The Evergreen State College Newsletter (November 11, 1974)


Eng Newsletter_19741111.pdf
Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter (November 11, 1974)
11 November 1974
extracted text



November 11, 1974

...800 THURSTON AND MASON COUNTY SENIORS TO VISIT TESC NOV. 15...More than 800 high school
students from throughout Thurston and Mason Counties have been invited to participate in the
annual High School/College Conference at Evergreen Nov. 15, from 9 a.m. to noon.
Students from North Thurston, Timberline, Olympia, Tumwater, Shelton, Ye1m, St. Placids
and Mary Knight High Schools will attend three sessions to hear representatives from 13 fouryear colleges, three two-year community colleges and two vocational-technical institutes.
Evergreen's Admissions Office is hosting the annual event, which is conducted by the
Washington Council on High School/College Relations. The state-wide program is designed to
serve the needs of high school students by providing them with information essential to
planning their post-high school academic programs.

...AWARENESS WORKSHOP TO EXAMINE ALL ASPECTS OF RAPE...A concerted effort to raise the level
of consciousness about the problems of rape will be made during a four-day workshop to be held
at Evergreen Nov. 18-21. Campus Police Assistant_Ann_ Brown_, an organizer of the workshop,
said she hopes the presentation
which will include speeches, demonstrations of martial arts,
films and panel discussions
will increase everyone's awareness of the problems of rape.
"It's been said that the problem of rape will not be resolved until men and women both
have become more aware of its causes and effects," Brown said. "We're hoping to provide an
opportunity for everyone to examine all aspects of rape
medical, moral, ethical, legal and
and to spark the kind of dialogue that will help all of us better understand
the problem, both as individuals and as members of this community."
The workshop will begin at 12:30 p.m. Nov. 18 with a multi-image presentation on "Myth
and Stereotype of Rape." Psychologist Maureen Saylor of the Western Washington State Hospital
Sexual Psychopath Program will discuss the problem of rape at 1:15 p.m. And, the movie, "No
Lies," will examine communications problems which surround such sexual crimes. All movies will
be shown in Lecture Halls Building; other presentations will be staged in the main Library lobby
Tuesdays' program includes a martial arts demonstration and discussion of physical and
mental defenses, another film and a noon panel discussion on "The Ethical Implications of Rape."
More films and discussions are on tape for Wednesday and Thursday. For a complete schedule
of the events, call the Evergreen Information Center (866-6300) or Office of Security (866-6140)

...SMITH NAMED TO EDUCATIONAL REVIEW PANEL...Bill Smith, Director of Financial Aid at Evergreen,
has been named to the Region Ten Office of Education Review Panel, which reviews applications
from all post-secondary institutions in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska which request
federal student aid funds. The panel will review applications in Seattle for one week and
then send recommendations on to the Washington, D.C. Office of Education for final determination,
city, county, state and federal governmental agencies will be on campus Nov. 13 to kick off
the first in a series of eight Job Information Days sponsored by the Evergreen Placement Office.
The all day event, which is aimed primarily at providing Evergreen seniors with relevant and
useful career information, will include presentations by governmental representatives,
application procedures, question/answer sessions, and a series of 15-minute mock interviews.
Representatives from business and industry have been invited to participate in the second
Job Information Day scheduled for December 4, according to Gail Martin, Evergreen Placement






...MIME CLOWN TO STAGE EVERGREEN APPEARANCE...Mime Clown Tim Elliott will stage a public
performance at Evergreen Nov. 13 beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the main Library lobby. Elliott,
who has performed throughout the United States and Europe, has been involved with mime the
greater portion of his life, and has developed a unique style totally his own.
His performances have taken him to Greenland, Iceland, Newfoundland and Labrador in recent years and,
in 1973, he performed before England's Princess Margaret at the Edinburg Festival of the
Performing Arts.
Admission to the evening performance is $1 for adults and $.50 for students. Children
under 12 will be admitted free.
...CLASSICAL GUITARIST SLATES NOV. 14 CONCERT...Classical guitarist Jeffrey Van will perform
in concert at Evergreen Nov. 14 at 8 p.m. in Lecture Hall One. Van, who will be making numerous
public appearances in the Olympia area, will also conduct a workshop with guitarists and student composers for guitar at Evergreen Nov. 12 beginning at 10 a.m.
Sponsored by Eye-5, Van's performance on Nov. 14 is free and open to the public.
...MUSHROOM HUNTERS WORKSHOP OFFERED NOV. 16...A one-day workshop, "All About Mushrooms," will
be conducted by Dr. and Mrs. Alan Much at Evergreen Nov. 16 beginning at 9 a.m. in room 202
of the College Recreation Center. Practical techniques in how to find, collect and identify
wild mushrooms will be discussed by the couple, who are currently conducting field research
on mushrooms in the Olympia area. Color slides of mushrooms in their natural habitat will be
shown, including those of many species that can be found locally.
"The Olympia area abounds with a wide variety of eminently edible mushrooms," Dr. Much(^
says. "But, deadly species are also present." He regards mushrooms as an important food product because, he says, they are high in nutritional value, low in calories and "very delicious."
Tuition for the one-day workshop is $15 and participation from the community is encouraged.
Interested persons can register with the CRC Office by calling 866-6530.