The Evergreen State College Newsletter (October 7, 1974)


Eng Newsletter_19741007.pdf
Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter (October 7, 1974)
7 October 1974
extracted text



October 7, 1974

...DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AWARDS EVERGREEN $12,200 GRANT...The State Department of Ecology
has awarded Evergreen and Dr. S.. J\" Cook a $12,200 grant to examine the eutrophication and restoration of Horseshoe Lake in Woodland, Washington. Dr. Cook, director
of Evergreen""s Laboratory facilities, said the grant will enable students to sample the
waters of both the lake and the Lewis River, which feeds it.
"The students will make bi-weekly trips to Woodland to determine the source of the
nutrients which are promoting growth of algae and destroying the lake's pristine qualities,"
he said. "The students will also determine how those nutrients can be removed so that the
lake will become less rich and, hence, less polluted," he explained.
The students will receive part-time salaries for their efforts, as well as full
academic credit. The nine-month project, according to Dr. Cook, provides "a unique
opportunity for undergraduates to combine academic theories with practical, problem-solving
techniques which will benefit the community of Woodland."
The lake, some 20 miles south of Kelso, is actually an elbow of the Lewis River. It
was isolated in the early 1940's when Old Highway 99 was built.
...SEATTLE ARTIST NAMED TO FACULTY POST...Kathleen Rabel, a former artist-in-residence at
the University of Washington, has been named to a part-time faculty position in art at
Evergreen for Fall and Winter Quarters. The appointment, announced by Provost Edward J.
Kormondy, is effective immediately.
Rabel, who has also taught at Western Washington State College and the Cornish School
of Allied Arts, received her bachelor's degree from the University of Washington. She has
exhibited her works at the Henry Gallery, Richard White Gallery, State Capitol Museum, the
Seattle and Tacoma Art Museums and at Evergreen. She will instruct etching and printmaking
workshops at Evergreen working in cooperation with faculty artists Paul Sparks and Susan
...TESC SENIOR WINS HUMANITIES YOUTHGRANT...Barry Roderick, an Evergreen senior, has been
awarded a $3832 Youthgrant by the National Endowment for the Humanities to study the
mythic motifs of the Inuit tribe in Alaska. Roderick, 25, plans to spend the next seven
months living with an Eskimo family in an Inuit village, recording folk tales and documenting oral traditions of the tribe.
The Evergreen student has already spent considerable time in Alaska and was recently
ritually adopted by an Inuit family and acquired the additional name of Akpiq Aluraq. His
grant, the first one received at Evergreen through the NEH Youthgrant program, will
enable him to "provide future researchers with a complete collection of the oral traditions
on which to base their research and analyses of Inuit and Arctic studies," according to
Evergreen Academic Dean Charles Teske, who has worked with Roderick on the grant.
"It will provide the U.S. Bicentennial Committee with a potentially neglected area
of Americana
America's latest and most distinct citizenry, the Eskimo," Teske said.
The Youthgrants are part of a new program sponsored by NEH to provide young persons
in or out of school
a chance to explore their own concerns in the humanities, to
enlarge their educational experience and to provide studies of broad humanistic interest,
Teske added.
... FORMER SOUTH VIETNAM PRISONER TO SPEAK OCT. 11...Jean Pierre Debris, a French school
teacher who spent two-and-a-half years in a Saigon, South Vietnam prison, will speak at
Evergreen Oct. 11 at 3 p.m. in Lecture Hall Four. The former prisoner will present a 30minute film entitled "A Question of Tortue," examining Southeast Asian political repression. He will also discuss prison conditions and American aid to the Thieu government
in his free public address sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee.

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...HUNGER ACTION CENTER ESTABLISHED AT EVERGREEN...The Hunger Action Center, a federally
funded affiliate of Neighbors in Need, has moved to new offices at Evergreen (Seminar
Building, room 3122). The Center, funded through the Emergency Food and Medical Services
program of the Office of Economic Opportunity, was established in August under the direction
of J.B. McCrummen.
Its primary purpose, according to McCrummen, is to "seek innovative solutions to
the problems of hunger and malnutrition through research, public education and citizen
action." Main focus of the Center's efforts will be to alleviate domestic hunger. McCrummen says his office has developed a proposal to the state for a Food Stamp Outreach
program. He says states are required by federal law to conduct outreach efforts and
publicize the Food Stamp program so more eligible people will participate in it.
Jean Skov have been named co-chairpersons for the Evergreen College Community Organization
for the 1974-75 academic year. The organization, founded to further mutual understanding
between people from Evergreen and those from surrounding communities, is beginning its
fifth year.
Other officers of the group include Tresha Allen, secretary; Lois McAllister, treasurer
Helen Christopher, publicity; and Carole Layton, coordinator of interest groups.


directed by Faculty Member Robert Gottlieb, still has openings available for players of
violins, violas and cellos. The orchestra rehearses Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. in room 415
of the Seminar Building. Persons interested in performing with the group are invited
to contact Dr. Gottlieb Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays at 3 p.m. in Seminar Building room 4125 or call 866-6523.