The Paper Volume 1, Number 2 (November 11, 1971)


Eng cpj0003
Eng The Paper Volume 1, Number 2 (November 11, 1971)
11 November 1971
Eng Page 1: Students use Ears, Learn to Read;
Page 1: Not One to Mince His Words;
Page 1: 'Children of God' Offer their Story;
Page 1: Millions Now at Stake
Eng Mason, Mike
Eng Wright, Marvin
Eng College student newspapers and periodicals.
Eng The Evergreen State College
Eng The Student Fees Hearing Board
Eng application/PDF
Eng eng
Eng The Evergreen State College
Eng Washington
Eng The Paper Cooperative, The Evergreen State College
Eng 1 page
Temporal Coverage
Eng November 11,1971
extracted text

Eager to help?

olume I, Number 2


the evergreen state colle~e, washington

THURSDAY, November 11, 1971

dents ·Us1r ·Eats, Learn to Read
Evergreen's newspaper-to-be, if
nothing else at its glorious genesis, plans to tell the entire community about activities and plans
of general interest usually known
to only one study group or small

information of current events
and planned activities from
all members of this college
Only through such interac-

'C,.h·I•1dren Of GO·d'
0·11er· 'Th e1r
• ·story

of people.
the permanent Information ·
becomes a reality, the emwill shift to determine why

and why not things are happening
:!:~~i:;~ without the Evergreen
In both phases, those people
creating a community newspaper
will depend heavily on continuing

To Mince
His Words

tion will the newspaper provide
a worthwhile service to the community. Without it, tesc's fledgling communications gep can only
continue to thrive.


, '


A small but highly dedicated a newspaper that would present a
reasoned view of policies and progroup of idealists tallied an
affecting community memimpressive number of hours in
emphasis on treatment
working toward the formation
of an issue. Withof a newspaper this week.
Brought together by the com- out this direction, newspaper
mon realization of need for an planners felt, the product would
be a wasted effort.
immediate information source,
In all stages of planning the
these evergreen pioneers disnewspaper operation, the group
cussed format, philosophy and
has welcomed suggestions and conexpediency for filling the
structive criticism from everyone
community-wide vacuum where
interested in an immediate commuexchange of thoughts, plans
nications medium at Evergreen.
and procedures should be hapThe future of the paper, as well
Their discussion centered on as its present success, depends on
the need for a "different" pa- widespread support of its goals
and the means to attain them.
per from most school "rags"--

Evergreen's newspaper plans to
offer every individual and group
·n the college's realm an opportunit y to air their opinions, reate their plans and speak their
Because members of tesc have a
eed -- and right
to know what
ther people have to say on vary· ng subjects, the paper will enA newspaper at Evergreen is
eavor to present these diverse
going to cost at least $6,000
epics for consideration by the
ntire c ommunit y .
for the academic year. Once
a Student Fees Hearing Board
Only through awareness and unbegins considering budget preerstanding of the ideas and
goals of oth e r s will this college sentations, the paper "co-op"
get it t ogeth e r as a vital learn- will attempt to obtain suffing communit v .
cient funding for a weekly

Millions Now at Stake
eight-page tabloid. Newspaper
planners look for the immediate
formation of this board.
In the meantime, volunteers will
actively seek contributio ns of
money and loan equipment to initiate a progressive paper NOW, and
bridge the interim budgetary gap.

Eager to help?

olume I, Number 2


the evergreen state colle~e, washington

THURSDAY, November 11, 1971

dents ·Us1r ·Eats, Learn to Read
Evergreen's newspaper-to-be, if
nothing else at its glorious genesis, plans to tell the entire community about activities and plans
of general interest usually known
to only one study group or small

information of current events
and planned activities from
all members of this college
Only through such interac-

'C,.h·I•1dren Of GO·d'
0·11er· 'Th e1r
• ·story

of people.
the permanent Information ·
becomes a reality, the emwill shift to determine why

and why not things are happening
:!:~~i:;~ without the Evergreen
In both phases, those people
creating a community newspaper
will depend heavily on continuing

To Mince
His Words

tion will the newspaper provide
a worthwhile service to the community. Without it, tesc's fledgling communications gep can only
continue to thrive.


, '


A small but highly dedicated a newspaper that would present a
reasoned view of policies and progroup of idealists tallied an
affecting community memimpressive number of hours in
emphasis on treatment
working toward the formation
of an issue. Withof a newspaper this week.
Brought together by the com- out this direction, newspaper
mon realization of need for an planners felt, the product would
be a wasted effort.
immediate information source,
In all stages of planning the
these evergreen pioneers disnewspaper operation, the group
cussed format, philosophy and
has welcomed suggestions and conexpediency for filling the
structive criticism from everyone
community-wide vacuum where
interested in an immediate commuexchange of thoughts, plans
nications medium at Evergreen.
and procedures should be hapThe future of the paper, as well
Their discussion centered on as its present success, depends on
the need for a "different" pa- widespread support of its goals
and the means to attain them.
per from most school "rags"--

Evergreen's newspaper plans to
offer every individual and group
·n the college's realm an opportunit y to air their opinions, reate their plans and speak their
Because members of tesc have a
eed -- and right
to know what
ther people have to say on vary· ng subjects, the paper will enA newspaper at Evergreen is
eavor to present these diverse
going to cost at least $6,000
epics for consideration by the
ntire c ommunit y .
for the academic year. Once
a Student Fees Hearing Board
Only through awareness and unbegins considering budget preerstanding of the ideas and
goals of oth e r s will this college sentations, the paper "co-op"
get it t ogeth e r as a vital learn- will attempt to obtain suffing communit v .
cient funding for a weekly

Millions Now at Stake
eight-page tabloid. Newspaper
planners look for the immediate
formation of this board.
In the meantime, volunteers will
actively seek contributio ns of
money and loan equipment to initiate a progressive paper NOW, and
bridge the interim budgetary gap.
Eng US-WaOE.A.1973-01
Is Part Of
Eng The Cooper Point Journal