been an integral part in fostering
Olympia's thriving music scene which is one of, if not the
most, active and progressive for its size in the world. Don't
stagnate the tradition
Greeners ! Make
noise! Make the world
,. a better place! Make
sound into Music!!
,\ ~ilSTCJI~'{ CJ~- T~i~:
1980s OPD expands in number of officials and operations
JUNE 1988 In-Custody-Death of Danny Spencer who was beaten and hog-tied by Olympia officers Cir
Aldo Fantoni.
AUGUST 1988 Inquest held investigating the death of Danny Spencer. Taped for TCTV. Inquest official fi dings reveal
"postional asphyxiation" as cause. Death Certificate says "Homicide" as cause of death, but officers are not held
1991 Citizens as City Council to establish a Civilian Review Board to bring more public accountability to the Olympia
Police Department. Council rejects the idea.
1992 Olympia City Council allows citizens to file complaints against police at City Hall rather than just at the Police
Department. Assistant City Attorney brought into investigating process.
1995 Review of Olympia Jail order resulting in setting up process guidelines for handling inmates.
1996 Review of Olympia Police ordered resulting in finding the department borderline dysfunctional. Plan formed to
reorganize department, all but leaving out accountability as an issue.
MARCH 1996 Olympia Cop Watch established to push for accountability-organizes public testimony on suffered or
witnessed police abuses and proposes Non-Violent/De-Escalating Training for officers, an aggressive hiring and promotion
of women and people of color as officers, adoption of a community oriented policing policy, and establishment of an
independent civilivan review board.
FEBRUARY 1997 Forum organized by City of Olympia which brought various experts to testify on structure and
organization of police departments. Accountability is a side issue. Taped for TCTV.
MAY 1997 Cop Watch sets up meeting with expert on law-enforcement, Eileen
Luna, to discuss issues with Olympia city officials. She says citizen review is
good for the city and the police.
AUGUST 1997 Gary Michel hired to replace retired Chief John Wumer
after 18 years of service with Olympia.
1988 $15,000 set aside in Olympia City budget to conduct police accountability
1999 Request for proposal sent out and proposals received from experts to do
a police accountability study
2000 Police accountability study done by John Walters with components of case
review and small public sessions. Study finds accountability system lacking,
technical system flaws, and recommends corrections as well as different intake
JANUARY 2001 Police shot and taser Kent DeBoer, a mentally ill man who
lives in Olympia, Washington, who was showing aggressive
behavior due to a change in medication. Kent DeBoer lives,
but experiences serve mental and physical health. No officers
are held acountable
2001 Olympia City Council decided to create an Independent
Auditor to oversee police complaints rather than a civilian
review board. Council elects to exclude citizen participation
in the auditor process.
2001 Olympia City Council buys riot gear for the Olympia Police
Department due to complaints about street festivals and conduct during
May Day.
SUMMER 2002 Olympia Cop Watch reforms due to police harassment of
homeless people in the downtown.
NOVEMBER 2002 Police taser to death a man outside Ralph's Thirftway
for suspected shop lifting. Some witness reported that they also saw members
of the Olympia Police Department beat the suspect.
extend their time to reply to citizen complaints from 30 days to 45 days.
all w. ~ to.. ewe, in ~ an aetiu.e. to.w.n. demi, k ~ to..
6M.ncA o.ut ~ ~ <JIWU,fl4. IJOU ean fuvui a lo.t a&.ui ohpr,,pi,a
and ~ tAi.J, w.aq,. w. CJll,<1iJ. IJ,0-WI, ~ glaM and dw.e, in
to.. tAi.J, Pumdt; ~ - .. .and demi, ~ to.. a4.k a&.u1, ~ IJOU ean do. actw.i4t ~ and ¢ cM,c{,U,1 q,o.. &,oJiJA and k ~ !
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Thurston County
Defending liberty throughout our state. The ACLU is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership
organization devoted to protecting the basic civil liberties of all Americans, and extending
them to groups that have traditionally been denied their basic civil rights.
Criminal justice, cyber-liberties, free speech, lesbian/gay rights, police practices, privacy,
religious freedom, reproductive rights, student/youth rights, war on drugs, etc. www.acluthurston.org or info@aclu-thurston.org
Art in the Streets
Art in the Streets exists to empower people to speak to each other through art. This kind
of public communication is not commonly encouraged by mainstream art establishments
and the people we support are frequently ignored, denied, or not seen as creators of dialogue
or art. Institutional support for public art hardly addresses the race, ethnic, language, cultural,
age and gender barriers that limit access to art. We make art more available by linking community members to the resources, tools,
and knowledge needed to create this public dialogue. We support art made by, for & within the community. We seek out projects
that go beyond the cosmetic, that are planned with site specificity in mind, and that create meaningful communication for observers
and participants. Many of these works will be collaborative, focus on process over object and may exist only temporarily though
their effects will be Jong lasting.
Avanti High School (AHS)
Avanti is recently opened alternative high school within the Olympia School District with a much smaller student body and faculty.
AHS is ripe for input from Evergreen students.Evergreen students have contributed to the Avanti curriculum as students teachers
and paraeducators, as well as leaders of mini-units, and hosts of community service projects. With an unfolding program, Avanti
is open to community involvement, whatever you have to bring. Call Avanti for more information at 664-0135.
Black Hills Audubon Society
"Creating a Culture of Conservation" Our goals are to maintain and protect our ecosystems for future generations, and promote
environmental education and recreation. BRAS efforts include both education and activism on behalf of wildlife and the ecosystems
on which they depend.[CR][LF]Education includes monthly programs and several birding and natural history field trips each month
both to members and the general public. [CR][LF]Activism includes efforts to protect local natural areas and "important bird areas"
and to strengthen local environmental protections. bhas@blackhillsaudubon.org (360) 352-7299 www.blackhillsaudubon.org
Books to Prisoners (BTP)
Books to Prisoners is an all-volunteer organization that sends reading
materials to prisoners free-of-charge. Books to Prisoners Olympia has
existed since 1996, as a support group for the Seattle branch, and after
a year of being on hiatus, is now back in operation. Volunteers are
eeded to : open and answer letters, wrap packages, send packages,
d help with fundraisers. BTP is a very satisfying form of direct action,
in which volunteers have direct contact with prisoners, and actively
ork to help educate and improve the lives of those most adversely
affected by capitalism and the prison-industrial complex. At a time
hen over two million are in prison, prison resources and opportunities
are being slashed and "rehabilitation" as a justification for imprisonment
as been completely abandoned. Come help us help others. To get
:involved call 556-2657 or email bookstoprisonersoly@resist.ca.
Bread & Roses (B&R)
Bread & Roses is a local non-profit organization that serves homeless and low-income people.
We operate a shelter, a transitional guesthouse for women, an advocacy center and a street
newspaper. Our commitment as an organization is to create a community in which our guests
can wake up to how amazing and beautiful they are, and realize their own ability to make a
difference in life and in the world. We are committed to providing opportunities for our guests
to express themselves, to participate fully and creatively in the life of the community, and to
organize themselves to demand dignity and basic human rights . Hearts starve as well as bodies,
and our guests deserve bread, but they deserve roses too!
Advocacy Center On State Ave, right across from OlyBikes, the Center is the location of all
our advocacy work. We need volunteers and interns to help people fill out applications for
social services, drive people to appointments, and share organizing experience to develop
leadership among our guests. We intend to build a strong network of homeless and low-income
organizers to act as a positive force for change within the community.
Devoe Street Shelter Located on Devoe Street between Martin and Pacific, the shelter current!
provides a place for guests to sleep on a day-to-day basis. It will soon become the headquarter
for our community activities program, including community gardens, music, art, a sewing circle, skill-sharing classes and sports
games. In highlighting the talent and hard work of the homeless, we intend to begin to break down the unnecessary social barriers
that exist throughout the larger Olympia community. We are in need of volunteers and interns to coordinate the community activitie
The Street Paper The first issue of the Olympia street newspaper will be coming out this fall. The purpose of the paper is to provid
space for self-expression and a forum for discussion of ideas, opinions and issues within the homeless and low-income communit)
We need people to coach writers, help with production, and much more. Call 754.4085 or email editor@bandroly.com
Carnegie Group
We believe that people should QUESTION GROWTH and that growth should pay for growth. The Carnegie Group brings togethe
citizens of different backgrounds under one unifying principle: a concern for the abuses of unbridled growth and its effects on our
community and our environment. We maintain that population growth is neither inevitable nor beneficial. "Growth at any price", a
an article of faith in America, has put our environment at risk and eroded community life. Those who stand to profit from growth
should no longer be subsidized by taxpayers: infrastructure expenses should be borne by those who create the need. We are oppose,
to taxes that provide infrastructure: roads, sewers, fire and schools, to primarily benefit growth.
www.carnegiegroup.org contact Walter R. Jorgensen camegiegroup@mail.com
The Cascadia Defense Network (CON) (a.k.a. Olympia Earth First!)
CDN is a decentralized, direct-action group engaged in frontlines eco-defense and grassroots community organizing. CDN focuses
primarily on public lands logging and tries to bring an end to commercial logging while working toward creating a society free of
global capitalism. In 1999 CDN set up the first tree-sit in Washington State on Watch Mountain. Watch Mountain is located above
the town of Randle, in the GPNF. By combining community outreach and organizing with tree-sitting, CDN successfully in stoppe<
the transfer of hundreds of acres of old-growth forests to the Plum Creek Timber Company. Although CDN is not currently opperating
you can check out www.cascadiasummer.org to find out what is going on in the Pacific Northwest or how to get connected.
Centro Intregal Educativo Latino de Olympia Project at Radio RanchThe mission of the CIELO Project is to enhance the youtl
in the community with a focus on the hispanic population. CIELO provides information and
eferrals and training to consumers and providers in cross cultural competence on an ongoing
asis Proyecto Familia provides bilingual, bicultural mental health services. We offer free englist
classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:30- 8:30. Other activities include PlayBack Theater,
erformance by Latina women, a horsemanship program for youth, and Litima, a support group
for yound men, that addresses leadership and identity. We also hold Spanish classes Monday and
ednesday evenings. People can also work off community service hours in a bilingual setting at
adio Ranch. please contact by: www.cieloproject.org
Climate Solutions
Climate Solutions is a non-profit organization working to help pioneer solutions to global warming.
e are demonstrating a model of regional leadership that strengthens communities and provides
economic opportunity. www.climatesolutions.org
:-- ;
The Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
El Salvador has been in the forefront of the struggle fighting against U.S. intervention in Central
America between 1980-1992 and against neoliberal economic policies since the signing of the Peac
Accords of 1992. CISPES is an international organization that has worked directly with El Salvador'
labor unions, the leading women's organization-MAM, student and teacher organizations, and forme
guerrilla organizations for the past 20 years. Activities have included accompanying popular
organizations in El Salvador, lobbying, direct action, mass protest, direct material aid, and educatio
for the U.S . population. Recently El Salvador has suffered devastating earthquakes that have killed
over 1,300 people. The Government of El Salvador (GOES) has not helped the majority of the peopl
and in fact is using over $400 million from the International Monetary Fund to "dollarize" the
economy to integrate that country into the U.S. economy. CISPES, in conjunction with its relations
in El Salvador, is presently engaged in resisting neoliberal policies in El Salvador, resisting privatization,
providing alternatives to globalization, and promoting material aid after the earthquake.Many of
the issues that people protested against during the Anti-WTO demonstrations in Seattle and elsewher
in the past two years are alive and real with CISPES and the people of El Salvador. If you are intereste
learning more about an effective organization, please find out about our meetings by contacting us
by e-mail. All new and returning students, staff, faculty, and community members are welcome.
Your ideas for the future are especially welcome. If you are interested in future activity or want more information, please contact
Larry Mosqueda by email at Lmosqueda@home.com. More information on CISPES is available at www.cispes.org
Community Build-a-Bike
The Build-a-bike project helps build self-esteem by having adults and kids (between ages 8 & 18) work together to rebuild donated
bikes for the kids to keep. Build-a-bike also teaches traffic safety, bike maintenance, hand's on repair, and gives away free helmets.
You can contact Build-a-Bike at 786-1693 or tezzerl@yahoo.com.
Community Print
To provide an accessible, affordable resource for independent arts projects. Book binding and letterpress printing. Open studio
available for use for a small fee. Access is granted upon completion of a shop proficiency workshop. Some examples of workshops
include: Letterpress I, Print and Protest, and Text and Image communityprint@yahoo.com
Community Sustaining Fund
The Community Sustaining Fund provides grant support for progressive and community-oriented projects in Thurston County. Our
funding is aimed at creating a democratic, equitable, nonviolent, and ecologically sound society. The Community Sustaining Fund
conducts semiannual grant funding cycles (spring and fall). CSF tends to award funds for start-up costs of projects that might otherwise
go unfunded, but with the expectation that these projects will become self-sustaining. Contact Vic Coleman cathyvic@attbi.com
Copwatch monitors the activity of the Olympia Police Department and advocates for police accountability. You can reach them at
the Copwatch voicemail 252-3281 or e-mail olycopwatch@riseup.net.
Crisis Clinic Resource Network
We offer immediate (24/7) response to callers that are in need of emotional support, assistance
in solving problems, making decisions or locating resources. Staff and volunteers are well-trained,
compasionate and caring people. All calls are confidential and anonymous. Telephone crisis
·ntervention, Information and referral program (Teen C .A.R.E. Line Confidential Anonymous
eassuring Ears) Bev address (360) 586-2888 www.crisis-clinic.org
arthbound Productions (EBP) and the Procession of the Species Celebration 2004. Internships
vailable beginning Winter Quarter. Earthbound Productions is absolutely committed to the vision
at communities must engage in cultural relationships with the natural world through equitable
conomic and social service partnerships if we are to be successful in our efforts of environmental
rotection and restoration. The vision of the Procession is to elevate the dignity of the human
pirit by enhancing the cultural exchange that we have with each other and with the natural world,
d to do that through imagination, creation, and sharing. Created by the community for the
ommunity, the Procession of the Species is an environmental program and artistic pageant using
e languages of art, music, and dance to develop cultural appreciation, understanding, and protection
f the natural world. Check web site for meetings and workshops. www.procession.org
The Emma Goldman Youth and Homeless Outreach Project (EGYHOP)
The Emma Goldman Youth and Homeless Outreach Project (EGYHOP) was formed in 2000. The
organization works solely to provide the homeless with direct resources. EGYHOP has formed a team
of street outreach volunteers who handout blankets, socks, foods, medical supplies and other essential
items to Olympia's homeless. EGYHOP also has teamed up with the Olympia build a bike project and
workers to repair and build old bikes for Olympia's homeless. EGYHOP is always looking for more
volunteers and donations. You can contact David, the project coordinator for EGYHOP, at 791-2241 or
Enterprise for Equity
Enterprise for equity offers a business start-up training program to help low income people start their
own businesses! We want to build an inclusive economy in the South Puget Sound. To qualify, annual
income must be: single, under $16,400; family of 4. Our mission is to ensure that low-income people
in the South Sound region have access to training, technical assistance, support and credit for small
business development. These services are provided with the belief that people can and do transform their lives as they bring their
strengths, initiative and dreams to their entrepreneurial efforts. www.enterpriseforequity.org
The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR):
The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR): The Olympia FOR is the local chapter ofan international organization that works
for peace and social justice from the standpoint of principled nonviolence. We include people of all ages, religions, races, sexual
orientations, and abilities. We hold two peace vigils every week, produce a bimonthly newsletter, broadcast our one-hour TV program
twice a week on TCTV, organize speakers and workshops, watch and discuss a video each month, and maintain the web site
www.olyfor.org. The Olympia FOR's special areas of concern include foreign policy, economic justice, abolishing the death penalty,
and promoting nonviolence throughout our society. Contact Glen Anderson at the Olympia FOR at 491-9093 or or www.olyfor.org.
Feminists in SeH-Defense Training (FIST)
FIST provides assault prevention training to women, teens and transfolks. You can contact FIST at 438- 0288.
Food Not Bombs! (FNB)Food not bombs is scrurndidilyurnptious, vegan, and a nationwide D.I.Y. institution. It is a weekly free
serving of food in downtown Sylvester Park. The name, FNB, describes the basic philosophy of this group, that society and people
need to promote food, i.e. life, over bombs, i.e. death. An estimated 26% of edible food is thrown away every year in this country.
Meanwhile, people go hungry, eat inadequate meals, AND STARVE. This is completely avoidable, but political, economic and
cultural norms demand that people pay for their food, and that superficially, it must be perfect. In 1992, I 0% of city trash was
composed of edible good. This is roughly 250 million pounds of food unavailable to the hungry. It is estimated that only 50 million
pounds of food are needed to end hunger in America. Food is usually served around 1:30 every Sunday. To help cook, clean, get
food, or donate food please get in touch by showing up, and eating yurnrnie food, then asking around how to help. Cooking usually
starts at 10:00am, cleaning up is after we serve around 2:30.
The Freechild Project
Promoting social change by and with young people. The mission of The Freechild Project is to research, disseminate, and educate
young people and adults about the most progressive youth-oriented ideas in practice, in theory, and being talked about today. Our
focus areas include youth activism, student-led education reform, youth rights, community involvement
juvenile justice, youth media, un-schooling, youth-led organizations and information for the allies of
young people. The Freechild Project is a training group, think tank, resource center and vehicle for strategic
action and advocacy for young people throughout society. info@freechild.org (360)259-0218
Free Radio Olympia
jT he goal of this station is to provide information and education to the community by offering diverse
Eusic and alternative commentary and news programs. We oppose the corporatization ofradio as an
effort to privatize what should be a community service. In addition, we believe that the FCC's efforts
toward low power FM operations have failed to serve the needs of the community due to the expensive
and inaccessibile nature of licensing. In a form of direct action and as a challenge to the so called
"authorities", we transmit without a license over Olympia's airwaves. FRO is often carried on the Olympiaairwaves by the 91.3 Collective at: (guess where?) 91.3 FM. WE NEED PROGRAMMERS. To reach
s, try: fro@riseup.net . Come join us for an hour, or forever, if you wish.
The FreeSkool
The Olympia Community FreeSkool is a resource network for educational opportunities. We offer free classes ranging from Spanish
and German to beer brewing to building eco-friendly houses. We can also connect you to other resources, such as work internships
at farms and businesses in our community. We have information and research on other options for cheap or free educational experiences
too. Tell us what you want to learn about and we can help you figure out how to do it for free or very little money. Look for our
classes and workshops on a wide range of topics, which are published and distributed throughout town, or email us at
freeskool@ureach.com. When our website is up it will be at www.olynetwork.com/freeskool. The FreeSkool is always looking for
volunteers and organizers, please give us a call or email us. Committees on outreach, fundraising, the Children's FreeSkool and
infrastructure meet throughout the month. FreeSkool calendars are posted at the Timberland Library, the East and Westside Food
Co-ops, Orea Books, Traditions, Kundalini, Media Island and Radio Ranch. Look for our flyers at other local restaurants and shops.
Gifford Pinchot Task Force (GP Task Force)
GP Task Force is a grassroots group based in Olympia dedicated to preserving forest ecosystems and biodiversity within Southwest
Washington. The Gifford PinchotNational Forest spans the Cascades south of Mt. Rainier all the way south to the Columbia River
including Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens. Because of the urban/rural politics of Washington, the Gifford Pinchot has been the
"industrial forest" of western Washington and for decades logging has degraded the land in a hard way. Now that the timber
communities are watching mills close down from globalization and over-cutting and science is pointing more and more to the
protection of all connected areas and old growth areas the Forest Service has absolutely no excuse to continue logging public land.
The purpose of the GP Task Force is to prevent further degradation to the land by taking an active role in all aspects of Forest Planning
and Policy while also engaging in grassroots organizing in local communities. By commenting and litigating on old growth timber
sales, the Task Force has helped stop every single old growth sale from being logged in the past four years! We are always looking
for volunteers and/or interns to help monitor timber sales, give slideshows, lead hikes, do GIS, community organizing ... whatever
your passion is. For more information please contact the Gifford Pinchot Task Force by contacting our office at: (503) 221-2102 or
check out our website at: http:www.gptaskforce.org
Green Party of South Puget SoundThe local "Green Party of South Puget Sound" (GPoSPS) is a group of concerned people
dedicated to promoting values-based grassroots democracy. We are committed to tackling public policy issues affecting our local
and global community. We intend to promote this through inclusive civic participation and local action, adhering to, and applying
the Green Party's Ten Key Values. In addition there is a nationwide organization called the Campus Greens that works to connect
Greens on campuses throughout the U.S. and the world. www.campusgreens.org. You can e-mail us at or contact phone 360-4554336 (Drew Hendricks/Membership Coordinator) We encourage people to come to our meetings and join our local and begin to
participate in grassroots politics.
Garden Raised Bounty (GRuB)GRuB Provides empowering, hands-on gardening education and valuable plant-growing experience
for individuals in Thurston and Mason Counties. GRuB is a partnership between Sister Holy Garden Project & The Kitchen Garden
Project, and offers three main programs. The Cultivating Youth Program, working with local schools, engages teenagers in gardening
on both academic and employment levels. The Companion Planting Therapy Program assists Senior community members in growing
their own food by constructing (wheel-chair) accessible gardens and providing a helpful volunteer staff. Finally, The Garden Kitchen
Project builds vegetable garden beds (for free) for low-income people - "Helping them help themselves." Gardens are complete with
fertile soil, plant seeds, and a growing guide. Contact: 753-5522 or grub@olywa.net
The Heartsparkle PlayersAs a multicultural company we will use Playback Theatre and other interactive theatre techniques as tools
for community building, education and social change. We will provide affordable performances for the public; and for groups who
lack resources. We will be a community resource and share our artistic skills. We will empower communities and individuals by
providing a forum for stories to be heard, shared and honored. We will maintain a high level of artistic quality and integrity by
providing on-going training opportunities for our performers. Contact: Debe Edden
debek@olywa.net 360.943-6772 www.heartsparkle.org
The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
The IWW is a militant, non-hierarchical, directly democratic union that organizes workers
as a class, regardless of their employment status. The IWW believes that the employing
·class and working class have nothing in common, and seeks to abolish capitalism, while
forming a new, more equitable society based on free-association and production for need
instead of profit. The IWW was founded in 1905. For more information call us at 352401, or E-mail us at erricco64@yalJOo.com
Special Feature: Homelessness in Olympia
and organizations working with the homeless
it'.omelessness in Olympia is a bigger problem than most people are aware of. The last '.'point in time" survey found there to b
roughly 700 people living without homes in Thurston County. The volunteers conducting the survey didn't go to many camp
sites, and it is nearly impossible to count the number of people couch surfing, so this estimate is probably extremely low compar
to reality.
Many of the organizations that deal with the issue are understaffed and under-funded. It is a sad truth, but many members ofth
activist community in Olympia fail to make connections between foreign struggles or theoretical ideas and the fights that are
occurring in their own backyard. There are a vast variety of mentally ill, squatters, runaways, drug addicts, ex-convicts, and
survivors of domestic violence who are homeless in Olympia. This list will hopefully provide people with some idea of how th
situation appears and what they can do about it.
:JA,e, :falu..atw.r,, .lbtm.ij is the largest and most stable provider in
Olympia. They have many shelter beds for men and women and serv
meals to the people who stay there. Their resources do not excuse the·
treatment of others. Many members of the homeless community ar
extremely disgusted with the Salvation Army and some refuse their
~ervices in order to avoid their often rude and abusive staff and polici
The Salvation Army does not allow anyone in the shelter who is dru
has had a convicted sexual offense, or does not have a form of legal
l.D. In other places in the country they have refused people for bein
AUeer or for being atheists. The Salvation Army in Olympia has also
been in trouble for turning away people with disabilities. One person
claimed to be sexually abused in the bathroom of the Salvation Arm
and was ignored by the staff. Shortly after they were kicked out. Th
Salvation Army has also lied to the city council in Olympia about th
number of people they have taken in and the number they have turn
'f:J"-ead &: Ylo4e4 is a smaller, less funded organization that operates a shelter for forty-four people on Devoe Street and a
transition house for twelve homeless women near downtown. Bread & Roses also operates an advocacy office that helps peopl
apply for disability benefits, jobs, housing, etc. Bread & Roses has a very radical, inclusive, empowerment based philosophy,
but it is primarily run by volunteers and has a shoestring budget. (see above listing in directory)
:JA,e, Un.italii.a.n,-~ eJiwi.e/1,, provides an overflow shelter for adult women, married couples, and families with
children. This shelter is only open at night, and the residents must leave during the day, putting tremendous strain on families
with children. Entry into the shelter also requires a referral from the Emergency Shelter Network (ESN), which can be difficul
to work with at times. ESN requires women and families seeking shelter to go to the Salvation Army first, and only refers the
to the U.U. shelter if there are no openings at Salvation Army. People who have been kicked out of the Salvation Army for bein
mentally ill, or for breaking the extremely stringent rules are generally turned away by ESN.
:faint rfl.ieAae14 is run by a dedicated group of people. It is staffed by a small group of church goers who rotate nights. They
do not have a lot of resources and are only allowed to provide spaces for homeless men. There are also restrictions against peopl
who are drunk and people with pets, which is more of a problem than most people realize. There is not a lot of room for new
volunteers, but the people who staff are honest and they are good to work with.
:]Pie, e.o.ld & ~ &ali1io.n, formed this past year. They managed to run an illegal shelter that housed between 15 to
30 people a night. It was shut down when the police found out about it. After that they bargained with the city council to open
up city hall to use as a shelter, but that was shut down when the staff accepted people who did not want to go to the Salvation
Army. (For obvious reasons). They managed to get it up and running again, but were forced to have stricter rules. When the wint
season ended and the cold weather policy was over the Cold & Hungry Coalition switched its efforts to providing blankets and
tents for people. At the same time the organization was going through volunteer changes. Around this time conflicts developed
within the organization and many people left who had been with it since the beginning. They do need more help to work in the
office and could use blanket donations.
Labor Education
Research Center
The Evergreen State College Labor Education & Research Center is a public service initiative
of The Evergreen State College. The Labor Center's pedagogy reflects The Evergreen State
College's unique approaches to learning. Our programs are student centered and group driven.
We draw heavily from student's experiences then work to connect those experiences with
the political economy, labor history, their reality, and action. Our educational events are
structured around discussions rather then lectures. Center sponsored programs seek alternative
approaches to systems and symptoms of racism, classism, sexism, economic restructuring
and homophobia. The Labor Center maintains a resource library with a rich collection of
videos, books, magazines and newletters. This resource is open to union and co=unity
members, faculty and students. lbrcntr@evergreen.edu (360) 867-6525
Media Island International
Media Island International is a resource and networking center for activists working on social justice, economic democracy, ecological
sustainability and peace issues. The center, located at 816 Adams Street, is open, accessible and free to the community. Its resources
include meeting space for groups, with an easy-to-use scheduling system, online computers open for use, a library of books, publications
and videos, and a fax machine and printer. Current users of the Media Island resource and networking center include groups like
OlyNetwork, Terra Commons, and the Community Freeskool. And there's plenty of room for more. Media Island does other things
too: We run a news website (www.mediaisland.org an updated version is currently in the works) which focuses on global struggles
for social change.We also umbrella several activist groups with our nonprofit status. Media Island also sometimes works on special
projects, which are generally eithermedia- or fundraising-related: Media Island played a major role in establishing the original
Independent Media Center in Seattle for the '99 WTO protests. VOLUNTEER at Media Island. There are countless ways to help
Media Island be a vibrant, healthy institution that supports and strengthens local activism. You can take part in the Spokescouncil,
join the website team, get trained for office shifts to help keep the doors open, join the fundraising,outreach, financial, gardening or
maintenance committees, or create your own project. Also feel free to look us up if you run into trouble with the law, as we are an
approved non-profit for court community service.We are located at 816 Adams Street, the yellow house across from the downtown
Timberland library. Our office hours fluctuate with the amount of volunteers contributing office time, but we aim to keep the space
opened full-time, seven days a week. You can also call us at 352-8526.
Nisqually Reach Nature Center
Where the River Meets the Sound. NRNC is a private non-profit organization where nature comes to life. Our center has 1000 square
feet of space filled with bird specimens, interactive learning opportunities, viewing scopes, lab equipment, and as a highlight, 3 large
tide-connected aquariums to view Puget Sounds underwater world. We are a volunteer run organization with opportunities to gain
experience in environmental education. We hold su=er camps for ages 7-13. Register
until mid- June. There are five sessions available. Call for information. email:
(360) 459-0387 www.nisquallyestuary.or
Northwest Earth Institute
The Northwest Earth Institute encourages community-based book discussion groups o
voluntary simplicity, deep ecology, discovering a sense of place, choices for sustainabl
living and globalization. They offer the individual the opportunity to examine persona
and cultural values and habits that are harming the earth and to explore alternative ways
of living more creatively, deeply and sustainably. www.nwei .org
The Olympia Housing Collective
The Olympia Housing Collective (OHC) is a nonprofit organization working for radical
change in the social structure of housing. We do this on two levels; through the current
rental of houses around Olympia in ways that encourage co=unity, and through the
development of cooperatively owned houses. Cooperatively run households consume
fewer resources and spend less money. All OHC houses have formalized systems of cookin
and mutual exchange. Food is collectively bought and shared, and emphasis is placed on
buying bulk, local, vegetarian, and organic foods. The OHC holds monthly meetings to
guide the direction of our organization. People can join as live-in members, boarders (thos
who eat at OHC houses but don't live at them) or as associate members (those who do
not live or board at an OHC house). Ways to help out include: fundraising, putting on
events, researching possible real estate to purchase, or even doing long term planning. If
you want to establish your own cooperative household, or need tips about a current situation,
or want more information on the OHC feel free to contact us at 352-2401. We have ideas
on how to set up a chore system, make decisions by consensus, maintain good co=uni
within a household, and deal with conflicts within your co=unity.
, '11
W".i ~ - -
Olympia Colombia CommitteeSolidarity and Fellowship with the Colombian People. Our goal is to bring about awareness of the
inequalities of the armed struggle in Colombia through educational events, lobbying and political involvement to bring about a
peaceful resolution. We organize campaigns around specific issues, are involved in demonstrations, host lectures, speakers and video
screenings. We help US citizens travel to Colombia through the Witness for Peace program or other similar organizations. We use
many different mediums to communicate to loc al people the horrendous realities .of daily life in Colombia.
e-mail us at: occ@onebox.com visit us at: www.seattlecolombia.org
Olympia Film Society
The OFS attempts to show films that depict the experiences of under represented people in mainstream film industries including
People of Color, queers, and religious minorities. We are here to support independent film makers and we also host benefits for local
organizations. We are located in the Capitol Theater. The OFS hosts an annual film festival and this year it will be November 716. Check the website for upcoming events. www.olyfilm.org (360) 754-6670
Olympia Food CoopThe Olympia Food Co-op aims to increase the health and well-being of the Olympia community by providing
wholesome, accessible food and other goods, through a locally-oriented, not-for-profit cooperative organization. We seek to: Provide
information about food; support efforts to increase democratic processes; support local production; make good food accessible to
more people; see to the long-term health of the business; assist in the development of local community resources; provide information
about collective process and consensus decision making; support efforts to foster a socially and economically egalitarian society.
The Olympia Food Co-op is a member owned organization. Members are charged 10% less than non-members, are allowed to vote,
and can volunteer as working members. The working member program is a way for members to get involved by volunteering.
Discounts available for emloyees, volunteers, and seniors. We also publish a quarterly newsleter, The Co-op News. (360) 956-3870
www.olympiafood.coop 921 N. Rogers and 3111 Pacific Ave. S.E. Westside store open 9:00am-8:00pm. Eastside store open 9:00am9:00pm.
Olympia Mothering Network
A Grassroots Effort to Create Community Support for New Parents and Children. Together we can share our strength to empower
and inspire each other to be happier, healthier, more skillful parents. Call or e-mail Rosabel at rosabelh@juno.com 357-9804
Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace (OMJP)
OMJP is a broad-based, non-violent movement that is committed to the formation of a just and peaceful world. OMJP does not
separate justice from peace and believes that by furthering economic and social justice we create the conditions for a peaceful world.
OMJP's efforts are focused on working in solidarity and in coalition with individuals and groups on a local, national, and global
level. OMJP has regular meetings at the Olympia Community Center at 222 Columbia Street NW on the second and fourth Wednesday
of each month at 7pm. Check out the website for more information www.ompj.org
OlyNetwork Project
OlyNetwork is an emerging collective whose mission is to increase networking and accessibility within the Olympia (and the greater
Thurston county) social change community. We hope to do this in an open, nonsectarian fashion, through a number of short term
and longer-term projects. Here is an outline of our current work: 1. We maintain an electronic, on-line "connectory" compiling
information on all of the area's activist organizations and grassroots social service groups. 2. We maintain a web-page
(www.olynetwork.com) that hosts a community events calendar, the connectory described above, community discussion boards, as
well as provides free web hosting for local organizations and other features. 3. We are working to revitalize Media Island as a site
for Olympia's activists to keep up-to-date on each other's activities. 4. We publish a weekly email calendar of events that is the best
source for finding out what's happening around Olympia's social change community. To receive this email calendar send an email
to events@olynetwork.com or go to the website: www.olynetwork.com We are looking for new members for our collective to keep
this valuable networking service going in the Olympia community. You can contact us for
more information at olynetwork@olynetwork.com
Olympia-Rafah Sister City ProjectThe sister city project that bonds Olympia, Washington
and Rafah, Palestine was envisioned by local peace activist and friend, Rachel Corrie (19792003). Through her dedication to social justice and acute cognizance of the Israeli military
occupation, she believed that cultural exchanges between our two communities could result
in significant social change. Following in Rachel's footsteps, we will collaborate with the
people ofRafah to create lasting friendships across borders and bridge cultural gaps through
popular education, advocacy, communication, and community exchange. These friendships
help us to educate ourselves, increase awareness, and demonstrate solidarity in a common
struggle for a just and prompt peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. www.orscp.org email:
info@orscp.org Electronic mailing list, send a blank email to: olympiaandrafah-subscribe
@lists.riseup.net Weekly Meetings: 6:30pm-8:30pm, Location announced on listserv.
Peace and Justice Studies Association The Peace and Justice Association (PJSA) seeks to create a more just and peaceful world
through integrated research, education and action. PJSA is a new organization resulting from the merger of the Consortium on Peace
Research! Education & Dev~lopment (COPRED) ~d the Peace Studies association (PSA). We are a non-profit membership-based
orgaruzatJ.on dedicated to bnngmg together acade!Dlcs, K-12 teachers and grassroots activists to explore alternatives to violence and
share visions and strategies for social justice and social change. PJSA also serves as the professional association for scholars in the
field of peace and conflict resolution studies. To support within institutions of higher education the growth and enhancement of
scholars, students and programs concerned with peace, justice, conflict transformation and human security; To encourage and facilitate
collaboration among educational, professional, activist, service-oriented and scholarly individuals and organizations who share our
values; and To enhance the visibility of the work of the new organization both within higher education and in public life. pjsa@attbi.com
People for Puget Sound
Our mission is to preserve and restore Puget Sound's water quality and habitat We are involved in local environmental campaigns,
restoration projects, beach walks and other outings as well as grassroots lobbying on statewide conservation issues. We also do some
monitoring of restoration projects. Our Shorewatch program involves volunteers in monitoring shoreline habitat.
Our mission is to empower our community to be free of domestic and sexual violence and oppression. Safeplace's services for victims
of sexual and domestic violence include a confidential shelter, a 24-hour toll-free crisis line and 24-hour crisis intervention. We also
provide in-person advocacy, support groups, and information and referrals for other community resources. We offer legal and medical
advocacy. We have in-house Spanish, Cambodian and American Sign Language translation and provide culturally relevant advocacy
to under-served populations. We also provide educational seminars and speaking engagements in the community. safeplace@tss.net
(360) 786-8754 www.safeplaceolympia.org
Sound FoodShed
Sound FoodShed is a coalition of farmers, food processors, retailers, educators, government agencies, local organizations and
community members. We act as a networking center for our members and the greater community, and provide an open forum for
dialogue about local food issues. Sound FoodShed conducts and compiles research, solicits and distributes information, and educates
our community about local food systems. We support and celebrate local food production! We publish the Thurston County Direct
Sales Farm Map, providing a networking space for connection and collaboration in our community's food system. We host a community
harvest celebration meal early October. foodshed@yahoo.comwww.soundfoodshed.org
South Puget Sound Environmental Education Clearinghouse (SPEECH)/ The
Green Pages
A community environmental resource center publishing The South Sound Green Pages,
a monthly journal of environmental criticism with a focus on regional issues. SPEEC
also publishes a directory of local and regional environmental groups and provides a
meeting space for environmental organizations. The Green Pages can be found in the
TESC library and at the Food coops. You can contact SPEECH at (360) 786-6349,
via email at speech@olywa.net. SPEECH's website, which contains a directory of
regional environmental organizations, is www.olywa.net/speech
South Sound Clean Clothes Campaign
The South Sound Clean Clothes Campaign is a coalition of Olympia, Tumwater, and
Lacey students, union members, people of faith, and concerned citizens raising awarenes
about the sweatshop industry, and challenging individuals as well as public and privat
institutions to create positive change by altering their purchasing practices. to encourag
public entities to pass ethical purchasing agreements. We introduced a resolution to
the Olympia city council for ethical purchasing of clothes for the city government.
Our intent is to insure that our tax money is being spent to support fair labor standard
in the garment industry. We plan to extend this work to local schools and other
institutions. We hope that this campaign will provide other communities that are oppos
sweatshops with a model of how citizens can encourage their public entities to pass
ethical purchasing agreements. info@southsoundcleanclothes.org
The South Sound Gender Variant Healthcare Project (GVHP)
Our Mission: The South Sound Gender Variant Healthcare Project (GVHP) is dedicated to improving the healthcare of all gender
variant people living in our community. GVHP raises awareness and increases public support for gender variant people both within
the medical field and in the general population. We are a diverse group of individuals who seek to pro_vide education, support,
advocacy, and resources to the public, to clinics and providers, and to the gender variant people who live in Lewis, Mason, Thurston
and other surrounding counties in Washington's South Puget Sound region. The term "gender variant" is being used as an umbrella
term to include anyone whose gender identity or expression does not fit within gender norms. Identities include but are not limited
to: Transgender, MtF, Intersex, Crossdresser, Trans, GenderQueer, Transsexual, FtM, Native American Two-Spirit, and all other
gender variant people. GVHP will soon be starting a regular peer support meeting for all gender variant people. Please call us for
further information. Or join our email list at http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/GVHP 120 State Ave. NE #302 Olympia, WA 985018212
Stonewall Youth
Stonewall Youth supports, informs, and advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer, and questioning youth age 21 and
under. Stonewall Youth was founded in 1991 through an Evergreen contract. We have weekly support groups, trans support groups,
drag shows, social events, dances, a weekend retreat, workshops, and lots of ways to volunteer for people of any age. Volunteers
can plan events, make the newsletter, do fundraising, facilitate groups, do workshops, do outreach, be on the board of directors, or
create new and exciting things to do around here. We also love having energetic interns from Evergreen! contact: Mara Collins,
Program Director 360.705.2738 email:stonewallyouth@qwest.net website: www.stonewallyouth.org
Sustainable South Sound (formerly the Sustainable Community Roundtable)
The Roundtable is facilitating a process of dialogue, vision, action, and celebration to help create sustainable community in South
Puget Sound. The Roundtable was initiated by the City of Olympia in 1991 and incorporated as an independent nonprofit organization
in 1992. The Roundtable organizes roundtable discussions, "nights of the Roundtable" educational events, and seasonal celebrations.
It also publishes the State of the Community report and other information on sustainability and initiates and collaborates on new
"steps in the right direction", such as the Sound Exchange local currency program. If you ' re looking for an opportunity to put your
time, energy, and skills to work for the whole community, look no further. The Roundtable currently needs volunteers for a wide
variety of jobs. The Roundtable can be contacted at roundtable@olywa.net. Our website is www.olywa.net/roundtable
Terra Commons
Terra Commons is a non-profit building network. We serve communities by researching, designing and practicing habitat restoration,
sustainable agriculture, and natural building. We believe that our patterns of land use and habitation are directly connected with the
health of our biosphere and that of generations to come. Through our connections, we share in the responsibility of positively affecting
the balance of economic, social and ecological systems. E-mail: terracommons@riseup.net
Thurston County Draft Counseling Center
Protect your rights. Learn how the system works. Reflect on your conscience and spiritual
beliefs. The decisions are yours. Provides free information and free, confidential, non-directiv
counseling about options related to the military draft, registration/nonregistration, conscientiou
objection, legal and other options, counter-recruitment, and getting out of the military becaus
of conscientious objection or other reasons. Glen Anderson glen@olywa.net (360) 491-9093
The Thurston County Tenants Union (TCTU)
TCTU is a grassroots, nonpartisan, direct action, membership organization working togethe
for tenants rights. We believe that all tenants have the right to decent housing at affordable
prices, free from excessive and frequent rent increases, unjust evictions and discrimination.
The mission of the TCTU is to improve the lives of Thurston County's tenants by promotin
laws, policies, and tenant organizing in support of safe, decent and affordable housing as a
basic human right. Furthermore, we believe that when conflict arises between tenants' need
and owners' profits, the basic need for decent housing at affordable prices must take priori
over the economic interests of the landowner. We operate a hotline to answer tenant questions
on How to Get REPAIRS done, How to Get DEPOSITS back, and other questions. We hav
volunteer and intern opportunities. You can contact TCTU at 943-3036 or check out their
web-site at www.tenantsunion.org
Thurston County Community Television (TCTV)
Public Access Television offering free classes and easy access to the airwaves. You can contac
TCTV at 956-3100 or visit their website at www.tctv.net for more information
e T i s [ ounty yrmge
ange rogram
The Syringe Exchange Program is a public health program for drug users. It is an important component of a comprehensive set of
programs designed to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS and other blood-borne infections among injection drug users, their families
and communities. Syringe exchange programs provide new, sterile syringes in a one-for-one exchange for used, contaminated syringes.
But syringe exchange programs are not just about syringes. They also help drug users get into drug treatment, access to health care
and provide important risk reduction information. Other services include counseling and testing for HIV infection, hepatitis information,
safer sex education and safe disposal of contaminated injection equipment.Thurston County's program began operating in 1995.
Currently, the health department conducts exchange programs at one site within Thurston County and a mobile syringe exchange
on Monday afternoon 3-7pm. The syringe exchange is staffed by Public Health employees and mainly volunteers from the Thurston
County community. Harm reduction strategies meet drug users "where they're at," addressing conditions of use along with the use
itself. If you want to volunteer or need more information about syringe exchallfff in Thurston County: Call Pawnee @ 280-6746
(cell) or come down to the site in Downtown Olympia. The site is located at 4 and Columbia, Tuesdays & Thursdays between
The Thurston-Santo Toma's Sister County Association (TSTSCA)
TSTSCA is a solidarity organization that works directly with a community in Santo Tomas, Nicaragua. For the last fourteen years
Olympia community members have participated in construction brigades, delegations, and educational events that have supported
the daily work of organizers in Santo Tomas. Evergreen students have the opportunity to travel and work in Santo Tomas during
spring quarter. The program has sent five successful student delegations to work in community projects like the children's lunch
kitchen, the farm project, the health clinic, the woodworkers' collective, and the public library. Look for community and campus
events in the fall and winter to see this organization in action. Also look for the Olympia-Santo Tomas Quarterly, our newsletter that
includes articles about current politics and economics, project updates from our sister community, news from this community, as
well as poetry and stories. Call Grace at 357-8323 for more information.
Thurston Union of Low Income People (TULIP)
TULIP is working to create the first state-chartered low-income credit union in Washington. TULIP's mission is to create and maintain
an accessible, full service credit union organization, which is owned and managed by its low-income members. TULIP's goals include
providing a variety of financial and related services designed to meet the particular needs of the low-income community, operating
the credit union in a manner which involves the participation of the low-income community in its management, and operating the
credit union using a consensus decision-making process. The credit union hopes to open its doors sometime in 2002. For more
information, please call (360) 956-9235 or email www.tulipcu.coop
United Communities AIDS network
The United Communities AIDS Network is a nonprofit service agency for people affected by HIV in Thurston County. The mission
of the United Communities AIDS Network is to provide the highest quality of life to all those infected by HIV/ AIDS, to prevent
the spread of HIV, and to increase awareness about the disease. Some of the care services include: advocacy, energency financial
assistance, resource center, basic needs deliveries, one-on-one meetings, volunteer training and placement, a speakers bureau, mv
prevention, and youth outreach. You can contact the United Communities AIDS network at 352-2375
Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs
The mission of the WCSAP is to unite agencies engaged in the elimination of sexual violence through education, advocacy, victim
service and social change. We offer many one to two day trainings throughout the year and an annual two and a half-day conference
on topics ranging from advocacy, service provision, prevention, to management issues. We have a sexual assault prevention resource
center. Please contact Elizabeth Naccarato elizabeth@wcsap.org (360) 754-7583 www.wcsap.org
The Welfare Rights Organizing Coalition (WROC)
WROC is a grassroots organization that brings low-income parents together to challenge and improve welfare policy. Our mission
is to affect economic and social justice by educating and empowering low-income people, especially those who receive public
assistance, to affect positive change in their communities and in their lives. If you have questions about your rights or want to get
involved or do an internship, you can reach us at 360-352-9716 or wrocoly@wroc.org.
Works In Progress (WIP) Journalism with Spunk since 1990
WlP is a free community newspaper sponsored and created by the Thurston County Rainbow Coalition. Established in 1990 to counter the
influence of the local Gannett newspaper, WIP, throughout its existence, has been successful in bringing issues and positions to the community
that have been ignored by the mainstream press. From the story exposing the state's hiring of out-of-state scab construction labor to stories
of local police abuses of power, Works In Progress has continually printed working class experiences and concerns. WIP's primary purpose
is to create and maintain a platform from which people can speak. People are encouraged to write their own articles in their own voices. It is
a philosophy of WJP that no one can do a better job writing about an issue than those who are directly affected can, and WIP does not believe
in the existence of the "unbiased" journalist. Call for more information. (360) 943-3036 You can find WIP at the TESC Library or any
number ofplaces around town
,1, =i~rrA LITY:
How can men help women fight sexist oppression? How can straight men or women help fight against
homophobia? The answers to those questions are also the answer to another question: How can men help
other men (and themselves) overcome their own oppression and homophobia? As Terrence Crowly puts it:
"As a man I accrue privilege simply by remaining silent." However, it should be acknowledged that men
too are oppressed, consciously or not, in this patriarchal, heterosexist society. Especially men who overtly
challenge our culture's gender stereotypes and socialization.
We live in a society where male to female violence is absolutely deplorable by most standards, but
male to male violence is both accepted and embraced. More men have died at the hands of other men, than
have women. Much of this killing stems from institutions that are designed to assert male domination or
at very least a social norm of masculinity. Furthermore, we live in a society that accentuates the dominating
traits of men, and the submissive traits of women.
The process by which men are taught to be tough, aggressive, and in-control and women are taught
to be pleasing, passive and controlled is called socialization. Socialization is subtle. It occurs when young
boys are given toy guns and blue shirts as gifts, and their female counterparts are given Barbie dolls and
pink skirts. It occurs when teen magazines, movies and music suggest girls will be feminine if they consider
their body to be their best asset. Socialization occurs for men when we are taught that our masculinity is
analogous to our sexuality, or that our ability to take control of a situation is a measure of our manhood. If
we listen to the media, men are supposed to be aggressive leaders and/or aloof and mysterious. In fact, these
myths of masculinity manifest themselves respectively through a domineering personality or an inability
to communicate, both of which inhibit healthy relationships.
The socialized gender boxes of patriarchy force men and women alike to present a false image of
themselves to each other. Images that lack both humanity and spirit. Images that separate us and mystify
us. While women in our culture also have the license to show each other affection both physically and
emotionally. If men do the same, fear or suspicion often follows. For men, homophobia keeps the gender
roles in place. Should a man want to divert from any sort of social standard of masculinity (wear pink, act
effeminate, cry in public), he may be, at the very least, silently judged by others as weak or as less of a man.
The gender boxes that are put around both men and women can be devastating. Especially when gender
is confused with sexuality. When we think of gender purely in sexual terms, men and women have difficulty
forming friendships that are based on an understanding of each other's struggle. Instead, these friendships
may be based on sexual definitions of gender. Many young men already associate their masculinity with
their sexual prowess.
Same gender relationships, when seen through sexuality, become stigmatized and feared, especially
for men. This is the essence of homophobia. Homophobia is not exclusively a gay issue. It is a straight issue.
When gender is examined through sexuality, men fear each other. Men do not develop deep or lasting
relationships with other men because of the fear of being labeled as gay. How often do men, in society at
large, sit down and really talk to each other about their fears, passions, hopes and sorrows?
Likewise, just as women get together and talk about their oppression and how to liberate themselves, so
too should men.
Socialized gender boxes also dictate who we should be attracted to. How do we treat those who's
sexuality doesn't fit the mold? As straight men and women we take our heterosexual privilege for granted.
Besides the obvious challenges of being rejected and scorned by society at large, gay men and women face
considerable obstacles in many aspects of life. As difficult as love can be, for gay couples it is even harder.
Their validity and normalcy as couples are constantly challenged. They rarely live their lives outside of
their sexual identity. While straight people can be congresspersons, lawyers, doctors or teachers, gay people
are known most often for their sexuality, and secondly their talent or occupation. We as straight people have
the right to raise children without the threat of state intervention; few gay couples have had that luxury. Gay
men and women, just as straight men, do not have the social acceptance to share affection in public.
Therefore, ending heterosexual privilege contributes to our own liberation as loving men.
Some of you reading this article may be thinking "this may be the case in the Midwest, or in some
small hick town, but here at Evergreen, we are all evolved men". I wish that were true. Many female activists
often talk about how domineering some men are, how so many workshops, activities, and trainings are led
by men, and how often the majority of comments in meetings are made by men. If men are not willing to
look at their own sexist, competitive, and aggressive or domineering behaviors, which are rooted in their
own oppressive socialization, our revolution will only go so far. We may have a kinder gentler patriarchy,
but the patriarchy will remain none the less. Furthermore, every year on the Evergreen Campus women are
sexually harassed and even sexually assaulted.
So what can we as men do to help ourselves, and thus our female comrades as well? Many believe it
starts with self-examination. Where do my notions of masculinity come from? What did my father (or
mother) teach me about being a man? Do I feel intimidated by a powerful woman? Do I feel competitive
in the presence of a powerful man? Do I find myself talking a lot at meetings, in class, or other social
In addition to probing self-analysis, men can also ask women and gay friends to help them realize their
own sexism and homophobia. Women can tell us kindly but honestly how our sexism effects them. And
our gay friends can tell us how they are effected by our internalized homophobia. They can explain to us
our behaviors that prove sexist, homophobic, or just plain hurtful.
We can mentor our younger peers. We can provide them with healthier models of masculinity than
what we may have received growing up. We can provide them with courage and support to stand up to
derogatory comments, sexist and heterosexist stereotypes, as well as educating them about their own privilege
as males and how not to abuse that privilege.
Most of all I encourage men to talk to other men in deeper ways than you usually do, to create a new
mentality behind our notions of masculinity. Equally important, I encourage men to listen more deeply to
other men and to other women, gay and straight. Check out the Men's Center at Evergreen, CAB 320, space
2, for more information. or call them at 867-6092.
The current dominant paradigm is doomed. Disorient yourself from the hypnosis of"time
The outcome of our current apocalypse is
is money"
Our Choice.
Time is Art. Create your culture of peace.
Disorient yourself from the Gregorian Calendar
Wake up!
Disorient yourself from your "watch"
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Don't watch the see-lock,
Can you see what time it is?
To participate, learn, and share, contact:
The Great Calendar Change of2004 is coming. TESC Student Arts Council-360-867-6412
This is a message from beyond 2012. Consider:
Planet Art Network, Olympia Node
What is the effect of human arrogance in the
face of Natural Law?
Recommended Reading:
Disorient yourself from the belief that this
Time and the Technosphere by J. Arguelles
world can last.
A Sideways Look at Time by J. Griffiths
Another world is possible.
have your milk and drink it tool
WIJ.i ~~s E!:~~it~.B:~geq£~!!i~B!:~~!'!
with a new understanding of their privilege in society
whether it be race, class, gender, ability, gender
identity/expression, religion, immigrant status, health,
etc. Reconciling how their oppressions interact with
their privileges is a complicated
process full of pain, with a lot of guilt,
confusion, denial, misunderstanding,
and hurt feelings. But it's also an
extremely rewarding and lifechanging time. Our aim is to leave
people feeling less guilty and more
empowered, and with a better idea of
how to approach the process of
understanding the effects of privilege
and oppression in our lives. And
hopefully, you'll catch a glimpse of r
the rich possibilities for\
transformation in our lives and
Privilege and oppression are
two sides of the same coin. Privilege refers to the
unearned advantages enjoyed by favored populations.
Many Greeners benefit from several kinds of privilege,
others from little more than having access to a college
education. Native English speakers, men, (white)
European-Americans, heterosexuals, upper /middle
class, U.S. citizens, able-bodied (but not fat) people,
non-Indigenous people, and people of dominant
religious beliefs have more power in society and
benefit from unfair privilege.
Understanding privilege is not as easy as
having it explained to you; your privilege may be
invisible to you until someone points it out or you
pay close attention. If we belong to one of these
powerful populations, we often don't notice that we
enjoy certain opportunities and advantages that are
less, if at all, accessible to others. Having privilege
is not something to feel guilty or ashamed of, and it's
not something that we can undo or give away.
Acknowledging that we have privilege is the first
step toward understanding, identifying, and
challenging systems of oppression.
White privilege refers to the unfair
advantages that people of European descent have
over People of Color. I am a white girl from the
suburbs. Most of my friends, educators, and neighbors
look like me. The standards I learned for beauty,
whiteness. If my application for a job or an apartment
is rejected, I don't worry that it's due to my ethnic
background or foreign-sounding name. I am not
subject to racial profiling. If people cross the street
or stare when they see me coming,
it's due to my attire, not the color of
my skin.
A lot ofGreeners deny that
white supremacy exists at this school.
People claim, "I'm not racist," "I have
Asian friends," or "I listen to hiphop." Having white privilege means
that white people don't have to think
about racism. White people need to
have real conversations about racism
and white supremacy, to recognize
thatmulticulturaldoesnotmeanantiracist. People of Color at Evergreen
deal with a lot of shit-tokenism,
patronizing attitudes, harassment by
the police (yup, the TESC cops too), stereotyping,
white guilt, being exoticized, accusations of "reverse
racism," blatant cultural and being put in situations
where they are forced to educate white people.
All of the causes of racism seemed to be
linked to three central power themes: Capitalism,
oppression, and power. The biggest privilege white
people are afforded is not having to think about racism
or white culture. Most white people cannot even tell
you what white culture is. White privilege is what I
get every day, automatically, without having to ask.
I can just expect it. And I do . All white people do.
We've had it our whole lives so we're used to it.
Does the Evergreen community REALLY
care about "diversity" and students of Color? We sure
don't show it. It must be alienating to come to a
school that promises People of Color on every bench
and in every class when in reality many students of
Color are the only Person of Color in their seminar.
As white students, we look to that student when we
want our question about racism answered or the
"different" perspective. We pledge allegiance to
diversity when in reality we are not so diverse. We
have barely any classes for students of color. We do
not even have an African American studies department
and our "cultural studies" listing barely deals with
the historical and modem issues of Peoples of Color.
White privzlege at evergreen cont. ..
We do offer "diverse" classes that end up access_t? decision-makers to get what you want done,
being mostly about cultural appropriation. Culture is the _abihty to define reality for yourself, others and
any and all aspects of a community that provides life society.
force including art, music, spirituality, food,
~aci_sm is a system of advantage based on
philosophies, and history. To appropriate is to take race. Racism is a system of oppression based on race.
possession of. Cultural appropriation is the stealing Racism is a white supremacist system because white
of another person's culture for white
people get the advantage again and
use and enjoyment without
again. This will continue until we
embracing the struggles and
make institutional, cultural and
supporting the liberation of the
personal change.
Peoples of Color in which the .
People of Color do not have
tradition originated. You can learn
societal and institutional power. This
afro-Brazilian dance, yoga and
is why People of Color cannot be
Buddhism. But who are these classes
(S racist. People of Color can have
really for? How many white kids at
prejudice and stereotypes and cornntit
evergreen do this with dreadlocks,
violence against people based on race,
Native American dream catchers, and
but they do not have an entire system
Indian dress and jewelry?
of socialization backing the prejudice
Wealthy white kids at
Evergreen who appropriate dread
"Reverse racism" is a myth
locks and working class clothing
perpetuated by white people who
styles have the privilege to cut their
■••••••• can't or won't see that People of Color
hair, buy new clothes and return to
are still oppressed and who deny the
corporate culture if they chooseThe lower classes do existence of white privilege. The concept ofreverse
not have this privilege. Also, disassociating from racism denies the struggles of People of Color and
white culture with cultural appropriation is ignores the fact that white-skinned people ofEuropean
disassociating from privilege and the responsibility descent have been receiving preferential treatment
for oppression. Many Evergreen students including for centuries. Despite civil rights acts and Affirmative
myself have the privilege to participate in "cultural Action, white people still have better access to housing,
tourism." This is the privilege to "study," "travel" health care, education, high-paying jobs and so on.
and "experience" other cultures without having to do
People often cry out that it's "reverse racism"
the work. I wonder what it means for me to have my when people of color try to establish spaces free of
hair cut in a semi-Mohawk. When I think of Mohawks white folks. White people need to get over our hurt
I think of 80's punk rockers. But why did they think feelings and realize that these safe spaces are extremely
it was so cool to wear a Native American haircut? important for People of Color to support each other,
Piercings, tattoos and yoga, all popular at heal, and have a short break from the overwhelming
Evergreen and in Olympia, have a long cultural history whiteness of Olympia and Evergreen.
of which most of us are not aware. I am not saying
When you hear people of color talking about
white people should never, under any circumstances, white people in a less than positive light, wait before
do or wear any of these things .. .it is a complicated you get defensive. Step back for a moment and think
issue. I am sure, though, that we need to start seriously about this: white society has "systematically devalued
thinking about what it means for us to take these their humanity, covered up their history, brutalized
cultural icons into our white culture without their memory of themselves as a people, and then
acknowledging and giving back anything. Even ifwe placed white standards as the mark by which they are
did, would it be okay?
judged" in terms of beauty, culture, language, and
expression (Chris Crass). When white folks aren't
Note.son "Rever.se Racism "far Whzte Folk.s co~scious of our privilege ~nd don't challe~ge !he
Racism IS social and institutional power + white suprema_cy of our society, we are contr1but_mg
race prejudice. Social and institutional power include ... to the bullshit that people of color deal with.
Access to resources, the ability to influence others,
.-f~"i, f!~r..r..a.._
•t,es Pf'effl
I'm fat. I came out of the womb at 1Opounds and have stayed a healthy, strong,
and cuddly soft weight throughout my life. Until I got to college, I didn't think about
fat-phobia. I thought fat-hating attitudes were just normal, scientific, even simply just
right. But fat-phobia is predjudice just like any other. It's a bunch of sucky assumptions
about people with no real interest in honest information. Here's a list of some
assumptions to watch out for. Do your homework, respect the fatties in your life!
*fat isn't okay. it's dirty, ugly, smelly, and gross.
lazy and self-hating to be 'properly' thin.
*fat isn't a choice any sane healthy human should make.
*our cultural biological and medical understanding of fat is reasonable, honest,
and unbiased.
*violence against fat people isn't a hate crime.
*fat is a flaw. "you have such a pretty face, but..."
*"inside every ugly fat person, a beautiful skinny person is just -dying- to get out!"
*cultural feelings about fat are the same across all races and ethnicities.
*fatties can't just BE. we should, can, and will want to change our bodies.
*fat people (or anyone, for that matter) want to hear "oooh! did you lose wieght?!?!" as anything other than an expression of
*female-socialized fatties are taught to always, if nothing else, find one person in the room fatter than they are.
*fat people want to lie about our weights. we want you to lie for us too.
*fatness is important. weight matters.
*fatties can't be, won't be, and aren't vegetarian or vegan.
*fat people eat differently than other people.
*you should never ever laugh at fat in appreciation of how it moves, feels, jiggles, looks, and is.
*fat people should never appear on television in leading roles unless they provide comic relief, or offer supporrt as a sexless
best friend.
*fat people have to wear different clothes than 'normal' people because their bodies are gross, not because the clothing industry
refuses to take fat bodies seriously as cute, sexy, and normal.
*fatties have to wear traditional 'sexy' clothing to BE sexy.
*images of fat-phobia are absent in "radical" movements. (AD BUSTERS, anyone?)
*fat people are anything other than -gorgeous-, -powerful-, -smart-, -radical-, and -sexy- people!
Fatties are people. We love and laugh and fuck. We have strengths and faults that have nothing to do with the size
of our bodies. HEART yr fat, yr fat HEARTs you ..
S.rvices for Students
with DtsabUldes
invite and celebrate diversity within our
campus community. Our approach is
designed to be holistic and to empower by
promoting: self-reliance, effective problem
Since it is the policy of The Evergreen
solving skills, enhanced academic and
State College that... "no otherwise qualified personal development, ad equal access to
person with a disability shall, solely on the all aspects of college life for qualifies
basis of that disability, be excluded from students with disabilities.
participation in, be denied the benefits of,
or otherwise be subjected to discrimination Services available: Pre-admission
by any College program or activity," we counseling, Priority registration, Academic
are not sure why there is such a lack of
Adjustments, including alternate testing
ramps on upper campus. It should be noted arrangements, scribes, Peer Note takers,
that the lecture hall presenting area is
books on tape, Auxiliary Aids, such as sign
inaccessible for folks with wheelchairs or language/oral interpreters, closed
crutches. Evergreen says it is committed captioning, assistive listening devices,
to providing a well considered,
adaptive software and computers, etc.,
comprehensive, and well coordinated
Referral to on and off-campus resources.
system of educational support for qualified Contact: 867-6348 Location: Library
students with disabilities. It is our goal to Building 1407 D
at evergr
here else! except perhaps you could enjoy some in
the lovely forests
x to to be a gorgeous a~tiyity for all. too bad orientation
and housing prov1
n! but as always, there a
urces to help you out!
please see http://'WW'II:
for a full listing of
information about rec
d sexua
. ev~one should read this
so we're familiar enoug
art a fri
me helpful info at the
end of this section about se al assualt s
u are interested in
working on sexual education intiatives to
ia this year contact
olysexconference@hotmail.com. also, last
eer Alliance published
a zine fall quarter that included the hottest
make out. Go by CAB
314 and see if they have an extra copy. Of
spots! check out the
links page for alternaporn si~1 non-oppr
The center is located Qfacross the open bree
10, wh
the Seminar building,
olice S
r is (360) 867-6200.
aft can r
for pregnancy as
well as sexually tra
free, anonymous
HIV. The Morningn.1.is als available. They
tend to be nice and helpful buf.Be careful about
confidentiality at the check-in wihdow as the waiting area
is right there. If your worried, ma~~lt appointment for
something else and then bri11~i:? your sexual health
concerns. If you do not R~)Jfiile you are there, a health
center charge will appedK'OFI your bill. It shouldn't be
specific to sexual issue
your parents get the bill be
prepared to explain. If ur worried about confidentiality,
it is still important that y
go somewhere. Try ...
JdJ, Cl!ll/nt
201 or call them at (360)
out their website at
Olympia.html. They offer STI
g scale fees. Ask about the
washington state, they offer
. all to make an appointment.
·ce and helpful.
t t i n ~ ~ h e m at (360) 786golty 412 Lilly Rd. NE. Also check the website at
Te\t _in Babeland is a sex toy store run by women whose mission is to promote and
celebrate sexual vitality by providing an honest, open and fun environment, encouraging
personal empowerment, educating our community, and supporting a more passionate
wm d for all of us. They offer all kinds of sex toys, books and accessories. They are loco ed
ins attle and also have a great online store at www.babeland.com.
Ii¥ /7/l,?l/lN/IMa &ItiJidt !fetk
ttt~ :9f'~'7c~rleteen.~;;,/ff{"ey have an amazingly informative site about straight nd
queer sexual health issues.
men should check out http://www.mencanstoprape.org/, http://www.jacksonkatz.com/
an http://www.menstoppingviolence.org/.
cfio-means no. if you are confused about sexual consent, STOP! communication is key.
just for review ... Consent: Both parties must agree or gain consent to any sexual activity
before initiation. Consent is the act of willingly and verbally agreeing to engage in
specific sexual contact or conduct. Obtaining consent is an ongoing process in any
sexual interaction. The request of consent must be specific to each act and should be
obtained with each new level of physical and/or sexual contact/conduct in any given
interaction, regardless of who initiates it. Don't ever make any assumptions about
consent, do not take silence as consent; it isn't. Consent must be clear and verbal.
The person with whom sexual contact/conduct is initiated is responsible to express verbally
and/or physically her/his willingness or lack of willingness when reasonably possible. If
someone has initially consented but then stops consenting during a sexual interaction
she/he should communicate withdrawal verbally and/or through physical resistance.
The other individual(s) must stop immediately.
<!Jl1d riJ wa riJ 11'~ diii wa 0/t ~ wa ~kt/;,~ mA///,9
Like any person in tatl~'s society,umy life has been 8'ffected by sexual assa'Jt~is
understandable that each person within our society has a different understanding of
rape and a different means of dealing with its' aftermath. I have decided to give
information here on what types of medical and legal options are available to you as a
member of the Olympia community; however, please remember that these are OPTIONS.
Do not allow anyone, family, friend, counselor or police officer, to pressure you into
taking any of these options, but do seek out folks who support your ability to decide
what is best for you.First and foremost, get to someplace where you feel safe, then call
a friend or someone you trust.
It is important be checked for physical injuries, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, and
pregnancy. In spite of a strong and natural desire to clean up, if you choose to seek
medical attention, it is best if you do not bathe, take a shower, douche or change clot)1es
until after the physical examination. If you must change your clothes, put the clothes
you were wearing into a brown paper bag and bring them with you to the examination.
Go to the hospital-Both St. Peter's (493-7289, 413 Lilly Road) and Group Health (4561700, 700 Lilly Road ) provide legal rape exams, although Group Health will only accept
members of its health plan.St. Peter's will call a Safeplace advocate and a Sexual Assault
Nurse Examiner for you-these folks are specially trained to help you through the
examination. Rape exams at St. Peter's are paid for through Crime Victims Compensation
regardless of _whether or not you file a po!ice r~port. If you are 18 or older th
It f
your exam will not be released to the police without your written consent' If ~~~su s 0
under 18, the hospital is required by law to report that a rape has occurred Plea~~e
remember that it is always your choice to speak with the_ police or_ answer a~y questions
they may ask. If you want t<? pursue legal_charge~ or think 'y'.OL! might in the future, it is
important to go to the hospital for collection of evidence w1th1n the first 72 hours after
an assault, but it is less after an anal penetration (48 hours) and oral assault ( 12 hours)
Go to the College Health Center-Located in room 2110 of the Seminar Building on ·
Campus (866-6000 x6200) . The Health Center cannot conduct legal rape exams, but
the staff can treat many injuries and test for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
including HIV. In addition, you can receive the Morning-After pill from the Health Center'.
~.1f/,,7,,7fillt ML?M/4,
Get supportfrt>m-a f-fienc(family member, peer advocate, Safeplace advocate, or
anyone you trust for immediate and/or long-term support.
Counseling Center-Located in room 2109 of the Seminar Building on Campus (8666800), the Counseling Center has licensed counselors, as well as peer counselors, who
are available during the academic calendar year. Conversations with a licensed
counselor are confidential and free. Drop-in hours vary from quarter to quarter.
Sexual Assault Prevention Coordinator (on campus)- 867-5221 M-F between 8am and
5pm and Police Services (867-6140) after hours. Even if you decide that you don't want
to contact the police or are unsure what you want to do, call to discuss your options.
The coordinator will provide support and assistance with making choices and seeking
help. This web site is a great resource to check out.
Safeplace Rape Relief/Women's Shelter Services-Located Off-Campus (754-6300-24
hour crisis line, 786-8754-business line) Safeplace 's workers and advocates are available
24 hours a day and are specially trained to help WOMEN survivors through all phases of
recovery, including medical treatment and the legal system. Safeplace can also provide
you with confidential shelter for women and children. Male advocates are available
upon request. Due to the recent work of local trans activists and allies, Safeplace has
acknowledged the need for trans survivor services but work on improving these services
seems to be coming along slowly. lntersex and trans survivors should contact the survivor
project out of Portland @ (503) 288-3191 and www.survivorproject.org
M1it h b/4 a
~~ tt/~ M.:rid~
Talk, liste~7e~pect and be em6tio'nally available to the survivor./Accept what the survivor
tells you./Accept the fact that the assault occurred/Understand that it is not the survivor's
fault./Listen nonjudgementally. Suggest options and actions (medical, psychological,
and other assistance,) but let the survivor decide what action to take./Let the survivor
talk about the incident, but don't force a discussion./Respect and understand that
temporarily the survivor may become distant from loved ones./ Assure the survivor that
you will be available to provide support throughout the process of recovery./Give the
survivor time to heal. Be patient and understand that the healing process takes time./Take
the initiative to maintain communications with the survivor./Moderate your natural
tendencies to become overprotective./The survivor may need to seek medical attention
immediately. You can help by encouraging and accompanying the survivor to obtain
medical attention, but do not push them to do so. If the survivor wishes to seek criminal
action, this should be done as soon as possible after the incident.
corporate media
& advertising
Ifyou switch on your radio,jlip on the television, or open
your newspaper, corporations speak to you. They do it
through public relations and through advertising. U.S.
corporations spend more than $150 billion yearly on
advertising, which is far more than is spent on all secondary
education in this country. In some ways, corporate
advertising is the dominant educational institution in our
country, surely in the realm of lifestyle. -Jerry Mander,
We have arrived at a point in time where, ifwe choose to
live as most Americans, and increasingly, as many people
throughout the world do, we get most all of our information
from the corporate media. We receive this information
passively through computers and TV, through newspapers,
or through conversation, likely informed by these sources.
The media presents only a select few of the events going
on around the world on any one day. It then takes these
events and issues and strips them down to their bear minimal
entertainment value.
A handful of super-huge multinational corporations have
come to dominate the media. In one day, it is quite possible
that the newspaper you read over breakfast, the billboards
you pass on the way to campus, the television news program
you watch at night, the music you listen to while you chill,
and the movie you see after dinner are all created, produced,
and marketed to you by the same corporation. These
corporations have access to your mind through multiple
mediums, giving them many opportunities to push their
products and ideas.
Government investigation and violence aimed at
Independent Media Centers during recent anti-globalization
protests have demonstrated how much power media
conglomerates have over the information that gets to the
public. The IMC is a provider of progressive, truthful
coverage of important events that are either completely
ignored or brutally distorted by the corporate media. The
IMC in Seattle was broken into by the FBI during the
FTAA protests in Quebec, and the IMC in Genoa, Italy
was violently attacked by Italian cops during the 2001 G8 protests. Both of these incidents were based on
demonstrably false claims; they were blatant attempts to
eliminate coverage supporting an anti-globalization stance.
Coverage on the corporate media followed the same formula
as it has before for Seattle, D.C., and Philly: shots of
protestors clashing with cops, property damage, arrests,
and quotes from the fat old white guys at the meetings
about how the protestors are causing such a
disturbance and making it that much more difficult
for them to productively discuss how to save the
world through free trade. (sarcasm). Not a word about
the rampant homogenization of culture and
ecosystems being caused by free trade globalization.
For more info on the corporate media, check out:
A few books
Let's look at media conglomerate AOL-Time Warner. recommendations:
AOL spoon feeds ideas, images, and trends into the brains
of tens of millions of families on their internet sites, and
on top of that, gains access to all the information on their
personal accounts. AOL also owns Netscape
Communications and Compuserve, and since it bought out
Time-Warner, now controls HBO, CNN, Warner Bros
Music (Atlantic, Elektra, Rhino, Sire), Turner Broadcasting,
New Line Cinema, Time-Warner Trade Publishing (which
had 37 New York Times bestsellers in 2000), Time-Warner
Cable (which owns many local news stations), and sixty
magazines, including Time, People, Sports Illustrated,
Fortune, and Money. So if you're looking for diversity in
the way the news is presented to you, you might want to
look elsewhere.
Bagdikian, Ben. The
Media Monopoly
Herman, E. & Chomsky,
N. Manufacturing
McChesney, Robert.
Rich Media, Poor
Parenti, Michael.
Inventing Reality
Stauber, J. & Rampton,
S. Toxic Sludge is Good
for You!
/..~~ ,,-~
s~~ .
progressive newspaper (available in
Evergreen's library)
The Green Pages - your local almost
monthly environmental newspaper
(available in Evergreen's library)
Beyond the Bubble - weekly news in
column in the Cooper Point Journal
(see page 22) ala EPIC (see page18)
The OlyNetwork Project - provides a
weekly email calender of political
events and more (see page 49)
/www.commondreams.org/ - daily
news from a progressive prospective,
best on the web
/ens.lycos.com/ - daily environmental
news from around the world
/www.indymedia.org/ - immensely
popular site with unfiltered, "userdriven", non-corporate news
/www.zmag.org/ - largest archive of
progressive and radical research, essays,
and information on the net
/news.bbc.co.uk/ - the BBC is a good
bit less slanted and far more
comprehensive than US news sources
/www.oneworld.org/ - carries press
releases from progressive organizations
from around the world
/www.corpwatch.org/ - a
watchdog on multi-national
corporations with daily news and
research resources
and more ifyou 're hungry!
w w w. g u err i II anew s. com
w w w. i n f o s hop . o r g / i n e w s
www. counter punch.or g
,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
13 books that will shock,
• t
thi k
msprre, OrJUS ma e you n
. .
. .
*Blum, Wilham. Killmg Hope: This
book off~rs the beSt do~u_mentatwn_ of
the brutality of th~ US mihtary_m~chine
a nd th e CIA a_v_ailab_le, chron_iclm~ no
less than 55 rrnhtary mterventlons smce
~ I . hill W d d V: d W
, ar an . an e_r a11 ,
Jim. Agents ofRepresswn. ;his b~ok
carefullr documents the F~I s massive
co~ter 1DSurgency campaign launched
agam~t the Black Panther Party & th_e
J\ffiencan Indian Mo:vement. Makes it
diffic~lt to sleep at rnght.
* Cnmethlnc. Days ofW'.11", Night~ of
Love. Extrem~ly popul~r mtroductton
to th e ~ys~enous (partially ~ 1~!11P 1a
ba~ed) __ Cnme thI~c. _C ollective a nd
work, and more. It s defini,:ely ~ot your
st a nd ~rd argument for savmg t~e
w~ri d and to some people_th e books
a JO~e, but th en_ th at s I~s cha_rm .
*Fernberg, Leshe. TranL1berat10n.
Introduction to transgender issues and
how gender is tied to the revolution!
* Glendinning, Chellis. My Name Is
Chellis & I'm in Recovery from
Western Civilization. This popular
historical and philosophical book offers
the thesis that mental illness in our
society stems from our alienation from
* Galeano, Eduardo The Open Veins
of Latin America. This book offers a
wide-ranging and powerful telling of
the centuries of brutality and
exploitation perpetrated on the peoples
of Latin America.
* Goldman, Emma. Living My Life.
Emma Goldman was one of America's
most famous anarchist and feminist
writers and activists. Her autobiography
is personal, inspiring, and remains
wholly relevant today.
* Hahne!, Robin. Panic Rules!
Generally regarded as the best short
and up-to-date guide to the problems
with the global capitalist economic
system available.
* K.atsiaficas, George The Imagination
of the New Left. Though your high
school world history class may have
forgotten to mention it, large scale
revolutionary movements erupted
throughout most of the world during
the late 1960's. This work examines the
revolutionary spirit of 1968 from Sri
Lanka to Chicago.
* Le Guin, Ursula. The Dispossessed.
One of the most famous science fiction
novels ever written (you don't have to
like SF to enjoy it) also contains one
of best and most detailed visions of an
anarchistic society you'll ever read.
* Merchant, Carolyn. Radical Ecology.
The most influential book on the roots
of global environmental problems.
* Muscio, Inga. Cunt. An Evergreen
grad wrote this! It's one of the most
informative and entertaining books to
come out of the radical feminist
movement in recent memory. It
examines the cunt and its history over
the centuries.
~~!!~]~-!~t!!!Ll!!!~!~IAL Dl50QD[Q ,'f. !I
was the buzzword of the
1990s. With the fall o
the Soviet Union, the
emergence of the US as
the world's only super
power, and capitalism's
supposed victory over
socialism, it became
common for people to use
the word globalization in
an attempt to describe a
complex system o
interrelated political,
economic, social, and
cultural, trends that were
shaping the post-cold war era. The common thread that
runs through these manY, diverse phenomena is the
emergence of an increasingly'transnational capitalist ruling
class eager to integrate all aspects of life and earth into a
unified global system. Yet, it is clear that capitalism has
always had an inherent tendency towards expansion and
the proliferation of international trade. Some of the earliest
forms of truly capitalist enterprises, the first limited liability
corporations, were formed specifically as a means of funding
dangerous, but potentially rewarding expeditio1ls from
renaissance Europe to the far reaches of the Earth. So\in
a way, the project of globali;zation that became sucli a
prominent :feat\lI'e and topic of discussion in the \ater years
of the twentieth century was nbthing new.
However, we can see that there are :i\ifinitely
some unique. fea es that characterized the late 20 century
global capita\ist order. As a response to the econorpic
stagnation o~the 1970s and the loss of faith among many
in welfare state g,eynesianism, there arose a new dominant
ideology out ofthe reactionary years of Reagan and Thatcher
that came to be called neoliberalism. On one hand,
neoliberalism refers to an ideology that claims to be a
resurgence of the faith in the 'hidden hand of the market'
as well as an emphasis on individualism and maximizing
individual liberty. Neoliberalism can also be understood
as a specific strategy or set of strategies for restructuring
national economies towards deregulation and privatization
driven models in which the state is forced to step back and
minimize its control over the economy. This is the logic
of contemporary globalization that drives institutions such
as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and
the World Trade Organization as well as the transnational
corporations that have been proliferating and benefiting
~ f r o m this system. In 1970
!:, 11f"'17there were roughly 7,000
t i d corporations operating
..iinternationally. As of
~-2002 there were
approximately 60,000
transnational corporations
with over half a pillion
foreign affiliates.
Many neoliberals
employ the rhetoric of
doing away with wasteful
'big government' when
they advocate the
dismantling of welfare
states or the privatization
of nationalized industries. Yet it is clear that under
neoliberalism, bloated states remain essential ingredients
to the healthy functioning of the capitalist economy. The
need for massive corporate welfare programs and increased
policing and security to protect private property in an ever
more unequal world means that states are as big as ever,
yet they are becoming little more than devices for propping
up transnational capital.
In this sense, globalization can be understood as
a multilateral and less overt approach to solidifying a global
capitalist system in which the globalized ruling classes of
all integrated nations get a slice of the exploitation pie.
Although there is still the overarching imperial goal of
dominating and exploiting the entire world, there is not one
core imperialist state exploiting the resources and labor of
its periphery. The US clearly plays a leading role in this
process, yet it seems that globalization is centered more
around a multilateral and transnational elite operating
through a hegemonic capitalism rather than a more unilateral
approach that benefits one imperialistJ)Ower at the expense
ofall the others. In other words, under a neoliberal model
of capitalist globalization the rich investors of all nations
benefit at the expense of life everywhere. However, it is
impo ant to remember that there is still the entrenched
hierarchy of rich and poor nations and we can see this
reflected in the way that the vast majority of transnational
corporations are based out of the global North. This process
of efae globalization is exemplified by the annual World
Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland in which
the rich and powerful from all the Earth's comers meet at
a ski resort in the Alps to network, party, and discuss the
continued proliferation of neoliberal capitalism, .
One of the most interesting aspects of the
globalization debate during the bubble of the 1990s is the by powerful corporations. In short t
way in which many corporate pundits and capitalist corporations and neoliberalism ate facin'g raansnattonal
. ch ose to present g1o ba 1·1zat10n
. an d neo 1·b
1 . . fl . .
n enormous
apo 1og1sts
1 era cns1s o eg1tlffiac)'. t at com med ~ith a staggerin
restructuring as inevitable and without an alternative. The economy are senously threatepmg the futureg 0gf th
post-cold war triumphalism of the capitalist ruling classes multilateral capitalist globalization project.
fueled the notion that the establishment, solidification, and
. This unnerving reali was apparent at the 2003
expansion of a unified global capitalist economy was WEF m Davos. The party atmosphere of previous forums
permanent and could be taken for granted. One of the most had wo1'.1 off with p~icipants sobering up to the t;roubling
well know)). theorists with views such as these is Francis economic uncertamties and the threat of war looming on
Fukuy~a. In an article from 2000 he states, "What truly the horizon. This year's forum had the somber theme of
unites the wodd (and hence the age) today are technology "Building Trust".
and econom·cs ... " He goes on to say, "[T]here are no
It is under th\s backdrop of a failing global
overarching conflicts or political conditions that characterize economy that we have witnessed the unprecedented rise of
the world as a whole ... [L]ike never before, the world's a new wave of US unilateralism and militarism. If
center of political gravity is almost impossible to locate in globalization was the buzzword of the '90s, so far empire
any one of ~s ruirts." Fukuyama called this age "the end seems to be the buzzword of the new millennium. Journalist
of history".
and author Robert Kaplan notes in an article in The Atlantic
Unfortunately for Fukuyafila and his "end of titled 'Supremacy by Stealth: Ten Rules for Managing the
history" theory, the world of the 21 s century is a very World' that, "It is a cliche these days to observ that the
different place. Today, it seems foolish to assume that the United States now possesses a global empire." 5 With a
peaceful spreading of neoliberal capitalism will continue glance over the headlines of the world's newspapers and
indefinitely. The economic crisis that first appeared in the policy journals, it would be hard to argue otherwise. Recent
1997 Southeast Asian fmancial disaster and quickly spread events such as the invasions and colonial occupations of
to Russia and Brazil has now made its way into the heart Afghanistan and Iraq suggest that a significant faction of
of the global capitalist power structure causing the US to the US capitalist ruling class, led primarily by the
slide into a serious recession that shows no signs of letting neoconservative wing of the Republican Party, is set to
up and is pulling the rest of the world down with it. In abandon many of the pillars of multilateralism in an attempt
Argentina, once a poster child for the IMF and the to pursue overt empire. Other actions taken by the Bush
globalization project in general, the neoliberal economy Regime, such as pushing for the development of a new
has completely collapsed sending investors fleeing, the generation of nuclear weapons and the massive proliferation
currency devaluing, and unemployment soaring. This of US military bases across central Asia, point in a similar
Argentine economic implosion has significantly helped to direction.
undermine the legitimacy of the neoliberal economic model
There is no doubt that the US has been the most
at a time when its proponents were already on the defensive. powerful state in the world since WWII yet during much
Massive popular movements have been disrupting nearly of this time it has placed emphasis on maintaining a
every major gathering of world leaders as well as the multilateral capitalist system that has incorporated all of
transnational elite and have forced those who advocate the imperialist powers into the dominant power structure.
capitalist globalization to address the human and ecological The Bush regime and their neoconservative allies appear
impacts of their policies. With leaders in power such as to be much less interested in maintaining this multilateral
Brazil's Lula and Venezuela's Chavez and resistance to system and in many ways they see the other powerful
capitalist globalization spreading throughout much of Latin capitalist countries as threats that stand in their way. As
America, it seems as ifin this area of the world neoliberalism the anti-Iraq war stances of both France's Chirac and
has passed its heyday.
Germany's Schroeder demonstrate, the other major capitalist
To top all of this off, there arose the infamous powers outside of the US are growing increasingly worried
accounting scandals that exposed the lying and corruption about the effects of an overtly imperial US and its steps
that had become common place in some of the largest towards abandoning more multilateral forms of capitalist
transnational corporations attempting to hide the reality of domination and exploitation that benefit a wider range of
devastating declines in corporate profit. When the Enron elites. It has even been argued that the invasion and
scandal first broke, Enron was considered a flagship of the occupation of Iraq was really an attack on Europe in the
global economy and had the eighth highest revenue of any sense that it was an atteml?,t at maintaining the Dollar's
corporation in the world; financially the size of South dominance over the Euro. It seems that as the global
Africa. The realization that Enron and a long list of many economy continues to decline, wider and deeper fractures
other transnational corporations such as AOL Time Warner, are beginning to form within the global ruling class that
Xerox, and Worldcom, were not even playing by the rules are further tearing apart the globalization project and causing
that were designed to benefit them has further chipped a steep rise in inter-imperialist rivalries.
away any remaining confidence in a world order dominated
In many people's minds, the US's recent steps towards
overt empire are merely responses to the 'wake up call'
of 9/11 and the need to combat the growing threat of
terrorism. Yet this is clearly not so. Influential think tanks
such as the infamous Project for a New American Century
(PNAC), which is composed of many members of the current
Bush Administration, bad been advocating this imperial
strategy long before 9/11. They simply used those horrendous
attacks as excuses to push their agenda on a frightened
population and politicians eager to look patriotic during a
national emergency. 9/11 ended up being the "new Pearl
Harbor" that the P~AC needed in order to unleash a new
imperial offensive. Furthermore, if the US government
was seriously concerned about protecting its population
from the threat of terrorist attacks it would cease its actions
overseas that have enraged much of the Arab world. It
would also end its funding and support of violent regimes
and non-state actors that could theoretically follow the same
path of Osama Bin Laden in the sense of turning on the US
after it had supported them; a process now termed
'blowback'. Since these actions are clearly not being taken,
we must assume that terrorism is not the empire's real
When we look at these disturbing imperial trends
within the context of a failing global capitalist economy,
we can see clearly that they are related more to the inherent
instability and contradictions within capitalism rather than
its strength and permanence as a viable world system. In
order to secure specific corporate profits and the dominance
of the US elite in a rapidly deteriorating economic climate,
the Bush regime has chosen to tum its back on many of the
failing devices used to benefit all multinational corporations.
Instead they have taken actions, such as invading Iraq, that
only benefit a narrow sliver of corporations closely tied
with the Bush regime. Halliburton, the 'oil services'
corporation Vice President Cheney was once the CEO of,
bas been awarded contrac~ involved in the Iraq occupation
worth $1. 7 billion dollars. Much of this money is directly
from no-bid contracts. This is really just another form of
state subsidization that is being used to prop up a portion
of a vulnerable corporate sector during a period in which
capitalism is facing a deep crisis.
Acknowledging the growing obstacles that now
stand in the path of the capitalist globalization project does
not mean that we should assume that this process is over.
While recent events do point to its decline and deterioration,
this multilateral and less overt form of capitalist domination
and exploitation is still the primary goal of much of the
global ruling class. Trade negotiations revolving around
the further development of the WTO as well as the creation
of the Free Trade Area of the America's show that the
neoliberal model is still being pushed on much of the world.
However, the proliferation of this restructuring could be
threatened by the rich states unwillingness to take the very
medicine they prescribe to the poor. Afraid of further
damaging national industries, many of the rich states have
retained their protectionist measures such as tariffs on
agricultural imports; or steel as in the case of the Bush
regime. It is very possible this point of conflict between
the rich and poor nations as well as the US and EU could
lead to the collapse of future trade talks.
In this war tom and devastated world, there are
still glimmers of hope that are shining through the destruction
left behind by the new world order. Paralleling the
destabilization of multilateral globalization, a surge of
grassroots global solidarity has risen to confront the capitalist
elite and demand a world based on social and ecological
sustainability. This is the 'movement of movements' that
successfully shut down the WTO's third ministerial meeting
in Seattle on November 30, 1999. It is also responsible for
the annual World Social Forum that bas taken place during
the past three years in the southern Brazilian city of Porto
Alegre where participants gathered from around the world
to discuss the essential notion that "Another World is
Possible". More recently on February 15, 2003, this global
grassroots network showed its unprecedented solidarity and
strength when 15 million people took to the streets of cities
in almost every country in the world to say no to war and
The Bush Regime bas demonstrated that it is willing to
stoke the flames of nationalism, racism and xenophobia in
an attempt to coerce the people into complying with its
imperial agenda. We must not let theses power plays of the
elite undermine our global grassroots solidarity. As Davos
crumbles and Washington lashes out in desperation, Porto
I. Shutt, Harry. The Trouble with Capitalism. Zed Books, New York 1998, 7.
2. New Internationalist. Corporate Jnjluece: The Facts. available onhttp://www.findarticles.com, July, 2002.
3. Fukuyama, Francis. The Trouble With Names. Foreign Policy Magazine, available on http://www.findarticles.com,
Summer 2000.
4. New Internationalist.
5. Kaplan, Robert. Supremacy by Stealth: Ten Rules for Managing the World. The Atlantic Monthly, available at
http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2003/07 /kaplan.htrn, July 2003.
6. Research Unit For Political Economy. Behind the Invasion ofIraq. Monthly Review Press New York, 90.
7. Ibid., 59.
8. Tapper, Jake. Iraq Windfall: Corporations Benefit From Costs ofIraq Reconstruction. ABC News, available on
http://www.commondreams.org. September 2003.
~T~ x1:x:f x1::~
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Hippies, Hypocrisy, and the Beautifui Art ofFinding a home
Welcome to Evergreen, welcome to a world of heady
neighbors, late night vegan snacks, and bus rides on
the 41 in which you'll soon know every single
passenger. Ah, it's a great place here (so great not to
have to explain all the time why you're a vegetarian).
So nice not to be around people who think acrylic
nails are important, or people who really like TV
shows about cats that do miracles.
Where are people coJl}ingJi:orruv.h.enJhey arri e
at Evergreen? Is going to school here a natural nextstep after growing up in a cabin on a self-sufficient
farm? Or maybe folks are from nice cities, had jobs
building eco-friendly houses, and even biked past
community gardens on their way to school.
Okay, okay, for some ofus this might be true.
But, for many ofus, um...no. We grew up near some
vomitous mass of asphalt and strip malls and
subdivisions. I did. I usually say I'm from Puyallup,
going with the custom of saying the closest big city
(Baltimore, Denver, Chicago). It just gets too difficult
(and perhaps embarrassing) to say it's really a suburb
of Baltimore, a 30 minute drive on the expressway
out of Denver, an unending sprawl of pavement
devouring the landscape outside of Chicago. Are
you from the suburbs? Does "Cedrona" on Evergreen
Parkway look eerily familiar?
It's not your fault. It's not like hanging out at
the mall at the age of 13 forever banishes people from
becoming environmentalists that mock consumerculture a few years later. Our past probably even
encourages us to make lifestyle and value changes.
And thus, the children of the white middle class seek
out a place like Evergreen because they know it can't
go on like this.
Often in living in this society we see how every
stupid little thing with which we've been indoctrinated
is wrong. Here at Evergreen, we have seminars about
corporations, environmental protection, workers
rights, colonization, racism, gender issues, harassment,
violence, poverty, food systems, pollution, endangered
species, etc...
Well, how do we fix it? How do we not stress
ourselves out but be able to make the world a better
place. By creating better places. By getting to the
root of how we think and feel. By connecting all
these huge, abstract issues mentioned above to
something real, like the earth or a neighborhood. A
town is something we can feel, love, change, and in
which we can have roots into the earth.
And the suburbs? Here's a two-second crash
course in healthy land-use planning: by focusing the
human population into cities, towns, and villages.
h.e urrounding ild ands are p.r_eserved and th.e
community spaces can hopefully be encouraged to
become sustainable, healthy, and enjoyable. When
people are clustered around places they like (cafes,
plazas, and daily needs) they take up less space and
are more likely to care about their community (have
good wastewater, transportation, schools, and parks).
In the suburbs people tend to care less about
community, but are more likely to want to run away
from it. If we can create places that are truly likable
and livable in some places than we can start tearing
up the pavement in others. Until then, we can start
by building community gardens, and putting benches
where people can sit and talk to each other, and
building eco-friendly homes that are affordable (so
folks won't be kicked out of their neighborhoods
when wealthier people want to live there).
So personally, I think that changing unjust
systems and healing the earth has to do with loving
a home. It's bioregional, respecting the life (animal,
plant, and human) in your region and making it
possible for the life to be healthier. But just because
the suburbs are ugly, doesn't exclude them from the
attention of the bioregionalists. Because there is such
a need in the suburbs, maybe they need more attention.
What seems sad to me is that so many hippies
at Evergreen would ideally like to buy property in
the forest, have a garden and a cabin and create a
sustainable system to live in. But the forest ecosystem
where they want to park their white ass doesn't need
any help to be sustainable. It already is.
It's the places that we've already tainted with
our human touch, our empty city lots, our roads, our
strip malls that could really use the passion that we
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When we talk about "social activism" we are inevitably drawn into an ongoing conversation
about the merits of advocacy--that is, a third party representing the interests of a group of people.
While most construe this to be a beneficial situation, there are some serious problems that arise
upon closer inspection. Mainly that the people being represented are for the most part disassociated
from the representatives. Thus, those who are most affected by whatever decisions that are being
made have little or no chance to inject their word into the discussion on what is best for them. It
seems especially strange that such a situation should arise when the representatives often vociferously
claim to be representing the best interests of those they represent (often referred to as that vague
and elusive entity known as "the people.")
The problem is that a model of liberation that relies on the actions of distant figures cannot
foster anything but reform. The contradictions in the lives of those that are suffering are not
resolved by the actions of others, they are only changed. And while certain excesses may disappear,
the system that allowed the excesses to appear in the first place is left intact; the excesses appear
again either in different forms or places. Thus, the oppressed remain the oppressed and the elite
remain the elite. Furthermore, this model of "top down" change is insensitive to the varying
situations in which individuals exist. When solutions are mass produced, inevitably large numbers
of people are going to be left out. Some would counter that argument by saying that you cannot
please everyone--to that I say, "Why not?"
If the contradictions are resolved by those that exist within them, the resolutions will reflect
the varying perspectives of the contradictions. Such nuances are not understandable to a group
of people that exist outside of the reality of those they wish to help. Thus there is no way for
"advocates" to accurately represent a situation or a group of people that they do not exist within.
1:1111 1: JI II Il'I Ii 11 I IJ IJ I. I~ -1: I. JI !i S
They can start by respecting the unique qualities of each contradiction and the perspectives
of that contradiction held by each group of people involved in it. They can then alleviate any
desire they may have for a large scale, simple solution and instead start to view liberation as a
mutual process that they enter into with all other people in the world. Liberation or revolution is
not the result of"good decision making" or "high-quality leadership," it is a process of individuals
coming together to critically analyze their situation and take action to transform it. In the words
of Paulo Freire, "Revolutionary praxis [the combined process of action and reflection] cannot
tolerate an absurd dichotomy in which the praxis of the people is merely that of following the
leaders' decisions-a dichotomy reflecting the prescriptive methods of the dominant elites." It does
not matter if the leaders are self-proclaimed "revolutionaries," WASHPIRG, teachers, student
governments, or government officials--if they attempt to speak for "the people" they are in effect
disempowering the people and furthering their oppression. Liberation is not a process that can
be executed on behalf of an individual, it must be a collective process that individuals enter on
their own accord. And it is within this collective process that the revolution lives. So wherever
you end up this year, remember that "the people" do not need you to swoop in and liberate them,
people are capable of liberating themselves.
Many self-styled revolutionaries are victims ofschool. They
see even "liberation" as the product of an institutional
process. Only liberating oneselffrom school will dispel
such illusions. The discovery that most learning requires
no teaching can be neither manipulated nor planned. Each
one of us is responsible for his or her own deschooling,
and only we have the power to do it. -Ivan Illich
Quite a few people come to Evergreen for its reputation
as a hotbed of radicalism. Many walk away with degrees
conferred upon them by the very state authorities that they
reject in most of the other circumstances of life. Most end
up with the understanding that Evergreen is not what its
reputation might suggest. Despite the important educational
reforms instituted at (or co-opted by) Evergreen, it is still
fundamentally a school in the usual meaning of the term,
still plugged into the educational pyramid that selects and
rejects those who make it in this society and those who
don't. It bas an unresponsive and secretive administrative
bureaucracy, and a police force--now armed, for your
protection. It features an unusually institutional and prisonlike approach to architecture (for a school, that is), and
there are plenty of the requisite rows of fluorescent lights
to make you dizzy. It's located on a wetland several miles
outside of downtown Olympia in a thoroughly suburban
location, surrounded on one side by parking lots, and on
all sides by creeping development. Not a few locals,
including the ones who drive by yelling "get a job, asshole!"
at demonstrations, think of Evergreen as a bastion of elitist
and juvenile rebellion. To them, anarcho-greeners are
spoiled hippies who don't have to, like them, play by the
rules, and have nothing to do but complain about oppression
in far-off places. Evergreen is no community learning center.
Evergreen is no free school.
All of this notwithstanding, a lot of Evergreen students
are exposed to ideas that they otherwise might not have
encountered. Many find their voices and discover a means
of exposing some of the fallacies and shortcomings that
have shaped their lives. After a lifetime of compulsory
grading and relentless competition, the pace and educational
approach of Evergreen can seem revolutionary. Indeed, the
difference between getting a letter grade at the end of the
quarter and getting a written evaluation, or the advantage
of interdisciplinary studies, shouldn't be understated. ~or
should the participation of students m struggles for societal
change (300 of the 700 or so people arrested during ~he
counter-WTO actions were Evergreen students, acco~d~g
to Robin Hahne! in Z_Magazme). For the great maJonty
of students the educat10nal proces~ 1s nevertheless &eared
ultimately toward one end ... a satisfactory complet10n of
a certain number of credit hours and the subsequent ritual
of certification whereby one is graduated (for a small fee
of $25) to one or another niche of our fractured and predatory
social dis-order. Preferably not a $6.50 per hour niche at
Barnes & Noble, though.
This educational pyramid is a product of our civilized
predicament. In a world defined by social breakdown--a
mechanized and_souHess technological regime, a highly
differentiated d1v1s10n of labor, domestication of and
alienation from nature (and each other), large-scale
economics ~d_institutions, trenched and pervasiv~ hierarchy,
isolation, smc1de, and on and on- the school mdustry is
fundamental to the continued functioning of the whole
tottering system. Schools have, throughout history, been
designed to reproduce the social systems of which they are
a product. Nothing has changed, nor will it, in that respect.
And in a world that has no place for its young, what better
than a compulsory period of conditioning and mindnumbing, followed by an optional period of 'higher learning'
for those who play the game well enough and perhaps are
in line for a larger serving of the goods ladled out by our
industrialized, earth-sucking system. Evergreen then seems
like a minor concession to some good and potentially
threatening ideas, co-opting subversive energy and making
it relatively safe. Kind of like buying organic food at
Of course, most of us deal with the smaller frames
of our daily lives, and this involves endless contradiction
and, in academic language, "contested terrain." If you want
to fight the system on its own terms by, say, becoming a
radical lawyer, you must simply jump through the hoops.
The challenge is to do this with no illusions as to the
ultimate place and purpose of the seemingly-necessary
treatment known as education (including Evergreen). You
may be reading this somewhere in the depths of A-dorm
and experiencing a growing sense of fatalism . The first
thing you can do this year is get the fuck out of A-dorm
and take the bus downtown. Volunteer at Books To
Prisoners. Book an art or music show at the Arrowspace.
Fight the Olympia Downtown Association with a marker
or some paint, or stickers. Find a non-student and show
them a resource at Evergreen that they can take advantage
of without paying a dime. Drop out, get your money back,
and sit in on classes anyway (if what you're really there
for is classroom learning). Encourage your friends to do
the same-organize a tuition strike, because learning is free!
In the words of an anonymous (student) rebel during the
Paris '68 uprising: Demand the impossible!
10 Books To Spur Thought:
Freedom And Beyond and Instead OfEducation, John Holt
-Tools For Conviviality andDeschooling Society, Ivan Illich
-Deschooling Our Lives, Matt Hern, ed.
-Making It Up As We Go Along, Chris Scagliano
-Demystifying School, Miriam Wasserman, ed.
-Radical School Reform, Ronald and Beatrice Gross, eds.
-Teaching To Transgress, Bell Hooks
-A Primer OfLibertarian Education, Joel Spring
Priest Point Park - Head east to downtown Ol;j'pta, take a left on East Bay drive and
head north, entrance on your right. Nice second growth forested trails and beach trails, great
for the doggie.
Watershed Park - Head east to downtown, take a right on Capital St:, take a left toward
Interstate 5, follow the signs to get to Henderson Blvd., parking lot is on the left. More lush
than Priest Point but smaller and with more traffic noises from 1-5.
Nisqually Wildlife Refuge - Get on Interstate 5 north, take exit 114 and follow directions
to the Refuge. Lots,..,o fbirds (especially in the winter), riparian plants, and a wide variety
of shrubs.
~ ·_
~McLain Creek - Take a right on Evergreen Parkway coming from TESC and take the exit
before the bridge to Highway 101. Take a right on Mud Bay road, a left on Delphi. Look
for sign~ for the Creek. Big trees and lots of birds.
Mirna Mound~ature Preserve -Take Interstat~.5 south to exit 95, head towar :eittlerock,
turn right on Wfl4deirCreek Road. The entrance-:is on the left. Probably the m9stl>izarre
place in the county, a.nassive field of several foot tall natural bumps. The wildflowers of
the pseudo-prairie peak in late April and are superjor to anywhere else within. I 00 miles of
- ~t"sest ~A-ckt1A-ckina .L"cP.:.tes -
Lower-South Fork Skokomish Trail (I .Hour Away): )
TakeHighway lOfNorth about 30 miles, and go left on Skokomish Valley Road. In 5.5
miles, veer right onto Forest Service Road 23. Stay on 23 past numerous junctionsyfor 9.2
miles, to the junction of Forest Service Road 2353. Go right and down this road. Cross the
one-lane bridge and go left staying on paved road."'The pavem~nt en s after another onelane bridge. The trailhead is on the left at the end of the pavement, park at the pull off by
the trailhead. If you drive to the yellow gate, ou've go-Qe too far. Rivers, huge trees, steep
at first, then quite flat.
Dosewallips Trails (1 ½ Hout.s Away):
Take Highway 101 North about 60 miles to Brinnon and tal<e a left at the big sign for
Dosewallips. There are tons of trails in this area. Stop by the ranger station on thenght side
of the road soon after you get off Highway 101 for directions. Staircase, Lena Lakes, and
Lake Constance are personal favorites.
The North Fork 9t:t;be Quinault (2 Hours Away):
Take Highway 101 Nortb about 8 tniles to State Route 8 West towards.Montesano for about
30 miles to Highwa)" 12 West. Highway 12 becomes Highway 101 North-talcethis for
about 40 miles to Lake Quinault South Shore Road. After 12 miles tum right onto North
Shore Road-go 3 miles to ranger station. Lots of BIG trees and a.few trails with many
options, like the 5-6 hike along Skyline .Trail through some of the most beautiful scenery
in the park.
tUffiBLe1.u1eeD S
ueL PUL Uints
tumbleweed is a special gay cat. adult
models or sex workers, although some
are . Either way, they are normal people
he is handsome and orange. he used t o live in interested in expressing their sexualities. They
campus housing but has since moved off. he are all sizes, all genders, all sexual orientations,
likes anal sex and eating cat food he~e
all races, ~nd from all sorts of pl?ces, doing all
sorts of things. The models are in charge of
some tips he has compiled for your assistance their content and their representation.No Fauxxx
and pleasure
is for models who are sick of not seeing people
like them in mainstream porn, and for members
who appreciate real bodies, real people, and a
*dont assume what prnnouns people you variety of genres.
meet at evergreen use! remember pronouns
. .
from madlibs? pronouns are what you refer to Punks, goths, emo kids, hipsters, h1pp1es, and
someone as such as "he" or "she." some people o~he~ "alternative" models. They love tats and
at evergreen and elsewhere use alternative
piercings, but not all of our models have them
pronouns such as "ze" and "sie" and "si." some and not all of our models adh~re tc::i any
people may not use any at all and instead prefer subculture. Furthermore, we will strive ~o break
you to just refer to them by their name. the dowr:i ':'II sex ~tereotypes an~ typecasting,
key is ... don't assume! just don't use a pronoun providing an in-depth analysis of the porn
until you get to know them well enough to ask industry while creating HOT HOT HOT HOT PORN.
them what they prefer. show some respect now Kristina Fagulera, evergreen student and olympia
resident, started this site as a personal erotica
site and decided to turn it into a full blown
*you dont have to sign your evals until erotic~ site when ~eople expr~ssed interest in
you gradutei when you sign them you can no modeling for the site. contact.
longer make changes. some professors may hey@nofauxxx.com. for more fun alternaporn
make you, but if you want to revise, do so
chec~ out ... www.s_sspread.<:om for Dyke,
before signing! you professor must sign it when Lesbian, an1d Trannie Porn wit~ losts of
you finish though so you'll have to spend more gendE;rfuck. and thatstrangeg1rl.com for boy
time tracking them down if you wait longer.
a nd girl fun.
*the w~iting
and quantataav·e 1--eason1·ng *www.survivorproject.org
Survivor project is a non-profit organization
(math!) centers are here to help you. drop dedicated to addressing the needs of intersex
by or make an appointment. there have friendly
students and staff waiting to help you with your
work. they are both located in the library building
on the 2nd floor.
and trans survivors of domestic and sexual
violence through caring action, education and
expanding access to resources and to
opportunities for action. Since 1997, we have
provided presentations, workshops, consultation,
materials, information and referrals to many
*tum ewee . says for non-oppressive anti-violence organizations and universities
pansexual olymp1a-based alternaporn che~,k across the country, as well as gathered
out w~w.nofauxxx_.com. No Fauxxx mean~ No information about issues faced by lntersex an
Fakes. Most of their models are not professional trans survivors of domestic and sexual violence.