The Evergreen State College Newsletter (February 18, 1974)


Eng Newsletter_19740218.pdf
Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter (February 18, 1974)
18 February 1974
extracted text




February 18, 1974

...NSF AWARDS $120,433 to EVERGREEN ESSENTIA PROJECT...The National Science Foundation's
Division of Pre-College Education in Science has awarded a $120,433 grant to Evergreen
for continuation of Essentia, a project designed to provide new instructional approaches
in the natural and social sciences. The Essentia project, originally entitled Environmental Studies for Urban Youth, began five years ago in Boulder, Colorado under sponsorship of the American Geological Institute. The project, including its director, Robert
Samples, and four other staff members, moved to Evergreen last summer.
Created and conceived by classroom teachers, the project has been tested and
utilized nationwide in classrooms from kindergarten through high school, and more than
one million students have used Essentia-developed materials since the project began in
...FIRST INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL PLANNED... The first International Computer Film
Festival will be held at Evergreen March 7, 8, and 9, and will feature many of the major
computer films and filmmakers from throughout the United States. Richard Speer, director
of the festival, said the three-day event is free and open to the public. Afternoons will
feature lectures and seminars by computer filmmakers, and evenings will feature threehour film showings, with each night devoted to a different subfield of the medium. March
7 films will be educational; March 8, artistic; and March 9, technical/scientific.
Speer, a former Evergreen student, says computer films were first developed in
the late 1950s and are defined as "any film which contains footage animated, generated or
containing graphic material manipulated by a computer."
He and Frankie Foster, an
Evergreen student who is assisting with the festival, won a national film award for a
five-minute artistic computer movie
they made last year. The two initiated the three-day
festival to "increase public awareness about the field of computer filmmaking and to
dispel some of the myths surrounding computers in general."
"We also want to provide the first comprehensive forum for many of the computer
films made in the past 15 years and to assemble and show the work of some of the major
figures in the field," Speer adds.
...EVERGREEN WINS $19,965 LEEP GRANT...The Region Ten Law Enforcement Assistance Agency
has awarded a $19,965 supplemental grant to Evergreen. The grant, the second award to
the college this year, is funded through the Law Enforcement Education Program, which is
designed to encourage law enforcement personnel to further their education, and to attract
college students to the field.
Evergreen has participated in the LEEP program for the past three years with an
average enrollment of about 10 students. The college received a $5,500 grant for the
1973-74 academic year but the LEEP student enrollment nearly tripled
to 28 in Winter
Quarter, which includes a number of transfer students and in-service law enforcement
theater will be presented to Olympia-area audiences February 23 and 25 by Evergreen
students. Directed by Faculty Member William Winden, students will present three American operas in performances scheduled for 8 p.m. February 23 and 25 in Lecture Hall One.
Both performances are free and open to the public.
Accompanied by Olympia pianist Rose Bailey, the students will perform "Hand of
Bridge," a comedy by Samuel Barber; "Gallentry," a satrical musical on television soap
opera by Douglas Moore; and Act I of "The Medium" an opera by Gian Carlos Menotti which
tells the story of a fraudulent medium who begins to believe her own forecasts.

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Olympia woman, has been named interim financial aid counselor for the Evergreen Office
of Financial Aid and Placement. The appointment, announced by FA&P Director Les Eldridge,
is effective immediately and carries with it primary responsibility for working with
students seeking financial aid. The position is funded only through June 30.
Ms. Atwood, who has served as an office assistant with FA&P since last July,
is a graduate of Portland State University and North Thurston High School. Her work
experience includes serving as a receptionist and business assistant for an Olympia
dentist and as a clerk typist for Social and Health Services.
...VOCAL RECITAL FEATURES CENTRALIA TENOR...A leading Northwest tenor, Wayne Bloomingdale,
will present a vocal recital February 21 at 8 p.m. in the main lobby of the Evergreen
library. Bloomingdale, a faculty member at Centralia College, will perform works by
Handel, Purcell, Scarlatti, Mozart, Dvorak, Brahams, Debussy and Bartok in the public
concert, which is cosponsored by Evergreen and the Olympia Fine Arts Guild. He will be
accompanied by Olympia pianist-teacher Dorothy Scott.
...EVERGREEN SOPHOMORE HEADS STATE YARC...Monica Schwinberg, a Richland sophomore at
Evergreen, has recently been named president of the Washington State Youth Association
for Retarded Children. The 20-year-old student began working with the retarded more than
five years ago when she volunteered to work at a day care camp for retarded persons in
the Tri-Cities. She has since been involved with mental health both as a student and /
a volunteer, and plans to become a social worker involved in the establishment of grouj.
homes for the mentally retarded.
For now, the former Candy Striper is concentrating her efforts on recruiting new
members between the ages of 13 and 25 for YARC. "The mentally retarded need the help
of young persons," she says. "They need their care and concern, and they need their
efforts to increase public awareness about them and their problems." Anyone interested
in working with Monica and YARC can contract her at 866-5002.