The Evergreen State College Newsletter (February 11, 1974)


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Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter (February 11, 1974)
11 February 1974
extracted text

February 11, 1974

...JONES TO DIRECT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. . .Rindetta Jones, an adviser to the Educational
Opportunities Program and a part-time instructor at Central Washington State College,
has been named Evergreen's Affirmative Action Officer. The appointment, effective
March 1, was announced at the February meeting of the Board of Trustees by President
Charles J. McCann. It carries with it primary responsibility for developing and implementing programs to insure elimination of discriminatory conditions with regard to
race, sex, creed, age, national origin and physical disability and programs for any
additional affirmative action efforts needed.
Ms. Jones, 38, has a bachelor of arts degree in psychology and sociology from
Central and has worked for Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone, Battelle Northwest of Richland and the Computer Science Corporation. She replaces W. Joe White, who resigned
affective January 31.
...TRUSTEES APPROVE REDUCTION IN FORCE POLICY... The Evergreen Board of Trustees approved
what may be a unique reduction in force policy at its February meeting. The policy,
requested by the governor of all state colleges and universities, is the first policy
in the state which does not use seniority as the primary guideline for reducing faculty
in cases of financial exigency. Instead, faculty would be individually evaluated by
an elected faculty review panel and selected to remain on the basis of their ability
to contribute to the academic mission of the college.
The document establishes "the survival of Evergreen's ability to pursue its goals
as a learning community" as its primary objective and seeks to "provide the maximum
notice to those persons affected." The document received applause from President
Charles McCann for its innovation and was approved by the Board unanimously.
...CONSTRUCTION BIDS UNDER STUDY... Bids for four Evergreen construction projects are
currently under study by Jerry Schillinger, director of facilities planning. At bid
openings February 1, Schillinger said the following companies were the apparent low
Aimer Construction of Seattle, which bid $48,459 for Phase I Seminar Building site
landscaping; Zylstra Construction, Seattle, $45,217 for tennis courts and $19,000 for
lighting of those courts; Zylstra Construction, $10,266 for bike shelters in the
modular housing area; and H and C Construction of Tacoma, $12,073 for a storage shed.
...EIGHTEEN AREA ARTISTS TO DISPLAY WORKS. . .Eighteen area artists have been invited to
participate in the first Southwestern Washington Invitational Exhibition, to begin
February 10 at Evergreen. The exhibit, sponsored by the Evergreen Visual Environment
Group, will include the works of fifteen painters, one sculptor, one jeweler, and one
artist-craftsman, including persons from Thurston County, and the Cities of Aberdeen
and Longview.
Opening February 10 at 2 p.m. in the circulation gallery of the Evergreen Library,
the show will continue through March 2 and is open to the public free of charge. Library
hours are from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. weekdays; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays, and from 1 to
8 p.m. Sundays.
Slides of the works exhibited will be archived in the Library and 'form the foundation for an Evergreen Slide Archives of the works of Southwestern Washington artists.
Persons invited from the Olympia area include: Penny and James Chapman, and Eileen
Stanton Way, all of Tumwater; Haruko Moniz , Lacey; and Maury Haseltine, Linda Harris,
Mildred Neal, Marilyn Frasca, Susan Christian, Robert Wilson, Gloria Grouse, Weldon
Neuschwanger, Margaret McCarthy, Errol McCarthy and Joel Shapiro, all of Olympia.
Louis Benanto Jr. and Edna Crews of Aberdeen have also been invited, along with
Arthur Miller of Longview.

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...ECCO SPONSORS MARDI GRAS...The Evergreen College Community Organization has issued an
invitation to all interested persons to attend its first Mardi Gras dance February 15 at
the Tyee Motor Inn, The Don Chan Quartet will play for the evening affair, which will
feature New Orleans style customes. Tickets are $5 per person and cover the costs of
door prizes, entertainment and a late night buffet. Reservations can be made by calling
ticket chairwoman Jean Skov (866-2326) or Carole Layton (866-4068)...Customes are not
required attire.,.
...INFLATION-FIGHTING WORKSHOP OFFERED...Helpful hints on how to manage your personal
budget and how to get the most out of your food dollar will provide topics for discussion
at the Personal Money Management and Nutrition Workshop being sponsored by the Office of
Financial Aid and Placement February 13 from 2:30 to 5 p.m. in CAB room 110.
Offered one time only, the workshop will be directed by Faculty Member Priscilla
Bowerman, an economist, and volunteer nutrition counselor Mrs. Juliet Parker, a frequent
Evergreen consultant. No enrollment procedure is necessary. Everyone is invited. For
more information, contact Financial Aid and Placement Secretary Carol Curts, 866-6205.
...PORTLAND POET TO READ HIS WORKS...Anthony Ostroff, poet and professor of English at
Portland's Lewis and Clark College, will read selections of his works in a free public
performance Monday, February 11, at 8 p.m. in the third floor Library lounge. Ostroff,
former Lewis and Clark vice president for academic affairs and dean of the faculty, has
published more than 150 articles, short stories and poems in a wide variety of journals,(
including Atlantic Monthly, Harper's and the New Yorker.
His works have been included in 20 books and anthologies, and he has written
three books: Three Self Evaluations, published by Beloit in 1953; Imperatives, published
by Harcourt, Brace and World in 1962; and The Contemporary Poet as Artist and Critic,
published by Little, Brown Company in 1964. Sponsored by Eye-5, the Portland poet will
spend three days in the South Puget Sound area working with students at Evergreen,
St. Martin's College, Pacific Lutheran University and Olympia-area high schools....