The Cooper Point Journal Volume 9, Issue 7 (October 23, 1980)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 9, Issue 7 (October 23, 1980)
23 October 1980
extracted text
WatJunaton AuCWmy of Artt
Tiw Wuhington Academy of
Arts it fe.ilunng a variety of crutivr artwork
by t~nttd Washington utists Cuol Thom~
son, OM oi ttw Northwnl's lu1ding se.iscape
painters. will M reprnmted on a continuing
bu11 In the gailkry Wnttt11 pamllng1 and
sculpture by Sandy Rodriguu, Oor.als by Lois
Danell. contemporary pistels and oils by
Robin luddatt, Landscapn by Jean Ba~. and
amm,1J p;111ntings
and dr.1wings by Karen Puon
are .also on display. The galkry is located at
918 Hensley (comer of Martin Way and
Hensley) and is open Tund41y through Saturday from 2,30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.
CorniNI Institute
hedra Kosh vchibilion: works in two KriH
.. Lunacy •• a multimedia collrction:
'E~nllill Portr,111 So)(H," cons,sllng of abstract box construction
lhrough Oct. 31
Cornish CaUrry. rTgulu hours, 10 am lo
5 p m wttkd.lys and noon to 5 p m Saturdays

12-5 p.m . Wed and Fri.. 12-10 p.m Oosed
on Mon. Adm1Mion is frft on Fri. 4-10 p.m.



Suttle Aru

K.iku Gallery
Paul I Sp.arls-EvergrN"n FKulty member
RKenl paintings .and drawings The eJ1hib1t
will br on display through Oct 31 The k1ku
g,allery 11 located at lll6 E. Pike St Se.attle.
12-JO p m.-4 JO pm.
Tues -Fn 11 am -5 pm.
AndtO, G.aJkry
Frtt adm1ss1on to tM following uh1b1t1ons
·rsA Procns. through ·Sun Oct 19 .and
C.aliforma Video." • 0.:-1 25 Both
oh1b1ts will bit at and/or Callery 1525 Tenth
Ave Callery hours 12-6 daily
Wonwn's Cultural Centu
..Up Front,. J uhibillons by the YWCA
Women·i. Center. E.xh1b1tswill open
the first Fnd.ay of each month. 7-9 p.m .. 0.:-tDtt at the Women·s Center, 4.224
Un1vers1ty Way NE e,:h1b11hours .are
Mon -Fri 9-5 p m Adm1ss1on 1s frtt ;i,nJ
open 10 rM public
Fottu 'Whitit Gallery
Wilham Cummings
The exhibit will bf. on viitw through 0.:-t. 20 at
the foster White Gallery. JI I l 2 Occ«kntal
Ave S (022-2833) G.allery hours JO a m.5 30 p. m Mon -S,1t noon-5 p m Sun
P.at11Warashina Sculpture The d1spl.ay will
be on view through Oct 20 at tM Foster
\o\h,te G.alH!'ryin Sit.attlit
Equivalents Gallery
Photogr.aphs by Ruth Bernhard and /Im
Goldberg will be showing through Oct 20 at
Equ1v.aH!'ntsCallery. 1822 Broadw.ay, Se.attle.
The Silver lmap C.aJlery Gunt'tl Aen.11 Photogr.aphs showmg through Oct. 12 at the Silver Image C;1llery 92 South W.ash1ngton St Clowd Sundays
()pm Mondays
'ln•1e Dt-hRhl5' Work in non-silver .and
h.and-t1ntrd photogn,phy by Tracy Lamb Tiw
photos m.riy be vinvt'd through Oct. 30 at the
Callery c•n Sat.. Sun .. u1d Mon. ()pm Mondays is located at 6125 112 Roowve-lt Ave. NE.
Crftllwood Ga11ni,es
The Crttnwood C..Dmes pramts an nhibitlon of Wood and Bronze Sculplutt by Harold
H Hoy and oil paintings and mi•rd media
studies by Joan Kyle-Die-trick TM exhibit is
open Tues -Sat., 11 .ri.m -6 p.m through
Oct 25 Lootf'd at 89 YnJltf' W;1y-P10nttr
Squ.ritt Se;11tle (682--89001

Further Away
Portland Art MUMUm
l.apanew Dr.awtngs The- Portland Art Muwum will be the- only muse-um on the- West
Coast to show .,Japanne Dr.awinp of the 18th
.and 19th Cmtunes:· a m.11jornhibition of 140
wo..-ks from 43 publk and private collections
1n Japan, America, Europe and lsrHI. Among
the- 63 masters re-prnented att ltcho. Kuniyoshi, H1roshigt". and Jack Killiff.
noted British historian of Japanne art. w;1s
guest director for the- nhibition which was
organiud by the lnternat1onal Exhibitions
Foundation. The- exhibit will be o~n through
Oct 26 Houn.: Tun .. Thun., and Sun.,


f TS



TIMS.tmon Snow
Bob Carroll pre-tents th•
'"Salmon Show and Othen:· This outlandish
fish story b nothing Ins than the Ii~ cycle of
a salmon, from the salmons point of v~.
combined with a cosmic ditatrtatlon of indu ►
trial .and other re-volutions. As a stand-up comic
and salmon soliliquiz.e:r, ·•tte has 90mt of the
m.atter-of-fact abrulwnna
and raaallty of a
latter-day Lenny Bruu." His prntntation "is
ecological. ebullient, as purifying u a mountain stream." (Mel Gussow, The New York
Tlmn) Admission tS Sl.SO. at thre Recital Hall.
Sponsof'N by C.ampus Activities.
Take a Cud, Any Uni"
P;1c1ficNorthwnt pmnittt- of 'lake a Card.
Any Card" is tcheduled for Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, October 17, 18, and 19, beginmn.g ill 8 p m. m the E.xpe-nmental The-attt on
the Evergrttn State Col~
.available at Yenny"s Music and Evt1"glttn
Bookslort' for all evening shows RnttValions

Comish IMtitute
October 16 and 19- Theater production:
"lhe Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the
Moon Marigolds,"
directe-d by Kathryn
Mesney Admission charge: SJ.SO gfflera.l, 52
studt-nts, seniors and childre-n (Oct. 19 pre-s,enlallon 11 part of tht Seattle Arts Commi1s10n sponsof'N "Sund.riys at Comish .. setift:
that day 11frtt).
Chekov : The Cherry Orchanl
The lasl play in lntiman Theatre Comp.any'&
production tnlogy of Chekov·s major work,.
The Cherry Orch.ard. 1s playing at the comp.iny·s theater on Eighth Avenue betwttn
Limon .and PiktThe Cherry Orchard features Eve Roberts
as Mad.ame Ranevslir..aya.John Cilbe-rt as Mr
brother, Cayev. and Ted D'Anns as merchant. Lophin. Thf. pl.ay. directed by lntiman's
founder and .artislic dirf'Clor. Margaret Booker.
will play through OctOMr 25 Call lntiman·s
box office. 624-2992. for ticke-1informalion.

R.E.I. Co-op Clink Serin
Your guide lo the outdoo~
Frtt l«turn.
prnentations, and demonstra•
!Ions by uperts
October Schedule
Sunday, Oct. 19-R.E.I. Beach Oean--up: The
n1nlh annual cH!'an-up will la~t the- be.achn
m the Wntport are.a Bulft will leave- R.E.I.
.al 7 .am and return by 6:30 p.m. Sign up al
R E I Customer Sen,.c•
Oct. 23, 7 p.m.-The
Ahem.aHve: Jlf'ff CoH!' of E.cotope will discusa
the viability of solar power altemativn in the
Northwt"SI He'll also show a film entitled 'The
Solu Promise-.··
S.turday, Oct. 25, Enttn Day at R.E.I.:
Cold wulher brings its own special set of
problems when hv1ng. traveling or l»ing active
1n the outdoon
R.E.l. will be- fe-aturing a
varit-ty of demonstrations
and clinics on
kttping warm including: slttping b,a,gcare- and
constructions. rifechvenn. ol layfflng. down
ve-nus hollof,11. wool vtnus fihfffill
Thursday, Oct. JO, 7 p.m.-Mystulou•
Kathmandu: Climbing guide John Muller will
show sl;dn of treks through the re-mote and
beautiful Himalayas. R.E I. Co-op, 1525 11th
Avenue. Seattle, prnenls frtt public clinics.
For 1nform.ation contact Tom Hutchison,

Further Away
Portland: Jap&MN Art Survey
Donald Jenkim. Orwn1al Art Expert and
Director of the Portland Art will pre-wnl the last two ~urn
of a four-put "Survey of J.apa.ntw Art·· in Octobff. spontorNI by
the Asian Art Coundl. Oct. IS and 22,
7:30 p.m. 8ef'g SwaM Auditorium. 520 pneral admiNion: 510 ANoc. nwmbrn, students
and 1rnior citiunt.

Cnu Ddl
Octoba 17: lntupm:atlons/Collaborationt
11-9 p.m (52) A final tribute to the local
musk 1«M in 1980. Hi&hJl&hted
by pieca by
John Alkins on pW\O. Bill Johnston on cello
and many mott. A Gnu Ml.llic bietwf"it.
OctONr 18: Mark Andtnon. 9 p.m. (tl)
Sinprll(Uitarbt Andttson from Colo-rado with new material. Oriain.als lo rqUme.
October 19: Oly Wa Ditty Band-8 p.m.
(511 The sWHt sounds of Olympia W,. In this
for the- Southern Puget
Sound Solar £MflY Anodation's bt AnniVffsary and the- opmin,t oE the MW Solar Out•

VOLcJMe ~,

OC:r: 2.:5, I 180

at. Evergreen
By Th,m,o CoMor


Saturday, October 11~ Strve O'Brim will
perform original and hot country/blun/folk
I :30-2:30 p.m. 2U W. 4th Ave.
Oct. 18-1.:itchfield, Tuel, McCl1.1tt: A littlt
bit of everything-all of it plusing and enlfftalningl Mary has hem a lonatime favorite: and
each time SM returns IN bring, e:xcitln&su,,prua-first
Ride., a mastmul guitarist-~
J. 8. McClure .a Washingtonian ffl:ffltly re-turned from the- Washington on the eut co.aat.
Doors opm 8 p.m.lope:n mike- 8:15/maln act
follows. At the YWCA. 220 Union.
Olympia. (Sl)
Music and Oana-S«attlit
Padfk: Oancit Cmtn-•
Free performaf"ICfl by lupe:rtory Danc:tn
Northwest on Fri., Oct. 17. 7:30 p.m., at
Montlake Community Center-. 16th Aw. E and
Eas1 Calhoun St. Admiuion to all perfonn-ancn is on a fint-come, fi.rst•serve:dhuh.
RUMlan Community Cmttr•
~ Seattle Balalaika Orchnt~
and Dance
EnSffllble prrte-nt a ttView of old Ruaian 10ng
.and cbntt For the Ruaaian Community Ce-nta-'1
.annual pre--Chrlstma, dinMr and arb and
crafts sa~. The Seattle Balalaika will
appear for gunt pe:rformanttS, Sat .. Oct. 18,
and Sun., Oct. 19, 6 p.m. at ttw Ruaian Community Cent«, 704 19th Aw. E. Admiaion
Oir11 Straits will perform one show on
Thursday. October 23 al 8 p.m. at the-Show•
box (1424 First Ave.) Ticke-ts for thil conctrt
art" 59.SO advance and went on ale Sat.,
Sept. 20 al all Budgfl T apa and Records.
Post~n. ToWff Records (U Dittrict),
C•llophan< Squv. (U. Dbtrictl and
Travem (2nd Ave.). For furtha mfonnation
call 241-2320.
St•v. Hackett, former lead guitarist of
Cennil will be maldna hll Seattle debut u a
solo artist on Wed., Oct. 22, at 9 p.m. Stne
and his sp,Kial guests will be at the Ad Ub
T;1ve-mIn K~nt: tickets are S7.SO advance and
att on sale at the regular tk:Mt outle-ts. For
m<>ff Information all 241•1320. Praente:d by
KZOK and AlbatroM Productions.
Im!, Muak
Th, """
Uoht C>,d,atn of Dublin brina,
its rqM"rtoire:of popular and Irish favoritn to
the Seattle Open, Home- for a perfonnantt
Thursday, Oct. 23. at 8 p.m. Ticbts for theNorthwest Re-leulng t'Vfflt are on sale at tht
Ticket Place at the Bon downtOWTI and sub-urban OU.tie-ts.
"BLackSouth Africa Spub"
A nia,ht of music, poetry, dance and drama
including a dllplay ol art and photography by
and about black Africans. Sun., Oct. 19.
2·30 p.m. at Lanpton Hughes Cultural Arts
Cmtlff', 104 17th S. Reduc:H-pritt ($3) Ucbts
will be 10ld al the door. For ticket information
call Gerald Lmoi.r al 1-329--4111.Sponsor-NI by
the American Fril-nds Se:rvk.'e:Commltttt.
Radott Folk UN'll'lble
The NorthWH1'1 on}y profaNOnal Balkan/
American dantt company pnforms O:t, 18 at
8 p.m . .and Oct. 19 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. lll
Me-any Hall, Univ. of Washington. The com.
pany prnents the musk and dance of the
slavic cullurn of Eastern Europe (Yu,goelavia,
Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Poland and
RUNia) and the United States. Tkke:tt avaUabw
.rit Slavic Imports, Fidelity Lane and 11.lburban
outlet1. Unive:nity of Wuh. HUB and by
phorw/mail from Seattl. Theatre Arts, 3014
Northwest 07th. Seattle 98117. (1-189-5605)
• R.pnnted from TifE ARTS, the monthly
newsletter of the Se:attle Arts Commmion.



From top to bo._,
Mkilall ff,~~ ...
Mkha.t Lonaand Rtb«a 0-.,,
of Mica
Mime Troupe.
photo by John Gn-ttht


mm. 0nc.m..,.
Acad1adc: FIim Sertls
Wednnday, Oct. 22, Maddoonla Unllonn
L,ontJne Sagan, Gmnany, 1931, 90 min., b/w. by the rlaJddacipllne of • """""'
boarding school for girls, 1 NNidff
Htt.l Intimacy with a aympathdk ttacha-.
Tlus lepndary film .... coll<cti..!y mad, by
a mniniJt cut and CftW and wu 11.1ppttteed
by the Nam. l.«tun: Hall fl, 1 :30 p.m. •
7:30 p.m. fl'ff
Friday Nita FU..
Oct. 17, DUiy Wilder's Aa In the Hole(abo
titled T1oeIlia umivall U.S.A., 1951,lU min.
owri,c ](l,k Oous)aaandJoli5tffllna.A film
of unrd<ntlna and ~ cynldun
and dalnltely ..,. of Wilda's beL DouaJas
plays a ruthlal ~ who e,q,loltt I l'Olldtide: stand OWMr who .. buriedalm in I cliff
caw.In. The ~ keepa ti. IMft tn the
cavo-ln .._,
than _,,,,,
In onler to pt
rich from the MnUtional atorin N writtt
about him while a c:amivakideshow towilt
trap dtfflopa at the lilt o( the MXiclmt. A
mttc1i.., but fudnatlng. ttudy of .-,I and
the dub,
lido of "the Amorian way." Plu,I
W.C. Fl<ldoIn T1oe(1932). l.ectuft
Hall 11-3. 7 and 9:30 p.DI, (Sl.25)

For several y•an it haJ bttn known
that as many women students UH: the Rec
center at Evergreen, as do men: yet, the
men's locker room is U,00 oquan, E.etalmost twice u large u the women'•
locker room, which is only 1400 oquan,
feet. Uhwise, th• women'• sauna Is only
105 squan, EM, whil• the fflfll's is 1A)6
square fttt. Such a disparity ii illegal
under Titl• IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 which stain: No penon in
the United Stat .. shall, on the buis ol
sex, be excluded from partldpatlon in, be
denied th• benefits of, or be 111bjected to
discrimination under any education program or activity -Ying
Fedm,I .financial assistance.
In 1976, E-.,.en
undertook a ,.)f.
,valuation to det•rmine whether the college's athletic program compll,d with the
new statut•. Lucy Woods, the coonlinator
of the Rec program at that time, compiled
the■tion and n,ported that "the
facilities hen, at E-.,.en
disoiminat• agaiNt women." n.. report
dted statistics which showed Jhat uuge of
the TESC fadlltia It aplit 50-50 betwttn
men and women. Yet, the Rec cmter,
built in 1973 and modelled after the aports
center al th• Univ. of Wuhington. wu
designed to aerw a 70-30 ratio ol l!taltfftnal«utqe. Facilitia const:ructedto
accommodat• the 70-30 usas,oratio, ouch
as the fadlitin at the U.W .. wen, mad,
oboolete by Tille 1Xrwhidl reqwrerthet
such facilities be of equal liu.
No one checbd the statut• befon, construction on tho TESC facility began. As
a rault, the sports facility on campus haJ
bttn in violation of the Titl• IX code since
ii opened its cloon io 1973. n.. 1976
E'Vfl'grftn report "piannod" to remedy the
sex discrimination inherent in the athletic
complex; but few steps have bttn taken
to do so.
Why has the college, knowuwv, ~

115 '•


. ,·.
X Ii /




"Addle, on the Roof," the family clu,k, ,...
to the Thunton County arH for two
lhowinp only, on Sunday; Octobn- 12. at 3
and 7 p.m. at the Abbey Theam on tht Saini·• Colltp camp,11.

Tickdt to tht film. which will COVff th« coat
of i..-...,
and onacka.coot S5 11mm) 1611\laion or S3 for wnlor dliziml and children
1l and u.ndtr. The family movW ii b«ina
shown by the Citiwns for Barner ampaipl
commltttt, which Mlt:U to fftlect De:mocnt
C«or9e Barnu to the Thunton




.• •, /




329' •











Saturd.y, Oct. 11: The 5000 ~ ol Or. T
by Or. Suno. It', hie oc,Jyfull.lercth film and
it's not animal~.
Ben«fns the- Crapevin«
Croup, ~•
altemaUvt collqt m.arkltln,
and 9:30 ..... ($1.25) Also I lhort, Botty
Boop In Blundaland.
EPIC FllaSme
Mond,y, Oct. :io, Sat,mloy Nlpt .._
Richard Nixon diKhar1N
An:hil:tald Co,c
(Sp<dal Wat.,...i. Prooecutor) and Wll1wn 8.
Rud«hhaus JO..,..ty Auonwy Gmeral). At•
tomey c.....i
E!Uot L. Rlduud,on mlgntd.
Lecture Hall fl. 1 p.m.

mained in violalion of Titl• IXT-The explanation given by th• administration is
tha1 Evergrttn has been unable to secure
th• funding to mnedy th• altuatlon. P~
liminuy •nginttring .. timates indicat•
that it would cost $37,850 to equaliu lite
locker room facilitl...
Last y•ar Evergrttn included a project
propoul ltt the Budget Requ.. t to build a
new gymnasium. According to Dave
Wallbom, then, was aupport for th• project, but ti!'! legislatun, failed to pass the
budg,t ao Evergn,m did nol get the funds
This past year, a group of women peti•
tiontd that some form of action be takrn
lo aU.Viat• the disparitia betwttn the
facilities. When copin of the Budget
Requesl rolled off the p....., laler in the
summer, the 6.5 billion dollar budget
again pramted the gymnasium proposal
whicj, included a request for $37,000. to
expand the women'• facilitln.
Student Gretchen Sorenson presented
a propooal to the Slt:A Baud this summer
sugating that during the interim (19801985), the locbr rooms be switched on an
annual b,uis, in order to provide equal
acass to the ~ locker room.
The S&A Bo.ird approved th• propoul,
which waa then p..-.ted to Pet• S1.Uba'I, director of the Rec Cm1er. According to Sorenson, Steilberg expn,ssed inlernt in the idea, NII iuggated that they
,-1 with thocustodial ·staff, Director of
Facilities Dav• Wallbom, and Affinnaliv•
Action Officer R,becca Wright 10 dilcuss
the poulble problems with the proposal.
At th• Sep1ember 22 meeting lhe main
problem, according to Somt10n, was
brought up by Da"" Wallbom. "Dav• saw
this proposal as bdns something w• absolutely should not do," said SomlSOn in
her report to the Sa.A Board mttting two
weeks qo. "His ftt1ing Is thal the Capitol
Budget Requ.. t. .. would get stifled if (he
Jesis)ature felt that w• .could1ak• care of
these problems on our own ... H, felt that














it was 'too politicaJ' at this time ... Ht

felt thal alter th• legislalure had made.
their decision about giving us the money
or not. .. at that time, maybe we could do
In a later interview, Wallbom dem,ded
his stand. ''Then, could be potential problmls in a year when the legislature is
already tight for money ... I think we run
the risk of lessming the impact of our
miuesl if w• hav• alrudy alleviated the
The primary issu•. according to Wallbom, is to get the money for the new
gymnuillm. In th• procesa of addins a
gym to th• p,-nt complex, the women's
locker room fadlitin would be enlaJllN.
"If w• wen, soing 10 remodel the current
apace witliout any poaibUlty of a IYffl•
naaium, answ«ring only th• inequity of
apace ... it could be approxlma1,ly th...
figurn ($37,850). Thal is not the iMUeat
this time," he argued. 'The issu• clearly Is
with our going to request a new gymnaaium. A v•ry mwl
of that
or a
lai correcting himself, "is to satisfy our Till• IX."
Addttasing the conflict over th• locker
room fadlilies, Wallbom pointed out that
it wouldn't be lair to the male students.
"You can satisfy the female stud•nts'
nttds but you're nol going 10 satisfy the
mal• students' needs," he said. '11 you
switch the rooms, th• mal• students will
be unhappy; if you decrease I.hewe. the
ma!• students will be unhappy."
The reaction of the S&A Board to
Sorenson's report and to Wallbom's stand,
was one of ittc:Jisnation.'W• must comply
with Titl~ IX, .. said board l'nffllber Bm
Alexander, "which m•■ns w• fttl that
w,'n, soing to haff to alter the facilities
n,gardlesaof whether or not we Jeop,trdiu
thomoney." Sorenaonandthe othen
agreed. 'We shouldlook .. t this leplly
andmor,ally and let Wallbom deal with
thopolitical,. she dedared.

While it might appear that the students
are making "much ado about nothing,"
the sauna issue has ra~ some ext~ely
important legal and political questions.
Rebecca WrisJ,1, the Affirmative Action
Officer for The' EVffgr'ttn Stat• Colleg•.
hit upon the central issue of the conflict.
"As far as a decision ~uiring '1atutory
compliance (such as Affirmative Action
suidelinn)," she obser'V1'd,"peopl• jump
from side-to-side based on budgetary or
politial considerations."
The sauna controversy is much more
than just one in a series of "Evergreen
skirmishes." It is more than just a tug-o-war between the men and the women on
campus, or a powtt•play between the-stu•
dents and the administration. The issue is
important to a lot of people-not just the
on this campua. The discrimin.i•
tion inherent in the sports and recreational facilities here at Evergrttn is character•
istic of colleges and universities across the
nation. But the fact that the problem is
widespread does not ~ the adminis-traton
their failure to provide for, and defend,
the equal rights of th•ir students.
Al Wallbom's suggestion, 1he S&A
Board has d«id«I to conduct a survey lo
detnmi.nt the students' reaction to the
diltmmai. The turvey, which will be out
this quarter, will give the Evergreen community a rundown on some of the options
available. Evftl more importantly. it will
provide an opportunity for men and
women to join forces in Jfinning the
primacy of equal rights in .any and all
policy consi~rations. The survey will be
available at the Information Center in the
CAB buildins and at th• equipmmt
check-out desk bl lite Rte cenler.
Evergree:n's l"ftp0nM to the saiuna controversy is significant because of the widespread political imp,tct it may hav,. The
outcome of the i11ue here will set a precedent for other colleges and universities
acroso WHhington State.

Corporations vs. 383

A poem to the Editor:
Here is a tale of Evergreen, a college
on Puget Sound;
It happened in the early fall while slugs
still roamed around.
Events came to climax that had been
building all that summer.
The victims of which, understated their
plight, when they cried out 'What a
Anything can make a tragedy. But the
issue in this instance
was the illegal use, sale, abuse and
possession of a controlled substance.
Drugs like slugs at Evergreen were
both said to abound.
Drugs like slugs at Evergreen were
easily found.
Some were pleased with this state of
things but others like it not.
There were rumors of violence and
with guns. the situation
was getting hot.
The Administration heard those
rumors and began to get concerned.
If things got hot and student got shot
their reputations would get burned.
Said one school Father to the others,
··our problem hourly grows."'
1 say by the gods let's infest the mods
with a narc in student clothes."
Though it was known by Security,
Jacobs and the school President,
Their students there were unaware of
the vile agent there resident.
There are many loathsome and vile
things under rocks and in the dark,
One that feeds on trust and abuses
lriends is the vilest of all: the narc.
"More drugs! More Drugsl I want
more drugs!" the narc demanded
On d0ors she pounded and her friends
she hounded until her demands were
They gave her stuff jusl to shut her up
and get her out of their room

But they could not know that in doing
so they were really sealing their
The rest of course is history we all
know about the bust.
The narc is busy somewhere else abusing someone else's trust.
Here at Evergreen we wonder when the
next narc will be hired
Or if our neighbor down the hall who
smokes with us is wired.
The administration is satisfi~ they've
quelled the drug abuse.
While women here ar~ being raped and
the rapists are running loose.
The administration has strange values
in this land of slimy slugs
Friends are betrayed and women are
raped but at least there are no drugs.
by Allen Levy

To the Editor,
Herpes is a sexually transmitted
disease that is growing in epidemic
proportions. Why? Because neglect,
misinformation, and lack of responsibility of all people has helped cre°"te a
generally negative and helpless feeling
towards he~.
I have found, by talking to many
people about herpes, that generally
there is a great desire for a herpes cure
to be found. They want to believe in a
cure as an easy way of ridding their
disease. It has been demonstrated time
and again when testing experimental
drugs, that a placebo effect takes place
in the control group. Recent studies
showed that 50 to 75 percent of pa*
tienls with lip herpes infections,
responded to injections of sterile water
administered at weekly intervals. The
placebo is both the patient and the
doctor believing that the drug is going
tu work: but when the drug is a
placebo they are in effect healing themselves.
Since there is no cure at present,

people can learn to cope with herges
by becoming informed and deyeloping
a responsible attitude about their
bodies and herpes. Leaming about the
immune response and how that relates
to herpes, learning the facts about
her-pH transmission, rrcurrences, pregnancy, it's relation to cervical cancer.
and prevention. Being responsible for
your diet, amount of sleep, exercise,
stress level, your attitude, and learn to
talk about herpes-to anyone, including your sex partner. When you are
informed and positive, you can teach
others about your own personal
placebo effect and healthy attitude.
You can do something about herpnleam the facts, develop a healthy attitude, and talk about it.
Olympia HELP (Herpetics Engaged
in Living Productively) is a group of
people who are taking responsibility
about becoming inform~ and talking
about herpes. HELP is a program
service developed by the American
Social Health Association. The group
will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 29,
Seminar building 3157 at 3, 00. HELP
is also providing education/counseling
on a drop-in basis, Seminar 4115,
M-F, 1-.: p.m.
Herpes: you can do something
about it.

To the Editor:
I wonder how many have noticed
how bizarre the Presidential campaign
has become. I refuse to believe this is
"politics as usual." My suspicion is that
the water supply of the country some-how has been spiked. Evidence: Ralph
Abernathy and Ron Reagan holding
hands on TV. Andy Young claiming
that Reagan will bring back States'
Rights and thus the sanctioned murder
of blacks. Anderson so apoplectically
angry at Carter and Reagan that he is
preparing to fight to the (very} bitter

end. Carter losing all geniality under
the pressure of potential
tleagan, reaching into his actor's bag,
pulling out the perfect poses: righteous
indignation, pity for poor Jimmy, a little homespun humor. (Pity and humor
are the luxuries of those ahead in the
polls, and, after all, it's in the script.)
Then the virulent, myopic hatred of
Carter display~ in editorial cartoons.
Reagan's comparative honeymoon with
the press. (When was the last time he
was asked a hard question,~uch
how can one simultaneously ut taxes,
balance the budget and increa
military spending?)
On top of this circus, the inevitable
Mid-east oil war beginning. Rumored
dealing: spare parts for people. And
the chilling prospect of Ronald Reagan's advisers appointing the next five
or six Supreme Court justices. I can see
it now: 190 yean too late, the first
woman, Phyllis Schlaflyl Thurgood
Marshall's ..,,placement .. : Ralph Abernathy! (After all, he does meet the
primary qualification of a justice-he's
a man of God! One can already hear
poor Justice Douglas spinning.)
At heart a humanist, I long for Mo
Udall, an Adlai Stevenson, a McGovern, a Gene McCarthy, a Churcheven a Truman, or-do
I ask too
much7-a Lincoln. Anyone who thinks
swiftly and carries an open mind. But
instead We have Carter, Reagan and
John B. Quixote.
As Anderson asks: 'What's there to
spoil?" -but
my favorite is Barry
Commoner's earthier epithet on the
"major" candidates. It is about time
someone used that very impolitic word
in a political advertisement.
Despite all, I feel pulled in one more
time to the game. Although I will
dread the moment when .t punch in for
Carter, I can tell myself that it is the
last time I have to compromise. After
this one·1 may go live in a tree.
F. R. Joslin

By Bill Montague


H, B E Ballard


While I was nursing a whiskey and
-.oda last night I received a phone call
trom La'> Vegas. l had b("{'nmusmg over
the coming election. over how close it
tails 10 my birthday. and what kind of
morbid present my country would be giving me if Ronald Reagan were elected.
Then I got an unexpected call from a
d,lse buddy of mine in Vegas, a buddy
who ls.nows I have a touch of gambler's
blood 1n me
Jackie," I exclaimed, ··fancy a call from
you .. .from the city of neon!"
·•Never mind that," announced Jack,
"'the odds are out B, and they may never
be better. I can get a bet in for you tonight if you like."
what do you mean Jackie? Bet

Kathy Davis
Associate Editors
Theresa Connor
Roger Stritmatter
Mmam Lewis
Brad Shannon
Production Managu
Victoria Mixon
Art Director
Craig Bartlett
Business Manager
Karen Berryman
Advertl.lin1 Manqer
Richard Ordos
Angeb Cochran

"I spoke to Jimmy just
"The Gre-ek and well
it's going to
work something like a football pool.
You'll pick a date
some will pay better
than others, of course, according to the
odds assigned. And then if you hit
win buddy."
'·If I " I mumbled, rather unsure of
what my friend was attempting to com*
municate here, "if 1 hit what?"
"The date, man, the datet"
'The date for what Jackie7 I don't know
what the fuck you're talking about."
"September of '82 is a hot item so far,
but I'm going with-"
"Jack. Stop. What am I trying 10 bet
will happen on that date?"
--ohhhh;· cooed Jack, .., see I havent

The Mickey Mous, Oub: B.E Ballard,
Kym Trippsmith, Phillip Everling, Ken
Sternberg, Rob Sandelin, Erich Roe,
Rich Silver, Loretta Huston,
Montague, Ann Maleam and Shirley


explained myself properly. You will be
wagering on the date Ronald Reagan will
croak in office. You're betting on when
the bastard will kick off, bite the dust,
pass to the great podium in the sky. Also,
B, there will be side bets on just how he
will go. "
"How he will.
..Heart attack is the best bet but the
odds are low. lf you'd like to go with a
massive cerebral hemmorhage, I think I
can get you about 16 to l."
··um .. I. _.. I was frankly appalled.
··1 know a guy who is putting about
$2500 that he'll choke to death on a piece
of liver which he will cough up during his
acceptance speech...
"'My Codi..
--sut the odds, B, the odds. The guy is
getting over 3000 to 1!"
"What makes you so sure he'll kick at
"Why do you think they call it gambling, B7 The poor old cowboy is nearly
seventy. Can you imagine the pressure of
running for office? Now ... no bets will be
taken on assassination. Too many compli*
cations if someone won that one. Just
accidents and natural causes. What do

"It's really up to you 8, just pick a
month and a year and, if you like, a
manner of deceasement. I think I could
get you about 200 to 1 he'll pass away
attempting sexual intercourse with his
wife, but the word is that he hasn't had
an erection in eight years so, it may not
be the wisest bet...
"I'll have to think about it," I said, as I
finished off my whiskey and soda. I'd be
needing another, ~ triple at least, very
"Okay, my friend, but don't take too
long. Like I said, the odds now are simply
fantastic. And if by chance he doesn't get
elected, well. all bets are off. But all bets
are good till then. I mean, hell, it is really
looking like he's going to get the job, but
if he doesn't, shit, who cares if a loser
bites the dustl"
"Right, Jack. . well, thanks for calling...
"Yeah, B, and get that wager in. It's
going to be bigger than the Series this
next year."
So I poured that triple and mused some
more. 1 thought about if, and how, I
should bet on the thing. I slept on it.
In the morning I gave Jackie a call _be-

"I. . I don't know. Jt"s such a . it
the bet on this scene. But after talking to
seems so. . immoral .. so ... fiendishly
Jackie, I decided to cancel and pass this
one up. The odds weren't good enough.
"Come on Bl Can't you imagine what
In fact, they were so bad that I would
he'll do in office'?"
have had to bet something like five dolTht- Cooper Point Journal is publish~ wttkly
"I guess so but
lars to win two, worse than even money.
for the studfflts, faculty and ~aff of The Ever"Tell you what buddy, I'll let you in on
I guess a lot of folks must have bet the
grttn State College Views exp~
are not
a little action. Redford and I are both
same way, or they figured that the chance
nt"CHSilrily thaw of the Collt"ge or of th•
Journal's staff. Advertising material contained
riding around five grand that he'll go beof it happening the way I'd chosen were
herem dOf:5 not imply mdorM:ml'nl by this
fore the election. And," Jack now whisvery, very high. So, like I said, I cannewspaper Officn are located in the Collqr
pered as if Ma Bell might overhear ii he
celled my bet and just decided to kick
Activities Buildina;, CAB 104. Phone: 866-6213.
spoke any louder, "we're saying it's going
back, drink and wait, and hope that my
All letter; to the editor, announttmmta,
arts and rvmt, Items muat be ~ved
by noon
to be ... don't breathe a word of this to
country would give me a birthday present
Tuesday for that wttk'a pubHcation. All artkln
anyone ... he's going to pass out and
a little better than what I was expecting.
arT due by 5 p.m. Friday for publkaUon dw
drown in a bowl of Yorkshire pudding."
Oh, my betl
following week. A 1I contrib\{Uons must brr
I was going to wager thot Reagan died
~gn<d. typ<d, doubi<-spaadand oi ,.uonabl•
lf>ngth. Naron will be withheld on reqUNt.
'The odch, B, are so outrageous that
in February of 1982.
11w: editon 1'ftttW tht right to ~ material
we couldn't resist. If this baby hits, I'll_b,
The causel Death by radiation, along
and to relit any contribution■ for 1mph, conlet for life!"
with the rest of the world, due to nuclear
tent. and 1ty~.
'1 just don't know Jackie. What do you
war with the USSR.

buildin~. The two largest •in&l• contributor, are Nuclear Engineering, Inc., which
runs the waste landfill under contract to
The Washington Environmental Trade
the state, and the Westinghouse Corp.,
Association (WETA), a coalition of the
followed in close order by The Borins
state's largest and most powerful business
Co., Puget Power, Exxon Nuclear Inc.
and trade union interests, has raised over
and Chem-Nuclear System, Inc.
$50,000 in an attempt to defeat InitiaAPflt.A,.Pil¥£ OF' N41A/
tive 383 in next month's general election,
WETA, the mother of th... corporateCffAl{ACff;ltlSTKS "'PL-A~
nourished offspring, is a virtual Who',
according to records at the state's Public
AMP ~N'IMAL-5.• - •
Disclosure Commission.
Who of the state's business and trade
The initiative, which is sponsored by
union community. Robert Dilger, Secrethe Don't Waste Washington Committee,
tary-Treasurer of the Washington State
an offshoot of the Washington EnvironBuilding and Construction Tnid• Council,
rs a«. AHCf-ST
mental Council, would ban the importais chairman of the WETA board, which
tion of most radioactive waste into the
includes representatives of the Weyerstate after July 1, 1981.
haeuser Co., Rainier Nationa1 Bank, SafeWorking through several political
way Inc., Teamster,; local #411, ITT
action committees-The Initiative 383
Rayonier and Kaiser Aluminum.
Committee, The Committee for a Sensible
Why is all this high-power finance
Energy Policy and The Washington Voice being aimed at Initiative 13831 A look at
of Energy-the industry pressure group
the dwindling number of radioactive
apparently hopes to convince the state's
waste dumps will answer that. There are
voters that the shipment of out-of-state
only three such facilities in the nation
radioactive waste to the state's landfill
presently accepting shipments of contamdisposal site at Hanford is both safe and,
inated tools, clothing, coolant water and
more importantly, cruciaJ to the nation's
other radioactive debris from commercial
energy future.
nuclear reactors. The other two, in
In a handout sent to newspapers, TV
Nevada and South Carolina, have placed
and radio stations around the state last
a ceiling on the amount of waste they are L...,,;;:ut
week, the Washington Voia, of Energy
willins to handle. Washington has not
(WAVE), billing itself as a "grassroots"
done so; as a result, waste shipments into
citizens organization "dedicated to provid-- the state have increased almost 700 'lb
ing information -:onceming energy-related
since 1976. Over 2500 waste shipments
issues," made its case against the initiative are due into the state over the next ~o
years from the crippled nuclear reactor at ~L:i2Z~~;r_;
with a series of questions and answer
Dutt Mile Island.
Example, Q. Does the State or Federal
Hanford already handles about o5 'lb of
Government monitor the (landfill) site.
the nuclear waste in the country, and
most of it comes from military weapons
to determine if waste is managed
production. Much of this waste is classisafely ... l
~ENI> '(OfJR Qvis f/ON To
A. Yes, both State and Federal Govern- fied as "high level" and consists of spent
TYl'!cAL TVR,L(! </oTl/IS HAO!
reactor fuel rods and byproducts resulting L _ _;
ment review ... the site to assure ... compliance with regulations ... In addition,
from their production and reprocessing.
For the time being most of these wastes wastes permanently. Right now Hanford
transportation of the waste is monito~
and trade union opposition, looks like a
by the Highway Patrol and the Dept. of
are being temporarily sto~ in above-is the chief candidate for such a permawinner. Polls have consistently shown
ground tanks managed by the Rockwell
nent waste disposal site. Critics of the
that whatever their views on nuclear
Nowhere in the brochure is any menHanford Corporation. Accorciing to
nuclear industry charge that Hanford is
power in general, a majority of the state's
tion made of a number of serious safety
Steven Stallus, former safety director for
likely to become the final resting place of
voters do not want Washington lo beviolations that have occun-ed in the shi~
Rockwell, several large leaks h.ive
not only the nation's radioactive wastes
come a global waste dump. The anti-383
ment of wastes to the site, violations
occurred at the Hanford tank farm, leaks but also those of over 20 other countries
campaign reflects that fact. It's been very
which moved Gov. Oixy Lee Ray, no foe that threaten to contaminate the Columthat have purchased nuclear reactors from
low key so far. With only two weeks until
of nuclear power, to close the site for two bia River which Aows through the
U.S. corporations.
the election, WET A yet to use its
months last year.
Joan Edwards, coordinator of the Initimost potent weapon-a large, expensive
Although WAVE and the other commitThe problem of what to do with comative 383 campaign states, "lf they choose
advertising blitz. Some observers feel that
tees advertise themselves as "grassroots"
mercial high-level, radioactive waste is
Hanford it won't be because it's the most
WET A and its corporate backers are reorganizations, a quick glance at thrir list
threatening the future of the entire nuclear politically expedient." The thrtt commusigned to a 1383 victory and are saving
of campaign contributon leaves the imindustry. Temporary storage pools around nities that adjoin the Hanford Reservation
their time and money for the inevitable
pression that the kind of grass they're
the country will soon be filled to capacity are strongly pro-nuclear, as are many
court battle that will follow, a battle that
talking about are the finely manieuttd
and the federal government wants desper- state politicians.
can be fought away from the limelight of
lawns surrounding corporation office
But right now. #383, despite business
ately to find a place to dispose of the
election year publicity.






By Brad Shannon
The political camey rolled onto campus
laSt Thunday morning when Sectttary of
the Interior Cecil Andrus spoke to a large
crowd of stu dents, faculty, and com.munity members in the library lobby.
Andrua spoke glowin&ly of his efforts to
conserve Alaskan wildemeu areas in the
shadow of the American Energy Crisis,
and he included some vague remarks
about his recent appointment by
Carter to the Synthetic Fuels Corporation
Board. Audiena, ttSponse was warm,
polite, and sometimes enthusiastic.
President Dan Evans'opened the address
with • brief sketch of his long-ttanding
association with Andrus, former governor
of Idaho. The two men, afld Tom McCall
of Oregon, had worked closely together
on the Pacific NW Regional Commission
when they were govern.on. Evans said
that Andrus is the kind of man who
knows "there is no easy answer" to the

agement of resources. '1 don't subscribe
to the either/or" proposition, he said.
Appealing to the partisan crowd, he
referred to prnious mistakes in Appalachia, where strip-mining sites often look
like "the aftermath of World War Thrtt."
A strip-mining bill passed by Congress
during the Carter Administration will
prevent this abuse in the future, he
claimed. Andrus also Carter's
challenge that the energy crisis offers
Americans the moral equivalent of war,
and said that he was proud of Carter for
putting us into the "conservation mode."
A question and answer period began,
and Andrus sot down to some serious
stumping. One student asked if the environment would suffer more under
Reagan than Carter. Laughing. Andrus
said, "I thought you'd never ask that
one." The house roared u Andrus slipped
off his coat and mimick.~ a cowboy who
rolls up his sleeves before a fight. He then

Andrus picked up the theme of the introdudion and turned it into the impressive resume of a man who wants othen to
know about his sincere concern for the
environment. Jokes were interspersed between facts and brags to good advantage.
The audience broke out laughing several
times, and the mood in the room was re-taxed and open.
Andrus claimed that Americans now
stand a pivotal point" in their history
with regard to the mvironment. He told a
joke about the hillbilly from West Virginia
who had to have someone hold a gun to
his head so he could drink his White
Ughtnlng, But, said Andrus, Americans
don't yet need to put guns to their heads
over energy· The economy and the environment can coexist quite well, he
solaa,d, pttSumably through wiser man•

reputedly told a crowd one day ;..;t
had done an adequate job cleaning up the
air. The next cbiy Reagan was confined to
L.A. due to a record smog alert. Andrus
also t~sed in a Reagan statement that
"80% of the air pollution comes from the
trees and plants." Finally, Reagan's
famous comment on Redwoods-"Jf
you've seen one Redwood, you've seen
them, all"-won another round of laughs.
Andrus said that he and Carter have been
working to preserve the Redwood forests
in California, and that, by comparison,
Carter's policies were "well thought out."
Of the Northern Tier Pipeline propo9al,
which has received favorable recommendatlom from the Dept. of the Interior,
Andrus Insisted that the proposal "wu
and is the best proposal for moving crude
oil from west to east." Several Wuhins•

ton State political hopefuls see no need
for the pipeline, and they point to predictions of shrunken North Slope oil shipments in the future. But Andrus says that
the pipeline is designed to carry any crude
available to refineries in the Midwest.
Andrus also asserted that the Northern
Tier pipeline wouJd be the most environmentally acceptable proposal because it
would not be near the sea.
A question posed about coal-general~
pollutants gave Andrus an opportunity to
comment on a subject that pleased the
crowd. He first noted that the EPA has
increased its standards for sulfur emissions. He said use of newer scrubbers
could reduce these pollutants significantly.
Andrus then said that he opposed the
construction of more nuclear power plants
(except those under construction), until a
way can be found to store wastes effectively. He said, "There has to be found in
this earth, a safe geological structure
,,here this waste ca11be ~d
Andrus was asked his opinion of Washington's Initiative 383 which would prohibit dumping of all non-medical radioactive wastes generated outside the state.
Andrus called 383 "a wise initiative." '1t's
i good idea to have the initiative on the
ballot," so the citizens "can show their
opinion." Nevertheless, Andrus didn't say
whether or not national interests would
overrule the interests of the state.
One student asked about the proposed
Alaska I.ands Bill which preempts Alaskan
authority over the development of its
resources. Andrus, architect of the bill,
told the audiena, that the bill won't
hamper economic growth, and cited the
enormous numbe:n of tourists who alroa.dy 10 to Alaska and the milliom of
dollars they spend there.

Andrus was asked if the synthetic fuels
program urged for by Carter wasn't too
costly both in resources and dollars. He
replied that the Synthetic Fuels Corpora*
tion was primarily an investment bank
using loan guarantees and joint ventures
(public and private) in order to "entice the
private sector'' into making these risky
Someone asked how oil imports can
drop to 4.5 million barrels a day by 1985,
as Andrus had asserted earlier. He replied
that conversion from gas and oil to coalgenerated electricity will make a substan•
tial difference. He wants to see ''bad.out
legislation to force utilities to convert."
Andrus was finally asked about the
death of a California condor chick
which was being weighed by the U.S. Fish
and WildJife Service as part of that d~
partment's moniter of endangered species.
Since the Fish and Wildlife Service is
administratively responsible to the Dept.
of dn: Interior, Andrus-fee~
sponsible. He said there is "no way to
remove the guilt that is ours, collectively." The "tragedy," he says, is under
In closing, Andrus said that he will be
retiring from office soon, even if Carter is
reelected. He said he is proud of Carter's
"environmental ethic," but ad4Md that he
could not promise protection of the oilrich Alaskan wilderness forever. Nevertheless, Andrus wants to "leave a little for
his children," and insisted that we must
"improve (our) stewardship" of the earth.
Andrus then described the industrial
development up and down the Pacific
coast of the Americas, everywhere but in
Alaska. His voice soared as he said, 'Why
not save just a little piece of it, the way
God created it7 ... just one piece of land
without the industrial footprint of manl"
page 3

This year, from July 21 until August 2, the U.S. Government conducted
a ~istration of men born in 1960 and
1961 for a military draft. During those
two weeks nearly 4 million men were
required by law to go to a U.S. Post
Office and complete a form indicating
where they could be located in the
n-enl of a draft. On the first day of
protest actions were carried out at post offices all across the
Olympia Committee Against Registration and the Draft was busy during
that time handing out anti-drah literature and draft counseling information
at two of the post offices in Thurston
County. Both before and during renewed registration in January 1981, we
will need more people to help with
outreach work in the community and
at high schools.
On Monday October 27, at 7:30 p.m.
m Lecture Hall 1 at The Evergreen
State Cvllege, there will be a Draft
Teach-In with speakers on various
topics cc,ncerning the draft (e.g., U.S.
fr,re1gn policy. history of anti-draft
activity and successful anti-draft tact1csl. There will also be time for a discussion and a questions and answers
penod. We will break down into task
f,)rces and people can find out how to
gt>t an..-,tlvt>d1n worling on the draft
thr,tu~h OlARD and Thurston County
Oraft l,llmselin~ Center There will
a!c;L,be drJft counselors available 1,,
tall with dratt-aged people about their
partKular c;ituatrons Sp,insored bv

A rE'uni,m lor the Great English
Nc•vels summer program 1s tt>ntatively
rlanned i,,r Wt>dnesday, October 20
Call Bed.y Sharp, Tess Derbyfield or
Anne (all at 913-1372) for details.

A support group is starting for
women who have returned to college
after a lt>ngthy absence from the classroom. The women's re-entry gathering
will be Thursday, Oct. 23. from' noon
to 2 p.m. in CAB 306 and will continue each Thursday noon. Bring lunch,
drop by, and share ideas with other
re-entry students.

What is the Zero-Energy House?
Find oul about this super-insulated
home which drastically reduces the
of heating fuels. The
Southern Puget Sound Solar Energy
Association presents a two-session
workshop at their Solar Outreach Center, 1620 East 4th in Olympia. Free to
members and $5 for non-members.
Session 1: Saturday, October 25
from 10 a.m. to noon. Discusses the
house and the air-to-air heat exchanger.
Home tour included.
Session 2· Saturday, November 8.
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Building an airto-air heat exchanger examining potent ,..1. /--,-ed~ns--oome-i...el-eonswnp,.t i\m For more details call the Solar
Outreach Center. 943-4595.

• GRE810




s,nce 1938

Artists a.nd Writers: Come to Friday's noon meeting in LIB 3215 to plan
and discuss this year's literary and arts
publication, as well as the poetry readings and events you'd like to see

A workshop on psychic healing and
meditation is being offered in Olympia
on Saturday, October 25, from 14 p.m. It is an introduction to experiencing and demystifying your psychic
energy. Subjects to be covered will include grounding and centering techniques, how to protect and maintain
your own space, and how psychic
healing works. There is a $10 donation. The event will be held at 4728
Sleater-Kinney NE. For directions or
more information, please call 459-2509
in Olympia, or 759-7460 in Tacoma.

..Sentimenlalit:f' as developed in the
Charles Dickens' classic. "The Old
Curiosity Shop." will be explored in
two free public lectures offered by
Sandra Simon. October 21 and 28 at
the Olympia Branch of the Timberland
RegionJI Library. Simon, a faculty
rnemher in literature at The Evergreen
State C\ille~e. wall discuss Dickens·
wvrk in presentaltons set from 7 to
8 p.m ,rn Tuesdays a~ part of her Fall
Quarter c1udemic program, "Dickens
and the Art ,lt Description ... Her free
publil talk.., will be followed by 90minute~ d1!l.cussh:msessiom,. which are
also ,lpen to the public.

Every Tuesday, October 28 through
November 25, TESC Campus Ministry
and KAOS-FM will be sponsoring an
series of brown bag
lunch forums on the implications of
Thurston County's ·rapid growth rate.
In terms of its population, industry
and economy, the Pacific Northwest is
one of the fastest growing areas in the
country. Within this area, Thurston
County's growth has been among the
most prolific. What problems, opportunities and changes will this be bringing to our county? In a series of six
open forums with speakers from six
widely varying areas of expertise,
TESC Campus Ministry and KAOS-FM
will explore this subject in many different areas of life. The schedulEeekly
forums will be held in Room
of the
CAB Building on the campus
Evergreen State College. The scheduled
speakers are as follows:
October 28, Judge Robert Utter,
Chief Justice, Washington St.ite Supreme Court.
November 4: Barbara O'Neil, Executive Director, Thurston County
November 11: Thuy Vu, Chairman,
Vietnamese Mutual Aid Association.
November 18: Paul Majkut, President, Allied Neighborhoods Association; Larry Blackerby,
Thurston County Regional Land Use
November 25; Lyle Watson, Mayor
5hhe Clly of O ympta.
The press and the general public. as
well as the campus community are invited. KAOS-FM will be doing live remote broadcasts of this series for its
radio listening audience.

We Have
,'l 197!! Mopeds

Len al


. 4239

Pacific Ave.


Sale ends Oct. 31st.


pait' 4


Travel across the mountain passes of
Washington State this winter will be
made easier thanks to a number of
services being offered by the Washington State Department of Transportation. Those services include the popular SNO-UNE telephone service in ten
communities; the Highway Advisory
Radio (HAR) system on both sides of
Snoqualmie Pass; and the winter operation of 27 rest areas on the state and
interstate highway system.
In addition, WSDOT will continue
to advise motorists of alternative traction devices when studded tires become
legal on November 1.
The department's SNO-LINE will become operational on November 1 and
continue in operation through March.
Last year more than 964,000 calls were
logged by ·motorists wanting to obtain
the current road conditions in all the
mountain passes of the state. Motorists
wanting to know the latest information
this year can call the following numbers: Yakima, 575-2606;_ Wenatchee,
663-5151; Ellensburg, 925-6151; Spokane, 456-6333; Tacoma, 383-4541;
Everett, 252-3146, Seattle, 464-6010,
Olympia, 943-4600; Bellingham, 6762201; and Longview/Kelso, 636-2660.
The HAR, which is in operation at
Snoqualmie Pass all year long, will begin winter service on November 1. The
HAR system allows motorists to tune
in on the 1610 kh frequency on their
regular AM car radios and receive current roadway conditions on 1-90 in the
Snoqualmie Pass area.

Responsibility and Commitment: In a
Relationth.lp. Participants will examine
the issues of relationship as they relate
to responsibility
and commitment.
What does it mean to be "in relationship"? Wh•t dq you want for your.i<lf
and for the other penon in relationship? Oct. 28, 3-4,30, Sem. Bldg. 4151.

Intramural Recreation activities are
designed for the whole Evergreen community. Whether you are an expert or
just a beginner at any particular sport,
you are invited to come out and join
your fellow students, staff, and faQilty
for a lit1le friendly competition. Feel
free to drop by any of the following
events, or call Corey in the CRC office
(866-6530) for more information.
Coed Soccer: Every Tuesday and
Thursday at 4:00 on the soccer field.
Volleyball: Every Tuesday night at
7:00 in the Rec. Pavilion.
WaUybaH: Every Tuesday night at
7:30 in CRC racquetball court 1 .
Flag Football: Every Saturday at
1 ,00. on the playfield.
Ultimate Frisbee: Every Wednesday
at 4 :00, on the Athletic fields.
There will be other Intramural activ1t1es starting up soon. Keep in touch
with the Intramural Recreation bulletin
b,,ard, firsl floor CRC, for details
c1b,"lulmen·s, women's, and coed basJ...etball,a racquetball tournament, and
other special events.

Olympia's Own OBRADOR plays at Harvest Moon Ball at Olympia Ballroom tomorrow night.


By Phillip Everling
President Dan Evans had some good
news and some bad news for Evergreen's
Board of Trustees at their monthly meeting last Thursday. Although Evans expressed great satisfaction over figures
showing a 13.8% increase in this fall
quarter's enrollment, he tempered his o~
timism with news of a financial crunch
necessitated by a 5 % cut in funding to
state universities. Because only two of the
five trustees were present, no official
motions were made. Thus, the meeting
turned out to be an information session,
updating the two members on the current
state of the college.
The good news on higher enrollment
was presented first in the President's
Report. Registrar Walker Allen said that
the 1980 fal1 headcount, including both
full and part-time students, showed 2,805,
a significant increase over last fall's total
of 2,514. The total is 169 students more
than the pn,vious high set in 1976. Forty
of these students are members of Evergreen· s new graduate study program leading to a Master of Public Administration
Better student retention figures greatly
in this jump in enrollment. Evergreen experienced a 16 % increase over last fall in
the number of returning students. ReSistrar Allen attributed the retention to a

breakdown of enrollment statistics, it was
revealed that the female student population increased by 206, while the increase
in male students numbered 85. The number of Third World students decreased
from 204 in 1979 to 189 this year. The
number of students with resident status
increased by 1,U0, compared with an increa~ of only 71 non-resident students.
The succ65 in surpassing enrollment
goals was an encouraging sign for Evans
and the Board, but news of impending
budget cuts brought on a solemn mood.
Governor Dixy Lee Ray's announcement
of a 2% fundingf:ut for Washington's
public universiti♦ came close on the heel
of a previous 3% cut. Fear was expressed
that this loss of stat~ funds will necessitat
a significant curtailment of services at
Evergreen. Funding allowanc,s for goods
and services, travel and equipment replacement have been cut to a batt minimum and the lay-off of some pMt-time
staff members seems imminent.
President Evans emphasized thal while
Evergreen's money problems are serious
and real. every effort would be made to
minimize any re{iuction in the integrity of
the college's academic programs. At the
next session of the Washington Legislature, there may be further attempts to
trim monetary allotments to statesupported schools. It is here, says Evans,
that Evergreen must cite its very favorabl



'\' }·forr~o,,
IJ/yml''" \Va. QISOJ






Evergl"P.f"n'sOffice of Veteran's Affairs has mailed a Student Verification
of Attenda"ce form to each veteran
student. lf 1his form is not completed
and returned by October 31, the office
will conclude that the veteran is no
longer attending school, and will so inform the VA Regional Office in Seattle.
The Regional Office will then terminate
the student's G.I. Bill benefits. All veteran students should keep the Office of
Veteran's advised of any address changes, and should make sure
that the verification of attendance is
n,tumed by Oct~._ 31.

The ERC is cleaning up its officel If
anyone has any stuff in the bad room,
or knows of anyone who hu stuff in
the bad room, please drop by. If not
claimed by Thanksgiving. the ERC will
claim it and deal with it however they
choose. Thank you-and to a clean environment. The ERC People.

Monday afternoons from 4-6 we
have our weekly meeting, open to all
women. The first hour will be spent
discussing feminism: What is it7 How
does it influence '>Ur work and our
lives? What are the operating principles
of the Center7 Your feelings and ideas
are needed. During the second hour
we'll prioritize the projects discussed
during last week's meeting.
Tuaday noon we have a brown bag
lunch-Inform•! talk and shared time.
Wednesday evmlnp following the
Film there will be a discussion of issues and feelings raised by the
Thurlday1 from noon until two in
CAB 306 then, is a brown bag lunch
for Re-Entry Women to meet one
another and find support for the specific issun facing them.
Friday nia),ts at 8:00 is hang out and
have fun at the Women's Center.
Bring instruments, poem, and popcorn!
Our r,gular office houn an, Mondays and Fridays from 9,30 to lc30,
Tueodays and Thundays from
to 3,
Wednesdays from 9:30 to 3:30 and through Thunday evenings
from 6:30 to 9,30. These times are for
drOP"ln eounteling, support and information sharing, We have raourct files
and booksfor reading and borrowing.
Come in and browse.


Straight from their 13 to 3 win over
the Humbolt Shake at the North-I
sectional tournament
in Corvallis,
Oregon, Evergrf"en's newly-formed
Ultimate Frisbee team, The. Flylna
Ceodl1C1 host the veteian Seattle
Wlndjammen on our athletic field, this
Saturday. October 25 at 1 p.m.

The Olympia Food Co-op will be
holding their quarterly general membership meeting at 7:30 p.m., Monday
October 27 at the First Christian
Church, 701 South Franklin. On the
agenda will be reports from several
Co-op committees. There will be a
showing of the film "Controlling Interest" after the general meeting. This
well-researched documentary takes a
look at the impact that giant congl0merates have on international economic
and social development. This film is of
special interest to Co-op members for
its commentary.on human rights violations and world hunger.

The "B" bus will run at the following
times on the weekends:
morning leave dorms 10:55, leaves 4th
& Capitol 11 ,30; Saturday night leaves
dorms 6,55, 8,55, 10,55, leaves 4th &
Capitol 7,30, 9,30, 11 ,30; Sunday
night leaves dorms 8: 55, leaves 4th &:
Capitol 9,30.
All above routes are in addition to
the r,gular schedules as they now run. O
Comments and suggestions about £his
new service can be directed to Anne or
Mike, CAB 305.

The Presidl'ntial Inauguration: Con•muity or Change. January 1-23. A
hree-week symposium on the 1981
rresidential inauguration and national
p,llicy making for undergraduate,
~raduate and foreign students. For the
litlh consecutive year, the Washington
Center for Learning Alternatives will
sponsor its Washington Winterim The highlight of this year's
1hree-week symposium Oan. 1-23) will
he the inauguration of a Prnident and
the swearing in of the 97th Congrns.
Winterim will provide 200 students
with an opportunity to analyze and
d1<.eussthe inaugural process as it re•ates to larger national policy concerns
~uch as: The Economy. Human Civil
Hights, Business/Government
Relations, U.S. Foreign Policy, Political
News Reporting, Party Politics, Energy. and the 1980 Elections.
WCLA recommends that students
submit applications as early u possible
so that special inaugural arrangements
can be made. Students are encouraged
to apply by October 15. Applications
will be accepted until November •17.
For further information, write: Director, Washington Winterim '81, 1705
DeSales Street, N.W., Washington,
O.C. 20036 (202) 659-8510.


more specific educational pathways in the the legislators·that such dramatic increa
college curriculum.
can not be expected to continue in the
In other notes of interest concerning the face of any more budget rollbacks.



107 E. St.ate


Olympia Food


921 N. Rogers
Olympia Westside

TESC Bus swps at Division & Bowman
Walk two blocks south to Co-op
Mon-Sat 6:35 bus leaves Co-op for TESC




Whole Foods
Great Pri1.:es


Mon-Sat 10-7
Fri open until 9
Sunday noon-5

8 a.m. • 9 p.m. weekday,

10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sundays

open e11ery day
ed Tuesoa ,,-

page 5



tl and John Spellaan,
icxial contender•

Jim Hc.Der-

U.S. Senate

and Congre••Don Bonker and Rod

0.ilp ara among )0 office aeekera vho
11 parttclp~t•
ln a aix-hour Candi-

Noon -1:30

:, of the !vana library vith the flrat
of four fonnu aoderated by KCYradio
Nev. Dfr,.rrnr

loh H.aclAod . .md conclude•

with J 4:30-6 p. ■. dabata faaturtna
thoae aeekin& •••ta in the U.S. Congreaa
and w.. hlngton'a governorship.
All candidate• for thoae poaltiona,
except lncmbent Senator Warren Kagnuaon, will
in the final 90- ■ Lnute

1:30- 2:00

contender ■

in Thuraton


for alactlve


311$. 3:45


lnuta forua Saturday. Cdtaitted
co p3rt1ctpate in that ••••ion are: Del Bausch
and Dick He.. tad, State Senate, District
22; Ron ICeller, Bill Carson, Mike Kreidler and Don Troaper, Stat• Houae, District 22, P~•ition ■ l a,nd 2; ~d George
!arner, S• Reed, K~q ~ichael,
Fr-'er and Jerillee
Peteraen, County
Camtis ■ ion, Districcs
I and 2, respectively.
The ••cond foruin aet to begin st 1
p. ■., vt 11 feature
14 contenders for
seven -Jor
statewide races, including:
John Cherburg and Wtl ltaa Treadvell,
l leutenaat 1overnor; Roa Ootsauer ard
blph Hunro, secretary
of state; Robart O'Brien and H..arllyn Ward, treasurer; ftobert Crah;J111
and !lobert Kenne,
Jr,, auditor;
John Rosellinl,

In preparation
for the Candidate Fair
this Saturday, the Cooper Point Journal
uaong ~ nlnber
of the candidate, vho vtl) be •ppearing
at th•t foru., Spectficiilly,
questionaires (vhich varied in content for Federal, State and Loc.11 racea} were •ailed
to candidate ■ !or the !ollovln2 ~o•ltion11: County Coa■.ie ■ tonar, Covernur,
U.S. Senat:>r, U.S. RepreHintative
the 3rd Diatrict,
State Senator fr<n
the 22nd Legislative
and State
(poaitions II and 12)
froa the 2:lnd Dhtrict.
C■ ndidatea for
••ch o( theee poaitions vill appear on
ballot ■ in llOSt of Thuraton County.
About half the candidates fro- whom
wre aolictted
actually re■ ponded to the que1tiona1res.
7helr unedited reaponses are printed belcnt.
So■e candidates
replied by telephone
and their ansver ■ have been paraphra■ ed.

lov do you think growth should be
in the county?


In a aanner that ie orderly,
our vholeaOCM quality of
llfa, that a.llova foe avaJlability
of land for needed future uaea, that
take ■ coapatibility
of adjacent land
WIEe into account, that respect ■ and
foaters the ur.ique qualitie ■ of our
diverse geographic features and our
diverae people,, and re ■ ponds to the
diver ■• need, of Pfl'Pl•.

r .. u..0 1

Break· Visit Jeir Booths 6 Candid.ate.

3:45- 4:15




Vi.ailfail Bootha &"

Debate on. "Don'I Wute Wuhinqton" (Initiative 383'J
Latt BrHk lo Vwt with Candid&t ..


Candidata: Don Boa.ltar & Rod Culp
Thud Con~H.llon■l 01.atricl, U.S. Hou1■; Gorton U.S.
Senate; ha McOa,moH & John, Governor.


Cosponsor.a By Leao-ue ol Women Votan, Th• Evei7r .. a. State
Collttga, Tb;J:rton County Democratic & Republicen Cenu&J

Ceor1e lamer

you aupport draft
Why ~r whJ aotT

do you think 1rovt:h ahould be
■a.naged in the county?
Tak.ins ■ peictfic -••urea
All a policy
■&ker in T.C., rectave
the r•co■ead ■ tlons of T.C.P.C. With •t•ff
analyata added. Solicit
the vieva
of the developaant cc:-unitia'•
and their opinion■ of
County auideltnea.
nei1hborbood aroupa to 1ub■1t
petition■ on varioua
land uaa
dll!ciaiona before the Board.

do you •e• your role


in county

not to interfere
in th&
bwiitle•s of developer•,
but have
available &ood, up to date lnfor.ation of our county and it• •••eta and
potenti ■ l liabilities.
Soil analyais
productive land preaerved
hydrolo~ic tnfonaation catalog~d.
road ■ yatea projection■ updated, •ever capacity Gade very ■ pectfic, and
eatabliah UGAlouadary around suburb ■ to lnaure
eervica can be delivered.

protect ■

Bow do you sea your role in cou,tty
To provide policy leadership;
to usure an open, honeat, fair,
clear reapon ■ ivt planning proca,a;
to ■-kt &ood appotntaenu
to the
plannin& c01mi ■■ ion and other advt ■ory bodies affecting
devalopa,e:nt; to be open-inded
coo. ■ idering better
vays of developina our co..unity;
to a ■ •ure
trainlna and related progr-.a are
11 ada.ini ■ tered; to advocate to
the le1l1lature
and •t•t•
fraa tlaa to

• Ccrrtooa

Forum Opeu with Ca.ndidalaa for Thurston County Otfic•
(Slot. Legul,,/ur•, Dut.22 S.note and HoUft, County




•Free ••lmmlng

forum fer S..1e-Wid.■ Candidate.. (Attorney Genero/,
S«retary o/ State, LI. Governor, Auditor,,, Lend



all Hationa.1,State ci Local

Falt Booths Open.• Featuritl9

P'air and Fon.a scheduled
Saturday, October 25 at Evergreen.
the avant bagl1:1a at noon In the lob-

Ntller and len.neth Eikenberry, atto~
oay 1enaral; Richard KArquardt •d Jee
Dt.•ia, inauran~ ■ sic,nar, and
lrtan Boyle, contender for land c~•aioaar, a poat bald by Bert Cole, wbe
vill not attend the event.
A 30-.inute debate at 3:15 p.a. oa
38J, the "Don't Wa■ t• Va•
1D1ton" p~opoaal, praceeds the fourU
md final foria,
to b«gin at
4:JO p.a. D.S. Senate candidate Sladll:
Corton and U.S. Houae contandara Doe
lod Cu.lp vill lead the
final fona,
which conclude& with•
30-aiauta debate betv .. n gubernatorial
John Spellaan and Jill Hc1>11raott.
Tbrouahout tha four for\.llls, cm:idi4-tH vill ba ubd
to addreH qua■t:iOIUI prapared by the Thuracon County Voaen Voter ■, which ta coapoaaortq
th& awnt along vtth !'ver1rau,
and the thurston Couaty lapultUcmr. end Dellacrattc Central ~tteu.
lreak.■ ■ cheduled between each of the
four foruaa vill anable citiaena
...,t the candtdace, and pick up c_..
patgn .. teri•l•
at aore than 40 boat•
•11 offtca 9eaker■ oa U.
IOVUlber 4 ballot,
includin& thoea
•"k:lba tha preeideacy.
They'll alao
hawa a chance to purchase refre ■haeau
froa th• coll•ae food •ervice and th&
Oraantc Parw..

While t.hoaa of voting qa att:eod die
thair JOUl'l ■ tec■ are invited to
a.ic.a fr•• -.a■ a of the college •~inc
pool in the lecraation
C.nter or to
attend a fr•• •1•-hour cartoon flla
fa■ tlval, Ht tn La.ct~r• Hall oaa.


you ■ upport the Pentagon'&
edopttOQ of a "counter force"
nuclear var strateay?
Why or why
lo, I favor th• counter valu.e
type of atratell'
the counter valua ■ trategy anhanca
is aora ecoooaical,
and amrt■iaes deterrence,
nuclear var l••• likely.

Oo you •upport draft
WhJ or llhy not?
lo, I do not ■ upport draft n,,t.tration,
bacau ■ e tba draft
rtaht vay to aolve our vorkforca
problill tha atUtary,
We ueiad to
recruit people interaatad
in da"i.c.
ill& iapectaltsed ekilla and 1o
■ ak.Lol the ■ilttary ■ore of•

What ia your atmd on nuclear enar11
(ple&H be •pectfic)
l voted aaatn•t uteasion
of th•
Prica-Ander ■on Act.
I aupported a
nucle•r aoratori1.a after Three Mile
lalmd and I oppoaed the Clioch
liver braadar reactor project.
have c.a1led for teraination
of one
reec:tor projact at Sat•op aod for
a f•uibtlity
■ tudy on cloatna

t do not aupport draft ragiatrattoa at thUI ti•l believe tt
t■ mmacaaaary
for the ti■a being,
ead would do little
to tacr•-•
dafenM preparedne••
for the huae
coat of the proar•.
What t ■ your ■ tad oo. nuclear aaeray?
(pleue N &peciftc.)
Tb& Thraa Kil• Ialand nuclear Ulctdnt
v .. of araat concern to ua
I aupport the l',I..C. deciaion
to delay approval. of penitu
ow:lear fl('INr plaate ootil thair inftattaetion
of the ■ afety of nuclaar
ta co■plated. In th• ••antiae,
I aupport .the d•••lopaent
of renewable
eoaray raaource■ like s.:,lar, wind,
aeo, md hydro.
la n1ard
to oucl .. r
va■ te atoraa•,
I vary ■ tronaly oppoae
the creation of a national nuclear
w.. t• atorqe
•it• ta Washinatoa, ud
would &i'N all -, •fforta
■ucb a propoaal.


C !Ucheal

do you think pOlrtb ■ hould be
•uuaged in the county?
t could peraonally a•t alona rith
vary li•ited
"land ue planning".
fr•• .. rut ayat .. and th• fr•• entarpri•• syat .. 1 ■ a 1ood oo.e: However,
I do realls•
that acaavhat ■ or ■ re,trlctiva
1Nuuraa will be in11olvt1d.
Our qrlcultur ■ l ar••• ■u•t recieve
ac.e protection.
So ■Wit the right ■
of prOPf!rty ovneu 1D a•n•ral.

Nov do you au your role in co..mty
My aoat taportut
role vould be
in MiDtaintn1 direct and regul ■ r
contact vtth county reeldenta ao
that th• vl...,. of all would be lr.novn.
llo elected o!fictalor
1overnaent body
■houU •- r be ta the poe it too of

I yt..,

Tro■ per

.. :,ou •Upport a nuclear


ban iD


t f&TDr th& concept of•

dt•poaal site, but not a.1vuta froa ouuid• of the


What J.apact do you think the c... ca
vtll heva oa &tat• gOY•nmeqt?
I think it vtll have a favorable
affect tn the lona rua.
Soae Ieat ■latora lfho have lost perception of
vbai they ahould do ¥111 have a
approach ve can ill
Thay ara too threatentna
the fabric of our aociety.

Dal lauach
Hov do you. foreaee aolvina Washington
illpanding fi ■ cal cri.■ 1•1
The Laaialature
and the Governor'•
office ■u ■ t vork toaether durin1 the
budaet proc••• and ■u ■ t concentrate
tvo fronte.
first and fore ■o•t, ■ea­
auraa euet be taken to trim expenditure ■, but tht•
auat be done carefully
and &electively
M> that
Laport.ant and
·nacee■ ary servtca ■ to Wa•htngton',
ere protactad.
Second, altemattve
revenue reaourcea ■ u ■ t be
con.atdered, if neceasary,
to ■eet the
uada of a rapidly arovtng population.


• :,ou ■upport coaplattoo of all tha
IIPSS pltmta currently
under conatruc-




C&D WSS aana, ... n t ba aada aora
~p<HL&tble for atickinl
to bud&et and
mapletton detea7



knov yet.



..-rictton ■

do you tht•k the C-.cmi
vtll h&VIIoe. atata 10-

What i.■ pacc do you the C••cconvict tona vtll hava upon at&t• 1ovan..nt?
It i ■ too early to tall what effect
th• Caasc• convictions will have upon
■ tat• sovenmant.
However, l ftn11ly believe that it la totally
unfair to c-t
a "G•■ c- ahadow" upon public official& generally,
Jwit u it wu during
Watergate. I continue to believe thac
I and the areat .. jortty of GY fellov
office holders Masure up fully to the
public truat vhich ve are svom to uphold, and I vill coott&ua to aupport
the ■aiotenanca of a code of ethic•
and a.11 public ~fftcial ■•

Would JOU aupport further CU{ ■ in •octal Hnice,1
My proposed cut ■ in •octal servica ■
auat be conaidered very carefully.
of thia ■ tate rightfully
expect end deiuad certain aervtce ■ from
of all levels. We in the
cannot abroaate our re•poa•tbtlttiaa
to meet' th• need ■ of
our cittsen•.

I fee.! it vtll hdp to ltrilll& •out
a aora con■ ervativa av5'roacb to atata
tn that tba ILtpublt~
,...ty vtll bacoae atronaar.
lt vt.11
abo •an tbat &-■bUna vtll aot be
~ for quite
• while 1D thia

loa l:eller

do ya,u foreua
aolvina W-.binetoa.
If w don• t hau revenue 1uar ated,
• andoubtadly will have to tab
• look at aodes t tax cuu , We doa 't
ltnov yet wha·t our raven•


Would you ■ upport furthair cuu • tD
aoctal eenica:a?
I'• aot -u•
of any ■octal Hrrtce
prop ... that are auch that could ba
and not pr- ■ ant a problto our aoctaty.
Cu.ta ill ad11cetton in Wuhtn1ton.
which bu alway& rank.ed high, would
ba • aartoua threat.
11\ara .. Y be •cae

Bov do you foreaaa aolvtna Vaabhl1too
lepa.ndtn1 fi ■ cal crtaiaf
1111.tUthe budget proc••• t■ fwther
alona, Uat 1• agency requeats c:1aotled •d revenue projectioa.11 ca■plet­
ed, we doa't bov tbe ateat
of any
ftacal cri.ata. Whaa that data ta cottpletad, • careful r•viev of funding
rill dete1'ine
vluit ■'di­
tional revenue, tf any, would be needed.
Would you support
cial aat.Yic.&1


Cut& ta •o-


Io educatioa 1
ec-i■ ■c.boola have not elq'erlmcad
cuu. l would oppoH additional
C\lt ■
ta lliaber education.

abotat• additonaJ fatttina,
l,y :lncrauiq
the l•YJ lid -4 11•• educatiOQ th• Qtlity
to 10
to the public vitb a levy.

What do you think of the p09aibUtty
of ldl1q tba HcHeil bland hctUty
a atata priaon 1
_ I - Ul fevor of WI&of Kclfeil bland
:t"ci'ralte..,. our overcroudad •ttu.atton
b Adult Correction.

What do you think of tba poa&ibUtey
of uatna the KdleU bland facility
atata priaon?
I eupport ~tna Kclfa11 u a ••r
to nliaft
It could
N ..S. into a loq•t•rw.

Wbat are aoaie solution•
for nltavtn1
Vaa&i4&ton•• uploalva
priaan a<aoapberaf
leduce ovarcrowdtna; incr.a■ a educattoaal. 1 YOC&ttoaal opportun.l~tu;
reU.W the tdlan••• aituattOA....

-.c: ere

!>o you aupport • nuclear
v .. hi.o.&toa atatef

for Mlt..-n.dg
ata:>1, _, leap
not tdla.

,ov aupport a•r •aet•
Vulritactaa Statat
I cartatnlr



Do you •upport
coapletton of all tllia
..... t coaetnc-

t' ■ IIOt en.tuatutlc


ebout co.ipleI would prefer to Ha aooa,
tato CODMrvatton'. low bed





DD :,ou aupport ccapletioo
of all the
WPPSSplant■ currently under coaatructtoe?
I ■upport the coapletton ~ tNM
l.■lder conatructton.
l do noc •'WOrt
dM coe•truc.tion
of thoH now planned.
low can VPPSS
iudili ■ore
for atickina to buda•t and
COlllflattoa d.atea?
ly Nt.aa aon r .. pon ■ ible and rHpoaai .. to U.. elected official ■ that ha'ftl
Juriadtct:iOD over that~ actt•ttt-..


In adocatton?
'nle Legislature
ha.a c~ttud
to fully fund baalc education and to
fltlt:.we the tax burden on property ovnars at the local level, I do not aupport att .. pts to turn ou:r back.a on
thi.a c.oaaic.nt.

John Spell.a&n

What do you think of the posaibllity
of wiina the McNeil laland facility
&tat• prtaon?
While KcNetl Island -y not pr•••nt
the beat Iona-rans• •olutton to the
overcrovd1na in our prisons, it doea
offer at l•••t a ■hort-run altarnativa.
Tha Legislature
and the Governor, vorkin1 toaethar ■ hould aggre ■ ively explore
Kclfeil Ialand aa • part of
our ower-all prt ■oa proar-.

How do you foreaee aolvin& Waahtngton
■ tata' ■ 1.apending fiscal
ly t■provtog the atate'•
money manqea.nt
Mong thaae wre included: tave ■ tlng Wa•hington stat ■
p@ft•ton fund& ■ore prudently,
paper vork and changing driver'•
licen•in& renewal frca naq
1 years
to every 4 year ■. Will "fOrk to atlaulate the econo■y to aenereta ■ore jobs.

What ere ,cae ■olution ■ for relievlna
Waahi.agton'a u:ploaiva prhon ataoapharef

1'ba Uy to raliavtn.-the
exploetve ■ ttuation in out priaon■ h
to provide aore adequate pTison facilittaa.
The Leat ■ lature baa alre&dJ
the necea ■ ary fund ■ to upgrade axtating factlttiea
and to add
nev bed ■• Eaaina overcrovdin~ will
■ ull ■ tantially le&Mn the tension vithLn tha prt ■ oa ey■ t•.
Do you eupport • auclaar vute baa tn
Weshington ■ tataf
Waahin1ton -...t not beca.e a "nuclear aarbaga du■p" for tba reat of th•,.
A Nfa -tbod
for dtapoaal of
WUIUft&too' • ovn vaat•• ■u•t be auntaUlad, but other ■ tat•'• ■ust be~tn
to take reapoaatbtlity
for vute dhpoeal within th•tr Olfn border•.
Do you aupport ccaplatton
of all th•
WPPSSplants currently under coo.atructton?
Nucl••r power proYide• one alternative to our future eaeray need•. Howewr, the Lagtelature
and all of W-htngton'• citisana auet be convinced
that conatruction
of nuclear power
ta aaf• and co ■ t effictant.
11\ta can cc.a about fraa aagreaatva leatalattw
and win
the Senate hava beaun • proceaa for r•rlew of whole WPPSSayate■. At the
■-- tiaa
other ener11 alternattvn
1,e explored and &\ll>ported by tha
be a■de aon
for sttc1r.1ag to budaat and
coaplettoo dateat


Would you •upport further cut, in social aerviceaf
No. (nor ta education. Favors an
"open door policy" concernln& education.)
What do you think of the poaaibllity
of u■ tn1 the HcNeil t ■ land facility
a state prison?
Support ■ u.atn1 lt for • penitentary,
What are aoaie solution•
for relieving
Waahin&toc'a eq,loaive prt ■ on at1t0sphera'!
By cooverttna Ndfetl facility
taprove the -tter).
Favor, development
of aora rehabilttattoo.
and vocational
progr-■ in prhons.
Would like to re-valuate
the entire
&tate crt.ainal juatic•
•J•t(tncludiD& Juvenile
Do you eupport a nuclear
Wuhtnaton atate1
Yea, aupport, 183.

waste bm in

Do yDu eupport co■pletton of all the
WPPSSpla,,t currently
under construction?
Support• coepletion,
but with coat
■ &¥in.I incentivea
end aor• 1trtn1enc
cwar■ i&bt by legislature
and the aovemor. Situation
d-..nda ■ore reaponatbtltty
on their (VPPSS'a) p«,rt.
Hov can
re ■ ponalble for sttcklnl
s- lut

to budget and

be aad•

Vha.t 1.■pact do you think the C-C•
rill have on ■ tat.a ...-ernaeatt
It baa not euhanced citisan perception of public servants.
It aho■l•
put all lealalatora,and
public .-rvant• on notice.


J'O'I auppctrt thai P•t..-••
of • "COlalterforca" avclaar
Why or wb7 QOU

the tole

bet.ea one of Htabliabina


1A county

of Caulley Cmataaioner 1n
to planntna,
The c~aaionara
vt.11 play•
of r&901riq diaputea.
In th1a reapact, hOU&V9r, I ■ trmaaly ■ upport the
law! UM uaainer
I ff•
the coaataaioaen
aa havtna
paraaount raapoiu_1bUtty of utabl1 ■ htn1 a cooparatihr-coo■ tructive tone vbil•
worltina with
netthborhood aroupa. city official ■,
port official&,
and butldtq
'ftl• eocuaba:at ccaatastoaara
haft ban etthar too cloae ■indad or
too atrtdmt
and have en1andarad en
atao■ pt.a.r. of confrontation
and ant ..
To auccNd ta protecttna
•• pr--rvio1
the Pecific l'orth..,..t quality of life will affectl•ely chunalt.aa
1rowth, the cc:-1.aaioaan •wt do all theaa -.u.

IIDaald V,





for atickinl
budaat and cOllplatioo dataa?
load& ■hould have the approval
of the people who vtll have to pay
for th-.

NM: -.oluttoa.a
aplo■ iY■:

0.. priaonai par ca
tba actt 'IJI& ao t_hey are

Hov do :,ou thirut arovth ahould be
aanqed tn th• county?
County c~i ■ aicmer ■ auat have the
ri•ion to ltnov vhara this county ahould
b• 101n.& 1a re•pect to the 2l•t century
and tha ability
to penuada people to
aove 1D that direction.
The tnct.abanu,
iaclud.1.n& ay oppoaent Ceora• lamer,
haft provided neither.
Crovth •uat be
by ordinancaa which provide
for clarity,
..ct i•te&rtty.
Aartcu.ltur&l praaarvatioa
U .. aential.
the praaent c~aatoaera
ha•• not done
the Job tn tht ■ reepect.
Open ■ pace&
and INan belt ■ are nac .. eary.
md todut1trial d...-elopaent
h aeeded to diversify
the econoay and
prorlde Job• md a ta b&N. Planntna
for houa:lba and c~rcW
arovth au■ t
coaaU.r eaarn aDd traa•portation

Bow can WPPSSaanq-nt

y note , t
aa ••an ovarataht ~lt.t••
tba lead•r•hip
of Senator Ted lk>ttiger
to ■x-toa UM whole WPPSSsyate■. Thia
proc.adur• for opeat.aa up w,Pss to public
acnatilly and l•&i•lative
revtev vill
areatly to 1reater accountability
vtthtn WPPSS.


r ■ 1htrat1oa?

S. leed

llow do rou ...

bJ4ro,, md low illteraat
for he.a& md t.aduatry to talr.e tlM
coa.Hrvation ■ tap. I think we' 11
Ma tbca co-,letad,
but va could Mlq
takm acre co■ t-affactive atepa.



7ou •-.,port th• Pentqon'•
adoptioa of a "co•t•r
aw:.lear ver auace11?
WhJ or
llhy nott
'ftle Praatdent addreeMd the "c01.mtar-•alin1
atrat .. y" aarltar
,-ar ill a Ncrat doaaent which I
ha'M DOt ■MO,
coaa.i.tta .. of Con.p-aa■ be•• beard Sac.
lrOIIO'& taati.aoay on th■ atrata11,
kt t haw aot Ml• privy to tboaa
l undaretmd. froa pr•••
repona the atrat•IJ••
fr- pn ■-ot atlitary
it doe& focue 1t0ra narrowly
m the atlitary
1D the So.tat Uatoa. A. I do not kaow the
4etaila of the atrat&ff I I • oot
ta• poalttoo to erpreaa ay auPPOrt


It ta • appropriate
of prun.t
ti.. vorld,

Do :,ou. ... port draft
libJ or vby oot t



~r■ tioa?

T••• but not• ,.&cat1draft.
... iat.ratioo decn .. a raapCMIN tiM
ta caaa of a a,aa.utna Mt.lmlal -rs•CJ'·
Vhat ta you,r ■ tand oo auclaar
(Pla ... be apacific.)

.... ray?

t favvr the cOGtia.ued ..._lopant
auelaar aoeray u one ~•t
_.tin■ tba an.aru crtata.
ita kariq
all CHU att....itiq
to it&
11N -• e.trol,



v i € w
on EveryPage

Here'sto You,Sugar
By Rich Silver and Lorelta Huston
no consequence. 1t is those big globs of
caloric butter on the potato that has given
11its bad repulation.
Cellulose, the second polysaccaride, is
the fiber that we hear so much about.
Our systems are unable to use it as a
source of energy, but it plays an invaluable role as the of our intestines.
Bran is the most well-known cellulose
fiber. But bran is onJy one of many kinds
of fiber in foois and it is by no means a
panacea for your grunts behind graffitied
walls. All fruits, vegetables, and grains
contain varying amounts of fiber. There
are two conflicting opinions on how much
fiber we need, but two things seem apparent. First, lo rush out and buy a particular product because it contains fiber is
foolish. Secondly, increasing fiber in the
diet through use of more fruits, veget~bles
and whole grains cannot possibly do any
harm and may increase our overall well
Glycogen is excess glucose from the
blood stored in the liver or muscle tissue.
During times when our blood glucose
level is low, the glycogen will break dciwn
and supply the necessary energy. However, less than one day's supply of it
exists at any time. II is also the quick
energy supplied in emergency situations.
The simple carbohydrates are the
sugars. The monosaccharides-glucose,
fructose, galactose-are, as the prefix
implies, complete units by themselves and
not rnmposites of two different sugars.
The disaccharide,-lactose,
sucrose-are by contrast composed of two
When you bite into your favorite fruit,
the sweet taste is from fructose. (Honey

We are preoccupied these days with the
energy cnsis and how to use our fuels
most efficiently. For instance, while we
are mtenl on getting the best mileage out
of our cars, we are only fleetingly interested in getting the best mileage out of,
our bodi" from the fuel we get from our
food. In this article, we will examine the
fuel that is most efficient for the majority
of body functions-carbohydrates.
We need carbohydrates for the glucose
(blood sugar) they contain. These foods
contain other necessary nutrients. but
glucose is the fundamental ingredient that
drives the machinery of each cell of our
bodies. A lack of carbohydrates in the
diet, among other results, causes protein
to be broken into its constituents and consumed as glucose. starving the body of
much-needed protein. Therefore, properly
balanced intake of carbohydrates is
essenllal for maintaining healthy tissue
There are two kinds of carbohydratesthe complex carbohydrates (polys.dccharidesl and simple carbohydrates (mono
and Ji-saccharides). The polysacchar,Jes-starch,
cellulose, glycogen-are
composed of chains of many glucose molecules bonded together. Starch provides
an excellent source of energy for the
body. Unfortunately, it has been wrongly
maligned for years as a fattening agent.
We have all been led to believe that
starchy foods like potatoes and bread put
on extra poundcc, \.\'hat we have not bffn
told is that it 1s an excess of calories
above our daily needs that leads to fat.
Whether these calories come from suga,,
potatoes, meat or pure sunflower oil is of

Solar Center
By Anne Maleom
The Solar Outreach Center is open and
ready to assist you. Its goals art: to ~ucate the citizenry by offering free information services, promoting energ-/ awarenes5
and demonstrating the effectiveness of
community-based innovations and ingenu·
ity. The Center, located at 1620 East 4th
in Olympia, has an energy resource library housing information on conservation and renewable energies. A variety of
books, magazines and other materials rur.
the gamut from solar design to wind generation, from methane digrsten to community energy planning, from solar greenhouses to solar water heating to solar
cooken and dehydrators. A solar products catalog is being compiled and is constantly updated, to keep abreast of the
solar marketplace. A Thurston County
Solar Business Directory has been compiled and a countywide Solar Installations
Count has been conducted. The Center
also offers community workshops,
monthly meetings, slide presentations,
lectures, technical assistance and an occasional Him festival. An Events Calendar is
posted at the Center.
Funding to establish the Solar Outreach
Center was awarded the Southern Puget
Sound Solar Energy Association (So-PuSoSEA) through two grants. One from
th• Department of En<rgy (DOE) Appropriate Technology SmaUGrants competition. and the second was a DOE-Western
SUN grant. Western SUN (Solar Utiliution Network) is the DOE office assisting

the 13 Western United States in the promotion of conservation and renewable
The Center's activities and energy
resource library are coordinated by
SoPuSoSEA members with experience in
a variety of solar technologies. As with
most non-profit organiz.ations, a considerable amount of work is accomplished by
volunteers. The Outreach Center is open
because of the many solar enthusiasts
who were concerned about the future ~d
volunteered time in order to help create a
secure, energy self-sufficient community.
Among these volunteers have been several
TESC students. Presently there are two
TESC students as well as several graduates
who volunteer time. Openings exist for
other interest~ Evergreen interns and
All are welcome to visit the Center and
encouraged to take advantage of the
resources available. The Solar Outreach
Centtr's hours ue Monday 12 to 4 p.m.
and 6 to 8 p.m.; Tuesday 12 to 4 p.m.;
W<dn<Sday 12 to 6 p.m.; Thunday 12 to
4 p.m.; Friday 12 to 4 p.m. T<lephon<


also contains fructose in about a 50-50
relationship with glucose). Galactose is
not found free in nature as is fructose, but
is instead always a put of something else.,
For our purposes, we can think of it as
being a part of th• milk sugar, lactose.
Lactose is a combintltion of glycos,e and
galactose, thus we have our term disaccharide. Many people are unable 10 digest
this sugar, a condition known as lactose
intolerance. Evidence indicates that intolerance to lactose varies according to
race. About 70% of the Blacks in America
and greater than 90% of African Bantus,
Japanese, Thais, Formosans, and Filipinos
are intolerant to lactose. Scandinavians
and West Europeans are 2 to 8%, while
Greek Cypriots, Arabs, and_Ashkenazic
Jews are about 60 to 80% lactose: intolerant. Only a small percentage oi Wl\il:es in
America have this condition. Tht next
time the Dairy AS6ociation says that milk
is good for you, give that a thought
or two.
Maltose, from sprouting seeds, is a
combination 0£ two glucose molecules.
Thus, quaffing your favorite brew is one
way of supplying this sugar. (This is not
an endorsement of the Brewing Association over the Dairy Association).
The last disaccharide, sucrose, is a combination of glucose and fructose molecules. Most of us think of white sugar
when we: hear this word. Is white sugar
really bad for us7 Many people expound
upon the virtues of honey compared to it.
I wOuld like to throw a wrench into this
myth. As stated earlier, honey is composed of the same two compounds as
sucrose. They are chemically almost identical and upon digestion are both broken
down to glucose and used the same. But
some people argue that honey contains
vitamins and minerals that are lacking in
white sugar. This is true, but the amounts
are so miniscule as to be almost incon~
quential in terms of supplying the body
with its daily requirements of these
As for white sugar causing diabetes,
this has not been confirmed and an open
mind is absolutely essential. furthermore,

it is not just white sugar, but all concentrated sweetene:rs that are being examined; and other situational factors may
be involved as well.
So why are carbohydrates the most efficient fuel and what place should concentrated sugars take in your diet1 Basically, carbohydrat<S (fruits, ngetabl<s,
grains, legumes, milk, yogurt, sugars) are
the easiest foods·to break down to form
glucose. An adequate daily supply (50%
of our total caloric intake) will ensure
your energy needs along with some vitamins and minerals. It will also leave proteins and fats alone to do their specific
duties, without calling upon them to supply en<rgy.
Complex carbohydrates are more
healthful than simple sugars ~ause of
the way they are digested. Simple sugars,
upon ingestion, quickly make their way
into the blood stream. During digestion,
a substance called insulin is released from
the pancreas to regulate the uptake of
glucose by the cells. A snack or meal consisting mostly of concentrated sugars may
cause the J)ancreas to release too much
insulin to counteract the large dose of
glucose. This causes blood glucose levels
to fall very low, creating a feeling of
weakness or tiredness. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest and deliver
blood glucose over a longer period of
time. They do not create the insulin imbalance characteristic of the simple sugars.
A moderate intake of sugar (white,
brown, honey, syrup), included in a balanced, nutritious diet, with the proper intake of calories, can be handled. Certainly, some people (diabetics, for instance)
should avoid these sugars completelyand all of us can live without them. II is
up lo you to decide what place sugar
should play in your diet, but do keep a
wary eye towards the advertisements that
invite you to get quick energy from the
latest sugar bar.


By Rob Sand<lin
The cool green water sparkles ~d
murmurs as it flows gently past the mOAy
banks. TrttS crowd up to the water,
spreading their lufy lingen to th• olty. In
a quiet pool a lone otter amUlft himaelf
by rolling over and over in the water, idly
fingering a small pi«< of wood. In th<
sandy bank are found the tracks of several animals; deer, racoon, bear, and
man ... man the builder, man the
The river has flowed here for centuries.
Sina th• retnat of the mighty sheets of
glarul i«, nature's beauty has reigned
here undisturbed by the ravages of
Thia idyllic spot is called th< Dosewallips River and is located on the eastern
sid< of th• Olympic Mountains, about 60
mil<S north of Olympia. This beautiful
stretch of rivu is threatened. Its tall
Douglao-lir lornt holdo the promiw of
great economic profit for corporate log•
ging int.,..ts. To poopl• who lov< the
land, th< dntruction caulled by cl•ar
cutting this ana is too awful to cor,.
If you are concerned about the future
of wlldemns in the Northwest, the Dooewallips River needs your support. On_A)
Sept<mber 22 of this year th< U.S. H6uil}'
of R<presentatives pasted H.R. 8096,
which will pres<rve the Dosewallips and
three oth<r riv<rs und<r the Wild and

ment's sake. But if he's writing for fun, let
him slop his Remington SL-3 from running off at the mouth every time i_tenTom Robbins has written another lousy
counters a social injustice oppressing
middle-aged Northwest novelists; let him
novel. Not that lousiness will deter anyone from reading it. The book was a beststop using his novels to tU.e potsh.ots at
the women's movement; and let him stop
seller before Robbin's precocious Remington SL-3 ever committ~ the fint line to
trivializing and degrading both sexes
under the rubric of heroic sentimentalism.
type, and far be it from me to interfere
Now that I've convinced you not to
with the genetically prescribed ,uccns of
read the novel. l suppose you want a runa work of art.
5t111Uf• with Woodpockor is, Robbins
down on the plot. Briefly, the book revolves around the amorous adventure of
says, "a sort of a love story." And like all
of his novels, it is a sort of a novel: the
outlaw demolition specialist Mickie
Wrangle (aka "Woodpeck<r"), th• most
kind of novel to read if you are hung-over
wanted redhead in the United States, and
in a drunk tank without a Bible, a PlayPrincess Leigh-Cheri Furstenburg-Barceboy, or a pack of Camels.
\ona, social activist and exiled heiress to a
1 can hear the recriminations of his fans
nameless European monarchy, currently
ringing in my ears already, By what
in residence with her parents in a tumblevirtue do I presume such an unprovoked
down Victorian mansion in suburban
attack on the Northwest's quintessential
Sealtle guarded by ten acres of sovereign
novelist? Robbins is, after all, undeniably
blackberry brambles. The fated lovers meet
entertaining. He is witty, imaginative,
m Hawaii, where the celibate, 20-year-old
even humorous (yes, l laughed).
Leigh-Cheri 1s at lending a new age "CareAnd that is precisely what makes this
t:E>St"keynoted by her heartthrob, Ralph
book so pathetic. It is pitiful that someNader. Wrangle, enjoying his last days as
one with Robbins' talenl cannot conjure
,m outlaw before the statute of limitations
something more redeeming than this ghb.
expire._ on his previous crimes. blasts the
self-righteous sort of novel. To put 11
hvin~ daylights out ot the events Conplainly, the man is long on words and
lt.·rence Hotel. Tipped off to the 1dent1ty
short on meaningful ideas. Worse.he comt'I the t ulprit by her aging chaperone,
pensates for the lack of artistic exploral t•i~h-Cheri (who .also sports red hair)
t1C1nby soapboxing his own net1plJl<'<ihim under cittzen s arresl The rest,
chauviniSI rhetoric.
d t,ccasionally 1s abo bt'\flni,;ly
For people supposedly championing tht'
predictable clear 1hrnu~h tn the explc•
dl'lights of individualistic selt-express1on,
-.1vc"end and the m0<,ny, handwritten
his characters display a borinf,1,sdmeness
phdt,!.oph1110~which tootnotes the m·vel
wh,ch sometimes borders on the lud1.itter th<· Remm~tf1n ~1.-3 finally n,\lap,t•<;
l rous. They all talk and lhink like ventriloquist's dummies deltvermg d1ssertJunder the we1>,\htl1I Rt1bbinc; ego
D,1n'1 m1stal-..enw I don't want II•
t10n:i-1n graduate seminar al Outl.1w
are kept in shackles by the English mili-.hnrtch<1n~etht· man Hie;cerebral l);"JA 1:iUn1vers1ly.
tary. The church establishment controls
\q1rth 11.. we1>!,htin gl1ld He ha'> 1,:Jrnere-d
Compare this book. for <''<amrle with
the shadows on the wall. Their means to
tht• .ittent,ons 1·wt tt1 mention thr ~.h'Cl-..e1]\1hn Nichol'-. equally 1magmat1vC'and t•ndo so is language. The Word-here
l1f mdli1\,._ 1\I <l1<.enchantt·<l
terta1ning (and relatively unkm,wnl
dogmatizec:f'scholastic reason-shapes and
Milagro Beanfield War. Nichol.;; has evL•ryhun1,tcnn~ hl m.11-..e
ltwe stay Tht' 10\....eof
commands the illusory world-represE'ntan,urse. 1!.that T\,m Rt,bbins can nl, more
thmg Robbins lacks: selt-d1sc1pline. IJ~te
tion. One prisoner, Joan, has somehow
make lnve stay than he can write d cc,enand above all, a feel for the textun· Jnd
heard voice;; from "'beyond." has received complexity of the lives of the people he
ience without m1xin~ his metaphors er a
directions from "outside," and thereby
uwel without geltmK I is fingerprints on
writes about.
presents an immense threat to the estabIf Tom Robbins wants the 1mmun1ty of
very page.
lished order. Her refusal to keep her place writing pure entertainment unclullered by
My advice. Be-~ borrow or steal this
as an ignorant, insignificant country
bnol-...if you must read it. Or blow ti up.
philosophical speculation, let him. l have
maid-typified by her refusal to wear a
no gripe with entertainment for entertain•
Don't buy it
dress (the only authorized woman's
clothing)-shakes the foundations of the
patriarchal hierarchy. Her voices and accompanyiri.g: visions cannot be defined,
contained, suppressed by the language of
the authorities who must therefore discredit her. Failing by guile and force, the
old order falls. A new order, with a
changed language and vision, will take its
Perhaps, in that brief moment before
her death at the stake, when she SttS the
birds circling upward toward the brilliant
""'• Joan knows transcendent, numinous
being, the triumph of th• soul freed of
and are excellent-strong and substantial.
thP. cave's illusions. All this is perhaps
wine list is also enviable.
a drama inside one mind.
Lunch is served Mon.-Fri. from 11 :~2.
Dr-eyer's cinema is about the power of
and consists of a wide variety of burgers,
To me, finding a good bar in Olympia
love and faith in getting outside the cave,
sandwiche-s and salads. Prices average
has been a moot point for all the four
in crossing the infinite boundaries of space
about $4. While the dinner menu offers a
betw<en worldo, h<arts and souls. Light
fantastic choice of seafood, steak and
signifies this power in his films. The inner
atmosphere is early plastic neanderthal or similar fare, prices are high. Complete
and outer spaCH associated with Dttyer's
dinners range from $6 to $12.50, and inthe prices are so prohibitive that I am
protagonists become more luminous in
clude soup or salad, bread and potato or
moved to give up altogether.
proportion to their desire for, attainment
rice. Soup du jour is $. 75 and dessertsCarnegie's,
1~ the
and release of, this power.
cheesecake, ice cream and pie-range
old library building at 7th and Franklin,
Cin<ma's Iii• clepends on th< blocking
from $1-$2. Dinner hours are 5: 30 to
and filtering oi light by the filmstrip
10 p.m. Mon.-Sat., with the bar staying
moment l sat down in the barroom, with
moving over the lens. That light's bril•
open until 2 a.m.
Hance, unfettered, would obliterate the
live music is offered in the barroom on
fireplace and relaxed ambience, l knew
shadows, the identities on the screen. Peran
infrequent basis and styles have ranged
haps Dreyer's heroines move toward the
from jazz to swing. In lieu of a cover
This is a wonderful place and fills a
same end.
charge. drinks are raised by 25t. Call for
hole that has existed in Olympia for a
specific information.
very long time. Not only are the drinks
Although the crowd was mostly wellthe best in town, but Carnegie's boasts
dressed lawyer types. there were many
the most impressive lunch and dinner
plaid-shirte-4 hipsters as well, and th~
menus I've seen in years.
atmosphere was unpretentious and lively.
Drinks average between $1.25-$1. 75
By Roger Stritmatter

Scenic Riven Act. Also included in
H.R. 8069 are provisions to study 14
other rive.ra for possible inclusion in the
Act. Unfortunately, th< Senate version of
the BUI is stalled In the Energy and Natur•
al R<SOUKftCommittee, chaired by our
own Senator, H•nry Jackson.
In ordtt to get the Bill moved out of
Committee, we need to gmerate letten of
support. The Sierra Club is IJ)Ol)SOringa
letter-writing table on the main floor of
th< CAB building during lunch hour
Oct. 23-Nov. 7. So if you can, about wilderness, stop by and write a l<tt<r. Fiv•
minutes of your time can help to
th< future of the Dosewallips.

By Erich Roe

Next Wednesday the Acade,nic him
Series will presl'nt Carl Tl1eodor DreyPr s
The Passion of Joan of An and Gertrud.
During the last four decades of his life.
Dreyer completed and released only five
feature films (a sixth he held back from
distribution). The Passion ... (1928) was
followed by Vampyr (1932). Day of
Wrath (1943), Ordet (1955) and Gertrud
(1964) before his death in his native
Copenha~en in 1968 at the age of 79.
Dreyer's films are difficult or baffling
for many. H• didn't follow th< usual
ruJes. Most films are based on the assumption that the camera records reality
as it is. For Dreyer, the external world
was incomplete, perhaps a mere shadow
of what h• called "higher" or "inner
reality." As cinema is a partial representation of the sensible world, that world
seemed for Dreyer a representation of
another world with an "extra dimension."
Both ... med as scrttns which pointed beyond themselva.
His camera-eye stares at faces, objects
and other spaces long and hard as though
they were symbols on a map of lnn<r
territory; a map whose legend is mostly
unknown; a map on which every point
demands attention. He abttract<d his
images that we might 1tt th< smsible
world u the shadows In Plato's cave:
projections and signs of a world beyond.
He believed that the other, tru<r world
could be apprehended in and behind these
shadows. Mirrors, ~lntlngs, and photographs ,..m to knock holes in the walls
of his films, just as his films would knock
hol<S in the borders of our vision.
The Passion of Joan of Arc may be
viewed as a drama taking place in Plato's
cave: (Th• "Allegory of the Cav•" is told
in,Th• Republic, Book Vil.) Th• prisoners

A BarIs Born




Parts and repairs for all makes
Complete line of accessories from
experienced cyclists.
1931 East 4th

It's worth the ridt' ucross town!








11.. 3-8700

page 9

LakeCrescentAdornsTESC Catalogue
' Both BUIPilling and Paul Fink found
some points for optimism in the new catalog, but argued that the publication often
touches sensitively on an issue but backs
away from following the thought through
to the logical conclusion. For instance,
Fink said, the catalog does an excellent
job explaining the fragmentation of
modern education and Evergrttn's re--sponse to the shortcomings posed by the
traditional, piecemeal approach to the
problem, but fails to connect the fragmentation of education to the wider fragmentation of American society. Comparing
the Evergreen catalog to one issued by
Goddard College, a private school in
Vermont, which contains a very up-.front
and radical critique of modem society as
the team compressed over 110 pages of
ber of Grapevine {an association of stumaterial into 96 in order to cut produc- the basis for a Goddard education, Fink
dents, facuhy and alumni of Evergreen
said, "Evtrgrttn does a hell of a good job
which has launched its own marketing
tion costs. The new catalog also featu~
campaign to attract prospective students
a cheaper, coarser paper (a return to sim- dning what Goddard does but we don't
even admit it."
to the school), feels that while the catalog
plicity which may be wekomed by some
may offer some improvements over last
Evergreeners), and bicolor printing (the
year's, it still falls far short of some vinvisual impact of the previous catalog was
tage editions from the early '70s. Pilling
relieved with the use of an intermediate
says the slicker format of the new catalogs
grey tone), and a noliceable paucity of
has "removed the education philosophy
exciting or provocative graphics. The
Editors of the !281-82 Evergree'>
which justifies the way Evergreen operates
result is a catalog with a gorgeous cover
Catalog are soliciting graphic imagery
it just doesn't have the punch the old
(whatever you may feel about the ethics
from the Evergreen community to apone had."
of representing Evergreen with the image
pear in the 1982-83 Catalog edition.
Paul Fink, also a member of the Grapeof a lake 100 miles distant from the cam'We' re inviting students, faculty and
vine, agrees. '1'he social analysis is really
pus, the cover is gorgeous) and a crowded
to begin taking photos or creating
lacking ... there is no mention of the fraginterior which several students have aptly
art work for that publication now,"
mentation of American lifestyle." Fink,
described as a ''visual disaster."
says College Editor Kip Poyser. 'We
who reviewed last year's catalog with the
Looming behind the horizon of Lake
want imagery-drawings,
and black
CPJ in February, also noted that many of
Crescent, and the simple issue of-constricand
the shortcomings of that edition remain
ted budgets and space, is a series of comthe coJlege itself and the work our stuun1ectified in the new one. For instance,
plex and intertwined issues about the curdents do here." Poyser hopes the
Fink said, the catalog fails to mention that
rent changes which Evergreen is weatherimages will be featured in an end-ofing and the role which the catalog plays
S&.A funds are controlled by students,
the-year exhibit on campus with a
that 1ests are anathema at Evergreen, and
in reflecting and creating those changes.
prize for top entries. Credit wiJl appear
Some changes in the wording or emphasis
that teachers lack tenure. Self-evaluations,
with every image published in the Catof the catalog from year to year merely
a process which many TESC students and
alog. Contributions may be submitted
reflect the differing orientations of the
faculty regard as central to an Evergreen
to Poyser (LIB 3114), Graphic O.Sign
design teams, which also vary from year
education, are mentioned only passingly,
1Sem. 2150) or Photo Services (LIB
to year. But other changes reflect adminand -.1udent involvement in curriculum
1334). Final deadline for submission of
istrative policy·changes which are steadily
planning is downplayed.
work is May 1, 1981, but the staff will
Not all of these shortcomings can be ex- moving Evergreen towards the educational
be accepting
and selecting work
mainstream in America. Whether Everplained by the budget crunch which the
throughout the year.
green is entering the cosmic slipstream of
catalo1ls desi~n team labored under. But
the style of the catalog was crimped by
higher consciousness or merely being sold
rlown the river remains, of course, a matthe shortfall in dollars which has afflicted
tt>~of individual interpretation.
all the College's endeavors. Poyser says


By Roger Stritmatter
What's in a catalog? The answer to that
perennial question lies just over the horizon of Lake Crescent, featured on the
front cover of the 1981-82 Evergreen catalog. The catalog, which rolled off the
presses a couple of weeks ago and should
be available for distribution to students
by the end of this week. sports a subdued. ethereal image of the lake. located
on the Olympic Peninsula 100 miles north
of Olympia.
Available seven weeks earlier than last
year's, the new catalog represents the
combined efforts of College Editor Kennedy (Kip) Poyser and the TESC graphics
team including fonner senior designer,
Peter Richards, and current senior designer, Brad Clemmons. According to Poyser,
the cover image, which is the work of a
Seattle freelance photographer, was
chosen because it ..reflects a feeling of
Evergreen." Director of College Relations,
Chuck Fowler, anticipates some concern
over the fact that the cover image pictures a scene which is not on campus, but
shares Poyser's view that it accurately
symbolizes the qualities and concerns of
the school.
Both men stressed to the CPJ that the
new catalog offers significant improvements over last year's, which received
heavy criticism from a number of students
and from the paper. The new catalog,
Fowler says, was designed to provide "a
much truer picture, graphically and
editorially." of the Evergreen experience
and philosophy. Fowler cited the hubbub
(1ver the cover image on last year's catalog as an example of the kind of concerns
which were taken into consideration in
designing the new edition.
The cov-:r of the 80-81 catalog features
a sta~ed photograph which poses no less
than ten attraclive women of at least three
races whu saunter across Red Square
t\-iwards tht>lecture halls. Some students.
fowler said, "saw the cover as a slick
attempt to scuttle what Evergreen stands
for-a sell-out to marketing."
Students who have reviewed the 81-82
catalog give it a mixed evaluation. with
diverse opinions about the appropriateness of the Lake Crescent cover and the
quality of the content. Bill Pilling, d mem-


By Kym Trippsmith

412 S. Cherry


Open 7 days a week

8a.m. - 8p.m.

No, that surrealistic sculpture you see
inside the doors of the Library is not a
piece of free-floating modem art. It's a
part of a new detection system being installed to C'Jrb the practice of informal
"borrowing" of books and materials from
Evergreen·s collection.
About a year and a half ago, the library
staff reluctantly began to investigate the
possibility of installing a security system
to prevent book theft. In May 1979,
Debbie Robinson, Circulation Manager
for the Library. talked with Gene Bismuti
at the Washington !,tale Library who favored the 3M Tattle Tale Book Detection




System. He explained that over 70 libraries in the state use 3M and that the
one installed at the State Library a year
and a half ago has already paid for itself.
Ms. Robinson started her inquiries in
response to student and faculty "frustration and rage at not being able to find
Although the system costs $20,000,
other libraries which use it have indicated
that it pays for itself within 2 to 3 yean.
Last spring, over $5,000 was spent on re-,
placement of missing materials. Many
publishers do not run second editions, so
some books are difficult or impossible to
replace. Last December, tipped off by an
anonymous phone call, Security retrieved
333 books and ca...,ttes worth $4,995
from the ASH laundry room. None of the
books were on the Library's Master List
as having bttn checked out.
Ms. Robin,on hopes that "people can
see the detection system in a oositive
light." She says the Library is try;ng to be
responsive to the complaints of students.
faculty and administraton. "I guess to us
the most important a,spect of what we
hope to accomplish is a service to allevi•
ate that frustration of finding what you
want in the card catalog, going to the
shelf and finding it to be a missing
The 3M detector is not a metal detector, nor does it contain any radiation. It

is an inert machine until it is triggered by
the sensitive strip contained in each book.
At that point, an alarm sounds and the
exit gate locks.
The system will go into effect as soon
as Faci1ities finishes a wooden fence that
will guide people through the detection
gateway, If recommended space ~ova~
tions occur, the entrance will be situated
between the two interior support columns.
This will make it possible for the adjacent
art gallery to remain open when the
Library is closed. A gallery information
desk is also in the plan, along with installation of the Circulation Desk directly in
front of the detection gate.
The Tattle Tale system was assembled
in five houn, but sensitizing the entire
collection has been"a complete staff
project" since August, according to
Robinson, The entire project has been a cooperative effort of the Llbrory, Security
and Facilities. The library staff is encouraging the college community to a=t
new system as a way to insure that the
present collection of books and materials
remains available to all.
They ask that everyone help othen to
be awan, of the changes, especially handicapped students who could be startled by
such an inconvenient access to the LI·
brary. If you have any questions about
the new systffll, ask any of the Library •
staff, and they will be glad to fill you in.

inions for sale. First Rate. All matters considered. Grade AA. Sliding
price scale. 866-5153.
For Salee
700, Siu
me) $100
Look GT

Ski boots-men's
large XL11, used once (too small for
or offer. Skis-175 cm with
bindings, $60 or offer. Call
ask for Aaron.

FOR SALE Hiking boots. Women'.s size
6½. Seldom worn, good condition.
Asking $JO. Call 754-5711.




Boots for Sale. Wood 'N Stream, in·
sulated, by Weinbrenner. Size 9Y,M.
New! Best offer call Keli, 866-5187.
For Sale: One roommate. Real cheap.
Good cook. Jogging partner. $150.
Call 866-5153.
something to sayl I'll sing ill Cheryl

Do you have rea,ipts for SAGA script
tickets) Will pay $ for them. Contact
Bruce A-907, x.5061.
FOR SALE '64 V.W. bug with 4 new
snow tires, new battery and rebuilt
engine. Needs some work. Call

MUST SELL. Two 4-hour sailing lessons from Windworks Sailing School,
Seattle. Anytime, any day. Beginning
or intermediate. Call 866-5187.
Squatt Dance CALLER Needed. We
would like to continue the square
dances which were scheduled on campus all last year ... But we have no
caller. If you have exptti.ence, call
Allen at 86(,.5031.

Now Open: Steamboat Becki's Clothing on Consignment. ToddJers through
college sizes. Open Monday through
Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m .. 213 E. 5th
across from the Capitol Theater.

lions (both studio and remotel. Also work on
set construction and othier non-broadcasting
rielatrd choTet common lo a small television
station. Background in communication s1udil'S
(television, theatier) prde-r-nd but not crucial.
2 or 3 quarters. 20-40 hours/wttk.

Youth ATts and Recreation Specialitt
Internship activities include preparation ,Jnd
supervision of after-school activity progTam
for youth, personal and group counKling,
working to involve parents. Prtfer student
with background In arts, eduntion,
work, communications, child psychology or
2 or 3 quarters. IS-20 hours/wttk. 53.50 for
work-study student.

SodaJ Welfare Policy Advocate,
Student intern will work with an ,15socia11onof
Community Action Agencies to ( Tl Profile welfare recipients' life situation; (2) lderitify key
wielfare issul'S; (3) Identify policy makers;
(4) Publish rl'Sults; (5) Pr~nt findings to wel·
fare policy commilltt; and (6) Prepare two
articlt'S for the association·r. newsletter Prefier
student with good writing .and oral commumcllon skills and with e,,:periencie in r~a,ch and
reporl writing.
1 or 2 quarters. 20 hourstweiek

A»sish1nt to le11:islativeRepresentative
Studenl intern will o1ssistslate l.ibor association
m rewarch on a vanety of laboT-oriented
issues preparatiop of.r~arch
material for
del1ve-ry to legislators, preparation and dis•
~ns1ng of wttkly newsletter, and momtorin~
ol pertinenl legislation. Pf'f'fer student with
backRround 1n political K1ence, history. basic
labor history, statistical anlerpretation. public
speaking and or writing.
I or 2 quarters. 40 hourslwttk
Public Relations Spttiallst
Opportunity lo assist Retired Semor Voluntttr
rrogram (RSVP) in preparation of slide/tape
presentation on R!:=VPto be used in community p~ntatlons.
Prefier student with eKperie,nce in photography,
media production or
·public relations.
1-3 quarters. 20 hours/wttk
Television PToductlon Cr«w
Opportunitie-5 to fill technical television criew •
positions on various livr and taped produc-

ano Division N.W.
po~ 10


Warehouse Laborer needed. Heavy
manual work. Part-time S4 per hour,
Monday-Friday. Tum resume into CPJ
Ad Manager.

Do you know how to play the accordion? I want to learn-if you're willing
to teach contact
Theresa Conner,
866-6213 (message) or 86(,.3987.
Two-Bit Adventures prt>$enls low-cost
weekend adventures in the wilds of
Washington. Beginners welcome. Call
Bob at 352-7595 or 866-2253 for Wor•
mation. Next trip, HOT SPRINGS and
hike in the Olympics.
Lost Blue Notebook with Intro Pol
Economy notes from CAB 106. Please
return to Fran 357-8335 or CAB Information office.


Share eastside
home with a musician and a writer.
Private upstairs room. Rent $85/month,
plus utilities. On busline, close to
stores. Call 754-5711 for details.
Give lo the Cause. Donations accepted.
Cash only. TESC 0414.

through what you took from my backpack Friday night in the CAB. Please
return what you can't use esp. my
journal-where you left my stuff.
Meats and Sweets Club. A new eating
organization promoting the consumption of meat. cookies, cakes, alcohol.
and caffeine. No tobacco allowed. First
potluck meeting Sat., Oct. 25, 6 p.m.



Research Assistant
Opportunitin for an intern to do research into
issues concerning Nisqually Delta Possible
public speaking and lour gu1dintt Cln the delt,i
Preler student with acddem1<. background in
b1olog1cal sc1encl'Sandior pulil1c ,;peaking.
I J quarters. 20-40 houn week W<>rk-study
position possible. pay negntiablf'
Solar Designer
Opportunity to dttS1~n a pau1vt" snl.H home
and build a model Ana!y1e pertormance of
lhe des1Rn and submit modd .ind perlormance
m.itenal for permanent d1<1pl, a -.;nlar nut·
reach center Prefier studt'nt with b.itk~rounJ
m energy systems or environmt"nlal des1~n
I quarter Hours negotiable



Classroom Aidt
Intern will have cla,;sroom assignments undt'r
the superviswn ol a head teacher
with tht" 1ndiv1dual ch1ldrt'n or '-m,11111;roup
Prt'ttr ~tudent with ability to work with children 4 to 5 years of age
I or 2 quarters. Hours neJ,i:Ot1able
For further 1nformat1on conlacl Office of
Cooperative Education and schedule ;an ap•
pointment with a counselor- LAB

George Barner is an Evergreen graduate who
has brought integrity and concern to county
government. Barner won't buckle under th1.,
powerful special interest groups at our
expense. Meet George Barner at the TESC
Candidate's Forum, Saturday at noon.

Fresh Produce
Fresh Meats
Imported Beer & Wines
Self Serve Gas
7 a.m.-12 p.m.
365 days a year

WANTED TO BUY. Used records,
Pet• Seeger, Woody Guthrie, Blues or
Negro spirituals. Reasonable offers.
Contact Tracii. 86(,.5198 or Mod 314B.

FOR SALE. Northface Polarguard 4season sleeping bags. Rated -5° F.
Excellent condition. $85. 866-5187.


Opportunity to .gather. writr, rdit and producr
lrgislative Ol'WS for broaden!. Prefu studl'nt
with 10ml' eKperiencr in journalism. rither
print or broadcast.
1 or 2 quarters. 20-40 hourslwttk.

Solar Outn:ach Staff
Opportunity to give technical assistance to the
public regarding con~rvation and rtnewable
energy technologies
design and
mechanical que-51ions from the public. Prefer
student with ,i wnrking knowledge of renew.ible energy
J.J qu,irters 10-20 hours/week

Roommate Wanted/Needed.
ASHApprox: Nov. 1st. Human Health and
Behavior Program. I smoke (ca'.n you
deal with the contradiction).
classical music. Gary evenings 866--0104.


Ofympla, WA


LocallyDlatrltlutmby C1i111tcJ1
Be,J ■a,g■a, Inc.



Citizens for Barner
Nicola Johnson & BIii Cullen, Co-Chairs
Jacob Fey, Treasurer
720!1 Timberlake Dr. SE, Olympia 98503, 491-0322
page 11
