The Evergreen State College Newsletter (November 18, 1974)


Eng Newsletter_19741118.pdf
Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter (November 18, 1974)
18 November 1974
extracted text



November 18, 1974

Auxiliary Services, has been named to replace Personnel Director Diann Youngquist, who has
resigned effective Nov. 30 to accept a position as personnel specialist for the Higher
Education Personnel Board.
Moss, who first came to TESC in 1970 to serve as Student Accounts Superviser, will also
retain most of his responsibilities as director of Auxiliary Services, which include administrative leadership of the Bookstore, Food Services, Housing and conferences.
Moss, 30, earned both his bachelor's degree (in accounting) and his master's degree (in
business administration) from Washington State University. He served as a special projects
accountant and later general accounting superviser for WSU between 1967 and 1970. He became
director of Auxiliary Services in 1973, after serving three years as student accounts superviser.
finding out how to teach responsibility and the value of productive work to someone never before employed. He's helping return alcoholics and disabled persons to useful roles in society
and he's finding out how to encourage someone accustomed to failure to try again.
Smith is serving an internship with Moringside Industries, a non-profit,work-oriented
ahabilitative facility in West Olympia. He's earning full academic credit for his experience,
under the careful guidance of Mrs. Irene Jones, director of Morningside's training program.
Smith's responsibilities at Morningside are as varied as the people the facility serves.
In his capacity as assistant to the director of training, Smith is involved with the total
orientation of new trainees to the center and keeps track of the weekly activities and time
schedules that are used to inform counselors of the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
of individual progress. He also participates in preliminary interviews with all trainees to
discuss vocational backgrounds and interest preferences. In addition, Smith assists trainees
with outside appointments, instructs in budgeting and comparison shopping and helps Mrs.
Jones in many other areas of counseling and record keeping.
Smith, whose career goal is counseling, has already served a one-quarter internship at
the Cedar Creek Youth Camp and studied counseling techniques used with troubled juveniles. He
feels that his Morningside internship and his Cedar Creek experience - - both organized through
the Evergreen Office of Cooperative Education, have been invaluable aids to increasing his
understanding of his field and bridging the gap between academic theory and practice.
...JIM SYMONS TO DIRECT COOPERATIVE MINISTRY...An attempt to respond to the spiritual, ethical
and theological needs of Evergreen students, faculty and staff will be made in coming weeks
by the newly created Cooperative Ministry, which will be coordinated by Jim Symons, a local
clerygman known to many for his involvement in the Community for Christian Celebration.
Organized by a group of concerned students and faculty in cooperation with the Thurston
County Ministries in Higher Education, the new group will open its office doors Nov. 18 in
Library room 3223, according to Jasper Hunt, a student intern for the center.
The Evergreen Cooperative Ministry, as defined ,by Hunt, "is essentially an interfaith
group which hopes to identify student and faculty needs and respond to them. Our concerns,"
ie added, "will not be limited to spiritual issues. But, will encompass questions of ethics,
theology and counseling as the need arises."
The new center will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays and 2 to 5 p.m. Wednesdays.




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...CIVILIZATION PROGRAM OFFERS TWO PUBLIC LECTURES...An art historian and an Asian literary
scholar will be presented in two free public lectures at Evergreen this week, sponsored by the
Chinese Civilization Coordinated Studies program.
Glenn Webb, a member of the University of Washington's Art History Department, will discuss "Bronzes and Buddhas
changing motifs in Chinese arts of the ancient and medievel
periods," in a public talk Nov. 21 from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Lecture Hall One.
Larry Foster, a member of the East Asian Studies Program at Western Washington State
College, will discuss "Chinese Romantic Literature at the End of an Era," an examination
of literary trends in the third and fourth centuries in his talk scheduled for Nov. 22 from
9:30 to 11 a.m. in Lecture Hall Four.
...WAR AND CHRISTIANITY PROGRAM CONTINUES NOV. 18...Chuck Shelton, an Evergreen junior from
Mercer Island, has organized a community forum entitled,"War and Christianity," held Monday
evenings at the First United Methodist Church, 1224 Legion Way, Olympia.
Shelton, an intern
for the World Without War Council, say the Nov. 18 public program will examine "what the
Bible has to say about war." The 8 p.m. presentation will include a panel discussion by five
Olympia clergymen and, he says, "the discussion promises to be stimulating." All interested
persons are welcome.
...WOODBURY NAMED TO THURSTON PLANNING COUNCIL...Faculty Member Ron Woodbury has been named by
the Tumwater School District to the Thurston Regional Planning Council.Woodbury, a Tumwater
School Board member, said the district recently decided to "exercise its option to join the
regional council," and asked him to serve on the body indefinitely.
The county-wide board is responsible for coordinating planning among various agencies in
the county, but has no enforcement powers. Its membership includes representatives from
county and city governments, school districts, soil districts, and other key local agencies,
including TESC, which is represented by Les Eldridge, special assistant to the president.