The Evergreen State College Newsletter (May 13, 1974)


Eng Newsletter_19740513.pdf
Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter (May 13, 1974)
13 May 1974
extracted text


May 13, 1974

Council this week approved allocation of $4,500 to launch a summer parks and recreation
program designed by two Evergreen students who also will coordinate the actual operation. The students
Randy Pendergrass of Kingston, Wa., and Barney Rapp of Longview
have spent most of Spring Quarter as interns working with city officials, the Parks
Board, Tumwater School District, and the Tumwater Timberland Library to develop a
comprehensive ten-week program basically aimed at youngsters between the ages of five
and 15. The program, scheduled for review by the School Board next week, calls for a
mixture of games, organized sports, crafts, reading, hiking and day camping by utilizing
such community facilities in Tumwater as school grounds, classrooms, and gymnasiums, as
well as parks and recreation areas and the public library.
The two students, working closely with Tumwater Parks Superintendent Jim Brown,
took the summer program idea from scratch, developed sets of alternatives (including
costs), coordinated their efforts with various public officials, and then presented a
final proposal which was adopted by the Tumwater Parks Board in late April and the
City Council this week. Their next step will involve a community publicity campaign
to attract youngsters to participate in the program.
...STUDENT WINS NEW YORK FELLOWSHIP GRANT...Rob Sims, an Evergreen junior, is one
of 20 students from throughout the U.S. to receive a $4,000 award in the City of New
York's annual Urban Fellowship Program. Sims, a Beaverton, Oregon High School graduate,
competed for the honor with more than 300 applicants from colleges, universities and
graduate schools throughout the nation. He will begin his nine-month internship in
the office of New York City Mayor Abraham Beame in September.
The New York City Urban Fellowship, the first of its kind in the country, is
administered by the mayor's office of administration. Students selected are provided
with responsibilities in administrative problem-solving, research, policy planning and
related management areas. Sims is the second Evergreen student in two years to win
the national award. Teresa Baldwin, a Vancouver student who will graduate in June, won
the fellowship last Spring and has participated in the program during the past academic
...CO-OP SPONSORS ALL-DAY WORKSHOP AT EVERGREEN MAY 17...An all-day Cooperative Education
Workshop will bring field student internship supervisors from throughout the State of
Washington to Evergreen May 17. Featured speaker for the all-day meeting will be State
Representative John Bagnariol, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. The
Seattle Democrat will address a noon luncheon for the field supervisors, who sponsor
and oversee the work of Evergreen students placed in practical work and study internships. Supervisors represent the general areas of business, industry, government,
social service agencies and education.
...KUTTER RECEIVES $22,307 RESEARCH GRANT...Betty Kutter. an Evergreen faculty member,
has been awarded a $22,307 grant by the National Institutes of Health, for continued
research in "DNA regulation during T4 infection of E. coli." Ms. Kutter, a biophysicist,
said the grant is the second one-year award she has received for her three-year project
on which she began work last Spring. The work is a continuation of research she initiated
in 1969 while serving as a research associate at the University of Virginia.
She said the research is primarily conducted by two assistants, Ruth Sluss and
Ann Beug, and also involves a number of Evergreen students who are enrolled in Ms.
Kutter's academic program in biochemistry and molecular biology.

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...ASIAN AMERICAN AWARENESS WORKSHOP SET MAY 13...An Asian American Awareness workshop
will be held at Evergreen May 13 from 2 to 4:30 p.m. in the main lobby of the Library.
Featured speakers at the half-day event, sponsored by the Evergreen Asian American
Coalition, include Mitch Matsudaira, chairman of the Washington State Asian American
Affairs; Art Wang, a Tacoma VISTA worker with the Asian American Alliance; Larry
Yok, Affirmative Action officer for the City of Olympia, and York Wong, Evergreen's
director of computer services.
Also scheduled to appear are members of the Asian American Multi-Media Theater
Troupe of Seattle, who will perform at 3:30 p.m. Both the speakers' presentations and
the dance performance are free and open to the public.
Foster and Richard Speer
have been invited to participate in the Summer 1974 World
Festival of Animated Film at Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Speer and Foster, both of Bellevue,
said their five-minute film, "Phosphenes," a computer-animated movie, was one of 34
selected from the U.S. to be shown at the international event. More than 400
entries were submitted to the juried festival this year, 150 of them from the United
States, Only 102 were selected from throughout the world.
...CATALOG WINS NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS AWARD...Evergreen's 1974-75 Catalog has won a
national publications award in competition sponsored by the American College Public
Relations Association. The 320-page Evergreen publication won a Special Citation in
the catalog category of the competition. A record 1,450 entries were submitted this
year, with 112 singled out
in the words of the judges
"as outstanding examples
of college and university publications endeavors."
Evergreen's catalog, used primarily as a means of introducing propsective students to the institution, was edited by Dick Nichols, Director of Public Information,
and designed by Connie Hubbard, Artist-Illustrator. Calligraphy was done by Tim Girvin,
a Spokane student, who recently graduated and will serve as a summer faculty member.