The Cooper Point Journal Volume 32, Issue 24 (April 29, 2004)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 32, Issue 24 (April 29, 2004)
29 April 2004
extracted text







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The Evergreen State CoIl.
o~. Waahlngton-98S0!5




. a 'weekly compilation of student work


v0 Ium e 32 • ;s

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by Jordan Lyons and Sopha/ Long


"Kerry, beoaus~ he
has a 'backup gang
of rabid GreetJefS
that would love to
._ _ kick [Bush's] ass."
. ...
A';'anda Hesler
. ,spp"diiio~e

f~it li,Jbking
.' ~ ;..,,,... ...





"I wo uld want John
Kerry to win , but ~51\

Bush was a cheerleader; that's pretty
atll leIic. I st.i II want .
K e rry to ki c k hi s

ass. "

Elizabeth NarcsIlean
World A dvl!Ilturer



more information? call 867-6213, email, or stop by CAB 316



" Bush. Duh. He ' s
got the 'S tar Wars'
prog~am and nuclear
weapons. Plus he's an
expert in hand-to-hand
combat, having served
in the military."

MiI,es Austin
EveningandWeekend .

Olympia, WA 98505
Address Service Requested

,- --------- ~~

by Mylee Ring
Beltane: May I
Incense: Lilac, Frankincense
Decorations: Maypole, Flowers, Ribbons
Colors: Green
Beltane is a holiday of Union-both
between the Goddess and the God and
between man and woman. Handfasting
ceremonies (Pagan marriages) are traditionally held at th is time. It is a time of
fertility and harvest, the time for reaping
the wealth from the seeds that we have
sown. Celebrations include braiding of
one 's hair (to honor the union of man and
woman and Goddess and God), circling
the Maypole for fertility and jumping the
Beltane fire for luck. Beltane is one of
the MajorSabbats of the Wiccan religion. We celebrate sexuality (something
we see as holy and intrinsic to us as holy
beings); we celebrate life, and the unity

which fosters it. The myths of Beltane
state that the young God has blossomed
into manhood, and the Goddess takes
him as her lover. Together, they learn the
secrets ofthe sexual and the sensual , and
through their uni on, all life begins.
If poss ibl e, celebrate Beltane in a
forest o r near a living tree. If this is
imposs ibl e, brin g a small tree wi thin
the circ le, preferably potted; it can be
of any type.
Create a small token or charm in
honor of the wedding of the Goddess
and God to hang 'u pon the tree. You Can
make several if you desire. These tokens
can be bags filled with fragrant flow-

ers, strings of beads, carvings, fl ower
garlands, or whatever your talents and
imagination can conjure.
Come join us on this special day of
celebrating life and a union betwee n
two wonderful people. We are hopi ng
to involve as many people as poss ible
in this celebration. Bring your own food
and drink ; if you have instruments, please
bring them ; if you are a juggler, please
bring the tools of your trade. We will be
holding this handfasting ceremony in the
meadow where all the bonfires are held,
on May I, from 4 p.m. to whenever.

US Postage
Olympia WA
Permit #65






A Much-Needed Group

How Can I Help Protect
Our Forests?

I am a senior at Evergreen, and I
have an eating disorder. I have what
is known as "Exercise Anorexia."
Exercise Anorexia works like this:
you eat very little and you exercise
more than you should. You burn off
calories than you don't even have.
I have also had problems with
bulimia during my sophomore year
here, and I am currently 29 pounds
underweight for my height and
frame. I've been seeing a specialist
for this condition for two years, but
I feel like I can always use some
extra support. I think that Evergreen
needs to form an on-campus support group for women (and men)
who suffer with EDs. I have an
official form to start a group, but I
need members.
I know that there are people on
this campus who suffer with EDs.
I'm not the only person who has this
problem. Please send me an email
at seandence@ if you
are interested in joining this muchneeded group.
You don't have to be alone if you
don't want to. You can get support
and help from your peers if you just
reach out and get help.
- Sean Dence

Got Loans? Get Exit
Got a Stafford or Perkins loan?
Graduating or leaving school? Have
you completed Exit Loan Counseling?
The Stafford Exit Counseling
schedule for spring quarter is Mondays and Wednesdays at noon. The
last session will be held Wednesday,
June 2.
On Wednesday, May 12, Exit
Counseling Plus, a presentation about
Loan Consolidation, will be offered
by the Northwest Education Loan
Association. This session should be
of high interest to any student with
loan indebtedness of at least $7,500.
Interest rates are at an all-time low,
and the Loan Consolidation program
may offer students considerable savings over the life of their loans.
One of the requirements of
the Stafford and Perkins loans is
completion of Exit Counseling prior
to graduation or leaving school. Students are asked to sign up for sessions
at least one day in advance, so the
Financial Aid office can have a copy
of the student's loan history available
at the sessions. In addition, students
should bring names, addresses and
phone numbers of two references and
one family member. Perkins loan borrowers must schedule an additional
session with Student Accounts.
To schedule a session or for more
information, contact Financial Aid
at 867.6205 or Student Accounts at

The dirty students at your
Organi c Farm invite you for a
comedic guided tour on Monday,
May 3 and Wednesday, May 5 at 5
p.m. Water will be served.
Come by. We g uarantee that it
will be fascinating and entertaining, and at least the chickens are
ve ry fri endly, and the vegetables
are delicious.


General Meeting
.5 p.m.


Help decide such things as the Vox .
Populi question, what the cover photo
should be, and what should be in the
next issue of the CPJ.

Paper Critique
12:30 p.m. Friday

Comment on that day's paper. Air
comments, concerns, questions, etc:
AI~ known as the 'Post Mortem.'

Friday Forum
3 p.m. Friday


Come in and put your values to the test!
, DiSCuSs ethics and'journalism law,



1Ce __ o

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 p.m.
Scm II Bll05

is published 28 Thursdays each academic year, when class is in
session: the 1st through the 10th Thursday of Fall Quarter and the 2nd
through the 10th Thursday of Winter and Spring Quarters.
is at various sites on The Evergreen Siate College
campus. Free distribution is limited to one copy per edition per person.
Persons in need of more than one copy should contact the CPJ business
manager in CAB 316 or at 360.867.6054 to arrange for multiple copies. The
business manager may charge 75 cents for each copy after the first ·
is written, edited, and distri~uted by students enrolled at The
Evergreen State College, who are solely responsible for its production and
sells dis~lay and classified'advertising space. Information
about advertising rates,t!lf1i1s, and conditions are available in CAB 316, or by
request at 360.86~:6054. ,

Contributions from ~ TESC#Udent are ivelcome. Copies of
,subni~n arid publiciJtion criteria for non-advertising content are available

. in CAB 316, or byreques:t at ~60. 867.6213. The CPJ's edftor·in-chief has
. fi~al sayon th6,acceptance or rejection of al/ non-advertising content.






. Busin~ss .... ..............,................... ...............,.....,..... ,....... 867.6054




The Sustainability Lecture Series
continues next week (May 4) with
Ly nn Helbrecht 's " State Governm ent
and Sustainability." The Sustainability Coordinator in Governor Locke's
policy office, Helbrecht promotes .
the adoption of sustainable practices
throughout state agencies and serves
as the coordinator of the Governor's
Sustainability Washington Advisory
Panel. In addition, Helbrecht previously worked in pollution preventi on
policy development at the Department of Ecology.

Business manager .....:........................................... Andrew James
Ass!. bu~iness ma~ger ...:............ ,...................... Adrian Persaud
Ad proofer ahd archivisL... :, ...:........ ~,·............ .......... Gianna Dice
Ad designer ...,....,.....;.".,.....".:............................... Nolan Lattyak
CirC\Jlaiion manager/Paper archivis!... ......... ,...........Claire Harlock
Distribution manager.............................................. Kyra Berkovich
Ad sales representative.................. "........................ Jordan Lyons


News :........ ::.................. " ............................................... 867.6213

Editor-in·chief... .......... ........... ................................. Sophal Long .
Managing editor ...................................................... Katie Thurman
News coordinator........ ,................ ,...................,.......... "............ NIA
L&O.coordinator ...................... ,............................... Hal Steinberg
Page designer .....................". .... ....................,."" ..... lim Yates
Page deslgn!)r.. ,..........................................................Corey Young
Photo coordinator.... ,:............. ,......... ,..................."..:...Joe Jatcko
A&E coordinator ....................."..... "....................... Chelsea Baker
Sports &.Leisure coordinator ...'............"...............:. Kyra Berkovich
Copy editor............."................................. Mitchell Hahn:Branson
Copy editor.. .................. ".................. "............ :.~ ........ Robert HopI
Calendar co6rdinator ........................ "........ "........lkuko Takayama
Bulletin Board cOordinator .............................. ".......:·.. lallaWilson
Comics cOOrd"inatoT.. ................... ............................... " MaxAverill
Coniics coordinator................................................... cassie Wood
Advisor ..........................................,...... "" .......... Dianne Conrad
Assistant to \he advisor ................... :........,.................. M,A, Selby

To submit, email your submissions to,
walk in' CAB 316 and drop it off (it:S- on the third floor of
the College Activities Building), or (:all 360.867.6213
to,get i!"to~ch with your student newspaper.



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Colo r

Sustainability Lecture



Join the Environmental Resource
Center for some riveting forestrelated events in early May!
May 7 will feature events providing a comprehensive view of current
forest issues in the Pacific Northwest.
Activists will give presentations
defending road less ancient forests
in British Columbia, Washington,
Northern California, and Alaska.
Speakers include Remedy, Olympia's
most famous tree sitter; Alaska's
roadless forest advocate Ted Whitesell; and a presentation by Evergreen
students from the 2002-03 program
"Protecting Washington Wildness,"
who authored the recently published
book Defending Wild Wash ington
regarding grassroots conservation
efforts in Washington.
Come find out how you can further help protect our forests!

the coo.p er pOint .jouroal
.'. . . .. .


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What aboUI the Otber Sueciesil

Meet The CPJ Staff

hy Caroline White
I'd like to tell you about something 1
noticed . I was in Eugene last weekend for
a conference at the University of Oregon
that my Eco-Design program was attending. We stayed at the Lorax, what I would
describe as a hippie frat house, only it
was more of a communal living situation instead. On the way, besides colorful
Seuss-like murals, they had clippings
about forests, tree saving, and organizations working to save the forests.
W hat I noticed is that these students
don't live in a forested area like we do.
but they obviously actively care about
forests. Evergreen students live among
the trees, yet we forget that it isn't Iike
thi s everywhere and the trees don't actually have to stay standi ng ... the Bush
administration and its friend, the timber
industry, are currently trying to smother
the protection the Roadless Rule offers
( 0 our .wildlife refuges. "Roadless areas
are. litera ll y, places where no roads have
been buill- and where. as a result, virtua Ily no logg ing or other development has
occ urred ." These trees also provide the
m~jority of the oxygen that oxygen-using
creatures breathe. We can't live without
Bush's Forest Service is (still) proposing to create exemptions to the rule that
would render it completely meaningless.
/\ Iready these chan~es are tak i ng affect.
Since December 23 last year. A laska's Tongass National Forest, the largest remaining
temperate and old growth rainforest in the
world, now has approximately 50 timber

by Joe Lou

Disclaimer: The following article
about the members of the CPJ staff is
not from the CPJ staff, and therefore will
not be biased for or against them in any
So what do you think of when you
think of the CPJ staff? Hard-working
journalists? Overbearing, power-mongering hippies who censor out anything they
don't agree with? Well, I wanted to know,
and I set off in my quest for knowledge
by hanging out with and interviewing the
members of the CPJ. The staff of the CPJ is
primarily made up of two kinds of people,
people who want to learn more about business and enterprise and people who want
to learn more about journalism.
Funny how that works, since there are
two sides to the CPJ, the business side and
the news side, and let me tell you, both
sides are for the most part overworked.
It becomes immediately obvious how
hard-working these staff members are

when one enters their office to see them
playing basketball with a miniature hoop
and ball. Oh, and if a CPJ member offers
you a pen, do not, for god's sake, take it,
unless you happen to be a masochist who
is into electric shock.
As toward the work environment,
the members are dedicated. On Wednesdays, it is not all too uncommon to see a
member ofthe news side work from noon
'til 10 or later at night. With that kind of
dedication, friendships are easily forged.
Take for example the two copy editors,
who are responsible for correcting all
major grammatical and spelling errors in
the CPJ. When asked how they got along,
they responded "fabulously" and said they
were good friends. When I asked Mitch,
"What do you and Rob have in common,
what hobbies do you share?" Mitch looked
at Rob and said, "You have hobbies?" Such
camaraderie warms this reporter's heart.
Talia, the bulletin board coordinator,

was asked how she liked her editor-inchief Sophal, she stated, "He's so fine,
he blows my mi"nd, he is THE man!"
This reporter would have to agree. Other
fabulous members of the CPJ staffinclude
(managing editor) Katie, who joined the
CPJ because her friend Apryl brought
her aboard. Katie has this to say about
her fellow staff members: "They are
hardcore. I love 'em all." When I asked
Katie what she did with her free time, she
asked me, "What's free time?" Speaking
of Apryl, who is no longer a member of
the CPJ staff, but sometimes seems to be
as she said herself, "I'm like gonorrhea, I
never go away." These days, Apryl pretty
much just hangs around to bother the staff.
Oh, and she writes the Blotter every now
and then. As of late, she has forgone her
duties due to a recent long boarding catastrophe.
So where am I going with all this? Is
the CPJ just a bunch of fun and games?

Not at all. Many members work such
long hours that they even catch Z's up in
the CPJ office. They find themselves constantly stressed for time as they attempt to
bring you the best CPJ ever. When asked
what his goal with the CPJ was, Sophal,
the editor-in-chief, had this to say: "1 want
to create a paper which is an open forum
for all students and faculty, which is both
safe and available. The CPJ members are
certainly hardworking journalists and
truly live up to the Evergreen vision,
where' students, faculty, and community
members can create an open discussion
for the interchange of ideas."
So as you hold this CPJ in your
hands, I would like you to take a moment
to appreciate the long, hard hours that go
into the production of your school paper,
no matter how strange, deluded, or just
plain nuts the members of its staff are.

A Couple ofJews Cross a Checkpoint...
by Jacob Rosenblum
Today•• went with another Birthright
comrade to Qalandia. Since it was Shabbat,
many people decided to attend services,
which meant time to our selves for those
not partaking. This was basically my only
chance, until the end of the Birthright tour,
to go to a destination of my own choosing.
I decided to spend the day taking care of
errands: buying a cell phone charger,
buying some translation dictionaries.
Maddie and I met downstairs at the
hotel at around 9 a.m., and walked fifteen
minutes towards the Arab quarter, near the
Damascus Gate, or "Sha'ar Schekhem."
Most things were closed when we arrived,
so we just walked further down the road,
until we got to an area with buses and vans
going to Qalandia, the checkpoint for the
city of Ramallah. I asked Maddie if she
wanted to go to Qalandia, and she said that
she did. Honestly, I wouldn't have gone
by myself. But there we were, heading
off to the checkpoint to the Palestinian
Territories. I mentioned to her that I didn't

have my passport on me, and neither did
she. We both had driver's licenses that we
foolishly thought would be useful. The bus
cost three and a hal f shekels, and we were
there in twenty minutes. A short walk to
the checkpoint, we were quickly up to the
checkpoint and past it.
The only reason I was interested in
coming to Qalandia was to see a demonstration planned by the International
Women's Peace Service, which was.on a
march through Palestine. Asking a white
person nearby whether he knew anything
about the demonstration, we found out that
it had been postponed until noon. I didn't
want to be that late getting back to the
hotel, so we decided to just spend a few
minutes there before taking off.
We walked maybe ten minutes on
the other side, as the run-down suburban
apartments, and stores appeared more
and· more densely. I took a picture of my
comrade in front of a "Shibuya Tires"
sign. "Japanese tires in Palestine," she

We walked past rubble, strewn garbage, and vendors back to the checkpoint.
We waited a minute in line, and told the
soldiers that we didn't have a passport.
"Sorry, you can't go through."
"We have driver's licenses," we protested.
"Sorry, you have to go back. Call
someone to get it for you." My heart
raced, flashing through my mind were
all the bad decisions I had made to get
to this point. How could I have been so
foolish as to not be prepared, and having
not been prepared, not recognize it? When
these men in uniform, with their sweepingjudgments and rash decision-making
p~wer, said that we weren't going through,
I believed them.
Thankfully, my comrade was less
paralyzed by the Israeli soldiers and
pleaded our case to a female soldier
standing off to the side. "Urn ... we're
stupid Americans, and we didn't realize

that we had crossed the checkpoint (basically true). We're with Birthright Israel.
and if the leader finds out that we crossed
a checkpoint..." After a few minutes, she
let us go through, with a warning to come
more prepared next time.
We made a stop at the "Educational
Bookstore," where I spent seventy dollars on books such as Arabic-English
dictionaries and Amira Hass' Drinking
the Sea at Gaza. I was able to purchase a
charger for my cell phone a little further
down the street. We found our way back
to the hotel around noon, and people were
mostly gone. The few people who were
around informed us that the rest of the
group was on a walking tour and would be
back at one. Uri, an Israeli from near Tel
Aviv, asked me where I had been. I told
him I went down to the edge of the Arab
quarter to buy a book.
"You should be careful going over
there ... I'm not from Jerusalem, so I
wouldn't go there, it's dangerous,"


sales scheduled in previously protected
areas. Desolation Canyon in Utah is now
" mapped for sale of dozens of oil and gas
leases- including leases on 4,700 acres '
previously proposed as wilderness." The
Bush administration's Forest Service proposes logging over 7,500 acres (including
old-growth ponderosa pine) under the
guise of "fire prevention" in the north
rim of the Grand Canyon, 40 miles away
from the nearest burnable/flammable
human settlement.
Three years ago, the Roadless Area
Conservation Rule policy was finalized in
January 2001 after decades of scientific
study, 600 public hearings, and a record
1.6 million comments in support of the
rule. Immediately after Clinton left
office, the Bush adm in istration started to
dismantle the Road less Rule. Now it's your
turn to participate in the political system
you (may) hate so much because it doesn't
represent you. For the Earth's sake, please
contact the federal government. You can
go to and click
on " How You Can Help" under the first
article on the page, "Our Top Priority:
Save Our Wild Forest" to send a prewritten letter to Governor Gary Locke
urging him to put pressure on Bush to
keep the rule intact. Or, here's a list of
big, important people making obnoxiously
important decisions:

• Contact Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth at 202.205. /661.
• E-mail the Forest Service at hflp:l/!
• George W Bush:
• Vice President Richard Cheney:
• Call the White (man 's) House's public comment line at: 202.456.1111


• Or contact our state senators, Maria Cantwell (202.224.3441)
and Patty Murray (202.224.2621).
For more information, Google "Roadless. Rule."
"Your silence will not protect you." - Audre Lorde



In a continuing effort to provide a foodservice that meets the needs of students, faculty and staff, the College has engaged Porter Consulting Worldwide, Inc.
(Porter Consulting), a nationally recognized independent food service consulting firm, to assist us in examining dining options on campus.
As a part of their assessment of dining service needs ~n campus, Porter Consulting has developed a customer dining survey. We need your valuable input! As
an extra incentive, by completing the survey, your name will be put into a .drawing for one of the following fabulous prizes!

I<iller Coke Campaign at Evergreen:

Updates and .R easons to Support It
N ews commentary by Laura Soracco

Some of you may have wondered
why there is a campaign at Evergreen to
cancel the contract with Coca-Cola and
stop selling their products. As we are now
in the final process of collecting signatures
before giving the resolution to Bon Appetit
and to the administration, I would like to
explain why this campaign is so important.
If the school passes our resolution, we will
be the largest college in the U.S. to have
gotten Coca-Cola off campus, which will
put a lot of pressure on the company to
change their unfair business practices. As
you are reading this, you may wonder. . .
What's wrong with Coca-Cola? What
about the other companies? Why does
this matter?
Colombia is one of the most dangerous countries in the world to be a union
member. Ironically, the union movement
is large and Colombian labor laws are
probably better than those in the U.S. Of
course, offering good benefits and labor
conditions to workers is not profitable
for large companies, and it is definitely

not the standard of large multinational
companies such as Coca-Cola. Many
workers in Colombia face threats by the
param iIitaries (somethi ng si mi lar to rightwing militias). These groups are paid by
big businesses to protect their econom ic
interest and suppress people who demand
their human or labor rights to be protected. Now, Coca-Cola's involvement
in this picture started when the company
opened the gates of their bottling plants to
paramilitaries, who have since killed nine
workers, some of them at their workplace,
while threatening many more. On top of
that, Coca-Cola has handed th~ workers'
contracts to these armed groups, which
have blackmailed the workers and forced
them to tesign.
The international community has
been very supportive and aware of the
problem s in. Colombia with multinational
companies and the union movem ent.
With the aid of the International Labor
Rights Fund and the Steelworkers Union,
the workers in Colombia filed a lawsuit

in Florida against Coca-Cola under the to focus on Coca-Cola's involvement in
Alien Torts Claim Act Also, on July 22, Colombia because of its gross implications
2003, an international boycott and cam- on the lives of so many people and because
paign to "stop killer Coke" got started in the workers there have asked for our help.
many publ ic schools and universities, with They know that our voices as residents and
unions and social justice groups support- consumers in the U.S. can be very effec ing these efforts. Shareholders have also . tive in putting pressure on the company to
been made aware of the company's actions change its practices abroad.
How can you help and make yo ur
abroad, which has resulted in many taking
their stock out. Any time a business or voice count? If you haven ' t don e so
school cancels its contract with the com- already. you can sign the Evergreen
pany, or a share holder takes its stocks out resolution by downloading it from http:
of Coca-Cola, the company faces financial //, under resolution s.
and social pressure to change its actions You may also sign a letter di recred to
Coca-Cola's headquarters, which we will
As you read about this, you may be glad to send for you. The letters can be
wonder, what about other companies? found at the Women of Color Coalition
It is no secret that other multinational office, located across from the book store.
corporations engage in environmentally A II of these actions are taken very ser idestructive practices and mass market- ously by the company and have a. lot of
ing of their unhealthy products to young power. We can use that power for posit ive
peo ple in publ ic schools. We bel ieve effect.
If you have any questions or would
that these are all important issues to be
addressing in our schools and communi- like more information, you can contact us
ties. For now, however, we have chosen at: kcctesc@

Grand Prize: $250 Best Buy Certificate
First Prize: MP3 Player
Second Prize: PS2
Third Prize: $50 Bookstore Certificate

This survey is posted to the World Wide Web. You may access by entering the following URL address:
Click on The Evergreen State College Survey Button and enter the password "evergreen" (all in lower case) then submit the survey
to register and win.

The survey ..must be submitted .by May 2, 2004.
Winners will be drawn and notified by e-rt:Iaii.
For questions, please contact Collin Orr at 360-867-6510.

Rev. Returns w/ScratchedDVDs, Stalkers, Music! Music! Music!

There's ,a black myth
And there's a white myth
There's a myth about you and me

and Bags of Chicken

Truth be told
Myth be bold
Deep as ocean


1 '

I .i

Brutal truth
Suffering you '
Suffered me
We all seehangs from a tree

,. 1

printed in the press

, i


,/, ,i

! '




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,I !

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I ,

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I .









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i ,

Black and whit e
Is as beautiful as black and whit e
Is as noble as the love of God in Christ
Where there is neither bl ack nor white
But all are one in him .. .

!. " ,

Transit is your ticket
to life off campus!

bv Rev, Christopher Altenburg

, !

voiced in song
wails in siren
is worthy of study
is a deeper truth
in myth
Me and you
a myth as a race
is a race
is all about race
As mystical as a myth
That black and white
Can't beg in to understand
One another
Truth is bold
Should be told
I see in ever y man a part of me
My fear
My homeless ness
My stupid ity
My ignorance
My suffering con science
My fallibility
My fa ll - everyday
Is recovered

I .

. ... . ',:


! .


1 ,1


Conscious of self
Is but a blur

I, j,


Two continents of conscience




Race is reali zed ...
Isn't hesitated
Isn't fabricated
But is created .. .



Rick Anderson
April 24, 2004


Your current Evergreen student ID is your Intercity Transit bus pass. Just show
it to the driver when you board anp you're on your way to lots of great
destinations. (Fare required for service to Tacoma.) For more information, just
check our website or give us a call.
. Route 41

Route 48

Dorms, Library, Downtown Olympia

librarY, Downtown Olympia

Travels to downtown Olympia via Division
and Harrison, serving destinations such as:
Alpine Experience

Bayview Thriftway
Burrito Heaven
Capitol Theatre
Danger Room Comics
Falcone Schwinn
Grocery Outlet
Heritage Park
Hollywood Video
Olympia Community Center
Olympia Art & Frame
Rainy Day Records
Traditions Fair Trade

Travels to downtown Olympia via Cooper
Point Road, serving destinations such as:
Bagel Brothers
BayView Thriftway
Blockbuster Video
Burrito Heaven
Capital Mall
Danger Room Comics
Falcone Schwinn
Goodwill .
Grocery Outlet
Heritage Park
Hollywood Video
Olympia Community Center
Olympia Art & Frame
Rainy Day Records
The Skateboard Park
Traditions Fair Trade







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the stage.
Gift of Gab, Lateef, Vursatyle and
Since I' ve had such an eventful week. Jumbo were also on the bill and , after
and after having a talk with a fellow CP J the opening trac k was over, they quickly
mu sic contributor about a column that they began rotating in to spit out tracks, both
haven't written in a whil e. I've decided to solo as well as with each other. Although
start contributing articles again, Most of Gift of Gab and Lateef combine to make
you don 't care at all why I' ve been away Blackalicious, they each have their own
and/or don 't even remember my articles, solo albums coming out. Lyrics Born has
but many have asked me about it. I felt his latest album to promote as well as the
that I was overly censored and the paper work he has done with OJ Shadow and
here believes that I was being overly offen- Latyrix. The constant rotation not only
sive, So you see, those of you who don ' t allowed for all of the artists to perform
remember me or care are my greatest allies the tracks that they have compiled between
because. if you don 't remember me, then I the lot of them and to highlight their solo
couldn 't have pissed YOll off too much. Last careers, but also immeasurably influenced
yea r managing editor Meta Hogan took a the pace of the show and high energy of
survey downtown about what people were the crowd , At times, it was remini scent of
reading, Numerous readers stated that they those fuckin g all-star variety show speread my arti cles and this survey spawned cials, but I thought it worked well and I
a mutually respectful relationship for the actually really enjoyed it after I accepted
paper and me for the first time. When the the realization that I wasn't going to see DJ
new school year started and a new staff Shadow do a set by him self. The energy on
took over. however, our previous relation- stage mirrored that of the crowd and vice
ship disintegrated , as well as any respect versa, Who knows, maybe it had somefor my hi story that the paper had for me. thing to do with the fact that Shadow has
Regardless of the fact that I was the onl y relatives in Bremerton and Silverdale, but
one obtaining V I.P. passes to shows, doing even D Sharp took a minute from beating
cel ehrity interviews, and putting all of my on the drum machine to state that thi s was
cre<l tive energy and fr ee time into doing it. hi s favorite perform ance of the tour.
al l free of charge. I still remained fee ling
The Li feSa vas arguably stole th e show
li l\e m\! ar1ic les were treated as nothing that night wi th such anti cs as perfo rming
more than a sta in 1'1'0 111 a heavy- fl ow day a song full y dressed lik e the film Dead
dead slll ac l\ in th e mi ddle o f th e pri s- Pres id ent s and with th e track "hell ohi tine white bapti sm gow n I\nown as the hey" \,vhere Vursatyle trades disres pectful
Coope r Point Journal. Staff members fe lt rhymes with him selI' by using pre-recorded
th at in one pa rt icul ar a rti cle, I tri viali zed footage whi ch was bein g projected. I have
dOlll esti c viole nce and then later that I was see n the Li feSavas at least three tim es by
bein g offensive towa rds gay peopl e. I' m thi s po int. but I was extre mely impressed
sure that my fa mily members who \'lie re wi th th e ir perfo rm ance th at nig ht. In
abllsl:d hy the estra nged fat her who tried fac t. eve rybody so un ded bett e r and it
to I\idnap me no Ic s~ th,m three times in my was clearl y due large ly to th e editi on of
yo uth . and Ill ) Il aill boya ntl y ho mosexua l Shadows li ve remi xes. The crew stressed
fr iend fo r the be tter pa rt of I[} yea rs and the fac t that they had never all been on
e.\ - rOOlllmate ca n vo uch that I am simpl y stage with each other before and then perand clearl y a 25 -year-ol d Pue rto Ri ca n fo rm ed a song that they had created about
.l ew who is bla tantly racist. homop hobic. the to ur. wh ic h invo lved them all rappi ng
:lIld pro-v iolence aga inst clilyo ne who is togeth er. I wou ld see them all on stage
lI lte rl y de fenseles s. but I had sin ce re ly toge the r again that night, and performing
hoped that my writin gs had masl\ed this that sa me damn song aga in. no less , They
as pect of my perso na lity. Fuck it. \'m not tri ed to close out the show twice with it
as snea ky as I thought, and I can' t hold a be fore ti nally succeed ing aft er the seco nd
grudge just beca use I was call ed out on it. encore.
I don't know if thi s wil l make it in print.
/\ ft er the show. I had DJ Shadow sign
but if it does, the paper gets at least 1/2 my Book of Morm on, and then I bo unced.
po int from me. Here's a few rev iews th at On the way out so meone gave me a Koo l
I wrote before go ing to Las Vegas a coupl e Kei th fl ye r fo r a show o n Ap ril 8 a t
of wee l\ s ago ,
Neumo's , It had a f~lI whi te kid on it sporting the pl astic haircut from the Blac k Elvis
Quannum Tour
album. I threw it on my das h and drove
April 6 at the Show box
ofr. Before I eve n reac hed Federal Way, it
was clear that my car was ac ting sketch. so
I had wo rted sO lll e free passes fo r the we dec ided to get a hotel roOm. I wen t to
sold-out Quannum Worl d Tou r. featuring a mote l off PacH ighway. The ni ght clerk
OJ Shadow. so I took my lady fri end , came out in hi s socks and was wearin g a
Leslie. up to the Showbox to see it. The Spit fi re skate cap backwa rds on hi s head.
stage was set up with three sets of turn- He tried to speak to my half co matose ass
tab les and a huge projector screen behind, about my beard length, of all things. I don't
OJ Shadow manned the center tables while know why people do shit like that but once
OJ/producer Chi ef Xce l and DJ 0 Sharp he saw my oid dreadlocks on my ID, he
sc ratched on either side of him, The show told me that he keeps " it ni ce and short
began with all three mi xing on stage with for now" but when he becomes a "famous
footage of James Brown during his pedo- roc kstar," whi ch is hi s "pl an," he's gonna
phjle moustache phase projecting behind grow dreads down to hi s ass. As soon as I
them . The projector footage, both audio got my card back, I snatched it up, ran to
and video. was aetually being mixed with my room , and went to sl eep.
some sort new fangled devi ce they had
ac quired th at was des igned to scratch
NEXT WEEK: Avril Lavigne & Knol
DVDs, That's when Lyrics Born entered Keith.

Part Ni"e: (('ock a"d ((.eligiot1

bv Talia M Wilson

Whil e Mel Gibson 's The Passion ofthe
Chrisl has sparked- and is continlling to
spark-serious religious controversy in
the film industry, many religion-centered
tunes have not generated such notoriety
and have instead been embraced (or
overlooked and ignored) by fans, if not
the critics themselves. Here 's a sample of
religious-themed or influenced songs:
The Byrds-''Turn, Turn , Turn (To
Everything There's A Season) ": Adapted
by folkie Pete Seeger frorn the book of
Ecclesiastes, this song is one of the most
memorable hits of the late 1960s, forever
ingraining the following in to pop culture
history: "A time to be born/ A time to die/
A time to planiA time to reap/A time to
kill /A time to heal/A time to laugh/A time
to weep."
Janis Joplin-"Work Me , Lord ":
Written by Electric Flag songwriter Nick
Gravenites, this tune closed out Janis ' first
solo effort, titled I GOI Dem 0 / ' Kozmic
Blues Again, Mama. A \though deemed
a too soulful digression from her beginnings with Big Brother and the Holding
Company, this song- like many othersemphasized Janis ' vulnerability and ability
to immerse herself in her music: "Please
don ' t you leave me/I feel so useless down
here/ With no on e to love/Though I' ve
looked everywhere/And I can 't find me
anybody to lov e/To feel my pain" and
" But I don't think you ' re going to find
anybody, not anybody/ Who can say that
they ' ve tried like I' ve tri ed/The worst you
ca n say all about me/Is I' m ne ve r sati sfi ied oh- whoa oh- whoa."
Joan Osbornc-"One of Us": It's th e
so ng that as ks the curi olls question about
th e prove rbi al dud e upstairs : " Wh at if
God was one of us/J ust a slob lik e one
of us/J ust a stranger on the bu s/Trying to

make hi s way home. " (There's a parody.
too, that one of the CPJ 's copy editors sung
to me: " What if God smoked cannabis/Hit
the bong like some of us/Drove a tie-dye
minibus/Listenin ' to Rolling Stones.")
Though it was Joan (or John, as Chri stopher
Walken called her on Saturday Night Live)
Osborne 's only hit, it is now gaining new
popularity as the theme to CBS 's series
"Joan of Arcadia,"
Don Henley-" Little Tin God": From
his Grammy-winning Th e End of Ihe
Innocence, thi s song addresses the hypocrisy of religion in that love-him-or-hatehim Henley manner: " Some shaky modern
saviors/Have now been resurrectedll n
all this excitement/you may have been
misled/People want a miracle/They say
'Oh Lord. Can 't you see us?/We ' re tryin '
to make a livin ' down here/And keep the
children fed' /But, from the little dark motel
rooms/To ' Si x flags over Jesus '/How are
the mighty fallen' ,"
George Harrison-"My Sweet Lord":
The first post-Beatles solo effort (single,
not album; Paul had that di stinction) to
hit number one, this tune 's deep, driving acoustics grab you instantly and
acknowledge a variety of religiol,ls icons
in the vocal harmonies, wh ich George
reemphasizes in simple terms: " I reall y
want to know you/ Really want to go with
you/Really want to show you , Lord/That
it won 't take long, .my Lord."
Whether it's modern , psyc hedel ic or
otherwise, rock and rei igion have. and
will li ke ly, to continue their sy mbiot ic
rel ati onship- regardl ess of the mu sic's
po pularity, criti cism or l o n g~v i ty -s o
long as Mel Gibson does n't re lease The
Pass ion of Ih e Ch ris l- Th e lvlu sical .
compl ete with its (so-ca ll ed) ant i-Sem iti c
so undtrac k. (Cringe!)




Astro-Terrorists at Evergreen
hx l3rian Flewell _ _- - _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __
When I fir:st visited Evergree n thi s tim e
last year. I was amazed at the nat ura I an d
rura l settings that reminded me of home.
Then my first night at Evergreen in fall was
j ust as awe-inspiring when I cou ld go up to
the soccer fi eld s or dow n to the beac h and
see stars down to the ve ry limits th at the
hum an eyes are capabl e of. Then people
began to sing praises of the new pyramids
on top of the li brary. Those eyesores do
nothing but pump li ght stra ight up in to
th e sky, add in g to a type of po lluti o n
far worse than anything man has mad e
be fore, I am ta ll\ing about li ght po llution.
All those da mn pyramids do is give some
ra ndom stoner something to stare at whil e
he wonders if he can fl y. The fi rst tim e I
tried to watch the stars come out on th e
fo urth floor of the li brary, the pyramids
ca me on and im mediately made the to p
of the li brary the most illog ica l place to
view the sky. So, knowing that Seminar II ,
whi ch was sti II under construction. woul d
be a more "eco-fri endl y" building than
the li brary's death- to-the-stars py ramids,
I hoped the architects would learn fro m
fh eir- predecessor's mistakes.
And so it was w ith much fa nfare that
Seminar \I opened at the start of spring
quarter with praises being sung about it
beihg the most eco-friendly building on
campus. Natural ventilation is great, minimal power consumption, bravo, but your
"eco- fri endly" designers forgot something,
On my ti rst eve ning wa lk thro ugh the
Seminar II grounds, I counted dozens of
lights that poi nted straight up and 1it nothing more than twigs and clouds. Yo u damn

·, the,cQQ·p erpo., jnt JOUrnal '

,,", ' ..

neo- hippi es are so blinded by "advancements towa rd s an Earth fr iendly futu re"
that yo u are comp lete ly neglecting the one
th ing th at gives drun l\s and resident amate ur astronomers somethi ng look at aside
from yo ur already ove rused " Impeach
Bush" and " Reg im e Change U.S.A" signs.
THE SKYI Last week was Nati ona l Da rl\
Sky week, though everyone seems to pay
mo re attention to " Buy No thin g Day"
around here. Nati onal Dark Sky Week is
used as a too l to help raise aware ness to the
growing probl em of Iight po lluti on in our
wo rld 's skies. I pity the foo l th at has such
li mited vision as to neg lect our nightt ime
ski es in favor of pleas ing a student body
that prefe rs testing the prolonged use of
marijuana and its effec ts on those weird
shapes on the li brary that magica lly change
color, Pe rhaps our campus bea ut ification
projects cif the futu re wi ll remembe r the
sky as we ll as the earth the nex t time they
want to install some new eyesore.
For more inform ation on Nationa l Dark
Sky Week and how to fi ght light po ll uti on
(and the id iots that don 't care about it).
go to http://www,NationaIDarkSkyWee k
, Take the week to enj oy
the splendor that our ni ghtt ime sky has to
offer, then start to as k questi ons that wil l
knock some sense in those who make the
architectural decisions around here. Here.
I have a new sign for you, "Impeach the
Architect (of Se m II )." Frankly, Bush has
done more to prevent li ght pollut ion than
this faceless person has, and I' m not too
impressed with what Bush has done!



At The Heart Of The Issue

~Z~~ here is an element of good writing

that I will call the edge, that place
of focus where each word tells the truth .
Some teachers are fond of call ing it the
It makes me want to get inside the heads
of these teachers, because I can't imagine
using writing for any purpose other than to
clarify or shed light upon what was previously muddy or light less.
I see no argument here. If two conflicting halves are facing each other (as in a
thesis paper, or a war) the task of writing
is to cut the shit, to recognize the source
of the conflict (the "crux of the matter"). I
believe it was with this sense oflaying bare
the truth that Brenda Ueland signed the letters she wrote to a fellow writer, "Strength
to your sword arm." There was a sword in
Norse mythology that was so sharp that it
could cut cleanly through a piece of wool
floating down a stream; I envision the pen
as such a blade.
Perhaps I amjust having difficulty with
the word "argument" because of my word
associations. From my experience, an argument does not set out to resolve conflict but
to bolster one side or the other. The bolstering kind of writing indicates to me a dull
edge, a lack of attention and an absence
of delight. There is generally a mood of
receptiveness and a sense of detail in good
writing, whereas the arguments I've encountered in my lifetime have been too urgent,
too steely, and too ill-natured to have any

appreciation for nuances, too impatient to
coax out more delicate truth .
Unfortunately I do not know whether I
write good thesis papers. All of the academic
writing that I have done has been based on
my fascination with a phenomenon or an
idea or question. If what I am writing is not
riding that burning edge of discovery or at
least effort-to-understand, I go elsewhere
until I find an edge. I generally make it
through a paper by following the hot trail
of an urge (that is, the subject, or the issue
at hand), and if I stay close enough, then
thtlopaper has a comprehensive cohesion that
some might call an argument.
Perhaps I prefer the word edge because
the clarifying action of writing brings cohesion at same time that it cuts and carves.
Anyone writing with.power will be writing
from the pulsing edge ofa wound or from the
edge of her certainty. As I understand it, the
purpose of writing is to pursue that alchem ical point oftransformation where experience
becomes insight. My favorite magazine,
The Sun, has for its motto a quote by Victor
Frankl: "What is to give light must endure
burning." It is ajo,!rnal where people write
about life with all its pains and makeshift
solutions. Somehow the writing itselfmakes
for a balm. The descriptions offumbled life
bring courage.

While I am not involved in the food
service change process at Evergreen, I
would like to share with you my reaction to
Aramark, a food service Evergreen is considering. I would like to tell the community
that I attended the University of Hartford,
which used Aramark as a food service, and
I do not think Evergreen will be pleased
with their services. Aramark serves food at
a lot of schools on the East Coast. There are
several points that I would like to alert the
community to.
Aramark does not change their menu.
I can almost guarantee that students wi II
get sick of the food. What happened at the
University of Hartford's food service was
that the menu rotated on Iy every seven days.
Every Monday would be the same menu as
the Monday before. Tuesday would be the
same as the Tuesday before, etc. I got sick
of the food really quickly.
Aramark did not use organic foods. I
think that organics are a high priority for
Evergreen students, although I feel that
contributes to the cost of the food and is


Leave Death Out Of "Disassociation"

Evergreen's' Consideration of

by Mary Dimatteo Benintendi

In response to the "Voices of Color"
column, certain "dark realities" in existence
need to be brought into light. Specifically in
reaction to an article printed three editions
ago, written by Eric. King, entitled "White
Responding only, as suggested by Mr.
King, to one problem, and in taking Mr.
King's advice, I will engage in a "more
aggressive" word choice, as "speak[i ng]
passively about them, [then] issues will be
treated passi vely."
My trouble is rooted in the section of
"Actions Taken or Not Taken," specifically
the line which addresses two members of
this community who are deceased, stating
"A memoria.1 for Rachel Corrie and very
little support for Simeon Terry."
For the benefit of this argument, I must
address my (pardon the pun) unassociation
with both of the deceased .
Before continuing, the cover of the CPJ
did have a beautiful memorial for Jacinta
McKoy, as did the South Sound section of
the Olympian. Services and community
gatherings were delicately celebrated in
honor of her life by the so many whom she
In the context of those two points, death
in the community is not an issue anyone
would like to be faced with. Whether it happens to a black member of the community or
a whatever color member of the community,
tragedy strikes, independent of the color of
our skin, as we are all fated to death.
Perhaps we are standing before a militarized bulldozer, speeding down an icy road

l:J!.!Vathan Ha~den

by Ellen Peterson

An Open Letter Concerning

~ JZ)~f'"'t~·

letters and opinions

letters and opinions


part of the problem with B.on Appetit's
prices. Aramark's food also seemed to be
over-processed food, and I believe that if
they were to come to Evergreen, it would
not change. I do not see a corporation like
Aramark concerned with the environment
and being willing to work with the student
organic farm and other projects that students
and staff at Evergreen worked so hard to
I really don't know what the answer is
to the food service problem at Evergreen.
I would hope that the new food service
would provide reasonable hours; it is quite
frustrating to not be able to get real food
late at night and on weekends. A survey is
available on the web, which will take about ..
ten minutes to fill out. Even if you cannot
take part in the food service change process
happening on campus, please take the time
to do the survey. You can access it online at

Brought to yo~ by the Evergreen WrilingCenter.

or crossing over cold, dark waters; we are
greeted by our fate, taken by the hand and
led beyond the realms of the soil and waters
of earth.
When Mr. King addresses Rachel
Corrie's memorial,perhaps he is d iscontented with the memorial for Simeon Terry
in the CAB building, in front of the Women
of Color office, as well as the flowers and
cards which remain, to this day, at the site
ofMr. Terry'S death. And perhaps Mr. King
was unaware, at the time of his article's publication, of the memorial given by family
and friends of Jacinta, which was published
and brought formally to the attention of the
community in the same edition of the CPJ
in which Mr. King boldly and wrongfully
translates community response to death in
relation to race.
And perhaps Mr. King also overlooks
the deaths that have taken place within the
Evergreen community to which there is still
no memorial, and to which there will never
be a memorial, and formal publications and
notifications of those deaths within the CPJ
and the outlying community had to be fought
for. Perhaps there were too many comics filiing up the spaces, perhaps the death was not
associated with life-threatening encounters
in the name of peace and justice, perhaps
the death announcement would in no way
be correlated to an advertisement of this
college, or perhaps because no one cared
enough to establish one.
When making such brash accusations as
to the response of this community, Mr. King
needs to consult historical contexts, remove

his head from racial connotation and take
a whiff of the dead bodies which litter this
Evergreen community, to which most people
block their senses, ignore for their mundane
nature, brown bodies and every other color
body of this doomed earth.
And with that in mind, if Mr. King
would like to see a memorial for M r. Terry,
then by all means, he should construct one.
By taking responsibility and being the
acting force behind the memorial that Mr.
King would like to see, Mr. King could see,
built with his own hands, the memorial that
M r. Terry so deserves, The beauty of this
community might not be proper responses
to death; the beauty of this com munity is
being able to construct your vision and make
it happen for yoursel f.
Without attempting to super-impose a
racially integrated community, which may
indeed be culpable of Mr. King's accusations, I must attest that death, unless directly
intended as a crime of hate, is NOT an issue
of gender, creed or race. Death is a conversion of humanity in its entirety, and with the
indicted disassociation, might be the only
unifying factor of all.
Please, Mr. Eric King, rally "association," raise a fist for crimes of brutality,
remonstrate for equal rights, protest until
the fates decide what is yours, but damnit,
leave death for the dying, leave responses to
death for those who mourn, leave death out
ofyour argument of white disassociation in
the community.

The Curmudgeon:


C9Yv, /he,-

by Graham Waleryszak

On campus this week I was asked a
number of times by a varied group of people
one thing: What did I think about the idea
that a vote for George Bush was a vote that
would bring "the revolution" around that
much quicker? Apparently, this concept
has been floating around for quite some
time and had not penetrated my personal
bubble because every person I brought it up
to seemed to have heard this before. What
stunned me the most was the fact that a lot
of people seemed to romantically endorse
this idea of a wonderful kissy-face revolution that would supposedly occur after we
drove our country into the ground. I could
not find many people who shared my exasperation at the idea of sabotaging the ship.
As a result of this, I internalized much of
my worry and began to look suspiciously at
the people around me. So, if I want a new
car, should I start driving into a wall until
someone shows up with a new one? Had
the rain driven these people mad? I liked
it better when people in this campus were
unrealistic idealists who strove for peace and
diplomacy. Endorsing the idea that another
four years of Bush is a step towards greater
good borders on idiocy. The people on this
campus who are going to vote for Nader
are already playing with fire. Taking a vote
away for Bush is one thing, but casting a
vote for him?
"In the world today Democracy is the
greatest enemy of the true Democrat. This
so-called democratic process keeps the real
democrats from being in a position to help




the people. People have been lulled into
believing they are wise, that they know all
things, that there is a king of divine wisdom
in their collective decisions; so, when these
simple people try to think and vote, the
quick and unscrupulous outwit them and
cheat them ." [I]
So to a II the people who have been
lulled into thinking they are wise, wake
up! You are bei ng outwitted and cheated
by the unscrupulous. Do the people out
there preachi ng for a rapid descent into
structural anarchy have a plan? I would
like to meet the soldiers who are going to
fight in ·this revolution. Are they on campus
now? Which side do you think the military
will take? Over Christmas break I wrestled
with my cousin in the IOlst Airborne Division and he kicked my ass. He didn't even
use his rocket launcher.
All of you in a hurry for "the revolution"
better get some guns. Because if you think
"the revolution" is going to be a peaceful
one, lay offthe pipe. In order for real revolution to occur we would need massive global
overhaul of the world economic system as
well as the abandonment of our consumerdriven culture. Our current system came
about because of massive revolt against an
existing power structure. Wh!!1Jnay not be
apparent are the mechanism1~ystematically
built into our society that make further
revolution highly difficult and unlikely.
Lawrence Goodwyn writes in The Populist
Moment. "Upon the consolidation of power,
the first duty of revolutionaries (whether the

bourgeois or proletarian variety) is obviously
to try and deflect any further revolutions that
necessarily would be directed against them.
Though a strong central police or army ha s
sometimes proved essential to this stabilizing process." He continues, "A far mure
permanent and thus far more desirable
solution to the task of achieving domestic
tranquility is cultural- the creation of
mass modes of thought that literally make
the need for major additional social changes
difficult for the mass population to imagine."
[2] Not only is the general population not
ready for revolution; the masses are unaware
of even the possibility ofa revolt occurring.
Any revolution that supposedly would occur
as a result of more George Bush would be
one driven by outside forces, fueled by rage
and a clash of culture, reI igion, and ego. It
would threaten everyone, innocent and
guilty. I have a hard time believing that the
people propagating "the revolution" in this
manner even have an idea of what they are
talking about. So I guess what I have to say
to the idea that a vote for George Bush is a
'Vote that will bring "the revolution" around
that much faster is, don't shit where you eat.
my friends.
[I] Wright, Richard. The Color Curtain, A Report on the Bandung Conference. Banner Books. University Press of
Mississippi/Jackson, 1956. Pg. 52.
[2] Goodwyn, Lawrence. The Populist
Moment. Oxford University Press. Oxford,
London, New York. 1978. Pg. XI.

the cooper point journal

Yo-w CCU1I H~!

hy ._r eG K el'l'Uio.l'

The C lII'llludgcon docs not like you . Yes,
sitting there, reading thi s very paper.
I don't know who you are but I know that I
clon 't liKe you. Got that') So I have little or
IHI cuncern lor your feelings. It's nothing
11I': l'sonal. You m ighl be a good person and
I'm sure I would like you ir I got to know
you better. But as of right now, I consider
li S enemies. You're just another face in the
crO\\d to me. Just part of the herd. You're just
line more person that could make life harder
for me in the future . .This is just how I am.
I'm sorry to come off so strident. I know
you didn't open the paper to be yelled at. But
I was trying to make a point.
I've never held human beings in much
regard. I don't care what you are. Man or
woman , black or white, I don't discriminate.
I regard everyone with equal amounts of
sympathetic contempt. Iii ke persons. I normally get along with most persons. They're
usually rational. I treat people I know with
respect and decency. If you don't know me,
approach me. I won't bite. I just don't like
people. But I probably wouldn't like you if
you were with your friends.
I just can't stand people. People inherently give way to sheep mentality. Never
forget that. And sheep move from pasture
~o pasture depending on what the lowdown

YOll ,


I understand all of that. I accept all of
that. It seems counterproductive to even
have pointed the preceding ideas out. Plus,
they don't make good journalism. But what
I can't understand is that nobody gets angry

anymore. Nobody expresses contempt. I love
hearing people talk about what pi sses me
off. As much as I pull for it, I don't believe
we are expressing enough anger in !\ merica
today. A nd I've often felt that hate get s a
bad name. Hate is a part orlife. Andl think
we're forgetting that.
My biggest beef with racism and
homophobia is that I don't really see the
point of hating someone for something like
their skin color or sexuality when there are
so many other, more exciti ng reasons to
hate a person . Think about love. People are
always playing lip service to love. People
are obsessed with its denominations. And
since no one seems to know what it is,
it becomes all the more interesting. But
nobody is fascinated by ways to hate. Ask
someone what hate is. They'll immediately
reference things like racism and homophobia. Sure, they qualify. They're ugly, irrational elements of our society. But they're
also boring, unimaginative, uninspired and
just plain lazy.
The way he eats with his mouth open.
The way she never shuts up about her
boyfriend's emo band. The fact that he
thought Pirates of the Caribbean was the
best movie of the year. The way she's never
more than three feet away from her goddamn
cell phone in case McNamara tells her to go
ahead and press the button. So many terrible
things about a person. And we're leaving
them O).lt in the rain. Sure, you can take
the cheap and easy route and lump people
together, but that's when you start getting

boring agai n. The hate loses its nai r.
People ask, " But why even hate at aliT
What a dumb question that is. Because
people suck, that's why. And that's not going
to change. As long as we have Cirque Du
Solei I, all will not be right with the universe. A nd by the way, everyone has hate.
I've never trusted people who fai I to muster
up hate for something. If you say you don't
hate anything, I hate you. Who are you,
Slats Grobnik?
We need to get in touch with our anger.
We've become more docile than Deepak
Chopra in a rubber room. I want to see
people get mad. I want to see some fights
break out. Not because I believe violence
solves things, but because I find it entertaining. Good luck finding action like that
on this campus. Personally, I think we're a
pathetic milquetoast little bunch of simpering crybabies, totally unwilling to solve our
problems with real confrontation. There's a
reason I've received practically no angry letters since starting this column in the fall. It's
not because I'm right all the time (although
that's what I would tell you is the case). It's
because most of you are either too lazy or
don't care. You couldwrite me a letter. You'd
like to tell me off, but " then I 'dhave to type
something, and my computer is not working and I've got reading to do and nobody
would read it and that's just what he wants
me to do and .. ." all that jazz. I get it. Don't
you hate that?
Lee's New Ru Ie of the Week: No
more tropical girlie drinks! We must call

the cooper point journal

for a Constitutional amendment that makes ·
it illegal for bars to sell these big, goofy,
exotic drinks. They're fussy, sticky, laborintensive substitutes for conversation. A
bartender dreads making one. Chartreuses,
grenadine, cassis, crushed fruit : These
drinks have taken all the fun out of drinking. You don't drink these dumb things; you
suck them down with a portentous slowne;ss,
carrying with your manifested loneliness a
sticky, lascivious sludge that's more likely
to give you diabetes than a hangover. It's
like drinking a clown. No one should ever
drink anything that looks like a merry-goround.

qpril 29, 2004







--- ........ "


10 '


The Cr\a ving



bv Nicole Thein

The more colorful
Prettier the dye




The ornamental lad y
Seeks a colorful dye













Lig hter shades of blackness
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. 1

We all suffer from this concoc te d lie !


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Blood, bones, flesh - equal mass te lnpe red bv e motio n and
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Birth Of A Sport

Through May 15

I have no motivation to write this article. Absolutely none. Something strange
happens to me every spring: I refuse to do
the things I should, and I usually end up
outside, making up a new sport.
This p~t week , I made up a new game
I call hall ball, generically. It is, in fact, a
game that has been played by countless
col lege st udents since the inception of
homework and the students' nature-based
instinct to avoid it. Procrastination is my
friend, a nd we get along very well.
Anyway, this game involves a beach
ball (that I conveniently took from the
office, at no charge to the S&L coordinator) , the bedroom hall of my apartment,
about three and a hal f feet wide, and two
opponents. The se stud ents face off at
opposite ends of the hall, and kick the
ball , much like soccer. The tricky part is
to avoid knocking your roommates' art off
the wall, and to keep the ceiling light s in
thei r fixtures.
To score is si mple : get the ball past
the other person ; to do that is a little
harder, especially when you' re playi ng
against a guy who's 6' 1". The trick in
thi s situation is to kick it with a little bit
of Iift and sneak it past hi s head and over

his shoulder to score against the back
wall. But I' m just that talented: I won the
first game 15-3. That's when we decided
to make the games to 15 points, because
my opponent was feeling bad that I was
kicking so much ass.
The important thin g is that s port s
have been he lping students avoid their
res pective duties since the fir st slacker.
C urrently, I am the reigning queen of
slacker- sport-jock s, and take eve ry opportunity to avoid a job by playing a game.
I did it again today. In stead of writing an
article on " th e fa stest sport in the world,"
jaf'alai, I played mini basketball in the CPJ
office for about an hour and a hal funtil the
mean boys took the ball away from me and
I was forced to write something, anything
for th is iss ue.
So I promi se th at next week there will
be the article onjai alai , because that game
is terribly cool (with ball speeds reaching
188 mph) , especially being 4,000 years
old. And that 's all I have to say, because
the weather is s upe r fanta stic outside, and
that 's where I' m heacjing right now. Bye.

When I first started writing about
baseball for the CPJ, I didn 't really expect
it to go the way it did-not that I wish it
would have gone another way. At first,
I didn't think I could do it. When my
friend - and former baseballer- James
first broached the subject with me, part
of me considered the notion a fluke. It was
the start of the season, they were playing in
Eugene, and since I once lived in Eugene,
I thought I would be a fun weekend .
Man, that was an understatement!
A nyway, as that and future articles
h ave acknowledged , I followed the
team to each one of their games- missing only one- whether it was Eugene,
Auburn , Bellingham , or just Tumwater.
This weekend , th ey are finishing their
season in Bend, and once again, I' ll be
the reporter in tow.
I'm grateful this is it.
", Don 't get me wrong. Despite th e ir
record, thi s is a g reat team of g uys friendly , courteous, and seemingly
obsessed with their sex iness (not that it's
a bad thing). It 'sjust after following them
around since February, the overwhelming
cost of gas, hotel rooms, film, one-hour
photo developing, and Wrigley 's Sp~ar-

mint Gum, my bank account is screaming for a reprieve. Again, the team is not
at fault.
In fact, I should be thanking them
profusely for allowing me to tag a long,
especially after I made an i ntox icated ass
of myself in Eugene . I have learned so
much more about baseball, team unit v.
sports writing. and camaraderie tlian-l
did prior, And I definitely never expected
to use baseball and sexy in the same se ntence, but when it comes down to it-and
this is my honest , personal opinion- thi s
team IS sexy, regardless if no one e lse but
the team and myself can see it.
So, it 's been a long, hard season- for
both the team and reporter- but as it
winds down this weekend, the team will
attempt to not end on a sour note, wh i Ie I
wi II attempt to make them st i II look ad 111 irabl e in their la st hour.
By the way, Eve rgreen will play the
Central Oregon Community College Bobcats on Saturday and Sunday, May I a nd 2.
at 10 a,m. All games will be held at Vince
Genna field in Bend.
Let those "Dang Hot!" times roll oni.'
more time! (Ka-ching l )

Thursday, April 29
5-7:30 p.m. The Healing Arts
Collective presents "From Earth to
Apothecary, Plant Walk and Tincture Making Workshop" with Elise
Krohn, in the Longhouse.
6-8 p.m. How To Ask Your
Date For a Kiss, interactive theater
with the Office of Sexual Assault
Prevention's Peer Education Project,
Library 3500.

Trails Free To ·Follow
h,. I'all/ She /Ion

Western Gardeners Tipboak. The Thirty
Best Rutabuga Secrets. or Country Joe
Knish 's How to Live Co untry: 151 Tips
und Tools to Makin' it Easy. The map

1 •

sect ion here at TESC s uddenly implodes,
buried under a sea of paper, and we all
want to go hiking, biking and boating,
cavorting around , hogging up the sun.
So I decided I'm taking a trip this spring
too, taking a trip and getting credit for it.
Contracts, I love Evergreen for contracts!
I' m paddling by kayak around Hartstene
Island , Anderson and McNeil Islands,
camping on deserted beaches, following
a water trail that follows the history of a
region. These water trails that have seen a
glacial age and flood tides of magnitudes
we cannot grasp, water trails that have
seen destruction and warfare between
cultures. These trails have seen ancient
cedar canoes, and now synthetic polymerplastic kayaks, blue. firecracker-red , and
canary yellow, slip silent through long blue
veins. These trails have seen schooners,
battleships, steamers, tugs, and submarines
like long dark water beetles their big
black backs breaking the waters surface.
These trails weave their way through our

waters. These tra il s weave their way into
our history, These are trails meant to be
unm apped , trail s th at follow current and
wind, trail s I love to explore, trails full of
exploration, trails that lead to ocean, trails
free 10 follow. Then I figured I'd let you all
know about some fun trips right here on
the water in our own backyard, but hey,
first a little hi story.
Navigation of thi s inl a nd sea was first
by cedar canoes made by local tribes.
Ea rly settlers of Olympia and Seattle and
other surrounding communities paddled
cedar canoes to trade and talk, rob and
war, less than two hundred years ago. The
use of paddle craft by natives had been in
effect thousands of years. Olympia had
no official white name until 1846 when
the residents named it after the fi rst two
settlers Edmund Sylvester and L.L. Sm ith,
combining their last names and namingthe
settlement Smithter. which then changed to
"Smithfield," later on changing to Olympia, named after the Olympic Mountains
by Isaac Ebey, a customs collector who
had a distaste for "Smithter." To the native
people of the area, it was Stitchas, meaning "Bear's Place." The waterways here
on Eld Inlet and Budd Inlet made travel
less demanding than the thick forests in
which it was easy to lose your way. The
cedar canoes were paddled to and from
settlements all along Puget Sound, north
and ·south; camps were made above high
water at night or when the tide restricted
progress. Paddling from 'camp to camp,
fort-to-fort , traders, settlers, and natives
followed local water routes to help make
travel easier, something the local tribes
had done for many years. Today Puget
Sound hosts the "Cascade Marine Trail," a

160-m ile water route from Olympia to the
Canadian Border funded by the Washington Water Trails Association . Accessible
only to non-motorized beachable craft ,
a ll along the trai I are designated sites for
camping. This trail is made up into several segments that range from simple day
paddle s to multi-night expeditions. The
Cascade Marine Trail can be accessed at Is/southsou nd.
Go in the spri ng before the rush and
beaches are yours for d ays on end.
Above all else, safety on Puget
Sound is a must. Year-round waters are
hypotherm ie, wh ich doesn't give you
much over 10 minutes before your core
temperature begins to drop and you start
to feel like heavy Jell-O. Wear life jackets
always (someth ing I learned the hard
way, twice), and practice water rescue
safety. The wa1er itself is subject to tidal
currents and, in places, tide " rips." Tide
" rips" occur when currents of opposite
direction meet and push the waters back
into each other creating triangular waves
which shoot straight up with no warning.
The severity of a tide "rip" depends on
velocity of current, depth of sea floor, and
wind speed. For the most part, south Puget
Sound waters are mild flow with few tide
"rips." Always check tide tables for the
specific day or days you wish to be out.
They're in the yellow pages, I swear, up
in the communities section! Find out what
time the high and low tides are for the day.
Remember there are two high tides and
two low tides per day. Ideally a kayakerl
canoer always paddles with the current
at his/her back. Paddling just before or
just after high tide, and also the same at
low tide, is what is called the "slack tide"

Sign up for the Battle of the
Bands! You know you want to!
To sign up, email LenaD.atlr_ by May I!
10 a.m.-noon. The Healing
Arts Collective presents "Natural
Approaches to Thyroid Health with
Ryan Drum" in the Longhouse.
1-3 p.m. "Men's Health" with
Ryan Drum in the Longhouse.
5-7 p.m. "Herbs for Sustainable
Living" with Linda Conroy in the
7 p.m. "Medicinal Mushrooms"
with Paul Stamets in the Longhouse.
10 a~m.-noon. "The Three
Traditions of Healing" with Susun
Weed in the Longhouse.
1-3 p.m. "Optimum Nutrition,
Beyond Heroics" with Susun Weed
in the Longhouse.

when currents are mov ing the leasl and
the water will he most cal m. This is the
optimum time for beginners 10 paddle .
Go to TOP (The Outdoor Progrnl11) in thl:'!
CRC and ask them about thei r equipment:
You' ll need a kayak or canoe, spray sk irt if
kayak (keeps water out of where you s it),
a paddle, and a life vest. Other options
are Boston Ha rbo r Marina: They al so
rent boats and gea r. Since my co ntract
requires three- of these articles , I' ll be
coming back to you and we'll talk Hope
Island. we'll talk Nisqually Reach, we' ll
talk Eagle Island, we' ll talk more in depth
about gear and rentals. Then we'll get ya
in the boat!


Wednesday, May 5

7 a.m.-6 p.m. Wrenchers' Ball
-Annual Tune-Up Day at the Olympia Transit Center.
5-7 p.m. The Healing Arts
Collective presents "Medicinal
Plant Walk with Ryan Drum" at
the Longhouse.
6-8 p.m. Self-Defense Workshop, CRC Dance Room. Sponsored
by the Office of Sexual Assault Prevention.
7 p.m. The Healing Arts Collective presents an evening with
Joules Graves, with special guest
Taryn Moore.

Thursday, May 6
Noon. The Evergreen State College Library Lobby. New videos by
Zapatistas, video ·makers from the
autonomous indigenous communities in Chiapas and Guerrero.
7:30 p.m. General Radical
Women Meeting.;- Learn more
about their current activities and
campaigns. Dinner, with vegetarian option, available at 6:30 p.m.
for a $6.50 donation. New Freeway
Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle.
For more information, rides or .
childcare, call 206.722.6057 or
722.2453. Everyone welcome.
Wheelchair accessible.

Sunday, May 2

Friday, April 30


It 's s prin g ! ' Ever yo ne's planning
trips: yo u a re, aren't yo u? Everyone goes
somewhere .
To th e Olympic Peninsula. the Hoh
Rainfore st, the Pacific Ocean, red-desert
rock c limbing. a show at the Gorge, to
San Fran, or to Westport for cold wave s,
maybe hot spri ngs in Ida ho, wh ite slope s
at Mt. Hood, windsurfing the Columbia.
See ms lik e once th e s un comes o ut ,
people get so me kind of ki ck. We all
want to go places and do things more!
We slart check i ng out books like Greal

Saturday, May 1

8 p.m. Thursd~ys-Satur­
days; 2 p.m. Sundays. Olympia
Little Theater presents One Flew
Over the Cuckoo's Nest, April 23
through May 15. ''A harrowing and
hilarious story, featuring a classic
showdown between underdogs and
a bully." Tickets $8. Olympia Little
Theater, 1925 Miller Ave N.E.,
Olympia. For more information,
call 360.786.9484 or visit http:

. Sports commentary by Talia M. Wilson

by Kyra Berkovich


Why lam Sorta Glad
Baseball is Ending

2-3 p.m. "Grammar Rodeo: The
Compound Sentence" in Library
. 3-4 p.m. ':Lab Write-Up Part II:
Discussion of Results" in Library
4:30-6 p.m. "Avoiding Plagiarism" in Library 2221.
7 p.m. Zapatistas' Indigenous
Media: Autonomy, Resistance and
Sel f- Representation inCh iapas,
Mexico. At Traditions Cafe.

Every Wednesday
3-4 p.m. Jewish Cultural Center
in Lib 2129.
5 p.m. Coed Evergreen Wrestling Club in CRC 117. (Wednesday
through Friday)
6 p.m. The Improv Club meets
Wednesdays in Lib 1600. For
info: or

Every Friday
7 p.m. G.R.A.S. meets in Lecture Hall I for Anime Night!

Every Sunday
7 p.m. G.R.A.S. Anime Night
at in The Edge in A Dorm.



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the cooper pointdjou-rnal


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april. 29:, 2004



