The Evergreen State College Newsletter, Vol. 2 Num. 05


Eng The Evergreen State College Newsletter, Vol. 2 Num. 05
Eng Newsletter_197005.pdf
extracted text

May, 1970

Volume 2, Number 5

The influx of faculty and staff personnel continues at a brisk pace as planning tine
elapses and the opening of classes draws nearer. Three members of the faculty planning
team were named after publication of the last newsletter, bringing the total to ten,
and more are impending in the near future. Those named in mid-April were:
Beryl L. Crowe (Oregon State University), Assistant Professor of Political Science.
Richard M. Jones (Harvard University), Professor of Psychology.
S. Rudolph Martinf Jr. (Washington State University), Assistant Professor of

* **


Meanwhile, a belated welcome to Kenneth W. Paul! of Olympia, who joined us April 16 as
Coordinator of Library Systems. Ken had been a Budget Analyst in the Budget Formula"
tion and Review Division of the state's Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management
since October, 1967. (Wonder if he ever tried to fit that title on a regular business
card? Or did he have the only 8-1/2 x 11 inch card in the world?)

* **
A major appointment to the staff of Vice President For Business Dean Clabaugh also has
been announced. Ron A. Hoffman, currently Assistant Purchasing Agent for the University
of Washington, will Join us July 13 as Director of Business Services. Bis responsibilities at Evergreen will include administration of purchasing operations and such related
business services as transportation, receiving, storage, duplicating and mail and
messenger service. Hoffman is a 1963 graduate of Bradley University, where he received
a bachelor's degree in marketing and business.

* **
Also appointed to the staff recently was Kenneth A. Donohue of San Jose, California,
who begins work May 4 as Administrative Assistant to Vice President and Provost David
Barry. Donohue has been an Administrative Assistant to the Executive and Academic Vice
Presidents at San Jose State College since April, 1969, including brief service with
Dr. Barry when the latter was Interim Executive Vice President prior to his move to
Evergreen. Donohue is a 1969 graduate of San Jose State College, where he received a
bachelor's degree in English.

* **

And, a Shelton man, John A. Sells, has been retained as a construction coordinator,
according to Director of Facilities Planning Jerry Schillinger. A construction
coordinator and inspector for 22 years, Sells will serve as liaison between architects
and contractors during building of student residential facilities. He will be assigned
construction coordination responsibilities for other projects at a later date. Major
projects with which Sells has been associated in recent years include the Fairhaven
complex at Western Washington State College, Mason County General Hospital, The Washington Corrections Center at Shelton and a new residence hall at Washington State
University. Sells is one of three construction coordinators working on projects at
Evergreen. Retained earlier were Don Mace, formerly of Richland (and a veteran Evergreener) and Neal M. Jacques of Kent. Jacques, a licensed civil engineer and former
Boeing Company employee3 has been retained by Quinton-Budlong Engineers of Seattle for
coordination of the big site improvement contract, scheduled to be let in June.

* **
Turning to the construction scene, here's the latest on the library from Don Mace, our
correspondent at the "Big Hole". Hoffman Construction Company now has 45 men on the
job and, despite delays in the delivery of steel and troubles finding steelworkers,
things still are on schedule. Current work consists of pouring foundations, basement
walls, footings, columns and mechanical room walls. Workmen should reach the first
floor and begin forming work there in mid-May. For the statistically-inclined these
figures are noteworthy: 1,375 cubic yards of concrete poured; 250 tons of reinforcing
steel placed.


* **
Jerry Schillinger*s ever-busy staff currently is reviewing final drawings and specifications for the Large Group Instruction Center, Central Utilities Plant, Garages and Shops
and Site Improvement project—all scheduled for bid between May 4 and 25. Drawings are
nearly complete for the Student Residences, scheduled to be bid May 25, and College
Activities Building, slated for bidding June 1. Schematic drawings for proposed Phase
Two (1971-73 biennium) projects will be ready by the target date of June 1. And,
Schillinger reports, J. D. Outton Company of Olympia has finished about 90 per cent of
the work on a site improvement contract awarded last year. Remaining work consists
of excavating for the College Activities Building.

* **


In case you missed the word, the Board of Trustees at its April 23 meeting approved
revised enrollment projections, including a decrease from 1200 to 800 student places
when classes start. The decreased initial enrollment is due in part to funding levels
which provided for about 20 planning faculty and a resolve by college planners not to
more than double that number for the opening year. The decision also prompted by the
fact that Evergreen won't have certain types of physical facilities available until
the second or third year of operation. President Charles McCann points out that the
college still expects to meet its near term enrollment goals. "The revised projections
show a 1977 enrollment of at least 7,000, compared to 6,900 in the original forecast,"
he told the board. "We'll reach or maybe even exceed the goal by the same time, but
we hope to get there in a more orderly fashion by adjusting the increments of enrollment
and faculty additions so that numbers grow steadily rather than in sudden spurts. We
believe this adjusted planning schedule will allow us to grow in a more logical way."

Even with the revised schedule, the people crush at Evergreen will be intense and dull
moments, if any, will be few and far between. (Which is standard operating procedure

* **
President McCann continues to be a popular choice of clubs, organizations and other
educational institutions as an after-dinner speaker or participant in special events.
His vocal cords will get a particularly thorough going over during the second week of
May. On May 12 he'll address the Ellensburg Chapter of the American Association of
University Women as the concluding part of a year-long AAUW program entitled "The
Academic Community—A New Look On Campus". His speech at the organization's annual
dinner will be entitled "A New Look On a New Campus—The Evergreen State College".
Returning to Olympia, the president on May 13 will discuss "Campus Unrest" with the
Capital City Press Club, which is composed of newspaper, wire service and radio-TV
reporters. On May 14 he journeys to Camas to address an Academic Achievement Banquet
for outstanding 1970 high school graduates from Clark County. And on May 15 he travels
to Seattle to discuss Evergreen with a University of Washington education class.
President McCann also has accepted an invitation to deliver the commencement address
during -June 12 graduation exercises at Lower Columbia College in Longview.

* **
College budget hearings for the 1970-71 fiscal year and 1971-73 biennium are scheduled
to be conducted in the Library Services Trailer May 5 and 7. The hearings are designed
so that budget unit heads may make formal presentations about requests submitted to
the Financial Planning Office last month. Allocation of operating funds for the next
year will be determined after the hearings. Information gathered also will be the
basis for the college's 1971-73 biennium budget request to the Governor and the next
Legislature. All budget heads have been given copies of the hearing schedule. Anyone
with questions should direct them to Director of Financial Planning Buel Brodin.

* **
Beryl L. Crowe, a member of Evergreen's faculty planning team, has been chosen as a
Resource Leader for the First National Congress on Optimum Population and Environment,
scheduled for Chicago June 7-11. The four-day congress will bring together more than
1,100 delegates, scientists and concerned laymen for an examination of population and
environmental problems in the United States. Crowe is one of 100 specialists who will
present papers and act as resource leaders in areas related to population, ecology
and conservation. Currently an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Oregon
State University, Crowe will assume a similar position at Evergreen next September 1.
* A ft

Speaking of environmental programs. Vice President and Provost David Barry was a recent
participant in a two-day conference at Foothills College at Los Altos, California. The
April 24-25 gathering examined such problems as population, pollution, ecology and conservation. Barry delivered the final speech at the meeting, a presentation entitled
"Crisis In The Garden".

* **

Denis Curry, Director of the Office of Interinstitutional Business Studies, has been
appointed to a two-year term as a member of the Management Information Systems Technical
Committee of the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education. He also received a
one-year appointment as chairman of the committee and as such will be an ex-officio
member of the WICHE-MIS Executive Committee.

* **
Evergreen will host four presidents from Seattle Community College between 11:30 a.m.
and 3:00 p.m. May 25. The visitation will include meetings with members of the President's Council, lunch and a tour of the site. Guests will include President Ed K.
Erickson, President Robert C. Smith of South Seattle Community College, President Cecil
Baxter, Jr. of North Seattle Community College and President William Moore, Jr. of
Seattle Central Community College.

* **
Executive Vice President E. J. Shoben, Jr. has articles appearing or scheduled to appear
in three publications. He is a contributor to the January-February "Reviews" section of
Change Magazine (pages 53-57). His article "The Liberal Arts and Contemporary Society:
The 1970's" appears in the March edition (pages 28-38) of Liberal Education. And another
article "Cultural Criticism and the American College" is scheduled to appear at the end
of this month in Daedalus.

* **
Kris Robinson, secretary to the Director of Facilities Planning, has a new title these
days. It's Coach Robinson now that she's cracking the managerial whip over a girl's
Softball team in Lacey. Her team of 14-16 year olds — bedecked in the red and white
of the former Lacey Lanes women's Softball squad — is entered in a city B League and
plays its first conference game in May. The team needs to raise money to buy shin
guards and a chest protector for the catcher, plus bats and balls. Immediate moneyraising efforts are two car washes in Lacey Saturday, May 2. One will occur at Battson's
Chevron Service, 3815 Pacific Avenuej one at Tanglewilde Texaco from 12:00 noon to 3:00
p.m. The cost is only 99 cents per car and Coach Kris is just sure her Evergreen cohorts
will drop by to contribute to the cause. Asked whether the girls would do a quality
wash job, Kris responded firmly, "They'd better!" Spoken like a true coach, coach.

* **


May 1-31, 1970

Friday, May 1
E. J. Shoben, Jr. -- Visit to Golden Gate College, San Francisco
David Barry

—» National Conference on Collective Bargaining Negotiation,
New York City; faculty recruiting and interviewing (also
May 2 and 3).

Dean Clabaugh

— Meeting with John Gurnee, Assistant Director of Department of General Administration, 2:00 p.m.

Jerry Schillinger — Meeting to discuss College Health Services Building,
Facilities Planning Trailer, 9:30 a.m.
Saturday. May 2
Jerry Schillinger

— Meeting with Dean Charles Teske to discuss Fine Arts
and Drama-Music Building, Facilities Planning Trailer,
10:00 a.m.

Monday, May 4
Charles McCann, Jerry Schillinger — Meeting to discuss Seminar Building with
architect Al Bumgardner, Facilities Planning Trailer,
2:30 p.m.
Tuesday. May 5

College Budget Hearings, Library Services Trailer, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Dean Clabaugh, Ken Winkley — Meeting with Pacific Northwest Bell Company, on
campus, 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, May 6

Charles McCann, Dean Clabaugh, Jerry Schillinger — Meeting with architectural
design teas., 9:00 a.m., Library Services Trailer.
Thursdayf Mey 7
College Budget Hearings, Academic Planning Trailer, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
In-house Seminar, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Library Services Trailer. Topic
to be
Ken Winkley, Buel Brodin, Denis Curry — Meeting of Interinstitutional Committee
of Budget, Accounting and Reporting, Library Services
Trailer, all day (also May 8).
Norm Johnson, Don Parry — Znterinstitutional Committee of Architects and
Physical Plant Directors, WSU campus, Pullman, 10:00
to 5:00 p.m.


Friday, May 8
Continuation of BAR Meeting, Library Services Trailer.
E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Speech to Episcopal Church Women, 12:00 noon, Tyee Motor
President's Council Meeting, President's office, 9:00 a.m.
Monday, May 11
Dean Clabaugh

-- Meeting with Automatic Retailers of America to discuss
food services, California State College at Irvine (also
May 12),

Bob Barringer

— Hosting Michael Jennings of Arthur D. Little Company to
discuss automated library systems and microfilm systems,

Tuesday, May 12
Charles McCann

-•- Speech to Ellensburg Chapter, American Association of
University Women, 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, May 13
In-house Seminar for entire staff, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Library Services
Trailer. Conducted by Jim Haseltine, Executive Director, State Arts Commission. Subject: "The Plight and State of the Arts in Washington".
Charles McCann

— Speech to Capital City Press Club, 6:30 p.m., Hill Haus
Restaurant, Olympia. Topic: "Campus Unrest".

Thursday,_May 14
Charles McCann

— Speech to Academic Achievement Banquet, Parker House,
Camas, 6:30 p.m.

Bid opening, remodeling of President's residence, 3:00 p.m., Division of
Engineering and Architecture. General Administration Building, Olympia.
Friday. May 15
Charles McCann

-- Presentation to higher education class at University of
Washington, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

President's Council meeting, 2:30 p.m.
Monday. May 18
President's Council meeting, 2:00 p.m., Library Services Trailer.
Denis Curry

— Interinstitutional Admissions meeting, Hilton Inn, Seattle,
9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Tuesday. May 19
E. J. Shoben, Jr. -- Black-White Confrontation meeting, St. Andrew's House,
Hood Canal, 7:30 p.m. (also May 20 and 21).


Wednesday. May 20
Architectural Design Team meeting, TESC campus, 9:00 a.m.
Board of Trustees meeting, Library Services Trailer, 1:30 p.m.
In-house Seminar for entire staff, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Library Services
Trailer. Conducted by Dean of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Donald
Humphrey. Title: "The American Quintana Roo Expeditions—A Zoologist in
Helen Spears

— Meeting of Council for the Management of Forms and
Records, Panorama City, 12:00 noon.

Thursday. May 21
Charles McCann

— Meeting with Al Canfield, Director, State Board for
Community College Education, 3:00 p.m.

Denis Curry

-- Meeting of Western Interstate Commission on Higher
Education Faculty Activity Analysis Project and Technical Council, Boulder, Colorado (also May 22 and 23)

Friday. May 22

Buel Brodin

— Meeting of Higher Education Personnel Board, Olympia,
10:00 a.m.

Saturday. May 23
Charles McCann

-- Joint Boards of Trustees meeting, Sherwood Inn, Seattle.

Sunday. May 24
E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Speaker for annual Youth Banquet, Tumwater Methodist
Monday. May 25
Visitation of community college presidents to TESC campus, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p<
Bob Barringer and Denis Curry — Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education meetings, Denver, Colorado (also May 26)
Tuesday, May 26
Charles McCann


— Attending Governor's Management Seminar — "Challenge
of the 70s", (also May 27)

Wednesday. May 27
In-house Seminar for entire staff, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Library Services
Trailer. Conducted by Coordinator of Media Services, Dave Carnahan.
Thursday, May 23
President's Council meeting, Library Services Trailer, 2:00 p.m.
Friday. May 29
Dean Clabaugh, Denis Curry — Interinstitutional Committee of Business Officers
meeting, WSU campus, Pullman.
Holiday for everyone else willing and/or able to take it.





Calendar-Newslet ter
April 20, 1970
Monday. April 20
Charles McCann

— Association of Governing Boards of Universities and
Colleges meeting in San Francisco (April 20-21).

E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Educational Testing Service Standing Committee meeting
on Tests and Measurements, Princeton, New Jersey and
recruiting visit to New York (April 20 and 21).
Dick Nichols

— At North Thurston High School for high school-college
conference, 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Tuesday, April 21 (EARTH DAY)
Jim Holly

-- Network planning meeting, Washington State Library, 10:00 a.m.

Dick Nichols

— At Centralia College for high school-college conference,
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Wednesday, April 22
In-house Seminar for entire staff, Library Services Trailer, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Topic: "The Happening".
Ken Winkley, Dick Nichols, Helen Spears — Forms and Records Management meeting
and graphic equipment showing, Seattle Civic Center, all
Charles McCann

— Meeting with State Capitol Museum study team, 10:00 a.m.

President's Council — 2:00 p.m.
Thursday. April 23
Board of Trustees meeting - Library Services Trailer, 1:30 p.m.
Jim Holly

-- Visit to Richard Abel and Company, Portland, all day.

Charles McCann

-- Speech to Shelton High School Honor Society induction of
new members, Irene S. Reed High School, 8:00 p.m.

Friday. April 24
Charles McCann, Dean Clabaugh -- Attend meeting of college presidents with
Governor Evans, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon.
Dean Clabaugh

— Meeting of Interinstitutional Committee of Business Officers,
Olympia, (changed from Pullman).



Friday ^ April 24 (Continued)
Ken Winkley

— Attend Automated State Contract Purchasing Training session,
General Administration Building, Olympia,

In-house Seminar for entire staff, Library Services Trailer, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Conducted by poetess Elizabeth Sewe11.
Saturday. April 25
Council of Presidents meeting - Library Services Trailer, 12:00 noon-5:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 26
Dave Carnahan

— Department of Audio-Visual Instruction convention, Detroit,
Michigan (April 26-May 1).

Monday. April 27
Interinstitutional Budget, Accounting and Reporting Sub-Committee meeting Library Services Trailer (also April 28). Ken Winkley host.
E, J, Shoben, Jr. -- Meeting of site evaluators at Resource and Development
Center, Berkeley, California (also April 28).
Tuesday? April 28
BAR Meeting continuation - Library Services Trailer.
E, J. Shoben, Jr.. — Berkeley, California.
Jim Holly

-- Luncheon speaker at Soroptimist Club, Tyee Motor Inn.

Charles McCann, Dean Clabaugh — Noon meeting at Jacaranda with representatives
of Washington Education Association.
Wedne sday, Apri1 29
In-house Seminar for entire staff - Library Services Trailer, 11:30 a.m.-l:00 p.m.
Conducted by Jim Holly. Topic "Report on Santa Cruz Workshop on Innovation and
Experimentation in Higher Education".
Charles McCann

— Dinner speaker, Alpha Gamma Delta, Jacaranda Restaurant,
6:30 p.m.

Dean Clabaugh

— Dinner speaker, Thurston County Consumer Credit Association,
Red Bull Restaurant, 6:30 p.m.

Thursday.April 30
Dean Clabaugh

-- Meeting with Legislative Council regarding fire protection.

E. J. Shoben, Jr. — Consulting visit to Golden Gate College and recruiting in
San Francisco (also May 1).