The Evergreen State College Newsletter (January 28, 1974)


Eng Newsletter_19740128.pdf
Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter (January 28, 1974)
28 January 1974
extracted text

January 28, 1974

...2,146 ENROLLED WINTER QUARTER...Winter Quarter enrollment at Evergreen shows, 2,146
students, according to Acting Registrar Laura Thomas. Of that number, 2,015 are full time,
time, 131 are part-time. An additional 27 persons are enrolled as auditors and are not
included in the tenth class day count.
Non-white students, who make up nearly nine per cent of the enrollment, number 186.
Men continue to outnumber women with 1,139 compared to 1,007. The total enrollment includes 1,658 residents and 488 non-residents, Ms. Thomas reported.
The Winter Quarter count shows 181 fewer students than Fall Quarter but still exceeds the enrollment level of 2,050 for which Evergreen received funding for the 1973-74
academic year. No students were admitted from the Winter Quarter waiting list.
...CURRICULUM FOR 1974-75 ACADEMIC YEAR UNVEILED JAN.28...The 1974-75 curriculum will be
unveiled Monday, January 28, at the beginning of an intensive week of faculty program
planning. Academic Dean Rudy Martin says the new curriculum is the product of more than
six months of work by faculty, staff and students, and will be the prime target of the
week-long work session.
"We'll refine program descriptions, assign faculty to next year's programs and write
the copy for the 1974-75 Catalog supplement," Martin reports. Each year the Evergreen
faculty, led by the four administrative deans, completely rewrite the college curriculum.
Teaching assignments are made early in the year so faculty members can begin planning
their programs and working with the other members of their faculty team, Martin explained.
an Olympia sheltered workshop on developmental center for mentally retarded and handicapped persons—has been contracted to
undertake the mass mailing of Evergreen's 1974-75 catalog to high schools, other colleges,
and prospective students. The project will involve placing mailing labels (supplied by
the Office of Admissions) on the catalogs, wrapping and sealing them in clear plastic
bags, sorting them by zip codes, and delivering the finished packages to the Post Office
for mailing. The project will cost from two-to-three cents per catalog, resulting in a
substantial savings in admissions staff time normally assigned to such a large job.
Morningside clients have done previous mass mailing projects for Evergreen and other
local firms and organizations. Anyone interested in inquiring about help with mass mailings or wishing information about other office services available from Morningside should
dial 943-0512 and ask for Irene Jones.
...LEGISLATIVE FORUM BEGINS JANUARY 29...The thirty-first Legislative Forum will kick off
this year's series of special programs Tuesday, January 29, at 9:30 a.m. in the Olympia
City Hall. Sponsored by the Evergreen College Community Organization, the American Association of University Women, League of Women Voters, Young Women's Christian Association
and the National Organization of Women, the forum seeks to provide non-partisan information
and promote discussion on the topics of current legislative concern.
An introduction to the key issues of the 1974 legislative session will highlight the
January 29 meeting and feature guest speakers Jim Dolliver, assistant to the governor,
and Representative Bob Charette (D.-Grays Harbor). A question and asnwer period will
follow the session which is open to the public free of charge.
February 5 will feature discussion of the proposed women's council by Marianne Norton.
state AAUW president and of Low Cost Housing for the Aged, by Assistant Secretary of State
Sam Reed.
For additional information on or suggestions for the forums, please contact Coke
Funkhouser, 943-3493.



...GLASSBLOWER TO DEMONSTRATE TECHNIQUES...Two two-hour demonstrations of glassblowing
techniques will be offered to the public free of charge January 28 and 30 at Evergreen
and St. Martin's College. Presented by Steve Beasley, a Seattle glassblower, the presentations are scheduled at Evergreen January 28 at 8 p.m. on the first floor of the
Laboratory Annex Building, and at St. Martin's January 30 at 7 p.m. in the Student Union
Beasley, who will spend two full class days at Evergreen working with student artists,
has been working with glass for the past three years, and has taught the art in Seattle
for the past 15 months. Organizer of the Seattle Arts and Crafts Cooperative, Beasley
has shown his works in schools, libraries, parks, conventions, and fairs throughout the
Pacific Northwest.
His presentations, sponsored by Eye-5, are free and open to the public.
...CINEMA-LECTURE SERIES OFFERED...Evergreen Faculty Member Gordon Beck has invited
Olympia-area residents to join his students each Thursday evening from 7 to 10 o'clock
for their lecture-film presentations on the topic, "American Cinema Between The Wars
(1919-1941)." The presentations, held in Lecture Hall One, are free and open to the
public and will continue through March 21.
...WEEKEND SKI TOURING PACKAGE ANNOUNCED...The Evergreen Ski School is presenting a weekend "crash" course in ski touring, to be held on February 2 and 3 and repeated again on
February 23 and 24. Included in the package are two days of lessons, meals, lodging,
transportation and equipment
all at a cost of $40 for community persons. Enrollees
will leave campus on Friday night for Leavenworth and return the following Sunday.
Interested persons should call the Campus Recreation Center (866-6530) or stop by the CRC
Office, room 305.
...FOR MORE NEWS about Evergreen, tune to Radio Station KGY (1240 on the dial) Saturday
morning at 7:15 and 9:25 for " Evergreen Newsletter of the Air" and to radio station
KITN (920 on the dial) Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m. for "Happenings at Evergreen".