The Evergreen State College Newsletter (September 23, 1974)


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Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter (September 23, 1974)
23 September 1974
extracted text


September 23, 1974


The educational pioneers of Washington have begun the final part of a four-year
journey. One hundred and eight-five students who began their college careers at Evergreen
when it opened in September of 1971 plan to return this fall and will comprise the institution's
first full four-year graduating class. The pioneering seniors are among an estimated 2300
students expected to begin arriving on campus for a full week of orientation which begins
today. The week-long orientation program offers a complete introduction to Evergreen for an
estimated 900 new students.
Classes for all students begin Sept. 30. Some 22 Coordinated Studies programs offering instruction in the natural sciences, mathematics, social sciences, humanities and the
arts, form the core of the 1974-75 curriculum. The total includes ten basic interdisciplinary
programs designed for beginning students, four intermediate and eight advanced programs.
Twenty-seven advanced group contracts, providing more specialized academic study, and a wide
variety of individual study contracts will give students opportunities for work in nearly
all academic disciplines.
Students will also have opportunities to earn academic credit
while working full or part-time through internships arranged by the college's Office of Cooperative Education with more than 500 businesses, schools, agencies and organizations.
Eight modular courses will also offer students and community members opportunities for parttime studies.
More than 120 faculty members, who reported to Evergreen Sept. 17 for their own
^eek-long orientation, will greet students on opening day. The faculty roster includes regular,
part-time, and visiting professors, plus seven new instructors who have signed three-year
teaching agreements. New to the faculty are: Susan Aurand. artist; William Brown, geographer,
Rainier Hasenstab, environmental designer, Peta Henderson, anthropologist; Don Jordan, Native
American scholar; Russell Lidman, economics, and Lynn Struve, Chinese historian.
Administrative changes have taken places over the summer, too. Jovana Brown is
the new dean of the library, Bill Smith is Director of Financial Aid, Gail Martin is coordinator of the Placement Office, Les Eldridge is the new assistant to the president, Lou-Ellen
Peffer is directing Counseling Services and Willie Parson is a new academic dean.
Dedication of a new Seminar Building, concerts by local high school bands, and visits
to major campus operations will highlight a public Open House scheduled from noon to 5 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 29, at Evergreen. Campus visitors will be able to take self-guided tours
during the day through such facilities as the Library, Laboratory, Lecture Halls, Activities
Recreation and Seminar Buildings. Students, faculty and staff will serve as campus hosts.
Dedication of the newly-opened Seminar Building, with Thurston County State Senator
Harry B. Lewis as the featured speaker, will kick off the day's major activities at 1 p.m.
The ceremony is scheduled for an outdoor plaza at the entrance to the building. Other
speakers will include President Charles J_. McCann, Board of Trustees member Trueman L_.
Schmidt of Olympia, and Faculty Member Merv Cadwallader.
The building, completed in July, houses Evergreen's offices of Admissions, Registration,
Security and Computer Services, along with 24 faculty offices, four large music practice rooms
and five seminar/classrooms.
Bands from Tumwater, Timberline, North Thurston and Olympia High School have been
xnvited to present four successive 45-minute concerts starting at 1:30 p.m. in the main Library
The College Recreation Center will be open from noon to 6 p.m. for free swimming and
other activities. The Snack Bar and Bookstore, both in the Activities Building, also will
be open during the day. And, members of the Evergreen College Community Organization will
serve coffee and tea during the entire Open House.


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courses will be offered Fall Quarter at Evergreen to part-time and auditing students. An introduction to these academic programs
especially designed to serve adults from the immediate
college service area
will be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on September 26 in Lecture Hall
One, on the Evergreen campus. The special "Living Catalog" presentation will offer interested persons an opportunity to meet faculty members and discuss academic program content.
Registration for the one-credit modules, which are equivalent to four quarter hours of
credit, will be held October 2 from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; and October 3 and 4 from 9 a.m. to
4 p.m. in the Office of the Registrar, Seminar Building.
Module offerings include: Search for Meaning taught by Faculty Member Medardo Delgado;
Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Faculty Member Robert Gottlieb; Selected Works of the Seattle
Symphony, also taught by Gottlieb; Economics Made Fun and Relevant, by Faculty Member Charles
Nisbet; Introductory Chemistry, by Faculty Member Fred Tabbutt; Introduction to Philosophy by
Faculty Member Willi Unsoeld; Basic Botany, by Faculty Member Al Wiedemann, and Geology and
People taught by Department of Natural Resources personnel Alan Fiskdal, Ernie Artim and Kurt
Registration fees for persons interested in earning academic credit as "special" students
are $80 per module. Auditing students -— those not wanting formal evaluation or credit
may enroll in the programs for $20. Interested persons should contact the Office of Admissions
(866-6170) or the modular course instructors for additional information.
...FALL QUARTER ART WORKSHOPS SLATED...More than a dozen art workshops — ranging in topics/ ?m
loom construction to cabinet design, jewelry making to printmaking, jazz dance to photography —
are also available to the general public at Evergreen Fall Quarter. Registration for the workshops, which are sponsored by the Office of Recreation and Campus Activities, begins October 3
in room 302 of the College Recreation Center. Office hours will be maintained from 9:30 a.m.
to 6 p.m. weekdays, and fees must be paid before registration is finalized. Actual instruction
begins October 10-16, and most workshops conclude the week of December 2. For more information call, 866-6531.