The Evergreen State College Diversity Strategy, 1998


The Evergreen State College Diversity Strategy, 1998
The 1998 Evergreen State College Diversity Strategy.
extracted text

The Evergreen State College
Goal Area

Institutional Goal




Goal - Evergreen will strive to achieve by Fall 2001, an
undergraduate participation rate for all ethnic/racial minority
groups that equals or exceeds the average participation rate
for Evergreen for Fall 1996 through Fall 1998 for the 17-22
year old population in the State.


Dean of Enrollment Services
and Coordinator of First
Peoples’ Recruitment



Evergreen has
committed $97,435 to
support the First
People’s Recruitment
Office and
Admissions Office.

1. Continue the visitation program to high schools and
community colleges with significant populations of students
of color.
2. Continue the publication of specially targeted materials for
students of color.
3. Conduct intensive outreach, through personal invitation
and telephone calls, for students of color to attend the
College's "Preview Day".
4. Continue to host students of color wanting to visit the
campus and attend an academic program.
5. First People’s Recruitment will continue to work with the
Higher Education Coordinating Board’s early outreach
program to reach out to at-risk youth.
6. Continue to stress the College's commitment to attract a
diverse student body as reflected through its admissions
7. Participate in specific events, such as college fairs,
educational conferences, etc., which are specifically
designed for students of color.
8. Develop more scholarship opportunities for students of
color to attend Evergreen.
9. Develop closer ties with community organizations for the
different ethnic/racial groups in Olympia, Tacoma, and

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10. Develop early awareness programs for students of
color and their families which address not only academic
preparation, but also includes social and financial
preparation for college studies.

11. Institute reports that will compare participation rates of
students of color each fall with participation rates of
Caucasian Washington high school graduates.
12. Continue to develop the relationship between the
Upward Bound summer program and First People’s
recruitment and continue the Upward Bound scholarship at
13. Develop systematic recruitment plan for Tacoma and
Tribal programs.
Goal - Evergreen will strive to achieve by the year 2001, a
transfer rate for all ethnic/racial minority groups that equals
or exceeds the average transfer rate from fall 1996 through
fall 1998 for all transfers to Evergreen.


Dean of Enrollment Services,
Coordinator First Peoples’

$97,435 to support
First Peoples’
Recruitment Office,
Admissions Office.

1. Develop closer ties with South Puget Sound CC, Tacoma
CC, Olympic CC, Pierce College, and Seattle Central CC to
facilitate the transfer of students of color to Evergreen.
2. Develop closer ties with student organizations for
different ethnic groups at selected community colleges.
3. Develop part-time undergraduate and graduate offerings
relevant to students of color who work full-time.

Dean of Part-Time Studies,
Part-Time Studies Planning
Group, and Directors of
Graduate Programs

4. Institute reports that will compare participation rates of
students of color each fall with participation rates of
Caucasian Washington community college students in both
full and part-time offerings.

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Goal - Evergreen will strive to achieve by the year 2001, a
graduate enrollment for all ethnic/racial minority groups that
equals or exceeds the average graduate enrollment rate
from fall 1996 through fall 1998 for all graduate students at


Director of MPA program,
Director of MIT program, and
Director of the MES program

Support from existing
budgets; Alumni
Relations, Financial
Aid and College

1. Implement and continue to improve on a plan to
systematize recruitment activities.
2. Continue to reflect the diversity of students and faculty in
graduate program publications and to use texts and other
curriculum materials that have multicultural perspectives.

3. Expand on attendance at Graduate/Professional Days at
schools with large populations of students of color and host
potential students wanting to visit the campus.
4. Increase program visibility among people of color in the
region and develop relationships with referral sources.
5. Develop an Outreach Conference targeted for
underrepresented undergraduates and for prospective
students who are career changers and/or employed fulltime.
6. Publicize the program's high graduate rates and the
employment opportunities for graduates.
7. Provide personal, professional follow -up on inquiries and
acknowledge applications within 72 hours.
8. Monitor incomplete applications on a weekly basis and
follow -up as appropriate.
9. Make personal telephone calls to all of those admitted to
the program, regardless of ethnicity, and an additional
follow -up personal telephone call by faculty, staff or alumni
to those who are students of color.
10. Continue to make scholarship/financial aid information
available to applicants and students in brochures, books,
newsletters and the catalog and provide financial support
for students as soon as possible.

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11. Continue quarterly visits to Tacoma campus to offer
one-on-one advising for Tacoma students interested in
graduate study at Evergreen.
12. Continue to assess enrollment reports every fall to
determine success of the above categories.

Goal - Evergreen will try to achieve by the year 2001, a
retention rate for all ethnic/racial minority continuing and
transfer students that equals or exceeds the average
retention rate for all continuing and transfer students at
Evergreen for fall 1996 through fall 1998.


Dean of Students and
Academic Support Services;
Director of Academic
Advising; Director of First
Peoples' Advising Services

Quarterly retention

$98,199 to support
the First Peoples'
Advising Services
Offices; Academic
Advising; Dean of
Student and
Academic Support

1. Continue support services provided to students of color
through First Peoples' Advising Services.

2. Continue to provide culturally specific advising to student
organizations and continue collaboration with the Office of
Student Activities.
3. Continue monitoring retention statistics on a quarterly
basis to determine how well the College is achieving this
4. Continue collaboration between First People's Advising
Services and the Dean of Student and Academic Support
5. Increase collaboration between First Peoples' Advising
Services and the Office of Academic Advising.
6. Further develop Longhouse Public Service program to
show our commitment to Native American students.
7. Initiate education of faculty on issues regarding students
of color and their educational experience.
8. Continue the Undergraduate Fellows Pre-orientation
Program begun Fall 1997 by First People’s Advising
Services with the funding of the foundation and housing.

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9. Investigate faculty participation in state and national
summer diversity institutes.
Goal - Evergreen will strive to achieve by the year 2001 a
retention rate for ethnic/racial minority students that equals
or exceeds the average retention rate for graduate students
at Evergreen for fall 1996 through fall 1998.


Director of the MPA program,
Director of the MIT program,
and Director of the MES

Support from existing
budgets; Financial Aid
and College

1. Tailor, develop and provide a MES/MPA Summer graduate
preparatory program which includes basic ecology,
economics, statistics, graduate research writing and library
skills (in addition to continuing to provide other appropriate
prerequisite courses).

Summer school dean
will need to provide
adequate support.

2. Expand on collaboration between First People's Advising
and the graduate programs.
3. Develop working relationships with student organizations
and other organizations meeting the needs of students of
4. Encourage peer support from other students in order to
prevent classroom isolation and/or being designated
spokesperson for a particular group.

5. Through the Washington Center for the Improvement of
Undergraduate Education continue inter-institutional work on
curriculum change and cultural diversity, student success,
and institutional planning for diversity.
6. Expand on a mentor system of support from faculty,
alumni, professionals and retired professionals.
7. Continue to explore incorporation of different learning
styles which may be related to cultural background.
8. Seek funding to defray costs of graduate research.

Development Office,
in cooperation with
appropriate graduate

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9. Seek funding to continue supporting student teacher
travel to teaching sites which have large numbers of
students of color.
10. Seek funding to support student internships in
organizations which serve communities of color.
11. In the first year of the program, provide opportunities for
students of color to give feedback regarding their
experiences in the program.

Goal - Evergreen will try to achieve by the year 2001 a
baccalaureate completion rate for all ethnic/racial minority
groups that equals or exceeds the average completion rate
for all students receiving baccalaureate degrees from
Evergreen for fall 1996 through fall 1998.


Dean of Student and
Academic Support Services,
Director of Academic
Advising, Director of Key
Student Service, and
Director of First Peoples'
Advising Services

Annual graduation

Support from existing
budgets, i.e.
Institutional Research
and Planning,
Registration and
Records, and
Computer Services

1. Continue to monitor graduation statistics on a yearly basis
to determine how well the College is achieving this goal.
NOTE: The strategies designed for RETENTION and
students of color.


Goal - Evergreen will strive to achieve by the year 2005 a
master’s degree completion rate for all ethnic/racial minority
groups that equals or exceeds the average completion rate
for all master's degree students at Evergreen for academic
years 1998 through 2000.



Directors of MPA, MIT and
MES programs


The graduate
programs will
continue to support
the strategies from
existing budgets

1. Continue to provide peer support and program structure
for completing the applications project, research design
project, and thesis or essay of distinction.
2. Continue to develop a system of supportive mentoring by
successful, professional internships and by faculty, alumni,
and other professionals.

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3. Continue to monitor on a yearly basis graduation statistics
to determine how well the College is achieving this goal.


Goal - Evergreen will strive to achieve by the year 2010,
employment rate for all ethnic/racial minority groups in
faculty and exempt positions that equal or exceed their


Director of Human Resource
Services, Special Assistant
to the President for Equal
Opportunity, and Academic

Annual Affirmative
Action report

1. Explore the creation of evaluations and performance
criteria to include diversity components for all employees.
2. Develop an exit interview process to determine reasons
for separation.
3. Expand the ethnic diversity of potential applicants for
employment in the college’s recruitment data base.
4. Develop and maintain contacts with community
organizations representing and serving the many ethnic
groups of the state.
5. Establish lists of sources for outreach to ethnically
diverse members of professions employed by the college.
6. Host representatives of community organizations for the
purpose of introducing them to employment opportunities at
the college.
7. Continue to advertise regularly in newspapers and
periodicals that are published by and target members of
ethnically diverse communities within the state and assess
their effectiveness.
Goal – Develop procedures for evaluating hiring decisions to
ensure that they address the under-representation of
ethnic/racial minority groups.

Academic Dean; Academic
Vice President and Provost

$65,000/ per year
recruit faculty of
$50,000 per year on
retention activities.

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1. Continue effective hiring practices which have led
Evergreen to achieve a total of 22% of the entire faculty to
be faculty of color.

Goal – Affirm the college’s statement of value for diversity
through substantive institutional actions.


Academic Vice President
and Provost, Washington
Center for the Improvement
of Undergraduate Education,
Evergreen Center, and
Special Assistant to the
President for Equal


Academic Vice
President/Provost; Academic


Director of MPA, Director of
MIT, and Director of MES

The College will
continue to support
this goal with existing
funds in the academic

1. Host activities which increase interaction between the
campus and the communities of color in the surrounding
area and statewide.
Goal - Incorporate significant material on cultural pluralism,
ethnic diversity, and race and racism in American society
across a broad array of undergraduate courses and public
service activities.

Monitor Curricular
Offerings to
maintain or enrich
the current level of
commitment to this

Support with existing
funds in the academic

1. Evergreen will continue its effective interdisciplinary
teaching methods which will allow faculty to address
cultural pluralism, ethnic diversity, and race and racism in
American society.
Goal – Incorporate significant material on cultural pluralism,
ethnic diversity, race, and racism in graduate offerings.

The graduate
programs will continue
to support from
existing budgets.

1. Continue effective interdisciplinary teaching methods
which will allow faculty to address cultural pluralism, ethnic
diversity, race, and racism.

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2. Expand and enrich the range of instructional materials
and experiences to include additional literature in
environmental studies, education and public administration
and written from the viewpoint of people of color.

3. Continue field experience placements for internships and
student teaching in settings with diverse populations.
Goal - Demonstrate continued participation by the president,
trustees, exempt staff, and faculty in seminars on combating
racism, valuing cultural pluralism, and managing diversity.


Vice President for Student
Affairs and Academic Vice
President and Provost

1. Continue to schedule speakers, workshops, and other
activities on valuing and benefiting from cultural diversity and
combating racism.
2. Provide workshops and training that emphasize the role
of every campus office and employee in maintaining a
culturally inclusive organization.
3. Continue participation by selected faculty and staff
through curriculum infusion.
4. Continue "Prejudice Reduction" workshops semi-annually.


5. Set accountability goals to increase faculty participation
in diversity training activities.

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