The Cooper Point Journal Volume 29, Issue 6 (October 29, 1998)


The Cooper Point Journal Volume 29, Issue 6 (October 29, 1998)
29 October 1998
extracted text
Shake your groove thing, ooh yeah, shake your groove thing •


lEse officer jokingly displays firearm
Deadly Force Review Board convenes to display findings

Heat by Jen Blackford

by Mat Probasco & Greg Skinner

Staff writers

And il was in a night like this and at an unholy hour
you came to me like a demon
and whispered you would never go

On Friday, Oct. 16 Ihe Deadly Force
Review Board was convened by Vice President
of Student Affairs Art Costantino. This is the
first time the board ha~ been convened since
its inception in the spring of 1996.
As ofOcl. 9 TESC Police Services Officer
Bob Bird has been suspended with pay,
pending the findings of the internal Police
Service investigation looking into his improper
display of a firearm.
At approximately 9 p.m . on Sept. 24
Officer Bird removed his issued .40 cal. semiautomatic Glock pistol from its holster in the
presence of custodian Bonnie Griggs. Griggs
had been cleaning window~ in the Police
Services lobby when the incident occurred.
Griggs had playfully squirted at the officer wilh
her spray water-bottle. It was then that the
Officer removed and displayed his firearm in a
joking manner.
Griggs was stunned and exclaimed either
"What the hell do you think you're doing,
pointing that gun at my face?" as retold by
Griggs, or "Hey, don'l point Ihat at me," as
retold by sources close to the case. Realizing
his mistake, the officer then quickl y
reholstered his weapon.
Sixteen days laler in the early hours of
Oct. 9. Griggs contided in Police Services
Officer Lana Brewster as 10 whal had happened.
Griggs had not yet filed a report because of her
prior friendship with Bird. "I was in disbelief,
and scared," said Griggs when asked why she
did not come forward sooner, adding "I but II
knew something had to be done."

When I became aware ofwllO you were
vou left leaving a chill ill the air
and a fever ill p~aces long forgot/en
You stilllillgered somehow
wid I could hear your cries
Ecstasy alld terror I could no//eli which
New life we created alld murdered us aile
while the outside Iloises scraped harsh against our ears
alld the candles flickered ill ulld out
Dark desires ulld darker secrets intruded
so that you ran screamillg out my door.
chased bv SOllie hidden fear

I was in
disbelief, arld

Still YOII came back to my bed,
possessed In {/ feeling YOII Ileeded tv kllol1'
(llld we wl'rl' dril 'ell to madness ill (l sillJile 11/01'/'

sea red, [but] I

{)rl'ums becal/le I'isiolls of whaT cmtld III'Ver happell
YOII wOllld 1l0T CO/lli' buck /() /Ill' ill .l'ollrJlesh
Ollir spirits I/Iake lo\'e 10 tire dead

had to be

Ant! \\'(Jldd you call dowlI Oil he{lvell
to hrillg hack the hl/l/lallit\' rOil abandolled
l"hCII YOII leji /Ill' ill the lIight
The lIights {Ire 110 IOllger Ollr,I'
alld VOII have fOl/!,otlell promise to sta,'
and 'lleed to feel sO/lle hem

-Bonnie Griggs

El/lpty Feelings by Rickie Holt

At that point Officer Brewster, left a
memo for Police Chief Steve Huntsberry
disclosing what had happened. Inmosl cases,
when a police file is started, an officer is
assigned to collect evidence and statements
from those involved. However, in Ihis case,
Huntsberry took il upon himsclfto ('onduct an
internal investigation.
The ensuing investigalion involved
collecting statements trom bOI h Bird and Griggs
as well as one witness. The wilness had heard
what was said, but saw nothing orthe incident.
On Oct. 12 a written complaint was
signed by Griggs. This warranled the
continued internal investigation. On Oct. 15
official criminal charges were filed by Griggs,
warranting Thurston County Sheriff's
Department 10 be called in 10 impartially
invesligale. Brad Watkins was Ihe Sheriff's
Department investigator who reviewed the
case. The case was returned with no criminal
charges pending. This led back to a strictly
illlernal inveslig'llion.
Evergreen officers are allowed to draw
Iheir weapons only to protect Ihemselves or
others: to arrest or apprehend a person the
offi cer believes has cOllllllilled or has
atlellipled 10 commil a felony: or to prevcllt
escape (i'om an officer inlhese silualions. An
officer may draw his/her weapon as a show of
force if confronled wilh Ihe threal of deadly
force. An otlicer is not allowed 10 draw his/her
weapon to gain arrest or compliance unless
Ihere is a potenlially life threatening situation.
When asked if officers unholster Iheir
weapons allimes olher Ihan those sanctioned,
Huntsberry said that Evergreen officers do not,
and that during his investigalion "as I've looked

into it I've check with other agencies ... bUI I
could find no one, that I talked to, Ihat
experienced Ithis] type of incident, and Ihcre
really was not a bunch of precedent to it. I'm
sure it has happened, bUI I just couldn't find
any evidence of it lelsewhere]."
The elements of the improper display
incident that are in dispute, thaI is to say, are
not agreed on by both Griggs and Officer gird
arc as follows: whether the weapon was drawn
slowly and poinled away from Griggs, or iflhe
weapon was unholstered and pointed directly
at Griggs' head; whelher the incident took
place near the Key Issues/Parking desk or in
fronl of the Dispatch Officers' desk; and
whelher or not ;1casual conversation aboul all
unrelated topic took place bel ween Bird and
Griggs after the incident.
Huntsberry, in the next few days , will
share the findings of his investigalion with
Oflicer Bird and contemplate any disciplinary
action to be taken. Once that process is
complele the entire report will go to the Deadly
Force Review goard for review. The Board will
consider the findings to decide whether the
college's and Police Service's actions were
Ihorough and complete.
The board was sel up to revic'w "all
illcidenls when a lirearm is drawn, discharged
or displayed in a threalening mann er
(improper display), or any other Iype of deadly
force is displayed or used by a public safety
officer. .. and any other individual on campus·'
as slated in Ihe final report of the public safety
f)TF (Disappearing Task Force) May 24,19%.

See lI('xl issue [or li/rlller news ill the End
Ihe garrel deJic;lted to arming isslIes.


Time line of events leading to the convening of the
Deadly Force Review Board

I see the Laughter but I can not laugh.
I shed tears for those who do not see.
The joys and happiness others see in
me is nothing more than an empty shell,
like the pain that fills me.
All to real is the pain others have done

Key ·


Bob Bird:

Bonnie Griggs:

Lana Brews.ter:

Steve Huntsberry:

Evergreen Police
Services officer


Evergreen Police
Services officer

Evergreen Police
Services Chief





Are YoU tak;~ {vII O:l"anta~~
-t\-e nice. we a-tner




Bulk Pdtl

Olympi a, WA 98 505
Address Service Requested

Cooper Point Journal
CAB 316, The Evergreen
State College
Olympia, WA 98505


Po~ta'Je p,. (,

Olyn, picl, V'I;'

Permit No. C)


Stude~t Government

Flu, pneumonia shots offered
The Veterans Adminis tration Puget So und
Health Care System. in co njunction
.,.; ..••.. ~~_'/
with the Tumwa ter Disab led
'i=" "":.'~'"
America n Veterans 41 and th e ------ -' ..
America n Legion Post 166 will offer free Ou and pneumonia
shots. These will b~ ava ilab le fo r ve terans and th eir spouses on
Oct. 29 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Tu mwa ter America n Legion
Post 166. 5745 Littlerock Road. There will also be a free blood
pressure. blood screening and a regis tra tio n for med ica l care at
the V.A. Medi cal Centers.

Ceremony commemorates
Veterans Day
The public is in vited to attend a
ce remony on Nov. 11 to honor
the 25.000 vetera ns and th eir
fa milies li ving in the Th urston
Co unt y area. Th e cerem uny
begi ns at 11 a.m. unti l noo n at
th e steps to th e Leg islati ve
Building on t he Capi tol Campus.
It wi ll be he ld in tht· Capi tol
Rot un da if the wrather is
inclement. This vrar\ cere ilion),
wi ll include participation by Veterans Service Organizatiom.
Music wi ll be provided bl' the America n Legion Post 3 Ba nd.
the RiOe Squad by \'FW Post 31B and th e Cannon Salu te by
American Legion Post 16G.

1. Je n Blackford
2. Chris Butler
3. Joe Gros hong
4. Fait h Inman
5. Alex Jennings
6. Fatema Karim
7. Mac I.ojowsklB. Co rv MacDonald
9. Maggi e R;l ga tz



Not the achy-breaky heart
Every second Saturday. September th rough June.
an Olympia Old-Time Country Dance
will be held at th e South Bay Grange
fea turi ng musicians across the United
States as well as an experienced caller.
These dances are ope n to th e public, all
participa nts are taught each dance, and
fi rst-tim ers are made to feel welcome.
lIighli ghted this month at the dance
are musicia ns Stuart Williams, Na ncy
Ka tz, a nd Ri ch Levin e, with Sherry
Nevins calling dances. On Nov. 14, a
workshop will be held at 7:30 p.m. with th e dance
following at 8 p.m. Donations are $6 at the door and $3 for
se ni ors and peo ple aged 10-18 years.

This Monday, Nov. 2, Professor Sunera Thobani will be
speaking about th e global conditions of women in our
globalizing eco nomy. Professor Thobani is Ruth Wynn
Woodward Chair of Wo men's Studi es at Simon Fraser
Unive rsity in Va ncouver, British Colombia and the former
president of th e National Action Co mmittee on the Status
of Women (N AC) in Canada. She was also a member of
th e organizing committee for the Second International
Wo men 's Co nference Against APEC ( Asian Pa cifi c
Cooperati on) held last November in Vancouver. This
event will be held in the Library Lobby beginning at 12
p.m. For more info rmation, please contact the Women
of Color Coalition x6006.


Why study abroad?
Thl' ;-';a tional Sec uritv Ed uca tiull
Program (;-';SEI') i, now providi ng
opportunities for Ame ricans to
st udy ill reg ions criti ca l to U. S.
nationa l in te rests (excluding
Western Euro pe. Ca na da, Australia,
and :'>lew Zea land). Awa rd amounts
are up to a max imum 01'$8.000 per

Sl'llIl'ster or $16,000 per academic
year. Yo u must he a U.S. citize n and
cnro ll ed <IS all undergraduate at a
U.S. uni vl' llegc or co mlliun ity co llege. Sc h o l a r ship ~ are
for stu dy in Summer '99. Fa ll '00. and l or Sprin g '99. For
app lica ti ons contac t th e :'>lSEP office al (BOO) 618-NSEP or cma il at IJ scp( Dead li ne for app licati on is Feb.ll. 1999.


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Staff writer




Homeless young adults need
your help

Fall quarter enroll me nt at TESC is at an all· time high. 4.194,
up from 3 percent last year. The number ofstudents of color
has increased to 17 percent of the student population. from
637 to 700 students. Programs and courses aLI over calli pus
are fi lled to capacity. with science and technology programs
draw ing the 1ll0St. Even the fre shman reten tion rat e has
gone up 11 perce n I.


' ... 1 hank vou to nervonl' who appl l(·d.

Corporate globalization will try to pit women against each
other, particularly th e women in the North against the
wo men in the South. I think it's important for women :~
movements to say we not only reject theglobal corporate
agenda. we also reject being pitted against each other. Sun era Thoba ni

Evergreen Police
~~~!,~ first ~O~"~P,'~Odl''',"'W''"d'O'''' chief responds


Publi c Service
10/21 0630- Esco rt co mpleted on shift. (Brews ter)
1042- jumpstart in B-Lot (Talmadge)
1202- jumps tar t in CLot {Ta lmadge)
1202- um start in C-Lot (Talmad e)


LJOO- Veh ent ry in C-Lot (Ta lllladge )
1J39- Jum pstart in B-Lot (Tal madge)
1345- jumpstart in B-Lot (Ta lmadge)
1455- Esco rt completed 0 11 day shi ft (Talmadge)
1505- Jump start completed. C-Lot (Brewster)
1511- Jump start co mpleted, C-Lot (Brewster)
1600· jumpstart com pleted, B-Lot (Brewster)
2236- Unlock (Neely)
2238- Esco rt s (Neely) <7 cases>
10/22 1323- Veh entry in C- Lot (Talmadge)
1330- jumpstart in C-Lot (Talmadge)
1548· jump start completed, B-Lot (Brewster)
1707- Jump start co mplet ed . B-Lot (Brewster)
2235- Unlock (Neely)
2236- Escorts (Neely) <3 cases>
10/23 1018- j/S completed in F-Lot (Stretch)
1312- j/S completed at housing dorm lp (S tretch)
1534- jump start completed. F-Lot (Stretch)
1605- Jump start completed. C-Lot (Stretch )
1650- jump start completed, C-Lot (S tretch)
2230- Esco rts (Stretch) <8 cases>
10/24 0635- Esco rts (Eddy) <2 cases>
1500- Unlocks (S tretch) <4 cases>
10/25 1759- j/S completed in C-Lot (Eddy)
2045- J/S completed in C-Lot (Eddy)
2245- Escorts completed on shift (Eddy) <3 cases>
10/26 1935- jump start co mpleted, B·Lot (Neely)
1954- Veh. entry completed, C-Lot (Neely)
2245- Lock (Neely)
2245- Escorts (Neely) <9 cases>
10/27 0016- Escort (Neely)
0721- Escort completed (Talmadge)
1550- Jump start completed, B·Lot (Brewster)
1552 Veh. entr y unsuccessful , C- Lot (Brewster)
1717- Jump start co mpleted, C-Lot (Brewster)
1905- Veh. entry completed, C-Lot (Neely)
2235· Escorts (Officers) <9 cases>

the Cooper Point Journal

• 2•

.-_· __ ·_-_· __ ·········_-_··W

Last week we identified Rozey Catania as a first-year student. She is really a
• \V second-year student.
• ...a..l
In looking at this year's past issues, we noticed that we had two issue #2s. To
. • ~ rectify this error we numbered this issue #6 instead of #5.
The Anglo Jackson article in the Oct. 22 issue contained several errors. The
• f. time on the flier that Housing put out re ad 8 p.m. , the flyer put out by others read 7
• ~ p.m., and the actual starting time was at 8:30 p.m. Also, th e "possible arrests"
mentioned in the first sentence in the article was misleading beca use the drunk and
~ belligerent person who almost go t arrested th at night a t th e HCC was never
• It\ mentioned in the article. The author apoligizes for any feelings or realationships
• W that may have bee n hurt due to these errors.



October 29, 1998

Traffi c
10/21 1728- Boot assist co mpleted, F-Lot (B rewster)
[950- Boot assist co mpleted, B-Lot (Neely)
10/22 1724- Boot ass ist \Ompleted. B- Lot (Brewster)
1817- Citation issued for speeding, Pkwy/ McCann WA lic
temp plate (Neely)
2111- Citation issued for susp/ revoked driver lie. And
failur e to have proof of insurance. Pkwy (Neely)
2118- Citation issued for speedin g, Pkway/ Overhulse Rd .
(10/23. 10/24. and 10/25 no traffi c cases logged. jC)
10/26 1245· ...was cited for parkin g in a handicap zone
without an authorized placard or plate. (Me Hendry)
2009· Citati on iss ued fo r speedin g, Pkwy/ Overh ulse
2020- Verbal wa rning issued for speeding, Pkwy/ Overhulse
2035- Verbal wa rnin g issued for speeding, Pkwy/ Overhulse
2048- Citati on iss ued for speedin g, MOD parking lot
2257- Pkwy/ Overhulse ve rbal warning B/ O tail Its (Neely)
2307- Pkwy/ Overhulse verbal warning speed (Neely)
10/27 0002- Verbal wrng CA speed (Neely)
053 9· Cite- speed Pkwy/ McCann (Neely)
1910- Veh. booted in C-Lot (Bryce)
2024- Citation issued for fts, Driftwoo d and Overhulse
2232- Ve rbal wa rnings issued for speeding (Neely) <2
Shift Info/ Housi'ng! CUP Info/ Key Info/ Fuel Info
10/210000- Brewster/ Young on duty. All keys accounted
for. Te rry on callback for CU P. H 1/RA .... Tim H/
2RA .. .. Vita RMS....Kate

See BLOITER on page 1


compiled by JimmyCropsey

Stu ff
10/21 2043- (Na rcotics) Paraphenrn alia removed from
MOD... (Neely)
2300- (I nj ured Owl) Young owl new into window@CA B.
Recovered t r a n ~ p o r te d to Wes tsid e Animal Hosp it al.
10/22 0939- (Th eft ) of plant fro m LIB bldg (Talmadge)
10/23 0508- (Mal M i~c h ) Fire ex tin gui ~h e r and. beer
bottl es. and food items we re th row n fru lll Gth Ooor of ADorm (Neely)
1454- (Theft ) Sec case repo rt lor infu (S tretch)
2235- (l n ~ec ure) Part-time st udies office. LI B 3225 (Eddy)
10/24 1011- (Mal Misc h) Campus court esy phone and
lighting fi xtmes in th e HCC da maged (S tretch)
10/25 0131· (Fire Alarm) B Dorm 4t h noo r malicious pull
0200- (Ti me Change) Cloc k back 1 hr.
0119- (Distu rbance) J-Do rm noise/ belligeren t person
030G- (Fire Alar m) F Dorm malicious pull (Eddy)
0307- (Fire Alarm) B Do rm 2nd fl oor (Eddy)
1858- (Fire Alar m) QDorm 2nd Ooor (Eddy)
10/26 0800- (Ma l Misc h) Exterior window of ce ramics
studio da maged (Talmadge)
In5- (Cri minal Tresspass) Late Entry Violat ion. 1605
10/27 1340- (T heft) Of furn it ure fr om Housing
(Ta lmadge)

In the Ort. 22 issue of the CPJ , a letter to
Evergreen Police Services Chief Steve
Huntsberry appeared which addressed
concerns about how Police Services is handling
the case involving multiple thre ats to an
Evergreen student. The letter also contained a
list of demands and was signed by "Angry
students of Evergreen." Huntsberry contacted
the Cooper Point Journal to respond.
"There are some serious co mments in
there that should be addressed," Huntsberry
said early Tuesday morning, adding that all
Police Services investigations must follow State
and Federal standards. "If we could do like they
do on TV, we'd love to. But we'd be breaking
th e law."
That doesn't mean that action hasn't
been taken, though . "The Logical thing was to
find out who sentthe e-mail," said Huntsberry.
He told of how Police Services was aggressively
searching for the threatening e-mail's source.
They contacted Hotmail's offices in'California,
only to find out they needed a search warrant
to find out who has the account. Currently
Police Services is in contact with the
Prosecuting Attorneys office in consultation as
how to get the proper warrant for an e-mail
Huntsberry himself sent an e-mail to the
address on the "From{ line of the threats, only
to have it returned "Not Deliverable. "
The case is currently under investigati on
by three or more officers. There are theories

that th e address could be under a false name.
Huntsberry feels the case could quickly obta in
Felony crime status.
As for the location of th e note slid under
the victim s do o r, it's "in the ca se," said
Huntsberry. Thafs police talk for, "it's ill the
evidence file."
Why WOll 't the police do a finge rprint
check? The State Patrol Crime Lab won't do a
finger print chec k unl ess th e police h ave a
suspect , because they a re so bu sy. Po li ce
Services does n't have th e capability to do a
finger print check in-house.
In what ways have Police Services tried
to keep th e victim informed about th e case's
progress. Ironically enough, Lieutenant Russell
sent her an e-mail and Sergeant Eddy slid a
note und er her door. Well . the note was a
business card, but you see where this is going.
Huntsberry has also on several occations
contacted Mary Craven , Sexual Assault
Prevention Education Coordinator and
Advisor to the S&A Board. Police Services has
also worked with housing suggesting change
in residence, e-mail accoun t, and phone
"We are taking the steps in the directions
that will give us the quickest and best results,"
said Huntsberry, "Many people are working on
finding this person."
Something Huntsberry says he ha s
learned from this case however, is that "the
community aspect is ilt least as important as
catching the person. " That aspect is especially
crucial at Evergreen says Huntsberry because
of the campus's small size.

• ,.

The blotter has bccn split into fU lir parts. The lint is all the
miscellaneous stull'that goes 0 11. Then comcs puhlic sen'ice,
traffic, and fi nally ~en era l in fimTJa tion. Da tes arc ill bold.

by Mat Probasco
Editor in chief

• L

- I

Community Youth Services of Thurs ton Co un ty is starting
a tra nsit ional ho usin g prog ram, The RISE Prog ram
(Respo nsibility. Independence, Sup port. and Encouragement).
that will provide hous ing and support services fo r young adults.
They need the fo llowing ite ms to make this project a success:
Sin gle/do uble size beds, mi crowaves, co uches. li ving
roo m chai rs, coffee tab les. end tab les. li ving room lamp',
rad ios/cassette players/s peakers, te levisions, din ing room
tab les with at least fo ur ch airs .
vac uum clea ners. ga rb age ca ns.
sheets and pillow cases , blanke ts
and bed sp reads. alarm clocks ,
di shes , eat in g ut ensil s, glasses.
baking shee ts. pots and pans. towels
and wash cloths, hot pads. irons an d
ironi ng boa rds. coo king utensils .
serving boa ls. dish dra ine rs. toasters. food strai ners, bedroom
lamps, toilet bowl brushes. plasti c foo d storage contai ners ,
pillows, cookbooks. mi xers/blenders. measuri ng cups and
spoo ns. mops and brooms, dust pa ns, and games and puzzles
(with all their p i ec e~ ) .
If you can help. drop the items at the ir collection sit e
behind the Goodwill store in Lacey before Oct. 30. If you havc .
any questions please call Michelle Swope at 94 3-0780. x.641.

Two years ago there was a referendum at
TESC which offered three choices regarding
student government: an electronic government
based on e-mail. a forum model government, or
no government at al l. The voter turnout was
impressive and although there was no true
majority, the forum model received the most
overall votes. This was really incredible when you
consider that, in twenty seven years. Evergreen has
never had an undergraduate student government.
In the midst ofthe board of trustees elections last
yea r a recurring theme and concern was student
government, and it played a large role in the
discourse of the election.
As a resillt of all of this, students are coming
together and making student government a reality.
This week marks the third consecutive meeting of
students trying to implement a student
government. Th ese students are not only
interested and concerned about the absence of
student government here at the college, but th ey
are also taking a very proactive role and
maintaining a dialogue. The group is also
constantly making itself aware of the progressive
ethos of Evergreen at odds with the lack of
participation and involvement by students. The
discussion at these meetings includes aggressive
time lines, bylaws, mission statements, education,
and an overall consensus that student government
is necessary to balance an existing faculty senate
and curtail typical reactionary sentiments for the
betterment of the community. In short, th ese
students are making it happen.
At this point it is worth noting that this is
not the first tim e something like this has happened
at Evergreen. Students have come together in the
past, but only to go their separate ways at the

square one . Besides that , some of their
contributions, like a drum circle government, have
been questionable. However, there are some
notable distinctions between this yea r and years
past. The group this year continues to leave the
doors to their meet ings open, they have an
unprecedented pace and vigor, they have the
referendum to rely on, and while there could be
more students in attendance the group is devising
ways to bring "the mountain" to the student body.
Signs and fliers are visible throughout the
campus while informational pamphlets are soon
to come. Next week the group will be hosting two
open forums which will take place on Tues. Nov. 3
from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. and Thurs. Nov. 5 from 5
p.m. to 7 p.m. in the lobby of the CAB. In addition,
student surveys are in the works, a box will be
available in the third floor of the CAB to submit
written suggestions or input, and as always
Monday meetings at 4 p.m. on the third floor of
the CAB are open to all.
The group has devised a preliminary mission
statement which at the time of print reads, 'The
mission of student government is to be the vehicle
for assessing, implementing, and communicating
the general student will , synthesizing possible
solutions and informing students of issues
affecting them. The student government will serve
as a bridge between students and faculty ,
administration, and the Board of Trust ees.
Through communication and empowerment of
students the student government hopes to enrich
the Evergreen comm uni ty."
This preliminary miss ion statement comes
after only three weeks of Monday meetings, it will
be almost directly followed by forums, and displays
real direction. By all appearances it is starting to
look like student government will be a reality by
the end of year twenty eight.


CAB 316, The Everg reen State College, Olympia, Washington 98S05



Staff Writers: Nichol Everett, Maya Kurtz & Kevan Moore
Sra ffPhotographers: Josh Courteau & Nichol Everett
Lerters and Opinions Editor: David Simpson
Interim Copy Editors. Ray Ayer & Whitney Kvasager
Comics Page Editor.' Jason Miles
Calendar Editor: Aaron Cansler
Interim Newsbriefs Edito r. Jennifer Blackford
Seepoge Editor. Jimmy Cropsey
Sports Editor: Jef Lucero
Systems Manager.'Tak Kendrick
Layout Editors: Ashley Shomo & Suzanne Skaar
Interim Photo Editor : David Boudinot
Interim Features Editors: Michelle Snyder &Kathryn Lewis
Interim Arts & Entertainm ent Editor: Greg Skinner
Managing Editor.' Kim Nguyen
Editor in Chief- Mat Probasco
Business Manager: Amber Rack
Ass istant Business Manager: Carrie Hiner
Advertising Representative. Alicia Webber
Ad Design ers: Tan-ya Gerrodette & Jennifer Lauren
Circulation Manager: Maya Kurtz
Distribution Manager: Steve Hughes
Ad Proofer: Staff
Advisor: Dianne Conrad

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all CPJ mntributors retain the mpyright for their material printed in these pages
The CPJ is prinred every Thursday during fatl quarrer and weeks 2 through 10 winter and spring qUQrters.
The Cooper Poinr Journal is direcred, staffed, written, edited and distributed by the students enrotled at The
Evergreen State Cotlege. who are sotely responsible and liable for the producrion and conten t of the newspaper.
No agent of the cotlege may infringe upon the press freedom of the Coope r Point journal Oll ts studen t stalf
Evergreen's members live under a special set of rights and responsibilities. foremos t amo ng which IS that of
enjoying the freedom to explore ideas and to discuss their explora tions In both speech and p"nt Both institutIon·
at and individual censorship are at variance with rhis bas ic freedom.
Submissio ns are due Mo nday at noon prior to publication. and are preferably received on J S" d,skette In
Microsoft Word 6.0 form ats. E-mail submissions are also acceptable.
All submiSSions must have the author's real name and valid telephone number.

. October 29, 1998



Local currency supports community
Sound HOURS offer a way to spend money and keep it local
By Maya Kurtz
Staff writer

If you've been anywhere in Olympia
lately. you might have noticed signs in local
businesses that say, "We accept Sound
HOURS!" You probably wondered what they
were talking about. Well. Sound HOURS are
legal local currency; that is. real money that
stays in our South Sound communities. Sound
HOURS are both taxable and taxdeductible. If you've ever wanted to
get more in vo lved with the
Olympia comm unit) .
usi'ng SO llnd
HOURS is a
grea t way to
do it. Ifyou 're
an Evergreen
st udent who is
onII' here for a
yourself into
thinking that
So und HOURS
are not for you.
If you need a job
or some extra
money. Sound
HOUR S can fill
0 u t
yo ur
wall e t.
Just pay ten dollars to become a
member of the Sound Exchange Program (pick
up the HOUR Town Directory at the Food Coop and fill out the membership form) . They
will give you forty dollars in Sound HOURS and
two listings in their Town Directory for a year.
is figure outIfwhat
to 113ve
offer to
you call
babysit. run a computer, sew, drive a ca r. do yard
\\lork. build things. make jewelry, or even do
research. you can list your service in the Sound
Exchange Town Directory. Maybe you have a
unique skill that someone out there desperately
needs- check in the Directory under Goods &
Sprvices Wanted. People will contact you and
pay you in Sound IIOUR S for your work. while
vou will have forty dollars to spcnd in loca l
businesses or on oth er peopl e's Soulld
Exchange services.
Even if yo u don't want to become a
IIlcmber. you can still use Sound IIOURS . Tell
VOl\[ elllployer about Sound HOURS and ask
them if they will pay you (even partially) in
HOURS. Or ask for your change ill IIOURS

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when you shop at local businesses. Sound
HOURS are accepted at both Food Co-ops,
Garden Works, Blue Heron Bakery, Danger
Room Comic Books , The Farmers Market,
Traditions Cafe, and many other local
businesses. There are also lots of local nonprofit organizations, like Bread & Roses, that
accept IIOURS.

called inflation), the more Sound HOURS to work on such a successful project. I felt my
circulate through our community, the more effort made a big difference. Sound Exchange
they are worth. There is also generally less is really organized, which made working with
environmental impact when you spend Sound them fun instead of frustrating. I enjoyed it
HOURS. If you are using local people and so much that I'm doing it again this year!" Stay
businesses for all your needs, ideally there is tuned to the CPJ for a future article about the
less trucking involved and local resources are Holiday Bazaar.
If you have any questions about Sound
being used.
Local currency may seem HOURS, pick up an HOUR Town Directory at
revolutionary, but it's not a new the local libraries, Food Co-ops, and
idea. There are sixty other businesses, or visit the Sound Exchange
local currency programs ill the website at www.oiywa.llet/ visioll. Just
U.S., and 1400 worldwide. If remember: local currency only works when
there's not one there already. you accept it for payment and spend it, so do
go start a loc al currency your part!
hometown! If yo u want to
know a lot more about it,
go volunteer for Sound
Exchange. It's a nonprofit organization run
Getting involved:
entirely by volunteers.
They need people to do
Sound Exchange will be
anything from distributing
hosting a holiday bazaar in
Town Directories to public speaking
December. Check the CPJ
(training provided). They would also be stoked
for the time and date.
to get some Greeners in there under
internships. As all intern you could learn how
to run a small non-profit organization or how
More info:
to start a local currency program. Call Gail at
705-2527 or Kerry at 352-2767 for more
HOUR town directories are
available at local libraries,
Sound Exchange is currently planning
Food Co-ops and businesses
their Second Annual Holiday Bazaar. and they
or visit
also need lots of help with that. It's going to
happen sometime in the first two weeks of
vision on the Internet.
[)ecember. Kia Dallons. who volunteered for
last year's Bazaar, said. "It was really gratifying

A forest
I Journey


by Josh Courteau
contributing photographer and writer

With instructors Brian Price and Gabe Tucker, the core
level class "Forests: Human and Natural Communities" spent
four days in the northern Olympic Peninsula studying parts of
the Boreal Rainforest and Alpine regions of the Hurricane Ridge
area. With speeches from foresters and Department of Natural
Resources workers about lodging and forest management
practices, the whole week was a definite success.
One of the first stops on the way to the
northern peninsula, John Flurio ponders
existance and how he's gonna get down
while taking in the fresh sea air.


Sound HOURS are great
because accepting and spending them
keeps our money here, where we live. If you've
ever become annoyed with all thc chain stores
around. protest in a way that actually makes a
difference- stop shopping at those stores! Use
your Sound HOURS to support local people
and businesses. Our local economy will
become stronger and big corporations will be
begging for mercy! As the HOURS themselves
read, "In Each Other We Trust!" Unlike federal
money, which loses value as time passes (it's

~ .

And Now For A Paid Political Announcement!


"My experience at Evergreen taught me that you must respect those you work with and those in
society who need our extra help and assistance. Most people have their first interaction with
government through the courts, Many are at the lowest point in their lives. We need to be
sensitive and responsive to their situation and act accordingly in a positive and caring manner_"
McDonald traveled to Haiti in 1995 to assist the United Nations with rebuilding Haiti's legal system. In 1996
McDonald went to Sarajevo to work with the war-torn government of Bosnia in setting up a nation-wide
elections system. He was born and raised in Washington State and earned a Master's degree 'in Public
Administration from The Evergreen State College as part of the 25 1h Anniversary Class of 1997.
McDonald plans to set up his own version of Evergreen's "disappearing tasks forces" to consider ways to
make the office more efficient, technologically enhanced, customer oriented and a better working
environment for the staff. He will work with the legislature to make the position of County Clerk·nonpartisan. He will reach out to the community by providing educational pamphlets and community forums on
how the courts operate and receive community input He will work to improve the jury process and will
create informational brochures that are multi-lingual (including Braille)_

the Cooper Point Journal

October 29, 1998

One of the last stops on the trip, this recently logged
area is just one example of the continued logging
in the Olympic
forests. Note
the standing
trees surround
Zone. " Th is is a
de s ignated
buffer zone of
waterway to
prote c t from
erosion and
such. What a
way to end on
a high note.

Advising and Information
Fall Quarter 1998
BIG Machines

Academic Advising: Planning Sessions
Monday Nov 9
3-4 pm
Monday Dec 7
3-4 pm
Library 1505
MIT Admissions advising also available all other Mondays 3-4 pm_
Academic advising. Library 1401
Weekly Information Sessions: (drop in)
Every Wednesday
Noon-1 pm
Seminar Bldg, 4122

Sleeping Bags'
No Problem

lESC Graduate School and Internship Fair:
Friday Oct 23
Library lobbies

10 am-3 pm

For more information call Master in Teaching Program
The Evergreen State College (360) 866-6000 x.6181

It's amazing
what this
little thing
can do.

On November 3rd, VOTE GREENER! Vote McDonald your County Clerk.

Paidfor hy the McDonaldfor Clerk Committee, 120 State Ave. NE, #222, Olympia, WA 98501-2229 (R)

Brownstein, and instructor Brian Price ... you know.

Master in Teaching

"Patrick embodies all that is positive aoour government service. He will be an
outstanding County Clerk for the citizens of Thurston County. He has the technical
knowledge and administrative ability to make the Clerk 's Office a leader and example of
good, progressive, caring government". Ralph Munro , Washington's Secretary of State

Commcillirv !Ilvo!vemerrt:
./ TESC Alumni Board of Directors
./ Olympia Arts Commission Member
./ Olympia Film Society Member
./ NO' ON 200 Committee Supporter
./ Olympia World Affairs Council Vice President
./ Olympia Atmospheric Coalition Supporter
./ Common Cause Member
./ Coalition to Bring Peace and Justice to Northern Ireland
./ Endorsed, along with Democratic Congressional Candidate Brian Baird, by the Irish American Coalition
because of his strong support and effort to end employment discrimination and violence in Northern Ireland .

I mean, come on ... It is Evergreen. Maya Pierce, Gretchen

At a scenic overlook, David Stephens entices the local
wildlife with his PB&J lunch. Fancy eats.

~ Greener Grad Running for Thurston County Superior Court Clerk ~
Olympia resident Patrick McDonald, a 1997 Evergreen Graduate and 18-year resident of Thurston County,
is on your November 3'd ballot as a candidate for Thurston County Superior Court Clerk.

Awed by the mosses and mists, Rachel
Mitrani and the class meander
through the mystical rainforest . The
Pacific Northwest has some of the
most extensive Boreal Rainforest in
the whole world. And less than a three
hour drive from campus ... what's
stopping you?

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__ •••••••••••••••••••••••.•..•

the Cooper Point Journal

Odober 29, 1998






ongress shall make no law respecting an

establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom
of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the government for a redress of grievances."
- First Amendment, U.S. Constitution

Greeners react to proposed fluoridation
On Nov. 3, voters will decide whether or
not they favor the addition of fluoride to the
water supply of the city of Olympia. I live in
the Cooper's Glen apartment complex, which
utilizes water from the city. I also attend the
Evergreen State College, which utilizes water
from the city. However, I vote at the college
precinct (129), where this proposition will not
be on the ballot. If you do not live within the
city limits, you will not be entitled to vote on
the fluoride proposition but you may have to
live with the results if you use city water. Also,
if the fluoride plan goes ahead, ratepayers
outside city limits will have to pay for the
fluoride addition just like everyone else, even
though their voices will not be heard in the
There are three different chemicals that
can be used to add fluoride to the water supply.
They are sodium fluoride, sodium
silicofluoride, and hydrofluosilic acid. Before
these chemicals are added to water. all are

Why you should vote for Initiative 692

1) ''It :~.1 dJIIg'" Duh. Blit that doesn't mean
it's "bad" or espl'cially harmful. What exactly
is the point behind Slating "it's a drug"? This
statement fails to make a point. because people
safely use "drugs" on a daily basis. and man y
"drugs" are both Irga l and legilimate. Ca nnabis
should be. also. At Ihe same time, deadly and
addictive drugs rt'lIIai niegal and nobody tights
to challge their lega l stat liS. Why Ih e doublr

2) "It:~ illegal: "People actually use this logic as
a primary reason for it to remain illegal, but it
doesn 't present any helpful information. It
doesn't address the subject or its medicinal
qualities, therefore it is a useless argument. The
fact that it is illegal is unfortnnate. but why is
it illegal?
"II has 110 medicinal villue:"This statement
is outrageously false! Numerous studies have
concluded that cannabis is safe. effective and
lIIedicinally viable. Up until the time it was
overtaxed and eventually outlawed. cannabis
medicine was available over th e counter at
almost any drug store.


7) "II will cause an increase in crime:" The
opposite is true . Apparently some people
didn't pay attention to the effects ofthe alcohol
prohibition. Something prohibited, by law, is
cast into the realm of crime-not the other way
around. The prohibition of marijuana has
created a crime out of thin air. If coffee was
prohibited, those who possess and use it would
automatically be criminals; this doesn't mean
coffee is bad, that it causes crimes or that it
should be illegal.

"It causes brain damage, cancer, sterility and
birth defects:" Completely false. These
scientific failures are disguised as legitimate
4) "There is insuflient data aboul the effects of findings. meant to be scare tactics. In fact, Dr.
medical marijuana:" This statement is similar James Woodward testified, on behalf of the
to the last one The truth is there's more than American Medical Association, against the
enough information out there to make an prohibition of marijuana in 1937, but Congress
educaled decision. The problem is that the was lied to about the content of the testimony.
An ugly web of manipulation , lies and
pllblic is intentionally misinformed and misled
by tIlt." people who want it to remain illegal. selfish motives have kept hemp illegal for over
Pick up a copy of Jack Herer's The Emperor 60 years. Some people are afraid of its
Wears No Clothes to find a vast cornucopia of psychoactive properties because they don't
understand them and are ready to accept the
helpful information.
worst case scenario as true. Others fear its
5) "There's a .' y "thctic alternative to raw industrial app lications and instead of investing
l1Iarijllalla:"Doesn't this serve to suggest that in it and encouraging its use. they fight it and
marijuana has medicinal applications? There anyone willing to be associated with it. Fueled
is a synthesized version ofTHC delta-9. called by hysleria and sensationalism. opponents
Marinol, but it is only one of more than GO deciarr cannabis a "killer of youth" and "evil
theraputic compounds in marijllana. For the weed." Both are sadly misinformed ideas.
Personally, I am in favor of the
complete package. only Ihe rral thing will
suffice. And furthermore. ifwe're willing to usc
a sythesized version of something. why not the
natural original prodllct?
"/Iilments :lIId doses are 1I11defillahle :"
Untrue. They are defin3ble. but both ailmrnt s
and doses vary frulIl )Jl'fSlJlI 10 person.
Oppon ents are afraid l'\"('rvone will rOllle lip
with a terminal illness to be ab le to have


Fear is the real enemy
The rerent rash of rompletely juvenile
atll'lTIpt s to imtill fear at E"ergrcen has been
' lI ("Cl'~ sflll. Tn th at etfert. WlHlle n \\'a lk in lear.
other~ III an~("r. and ()th(' r ~ empowered . Men
;m' not til l' ~ourrl' 01 this prohlem. Women ;11"('
nol to hlallle. eit her. This is a probll'1II of our
,"r iet)'. Bevo nd our sexua I preferen ce lies a
greater beIng. a human pl'f'on. a phy~ilal bod\'
who has Ih(' ~anw righ t I(It'xist as VOll. and the
'3mt random properties ot this world that ha\'c
iliadI' him/ her subj ect to belie\'ed ideologies.
We ("an nnt deny the truth of this. Recentl y I
hea rd the lerm"person of two spirit s." a perfect
way (a lbeit a bit new-agey) to describe a state
of being. gay, or bi, but still a person. This leads
Ille to this statement: fear has no gcnder. Fear
alld anger arc nnt a man 's possession.
hirthright. or legacy. It is individual people
\\'ho (" h oo~c to attack a person. rape a person
(lor men are raped as women are, and more
often remain in si lence), or verbally assault a
p("[\on . VVhat we need to fight against is the
fear created by ignorance. For the ignorant it
i~ fright ening to realize that anyolle could be
gay. th at ~ t ereotypes are no longer a barrier to
~l'(lara t e. or identify. It is frightening that love
(\ex ual. spir itu al, alld emo tional) , ca ll

marijuana.This is not a sufficient reason to
make any given medicine illegal or unavailable.

transcend gender. Men are 1I 0t the enemy.
l\ \('n an' 0\11" brothers. t:lthers.lovers. and sons.
We cannot exdude thelll frolll speaking out
abollt their fears. issues. and the silence they
have beell t() rced int o by our society. Who
coullsels when a grown man gets beat en up by
his partller. or a yo un g Illan is raped. or a boy
is molested? This is sexual discrimination, not
gi\'ing them a \'oice. giving th em less support
in the community. and to make th em afraid to
interact with women both queer and straight.
Holding the door open is polite 110 matter what
gende r you prefer. Smiling is not a gender
specific art ivity. just as shaking hands is a sign
ofillit ial trust in a human being. You have to
be lolerallt of ignorance. Education comes
slowly and painfully for people. That does not
make it acceptable to torment individuals.
Learned and ingrained ideas die hard. The men
of the Evergreen Co mmunity are being
persecuted, judged for the actions of ignorant
individuals of th e male gender. Persecution
breeds isolation on both sides. Fear has no
ge nder. and its the mind and consequence of
the individuals' actions we need to address.


labeled as dangerous poisons, and two of them
indicate that they can be fatal if taken
in ternally.
For further information, you can check
out the following web sites:
You can also write to:
Olympia Citizens For Pure Water
2103 Harrison Ave. NW #2731
Olympia, WA 98502
The phone number for the Elections
department is (360) 786-5408. The phone
number for the Olympia Department of Public
Works is (360) 753-8468.

Newkirk L. Johnson

On Friday, Oct. 23, WashP1RG's Save
Our Wilds sponsored a rally at the British
Petroleum (BP) gas station at Harrison and
Division. Twenty-five students and
community members displayed signs and
chanted slogans urging BP, AReO, Chevron,
and Exxon to refrain from drilling in the
Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
The Refuge is a rich, biologically
diverse ecosystem that shelters a variety of
wildlife including musk ox. caribou, snow
geese, wolves, bears, and migratory birds.
Oil exploration and drilling in the Refuge
would seriously disrupt this pristine
wilderness. But many of those who attended
Friday's rally also support efforts to decrease
our gasoline consumption: most who
participated had taken the city bus from
Evergreen to Harrison.
As we inherit the work of previous
generations of co;servationists, the
responsibility of fighting to preserve our
remaining wilderness areas falls squarely on
our shoulders. If we allow the petroleum
industry to drill in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge, we will have four to six
months' worth of petrol. The cost, however,
is irreversible damage to one of the last great
untouched wilderness areas on earth, not to
mention further disruption of the world's
climate from greenhouse gases released by
fuel combustion.
Ironically, Bi> has conceded that global



"Free the seed"
Kevin Ward


October 29, 1998

climate change from fossil fuel emissions is
happening, yet it continues to seek possible
petroleum sources. In 1995, an international
panel of 2,500 weather and climate experts
concluded that human-caused Climate
change is already underway. However, most
major oil companies (except for EP)
continue to fund extremely effective
propaganda schemes to convince the public
that climate change is 'natural' and 'healthy."
But ifBP is truly concerned about its impact
on the environment, it will take a closer look
at the environmental effects of its oil
Instead of looking for potential fossil
fuel resources, the oil industry should
research sustainable energy production.
Currently, gasoline is heavily subsidized by
our governmen t; if these subsidies are
gradually phased out, there will be greater
incentive for oil and coal companies to turn
toward alternative energy sources.
Iapplaud those who participated in the
rally for supporting a worthy cause, and urge
others to do so as well. The economic
perspective of the natural world, which
greedily views nature in terms of potential
profits, is short-sighted and childish. It is
time for us to exercise a new respect for our
natural environment, to appreciate it in light
of its natural complexity and beauty.
Jeremiah Miller

I am afraid! Can someone please help them I do not believe that in the great
me? I don't think I will be able to afford safe democratic nation we live in today. I should be
water anymore, and there is so little I can do forced to abide by someth ing I. a registered
about it without you. I personally do not want voter. couldn't vote on. Maybe you too could
the fertilizer and aluminum industry's toxic make a friendly phone call to the city council
wastes in my water or accumulating in the (753-8450). Oh and by the way, if you
waters where I swim. Don't people deserve to accidentally swallow that three-centimeter
be able to choose if they want fluoride or not? squirt of toothpaste we use every day. you
Why couldn't we put in some kind of free should ca ll the poison control hotline, because
fluoridated water source at foodstores for those you just ingested fluoride. Have a good day.
who want it? Those of us that live on the and don 't forget to drink your eight glasses of
Evergreen campus are not allowed to vote on water.
whether our water will contain fluoride, but we
will be forced to accept what the Olympia City
Council decides. I have called them and told Justin Solondz

Defining rape is the
real challenge
This letter is my reaction to "Men Missed
the Point of Event" in the Oct. 22 edition of the
CPJ. I was one of those men who walked up to
the stage and said "rape is wrong." Ms. Russo
brings up a good point. In that brief moment
prior to my walking to the stage, I reflected on
the appropriateness of such action.
When Ms. Koestner first began to
articulate her thoughts of men coming up to
the stage and saying "rape is wrong," it
sounded like an appeal, urging the men in the
room to do just that. But, as I now recall in a
vague impression, the thoughts that followed
Ms. Koestner's initial "appeal" seemed to
contradict the notion that she was really asking
men to stand up and speak Ollt... so at that time
I did not.
But-and this is the point that Ms. Russo
elucidated-had I remained seated, the
implications of my non-a'ction were too grave ...
I had little choice in the matter-or, two bad
ones. The gentleman who took the mic, I don 't
doubt, had very good intentions. His level of
discretion was a bit amiss.
On behalf of myself and, perhaps, other
men in the room, I offer an apology. It was not
my intention to steal the show, disrespect Katie
and the women in the audience, bond with
males, nor pump myself up with the "penis
party." When I took the mic and said "rape is

BP vs. Alaskan Wildli,fe

Amy Loskota

the Coopel' Point Journal

legalization of cannabis hemp as legitimate
medicine , a viable natural resource and a
national cash crop, and would urge the rest of
the voting public to join the fight against a war
waged against the public itself. To me, the
prohibition of marijuana began a costly nowin-situation that has claimed hundreds of
thousands of lives and billions of dollars, all in
the name of public safety.
You don't have to simply believe me. You
could do the responSible thing and go look for
yourselves. I will include a list of legitimate
scientific studies about the effects of marijuana
and THC for anyone who wants to see the
primary documents for themselves.
Please make an educated decision Nov.
3. Vote YES on 1-692!
For more info consu lt these studies:
Costa Rican Study (1980), Report of Indian
Hemp Drugs Commission (1893-1894) , Siler
Commission (1930), LaGuardia Marijuana
Report (1938-1944), Shafer Commission
(1972), Canadian Government Study (1972),
Alaska State Comm ission (1989). California
Research Advisory Panel (1989), National
Academy of science "Marijuana & Health"
(1982), Ohio State Medical Society 15th
Annual Meeting (1860), Jamaican Study.
National Institute for Mental Heath (1968-74.
published in 1975)


Few folks favor the flavor of fluoride

Understanding medical marijuana
A tragedy that took place just over 60
years ago has yet another chance tor correction.
In less than a week, the (registered) voters of
Washington will decide the fate of Initiative
692: Medical use of Marijuana. 1-692 is a
thinned-out version of last year's legalization
If you look in the voters' pamphlet , the
arguments for and against are presented for us
plainly, yet the situation is frustratingly simple
and confusingly complicated at the same time.
Each side contradicts the other. One side says
marijuana is harmless, even helpful. and the
opposing side says it's deadly, causes brain
damage. has no medicinal value and would
only cause problems if it were legalized.How
could they both be right?
I have found , from personal experience.
that people are somewhat uneducated about
the facts and issues surrounding hemp and th e
cannabis prohibition . For example , mos t
people don't know the story of how hemp came
to be outlawed, or what hemp can do for us.
Many of us have grown up on the Drug War
propaganda presented to us throughout
school. and have come to believe it. Some of
us have our own first-hand experience with
marijuana itself, and tell a different story than
the Federal boogeymen and prohibitionists.
Like the Drug War propaganda. the
opposition to 1-692 relies heavily upon false
statements and faulty logic. I have listed a few
of the more common reasons people say hemp
shouldn't be available 11Icdicinally and Illy
personal rebuttal s:


wrong," I knew that to speak these words, and
thus mean what I say, was my sole intention.
To those who took offense, please understand
the difficult situation, and know that r meant
no disrespect and I tried to use my best
To say "Rape is wrong," in my opinion,
says very little ... I had this thought that
evening. Had the discourse during the forum
been of a nature less than dire, r would have
found the utterance humorou .~. To me, rape
being wrong doesn't need anyone to vouch for
it as such. The difficult issue is that of defining
"rape." That's a task that. to some, may seem
cut and dried. and to others, a very nebulous,
murky mess.
Rape can be as blatant as one person
using physical force to gain sexual access to
another. Or it can be as confounded as my
wife's refusal to take "no" for an answer. ..
should I have to beat her off me before I gain
protection from our laws? Should I even have
to raise my -mice? And what if! say "no" and I
mean no, I still get an erection and she needs
it... and so she takes it...
Definition is the problem. How could the
law, in this case, help me?
Ken Radin

Confessions of a straight guy
Hey everybody, it seems we have a
problem in our community. I'm sure most of
us would rather ignore this problem, but that
won't make it go away. Our problem is
homophobia. Last week, a student was
targeted for fighting for the acceptance of her
lifestyle. First, she was sent 200 e-mails of only
one word: DIE. Later, someone slipped a note
under her door that said: "If you're through
being mad, you can start being scared."
"If you're through being mad, you can start
being scared."
It could have been you. It could have been
anyone for any reason. And guess what kids, it
could happen here. At least at Evergreen we're
strong enough to take stand against it. So here
is my stand.
I'm a straight guy. White, Anglo-Saxon
and, as far as anyone knows, Protestant. In this
world I learned early that homosexuality and
masculinity did not mix. We figured that if a
man wanted to sleep with another man he
would have to be just like a girl, and if there is
one thing a man is not, it's a girl. Then, of
course, there's the idea ofsticking your pee-pee
up another guy's poop-chute. That's a hard one


to get over. Somehow, our idea of what it was
to be a man was threatened by homosexuality.
It was all about what some old wanker told us
what being a man was about. And, since other
people's opinions are always more valued than
our own, we went along.
While I'm on the subject, I can't tell you
how many times I've heard men here say that
all the women at Evergreen are lesbian feminist
man haters. For the record guys: just because
the girl you met in your seminar doesn't want
to sleep with you doesn't mean she's gay. It just
means she wants to be friends. Why do we have
such a hard time dealing with this type of
Anyway, homosexuals do not have a
problem. Heterosexuals have a problem. We
have a problem accepting the fact that some
people are madly and paSSionately in)ove with
people of the same sex. Love is not rational.
Love is magic! True love is so rare; who are we
to condemn it just because it doesn't fit our
conception' of reality?
There is also this idea floating around
that homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle. And
since it can be chosen, it can be unchosen ,

the Coopel' Point JOUI'nO/

especially with some good, old-fashioned,
Christian guilt. Well then, why not just choose
to be Muslim? Why not choose to bea Catholic
priest and practice celibacy for the rest of your
life? Or, better yet, why don't you choose to live
in a doghouse, change your language to various
intonations of the word "ruff," and develop a
taste for chewing on bones. These are not
lifestyles that are chosen lightly. They are
commitments of your whole being that have
serious disadvantages. Homosexuals can no
more choose to be straight than you or I could
choose to be gay. Understand?
I k~ow that most straight people don't
have a negative opinion of homosexuality, and
it is up to us to stand up to those who do. So
speak upl Don't let an ignorant bigoted joke
go by without telling them exactly what you
think of it. If you hear a slur yelled at someone
from a passing car, YELL BACK! And if your
uncle or your grandmother speak ill of your
homosexual brothers and sisters, then gently,
but emphatically, tell them you disagree. I
know it is hard to stand up alone against a
group, but think how much more alone
Matthew Shepard was.

October 29, 1998

Sebnem, I can't tell you how sorry I am
about what happened to you. No one deserves
to be treated like that. I wish that the people
who disagree with your lifestyle would just
leave you alone, but I guess that's not going to
happen yet. Thank you for your bravery. I
thank you for having the courage to live your
life as you choose and not how our society says
you should. Please, continue to live and speak
your truth.
And to that little boy (or girl, who
knows?) that thinks it's funny to slip
threatening notes under people's doors: Stop!
What you are doing is called stalking and will
send you to jail. You don't like queers? Fine.
Either keep your opinions to yourself or have
the courage to state your opinion in public.
Like I did. Like Sebnem did. Instead, in the
safety of anonymity, you have scared the shit
out of a woman you don't even know enough
to hate. Please, don't do it again.
Sean Rogers



. .


ongress shall make no law respecting an

establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom
of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the government for a redress of grievances."
- First Amendment, U.S. Constitution

Greeners react to proposed fluoridation
On Nov. 3, voters will decide whether or
not they favor the addition of fluoride to the
water supply of the city of Olympia. [ live in
the Cooper's Glen apartment complex, which
utilizes water from the city. [ also attend the
Evergreen State College, which utilizes water
from the city. However, I vote at the college
precinct (129), where this proposition will not
be on the ballot. [f you do not live within the
city limits, you will not be entitled to vote on
the fluoride proposition but you may have to
live with the results if you use city water. Also,
if the fluoride plan goes ahead, ratepayers
outside city limits will have to pay for the
fluoride addition just like everyone else, ev~n
though their voices will not be heard in the
There are three different chemicals that
can be used to add fluoride to the water supply.
They are sodium fluoride, sodium
silicofluoride, and hydrofluosilic acid. Before
these chemicals are added to water, all are

Why you should vote for Initiative 692

1) "It:~ a

drug'" Duh. But that doesn't Illean
it's "bad" or especially harmful. What exactly
is the point behind stating "it's a drug"? This
statement fails tu make a point. hecause people
safely use "drugs" on a daily hasis. and lIlany
"drugs" arc both legal and legitimate. Cannahis
should be, also. At th e same tim e. deadly and
addictive drug~ remain legal and nobody lights
to change their legal ~tatlls. Wh y the double

2) "It 's illegal:" People actually use this logic as
a primary reason for it to rcmain illegal, but it
doesn't present any helpful information. It
doesn't address the subject or its medicinal
qualities, therefore it is a useless argument. The
fact that it is illegal is unfortunate, but why is
it illegal?
3) "It has no

medicinal value: "This statement
is outrageously false! Numerous studies have
concluded that cannabis is safe, effective and
medicinally viable. Up until the time it was
overtaxed and eventually outlawed, cannabis
medicine was avai lable over the counter at
almost any drug store.
"There is i/lSuffient data about the effects of
IlIedical marijuana:" This statement is similar
to the last one.The truth is there's more than
enough information out there to make an
educated decision. The problem is that the
public is intentionally misinformed and misled
by the people who want it to remain illegal.
Pick up a copy of Jack Herer's The Emperor
Wears No Clothes to find a vast cornucopia of
helpful information.


5) "There's a synthetic altefl/alive to raw

marijuana:" Doesn't this serve to suggest that
marijuana has medicinal applications? There
is a synthesized version ofTHC delta-9, called
Marinol, but it is only one of more than GO
theraputic compounds in marijuana. ror the
rumplete package, only the real thing will
sumce. And fi.lrthennore , ifwe're willing to use
a sythesized version of something. why not the
natural original product?
G) "Ailme1lts aud doses ;Ire Ilndefinable:"

Untrue. They are definabk. but both ailments
and doses vary from person to person.
0Pllunents are alrair! everyune will COIllC up
with a tl'rminal illn ess to Ill' able to have

Fear is the real enemy
The re cent rash of rompletel y juvenile
attrilipts to instill fear at E\'ergreen ha~ been
\ucc('\sful. Tn that effect , wOlilen walk inlCar,
othcrs In anger. and others empowered. Men
arc not th e source of this problem. Women are
not to blame. eith er. This i~ a Ilroblem of our
\(K iet y. Ikvo nd our sexual preferen ce lies a
grratl' r bl'ing. a human pl' rson , a physical bod)'
who has t he same right to exist as I'ou . and thl'
~am c random properties of this world that have
made him/ her suhject to believed ideologies.
We canllot den y th e truth of this. Recently I
heard the terlll"person of two sllirib." a perfect
wa y (albeit a bit new-agey) to desuibe a stat e
of being, gay, or ui, but still a person. This leads
me to this statement: fear has no gender. Fear
and anger arc not a man's possession.
hirthright. or legacy. It is individual people
who choo~e to attack a person, rape a person
(for men are raped as womrn arr, and more
ohen remain in silence). or verbally assault a
p e r~o n . What we lieI'd to tight against is the
fear creat ed by ignorance. For the ignorant it
is frightenin g to realize that anyone could be
gay. th at \tereotypes are no longer a barrier to
, eparate. or ident ify. It is frightening that love
( ~ ('X u a l. spiritu al. and emotional) , call

transcend gender. Men are not the enemy.
1\,1('n are our brothers. !:llhcrs, lovers. and sons.
We cannot exclude th em from speaking out
about their fears. issues. and the silence they
have ueen forc ed into by our society. Who
counsels when a grown man gets beaten up by
his partner, or a young man is raped, or a boy
is moksted? This is sexual discrimination. not
gi ving them a voice, giving them less support
in the community. and to make them afraid to
interact with women both 4ueer and straight.
Holding the door open is polite no matter what
gender you prefer. Smiling is not a gender
specific activity, jllst as shaking hands is a sign
of initial trust in a human being. You have to
be tolerant of ignorance. Education comes
slowly and painfully for people. That does not
make it acceptable to torment individuals.
Learned and ingrained ideas die hard. The men
of the Evergreen Community are being
persecuted, judged for the actions of ignorant
individuals of the male gender. Persecution
breeds isolation on both sides. Fear has no
gender, and its the mind and consequence of
the individuals' actiuns we need to address .

legalization of cannabis hemp as legitimate
medicine, a viable natural resource and a
national cash crop, and would urge the rest of
voting public to join the fight against a war
7) "It will cause an increase in crime:" The
against the public itself. To me, the
opposite is true . Apparently some people
didn't pay attention to the effects of the alcohol prohibition of marijuana began a costly no·
prohibition. Something prohibited, by law, is win·situation that has claimed hundreds of
cast into the realm ofcrime-not the other way thousands oflives and billions of dollars, all in
around. The prohibition of marijuana has the name of public safety.
You don't have to simply believe me. You
created a crime out of thin air. If coffee was
do the responsible thing and go look for
prohibited, those who possess and use it would
automatically be criminals; this doesn't mean yourselves. I will include a list of legitimate
coffee is bad, that it causes crimes or that it scientific studies about the effects of marijuana
and THC for anyone who wants to see the
should be illegal.
primary documents for themselves.
Please make an educated decision l'\ov.
8) "It causes brain damage, cancer. sterility and
birth defects:" Comp letely false. These 3. Vote YES on 1-692!
scientific failures are disguised as legitimate
findings, mean'i to be scare tactics. In fact, Dr. For more info consult these studies:
James Woodward testified, on behalf of the Costa Rican Study (1980), Report of Indian
American Medical Association, against the Hemp Drugs Commission (1893-1894), Siler
prohibition of marijuana in 1937, but Congress Commission (1930) , LaGuardia Marijuana
was lied to about the content of the testimony. Report (1938-1944), Shafer Commission
An ugly web of manipulation, lies and (1972), Canadian Government Study (1972).
seliish motives have kept hemp illegal for over Alaska State Comm ission (1989), California
GO years. Some people are afraid of its Research Advisory Panel (1989), Nationa l
Il sychoactive properties because they don't Academy of science "Marijua na & Health"
understand them and are ready to accept the (1982), Ohi o State Medical Society 15th
worst case scenar io as true. Others fear its Annual Meeting (1860), Jamaican Study.
industrial applications and instead of investing National Institute for Mental Heath (1968-74,
in it and encouraging its use, they fight it and published in 1975)
anyone willing to be associated with it. Fueled
hy hysteria and sensationalism, opponents
declJre cannabis a "killer of youth" and "evil "Free the seed"
weed." Both are sadly misinformed ideas.
Prrsonally, I am in favor of the Kevin Ward
marijuana.This is not a sufficient reason to
make any given medicine illegal or unavailable.

labeled as dangerous poisons, and two of them
indicate that they can be fatal if taken
For further information, you can check
out the following web sites:

You can also write to:
Olympia Citizens For Pure Water
2103 Harrison Ave. NW #2731
Olympia, WA 98502
The phone number for the Elections
department is (360) 786-5408. The phone
number for the Olympia Department of Public
Works is (360) 753-8468.

Newkirk L. Johnson

climate change from fossil fuel emissions is
happening, yet it continues to seek possible
petroleum sources. In 1995, an international
panel of2,500 weather and climate experts
concluded that human-caused climate
change is already underway. However, most
major oil companies (except for EP)
continue to fund extremely effective
propaganda schemes to convince the public
that climate change is 'natural' and 'healthy."
But ifBP is truly concerned about its impact
on the environment, it will take a closer look
at the environmental effects of its oil
Instead of looking for potential fossil
fuel resources, the oil industry should
research sustainable energy production.
Currently, gasoline is heavily subsidized by
our government; if these subsidies are
gradually phased out, there will be greater
incentive for oil and coal companies to turn
toward alternative energy sources.
1applaud those who participated in the
rally for supporting a worthy cause, and urge
others to do so as well. The economic
perspective of the natural world, which
greedily views natUre in terms of potential
profits. is short-sighted and childish. It is
tjme for us to exercise a new respect for our
natural environment. to appreciate it in light
of its natural compleXity and beauty.
Jeremiah Miller

I am afraid! Can someone please help
me? I don't think I will be able to afford safe
water anymore. and there is so little I can do
about it without you. I personally do not want
the fertilizer and aluminum industry's toxic
wastes in my water or accumulating in the
waters where I swim. Don't people deserve to
be able to choose if they want fluoride or not?
Why couldn't we put in some kind of free
fluoridated water source at foodstores for those
who want it? Those of us that live on the
Evergreen campus are not allowed to vote on
whether our water will contain fluoride, but we
will be forced to accept what the Olympia City
Council decides. I have called them and told


.. ..0-' J

October 29, 1998

Justin Solondz

wrong," I knew that to speak these words, and
thus mean what I say, was my sale intention.
To those who took offense, please understand
the difficult situation, and know that I meant
no disrespect and [ tried to use my best
To say "Rape is wrong," in my opinion.
says very little ... I had this thought that
evening. Had the discourse during the forum
been of a nature less than dire, [ would have
found the utterance humorous. To me, rape
being wrong doesn't need anyone to vouch for
it as such. The difficult issue is that of defining
"rape." That's a task that. to some. may seem
cut and dried, and to others, a very nebulous,
murky mess.
Rape can be as blatant as one person
using physical force to gain sexual access to
another. Or it can be as confounded as my
wife's refusal to take "no" for an answer. ..
should I have to beat her off me before I gain
protection from our laws? Should I even have
to raise my voice? And what if! say "no" and I
mean no, I still get an erection and she needs
it... and so she takes it...
Definition is the problem. How could the
law, in this case, help me?
Ken Radin

Confessions of a straight guy
Hey everybody, it seems we have a
problem in our community. I'm sure most of
us would rather ignore this problem, but that
won't make it go away. Our problem is
homophobia. Last week, a student was
targeted for fighting for the acceptance of her
lifestyle. First, she was sent 200 e-mails of only
one word: DIE. Later, someone slipped a note
under her door that said: "If you're through
being mad, you can start being scared."
"If you're through being mad, you can start
being scared."
It could have been you. It could have been
anyone for any reason. And guess what kids, it
could happen here. At least at Evergreen we're
strong enough to take a stand against it. So here
is my stand.
I'm a straight guy. White, Anglo-Saxon
and, as far as anyone knows, Protestant. [n this
world I learned early that homosexuality and
masculinity did not mix. We figured that if a
man wanted to sleep with another man he
would have to be just like a girl, and if there is
one thing a man is not, it's a girl. Then, of
course, there's the idea of sticking your pee-pee
up another guy's poop-chute. That's a hard one

to get over. Somehow, our idea of what it was
to be a man was threatened by homosexuality.
It was all about what some old wanker told us
what being a man was about. And, since other
people's opinions are always more valued than
our own, we went along.
While I'm on the subject, I can't tell you
how many times I've heard men here say that
all the women at Evergreen are lesbian feminist
man haters. For the record guys: just because
the girl you met in your seminar doesn't want
to sleep with you doesn't mean she's gay. It just
means she wants to be friends. Why do we have
such a hard time dealing with this type of
Anyway, homosexuals do not have a
problem. Heterosexuals have a problem. We
have a problem accepting the fact that some
people are madly and passionately in love with
people of the same sex. Love is not rational.
Love is magic I True love is so rare; who are we
to condemn it just because it doesn't fit our
conception' of reality?
There is also this idea floating around
that homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle. And
since it can be chosen, it can be unchosen,

especially with some good, old-fashioned,
Christian guilt. Well then, why not just choose
to be Muslim? Why not choose to be a Catholic
priest and practice celibacy for the rest of your
life? Or, better yet, why don't you choose to live
in a doghouse, change your language to various
intonations of the word "ruff," and develop a
taste for c~ewing on bones. These are not
lifestyles that are chosen lightly. They are
commitments of your whole being that have
serious disadvantages. Homosexuals can no
more choose to be straight than you or I could
choose to be gay. Understand?
I know that most straight people don't
have a negative opinion of homosexuality, and
it is up to us to stand up to those who do. So
speak upl Don't let an ignorant bigoted joke
go by without telling them exactly what you
think ofit. If you hear a slur yelled at someone
from a passing car, YELL BACK! And if your
uncle or your grandmother speak ill of your
homosexual brothers and sisters, then gently,
but emphatically, tell them you disagree. I
know it is hard to stand up alone against a
group, but think how much more alone
Matthew Shepard was.

AIlly I.oskota

the Cooper Point Journal

them I do not believe that in the great
democratic nation we live in today, I should be
forced to abide by something I, a registered
voter, couldn't vote on. Maybe you too could
make a friendly phone call to the city council
(753-8450). Oh and by the way, if you
accidentally swallow that three-centimeter
squirt of toothpaste we use every day, you
should call the poison control hotline, because
you just ingested fluoride. Have a good day,
and don't forget to drink your eight glasses of

Defining rape is the
real challenge
This letter is my reaction to "Men Missed
the Point of Event" in the Oct. 22 edition ofthe
CPJ. I was one of those men who walked up to
the stage and said "rape is wrong." Ms. Russo
brings up a good point. In that brief moment
prior to my walking to the stage, I reflected on
the appropriateness of such action.
When Ms. Koestner first began to
articulate her thoughts of men coming up to
the stage and saying "rape is wrong," it
sounded like an appeal, urging the men in the
room to do just that. But, as I now recall in a
vague impression, the thoughts that followed
Ms. Koestner's initial "appeal" seemed to
contradict the notion that she was really asking
men to stand up and speak out... so at that time
I did not.
But-and this is the point that Ms. Russo
elucidated-had I remained seated, the
implications of my non-action were too grave ...
I had little choice in the matter-or, two bad
ones. The gentleman who took the mic, I don't
doubt, had very good intentions. His level of
discretion was a bit amiss.
On behalf of myself and. perhaps, other
men in the room, [ offer an apology. It was not
my intention to steal the show, disrespect Katie
and the women in the audience, bond with
males, nor pump myself up with the "penis
party." When I took the mic and said "rape is

BP vs. Alaskan Wi.ldlife
On Friday, Oct. 23, WashPIRG's Save
Our Wilds sponsored a rally at the British
Petroleum (BP) gas station at Harrison and
Division. Twenty-tive students and
community members displayed signs and
chanted slogans urging BP, ARCO, Chevron,
and Exxon to refrain from drilling in the
Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
The Refuge is a rich, biologically
diverse ecosystem that shelters a variety of
wildlife including musk ox. caribou, snow
geese, wolves. bears, and migratory birds.
Oil exploration and drilling in the Refuge
would seriously disrupt this pristine
wilderness. But many of those who attended
Friday's rally also support efforts to decrease
our gasoline consumption: most who
participated had taken the city bus from
Evergreen to Harrison.
As we inherit the work of previous
generations of conservationists, the
responsibility of fighting to preserve our
remaining wilderness areas falls squarely on
our shoulders. [f we allow the petroleum
industry to drill in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge. we will have four to six
months' worth of petrol. The cost, however,
is irreversible damage to one ofthe last great
untouched wilderness areas on earth. not to
mention further disruption of the world's
climate from greenhouse gases released by
fuel combustion.
Ironically, BF has conceded that global


Few folks favor the flavor offluoride

Understanding medical marijuana
A tragedy that took place just over 60
years ago has yet another chance tor correction.
In less than a week, the (registered) voters of
Washington will decide the fate of Initiative
692: Medical use of Marijuana. 1-692 is a
thinned-out version of last year's legalization
If you look in the voters' pamphlet, the
arguments for and against are presented for us
plainly, yet the situation is frustratingly simple
and confusingly complicated at the same time.
Each side contradicts the other. One sidc says
marijuana is harmless, even helpful, and the
opposing side says it's deadly, causes brain
damage, has no medicinal value and would
only cause problems if it were legalized. How
could they both be right?
I have found, from personal experience,
that people are somewhat uneducated about
the facts and issues surrounding hemp and the
cannabis prohibition. For example, most
people don't know the story of how hemp came
to be outlawed, or what hemp can do for us.
Many of us have grown up on the Drug War
propaganda presented to us throughout
school, and have come to believe it. Some of
us have our own first-hand experience with
rnarijuana itself. and tell a different story than
the Federal hoogeymen and prohibitionists.
Like the Drug War propaganda, the
opposition to 1-692 relies heavily upon false
statements and fault y logic. I have listed a tew
of the more common reasons people say hemp
shouldn 't be available medicinally and my
personal rebuttals:


the Cooper Point Journal

October 29, 1998

Sebnem, I can't tell you how sorry [ am
about what happened to you. No one deserves
to be treated like that. I wish that the people
who disagree with your lifestyle would just
leave you alone, but I guess that's not going to
happen yet. Thank you for your bravery. I
thank you for having the courage to live your
life as you choose and not how our society says
you should. Please, continue to live and speak
your truth.
And to that little boy (or girl, who
knows?) that thinks it's funny to slip
threatening notes under people's doors: Stop!
What you are doing is called stalking and will
send you to jail. You don't like queers? Fine.
Either keep your opinions to yourself or have
the courage to state your opinion in public.
Like I did. Like Sebnem did. Instead, in the
safety of anonymity, you have scared ,he shit
out of a woman you don't even know enough
to hate. Please, don't do it again.
Sean Rogers



eti <ities


Welcome to the real world, Sebnem Pura
motivated your harasser. The story as I know
it is that there were several individuals poking
fun at a demonstration that your were speaking
by Jason Korneliussen
at. Your statement concerning the situation
Staff Writer
was, "Some people were laughing and making
Welcome to the real world, Ms. Sebnem stupid comments. I was mad in the mic. These
PIlfJ. How do you feel now that you 've had your people were pissing me off." After the rally you
first taste of real political activism? Judging confronted three males who were chuckling at
from the letter that you and several equally signs that you had made, and they reacted in a
angry students sent to both Steve Huntsberry, questionable manner. Personally, I am shocked
Chief of Police, and the Cooper Point Journal and appalled at your behavior. Do your feel that
last week-not very good. The letter harshly you have the right to voice your opinion on
criticized the TESC police services, urging political issues, while others must keep their
them to "recognize the significance of their comments to themselves? I do not agree with
inaction," and also questioned their ability to the behavior of these three men, but it seems
ensure the safety of the Evergreen community. to me that by approaching them you were
You demanded that the police make an effort placing yourself in a potentially dangerous
to bring your oppressor to justice, and that situation. One of the first lessons that one must
learn when taking part in
they take steps to
governmental activism,
guara ntee your safety.
Ms. Pura, is that not
Well, I'm here to tell you
There are people out everyone
is going to agree
that it's time to toughen
you have to say.
up a little bit if you want
the case, there
to be a player in th e
need for
game of civil protest.
reasoned with ... As an rallies in thenofirst
You claim to have
Yes" they disrespected you,
been threatened by 200
e-mails reading "Die activist you will have to and yes, they were acting
Pura," and a letter
deal with these
slipped under your door individuals on a regular
reading "if you're done
change them?
being mad, you can start
For an example of
to be scared." I'm sorry
a great political leader,
to say it , but those, dear
KingJr. He stood by
girl, are hardly threats. Technically speaking.
adversity than
the phrase "Die Pura" is a command. not a
can guarantee
<;taternent of intent. Had the e-mails sa id "You
will die at my hands , Pura," I might you that he dealt with more than a few
sympathize with you. As for the letter delivered chlll'k lin g morons. Dr. King's life was
to your apartment. it was abo ambiguously threatened. his windows srllJshed wi th bricb,
worded. It tells you to start getting sca red , but and his lawn decorated with burning crosses,
of what? Global warming? Nudl'ar holocaust'! but did he ever run to th e police for hdp? ]\;0.
A particularly harsh winter? t\t no point do e~ hl' did not. The police were against both him
the rn e'>sage mention anything about the ant;! his mOVl'ml'nt . and he spent a night or two
aut hor 's intent to end your life . You are ill jail himself. You sec, Dr. King knew that the
jumping to conclusions when you state that people who threat encd and oppressed him
were nothing 1Il0re than rowardly and
your lire has been threatened.
You must also ask yourself what it is that uninformed fools. too scared to do much more


We all need to stand
firmly againt bigotry
I am writing this letter to th e CPJ to
ex press my anger at the disgusting incidents
of homophobia that I have been reading about
in the CPJ. I don't live or take classes in
Olympia so I haven't seen any of this in prrson,
but I am part of the Evergreen communit y as I
go to tht' Tacoma Campus. and I feel that this
ca n't be glossed over.
I have no doubt that the obviom gay
bashing statements on campus are a sign of
internalized homophobia on the part of the
student body at large. and this needs to be
discussed in the class room semi nars and
campus groups at Evergreen. Nor would Isay I
am exempt from all this. I have been working
on issues of racism and sexism within the white
male commun it y, as an activist, but I really
haven't made an attempt to speak out publicly
against homophobia. I need to change this.

It also angers me that after the devilish
MURDER of Matthew Shepard; the campus
administration did not step up and have the
responsibility to fly the black nag. I agree
strongly with Ri Sullivan and Courtney Aiken 's
assertio n that "people operate under the
illusion of accepta nce ... Essentially we have to
wait for an Evergreen student to be killed to
get that flag hung." This is wrong!
As the loving and extremely respecting
brother of my beautiful sister who is gay, I am
scared and angered that she could be killed by
the same forces of ignorance that led to the
MURDER of Matthew Shepard!
We must, as a student body, speak out
aga inst homophobia on campus, and discuss
our own internalized scareotypes.
Noah Prince

than talk. In the end, he might have died for
his cause, but it was something that he believed
in enough to do so. Can you say the same?
This column is not meant as an attack
against you, Ms. Pura. It is merely intended to
both warn and inform. There are people out
there who are simply incapable of being
reasoned with. People who chuckle at signs and
mock protesters. People who are all talk, and
no action. As an emerging political activist you

What an interesting letter coming from
a person with privileges. Even though I
accept your welcome, I wonder ~ow much
you would know about the real world, since
you are the one with privileges. I also wonder
why you assumed that this was my first
political activism. You do not know what I
have been through or what I stand for. You
do not know what it means to be a woman
of color-when you are a person of color,
everything you do is an act of political
activism . .
Yes, Dr. King was a great leader.
However, while you laud his conviction, you
implicitly suggest that I would not stand fully
by my beliefs. You have no way of knowing
what adverSity I have or have not faced, and
I question your condescension and your
assumptions.1Wenty years have passed since
Dr. King was murdered, and society has seen
many changes, but one thing remains the
same: we still must fight continually, not
only to preserve, but to obtain, our civil
rights. We should remember Rosa Parks,
Lucretia Molt, Carrie Chapman Calt, Caesar
Chavez, Medgar Evers, and many others. We
should honor aU those who have fought, al!d

who continue to fight for civil rights, not just
those who have died for that cause. Do I
have to die for my cause to be treated with
the basic respect I should be afforded on the
basis of our common hwnanity?
As for the technicalities of the phrase
"Die Pura," you claim that it is a command,
not a statement of jntent. A command,
however, is an order. There is very little
difference between saying "Die Pura" and
" will die." The letter slipped under
my door, which you claim was worded
ambiguously, 'becomes more clear when
considered contextually. In the past few
weeks, college students nationwide have
been threatened, stalked, harassed, beaten,
and murdered, merely for their convictions.
Considered in this ligQt, whether or not I
jumped to conclusions is a non-issue.
Furthermore, you suggested that I
placed myself in a "potentiaUy dangefous
situation." What was the stereotype again?
Girls are not supposed to be outspoken I I
can go on and pick apart your letter, but I
have far more important things to do,
Sebnem Pura

Bimonthly paychecks
for student workers
To: Art Costantino
CC: Jane Jervis, Ruta Fanning, Laura
Grabhorn, Lee Hoemann, Alan Parker, Dan
Barbara Berguist, Sarah Ryan, Rob Knapp,
Peter Bohmer, Larry Mosqueda, Matt Smith,
Rita Pougiales, Jose Gomez,Therese Saliba,
Ann Fischel, Alire Nelson, Tom Womeldorff,
Allen Whitehead, The Labor Center, The
Cooper Point Journal
From: The Union of Student Workers (x- 6098)
Re: Meeting
Upon receiving the revised list of student
affairs goals, we were happy to see that student
worker paychecks is listed as an issue to be

How to sub mit·

Please bring or address all responses or other fonns of commentary
• to the Cooper Point Journal office in CAB 316. The deadline is at 1
p.m. on Monday for that week's edition. The word limit for responses is 450 words; for commentary it's 600 words.
The CPJ wants to use as much space as possible on these pages for letters and opinions. Therefore, in practice, we have
allowed contributors to exceed the word limit when space is available. When space is limited, the submissions are prioritized
according to when the CPJ gets them. Priority is always given to Evergreen students.
Please note: the CPJ does not check its e-mail daily; the arrival of e-mailed letters may be delayed and may cause the
letter to be held until the following issues. We will accept typed or handwritten submissions, but those provided on rusk are
greatly appreciated.

All submissions must have the author's name and a phone number.
the Cooper Point Journal

will have to deal with these individuals on a
regular basis, but you must remember to use
your head! By criticizing them for speaking
their opinions, are you not infringing on their
First Amendment rights? The day that we are
prohibited from laughing at protesters and
telling them to "die" or "go to hell" is the day
that we are no longer free .
Iwish the best in the future, and ardently'
support both you and your cause.

October 29, 1998

addressed during the 1998-1999 academic
year. We recognize that the change to bimonthly paychecks for all student workers of
The Evergreen State College campus will take
time and careful planning, therefore we feel
that we should meet with you soon to ensure
that we have adequate time this year to make
actual progress on the issue.
We would like to hold a meeting at 2 PM
on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 1998. We, student
workers and supporters, would like to meet
with you, Art Costantino, Jane Jervis, Rutta
Fanning, and Laura Grabhorn, as well as any
other administrator who might be
instrumental in instituting the twice a month
paycheck change.
Please get back to us as soon as possible.
We will be coming to you with concrete
proposals and hope this meeting will make it
possible for us to illuminate exactly how this
change will be executed. Consequently, we will
be able to focus our energy on the next stages
in the process.
In solidarity,
Becka Tilsen and active members of the Union
of Student Workers

Racism happens when we dont talk
learn this in our history textbooks. Instead we
learn that George Washington and a bunch of
other white men worked hard to build the
At Evergreen I think there's the tendency current capitalist, patriarchal, racist society
to think that racism and other forms of that we live in today. If we open our eyes to the
oppression don't exist. Unfortunately that isn't reality that surrounds us we will see that the
true . Racism, sexism, classism, and exploitation, the stealing, and the slavery still
heterosexism are all a part of American society, exist. The clothes we wear, made by women
which the majority of people at Evergreen have and children getting paid $5 a day:
been raised in. The foundation of the United Exploitation. What about the people that we
States was built by the exploitation of people, hear on the other end of the phone line when
stolen land, and slave labor. Stolen land from we're booking our flights to visit our parents:
the Native Americans, slave labor of African prisoners who are modern day slaves because
peoples forced to come here, and the · it's legal (take a look at the 13th Amendment
exploitation of immigrants that were coming of the constitution for more on this). Who
\lere for the "amerikkkan dream." Yet we don't makes up the majority of the prison

by Jen Bowman
-contributing writer

population? Women and people of color.
How does the above paragraph make you
feel? You may even wonder what it has to do
with Talking About Race. That's where the
group comes in. Three years ago, Talking
About Race was created after Day of Absence,
which is when all of the people of color leave
campus to make our absence/presence known.
The group focuses on challenging ourselves on
the effects that a white supremacist ideology
has had on all people, not just white people but
also people of color. To challenge this ideology
means starting a dialogue within ourselves and
with other people.
Last year Talking About Race cosponsored Reflections, a hip-hop, spoken word

celebration commemorating prominent civil
rights leaders. This year we plan on cosponsoring The Healing Racism workshop, an
intensive anti-oppression workshop.
Presently, Talking About Race is going
through a transition. This year I want to make
this group one that challenges all forms of
oppression, not just racism; as a black, working
class, radical, lesbian feminist I cannot separate
the effects that other oppressions have 011 my
life. We invite you to come and make yourself
part of this dialogue and transition. Talking
About Race's next meeting is Nov. 4 at 3:30
p.m. in the Longhouse, room 1007C.

A cozy nook called the Bike Shop
by Jennifer Murphy

Contributing writer
Are you in the CAB right now? If you're
in the CAB on the second floor take a look over
above the elevator. If you're in the CAB on the
third floor don't try bending over the railing
to see the sign, because you'll fall; just go down
to the second floor. Have YOll noticed that sign
before? Have you wondered why there's a big
hole in it? Me too. Anyway, that's the sign that
points your way tothe magical world ofTESC
Bike Shop. Take the elevator down to the
basement. Don't worry, you're justified: it's
kind of hard to find the stairs down, so you're
not being lazy or wasting electricity by taking
the elevator. Later, when you're more familiar
with the dungeonous, tunnel infested
basement go ahead and use the stairs. Exit the
elevator and take a right and you're there.

Picture it! Bright clean white lights
flooding overhead. Rows of work benches
precisely arranged for maximum efficiency,
and upon those benches every state of the art
tool imaginable, neatly lain out for easy
location and accessibility with round the clock
teams ofengineers in lab coats ready to service
your bicycle and charge you your first born son
or something of roughly equivalent value for
repairs and routine maintenance.
Well, that's nothing like our actual bike
shop. I just thought it would be a nice little
visualization exercise.
The Bike Shop is actually a cozy little
nook, with lots of tools and most of the
essential replacement parts that will get YOIl
and your bicycle back on the go after you've had
a minor fender bender or a teeny little
neglectful spell. If your bike is in the back yard
with flat tires and a chain that has rustily

congealed into one piece and dandelions
gro wing up through the pedals, then this refers
to you.
The catch is: you have to do t he work
yourself Sure, the volunteer on duty might be
able to offer some sage advice, "Righty tighty,
lrfty loosey. Except for one of the pedals. I'm
not sure which one. Oh and there's a couple of
other exceptions. But almost always righty
tighty." But even if the volunteer can 't help
you, she can definitely direct you to Bartlett's
Manual. Your heart should flutter with
reverence when you hear this title, similar to
the reaction you might have when hearing
Merck Index or The Joy of Cooking. The
manual is difinitive, easy to read, and it has
everything you could want to know about
fixing your bike. Unfortunately, it's also in a 3ring binder format, but pretend it's not 'cause
you can't "borrow" anything from it even for a

Bikes fixed
for free?

t though
t outtruing
of your
head. an
iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiii••iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil second.
assortment of wrenches, and other neat tools,

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some of them quite unidentifiable. If you need
to replace a part on your bike but can't find
anything suitable we can often order parts
from catalogues and offer them to you for far
less than most bike repair businesses. All that
is required to use the bike shop is a
membership. $5 will get you a quarter long
membership card, $2 will allow you to use the
Shop for a day and we accept donations for
used parts or if you're just feeling particularly
generous. If you're a volunteer, signing up and
showing up for your two hour shift every week,
you have free access to the Bike Shop 24 hours
a day.
Don't be afraid to look around the Bike
Shop. It's an experience similar to rummaging
around Grampa's attic, complete with dust and
grime and nostalgic aromas_ Dig in the old
parts boxes (you've had your tetnus shot,
right?) One blue-haired volunteer can even
show you how to make jewelry out of old parts
if you can catch him while he's in.
There are tons of old frames and .crank
shafts, boxes of old saddles, wheels and hubs
and spokes and tires new and old. There are
rusty old Huffy parts, slick Shimano derailers,
and halfbaked chopper monstrosities waiting
patiently for the day when they will be ridden
around red square.
So come on down. If the door's closed
check the volunteer schedule to see when it will
be open. If it's open walk right in and make
yourself comfortable. It's always warm because
we're right next to the boiler and we have a big
cozy orange couch , a tape player (which makes
everything sound low because it plays too
slowly but it doesn't eat tapes) and a radio with
great reception of KAOS. What ambiance!
One more exciting fact: the all natural
goop that we have for getting most of the grease
off skin (nothi1Jg gets it all) leaves your hands
smelling like oranges I

Hey, hey!
What's shaking
in your neck oj
the woods?
would like
members ojthe Evergreen
community to know about?
Submit an article to the
CPj's Student Activites
page and let your message
be heard! I mean read.



-t- s


Welcome to the real world, Sebnem·Pura
motivated your harasser. The story as I know
it is that there were several individuals poking
fun at a demonstration that your were speaking
by Jason Korneliussen
at. Your statement concerning the situation
Staff Writer
was, "Some people were laughing and making
Welcome to the real world, Ms. Sebnem stupid comments. I was mad in the mic. These
Pura. How do you feel now that you've had your people were pissing me ofr" After the rally you
first taste of real political activism? judging confronted three males who were chuckling at
from the letter that you and several equally signs that you had made, and they reacted in a
angry students sent to both Steve Huntsberry, questionable manner. Personally, I am shocked
Chief of Police, and the Cooper Point journal and appalled at your behavior. Do your feel that
last week-not very good. The letter harshly you have the right to voice your opinion on
criticized the TESC police services, urging political issues, while others must keep their
them to "recognize the significance of their comments to themselves? I do not agree with
inaction," and also questioned their ability to the behavior of these three men, but it seems
ensure the safety of the Evergreen community. to me that by approaching them you were
You demanded that the police make an effort placing yourself in a potentially dangerous
to bring your oppressor to justice, and that situation. One of the first lessons that one must
learn when taking part in
they take steps to
governmental activism,
guarantee your safety.
Ms. Pura, is that not
Well, I'm here to tell you
There are people out everyone
is going to agree
that it's time to toughen
you have to say.
up a little bit if you want
the case, there
incapable of being
to be a player in the
need for
game of civil protest.
reasoned with ... As an rallies in thenofirst
You claim to have
been threatened by 200
e-mails rea din g " Die
Pura, " and a letter
deal with these
slipped under your door individuals on a regular
reading "if you're done
change them?
being mad , you can start
For an example of
to be scared." I'm sorry
political leader,
to say it, but those, dear
He stood by
girl, are hardly threats. Technically speaking,
the phrase "Die Pura" is a command. not a
statement of intent. Had the e-mails said "You you can possibly imagine, and I can guarantee
will die at my hand s, Pura ," I might you that he dealt with more than a few
sympathi ze with you. A~ for th e leiter delivered chu cklin g morons . Dr. Kin g's life was
to yo ur apartm ent , it was also ambiguously threatened, his windows smashed with bricks .
wo rded. It tells yo u to ~ tart getting sca red, but and his lawn decorated with burning crosses,
of what? Glohal wa rming? Nuclear holoc au st'! but did he ever run to the police fo r help'! No,
A particularl y h a r~ h win te r'! At no point docs he did not. Th e police were aga inst both him
the message mc nti on anyt hin g about th e and his movement , and he spent a night or two
auth or's int ent to end vo ur life. You are in jail himself. You see, Dr. King knew that th e
jumping to conclusions \\h (~ n you st at r tha t peo ple wh o threat ened and oppressed him
were nothin g more th an cowardly and
your life has been threatened.
You must also ask yourself what it is th at uninformed fo ols, tooscared to do much more


We all need to stand
firmly againt bigotry
It also angers me that afier the devilish
I am writin g this lett er to the CPJ to
ex press my anger at the disgusting incidents MURDER of Matthew Shepard; the campus
of homophobia that I have been reading about administration did not step up and have the
in th e CPj. I don't live or take classes in responsibility to fly the black flag . I agree
Olympia so I haven 't seen an y of this in person , strongly with Ri Sullivan and Courtney Aiken's
but I am part of the Evergreen community as I assertion that "people operate under the
go to the Tacoma Campus, and I feel that this illusion of acceptance... Essentially we have to
wait for an Evergreen student to be killed to
can't be glossed over.
I have no doubt that th e obvious gay get that fla g hung." This is wrong!
As the loving and extremely respecting
bashing statements on ca mpus are a sign of
of my beautiful sister who is gay, I am
int efllali zed homoph obi a on the part of the
angered that she could be killed by
student body at large . and thi s needs to be
of ignorance that led to tlte
di scusse d in the class roo m seminars and
campus groups at Evergreen. Nor would I say I MURDER of Matthew Shepard!
We must, as a student body, speak out
am exempt from all this. I have been working
on issues of racism and sexism within the white against homophobia on campus, and discuss
male co mmunity, as an activist. but I really our own internalized scareotypes.
haven't made an attempt to speak out publicly
Noah Prince
against homophobia . I need to change this.

than talk. In the end, he might have died for
his cause, but it was something that he believed
in enough to do so. Can you say the same?
This column is not meant as an attack
against you , Ms. Puca. It is merely intended to
both warn and inform. There are people out
there who are simply incapable of being
reasoned with_ People who chuckle at signs and
mock protesters. People who are all talk, and
no action. As an emerging political activist you


What an interesting letter coining from
a person with privileges. Even though I
accept your welcome, I wonder how much .
you would know about the real worl~" since
you are the one with privileges. I also wonder
why you assumed that this was my first
political activism_ You do not know what I
have been through or what I stand fo~. You
do not know what,it means to be a woman
of color-when you are a person of color,
everything you do is an act of political
activism ..
Yes, Dr, King was a great leader,
However, while you laud his conviction, you
implicidy suggest that I would not stand fully
by my beliefs_ You have no way of knowing
what adversity I have or have not faced, and
I question your condescension and your
assumptions.1Wentyyears have passed since
Dr. King was murdered, and society has seen
many changes, but one thing remains the
same: we still must fight continually, not
only to preserve, but to obtain, our civil
rights. We should remember Rosa Parks,
Lucretia Mott, Carrie Chapman Catt, Caesar
Chavez, Medgar Evers, and many others. We
should honor all those who have fought, a~d

will have to deal with these individuals on a
regular basis, but you must remember to use
your head! By criticizing them for speaking
their opinions, are you not infringing on their
First Amendment rights? The day that we are
prohibited from laughing at protesters and
telling them to "die" or "go to hell" is the day
that we are no longer free.
I wish the best in the future, and ardently
support both you and your cause.

who continue to fight for civil rights, not just
those who have died for that cause. Do I
have to die for my cause to be treated with
the basic respect I should be afforded on the
basis of our common hwnanity7
As for the technicalities of the phrase
"Die Pura," you claim that it is a command,
not a statement of ,intent. A command,
however, is an order. There is 'very little
difference between saying "Die Pura" and
"Pura, you will die_" The letter slipped under
my door, which you claim was worded
ambiguously, becomes more clear when
.considered contextually. In the past few
weeks, college students nationwide have
been threatened, stalked, harassed, beaten,
and murdered, mer.ely for their convictions_
Considered in this Iig~t, whether or not I
jumped to conclusions is a non-issue,
Furthermore, you suggested that I
placed myself in a "potentially dangerous
situation." What was the stereotype again?
Girls are not supposed to be outspoken I I
can go on and pick apart your letter, but I
have far more important things to do.
Sebnem Pura

Bimonthly paychecks
for student workers
To: Art Costantino
CC: jane jervis, Ruta Fanning, Laura
Grabhorn, Lee Hoemann, Alan Parker, Dan
Barbara Berguist , Sarah Ryan , Rob Knapp,
Peter B.ohmer, Larry Mosqueda, Matt Smith,
Rita Pougiales, jose Gomez,Therese Saliba ,
Ann Fischel. Alice Nelson , Tom Womeldorff,
Allen Whitehead, The Labor Center, The
Cooper Point journal
From: The Union of Student Workers (x-6098)
Re: Meeting
Upon receiving the revised list of student
affairs goals, we were happy to see that student
worker paychecks is listed as an issue to be

How to submit·

Please bring or address all responses or other forms of commentary
• to the Cooper Point Journal office in CAB 316. The deadline is at 1
p,m. on Monday for that week's edition. The word limit for responses is 450 words; for commentary it's 600 words.
The CPJ wants to use as much space as possible on these pages for letters and opinions. Therefore, in practice, we have
allowed contributors to exceed the word limit when space is available. When space is limited, the submissions are prioritized
according to when the CPJ gets them. Priority is always given to Evergreen students.
Please note: the CPJ does not check its e-mail daily; the arrival of e-mailed letters may be delayed and may cause the
letter to be held until the following issues. We will accept typed or handwritten submissions, but those provided on wsk are

All submissions must have the author's name and a phone number.

addressed during the 1998-1999 academic
year. We recognize that the change to bimonthly paychecks for all student workers of
The Evergreen State College campus will take
time and careful planning, therefore we feel
that we should meet with you soon to ensure
that we have adequate time this year to make
actual progress on the issue_
We would like to hold a meeting at 2 PM
on Wednesday, Nov_ 18, 1998. We, student
workers and supporters, would like to meet
with you, Art Costantino, jane jervis, Rutta
Fanning, and Laura Grabhorn, as well as any
other administrator who might be
instrumental in instituting the twice a month
paycheck change,
Please get back to us as soon as possible,
We will be coming to you with concrete
proposals and hope this meeting will make it
possible for us to illuminate exactly how this
change will be executed. Consequently, we will
be able to focus our energy on the next stages
in the process.
In solidarity,
Becka Tilsen and active members of the Union
of Student Workers

Racism happens when we dont talk
learn this in our history textbooks. Instead we
learn that George Washington and a bunch of
other white men worked hard to build the
At Evergreen I think there's the tendency current capitalist, patriarchal. racist society
to think that racism and other forms of that we live in today. If we open our eyes to the
oppression don't exist. Unfortunately that isn't reality that surrounds us we will see that the
true, Racism, sexism, classism, and exploitation, the stealing, and the slavery still
heterosexism are all a part of American society, exist. The clothes we wear, made by women
which the majority of people at Evergreen have and children getting paid $5 a day:
been raised in. The foundation of the United Exploitation. What about the people that we
States was built by the exploitation of people, hear on the other end of the phone line when
stolen land, and slave labor. Stolen land from we're booking our flights to visit our parents:
the Native Americans, slave labor of African prisoners who are modern day slaves because
peoples forced to come here, and the · it's legal (take a look at the 13th Amendment
exploitation of immigrants that were coming of the constitution for more on this). Who
here for the "amerikkkan dream." Yet we don't makes up the majority of ' the prison
by Jen Bowman
contributing writer

the Cooper Point Journal

celebration commemorating prominent civil
rights leaders. This year we plan on cosponsoring The Healing Racism workshop, an
intensive anti-oppression workshop.
Presently, Talking About Race is going
through a transition. Th is year I want to make
this group one that challenges aII forms of
oppression, not just racism; as a black, working
class, radical, lesbian feminist I cannot separate
the effects that other oppressions have on my
life. We invite you to come and make yourself
part of this dialogue and transition. Talking
About Race's next meeting is Nov. 4 at 3:30
p.m. in the Longhouse, room 1007C.

A cozy nook called the Bike Shop
by Jennifer Murphy
Contributing writer
Are you in the CAB right now? If you're
in the CAB on the second floor take a look over
above the elevator. If you're in the CAB on the
third floor don 't try bending over the railing
to see the sign, because you'll fall; just go down
to the second floor. Have you noticed that sign
before? Have you wondered why there's a big
hole in it? Me too. Anyway, that's the sign that
points your way to,the magical world ofTESC
Bike Shop_ Take the elevator down to the
basement. Don't worry, you're justified: it's
kind of hard to find the stairs down, so you 're
not being lazy or wasting electricity by taking
the elevator. Later, when you're more familiar
with the dungeonous, tunnel infested
basement go ahead and use the stairs. Exit the
elevator and take a right and you're there,

Picture it! Bright clean white lights
flooding overhead. Rows of work benches
precisely arranged for maximum efficiency,
and upon those benches every state of the art
tool imaginable , neatly lain out for easy
location and accessibility with round the clock
teams of engineers in lab coats ready to service
your bicycle and charge you your first born son
or something of roughly equivalent value for
repairs and routine maintenance.
Well, that's nothing like our actual bike
shop. I just thought it would be a nice little
visualization exercise.
The Bike Shop is actually a cozy little
nook, with lots of tools and most of the
essential replacement parts that will get you
and your bicycle back on the go after you've had
a minor fender bender or a teeny little
neglectful spell. If your bike is in the back yard
with flat tires and a chain that has rustily


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Downtown Ilyllpia




the Cooper Point Journal

October 29, 1998

population? Women and people of color.
How does the above paragraph make you
feel? You may even wonder what it has to do
with Talking About Race. That's where the
group comes in. Three years ago, Talking
About Race was created after Day of Absence,
which is when all of the people of color leave
campus to make our absence/presence known.
The group focuses on challenging ourselves on
the effects that a white supremacist ideology
has had on all people, not just white people but
also people of color. To challenge this ideology
means starting a dialogue within ourselves and
with other people.
Last year Talking About Race cosponsored Reflections, a hip-hop, spoken word

congealed into one piece and dandelions
growing up through the pedals, then this refers
to you.
The catch is: you have to do the work
yourself Sure, the volunteer on duty might be
able to offer some sage advice, "Righty tighty,
lefty loosey. Except for one of the pedals. I'm
not sure which one. Oh and there's a couple of
other exceptions. But almost always righty
tighty." But even if the volunteer can't help
you, she can definitely direct you to Bartlett's
Manual. Your heart should flutter with
reverence when you hear this title, similar to
the reaction you might have when hearing
Merck Index or The joy of Cooking. The
manual is difinitive, easy to read, and it has
everything you could want to know about
fixing your bike. Unfortunately, it's also in a 3ring binder format, but pretend it's not 'cause
you can't "borrow" anything from it even for a
of your
head. an
assortment of wrenches, and other neat tools,
some ofthem quite unidentifiable. Ifyou need
to replace a part on your bike but can't find
anything suitable we can often order parts
from catalogues and offer them to you for far
less than most bike repair businesses, All that
is required to use the bike shop is a
membership. $5 will get you a quarter long
membership card, $2 will allow you to use the
Shop for a day and we accept donations for
used parts or if you're just feeling particularly
generous_ If you're a volunteer, signing up and
showing up for your two hour shift every week,
you have free access to the Bike Shop 24 hours
a day_
Don't be afraid to look around the Bike
Shop. It's an experience similar to rummaging
around Grampa 's attic, complete with dust and
grime and nostalgic aromas. Dig in the old
parts boxes (you've had your tetnus shot,
right?) One blue-haired volunteer can even
show you how to make jewelry out of old parts
if you can catch him while he's in.
There are tons of old frames and crank
shafts, boxes of old saddles, wheels and hubs
and spokes and tires new and old. There are
rusty old Huffy parts, slick Shimano derailers,
and halfbaked chopper monstrosities waiting
patiently for the day when they will be ridden
around red square_
So come on down. If the door's closed
check the volunteer schedule to see when itwill
be open. If it's open walk right in and make
yourself comfortable. It's always warm because
we're right next to the boiler and we have a big
cozy orange couch , a tape player (which makes
everything sound low because it plays too
slowly but it doesn't eat tapes) and a radio with
great reception ofKAOS. What ambiance!
One more exciting fact: the all natural
goop that we have for getting most of the gre~se
off skin (nothing gets it all) leaves your hands
smelling like oranges!


October 29, 1998

Bikes fixed
for free?
Squeaky wheel? Mysterious
rattle? Chilling thuds with every
round of the pedals?
The Evergreen State College Bike
Shop is sponsoring regular bicycle
fix it days! On the first Wednesday
of every month volunteers will be
available to inspect and diagnose
bicycles free of charge and not
~ only prescribe appropriate_
therapi~s, but tlelp you fix'them
right there on th~:spot.. "
They'll lube your chain,'tighteri
your cables, inflate your·tire$;~nd
get you rolling
of .

Hey, hey!
~ .-~ Student
What's shaking
in your neck of
the woods?
would like
members ofthe Evergreen
community to know about?
Submit an article to the
CPts Student Activites
page and let your message
be heard! I mean read.


How to Unearthin
by Jen Blackford
Staff writer

by Nichol Everett
Staff writer
Have you ever said to yourself
'Boy I wish we had a hackey sack club.
or ~n outdoor group 011 campus'!'
Well, it's as easy as 1,2 . "Anyone can
start a club, it's rasy, as long as two
people are interested ." explained
Mary Craven. S&A advisor. The
process is actually very simple.
Initiall)" one must fill out an
application stating the following:
- a detailed mission statement
-li st of possible activities
- faculty or stafl advisor
- list of members (you and a
Besides a few other questions and an
orientation, you're on your way. Your
new club/organization gets lots of
cool benefits, for example, all S&A
groups have their own telephone and
mailbox plus a shared workstation.
S&A provides meeting places as well
as help with copying flyers. etc.
"I encourage everyone to start a
group." says Craven "We have a lot of
lIew clubs this year." Currelltly, there
are six volunteer registered groups.
These groups arc non-funded, and last
only until JUIIC. There are also
approximately thirty funded groups
who receive money from S&A in April
by going through the funding process.
So if,you're just dying to start
that poetry reading group, or frisbee
club, all you lieI'd is your student ID
and a friend.

If you celebrate Halloween, are you really
worshipping the Devil? According to some
literature floating about,
those who wear costumes
and trick-or-treat are
bring led on a
straight path to
hell. But from
where does this
originate? Often
wh en it comes
to death or
holidays that
one aspect of



a oween

Kingdom. The jack-o-lantern most likely arose
out of the fact that in a time that lacked a great
deal of metal, lamps had to be made somehow.
And costumes came from the traditional
"mumming" that occurred in England on
many holidays.


IrNa Irn.ri:3Dl

runs rampant.
pra ct ice
Halloween IS
~aid to originate
among the Celts
in Ireland, who
called it Samhain.
Lit erature debates as to
what this word actually
means, but the most
commonly accepted translation
is ·' Hallowtide." Contrary to several
encyclopedic definit ions, it is not the name of
the Celtic god or the dead. Whatever meaning
is chosen. Oct. 31 was the last night ofthe year
for the Celts: thus this was a night to let go of
things past as well as a time to bring in the
Samhain was a holiday in which the veil
between the world of the living and dead were
the thinnest. Thus spirits could cross over on
this night. However. they were not evil as more
recent tracts would have us believe. Instead.
they were the spirits of friends and ancestors
who died the previous year. On Samhain. they
could cross over to the bnd of the dead. Those
close to the dead would leave offerings offood
to help them make the joumey and so. Often
children, gathering wood for bonfires to light
the night and encourage the dead to leave.
would pick up these offerings, giving rise to the
custom of trick-or-treating.
Other cllstoms that continue to be
practiced also came Ollt of the United


Find All Your
Needs At


Potters & Artists

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have ii

There are scarier things
out there on Halloween
than writing for the paper.

Next to Yardbird s

Octob er 29, 1998

Editor's note: Some of the information
written is being used with permission
from author of Safe place's Case Study
7998- 7999. Names have also been
changed where necessary in respect to
the subjects.

Perhaps this is a story all too familiar.
When "Mary" met 'Tom," she was 17
years old. At 18, they were married. Mary is
white and was born into a middle-class
professional family, the middle child of three
children. Since their marriage, Mary earned
three college degrees and gave birth to a child.
It was a whirlwind romance that swept
Mary off her feet. Tom was strong and
knowledgeable and had lived a hard life. She
made his life perfect. According to Tom, Mary
was the only one who completely understood
Tom also gave Marya strong sense of
security. He loved her so much that he
promised he wouldn't let anyone hurt her. He
thought he could take care of her and she could
take care of him. Two people against the world.
As time went on, Tom needed all of
Mary's attention . So, she devoted all of her time
to him to the exclusion of friends. Then he
destroyed her things, humiliated and hit her.
He threatened, tortured and raped her. No one
knew what was happening in their home.
The result of rape was a daughter. Tom
forbade Mary to have the child. He often
harassed her with threats ofgetting rid of their
unborn baby. Fifteen years later, their daughter
began having flashbacks offondling, rape, and
torture. Childhood threats kept her silent all
those years.
Now both Mary and her daughter belong

to "Safeplace," an Olympia based program that
provides services to victims of domestic and
sexual violence. The mission of Safe place is to
empower the community to be free ofdomestic
and sexual violence and oppression. Mary and
her daughter shared their story in the hopes
that people will see that abuse crossed all
boundaries of economics, race and education.
Safeplace is the only rape relief center and
women's shelter in Thurston County. They are
a private non-profit organization, and the
oldest rape relief program in the county.
Agency Coordinator Ann Bridges wants
Evergreen students to know that they are not
exempt from these statistics. In fact, 20 percent
of recent US homicides were women between
the ages of 15-24 who were killed by their
boyfriends, according to Safeplace.
"TESC students are at risk when it comes
to dating and other intimate relationships. Yet
another phenomenon is what I would call
sidestream violence. This is something that
Safeplace has observed heavily within this age
group." said Bridges.
According to Bridges. 'sidestream
violence' occurs when someone is the victim
of abuse and another person intervenes and is
threatened or killed in the process. A recent
example of this is Amy Ravey, a South
Thurston woman and victim of domestic
abuse. Ravey's abuser showed up .at her work
and threatened her, and wounded a co-worker
in the process.
Bridges wants to help students recognize
domestic violence in their communities .
Safeplace provides free support to abused
women, teens and children, as well as offering
rehabilitation for abusers.
"All month we've been around town with
purple ribbons, the traditional woman symbol.
placing them in twelve public places. The goal
is that we get people learning about the issues
and talking about them too," said Bridges.

Larger Space; More Stuff; Tarot &
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by Michelle Snyder
Staff writer

Face your fears and join
the dark side oflife ... CPJ.

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the Cooper Point Jo urnal

known as a day when effigies of Fawkes are
burned in bonfires. The night before is
Mischief Night, when children can "trick"
adults to their heart's content.
In Mexico and other Latin American
countries, the days ofOcl. 31 through Nov. 2,
are the Days of the Dead-Los Dias de los
Muertos. The eve ofOcl. 31 sets up for thr
following day, which is the All Saints' Day,
when saints and religious figures are
honored. Nov. 2 is All Souls' Day,
when deceased relat ives
are remembered. There, it
is a time of great
celebra tion. Skeleton
everywhere, home altars
are built for the dead, and
people decorate family
graves. It is akin to the old
feeling of Samhain, when
the dead are remembered
and honored with gifts.
Today, Halloween is not so
much a time to remember
the dead as it is to celebrate
life. Costumes, candy, and
parties all reaffirm a sense of
wonder in those who
commemorate this holiday. It's
not a Satanic feast but a time
when the dark side can be freely

Revelers would enact roles in elaborate and
symbolic clothing.
Much of this changed when the medieval
"church" took over. In an attempt to
camouflage traces of paganism, All Saint's Day
was introduced by the Catholic Church on Nov.
1. Originally it had been on May 12 and later
c!13nged to Feb. 21.1-I0wever, since the idea was
to abolish pagan holidays, Pope Gregory IV
changed it to coincide with Samhain. The dead
were now said to be evil and the spiritual forces
of that evening were caused by the devil.
Samhain became All Hallow's Eve, later
shortened to Halloween. Celebrating Oct. 31
was still widely practiced, howevrr, in a variety
of other countries.
In Ellgland, bonfires and trick-or-treating
became part of another holiday: Glly Fawkes
Day. On Nov. 5. Ifl05, Guy Fawkes was accused
of attempting to blow up the British
Parliament. He was caught, hung, drawn, and
quartered. So the fifth of November became


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continued from page 2
0800- Huntsberry, Talmadge, & Riggins
on duty; Savage on leave; All keys
accounted for- Key 18 out since 160ct98,
Msg left w/ faculty
1600- Neely/ Smith/ Brewster on duty;
All keys accounted
1630- Hl/RA .... Tim H2/RA ... .Jeremy
RMS .... Brian
2200- Terry Chapman on call back for
CUP, via pager
10/220000- Brewster/ Neely/
Ashby on duty. All keys
accounted for. Terry
Chapman on callback for CUP. Hl/
RA .... Tim
RA .. ..Jeremy
Talmadge, & Riggins
on duty; Huntsberry
and Savage on leave ; All
keys accounted for- Key #18 out since
160ct98, faculty contacted;
1050- #18 has been returned
1600- Brewster / Smit h/ Neely on
duty; All keys accounted for
1630Hl/RA .... Kate
RA .... David RMS .... Brian
:noo- Terry Chapman on call back
for CUP via pager
10/230000- Neely/ Ashby on duty.
Allkeys accounted for.
Chapman on call-back for CUP. H 1/
RA .... Kate H2/RA .... David
0800- Huntsberry/ Russel! Stretch/
Young on duty. All keys accounted
1032- Refuel info for Taurus @
107221 miles & 9 gals
1600- Eddy/ Stretch/ Smith all duty;
All keys accounted for
1630H l/RA .... Ben
RA .. ..Sarah RMS .... Kate
2200- Terry Chapman on call back
for CUP via pager
10/240000- Eddy/ Pinho on duty.
All keys accounted for Terry on
callbackforCUP Hl/RA .... Ben 112/

• RA .... Sarah RMS .... Kate
0800- Stretch/ Ashby on duty.
Alikeys accounted for.
1000- H l/RA .... Kristen H2/RA ....
Melissa H3/RM .... Kate E.
1600- Stretch/ Young on suty. All
keys accounted for
1700- Terry on callback for CUP
10/25 0000- Eddy Pinho on duty.
All keys accounted for Terry on
callback for CUP H1/RA .... Kristen
H2/RA .... Melissa RMS .... Kate E
0800- Stretch/ Ashby on duty. All
keys accounted for.
1000H l/RA .... Sean
RA .... Kristen
1213- Refuel of Chevy @
100322 miles & 12 gals
1240Refuel of
Taurus @ 107336
miles & 8 gals
1600- S trtech/
Young on duty.
accounted for
1652Terry on
callback for CUP
10/260000- Eddy/ Pinho on duty.
All keys accounted for Terry on
callback for CUP H l/RA .... Se an
H2/RA ... Kristen RMS ... Jacob
0800Huntsberry/ Russell /
Talmadge/ Ashby/ Riggins on duty .
All keys accounted for.
1600- Neely/ Smith/ Brewster on
duty; All keys accounted for
1641- Hl/RA .... Sarah H2/RA ... . Lee
RMS .... Jacob
2209- David Wells on call back for
CUP, via pager
10/270000- Neely/ Pinho/ Brewster
on duty. All keys in David Wells on
callback for CUP Hl/RA .... Sarah
H2/RA .... Lee RMS .... Jacob
0800- Huntsberry, Savage, Riggins
and Talmadge on duty. Russell on
sick leave .
1600- Brewster / Smith/ Neely on
duty; All keys accounted for
1630H l/RA .... Sean
RA .... Mike RMS .... Sarah
2200- David Wells on call beck for
CUP via pager

PeaceCorps is your chance to live and worl<
in another country, to learn new langua~es
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-and in your own.

Slide Presentation and Discussion:

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AIDS Network

Tuesday, November 17
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Library, Room 2130

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Stop by the Peace Corps Information Table
in the CAB Lobby
Tuesday, November 17
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(360) 352-2375

Can't Make It?

tnterviews will be held December 3. A compteted apptication is required
prior to the interview. Call Recruiter, Tammy Bewitz. at (BOO) 424-8580
(option #1) to set up an interview.

- Volunteers needed

courses available
ViSIt our

web site.
the Cooper Point Journal

.--------.---- - - - - - - - - - -


JJWe are the musicmakers and we are the dreamers of dreams."


Willy Wonka

A descent into insanity Whatto


How All Freakin' Night changed my life

Latif Bolat and Ensemble visit Evergreen

by Jen Blackford
Staff writer




I came to Evergreen
seeking guidance and
answers to long-standing
questions. I was on a quest
for meaning in my life. On
Oct. 24, I discovered that
my purpose wa~ to ~tay up
"All Freakin Night" at the
night-long horror film
festival at the Capitol
Theater. Put on by the
Olympia Film Fe~tival, this
marathon of madness tests
your limits of sleepdeprivation and endurance.
Unfortunately. I lacked in
transportation. so the bus
downtown .
Luckily for me,l found
a guide on that bus to lead me
through the maelstrom of
strangeness that is downtown Olympia at
midnight. Like Virgil to my Dante, he led me
through screaming souls, darkened corners,
and wisps of smoke that either came hom the
fires of hell or someone smoking. until we
found our destination. The lines stretched
around the block. and that was just for ticketholders itself. At around ten minutes nntil the
witching hour, the doors opened up and wc
hastened for a seat in the balcony.
With the 3-D glasses firml y fastened

compiled by Nick Challed
Staff writer

behind my own bifocals, I waspreparedforthe
first feature : Amityville 3-~. Starring the
illustrious Tony Roberts, this movie was also
notable for the second screen a!Jpearance of
Meg Ryan, While the movie itself was
unremarkable plot-wise and its characters
lacked any depth. the 3-D effect~ did startle
most of the audience. who clapped any time a
character bit the dust. I ca me Ollt ohhat movie
with both a betlcr understanding ofcursed real
estate and a desire to nevcr hear a voice in the
;::.======::::::;:::;::;~;;::::::::::~ audience cry out the word "banister" any' time
a character moved past the stair~. The audience
was also introduced to a laser pointer that
would keep reappearing to point out people's
II __ ~ ,1 __ body parts on the scrcen and ill gcncral, detract
~ ur 4H1l/U!;
from the movie, Whatevcr viewer who was
playing with it. I know who you are and at least
iu., rliJ/{!JrJi
fifty people want to murder yo u.
My guide and I were still firmly awake
and so were receptive to a little short that was
cached in betwecn Amityville 3-D and the next
O"u. '7-IIU. -S",,~a't
film. It followed the misadventures of a rock·
8:A", - 2:"",
playing band called "The Worms" and their
conflict with a sheriff made of paper bags who
SA ~ ~'Sh
• '-',
"If __ -:.L:,~ Oft""-lll
OH41CU- ~..
wants to end all rock·and-roll, Since it is a silcnt
serial. I wouldn't be surprised if it is
encountered again at a later !Joint. It was also
ifTII AR. 8 ~M sr. fMHJt TIff ""." AIIM'"..
a perfect time to load up on a caffeinated
beverage down in the lobby, which I would
PIIONE 351-6229
later spill on the floor and try to mop up with
I film festival brochures.
For the next movie, Maniac, the director
was in the audience to explain it. William
Lustig told us of the budget of the movie
($48,000) and the fact that France seemed to
love his film. Of course, France also loves Jerry
Lewis, so its taste can be questionable. Maniac,
nonetheless, was a suspenseful, strange, and
highly gory movie about a man who brutally
murders women and scalps them for their hair.
You could feel the cringing in the audience
every time the knife came down on someone's
hairline. I was beginning to wonder what I was
in for. Could I really stand all this gore? Was
my guide a wimp because he grabbed the seat
and moaned loudly every time blood
appeared? Should I really have sat next to
someone who was still in high school?
I had nothing to worry about in the
matter of gore with the next movie. Mr.
Vampire, a Hong Kong horror film, was a
perfect piece of cheesy entertainment that
combined a kung-fu kicking priest with
hopping vampires and flying ghosts. Even
though it contained subtitles, you didn't need
I words to understand what was going on. Still,
the translations did add something to the
movie as I marveled at what the movie
probably said in Chinese compared with its
American counterpart. I could feel myself
fading fast, however, so I grabbed coffee in the

"'91g Caife,




owl g'tlO1: footJ. II

by Jimmy Cropsey

Calendar of remaining Oly Film·F~stival shows

Staff writer
On October 23rd, a semi-circle of eight
candles surrounded a vase of flowers in front of
Turkish tapestries on the stage of the
Experimental Theater. A sold out crowd had
come to view a performance of Turkish music,
dance, poetry and pictures. Latif Bolat and
ensemble played traditional styles ofTurkish folk
music that emph'asized the writings of Yunus
Emre. Short lectures were given out through the
performance about Turkish history, music and
visionaries. Whirling Dervish Dancers spun for
a song, and the crowd was also treated to poetry
readings at several times throughout the
performan~e. Avisual representation ofTurkish
culture was presented with a slide show during
one of the songs. The performers included
Ahura Henke, Chris Henke, Michael Hisinger,
Forest Shomer, Ashraf Byron and Arifa Byron.
Latif explained to the crowd that
traditional Turkish music has 250 scales (or
makams) to work with. Each scale tends to have
a different effect on listeners. so different
,Ipecialized applications (such as creating a
sensuous state of mind or soothing patients in a
mental asylum for example) are available for
different songs. The scales are derived from
se parating a whole step (equivalent from
Western music) into nine sections, determining
what notes tu lise whether the nutes are
ascen ding or descending, and constructing a
sca le made of twu intervals of six notes. The
makams can have such subtle differences that it
ISencouraged for performers not to listen to or
play music with different makams then the ones
In their upcoming performance (within several
hOl1rs) in order to remain in the appropriate
psycho logical state for the perfurmance.

See LATIF on

ThurSday, 0ct0beer29th ·
All Shows play at the Historic
Capitol Theatre at 206 East Fifth
Avenue; Downtown Olympia
EXCEPT Midnight Sun Events,
which are located at the Midnight
Sun, 113 Columbia Street

Ticket Prices:
Partial Pass - $18
Requires OFS Membership
Admits bearer to any five events,
excluding benefits
Single Tickets
Members: $8
Non-members: $10
Fringe Events
Members: $3
Non-members: $5
Boo~s to Prisoners Benefit:
Members: $6
Non-members: $8
$1 offfor a donation ofa paperback
dictionary or other "really good/
useful book".


the Cooper

5:30 pm -Estonian Anbnatjon
87 min; Republic of Estonia
7:30 pm - Witness
1997; 60 min; USA
8:00 pm -Omopbagia.Butoh
Midrught Sun Event
Live Butoh Dance Performancell
9:45 pm - Freakin' Beautiful World

US Premiere
1997; 100 min; Fmland
Midnight - Animal Charm &: Matt

Fringe Event

,Frlw.y,October 3()th
5:30 pm - ~ OlySborts
1998 Short Ftlm Bumper Crop

MidriightSun Event
Videos,.Talk, and Q&A
7:30 pm -The Ch~
1998;102 min: Italy
9:45 pm- WW;l~Yourself

World Premierel


1998; 60
Midnight - Haunted House of Honor
Fringe Event
A live (Dead?) Haunted Theater

Live Multi-Media Event

Saturday, October 31st

Sunday, November 1st

11:00 am - All Power to the People:
The Black Panther Party and Beyond
Books to Prisoners Benefit
1997; 141 min; USA
2:00 pm - Haunted Hour and
Young Frankenstein
Trick or Treat Kids Event
4:00 pm - More Shorts Lounge
Midnight Sun Event
World Wide Shorts
Double Feature:
5:30 pm - Stagefright
1997; 95 min; Italy
7:30 pm - The Fly
1986; USA
10:30 pm - Nardwuar Rock n' Roll n'
Fringe Event
Live Rock n' Roll from Canada; Videos

11:00 am - Panel Discussion: Defining

Media Activism
Noon - My Son the Fanatic
1998; 87 min; United Kingdom
2:30 pm - The Farm: Angola USA
1998; 93 min; USA
4:00 pm - The Puppet Slam
Midnight Sun Event
Puppeteer Open Mic!1
5:00 pm - Arresting Gena
1997; 91 min; USA
7:30 pm - Devi\'s Island
1997; 104 min; Iceland
10:00 pm - Cemetery Man
1994; 105 min; Italy
Midnight- Wind Down Party
FREEII- Til You FaU Asleep in the Aisles

For highlights. see page 13


see at
the Film


the Cooper Point Journal

lobby. which was discounted to 50 cents and
which I managed to spill later. My motor
control was rapidly deteriorating,
My persona l favorite of the evening was
the next piece of cinema. Dario Argento's
Inliemo, It taughtllle three things that ('vening.
One, don't dive into a strange !Jool of water in
yo ur basement; two, make sure yo u don't go
exploring in a ;-\cw York apartment building:
and threc, try not to annoy th e three Dark
Mothcrs if you can heip it. It was doubtful if
many people ill th e audiencc enjoyed this
movie, but it wa~ 11 0 shock to me, At around G
a.m, many people's brains were turning to
Illllsh, and this was the type of film tha t only
film cri tics. surrealists. and people 0 11 urugs
can truly comprehend. It was a beautiful .
intellectual movic, though,
The last film, Lucio Fulci"s Gales alHell.
was by the far the mo,~t horrific and gruesome.
Called a "spaghctti Lovccraft," a typical scene
from it featured a girl vomiting up her entire
ihtestinal tract. It was a good thing I hadn't
eaten, because I was unsure if I ever would
digest anything again . This image. combined
with a screw through the cheek, a hanging
priest, and a plot that involved the dead taking
over a small town, made me wonder if I would
make it out of the theater alive. I began to
identity with the people who had bleeding eyes
throughout the movie, thinking that my eyes
must resemble them to a degree. Of course, at
that point, reality became blurred for me after
twenty-some hours of the waking world.
Sadly, I missed the object of my desire
and my quest went unfulfilled. I didn 't get the
t·shirt that said "I stayed up All Freakin' Night."
Apparently, there were only fifteen of them
made and there were at least thirty sleepdeprived, drug-addled, half-crazed people
there, if not more. For a brief moment, I
thought that real violence would occur. I could
see the headlines: "Man gets spleen ripped
out." Calm prevailed when a mailing list went
around and people were able to put their
names down for a later shipment. I emerged
from the abyss of the Capitol into the sunlight,
satiated by the gore and fully feeling the effects
of a full day without rest.
So my odyssey ended as it had begun. I
walked onto a 9 a,m. bus a wiser person for the
night of mayhem I experienced. Fully
convinced of the splendor that is All Freakin'
Night, I intend to go next year. My guide and I
parted there and he gave me a sound piece of
advice. "Take care of yourself," he said. I laid
down on my bed a full hour later, comfortable
in the knowledge that not only was sleep soon
to arrive but hopefully a t-shirt. My last
thought was I had better get one or All Freakin'
Night was going to become a whole lot more
realistic next year.

October 29,1998

Thursday, Oct. 29; 5:30 p.m.
Estonian Animation
Estonia, a small country of only 1.5
million, has created some of the world's
most unique and challenging animation
over the the past twenty-five years, This
has been accomplished liHder hostile
circumstances, including Soviet
Estonian Animation ambiguously
combines the rational and absurd, and
the surreal and real, It often examines how
individual identity is affected by shifting
ideological structures. Mati Kutt's film
Little Lilly, for example, is a story about a
daughter's questioning of her father 's
contradictory stance against flies ; he
wants to fly, but continually kills flies.
Friday, Oct. 30; 7 p.m.
WITNESS: Collected Short Works
Midnight SUIl Event
These films will be presented by
Gillian Caldwell, director of WITNESS.
a project of the Lawyers Cor,lllliltee for
Human Rights. WITNESS uses vidro and
technology to promote awareness of
human rights abuses around the world.
Visitors will be given the opportunity to
gather information and ask questions.
Saturday, Oct.31; 11 a.m.
All Power to the People: The Black
Panther Party and Beyond
Books to Prisoners Benefit
This event will benefit Books for
Prisoners, an all-volunteer non-profit
organization which urgently needs funds
to continue its mission of providing
educational and other reading materials
to inmates across the country. Award
winning Human Rights filmmaker Lee
Lew Lee (Oscar winning PSflama
Deception, Mandela in America) will
present his chilling documentary 011
America's Political Prisoners and the
secret war against various people and
their movements . Highlighted
individuals in the film include MLK,
Malcom X. Leonard Peltier, and Mumia
Abu Jamal.
Saturday, Ocr.31, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m.
Double Feature:
Stagefright and The Fly
Stagefright received the Fear Prize
at the 1987 Avoriaz Festival. A perverse
musical about an owl-masked killer
becomes all-too-real, when a true killer
begins stalking the cast in the mask.
The Fly, starring Jeff Goldb!um, js
a story about a man who meddles with
nature and futuristic technology. Watch
the bad things ensue.
Sunday, Nov.1; 7:30 p.m.
Devil's Island
Devil's Island portrays the cultural
clash an Iceland family experiences, as
the Rock 'n' Roll influence of the United
States finds its way to Iceland. The
eccentric characters'lives are filled with
havoc , turbulence, and hilarious
situations. This movie is sure to keep you




continued from page 12
Latif also told of Sufism (Islami c
Mysticism) originating from the chaos of the
Crusades, a time when many people were
looking for the comforts of mysticism. Today,
Orthodox Islamic practices and Sufism can tend
to blur in certain regions, but Sufism was initially
explorations of the spirit and searches for ecstasy
by Islamics using many methods including
dance, poetry and philosophy. During the show,
two Sufis from Portland (Ashraf and Arifa Byron)
performed a Whirling Dervish Dance where the
dancers spun seemingly endlessly with
impressive coordination, leading to a pleasantly
hypnotic effect. Many of the lyrics of the songs
were written by famous Sufis of the past,
including Yunus Emre and Seyyid Nesimi.
One ofthe foci ofthe concert was to "bring
[the audience] to Turkey." This idea is consistent
with the philosophy of Evergreen (and Evergreen
Expressions) in its exploration of diversity. The
music played explored many different regions
from what was formally the Ottoman Empire.
Music from places such as Urfa, the Crimean
peninsula, and Anatola was played. During
lectures given on the days after the performance,
Latif explained that he came to perform
traditional Turkish folk music in the United
States (rather than return to Turkey with a degree
in Marketing) because the music is appreciated
here greatly. While it is important for different
cultures to be exposed to a wide variety of music,
Latif is concerned that many different ethnic
styles of music are getting smothered out in the
world market. Latif feels that conservation of
musical variety can come about through a
·cultural environmentalism" that would provide
adequate shelters to cultures whose prominent
musicians are currently heing siphoned away to
Pop culture due to economic trends. World
Music paradoxically explores many different '
styles of music while "popularizing" outside
styles. The past filters of time and space are not
adequate anymore to allow as wide a variety of
traditional mmical styles to remain in the world
reality, according to Latif.
The performance technically went well
thanks to the student crew who ran a show for
the first time together as a unit. Latif and
ensemble was also helpful, allowing the students
the time they needed during the rehearsals to
work out the kinks. The turnout was enormous,
filling the Experimental Theater and more. A
live ':ideo feed went into the Recital Hall (until
the organizers could sneak more chairs in during
intermission) for the overflow. The Evergreen
Expressions Managing Director Patrick Owen
was delighted by the audience response and
Jacinta McKoy feels that the
performance was particularly special because it
was accessible to so many membHs of the
The next presentation in the Evergreen
Expressions Series wiIl be Ally Acker's Reel
Women, Nov. 13th at 8 p.m., in the Recital HaJJ.

by E. Clevenger & A. Fountain

Staff astrologists


(Mar. 21 to Apr. 19)
Have you ever been to a Mexican
restaurant, gone to the restroom, and found a
painted man with a chicken at the door? There
is one in Portland. Find your chicken and bring
her to a Mexician restaurant... order lots of
drinks and go to that bathroom.
Lucky alcohol ofthe week: Shot ofJames omREAL IRISH WHISKEY!

(Jul. 23 to Aug. 22)
Eat macaroni and cheese sandwiches.
Use white bread. Do you have a shotgun? Go
into the forest and camp. Bring Billy Bob
Thorton. Shotgun?
Lucky alcohol ofthe week: Shot ofjamesonREAL IRISH WHISKEY!!!!!

1.'T;),1 TAURUS
(Apr. 20 to May 20)


Got a bad taste in the back of your
mouth? A scent that lingers for days?
Sunflower seeds. Try'em. They are good and
salty ... crack 'em open with your mouth. And
when you get a bad one, with a soft grub-like
texture, SPIT HARD!
Lucky alcohol ofthe week: Shot ofJamesonREAL IRISH WHISKEY!!

Be a rock star this week. Wear yellow
glasses and short legged poly pants. Hey, it's a
look, right?
Maybe try starting all
conversations with, "dude." Oh, and get
yourself a pack of Lucky Strikes. No filter.
Lucky alcohol ofthe week: Shot ofjamesonREAL IRISH WHISKEY!!!!!!



~ (Aug. 23 to Sept. 23)


(Jun. 21 to Jul. 22)

Has anybody seen "The Big Hit?" One of
the finest movies ever made. Mark Wahlberg
plays the part of the overly caring, codependent, good guy hit man. Brilliantly
interweaving careless mass murdering and
personal devotion to return his overdue King
Kong video. Urn, well, I guess that I'm saying
that you should rent this movie, buy

(Sept. 24 to Oct. 23)
A wise man once said to me," Near a pool
table, you will find love." Abandon all tradition
and head out in search of kookiness this week.
Spend large amounts of money, wear velvet
underwear, do whatever it is that you need to
do in order to free yourself from the funk that
you have been in. Oh, and check out the new
Soul Coughing CD, if you haven't already-it
might be the inspiration that you have been
looking for.
Lucky alcohol of the week: Scotch


(Oct. 24 to Nov 22)

Do you find it sad that Corey Haim was
really popular in the eighties and now he is
probably working as a janitor at McDonald's?
Do you ever wonder if your life will mimic that
scary, yet sometimes unavoidable path of
patheticness? Never fear, for this week
promises to be as satisfYing as rainbow colored
slipper socks. Everything will soon become
Lucky alcohol of the week: Butterscotch

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the Cooper Point Journal


Roses are red and violets are blue ... seems
you are feeling pretty blue this week. May I
suggest that you try to ignore all of your worries
for just one night and try to relax? Invite over
a close friend, and watch "Ladyhawke." The
super cheesy, out of place soundtrack should
make you laugh, and hopefully alleviate some
of the stress that you have been under.
Lucky alcohol of the week: Brandy

For some weird reason, you seem to be
attracted to beds other than your own. I think
that this may stem from some severe intimacy
issues, and I also think that now is the time to
do something about that. Chain yourself to
your bed, and chant over and over again: ''I'm
good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone
it, I'll stay in my own bed this week." Good
luck overcoming this bizarre trend you have set
for yourself.
Lucky alcohol ofthe week: Olympia beer

(Feb. 21 to Mar. 20)

Somedays you may feel like a baby
hedgehog. And somedays you may feel like a
tortuga loca. There are those days that you feel
like all you want to do is rent "Romy and
Michelle's High School Reunion" and veg out
in front of the TV. What I don't think you
realize is that out of all the fruits in the world,
you are the STARFRUIT, and despite the
different phases that you go through, you are
still amazing.
Lucky alcohol ofthe week: Pabst Blue Ribbon


October 29, 1998

them practicing their defensil'e stances with
hours of the beloved crouching exercise
referred to as "pistols," a name which describes
both the way you hold your finger s, and th e
thing you wish you could put to your head
rather than endure any more of the torturous
Despite an already strong defense, Coach
Barbee expects it to improve. "We should have
a better defensive team this year than last year, "
said Coach Barbee, "Kenny Robinson could be
the premier defender in the state of
Washington. With Aaron Foy's help, he's going
to get a lot of steals."
Curious about the starting line-up? Me
too. Coach Barbee said, "I look for our seniors
and Aaron to step up early. We're expecting a
lot from them, but we could have a different
starting line-up every game."
The Geoducks have a strange schedule
this year. Because the PNWAC disbanded, with
several of the teams moving from the NAIA to
the NCAA, Evergreen is an independent team
without a conference. Therefore, more than
half of their games are on the road.
The team opens up their season on th e
road against Masters College , an NAIA school
in Los Angeles. on Nov. 21. Their first hom e
game will not be until Dec. 8 against Westefll
Baptist from Oregon.
Eager fans can check out both the men's
and women's teams during their home preview
on Nov. 12.

... AII eyez on me ...
A veritable cornucopia of women's
athletics for you this Halloween: Everyone is
cordially invited to the final home game of the
season for the Evergreen women's soccer
team this Saturday at 2 p.m against Central
Washington. But be sure to also come out at
1 p.m. to lend your support to the Hellcatz, the
Evergreen women's rugby team, as they take
on Western Oregon.
And absolutely do not miss the preview
of the Evergreen women's basketball team
in next week's issue of your CPJI


Why you should watch professional wrestling
staff writer and, apparently, rabid
frothing WWF fan




~ (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20)

Last year the men's basketball team
finished with 10 wins and 1710s5es. Giving th is
all-important statistic only a quick glance may
give one the impression of an unsuccessful
season. Yet this could not be further from the
truth. A deeper look reveals an impressive first
season full of upset victories over tough and
well-established competition.
Last season began with an exciting
victory over perennially ranked Pacific
Lutheran University (PLU). Then, after a string
of losses against tough division one and
division two competition , the Geoducks
earned the championship trophy at the
University of Puget Sound tournament. This,
along with a second place showing at the
Eastern Oregon tournament gave them
confidence that they would carry into
conference play.
By the time Pacific Northwest Athletic
Conference (PNWAC) play began, the team
was already receiving props for their scrappy
defense. It seemed that when the team wanted
to, it could put the lockdown on any offense.
This, along with a thrilling (but sometimes
streaky) offense, would prove too much for half
of the team's conference competition .
St. Martin's College, for example. could
not handle the swarming hands of Kenny
Robinson and Aaron Foy. or the persisten t
bodying of Adam Normoyle and Deontaye
Chisolm. These cross-town rivals twice fell
victim to the Geoducks' vicious attack. The
second victory, at home in the packed Geopit,
was equaled only by the season opening victory
over PLU in sheer excitement conjured.
Incidentally, SI. Martin's earned second
place in conference with a record of 6-6,
proving that the Geoducks hadn't defeated
slouches. The Geoducks ended up with a
record ofS-S in conference play. This was quite
respectable considering that the top team,
Central Washington, was only 7-3.
A few weaknesses did become obvious

throughout last season. The team 's lack of score every game.
Chisolm, Trelton Spencer. and Eri c
experience showed in high pressure situations.
and the Geoducks' big men had trouble against Works showed that they could score last year,
teams with bigger players like Simon Frasier averaging 10.8, 9.7, and 8 points per game,
respectively. If these
Washington. This
three can continue
1998·99 Men's basketball schedule
wasn't surprising
and even improve
considering that the
their scoring, and if
bomber Danny
tallest players in Etime
State's frontcourt
Neal can knock
reached only 6' 6".
down a higher
11/21 @ Master's College
Also, their offense
percentage of his
11/24 @ Pacific Lutheran
three-pointers, this
was sporadic.
However, with
will aid the team
Western Washington 7:00/5:00
considerably .
the experience from
University Classic
last year and a
Coach John Barbee
vs. Western Baptist
said, "I expect
plethora of senior
Danny to hit 39
leadership, the team
12/12 @ Carroll College
percent lof hi s
12/15 @ University of Montana
three-pointers! this
vs. SI. Martin's College
under pressure. As
12/ 19 vs. Pacific University
for the height, the
Some of th e
12/22 @ Eastern Washington
team 's newcomers
team added sevenUniversity
footer Ray Seastone,
@ Hawaii Pacific
th emse lves
6'8" freshman Travis
Smith, and 6'7"
offensive threats.
1/2-3 @ Chaminade College
Wayne Carlisle. This
Nick Rippi can
will help against tall
finish the break like
vs. University of Puget Sound 7:30
vs. Northwest Nazarene
Torbert, and both
including Eastern
1/23 @ Western Baptist University 7:30
Washington and
1/26 vs. Puget Sound Christian
three. 'Abel can just
flat -out shoot," sa id
1/29 vs. Multnomah Bible College 6:00
Coach Barbee.
Therefore, the
1/30 vs. Carroll College
main problem that
Brandoll Lyons is
@ University ofPuget Sou nd 7:00
they must focus on is
another addition to
@ Oregon Institute of
the team this year.
is a pleasant
inconsi s tency.
@ Multnomah Bible College 7:00
Unfortunately, the
surprise. He plays
2/16 @ Pacific University
really smart," sa id
team will be withont
2/20 vs. Seattle University
Troy Torbert, who
Coach Barbee.
Regardlrss of
was their best
offen sive
offensive player last
season. All of the players will have to work skills, there is no doubt that Barbee will have
to'gether to pick up his slack, but a few the new players improving their defensive play
individual players may have to step up and and contributin g in that area. He will have


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by Corey MacDonald

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I saw the movie "Pleasantville" last night,
which included the inspirational and profound
statement, "You can't stop what's inside you."
Take this to heart. Even if what you want to
talk about is "Dawson's Creek," please share,
because your knowledge may be beneficial to
those around you.
Lucky alcohol ofthe week: Absolut Vodka

by Josh Manning

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~ (May 21 to Jun. 20)
Drink or dangerous weapon? Sound of
celebration or high speed cork bullet? On a few
festive occasions I have been designated the
heavy job of cracking the champagne bottle
open . I've pierced kitchen ceiling light fixtures.
wounded household animals, and created
some huge bruises in parts offellow mates. All
of which plainly leads to excitement and
further celebration. The lesson here is to
always find the drunkest kid to have the honors
of wielding anything that could destroy your
life. It gives it a kick.
Lucky alcohol ofche week: Shot ofJamesonREAL IRISH WHISKEY!!!

AntDnlD italian Sub
aell I Pizza


champagne and point it at somebody's face,
and then return the real movie.
Lucky alcohol ofthe week: Shot ofJamesonREAL IRISH WHISKEY!!!!

I am not a mark. While I spend even ings
watching professional wrestling on television,
I do not think that what is going on before me
is real. For instance, on last week's airing of
the World Wrestling Federation (WWF)'s
stell ar program "Raw is War, " ex-World
Champion Belt holder "S tone Co ld " Steve
Austin spent most of the program hunting
down (literally) owner of the Federation Vince
McMahon with a pistol and compound bow.
It was perhaps the most hilarious episode of
the program I have seen in the year since I
"refound" professional wrestling. Hilarious in
the sense that it was so completely negligent
of the rul es and regulations surrounding what
is supposed to make television safe and
Today's professional wrestling is selfproclaimed "sports entertainment." Put heavy
emphasis on the "entertainment." They make
no amends on that. This mainly applies only
to the WWF though. The other major league,
World Champion Wrestling (WCW, or what
we like to call Wheel Chair Wrestling since the
major players are over the age offorty and most
of them left the WWF since its growing
maturity), is where you should go if you would
rather watch simp le, boring, comic-book

characters wrestle. This is not to say that the
WWF does not have broad, stereo typical
characterizations of th eir wrestlers. But the
WWF is to the WCW what "Th e Simpsons" are
to "Family Circus".
Today's professional wrestling is for the
mature fan. Gone are the days of Hulk Hogan ,
the Iron Sheik, and the Ultimate Warrior.
There are no longer the simple black-and-white
distinctions between who is supposed to be the
"bad" guy and who is supposed to be th e
"good" guy. It is no longer determined by the
league; the wrestlers decide on their characters
and how they wish them to evolve while th e
fans either cheer them on or boo them away.
It is more, dare I say, democratic this way.
There are many new faces in the WWF
this year. Among them, and you would never
have seen this ten years ago (let alone today in
the WCW), are a vampire, a porno star-turnedwrestler, and a "Circus of Oddities."
Wrestlers are not all musclebound gym
rats and homo-erotic costumes either. Many
of them are former amateur athletes who,
unable to turn to professional sports, found
their riches in the WWF instead. The WWF
also has a gold medalist Greco-Roman wrestler,
a gold-medalist weight lifter, and a two-time
victor of the Ultimate FightingChampionship.
These are men at the peak of their physicality.
They are exciting and highly-trained.
Wrestlers are as much athletes as they are

the Cooper Point Journal

actors. Their s torylin e~ vary from wre~tler to
wrestler. From Stone Co ld \ fl'ud with
McMahon over his "firing" frorn the WWF, to
ex·porno actor Val Venis ' feud with variolls
wrestlers over having slept wit h th eir wives
(which will soon end as porn-actress legend
Jenna Jamison will join his side), to an internal
power struggle within the ranks of th e Nation
of Domination. Every wrestler is involved in
some sort of commotion .
1\:ot all storylines (o me from within the
Federation; the WWF takes outside pdpculture
and involves it with the storyli nes as well. At
the up co ming "Survivor Se ries," Marilyn
Mason will wrestle with a tag team ca lled the
Headbangers against the Circus of Oddit ies
and the band Insane Clown Posse. Motley Crue
performed live with the conglomerate of
superstar wrestlers, Degeneration X, on
Monday night's "Raw is War." Mike Tyson
refereed the Wrestlemania XIV championship
match between Austin and Shawn Michaels.
during which Michaels wrestled for nearly an
hour with a back injury that has since kept him
out of the WWF for nearly six months. Most
people would think this idiotic, but I take it as
a comment 011 how Michaels willingly
sacrificed his body to further the evolution and
popularity of the WWF.
At the apex of the WWF's
experimentation is McMahon . He is a gen ius.
Taking over the organization from his father,

October 29, 1998

he has transformed the WWF from a smal l·
time operation to a multi-milli on dolla r
industry. He is as involved as the fan s and
wrestlers are in the plut of his organization. He
broke nea rly every rule of th e business and
involved himselfin one oflhe most major plo"
ofWWF's history. Not only did he joill inthl
fun . he made himself, the OWl1er, into ti ll'
biggest heel surrounding the commot ion. Tim
was 3n incredible leap of faith for McMaholi
and one that has hit pay dirt as the \vWF ha ~
gone from mediocrity in the rating' to purl'
gold week after week. McMahon doesn't thin k
that the average wrestling fan is dumb, hl'
knows that we know it isn 't real. I-Ie knows all
we want is to be entertained. Week afier week .
he gives the viewer the greatest show on earth.
Most people say that wrestling rots you
brain or makes you irresponsible or dumb or
less of a human. I disagree. At a place like
Evergreen where people are expected to
experiment with their thought processes and
beliefs, there is no better forum for this than
the world of professional wrestling. While I
do not agree with every comment or wrestler
within the WWF, there are of course a few bad
apples, after spending the day toiling with the
day-to-day operations of Evergreen there is no
greater relaxation than coming home. turning
on the television. and doing something, dare I
say, American .




What's going on in
TESC and Oly life

Arctic Protest Police Brutality Day
by Nichol Everett
Staff writer

by Jennifer Lauren
Staff writer

"Honk! BP out of Alaskai" students hollered at passing
motorists. Holding hand painted signs stating 'No oil drilling
in Alaska!' and 'Honk if you Love our Wilds,' over 25 Greeners
protested the drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge. The rally was held last Friday at the BP station on
Harrison and Division as part ofWashPIRG's campaign to Save
Our Wilds. Paula Esformes of WashPIRG responded 10 the
protest by saying: 'The most empowering part was so many
different students standing on the street corner yelling at cars,
and making an impact. I feel this is one of the best ways to
inform the public. by making a stink."

Wearing all black and waving white signs without words,
they moved their lips but issued no sound. They shook their
fists. and walked in a formed circle while a student, dressed as
a police officer, beat on another student with a night stick.
Last Thursday was National Police Brutality Day, and
students protested in Red Square during the busy noon hour.
"Know your rights," said one of the protesters through a
bull·horn. "What you say can be used against you."

The protesters also informed the crowd of such as laws
regarding assaulting officers. They talked about the continuing
occurrence of police brutality and ways to stop it.

By Aaron Cansler
Yes, another week, another
calendar; here to foolishly
attempt to add enjoyment to
your relativly meaningless
lives. So chin up, soldier!
It's gonna be a long road
ahead of you.

Protesters in Olympia's
Sylvester Park declare
their sentiments to the
crowds on Thursday to
commemorate Police
Brutality Day.

Go to the show below, or
understand that your life,
though pointless, will
become much, much worse.

Friday 10-30
"El Dia De

8 p.m. Witches Brew - Hip
Hop and House Music wi
Source of Labor and DJ's
Venom 3, UltraSonic, Kris
Dorr, and Mike Pfaff. 4th
floor of TESC library
building. $4 for non
students, $2 for students,
KAOS members, and those
in costume.

Thursday 10-29
5 p.m. to 9 p.m. The
Evergreen Medieval Society
Movie Night Presents:
Shakespeare-a-thon @ Adorm's "The Edge"

photo by Ni chol Everet t
photo by Jennifer Lauren

Paula Esformes and Sara Moothart implore
passing motorists to help their fight against BP

Evergreen stud e nts protested in Red Square with
signs and fists.




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one o f yo ur co llea g ue s . Find out \\'hy,

oi's to ck invest ing for re tirem e nt. In ract,

w h en it comes to planning

we ma nage th e largest slock account in the

great minds think alike.


We iii the news business call this
thing above : "Filler."

, To Submit to the , '
Cooper Point
Journal's Calendar Page: Bring
your item to CAB
316 by 4 p.m. on
Mondays, at the


Ensuring the future
for those who shape it.~

·DALBAR, Inc ., 1997 lkjrir.tJ CMt,.u,utiM E-rerllm« Rating-I, Put performance i. no ~.ntee of future reauh•. CREF certificates and ;nlerrsls
in the TIM Real Eatate Account are dittributed by TIAA·CREF Individual and Institutional Services. For more complete information . inclu'd~
i"« charp and UpenKS. callI 800 842-2733. eJrtemion 6509. for the pro.pcctUK•. Read thrm caftf'ully before you inven or send mone.".

the Cooper PointJourntJ#

_, ,_

OctOber 29, 1998

Time? Halloween Ball @
Thekla and Niki's. $5 gets
you into both places.
Knock off a buck if you
come in costume. 21 and

Sunday 11-1

12:30 p.m. "Mandala"
original live music @ the
Olympia Farmer's Market.
2 p.m. The Abbey Players
Presents" Akafellas" for a
matinee performance.
Washington Center for the
Performing Arts. $13 bucks
for students. Get your
tickets via the box office,
at 753-8586.

Saturday 10-31
(or at it is more
commonly known:

Visit us on the Internet at


8 p.m. Street Karaoke
Project. Live Karaoke
Burrito Heaven, 2103
Harrison Ave.

wor ld (based on asse ts under ma nage me nt).

brightest turn to the expert: TIAA-CREF


7:30 p.m. "Witness" (Part
of the ongoing OFS film
festival) Capital Theater.

8 p.m. Harlequin
Productions performs the
original script of "War Of
The Worlds" live on
KAOS. Listen, or watch
them perform it for $5 .
TESC Communications
Building- Experimental
Theatre. Tickets available
at TESC bookstore.

10:30 p.m. Hey
Deadheads, "Slow Roller"
@ 4th Ave. Tavern. $3
cover. $1 off with tie dye
or Grateful Dead shirt.
210 E, 4th Ave. 21 and


MON-WED 10 am-8 pm
THURS-SAT 10 am-9 pm
SUN 12-5 PM




The}i"e.l'hes/ (//uljineH produce,
flowers , plan/s. haked goods, meats,
herbs, hOlley, seafood, Lunches, fine
crajts, original art, and more!

foreign videos Jnd
drt iilms,
i nclepenclc 11 t 1(1 bel
music, shil'h , p()sters
&: more!

tb ..

6 p,m. The Wilderness
Center is going to the
Olympic National Park for
a day trip on Sunday, Nov.
1. Go to the pre-trip
meeti ng in room 208 at the

9 p.m. Trick or Treat for
Hunger and Homelessness
on the TESC campus. Meet
@ bottom of A-dorm, dress
up too. More info? Call
866-6000 x6058


Cooper Point JuoTnal

(Tuesday, 10-13 cont'd)
8 p.m. to 10 p.m. The
Evergreen Swing Club
lessons and boogie.
(Every Tuesday)
Library, 4300

Wednesday 11-4
The "Save Our Wilds"
Group of WashPIRG will
be holding an Arctic
Action Day during lunch
hours on Red Square.
Learn how to help prevent
drilling in the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge
in Alaska,

Tuesday 11-3

5:30 p.m. Michele
Saovi's "Stagefreight" and
"The Fly" (at 7:3Q)
Capitol Theater $5
members, $7 non.
Hey! Hey you! Yeah, uh, by
the way, you need to go to the
OFS film festival, which is still
going on . There's some pretty
groovy stuff gain on round

This week's moral:
Backstabbing is a mean and
unhealthy habit, especially
when doing it to yourself.

8 p.m. "Puck The Vote"
(The anti-apathy election
day special) No Shirt No
Shoes No Service
(Olympia) The Better
Automatic (DC) el Serioso
(Oly)Takes place at the
Housing Community
Center. An Alcohol and
drug free event.


And Rember,
Will sez, "Have fun, kids!"


Odober 29, 1998


Ozy & Millie


by David Simpson

NO \lSE ~





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Ozy & Millie on the web:!- rainJ

~OlA-y\~ \j'1().,.5\'"~~l
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HouY's of
rUV1 "


That depend s. An! you
the son of God"



Ho.. -o--h -O-h ,


He disowned me nine
years agu



W l"lt. he , tt~ t"r rht"rl'
J !tu nk nt.:" t! (lr J h,:l Ilguvcr

Fee l t he ve n gea nce o f
m y Iy n cal p i s to l. th e
Du!-.c 45 , It w ill make

Did yo u ge l Ihe slu ff
yo u guod for nOl htn ·


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believe that initiative
passed. Damn! That guy was elected?!
Oh great! Look who's going to be
on the senate. This country makes
me sickl

I say we grab some signs and protest on the
capital steps, We are going to make those
fat bureaucrats listen to what we have to say!

WeILno .. , I kinda forgo .. ,





Bring your lecture or seminar scribbles
to the 3rd floor of the CAB. Then they
can appear in the visual column:




the Cooper Point Journal




October 29, 1998

wi drawings leave phone # and class in which you


performed the act.

the Cooper Point Journal


October 29, 1998