The Evergreen State College Newsletter (October 25, 1974)


Eng Newsletter_197410251.pdf
Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter (October 25, 1974)
25 October 1974
extracted text




October 25, 1974

...FALL QUARTER ENROLLMENT SHOWS 2,439...Preliminary figures for Fall Quarter enrollment
show 2,439 students currently attending Evergreen, according to Registrar Walker Allen.
The total compares with 2,327 students attending Fall Quarter 1973.
Allen noted that the tentative figures also reflect an increase in the percentage of
both residents and non-white students at Evergreen. "Last fall 75 percent of our students
were residents of the State of Washington," he reports. "This fall that figure is up to
80 percent. This percentage increase reflects a deliberate attempt on our part to provide
academic services to more Washington residents."
The percentage of non-white students enrolled at Evergreen has also climbed from
8.5 percent (or 198 students) in 1973 to 9.7 percent (238 students) this fall. The preliminary enrollment figures also reflect an increase in the percentage of students who
returned to Evergreen from the previous year. Fall Quarter 1973, 55 percent of the students
enrolled in Fall of 1972 returned to TESC. This year, 61 percent of those students who
attended Evergreen last fall have returned. This figure, as Allen noted with a grin, "sure
says we're doing something right."


...FILM STUDENT WINS INTERNATIONAL AWARD...Jim Cox, an Evergreen junior from Spokane, has
won a bronz, third-place medal in the Seventh Annual Atlanta International Film Festival.
Cox's seven-minute film, "Neptune," won the award in the Experimental/Live Action category
for his abstract, visual piece based on the Neptune Movement of Gustav Hoist's "Symphony of
the Planet."
The annual Atlanta film competition drew more than 2,000 entries from 32 nations.
Awards were given only to the top three films in each category. Cox completed his film
at Evergreen in conjunction with academic work done under the guidance of Faculty Members
Paul Sparks and Lee Anderson.
...PHOTOGRAPHY INSTRUCTOR FROM ELLENSBURG HIRED...Ford Gilbreath, a former graduate teaching
assistant for the Central Washington State College Department of Art, has been hired as
an Evergreen photographer. The appointment, effective Oct. 21, was announced by Woody Hirzel,
acting coordinator of Library Media Services.
Gilbreath, who taught photography at Central until July, has also served as an instructor's aide in the Department of Cinema and Photography at Southern Illinois University,
where he earned his bachelor's degree. He has also undertaken graduate work at CWSC.
An experienced free lance photographer, Gilbreath is a native of Hopkinsville, Kentucky,
where he graduated from high school in 1968.
...FACULTY MEMBER WEBB NAMED TO HEALTH COUNCIL...Dr. E. Jackson Webb, has been appointed to the
Board of the South Puget Sound Comprehensive Health Planning Council, which promotes, assists,
and plans for public health services in the tri-county area of Thurston, Mason and Lewis
Dr. Webb, a faculty member in English, is also an editorial consultant for the SPSCHC,
and serves on the Acute Inpatient Care Policy and Planning Committee.
professional puppeteers from Portland, will present their latest puppet play, "The Wonderful
Adventures of Perseus Including His Journey Into Africa," Oct. 24 beginning at 8 p.m. in
Lecture Hall One on the Evergreen campus.
"The Wonderful Adventures of Perseus" is a marionette play from the Greek myth
performed by 17 intricate string puppets designed and built by the Williams couple, both of
whom are Olympia High School graduates. It's good family entertainment.




S M 3 N am

Company, a troupe of more than three dozen dancers and musicians from the West African nation
of Senegal, will perform in the main lobby of the Evergreen library Oct. 28 beginning at
7:30 p.m. The performance, sponsored by the Office of Recreation and Campus Activities, will
cost $2.50 for adults. Children under 12 admitted free. Tickets available at the door.
The dancers, who have been traveling throughout the world for the past 14 years, present
dance forms and rituals which have been a part of African tradition almost since the dawn
of tribal societies. Accompanied by unusual instruments and a variety of native costumes,
the dancers concentrate on forms derived from different tribal appeals to the gods of fertility
either of the soil or the women. The instruments and costumes reflect tribal evolution
and adaptation to artifacts from outside cultures. Arabic influences and later those of
French and modern societies are exemplified.
For additional information on the dance troupe or the program, call Evergreen Office
of Recreation and Campus Activities, 866-6220.
...TESC ECONOMICS PROGRAM DISCUSSED AT UCLA...Dr. Charles Nisbet, an Evergreen faculty
member in economics, spoke to the 20th annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Counsel on Latin
American Studies at the University of California at Los Angeles Oct. 19. Dr. Nisbet
delivered a paper on "Latin American Studies Through the Back Door: An Evergreen Approach."
His was the only paper at the conference describing a different way of teaching Latin American
studies at the undergraduate level.
Dr. Nisbet said he was invited to speak before the Counsel after a California academic
dean attended the Northwest Symposium on Chili organized by students at Evergreen last
January. "The dean was so impressed with the fact that our academic programs would allow
undergraduates to conduct such an extensive symposium, he invited me to discuss our entire
economics curriculum in California, Dr. Nisbet reported.