The Evergreen State College Newsletter (February 5, 1973)


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Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter (February 5, 1973)
5 February 1973
extracted text


February 5, 1973

and its population of 470
will be the task of the Army Corps of Engineers.
But helping the town plan the move, including everything from street lights to sewers
and site selection to sidewalks will be the responsibility of more than a dozen Evergreen
students enrolled in the Urban Planning Group Contract. Working under the direction of
Faculty Member Russell Fox, the students begin work in the Columbia River town today
(Feb. 5). The town, some 40 miles east of Vancouver, Wash., is the site of the second
Bonneville powerhouse, so its citizens faced two choices: to drift away individually
or to move collectively and preserve their town's identity. They opted for the latter
but, before the move can be made, they have to come up with a complete comprehensive
plan and a new site. Evergreeners will be helping them examine potential sites, prepare
site design alternatives, conduct economic base studies and, in the end, design an entirely new city.
be helping the State Board for Community College Education develop ways of utilizing the
computer in innovative educational programs. Their job will be to "develop a systematic
means for bringing the computer to the aid of the community college teacher," according
to Ken Donohue, director of Evergreen's Office of Cooperative Education. The internship
program, which will employ two students on six-month rotating assignments, is the first
developed between Evergreen and the State Board.
...NATIONAL DEBATE TOURNAMENT SLATED AT TESC MARCH 8-10...Invitations were mailed last
week to about 400 colleges and universities throughout the United States for participation in the First Annual Evergreener, a forensics tournament to be held on campus
Mar. 8-10. Highlight of the three-day affair will be an all-day symposium on Comprehensive Medical Care, which is the national debate topic this year. Experts from across
the nation will discuss their proposals and share their expertise in lectures, workshops
and informal discussions with college debaters, who will spend two days competing in
oratory, oral interpretation, expository and extemporaneaus events.
...ECCO SLATES LUNCHEON FEB. 14...The Evergreen College Community Organization will host
an all-membership luncheon Feb. 14 at 12:30 in Room 110 of the College Activities Building. Provost Ed Kormondy is program chairman for the event, which is open to all persons
belonging to or interested in joining, the college service club. Reservations may be
made by calling Charlotte Smith, 943-4347, Merlyne Brown, 943-3884, or Estelle Ornstein,
943-0696. The luncheon costs $2.75 per person.
...OFF-CAMPUS FIELD SUPERVISORS TO ATTEND WORKSHOP...More than 250 off-campus field supervisors of Evergreen student interns have been invited to attend a half-day workshop on
campus Feb. 16. Sponsored by the Office of Cooperative Education, the session will introduce supervisors from governmental agencies and local businesses to Evergreen faculty
members and others involved in the Co-op program. City Supervisor Eldon Marshall will
serve as guest speaker for the meeting, which is primarily aimed at acquainting supervisors with the educational objectives and teaching methodology of both the college and
the internship program.
...INFORMATION ON EXPO SOUGHT...Mardea Erwin, a student in the Futures Group Contract, is
conducting research on Expo 74, the Spokane World's Fair, and needs help collecting information. "We're trying to get copies of all articles published on Expo
and any
other pertinent information," she said. "Anyone willing to share this kind of data can
send it to Faculty Member Lynn Patterson, Futures Project, The Evergreen State College.

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February 5 - 9
February 5

Marilyn Hoyt, presents "An Evening of Song," 8 p.m., reference alcove,
Daniel J. Evans Library. Free.

February 6

Where Does It All Go," discussion by a tax consultant and
representatives of the Governor's Office and the State Auditor's Office,
Legislative Forum, 9 a.m., Olympia City Hall.
Folk Dancing, 7 p.m., main floor of College Activities Building,
50<: donation.

February 7

"Mankind's Societal Self," lecture by Academic Dean Merv Cadwallader,
10:30 a.m. to Noon, Lecture Hall Five. Free.
"As Long as the River Runs," a film on Indian treaty rights and the
Nisqually dispute, 7 p.m., Lecture Hall Three. Free.
"The American Wilderness," Family Film Series, 7:30 p.m., Lecture Hall
One. Donation: $1 for adults, 50<: for children under 12.

February 8

"The Big Parade," directed by King Vidor with John Gilbert and Renee
Adoree, 1925, Cinemarchives Series, 7:30 p.m., Lecture Hall One. Free.

February 9

Open House, Evergreen Women's Commission, 2 to 9 p.m., Board of Trustee
Room (Library 3112).
"Bondu Saved from Drowning," Friday Night Film Series, 7 and 9:30 p.m.
Lecture Hall One. Donation 50£.