The Cooper Point Journal Volume 33, Issue 5 (October 21, 2004)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 33, Issue 5 (October 21, 2004)
21 October 2004
extracted text













a weekly col/ection·ofstiideniexpress/ori








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On Friday, October 29, 2004, Natural
Learning and the Olympia Com munity
Free Schoo l will be host ing a forum on
alternati ve ed ucation and yo uth empowerment. Matt Hem, author of Deschooling
Our Lives , and Adam Fletcher from The
Freechild Project will be sharing their
li ving experi ences in community-based
lea rning and yo uth act ivism.
Thi s event seeks to inspire ap proac hes
to lea rning outside of the conventional
schoo l, without curri cul a, testing, grading, or methods of comp uter ized learning.
Instituti onalized ed ucati on can function in
such hi erarchical ways that the mentality
of kid s becomes shaped by di sc ipl ines
that may not foster the most democratic
and free way of li vi ng as huma n be ings.
We hope to co ll ective ly foster approac hes
that encourage non~hie rarc hi ca l processes,
cha ll enge yo uth oppress ion, and promote
consc ienti ous socia l involve ment.
The Freech ild Proj ect is an Olympiabased, internationally renowned advocacy
organi za ti on started by local youth acti vists. Director Adam Fl etcher will address
the public on the significant and empowering role of young people in thi s society as
they are consta ntl y subj ect to alienation,
segregation and injusti ce.
This is an oppo rtunity for exchangin g fresh id eas that are ind ependent of
enforced schooling, Youth are powerful
leaders toward creating soc ial change in
which marg inali zed vo ices can no longer
be ignored, This is a ste pping-stone for
familie s to co nn ect wi th ot hers who
are constantl y cha ll enging new ways of
creating emanc ipatory and revo lut ionary
learning. Come and invite all yo ur friend s
and fam il y'
The event wi ll be on Friday, Oc tober
29 at Trad it ions Cafe (300 Fifth Ave nue)
in downtown Olympi a at 7 p.m.
For furt her information:
Olympi a COl11 munity Freeschool:
http ://www .o ly m pia fr eesc hoo I. org
(360) 352-4 165
Matt Hern:
ht tp://www. purplet his!le.urg
The I'reechild Proj ect:
http://www.freec hil d.o rg
Kaori Suzuki is ajunior em'ulled in Local
Knowledge. She is studying global politics
and working with YOllih activists al Evergreen.
She is the Student Coordinator of EPIC (the
Evergreen Polilicalln{ormation Centet)'
Olympia, WA 98505

Mat Morgan is afreshman enrolled il1 Negotiating Cultural Landscapes. He is studying to become a computer technician.

october 14, 2004

Campus smoking policy revised
Would you be willing to
pay a dollar per credit
toward clean energy on

by Kand SI IZI Iki




I 'U m e 33 • iss u e 5 • october 21, 2.004

Olympia alternative
school hosts forum
on October 29

. ',



the cooper point journal

Address Service Requested

by David Hornbeck and Sam Goldsmith
" I think it 's a
great plan, but
I don't know if
everyone can
. quite afford the
extra money ... "
Annie Dennis


Students smoking outside of Seminar II. Th e new policy went il1to effect September 18.

" If I had the mon ey. .
I would, but I
don 't."

bv Renata Rollins

and recomm ended a po li cy update to vice
president of financ e and ad mini stration
Dal ey in May 2003,
Evergree n has a new smoking poli cy'
ley approved a new policy on
thi s year, but it turn s out the changes from
18,2004, along with vice presithe or igin al policy are sli ght.
The pol icy fro m 1989 states that there dents Don Bantz, Art Costantino, Frank
is no smoking all owed in a TESC building McGovern, and Pres id ent Les Puree.
or vehicle, near building entrances, or in
places with lots of foot traffic. It also states
that " areas for smoking will be establi shed
The comm ittee is not entirely sat isfi ed
and maintai ned in exterior cove red areas
with the smok ing areas as they are.
of the college,"
"Some designated areas are not comMany interpreted the 1989 policy to
e, but thi s is an interim so lution ,"
mean that the "a reas for smok ing" were
ava il ab le, but not the on ly place where Herrin g sa id . " It 's not a done deal. It 's
not the end."
smoking was all owed.
She a lluded specifically to the COM
The new po licy was written to close the
Seminar II bui ldi ngs, where there's
loopho le, expl icitly say ing that smok in g
no spot nea rby that is covered,
wi ll on ly be permitted in the des ignated
and out of the way eno ugh to
Robyn Herri ng. ·the ca mpus environ - turn in to perl11anent sites with benches
mental hea lth Gil d safe ty coord in ato r and ashca ns.
The Hea lth an d SGfe ty co mmitt ee
and a me mber of thc Healt h and Safety
ed to Daley that she consult
Com mittee, ex pl ained why the committee
mana ge rs to get a space
decided to rev isi t the smoking policy,
" We'd rece ived lOIS of co mpl aints from arra nge d be fore th e co nstru cti o n was
fini shed .
lnon- smoke rs) on campus," she sa id .
And accord ing to a campus-wide email
The new policy, according to Herring,
out on October 7, Daley said "we pl an
"clarifIi es ) that you smoke only in desigto
Id shelters in the nea r future. "
nated areas in the core part of campus,"
Daley retired as vice president last
she said, noting that parking lots and other
Friday, October 15.
outl ying areas are okay to smoke in.
The co mmittee began to revisit the
policy in 2002, according to Herring,
story continued on pagc ..

Adrian Drevost
Fres hman
Negotiating Cultural Landscapes

" Yea h, $16, it's
not that much to
Chris Karsten
Freshm an
Introduction to
Natural Sciences

"Sure, I think it's
really cheap, actu ally.
Espec ially because
it 's such a revo lu tionary idea, it 's a small
price to pay for such a
bi g cause."
Miki Fuster
Junio r

American piace.\'

" I definitely wou ld.
/\ buck for sustain abilit y, I'm all abou t

Bea Daily

US Postage
Olympia WA
Permit #65


Drag Bingo!

Hi ngu isn't a d rag , drag is for bin go. Bingu, the ga mc th at your grandmother made COD I with her expt.: rt boa rd ga me sk ill s. The)' wert.: to be
, hOII n o il e~l ch and eve ry week , when (irannie and her budd ies would
mc'c! in pol) ester hoards to bet on the Il e.\ t lI ed's II·inner. It was br idge lur
L"J"OIld s. Thi s i, bingo for drag stars. The) Il ill be: the:re. broad shou lders
l'cc'~ illg ou t I"wlll l:renc h neg li gee s. st ubble cak ed alIa) wit h Covergi rl and
p;lddil1g II h~re the:re p/"i:v ious ly wa s Iwne . SO lll e wi ll IIe:ar he:avy sui t coah
ami S pC;I~ ill roug h reverbe rati ng tDnes, so Ct cheekbones Illade Ill anly II ith
g lucd on i",lc ial IHlir. Ut hers wi ll swagger around Jailles Hond st) Ie. pants
hitchcd up. holster on hand. These arc Kin gs and Oueens wit h kncc'-hi ghs
a III I stick -on i"a ci,d hair. Though suave and scduL' ti vc, the) are: hard l) what
the:), st.:elll. Ih e luve danL'c 0 1" bingo and drag will occur in the ba sclllen t 01"
Eagks Hall on 4'" Ave nue, T hursday, November 4 at II p.m. Th is eve nt
will be hos ted 'by Icky Nar Na r and Fatt y Brown and the ban ~l s Mind YO lll:
I)ig, Latoya, and The Hlack Diamonds. Free and all ages.



Love Means Never Having
to Say You Are Ugly ...
Thi s cli ched line. or any oth er lin e in vo lvin g the m eanin g o f love, usually is plal'cd nc\t to pa <;(c l graph ics on ink mea nt to illli tate handwri ting.
The li ne is Ill C,lIlt to L'\rreSs honesty and care , while the pape r rcsonates
II ith those th at craIe cardboard hu gs a nd fll ldcd kisses. II ' all of" those
pretty, we-II -intended c<lI'Il;lt io ns began to ro t. their edge s would curl and
colors facie. Life wo uld drain in fa ll en petals. lurill ing a mercy poo l in the
vase wh ile the stench wou ld dri ve out all hearty int enti on. 'n li s is lo vc. /\
sull cn. eillpty love lert to rot und er the vaot canva s of sin kin g clouds. Not
the stull 01" greeting cards and colo r scen ted lotio ns. Maybe thi s is what
three band s hailing frolll rainy town s conside red when des ignin g their band
poster. Flowers for Algernon (O lympia), Rosyvclt (Seattl e) and Deb
Pasternak (New Eng land) will be perl"ormi ng on Thursd ay, October 21
at 9 p.m. a tThe Mark. 21 + only.

I·: Vc;t~<E'S>()F;:.eOLOR

Actors and
artists needed




Organization Meeting
5p.m. Monday
Find out what it means to be a member
of the student group CP J. Practice
consensus-based decision making.

Content Meeting

is published 28 Thursdays each academic year, when class isin
session: the 1st through the 10th Thursday of Fall Quarter and the 2nd
through the 10th Thursday of Winter and Spring Quarters.

Help decide what should be in the
next issue of the CPJ.

is distributed free at various sites on The Evergreen State College

4p.m. Thursday
Comment on that day's paper. Air
comments, concerns, questions, etc.
If something in theCPJ bothers you,
thi is the meeting for you l

Friday Forum
3 p.m. Friday
Put your values to the testl
Discuss ethics, journalismlaw
and conflict resolution .

all meetings are in CAB 316.

october 21 , 2004




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campus. Free distribution is limited to one copy per edition per person.
Persons in need of more thim one copy should contact the CPJ business
manager in CAB 316 or at 867-6054 to arrange for multiple copies. The
business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after the first.
is written, edited, and distributed by students enrolled at The
Evergreen State College, who are solely responsible for its production and

sells display and classified advertising space. Information
about advertising rates, terms, and conditions are available in CAB 316, or by
request at (360) 867·6054.

Contributions from any TESC student are welcome. Copies of
submissionand publication criteria for non-advertising content are available
in CAB 316, or by request at 867-6213. The CPJ'seditor·in-1Jhief has final
say on the acceptqnce or rejection of all non·advertising content.

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. .' We arCf l6o~ing f.0r,Ii~r~p'et~ives, opinion pieces, personal mirratives, familYhisf~'r!~S, poe",s,- lft;ildtmi~:qir,(J}C~.
.social experietic.esat Evergreen- anything that rehites to your life. Pieces do riot necessarily hdveio be related ~; ...' .
to Evergreen..
.'. ',:

This column is reserved especially forthe underrepresented who want a consistent "message board" or medium
to communicate and express to the Evergreen
community. The guidelines for the Voices of IColor column are as





1) Must be a student of color.
2) The submission can be around but no more than 800 words per person per issue (we can use more installments for longer submissions, or print two at once if they're shorter).
3) The submission rnust specifically state fhal this is/vr "Voices o.rCo!o/~ " Remember, students o/any elhnicity
have a voice in any section of the paper.
4) The deadline fo r subm itling anything to this column is Friday al 3 p .m.
5) The submission MUST inelude a name. phone l1umber and email where you can be reached (for issZles uf
accuunlability) and MUST meet all other guidelines of the current submission g1lide.
! strongly encourage those ofyou who are new to Eve/green and the surrounding community to write a short

narrative ofyour experiences! Voices of Color would be a great place to start introducing yourseJfto Evergreen
while at the same time contributing to the community.

-Renata Rollins


5:30 p.m. Monday

Paper Critique


\Vord cO lI slt'uction is a hobby . There arc peop le that pOllde r andmcll1ori l.c ane! pOIle! er some more. The re are tilll es when thi s pond el'i ng is brok en
up with bo ut s of epiphani es , where peopl e who are prone 10 lVearing eart h
tO Il t.:S fc el the need to lin th eir pointe r finger and shou t. " /\· 1/ /\1" into the
ca r 01" whocvcr 111 ig ht be closest. They ha ve replaccd pocket protecturs
II ith suahhk Ilonl linders and taped, plastic glassl!s wit h hi IlK, iI .' st ron g
cnough to read Sile: si\- point l(lIlt. They th in k in poin t v,ilucs, and lI'hc'n
lic-krlllil li ng II hether onc idea i, better then <1not hL'i'. they el o it hy c:il cul al ill g lillll 111,111\' po ints tlie Clllllhine:d letter, Il lluld l,rmluce. II ,mll\' the gallic
r\lr th e lingui sti cally ch;lIkl lged. 'iuabhk is Ihe lang u:lgL' o f Ilord I"re'lh.
'icrahb lclicious i, ,I spee t;lt ll l' sport. Thost.: II Ill> arc clecp int o their t\l'll- ktl er
II llrd lll arat lHlllllccd ch eL'l'k ;lders. If yo u call love scr;lbblc the 11',l Y yo u lov\!
lil na he,llI s and tri golHllll etr ic I"unctions. thcn cheer 0 11 tltose th ilt do . Word
lic nd s Illcet up every Wednesday fl'om 6-8 p.l1I . in T he Writing C enter.
No L'\ per iL' nce necessary.




Commuter Contest




(, .. is a columnYdesignea !iO[/romdte cultural diversity as well asunderstanding'within the immediate.' EvergreeYz
d. cpminunifJ:-. ;Here, stud~fl.isf)f~olor. mayaddrltss' ~~y cC?ncerns or joys. It is a pliu;e fot students to 'shflte (h~ir, unfq~e
. citltural experi¢n~es with the rest of the Evergreen community; It is a place of It is a place of teachi~g..
It is place ::Ofunaersrandi1i'i~'~ ."
~'! -/. '..
" " , : v. . '

" Will 0 ' the Wi sp," a short lilm by Eve rgreen student John Boucher, is
currently in pre-product ion. The I"o ll owi ng roles are up lo r grabs: one sixyea r-o ld girl. two teenaged boys ( 16 and 18), two parental un its (male and
fema le, late 40s-50s), and one elder ly grandmoth er (70s+). We are also
in need of an ea rl y-1980s-era furni shed doll house and an al1i st who can
create a se ve rely defol'lned creature the size ora new born baby. Auditions
are being a rran ge d Il) r rhe ne :-; t two weeks. Prod ucti on is currently
planned fo r the week of Nove mber 14 in scenic Oakv ill e, Washington.
Pl ease send inq ui ri es to Joh n Bouche r at thew isp@ reblis fillll s.colll .

Evergree n Commuter Cont est. a pil ot prograIII gearcd toward s red ue ing
single-occupan cy vehic le (SOV) trips to ca ll1pus while inCl'easing the sakt y
and cfTieiency orcamplls transportat ion, began in October. Two gran ts were
rec ~ i vc d. fund ing thi s program as well as nell' ve nti lated clothing locker"
bike rack s and the installa tion ofa co mputer in fo rillati on kiosk. The plll'P() s~
is to encourage students andl;lculty to usc altematiw transpo l'l ation to gel
to and from schoo l. The th ree Ille:thmb stressed \l ere: bik ing. bus rid in g.
ca rpool in g ,II HI Il<ilk ing. lI y lill ing out an onli nc' CO lll nllilL'i' Illg. p,lrt ic'ipants arc aut\)Il1<t ti eali .v entered int o ,I drall'im.:..... III I hikc InC"CIIL!er iJ'I ...!.!'.
11I<lssages dill! gin ceni licat..:s to local busil le\Ses. /\11 it tak c" i, r~duc ill g
usage of sillgle occu pallcy ca rs II hil e illcrea, ing pcd ,tl pOll cr. I'h cre ,lrL'
pounds to shed . g; ls Illoney to s,lve and carpool ing hudd ies to mab: . It \
good for yo u, good lor Evergree n alld good Il) r tlie ai r.
Panicipant s need to Ii II out COll1lllut..: r 1 0t~s (http ://II·llw.ev<.: rgn:cll.t:d u.
commute) by Friday, November 5 1'01' thi s term . The contest.restarts
every quarter.



Business .............. .................................... ...................... 867·6054
Business manager ................................................. Andrew James
Ass!, business manager ....................................... Adrian Persaud
Ad proofer and archivist (interim) .................... Adrian Wittenberg
Ad deSigner (interim) ........................................ .... Timothy Yates
Circulation manager/Paper archivist ................................. unfilled
Distribution manager.................. .......................... DavidHornbeck
Ad sales representative............ ........................... BrandonO'Brien
News ........ .................. .................. .................................. 867·6213
Editor·in·chief ............. .......................... ................Renata Rollins
Managing editor ......................................................... Corey Young
Arts & Entertainment coordinator (interim) .. ....... Chelsea Baker
Briefs coordinator (interim) ........... ...... .............. Adina Lepp
Calendar coordinator (interim) ........ ..................... lkuko Takayama
Comics coordinator (interim) .. ........ . .... ....... ... Chelsea Baker
Copy editor................................................. Mitchell Hahn·Branson
Copy editor (interim).................................................. Robert Hopi
Letters&Opinions coordinator (interim).... .. ..... KatieThurman
News coordinator (inlerim) .. . ......................... JoeJatcko
Page designer (interim)......... .......................... KristenLindstrom
Page designer (inierim) ........................................ .Timothy Yates
Photo coordinator (interim) ......................................... Eva Wong
Seepage coordinator (interim)..... ...... ..................... .....unfilled
Sports coordinator (inlerim)....... :........................... Meredith Lane
Voices of Color coordinalor (interim) ....... ............:..............unfilled



Advisor ................................................................ Dianne Conrad
Assistanl to the advisor ..... .................. ... ....... MA Selby

the cooper pojnt jOurnal

the cooper point journal

october 21


news First Amendment:



professor Katya Gibel Azoulay brings
experience, insight to Evergreen diversity series

by Renara Rollins
Pro fessor Katya G ibel Azo ulay bro ught
her diverse iamil y backgl'Ol.nd, her e:\ tensive command of history, and her engagi ng
sty le to th e O lympi a and Tacoma branches
ofTE SC la st Tuesday, October 12.
Her two lectures ki cked ofl" Evergreen 's
2004 diversitY'lec ture series wi th intensity
and hum or as she talked about U.S. hi story, rac ism, cla ss ism, and her own raci al
iden tity.
The lec tu res we re broadcast live to the
res t of Olympi a.
Less than thili y showed up for the evening lec ture in Olympia , but the sound of
the crowd at th e Tacoma branch through
the live video feed suggested an impressive
aud ience thiliy mi les north .
After an impromtu introduction from
Joye Hardiman, the exec uti ve di recto r of
TESC-Tacoma, Gibel Azoulay began.
"1 ' 111 really privileged to be here," she
said .
Gibe l Azoulay is an assoc iate professo r of anthropology at Gri nnell Co llege
in Iowa, and is the daughter of a Jewi sh
Austr ian wom an "nd a Jamaican man,
both immi grants to the U.S . She ope ned

her discussion with a story that hi ghl ighted' groups. " Thi ,;, she e:\pla in ed. was the
holl' she percei ved her d iverse racial back- popular be lief at the: fOllndi ng of the United
States. The I'e st is hi story.
gro und s as a kid.
Her speec h \va s ultimatel y about accu"I used to tell people as a yo ung girl.
'My mot he r is A ustria n, my fath er is racy.
" It 's not 'Let 's put race back into the
Jama ican, and I think I' m Puerto Rican. "
'- it 's ' Let's put hislury back
She sa id she a lway s used to make a big
deal about ca lling her mother "mommy" in into the cuiTiculum, " , she said . " It 's about
grocery stores, because her mot her looks acknow ledgi ng the truth ."
S he's not a big fan o f label s lik e
"white," whil e most peop le would ident iIy
Gi bel Azoulay as "black. " People would ,. A frican-A meri can." She says it does n't
describe her correct ly.
ask in di sbel ief, "I s that your mom ?"
" I am always Jewi sh. I am always first
Almost throughout her entire speech
she had a smile on her face , and she spoke ge ne rati on Amer ica n. I am alway s an
abo ut things in a way that reflected that she Israeli citi ze n. I am always a child of two
recogn ized the humorous, if not quirk y, Di as pora communities," she sa id .
Whi Ie th e diversity lecture ser ies is
ways the world work s sometimes.
Most of her lecture was a di splay of focu sed on race , Gibel Azoulay spent
her comma nd of U.S . hi story after th e abou t a third of her tim e address ing cla ss
iss ues.
Europea n coloni sts arrived.
Race, she exp lained, is a co ncept that
came about in the Enl ightenment Period
due to the obsess ion with class ifi cati on.
Sc hol a rs were c lass i fy in g pl a nt s and
an im als. So, the reaso ning went , why not
class iIy people?
But soon race became "not just about
lineage, but about mental differences and
inherent biologica l differen ces between

friend or foe?

When talking abo ut the term "minority." G ibe l Azoulay sa id: "Therc 's only one
minority in the Unit ed States. and that is
the wea lthi es t gro ur in the country. "
A t th e end , th e crowd gave her the
" Tacoma g ive-back," where audience
members co me up and share what they
got out of the event.
All of the give-backs were pos itive that
night. One woman sa id she felt freed by
Gibe l Azou lay 's speec h.
"Thank yo u," the wo man sa id. "Thank
yo u so much. "

Lunar Eclipse!
Don't Miss It!
and totality will last until 8:44 p.m . As it
slowly slides away from Earth's shadow,
the moon wi II return to its full white di sk,
finishing its crossing at 9:53 p.m.
As I write thi s, the long-range forecast
ca lls for rain. But a lot ca n happen with
the weather in a fe w sho rt day s. Even ii'
there is a slight clearing to the east, we may
yet see the moon. The next easy-to-watch
event from Olympia won't take place until
October of 2005 , when we have another
lunar ec lipse. Even if yo u can't see the
moon on the night of the 27''', remember
to enjoy the sight the next time the moon
hits yo ur eye. Now that 's Amore.

bv Brian Flewell

Renata Rollins is a senior studying
civic journalism through an il1lernship at
Ihe CPJ. She is the editor-in-chie{ of th e
CPJ and may be reached{or COl11l11el1lS
by phone at 867-6213 or hy elll ail at
rolren29@evergreel1. edu.

The Student Activities Adminislration sponsored a national webcasl called "Free
Speech and Civilily on Campus." A panel ofcamp liS communily members discussed
th e webcasl in Lectllre Hall 1 on Tuesday. October 12. The dialogue covered aspects
of FirSI Amendment law, the administration's responsibility to keep open avenues
for speech, and how the administration should respond to ojfensive 5peech. Only a
handfitl ofslZidents showed lip.

Love Your Library:
Library Renovation


Weather permitting, spend some time
looking at the moon this week . On the
night of Wednesday, October 27, the moon
will slow ly cross Earth 's shadow in to a
total lunar ec lipse. Perhaps the eas iest
celestial phenomenon to wi tn ess, a lunar
eclipse is marked by the slow fading of
the moon until it turns a red hue. Why
red? Think of it as every single sunri se
and sunset from all around the earth. The
red li gh t is bent aro und Earth by the at mosphere and is se nt back out in to space. On
this occasion, the full moon will be pass ing
through this shadow and will be set ablaze
by the light.
The event starts short ly before moonrise
in Olympia. But don't worry, the whole
event will take over three hours. The moon
will rise at 6:31 p.m. already in partial
ec lipse. The moon will be completely
in earth's shadow starting at 7:23 p.m.,

Brian Flewell is a senior enrolled in
Lights, Camera, Election! and Politics and
Ihe Media. He is study ing cinematography
and videography.

The CPJ will be sponsoring a second showing of Ihe webcaSI. as well as another
discllssion. More in/ormalion will follow.

will take place in two phases, with phase
one already underway, and th e actual conNo, it's not an aq uarium , atrium , bird structi on (read : noi se) expected to begin
sa nctuary, or butterfl y den. It 's your so metim e aro und February or March.
Dr .faye Hardiman (Ieji), Direclur of TESC- Tacoma, inlroduces Dr Kalya Gibel
Phase one co nstructi on will on ly affect
library! Library co nstruction has offiA:;ollla),
on OCluher 12 Iu kick o/TEvergreen \. 2004 diversily leclllI'c series. "Beyond
cially begun here at Evergreen , and the the north side of the library, the fOrlner
Race allhe Cenler u/Education. "
Q-Z stacks , formerly of th e north s ide home of the P-Z stacks: Language and
third floor, have moved to their temporary Literature, Science, Medici ne, Agriculture,
home on the mezzanine. The black nett ing Military Sc ie nce , Naval Science,
screams barnac les and seashell s, but serves Bibliography, and Library Sc ience. Th is
its purpose nonetheless; neith er book nor area should remain open until co nstruction
man can cast themse lves from the balcony begi ns in Feb ruary or March. The rcst of
story continued from cover
to th e gro und below. The mezza nin e loop the library will remain open throughout
is now fully secured and assimil ated into phase onc, and the entire co ll ectio n, as
well as all library se rvices, will remain
Then there's the issue of entorce ment.
" library proper."
But Herring said "eve ry smoker that
The pol icy is supposed to be "peer- I' ve eve r asked to move was cord ial,
I rece ntl y sa t down with Mindy
enforced," and the community is expected polite, nice, and they moved."
Muzatko, Head of Circulation, to discuss will most likel y continue until next fall .
The library staff is doing everything
the library renovation project and what stu"tactfull y and gracefully remind people
Steve Huntsberry, the chi ef of TESC
dents and faculty can expect to see in the possible to work around the renov ati on to smoke in designated areas onl y."
police, was also op timi stic about pee
Herring says peer e nforce ment is enforcement.
coming months. The renovation project
stol")' continued on page 6
. " If it could work anywhere," he sa id,
_________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .re a~so n ab l e . " How else are you goi ng to
" it could probably work here. "
''''llorce it?" she responded.
"It ' s not a WAC [Was hingt o n
Mo re informati on outlining the desdmini strative Code meas ure]. It 's not ignated smoki ng areas will be available
within the next week.
The Health and Safety Co mmittee's recndation to Daley noted that "smokRenata Rollins is a senior sllIdyi
have reacted with rude words" in some civic journalism Ihrough an inlernsilip al
Is the world of cubicles not for you? Stop
when asked to smoke further from the CPJ. She is the editor-in-chief of the
by and discover the opportunities that await
And a few students informally CPJ and may be reached for qllestions
you overseas in Peace Corps. Why settle f0r
ed for thi s story said they would not or comments by phone, 867-6213, or
a cubicle job when yoU could be discovering
I com fortable asking so meone to smoke email. rolren29@evergreel1.edll.
the world? Currently, 18 "Greeners" are serving.
meplace else.
by Angela Buck

Smoking Policy

We will be at TESC on ...

Thursday, October 21
Information Table
Campus Activities Building (CAB)
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Slide Show & Video Presentation
Seminar" Building, Room A2105
5:00 - 6:30 pm
Interviews w ill be held a t TESC on Thursday, November 18, fo r ,
applicants prepared to depa rt by November 2005 To qualrfy
you must submit a co mpleted application by Monday,
November 15. To sign up for an inte rvie w or if you have
additional questions, call 1-800-424-8580, option 1.

october 21,


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the cooper point journal

october 21



Library renovation
tectura l firm , St ud io Meng Strazza ra, th e
renovation aims to "rein vigorate the 30and make every service availab le during yea r-o ld struct ure to support an acti ve and
thi s tim eof flu x. If you area lit-head , like shared learning environment that incorpomyself, the move works to your advantage, ra tes traditi onal library se rvices with new
as the enti re P stack s are now located on the media tech nology into a seamless design. "
seco nd fl oor behind reference, including Two new sta ircases are planned fo r phase
Philosophy, Language and Literatu re. The two, between the IIrst, seco nd and thi rd
Q th rough Z stack s are safe ly ensco nced fl oo r, as we ll as a shared entrance to the
on the third floor mezza nine, access ible Library and Co mputin g Cen ter. Other
by a hand y doorway on the third floor impr ove me nt s inc lude mor e natural
beh ind periodicals, wh ich the library staff light from both window s and skyl ight s,
has aptl y, perhaps affecti onatel y, named and e ightee n-in ch sei smic shee r wa ll s
a "hole in th e wa ll ." The confere nce to protect the libra ry in the cvent of an
and group study rooms on the third floor ea rthquake.
Mo st of the major adjustment s wi ll
wi ll rem ain open until co nstru cti on comtake place during phase two, expected to
I will not attempt to make any pred ic- commence sometim e next fa ll or winter.
tion s or prom ises with regard to the noise, The slow desce nt into madness lies ahead,
except to say that (va in) attempts wi ll be but until then, only s m ~ 1I annoyances will
made to kee p the ru ck us at an abso lute try our pati ence. In th e m e~ ntim e , all
minimum . . Minor inconveni ences aside, se rvices and the ent ire co ll ection w ill
the renovation wi ll be a vas t improve- remain ava il ab le, and the helpful , accomment for th e li brary , which ha s go ne modating li brary sta ff will be more than
without manicure or make over since the happy to answer any questi ons regard ing
erecti on of the co llege in 1971. Changes, the renovati on.
To further sati sfy yo ur curiosit y, blueboth gra nd and minor, are in the works,
especia ll y those co nce rnin g the sa fet y, pr int s and arti st render in gs are posted
accessibilit y and appeara nce of the build- on th e platfo rm bet wee n the seco nd
ing. Upon completi on of both phases, the and third fl oor, and the campus will be
libra ry will occupy a greater share of the notifi ed , either by thi s colum n or ema il ,
library bui lding, expanding its girth into of a ny majo r cha nges in th e comi ng
the former Lib rary 3500 and the Writing month s. Additiona l re SOUITC S in clud e
Ce nte r, as well as the now un occupied th e Stud io Meng Strazza ra webs ite, http:
// . or Mindy Mu7.atk o,
basement of th e bu il ding .
Evergreen stu dents and professors will I lead of Circul ati on. and keepe r of collecenjoy better air qua li ty, as th e renova- ti ve knowledge rega rding the renovat ion.
In the mea ntim e, keep yo ur heads hi gh,
ti on includes an overha ul of the HVAC
ca rs open , and all eyes on the page.
system, and greater accessibility bet wee n
the Library stack s, Med ia Loa n, Med ia
Angela /Jilek is (I seniur (II Evergreen.
Serv ices, the DIS, the Comput in g Center,
the Writing Center, and the Quant itative She is sllId),in,1!. ",riling and Ii/ eral llre. She
Learning Center. Accord ing to the archi- works in Ihe lihrwT rare hook mO/ll .

story continued from pagc '"

"So what's this Clean
Energy Initiative?"
goal of the Clean Energy campa ign 'is to
purchase gree n tags th at ensure the use of
lean energy by co nsumers here in the
Ifyou have n't already been approached
by someone aski ng you to s ign the Clean Puget Sound area. So the majo rity of clean
Energy Init iat ive, get ready. Th is is one energy we purchase will not be directl y
of th e biggest campai gns fo r the e nvi- used by TESC, but fo r every kilowatt-hour
ron mental student groups thi s yea r, and of energy we do use, the same amo unt of
if yo u have n't heard of it ye t, yo u wi ll . wind or sola r energy will be created and
Wa shPIR G, SEED, DEAP, ERC, and used via the Puge t So un d grid . A littl e
Greener Futures are all a part of thi s great confusin g? Su re, but it does make sense.
For every add ition to gree nhouse gases we
under1akin g.
For the nex t two weeks there will be are respo nsibl e for, we ens ure that another
eve nt s and petiti on- hold e rs ready for energy user is not.
Acquiring 100% clean energy would
yo ur sig nature. If yo u choose to sign,
here 's what yo u' ll be signing: an initi a- make TESC a beacon of environmentalti ve to all ow a vote by the student body ism. Our buses already run on biodiesel,
to decide if we wan t 100% clean energy we have a campu s-wid e compost in g
at Everg ree n. Keep in mind that when serv ice, and th e Semina r II building is
you sign thi s initi ative , you're not vot ing naturally venti lated. Very few sc hool s
for clean ene rgy, but fo r the vote to be have gone 100%, so this wo ul d make us
one hell of a trendsetter!
all owed.
For more information , come to any of
In wee k eig ht, the studen t body will
fo ll ow ing meetings:
vote fo r or aga inst a one do ll ar per cred it
C lean Energy Coa liti on: Wednesdays at
hour rai se to pay fo r 100% clea n energy
(wind and solar) for usc by Evergreen. For 2:30 p.m. in Semina r II E3 109 . .
SEED: Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. in
a full-tim e stud ent thi s works out to $48
more per year added to tuition prices. Ri ght Se minar II E3 109.
ERC: Wednesdays at 1:45 p.m. in the
now, TlcSC produces 17mill ion pounds of
C02, an d thus Evergreen is respo nsible th ird floor CA 11 pit.
WashPI RG: Wed nesday s at 4:30 p.m.
lor add ing to gree nhouse gases and globa l
in the third fl oo r CAB pit.
wa rmin g - that 's no good '

At a recent human ri ghts- rel ated event
I attended, I heard something that made
me really thankful to live in Ol ympi a. Let
me explain. During this event, we met in
small di sc ussion groups and grappled with
a number of very broad questions about the
world we live in. Our discuss ion that day
was about what we wanted our communities and our world to look Iike, and about
some sustainable ways for us to ap proach
those goa ls.
As we talked , ma ny of us lamented that
much of the work that so many people do
to make things better for all of us can be so
qui ckl y destroyed de pending on the win ds
of change that blow through our gove rn ment , and that one ad mi nis trati on's fav orable out look on a certain project mayor
may not be shared by the next fo lks who
come int o office. To circu mv ent th ese
difficult upheava ls, one parti cipant noted
that it is go ing to take peopl e-to-peopl e
efforts, organ ized amon g persons who
have dec lared a comm on sct of va lu es,
e ith er impli c it ly o r expli citl y, to affect
lastin g socia l eq uity and justice.
The reason that thi s made II l~ thank ful to li v~ in Ol ympi a is th at Ihe re arc
Ill an) f1 cople and group s in OIYlllp ia who
arc doing j ust thal - lVor ~ i nl! with other
fulb loc;II I,·. n;lt ional ly, and ,; Ioba ll v 10
1 1Ia k ~ Ihe changes the) \I·al.. III sec in the
\l mld. (Jne ,uc h grlll'i' ,s the '1hurstnn", !!IIO '1<)!I1;\' Sisler Ci lY Assoc iation
( I S 1"( ..'\ I. I or Ill ' ,e: lrs , TSTSC:'\ has
\I, 'rk c'd ill solida ril' ' \ ilh the f1co plc of
~,IIlI" I(J ill:'' ' . Clw" ,I k s. !'J ic ,rragll a 10
t:lkc a '1:Ind : 1~ :li n ' . 1. '-; . fo r~i g ll pnlic.'

octo5; , 21, 2004

that causes the dependency and econom ic
deterioration of Central America. Students
at Evergreen have an opportunity to get
involved in thi s relati onship and put their
ed ucation in acti on by participating in
th e 2005 St ud ent Delegatio n to Sa nt o
The sister-city relati onship began in
1988 as a response to the U.S. gove rnm ent
funded-and-orchestrated Contra War. Thi s
war was an illega l act of aggression by the
United States and had a devastating effect
on the country and her peoples, with over
50,000 dead in a cou ntry with just over four
million ci ti ze ns at the tim e and many more
maimed by injuries phys ica l, psychologica l. and otherwi se. In fact, the destruction
was so great , and the toll amo ng civi li ans
so high , that in 1987 the World Court found
th e U.S governm ent guilty of sponsoring
terrori st acts, the onl y nati on in th e worl d
that has ever bee n found guilty of such
cri mes in that body.
People in Olymp ia and in ot her ci ties
in the U.S. were horrifi ed by these event s
and wanted to do somcthing to figh t back.
A nationwide s ister city movement bega n
with the goa l to "bring the war hOI11 e" by
help in g fe ll ow U.S. reside nt s to sce the
wa r fo r what it was, and to sec the su frerin g that it was causing for our Nicarag uan
friend s.
Since 1988, TSTSCA has bee n working
in solidarit y with our Tomasino fri end s.
h~ll'i n g to prov idc support for the various
cOlllm unit y projects th ai our sister orgalI izaliun. th c CO ln lll illcC for COlll lllu nit)
j)~ " C I OPIllC Il I (C UC). ad lll in is te rs ill
~ " nt() TOlllas. I hese projects in c lud e
" \iI"lllCI1', SC\I ing ( oof1c ra t i\, e ~IH.I



Welcome to

District Six

Elliott Smith's
final album arrives

by Eric Wozniak

The concept of green tags :
So if thi s cam pa ig n is succe ss ful ,
you mig ht imagi ne I': ve rgrecn's ca mpus
will becoille covered in solar panel s and
ma ybe a few wind mill s on the soccer fi eld.
We ll , it doe sn't wo rk quite like that. The

Eric W(}~niak is a selliur enro/led il1
Fores ls Th rollgh Space ond Tillie . H e
is (I coordinalor ot lir e l:nvirol1ln enlal
Resollrce e enle!:

.School; a fre e N ight Sc hool for children
who wo rk durin g the day; the Ch ildren's
Free Lunch Program, where 150-200 of
the most impoverished children in Santo
Tomas rece ive a hot lunch- for many of
them it may be the only meal they eat that
day; the Community Farm Proj ect, wh ich
helps to provide nutriti ous food for the
C hi Idren's Free Lunch Progra m as well
as a number of poor famili es; a [lakery
whi ch helps to support the Lunch Program
as well ; a Carpentry Workshop; a People 's
Health C linic; and A PROVIN , whi ch provides loans for impoverished peo ple to
buy houses. These projects are im portant
because th ey seek to all eviate some of the
suffering ca used by the economic hardships f()rced on the Nicaraguan people (and
impoverished peopl e of the world) by the
World Bank/ IM F, and by longstandin g
oppressive U.S . foreig n poli cy.
Another important aspect ofTSTSCA's
solidarity work is th e fa c ilit ati on of
people-to-people exchanges between the
ci ti zens of Sa nto Tom,\s and the citi ze ns of
Olympi a. What this means is that TSTSCA
sponsors delegati ons from Santo Tomas to
Olymp ia as we ll as student and com munit y delegation s from Olympia to San to
In Spring quarte r 2005 at Eve rgreen.
TSTS CA and the Evel'g ree n program
Memory of Fire will be spo nsor ing the
seventh TESC Stud e nt Delegat io n to
S;rn lll To ma s. Th is stu dy -abroad pro~ r ;rlll
N icarag ua :: 005 : CO llllllu nity .
Cul lure. and Soc ia l Change- \\'i ll be an
(lPP(lrtU lli ty for TESe stud ent s to work
in , ulidarity wi lh our To masino fricnds in
th~ i r stru ggle for sel f-d eterminati on an d

by Cameron Lamar Anderson
District Six
Amph ibi ous Assau lt
Soc ia l Unrest Records

At the start of thi s deeade/century/
millennium , a metal band comprised
of fo u r yo un g wome n from London ,
Ontari o, Ca nada , ca ll ed Kittie (http :
I/www.kitti e.n et) began ta kin g their
world by storm , showing the old guard
(compr ised entirely of men) that wome n
can rock just as hard as (a nd
in their case, harder than) the
As time progressed,
one of the band 's fo undin g
membe rs , g uitari st/ voca li st
Fa llon Bowman, grew weary
of the turmoi l caused by the
meteoric ri se of her band. In
August 200 1, thi s culminated
in her departure from Kittie, whose void
wou ld never be filled again until this year
with the arrival of gu it ar ist Lisa Marx.
Those who were in the know, however, followed th e news of a new project
being created in Bowman's basement.
Th at project would co me to be
called A mphibi o us Assa ult ( http ://
Almost two years aft er her depart ure
(May 20, 2003 , to be exact) , Bowman's
new vision created a tangible product:
10-song, 40-minute debut ca lled Districl
It took nearly a year and a ha lf for
yours truly to land a copy, but I'm happy
to announce that the wait was well worth
From start to fi ni sh, Bowman surrounds yo u in wave after wave of electro -industrial beauty that will leave you
reeling in yo ur mind fo r hours after the
last blip fades int o memory. O ut of the ten
tracks, fo ur are instrumental (a ll of which
are powerful in their own right) and the
rest bare her signature smoky, dan ce divatinged voice, a far cry from the grow ling
she once d id for her former band.
There are a few sta ndout tracks in
this albu m, one of them being her take on


Santo Tomas: How you can help our Nicaraguan sister city
by Emily Calhoun


se lf-suffi ciency, and to grow as community members and act ivists. Students will
live with working-class famili es and are
expected to participate fu ll y in the dayto-day act iviti es of life in a small town in
rural Nicaragua. Delegation members will
also work i"n an exist ing co mmunity project operated by the CDC (se lf-selected);
study Spanish language in small gro ups;
conduct week ly seminars on Nicaraguan
hi story, poli tics, and culture; and work on
an academi c project.
So are you read y to put your education
in action? For more informati on on thi s
excit ing program, or to pick up an app lication, please att end one of the planned
in fo sessio ns : Wed nesday, Oc tobe r
27, Wednesday, November J at I :00 p.m. in
Seminar II C3 109, and Thursday, October
28 at 5 :30 p.m . in Semin ar \I C3107.
Also, TSTS CA is sponso ring an all -ages
Hall oween party on Friday, October 29 at
Lincoln Eleme nt ary (in the gym) from 6:
30 to 9:30 p.m. So corne lea rn more abo ut
the s ister city project .and meet so me of
th e people invo lved in thi s unique relati onship . There' ll be ·great food as well as
a co stu me contest and de sse rt autti on, so
don ' t miss it r
For any further questions or to request
an app lication, pl ease contact Alice Ne lson
(TES C) at 867-6629 or Emil y Ca lh oun
(TSTSCA) at 480-87P·


Emill ' Ca lho lill is senior ellro lled ill
.Il1slice a l It iJl-k. She is Slll(/i 'illg hiS /fin
and p ol i! ical (' CO I /o lll\ '.

the cooper point journal

Depeche Mode's " In Yo ur Room ." While
not as faithful to the or ig in al (wh ich is
fi ne by me, since that should be the rule
of coveri ng a song), Bow man puts her
stamp on the track , transforming it from
a spiritual to a more sensual song of fa ith
and devot ion.
As far as originals go, the big stand out is the second track . "Searchlight." The
lyrics speak of political and corporate corruption, and the music allows the song to
become a ve ry powerful indu strial dance
anthem, ca usi ng one to poss ibly sha ke
: their ass and raise their fis t
: at the same time.
One more stando ut
: number (let 's fac e it : A ll
i of th e songs stand ou t) is
. 01, ,,; , : th e titl e c ut , wh ic h deal s
,I with racism and apartheid ,
, anchured by thi s statement:
"You take the people out of
the heart of Distri ct Six / But
you'll never take Di strict Six out of the
heart of the people."
All in all , Bow man has done well
for hersel f th is ti me around , and there
are plans for a second go -rou nd in the
future. In the meantime, yo u will need
to know where you can obt ain a copy for
The first place is the iTunes Music
Store, where Bowman has just recently
put the entire album up for download. If
yo u would like a hard copy with artwork ,
however, the second place I recommend is
Indie Pool (htlp://
online communit y/store that promotes and
support s Canadian independent music; this
is where I purchased the album for a total
(S&H included) of $22 .00 in Amer ican
currency. The las t place is The Orchard,
via their di stributor,
Of course, yo u ca n always beg and
plead with your loca l record store to car ry
her album as we ll .
That is all.
Cameron Lamar Ande rson is a
senior enrolled in Tea ching Through
PCljorrnonce. He is s flldving wri/illg and
is 0 lulo r 01 Ihe Tacuma branch complls
Wriling Center.

A TiI1l-eless
Tale ot Time
by Chris Ravert
In this timeless tale of time,
I'm losi ng my mind liste nin g to grown
men cry,
If you look back the last time yo u mig ht
it's all empt y like a wat er melon rind.
But I've kept my mind , doi ng my cr imes
for hu ma nit y
Tryi ng to save us fro m our own sanity
As if rea lit y had va nity

Now the mind is los ing consc iousness ,
Dipping into drea m from the mother's
But the mother is not the mother, nor the
fat her, or even the big brother,
The care ss is f rom the b lack s hee p
cousin ,
Twice removed.
Deeper and deeper,
The cousin moves wi th ha ste,
The cousi n is now the mind's keeper and
he's laying it to waste
In thi s timeless tale of time .

by Sam Goldsmith
I've been wa iting fo r the release of
Elliott Sm ith's six th and final full-length
studio album , From a Basement on Ih e
Hill, for almost a year. Sm ith was found
dead last October with two knife wounds
to the chest, apparentl y se lf-infli cted,
though some suspec t murder. I looked
to the album fo r in sight into his puzzling
death, to hear what he went through during
his final days. Sm ith was a master of
moribund lyrics. He
had suc h dep th , such an
introspecti ve grasp of hi s
depression, th at at times
his songs seemed healing.
He made angui sh and selfhate so und so beauti ful
w ith Abbey Road -st y le
melodies and brilliantly
sequential fi nger-pick ing.
He sang about love thrown
away, se lf- in fli cted heartbrea k, se lfloathing and substance abuse.

To whom or what is he bidding a " fo nd
farewe ll "? Himself? His pain? Hi s lover?
The song continu es:
I see you're leav ing me
And taki ng up with the enemy
The cold com fort of the in be tween
A little less than a human_being
A little less th an a happy high
A little less th an a sui cide
The only things that yo u really tr ied
Thi s is not my life
It 's just a fond farewe ll
to a friend
He open ly ack nowledges death throughout
the a lbum. He writes
abo ut preparing to die,
disappea ring, and saying
goodbye. In "Last Hour,"
he says :

I'm through tryin g now
It 's a big relief
From a Basemen! on th e Hill continues Smith's tradition of darkness; even the. I'll be stayi ng down
Where no one else gonna give me grief
album title has a sense of morbidity. We
Mess me around
don't have to look too far for the anguish
make it over
he commonly expressed in his songs and
for numerous references to heroin addicThe album answered some of my
tion. Songs like " Let's Get Lost" and
but left me with even more. I
"Strung Out Again" are classically Elliott
unrealistic to think his lyrics
Smith, both musica lly and lyrica lly, with
the case; even the LAPD is
descriptions of gettin g high reminiscent
still investigating hi s death . This is a
of Lou Reed :
great album, and I would recommend it to
but it also leaves me with a strange
Ju st looki ng in the mirror
mouth. I always found solace
Will make you a brave man
of Elliott Smith. During some
I know my place
of my personally darkest times x/a and
I hate my face
Eilher, Or were among tht> better remI know how I begin, and how I' ll end
I could find . To hear hi s ~t ruggle
Strung out aga in
so eloquentl y, it really made me
Stand in g, smiling on some f:1ntasy
less alone. But it's reasonable
is land
to assume that Elliott Smith committed
Waving at my lost r~tl ec tion aga in
and whil e r have deep sympathy
But a tide coming in
with such difficulty in their life,
And I'm strung out aga in
he gave up. But who am r to
Strung out aga in.
judge a man I nev'er knew? Elliott Sm ith
Track six, "A Fond Fa rewell ," is the was a great talent; I'm sorry that his music,
peak of the album. The emotion just rips and his li fe, have come to an end.
throl!gh yo u; this is th e track stays in yo ur
He sa id really I just wa nn a dance
Good and ev il matched perfect it's a
great romance
I ca n dea l wit h some phys ic pain
If it'll slow down my higher brain
Vein s fu ll of disappearing ink
Vo mitin g in th e kitc hen sink
Di scon nec tin g from the missing lin k
This is not my li fe
It 's j ust a fond farewell to a friend
It's not what I'm like
It 's just a fond farew ell to a friend
Who could n't get thi ngs right



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Canceled sci-fi series Farscape
returns in miniseries form
The week in entertainment
Yo, check it 'cause it's like this:

by Michael From
chauvinist ic 1950s musical s, then by all
meai1s, rent the "Collector 's Edition" of
Seven Brides/or Seven Brathers.
I n Theaters:
I rece ntl y obt a i ned a co py of Th e
If sittin g in a dark, atmo s ph e ri c Fu ture Dictiunary o/ AII/ erica, a n o fftheater for I.WO hou rs is yo ur idea of. a heat im ag ining of word s and phra ses that
reck less ni gh t on t he tow n. then I reco m- may, as a result ufthe current state of the
mcnd picking lip a copy of the Oly mpi a wo rld . be co ill t: the sla ng o f to mo rrow.
Film Societ) 's Prog ram Guide, avai lable The vol um t: include s wi tt y. sometim es
at locat ion, throughout the comillunit y. brilliant cunt ri but ions frOIll the likes of
J3e g innin g Saturda y, Octo ber 23, a nd Dave Egge rs, Michae l Chabo n. 13il ly Colru nn ing throug h Thursday th e 28, John lins, Art Spi ege lm an, Juyce Ca rol Oa tes,
Say les' sa tir ica l politi ca l noir Silver Cit)' Jonatha n Safran ['oer, Chri s Waro:, and
will be screened at the Ca pi tol T heater Kurt Vonnegut , among Illany others. The
(206 E. 5'" Ave nue, dow iltow n). It 's quite book itself is prett y keen , but it co mes
possibly the smoothesl fi lm play ing within neatly packaged with a C D, appropri ately
Ihec ity limits. Pl us, Ihe nca rest big-screcn titl ed ...
l1lultipkx is in Ye lm, fool .
.. .l11e Future Souniltruck II!A lllcricu.
A lso a t Ihe Cap it ol Th eale r, th e
Olympia Fill1l Festival wi ll ofTe r many cin- The di sc's twe nt y- two track s send th e
emal ica Il y d ive rse cven i ngs, from Friday, li stener down a road dott ed wi th cloy in g
Novc mber 5 through Sund ay the 14. Thc potho les such as Mike Dought y's "Move
fe sti val wi ll incl ude
On," There are al so
loca l work, forei g n
unfortunate conlriwork, shor t films ,
buli ons by Jimm y
class ics, documenEat World and
taries, ex r eri menBlink 182, but they
tal film , visiting
are outweighed by
fi I m rna ker s, 1i ve
the strength of
performances, free
the compilation 's
screenings, and
standout trac ks .
animation workSongs by the
shops. Buy the "A II
Lips ,
Freakin' Night"
OK Go, the Yeah
pass and numb Kris KrislojJerson and Chris Cooper on
Ye a h Yeah s, and
your bum through the campaign trail in Silver City.
several movies that
all sonically phoswill play long past midnight, screenings phoresce nt organisms in a choppy sea.
that may require intermittent dealings The di sc is capped off by Elliott Smith's
with the nearest purveyors of spirits.
posthumously released "/\ Di storted RealOn DVD:
it y is Now a Necessity to Be Free," wh ich
Mi chael Moore 's predictable, yet is esse ntiall y th e most press ing excuse
somehow valuabl e, documentary-esque to ex pend resources on th e whole damn
effort Fahrenheit 9/ 1/ is now ava ilabl e book·and-di sc pac kage.
on DVD, and should be worthy of rental
I have yet to cop hip-hop renai ssance
purely for a few int eresting bonus fea- man Mos DeC's anticipated latest album ,
tures. In a similar political vein , a movie The New Danger, but what I have heard
that I have n't seen called Th e Day After is hot. I also fail ed to pick up The BeautiTOll1 orro w was recently rel eased for home j ii/ Struggle, the new shot at re spectable
viewing. I suppose it's worth mentioning, s ucce ss by Mo s's Black Slar pa rtn e r
si nce it does happen to occupy that bi za rre Talib Kweli. In additi on, I do not ow n
sub- genre of vaguely liberal sc i-fi caution- new ly-released di scs by The Roots (Th e
ary tal es that everyone can't get enough of. Tipping Poil1l), Masta Ace (Th e Long Hot
However, if those two rel eases aren't your S ummer), Jea n Grae (This Week), Di zzee
thing, and you happen to be into bi za rre, Rasca l (Showtil1l e), Prince Po (Til e Slick- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - , ness), and Tom Waits (Real Cone). Whil e I
shamefu ll y admit my lack of partic ipation
as a li stener, I applaud any o f you who
get out there a nd acqui re onc or a ll of the
atoremenlioned CDs. You will spend the
nex t few days hap pil y sk ippin g aro und
campu s, pumping fre sh beats th rough yo ur
headphones, while I stumble along toss ing
- We serve real food my empty Di scman from hand to hand in
- by real people a state of desolate melancholy.

by Jorma Knowles

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october 21 , ·2004 -'.

In March of 2003 , Farscape was
cance l led . The Sci - Fi Channel put it
on the chopping bl oc k ju st days before
completion of the fourth season, leaving
executi ve producer Dav id Kemper no time
to e nd the story he ca refull y crafted for
fo ur yea rs. The day aft er the news wa s
broke red, a makeshift headquart ers, ht tp :
l.www.savc farsc . was crealed by
fa ns, 10 1' fan s, to sta rt th e long process of
res usci tating Iheir fa vo rit e show. Nea rl y
two years late r, Furscufle is back with a
g rollndbreaking $20 milli on, four-hour
111 in iser ies, Farscape. Thl' Peacekeep er
Wa/'S, whi ch aired Sunday, OC lober 17,
and Monday, October 18.
From shot one we see where the $20
million we nt, as a 3-D rendering of th e
Jim Henson Jluppet and delh roned d iclator,
Rygel XV I, sca ns the ocean bOltom for any
rema ining crys talli zed fra gmenl s o f hi s
shipmat es. Th e ac ti on is unending from
there. As ou r hero, astronaut John Crich ton , and hi s betrot hed, ex-Peace kee pe r
Aer y n Sun, are reconstituted from th eir
crystalline state, they draw their g uns on
yet another Creature Company creation .
As soo n as they' re back, they 're drawn
into a war between the ironica ll y named
Peacekeepers and the toughest lizards in
the universe, the Scarrans. For four years
John Crichton has been st uck in the middle
of their arms race, because only he holds

the key to unlocking worm holes, a powerhouse on the battl e field .
This miniseries is not for out-of~town­
ers. To much chagrin and cheerin g, David
Kemper and Bri an Henson, director, made
thi s installm ent for the fans. Eve ry character from the past is being reintroduced as
al l of the loose strings are being neatl y tied
off int o perfect bows. A nov ice ca n watch
it but mu st have absolut e eng ross ment. A
blink of an eye or a two-lVord conve rsation
ca n di strac t from a sig nifi ca nl cha rac ter
introduclio n or anot he r outrageou s pl ot
In the large universe of science fiction ,
it 's easy to ove rl ook a smal I Sc i-Fi Channel series such as Farscope as just another
S tar 7i'ek rip off. And whil e it is impossibl e to not mimic some asrccts of what
ca me before yo u, Forscafie has its own
witt y style. Th is isn't Shakespea re- hell ,
it isn't eve n Rodde nberry- but Farscape
knows that. What it has is emotion from
deep, complex characters. It g ive s honor
to it s fan s, and it does n't dumb down its
charac ters to mak e an ex tra few buck s.
Farscape is the int ellige nt but irreverent
prodiga l son that science ficti o n need s. I
thank the fan s for all of th eir handwork
in the pa st two years. Score one for the
Mi cha e l From is a sophomore
enrolled in Forensics and Mys/ery Wri/ing He is studying crea/ive wri/ing

r------------------------------------------------------------sce nes documentary on A rab news
network AI Jazeera, Con/rol Room has
a perspective on the Middle East that
Americans rarely gel. It's no shock that
a lot of fucked up stuff is happening in
Iraq , but it 's vcry interesting to see the
net work 's sta ff talk cand idly about family
and careers, interact with international
press, and totally implode the lies we're
fed by Donald Rum sfeld . Nuanced and
analytical , the film is, in a word, superb.
Ou/foxed. Rupert Murdoc h's War on
by Jordan Lyons
Journalism : Outfoxed isn't perfec t, but I
II' yo u're ever going 10 see Fahrenheit like it. Th e graphics are cheesy. and the
1)/11, yo u've probably seen il by now. Not clip s from Fox News loo k like they ' re
on ly is it the highest grossing doc um en- recorded from eighth-ge neration video tary of all time (beating a record held by tapes. You may have heard a lot of thi s
Bowling/or Culul1lbinc), it was sc reened before, on ly then it may have been funn y
on campu s for free last Priday.
(like on The Daily Show or in A I Franken's
But while Michael Moore 's Bush- Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them) .
ba sh might have the most impact on the Again, it 's no revelation that Bill O' Reilly
politica l landscape, it's not the only fi lm is an ass hole . Nevertheless, th e film rai ses
of the s ummer to have made some brill iant a few interesting po ints, and it's good to
observations abo ut it. Here are some other have all that dirty laundry in one place.
g reat polili cal doc s that
Thi s was a great
came oul thi s summer :
s Ull1mer fo r 111 LlckSuper S ize Me.
rak ing docum entaries,
In Ihi s very funn y,
th ank s, in large part , to
ve ry frightening film
things being so fu eked
(w hich see ms to draw
up. More recentl y,
inspiration from Moo re
Going Upr iv er : Th e
and MTV 's Jackass),
Long War 0/ John
filmmaker Morga n
Kerry, a film detailing
Spurlock eat s nothing
the senator's Vietnam
but McDonald's menu
yea rs, enjoyed some
it ems for a month. BUI
limited release. It
there is more to it than
never reached theaters
shock value; Spurlo ck
in Olympia, but there
is also an astu te·comare screen ing parties
mentat or and a talented
going on allover the
('anolina I'ruduclilll.' area . You can find
director. Not on ly is the
film a sharp critique of
one near you at http:
fast food culture and America's obesity
crisis, it's downright depressing to watch
Spurlock's health melt away over the
Jordan Lyons is a sophomore enrolled
course of the month . But it's also funny in Memory 0/ Fire.
when he pisses off his vegan girlfriend.
Control Room. As a behind-the-

The summer's


political .

en er alnmen
Una Maana Thimbleberry and Blue Bli
Enter the Forest

by Dunstan Skinner
On ce upon a time in the land of
Es tonia , before the world was warm,
there lived a lilli e girl named Una Moami
Thimbleberry. Una Mooml Thimbleberry
had g leaming gree n hair that shone like
moonlit dew on a field of shamrocks , and
li ved in a big house with two hundred
w ind ows a ll look in g sou th and ten
chimneys cove red in ivy. I-Ier house was
surrounded by a tall hedge and looked ve ry
gra nd indeed.
Una MoonaT himbleberr y was g iven
a new lOy ca r eac h da y with break I~l s t ,
wh ich she play.:d wi th until she was done
with her Suga r Yllm s. Whil e she ate, Ihe
musician s play.:d Il)r he r, and dur ing Ihe
diffi cul t perio d whe n Ih o: di shes we r.:
bein g cleared away, he r stor ytcllo:r told
her the pic'a salltc' st 0 1' stories . I IeI' hou so:
was so big thai she co uld ri d.: her pony
up and dow n e very ha ll a nd staircast:,
and nol li nish 'til lun ch. Eve ry lunchti me
sho: was g ivo:n a new doll to put in her
doll room , and .:noug h cookies to feed
everyone of ho:r Ih ousands of dolls. She
spent her afternoons either in her favo rit e
cozy vcst ibul e filled with Habitrails and
hamsters, or, when the weather was nice,
her sunn y so uth alcove of shimm erin g
bubbles. Una Moona Thimbleberry had
everyth in g a girl cou ld want, and it wasn 't
even time le)r supper yet. The chef always
made her dinner-cake pink and white and
yellow, and lor dessert she had Christmas
pudding 365 days a year.
But Una Moona Thimbleberry was
not happy. Una Moona Thimbleberry was
not harpy because she had never tasted
the flowers, nor sme lled the mossy woods.
She never got to stick her elbows in the
soi l, and she neve r was allowed to chew
sweet stems of grass pulled fre sh from the
ground. But Una Moona Thimbleb erry did
have a lovely blue cat named Bll, whose
soft fur tickled her nose when she kissed it.
Yes, Una Moona Thimbleberry and Blue

Una Moona T himbl cberry g rew
c ross and crabb y. O ne morning s he
box ed the che f 's ears, which ran g so
loud everyo ne thought it was time lo r
church . She sc reeched allhe dining room
musicians unlillheir strings snapped , and
to eve ryo ne's increasin g di smay, shc then
cas t aspersions at her very own storyteller.
Una Moona T himbleberry evcn smacked
the pony on the rump, makin g ho:r Sl;lrt
and whinny.
O ne by one, th e cook wit h his pin k,
whitc , and yo:ll ow cak.:s, the mu sicia ns
wilh tho:ir broko:n str ings, Ihe slmy to:ller
wilh he r dog-e: lro:d b ind ~r s oi' lllylhs and
t;lbl es. and evo:ntho: fail hful pOll y \\'el]l out
th ~ duo r, dU\\'1l tho: path oi'gl it lo:ring lap is
lazul i, thro ug h t.lll~ g:II O:. dllLl pa st Ihe tall
ho:dge. neve r 10 rc ttlrn.
G reen- hairo:d
Thimbleberry ,lIld l3 lu ~ Hll , the cat , we rt:
all alone with nothin g to du but watch TV
and chat abo utt ht: miracle produ cls on Ihe
inl()mercial s. Un a Moona Thimblo:herry
coveted the ca r wux , bUI Blue Bli wanted
Ihe juicer. Life became drab and sour,
and then the roof of the big hou se began
to leak. It even leaked ill Una Moona
Thimbleberry's bedroom .
Sometimes the rain dripFed on the
north side of Ihe bed, and Una Moona
Thimbleberry had to move her pillow to
th e south side of the bed. At other times
the rain dripped on the south side of the
bed, and Una Moona Thimbleberry had
to move her pillow to the north side of
Ihe bed. When it rained, Una Moona
Thimbleberry's feet would always be wet,
but Blue Bli slept in her soft gree n hair,
where it was always warm and dry.
One afternoon , after a particularl y
boring episode of Dr. Phil, Una Moona
Thimbleberry was itching to gather hops
lor home brew. Blue Bli had pesle red


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her lor we eks lor a twist of chaw from
the South farthing , so Una Moona
Thimbleberry cracke d open th e rusty
back door, and she and Blue Bli stealthily
tiptoed into the lorest. The air was still ;
trees dripped, and the leaves sighed. She
and Blue Bli went dee per inlo the forest ,
leavi ng the tra il behind as they stooped
to taste each fl ower, snuffing the mosse s
wi th thei r noses.
Suddenly shc walked ri ght into a
stick y spidcr 's web. Mrs. Spider sc uttled
across her ch in and dropped 10 the g round
where Blu e Bli ca ughl her with her claw.
But Una Moona Thimbleberry's bea utiful
gre~ n hai r was all webby, clin gin g thi ck
to her e y.: las hc·s. She dropped to th~
ground. rollin g back and tl)rth in fr'i ght
,lIld di sg ust on ly 10 slic k the pa lm of her
hand right down on a bana na slu g. /\s
she screamed , gras s o:n tered Una Moona
T hilllbkber ry's muuth , and she chewed
a nd began tu lau gh.
Blu .: Bli lau g hed to o, and led her
to a chu c k lin g creek where she helped
Una Moo na Thimblcberr y was h her
hair until it gleamed turquoise. There on
the bank , Blue Bli lo und twists of chaw
dropping plump from the tr ees . Una
Moona Thimbleberry di scovered glades
of hors nearby, along w ith patches of
spice and pesta lor her brew. They were
both so happy, they never once thought of
going back to the big house wit h the two
hundred windows all fac ing south , and the
ten chim neys covered in ivy.
On the last day before the soldiers
came, Una Moona Thimbleb erry found
a thick tangle of briers , and in the middle
hung a bright red thimbleberry- that
ve ry berry after which Una Moona
Thimbleberry had been named . Carefu lly
reaching into the briers , she saw red juice
stain I~er fingers as she picked the soft
fu zzy berry. Putting the thimbleberry in
her mouth , she instantl y turned into a frog ,
and she and Blue Bli lived happil y ever
after by the stream.

DlIlIstun Skinner is 1I 201J4 gradllate
u/ Evergreen . He ha.\' worked in th e
Writill g Cent er as a tllt ur s in ce 2002.
1his shurt stor v was bru ught to you by
Th e Writ illg Cel1ler.

by Greg Fiennes
This is my first edition of "Greg's
Finds" for the new school year, but I
hope 10 keep you inlo rmed a nd up to
date on events in the coming month s. If
there is a show th ai yo u Ihink Ihe publi c
should be alerted to , fee l free to conlact
me: Gregbo t@
Thursday, Oel. 21
Afrika Bambaata wil l perform
at th e Chop Suey on Seatt le's Capitol
Hill. Bambaat a, along with Ja zz y Jay
and hi s crew th e Soul Soni c Force , not
onl y ho:lped 10 re in ve nt hip- hop in the
.:a rl y '80s, but ac tual ly in ve nl ed it in th e
firs t pl ace. Dres se d like Africa n Space
barba rians , th e So ul Sonic force mad e
hil records like PI:1net Rock by samplin g ubsc ure groups from t he t ime like
Ge rman tec hn o- pop ba nd Kraftwerk .
Tickels arc $ 12 in advance an d the
doors arc open at 9 p.m .
Satllrday Oct. 23
Seattle Comedy Festival featurin g Norm MacDonald and Jon Lovitz
will be at th e Paramount Theatre in
Seatt le. Both form er SN L comedians,
MacDonald was kicked off the show
for comments made while ho sting the
Weekend Update segment of the show
at a time when he wasthe on ly thing
worth a shit on the program. After fail ed
post-SN L careers and cancelled TV programs (Lovitz's Th e Critic from low ratings and MacDonald 's self-titled show
unable to shake the press of co-star and
former Alfactor Max Wright's homosexual crack binge photographs with an
unnamed homeless man), both are' back
doing stand up. The show is at 8 p.m"
but the opener is Orny Adams, th at tool
from the Jerry Seinfeld documentary
Com edian, so you could probably show
up late. Ticket s are 527-$47 derending
on seating.
Up date!
Stella Comedy tour, featuring exmembers or the stat e, ha ve ca nce lled
their shows at both the Showbox in
Seattle and th e Rllseland in Portland .

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october 21, 2004


letters and opinions

-The Curmudgeon: Why I don't go to the Capitol Theater
in th ere.
in O lympia ' Coffee and tea are hip . T hey just
W hen I first arri ved in Olympia, I saw the go down in a place li ke that.
But the thin g that really gets my blood
The s ubj ect I' ve Capi tol Theater as a beacon orwarm, toasty
delved into earli es t mo vie goodness for mavens li ke me w ho up, the thing about the Capito l Theater that
and most ofte n didn ' t have much intention of spending time has m e punching wa ll s and kicking the seat
, . :..- ::: .
(as ide from anger arou nd th e loca l googolp lex. The Cap itol in fron t of me, is th e audi ence, because no
\. 1
and it s greatn ess) Theater was supposed to be a place w here matter what's happenin g on the. sc reen, it's
, \ .. "
in this paper was peop le like me cou ld go and watch a quality always funny to th em . Eve ry movie I see,
picture in a non-threatenin g, non-aggressive people are laug hin g at eve rythin g! It might
th e cinema.
...t!IIIIIt. .~
This co lumn ; environ men t. It was the stronghold of real be because most Ca pitol Theater patrons are
ad ults sti ll recovering rrom 20 to 30 years
~ was written by c ine ma. It was the cast le. To be fair, I' ve
ad ulterated street dru gs and break into
so m eo n e
w ho
more eas il y th an the rest of us.
s pent m a ny a Friday nig ht a t home so was a membe r.
So people show up to the still attrac ti ve
But over the past rew years, the place has
he co uld watch th e re-rel eased print or
The Seven Samurai, Satyajit Ray's Apll become a clubhouse. People go not primar- movichousc on 5th Avenue and they're so
Trilogy , a ll ten vo lumes or Kieslowski's il y o ut or love ror cinema , but out or so me delighted to be there, in a hip theater, watchThe Decalogue , and every thin g Go dard , un spoke n need to be and fee l hip. Everything ing a "differen t" mo vie, th at they feel obligated to laugh. If somethin g in the movie is
Bergman , Fe llini , Cassevetes , Peckinpah , has to be a c lique in this ru ck in' town '
The gi rl who takes my ti cket at the door is funny, they're going to find it really funny.
Altman, B UIlue l, Tru ffaut a nd Woody All en
ever directed . It 's an obsessio n. I'm the pissed. Not pissed because she hates the job. They see an o ld movie or a restored print of a
kid rrom Th e 400 Blows. I' m th e g lassy - She's vo luntee rin g. She's pissed because classic and laugh, not because it is funny, but
eyed, rilm-obsessed moppet rrom Cinema she's an indie rock girl with a quart er hippy beca use of th e quai ntn ess of the whol e thing.
Paradiso . I went as Jacques Tati's Monsieur in her and she prefers to get paid and she Or th ey see a film make a statem ent th ey
Hulot ror Hallowee n whe n.a perfectl y good on ly chooses jobs based on how ironi c she agree wi th and appl aud and s hou t "Yeah'" If
looks doing th em. She ge ts a certai n satis - a fIlm is applauded and there are no fllmmakDarth Vade r was right there ror use.
And ye t at the same time, I never fee l fac ti on o ut of s howing up fo r her shi ft at ' ers to hea r it, does it mean anything')
Younger audi ence members move back
angrier or more fIlled with rage th an when the Dippin ' Dot s stand in the mall wearing
forth between different groups offrie nds
I'm at the movies. It 's not just what's in the her Jo hn Dee rc ca p. She's pi ssed and she's
sitting togethe r during the movie (everybody
movi es th e mselves that bo th ers me, like takin g it ou t on me.
knows everybody at this han go ut of a mo vie
when Bi ll y C rystal gets sex off of Meg
, hippies put their feet up on the seat
Ryan. I used to frequ ent the Cap ito l Theater,
wome n sittin g toget her overt ly
where film s made ou t of the mains trea m get
a chance to shin e (a lbeit two months after not a godda mn board meeting' As if tilne wh isper to-cach o ther througho ut the film,
th eir re lease). Now I can barely stand to be were n't enough places to buy coffee and tea blissfully un aware of oth er pcople who kind

by Lee Kepraios



of decided to pay to see a movie themse lves.
It's disg ust in g. No one who truly lo ves movies
co uld stand to see them treated thi s way.
So when you rind yourself trotting off
merrily to the irritatin g, disrespectful freak
show (l ' m never go ing to be allowed in there
again after this) that has become the Oly Fi lm
Festival, you ' d better be getting blown while
sitting in you cha ir, or don' t plan on enjoying
th e movie.
Lee's New Rule of the Week : Enough
with th e George W. Bush/Hitler nonsense'
The young John LaRo uche crusaders last
week were out in force , taking the ir vitrio lic
discourse to campus in order to spread their
love with signs displaying those wonderfully
endearing axioms like " A Vote For Bush is
a Vote For Hitler." A word to these people:
When you get of college, if you ever manage
to ge t out of co ll ege, you may find yo urse lf in
tro ubl e because it seems yo u' ve forgotten the
first rul e for ever being taken seriously in the
real world by grown- up adults, wh ich is that
you don I coli e veryone you don 'I like Hiller'
Look , Bush ain ' t Hitler, all ri ght , folks? Hitler
was a war veteran amI he rose to power because
he received more votes th an the ot her g uy in
the electi on ' And ... Hitler was from German y'
Now Bin Laden, that guy is Hitler'

Lee K epmios is a senior en/'Ulled in Forens ics
and MY.I'tc,y Wri ting. He is sludyingfill11.

Asexuality: "I'll have two people, hold the sex"
gay and don't know it '!" as we ll as the ever
vigi lant "Maybe you just haven ' t found the
Aftc r spending right pcrso n yet."
It see m s many people hav e tr oub le
nearly a month here
th at an asexua l perso n does not
at Evergreen, I' ve
of slid ing s lot A int ll tab B,
come to real ize th e
ou t there, ju st play ing
more obvio us open
r tabs respectivciy, to
sex ua lit y abo ut the
campus and ha ve be appea lin g. This mi sc unception of how
b een quite toler- we sho uld feel is somethin g tha t ha s been
ant o r it , seeing as taught to all of us s ince th e begi nnin g of
it doesn't concern me too mu ch what peopl e time by parents, teachers, advertisements,
want to be attrac ted to or not. A lthoug h, in and th ose o f the opposi te sex as we ll as th e
thi s liberal atmosphere or people of whom sa me all informing us that scx is neces.\'w J!man y are sexuall y act ive and aware of their Everyo ne is to ld that scx is go ing to happen
own sexuali ty and pre ference, th ere are those one way or anoth er whether you ex pect it or
aro und yo u ri g ht now th at have no sex ual no t, and that we had better get uscd to th e
prererence whatsoever. The term for th ese idea or we' ll end up li v in g our lives mi serab ly. Through childhood we are taught that
peopl e around you is "asex ua L"
will eve ntually be what will bring us
Usually thi s term is used to descri be those
iness, and th at it is not just a want th at
lack ing sex ual organs, but th at has always
people ha ve, but in fact a need that all
been a mo re biological tenn to be accurate. It
appears that a group identirying them selves hum an beings must quench.
No w this idea of sex is an interestin g
as th e "Asex ual Visibility and Education
considering I kn ow a lot of homosex ual
Network '(AVEN)" has brought the term to
of mine who wouldn't quite take to
popular usage through being mentioned in
or"we all need to have sex," considthe G uardian ne ws source on Iine as well as
in an upcoming s ix-page feature in the New erin g th e idea of sex being a need is focused
Scienti st Magazine. An asex ual person is in a biological se nse, w hi ch is supposedly
one who lacks sex. ual preferen ce o r inter- only hete ro sex ual (i.e., th e need to proc reate
est in sex, as their sitc, http ://asexual, more kiddies into the world .) A lthoug h th e
idea or sex in terms o f sex ual interco urse
desc ribes.
I personall y fo und it interesting to note is usuall y j ust a heterosex ua l one, I' m sure
the occ urrence ors uch groups of people w ho th c other side wou ldn ' t exac tl y be against
s hare thi s opi ni on upo n th cir ow n sex ualit y fIndin g someone e lse who m they love and
in a tim e that is being see n by some as a new having sex wi th them at some point because
sex ual age o f open ness and understanding. of it be ing a "normal" thin g to do. T hi s is
Seeing as I once found myse l r described as w he re m os t asex ual s dille r.
Running wi th that idea of being w ith
"non-sex ual" and am toy ing w ith th e idea
in a rela ti onship, I will say that
that I may in fact a lso be asexual, the disth
l communit y is in fac t lIne with
covery of suc h a gro up orpeople worldwide
That is, a non-sex ual relationand the act ua l sc ientific int erest in th e topic
have m ade me quite optimistic about the ship can be just as intimate as a sexual one
through closeness and appeal to emotion
idca's meri t.
A.vEN stat es clearl y in its site so me usua l toward the other perso n. There is no inherquestions it gets w hich may clear up some ent sex drive in an asexua l person because as
of you r ow n inquiries into the subject. A rew .they are, they do not feel compelled to form
o r them in relation to sex are " How do you sex ua l relationships, rather than be ing called
know if you've never tried?" and "Are you a celibate who jus t chooses to abstain from

by Jacob Stanley

october 21, 2004

sex , rath e r than not hav ing any contro l over
it as an asex ua l mi ght.
J fe lt I shou ld share informat ion o n this
new idea in sexua li ty th at hasn' t gotten much
press in th c past because any new way of
thinking can potentially be a good way to
think . I pl.:rso nall y doubt my own asexua l
nature, see ing as I have more psychologica ll y rclated prob lems that probably aren't
making non-sexuality the point. To the reader

I would sugges t never settling on your sex uality, because it isn't always set in stone, and if
yo u have at;y doubts, investigate th eir va lidit y
and fInd o ut what rea ll y floats your sexua ll y,
or perhaps asexually, charge d boat.

Ja c o/J Stanle.\' is a /i'eshlllan enrolled in
America in Ih e Twen lielh Centurjl. H e is
.I'ludying American Hisl!J/y.

Downtown: not bad,
but needs work
by Sam Goldsmith
D ow ntown
Olympia is pretty
great for a kid like
me: The bus grants
easy access to an
array of re s ta urants, cafes, bars,
p a rk s, th ea t ers,
an d m o re . It' s
totall y walk able or
b ikeab le, eliminatin g th e burden of an autom ob il e. But wit h O lympi a 's concentration
o f progressive thinkers, you th and activists,
it should be a nationally respected mode l city
for cu lture and li vab il ity.
To reach this leve l, Olympia 's ci ty governm ent must ste p up to make downtown
more accessib le by improv ing late ni ght
bus rout es and encouraging residents to
leave th eir cars at home . Take it one step
fllliher by closing parts of downtown to cars
on Friday and Saturday nights, similar to the
closures during Arts Wa lk .
Vacant real estate must be filled with community-enriching businesses and organizations. I commend Earthbound Productions;

Last Word Books, and numero us other local
businesses fo r their contributions, but w..E"~·ed
more. Take, for example, the Fonner City Pawn
and Griswold 's o ffi ce supply locations. How
do pawnshops enrich communities? Imagine if
Thurston County developed this property with
the ir recently acquired million dollars in lowincome housing grants to develop affordable
apartments. On the ground floor there could
be city-sponsored you th programs offering
Olympia's young people a place to spe nd their
time positive ly rather than in rront of the TV
or abusing drugs and alcohol.
And what abo ut aesth eti cs? Surely th e
natura lly flo w ing water pip ed undergro und
throug hout the c ity is m ore bea utiful than
cement. Our artesian we ll sho uld not be tuck ed
in a parkin g lot; it should be the centerp iece
ofa park . Parking lots into parks . .. now that's
an idea.
If our c it y gove mment rails to move our
community in a positive direction, we must
ho ld them accountable . Let's think big. We
must strive for exc,ellence to break away from
the stagnancy of the status quo. Change can
start here, now.

letters and opinions


Sports: Not .exactly in the Evergreen vocabulary
by Kip Arney
wa lkin g from
my place to
the HCC for a
little chow, and
every window
I passed h ad
... th e third pres id en tial debate
on th e tube . I shook my head, and went
along with my business , w hich inc luded
weaving my way through the congregation of people in the HCC watching it on
th e bi g screen . However, when I got back
to my room with my grub , I flipped it to
FOX. No, not FOX News , I'm talkin g
FOX as in channel 13 , wherc the g reatest sports rivalry in the world was taking
place. Yankees versus Red Sox, Game 2
of th e American League Champ io[lship
Series (ALCS) . Who's th e mastermind
th at decided to sc hedul e those even ts on
th e same night? Am I alone in thi s area
where I prefer watc hin g a baseball ga me
over watching two goobers talk about the
stat e of o ur co untry?
This sc hool is a downright shame in
the eyes o f a sports fan. We have average
varsity sq uads that go on th e road and represent us in vario us parts of th e N0I1hwes t.
And int ramural s , w hi c h I b e li eve are
wro ngrull y labe led, as th ey s ho uld be
call ed pick-up games or des ignated tim e
s lo ts for people to ge t exerc ise . And th e


CRC , which pisses me off the mosl.
[ can't even begin to tell you how fr ustratin g it is to make the trek ove r to th e
gymnasium with my basketball , shoes, and
towel shorts (yo u know ... shorts made fro m
a towel) and then open the gym door to find
the bleachers out and the hoops down for a
vo lleyba ll game that isn 't for another two
days. And it's not like this was a one-time
occu rrence. What the hell is that all about?
And don't tell me to go in the back court
behind that movable wa ll thingy. That just
messes me up 'cause those hoo ps are low.
Get a tape meas ure if you don't believe m e;
should be ten feet from flo or to rim.
When the gy m is ava il ab le for m e to
hoop, why do I constantly tind m yse lr a ll
a lone? Where are th e bailers? Where are
the va rsity tea ms working on the ir game?
Where's anyone who wants to get exerc ise?
All you peeps need to put down th epipe and
do something useful. And who scI the ho urs
on that place? 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Saturdays')
12-4 p.m. on Sundays') What's the thinking
behind th at'l The more free time we have, the
less hours you' ll ope rate') Fuck yo u'
Coming fi'om afam il y where sports run s
through our veins, it 's so diftlcult to come
here and find people where I can m en tio n
the BCS and have a person know w hat thaI
acronym stands for. IEdilor :, note: II slandi·
for Bowl Champio nship Seri es. jOr ta lk
about w hat j ust happened for th e fIrst time
in 25 years when Seattl e won the Women's
Nationa l Basketball Assoc iati on (WNBA)
champi ons hip, bringing a titl e back to thc

206. It's annoyi ng to watch college football ticket prices as an exc use or anythi ng, 'cause
for seven or eight hOUl'S every Saturday and adm ission is free for students '
then not have anyone to look back upon it
Interpret this piece of writ ing however
with . Have yo u ever watched top coll ege you want. A rip agains t the students for
teams co mpete? There 's no b etter at mo- not caring, a plea for people to come play
sphere 'cause it 's kids playing for pride and sports so I can have competiti on or w hatfame and not money like a lo t of washed-up ever. 1 don ' t eve n know w hat it is. But I do
know this sc hool sucks when it com es to
professiona l at hletes.
Speaking of co ll ege teams, why not turn sports, and I don't mean record-wise. Just in
the attention to o urs? Do people even know general. Wcll, so me of our teams do tlat-out
we have a base ball team? I s ure as hell suc k. So I guess I' m using th is open forum
didn 't until midway through the seaso n. to call people o ut to play. You think you can
Where is it o n th e website? Where do they schoo l me on the hardwood? Bring it! You
even play? Because unless I'm blind, thi s think yo u can sack me when we play tackle
campus does n 't have a diamond to pl ay football with no pads every Sunday afteron. And if you try and ju stify that lonely, noon o ut in the field? Bring it' You think
cyclone- fenced backstop out in the field as you can throw your cra p fastball by me?
the pl a~e to play, just shut up an d don't talk Bring it' Yo u think you can shake me out o f
to me. That st ructure is so out of place it ain 't my shoes o n the soccer fl eJ.d? Brin g it' You
even funny. Just take it down; do yop even . think you can juggle a hac key sack better
see anyone usi ng it? I don't.
than me') Well, yo u can, ' cause that game is
S upp osedly we have a lacrosse team . jlist idi oti c and I stay away from th at.
How co me th ey ge t. no pub') I a lways see
I kn ow th e re's peo pl e like me wit h a
th em practicing but never hear a nythin g strong passio n fo r .s ports. I know I'm not
abo ut their ga mes . Maybe th e reason o ur the o nl y one who woke up at 4 :30 a.rn . on
sports fun ct io ns arc so poorly attended is Thursday, October 14 th to wa tch a li ve
because no o ne hypes it up. Sure , I read preseason NBA game between Ho us to n
little blips in th e Cooper Point Journal, but and Sac ra men to taking p lace in Shanghai ,
you have to do more than that. Let peopl e China. Sports are life , baby. Whil e m ost
know v ia ema il (I mean , everyone has an people think the seasons c ha n ge wit h
Sprin g, Summ er, Fa ll , Winter... I look at it as
E'~e rg reen accoun t) or put up flyers. I we nt
to a wome n 's soccer game las t week and Footba ll , Baseball , Basketball. Now who's
th ere were more parents than stud ents in wi th me?
attendance ' Don't you g uys earc th at yo ur
student body is playing and represe ntin g yo u Kip A rl1eI' is (J sophom ore ellrol/ed in
an d your sc hool') It 's not like you ca n use Forensics and M,'sterv Writing I-Ie is stue/ring creali\'e writ ing.

Think 'beyond Bush vs. Kerry: Important '04 elections
by Sarita Role

Moving the U)l ited Statcs toward peacc ,
socia l justi ce, a nd ecolog ica l s usta inab ilit y
will take more than a Kerry/ Edwards vic tory.
We need progress ive leaders hip in every leve l
or gove rni11ent.
Thi s elect ion year is cru c ial ror Washin gton
State bccause many important statew id e and
local seats are up for grabs. To gi ve progressive
vo ters a jump-start on their e lecti o n research, I
hav e compiled a list of critical e lecti ve offices
and, in so me cases, details about th e candidates. An asterisk next to th e elective o fll ce indicates ei ther a c lose race
or a spring-board pos iti on. (For exa mple, governors oft en become presidents) . I slid not research G reen Party candidates for this arti c le. Visit i1ttp :
/Iwww.wagreens.usif you want more into on Green Part y candidates.


Progressive Ticket to Victory:
For U.S. Senator:* Patty Murray ( D)
Patty Murray is one ora few Democrats who voted against the Iraq war.
Republican opponent George Nethercutt's environmental voting record is so
bad that the League of Conservation Voters added him to th eir "Dirty Dozen"
li st of politicians w ho put spec ial interests before public and environmenta l
health and safety. He supports th e Iraq war, free trade and relaxed g un laws.
Green candid ate Mark Wilson is also runnin g for thi s position.

b usiness cOll1munity, ha ving himse l f wo rked many years in.comIl1erc ial real
estate and banking. Rossi goes so fm as to blame "an ti-business regul ations
and altit udes in stat e gove rnm ent " far Wi,ls hington's slowing eeonoI11Y (Seatt le
P-I) and hopes to enco urage grow th by making our state '"b usiness fi'iendl y" (a
popular Repu bli ca n euphemism for letting corpora tions get away with whatever
they want) . Kirsten Brost, o f Washington State Democrats, poi nts ou t, "Presi dent
Bush personally rec ruited Rossi to run for govern or, no t jus t to put a Republican
in the Governor's mansion in O lym pia, but also because Republicans beli eve
Rossi will boost Bus h's chances of winning Washi ngton State. Und erscoring
Rossi 's devotion to President Bush, th e Rossi family dog is named "D ubya" in
honor o f th e president. Rossi also opposes a wo man 's right to choose.
For Sec retary of State : La ura Ruderman (D)
For Attorney General:* Debora Senn (D)
The Attorney General offi ce is a springboard to be Gove rn or. Debora h Senn
is runnin g aga inst a Republican and a Green for this o fli ce.
For Supreme CO llrt Justice: ** Mary Kay Becker
ANYBO DY but Jim Johnson' Jo hnson, dubbed "Mr. A nti-Indian" by his
criti cs, is the judge who a uth o red Tim Ey man's infam ous fl at fee for car tabs
initi ati vc. 1-695 gutted publi c transportation runds. Don 't be fooled by Johnson's
bi o- when this guy says he s upports c ivil li berties, he mea ns it in the libeIi ar ian
sense- i.e., e liminatin g regul ations that were put in place to protect the public
and the envi ronment. On iss ues ra ng ing lI'om salmon protection to the PATRIOT
Act, John so n fa lls to th e/cu' ri ght.

For U.S . Represen tat ive: Brian Baird (D)
For Gove rn or:* * C hri sti ne Grego ire (D)
Gregoire put s th e pu b li c interest before corporate interests. As Attorney
General , she "rolled up a string of high-profiLe w in s, most notably a $206
billi on settlement for the states from A meri ca's tobacco industry." (Seattl e
Post-Intelligencer Election Guide) G regoire has fought for investigations
ofEnron and several phannaeeutical co mpanies.
Unlike Gregoire, Republican Dino Rossi unreserved ly allies wit h the

Research, by and ror yoursel f, these ca ndid ates, th eir iss ues, and the initiati ves
on w hi ch you' ll vo te Nove mber 2. Al so , contact Thurston Cou nty Democrats
(http :// urstond , 956-0235) to find o ut how, by spendin g
eve n an ho ur of your time knocking o n doors o r maki ng phone ca lls, you ca n
he lp e nsure that progress ive candidates win these import ant offices. A nd fa r
Pete's sake, VOTE NOVEMBER 2'

Sarita Role is a IUlor in the Evergreen Tutoring Centel:

Sam Goldsmilh is a junior enrolled in America
in Ihe Twentielh Cenlwy .

the cooper point journal

the cooper pOint lournal

october 21




letters and opinions

-The Curmudgeon: Why I don't go to the Capitol Theater
in there.
When I first arrived in O lympia, I saw the
T he subj ec t I' ve Capito l Theater as a beacon of warm, toasty
delved int o earlie st movie goodness for maven s like me who
didn ' t have much intention of spendi ng tim e
aro und the l googo lpl ex. The Capitol
and it s grea tn ess) Theater was supposed to be ,i place where
, ;,
in thi s paper was people like me cou ld go and wa tch a quality
picture in a non-threatening, non-aggress ive
\~ .
the ci nema.
nment. It was the strongho ld of real
"""""""- -............
Thi s col umn
cinema. It was the castle. To be fair, I've
'~ was writ ten by
so m eo n e
w h o had a numbel: of pleasa nt eve nin gs there. I
s pent many a Friday night at home so was a member.
But over the past few years, the place has
he co uld watch the re-released print of
a club ho use. People go not primar- '
The Seven Samurai, Satyaji t Ray 's Apu .
Trilogy, al l ten vo lumes of Kie s l o~ski's ily out of love for cinema, but out of so me
The Decaloglle, and eve rything Godard , unspoken need to be and fee l hip. Everything
Bergman , Fc llini , Cassevetes, Peckinpah, has to be a clique in this fnckin' to wn '
The girl who takes my ti cket at the door is
Al tm an, Bunu el, Tru ffau t and Woody A ll en
Not pi ssed because she hates th e job.
ever direc ted. It 's an obsession. I'm the
kid from The 40() Blows. I'm the g lassy- She's vo lunteeri ng. Shc 's pi ssed because
eyed, film-obsessed moppet from Cinl'l11o s he's an indi e rock g irl with a quarter hippy .
Paradiso . I went as Jacques Tati 's Monsieur in her an.d she prders to get paid and she
Hulot for Halloween whe n a perfectl y good onl y chooses jobs based on how ironic she
looks doing them. She gets a ce rtain satisD3I1h Vader was right there for use.
faction ou t of s how in g up for her shift at
A nd yet at the same time, I nev er feel
angrier or more fi lied with rage than when th e Dippin' Dots stand in th.: mall wear in g
I'm at the movies. It's not just wha t's in the her John Den e cap. She's pissed and she 's
mo v ies themselves that bothers me , like taking it out on me: .
They mana ge to se ll coffee and many
when Billy Crystal ge ts sex o fT of Meg
Rya n. I used to frequent th e Capitol Theater, flavors of tea at th e concess ion stand. Wh o
where fi lms made out of th e mainstream get drinks Earl Gray al t he movies? It's a mo vie ,
a chance to sh in e (a lbeit two months after not a goddamn board meeting' As iI' there
th e ir release) . Now I ean barely stand to be wnen 't eno ugh pl aces to buy cuffee and tea

by Lee Kepraios

If ~ - .:-1

~~~~d;~~~I~l ~~~e;;

in Olympia' Colfee and tea are hip . They just
go down in a place like that.
But the thing that reall y gets tJ1y blood
up, the th ing about the Capitol Theater th at
has me punching wa ll s and kicking the seat
in front of me, is the audi ence, because no
matter what's happening on the screen, it.'s
always funny to them. Every movie I see,
people are laughing at everything I It might
be because most Capitol theater patrons are
adu lts still recovering from 20 to 30 years
of adulterated street drugs and break into
hyster ia more eas il y th an the rest of us.
So people ·show up to the still attractive
moviehouse on 5th Avenue and th ey're so
delighted to be there, in a hip theater, watchin g a " different" movie, that they feel obligated to laugh . If somcthing in the movie is
funny, they're going to find it really funny.
They see an o ld movie or a restored print ofa
c lassic and laug h, not because it is funny, but
because orthe quaintness orthe who le thing.
Or th ey see a fi 1m make a statemen t they
agree with and app laud and shout "Yeah l" If
a fi 1m is applauded and there are no filmmakers to hear it, does it mean anything?
Yuunge r aud ience members move back
and fi)rth between difTerent groups ofrriends
s itting together durin g the movie (everybody
know s everybody at this hangout ofa moyie
th ea ter), hippies put their feet up on the seat
backs and wome n sitt ing together overtly
w hi sper to each ot her throughout th e film,
bli ss fully una wa re of o th er people who kind

of dec ided to pay to see a movie themselves.
It 's disgusting. No one who ind y loves movies
e.o uld sta nd to see them treated this way.
So when you find yourself trotting off
merrily to the irritating, disrespectful freak
show (I ' m never go ing to be allowed in there
again after this) that has become the Oly Film
Festival, you'd better be getting blown whi le
sitting in you chair, or don't plan on enjoying
th e mov ie.
Lee's New Rule of the Week: En~ ugh
with th e George W. Bush/ Hitler nonsense I
The young John LaRouche crusaders last
week were o ut in force, taking their vi~riolic
di scours e to campus in order to spread their
love with signs displaying tho se wonderfully
endearing axioms like "A Vote For Bush is
a Vote For Hitler." A word to these people:
When yo u get of co ll ege, if you ever man age
to get o ut of college, you IJlay find yourself in
trouble because it seems yo u' ve forgotten the
first rul e lor ever being taken seriou s ly in th e
real world by grown- up adults, which is that
you don't call everyone you doni like HilleI'I
Look, Bush ain ' t Hitler, all ri ght, folks'] Hitl er
was a war ve teran and he rose to power because
he received more votes than thc other guy in
the elec tion' And ... Hitler was hom Germany'
Now Bin Laden , that guy is Hitler'

Lee Kepmios is a senior enrolled in Forensics
and Myslerv Wrilillg /-Ie is s tlldyingjilm.

Asexuality: "I'll have two people, hold the sex"
by Jacob Stanley
After spend in g
nearly a month here
at Evergreen, I've
come to reali ze the
more obv ious open
sexua lit y about th e
campus and have
been quite tolerant of it , see ing as
it doesn't concern me too mu ch w hat people
want to be attracted to or not. Although, in
this liberal atmosphere of people of whom
many are sexua ll y act ive and aware of their
own sexuality and preference, there are th ose
around you right now that ha ve no sexua l
preference whatsoever. The term for th ese
people around you is "asexua l"
Usually thi s term is used to describe those
lacking sex ual organs, but that has always
been a more biological tenn to be accurate. It
appears that a group identifying themselves
as th e "Asex ua l Visibility and Ed uc ation
Network (AVEN)" has brought the term to
pop ular usage through being mentioned in
the Guardian news source online as well as
in an upcoming six-page feature in the New
Scientist Magazine. An asexual person is
one who lacks sex ual preference or interest in scx, as their si te, http ://asexua,
de scribes.
I perso nall y lo und it inl eres ting to note
the occ urren ce of such groups of people who
share this op inion upon their own sexuality
in a time th at is being seen by som e as a new
se x ual age of ope nn ess and understanding .
Seeing as I o nce found myself described as
" non-sexua l" and am toyi ng w ith th e idea
that I may in fact also be asexual, the di scovery of such a group of peop le worldwide
and the aCllla l sc ientific int erest in the to pic
have made me quite optimistic about the
idea 's mcrit.
.AVEN states clearly in its site so me us ual
questions it gets whi ch may clear up some
of yo ur own inquiries into the subject. A few
of them in relation to sex are " How do you
know if yo u' ve never tried?" and "Are you

october 21, 2004

gay and don ' t know it'I" as we ll as the ever sex, rath er than not having any control over I would suggest never settli ng on yo ur sex ua lv igilant " Maybe you just havcn ' t found the it as an ascxualmight.
ity, because it isn't always set in stonc, and if
I felt I s hould s hare info rmation on thi s yo u have any doubts , investigate their validity
righl person yet."
It sccms many people hav e tr ouble new idea in scx uality that hasn 't gotten much and find out what really floats yo ur sexua ll y,
imagining that an ascxual person does not press in the past because any new way of o r perhaps asex uall y, charge d boat.
find th e thought of sliding s lot A into tab 8 , thinking ca n poten ti ally be a good way to
or for some of you o ut the re, Just playing think . I perso nall y doubt my own asexual .Iac()/J S taillc)' is (I./;·(,.I'hlllal1 enro lled in
about in the s lots or tabs re spect ive ly, to nature, seeing as I ha ve more psychol og i- America in th e TlVl'ntiClh Cen lury. He is
be appeal ing. This misconception of how ca ll y related problems that probably aren ' t .I'lltdving American Hislory.
we should fee l is somethin g that has bec n making non-sexuality th e point. To the reader
tau ght to al l of us s ince the beg innin g or
t imc by parent s, teac hers, ad vert iscmcnts,
and those of the oppos itc sex as we ll as th e
same all info rm in g us that sex is n(,c (,.1'.\·(/ly.
Eve ryone is to ld that sex is go ing to happ en
one way or another whcther yo u ex pect it o r
not, and that we had better get used to the
idea or we'll end up li vi ng our lives miserably. Through childhood wc are taught that
sex wi II eventually be w hat will bring us
Last Word Books, and numerous other local
by Sam Goldsmith
happin ess, and th at it is not just a want that
businesses ror their contributions, but we need
some people have, but in fact a need that all
more. Take, for example, the fonner City Pawn
human beings must quench.
Griswold's office s upply location s. How
Olympia is pretty
Now thi s id ea of sex is an interest ing
do pawnshops enrich conununities? Imagine if
great for a kid like
one cons iderin g I know a lot of ho mosexual
me: The bus grants Thurston County developed thi s property with
friend s of min e who wouldn't quite take to
easy access to an their recently acquired million dollars in lowthe idea of "we all need to have sex," considin come hous ing g rants to deve lop affordable
array of restaueri ng the idea of sex being a need is focused
. On the ground floor there could
rants, cafes, bars,
in a biolog ica l se nse, which is supposedly
youth programs offering
park s, theaters ,
on ly hete rosex ual (i .e., th e need to procreate
a place to spend their
and mor e.
It 's
more kiddies into the world.) Although the
in front of the TV
totally walkable or
idea of sex in tenns or sex ual intercourse
or abusing drugs and alcohol.
is usually just a heterosex ual o ne, I' m sure bikeable, e liminatin g the burden of an autoAnd what abou t aest hetic s? Surely th e
th e other side wo uldn't exac tl y be ngainst mobil e. But with Olympia 's concentration naturally flowin g water piped underground
linding so meone else whom they lo ve and of progressive thinkers, youth and act ivists , throu ghout the ci ty is more beautiful than
ha vin g sex with them at some point because it should be a nati onall y respected model city cement. Our artesian well should not be tucked
of it being a "l1ormal" thing to do. This is for culture and li vab ilit y.
To reac h this level, Olympia's c ity gov- in a parking lot; it should be the centerpiece
w here most asex Ui! Is di ('fcr.
ofa park . Parking lots into parks . .. now that 's
Running with that idea o f be ing with ernme nt must ste p up to make downtown an idea.
someone in a relation ship, I w ill say th at more accessible by improving late night
If our city government fails to move o ur
the asexual community is in fact line with bus routes and encouraging residents to community in a posit!\<e direction, we must
relationships. That is, a no n-sex ua l relation- leave their cars at home. Take it one step hold them accountable. Let's think big. We
s hip can be just as intimate as a sexual one further by closing parts of downtown to cars must strive for excellence to break away from
on Friday and Saturday nights, similar to the
through closeness and appeal to emotion
the stagnancy of the status quo. Change can
toward the other perso n. There is no inher- closures during Arts Walk.
here, now.
Vacant real estate must be filled with coment :;ex drive in an asexual person because as
they are, they do not fee l compelled to form munity-enriching businesses and organiza- Sam Goldsmith is ajunior enrolled ;n America
sexual relationships, rather than being called tions. I commend Earthbound Productions ; in the Twentieth Centwy.
a celibate who just chooses to abstain from

letters and opinions
Sports: Not exactly in the Evergreen vocabulary
by Kip Arney
walking from
my place to
the HCC for a
li tt Ie chow, and
every window
I passed had
... the third pre s i. . . dential debate
on the tube. I shook my head, anti went
along with my business, which inc luded
weaving my way through th e congregation of people in the HCC watching it on
the big screen. However, when I got back
to my room with my grub, I nipped it to
FOX. No, not FOX News, I'm talking
FOX as in channel 13, where the greatest sports rivalry in the world was taking
place. Yankces versus Red Sox, Game 2
of th e American League Champ ionship
Se ri es (ALCS)' Who's th ., 111"<' ,, rminn

CRC, whi ch pi sses me off the most.
I can't even begin to tell you how frustrating it is to make th e trek over to the
gymnasium with my basketball, shoes, and
towel shorts (you know .. .shorts made from
a towel) and then open the gym door to find
the bleachers out and the hoops down for a
volleyball game that isn 't for another two
days. And it's not like this was a one-time
occ urrence. What the he ll is that all about?
And don 't te ll me to go in the back court
behind that movable wall thingy. That just
messes me up 'cause those hoops are low.
Get a tape measure if you don ' t believe me;
should be ten feet from floor to rim.
When th e gym is available for me to
hoop, why do I constantly find mys elf all
alone? Where are the bailers? Where are
the varsity teams working on th eir game?
Where's anyo ne who wants to get exercise?
All you peeps need to put down the pipe and
do somet hing useful. And who set the hours
on that place? 10 a.m.-6 o .m . on Sat'lrrl:w~ ?

206. It's annoying to watch college football
for seven or eight hours every Saturday and
then not have anyone to look back upon it
with. Have you ever watched top college
teams compete? There's no better atmosphere 'cause it's kids playing for pride and
fame and not money like a lot of washed-up
professional ath letes.
Speaking of co ll ege teams, why not turn
the attention to ours? Do people even know
we have a baseball team? I sure as hell
didn't until midway through th e season.
Where is it o n the website? Where do they
even play'] Because unless I'm blind, this
campus doesn't have a diamond to play
on. And if you try an d justify that lo nely,
cyclone-fenced backstop out in the field as
the place to play, just shut up and don ' t ta lk
to me . That structure is so out of place it ain't
even funny. Just take it down ; do yO~1 eve n
see anyone usin g iI" I don't.
Supposedly we hav e a lacrosse team .




Begin~ October
Win great prizes like a
bike messenger bag
or an Apple iPod!

Downtown: not bad,
but needs work

the cooper point journal


25 th ,

'.1' is (J sop holl/ ore e nro//cd in
. and MI'slerv Wriling. He is SlIIdl'I'e II'riling

Participating is easy-just fill out a Commuter Log one
week each quarter, and you will be entered into a
drawing for great prizes like bike messenger bags,
massages and gift certificates to local shops and

Get a vented locker for
drying your clothes!

Our goal is to increase the number of trips
to campus that are taken using altemative
means. This means that just about any trip
you take that isn't alone in your car will
help all of us at TESC meet our goal.



Stay with the program for all 3 quarters, and be entered
into our grand prize drawing for a chance to win an
Apple iPod, a commuter bike or a gift certificate for
travel on Amtrak.

This 2004-2005 academic year Evergreen is
launching a pilot program called the
Evergreen Commuter Contest. The mission
of the program is to encourage and reward
students, staff and faculty for choosing to
commute altematively to campus.

ticket prices as an exc use or anythin g, 'cause
adm ission is free for students'
Interpret this piece of writin g however
you want. A rip against the students for
not caring, a plea for people to come play
sp0l1s so I can have competition or whateve r. I don't even know what it is. But I do
know thi s sc hool s ucks when it comes to
spOl1s, and I don ' t mean record-wise . Just in
general. Well, some of ou r teams do nat-out
suck. So I guess I'm using this open forum
to call people out to play. You think you can
sc hool me on th e hardwood? Bring it' You
think you can sack me when we play tackle
football with no pads every Sunday afternoon out in the field'] Bring it' You think
you can throw your cra'p fastball by me?
Bring it' You think you can shake me o ut of
my shoes on the soccer field ? Bring it' You
think you can jugg le a hackey sack better
than me? We ll , you can , ' cause that game is
just idiotic and I stay away from that.
, , .. ',w there 's people like me wi th a
.ssion for spons. I know I' m not
) Il e who woke up at 4 :3 0 a.m. on
" Octobe r 14th to wa tch a li ve
n NBA ga me between Houston
lInen to takin g place in Shanghai,
po rt s are life, baby. While most
hink the seasons c h a n ge wilh
.lmmer, Fall , Winter ... 1 look at it as
Baseball , Basketball. Nuw who 's

To help make your commute
a little easier, you'll get access
to your very own ventilated
clothing locker- use it to store
your gear overnight and to dry
your clothes during the day.
To get a locker, just bring a
completed Commuter Log to
Parking Services by November
5th! Be sure to bring it in early
though, as lockers will be assigned
on a first come first served basis.

, years in com mCl'ci a l n:al
"an ti -bu si ncss regula I iOil S
s lowi ng cconomy (Seattle
;tatc "bus iness fricnd Iy" (a
ill S ge t away w ith whatever
crats, points o ut , " President
lot Just to put a Republican
:a us e Republicans believe
ngton State . Underscori ng
I dog is named " Dubya" in
's right to choose .


Governor. Deborah Se nn
. office.

" Mr. Anti-Indian " by hi s
Imous flat fee for car tabs
)Il't be fooled by Johnso n's
: means it in the libertaria n
Jlace to protect the public
Jrotcction to the PATR IOT

ir iss ues, and the initiatives
urston Co unt y Democrats
nd out how, by spending
king ph o ne cn 11 5, yo u ca n
I11portant offices. And fo r

Anyone can participate, just fill out a Commuter Log the week of October 25 th !
Pick one up at Parking Services, the Evergreen Bike Shop or online at:

*Roughly speaking, one gallon of gas releases 20 Ibs. of C02 into the atmosphere. Assuming an average vehicle gets 20 mpg. every mile
that is commuted alternatively prevents 1 pound of C02 from release into the atmosphere. The calculation of 33 tons is based on 250
participants choosing to commute alternatively one day per week more than they already do for 3 quarters- won't you be one of them?

.>ber 21




letters and opinions

letters and opinions

Sports: Not exactly in the Evergreen vocabulary

-The Curmudgeon: .Why I don't go to the Capitol Theater
in there. •
When I first arrived in O lympia, I saw the
o l T heater as a beacon of warm , toas ty
The s ubj ect I' ve
delved into earli es t movie goodness for maven s like me who
and most often didn't have much intention of spendin g ti me
~- , .--:
(aside rrom anger around the loca l googo lplex. The Capitol
\. \
a nd it s g reatn ess) . Theater was supposed to be a place w here
In thi S paper was people li ke me cou ld go and wa tc h a qua lit y
picture in a non-t hreatening , non-aggressive
the c inem a.
...tIIIIIII... .'""","", .." .
T hi s c 0 lum n environment. It was the strongho ld of real
c in ema. It was the castl e. To be fai r, I' ve
~ was w r itten by
w h o had a numb er of pleas ant even ings there . I
s pent man y a Friday night at home so was a member.
But over th e past few yea rs, th e pl ace has
he cou ld wa tch the re-released print of
a c lu bhouse . Peopl e go not primarTh e Seven Samurai , Sat yajit Ray's Apu
f love ror c inema, but o ut or some
Trilogy, a ll ten vo lum es of Ki es lowski's
need to be and fee l hip. Everything
Th e Decalogue, and eve rythin g Godard ,
Bergman , Fellini, Casseve tes, Peckinpah, has to be a c li que in thi s fuckin' tow n l
The gi rl who takes my ticket at the doo r is
Altman, Buiiue l, Tnt/Taut a nd Woody Allen
Not pissed because she hates th e job .
eve r directed. It 's an obsess io n. I ' m the
lunt eeri ng . She 's p issed bccause
kid from Th e 400 Bluws. I'm the g lassyshe
e rock girl with'a qUaIie r hippy
eyed, film- obsessed moppet from Cinema
Paradiso. I wen t as Jacqu cs Tati 's Monsieur in her and she prcf'e rs to ge t paid and she
Hu lot for Ha lloween w hen a perfectl y good onl y chooses jobs based on how iron ic she
looks do ing thcm. She gcts a celiain sat isDal1h Vadcr was rig ht there for use.
fa cti on out of showing lip fu r her shin at
And yet at the same time, I nev er feel
,' n innin' n nh.: ,1 :1l1t! in ,hi' I n~1 11 \.v l~: lri I1H
angri er or more fi lIed wit h rage than \I . I, ~ "
I'm at th e movies. It 's not just w hat's il
movies themselves that bothers me,
when Billy Crys tal ge ts sex off of 1
Ryan . I used to fiequent the Ca pitol The
whe re films made out of th e mai nstrean
a chance to s hin e (a lbeit two months .
their release). Now 1 can barely stand t

by Lee Kepraios

' I...

in O lymp ia I Coffee and tea are hip . They j ust
go down in a pl ace li ke th at.
But the thing that reall y gets my blood
up, the thin g abo ut the Capito l T heater that
has me punching wa ll s and kicking th e seat
in fron t of me, is th e audience, beca use no
matter what's happenin g on the screen, it 's
a lways fu nn y to them . Eve ry movi e I see,
people are laugh ing at eve rythin g I It might
be becau se mos t Capito l T heater patrons are
adults still recovering from 20 to 30 years
of adu lterated street dru gs and break into
hysteria more eas il y th an the rest of us.
So peo pl e show up to th e still attracti ve
moviehou se on 5th Avenue and they're so
de li ghted to be there, in a hip theate r, wa tching a " different" movie , th at th ey feel ob ligatcd to laugh. I r something in the movie is
funny, th ey' re goi ng to find it really fun ny.
T hey see an o ld movie o r a restored print of a
c lassic and laugh, no! beca use it is funny, but
bccau se of th e quaintn ess orthe w ho le thing.
Or th ey see a film mak e a statement they
agree wi th and applaud and sho ut "Yeah!" If
a lilm is appla uded and there are no fi lmmake rs to hear it, docs it mean any th ing?
Yo II I'" f'." ' "11lif"""" m"m h"rs move hack


of decided to pay to see a movie th em selves.
It's disgustin g. No one who truly loves movies
could stand to see them treated th is way.
So wh en yo u find yo urself trott in g off
merrily to th e irri tatin g, disrespectful freak
show (I'm never go ing to be all owed in there
again after this) that has become the O ly Fi lm
Festiva l, you'd better be getting blown while
sitting in you chai r, or don't plan o n enjoying
th e movie .
Lee 's New Rul e of the Week: Enough
with th e George W. Bus h/ Hitler nonsense I
The you ng Jo hn LaRouche crusaders last
week were out in force, taking their vitrio lic
di sco urse to cam pus in order to spread their
love w ith s igns di splaying those wonderfu ll y
endeari ng axioms like "A Vote For Bush is
a Vote For Hitl e!'. " A word to these people :
Wh en yo u ge t of co ll ege, if you ever manage
to get out o f coll ege, you may find yo urself in
troubl e beca use it seems yo u 've forgott en the
first rule fo r eve r be ing take n serious ly in the
rea l worl d by grown-up adults, whic h is that
YO Il don! call evelJ'une you du n! like HilleI' I
Look, Bush ain't Hit ler, all ri ght, folk s? Hitl er
was a war veteran and he rose to Dowe r because

;. ',.'

TURN IN to Parking Services by November 5th, 2004!
This form may also be completed online at


by Kip Arney
walk in g from
my place to
th e HC C for a
littl e chow, and
every w indow
I p assed had
th e third pres i~
. . . denti a l d e bate
on the tube. I shook my head, and went
a lo ng wit h my business, whic h included
weavi ng my way through the co ngregati on of people in the HCC watch ing it on
the big screen. However, when I got back
to my room wi th my grub, I flipped it to
FOX , No, not FOX News, I'm talking
FOX as in channel 13 , where the grea test sports rivalry in the world was takin g
place. Yankees versus Red Sox, Game 2
of th e American Leag ue C hampionsh ip
Series (ALCS) . Who's the m as termind
that dec ided to schedul e th ose even ts o n
the same night? Am I alone in this area
where I prefer watchin g a baseba ll game
ove r wa tchin g two goo bers talk about th e
state o f our country')
This sc hool is a dow nri ght shame in
th e eyes 0 f a sports fa n. We ha ve average
varsity sq uads th at go on th e road and represent us in various parts of the Nort hwest.
And intramur als , wh ich I be li eve are
wrongful ly labe led , as they s hou ld be
call ed pic k-up games or desig nated time
s lots for people to ge t exe rc ise. And th c


_.,.it'.,.. ....

Name ____________________________ ID Number _ _ _ __
E-mail ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

by Jacob Stan ley


CRC, which pisses m e off the most.
I can 't even begin to tell yo u how fr ustrating it is to m ake th e trek over to th e
gymnasium wi th my basketba ll , shoes, and
towe l shorts (you know... shorts made from
a towe l) and th en open the gym door to find
the bleac hers out and the hoops down for a
vo lleyball game that isn't fo r another two
days. A nd it 's not like this was a one-time
occurrence. Wh at the he ll is tha t all abo ut?
And don't te ll me to go in the back court
behind that movable wa ll thi ngy. That just
messes me lip 'cause those hoops are low.
Ge t a tape measure if you don ' t beli eve me;
sho ul d be te n feet rrom floor to rim.
Wh en the gy m is ava ilabl e for me to
hoop , why do I constantl y find myself a ll
alone? Wh ere are th e bailers? Where are
th e va rs ity teams working on their game?
Where 's anyone who wan ts to ge t exercise?
A ll you peeps need to put down the pipe and
do somethi ng use ful. A nd who sc t the hours
on that pl ace? 10 a. m.-6 p.m . on Saturdays?
12-4 p.m . on Sun ~ys'l What's th e thinking
behind that? The more fi'ee time we have, the
less ho urs yo u ' ll operate') Fuck you I
Coming from a famil y where sports runs
throu g h o ur ve ins, it's so difficult to come
here and find peo ple w here I can mention
the BCS and have a person know w hat thal
acronym s tands for. [Edilor:1' note: II standi·
for Bowl Champ ionship Series.j Or ta lk
about what just happened ror th e first time
in 25 years when Seatt le won the Women's
National Basketba ll Association (WNBA)
cham pions hip, bringing a titl e back to Ihe

206. It's annoying to watch college foo tba ll
for seven or eight ho urs every Saturday and
then not have anyone to look back lIpon it
wi th. Ha ve yo u ever watched top college
teams co mpete? T he re 's no better atmosph ere 'cause it 's kids playing for pride and
fame and not money like a lot of was hed-up
professional ath letes.
Speak in g of co ll ege tea ms, why not turn
the attent io n to o urs? Do people eve n know
we have a baseba ll tea m? I s lIre as he ll
didn 't unt il midway through the seaso n .
Wh ere is it o n th e webs ite? Where do they
even play? Because unl ess I' m blind, thi s
campus d oes n ' t have a diam o nd to play
on. And if yo u try and just ify that lonely,
cyclone-fenced backstop out in the field as
the. place to play, just shut up and don't talk
to me . That structure is so out of place it a in 't
even funny. Just take it down; do yop even
see anyone us in g it? I don't.
S UPliosed ly we have a lacrosse tea m .
How come they ge t. no pub') I always see
th em prac ticin g but neve r hea r a nythin g
abo ut th eir ga mes. May be th e reason o ur
sports fu nc ti o ns arc so poorly attended is
beca use no o ne hyp es it up. S ure, I read
littl e blips in the Cooper Point Journ a l, but
you have to do more th an th at. Let people
know via ema il (I mean, everyo ne has an
E'verg reen acco unt) o r put up fl yers. I we nt
to a women's soccer ga me las t week a nd
th ere we re more pare nts than students in
attendance I Don't yo u g uys care tha t yo ur
stud ent body is playing and representing yo u
and yo ur school'! It 's no t li ke yo u ca n use

ti cket prices as an exc use or anythin g, 'ca use
admiss ion is free for students l
Inte rpret this piece of wr itin g however
yo u want. A rip agains t th e s tuden ts for
not caring , a plea for people to come play
spo liS so I can have compet ition or whateve r. I don' t even know what it is. But I do
kn ow this sc hool sucks w hen it comes to
spo rts, and I don't mean reco rd-wi se. Ju st in
ge neral. Well, some of our teams do flat- ollt
suck. So I guess I'm using this open forum
to ca ll peopl e out to pl ay. YOll think you can
school me o n the hardwood? Bring itl You
think yo u ca n sack me when we play tackle
football with no pads every Sunday afternoo n out in the field ') Bring itl You think
yo u can throw you r crap fastba ll by me?
Brin g itl You think yo u can s hake me out of
my shoes on the soccer fie ld? Bring itl You
think you ca n juggle a hac key sack better
th an me? We ll , yo u can , ' ca use that ga me is
just idioti c and I sta y away li'om thaI.
I know there's peo ple li ke me with a
strong pass io n for sports. I know I'm not
th e onl y o ne who woke up at 4 :30 a .m . on
T hursday , Oc tober 14th to wa tc h a live
preseaso n N BA game be t ween Houston
and Sacrament o tak ing p lace in S hanghai ,
China. Sports are life , baby. Wh ile m ost
p eop le t h ink th e seaso ns c h ange w ith
Sprin g, Sum mer, Fa ll , Win ter... I look at it as
Footba ll , Baseba ll , Baske tba ll . Now who 's
w ith me?
Kip A rn ey is (J sopholllore ell rolled in
Forells ics and !vf!'swrF /Vriling . /-Ic i.l" SliIdl'ing crcali\'(:, wr iting.

Think beyond Bush vs. Kerry: Important '04 elections

Phone _______

Mailing Address: ________________________________
After spe n
nearly a month
at Evergreen ,
come to reali z
more obvious,
sex ualit yabo u
campus an d 1
been quite t(
a nt of it , see ir
it doesn ' t concern me too mu ch w hat pt
want to be attract ed to or not. Althoug
this li beral atmosp here of people of w
many are sexua ll y ac tive and aware of
own sexuality and pre ference , there are t
arou nd you ri g ht now that have no Sf
preference whatsoever. Th e term for t
people a round you is' "asexua l"
Usually this term is used to desc ribe t
lacking sex ual organs, but that has ai'
been a mo re biological tenn tobe accuTC
appears that a grou p identifying thelnsl
as the "Asex ual Visibili ty and Educ;
Network (AVEN)" has brought the tel
popular usage through be ing mention,
the G uard ian news so urce on lin e as WI
in a n upcom in g s ix-page feat ure in the
Sc ientist Magazi ne. An asex ua l pers'
one who lacks sexua l pre ference or i
es t in sex, as their si te, http ://asexua lit)
describes .
I persona ll y fo und it interest ing to
the occ urre nce of such groups o f people
share thi s o pini o n upon th e ir own seX l
in a time that is being see n by so me as a
sexua l age of ope nn ess an d un dersta n
Seei ng as I once found m ysel f describ
" non'-sex ual" and am toying w ith tbe
that 1 ma y in ract a lso be asexua l, the
covc ry of such a group of people worl d
an d the ac tual sc ien ti ti c interest in the
have made me qui te op tim istic abou
idea's merit.
J\VEN s tates clearly in its s ite so me
qu es tions it gets w hi ch may clea r up
of yo ur own inqu iries int o the subj ect. I
of them in re lati on to sex are " How d(
know if you've neve r tri ed?" and "An

october 21, 200

by Sarita Role


0 Staff

Student, credits enrolled for: _ _

0 Faculty

Please indicate how you would like to be contacted if you win:
0 Regular mail
0 Phone

MOl(ing th e United States toward peace,
soc ial j ust ice, an d ecological susta inab ili ty
w ill take more than a Kerry/Edwards victory.
We need progressive leadership in eve ry le ve l
of govc rnment.
T hi s e lec tion year is crucial for Washin gto n
State because man y importan t statewide and
local seats are up for grabs. To g ive progressive
voters ajump-stal1 on their election re search, I
have compi led a I ist of cri tical e lective oftices
and, in some cases, detilil s about the candidates. An aste ri sk next to the elective oftiee indicates either a close ra ce
or a spring-board pos iti on. (For exam ple, governors ofte n beco me presidents). I did not research Green Patiy candidates for this arti cle. Vis it http :
//www.wagreens.usifyo u want more in fo on Green Party cand idates.

o E-mail


Place a check in one of the boxes below fqr each day that you
commuted to campus for the week of October 25 th -31st, 2004.
If you combined modes, indicate only the mode you t~ok farther.


Please note that prizes will be drawn randomly and are not based on
how often you commute using alternative means.







:- :-



Drove Alone


Carpooled (2+)

Progressive Ticket to V ictory:









For Secretary of State: La ura Rud erman (D)
For Attorney General:* Debora Sen n (D)
The Attorney Genera l o fti ce is a springboa rd to be Gove rnor. Debora h Senn
is runnin g agai nst a Republi can and a G reen for thi s o ffice.




business comm unit y, ha vin g hi mse lf worked man y yea rs in commerc ial rea l
estate and ba nk ing. Ross i goes so f;lr as to blame "an ti- business reg ul ations
and att itudes in state govc rnm cn t" lor Washi ngto n's slow in g econo my (Seattle
P-I) and hopes to enco urage g rowth by makin g our statc "business fri cndly" (a
popular Republi ca n euphemi s m for lelling corpora ti uns ge t away w ith whatever
they want). Kirsten Brost, of Wa shin gton S tat e Democrats, po ints out, " President
Bush pe rsona ll y recru ited Rossi to run tor governor, not Jus t to put a Rcpub lica n
in th e Gove rn o r's mans ion in O lympi a, b ut also beca use Repub li cans belie ve
Ross i w ill boost Bus h's chances of w inning Washin gto n State. Underscori ng
Ross i's devo ti on to Pres ident Bu sh, th e Rossi fa mil y dog is named "Dubya" in
honor o f th e presi dent. Ross i a lso opposes a woman's right to choose .

For U.S. Senator:* Patty Murray (D)
Patty M urray is one ofa few Democrats who voted against the Iraq war.
Republican opponent George Nethercutt's env ironmental votin g record is so
bad that the League of Conservation Voters added him to th eir "Dirty Dozen"
list of politi c ians w ho put special inte rests be fore public and environmenta l
health and safet y. He s upp orts the Iraq war, free trade and relaxed g un laws.
Green candidate Mark Wilso n is also runn ing for thi s pos ition .

Took the bus


For Supreme Co urt Just ice :** Mary Kay Becker
ANY BODY but Jim Johnson! Johnson, dubb ed "Mr. Anti- In dian" by his
criti cs, is the judge who authored Tim Ey man 's inramo us fl at fe e for car tabs
initiative. 1-695 gutt ed public tra nsportation fun ds. Don't be foo led by Jo hnson 's
bio--when thi s guy says he supports c ivi l liberties, he me ans it in the li berta rian
se nse- i.e., e li m inat in g regu lati ons that were put in place to protec t the publi c
and the environment. On issues rang ing from salmon protec ti on to th e PATR IOT
Act, Jo hnson fa ll s to theJar ri ght.

For U.S. Represe ntati ve : Brian Bai rd (D)


Fo r Governo r:** Chri s tin e Grego ire (D)
Gregoire puts the public interest before corpo rate interes ts. As Attorney
General, s he " ro lled up a strin g of hi gh-profi le wi ns, most notab ly a S206
billion settl em ent fo r th e. states from America's tobacco industry." (Sea ttle
Post-Intellige ncer Election Guide) Grego ire has foug ht for in vestigations
of Enron and several ph arm aceutical companies.
Un like Gregoire, Republican Dino Ross i unreserved ly alli es w ith the

If you are in a carpool or vanpool, or if you ride a motorcycle how many people
(age 16 or older) are usually inIon the vehicle, including yourself?
Was this week a typical week for commuting? . 0 Yes 0 No
How many days per week are you typically on campus (this quarter)?: _______
Please Indicate your estImated average dally commute trip (one way):

Resea rch, by and for yourse lf, these candidates, thei r issues, and th e in itiati ves
on w hich you'l l vote November 2. Also, con tact Thursto n Coun ty Democ ra ts
(http ://www.thurs, 956-0235) to find o ut how, by spendin g
even an hour of yo ur time knocking on doors or maki ng phone ca ll s, you can
help ensure th at progress ive cand idates w in thcse impol1ant o ffices . And ror
Pete's sa ke, VOTE NOVE MB ER 2 '

Sarita Role is a tutor in Ihe Evergreen Tutoring Cel1lel:


Tip: To help calcutate your trip distance, use to find directions to Evergreen .

I certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: _____________________________


,4 .' :"

Date: _________

Date Recetved: _________


Lock Number:.__________

The Evergreen State College



letters and opinions


Not just anyone else:
Looking past the election

Anyone Else 2004:
Bush must go
by Kate Sampson Boscia
T h i s c1-:cl io n) car, IIC
1\lllcr ica n s
h al c a I' l' r )
i III P I I r I , I 11 I
dn'i~ i o n
lll aKc, \\'c Ilccti
10 del'i dc ir Ill'
:I I'l' II illill),! 1(1
le I o ur cur rCll1
k:ldc l ' pu,11 ii' ,, 1 1;lr l'a,1 tilc hr l\ l~ il l),!
P"i I1 1 11:,11 Ill' I lIi~lll l( n ~l'l the h:l,ic r i~h l
lit" l"\ COO I ,\ IIIC' ril' ~111, I, rC'l'dol ll , I 'rl'cdolll or
citlli,' , - I rl'c'd('11l Io! ,pl'cch, litc' I-rcl'dolll
1<1 bl' c'c' t"11>l1l Ihc- rc',II :llllh plal-,' d Upllil
" , hI ,i, ,l ti lllll l h lr,l1illll.
I 1II 111. 1\ bl' 111l' 111 "', 1 illlj'"I-I:1 111 prc',i ,kil l!. '



l'kl'lltlil 111 111 11,klll
\ 111\..'I,I...III'!I h

• ....

tllih [\1


'\tl_'I".'t I!I.I! .1 1 lill'l..i\fl' .1I1l 1 1Il'.lIld l

!! \



\ ll ll..' rl\.:.11I 11 1.... -

\',\,.' ,, ' !1,,!

" , .: : L'li!

1, '1 ! l l'~'II \llI 1 I I ' ,

I I I\..'

~"I!' II:. \\: 1 !I 1\11 I'!...' I! Ill}

'11,,11'- -'-c
I. t I' I Ill! r 1_

11<"11,11 c'\ c' l h' '\11111,.

I 1\ I

! 1 \. ..... \ !I 'Ill

I \ . : 111.,kl Lllh! 1 1 \ \ ,1. .... ll11111111 .... 11,1·
. 1,1 I I
d) k' 11 \ l \ ) III \ II 1 \ Ill! \~' . . . III ..., I II.. 11.1 \ \ .t:'
.1" 1\ 'I : 1,, 1k L' 1\ .... l.' I.: I ~ I ,I" II H 111:--' II It .' i III d I I III 1\
,'I kl \ , \(11 '1 1\'1'1 11'1 1(1 Ihl' 1I,1r. litc'll IlIll
,Ill' ,1C: ,l llh l Irc'c'cl,>lll, I 1,1\l' III ) l'(l 111111'I,
.Il ld I' (ic- li,l llll: 1i,lll' Ic'l r(lli'lll. I1 11I \1(JIII
lire' IlIc',!i ,1 :IIH l l ll c' :ldlllill i,lr:l li (1I1 I II:I~C' il
.lpl'l':lr Ih:11 it"(lII'rl' 11('1 \\ilh Illc'lll. Ihl'n
lOll :lll':1 'lIp l'(lrl c'r ( l l ' ll'IT(lri~ 11 1.
, \\ hc'll Ih e pl'c" idl'lll ' I'l'ab ll n ICln i~ioll. I irtllally el 'l'r: Ihill~ he sa) s i, abolll
Ic'ITnri slll, I J.. 1lll\1 Il'IT(lri 'l n is a proble lll
11,:11 IlLcds tll bc :Id dres,ed, bllt li gh l i ng a
\\ar ac:ains t le rrorislll i s li ke lighlillt! th e
\\aro~ dr u~s: II is a \lar Ih al prol )ab l:: \I'ill
IICI cr (Illi. h en i t' \\'e cat ch () salll :l, SU llleulle l'l se: \\ ill incv ilabl) lakc his pl:ll'l' ,
T hc lopi cs that BII, h new r rail s to 1:ll' ~1e
ill his spcec hes arc n,ltional sel'l lr il ) alld
le rrnrislll , for 0 \)\ illU ~ rca ~on~, .I11 S1 as Ihe
IllcLii ,1has bcen doing si nce il s c(lncc ption,
Bush i s Iryi ng \l1 il l,t il l kar ill to th c lIlilld s
Ofl hc Aille ri can publi c so Ihal il seCli iS th ai
COlll l' Noveillber, i i' \\ c' do l1(1 t e led B U'o h,
\lC \I ill bl' all acJ..e d aga i n, 1I llrortull al cl:,
It is ' I r:tle~) :Ippc:lrs 1Il be \I'orJ.. ing,
l 'l':lr is a hanliful Ih i ll~ Frecdolll IS a
\\llnd,rl 'lIll hillg Ihallll:IIlI "I'll' Ilia: la~l'
I'm c:ra ntcd, Il lIIIH1\\ t'rl'l' :Irl' \\C '_' \\'e Illa)
be ~I': Irl'l',1 11:lli"11 i ll IltC' I\(lrld, bUI :Ire
\\l'\,"11 :1' I'rl'l' .I, lhcI ~ llIo\\ liS III be"Are
\\c' Ill'~' 1(1 LJ lll" li(lll 'lite c:IU~C I() r a lIar
Ih,1 1 111 (,,1 ut' II ~ III tlii~ UlIllIlr) ~IHl\\' lillie
,iI'(llI!'.' I'he, c arl' LJuc" li ul" Ihal pe l h,l ps
Illal hl' ans\\c rc'" ~ ollll'\lhere illiitc p:I~CS
(' I' llI e l'llI,il c 1':llri(ll :\ ( 1.

I I() II' d i dl his happe n'I A re \\'CA IllCri can s
rc al ll' Ih is jacled '.' Is it 100 Ill llc h to cs pcct
th c t ;' uth') i s it too Illuch 10 .:specl hone sty
,lIld integrit y fr()11I (l lir lead crs" Wh o call
l! il'c u ~ as'l lrCl Ill'C i n Ihe sc Il.I muil UllLlS
t illl cs'! W herc can \\T lin d til l' alls\\ crs'l
Wh erc arc IOU, Pre sidcnt (iOl'e'1
I I \ ca,,' to J'(l rl!el. to 1o" I ourscl I' in
tit e h U~ IIe ~l ll d hl lStle ufd ,l il : lire , M'I)hc
" lInc u rus l'an J\lrt!cll hall lC,lrl: CVCI': da:
!\Inc'ri(an lilc' :I;e hl' i ng Iu,!. I'vta) he il
i ~ n'l as e:I , ) lilr ulltels 10 rlll'~ d, l.iKc lite
nHlliler 11Il!) jll sl gOI Ihc (, til IIl:l t she h:IS
jll ' l lost Iler 11111 : 'Oil , ()r Ihc pr c~ II:lIl t \\ ik
\1 IIii jusl ro ulld llUI 111:11 her Illl hortl hah:
\\ ilillel l'l' ~ 1 1I l \\ litL-ir r:ll hl'l'.
:\lllc'l il':1Il 111(1 1 :lI ld \\0111 :111 :Irl' dl ill ~
:tI nil "I l'll'rl d:l: ill II:ILJ , r\1ll1 for \\h:I I','
l:nr:1 jll 'l c: :II'l,',' I Ilr Ir(l'dll 111 ',' I\'rli :l[" III
l inl' llic' ~llrL' :l d: \\,'II - l i nl'd pll c~l'I ' of Il lc'
( ' I (h III IIt,' \\(1 11,1- 1, lr~e' l C"l'!lt'I: lli,'Il '
\\ it l " " ltI " Il ll '\ l, lrl' ,1\1"111 l irc' I" " ,iI
II Ie' ~c' : , 1\ II L' I i I '.'-'-' :' III II i II 1I 1~ I,' hc'l 111: II
II 11'>Ilhci l ~1 , 1 " "c ' IIIIC'IC' I hi' I'milk'lll
c',lll 11<' 1''1 le'l'l h l ' IC:II"ll'd 11\ 1 ~llt 'rill C' llle'
1'!11h1...'ll !. \\1...' 1I11 [ .... \,.,hl· .... b\,.'u lll h,'

1 )\ 11"\ :"-'\.:lllh.' '. \II " I~

l~tl ' ) I ,lllt.

)\ \ 11 !l~! )1\..'l 1

r.,] 1,.: , 11\'

,,>lll'c'l lll,d \\ Ilir II I,' 1,,,li l i," III 111 1' :ldlll llli, II,III"11 :lll d 111e' \\:11'. lit,'ll' ' cc'l l h III I'l'
:111 "lcr"lll' l llIil lC' ,1 1"l' ll l ,llld 'l'lh c' Il l'
1l 1 ~I..· nl· \ t'l ll" l· h ; ll1 ~1'. I L'ar dfl' II ~lil~L' ~ L'L'lll'"
I,,' hc' 01- L'(llllllllill 'tit C'llIl' ill lilc Ill:11 \\(Irid
mder. \\' ilCII did prugrc~ s hl'ulille a 11;ld
liri ll C: ',' \\- ill i, il ~ I 1Il1liI nwu " \I illl radil'ali, lll :n I ih,:r:t1 i ' Ill ,:, /\ nll \\'ila l is \\rullg \I'illl
lih l'r:tli , m',' A rell't li hlTal s rur pro g rcss"
1s1l'llh,11 \l hal II'C all , hou ld ,I ril'l' tilr ;ls
hll ln:l ll hc i ngs" Ilh olig itt pru grt:", brnu ghl
cha ll :=" c Ihal helle li ll'd Ille .l!.r(,l
. . .ler
. . .t!ood
~ uc i e l l, Is lil al h:ld ','
I h~ li e , ' e th :lt th i ll~s can, II ill. and Ill ust
gel hl'\\er. Thc \' loa n gCl bc \\ er now, or Ihey
ca ll ~e l helkr i ll fnll r Ill o rc I C;l rs: it is up 10
,til of' us In decide , 1\ lid Sll 1-ln u;,1say th an k
I IlU to Mr, !\ Ihh, In:ldvc ncnt lv. Ih rou),!h
~oul' linjust il ia hk :lI lll Ulllll1leS~ sham efu l
~leed s, )'OU I(1I1 \-; a ~ru u p ofAllleri(a ns w ho
Ilel l'r siloll l'd Ill uch inl crl'st in po l itics allli
led th elll 10 bCc olll e po i'il il':tll: act ive rllr
the lir, t lillle ill Iheir lives, I l rul y bc li cvc
tilal I uter IlIrnnll l ralcs for: nUll g ad ul ts
i ll l h i ~ I c':lr ', ekc I inn \I i II Old: flln her 1111'
l' lainh, r\ llll lh is l i lll e lIe ' re nlll al l I ' ul in ~
Ill!' \:Idc r : IIC \1011'1 Ill: I ~C t hc ,a lllC Illi s1 : I ~e IlIic'l', '-;U :l g:li ll , I ':1: Ih :l n ~ IOU, /\11
ell'S :I rc PII -lU ll IIIlI\, Ynllr IIIPIC ,


U Vl'I/;",.

Yo u
o n!.! step all'a)
fr o m a ~ r ea l
adv c nlulT,
\-;no w th i s ro r
Sll r e, I l ove
I h\? fa c t th at
at Evcrgrce n I
h a vc h ad Ih c
oppon ll nil y 10 tr) a lot o f diIT!.! rcl; t Ihings
t ll at I oth erwi sc \\,(Htl dn ' t ha vc had th e
opporlu nity to do , Li\-; c w rit ing Ihi s an icle,
til r e\a lll pk, evc nlh o u ~ h I ha ve absolutel y
no e\pcr icnce in jo urn alism , La sl year I
jo inecilhe Fvc r),! rl'c n Sla te Co ll cgc cheerIc-:ldin),! squad, evc n thu ug.h the on ly

october 21


Th e hard es t
\I ork ro r progress i ves i s not
the remova l o r
Cieorge l3ush Jr.
in Ih is co min g
elecl i on ye ar,
T hi s is a ch,r!·
kn ge to pr og rc ss i ves allli
aetil ish In 11111 stop th e work o rorgani/,ing
and "ra"J'OoiS l'Olll lllll nil l wo rK: Ihc real
cit ali::ll g,e li cs i n aSKi ng (;u rscl vcs "What
n.:\t ","" in otc ad ul- a Icrrll l -s ll-ic J.. c n
,Io!.! all oj' " !\ III'onc hut Ilush,"
'I ill' \\llr~ l;I ' rc: tI :lIld ~ i g nili ca nl , ocia l
l 'ft:II IC:c' ~ 1 \\:l i h I il l' illl'lllvl' nll'll l <tllli aCl illll
or :I ' pkl hma Ill' d i ,cr'l' pClll'ks bUl h
\\ it hill rl l( I ni ted '-;1:11>:, :lIld :lI'Illlnti Ihe
\I(lrld \\ hell Illc' l ' llitl'd "1:lle , (icl'lillll
l'plI , 1111.' 1' 1':tlc, li lli :I Il', Ir:lqi , _ I l:lili :ll h,
I illl(lIC 'C , :llld (jlh"I ' liJ..l' :1 ' IC:II1HIlIIc'r.
.Illd i I .I" hl l I(l'IT: i, ' 1Icc' C'~ I 'ul, ,e" rl"
" I " i lhl:l-dl' lili ' l 1)( 111(1(1',11>" \\111 rCli re
litc'ir ~ 1 : I " rn(jh \\ ()J' ~ \\11 11 :1, i~h (II' rl' li c t'.
I he' 1;11"1 ,Iirti cull :lIld hdrLic,1 \\1lI~ \\ill
1(,1 rll r I llIhl' \\ Iw lie- citie III l l'si , 1 thc
" I )elllllc 1:11 ie - Som ;1" - i lid (lcl'd " I i 1111e",
lilal \\ ill C Il ~lIl' l'o ~I-, I ' ll lIlar) 20_ 20(1),
I"ll" ihl: a~ ' l ill. I n , hm L Ill' h;lvc bel'1l
il' llill l! oursc l\es SO Ill C li es, ami th c rc is
all e\tre ill e ci angel in con t inui ng to li e 10
ou rscl ves ,
Thi s cOllli ll g c icction , Ill ost plo gressives w ill cast th eir vote s to r presid c'nt
and other eiccted o fli cials in fear. I n thi s
(s)clecli on bCIlVccn George Bush and John
KelT\', what cho iccs are le ft for Ame ri can
pro~~ess i ve s, and \I'hat are the staK es in
thi s co ming el ec ti on')
Fo ur \'c ar s ago th e G ree n Party and

to ; l rti":lIl; ll ~

\\ '1(\' ell' upin 1{ln


pil..·((s 11;1\ 1..'
the a ll t lipr" ~ photo
\\Jlll Ill l'lll 111.)\\')

ph nt u lll' ,\

: Oll r

1\1 :-; [U)\\ 111:11 \ 'OlJ


by Meredith Lane
You Illigill
halc nOliced Ihal


ju sl Ih e ~ lllLl~ ­
Cl'S \I'h o 'LIIHI
willrin lire SOt()()t 1l 01l- SlllllJ..ill g arcI al'llllilLi
SClll i nar I I ) I,
stan i n:c l u ~el: Iheir brc:l lh ill thc Illorn i ll~ ~
TilL leaves :II'c challgi Ilg. (Ll lor" deemali Ilg
o ur) ards, r" ;lcI" alld \'Chicle s wi tll I ariuu ,
warllllollc d l'o lor s, allli rClll inciillg. us th: l1
i i 's lilll e 10 drcs, a litl k \\';II'II1C r. hre:lJ.. (lUi
th e icc scrapers, :llld hi~ c dOli 1110 Ihc l ' I{C
SI) as Illll t(lilli ss Ilrc 1:l sl aUlUlllll alhkli l'
COll lc, l , Pi' 2() 1I~ ,
Thc re~ular Se,ISI)ll 1<lr all 1':I'C rg rl'e ll
I:al l slwri S wi ll d ra \\' \(l:1 clnse allhe clld
o rt his mLllll h, WO lll cn's Vo lkyba l l. still
wilh oul a confi:re llce Will , w ill Il 1,0 I'e tllall
liK ely bc ci oll e at tili s tilll c ( I hopc l 'lll
fo rced 10 ca t my wo rd s on tit is), bu t both
mcn's and wo mel'-s socce r hav e pos tsea son win s in th eir sight s, For th e fir st
lime in ", I,ve I I. ever, both orthe Eve rgreen
soccer team s have situ ated Ihem selve s in
a po sition le ad in g l o ward s Ihe NA JA

Regional allli N;l l illllal l' l;lyolls,
130t h ,,)Cce r lealil s rCl'l) rded one will
thi , I\ Cl'~ C llll. raisillg,l ilclll in til e ran~ill~ '
:Ind Illainuilling Ihl'ir , laW , :h ,I clr: lll lp i olbll ipl'('l llclllic-r ill llri, :C':I/', pl;l:[l I'1<
" l',ter ll ilapli ' l UP'l'l Ille ll ', ,tlllCI (\11
S,ll lll'lLiI , ( )el,,"e r 1(, II ilc'll Ihe: \\ <lrriLl I-'
~ul r cd tlrr c( ~(I al s i ll I ill' IJ,I l' l~it l IllilllIk " 1'I-i,lI' lll llial t hl' 5(\1I'C \1,1' 11-0, I lie'
ic'alllillack IIp l<lI' il II i l h:l -1-:2 \\ i ll a~:l i l h l
\(lrlit\lc'Si o n 'l lIesd.!: lIi ~ ll !.
R1..'I...·o t\ lillg

t\\{1 !llurl.'

111"' ......: . . .

or th( I ll l l~e ' l rO:ILi Irip' ll l' Il1c' Sl',hP Il.
Ihl' 1:11.: ,,1' Ihe \\\llllell', 1(11I,'1 h:111 k:tlll
i, IlUI a, bri ~h l ;h il it:h hc,11 i ll Ih e I',h!,
'I ire' ~ irl , 1 001~il l h:l rd, l.tJ..ill~ (llll' g,IIIIC
a~:till~1 thc I ', :bICI'Il () IC'~(lll \ h 'llll l: lllh:e rs,
hlll \\CI'e 1I11:lhlc In 11l,li li! :lill IlIllillCill ll l l1.
'I lri, \\l'ck l' ll d , I lle' \ \\ ill hc' :11 I" ,m,',
h(htll l~ Soullr,'I-1l ()ll' ~ (111 ~111" Ihc' ()r( g,'n
Ilh lilUIC III' I'c:chlltll" g'l, I.:hl )c'<l1' allili ~
tilll e, Ihc} (i l:ndueb up,C I th c cnt il'c'
cOllfC rcnl"e, gainillg rcgi (ln:ri ranking and
Il ati ona l rccogn il i(l n w ith tlte doubk \",'
(w i n) ,
Mell 's socce r wi ll al so hc al IWlllc
t hi s weeKc nd, cOlllpc:ting aga in sl A l b ert son Co llegc and Wes tern Washill g ton
U ni ve rsil Y, wh il c wO lllcn 's socc cr m aKes
Ihe treK out 10 Id aho to l UKe on Ea stern

Looking hopeful for
the Regjonal and National
playoffs , the Geoduck
women's soccer team
heads out to Ida ho next to
take on Eastern Oregon
and Albertson ,

1 10 ~ oll r \\

.JllI 1[1~ 1111 1\1 ..,'.)

1111\\ Illall\ :-. llldc.: llh


\ \ l· ....

Sc.:L'PIlLi I I.:a"iOII

k 11 ·...

i. .

.:c;l r

\I 'ilh ph "I " ', 'Iude nl, l' "n ' l Imk heh ind
the i r \ql rd s as l';hd~ a:-. \\ hl..' l1 " iu ~t tlll..· 11" llil lll ": :-i


<t ll il hk .

( )t'C()III' '' L', I h i ~

le ad s to thl..' q ll~ :-otil)ll ' I) o~s

ill g il ut ho r 's photos di scou r age pcopk from
:-O Llhllli lti!l !2 thl' ir thoul.!.hts to the pap er') I)Il": S II
n l..·;ltl..' I1W~"C har m t ha ~l gon d''>


l'a .... :



~, llI lkllt

()1 ,lul/i/rl/'" ," i/'rrll"c! iii

!J ell/"c'I'Jin '

sruli p.

I\\l) PI' thL' opin ion :-. lIhllli ..,..,io ll :"\ thi s wee k
C; I III 1..' from p..:ppk I h;\d 11 1..'\L I' 1111..'1 h\.' fol'l: . Th L:


l'\:sll knoll mosl l, hecause Ihn ha\e , ubmil l ed
" "11 elh lng 10 the paper hel(ll e,
This i, lile nal ure or Ihe C 1'.1 , and I Ihlllk
h aving til L pho to s sil o" il1~ t hl..· \ ari~t ~ nr'llIthors



" "to: 12.C I c ilch \\'e e k is 1.! lH H.1.

' l \u I Ihe hO Il,"n- l ine 1(11' llIe is Ihat Ihis i,

(i .e. perso nal :-ia rto:t~) Ii.)r re main i ng. anonYlllou S,

sec "ho is " rilin g iL 0 1 at leasl lile subje eli ve,
co nlrove rsi al stull.


I'he " c" nd repl y gelS \llore I" Ihe hcan o!'
Ihe malleI'.
I bd iele, ;" L10 al leasl a k\\' llIh c' rs allhe
Ct'.\. th ai co llege is Ihe place to ck vd op Ihe

oUl lhe ha;sk ora pholO, b, " II mea ns, tvpe il up
and make 1.000 I'hll\()copies in Ihe lihlary (iasl
I check ed il "ou ld Cosl $11)(1),
lIu l i I' yo u wan I 10 do it for I-ree and ha\'e

eO lll ldl..·IK (: to ('\ prcss ~o ur s~ lr a h u ut mall ~rs

ki lo\\' '\1 lIlk n ls pay 1'01' YOLI r voic ..: , I hen ju st bri ng

Ihat i.ll"C important In you "

il on up 10 Ihe CI'.1 , and gel read\' til smile ,


('n'/l '


R() /lIIIS

jO /{l'I ullis lI/

)'0(/ ClI n






Sf! III (Jr

{Illes tiolls to


(I I

Cj}I '(~ e\'f!rg n .'(' Il .t'dll . ,\/aJ,.l' s lIn ' .r(}ll IJIII '> lsk

lit e t!di l oJ' '' i ll (h e slIhjec / .

the cooper point journal













Photos by [va Won2

"~. v, .1:".


(III illler/lslllfJ (It



Thai 's \lh ' Ihe ct 'J is hc:re : II's an llullell'''1



So ir \' o u w:Int 10 ge t ~ou r op i nion Oil! \\' ilh-

L\(' 11 hl..'t'or~ photo s \\CT..: r~ qllired.

OLlt to til e re :-ot nl' Ihe studL'll t i"w d y.
II 's a lso ;tll edura l ional lool for us (~ tLH.k ll(:.;)
In k arn hu" In (' ~prl..'ss ours..:l ve s i n ck ar and
re spoll si hle \\ays.

1\ (/ ,1


think 11l:11 the.: I'l'llpk \\bo

thl: ~ I U l k []t paper. and si nce sl ll(.k 111 i"Lc s a rc
pa yi ll g for it. I th i nk studcllh !l a\ ~ a ri g ht to

,an di ,c lI ss iL Thal 's ;,1,,,,), been th e p"til'Y,

./(1,1/, hlll" I'

\\~·rc.: ]'c q tlirin~

II k h reader . . -':l' l'
I...'Pll tnhut...: tu Ill . . . l PJ 1.. .': 1\.:11

I' he l eply to Iha\. l'rD\)) \))\' I'erspcl' ti \'e, is
III uloid Firs\. ir a studellt ha s a kgi t illlil l c rca ~o ll


hl'Cdl l"\".'

III II,e I" if,e r.
tile II ulil i" lilal lOI S(I I' ,I u,klll , "end si ull
ul', '1I1 d len kll ale aellu l" pan (II' Ihe l'1'.1

Illlll rl' PIl!n)\l'r ~ i ; 11 {lpi11in lh . ;I ." \\l'll



rl..· qlliri ll~ plHlllh


Thi, SOIllC\l hal uill iou , fael i, olkn
01 crillok (ci b: cl i m hc: r" lI'ilo l'rO:'lllellll)
-- IOI( III clilli h but dllll'l ~Il()\\ :11 ': hudl'
cl,,' l<flU due,," In illl cJ'I( )\'1 1(, c'I)nl";11
Illi ., ,:Id \\;] sIC 01' '111111:, ke l ill ~'l' 0(\d,
ju,l -l'lip-c vcr)-othn· h\l11 J.. i lld ' 1I' d:I\',
l'I'c 1ll:ld(:1 'y',lhou l gnlup I'or peppi.: \\h)
Illc'c:1 I
l'\ l, fthi \'e rcqui rl' lllellt s,
'I hCI nlll,1 (:1) I il c ";O IllC\l hne in (JI'
Ile:l r 01: Illp la, alld (hi IllIl' 10 clilllb,
Y(lli tlnll't il ;lh' III halc :ollr 0 \\ n
~c:tr (:l llh()u ~ h g,oill ~ \\ ilir :1 ~ro up
pcopk alld kitin g cler: blld) ,'I illl b Illl
I llur rope i, a ~ rc i l l \\ ,1: III nlil~ C nCII
(r icll," I, all l Hlll~h :,111 lIill 1ll(J,1 l i~ el)
Ilce d :It least a hal'llc ss lIlIk ~s YOli ca ll
lill" SOllll'O! IC \I ith :1 ' pare , ( [\.1:I)'hc ~11(1
C:11l CI'CII mccl t il enl lirrn(l~h Ihi , gmllp,
c:lf' ) I iri s i ~ 1101 gping 111 be all olflcia l
h er~ rccll club: Ih erc \\ i II he Illi 1\ :1il er~ or
l a\\~ ui 1S OVl'I' stuh be d pi n\-; ) fi ngers, Tile
idca is silll ply Ihal w hcn sOlllc body has the
tillle and incl in ati o n 10 gu clilll bing th ey
sL!nd O(l t an e-mai l to the group, i nvitin g
oth er peop le with th e tim e and inclin ati on
to rcs pond , I f th at soun ds like so me thin g
yo u would b e int o, plea se, pl ease cheC K it
Olll on Ihe web at hltp://gFOups,ya lloo,com l
groups/g recnerciim bingl. T hcre's a reason
so man y cl imbers dOIl ' t KIlOw any body
c lse w ho climbs: Therc arc n' t tllal m any
pco pl e w ho do it. So let 's build ourselvcs
a nct wo rK I
My c-Illail i sjfink: r(/'LI, t IllCli I Jill , Ill )'
pholle Ilulllbcr is S66--I I (li, I li ve ill 1' 308
on ca mpu s, and ir ) llll li~l' to cli mb , Ih cn
g i vc Ill C a ,hou t.

nrd s is one.:

i ln.: (1)1l 11()rt;l hk-

Upillil ill p I LCl' ~ rur ;I l'ou pk rl';h l )lh
hr,,1 \ ) 1' ;t1 1. i l \ il \\ ~I ~ ill' li(lld I 11t! \IU liL'lIh
:11..·C( llI!l1.lhk fnr \\ ha l IhL~ .... I~ I h.: ( ' 1).1 ~ I h\ il: ~
~ I '" ...,O ll ll' Illl..'illl-Spl r ill'd :-01 u f f.

• •

by Josh Finley

(JrC:!l lIi=ill,C: f(l l'

" ril L 1111..' :-- llI~klll 111..'\\ :-- p;qk' r Ik'lll ll!! In .J ~ Ill<ll l
l·\clll:-. i\ c g roLip tha t \:-0 pr l\ ik'gl'd l ' IlUllSh to h~

rl'l ·I..· 1\ 1..' :-0

,\/, 'I'L'dilh /."" c' i,l Ji .\L'lIi"r ,' lIl' ulled ill
I'()ul, ' ci SIII ' ,'I'L' igIlIY "lid ('lIrl}() /, u l e
:\lollo,!.;c'lIl elll
III I(J ,['COl'S , (( '/i l'lI she's
I' Ii II II ill,1!, 0 /-"f) /'III I1 C .'l(J() (,IJII /IJUn. I ', )'u,t' ll
I,)';s h I'UI/ 'il heen lI ic!!,- III h el' ill s('l1/illol'.

dl'Jlll)l r;IL'~

plwlil " l11i . .


alld A l hc: rbO Il. LJllliJ..c I hc pa~ 1
J'c\l \lecKcnd s, thCI'l' arc pklll} \l J' chance ~
til 'l'C tlrc (il".l(l lI(~ ' i n ;ICli(l ll bl'l(lre Illc)
hibl' i' II.tll' l <il' Illl' \\ IllI eT
'Ilrc \l e,llh,' 1 i, l' k lll ~ i l l ~_ Il lal ~ I\l\l
l li l l 11l:liill:linc'd t lrl',,(\~ h( HI1 I hl' SU llllllc' I'
i, , 1,,"1: I.ldlll ~, ,lil" : "lI IlIi gll1 halc lu
,cllic 1(11 (lrie ~c'll 'lil 'l' i lb ll',ld ,,[ ,I Ill, .,1 'tllL
hut:l' :"U ~c, ! r II I' I'JI' 'Ih'" , ,kl l. :IIlLi Ih c'
IlI iSl'l',lblc ~ r;l: c'(lI(>\-lh,11 II ill l<lKe "I'(r lire
l' ug,' 1 S(lu l ld unli l ~1'I' ill ~ ljU;lrI,'r. Illi ll k
.thllU lit(l\1 111;\ 11: ()! itlT pc"' p'" \\ :11 11tll rcad
:tI)(JlII 1(,111' ,1,hCll1 urc , i ll :llhi.:li (" Tit c
( ' 1',11\;lllh 1(lllc:lr ,lhll ll1 \\ Ili,h 11I00lni:l l ns
:II C hC,II(ll I>" :tl'c lc ! ,, \\il .tllilJ..c S l ':1 11 ollfl
il.llhl!; Illc' IllL"l l'\ I "Clllc 1',,1.11 hc',llc'r"
:Itld \\Ir,' ,kc'llkLi II IIi IPI I I Ihl'lr luc~ oI llll
,1 ,1\,,1 ill III pl,I,\ beci j1(lllg ,1 r il i p-clIl'
ill'\ll· ~kl. I I :nU'\L' ~ dl ~{) Il h..·l h in t. It) "'~l:.
\I ( ' \ c' gill Ilrl ' sl'.lc'( 1( ' l'l'ill l 11.

Climbing and
community both
start with "C"!

\IH I I' "1\...' \' "

\1 '''''1"hlllli pelll'ic\\ lin \\ ~1 111 II I hI..'

I he ['1' .1

111 1 11\11...'


• • •

puhlicl: _ ( \ ( 11 if ~' () LJ r
\ ic.:\\ ... drc ullpop\llar. ,:\ lid lh ~1 1. tl) Ill !".'. i . . Ollc or
the.: !lllhl \;J1l1 :lhk 11':111:-. i.I p~ r :-; ll !l LIIl 11 :1 \( i ll a

!'t u d ":ll t s tu gl..·ll hci r word s. photo s. comic s. elc.: ..

, ; /lI/ (/rJi I {lick"/n' is (/ sl'lIi(lr l'lIwlll'd ill
li:(/cliillg Ilisiurt ' Fhmllg /i l 'c-rfurll/ ullce,
Silt, is sli n/l'illg c,tlI/cUli() //.

Geoducks soccer looking hopeful in the

LII COS C lulisse ll is U se lliur enrolled in
Poeli c.l' (lmll'(}I ('l'I: Ilis w;adl' llIic eli/p ilL/sis is I'eace allLl .iI/slice ,\'II/d i e,I ,

I [ :1\ i Ilt!

ileal ed il ur.



ol her pro g ressives dcc id ed to bUCK Ihe
most rcecn t trend o r " voti ng fro m fea r"
and thl-ew mLlch support and energy behind
Ralph N ader as an alt ern ati ve to the two
maj or parti es, For a splint el' mo ment, a
sma ll (and sevcrely I'c prc ss!.!d) altcrn ative
to the do minati o n or the U,S, l:lecto ral
sysl elll had app ea red on the A mcr i c<ln
g ovc rnm ental c:-. pcr ic nc!.! ,
Th i s co m i ng )'l'<1 I', N adn has aga i n
choscn to run rur Prcsident and Ihe (ilcen s
are runni ng th ei l- O\\'n ca nd ida le, It seCll1 S
that spl inter m ovelllc nt has lurned into a
ti gu r'lli ve spl intc r lI'i lh ill progress ivcs, O ut
o r eve n mOlT deep ;\Il ci en trench cd km,
prug ress i l'cs have al igned \I'it h ,I pos it io n
or"a llVone bll t l3ush," T h is a\lilude is one
Ihal i s' c\, idl'n cl' Illl' Ille "I' Ih e ero siun of
the l ; ,S, ' s ler ~i ()n ofdcmllcrac l',
I do 1)0 1 ll1e, ln 10 di ~ ag.rec \\ il ll Illa ll),
r(ll\-; s ill Ihc l i,S, :l lld Ihl' 1':1' 1 11l:ljl1l'ill of
Ihc' \\orld \\-- hl'11 I "l 'c' IIl( he'llc' lih ol 'r(llllJ\ in~ (il'tJI'gC !\Ihh I-rolll ,,!'Ii c,', c'I(1 1 il'l llc
dllerll:lt ile dl'l ll()lT:lli c' l' :llldi ": llc i s 11I1i :1
lir,1 cllnice I'n r I'r ll~ rc " il c' s , I hc " i '~II,.;t
I kl'l :lIld d:t1 lger I ' CII 'c' ill Pllilill:,! i':lilh ill
" :1 11 \ Olll' hUI 1\1I ~1r" C(lIlIl" 1'1\1111 Illl' :lp lit ud~' tl r Ilrc :\ Illl' ri l':l1l 1'( 'pill :ICl' ( C' Pl'l' i :tll:
":ll' l i I i, h" 0 I :III Sll'ij 'c" I I() kl' l lite'jll" :lIld
' Irll ~~ lc 1()\la rd :1 Ill()t'C ju,1 '"c'ic'l: \\ ill
be aIll' l' I()~c r al Iland \I Irc n alld ii ' .Iohll
Ke rr): ciliers tlrc ,,1'lil'(: nl-I' rc'side lll "I' tile
U nil cd Stal es,
So beg in by ask illg til l: qu estiun, w hal
is at stakc nolV and th clI') A nd perhaps \I'C
can shaKc ofr ou r " A nyo nc 13ut Husll"
stances and idea s, Th ose i dcas wo n ' I be
incrcdib ly helpful in the cO llling four y cars
if John KelTY i s ele cted, May bc we w ill
have to start aSK ing rea l quesl ions,

by Renata Rollins

ill , In ll'l", '" ill illL' li' l' lIli,'iI, ( " ' lIllil'l , SI/"
is ,I 11/, !t 'iJl,C: , I n/,'ril'JiIi 11/,11((1'1 ",,,II ',,/ilic ',,,
.\cil 'nl '('

rie nce I hdd in chc'c rlcad i ng lIas nla) hc
walch ing nrill,~ II ()II on!.! too Illany l illl CS,
Thi s \\oll id not ilappcn at Olh !.!r school s, So
Illayhe 1'111 not th e grc;ll l:st writer in thc
world, ,lIld m y chce rin g is qucst ionable ,
bu t I gnl 10 Iry somcthing IIC W, I had an
advc llturc dcl v ing i nto so mclhing I Kllcw
Ilothing ,tti'OIl \. So get o ut th ere and start
loo k i ll g, Join a c lu b, o r evc n sta rt a c l ub,
Try an- i ntern ship or go ahroad, The re is
an endle ss am oullt or th ings yo u ca n try
w hile 1'0 11 arc here, and how arc YOII go ing
In k llo'w i l\'oll
do n'llik e sOlllc lhin t! unlcss
yo u tr'y it 'l

Evergreen's regular season
dra~s to a close

How your student newspaper runs

l' nrrl/Il,/ I

These things I know for
sure ...
by Tamara Huckaby _ _ _ _ __

by Lucas Claussen


""dil ' ,';!IIJ1 /'.\rJIl II rJ ,\l ' l(/





,. .. ' -:

.... '

. "

the cooper point journal

october 21


'1Fa I l11e8J1!j. foot



5 01'100. Da

• • •


G.o lie
• • •
by Daniel Sofo & Melissa McKay

by Kyra Berkovich
Fall always
brings with it
the anticipation
and excitement
I crave when
'1... "
football season
r; ,/'
I'm not talking about the
Nfl, but college
football. When I was in high school I lived
for my school's football team. I went to
every game and screamed at the top of my
lungs. For me, there's nothing like a crisp
autumn day, a scarf wrapped around my
neck, hands covered in thick gloves, and
surrounded by screaming fans.
I've played all kinds of sports in my
life, but the adrenaline that comes with
playing the game yourself is something
different than what comes to a die-hard
fan of football. Whether it's football or
soccer (still football, as it's known in the
rest of the world), there's a distinct feeling
that comes with the game that is lacking
in other sports.
The overpowering intensity of the
players is contagious, making the fans
some of the most uncontrollable in the





world. Think Cheeseheads. No one in 200-plus-pound guys getting closer and
We are currently in the process of
their right mind would sit for three-plus closer in your lens is a bit scary, but it's trying to organize a fishing club here at
hours in the subfreezing temp~ratures of after you stole the shot and realize after Evergreen. We hope to be able to provide
Wisconsin in the dead of winter, wearing you've stepped away just how close you Evergreen Students with the opportunity
no shirt, a giant G painted on their chests actually were.
to experience all the great game fishing
and a block of cheddar keeping thei r heads
It's perfect.
Washington has to offer.
There's that grim satisfaction of
We intend to be open to anglers of
Think Raiders: Oakland Raiders. The getting the photo that defines the game. all levels, including those with no prior
phrase "die-hard" is given a new meaning Inevitably it angers one team over the experience. We plan to organize regular
when the fans start bringing weapons to other. Someone has to lose. Someone has boating trips to various locations in Westgames. No one messes with tough foot- to be sacked so hard that their mouth guard ern Washington, including the beautiful
ball players. Football is serious business. , comes flying out. Someone has to deliver Puget Sound and the various freshwater
And I'm lucky enough to be a part of that that blow. Someone,should getthat on film. rivers and lakes around it.
I hope it's me.
The specifics have yet to be deterAS~Ht of my job as sports editor for
mined, but we are hoping to build comthe Spokane Valley herald, I'm required Kyra Berkovich is a senior studying sports munity involvement so we can get this
to go to football games. Imagine that. I writing as the sports editor o/the Spokane organization off the ground. Any interhave to go take photos on the sidelines. I've Valley News Herald.
ested members of the community, both
graduated college, but when I think back
inside and outside the Evergreen bubble,
to high school, I can remember wanting
should contact us as soon as possible via
to be as close to the action as possible. I
e-mail at
was so envious of the high school photographer for the yearbook, who got to prowl
Hope to see you soon!
the sidelines, wait at the end zones and
immerse themselves in the game. From the
Daniel Soto and Melissa McKay,
stands, I could tell that was where I ~anted
(soon to be) Founders and Coordinators
to be, It's exciting to crouch there, waiting
for the play to come you r way, snap a shot
and at the last second jump back before
the rushing bodies come to a stop. Seeing

~7~;~;~;~,i'::~'; X ..'::,. y;;, '>-"<::.;' .


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• • • • •









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...t.~ . . . _'_.



Job duties: Attend Board meetings. Meetings are usually held on Mondays and Wednesdays during governance hours (e.g. 4-6pm).
This year's S&A Board will be: (I) Reviewing and developing biennial budget recommendations for Tier One funded groups
(Recreation and Athletics, Children's Center, Cooper Point Journal, KAOS-FM. and Student Activities Administration); (2)
Reviewing and detennining allocations for Special Initiative budget proposals; and (3) Reviewing and developing budget
recommendations for student organizations for the 2005-2006 academic year. IN addition. Board members are expected to serve as
a point of contact for registered student organizations and other interested students.

Qualification!: . Must be currently enrolled as a full-time student. 'Must be able to work with a diverse population of students,
staff and faculty .. Must be willing to make an eight-month commitment (November - June) .. Must attend a three-day orientation
retreat on November 4-6, 2004.

Interviews are scheduled for the afternoons of October 26 and 27,2004.


Compensation: All Board Members receive a stipend of $200 per quarter for their work as part of the Board.



.·Listen ...

Student leadership positions serve the cultural and social heart of OUT campus. As a Board Member, you willleam and improve upon
skills such as concensus decision-making and conflict resolution. You will also gain budget management skills and experience meeting the
needs of a diverse community.



4;.:' '"


or email all required information to ship/




2004-2005 Services and Activities Fee Allocation Board
(S&A Board) Member Application
Applications Due by October 25, 2004
Return to CAB 320





Please sign up for,an interview \yhen you return your applic~tion ..
If you email your apphcation, you WIll be contacted to set up an mtervlew.

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Current status in school (indicate with a check mark):


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t;;':~i.'J~1:.,. '",-, " .






Please attach a resume.



" .. ~


Freshmen _Sophomore _Junior _Senior _Graduate Student


Please include a brief statement explaining whysou are interested in serving on the
~ Services and Activities Fee Allocation Board.



Lver~ Monda~

3 p.m. Student Uni on campaign group meets in CA B 320.
7-9 p.m. First Peopl es' Study Crew at Se'minar II 0 3 105. Every Monday
of Fall quarter.
7-9 p.m. Evergreen Impro v Alliance meeting at Seminar II C I 105.

Lver~ Tuesda~
4 p.m. Soc iety lo r Trans Action and Resources (STA R) me<.:t ing in Se minar
II B2 109. Eve ryone we lcome '
4 p.m . Prison Ac ti on Com mittee meeting at CAB 320, Wor ksta tion 10.
4-6 p.m. Racq uetball League ' at the C. R.C.
5 p.m.-late. Ga ming G uild at CAB 320.
7 p.m. Ewrgreen Students for Christ at Seminar II A-2 100.

Lver~ Thursda~
4 p.m. Carnival- Everg reen Political Arts Coll ective meeting in Seminar II
4-6 p.m. Racquetball League! At the C RC.
6 p.m. Men's Center meets at CA B 320, C ubi cle 2.
6 p.m. EARN meeting at CA B 320, third fl oor loun ge.

Lver~ Sunda~
3 p.m. Kickba ll on the fi eld next to the HCC. Ca ll the Co llege Recreati on
Center at 867-6770 tor more in for mati on.

By Meghan MeNealy

Lver~ Wednesda~
12:30 p.m. Yoga Club pl anning meeting at CA B 320.
I :30 p.m. Native Student Alli ance meets at CAB 320 in C ubicle I 3.
I :45 p.m. Envi ronm enta l Resource Centers at the third fl oor CA B pit.
\ -2 p.m. VOX : Communiti es for Cho ice offi ce hou rs at CA B 320 in
Cubi cle 17.
2-3 p.m. VOX: Communiti es for Choice meeting at CA B 320 C ubicle
3 p.m. Jew ish C ultural Center meeting in Se minar II E2 105.
5 p.m. Eve rgreen Iri-s h Resurgence Element meeting at space #4 on the
3rd fl oor of the CA B.
5 p.m. Radical Cath o lics meet ing on the third fl oor of the CA B.

Thursda~, October 21
7:30 p.m. Olympia World Affai rs Council October meeting. Speaker: Maria
Victoria Peeler. Topic: Cuba: An Exile 's Perspective. Olympia Center, ~ o om
) 0 I.

Frida~, October 22



7 p.m. Bush, Kerry and the Politics of the Lesser of Two Evil s: An Evening
with Al exander Cockburn & Jeffrey SI. Clair in Seminar II B 1105. Free of

9 p.m. The Black Diamonds; The Crazy 88 's; Death Defy ing Life (on tour
from the U.K.) at Le Voyeur. 2 1+. Free.

, .-

Monda~, October 25
5:30 -8:30 p.m. "Take back your Time Day" in Seminar II A I 105 .




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The Smeil of Wonderland





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By Devon Wilson


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No way dude , that

do,n ' t you ask her?

sword thing creeps

Shut up, r think she



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By Bryan Fordney
ByT. Marie






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By Andy Smith




By Blake Nelson

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october 21, 2004

tHe cooper' point JOUrnal ,

the cooper point journal

october 21, 2004